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Delayed Puberty


Moscatia Tobilolon Muda (2209020017)


Delay pubertas atau keterlambatan pubertas merupakan salah satu gangguan reproduksi
yang menyebabkan infertilitas pada sapi. Menurut Talib, (2002) idealnya sapi Bali mencapai
pubertas pada usia 18 – 24 bulan, dan beranak pertama kali pada usia 30 sampai 38 bulan,
sehingga pubertas yang belum dicapai pada usia tersebut dapat menjadi salah satu indikasi
adanya delay pubertas. Awal pubertas dimulai dengan pelepasan hormon gonadotropin dari
kelenjar adenohipofisa anterior yang menstimulasi perkembangan serta pematangan folikel.
Sehingga perubahan pada status metabolisme akan diikuti perubahan metabolisme hormon akan
memicu onset pubertas (Evans et al., 1995). Terdapat beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi
pubertas pada sapi, diantaranya nutrisi dan komposisi berat tubuh, faktor genetik, serta
manajemen kandang yang semuanya berpengaruh terhadap regulasi hormon dalam induksi
ovulasi (Budiyanto et al., 2016; Perry, 2016).
Faktor nutrisi berpengaruh ketika terjadi kekurangan nutrisi pada masa pre pubertas yang
menghambat perkembangan sistem endokrin reproduktif. Pada ovarium, feed intake yang rendah
akan menunda pubertas yang disertai penurunan perkembangan folikel ovarium sehingga pada
sapi betina feed intake yang rendah dapat menyebabkan ukuran folikel dominan lebih kecil
(Yendraliza, 2013). Dilaporkan bahwa kurangnya nutrisi mempengaruhi produksi Insulin-Like
Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1), yang jika mengalami penurunan akan mempengaruhi hipotalamus dan
hipofisis dalam pelepasan Gonadotropin Releasing Hormon (GnRH) (Chandra et al., 2022).
Sumber lain menyebutkan pernanan IGF-1 sebagai salah satu substansi faktor pertumbuhan
perkembangan folikel serta proliferasi sel selama folikulogenesis. Sehingga kekurangan faktor
pertumbuhan ini bepengaruh terhadap atresia sel. Pada penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Gupta et
al., (2016) menyebutkan diet dengan konsentrasi protein dan energy yang tepat membantu proses
pertumbuhan serta pubertas. Sumber lain menerangkan kekurangan nutrisi berpengaruh terhadap
produksi serum leptin, dimana serum ini akan menghambat sekresi LH yang menginduksi
terjadinya ovulsi (Heryani & Laksmi, 2018). Dijelaskan leptin pada ruminansia bertindak
sebagai sinyal metabolic yang berhubungan dengan respon sekresi gonadotropin (Machiel et al.,
2004). Lebih lanjut dikatakan bahwa total lemak tubuh berpengaruh terhadap kesuksesan
pubertas sapi. Dimana rasio lemak tubuh dipengaruhi oleh asam linoleat yang menyebabkan
reduksi adiposa serta leptin, diikuti dengan keterlambatan pubertas (Garcia et al., 2003). Pakan
sapi yang 100% berasal dari rumput alam akan mengalami defisiensi mineral yang dapat
menurunkan reproduktivitas. Penelitian yang dilkukan oleh Utomo et al., (2013) melaporkan
defisiensi mineral Cu pada sapi Katingan pra pubertas diduga mempengaruhi pencapaian awal
umur pubertas, karena peranan mineral Cu dalam metabolisme estrogen sehingga menyebabkan
gangguan ovarium. Dari uraian ini dapat dijelaskan bahwa kekurangan nutrisi pada masa
prepubertas berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan organ reproduksi hingga penurunan fungsi
ovarium yang selanjutnya mempengaruhi pubertas sapi, sehingga nutrisi seimbang diperlukan
untuk mencapai pubertas yang maksimal (Faidiban, 2018).
Tidak hanya nutrisi, dilaporkn oleh Wiltbank et al.(1969) anak sapi yang diberikan
rumput gandum sebanyak 1.3-1.8 kg dan 0.2 kg dari 40 % suplemen protein per ekor per hari
mengalami masa pubertas lebih lambat yakni hari ke 527 dibandingkan dengan hasil persilangan
mereka. Sehngga dapat dikatakan meskipun nutrisi yang diberikan tercukupi namun ada
pengaruh genetik yang menyebabkan keterlambatan pubertas. Pada penelitian oleh Laster et al.,
(1972) menyebutkan hasil persilangan sapi Hereford dan Angus mencapai pubertas yang lebih
cepat sekitar 19.5 hari yakni pada hari ke 510 dibandingkan keturunan murni dari sapi Hereford
dan Angus. Faidiban, (2018) menyatakan breed sapi yang berat seperti Bos Taurus mencapai
waktu pubertas lebih cepat dibanding breed sapi yang ringan seperti Bos indicus dan Bos

Gambar 1. Usia pubertas sapi betina berbagai spesies dan antar spesies (Sumber; Faidiban,
Faktor manajemen perkandangan, diungkapkan oleh Schubach et al., (2017) bahwa
manajemen kandang membantu dalam optimalisasi masa pubertas sapi karena berpengaruh
terhadap respon stress dan fisiologis sapi dara. Respon stress kemudian mempengaruhi produksi
neurotransmitter dalam regulasi hormon proses reproduksi. Dalam sumber ini manajemen
kandang yang dibahas berhubungan dengan populasi sapi dalam satu kandang dimana terjadi
penurunan aktifitas fisik serta peningkatan stress kemungkinan besar dipengaruhi oleh
banyaknya sapi dalam satu kandang.

Gambar 2. Persentasi progesterone plasma yang diukur pada sapi dara. Garis warna abu pada
kepadatan tebar rendah dan garis hitam sapi dara pada kepadatan tebar tinggi
(sumber; Schubach et al., 2017)

Keterlambatan pubertas bersifat reversible yang artinya dapat diperbaiki atau

disembuhkan. Perbaikan kondisi ini dimulai dari perbaikan manajemen kandang, serta nutrisi
sebagai salah satu faktor pemicu pubertas, dan terapi hormon. Keseimbangan nutrisi harus
terpenuhi seperti kebutuhan protein, energi, serta mineral, dimana seperti dijelaskan diatas bahwa
kekurangan zat ini terbukti berpengaruh terhadap produksi hormon. Kesemuaan faktor ini
menurut Cooke, (2017) masuk kedalam faktor yang mempengaruhi efisiensi reproduksi ternak
sapi. Selain perbaikan nutrisi untuk mencegah keterlambatan pubertas, terapi hormon terbukti
mampu menangani kasus ini. Diantaranya pemberian GnRH yang dapat menginduksi pelepasan
FSH dan LH di hipofisa anterior untuk kepentingan pertumbuhan folikel. Pemberian GnRH
dengan dosis 100 μg/ekor secara intra muskular terbukti mampu mengatasi keterlambatan
pubertas, dengan meningkatkan perkembangan folikel, intensitas estrus, serta munculnya estrus
pada 16 ekor sapi berumur 24 bulan atau lebih dan belum pernah menunjukkan tanda tanda
estrus (Chandra et al., 2022). Selain GnRH penggunaan kombinasi GnRH, PGF2α dan estrogen
pada metode Heatsynch terbukti mampu mengatasi masalah keterlambatan pubertas pada sapi
dara dengan waktu pubertas lebih cepat 99 hari dibanding sapi dengan kontrol negatif atau tanpa
perlakuan (Fausiah, 2017). Dalam sumber ini, penggunaan PGF2α dilakukan terhadap sapi
anestrus yang memiliki Corpus Luteum Persisten, dan penggunaan hormon dikombinasikan
dengan GnRH serta estrogen. Namun pada penelitian oleh Chaudhary et al., (2018) efek
penggunaan Doublesynch dan Estradoublesynch mampu menginduksi estrus pada sapi dara yang
berusia 30-42 bulan, dengan metode yang disarankan ialah Estradoublesynch karna dinilai lebih
efektif. Adapun pada protokol Doublesynch sapi dara diinjeksi IM dengan GnRH analog
sebanyak 20 µg pada hari kedua dimulainya penelitian, serta protokol Estradoublesynch
dilakukan dengan kombinasi estradiol benzoate 1 mg pada hari ke 10 dan injeksi GnRH pada
hari ke 11.

Budiyanto A, Thopianong TC, Triguntoro, Dewi HK. 2016. Gangguan reproduksi sapi bali pada
pola pemeliharaan semi intensif di daerah sistem integrasi sapi kelapa sawit. Acta Vet.
Indon. 4(1): 14- 18.

Chandra, A. A. A., Trilaksana, I. G. N. B., & Pemayun, T. G. O. (2022). Penggunaan

Gonadorelin dalam Penanganan Keterlambatan Pubertas pada Sapi Bali. Buletin Veteriner
Udayana, 158, 572.

Chaudhary, N. J., Patel, D. M., Dhami, A. J., Vala, K. B., Hadiya, K. K., & Patel, J. A. (2018).
Effect of Doublesynch and Estradoublesynch protocols on estrus induction, conception rate,
plasma progesterone, protein, and cholesterol profile in anestrus Gir heifers. Veterinary
World, 11(4), 542–548.

Cooke, R. F. (2017). Nutritional and Management Considerations to Minimize Stress and

Optimize Production Efficiency in Cow-Calf Systems.

Faidiban, O. R. (2018). Puberty in Beef Heifers: A Review. Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan Dan
Veteriner, 5(1), 20–27.

Fausiah, A. (2017). Upaya Meningkatkan Efisiensi Reproduksi pada Sapi Perah Dara yang
Mengalami Keterlambatan Pubertas dengan Menggunakan Metode Heatsynch.

Garcia, M. R., Amstalden, M., Morrison, C. D., Keisler, D. H., & Williams, G. L. (2003). Age at
puberty, total fat and conjugated linoleic acid content of carcass, and circulating metabolic
hormones in beef heifers fed a diet high in linoleic acid beginning at four months of age.
Journal of Animal Science, 81(1), 261–268.

Gupta, S. K., Singh, P., Shinde, K. P., Lone, S. A., Kumar, N., & Kumar, A. (2016). Strategies
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Perry, G. A. (2016). Factors affecting puberty in replacement beef heifers. Theriogenology,

86(1), 373–378.

Schubach, K. M., Cooke, R. F., Brandão, A. P., Lippolis, K. D., Silva, L. G. T., Marques, R. S.,
& Bohnert, D. W. (2017). Impacts of stocking density on development and puberty
attainment of replacement beef heifers. Animal, 11(12), 2260–2267.

Talib, C. (2002). Sapi Bali di Daerah Sumber Bibit dan Peluang Pengembangannya. Wartazoa,
12(3), 100–107.

Utomo, B., Noor, R., Sumantri, C., Supriatna, I., & Gurnardi, E. (2013). Pubertas Sapi Katingan
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Yendraliza. (2013). Pengaruh Nutrisi dalam Pengelolaan Reproduksi Ternak (Studi Literatur).
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ISSN 2337-3202, E-ISSN 2337-4373 Vol. 4, No. 1: 14-18, Januari 2016

Gangguan Reproduksi Sapi Bali pada Pola Pemeliharaan Semi Intensif
di Daerah Sistem Integrasi Sapi - Kelapa Sawit
(Bali Cattle Reproductive Disorders of Semi Intensive Management in the Area of Cattle - Oil Palm
Integration System

Agung Budiyanto1*, Tarsisius Considus Tophianong2, Triguntoro3, Henny Kusuma Dewi4

Bagian Reproduksi dan Kebidanan Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Gadjah Mada Yogyakarta

Bagian Klinik, Reproduksi dan Patologi Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Nusa Cendana, Kupang
Balai Veteriner Lampung
Puskeswan Kampung Melayu Kotamadya Bengkulu
Penulis untuk
Diterima 16 Oktober 2015, Disetujui 12 Desember 2015

Pemeliharaan sapi Bali di Kotamadya Bengkulu dengan Sistem Integrasi Sapi - Kelapa Sawit (SISKA)
sudah berjalan beberapa tahun. Salah satu parameter keberhasilan program ini adalah performa
reproduksi sapi Bali. Performa reproduksi sapi Bali menggambarkan kualitas dari sistem manajemen
pemeliharaan yang telah dilakukan. Kajian performa reproduksi sapi Bali tersebut sudah dilakukan
dengan pemeriksaan reproduksi secara per rektal dan analisa data recording peternak dan petugas.
Tujuan utama dari program manajemen reproduksi adalah mendapatkan produksi yang optimal
dan keuntungan yang maksimal. Efisiensi reproduksi menentukan produktivitas, profitabilitas dan
keberlanjutan dari setiap usaha peternakan. Adanya gangguan reproduksi menyebabkan inefisiensi
reproduksi. Kondisi ini akan menyebabkan kerugian ekonomi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk
mengetahui kondisi gangguan reproduksi dan respon kesembuhannya. Sebanyak 333 ekor sapi Bali
betina dengan umur minimal 2 tahun dilakukan pemeriksaan reproduksi. Metode penelitian dilakukan
melalui beberapa tahap yaitu anamnesa, pemeriksaan klinis dan pemeriksaan reproduksi secara per
rektal. Penanganan gangguan reproduksi dinyatakan sembuh apabila timbulnya respon klinis berupa
estrus. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dicatat dan dianalisa secara deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil
pemeriksaan diketahui bahwa 193 (57,95 %) sapi betina mengalami gangguan reproduksi yang meliputi
delayed pubertas, hipofungsi ovarium, metritis, endometritis dan anestrus postpartum. Sedangkan
sebanyak 80 (41,45 %) sapi sudah menunjukan gejala estrus. Adanya interaksi yang kompleks antara
faktor lingkungan atau manajemen (nutrisi), respon individual, jenis gangguan reproduksi dan derajat
keparahan gangguan reproduksi akan menimbulkan respon kesembuhan yang bervariasi dari setiap
penanganan gangguan reproduksi.
Kata kunci: gangguan reproduksi, sapi bali, estrus, Bengkulu


The maintenance of Bali cattles in Bengkulu regency with Cattle - Oil Palm Integration System
(SISKA) has been running several years. The one parameters of the success this program is the
reproductive performance of Bali cattle. Bali cattle reproductive performance describe the quality of
the maintenance management system that has been done. Bali cattle reproductive performance study
has been conducted with reproductive rectal examination and analysis of the data recording breeders
and farmer. The main purpose of the reproductive management program was getting the optimal
production and maximum benefit. Reproductive efficiency determines the productivity, profitability
and sustainability of each farm. The inefficiency reproductive was caused by existence of reproductive
disorders. These conditions cause economic losses. The purpose of this study was to determine the
condition of reproductive disorders and recovery response. A total of 333 cows Bali females with at
least 2 years of age has been reproductive examination. The research methods were done through clas-

© 2016 Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan IPB

Gangguan Reproduksi Sapi Bali | 15

sification for several stages, anamnesis, clinical examination and reproductive examination by rectally
palpation. Treatment of reproductive disorders declared cured if the onset of clinical response in the
form of estrus. The data obtained then were recorded and analyzed descriptively. Based on the results
of the examination reported that 193 (57.95%) of female Bali cattles experiencing reproductive disorders
which include delayed puberty, ovarian hypofunction, metritis, endometritis and postpartum anestrus.
While as many as 80 (41.45%) of female Bali cattles were showing signs of estrus. The existence of
complex interactions between environmental factors or management (nutrition), individual responses,
the type and severity of reproductive disorders were affected of varies healing response from each
treatment of reproductive disorders.
Keywords: reproductive disorders, bali cattle, oestrus, Bengkulu

PENDAHULUAN faktor penting pada kejadian gangguan reproduksi

sapi potong didaerah tropis. Nutrisi dan cadangan
Kebutuhan pangan asal hewan (daging) di In- energi tubuh dibutuhkan dalam proses metabo-
donesia semakin meningkat, sementara ketersedi- lisme, sintesis hormon reproduksi, pertumbuhan,
aannya terbatas. Keterbatasan pangan asal hewan laktasi dan aktivitas reproduksi. Defisiensi nutri-
(daging) disebabkan oleh menurunnya angka ke- si mengakibatkan delayed pubertas, penurunan
lahiran yang menyebabkan penurunan populasi fungsi ovarium atau hipofungsi ovarium dan dalam
ternak di Indonesia. Fakta dilapangan dan bebe- jangka waktu lama dapat menjadi atropi ovarium
rapa hasil kajian ilmiah telah membuktikan bah- yang bersifat irreversible serta panjangnya durasi
wa kondisi ini disebabkan oleh adanya penurunan anestrus postpartum > 60 – 90 hari. Selain faktor
performance reproduksi ternak, akibat gangguan nutrisi adanya infeksi pada uterus postpartum se-
reproduksi. Tujuan utama dari program manajemen perti metritis puerpuralis, dan endometritis secara
reproduksi adalah mendapatkan produksi yang op- lansung mengakibatkan delayed involusi, dan seca-
timal dan keuntungan yang maksimal (Gitonga, ra tidak langsung mengakibatkan estrus postpar-
2010). Kinerja reproduksi menentukan produkti- tum > 60-90 hari, kegagalan fertilisasi dan kawin
vitas, profitabilitas dan keberlanjutan dari setiap berulang atau repeat breeding, servis per concep-
usaha peternakan, dapat dikatakan bahwa tanpa tion > 1,5 dan calving interval > 12-15 bulan (Ahuja &
reproduksi tidak akan terjadi produksi dan profita- Montiel, 2005; Azawi, 2008; Gitonga, 2010).
bilitas. Menurut Gitonga (2010), dikatakan bahwa Fakta dilapangan membuktikan bahwa ± 90 %
jika seekor sapi tidak mengalami siklus estrus seca- sapi potong pada peternakan rakyat di Bengkulu
ra regular dengan calving interval 12 sampai 15 bu- adalah bangsa sapi Bali dengan sistem pemeliha-
lan, maka produktifitas, profitabilitas dan keberlan- raan semi intesif “Sistem Integrasi Sapi - Kelapa
jutan usaha peternakan tidak akan tercapai. Sawit” (SISKA), sedangkan sistem perkawinannya
Gangguan reproduksi secara langsung mengaki- adalah perkawinan alami atau inseminasi buatan.
batkan kegagalan fertilisasi dan secara tidak lang- Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan dilapangan diketa-
sung mengakibatkan estrus postpartum > 90 hari, hui bahwa adanya keterlambatan pubertas atau
days open > 85 – 110 hari, calving interval > 12 – 15 delayed pubertas pada sapi Bali yang sudah menca-
bulan, conception rate < 60 %, servis per concepti- pai umur > 2 tahun, adanya infeksi uterus postpar-
on > 1,5 dan angka kelahiran pedet menurun. Kon- tum dan anestrus yang panjang. Kondisi demikian
disi ini akan memberi dampak kerugian ekonomi menyebabkan inefisiensi reproduksi sapi potong di
berupa adanya biaya tambahan untuk pengobatan Bengkulu.
dan perkawinan, panjangnya masa tidak produktif, Dari uraian diatas dapat diketahui bahwa gang-
meningkatnya jumlah ternak yang diafkir dan me- guan reproduksi sapi potong masih banyak terjadi
nurunnya populasi (Gitonga, 2010; Budiyanto et al., pada peternakan rakyat di Kecamatan Kampung
2013). Melayu Kotamadya Bengkulu. Penanganan gang-
Fakta di lapangan dan beberapa hasil penelitian guan reproduksi dan penerapan teknologi repro-
membuktikan bahwa inefisiensi reproduksi sapi da- duksi, seperti sinkronisasi estrus dan inseminasi
pat disebabkan oleh berbagai faktor diantaranya buatan akan mampu meningkatkan reproduktivitas
nutrisi, penyakit, gangguan reproduksi dan manaje- dan produktivitas sapi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah
men pemeliharaan termasuk manajemen pemeli- untuk mengetahui kondisi gangguan reproduksi
haraan postpartum. Nutrisi merupakan salah satu pada sapi Bali dan respon kesembuhannya.
16 | Budiyanto et al.

BAHAN DAN METODE sedur standar yang sudah umum dilakukan. Pena­
nganan gangguan reproduksi dinyatakan sembuh
Bahan apabila timbulnya respon klinis berupa estrus. Data
Sebanyak 333 ekor sapi Bali betina dengan umur yang diperoleh pada pemeriksaan dan respon klinis
minimal 2 tahun dilakukan pemeriksaan reproduk- dari penanganan gangguan reproduksi tersebut ke-
si pada peternakan rakyat di Kecamatan Kampung mudian dicatat dan dianalisa secara deskriptif.
Melayu Kotamadya Bengkulu Provinsi Bengkulu.
Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tanggal 17 sampai 22
September 2015. Penentuan umur sapi pada pene- HASIL
litian ini berdasarkan anamnesa, estimasi gigi atau
lingkar tanduk. Sistem pemeliharaan sapi Bali ter- Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang disajikan pada
sebut adalah sistem semi intesif “Sistem Integrasi Tabel 1 dapat diketahui bahwa 193 ekor mengala-
Sapi Kelapa Sawit” (SISKA). Sistem ini merupakan mi gangguan reproduksi atau sebesar 57,95% yang
pola pemeriharaan sapi Bali dengan cara pada wak- meliputi delayed pubertas, hipofungsi ovarium,
tu pagi 10.00 WIB sapi ditambat atau dilepas di metritis, endometritis dan anestrus postpartum.
perkebunan kelapa sawit dan pada sore hari 18.00 Sedangkan sebanyak 80 ekor sapi telah sembuh
WIB sampai pagi hari sapi ditambat dalam kandang dengan menunjukan gejala klinis estrus atau sebe-
disekitar rumah pemilik. Sapi Bali tersebut mempe- sar 41,45%.
roleh pakan berupa rumput dan daun kelapa sawit
di area perkebunan. Air minum dibawakan oleh pe-
ternak atau peternak membawa sapi ke sumber air
pada saat-saat tertentu di siang hari. Bahan yang
digunakan adalah hormon, antara lain prostaglan- Keterlambatan pubertas atau delayed pubertas
din (Lutalyse), GnRH (Fertagyl), vitamin ADE, ka- pada seekor betina dapat dipengaruhi oleh berba-
pas, alkohol 70 %, albendazole, povidone iodine, gai faktor antara lain genetik, nutrisi dan faktor ma-
aquades steril, veterinary examination glove, plas- najemen reproduksi. Idealnya sapi Bali mencapai
tik sheat, spuit sisposable, jarum 18 G dan tisu. Alat pubertas pada usia 18 sampai 24 bulan dan beranak
yang digunakan adalah insemination gun. pertama kali pada usia 30 sampai 38 bulan (Talib,
2002). Di daerah tersebut tersedia rumput namun
kekurangan konsentrat sehingga keseimbangan
Pelaksanaan pemeriksaan sapi Bali dalam pene- nutrisi masih rendah. Asupan nutrisi dan cadangan
litian ini dilakukan dengan beberapa tahapan yaitu energi tubuh mempengaruhi aktivitas dan respon
dengan metode anamnesa untuk pengisian kuisio- ovarium. Kurangnya asupan nutrisi akan mempe­
ner, pemeriksaan klinis, pemeriksaan kondisi repro- ngaruhi senyawa metabolisme dan hormon seperti
duksi secara per rektal dan penanganan gangguan insulin dan insulin-like growth factor-I yang mem-
reproduksi. Pemeriksaan klinis meliputi body con­ pengaruhi hipotalamus dan hipofisis terhadap res-
dition score (BCS), tingkah laku, leleran abnormal pon pada ovarium dan sensitifitas gonadotropin
pada vulva dan warna mukosa vagina. Pemeriksaan hormon pada hipofisis sehingga energi tubuh akan
kondisi reproduksi dilakukan secara per rektal ter- menekan pelepasan gonadotropin releazing hor-
hadap cervix, corpus dan cornu uterus serta ovari- mone (GnRH) dan mempengaruhi frekuensi pulsa-
um. Penentuan kondisi gangguan reproduksi ber- til luteinizing hormone (LH) yang diperlukan untuk
dasarkan hasil anamnesa, pemeriksaan klinis dan pertumbuhan folikel. Kondisi ini akan menyebab-
pemeriksaan per rektal. Penanganan gangguan kan delayed pubertas akibat folikel tidak berkem-
reproduksi sapi Bali tersebut dilakukan kasus per bang menjadi folikel dominan atresia maupun do-
kasus dari individu per individu berdasarkan pro- minan ovulasi, selain itu menyebabkan penurunan

Tabel 1 Hasil pemeriksaan gangguang reproduksi sapi Bali di Kecamatan Kampung Melayu Kotamadya
Bengkulu Provinsi Bengkulu

Total Jumlah sapi yang diperiksa Jumlah kasus Gangguan Reproduksi Hasil kesembuhan post treatment
(ekor) (Estrus)
333 193 80

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fungsi ovarium atau hipofungsi ovarium yang bersi- metritis tertinggi yaitu pada hari ke-10 postpartum
fat reversible. Hipofungsi ovarium yang tidak sege- yaitu 40%. Sedangkan kejadian endometritis klinis
ra ditangani akan melanjut menjadi atropi ovarium sering terjadi pada hari ke-15 sampai 60 atau 70
yang bersifat irreversible (Gutierrez, 2005; Gitonga, hari postpartum. Persentase kejadian endometritis
2010). klinis pada sapi adalah 20% pada hari ke-15 sampai
Di daerah ini lama pedet menyusui menyebab- 40 hari postpartum (Sheldon et al., 2008). Endome­
kan kekurusan turut yang berakibat kejadian hipo- tritis adalah kondisi peradangan pada uterus yang
fungsi ovarium. Manifestasi klinis pada sapi yang paling umum ditemukan. Endometritis merupakan
mengalami hipofungsi ovarium adalah anestrus. suatu proses inflamasi yang mencakup endomet-
Menyusui pedet dalam jangka waktu lama akan rium dan merupakan salah penyebab penting dari
menunda ovulasi dan memberikan kontribusi terha- kejadian infertilitas pada sapi (Azawi, 2008; Le­
dap panjang periode anestrus postpartum, sehing- Blanc, 2008)
ga efisiensi reproduksi menurun (Gitonga, 2010). Metritis dan endometritis di daerah ini cukup
Anestrus postpartum adalah periode setelah kela- tinggi hal ini dapat disebabkan oleh kontaminasi
hiran di mana sapi tidak menunjukkan gejala atau bakteri non spesifik saat perkawinan (alami, insemi-
perilaku estrus. Anestrus pada sapi postpartum nasi buatan), distokia, kebuntingan kembar, retensi
adalah periode anestrus normal. Anestrus postpar- plasenta, metritis puerpuralis dan penurunan atau
tum dianggap sebagai abnormal bila melampaui kegagalan mekanisme aktivitas fagositosis oleh
rata-rata 90 hari (Ahuja & Montiel, 2005; Peter et leukosit pada uterus seperti yang dikemuakakan
al., 2009; Gitonga, 2010). oleh Azawi, (2008) dan LeBlanc, (2008). Karakte-
Anestrus postpartum yang panjang di daerah ini ristik gejala klinis metritis pada sapi adalah adanya
merupakan faktor utama yang membatasi efisiensi leleran cair hingga kental (viscous) berwarna merah
reproduksi pada sapi-sapi di daerah tropis, karena kecoklatan sampai putih purulent keluar melalui
menyebabkan calving interval (CI) yang panjang vulva. Endometritis dapat dibedakan menjadi endo-
yaitu > 12-15 bulan. Selama anestrus, ovulasi tidak metritis subklinis yang sering terjadi segera setelah
terjadi meskipun ada perkembangan folikel ovari- partus dan tanpa menunjukan gejala klinis (Azawi,
um, namun folikel tersebut tidak tumbuh dan ber- 2008; LeBlanc, 2008; Sheldon et al., 2008).
kembang menjadi folikel dominan atresia maupun Karakteristik klinis dari endometritis klinis ada-
folikel dominan ovulasi. Menurut pendapat para lah adanya leleran purulent berwarna putih keruh
ahli sebelumnya diketahui bahwa meskipun banyak kekuningan sampai mucopulent yang keluar me-
faktor mempengaruhi periode anestrus postpar- lalui vulva dengan volume leleran bervariasi dan
tum, nutrisi, menyusui dalam waktu lama dan infek- berbau busuk (Azawi, 2008; LeBlanc, 2008). Status
si uterus postpartum adalah faktor-faktor utama nutrisi, menyusui dan infeksi uterus postpartum
yang mempengaruhi dimulainya kembali aktivitas mempengaruhi hipotalamus dan hipofisis terha-
ovarium postpartum (Ahuja & Montiel, 2003). Me- dap aktivitas ovarium. Aktivitas ovarium meliputi
kanisme utama adalah penundaan aktivitas ovari- sintesis dan sekresi hormon steroid (estrogen dan
um melalui penghambatan sekresi GnRH sehingga progesterone) yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan,
mengurangi pelepasan pulsatil dari LH yang diper- perkembangan dan pematangan folikel ovarium
lukan untuk pertumbuhan folikel (Schillo, 1992). (Burke, 2003; LeBlanc, 2008; Gitonga, 2010).
Selain faktor nutrisi adanya infeksi pada uterus Fakta di lapangan dan beberapa penelitian telah
postpartum seperti metritis puerpuralis, dan endo- membuktikan bahwa faktor nutrisi merupakan fak-
metritis secara lansung mengakibatkan panjang- tor yang lebih kritis, dalam arti baik pengaruh lang-
nya anestrus postpartum (Foldi et al., 2006; Azawi sung maupun pengaruh tidak langsung terhadap fe-
2008; Sheldon et al., 2008). Penyuntikan vitamin nomena reproduksi dibanding faktor lainnya. Jadi,
ADE akan memberikan respon pada perkembangan nutrisi yang cukup dapat mendorong proses bio-
folikel untuk mencapai ukuran folikel dominan, se- logis untuk mencapai potensi genetiknya, mengu-
dangkan penyuntikan GnRH akan memberikan res- rangi pengaruh negatif dari lingkungan yang tidak
pon pada perkembangan folikel mencapai ­ukuran nyaman dan meminimalkan pengaruh-pengaruh
ovulasi. Terapi ini akan memberikan hasil yang mak- dari teknik manajemen yang kurang baik. Nutrisi
simal pada sapi yang memiliki BCS ≥ 2. yang kurang baik tidak hanya akan mengurangi per-
Metritis adalah kondisi peradangan akibat in- formans dibawah potensi genetiknya, tetapi juga
feksi pada myometrium. Metritis umumnya terjadi memperbesar pengaruh negatif dari lingkungan.
segera setelah partus atau pada masa puerpureum Kekurangan pakan khususnya untuk daerah tropis
sampai hari ke-20 postpartum. Persentase kejadian yang panas termasuk di Indonesia, merupakan sa-
18 | Budiyanto et al.

lah satu penyebab penurunan efisiensi reproduksi Arthur’s H, David EN, Parkinson TJ, England CW.
karena selalu diikuti oleh adanya gangguan repro- 2001. Endogenous and exogenous control of
duksi yang menyebabkan timbulnya kemajiran ovarian cyclicity. In Veterinary Reproduction and
pada ternak betina (Budiyanto, 2012). Obstetrics.8th ed. Saunders.
Pakan sebagai faktor yang menyebabkan gang- Azawi OI. 2008. Postpartum Uterine Infection In
guan reproduksi dan kemajiran sering bersifat ma- Cattle. Animal Reproduction Science 105: 187-
jemuk, artinya kekurangan suatu zat dalam ransum 208.
pakan diikuti oleh kekurangan zat pakan yang lain Budiyanto A. 2012. Peningkatan tingkat kebuntin-
(Arthur, 2001). Aktivitas ovarium postpartum di- gan dan kelahiran sapi di Indonesia dan masalah-
pengaruhi oleh status nutrisi dan keseimbangan masalah yang terkait. seminar Updating Penya-
energi. Status nutrisi dan cadangan energi tubuh kit Gangguan Reproduksi dan Penanganannya
dapat dievaluasi secara klinis melalui BCS. Perbaik­ pada Ruminansia Besar, 8 Maret 2012.
an nutrisi yang meliputi kualitas dan kuantitas harus Budiyanto A, Tophianong TC, Dalimunthe NW.
dilakukan pada sapi yang memiliki BCS < 2 sebelum 2013. Perbandingan Calving Interval (CI) Sapi
terapi hormonal. Faktor genetik, lingkungan dan Bali Pada Peternakan Dikandangkan dan Semi
manajemen yang baik akan meningkatkan efisiensi Dikandangkan Di Daerah Kupang Nusa Tengga-
reproduksi, produktivitas, profitabilitas dan keber- ra Timur. Proceeding Seminar Nasional Peran
lanjutan suatu usaha peternakan. Adanya interaksi Rumah Sakit Hewan Dalam Penanggulangan Pe­
yang kompleks antara faktor lingkungan atau ma- nyakit Zoonosis. Yogyakarta, 23 November 2013.
najemen (nutrisi), respon individual, jenis ganggu- Burke CR. 2003. Regulation of ovarian follicular de-
an reproduksi dan derajat keparahan gangguan velopment with estradiol in cattle. PhD. Diserta-
reproduksi akan menimbulkan respon kesembuhan tion.The Ohio State University.
yang bervariasi dari setiap penanganan gangguan Foldi J, Kulcs´ar M, P´ecs A, Huygheb B, de Sab C,
reproduksi. Lohuis JACM, Cox P, Huszenicza GY. 2006. Bac-
Terjadinya inefisiensi reproduksi sapi Bali pada terial complications of postpartum uterine in-
peternakan rakyat di Kecamatan Kampung Melayu volution in cattle. Animal Reproduction Science
Kotamadya Bengkulu Provinsi Bengkulu akibat 96: 265-281.
gangguan reproduksi. Gangguan reproduksi meli- Gitonga PN. 2010. Pospartum reproductive perfor-
puti delayed pubertas, hipofungsi ovarium, metri- mance of dairy cows in medium and large scale
tis, endometritis dan anestrus postpartum. Adanya farms in Kiambu and Nakuku Districts of Kenya.
interaksi yang kompleks antara faktor lingkungan Thesis. University of Nairobi Faculty of Veterina-
atau manajemen (nutrisi), respon individual, jenis ry Medicine.
gangguan reproduksi dan derajat keparahan gang- Gutierrez IR. 2005. Effect of postpartum nutrition
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sembuhan yang bervariasi dari setiap penanganan sertation. Oklahoma State University.
gangguan reproduksi. LeBlanc JS. 2008. Postpartum Uterine Disease and
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”Penulis menyatakan tidak ada konflik kepen­ view. The Veterinary Journal 176: 102-114.
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Animal Science 85: 1-26. peluang pengembangannya.Wartazoa 12: 3.

© 2016 Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan IPB

Buletin Veteriner Udayana Volume 14 No. 5: 572-577
pISSN: 2085-2495; eISSN: 2477-2712 Oktober 2022
Online pada: DOI: 10.24843/bulvet.2022.v14.i05.p17
Terakreditasi Nasional Sinta 4, berdasarkan Keputusan Direktur Jenderal
Pendidikan Tinggi, Riset, dan Teknologi No. 158/E/KPT/2021

Penggunaan Gonadorelin dalam Penanganan Keterlambatan Pubertas

pada Sapi Bali

Anak Agung Adhitya Chandra1, I Gusti Ngurah Bagus Trilaksana2*,

Tjok Gde Oka Pemayun2
¹Mahasiswa Program Studi Magister Kedokteran Hewan, Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan,
Universitas Udayana, Jl. PB. Sudirman, Denpasar Bali;
²Laboratorium Reproduksi Veteriner Falkultas Kedokteran Hewan Universitas Udayana, Jl.
PB. Sudirman, Denpasar Bali;

Keterlambatan pubertas merupakan salah satu masalah yang dihadapi oleh peternak sehingga
menyebabkan keterlambatan dalam produksinya. Beberapa hormon telah digunakan dalam penanganan
kasus keterlambatan pubertas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peranan gonadorelin dalam
penanganan keterlambatan pubertas pada sapi bali. Sapi bali yang digunakan adalah sapi bali betina
yang telah berumur 24 bulan atau lebih yang belum menunjukkan tanda estrus untuk pertama kali
(pubertas). Sapi bali betina dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok masing masing terdiri dari 16 ekor. Kedua
kelompok diberi perlakuan berupa injeksi gonadorelin dengan dosis untuk kelompok 1 (P1) 50 μg/ekor
dan kelompok 2 (P2) 100 μg/ekor. Pengamatan untuk diameter folikel dilakukan dengan USG sebelum
injeksi gonadorelin dan sesudah munculnya estrus. Pengamatan terhadap munculnya estrus dan
intensitas estrus dilakukan 2 kali sehari yaitu pukul 06.00 - 08.00 WITA dan pukul 17.00 - 19.00 WITA.
Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rata rata diameter folikel sebelum injeksi gonadorelin untuk P1 =
4,38 mm dan P2 = 4,41 mm sedangkan saat munculnya estrus rata rata diameter folikel untuk P1 = 7,68
mm dan P2 = 10,83 mm. Rata rata waktu munculnya estrus pada P1 = 6,38 hari sedangkan P2 = 4 hari,
sedangkan intensitas estrus pada P1 = 1,5 dan P2 = 2,56. Secara statistik perbedaan diameter sebelum
perlakuan tidak bermakna (p>0,05) sedangkan saat estrus terjadi perbedaan yang bermakna (p<0,05)
diantara kedua perlakuan. Waktu munculnya estrus dan intensitas estrus secara statistik tidak terdapat
perbedaan yang bermakna (p>0,05) diantara kedua perlakuan. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan
bahwa pemberian gonadorelin dapat merangsang perkembangan folikel dan menyebabkan munculnya
estrus pada sapi bali betina yang mengalami keterlambatan pubertas.
Kata kunci: Diameter folikel; gonadorelin; intensitas estrus; keterlambatan pubertas; munculnya estrus;

Delayed puberty is one of the problems faced by breeders, causing delays in production. Several
hormones have been used in handling cases of delayed puberty. Purpose of this research was to
determine the use of gonadorelin in dealing with delayed puberty in balinese cattle. Balinese cattle used
in this reasearch are female balinese cattle age 24 month or more which havent showed any sign of the
first estrus (puberty). Female balinese cattle was divided into 2 groups each consist 16 cattles. Both
groups given the treatment which is gonadorelin injection dose 50 μg/cattle (P1/Group 1) and 100
μg/cattle (P2/Group 2). Observations for follicular diameter were made by ultrasound before
gonadorelin injection and after the signs of estrus were showed. Observation for the estrus signs and its
intensity were done twice a day which are at 06.00 – 08.00 WITA and 17.00 – 19.00 WITA. The results
showed that the average follicular diameter before the gonadorelin injection were P1 = 4,38mm and P2
= 4,41mm meanwhile after the estrus showed up, the average follicular diameter became P1 = 7,68mm
and P2 = 10,83mm. The average time of emergence of estrus at P1 = 6,38 days while P2 = 4 days, while
the intensity of estrus at P1 = 1,5 days and P2 = 2,56 days. Statistically the difference in diameter before
treatment was not significant (p> 0.05) while during estrus there was a significant difference (p <0.05)

Buletin Veteriner Udayana Volume 14 No. 5: 572-577
pISSN: 2085-2495; eISSN: 2477-2712 Oktober 2022
Online pada: DOI: 10.24843/bulvet.2022.v14.i05.p17

between the two treatments. At the time of emergence of estrus and estrus intensity there were no
statistically significant differences (p> 0.05) between the two treatments. For the conclusion,
administration of gonadorelin can stimulate follicular development and cause the emergence of estrus
in Balinese Cattle that experience delayed puberty.
Keywords: Delayed puberty; emergence of estrus; estrus intensitity; follicular diameter; gonadorelin;

PENDAHULUAN lebih dari 2 tahun, yang ditandai tidak

adanya aktivitas ovarium ketika dilakukan
Kebutuhan protein hewani bagi
palpasi per rektal. Idealnya sapi Bali
manusia semakin meningkat seiring
mencapai pubertas pada usia 18 – 24 bulan,
pertambahan populasi penduduk di
dan beranak pertama kali pada usia 30
Indonesia setiap tahunnya (Agustina et al.,
sampai 38 bulan (Budiyanto et al., 2016).
2017). Kondisi peternakan sapi potong saat
Keterlambatan pubertas pada seekor betina
ini masih mengalami kekurangan pasokan
dipengaruhi oleh faktor genetik, nutrisi dan
sapi lokal karena lambatnya laju populasi
manajemen pemeliharaan. Memperbaiki
sapi potong, khususnya sapi bali dimana
nutrisi adalah faktor penting yang perlu
merupakan sumber protein hewani yang
diperhatikan dalam meningkatkan
sangat penting bagi masyarakat. Sapi bali
adalah sapi potong lokal yang sangat ideal efisisensi reproduksi. Kurangnya asupan
nutrisi akan mempengaruhi senyawa
ditinjau dari aspek produksi daging, karena
metabolisme dan hormon seperti insulin
memiliki angka fertilitas yang tinggi (rata-
dan insulin-like growth factor-I. Hormon
rata 83%), serta memiliki kadar lemak yang
tersebut selanjutnya mempengaruhi
rendah, dan juga memiliki daya adaptasi
hipotalamus dan hipofisis sehingga energi
yang cukup baik terhadap lingkungan yang
tubuh akan menekan pelepasan
baru (Laksmi et al., 2019). Sapi bali juga
Gonadotropin Releasing Hormon (GnRH).
memiliki kekurangan yang menjadi kendala
Penundaan aktivitas ovarium melalui
utama dalam perkembangbiakannya seperti
penghambatan sekresi GnRH di
ada beberapa penyakit yang dapat
hipotalamus merupakan mekanisme utama
menyebabkan kurang optimalnya fungsi
sehingga mengurangi pelepasan pulsatil
sistem reproduksi, salah satunya anestrus
dari FSH dan LH di hipofisa anterior, yang
postpartum (Guntoro, 2002; Besung et al.,
diperlukan untuk pertumbuhan folikel
(Schillo, 1992). Kondisi itu akan
Budiyanto et al. (2016) menyatakan
menyebabkan penurunan fungsi ovarium
bahwa dari hasil pemeriksaan sapi bali yang
atau hipofungsi ovarium yang bersifat
dipelihara di areal sawit menunjukkan 56,8
reversible. Pemberian GnRH dapat
% mengalami gangguan reproduksi, yang
meningkatkan sekresi FSH dan LH di
berdampak pada kerugian ekonomi bagi
pituitari, yang akan menstimulasi
peternak. Dampak ekonomi disebabkan
perkembangan folikel dan ovulasi serta
oleh kecilnya angka kelahiran, tingginya
pembentukan korpus luteum (Pemayun,
biaya produksi, biaya kesehatan dan
2010). Penyuntikan GnRH pada sapi
pengafkiran ternak / culling ternak.
potong dilaporkan akan dapat merangsang
Beberapa hal yang dapat digunakan sebagai
aktivitas ovarium pada kasus anestrus
indikator kurang optimalnya fungsi
postpartum karena hipofungsi ovarium
reproduksi sapi bali, yaitu keterlambatan
(Hafez, 2000). Penyuntikan GnRH pada
pubertas (delayed puberty) (Budiyanto et
sapi potong juga dilaporkan dapat
al., 2016).
menginduksi pelepasan FSH dan LH
Keterlambatan pubertas merupakan
(Yavas and Walton, 2003). Tolihere (1997)
suatu keadaan dimana sapi belum
mengalami dewasa kelamin (belum pernah menyatakan bahwa penyuntikan hormon
GnRH dapat memperbaiki aktivitas
estrus) walaupun umurnya sudah mencapai
ovarium dalam penanganan kasus

Buletin Veteriner Udayana Chandra et al.

keterlambatan pubertas, hipofungsi Analisis Data

ovarium, memperpendek anestrus Data yang diperoleh selanjutnya
postpartum dan meningkatkan performa ditabulasi dan dianalisis secara statistik dan
reproduksi pada sapi. Pemberian diuji menggunakan uji t-test. Pengujian
gonadorelin diharapkan dapat mengatasi statistik dilakukan menggunakan program
kejadian keterlambatan pubertas pada sapi SPSS 25.0 for windows.
Rancangan Penelitian Rata rata diameter perlakuan sebelum
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan sesudah penyuntikan gonadorelin,
eksperimental dengan menggunakan waktu munculnya estrus dan intensitas
rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) yang terdiri estrus disajikan pada tabel 1 berikut ini.
dari dua kelompok perlakuan. Sapi yang Sementara pengamatan terhadap intensitas
dijadikan sebagai penelitian adalah 32 ekor estrus dilakukan secara visual pada alat
sapi bali betina yang dipelihara di kelamin luarnya. Hasil pengamatan
kelompok tani ternak di Desa Sobangan, intensitas estrus ditampilkan pada gambar 1
Kecamatan Mengwi, Kabupaten Badung. dan 2.
Sapi bali betina yang mengalami Analisis secara statistik dan pengujian
keterlambatan pubertas dibagi menjadi 2 dengan menggunakan t-test, menunjukkan
kelompok yaitu kelompok I (16 ekor) bahwa diameter folikel sebelum dilakukan
penanganan dengan injeksi gonadorelin pemberian gonadorelin tidak terdapat
dosis 50 µg/im/ekor, dan kelompok II (16 perbedaan yang bermakna (p>0,05)
ekor) penanganan dengan injeksi diantara kedua kelompok. Diameter folikel
gonadorelin dosis 100 µg/im/ekor. setelah pemberian Gonadorelin tampak
Gonadorelin yang digunakan adalah berbeda secara bermakna (p<0,05) diantara
gonadorelin dalam bentuk asetat dengan kedua kelompok. Waktu munculnya estrus
nama dagang Gonasyl® (Syva, distributor nampak terjadi perbedaan, namun secara
Kalbe Farma). statistik perbedaannya tidak bermakna
(p>0,05) diantara kedua perlakuan.
Penentuan Keterlambatan Pubertas
Intensitas estrus yang ditunjukkan oleh
Penentuan keterlambatan pubertas
kedua perlakuan juga secara statistik tidak
dilakukan dengan cara melakukan
menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna
wawancara pada petani untuk mengetahui
(p>0,05) walaupun nampak intensitas
apakah sudah pernah menunjukkan tanda
estrus pada kelompok perlakuan 2 yang
tanda estrus yang pertama. Penentuan umur
diberi gonadorelin 100 µg lebih jelas
dilakukan dengan pemeriksaan gigi sapi
dibandingkan kelompok perlakuan 1 yang
Bila sapi telah berumur 24 bulan atau lebih
diberi gonadorelin 50 µg.
dan belum pernah menunjukkan tanda
tanda estrus selanjutnya dilakukan Pembahasan
pemeriksaan terhadap warna dan Aktivitas ovarium setelah melahirkan
kebengkakan vulva yang selanjutnya merupakan hal yang sangat penting harus
dilakukan pemeriksaan per rektal untuk diperhatikan untuk bisa meningkatkan
meraba kondisi ovarium. Pemeriksaan perfoman reproduksi. Berkembang dan
aktivitas ovarium dilakukan dengan berfungsinya organ reproduksi setelah
ultrasonografi menggunakan real-time melahirkan tergantung dari kadar LH dan
transrectal (KX 5200, KAIXIN) untuk FSH dari hipofisa anterior yang dikontrol
melihat gambaran ovarium serta adanya oleh GnRH yang diskresikan oleh
aktivitas ovarium.

Buletin Veteriner Udayana Volume 14 No. 5: 572-577
pISSN: 2085-2495; eISSN: 2477-2712 Oktober 2022
Online pada: DOI: 10.24843/bulvet.2022.v14.i05.p17

hypothalamus dan selain itu status pakan gonadorelin 100 µg/ekor menunjukkan
setelah melahirkan sangat berpengaruh menunjukkan intensitas estrus rata-rata
terhadap sekresi hormon gonadotropin 2.56. Intensitas estrus dipengaruhi oleh
(Bauer-Donton et al., 1995). ukuran folikel dan kadar estrogen yang
Pada penelitian ini, pemberian diproduksi oleh folikel.
gonadorelin 50 µg/ekor dan 100 µg/ekor
intra muskular pada kasus keterlambatan SIMPULAN DAN SARAN
pubertas pada sapi bali menyebabkan Simpulan
terjadinya peningkatan perkembangan Pemberian gonadorelin mampu
folikel. Rata-rata ukuran diameter folikel meningkatkan perkembangan folikel,
ovarium sapi bali yang mengalami mempercepat munculnya estrus dan
keterlambatan pubertas pada penelitian ini meningkatkan intensitas estrus pada sapi
adalah 4.38 - 4.41 mm. Setelah pemberian bali betina yang mengalami keterlambatan
gonadorelin dosis 50 µg/ekor menyebabkan pubertas. Dosis gonadorelin yang terbaik
peningkatan ukuran rata-rata diameter adalah 100 μg/ekor secara intra muskular.
folikel 7.68 mm sedangkan pada pemberian
gonadorelin dosis 100 µg/ekor Saran
menyebabkan peningkatan ukuran rata-rata Perlu dilakukan penelitian lebih lanjut
diameter folikel 10.83 mm. Dengan dengan pemberian gonadorelin pada sapi
demikian pemberian gonadorelin bali betina yang mengalami keterlambatan
menyebabkan terjadinya peningkatan pubertas dengan Body Condition Score
ukuran diameter folikel secara bertahap (BCS) yang berbeda.
sampai munculnya estrus pada sapi bali
yang mengalami keterlambatan pubertas. UCAPAN TERIMAKASIH
Pengaruh penyuntikan hormon Penulis mengucapkan terimakasih
gonadorelin terhadap timbulnya estrus pada kepada Pusat Kesehatan Hewan Sobangan
sapi yang mengalami keterlambatan Kecamatan Mengwi Badung atas
pubertas menunjukkan bahwa kelompok dukungannya dalam memfasilitasi
sapi yang diinduksi gonadorelin 50 µg/ekor penelitian ini.
menyebabkan munculnya estrus rata-rata
6.38 hari setelah pemberian. Sedangkan DAFTAR PUSTAKA
pada kelompok sapi yang diinduksi Agustina KK, Cahya IMRD, Widyantara
gonadorelin 100 µg/ekor menyebabkan GM, Swacita IBN, Dharmayudha
munculnya estrus rata-rata 4 hari setelah AAGO, Rudyanto MD. 2017. Nilai gizi
pemberian. Hal ini sesuai dengan yang dan kualitas fisik daging sapi bali
dilaporkan oleh Pemayun (2009), berdasarkan jenis kelamin dan umur.
pemberian GnRH sekali dengan dosis 500 Bul. Vet. Udayana. 9(2): 156-163.
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7,17 ± 3,24 hari dengan kisaran hari 5-10 In the control of pituitary Ngr. Receptor
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estrus sangat dipengaruhi oleh peningkatan preovulotary gonadotropin surges. J.
perkembangan folikel dimana faktor nutrisi Endrocinol. 136: 1014-1019.
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sapi dengan keterlambatan pubertas yang javanicus) from different types of land
diberikan injeksi gonadorelin 50 µg/ekor in Bali, Nusa Penida, and Sumbawa
menunjukkan intensitas estrus rata-rata 1.5
sedangkan sapi yang diberikan injeksi

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Tabel 1. Diameter folikel sebelum dan sesudah pemberian Gonadorelin, waktu munculnya
estrus dan intensitas estrus
Diameter Diameter Muncul Intensitas
sebelum (mm) Sesudah (mm) Estrus (hari) Estrus
Gonadorelin 4.38a 7.68a 6.38a 1.5a
50 µgram
Gonadorelin 4.41a 10.83b 4a 2.56a
100 µgram
Huruf superskrip yang sama dalam satu kolom menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang
bermakna (p>0,05)

Gambar 1. Gambar ultrasonografi diameter folikel sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan

Buletin Veteriner Udayana Volume 14 No. 5: 572-577
pISSN: 2085-2495; eISSN: 2477-2712 Oktober 2022
Online pada: DOI: 10.24843/bulvet.2022.v14.i05.p17

a b c
a 2. a. Intensitas estrus 1, b.a Intensitas estrus 2, c. Intensitas
a estrus 3.
a a

Veterinary World, EISSN: 2231-0916 RESEARCH ARTICLE
Available at Open Access

Effect of Doublesynch and Estradoublesynch protocols on estrus

induction, conception rate, plasma progesterone, protein, and
cholesterol profile in anestrus Gir heifers
N. J. Chaudhary1, D. M. Patel1, A. J. Dhami1, K. B. Vala2, K. K. Hadiya1 and J. A. Patel1

1. Department of Animal Reproduction, Gynaecology and Obstetrics, College of Veterinary Science and Animal
Husbandry, Anand Agricultural University, Anand - 388 001, Gujarat, India; 2. Department of Animal Reproduction,
Gynaecology and Obstetrics, College of Veterinary Science and Animal Husbandry, Junagadh Agricultural University,
Junagadh - 362 001, Gujarat, India.
Corresponding author: A. J. Dhami, e-mail:
Co-authors: NJC:, DMP:, KBV:,
Received: 10-11-2017, Accepted: 31-03-2018, Published online: 27-04-2018

doi: 10.14202/vetworld.2018.542-548 How to cite article: Chaudhary NJ, Patel DM, Dhami AJ, Vala KB, Hadiya KK, Patel JA
(2018) Effect of Doublesynch and Estradoublesynch protocols on estrus induction, conception rate, plasma progesterone,
protein, and cholesterol profile in anestrus Gir heifers, Veterinary World, 11(4): 542-548.

Aim: This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of Doublesynch and Estradoublesynch protocols on estrus induction,
conception rates, plasma progesterone, protein, and cholesterol profile in anestrus Gir heifers.
Materials and Methods: In this study, 50 pubertal anestrus Gir heifers were selected from the field and farm conditions.
The heifers were dewormed (injection ivermectin, 100 mg, s/c) and supplemented with minerals and vitamins (injection
organic phosphorus 800 mg and injection Vitamin AD3E and Biotin 10 ml i/m) and multi-mineral bolus at 1 bolus daily
for 7 days. The heifers were randomly divided into three groups: Doublesynch (n=20), Estradoublesynch (n=20), and
control (n=10). The animals were monitored for estrus response, estrus interval, behavioral signs, and conception rates after
induced/first, second, and third cycle post-treatment. Blood samples were obtained on day 0, day 9, day 12, and on day 12
post-artificial insemination (AI) for determination of plasma progesterone, protein, and cholesterol profile.
Results: The estrus response rate between Doublesynch and Estradoublesynch protocols was similar between treated heifers
(85% and 95%). The interval from the second prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α) injection to estrus induction did not differ between
the groups (63.87±4.19 vs. 58.27±3.83 h). The conception rates following induced estrus (20% vs. 30%), at the second
cycle (23.07% vs. 16.66%), at the third cycle (22.22% vs. 30.00%), and the overall conception rate (45% and 55%) within
27.89±5.75 and 26.45±5.48 days were the same across the treatment groups. The mean plasma progesterone concentrations
were significantly (p<0.01) higher on day 9 (second PGF2α injection) and day 12 post-AI compared to day 0 (first PGF2α
injection) and the day of fixed-timed artificial insemination. The concentrations were also significantly (p<0.05) higher in
conceived than non-conceived heifers on day 9 of treatment and day 12 post-AI in both the protocols. The mean plasma
cholesterol concentrations were significantly higher during peak follicular and luteal phases compared to the initial anestrus
phase in both the protocols. The values were also higher in non-conceived than conceived animals in both the protocols. The
plasma protein profile was not influenced by the sampling days or conceived and non-conceived status.
Conclusion: The results showed that both Doublesynch and Estradoublesynch protocols resulted in similar estrus induction
and conception rates with modulation of plasma progesterone and cholesterol profile in anestrus Gir heifers.
Keywords: cholesterol, conception rate, estrus synchronization, Gir heifers, progesterone, proteins, pubertal anestrus.
Introduction having attained pubertal age and body weight, a large
Gir cattle, the famous Indian milch breed native percentage of Indian zebu heifers fail to commence
to Gir forest in Gujarat, is the hardiest of high yield- cyclicity [3].
ers in the world [1]. It is one of the best native milch Delayed onset of puberty necessitates exogenous
breeds of zebu cattle adapted to the hot, humid cli- intervention to induce ovarian activity. Several hor-
mate and diseases of tropics in India and even abroad. monal preparations and protocols have been used to
However, they are slow breeders and have extended induce estrus in acyclic cattle [4-7]. Estrus synchroni-
post-pubertal and postpartum anestrus periods com- zation protocols involve the sequential administration
pared to their temperate counterparts [2]. Despite of of reproductive hormones to manipulate the estrous
cycle to provide a fertile oocyte for insemination at a
Copyright: Chaudhary, et al. Open Access. This article is predictable moment. The new protocols have incor-
distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
4.0 International License ( porated strategies to adjust the endocrine milieu and
by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and consequently support specific portions of the syn-
reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit
to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the chronization [5,8,9]. Further, evaluating plasma pro-
Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. gesterone and biochemical constituents of blood has
The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http:// applies to the data
a great value in evaluating the reproductive and phys-
made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. iological statuses of the animal, as these have been
Veterinary World, EISSN: 2231-0916 542
Available at

reported to affect fertility status of bovines [10]. The 16 and 24 h later, while in Estradoublesynch protocol,
progesterone hormone is responsible for stimulation the cows received an injection of estradiol benzoate
of cyclicity, follicular development, and maintenance 1 mg on day 10, in place of the second GnRH injection
of pregnancy. Protein deficiency retards the develop- on day 11 in Doublesynch with FTAI twice at 48 and
ment of reproductive organs and is considered to be a 60 h post-estradiol injection. Ten anestrus heifers kept
factor responsible for failure or delay in the onset of without any hormonal intervention and followed for
postpartum estrus [11]. Cholesterol, the most import- spontaneous estrus served as control. Animals insemi-
ant sterol, is an essential precursor of steroid hor- nated at induced/spontaneous estrus, if not conceived,
mones in the body. were followed for the next two cycles. In non-return
However, studies on the use of recently developed cases, pregnancy was confirmed by per-rectal exam-
estrus synchronization protocols, namely Ovsynch, ination 60 days of the last AI. Among non-pregnant
controlled internal drug release (CIDR), Doublesynch, animals, the ovarian status was also checked as to
and Estradoublesynch in pubertal anestrus heifers of whether the animal was cyclic or has turned out to be
zebu cattle breeds are meager in the literature [12]. anestrus again.
Even whether plasma protein and cholesterol lev-
Blood sampling and assay procedure
els are altered by these protocols of estrus synchro-
Blood samples were collected from jugular veins
nization is also scarce in cattle [13]. Moreover, the
in heparinized vacutainers on day 0 – just before treat-
estrus response and conception rates with the use of
Doublesynch and Estadoublesynch protocols in both ment, day 9 – at the time of PGF2α administration,
cyclic and acyclic bovines were quite encouraging in day 12 – induced estrus/FTAI, and on day 12 post-AI.
earlier studies [14-17]. Hence, this study was aimed The blood samples were centrifuged at 3000 rpm for
to evaluate if Doublesynch and Estradoublesynch pro- 15 min. The plasma separated out was stored in a deep
tocols induce successful ovulatory estrus, modulate freezer at −20°C with a drop of sodium merthiolate
plasma progesterone, protein, and cholesterol profile, (0.1%). The plasma progesterone concentrations were
and enhance fertility in pubertal anestrus Gir heifers measured by employing standard radioimmunoas-
under field conditions. say technique of Kubasic et al. [18]. Labeled anti-
gen (I125), antibody-coated tubes, and standards were
Materials and Methods procured from Immunotech-SAS, Masrsielle-13009,
Ethical approval Cedex, France. The plasma total protein and total cho-
The prior approval from the Institutional Animal lesterol concentrations were determined by Biuret and
Ethics Committee was obtained for the use of farm CHOD/PAP method, respectively, using standard pro-
animals in this study. cedures and assay kits with the help of a chemistry ana-
Selection and pre-synchronization treatment of lyzer (Mindray, BS 120, Nanshan, Shenzhen-518057,
animals China).
The study was carried out during August 2016 Statistical analysis
to May 2017 on 50 pubertal anestrus Gir heifers of The data on estrus induction response and con-
Baroda District Milk Union, Vadodara, as well as from ception rates were analyzed using Chi-square test,
villages of Junagadh district in Gujarat. The anestrus and those of plasma progesterone, total cholesterol,
heifers selected were in the age group of 30-42 months and total protein profile using ANOVA and Duncan’s
and having average body condition score (BCS, 2.5- multiple range test or “t-” test employing Statistical
3.5) with smooth, small inactive ovaries that were Package for Social Sciences (SPSS, USA) software
confirmed by twice rectal palpation 10 days apart. All version 20.00 to know the variations between sam-
these animals were initially injected once with 100 mg pling days, treatment groups, and conceived/non-con-
ivermectin s/c, injection organic phosphorus 800 mg, ceived status [19].
and multivitamins AD3E 10 ml i/m, and were supple-
mented with multimineral bolus at 1 bolus daily for Results and Discussion
7 days only to control parasitism, improve nutritional Estrus induction response and conception rates
status, and thereby to improve response to hormone The behavioral estrus induced in pubertal anestrus
therapy. They were then randomly divided into 2 equal Gir heifers under Doublesynch and Estradoublesynch
groups of 20 heifers each and were subjected to the protocols (85 vs. 95%) and the mean intervals from
following two estrus synchronization protocols, keep- the second PGF2α injection to estrus (63.87±4.19 vs.
ing one group of 10 animals as an untreated control. 58.27±3.83 h) did not differ significantly. The inten-
Synchronization protocols sity of signs of induced estrus under Doublesynch
Under Doublesynch protocol, the heifers received and Estradoublesynch protocols was prominent in
i/m injection of Cloprostenol sodium 500 µg on day 50% and 65%, moderate in 25% and 25%, and weak
0, injection buserelin acetate, a GnRH analog 20 µg in 10% and 5% heifers, respectively, while 15% and
on day 2, second injection of Cloprostenol sodium 5% animals under respective protocols did not show
500 µg on day 9 and 10 µg GnRH on day 11, followed any behavioral estrus signs. Among the control group,
by fixed-timed artificial insemination (FTAI) twice at only two animals (20%) exhibited spontaneous estrus
Veterinary World, EISSN: 2231-0916 543
Available at

during the period of 90-day follow-up (Table-1).

Initiation of treatment
The estrus synchronization rates achieved with

Table-1: Effect of Doublesynch and Estradoublesynch protocols on estrus induction response, estrus induction intervals, and conception rates in pubertal anestrus Gir heifers.

to conception 
Doublesynch and Estradoublesynch protocols con-


curred well with previous reports in crossbred anestrus


cattle [13] and in acyclic buffaloes [14,20], but were
higher than 70% each reported by Parida et al. [21] in
buffaloes. Moreover, the mean estrus induction inter-
vals recorded with both the protocols corroborated
well with earlier reports on anestrus cattle [13] and
buffaloes [20,21].
The conception rates in heifers at induced/first,

heifers at 60‑day

Status of NP Gir
second, third cycle, and overall of 3 cycles following

Doublesynch (20.00%, 23.07%, 22.22%, and 45.00%,


NP=Non‑pregnant, PGF2α: Prostaglandin F2α. *From the initiation of the experiment. Statistically, the values were similar between protocols
respectively) and Estradoublesynch protocols
(30.00%, 16.66%, 30.00%, and 55.00%, respectively)
were statistically same across the treatments (Table-1).

Moreover, among the 11 and 9 non-conceived Gir heif-

ers under Doublesynch and Estradoublesynch proto-
cols, 7 and 6 remained cyclic, while 4 and 3 turned out

55.00 (11/20)
45.00 (9/20)

10.00 (1/10)
to be anestrus by 60 days of estrus induction/FTAI as

Overall of
3 cycles
revealed by ovarian status. Overall 50% success rate
of fertility was achieved in just average 27 days from
the start of two treatment protocols, which was much
higher than only 10% found in control group.

30.00 (3/10)
The conception rates obtained at induced estrus

Third cycle

22.22 (2/9)

00.00 (0/1)
Conception rate (%)
with Doublesynch and Estradoublesynch protocols
were in accordance with the reports of Roodbari
et al. [16] as 18.7% and 26.2% in Holstein Friesian
cows and with the reports of Prajapati et al. [13] as 40%
and 30% in crossbred cows. However, other research- 23.07 (3/13)

16.66 (2/12)

0.00 (0/1)

ers found much higher conception rates of 43.00% and


59.45% at induced estrus in anestrus cattle following

the use of Doublesynch [17] and Estradoublesynch [22]
protocols, respectively. Further, the present conception
rate at FTAI under Doublesynch protocol is comparable
20.00 (4/20)

30.00 (6/20)
first estrus

50.00 (1/2)

to 28.57% recorded in cattle [15], but it is much lower

than 55-58% reported in acyclic buffaloes [20,23].
The present overall conception rate of 45% with
Doublesynch protocol is also much lower than 80.00%,
72.80% and 71.43% obtained in anestrus cattle by
PGF2α injection

interval (h)

Prajapati et al. [13], Abubaker et al. [15], and Ozturk


to estrus

et al. [17], respectively. The present overall concep-

tion rate of 55% with Estradoublesynch protocol is,

however, comparable with 55% and 60% obtained
with Doublesynch and Estradoublesynch protocols in
an earlier study in cattle [24]. In two more studies, the
response (%)

conception rate with Estadoublesynch protocol was




found to be 60%, and 64% in anestrus crossbred cattle




and buffaloes, respectively [13-14], Our results for the

first service and overall 3 cycles’ conception rates with
Doublesynch and Estadoublesynch protocols were also
comparable with those of Patel et al. [25] in anestrus




buffaloes from middle Gujarat. The present relatively

lower and same conception rates found across treat-
Anestrus control

ments could be attributed to identical estrus response,


the subject being heifers of just average BCS with small


cervix, frightening and struggle while catching for AI


from loose housing paddock, and AI being performed

by semi-skilled inseminators under field conditions.
Veterinary World, EISSN: 2231-0916 544
Available at

Plasma progesterone profile plasma progesterone concentrations found in the pres-

In bovines, corpus luteum (CL) or luteinized ent study for the effect of sampling days and conceived
follicle is the principal source of progesterone and nonconceived statuses of animals closely collabo-
hormone in vivo, and it is responsible for the stimu- rated with previous reports [4,25,29,31] following use
lation of cyclicity, follicular development, and main- of various estrus induction/synchronization protocols
tenance of pregnancy. Its estimation in blood or milk in anestrus cattle and buffaloes.
reflects the ovarian response to gonadotropins and/
Plasma total protein profile
or prostaglandins and thereby ovarian dynamics or
In heifers under Doublesynch protocol, the
pregnancy. The overall mean plasma progesterone
overall mean plasma protein concentrations did not
concentrations were low or basal on the day of ini-
differ significantly between sampling days. A simi-
tiation of treatment in both the protocols. This sug-
lar non-significant variation in mean plasma protein
gested the true anestrus status of Gir heifers selected
levels in anestrus Gir [28] and crossbred [32] cattle
for the study. Further, the mean concentrations on
treated with Ovsynch and CIDR protocols have been
day 9 of treatment, i.e., just before the second PGF2α
reported earlier. In Estradoublesynch protocol, the
injection, were found to be significantly higher than
mean plasma protein levels on the day of FTAI and
on day 0 under Doublesynch (1.23±0.12 ng/ml) and
day 12 post-AI were significantly (p<0.05) higher
Estradoublesynch (1.40±0.20 ng/ml) protocols. This
compared to day 0 and 9 of the protocol. Recent
might be due to luteinization of some of the grow-
studies [13,33-34] also reported similar findings
ing follicles and/or ovulation of dominant folli-
with different synchronization protocols in postpar-
cle and formation of CL under the influence of the
tum anestrus crossbred cows. Further, the overall
first GnRH injection. Thereafter, within 2-3 days
mean protein concentrations did not differ signifi-
of the second PGF2α injection, the concentrations
cantly between the two protocols at day 0 and day 9.
dropped significantly to the basal levels with induced
However, heifers under Estradoublesynch protocol
estrus, when FTAIs were done. These levels again
had significantly (p<0.05) higher values on the day of
increased significantly (p<0.05) on day 12 post-AI in
FTAI and day 12 post-AI as compared to Doublesynch.
both the groups with mean values of 2.41±0.38 and
Similar findings were reported by Ammu et al. [28]
2.55±0.41 ng/ml, respectively. This could be due to
in Ovsynch- and CIDR-treated anestrus Gir cows
ovulatory-induced estruses with development and
maintenance of CL and establishment of pregnancy in and by Patel et al. [32] in crossbred cows. The
varying number of animals in each group (Table-2). overall pooled mean plasma total protein concen-
Further, in Estradoublesynch protocol, the estradiol tration was significantly lower in anestrus heifers
benzoate injected on day 10 might have triggered pos- under Doublesynch than Estradoublesynch protocol
itive feedback effect on hypothalamus and pituitary (7.22±0.09 vs. 7.58±0.07 g/dl). However, in a recent
glands resulting in ovulatory luteinizing hormone study [24], an inverse trend was observed with higher
surge and thereby improved conception rate in that value in crossbred cattle under Doublesynch proto-
group. The present trend of plasma progesterone com- col than Estradoublesynch protocol (8.19±0.27 vs.
pared well with the earlier reports on cattle [26-27] 7.31±0.69 g/dl).
and buffaloes [25]. Further, the protein profile did not differ signifi-
The mean plasma progesterone concentrations cantly between conceived and non-conceived groups
were higher (p<0.05) in conceived than non-con- at any of the days in any of the protocols. These obser-
ceived cows on day 12 post-AI in both Doublesynch vations were in close agreement with those in anestrus
and Estradoublesynch protocols with values of crossbred cattle with the same protocols [13], and in
5.30±0.56 versus 1.69±0.21 and 5.02±0.49 versus normal cows [35] that conceived than those did not
1.49±0.17 ng/ml, respectively. Further, signifi- conceive (6.86±0.10  vs. 6.04±0.10  g/dl ). Plasma
cant differences were also found in conceived and protein levels change with different stages of repro-
non-conceived animals on day 9 of treatment (Table-2), duction, depending on the feed intake of the animal.
indicating better luteal activity before induced estrus Protein deficiency retarded the development of repro-
in conceived animals. Significantly lower plasma ductive organs and was considered to be a factor
progesterone profile seen on day 12 post-AI in responsible for failure or delay in the onset of postpar-
non-conceived cows under both the protocols proved tum estrus [11]. However, Gentile et al. [36] reported
that these were the cases of anovulatory estrus and/ that serum protein level was not related to fertility in
or luteal insufficiency. Earlier workers [12,28-29] dairy cows.
observed significantly (P<0.05) higher plasma pro- Plasma total cholesterol profile
gesterone values on day 20-21 post-AI in conceived Significant differences were observed in the
than non-conceived anestrus zebu cattle with Ovsynch overall mean plasma cholesterol concentrations
and CIDR protocols. Oyedipse et al. [30] observed between sampling days in heifers under Doublesynch
nonsignificantly higher plasma progesterone values protocol. The values on day 12 post-AI and day of
for the pregnant than non-pregnant heifers following FTAI were significantly higher as compared to those
synchronization of estrus and AI. The trend and mean of day 0 and day 9. Similar results were also found
Veterinary World, EISSN: 2231-0916 545
Table-2: Plasma progesterone, total protein, and total cholesterol concentrations in pubertal anestrus Gir heifers on different days of various estrus induction/synchronization
protocols and day 12 post‑AI.

Plasma profile Synchronization Status No. of Days from treatment/AI

protocol heifers
D‑0 D‑9 D‑12, FTAI D‑12 post‑AI Overall

Veterinary World, EISSN: 2231-0916

Progesterone (ng/ml) Doublesynch Conceived 4 0.72±0.08 1.80±0.31q 0.48±0.02 5.30±0.56q 2.08±0.52q
Non‑concd 16 0.53±0.06 1.09±0.11p 0.56±0.05 1.69±0.21p 0.96±0.08p
Overall 20 0.56±0.05x 1.23±0.12y 0.54±0.04x 2.41±0.38z 1.19±0.13

Estradoublesynch Conceived 6 0.44±0.04 2.46±0.40q 0.53±0.05 5.02±0.49q 2.11±0.42q

Non‑concd 14 0.58±0.05 0.95±0.07p 0.54±0.05 1.49±0.17p 0.89±0.07p
Overall 20 0.54±0.04x 1.40±0.20y 0.53±0.04x 2.55±0.41z 1.25±0.15

Protein (g/dl) Doublesynch Conceived 4 7.20±0.09 7.27±0.10 7.32±0.12 7.25±0.12 7.26±0.05

Non‑concd 16 7.02±0.24 7.27±0.27 7.28±0.22 7.25±0.22 7.21±0.12
Overall 20 7.06±0.19 7.27±0.21 7.29±0.18a 7.26±0.18a 7.22±0.09a

Estradoublesynch Conceived 6 7.41±0.26 7.47±0.25 7.85±0.20 8.09±0.28 7.70±0.13

Non‑concd 14 7.17±0.20 7.44±0.18 7.72±0.17 7.76±0.16 7.52±0.09
Overall 20 7.24±0.16x 7.45±0.14×y 7.76±0.13by 7.86±0.14by 7.58±0.07b

Cholesterol (mg/dl) Doublesynch Conceived 4 117.88±8.56 120.10±7.40 137.6850±6.08 142.98±10.31 129.67±4.63p

Non‑concd 16 127.45±3.68 134.83±3.33 145.8113±4.23 149.97±3.92 139.51±2.17q
Overall 20 125.53±3.41x 131.88±3.25ax 144.19±3.61y 148.58±3.68y 137.54±2.00a

Estradoublesynch Conceived 6 120.88±4.41p 131.75±3.79p 143.79±2.34p 137.41±1.24p 133.46±2.30p

Non‑concd 14 134.40±3.17q 147.47±3.54q 158.84±4.57q 160.88±4.91q 150.39±2.45q
Overall 20 130.34±2.89x 142.76±3.14by 154.32±3.60z 153.83±4.21z 145.32±2.03b
Available at

D‑0=Day of starting the treatment, D‑9=Day of PG injection, While D‑12=Fixed‑timed artificial insemination, Non‑concd=Non‑conceived. Means of a trait bearing uncommon
superscripts within the row (x, y, z), column (a, b), and conceived and non‑conceived (p, q) subgroups within the protocol differ significantly (p<0.05). FTAI=Fixed‑timed
artificial insemination

Available at

in Estradoublesynch protocol with significantly Acknowledgments

higher value on day 9 compared to day 0. The mean We are grateful to Dean of the faculty for the
plasma cholesterol concentration was lowest at initial facilities provided, Baroda dairy, and farmers for
anestrus phase (day 0), but reached a peak on the day kind cooperation in blood sampling of their animals,
of induced estrus/FTAI (follicular phase) and day 12 and ICAR for financial support through sanctioning
post-AI (luteal phase) in both the protocols (Table-2). “AICRP on Nutritional and Physiological Interventions
Bora et al. [33] observed higher plasma cholesterol for Enhancing Reproductive Performance in Dairy
concentrations on the day of induced estrus and on day Animals” to the College (BH 2028) with Dr. A J
20 than day 10 or 0 of treated respondent postpartum Dhami as the principal investigator.
anestrus crossbred cows. However, in earlier studies
employing Ovsynch, Cosynch, PRID, etc., the plasma Competing Interests
cholesterol levels were not influenced significantly The authors declare that they have no competing
between sampling days in anestrus cattle [4,32,34]. interests.
There were no significant differences in protein
profile between conceived and non-conceived heifers References
at any of the sampling days, although the values were 1. Kumar, P. and Singhal, L.K. (2006) Gir: Important milch
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2. Gaur, G.K., Kaushik, S.N. and Garg, R.C. (2003) The Gir
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ues (139.51±2.17 vs. 129.67 ±4.63 mg/dl) in heifers Anim. Gen. Resources Info., 33: 21-30.
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tocols. Indian J. Field Vets., 7: 4-8.
DMP and AJD planned and designed the study. 13. Prajapati, A.R., Dhami, A.J., Hadiya, K.K. and Patel, J.A.
The experiment was conducted by NJC, KBV, KKH, (2018) Influence of estrus synchronization protocols on
and JAP. NJC did laboratory work. AJD and DMP plasma profile of progesterone, protein and cholesterol in
carried out interpretation of results. All authors par- acyclic Holstein Friesian crossbred cows. Indian J. Vet. Sci.
& Biotech., 13(4): 5-11. .
ticipated in data analysis, preparation of a draft of 14. Mirmahmoudi, R., Souri, M. and Prakash, B.S. (2014)
the manuscript, and read and approved the same. All Comparison of endocrine changes, timing of ovulations,
authors read and approved the final manuscript. ovarian follicular growth, and efficacy associated with
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Veterinary World, EISSN: 2231-0916 548

Nutritional and Management Considerations to Minimize Stress and
Optimize Production Efficiency in Cow-Calf Systems
Reinaldo Fernandes Cooke1
Department of Animal Science, Texas A&M University


Stress response is defined as the reaction(s) of an animal to internal and external

factors that influence its homeostasis and wellbeing (Moberg, 2000), whereas animals
unable to cope with these factors are classified as stressed (Dobson and Smith, 2000).
Within beef production systems, cattle are inevitably exposed to stress during their
productive lives (Carroll and Forsberg, 2007), including psychologic, physiologic, and
physical stressors associated with routine management practices (Cooke, 2017). In cow-
calf systems, stressors may emerge from housing management, dietary and
environmental changes, inadequate or excessive nutrition, disease, and cattle
disposition. Hence, management to prevent and/or alleviate stressors is critical for optimal
productive efficiency in cow-calf and beef production enterprises.

Although the physiologic consequences of stress are still not fully elucidated
(Pacak and Palkovits, 2001), it has been demonstrated that stressors impact the immune
system, as well as different responses within the body, mainly via the hypothalamic-
pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis (Elenkov, et al., 2000). Elevated cortisol is one of the main
outcomes of the HPA reaction, independently if the stressor is from psychological,
physiological, or physical nature (Cooke, 2017). This is the reason to why cortisol is
generally considered the paramount to the neuroendocrine stress response (Sapolsky et
al., 2000), and a major link between stress and productive functions (Cooke, 2017).
Despite playing crucial roles in several body functions, cortisol degrades muscle and
adipose tissues to increase the availability of energy to the animal. Cortisol has also been
shown to impair physiological reactions associated with reproduction (Dobson et al.,
2001). Supporting the negative impacts of stress + HPA axis in beef production systems,
our group demonstrated a negative relationship between plasma cortisol concentrations
and reproductive performance in beef females (Figure 1; Cooke, 2014, Cooke et al., 2017;
Cooke et al., 2018).

Stocking Density

High stocking density is perceived as a major stressor by livestock (Grandin,

2014). However, stocking density has been overlooked by US cow-calf producers due to
the extensive nature of these operations (Asem-Hiablie et al., 2016). Yet, there are

1 Contact at: Department of Animal Sciences, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX; E-mail:
specific segments within cow-calf production where cattle are exposed to intensive
management and housing, particularly replacement heifers. In typical US spring-calving
herds (≥ 70% of the nation’s cow-calf operations; NASS, 2016), replacement heifers are
weaned in the fall (~7 months of age) and exposed to their first breeding season the
following spring (~15 months of age). During late fall and winter, heifers may be reared in
drylot systems to ensure adequate feeding for growth (Olson et al., 1992; NASS, 2016)
without specific considerations for stocking density. Moreover, intensifying cow-calf
production by placing beef females in drylots during most or all of the year has been
gaining attention (Lardy et al., 2017), as availability of grazing areas becomes limited by
environmental challenges (e.g. drought), conversion to crop grounds, and use for non-
agricultural purposes (e.g. accommodate urban expansion).

Despite the increasing number of beef females reared in drylots within the US cow-
calf industry, our research group (Schubach et al., 2017) was the first to investigate and
portray the potential adversities resultant from this management scheme to heifer welfare
and reproductive development. We compared growth, physical activity, stress-related and
physiological responses, and puberty attainment in beef heifers reared on high (14
m2/heifer, drylot; HIDENS) or low (25,000 m2/heifer, paddocks; LOWDENS) stocking
densities from weaning until their first breeding season. The HIDENS was designed within
the recommended stocking density for growing cattle reared in drylots (FASS, 2010).
Heifers from both treatments received similar dietary regimens given that paddocks had
no forage available for grazing, and a variety of stress-related, physical activity, and
developmental responses were evaluated.

Physical activity: Heifers from HIDENS took fewer steps/week compared with
LOWDENS (Table 1), given the larger area that LOWDENS heifers had available for
movement. Hence, high stocking density reduced the opportunity for heifers to exercise.

Physiological responses. Cortisol concentration in hair from the tail switch is a

validated biomarker of chronic stress in cattle (Burnett et al., 2014; Moya et al., 2015),
given that cortisol is gradually accumulated in the emerging tail hair and its concentration
represents long-term adrenocortical activity (Moya et al., 2013). Accordingly, cortisol
concentration in hair from the tail switch were greater in HIDENS compared with
LOWDENS heifers during the majority of the experimental period (Figure 2), corroborating
that high stocking density chronically stimulated heifer adrenocortical activity. Mean
expression of heat shock protein (HSP) 70 and HSP72 mRNA in whole blood during the
experiment were greater in LOWDENS vs. HIDENS heifers (Table 1). Although HSP
mRNA expression can also be used as diagnostic marker of stress, exercise upregulates
and increases circulating concentrations of these HSP (Milne and Noble, 2002). Exercise
activates the HSP response via several mechanisms including increased muscle
temperature, exercise-related production of reactive oxygen species, and muscle ATP
depletion (Noble et al., 2008). Hence, treatment effects detected for whole blood mRNA
expression of HSP70 and HSP72 were also associated with the increased physical
activity of LOWDENS heifers throughout the experiment, including prior to and during
handling for sampling.
Growth responses: Elevated physical activity increases maintenance
requirements in cattle (NRC, 2000). According to physical activity and space available to
LOWDENS, their maintenance energy requirements were estimated to be 15% greater
compared with that of HIDENS heifers (NRC, 2000). However, LOWDENS and HIDENS
heifers had similar body weight (BW) gain during the experiment (Table 1), despite
receiving the same diets and calculated differences in nutritional needs. Alternatively, the
chronic stress experienced by HIDENS heifers likely increased their basal metabolism and
maintenance requirements to the same level that physical activity increased these
parameters in LOWDENS heifers.

Reproductive development: Puberty attainment was delayed in HIDENS

compared with LOWDENS heifers (Table 1; Figure 3). Within heifers that reached puberty
during the experiment, HIDENS were heavier and older at puberty compared with
LOWDENS heifers (Table 1). Although age at puberty in cattle is highly determined by
BW and growth rate (Schillo et al., 1992), high stocking density hindered puberty
attainment despite similar growth between HIDENS and LOWDENS heifers. It is also
important to note that heifers from both treatments achieved the recommended BW for
puberty attainment during the experimental period (60-65% of mature BW; Patterson et
al., 2000).
Results from Schubach et al. (2017) were novel and indicate that rearing heifers
in drylots with a high stocking density is detrimental to welfare aspects including physical
activity and chronic stress, resulting in delayed puberty despite adequate age and body
development. Puberty attainment defines reproductive development, and regulates
lifetime reproductive efficiency of beef females (Schillo et al., 1992). In turn, physical
activity modulates circulating concentrations of endogenous opioids (Harber and Sutton,
1984), which impact secretion of gonadotropins required for a successful ovulation and
puberty achievement in cattle (Mahmoud et al., 1989). Chronic stress and resultant
increase in adrenocortical activity also impair gonadotrophin synthesis and reduce the
sensitivity of the brain to estrogen (Dobson and Smith, 2000). Therefore, Schubach et al.
(2017) exposed the need for research to investigate management and stocking density
guidelines for beef heifers reared in drylots, which will contribute to enhancing welfare
conditions and overall efficiency in US cow-calf systems.

Stress from Change in Environment and Diet

Grazing and dietary habits are learned early in life, resulting in motor skills
necessary to harvest and ingest forages (Provenza and Balph, 1987). Moreover, such
skills learned between weaning and breeding have been reported to carry through to the
next grazing season (Olson et al., 1992). Young ruminants consume small amounts of
novel food and gradually increase the amount ingested if no adverse effects occur
(Chapple and Lynch, 1986). Hence, replacement heifers often spend more time and
energy foraging while ingesting less food when introduced to novel environments and
feed sources (Osuji, 1974; Curll and Davidson, 1983). Accordingly, heifers that grazed
forage from weaning to breeding rather than being placed in drylots retained better
grazing skills and had increased average daily gains into the subsequent grazing season
(Olson et al., 1992).
Following this rationale, Perry et al. (2013) compared BW change and pregnancy
rates to artificial insemination (AI) in replacement beef heifers that were weaned into
drylots and moved to pastures after breeding, compared with cohorts that were
maintained on pasture since breeding. These authors reported less BW gain after AI in
heifers originated from drylots, as well as reduced pregnancy rates to AI compared with
those with previous grazing experience (Table 2). Hence, the stressors elicited by change
in environment, associated with inadequate forage intake, contributed to decreased
reproductive efficiency in drylot heifers moved to pastures upon AI (Perry et al., 2013).

Excitable Temperament Also Is a Stressor

As mentioned above, stress response is defined as the reaction of an animal to

internal and external factors that influence its homeostasis, and cattle unable to cope with
these factors are classified as stressed (Dobson and Smith, 2000; Moberg, 2000). Based
on this concept, the fearful and/or aggressive responses expressed by excitable cattle
during human handling can be attributed to their inability to cope with this situation;
therefore, classified as a stress response. Accordingly, excitable cattle typically
experience changes in their neuroendocrine system and HPA axis that culminates with
increased synthesis of cortisol. Several research studies reported that cattle with
excitable temperaments have greater circulating cortisol concentrations during handling
compared to cohorts with adequate temperament (Cooke, 2014). It is worth mentioning
that the aforementioned studies evaluated B. taurus- and B. indicus-influenced cattle from
different ages, genders, and across intensive and extensive systems. Hence, excitable
temperaments have been positively associated with neuroendocrine stress reactions
independent of breed type, age category, and production system.

As an initial attempt to associate temperament and reproduction in beef females,

Plasse et al. (1970) classified B. indicus heifers according to temperament score (1 =
calm, 2 = moderate, and 3 = excitable temperament) and reproductive score (heifers with
inadequate reproductive performance received the greatest scores). These authors
reported that temperament score was positively correlated with reproductive scores and
negatively correlated with length of estrus, and suggested that consideration of
temperament in selection programs might have a positive influence on the reproductive
efficiency of the cowherd. However, the practical effects of excitable temperament on
reproductive function of beef females still needed further investigation. Hence, our
research group recently assessed the impacts of temperament on reproductive
performance of B. taurus and B. indicus-influenced cows (Cooke et al., 2009; Cooke et
al., 2011; Cooke et al., 2012).

Cooke et al. (2009) evaluated temperament at the beginning of the breeding

season in Braford cows exposed to a 90-d bull breeding, and Brahman x British cows
assigned to fixed-time AI followed by a 90-d bull breeding. Probability of pregnancy during
the breeding season was negatively associated with temperament score, independently
of breed and reproductive management (Figure 4). Similarly, Cooke et al. (2011)
evaluated temperament in Nelore cows assigned to a fixed-time AI protocol, and reported
that cows with excitable temperament had reduced pregnancy rates compared to cohorts
with adequate temperament (Table 3). More recently, Cooke et al. (2012) evaluated
temperament at the beginning of the breeding season in Angus × Hereford cows assigned
to 50-d bull breeding only, or fixed-time AI followed by a 50-d bull breeding. Cows with
excitable temperament had reduced pregnancy rate, calving rate, weaning rate, and kg
of calf weaned/cow exposed compared to cows with adequate temperament (Table 3),
indicating that excitable temperament not only impairs reproductive performance, but also
overall production efficiency in cow-calf systems.

Collectively, these results demonstrated that cows with excitable temperament had
reduced reproductive performance compared to cohorts with adequate temperament.
Such outcomes were independent of breed type (B. taurus and B. indicus-influenced
cattle), reproductive management (AI, natural breeding, or both), and perhaps nutritional
status because cow BCS at the beginning of the breeding season was not affected by
temperament (Cooke et al., 2009; 2011; 2012). Plasma cortisol concentrations were
greater in cows with excitable temperament (Cooke et al., 2009; 2012), which indicates
that their decreased pregnancy rates could be attributed to neuroendocrine stress
responses stimulated by handling for estrus synchronization and AI (Dobson et al., 2001).
However, the same decrease in reproductive performance was observed in excitable
cows assigned to natural breeding only, with no human interaction or handling to stimulate
neuroendocrine stress responses during the breeding season. Therefore, additional
mechanisms associating temperament and reproduction in beef females, including post-
conception effects and potential genetic and innate deficiencies within the reproductive
system of excitable cows, warrant further investigation (Cooke et al., 2012).


Stress has direct implications to beef cattle production systems, including

reproductive efficiency of beef females within cow-calf operations. These impacts are
mediated, at least partially, by neuroendocrine stress reactions that hinder ovulation and
pregnancy success. Moreover, stressors from different natures (physical, physiological,
and psychological) stimulate similar negative responses to cattle welfare and production.
Many of these stressors are elicited by routine production practices including stocking
density, nutrition, transport, and cattle responses to human handling. Therefore,
management that prevents or mitigate these stressors are warranted for optimal
production efficiency of cow-calf operations.


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Table 1. Physical and physiological responses in beef heifers reared in low stocking density (25,000
m2/heifer; LOWDENS) or high stocking density (14 m 2/heifer; HIDENS)
Physical activity, steps/week 19,709 3,148 < 0.01

Growth parameters
Initial weight, kg 211 212 0.82
Final weight, kg 356 358 0.84
Growth rate, kg/day 0.777 0.783 0.82

HSP mRNA expression

HSP70, fold effect 3.72 2.39 0.09
HSP72, fold effect 3.48 2.77 0.04

Puberty attainment
Total pubertal heifers, % 65.4 31.9 < 0.01
Age at puberty, days 331 364 0.04
BW at puberty, kg 324 372 < 0.01
Adapted from Schubach et al. (2017).

Table 2. Reproductive performance of heifers that were weaned and developed on pasture compared to
heifers weaned and developed in a drylot. All heifers were moved to pasture following artificial
insemination (AI)
Item Pasture Drylot P-value
Number of heifers 207 2014 --
Puberty status at AI, % 93.6 97.3 0.93
BW gain after AI, kg 0.94 0.13 < 0.01
Adapted from Perry et al. (2013).

Table 3. Reproductive performance of beef cows according to temperament

Item Adequate Excitable P-value
Bos indicus
Pregnancy rate to AI, % 42.8 35.3 0.05

B. taurus
Pregnancy rate (breeding season), % 94.6 88.7 0.03
Calving rate, % 91.8 85.0 0.04
Weaning rate, % 89.9 83.9 0.09
Calf weaning BW, kg 248 247 0.71
Calf BW weaned/cow exposed, kg 223 207 0.08
Adapted from Cooke et al. (2014).
Probability of pregnancy, % 60






0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Serum cortisol, ng/mL
Figure 1. Probability of pregnancy to fixed-time artificial insemination (AI) in beef cows according serum
cortisol concentrations at the time of AI. Pregnancy status was verified 30 d after AI via transrectal
ultrasonography. A linear effect was detected (P < 0.01). Adapted from Cooke et al. (2017)

Hair cortisol, pg/mg of hair

6 **
0 49 98 147 182
Day of the experiment
Figure 2. Cortisol concentrations in tail switch hair from heifers reared in low (25,000 m 2/heifer; LOWDENS)
or high stocking density (14 m 2/heifer; HIDENS). ** P < 0.01 and * P ≤ 0.05. Adapted from Schubach
et al. (2017).
70 **
Pubertal heifers, %

40 ** **
30 ** ** ** ** **
* * * * *
0 14 28 42 56 70 84 98 112 126 140 154 168 182
Day of the experiment

Figure 3. Puberty attainment in heifers reared in low stocking density (25,000 m 2/heifer; LOWDENS) or
high stocking density (14 m 2/heifer; HIDENS). Within days, * P ≤ 0.05 and ** P ≤ 0.01. Adapted from
Schubach et al. (2017).

Probability of pregnancy, %

1 2 3 4 5
Temperament score
Figure 4. Probability of pregnancy in beef cows according temperament score (1 = calm, 5 = excitable) at
the beginning of the breeding season. A linear effect was detected (P < 0.01). Adapted from Cooke et
al. (2009).
Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan, Juni 2010, hal. 20 – 27 Vol. 5 No.1
ISSN 1907 – 2821

Puberty in Beef Heifers: A Review

(Pubertas pada Sapi Potong Dara:suatu Review)

Faidiban Oktofianus Rudolf

Staf Pengajar Jurusan Produksi Ternak FPPK UNIPA
Jalan Gunung Salju Manokwari 98314


Performans reproduksi optimum dari ternak betina adalah faktor yang sangat penting dalam suatu usaha
peternakan sapi potong, sebab sebuah perusahaan peternakan sapi potong hanya dapat berlangsung dengan baik jika
ada cukup pedet yang dilahirkan, bertumbuh dengan baik sampai dipasarkan. Pubertas adalah salah satu kriteria
reproduksi yang harus dipenuhi oleh ternak sebelum ternak itu dapat bereproduksi. Berbagai penelitian telah
dilakukan dan telah diketahui bahwa umur dan bobot saat pubertas pada sapi betina sangat ditentukan oleh bangsa
sapi, bobot badan, nutrisi dan musim. Oleh sebab itu, faktor-faktor tersebut perlu diketahui dan dipahami sehingga
ternak sapi yang dipelihara dapat diatur untuk bereproduksi seperti yang diharapkan oleh peternak.

Kata kunci: pubertas, sapi dara, reproduksi

INTRODUCTION (1980) defined puberty in Bos indicus heifers in

Australia as the age at which plasma progeste-
Optimum reproductive performance of hei- rone levels reach 1.0 ng/ml.
fers and cows is of paramount importance. The
financial viability of an operation depends prima- Age and Weight at Puberty
rily on numbers of calves born compared to cows Age at puberty is an important trait because
mated and the percentage of calves weaned per it determines lifetime reproductive performance.
year. Therefore, the reproductive performance of Ferrell (1982) stated that age at puberty has a sig-
the female unit in the breeding herd is one of the nificant effect on beef production, specifically
major determining factors (Azzam and Nielsen, when heifers are bred to calve as two years old in
1987; Bourdon and Brinks, 1987). a restricted breeding season. Lesmeister et al.
Heifers can only be bred when they reach (1973) found that heifers that conceive early (2-
sexual maturity (puberty); therefore factors that year-olds) have greater lifetime productivity than
influence puberty must be known and under- those that conceive later (3-year-olds). For exam-
stood. ple, Meaker et al. (1980) showed that, Africander
heifers calving first as 2 years old produced 0.6
PUBERTY more calves over their productive lifetime than
those calving first as 3 year olds, while Pinney et
Puberty is the time when young animals are al. (1962) estimated the increase to be 0.8 of a
first capable of a fertile mating. Heifers are con- calf.
sidered to have reached puberty when they expe- Young (1974) stated that first oestrus occurs
riences the spontaneous ovulation accompanied when animals have grown to a certain minimum
by obvious signs of oestrus (Hartigan, 1995). live weight rather than at a particular age. Puber-
Kinder et al. (1978) defined puberty in heifers as ty attainment usually occurs when animal live
the first standing heat followed by development weight reaches 45-55% of the mature weight.
of functional corpus luteum. Post and Reich Depending on breed, this will be between 320
21 FAIDIBAN Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan

and 600 days of age (Roy et al.,1975). For exam- (Table 1.). Therefore selecting a breed with
ple, under similar management, 16% of Hereford younger age at puberty, or crossing them with a
heifers reached puberty at 360 days of age com- breed that has a similar or younger age at puberty
pared to 82% of Red Poll heifers (Dow et al., will decrease age at puberty (Short et al., 1990).
1982). For example Reynolds et al. (1963) estimated the
Short and Bellows (1971) found that there average age at puberty in Brahman heifers in
was a relationship between age at puberty and Louisiana, USA, to be 27.2 months, compared
growth rates. Similarly Gardner et al. (1977) re- with 14.4 months for Angus heifers, and the
ported a correlation between weight gain and age estimate for Angus x Brahman crosses was 15.3
at puberty, where increased growth rate of heifers months.
reduced the age at puberty. During the pre and The impact of breed differences on the age at
post-weaning period, growth rate in beef heifers puberty is very distinct (Table 2.). On average,
was inversely correlated with the age at puberty the zebu reaches puberty 6 to 12 months later
(Arije and Wiltbank, 1971; 1974). Heifers which than Bos taurus cattle (Warnick, 1965; Wiltbank
are weaned at heavier weights (204.3 kg) and et al., 1969). Temperate Bos taurus breeds of
grow faster (350 g/d) reach puberty earlier (348 dairy cattle reach puberty at 30-40% of their
days of age) compare to those that weaned at adult body weight, compared with 45-55% for
lighter weights (190.5 kg) which grew slower beef cattle (Hafez, 1980).
(310 g/d) and reached puberty at 392 days of age In addition, Laster et al. (1972) found that
(Arije and Wiltbank, 1974). 100 % of Hereford-Angus crosses had reached
These data suggest that the age and the puberty by 510 days of age compared to 92 % of
weight at puberty is determined by breed, weight, Hereford and Angus straight-breed.The Here-
environment, health and management. ford-Angus crosses also reached puberty 19.5
days earlier than the average for straight-breed. It
Breed is clear that heavier breeds and/or temperate Bos
The genetic influence on age at puberty is taurus breeds reach puberty earlier than lighter
determined by heterosis, breed differences, and breeds and/or Bos indicus and Bos sondaicus
sire and dam effects within breed (Wiltbank et breeds.
al., 1969; Short et al.,1990). Koots et al. (1994)
showed that the age at puberty is highly heritable

Table 1. Heritability of Female Reproduction Traits

Traits Heritability

Heifer Age at Puberty 0,47

Age at First Calving 0,06
Heifer Conception Rate 0,05
Cow Conception Rate 0,17
Heifer Inter-calving Interval 0,06
Calving Date 0,08
Calving Rate 0,17
Cow Calving Ease 0,13
Heifer Calving Ease 0,10
Source: Koots et al. (1994)

Table 2. Female Age at Puberty in Different Breeds and Within Breed

Breed Age at Puberty (day) Source

Bali cattle 660 Copland, 1974

Bali cattle 730-912 Talib et al., 2002
Angus 370 Laster et al., 1972
Hereford 390 Laster et al., 1972
Charolais x Hereford 366 Laster et al., 1972
Jersey x Hereford 319 Laster et al., 1972
South Devon x Hereford 371 Laster et al., 1972
Simental x Hereford 369 Laster et al., 1972
Limousin x Hereford 359 Laster et al., 1972
Red Poll 355 Ferrell, 1982
Simmental 348 Ferrell, 1982
Romosinuano 427 Chase et al., 1997
Senepol 481 Chase et al., 1997
Hereford x Senepol 384 Chase et al., 1997
Senepol x Hereford 427 Chase et al., 1997
Senepol x Angus 475 Chase et al., 1997
Tuli x Angus 466 Chase et al., 1997
Brahman x Angus 478 Chase et al., 1997
Hereford x B. taurus 358 Lammoglia et al., 2000
Limousin x B. taurus 379 Lammoglia et al., 2000
Piedmontese x B. taurus 338 Lammoglia et al., 2000

Body Weight al., 1966). In contrast, Arije and Wiltbank (1971)

Body weight and growth are the major fac- found that rapid post-weaning growth rates
tors controlling age at puberty (Joubert, 1963; (610g/d) were associated with delayed puberty
Laster et al.,1972). Generally, non-pubertal hei- attainment. This is supported by Grass et al.
fers are lighter than pubertal heifers at the same (1982) who stated that the faster growing heifers
age (Maueon, 1978). Heifers that reached puber- after weaning tend to be heavier but not neces-
ty by 15 months of age were heavier (293.9 kg) sary younger at puberty. Based on these pheno-
than those that did not reach puberty (257.6 kg) mena it can be seen that, growth, as a result of
(Laster et al., 1972). nutrition availability and quality will determine
Negative correlations between gains in body the age heifers reach puberty rather than weight
weight and age at puberty indicates that increased determining the age of puberty (Joubert, 1963).
growth rate of heifers results in reduce age at pu- It can be concluded that heifers can only at-
berty (Smith et al., 1976; Gardner et al.,1977; tain puberty if significant weight gains are made,
Oyedipe et al., 1982). Pre-weaning growth has a but fast post-weaning growth may in fact retard
greater influence on puberty in heifers than post- puberty attainment.
weaning growth (Joubert, 1954; Dufour, 1975;
Swierstra et al.,1977; Little et al., 1981; and Nutrition
Clanton et al.,1983). Heifers that experienced Pre-pubertal nutrition may have a lifetime
slower pre-weaning rates of growth (200 g/d) impact on reproduction and production of a cow
reached puberty at older ages and lighter weight (Short et al.,1972; Reid, 1960; Day et al., 1986).
than those that grew faster (400 g/d) (Wiltbank et Studies by Lamond (1970) showed that under-
23 FAIDIBAN Jurnal Ilmu Peternakan

nutrition post-pubertal heifers may cause repro- the genetic impact on replacement heifers should
ductive failure. In Zebu (Oyedipe et al., 1982) as not be over looked and will show an even greater
well as in Bos taurus (Short and Bellows, 1971), role when nutritional resources are limited. The
showed that poor nutrition significantly delays effect of nutritional level on the occurrence of
puberty. In Indonesia, poor growth rate pre and first oestrus in heifers is shown in Table 3.
post-weaning, and the late maturity of Bali cattle Heifers fed a high level of protein (150% of
is largely due to poor nutrition (Putra and Suka- estimated requirements) grew faster and attained
rini, 1998; Sutaryono et al., 1998; Jelantik and puberty at a younger age and heavier body
Nikolaus, 1998). As in Papua Province where weight, and had a higher fertility compared to
farmers rarely mostly on low nutritive value na- those fed a low level of protein (41% of estima-
tive pasture, the impact for the reproductive per- ted requirements) (Oyedipe et al., 1982). Mose-
formance of the cow may be greater. ley et al. (1977) found that dietary monensin
Studies by Corah et al. (1975) showed that carrying in 20% natural protein fed produced
the age at puberty of off-spring from heifers fed a increased propionate levels that initiate an en-
low energy diet (47.70 MJ/d) was 19 days later docrine response that may speed up onset of pu-
than those off-spring from heifers fed high ener- berty and improve conception rate. On the co-
gy diets (73.64 MJ/d). Wiltbank et al. (1969) trary, Rhodes et al. (1978) found that metabo-
found that straight breed (Hereford and Angus) lisable energy levels attained by protein protected
heifers that were fed 40% beet pulp, 60% ground feedstuffs from rumen fermentation processes are
shelled corn plus 1.3 to 1.8 kg crested or interme- not effective in enhancing the onset of puberty.
diate wheat grass hay (high nutritional level), re- In a study in Nebraska (USA), Arije and
ached puberty 191 days earlier than those fed and Wiltbank (1971) reported that Hereford heifers
200 g of 40% protein supplement plus 1.3 to 1.8 that run under grazing conditions with protein
kg of crested or intermediate wheat grass hay per supplement reached puberty at 434 days of age in
head per day (low nutritional level). year 1 and 438 days of age in year 2 of the stu-
In addition, Wiltbank et al.(1969) found that dy. On the other hand, a study at Clay Center by
straight breed heifers (Hereford and Angus) fed Laster et al. (1972) found that Hereford heifers
1.3 to 1.8 kg of wheat grass hay and 0.2 kg of 40 reach puberty at 390 days of age. These heifers
% protein supplement per head per day (low le- were younger at puberty than those in the pre-
vel nutrient) were older at puberty (572 days) vious example most likely because of the diffe-
compared to their crosses (424 days of age). rences in feeding management. In Indonesia,
These data suggest that although nutritional
management of heifers is extremely important,

Table 3. The Effect of Level of Energy on Occurrence of First Oestrus

Feed Approx Age (mo)
Level Breed Gain (kg) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

Angus 0,9 0 0 0 33 82 90 100

Low Hereford 0,6 0 11 22 33 38 50 100
Crossbred 1 0 0 12 68 85 100 100
Angus 1,6 8 33 58 100 100 100 100
High Hereford 1,3 0 12 50 100 100 100 100
Crossbred 1,9 0 18 75 94 100 100 100
Adapted from Wiltbank et al., 1969

Bali cattle that run under grazing conditions 3. Heifers can only attainment puberty if sig-
reach puberty at 540 to 660 days of age (Pane, nificant weight gains are made, but fast post
1990 and Darmadja, 1980). weaning growth may in fact retard puberty
Poor nutrition during the pre-pubertal pe- attainment.
riod inhibits the development of a mature repro- 4. Poor nutrition during the pre-pubertal period
ductive endocrine system (Day et al., 1986), and delays puberty attainment. However, very
hence delays puberty attainment. However, very high levels of feeding do not necessarily re-
high levels of feeding do not necessarily result in sult in earlier puberty attainment. Maintain-
earlier puberty attainment. Maintaining feed ava- ing feed availability and quality therefore is a
ilability and quality therefore is a major concern major concern in a cow-calf program.
in a cow-calf program. 5. Even though the season affect on the puberty
of heifers was not well documented and ex-
Season plained, it may affect heifers puberty through
Season contributes significantly to animal's the direct effect such as the change in photo-
lifetime reproductive performance since sexual period, temperature, humidity or indirect ef-
development occurs over several seasons. Arije ect through the availability of feed.
and Wiltbank (1971) found that in the Northern
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Sebagai Salah Satu Syarat untuk Mencapai Gelar Magister

Program Studi
Ilmu dan Teknologi Peternakan

Disusun dan diajukan oleh






Alhamdulillah, atas rahmat dan taufik-Nya sehingga penulis dapat

menyelesaikan makalah hasil penelitian tesis dengan judul Upaya

meningkatkan efesiensi reproduksi pada sapi perah dara (heifers) yang

mengalami keterlambatan pubertas dengan menggunakan metode

Heatsynch (induksi berahi) Penulis dengan rendah hati mengucapakan

terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah membantu dan membimbing

dalam menyelesaikan makalah hasil penelitian ini utamanya kepada :

1. Bapak Prof.Dr.Ir. H. Abd.Latief Toleng, M.Sc sebagai komisi

pembimbing utama dan Bapak Dr. Muhammad Yusuf, S.Pt selaku

komisi pembimbing anggota yang telah banyak meluangkan waktu

untuk membimbing, mengarahkan dan memberikan nasihat serta


2. Bapak Prof.Dr.Ir. Herry Sonjaya, DEA DES, Prof. Dr.Ir H. Ambo

Ako, M.Sc dan Ibu Prof.Rr. Sri Rachma Aprilita Bugiwati, Ph.D

selaku Dosen Pembahas dan Bapak Prof. Dr. Ir. Djoni Prawira

Rahardja, M. Sc. selaku Ketua Program Studi S2 Peternakan yang

bersedia meluangkan waktu dan memberikan saran-saran untuk

perbaikan hasil penelitian ke depannya.

3. Bapak Dekan Fakultas Peternakan beserta Wakil Dekan I, Wakil

Dekan II dan Wakil Dekan III, Bapak Ketua Prodi Teknologi Hasil

Ternak, Bapak dan Ibu Dosen serta seluruh Pegawai Fakultas

Peternakan UNHAS.

4. Kedua orang tua Andi Mudirman dan Dra. Rahmatiah serta

saudara-saudara penulis atas segala doa, motivasi, teladan,

pengetahuan dan dukungan penuh kasih sayang terbesar dan

selamanya kepada penulis.

5. Kepada Kepala dan Staf Dinas Peternakan dan Perikanan

Kabupaten Enrekang yang telah banyak memberikan bantuan

kepada penulis selama menjalani penelitian.

6. Kepada Keluarga besar L10N, teman kelas ITP angkatan 2015,

sahabat serta rekan-rakan yang telah memberikan bantuan dan

banyak menjadi inspirasi bagi penulis.

Penulis menyadari bahwa penyusunan makalah hasil ini masih jauh

dari kesempurnaan, karena itu penulis memohon saran untuk

memperbaiki kekurangan tersebut. Saran dan kritik yang membangun dari

pembaca akan membantu kesempurnaan dan kemajuan ilmu

pengetahuan. Semoga Tesis ini bermanfaat bagi pembaca terutama bagi

saya sendiri. Amin.

Makassar, Agustus 2017



ANDI FAUSIAH. Upaya Meningkatkan Efisiensi Reproduksi pada Sapi

Perah Dara yang Mengalami keterlambatan Pubertas dengan
Menggunakan Metode Heatsynch. Dibimbing oleh Abd. Latief Toleng dan
Muhammad Yusuf.

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui aplikasi metode

Heatsynch dalam mengatasi keterlambatan pubertas pada ternak sapi
perah dara yang mengalami infertilitas. Penelitian ini dilakukan di
peternakan sapi perah rakyat di Kecamatan Cendana, Kabupaten
Enrekang. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan dua tahap. Pada tahap
pertama, sebanyak 50 ekor sapi perah dara digunakan untuk mengetahui
persentase ternak yang mengalami keterlambatan pubertas. Pada tahap
kedua sebanyak 20 ekor sapi perah dara yang mengalami keterlambatan
pubertas dibagi kedalam dua kelompok. Kelompok pertama sebanyak 10
ekor diberi perlakuan Heatsynch dan 10 ekor lainnya digunakan sebagai
kontrol negatif (tanpa perlakuan Heatsynch). Untuk kontrol positif,
digunakan 10 ekor ternak yang tidak mengalami keterlambatan pubertas.
Pada perlakuan Heatsynch, GnRH diinjeksikan pada hari ke-0, kemudian
dilanjutkan pemberian PGF2α pada hari ke-7, pada hari ke-8 dilanjutkan
dengan pemberian estradiol dan kemudian dilakukan inseminasi buatan
pada hari ke-9. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase ternak
yang mengalami keterlambatan pubertas di Kecamatan Cendana
Kabupaten Enrekang adalah sebesar 44%. Rata-rata umur pertama kali
bunting setelah perlakuan Heatsynch yaitu 545 hari, lebih pendek
dibandingkan pada kelompok ternak kontrol negatif (644 hari). Persentase
ternak sapi dara yang berhasil bunting setelah diberi perlakuan Heatsynch
adalah sebesar 80%, lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan ternak yang
mengalami keterlambatan pubertas tetapi tidak diberi perlakuan (50%).
Dapat disimpulkan bahwa keterlambatan pubertas pada ternak sapi perah
dara masih tinggi. Metode Heatsynch dapat menjadi salah satu cara yang
dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah keterlambatan pubertas pada
ternak sapi perah dara dan meningkatkan efisiensi reproduksi.
Kata kunci : Sapi Perah dara, Pubertas, Metode Heatsynch, Enrekang


ANDI FAUSIAH. Efforts to Improve Reproductive Efficiency in Dairy

Heifers Experiencing Delayed Puberty Using Heatsynch Method.
Supervised by Abd. Latief Toleng and Muhammad Yusuf.

The aim of this study was to find out the application of Heatsynch
method in overcome the delayed puberty of dairy heifers that suffered from
infertility. This study was conducted at small dairy farms in Sub-district of
Cendana, Enrekang Regency. This study was conducted in two stages. In
the first stage, a total of 50 dairy heifers were used to determine the
percentage of heifers that experienced delay in puberty. In the second
stage, 20 dairy heifers with delayed puberty were divided into two groups.
The first group, 10 dairy heifers were treated with Heatsynch and the other
10 dairy heifers were used as control negative (without Heatsynch). For
control positive, 10 dairy heifers that did not suffered from delayed puberty
were used. In Heatsynch treated dairy heifers, GnRH were injected on
day-0, followed by PGF2α, estradiol injections on day-7 and day-8,
respectively, and inseminated artificially on day-9. The results of this study
showed that the percentage of dairy heifers that experienced in delayed
puberty in Sub-district of Cendana, Enrekang Regency was 44%. The
mean age at first pregnant after treated with Heatsynch was 545 days,
shorter than those heifers in control negative (644 days). The percentage
of dairy heifers become pregnant after treating with Heatsynch was 80%,
higher than those untreated delayed puberty heifers (50%). It can be
concluded that the incidence of delayed puberty dairy heifers was still
high. Heatsynch method can be one way that can be used to overcome
the problem of delayed puberty in dairy heifers and to improve
reproductive efficiency.

Keywords: Dairy heifers, Puberty, Heatsynch, Enrekang











A. Latar Belakang 1
B. Rumusan Masalah 4
C. Tujuan Penelitian 4
D. Kegunaan Penelitian 4


A. Infertilitas Pada Sapi Dara 5

B. Faktor-faktor Terjadinya Infertilitas 7
C. Upaya-upaya yang Dilakukan Untuk Mengatasi Infertilitas 13
D. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi Pubertas 16
E. Metode Heatsynch dan Cara Kerja Hormon
F. Kerangka Pikir 24
G. Hipotesis 26


A. Waktu dan Tempat 27

B. Materi Penelitian 27
C. Tahapan Penelitian 28
D. Skema Penyuntikan Hormon dengan Metode Heatsynch 29
E. Parameter yang Diukur 29


F. Alur Penelitian 30
G. Rancangan Penelitian dan Analisi Data 31


A. Infertilitas Ternak Sapi Perah Dara 32

B. Efektifitas Metode Heatsynch pada Ternak Sapi Dara
yang Mengalami Infertilitas 33



A. Kesimpulan 43
B. Saran 43



Nomor Halaman

1. Efektifitas Metode Heatsynch pada Ternak Sapi Dara

yang Mengalami Keterlambatan Pubertas 34


Nomor Halaman

1. Kerangka Pikir 26

2. Induksi Berahi dengan Metode Heatsynch 29

3. Induksi berahi ternak sapi perah dara berdasarkan umur

Pubertas 30

4. Proporsi sapi perah dara yang normal dan sapi perah

yang mengalami keterlambatan pubertas 32



Nomor Halaman

1. Analisis Uji-T Interval Antara Kelahiran

Sampai Bunting 51

2. Analisis Survival Interval Antara Kelahiran Sampai Bunting 53

3. Analisis Chis-quare Persentase Ternak Bunting 55

4. Analisis Chis-quare, Service per Conseption 56




A. Latar Belakang

Kabupaten Enrekang merupakan salah satu Kabupaten yang

terkenal dengan peternakan sapi perah tradisional dengan hasil olahan

susu yaitu dangke. Data yang tercatat pada Januari 2008 menunjukkan

bahwa terdapat sekitar 256 unit usaha pembuat dangke dan berdasarkan

jumlah populasi yang ada sekarang.

Mencermati kondisi tersebut di atas, pihak pemerintah setempat terus

melakukan berbagai upaya dalam mengakomodasi permintaan pasar,

pertambahan populasi dan perbaikan sistem pemeliharaan terus

diintroduksi dan dikembangkan dalam kelembagaan peternak. Populasi

sapi perah di Kabupatan Enrekang hingga 2016 sebanyak 1249 ekor,

yang terdiri dari betina sebanyak 992 ekor, jantan sebanyak 257 ekor;

dara sebanyak 230 ekor, dengan produksi susu rata-rata sebesar 7,26

liter/hari (Dinas Peternakan, 2016).

Ketersediaan sumber daya dan teknologi merupakan potensi yang

mendukung tercapainya upaya pengembangan usaha sapi perah tersebut.

Akan tetapi di sisi lain, sampai saat ini usaha sapi perah rakyat masih

menghadapi berbagai kendala, terutama terkait dengan rendahnya

produktivitas ternak. Salah satu adalah kendala reproduksi (banyaknya

kasus gangguan reproduksi) pada sapi perah. Gangguan reproduksi

berakibat pada kemajiran ternak betina, ditandai dengan rendahnya angka

kelahiran (calving rate) pada ternak tersebut (Hardjopranjoto, 1995).



Perkembangbiakan ternak sangat dipengaruhi oleh angka kelahiran yang

berdampak terhadap pertambahan populasi, sehingga banyaknya

gangguan reproduksi yang mengakibatkan rendahnya efisiensi reproduksi

atau kesuburan serta kematian prenatal, yang pada akhirnya akan

mengakibatkan penurunan populasi (Toelihere, 1981).

Hambatan reproduksi salah satunya yang terjadi pada ternak sapi

dara yaitu keterlambatan pubertas, sebagaimana lazimnya pubertas

pertama berdasarkan status fisiologisnya pada sapi perah dara dimulai

pada 9-12 bulan sesudah lahir, tetapi umumnya di inseminasi sampai

umur 15 bulan (Royal et al., 2000) hal ini berarti bahwa sapi sudah dapat

melahirkan anak pertama kali umur 24 bulan dan selambat-lambatnya

pada umur 33 bulan. Pendapat lain mengatakan bahwa pubertas pertama

pada sapi perah dara pada umumnya umur 8-15 bulan dan berbeda

menurut spesies dan kualitas pakan yang diberikan (Anggraeni et al.,

2010). Kawin pertama pada sapi dara dapat dilakukan pada umur 14-25

bulan (Salisbury dan Van Demark, 2002). Prihatin et al (2007)

menyatakan sebaiknya kawin pertama pada sapi dara setelah sapi

melewati satu sampai tiga kali estrus agar hormonal optimal.

Efisiensi reproduksi merupakan suatu parameter yang kompleks

dan berhubungan secara holistik dengan berbagai aspek lingkungan

lainya. Saat ini belum terdapat gambaran nyata tentang manajemen

reproduksi peternak sapi perah di Kabupaten Enrekang. Diduga bahwa

efisiensi reproduksi ternak sapi perah di Kabupaten Enrekang rendah

yang disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor utama yang berasal dari peternak



sendiri, manajemen reproduksi dan dukungan lingkungan agroklimatik dan

agrososial peternakan sapi perah.

Fase reproduksi yang sangat essensial akan dimulai saat sapi dara

berahi pertama, kawin pertama, beranak pertama, hingga berahi kembali

dan bunting sampai beranak kembali. Pertumbuhan sapi dara sejak lahir

dapat mempengaruhi panjang pendeknya umur berahi pertama Sapi dara

dengan pertumbuhan yang lambat akan mengalami berahi pertama yang

tertunda, keterlambatan kawin dan beranak pertama (Phillips et al., 2001).

Salah satu hal yang dapat dilakukan dalam menangani

keterlambatan pubertas yaitu menginduksi berahi dengan cara

penggunaan kombinasi hormon gonadotropin, prostaglandin, danestradiol

benzoat, atau Heatsynch. Sinkronisasi berahi dengan metode Heatsynch

menggunakan substitusi GnRH dan Etradiol telah dilakukan pada sapi

perah yang dapat meningkatkan LH surge, menginduksi ovulasi sehingga

penentuan waktu berahi (IB) bisa tepat.

Hambatan reproduksi lainnya pada ternak sapi perah dara

dilatarbelakangi oleh kesalahan tatalaksana/manajemen, Apabila hal ini

tidak ditangani dengan baik, maka perkembangan usaha sapi perah dara

akan sulit dicapai, bahkan kemungkinan akan mengalami stagnasi atau

kemunduran. Oleh karena itu penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui

peningkatan efesiensi reproduksi ternak sapi perah dara yang mengalami

keterlambatan pubertas dengan metode Heatsynch di Kabupaten




B. Rumusan Masalah

Pubertas Sapi perah dara normal adalah 9-13 bulan, akan tetapi

kondisi saat ini sulit dicapai dengan berbagai kondisi seperti tidak

sinkronnya mekanisme hormonal reproduksi pada ternak-ternak tersebut

sehingga menyebabkan infertilitas. Upaya mengatasi keterlambatan

pubertas yaitu dengan induksi hormon salah satunya Heatsynch, namun

seberapa besar pengaruh tingkat efektifitas Heatsynch (induksi berahi)

terhadap sapi perah dara.

C. Tujuan Penelitian

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui aplikasi metode

heatsynch dapat mengatasi keterlambatan pubertas pada ternak sapi

perah dara yang mengalami infertilitas.

D. Kegunaan Penelitian

Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh diharapkan dapat memberi

informasi kepada masyarakat mengenaipenyebab keterlambatan pubertas

pada sapi perah dara. Serta mengetahui tingkat keberhasilan induksi

berahi pada ternak sapi perah dara yang menggunakan metode






A. Infertilitas pada Sapi Dara

Infertilitas adalah menurunnya derajat kesuburan pada ternak

(Arthur et al., 2001). Infertilitas merupakan kegagalan reproduksi yang

bersifat sementara, tetapi jika tidak cepat ditanggulangi dapat bersifat

permanen atau steril (Toelihere, 1981). Masalah infertilitas ini lebih sering

dijumpai pada sapi perah daripada sapi potong dan kehidupan secara

berkelompok lebih sering dibandingkan dengan individual, sehingga makin

besar ternak yang dikelolah makin sering terjadi infertilitas (Toelihere,


Infertilitas pada ternak merupakan suatu masalah ekonomi yang

harus dihadapi oleh dokter hewan. Penyebab infertilitas bervariasi dan

kompleks. Penyebab sterilitas pada hewan bisa kongenital atau

diperoleh dengan kondisi yang bersifat sementara atau permanen.

Walaupun kasusnya bersifat sementara, biasanya menyebabkan

kerugian yang sangat besar karena faktor waktu dan rendahnya

produksi susu. Infertilitas biasanya dianalisa berdasarkan apakah

penyebabnya anatomis, fungsional atau karena sebab infeksi.

Sistematik pemeriksaan fisik produksi sapi betina dalam

menentukan fertilitas dan sterilitas, menurut Djojosoedarmo et al (1985)

yaitu dengan melakukan pemeriksaan khusus alat reproduksi,

pengambilan sampel, disamping riwayat kasus, pemeriksaan klinis khusus

meliputi pemeriksaan per-rektal dan per-vaginal. Abnormalitas yang ada



hubungannya dengan pengaruh Iingkungan meliputi hipofungsi ovari,

hipoplasia ovari, CLP (Corpus Luteum Persisten) dan sista ovari. Kasus

hipofungsi ovari merupakan yang terbanyak dijumpai pada tahun 1980,

dimana kasus hipofungsi dan hipoplasia ovari di Jawa Barat, Jawa

Tengah, dan Lampung rata-rata 27,61%. Sedangkan pada tahun 1981

kasus hipofungsi ovari di Bali, NTB rata-rata 38,1%. Dan pada tahun

1985, kasus hipofungsi ovari agak menurun di Jawa Tengah 7,4% pada

sapi perah dan 5,39% pada sapi potong, sedangkan di Jawa Timur

10,10%. Kejadian hipofungsi ovari di Indonesia terjadi pada sapi potong

yang kurus dan yang sedang menyusui sedangkan pada sapi gemuk

ovarium teraba pipih dan licin terbungkus lemak, sedangkan pada sapi

perah ditemukan pada sapi kurus yang sedang berlaktasi (Djojosoedarmo

et al., 1985).

Hipoplasia ovari atau hambatan pertumbuhan ovarium, umumnya

ditemukan pada sapi-sapi dara yang cukup umur, tetapi belum dewasa

kelamin. Jadi kemungkinannya masih dapat diharapkan adanya perbaikan

di kemudian hari, kecuali bila penyebabnya adalah faktor genetik maka

prognosanya adalah infausta. Ovarium yang kurang berkembang masih

dianggap dapat berfungsi walaupun tidak aktif untuk memanifestasikan

tanda-tanda berahi (anestrus) atau estrus yang tidak jelas (subestrus).

Disamping gejala anestrus dan subestrus pada sapi kemungkinan

lain adalah sapi menunjukkan gejala estrus atau berahi akan tetapi tidak

diamati secara cermat. Di Indonesia ternak sapi 60% digunakan sebagai

tenaga kerja (Robinson, 1977), dan tenaga kerja ini di daerah transmigrasi



merupakan fungsi utama (Siregar, 1983). Toelihere et al (1980)

melaporkan umumnya sapi dijadikan sebagai tenaga kerja di sawah dua

kali dalam setahun dan dikerjakan per harinya selama 5 jam dalam

beberapa hari, sehingga apabila sapi sedang bekeja gejala berahinya

kurang diperhatikan. Selain sebagai tenaga kerja di sawah juga sebagai

penarik pedati sewaktu mengangkut hasil panen. Jadi kesalahan

tatalaksana yang banyak dijumpai adalah akibat kegagalan mendeteksi

berahi karena sapi dibutuhkan sebagai tenaga kerja atau karena peternak

tidak dapat mendeteksi berahi dan mengawinkan pada saat yang tepat

B. Faktor-faktor terjadinya Infertilitas

a. Faktor Fungsional/Hormon

Infertilitas faktor hormonal dapat disebabkan karena faktor induk,

defisiensi nutrisi, dan stress karena produksi susu tinggi. Gangguan

karena faktor fungsional yang sering ditemukan adalah anestrus (13.5%),

subestrus (20.9%), sista ovari (37,1%), anovulasi atau ovulasi tertunda

(5,6%). Ditandai dengan tidak adanya aktivitas siklik yang disebabkan

karena ketidak cukupan produksi hormon gonadotropin atau ovari yang

tidak merespon terhadap hormon gonadotropin (Amiridis et al.,2009)

Selain faktor induk gangguan sistem hormonal dibagi menjadi dua

yaitu: faktor dari luar yang berhubungan dengan tingginya produksi susu

atau stress selama waktu laktasi. Faktor dari dalam, yaitu: ovarium yang

sistik, yang sering terjadi pada sapi-sapi perah karena faktor bergerak

yang kurang setelah· partus terutama pada puncak laktasi. Kejadian



ovarium yang sistik dipengaruhi oleh dua faktor yaitu faktor keturunan dan

kondisi lingkungan dalam hal ini produksi susu tinggi berkorelasi dengan

stress di musim dingin dan di daerah subtropis. Sebenarnya mekanisme

pembentukan sista ovari tidak diketahui dengan pasti, teori yang masuk

akal menerangkan etiologi kejadian sistem ini oleh karena kurangnya

sekresi LH dari hipofisa anterior pada saat menjelang ovulasi. Folikel yang

terbentuk terus membesar karena sekresi FSH yang cukup memadai

tetapi untuk berovulasi tidak didapatkan kandungan LH belum cukup.

(Toelihere, 1981).

Arthur et al (2001) memperlihatkan hubungan dampak Iingkungan

dengan faktor turunan terhadap kejadian nymphomania, sebagai gejala

dari ovarium yang sistik. Selain memperlihatkan gejala nymphomania

sekitar 25% dari sapi yang mengalami sista ovari dapat memperlihatkan

gejala anestrus dan Berahi tenang (subestrus/silent heat) yang sering

terjadi pada sapi-sapi pasca beranak, disebabkan karena defisiensi nutrisi,

P, Cobalt, dan berat badan yang rendah. Aktivitas ovarium normal tetapi

estrus tidak jelas, pada palpasi rektal biasanya teraba adanya aktifitas


Gejala hormonal selain gejala anestrus juga terjadi karena trauma

akibat partus penanganan distokia yang terlalu kasar dapat menyebabkan

trauma pada saluran kelahiran sehingga hewan menjadi steril.

Kejadiannya sering terjadi pada sapi dara atau sapi yang sudah pernah

beranak, gejala yang utama adalah anestrus. Palpasi secara rektal

menunjukan ovarium yang kecil, rata, dan halus terutama pada sapi dara.



Bila terjadi pertumbuhan folikel sampai diameter 1.5 cm, ovarium

akan teraba kasar. Kondisi ini juga sering terjadi pada sapi dengan

produksi susu tinggi (efeknya tidak langsung). Ternak pertama kali

beranak (feed back negative), pada sapi sapi perah yang menyusui

(energi dan berat badannya turun). Dan proses menyusui akan

menstimulasi sekresi prolaktin danmenyebabkan anestrus.

b. Faktor Infeksi

Adanya infeksi pada saluran reproduksi akan mempengaruhi

lingkungan uterus yang sering menyebabkan gangguan transport sperma,

kematian sperma, gangguan konsepsi, kematian fetus dan embrio, dan

pedet lahir lemah. Ada 2 bentuk infeksi yang menyebabkan infertilitas

yaitu infeksi non spesifik dan infeksi spesifik. Seperti pyometra pada sapi

didefinisikan sebagai pengumpulan eksudat purulen dalam lumen uterus

dan adanya korpus luteum parsisiten pada salah satu ovariumnya.

Adanya eksudat dalam lumen uterus mungkin menyebabkan

penghambatan sekresi prostaglandin dan endometrium, karena pengaruh

progesteron yang cukup lama aktivitas fagositik netrofil uterus akan

ditekan sehingga infeksi bertahan di dalam uterus. (Maidaswar, 2007)

c. Faktor Iklin dan Lingkungan

Gejala anestrus yang terjadi di Indonesia disebabkan oleh karena

sapi kekurangan makanan disamping faktor iklim tropis yang dapat

menurunkan intensitas dan lama estrus pada temperatur tinggi. Sapi FH

yang banyak dipelihara di Indonesia, periode berahinya 11 jam pada suhu

24-35°C (Gaafar et al., 2011). Hal tersebut dapat terjadi karena suhu di


Indonesia dataran rendah 23-35°C dan di dataran tinggi 20-30°C,

sehingga periode berahi pada sapi FH menjadi singkat. Sedangkan sapi

lokal seperti sapi Bali dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan lingkungan di

Indonesia, jadi kemungkinan anestrus atau subestrus disebabkan karena

kekurangan makanan. Kekurangan makanan dapat menurunkan daya

produksi dan pelepasan hormon hipofisa sehingga produksi hormon

ovarium khususnya estrogen juga akan terganggu, estrogen ini perlu

untuk memanifestasikan tanda-tanda berahi.

Iklim dapat mempengaruhi kegiatan reproduksi baik secara

Iangsung maupun tidak langsung. Pengaruh iklim secara langsung

misalnya oleh suhu dan keIembaban, sedangkan yang tidak langsung

dimana ikIim mempengaruhi mutu makanan dan prevalensi penyakit serta

parasit. Untuk mendeteksi secara langsung pengaruh iklim terhadap

reproduksi sapi agak sulit, karena jenis sapi dan rnakanan ikut

terpengaruh. Iklim dapat mempengaruhi waktu pubertas, lama estrus,

sistem hormonal, kejadian abnormalitas dari ovarium pada sapi betina.

Sedangkan pada sapi jantan mempengaruhi waktu libido,

spermatogenesis dan karakteristik dari pada semen (Payne, 1970).

Iklim dan pertumbuhan rumput di daerah tropis mempengaruhi

produksi dan reproduksi, terutama pada sapi dara dimana pada musim

hujan yang berkisar antara bulan Juli sampai Oktober banyak sapi yang

bunting, sedangkan pada musim kemarau aktifitas reproduksi menurun,

karena udara yang terlalu panas disamping jumlah makanan yang relatif

berkurang (Siebert, 1976). Kelly dan Hurst (dalam Payne, 1970)


mengemukakan, bahwa temperatur yang tinggi dan berlangsung secara

terus menerus dapat menekan fertilitas sapi jantan dan betina. Temperatur

yang meningkat di daerah subtropis terjadi pada musim panas sehingga

fertilitas menjadi rendah, yang dikenal dengan "Summer Infertility"

(Stevenson, 2001), mengemukakan temperatur yang tinggi di musim

panas di daerah subtropis sulit untuk mendeteksi estrus dibanding pada

musim dingin. Sedangkan di daerah tropis menurut Toelihere (1981)

periode berahi menjadi pendek pada sapi Eropa dan sapi Zebu, hal

tersebut terjadi karena iklim tropis yang panas akan memperpendek

waktuestrus. Periode berahi yang pendek ini tidak akan terobservasi

apabila hanya dilakukan satu kali dalam sehari (Tranter, 1982).

d. Faktor Manajemen

Kegagalan mendeteksi berahi, apabila sapi jantan dipisahkan dari

kelompok sapi betina untuk melakukan kontrol baik terhadap kawin alam

ataupun IB, ternyata cara ini sulit untuk mengetahui waktu berahi. Sering

kali sapi betina dinilai gagal untuk memperlihatkan berahi, sebagian besar

disebabkan oleh adanya CL (Corpus Luteum) pada ovarium dalam siklus

estrusnya. Apabila berahi tenang terjadi, terutama pada sapi dengan

produksi tinggi, ternyata kejadiannya selalu berbanding terbalik terhadap

intensitas dan efektifitas dari cara mendeteksi berahi (Tranter, 1982).

Dalam pola peternakan rakyat yang masih bersifat tradisional

seperti halnya di Indonesia, faktor makanan mungkin merupakan satu

faktor terpenting yang menjadi penyebab kegagalan reproduksi,

khususnya pada sapi. Sedangkan pada perusahaan-perusahaan sapi


perah yang besar pada umumnya kegagalan reproduksi disebabkan oleh

pemberian makanan yang berlebihan atau tidak berimbang antara hijauan

dengan makanan penguat (konsentrat). Menurut Hafez (1969) di Australia

dan Afrika Selatan sistem pemeliharaan sapi dilepas di padang

pengembalaan (ekstensif), untuk mengatasi kekurangan makanan,

disamping merekapun memperhatikan curah hujan dan suhu, agar

didapatkan sapi-sapi dengan pertumbuhan yang baik. Kekurangan

makanan dapat menyebabkan target berat badan menjadi terhambat,

pubertas terlambat, anestrus dan kebuntingan yang tidak stabil pada sapi

betina. (Ferguson, 2002). Kelebihan makanan menyebabkan sapi betina

kegemukan dengan ovarium kecil sehingga menyebabkan anestrus

(Toelihere, 1981).

Pada sapi yang dibesarkan dan dipelihara dengan makanan yang

berlebihan akan banyak mengalami kegagalan reproduksi dikemudian

hari, sehingga akan mempunyai masa produktif yang lebih singkat

dibandingkan sapi dipelihara dengan enersi rendah. Fricke (2004)

mengemukakan pubertas yang tertunda akibat kekurangan makanan atau

enersi yang menyebabkan tertundanya masa kebuntingan yang pertama.

Anestrus akibat kekurangan enersi menyebabkan tenggang waktu antar

kelahiran diperpanjang. Hal ini dapat disebabkan karena kesalahan

manajemen, dimana secara praktis dan ekonomis lebih sering terlihat

pada sapi perah dibandingkan sapi potong. Pengaruh dan manfaat enersi

yang jelas di USA, dimana sapi yang diberi enersi yang cukup dalam


makanannya, mempunyai ovarium yang besar, estrus postpartum yang

cepat dan nilai konsepsi yang baik (Campbell, 1979).

C. Upaya-upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi Infertilitas.

Upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi infertilitas pada ternak sapi

dara salah satu faktor yang perlu diperhatikan dalam pembangunan

peternakan adalah masalah kegagalan reproduksi. Kegagalan reproduksi

dapat disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, seperti halnya faktor hormonal,

hormon yang berhubungan dengan reproduksi diantaranya adalah hormon

estrogen dan gonadotropin (FSH dan LH). Adanya gangguan pada sekresi

hormon-hormon tersebut, akan mengakibatkan terjadinya kegagalan

fertilisasi. Rendahnya kadar estrogen dalam darah terjadi karena adanya

defisiensi nutrisi β karotin, P, Co dan berat badan yang rendah. Hal ini

akan menyebabkan terjadinya silent heat dan sub estrus pada sapi. Pada

kasus silent heat, proses ovulasi berjalan secara normal dan bersifat

subur, tetapi tidak disertai dengan gejala birahi atau tidak ada birahi sama

sekali. Silent heat sering dijumpai pada hewan betina yang masih dara.

(Hunter, 1981).

Penanganan kasus silent heat dan sub estrus dapat dilakukan

dengan perbaikan manajemen pemeliharaan Penanganan kasus silent

heat dan sub estrus dapat dilakukan dengan perbaikan manajemen

pemeliharaan agar ternak mendapat cahayayang cukup, peningkatan

kualitas pakan agar ternak mendapat nutrisi yang cukup sehingga

mekanisme hormonal dalam tubuh dapat berjalan dengan baik.

Pemberian hormon progesteron yang diberikan pada sapi akan


memunculkan berahi 48-72 jam setelah pemberian PGF2α (Hafez, 2000).

Selain itu akan memberikan feed back negatif terhadap hipotalamus

dengan menghasilkan hormon GnRH untuk merangsang hipofise untuk

menghasilkan LH/FSH yang menstimulasi gonad untuk mensekresikan


Selain dari faktor hormonal, yang akan dikemukakan pengaruh dari

faktor Iingkungan Indonesia yang terletak antara 6° LU dan II° LS,

berpengaruh terhadap perbedaan iklim diantara pulau-pulau di Indonesia,

menurut letaknya dari dataran benua Asia dan Australia. Pengaruh utama

dibidang pengadaan makanan ternak ialah curah hujan, yang berlangsung

akibat hembusan angin barat laut antara bulan November sampai dengan

Maret, lalu diikuti oleh angin tenggara yang kering berasal dari padang

pasir gersang di Australia. Pulau-pulau disebelah barat menikmati hujan

sepanjang tahun, karena angin timur yang kering itu mengumpulkan

banyak uap air (Robinson, 1977). Pengaruh keadaan suhu terhadap

pengadaan rumput atau pertanian tidak seberapa dibandingkan curah

hujan, meskipun demikian dapat juga mengganggu aktifitas reproduksi.

Suhu di dataran rendah berkisar antara 23-35°C dan suhu di dataran

tinggi antara 20-30°C.

Indonesia sekarang berusaha meningkatkan mutu ternak dengan

mengimpor bibit sapi dari New Zealand dan Australia yang berbeda

Iingkungannya. Kemudian dengan dibukanya daerah-daerah transmigrasi,

diikuti juga dengan perpindahan sapi baik lokal maupun impor antar pulau

dengan lingkungan yang berbeda pula dan cara mengatasinya dengan


menempatkan sapi di tempat yang teduh, ventilasi kandang yang cukup

baik, beri banyak air segar dan makanan yang bergizi tinggi dengan kadar

yang rendah serat kasarnya

Faktor makanan berpengaruh langsung terhadap pertumbuhan

organ reproduksi, sehingga makanan dengan kualitas rendah dapat

menyebabkan hipoplasia ovari pada sapi-sapi dara dan hipoplasia testes

pada sapi jantan muda yang berakibat keterlambatan masa pubertas atau

dewasa kelamin. Faktor manajemen pemberian pakan perlu diperhatikan

seperti halnya protein Meskipun protein dan iodium tidak begitu penting

dalam masalah reproduksi seperti halnya pada kebutuhan enersi, tetapi

apabila kadar yang dibutuhkan dari protein rendah juga akan

mempermudah terjadinya infertilitas. Pada sapi dara defisiensi protein

akan memperlihatkan gejala anestrus, hipoplasi ovari dan uterus yang

tidak berkembang, apabila keadaan ini masih dini dapat dengan mudah

untuk diperbaiki dengan pemberian makanan yang baik dalam beberapa

minggu (Hafez, 1969). iodium akan menghalangi pertumbuhan organ

reproduksi, karena menghambat kerja thyroid. Hiperthyroidismus

menyebabkan sekresi hormon-hormon gonadotropin dari hipofisa

dihambat. Didaerah-daerah yang kekurangan iodium untuk mencukupi

mineral tersebut harus disediakan dalam bentuk pemberian garam dapur.

Kekurangan garam dalam waktu yang lama menyebabkan penurunan

berat badan dan anestrus (Rustamadji et al., 2007).


D. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pubertas

Pubertas merupakan batasan umur atau waktu hewan betina

secara fisik dan fisiologis siap untuk melakukan perkawinan dan

berkembang biak. Pada hewan betina pubertas ditandai dengan terjadinya

estrus/berahi dan ovulasi. Pubertas lebih jelas terlihat pada hewan betina

dibandingkan dengan hewan jantan. Pubertas atau dewasa kelamin terjadi

sebelum dewasa tubuh tercapai. Sebelum pubertas, saluran reproduksi

dan organ-organ reproduksi perlahan-lahan bertambah dalam ukuran dan

secara fisiologis belum berfungsi. Perkembangan dan pertumbuhan tubuh

hewan penting artinya bagi perkembangan fungsi kelamin hewan betina.

Apabila suatu umur atau bobot tubuh tertentu telah dicapai maka hewan

betina akan mengalami estrus dan ovulasi. Secara normal, pertumbuhan

dan perkembangan alat reproduksi adalah proses yang bertahap pada

individu baru. Williams, (1988) dalam Salisbury dan Van Demark (2002)

membagi perkembangan dan pendewasaan alat reproduksi sapi menjadi

tiga tingkatan. Tingkat pertama, pendewasaan kelenjar hipofise sebagai

penghasil hormon reproduksi pada umur 3-6 bulan. Kedua pendewasaan

ovarium sebagai pengasil sel telur dan hormon pada umur 6-12 bulan.

Tingkatan terakhir pendewasaan uterus sebagai tempat perkembangan

embrio pada saat bunting, perkembangan organ ini tidak pernah

sempurna sebelum mencapai umur tiga tahun atau lebih. Umur dan bobot

tubuh hewan pada saat timbulnya pubertas berbeda-beda menurut



Mekanisme timbulnya pubertas dikontrol secara fisiologis yang

melibatkan gonad dan kelenjar adenohipofisa, maka pubertas dipengaruhi

oleh hormon, nutrisi, dan lingkungan. Pertumbuhan dan perkembangan

organ-organ kelamin betina pada waktu pubertas dipengaruhi oleh

hormon-hormon gonadotropin. Pelepasan FSH ke dalam aliran darah

menjelang pubertas menyebabkan folikel-folikel pada ovarium mulai

tumbuh. Folikel yang tumbuh dari folikel primer menjadi folikel sekunder

dan folikel tersier, yang akhirnya matang menjadi folikel de Graaf. Ovarium

beratnya menjadi bertambah dan kemudian menghasilkan hormon

estrogen yang akan disekresikan ke dalam aliran pembuluh darah.

Estrogen akan menyebabkan saluran reproduksi tumbuh dan

berkembang, sedangkan pengaruh LH menyebabkan ovarium yang telah

matang akan diovulasikan ke uterus (Bishop et al., 2008)

Awal pubertas pada hewan betina disebabkan oleh pelepasan

hormon gonadotropin dari kelenjar adenohipofisa ke dalam pembuluh

darah dan bukan produksi hormon-hormon tersebut secara tiba-tiba. Pada

hewan yang belum dewasa kelamin terbukti mengandung hormon-hormon

gonadotopin pada hewan-hewan betina muda yang akan menyebabkan

ovarium dan saluran reproduksi memberikan respon dengan terjadinya

estrus dan ovulasi.

Penelitian tentang induksi berahi pada masa prapubertas dilakukan

pada sapi dara dengan umur rata-rata 8,5 bulan dan bobot tubuh 249 kg

dengan menggunakan estrogen dan progesteron. Hasilnya menunjukkan

sapi-sapi perlakuan mengalami estrus dan ovulasi dibandingkan dengan


sapi kontrol, namun tidak berbeda dalam hal tingkat kebuntingannya. Hal

ini berarti bahwa estrus dapat terjadi tetapi tidak mempengaruhi fertilitas

sapi. Penelitian lain adalah pemberian estrogen dan progesteron pada

sapi dara Angus dan Hereford dengan umur 12-14 bulan dan bobot tubuh

278 kg yang disilangkan dengan Charolais. Hasilnya memperlihatkan sapi-

sapi perlakuan mengalami estrus dan tingkat konsepsi yang berbeda

nyata dengan sapi-sapi kontrol.

Faktor lain yang mempengaruhi pubertas pada sapi dara periode

sapi betina muda sampai beranak pertama. (Boden, 2005; West, 1977)

Manajemen pemeliharaan sapi dara yang bagus akan mempengaruhi

tingkat pencapaian umur pubertasnya, seperti pendapat Tillman et al

(1991) bahwa faktor makanan memegang perananan penting dalam

berbagai peristiwa fisiologis yang terjadi dalam pencapaian dewasa

kelamin serta proses-proses reproduksi. Diperkuat dengan pernyataan

(Thalib et al., 2001) bahwa perkembangan organ reproduksi ditentukan

oleh proses pemberian nutrisi dan pemeliharaan semasa muda. Iskandar

(2011) juga menyatakan bahwa nutrisi yang rendah dapat mengakibatkan

pubertas terlambat. Pubertas pada sapi betina terjadi pada usia 7-18

bulan dengan rata-rata usia 10 bulan ketika menunjukkan tanda-tanda

estrus yang jelas. Pencapaian umur pubertas dapat bervariasi yang dapat

dipengaruhi oleh level nutrisi, musim, kedekatan interaksi dengan

pejantan, cuaca, dan penyakit yang dapat memperlambat pertumbuhan

(Noakes et al., 2001). Sapi dara yang diberi makanan dengan kualitas


tinggi sejak lahir akan lebih cepat mencapai pubertas dan permulaan

siklus estrusnya (Toelihere, 1981).

Umumnya pertumbuhan dan perkembangan menjadi prasyarat

penting untuk menuju pubertas (Rekwort et al., 2000). Menurut Getzewich

(2005) pada umumnya pubertas dicapai ketika mereka telah mencapai

40% dari bobot badan dewasa dan aspek pakan mempunyai pengaruh

yang besar. Beberapa penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ternak yang diberi

asupan pakan dengan kecukupan energi dan protein menyebabkan ternak

cepat tumbuh dan umur pubertas lebih awal bisa dicapai (Son et al.

,2001; Romano et al., 2005).

E. Metode Heatsynchdan cara kerja hormon

Metode Heatsynch merupakan metode sinkronisasi yang memakai

kombinasi GnRH, PGF2α dan estrogen dengan harapan terjadi estrus dan

ovulasi yang bersamaan dan dapat dipakai untuk aplikasi IB tanpa perlu

mendeteksi adanya tanda-tanda berahi dan IB dilakukan dengan waktu

yang terjadwal (Fixed Time AI). Tujuan Heatsynch adalah untuk

sinkronisasi berahi dan ovulasi setelah injeksi EB (Estrogen benzoat)

untuk kita melakukan IB (Yusuf et al., 2010). Kelebihan metode Heatsynch

diantaranya merangsang folikel yang tidak aktif, jika terdapat corpus

luteum dilisiskan, memaksimalkan LH melalui penigkatan feedback positif

dari kerja estrogen. Interval ovulasi setelah permulaan dari berahi tidak

dibedakan pada sapi Heatsynch, tanpa memperhatikan perombakan

progesteron sebelumnya. Interval dari penyuntikan PGF2α sampai ovulasi

sangat baik (P<0,01) pada perlakuan dengan ECP daripada sapi yang


mendapat perlakuan GnRH (Stevenson et al., 2004). Metode Heatsynch

menunjukkan keberhasilan 89,21% dalam meningkatkan efisiensi

reproduksi sapi perah betina (Stevenson et al., 2004).

1. Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GnRH)

GnRH merupakan suatu dekadeptida (10 asam amino) dengan

berat molekul 1183 dalton. Hormon ini menstimulasi sekresi follicle

stimulating hormon (FSH) dan Lutinizing Hormon (LH) dari hipofisis

anterior (Salisbury dan vandemark, 1985). Pemberian GnRH

meningkatkan FSH dan LH dalam sirkulasi darah selama 2 sampai 4 jam

(Chenault et al., 1990). Secara alamiah, terjadinya level tertinggi (surge)

LH yang menyebabkan ovulasi merupakan hasil kontrol umpan balik

positif dari sekresi estrogen dari folikel yang sedang berkembang. Berikut

ini adalah mekanisme kerja GnRH, hipotalamus akan mensekresi GnRH,

kemudian GnRH akan menstimulasi hipofisis anterior untuk mensekresi

FSH dan LH. FSH bekerja pada tahap awal perkembangan folikel dan

dibutuhkan untuk pembentukan folikel antrum. FSH dan LH merangsang

folikel ovarium untuk mensekresikan estrogen. Menjelang waktu ovulasi

konsentrasi hormon estrogen mencapai suatu tingkatan yang cukup tinggi

untuk menekan produksi FSH dan dengan pelepasan LH menyebabkan

terjadinya ovulasi dengan menggertak pemecahan dinding folikel dan

pelepasan ovum. Setelah ovulasi maka akan terbentuk korpus luteum dan

ketika tidak bunting maka PGF2α dari uterus akan melisiskan corpus



2. Prostaglandin (PGF2α)

Pemberian PGF2α dapat dilakukan secara intramusculer,

pemberian secara intramuscular mudah dilakukan yaitu dengan cara

injeksi, namun dosis yang diperlukan cukup besar. Pemberian secara

intrauterin hanya diperlukan dosis yang jauh lebih rendah, namun

memerlukan keterampilan khusus (Solihati, 2005). Sariubang dan

Tambing (2006) menyatakan bahwa penggunaan PGF2α untuk program

sinkronisasi estrus ternak hanya efektif bila ternak tersebut telah memiliki

corpus luteum karena PGF2α bersifat luteolitik sehingga mampu

menginduksi terjadinya regresi CL yang mengakibatkan estrus.

Mukasa et al (1989) menyatakan bahwa PGF2α yang disuntikkan

akan memasuki aliran darah menuju ovarium, akibat aksi dari PGF2α

tersebut akan terjadi vasokonstraksi. Oleh karena itu, aliran darah yang

menuju ovarium lama-kelamaan akan terhenti. Terhambatnya aliran darah

yang menuju ovarium mengakibatkan suplai makanan yang dibutuhkan

ovarium akan berkurang bahkan terhenti, sehingga corpus luteum yang

fungsional regresi. Hancurnya corpus luteum tersebut menyebabkan

terhentinya sekresi hormon progesteron, yang akan diikuti dengan naiknya

FSH untuk merangsang pertumbuhan folikel. Dalam waktu tiga sampai

empat hari folikel menjadi masak dan siap diovulasikan dengan didahului

timbulnya gejala estrus.

Herdis et al (2007) pemberian PGF2α analog dapat menyebabkan

luteolisis melalui penyempitan vena ovari yang menyebabkan

berkurangnya aliran darah dalam ovarium. Berkurangnya aliran darah ini


menyebabkan regresi sel-sel luteal (Hafez, 2000). Regresi sel-sel luteal

menyebabkan produksi progesteron menurun menuju kadar basal

mendekati nol nmol/L, hal ini merupakan saat-saat terjadinya estrus.

Menurut Stevenson et al (2004), bahwa interval dari penyuntikan PGF2α

sampai ovulasi sangat baik pada perlakuan dengan ECP daripada sapi

yang mendapat perlakuan GnRH (88 ,2 vs 76 ,2 jam).

3. Estrogen

Hormon estrogen, utamanya dihasilkan oleh folikel ovarium, akan

menurun setelah proses ovulasi terjadi, sampai dengan fase praberahi,

kemudian kembali meningkat sampai terjadi ovulasi pada siklus

berikutnya. Estrogen diberikan dalam jumlah kecil maka dapat

menyebabkan terjadinya berahi dan ovulasi, alasannya, estrogen dalam

jumlah kecil secara umpan balik positif bekerja meningkatkan

pembebasan LH yang diperlukan untuk terjadinya ovulasi (Feradis, 2010).

Menurut Fricke dan Shaver, (2007) munculnya estrus disebabkan

karena pengaruh meningkatnya hormon estrogen dalam tubuh yang

dihasilkan oleh ovum. Injeksi estrogen bekerja untuk menimbulkan gejala

berahi dalam selang waktu yang pendek sehingga efektif diramalkan

berahi. Seiring pendapat Lopez et al (2000) dalam Stevenson et al (2004)

bahwa pemberian 2 ml ECP dapat menginduksi estrus, LH surge, ovulasi

dan pertumbuhan corpus luteum normal pada sapi-sapi perah dara.

Ditambahkan oleh Hafez (2000) bahwa sumber sintetis estrogen antara

lain yaitu Oestradiol Benzoat. (Azizah, 2014).


4. Intensitas Berahi

Intensitas merupakan tingkatan berahi yang meliputi waktu

mulainya berahi dengan memperlihatkan gejala berahi sebagai bentuk

respon. Adapun respon berahi yaitu gejala-gejala berahi yang muncul

pada ternak : (1) vulva merah, (2) vulva bengkak, (3) berlendir, (4) menaiki

temannya (Marawali 2001).Skoring dilakukan berdasarkan gejala

berahi yang muncul :

 Skor 4 = keempat gejala berahi muncul

 Skor 3 = tiga dari empat gejala berahi yang muncul

 Skor 2 = dua dari empat gejala berahi yang muncul

 Skor 1 = satu dari gejala berahi yang muncul

Tanda-tanda berahi berdasarkan pengetahuan peternak antara

lain, sapi keluar lendir bening dari vulva, melenguh dan gelisah, berusaha

menaiki sapi lain, vulva bengkak berwarna merah, berusaha menaiki sapi

lain dan menggosokkan badannya ke sapi lain sesuai pendapat Galloway

and Parera (2003). Intensitas berahi yang tinggi pada sapi Bali membuat

tingkat kesuburan yang tinggi pula, yakni mencapai 80% (Darmadja,

1980). Partodihardjo (1992) menyatakan bahwa karena intensitas berahi

dipengaruhi oleh hormon-hormon reproduksi, maka secara tidak langsung

angka intensitas berahi (AIB) juga sangat dipengaruhi oleh status nutrisi

ternak itu sendiri.Intensitas berahi atau tingkatan berahi dilihat dari gejala

berahi yang ada. Intensitas berahi Bali (dara) paritas 0 memperlihatkan

intensitas berahi dengan jelas (skor 3). Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa

semua sapi paritas 0 mampu memperlihatkan gejala berahi dengan


intensitas yang jelas. Sapi Bali paritas 1 memperlihatkan intensitas berahi

dengan skor 1, skor 2, dan skor 3 berturut-turut 75 %, 25 %, dan 0 %. Hal

tersebut menunjukkan bahwa tidak semua sapi mampu memperlihatkan

gejala berahi dengan intensitas yang jelas. Sapi Bali paritas 2

memperlihatkan intensitas berahi dengan skor 1, skor 2, dan skor 3

berturutturut 0 %, 25 %, dan 75 % (Fitri, 2015).


Salah satu penyebab gangguan reproduksi adalah adanya

gangguan fungsional hormonal. infertilitas adalah salah satu bentuk

gangguan fungsional yang disebabkan oleh adanya kelainan hormonal.

Seperti Subestrus/berahi tenang, anestrus, dan ovulasi tertunda. Kelainan

hormonal juga di pengaruhi kondisi tubuh, penyakit dan faktor

lingkungan.Beberapa upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk pencegahan

gangguan fungsional hormonal adalah perbaikan lingkungan, vaksinasi,

dan induksi hormon. berbagai macam hormon seperti Gonadothropin

Releasing Hormon (GnRH), PGF2α dan Estradiol benzoat berperan

penting bagi kecepatan sapi untuk berahi dan beranak. Oleh karena itu

suatu pengaturan terhadap kemampuan reproduksinya secara tertib dan

teratur perlu dilakukan sehingga efesiensi reproduksi dapat tercapai.

Partodihardjo (1987), menyatakan bahwa evaluasi keberhasilan

dibidang reproduksi ternak harus memperhatikan kartu ternak yang berisi

keterangan mengenai seekor ternak, umur pertama kali dikawinkan,

pengamatan terhadap deteksi berahi, deteksi kebuntingan, perkawinan

kembali setelah melahirkan, saat perkawinan yang tepat, fertilitas jantan


yang digunakan serta service per conception, non return rate, conception

rate, dancalving interval. Hal-hal tersebut digunakan untuk mendapatkan

hasil reproduksi yang baik.

Fenomena yang sering terjadi adalah khususnya pada sapi perah

dara yaitu keterlambatan pubertas dan sering juga mengalami silent heat

(berahi tenang) sehingga menyulitkan peternak dalam mendeteksi berahi.

Faktor terpenting dalam pelaksanaan perkawinan adalah ketepatan waktu

pemasukan semen pada puncak kesuburan ternak betina, (Intan 2009).

Puncak kesuburan ternak betina adalah pada waktu menjelang ovulasi

sehingga peternak dan petugas lapangan harus mengetahui dan

memahami kapan gejala berahi ternak terjadi sehingga tidak ada

keterlambatan IB. Agar inseminasi buatan berjalan optimal maka

dilakukan upaya untuk mensinkronkan berahi ternak dengan

menggunakan hormon (GnRH, PGF2α dan Estradiol benzoate) agar

terjadi berahi secara serentak sehingga mudah dilakukan deteksi berahi

untuk meningkatkan efesiensi reproduksi.Bagan kerangka pikir penelitian

tersebut dapat dilihat pada gambar 1.


Hormon Estrogen 

Hormon GnRH 
Lambat Hormon PgF2α 

Heatsynch Hormon FSH  

 GnRH Hormon LH 
 Estradiol
 PGF2α
Meningkatkan Efesiensi 

 Mempercepat 
Umur Pubertas 
 Meningkatkan 

Gambar 1. Kerangka Pikir

G. Hipotesis

Diduga bahwa dengan metode Heatsynch dapat meningkatkan

infertilitas dengan cara mengatasi keterlambatan pubertas dan

meningkatkan kebuntingan pada sapi perah dara yang berada di

Kecamatan Cendana.

Age at puberty, total fat and conjugated linoleic acid content of carcass,
and circulating metabolic hormones in beef heifers fed a diet
high in linoleic acid beginning at four months of age

M. R. Garcia*†, M. Amstalden*†, C. D. Morrison‡, D. H. Keisler‡, and G. L. Williams*†2

*Animal Reproduction Laboratory, Texas A&M University Agricultural Research Station, Beeville 78102;
†Department of Animal Science, Center for Animal Biotechnology and Genomics, Texas A&M University,
College Station 77843; and ‡Department of Animal Science, University of Missouri, Columbia 65211

ABSTRACT: In the current study, we hypothesized slaughter for fatty acid analyses. The HF heavy group
that diets high in linoleic acid would increase conju- tended (P < 0.10) to reach puberty later than all other
gated linoleic acid (CLA) tissue content, reduce adipos- groups, and one HF light heifer did not reach puberty
ity and leptin production, and result in an increase in during the study. Linoleic acid and cis-9, trans-11 CLA
the age at puberty in heifers. Heifers were weaned and tissue contents were higher (P < 0.03) in HF heifers than
blocked by body weight (heavy, n = 10, and light, n controls, but neither total carcass fat nor percentage
= 10) and allocated randomly within block to receive of dry matter differed by dietary group, although the
isocaloric and isonitrogenous diets with either added percentage of protein tended (P < 0.10) to be lower in
fat (HF, n = 10) or no added fat (C, n = 10) from 4 mo HF heifers. Mean serum concentrations of leptin did
of age until post-pubertal slaughter. Whole sunflower not differ due to diet; however, leptin increased (P <
seed (55% oil; 70% linoleic acid) was used as the fat 0.01) linearly as puberty approached. Circulating con-
centrations of growth hormone and insulin-like growth
source in HF diets and provided 5% added fat from the
factor I increased or remained relatively constant be-
start of the study until heifers weighed 250 ± 8 kg, at
tween wk 2 to 10 of feeding, and then declined (P <
which time added fat was increased to 7% of dry matter
0.01) until the onset of puberty. Serum IGF-I was lower
until slaughter. Body weights were recorded weekly, (P < 0.01) in heifers receiving the HF diet. Mean serum
and blood samples were collected weekly for total cho- concentrations of insulin and total cholesterol increased
lesterol and hormone analyses. Puberty was confirmed (P < 0.01) with time in both groups, but only total choles-
based on serum concentrations of progesterone and ul- terol was increased by the HF diet (P < 0.05). Results
trasonographic confirmation of corpora lutea. Heifers indicate that diets high in linoleic acid fed to growing
were slaughtered at 325 ± 10 d of age, and longissimus beef heifers beginning early in life have little or no
muscle between the 9th and 11th rib was collected and effect on total carcass fat, circulating leptin, or age at
analyzed to estimate carcass composition. Subcutane- puberty despite measurable increases in CLA accumu-
ous and kidney, pelvic, and heart fat were collected at lation.
Key Words: Cattle, Conjugated Linoleic Acid, Fat, Leptin, Puberty

2003 American Society of Animal Science. All rights reserved. J. Anim. Sci. 2003. 81:261–268

Introduction essential for sexual maturation in rodents and humans

(Cunningham et al., 1999). Both serum leptin and leptin
Leptin, a potent satiety hormone synthesized and gene expression increase as puberty approaches in heif-
secreted primarily by adipocytes, is highly correlated ers (Garcia et al., 2002), whereas short-term fasting
with BW and adiposity and has been reported to be reduces synthesis and secretion of leptin and frequency
of LH pulses (Amstalden et al., 2000). Exogenous treat-
ment with recombinant leptin increases LH secretion
in fasted cows and attenuates fasting-mediated reduc-
Supported by funding from the Texas Agric. Exp. Stn. We acknowl- tions of LH in wethers (Nagatani et al., 2000; Amstal-
edge with gratitude the careful animal care and assistance of R. den et al., 2002a). Moreover, leptin enhances basal se-
Franke, M. Davis, and T. Lopez. We are also grateful for the technical
cretion of LH in fasted cows (Amstalden et al., 2002b).
assistance of S. Smith, G. Carstens, C. Gilbert, and C. Sanders.
Correspondence: 3507 Hwy 59 E (fax: 361-358-4930; E-mail:
These and related observations suggest that leptin could influence age at puberty in heifers.
Received July 15, 2002. One approach for studying the roles of adiposity and
Accepted September 4, 2002. leptin in pubertal development would be to reduce the


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262 Garcia et al.

ratio of fat to lean tissue during early growth and devel- stored at −20°C. To examine dietary effects on metabolic
opment, thereby reducing leptin availability. In monog- endocrinology and cholesterol metabolism, serum was
astric species, reductions in adipocyte proliferation and analyzed for circulating concentrations of total choles-
circulating leptin may be accomplished by feeding con- terol, insulin, GH, IGF-I, leptin, and progesterone as
jugated linoleic acids (CLA), a generic term for conju- described below. Puberty was confirmed based on se-
gated isomers of linoleic (18:2) and linolenic (18:3) acids rum progesterone ≥1 ng/mL over two consecutive sam-
(Parodi, 1999; Medina et al., 2000). Because CLA are ples and twice weekly transrectal ultrasonagraphy to
intermediate products of 18:2 and 18:3 biohydrogena- visualize corpora lutea. Body weights were recorded
tion in the rumen, their production and accretion can weekly until slaughter at 325 ± 10 d of age, at which
be increased by feeding diets high in 18:2 and 18:3 to time all heifers except one in the HF group were puber-
cattle (Parodi, 1999). Importantly, diets high in linoleic tal. At slaughter, longissimus muscle between the ninth
acid also increase serum lipoprotein cholesterol, insu- and 11th rib was excised and analyzed for the percent
lin, and GH, and positively modulate ovarian physiol- DM, percentage of protein, total fat (% ether extract),
ogy in mature cows (Williams et al., 1998; Williams and fatty acid composition. Subcutaneous fat, from the
and Stanko, 2000). However, these effects appear to be tailhead region, and kidney, heart, and pelvic (KHP)
unrelated to adiposity or leptin. Herein, we hypothe- fat were also collected and analyzed for fatty acid com-
sized that diets high in linoleic acid would increase position.
CLA production, reduce adiposity and serum leptin,
and delay puberty. RIA and Enzymatic Assays

Materials and Methods Circulating concentrations of leptin and progesterone

were analyzed using a specific, highly sensitive ovine
Animals and Experimental Design leptin RIA validated for bovine serum (Delavaud et
al., 2000) and the Coat-a-Count assay kit (DPC, Los
Twenty spring-born, crossbred heifers (¹⁄₂ Red or Angeles, CA), respectively. Use of these assays has been
Black Angus × ¹⁄₄ Brahman × ¹⁄₄ Hereford), born within reported previously from our laboratory (Amstalden et
a 30-d period, were utilized. Before weaning and assign- al., 2000; Fajersson et al., 1999). Serum insulin, GH,
ment to the study, all heifers received primary and and IGF-I were determined by RIA as described pre-
secondary immunizations against common respiratory viously (Ryan et al., 1995), except that radiolabeled
viruses, leptospirosis, vibriosis, and pasturella using [125I] porcine insulin (Peninsula Laboratories, Belmont,
a combination of attenuated live and killed vaccines. CA) was utilized as tracer instead of bovine insulin.
Heifers were weaned at approximately 3 mo of age and The bovine insulin antiserum (ICN, Lisle, IL) has a
stratified by age, BW, and breed of sire (Red vs Black cross reactivity with other related peptides of <0.2%
Angus) into four pens (five heifers/pen) each measuring and 100% with human and porcine insulin at 50% dis-
25.9 × 9.5 m2. Body weight stratification resulted in placement. Serum concentrations of total cholesterol
two pens of heavier (heavy) and two pens of lighter were determined by the enzymatic method of Allain et
(light) heifers averaging (±SEM) 126 ± 4 and 103 ± 4 al. (1974) utilizing total cholesterol kit reagents (Sigma-
kg, respectively. At weaning, heifers were fed a diet Aldrich, St. Louis, MO) as reported previously (Wil-
consisting of 1.3 kg of a concentrate containing 78% liams et al., 1989). Intra- and interassay CV for all
sorghum, 20% cottonseed meal, and 1.4% limestone for- assays averaged 5 to 9% and 11 to 17%, respectively.
tified with vitamins A, D, and E, and had ad libitum
access to coastal bermudagrass hay. At 4 mo of age, Major Fatty Acid Composition
pens of heavy and light heifers were each assigned ran-
domly to receive either a high fat (HF; n =10) or control Adipose and muscle samples were analyzed for fatty
(C; n = 10) diet until slaughter. Complete mixed diets acid composition using a method described previously
were isocaloric and isonitrogenous and formulated ini- by Folch et al. (1957). Total lipids were extracted from
tially to promote a gain of 0.9 kg/d utilizing NRC recom- 1 g of muscle and adipose tissue using 2:1 (vol/vol) chlo-
mendations (1984; Table 1). The HF diet contained roform:methanol solvent mixture. Total extracted lipids
added fat equal to 5% of total DM intake, with whole were methylated with 14% boron trifluoride-methanol
sunflower seed serving as the primary fat source and by the method of Slover and Lanza (1979). Methylated
source of linoleic acid (55% oil, Pope Testing Labora- lipids were analyzed using a flame ionization detector
tories, Inc, Dallas, TX; 70% linoleic acid, National Sun- on a gas chromatograph using a Varian (Varian, Inc.
flower Association). Diet composition and DM were ad- Walnut Creek, CA) model CP-800, fixed with a CP-
justed for BW gain every 2 to 3 wk until heifers weighed 8200 (Varian, Inc) autosampler and a flame ionization
250 ± 8 kg, at which time diets were adjusted to reduce detector equipped with a 0.25-mm × 100-m fused-silica,
rate of gain to 0.45 kg/d. At this time, total added fat silver nitrate-impregnated capillary column (Chrom-
in the HF group was increased from 5 to 7% of total DM. pack, Middelburg, The Netherlands). The injection port
Coccygeal blood samples were collected weekly from and detector temperatures were maintained at 270 and
all heifers until slaughter and serum was harvested and 300°C, respectively. Gas pressures were 2.2 kg/cm2 for

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Puberty in heifers fed fat 263
Table 1. Representative compositions of control and high fat diets fed to heifers at
weights of 150 and 250 kg, respectively, during the study
Control High fat

5% 7%
150 kg 250 kg
Ingredients 150 kg 250 kg

Kleingrass hay, % 24.90 14.5 26.00 30.10

Cottonseed hulls, % 10.40 7.7 10.40 7.80
Ground corn, % 47.30 70.8 40.20 47.10
Soybean/cottonseed meal, % 14.10 6.8 11.30 1.10
Sunflower seed, % — — 9.10 12.70
Limestone, % 0.70 0.8 2.30 1.30
Dicalcium phosphate, % 2.50 — 0.67 —
Vitamin A premix, IU 83,600 28,600 83,600 28,600
Formulated chemical composition
Metabolizable energy, Mcal/kg 10.70 16.60 10.70 16.60
CP, % DM 13.50 11.10 13.50 11.10
Ether extract, % DM 2.90 3.00 7.40 9.50

the carrier gas (helium), 0.6 kg/cm2 for the make-up within diet and BW classification were used as the “sub-
gas (nitrogen), and 0.5 kg/cm2 for the combustion air. ject” for the MIXED procedure for repeated measures
Chromatograms were recorded with a computing integ- to account for correlated variation within animal. The
rator (Shimazu Chromatopac C-R6A). Identification of least squares means procedure was used to compare
sample fatty acids were made by comparing the relative means when a significant difference was detected in
retention times of standards previously validated by the MIXED analysis. Pearson’s correlation coefficients
Zembayashi et al. (1995). were determined among the described variables using
the CORR procedure of SAS.
Carcass Composition
Heifers were slaughtered at the Rosenthal Meat Sci-
ence Center, Texas A&M University, College Station Age and Weight at Puberty and Slaughter
using standard methodology involving captive bolt
stunning followed by exanguination. Fat from the tail- Heifers in both the heavy and light BW groups gained
head and KHP region were collected at that time. Car- 0.88 ± 0.03 kg/d, and weighed 301 ± 7 and 300 ± 11 kg,
casses were chilled for 48 h after slaughter, at which respectively, at puberty (Table 2). Heifers in the HF
time longissimus dorsi muscle between the ninth and heavy group tended (P < 0.10) to reach puberty at an
11th rib was collected, vacuum-packed, and stored at age (307 ± 14 d) older than the HF light, C heavy,
−10°C until analyses for moisture and total fat content and C light groups (280 ± 5, 273 ± 9, and 289 ± 8 d,
as described previously by Hankins et al. (1946). Per- respectively). One heifer in the HF group did not reach
cent protein was measured using a Leco N Analyzer puberty within the time allotted for completion of the
(St. Joseph, MI) model FP-2000. study. At slaughter, heifers in the heavy and light BW
groups weighed 337 ± 8 and 300 ± 11 kg, respectively.
Statistical Analyses No differences in carcass weight were detected between
the HF and C groups (Table 2). Diet did not affect per-
One heifer in the HF light group did not reach puberty cent DM or fat of longissimus muscle; however, the
within the time allotted for the study (325 ± 10 d of percentage of total protein tended to be lower in the
age); therefore, for the purpose of analyzing mean age HF group (Table 2).
at puberty, this heifer was assigned the maximal value
using the date when the last pubertal heifer was slaugh- Tissue Fatty Acid Composition
tered. Main effects of diet, BW group, and BW group ×
diet on age at puberty, percentage of DM, protein, fat, Tissue fatty acid compositions are presented in Table
and fatty acid composition were determined with AN- 3. Heifers receiving the HF diet had a higher (P < 0.01)
OVA using the MIXED procedure of SAS (SAS Inst., percentage of linoleic acid (18:2) in all tissues analyzed.
Inc., Cary, NC). Endocrine data were analyzed in two The cis-9, trans-11 CLA, one of two common and abun-
ways using the MIXED procedure of SAS for repeated dant isomers of CLA, was detected in KHP and subcuta-
measures: 1) from the onset of the study to slaughter neous fat. Content of CLA in KHP was not affected by
and 2) for 20 wk normalized to the wk of pubertal ovula- diet; however, cis-9, trans-11 CLA was higher (P < 0.01)
tion (wk 0). Sources of variation were diet, BW group, in subcutaneous fat from HF heifers. The second com-
week, and interactions among the sources. Heifer mon isomer of CLA, trans-10, cis-12, was only detected

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264 Garcia et al.

Table 2. Effects of a high-fat diet on age and BW at puberty, carcass wt, and percent
fat (ether extract), protein, and DM of longissimus muscle between the 9th and 11th rib
Pubertal age, Pubertal BW, Carcass wt, Ether extract, Protein, DM,
Diet d ± SEM kg ± SEM kg ± SEM % ± SEM % ± SEM % ± SEM

(n = 10) 281 ± 7 301 ± 7 178 ± 5 14.9 ± 0.8 17.1 ± 0.9a 22.7 ± 0.7
High Fat
(n = 10)c 294 ± 7 300 ± 11 172 ± 5 14.2 ± 0.9 13.1 ± 2.6b 23.1 ± 1.6
Means with different superscripts tend to differ (P < 0.10).
n = 10 for pubertal age and BW; n = 9 for all other variables.

in the subcutaneous fat of six heifers (HF = 2; C = 4) respectively). Although diet did not influence overall
and did not differ relative to diet. Diet had no effect mean serum concentrations of GH, a higher (P < 0.02)
on linolenic acid (18:3) tissue content; however, heavy serum concentration of GH was detected in HF heifers
groups of heifers had a higher percentage in KHP fat between 15 and 19 wk before puberty compared to con-
than light groups (P < 0.05). Heifers receiving HF diets trols (Figure 1). Circulating concentrations of insulin
had a higher (P < 0.05) percentage of stearic acid (18:0) and total cholesterol increased throughout the experi-
in both muscle tissue and KHP fat, but not in subcuta- ment (P < 0.01; Figure 1) in both C and HF heifers.
neous fat. Average decreases of 19 and 53%, respec- However, total cholesterol was higher (P < 0.01) in the
tively (P < 0.03), in palmitic (16:0) and palmitoleic (16:1) HF group than in the C group (141 ± 3 and 105 ± 4 mg/
acids were detected in all tissues analyzed in the HF dL, respectively). Mean serum concentrations of insulin
heifers compared to controls. Myristic acid (14:0) did were higher (P < 0.02) in the C light and HF heavy
not differ in longissimus muscle or subcutaneous fat; heifers than in the HF light and C heavy heifers, 0.73
however, percentage of 14:0 was higher (P < 0.01) in ± 0.03 vs 0.63 ± 0.05, respectively. This dichotomy was
KHP fat of the C heifers. reflected by a significant (P < 0.02) diet × BW group in-
Metabolic Hormones
Mean serum concentrations of leptin were not af-
fected by diet; however, leptin increased (P < 0.01; Fig- Age at puberty was not influenced significantly by
ure 1) linearly in all heifers as puberty approached. diet in this study, although a tendency for puberty to
Circulating leptin was positively correlated with BW be reached later in HF heavy heifers was observed.
(P < 0.01), total cholesterol (P < 0.01), and insulin (P < Moreover, dietary-mediated changes in CLA production
0.05), but negatively associated with serum GH and and accretion did not effectively alter adiposity, and
IGF-I (P < 0.05; Table 4). In contrast to circulating serum concentrations of leptin were not reduced. Our
leptin, mean serum concentrations of GH and IGF-I hypothesis was that diets high in linoleic acid would
decreased (P < 0.01) beginning approximately 15 wk lead to a reduction in adiposity and lowered leptin pro-
before puberty (Figure 1). Moreover, circulating IGF-I duction as a result of increased ruminal CLA production
was lower (P < 0.01) in heifers receiving the HF diet and tissue accumulation of CLA. Had this hypothesis
than those on the C diet (136 ± 5 and 183 ± 12 ng/mL, been confirmed, age at puberty was expected to be de-

Table 3. Least squares means (± SEM) of major fatty acid percentages in longissimus muscle, subcutaneous fat, and
kidney, heart, and pelvic (KHP) fat from heifers receiving a control (n = 10) or high fat (n = 9) dieta
Longissimus muscle Subcutaneous fat KHP fat

Fatty acids Control High fat Control High fat Control High fat

14:0 2.17 ± 0.17 2.00 ± 0.18 3.30 ± 0.10 3.40 ± 0.20 4.10 ± 0.30y
2.20 ± 0.40z
16:0 24.70 ± 0.70y 21.20 ± 0.70z 25.80 ± 0.60y 22.60 ± 0.70z 27.40 ± 1.20y 18.70 ± 1.30z
16:1 2.60 ± 0.20y 1.80 ± 0.20z 5.80 ± 0.53y 2.10 ± 1.60z 2.10 ± 0.20y 0.70 ± 0.60z
18:0 17.20 ± 0.80y 20.00 ± 0.80z 10.90 ± 1.40y 18.50 ± 4.20z 30.40 ± 2.10y 40.60 ± 2.20z
18:1 34.40 ± 2.60y 27.60 ± 1.70z 42.10 ± 1.20 42.80 ± 1.30 27.20 ± 0.70 26.40 ± 0.70
18:2 7.10 ± 1.10y 11.40 ± 1.20z 2.20 ± 0.12y 3.10 ± 0.13z 2.30 ± 0.17y 3.40 ± 0.18z
18:3 ND ND 0.17 ± 0.30 0.15 ± 0.05 0.21 ± 0.04 0.27 ± 0.08
cis-9, trans-11
CLA ND ND 0.31 ± 0.08y 0.73 ± 0.09z 0.40 ± 0.04 0.40 ± 0.04
CLA = conjugated linoleic acid; ND = not detected.
Row means within tissue classifications with different superscripts differ (P < 0.05).

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Puberty in heifers fed fat 265

Figure 1. Mean serum concentrations of GH, IGF-I, leptin, and insulin (ng/mL), and total cholesterol (mg/dL) from
1) the onset of the experiment until slaughter (Panel I), and 2) normalized to the wk of puberty (Panel II) in the
control (C; n = 10) and high-fat (HF; n = 9) groups. Circulating GH and IGF-I decreased (P < 0.01) from 15 wk before
until puberty, and IGF-I was lower (P < 0.01) in the HF group. Serum insulin and total cholesterol increased (P <
0.01) over time, and total cholesterol was higher (P < 0.01) in the HF group. Serum leptin did not differ by diet, but
increased (P < 0.01) with time and as puberty approached.

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on 04 July 2018
266 Garcia et al.

Table 4. Correlation coefficients and associated probabilities (in parentheses) among BW,
circulating concentrations of leptin, GH, IGF-I, insulin, and total cholesterol
from the onset of the study until postpubertal slaughter
BW, kg Leptin, ng/mL GH, ng/mL IGF-I, ng/mL Insulin, ng/mL Cholesterol, mg/dL

BW, kg 1.0 0.51 −0.35 −0.15 0.57 0.63

(0.0001) (0.0001) (0.0004) (0.0001) (0.0001)
Leptin, ng/mL 0.51 1.0 −0.23 −0.11 0.3 0.35
(0.0001) (0.0001)
GH, ng/mL −0.35 −0.23 1.0 0.04 −0.21 −0.23
(0.0001) (0.0001) (0.33) (0.0001) (0.0001)
IGF-I, ng/mL −0.15 −0.11 0.04 1.0 −0.19 −0.19
(0.0001) (0.006) (0.33) (0.0001) (0.0004)
Insulin, ng/mL 0.57 0.3 −0.21 −0.19 1.0 0.41
(0.0001) (0.0001) (0.0001) (0.0001) (0.0001)
Cholesterol, mg/dL 0.63 0.35 −0.23 −0.19 0.41 1.0
(0.0001) (0.0001) (0.0001) (0.0004) (0.0001)

layed. Frisch (1981) proposed that a critical percentage rent work were the observed decreases in tissue content
of body fat is essential to the sexual maturation process of myristic, palmitic, and palmitoleic acids, which are
after observing a delay in pubertal development in ath- considered to be hallmarks of increased accumulation
letic, lean, young girls and an acceleration of the process of CLA in tissue (Loor and Herbein, 1998). In previous
in obese girls. Similar observations have been made in reports, concentrations of CLA increased 109% in milk
cattle where lean, lighter-weight heifers reached pu- fat obtained from Holstein cows receiving extruded oil-
berty later than heavier heifers (Wiltbank et al., 1966; seeds high in linoleic acid (Dhiman et al., 1999). More-
Short and Bellows, 1971). over, steers receiving diets high in linoleic acid had
Mean serum concentrations of leptin increased as a greater carcass content of CLA than steers fed low
puberty approached. This is consistent with observa- quantities of linoleic acid (French et al., 2000). Although
tions reported by Garcia et al. (2002); however, no differ- CLA accumulation was greater in HF heifers in the
ences in mean concentrations of leptin were detected current experiment, the concentration clearly was in-
between dietary groups. This is likely attributable to sufficient to promote marked reductions in total carcass
similarities in the percentage of total carcass fat in the fat. Reports of the fat-reducing effects of CLA have
HF and C heifers. Recent studies in monogastric species arisen mainly from experiments with monogastrics,
have reported that CLA reduces adiposity, which re- which were fed large doses of CLA directly, and in rumi-
sults in a leaner carcass in rodents (West et al., 1998), nants receiving abomasal infusions of CLA. The latter
chickens (Szymczyk et al., 2001), and pigs (Dugan et resulted in a 20% reduction in milk fat in Holstein cows
al., 1997). The fat-reducing effects of CLA are believed (Loor and Herbein, 1998). However, the infusion of an
to occur by preventing both the proliferation and lipo- equal amount of linoleic acid decreased milk fat by only
genic activity of adipocytes (Evans et al., 2000; Loor 5%. This indicates that the accumulation of CLA from
and Herbein et al., 1998). Such action becomes optimal biohydrogenation of linoleic acid in the rumen may not
when exposure to high concentrations of CLA occurs be large enough to create significant effects on car-
during the early stages of development for an extended cass adiposity.
period of time (Parodi, 1999). Future efforts to manipulate CLA production in rumi-
In the current study, effects of HF diets on lipid me- nants through optimization of the approach described
tabolism were obvious as shown by increased concentra- herein may be problematic. Although increasing the
tions of total cholesterol in serum and linoleic acid in amount of dietary linoleic acid to levels greater than
muscle and fat samples. Furthermore, the increase in that fed in the current study could potentially increase
cis-9, trans-11 CLA content in subcutaneous adipose CLA production, consumption of fats or oils in quanti-
tissue in HF heifers implies that more linoleic acid was ties greater than 5% of DM intake can markedly reduce
available for CLA production. Beaulieu et al. (2002) rumen fiber and protein digestibilities (Byers and
observed a higher cis-9, trans-11 CLA content in subcu- Schelling, 1988). Moreover, these problems are most
taneous adipose tissue compared to other fat depots pronounced with diets high in polyunsaturated fatty
in steers; however, CLA content was not affected by acids (Jenkins, 1993), which are necessary to produce
soybean oil supplementation, another rich source of li- CLA isomers. Rumen digestibility problems can be
noleic acid. Contrasting effects of high linoleic acid diets avoided to some degree by feeding whole oil seeds, such
on tissue fatty acid composition in cattle may be due as in the current study, where dietary added fat was
to breed type and/or sex, as has been reported by Zem- increased to 7% of DM. Whole oilseeds may slow the
bayashi et al. (1995). A further indirect verification of release of oil into the rumen compared to other forms
increased CLA production in the HF group of the cur- of fat supplementation. Previously, we have fed cattle

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Puberty in heifers fed fat 267
up to 8% ether extract on a DM basis using whole cotton- altered carcass adiposity or a delay in puberty. More-
seed to manipulate metabolic and endocrine variables over, the previously reported metabolic and ovarian
and no obvious perturbations in rumen function were effects that are the hallmark of polyunsaturated fat
apparent (Williams, 1989). supplementation in mature cows probably do not apply
Many studies have shown that mature cows fed a to the developing, prepubertal heifer.
diet high in polyunsaturated fat exhibit an array of
metabolic, hormonal, and ovarian responses that can Implications
enhance reproductive performance (See reviews by Wil-
liams, 1998; Williams and Stanko, 1999). Hence the High-fat diets (5 to 7% added fat) containing large
basis for using dietary fat supplementation in cattle quantities of linoleic acid do not appear to increase age
has traditionally focused on its positive benefits. Al- at puberty nor reduce total carcass fat and serum leptin
though the goals of the current study were to gain in- in developing heifers, despite increases in conjugated
sight into the relative importance of adiposity and lep- linoleic acid tissue accumulation. Therefore, this nutri-
tin in pubertal development through dietary efforts to tional model is not likely to contribute to our under-
reduce their presence, some of the same metabolic and standing of the roles of adiposity and leptin in sexual
hormonal effects of high linoleic acid diets reported in maturation. Viewed from an opposing perspective, the
mature cows were expected also in heifers. These in- positive benefits on reproduction that have been ob-
clude increased total cholesterol, insulin, and GH in served repeatedly in mature cows fed diets high in poly-
serum. Except for total serum cholesterol, HF diets did unsaturated fats are not apparent as they relate to
not affect these variables in the current study, although factors that could decrease age at puberty.
paradoxically, serum IGF-1 was lower in HF compared
to control heifers. Therefore, the growing heifer appears References
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Strategies for attaining early puberty in cattle and buffalo: A review

Article  in  Agricultural Reviews · June 2016

DOI: 10.18805/ar.v37i2.10741

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6 authors, including:

Shailesh Kumar Gupta Pawan Singh Dabas

Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee National Dairy Research Institute


Shabir Ahmad Lone Narendra Kumar

Shaheed Mangal Pandey Government Girls Post Graduate College Madhavpuram Me…

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Agricultural Reviews, 37 (2) 2016 : 160-167 AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH COMMUNICATION CENTRE
Print ISSN:0253-1496 / Online ISSN:0976-0539

Strategies for attaining early puberty in cattle and buffalo: A review

Shailesh Kumar Gupta*, Pawan Singh, Kuladip Prakash Shinde, Shabir Ahmad Lone1,
Narendra Kumar and Anshuman Kumar2
Division of Livestock Production and Management,
ICAR-National dairy Research Institute, Karnal- 132001, India.
Received: 17-03-2016 Accepted: 28-05-2016 DOI: 10.18805/ar.v37i2.10741
Puberty is a period at which sexually organs are functionally developed and animals become able to release the gametes. A
cow maturing at early age will also calve at early age and produces more milk in her life time. Delayed sexual maturity has
a profound effect on the economics of dairy farm. The objective of this review is to study factors affecting age at puberty.
Many factors like species, genetic potentiality or breed, plane of nutrition, growth, body weight, role of different hormones,
health and other managemental conditions are responsible for the growth, puberty and sexual maturity in animals. Age at
puberty can be improve by different practices but the environment improvement and new nutritional practices are more
effective. New modern hormonal technologies, proper management, housing, feeding system of the dairy animals can also
reduce the age of puberty and sexual maturity.
Key words: Biostimulation, Energy, Growth rate, Photoperiod, Protein, Sexual maturity.
Abbreviations: E2 = estradiol; CL=corpus luteum, GRF =Growth hormone releasing factor, LH=luteinizing hormone,
DMI= dry matter intake, GH=growth hormone.
Puberty is the period when the sexual organs are 46 months (Bashir, 2006). In the tropical condition the age
functionally developed. Puberty in heifers is characterized at puberty in Bos indicus range between 16 and 40 months
by first ovulation and plasma progesterone concentrations (Mc Dowell et al., 1976). The Indian buffalo (Bubalus
above 1 ng/ml (Evans et al., 1995). Sexual maturity is the bubalis) attain puberty between 16 to 40 month but the
stage when the animal is able to express its full reproductive average time is over 2.5 years of age (CIRB Annual Report,
potential. Sexual maturity in males is characterized by sperm 1999–2000). Murrah attain puberty as late as an average
ejaculate that contains minimum 50 million spermatozoa with age of 33 months (NDRI Annual Report, 1995–1996), Nilli
minimum of 10% motile sperm (Wolf et al., 1965). The onset Ravi at 32.5 months (Naqvi and Shami, 1999) and Surti at
of puberty is the result of a series of complex events that 45.5 months of age (Sule et. al., 2001). Postnatal growth
occur within the reproductive endocrine system (Foster et plays an important role in the performance of the dairy
al. 1994). A cow maturing at early age will produce more animals.
milk in her whole life time. Delayed puberty in cattle and Genetics and Breed : Genetic selection is not an effective
buffalo is a major problem in the dairy industry. Heifers tool as other environment managemental approaches are
calved at 540 kg were more economical than those at 620 kg necessary for early puberty. Age of puberty is moderately
(Dawson and Carson, 2004). Rauw et al. (1998) reported heritable and in cattle it ranges between 0.16 to 0.57
that modern reproduction and DNA-techniques in animal (Martinez-Velazquez et al., 2003). Nogueira (2004)
breeding programme may result in physiological, suggested that selection of heifers should be based on age at
behavioural, and immunological problems in animals. Many first calving and recommended crossbreeding between Zebu
factors like species, genetic potentiality, plane of nutrition, and Bos taurus cattle for early puberty in zebu cattle. He
growth, body weight, role of different hormones, health and also suggested for consideration of environmental effect for
other management conditions have a direct or indirect effect early puberty in zebu cattle. Zebu cattle are famous for
on growth, puberty and sexual maturity in animals (Figure disease resistance and better feed utilization with low
1). Among all factors, body weight at early age has an management requirement than exotic animals. Naz and
important role on life time performance of animals including Ahmad. (2006) reported a low correlation between maturity
production and reproduction. age and weight at first conception in Nili-Ravi buffalo. He
Age of the animal : Average age of puberty in cow heifers also reported a genetic correlation for age at maturity with
is between 37 and 34 months but Sahiwal attain puberty at weight at maturity, age at first conception were 0.49 and
*Corresponding author’s e-mail: 1Division of Animal Reproduction Gynaecology and Obstetrics.
Division of Dairy Cattle Breeding, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal- 132001, Haryana, India.
Volume 37 Issue 2 (2016) 161

Fig 1: Endocrine mechanism during onset of puberty and several factors affecting interval to puberty onset (Source: Adapted and
modified from Williams and Amstalden, 2010)

0.88, respectively. Thyroid hormones have a great role in (Wiltbank et al., 1966). About 60 to 65% of mature body
the metabolism and cell growth in the body. Fernandez et al. weight may be a standard during the starting breeding season
(2014) reported a significant association (P < 0.05) between in heifers (Endecott et al., 2013). Da Luz et al. (2012)
single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) markers and reported that Murrah buffalo reached sexual maturity at 2
puberty in Angus bulls. So this marker is good indicator for year of age and at this time sperm production is 13 million
puberty in animals. In case of males scrotal circumference sperm per gram of testis. The monthly weight gain was faster
is an important criterion for selection because it is highly upto 3 month of age and slower from 3 to 6 month of age in
heritable and related to reproductive performance (Gressler case of swamp buffalo (Das, 2004) and Murrah buffalo. A
et al., 2000). During the under nutrition Neuropeptide Y particular body weight has a role in attainment of puberty
(NPY) is responsible for low secretion of luteinizing (Lemond, 1970) and a low body weight causes delay in onset
hormone (LH). Leptin has an important role in suppression of puberty (Maquivar et al., 2006). During the early phase
of Neuropeptide Y (NPY). Vaiciunas et al. (2008) reported of life, body’s cells and parenchyma cells of the mammary
a lower NPY-Y1 and NPY-Y4 expression had a regulating gland develop very fast than the late phase of life. However,
role for puberty in early-maturing Bos indicus heifers. Heifer over conditioned animals presently facings many health
selection should based on good health condition, structurally related problems resulted in poor productive and
large body size and puberty at early age. reproductive performance.
Growth and body weight: Maturity of the heifer depends Nutritional management: Balanced feeding and improved
on the body weight rather than age. Lower growth rate occurs management can be helpful in better growth and early sexual
due to underfeeding or imbalanced feed composition. Birth maturity (Heinrichs et al., 2005). The first important factor
weight also affects growth rate and age at puberty. Many that affects age of maturity is the plan of nutrition (Poy and
genetic and non-genetic factors are responsible for body Panday, 1971). Delay in puberty also occurs due to
growth in animals. Genetic factors along with nutrition, inadequate supply of feed and essential nutrition during the
hormones, animals’s individuality and many other factors early growing period. But some authors reported that a pre-
determine the growth of animals. Feeding high energy or determined body size at which puberty will occur within each
high concentrate diets not only reduce the age of sexual specific breed (Oyedipe et al., 1982). The onset of puberty
maturity but also lowers the time period for attaining the at the early stage (between 4 and 6.5 months of age) occurs
age of first calving. Buffalo heifers reared on seasonal green due to high plan of feeding (Gasser et al., 2006). Colostrum
forages and crop residues resulting in poor growth rates and is essential at early age of life to provide the natural immunity
delayed onset of puberty (Bhatti et al., 2007). The body to the newborn calves. At the starting stage colostrum feeding
weight gain may have a greater influence on onset of puberty through the bottle leads to higher intake rate than the pail
feeding (Smijisha and Kamboj, 2012). A good quality calf age. The diet containing 16% protein and 3.0Mcal/kg energy
starter should contain 18% crude protein and 3.0 Mcal/Kg is sufficient for the growth of red Sindhi calves (Javaid et
metabolizable energy (NRC, 2001). Khan et al. (1992) al., 2014). The diet with proper concentration of nutrients
worked on the Sahiwal calves and reported that the restricted reduces the age of maturity in buffalo heifers. The animals
suckling calves gained live weight 49% faster with 80% fed with green fodder along with of 2.0 Kg concentrate ration
improvement in efficiency of converting milk into live reach maturity earlier (727.77 ± 44.17 days) than the control
weight. Similar observations were reported by the Bwire et group (993.33 ± 68.78 days) (Rafiq et al., 2008).
al. (1996) in Zebu heifers, they reported that restricted Animals require specific minerals for the growth
suckling tended to gain more body weight (g/day) than the and skeleton development. The supplementation of minerals
than those on artificial rearing system. Contrary to this report (Chaudary et al., 1991) and UMMB (urea molasses mineral
Crabtree. (1967) reported that pre-weaning management blocks) (Garg et al., 1990) may be associated with early
system had no significant effect on growth performance. maturity. Phosphorus is involved in the many metabolic
Nanda et al. (2003) observed that better nutrition reduces process and cellular metabolism in the body (Rasby et al.,
the age of maturity in buffalo heifers. Shatavari (Asparagus 1998), VFAs concentrations and bacterial population in the
racemosus) can be used as a feed supplement for growth rumen (Zain et al., 2010). Previous studies revealed that
and puberty in dairy animals. It has anti-stress properties optimal growth rates can be achieved when diets containing
(Kumar et al., 2008) and causes early puberty and increase P level from 0.20% to 0.22% of DM (Tillman et al., 1959),
in weight of ovaries, uterus and teats in female (Sharma, 0.33% to 0.40% of dietary P concentration (Ferguson and
2011). Feeding of Shatavari @150mg/kg BW/day has Sklan, 2005) and Ca to P from 1:1 to 7:1 (Wise et al., 1963).
significant effect on attaining higher average daily gain, early Anjum et al. (1996) reported that the ration containing 0.75%
attainment of puberty and age at first service in Sahiwal Ca and 0.31% P on dry matter basis with Ca: P ratio 2.5:1 is
heifers (Jamara et al., 2014) (Table 1). more suitable for better weight gain in Nili-Ravi buffalo.
Proteins and energy are most critical nutrients Niacin plays a critical role in mitochondria respiration and
influencing the growth of calves. High level of nutrition is the metabolism of carbohydrate, lipids and amino acids. Oral
essential during the growth period in the buffalo calves but administration of niacin has resulted in increased microbial
the cattle calves require low level of protein than the buffalo protein synthesis and higher weight gain in growing animals
calves (Basra et al., 2003). Contrary to this report Fluharty (Flachowsky, 1993). Contrary to this observation, Kumar et
and Loerch. (1995) reported that higher protein concentrate al. (2006) reported that supplementation of niacin at 100
mixture supplementation did not increase the growth rate. and 200 ppm in the diet of buffalo calves had no significant
According to NRC (2001), heifers fed with dietary level of effect on their growth and nutrient utilization. Use of higher
ME 124% gained higher growth rate than on other diets. levels of vitamin E in the diet improves the growth and
Anjum et al. (2014) worked on the Sahiwal heifers with Stair- skeleton development in the calves.
Step Feeding (consists of two rations having 20% below or Hormones: Key factor for puberty: The fundamental
20% above of NRC energy levels) and reported that 100 % requirement for the onset of puberty is the secretion of a
of animal came in puberty at 22 months of age than control gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH) from the
(83%). Fiaz et al. (2012) reported that high dietary energy hypothalamus which stimulates release of gonadotropin
level (ME 124% of NRC) enhanced the growth parameter hormone i.e. luteinizing hormone (LH). GnRH plays an
but adequate performance of Sahiwal heifers in terms of age important role in the regulating secreation of LH, follicular
of puberty was achieved even at low lower dietary energy development, and secretion of steroid hormones (Figure 1).
level (ME 88% of NRC). The feed conversion efficiency Madgwick et al. (1995) worked to know the effect of GnRH
was higher when the Sahiwal heifers were fed with the extra on sexual puberty in heifer calves from 4 to 8 weeks of age
dietary energy than the recommendations of NRC (2001). and concluded that GnRH treated heifers reached puberty
He also reported that age of sexual maturity, age at earlier than control heifers (56.8 ± 1.7 vs. 62.8 ± 2.4 weeks)
conception and serum progesterone level were not influenced with high level of LH hormone (0.58 ±0.06 ng/ml vs. 0.41±
by the different dietary energy level. The supplementation 0.02 ng/ml) and greater number of LH pulses (2.0± 0.19 vs.
of different energy levels in the diet of heifers is an effective 1.32± 0.12 pulses per 10 h.) than the control. The changes
key for the optimum growth rate from 13 to 18 month of in the metabolic status cause changes in metabolic hormones

Table 1: Effect of Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) supplementation on growth, Puberty and age of first service in Sahiwal heifers
(Source: Jamara et al., 2014).
Group DMIKg/d Growth rate (G/Day) GHng/ml Age of Puberty(Days) Age at First Service (Days)
Control 4.70 ± 0.09 223.26 5.41± 0.15 739.66 ± 19.17 846.10 ± 24.0
Treatment 5.35 ± 0.18 345.34 6.33 ±0.11 713.60 ± 16.10 817.40 ± 20.37
Volume 37 Issue 2 (2016) 163
Table 2: GRF induced growth and puberty in Murrah female buffalo (Source: Haldar and Prakash, 2006)
Group(n=6) bGFR / 15 days Body weight at Puberty at GH LH
puberty (kg) days concentration Concentration
A 10 µg/100 kg. body weight 380.67±6.42 887.5±17.5 19.4±0.5 ng/ml 0.71±0.02ng/ml
B 0.9 Nacl/100 kg. body weight 371.50±8.16 946±26.3 16.8±0.3ng/ml 0.69±0.02 ng/ml

leading to the onset of puberty. In case of bull calves day photoperiod hasten puberty and accelerates lean growth
increased level of LH causes early age of puberty (Evans et in dairy heifers. Perera et al. (1989) reported that light has
al., 1995), testicular development (Chandolia et al., 1997) no effect on growth (16.2 kg. vs. 20.8 kg.) but higher
and increased spermatogenesis cycle (Rawlings and Evans, progesterone (0.41ng/ml vs. 0.19) and high prolactin level
1995). Growth hormone (GH) has important role in growth was observed in case of Surti buffalo. Long day photoperiod
and development during postnatal life. Growth hormone (LDPP) treated calves tended to have higher mean
releasing factor (GRF) has an important role for activity of concentrations of PRL relative to SDPP (short day
hypothalamus–pituitary–gonadal axis. Haldar and Prakash. photoperiod) animals (11 ng/ml vs 5 ng/ml) (Rius et al.,
(2006) worked on the Murrah buffalo with administration 2005). LDPP causes decline in the levels of melatonin which
of 10 µg/100 kg body bGRF (Bovine gonadotropin releasing is important for the reproductive performance in the animals
factor) to each animal and reported that GRF has a significant (Walker et al., 1996). Kassim et al. (2008) worked on the
effect on the body weight, plasma progesterone buffalo heifers, divided animals into two groups as G1 for
concentrations and onset of puberty. Effect of GRF on GH long photoperiod in which heifers were exposed daily 16
and LH concentration and age at puberty are presented in hours of light and 8 hours darkness per day. The second
Table 2. Buffalo heifers treated with bovine growth hormone- group (G2) consisted of natural photoperiod of 8 hours light
releasing factor (bGRF) showed puberty onset at an age of and 16 hours darkness daily. They reported that animals in
887.5 ± 17.5 days (Mondal and Prakash, 2004). G1 had higher values in live body weight than G2 at puberty
Plasma Insulin like growth factor I (IGF-I) has and first ovulation (Table 3).
important role in regulation of cell growth, cell Climatic effect: Variation of the season has an important
differentiation, cell function and immune function. Many role in the body weight of the animals. A positive relationship
authors reported about the role of IGF- I in growth of the was observed between season and onset of puberty. Winter
cattle (Ortega et al., 2008; Lancaster et al., 2008). Laxmi et season is favorable for early puberty in dairy animals. The
al. (2014) used fermented yeast culture (Saccharomyces non-significant effect of season was observed in swamp
cerevisiae) which stimulated IGF- I for growth of ruminal buffalo at 6 month of age but significant effect was observed
bacteria in low body weight Murrah buffalo calves. This is from 7 to 12 month of age (Das, 2004). Zaman (1996) also
due to increasing FCE (feed conversion efficiency) and found a non significant effect of season on the body weight.
digestibility of essential nutrients. Long term administration During initial six month of life autumn and winter season
of GRF causes faster growth in buffalo calves resulted in has a positive effect for early weight gain and puberty. Effect
higher body weight due to increase plasma LH level (Mondal of season is related with managemental and nutritional
and Prakash, 2004). Progestogens have a role in initiation practices. Penchev et al. (2014) reported lower calving age
of oestrus and ovulation in prepubetral heifer. It is due to in the heifers born in summer and autumn in Bulgarian
enhanced luteal function and stimulation of endocrine Murrah heifers.
system. Polat. (2009) reported that PRID (progesterone Exposure to male: Biostimulation or male effect is the
releasing intravaginal device) 1.55 g of progesterone and stimulus provoked by the presence of males, which induces
10 mg of oestradiol benzoate is effective on delayed pubertal estrus and ovulation through genital stimulation, pheromones
heifer. Gulia et al. (2010) reported that the animals secreted
high level of testosterone during the early growth period for Table 3: Effect of photoperiod on dry matter intake (DMI), total
attaining the early sexual maturity. So maintenance of digestible nutrition (TDN), age and weight at puberty and first
testosterone during early phase of life is important. Leptin ovulation (Source: Kassim et al., 2008)
hormone produced mainly by adipose tissue has a role on Items Experimental Groups
onset of puberty, energy balance and feed intake. Vaiciunas. G1 G2
(2008) reported a higher leptin level regulates puberty in
DM intake (kg) 13.2±0.3 12.8±0.2
early-maturing Bos indicus heifers. Hormonal
TDN intake (kg) 7.1±0.1 7±0.1
supplementation is helpful to reduce the age of sexual Age of puberty (months) 10.5±0.2b 11.7±0.4a
maturity in the Indigenous cattle and buffalo. Weight at puberty (kg) 208.0±11.2 201.1±10.2
Photoperiod : Photoperiod can alter long-term physiological Age at first ovulation (months) 12.6±0.1b 13.3±0.2a
processes, particularly reproduction and production. Long- Weight at first ovulation (kg) 248.6±11.6 239.8±10.2
or other external cues (Tiwari et al., 2014). Biostimulation losses have been related to delayed puberty. Among the all
is helpful for early puberty in males and females. Heifers factors affecting age at puberty, nutritional is most important.
exposed to bulls attained puberty at an earlier age than heifers Higher correlations have been observed between age at
that were not exposed to bulls. Presence of a vasectomised puberty and body weight. This can be achieved by proper
bull has been reported to hasten the onset of puberty in heifers nutrition than other factors. For early puberty, heifer must
(Rekwot et al., 2001). Roberson et al. (1991) reported that be fed properly to get a sufficient weight for puberty at
more number of heifers exposed to bulls came in puberty recommended time. So nutritional management should be
earlier than the non exposed heifers (61.8 % vs. 45.4%). given priority for reducing age at puberty. Use of green
Izard et al. (1982) reported that the urine treated heifers came fodders along with mineral mixture reduces the age of
in puberty earlier than the control group (222 ± 4.9 days vs. puberty and maintains the proper growth. The Ca to P should
277 ± 5.0 days). Biostimulation may be effective and be supplemented at the ratio of 1:1 to 2.5. Long-day
economic tool to boost sexual maturity in animals. The photoperiod hastens growth and sexual maturity in the dairy
animals. Diet containing balanced energy and protein
knowledge of effectiveness, conditions and procedure are
concentration helps in proper growth and puberty. The use
important for successful implementation.
of herbal preparation like Shatavari @ 150mg/kg BW/day
CONCLUSION has significant effect on growth and sexual maturity.
Age at puberty and sexual maturity are important Application of new knowledge and modern technologies are
economic traits. Many factors are directly or indirectly necessary for growth and reproductive management for dairy
related to age at puberty in dairy animals. Huge economic animals.

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L. G. S. S. Heryani, D. N. D. I. Laksmi
Faculty of Veterinery Medicine, Udayana University, Bali-Indonesia, 80234
Corresponding author:

One measure of reproductive efficiency is the early achievement of early puberty according to its
genetic potential. This is important to achieve optimum cattle reproduction performance and provide
increased productivity. Information on early puberty is also important as a reference in improving
reproductive efficiency based on the potential and problems in the field through various technological
innovations. Puberty is controlled by certain physiological mechanisms involving the gonads and
adenohypophyte glands, so puberty does not escape the influence of hereditary and environmental
factors that work through these organs (Toelihere 1995), the environment (nutrition, climate and
season) and males or biostimulation ( Rekwort et al., 2000; Getzewick 2005; Abdelgadir et al., 2010).
Adipose weight and tissue mass are thought to play an important role in regulating the onset of
puberty (Maciel et al., 2003). In prepubertal ruminants, short-term feed restriction will reduce the
expression of the adipose leptin gene and leptin secretion. (Amstalden et al., 2002). In this case, the
lack of nutrients will inhibit LH secretion. However, leptin administration will restore LH secretion. This
shows a positive relationship between LH and leptin secretion (Amstalden et al., 2002). Furthermore,
leptin concentration increases as well as leptin gene expression in heifers. The basic thing needed
for the emergence of puberty is GnRH secretion due to the high amplitude and frequency of the
GnRH pulsatile and the estradiol feedback system of the ovary with the hypothalamus. However, Figure 1. Graph of Correlation Between Age and Leptin Hormone Level in Bali Cattle
there are things to note is the complex system of neural pathways, neurohormones and peptides that
modulate the secretion of GnRH itself and mediate the effect of estradiol on GnRH. In line with the Table 1. Average (x ± SD) levels of leptin (ng / ml) and age (months) the appearance of
increasing age and growth of virgin cattle there are factors that induce and interact with various puberty in Bali cattle
metabolic signals, one of which is leptin where leptin is known by its receptors in the central nervous
system. Leptin concentration increases during puberty development. However, leptin concentration
must reach a certain threshold to activate the axis of the ovarian pituitary hypothalamus.This study Ages Leptin level
aims to determine leptin levels when the first estrus emergence (puberty) and find out the first
estrous quality (puberty) in bali cattle. uring puberty development together with increased IGF-I 20.80 ± 2.43 5.62 ± 0.24
concentration and body weight (Garcia et al., 2002).Giving leptin has been studied to produce
puberty in rodentia animals. Leptin injection can give rise to puberty earlier in mice by
increasing the maturation of the reproductive tract (Chehab et al., 1997; Cheung et al., 1998).
However, the hormones and metabolism that link nutrition and puberty, as well as the neuro-
endocrine mechanism by which GnRH neurons are stimulated to increase secretory activity Conclusion
resulting in first puberty ovulation, has not been explained in cattle. Leptin levels when the first estrus emergence (puberty) in bali cattle is an average of
5.62 ng / ml. There is a close relationship between the age of the appearance of puberty
Research Methods with leptin levels in Balinese cattle with a level of correlation (r) = 0.826.
This study is an analytic observational study with CrossSectional Study design. The sample used
was a cattle at puberty. The research sample had a health status that showed no signs of illness. Thank You Note
The collection of blood samples from bali cattle was carried out in several simantri in Mengwi
Thank you to the Ministry of Research and Technology of Higher Education through the
District, Badung Regency. Parameters measured were leptin levels and physical signs of estrus,
Institute for Research and Community Service, Udayana University for the assistance of
namely the presence of transparent colored springs. For measuring hormone levels was used the
the Leading Research Fund of the Study Programe, Udayana University
Direct Elisa method, Double Antibody Sandwich. Estrus observation was carried out 2 times a day,
that is every morning (06.00-09.00 WITA) and in the afternoon (16.00-18.00 WITA) with estrus signs
observed. Data were analyzed with the SPSS for Window version 20 program, including; normality Bibliography
test with Kolmogorov-smirnov, homogeneity test with Leven's Test, and Correlation and Regression
Abdelgadir AM, Izeldin A, Babiker, Eltayeb AE. 2010. Effect of concentrate supplementation
test to determine the relationship and evenness between leptin levels and the appearance of the first
on growth and sexual development of dairy heifers. J Appl Sci Res. 6(3):212- 217.
estrus (puberty).
Amstalden, M., D. A. Zieba, J. F. Edwards, P. G. Harms, T. H. Welsh Jr, R. L. Stanko, and
Results and Discussion G. L. Williams. 2003. Leptin acts at the bovine adenohypophysis to enhance basal and
The average levels of leptin hormone in bali cattle kept in several Simantri in Sobangan village, gonadotropin-releasing hormone-mediated release of luteinizing hormone: differential
Badung regency showed that the emergence of puberty in Balinese cattle ranged from 20.80 effects are dependent upon nutritional history. Biol. Reprod. 69:1539-1544.
months with an average leptin level of 5.62 ng / ml which is presented in Table 1. Statistical
analysis of the relationship between the age of puberty with hormone leptin gives the correlation Chehab F F, Mounzih K, Lu R, Lim M E. 1997. Early Onset of Reproductive Function in
coefficient (r) = 0.826 and the coefficient of determination (r2) = 0.682 with a regression line y = Normal Female Mice Treated with Leptin. Science 27. 88-90.
68.39 + 8:46 x, where y is the age and x is leptin levels (Figure 1). The graph above shows the age
of puberty is closely related to levels of leptin hormone and contributes 68.2% to the level of the
Cheung C C, Thornton J E, Kuijper J L, Weigle D S, Clifton D K. 1997. Leptin is a Metabolic
hormone leptin. Increasing age by 1 point causes an increase in leptin levels of 8.46%. Serum
gate for onset of Puberty in The Female Rat. Endocrinology 138. 855-858.
leptin increases at puberty in rodents and humans (Ahima et al., 1997; Quinton et al., 1999).
Weight gain, seasonal changes, and serum leptin-binding proteins are variables that have been
Getzewich KE. 2005. Hormonal regulation of the onset puberty in purebred and crossbred
shown to contribute to increased circulation of leptin (Maffei et al., 1995; Bocquier et al. 1998;
Holstein and Jersey heifers. Thesis. The Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University.
Housknecht et al., 1996). In conditions of lack of nutrition, inhibition of LH secretion can be treated
with leptin. This shows a positive relationship between LH and leptin secretion (Amstalden et al., Maciel M.N., Zieba, D.A., Amstalden, M., Keisler, D.H., Neves, J. and Williams G.L. 2004.
2002). Serum leptin concentration increases during puberty in mice, pigs and cattle (Garcia et al., Chronic administration of recombinant ovine leptin in growing beef heifers: Effects on
2002). In prepubertal ruminants, limited feed reduces leptin gene expression in adipose tissue and secretion of LH, metabolic hormones, and timing of puberty. J Anim sci, 82:2930-2936.
leptin secretion, but increases hypothalamic OB-rb expression. Leptin does not function as a trigger
signal but acts primarily as a permissive signal that allows puberty to occur. Therefore, in Rekwort P, Ogwu D, Oyedipe E, Sekoni V. 2000. Effects of bull exposure and body growth
ruminants, leptin 1) acts primarily as a passive hormone that allows puberty to occur when sexual on onset of puberty in Bunaji and Friesian Bunaji heifers. Reprod Nutr Dev. 40:359-367.
maturity is reached; and 2) function as a metabolic signal that can regulate gonadotropin secretion
in response to limited acute or chronic energy (Maciel et al., 2013) Toelihere MR. 1995. Fisiologi Reproduksi pada Ternak. Penerbit Angkasa. Bandung.
Chronic administration of recombinant ovine leptin in growing beef heifers:
Effects on secretion of LH, metabolic hormones, and timing of puberty1

M. N. Maciel*†‡, D. A. Zieba*‡, M. Amstalden*‡, D. H. Keisler§,

J. P. Neves†, and G. L. Williams*‡2

*Animal Reproduction Laboratory, Texas A&M University Agricultural Research Station, Beeville 78102;
†Federal University of Santa Maria, Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; ‡Department of Animal Science,
Center for Animal Biotechnology and Genomics, Texas A&M University, College Station 77843;
and §Department of Animal Science, University of Missouri, Columbia 65211

ABSTRACT: Serum concentrations of leptin increase ␮g/kg) and 90 min (0.22 ␮g/kg), with additional sam-
linearly from approximately 16 wk before until the pling for 5.5 h to examine releasable pools of LH. Diets
week of pubertal ovulation in beef heifers. To test the promoted a gain of 0.32 ± 0.09 kg/d, which did not differ
hypothesis that exogenous leptin can hasten the onset between groups. Plasma concentrations of leptin in-
of puberty in heifers, we examined the effects of chronic creased markedly in leptin-treated heifers and were
administration of recombinant ovine leptin (oleptin) on greater (P < 0.001) than controls throughout (27.8 ±
timing of puberty, pulsatile and GnRH-mediated re- 0.8 vs. 4.9 ± 0.12 ng/mL). None of the heifers reached
lease of LH, and plasma concentrations of GH, IGF- puberty during the experiment, but did so within 45 d
I, and insulin. Fourteen fall-born, prepubertal heifers of its termination. Mean concentrations of plasma LH,
(Brahman × Hereford, 12 to13 mo; 304.7 ± 4.12 kg) GH, IGF-I, and insulin were not affected by treatment,
were used. Heifers were stratified by age and BW and nor was there an overall effect on the frequency of LH
assigned randomly to one of two groups (seven animals pulses. However, a treatment × day interaction (P =
per group): 1) Control; heifers received s.c. injections of 0.02) revealed that the frequency of LH pulses (pulses/
saline twice daily (0700 and 1900) for 40 d; and 2) 5 h) was greater (P = 0.03) in controls (3.6 ± 0.36) than
Leptin; heifers received s.c. injections of oleptin (19.2 in leptin-treated heifers (1.7 ± 0.28) on d 10. Character-
␮g/kg) twice daily at 0700 and 1900 for 40 d. Blood istics of GnRH-induced release of LH were not affected
samples were collected at 10-min intervals for 5 h on by treatment. In summary, chronically administered
d 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40, and twice daily, just before leptin failed to induce puberty or alter endocrine char-
each treatment injection, throughout the study. On d acteristics in beef heifers nearing the time of ex-
41, heifers received i.v. injections of GnRH at 0 (0.0011 pected puberty.

Key Words: Heifer, Leptin, Luteinizing Hormone, Metabolic Hormones, Puberty

2004 American Society of Animal Science. All rights reserved. J. Anim. Sci. 2004. 82:2930–2936

Introduction tion results in delayed puberty in rodents (Cheung et

al., 1997), sheep (Foster and Olster, 1985), and cattle
Both BW and adipose tissue mass are considered to (Day et al., 1986). However, the hormones and metabo-
play critical roles in regulating the onset of puberty lites linking nutrition and puberty, as well as the neuro-
(Kennedy and Mitra, 1963; Frisch et al., 1973). More- endocrine mechanisms by which GnRH neurons are
over, the retarded growth caused by chronic diet restric- stimulated to increase their secretory activity, resulting
in the first pubertal ovulation, have not been elucidated.
Leptin, an adipose-derived peptide first characterized
1 in 1994 (Zhang et al. 1994), not only decreases food
Supported by National Research Inititative Competitive Grant
00-35203-9132 from the USDA Cooperative State Research, Educa- intake and BW in mutant, leptin-deficient (ob/ob) obese
tion, and Extension Service, the Foundation for Coordination of Im- mice, but also restores their fertility (Barash et al.,
provement of High Level Scholars (CAPES), the Ministry of Education 1996; Chehab et al., 1996). As a result of these and
of Brazil, and the Texas Agric. Exp. Stn. other observations, leptin is considered to be a major
Correspondence: 3507 Hwy 59E (fax: 361-358-4930; e-mail:
link between nutrition, metabolism, and reproduction.
Received March 10, 2004. In humans (Kiess et al., 1999), rats (Ahima et al., 1997;
Accepted June 8, 2004. Quinton et al., 1999), and heifers (Garcia et al., 2002),


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Chronic leptin treatment in heifers 2931
increasing circulating concentrations of leptin precede
the onset of puberty, and leptin has been shown to
regulate either acutely (Ahima et al., 1997) or permis-
sively (Cheung et al., 2001) the onset of puberty in
rodents. Furthermore, studies in our laboratory have
confirmed the ability of leptin to modulate acutely the
hypothalamic-hypophyseal axis of nutritionally
stressed cattle (Amstalden et al., 2002, 2003; Maciel et
al., 2004). To test the hypothesis that leptin regulates
pubertal onset in heifers, we examined the effects of
chronic treatment with recombinant ovine leptin (olep-
tin; Gertler et al., 1998) on patterns of LH secretion,
adenohypophyseal responsiveness to GnRH, circulat-
ing metabolic hormones, and timing of the onset of

Materials and Methods

The Institutional Agricultural Animal Care and Use

Committee of the Texas A&M University System ap- Figure 1. Mean serum concentrations of leptin during
proved in advance all procedures used in these studies. 24 h in control heifers (saline; n = 3) and heifers treated
with single injections of Low (4.8 ␮g/kg BW; n = 3), Mid
Establishment of Dose of Oleptin (9.6 ␮g/kg BW; n = 3), and High (19.2 ␮g/kg BW; n =
3) doses of recombinant ovine leptin (oleptin) adminis-
In a preliminary experiment, we compared three tered s.c. during a preliminary study. Plasma concentra-
doses of oleptin, administered s.c., to establish a dose tions of leptin in the High group remained elevated above
appropriate for the current study. The criterion used controls for 12 h (P < 0.05), whereas other groups were
to choose the appropriate dose was the amount of olep- elevated (P < 0.05) for 6 h. Pooled SEM were 0.28, 0.53,
tin that would result in mean plasma concentrations 0.97, and 1.01 for Control (saline), Low, Mid, and High
between 5 and 10 ng/mL, which would then remain doses, respectively.
above baseline for approximately 8 to 12 h after a single
injection. Eleven heifers (Brahman × Hereford-F1, 15
to 16 mo of age) were assigned randomly to one of four the highest dose (19.2 ␮g/kg BW), administered twice
groups: 1) Control (n = 3); s.c. injection of saline; 2) Low daily at 12-h intervals, to use in the formal study.
dose (n = 3); single s.c. injection of recombinant oleptin
(4.8 ␮g/kg BW); 3) Mid dose (n = 3); single s.c. injection Animals and Procedures
of oleptin (9.6 ␮g/kg BW); and 4) High dose (n = 2);
single s.c. injection of oleptin (19.2 ␮g/kg BW). Heifers Fourteen fall-born, prepubertal beef heifers (12 to 13
averaged 318 ± 5.11 kg, with an average BCS of 5 (1 mo of age, 304.7 ± 4.12 kg BW, Hereford × Brahman,
to 9 scale). Blood samples were collected by coccygeal F1) were used for this study. Before the beginning of
venipuncture at −15 min, just before each injection, and the experiment, animals were maintained in pens (4 to
at 15 min, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 12, 18, and 24 h after the injection. 5 heifers per pen) measuring 25 × 9 m. Serum concentra-
Samples were placed immediately on ice, centrifuged tions of progesterone were determined in twice-weekly
at 3,000 × g to obtain plasma within 2 h, and stored at blood samples collected by caudal venipuncture to mon-
−20°C until RIA for leptin. The recombinant oleptin itor pubertal status. During the experimental period,
preparation used in both preliminary and formal stud- all heifers received diets formulated to meet all nutri-
ies was as reported previously (Gertler et al., 1998; tional requirements and to promote an ADG of approxi-
Amstalden et al., 2002). mately 0.68 kg/d (NRC, 1996). Diets consisted of
All doses of leptin increased mean concentrations of Coastal bermudagrass hay, ground corn, cottonseed
plasma leptin within 15 min after injection (Figure 1). meal, limestone, and vitamin A-D-E premix.
The highest dose of oleptin resulted in the greatest Twenty-four hours before the start of the experiment,
increase in mean concentrations of leptin, with the each heifer was fitted with a jugular catheter (Silastic
greatest concentrations occurring approximately 1 h tubing, 1.4 mm i.d, 1.9 mm o.d.; Dow Corning Corp.,
after injection (12.01 ± 2.23 ng/mL). Plasma concentra- Midland, MI) for intensive and daily blood sampling.
tions of leptin in this group remained elevated (P < Heifers were assigned randomly into two groups (seven
0.05) above controls for 12 h after the injection (5.97 ± animals per group): 1) Control; twice daily s.c. injections
0.98 vs. 2.31 ± 0.03 ng/mL; Figure 1), whereas leptin of saline (0700 and 1900) for 40 d; and 2) Leptin; twice
values for the other dose groups did not differ from daily s.c. injections (0700 and 1900) of oleptin in saline
controls after 6 h. Based on these results, we selected at a dose rate of 19.2 ␮g/kg BW for 40 d. The volume

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2932 Maciel et al.

of each injection was approximately 2 mL, with the morning just before the treatment injection (0700) on d
volume varying slightly depending on individual BW. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40, as validated previously
During the experiment, blood samples were collected (Ryan et al., 1994). Circulating concentrations of insu-
twice daily (0700 and 1900) just before each saline or lin were determined in samples collected every morning
leptin injection. Also, on d 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40 of just before the treatment injection (0700) on d 0, 1, 2,
the experiment, heifers were placed in indoor stan- 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40 using an assay reported
chions and blood samples (10 mL) were collected at 10- previously (Ryan et al., 1995). Plasma concentrations
min intervals for 5 h (0800 to 1300). On d 41, all heifers of IGF-I were determined in samples collected twice
received an i.v. injection of GnRH (0.001 ␮g/kg) in- weekly from d 0 to 40 (Ryan et al., 1994). Intra- and
tended to produce a physiological pulse of LH (Maciel interassay CV for progesterone, LH, insulin, GH, and
et al., 2004), with blood samples (10 mL) collected every IGF-I were 4.0 and 6.0, 7.5 and 9.0, 9.2 and 10.6, 11.0
10 min for 90 min (0800 to 0930). At this time, a second and 16.2, and 12.0 and 22%, respectively. Leptin was
GnRH injection (0.22 ␮g/kg), intended to release all determined in a single assay with an intraassay CV
releasable pools of LH, was administered and intensive of 4.5%.
bleeding continued for an additonal 4 h (Maciel et al.,
2004). During this period, blood samples (10 mL) were Statistical Analysis
collected at 15-min intervals during the first hour (0930
to 1030) and at 1-h intervals during the last 3 h (1030 The frequency and amplitude of LH pulses were de-
to 1330). termined using both visual inspection and the aid of
Blood samples were dispensed into tubes containing a pulse-detection algorithm (Pulsefit 1.2; Kushler and
a solution of 150 ␮L of heparin (10,000 UI/mL) and 5% Brown, 1991). The frequency of LH pulses was analyzed
EDTA and immediately placed on ice. During intensive by the GLM models for repeated measures using PROC
blood sampling, the volume of blood collected (10 mL) MIXED of SAS (SAS Inst., Inc., Cary, NC). Because of
was replaced with an equal volume of saline or heparan- differences in the frequency of LH pulses among groups
ized (300 IU/mL) saline during cathether flushing. Se- on d 0, analysis of covariance was used to test main
rum from nonintensively collected tail vein blood sam- effects on d 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40. Circulating concentra-
ples and plasma from intensively collected samples tions of LH, GH, IGF-I, insulin, and leptin were ana-
were obtained by centrifugation (1,200 × g) and stored lyzed using SAS PROC MIXED for repeated measures.
at −20°C until hormone assays were conducted. After Sources of variation were treatment, day, and their
each intensive and daily blood sampling, heifers were interaction. Day was used as the repeated variable, and
returned to outside pens. heifer within treatment was used as the subject. When
differences in circulating concentrations of hormones
Hormone and Biochemical Assays were detected between groups on d 0, analysis of covari-
ance was performed to compare treatment means on d
To confirm the prepubertal status of heifers, serum 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40. The least squares means procedure
concentrations of progesterone were assayed in twice- (PDIFF option) was used to compare means when sig-
weekly samples collected beginning 70 d before the be- nificant F-value was obtained.
ginning of the experiment and throughout the study To analyze GnRH-induced release of LH, samples
using the Coat-A-Count assay kit (Diagnostic Product collected before and after both the low and high doses
Corp., Los Angeles, CA) as reported previously from of GnRH were grouped into four periods: Period I, 10-
this laboratory (Fajersson et al., 1999). Heifers were min samples from −90 to 0 min relative to low dose
to be considered pubertal if serum concentrations of injection; Period II, 10-min samples from 0 to 40 min
progesterone was greater than 1 ng/mL for two consecu- after the low dose of GnRH; Period III, 10-min samples
tive samples and accompanied by an ultrasonographi- from 50 to 90 min after the low dose of GnRH; and
cally definable corpus luteum. Plasma concentrations Period IV, 15-min samples from 15 to 60 min and 1-h
of leptin were determined in samples collected twice samples until 3 h after the high dose of GnRH. Because
daily from d 0 to 40 using a highly specific oleptin RIA of differences noted in concentrations of LH among
validated for use in bovine serum or plasma (Delavaud groups during Period I, analyses of covariance were
et al., 2002) and reported previously from this labora- used to test main effects during Periods II, III, and IV.
tory (Amstalden et al., 2000; Garcia et al., 2002). When a significant difference was detected, the least
Plasma concentrations of LH were determined in sam- squares means procedure (PDIFF option) of SAS was
ples collected at 10-min intervals for 5 h on d 0, 5, 10, used to compare means.
20, 30, and 40, with all samples collected after GnRH
injections on d 41 assayed for LH as reported previously Results
(McVey and Williams, 1991).
To assess metabolic status in response to leptin treat- Plasma Leptin and Onset of Puberty
ment, circulating concentrations of GH, insulin, and
IGF-I were also monitored. Plasma concentrations of Recombinant oleptin markedly increased plasma con-
GH were determined in one sample collected every centrations of leptin in the Leptin group, with mean

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Chronic leptin treatment in heifers 2933

Figure 2. Mean plasma concentrations (± SEM) of leptin Figure 3. Mean frequencies of LH pulses (± SEM) in
on d 0, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40. Concentrations of leptin were control (n = 7) and leptin-treated (n = 7) heifers on d 0,
greater (P < 0.003) in the Leptin group than in the Control 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40. After adjusting for differences in
group throughout the experiment. frequencies of LH pulses on d 0, the mean frequency of
LH pulses was greater in controls on d 10 (P < 0.03).

concentrations greater (P < 0.001) than controls Discussion

throughout the study (27.8 ± 0.8 vs. 4.9 ± 0.12 ng/mL;
Figure 2). Diets promoted a gain of 0.32 ± 0.09 kg/d Recent studies in this laboratory have demonstrated
that did not differ between groups, with final BW at the ability of peripherally administered, recombinant
the end of the study averaging 319.18 kg across both oleptin to prevent fasting-mediated decreases in the
groups. Serum concentrations of progesterone re- frequency of LH pulses in heifers that were within days
mained below 0.2 ng/mL throughout the experiment in or weeks of their first pubertal ovulation (frequency of
both Control and Leptin heifers, indicating that leptin
treatment was unable to accelerate the onset of puberty.
Although none of the heifers reached puberty during
the experimental period, all heifers attained puberty
within 45 d after the end of the experiment and were
bred at the expected time for heifers of this breed type.

Pulsatile Patterns of LH Secretion

and GnRH-Mediated Release of LH

Mean concentrations of LH, frequency of LH pulses,

and amplitude of LH pulses did not differ between
groups during the study (Figure 3). However, a treat-
ment × day interaction (P = 0.02) revealed that the
frequency of LH pulses (pulses/5 h) was greater (P =
0.03) in controls than in leptin-treated heifers on d 10.
Neither mean plasma concentrations of LH after GnRH
nor area under the curve was affected by treatment
with oleptin (Figure 4). Figure 4. The GnRH-mediated release of LH during
Period I: 10-min samples from –90 to 0 min relative to
Metabolic Hormones low dose (0.001 ␮g/kg BW) injection; Period II: 10-min
samples from 0 to 40 min after the low dose of GnRH;
Mean concentrations of GH, IGF-I, and insulin in Period III: 10-min samples from 50 to 90 min after the
plasma were not affected by treatment (Figure 5). How- low dose of GnRH; and Period IV: 15-min samples from
ever, mean concentrations of insulin (P < 0.002) and 15 to 60 min and 1-h samples until 3 h after the high dose
IGF-I (P < 0.003) increased transiently from d 0 to 40 of (0.22 ␮g/kg BW) of GnRH. The GnRH-induced release
the study in both the control and leptin-treated groups did not differ between saline- and leptin-treated heifers.
(Figure 6). Values are mean ± SEM.

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2934 Maciel et al.

Figure 5. Mean plasma concentrations of GH during

Period I (d 0), Period II (d 1 to 5), Period III (d 6 to10),
Period IV (d 11 to 20), Period V (d 21 to 30), and Period
VI (d 31 to 40) in saline- and leptin-treated heifers. Mean
concentrations did not differ between groups during any
period. The pooled SEM was 1.04.

LH pulses between 0.6 and one pulse/h; Maciel et al.,

2004). Such observations imply the ability of leptin to
modulate the activity of the GnRH pulse generator in
this animal model and are in agreement with previous
studies in rodents (Ahima et al., 1997), monkeys (Finn
Figure 6. Mean plasma concentrations of IGF-I (Panel
et al., 1998), and male estradiol-implanted sheep (Na-
A) on d 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 of the experiment.
gatani et al., 2000). However, in the current study, the
Plasma concentrations of IGF-I did not differ between
peripheral administration of recombinant oleptin for
saline- and leptin-treated heifers on any d. The pooled
40 d did not stimulate an increase in LH pulse frequency
SEM was 5.4. Mean plasma concentrations of insulin
in prepubertal heifers that were gaining BW at moder-
(Panel B) on d 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40 of the
ate to high rates, were approaching the expected age
experiment. Plasma concentrations of insulin did not dif-
of pubertal onset, and whose frequency of LH pulses
fer between saline- and leptin-treated heifers on any day.
were still relatively low. This confirms a previous report
The pooled SEM was 0.12.
on well-fed prepubertal lambs (Morrison et al., 2002),
in which LH, GH, and several other metabolic hormones
were not affected by chronic treatment with recombi-
nant oleptin. reports suggest that leptin may only stimulate LH se-
The lack of an effect of leptin on LH pulse frequency, cretion during nutritional stress in sheep (Nagatani et
and its failure to accelerate the timing of the onset of al., 2000; Henry et al., 2001) and cattle (Amstalden et
puberty, suggest that leptin treatment was ineffectual al., 2002, 2003). Hence, both fasting and chronic, severe
in increasing the frequency of GnRH pulses or in chroni- dietary energy restriction appear to hypersensitize the
cally elevating the baseline for LH via direct effects on hypothalamic-hypophyseal axis to leptin. These find-
the pituitary (Amstalden et al., 2002, 2003). Currently, ings may explain why exogenous oleptin did not affect
the circumstances and mechanisms by which leptin can LH secretion patterns in well-fed heifers in the current
stimulate hypothalamic GnRH and/or adenohypophy- study, which would preclude it from serving as a neuro-
seal LH secretion remain to be fully delineated, particu- endocrine trigger for puberty per se.
larly in ruminants. However, several lines of evidence In vivo studies with well-fed sheep (Henry et al.,
support the potential for a direct action of leptin at both 1999; Morrison et al., 2002) and anterior pituitary ex-
loci, including the presence of leptin receptors within plants from well-fed cows (Zieba et al., 2003b) indicate
the arcuate nucleus (Dyer at al., 1997) and on gonado- that leptin is also incapable of consistently influencing
tropes (Iqbal et al., 2000). Importantly, one of the pri- the secretion of GH in normally nourished ruminants,
mary factors associated with an increase in the number although one exception to this view has been published
of leptin receptors in the ventromedial hypothalamus of (Henry et al., 2001). In the current study, exogenous
ewes is malnutrition (Dyer et al., 1997), and numerous oleptin did not affect mean concentrations of plasma

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Chronic leptin treatment in heifers 2935
GH. However, leptin stimulates GH secretion in fasted relatively small doses (0.2 ␮g/kg BW) of oleptin, shown
sheep (Nagatani et al., 2000), in anterior pituitary ex- previously to stimulate an increase in LH and insulin
plants from cows in the fasted state (Zieba et al., 2003b), secretion in fasted cows (Zieba et al., 2003a), are also
and in fasted prepubertal heifers (Maciel et al., 2004). incapable of accelerating pulse generator activity in
Moreover, leptin receptor mRNA is increased in the heifers at any development stage before puberty. Thus,
pituitary and hypothalamus of fasted rats (Zamorano collective observations, both published and unpub-
et al., 1997). Thus, similar to the effects of leptin on lished, have led us to believe that the major factor con-
LH secretion, it is plausible to conclude that the somato- tributing to a failure of leptin to modify the function of
tropic axis of well-fed heifers in the current study was the hypothalamic-adenohypophyseal axis in the cur-
not sensitized, or was resistant to, the effects of leptin rent study is related to metabolic status. Hence, an
and could not respond to exogenous oleptin with an integration of results across species, particularly rumi-
increase in basal GH secretion. nants, support the contention that leptin 1) acts mainly
As expected, mean concentrations of IGF-I and insu- as a passive hormone that permits puberty to occur
lin increased from d 0 to 40 of the experiment in all when sexual maturity is reached; and 2) serves as a
animals. However, neither IGF-I nor insulin was influ- metabolic signal that can regulate gonadotropin secre-
enced by leptin treatment in the current study. These tion in response to either acute or chronic dietary en-
results are consistent with results obtained in well-fed ergy restriction.
lambs (Morrison et al., 2002). Moreover, recent studies
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Theriogenology xxx (2016) 1–6

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Factors affecting puberty in replacement beef heifers

G.A. Perry*
South Dakota State University, Department of Animal Science, Brookings, USA

a b s t r a c t

Keywords: Puberty is defined as when ovulation is accompanied by visual signs of estrus and sub-
Beef heifer sequent normal luteal function. Age at puberty is an important trait in relation to repro-
Puberty ductive success, productive life span, and profitability in beef operations. Although puberty
and initiation of normal estrous cycles are complex events that require maturation of the
hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis, it has been well documented that nutrition, age, and
genetics are regulators of age at puberty. However, their role is mainly as regulators of the
endocrine maturation that must occur for sustained ovarian cyclicity to be initiated.
Increased growth rate between 4 and 7 months of age is apparently sufficient to induce
early puberty, and this increased growth rate decreased the negative feedback of estradiol
on LH secretion during the prepubertal period. As puberty approaches, a progressive
decrease in the negative feedback of estradiol on GnRH secretion allows increased pulse
frequency of LH, thus stimulating follicular growth and increased estradiol production. In
addition, expression of estrogen receptors in the anterior hypothalamus and ventromedial
nucleus is negatively correlated with LH pulse frequency. Although a significant number of
genes and pathways are involved in neuromaturation for the initiation of normal estrous
cycles, the inhibitory effects of neuropeptide Y on GnRH/LH release appear to decrease, and
the stimulatory effect of melanocyte-stimulating hormone alpha on GnRH appears to in-
crease as puberty approaches. Thus, a thorough understanding of the metabolic and
neuroendocrine changes that occur to initiate normal estrous cycles is needed to facilitate
management of the important reproductive event.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction early in the breeding season and calve in the first 21 days of
their initial calving season had greater longevity in the herd
When heifers are selected as replacements for a beef and weaned more pound of calf compared with heifers that
operation, puberty and/or age at puberty is often not calved in the second or third 21-day calving periods [4].
considered. However, age at puberty is an important trait However, across several herds in three multistate studies,
when heifers are inseminated during a restricted breeding the percentage of heifers that had reached puberty before
season to calve at 2 years of age [1]. Pregnancy success the start of the breeding season ranged from 19% to 100%
during a defined breeding season has been correlated with [5–7].
the percentage of heifers that reached puberty before or Puberty in a female has been defined as when ovulation
early in the breeding season [2]. In addition, according to a is accompanied by visual signs of estrus and subsequent
review by Patterson et al. [3], heifers need to calve by normal luteal function and life span (see review by [8]).
24 months of age (conceive by 15 months of age) to achieve Previous research has also demonstrated up to a 21% in-
maximum lifetime productivity, and heifers that conceive crease in fertility from a heifer’s pubertal estrus to the third
estrus [9,10]. Thus, to reach maximal fertility at the start of
a heifer’s first breeding season, puberty needs to be reached
* Corresponding author. Tel.: 605 688 5456; fax: 605 688 6170. by 13 months of age. Using reproductive tract scores as an
E-mail address: indicator of puberty, previous studies have reported

0093-691X/$ – see front matter Ó 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 G.A. Perry / Theriogenology xxx (2016) 1–6

differences in response to estrous synchronization [11,12] [28–31]. Furthermore, this feeding regime hastened the
and conception rates [13] between pubertal and prepu- increase in LH pulse frequency [31] and size of the domi-
bertal heifers. This review will focus on how physiological nant follicle [30] and decreased the prepubertal negative
factors that are known to impact age at puberty regulate feedback of estradiol on LH secretion [29] at an earlier age
the initiation of normal estrous cycles in beef heifers. than in control animals. Furthermore, this research has
indicated that this increased plane of nutrition does not
2. Mechanisms controlling puberty have to be sustained, but a short period of only 10 weeks
between 4 and 7 months of age was sufficient to induce
Puberty is a complex series of events that requires the early puberty in 67% of heifers [28].
maturation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis. The
negative feedback of estradiol on LH release has to be
reversed to a stimulatory feedback to induce a LH surge and 2.2. The role of genetic selection in initiation of normal
ovulation, and although ovulation can occur by inducing a estrous cycles
surge of LH during the prepubertal stage, animals’ return to
anestrous and normal cycling activity is not sustained [14]. Age at puberty has been reported to be moderately
Although nutrition, age, and genetics are well-known reg- heritable and has been reported to be 0.33 [32] to 0.40 [33].
ulators of age at puberty, their role in advancement in the Thus, there are genes that influence the onset of puberty in
age at puberty is mainly as regulators of the endocrine beef heifers, and the heritability estimates indicate that
maturation that must occur for sustained cycling activity to advancements could be made in heifer reproductive per-
be initiated. formance by understanding and selecting for the specific
genes and/or pathways involved. Selection for a decreased
2.1. The role of nutrition and body composition in initiation of age at puberty increased pregnancy rates and decreased
normal estrous cycles calving day in a population of Angus heifers [34]. Conse-
quently, by decreasing the age at puberty, there is a
Timing of puberty is dependent on both age and weight correlated increase in reproductive performance. Thus,
but varies among breeds [2,15,16]. Several studies have genes that are influencing the onset of reproductive cycles
reported that heifers reach puberty at a genetically influ- could also be influencing fertility. Most would argue that
enced size [17], and a recent study reported that across this is due to an increased percentage of heifers reaching
several breeds, heifers were 55% to 60% of mature BW when puberty before the start of the breeding season [2]. How-
puberty was attained [18]. Thus, most research has focused ever, there is the possibility that genetic selection for
on nutritional changes after weaning and their impact on decreased age at puberty could also be selected for genes
age at puberty. Heifers developed to lighter weights were that improve reproductive performance.
older when they reached puberty [2,19]. Thus, undernu- A number of transgenic mouse models have implicated
trition can delay age at puberty. Therefore, a typical man- members of the circadian clock genes in proper mamma-
agement practice has been to develop heifers to a specific lian reproductive function [35,36]. Older mice lacking the
target weight (i.e., usually 65% of mature weight), but, the period 1 or period 2 gene had an increased incidence of
specific target weights will vary across breed because anestrus and reduction in litter size compared with wild-
mature weight will differ among breeds [20]. Several type controls [37]. Furthermore, Chappell et al. [38] re-
studies have investigated the method to reach the target ported that mice underexpressing the Clock gene had
weight from weaning to the start of the breeding season prolonged estrous cycles and decreased litter size, whereas
(continuous growth, slow–rapid) and have found no sig- mice underexpressing the Bmal1 gene had prolonged
nificant effects on age at puberty as long as the appropriate estrous cycles and decreased progesterone secretion [39].
target weight is reached [21]. Thus, genes reported to affect estrous cycles have also been
Leptin is produced by adipose tissue and is regulated by reported to impact reproductive performance.
long-term nutritional history (i.e., body condition) and Both the candidate gene approach and the whole-
current nutritional status (i.e., feed availability) [22], and it genome association study approach have been used to
plays a role in regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis identify genes associating with age at puberty in beef
[23,24]. Mean serum concentrations of leptin increased as heifers. These studies have clearly demonstrated that age at
puberty approached [25], and changes in diet did not puberty is a polygenic trait, controlled by many genes with
impact concentrations of leptin when percentage of total very small effects of each gene [40,41]. Using genome-wide
carcass fat was similar between treatments [26]. Therefore, association study, Snelling et al. [41] reported a negative
a minimum amount of body condition (i.e., total body fat) is genetic correlation between age at puberty and heifer
necessary for puberty and reproductive success to occur. pregnancy rate (r ¼ 0.33), indicating that if genetic se-
Less research has focused on nutritional effects during lection was used to decrease age at puberty, it would result
the preweaning period, but preweaning gain had a larger in an increase in heifer pregnancy rates. Thus, continued
impact on age at puberty than postweaning gain [3,16,27]. work to discover genetic markers and genes controlling
A few studies that specifically evaluated the influence of puberty may not only provide a selection method for
preweaning gain on reproductive development and pu- decreasing age at puberty but also provide tools to improve
bertal status indicated that weaning heifers at 2 to heifer pregnancy success. However, when using genetic or
4 months of age and feeding a high concentrate resulted in traditional selection, care must be used because significant
most heifers attaining puberty at 8 to 10 months of age decreases in age at puberty among beef heifers can increase
G.A. Perry / Theriogenology xxx (2016) 1–6 3

the risk of very young heifers becoming bred by a co- hysterectomy before ovulation eliminated the occurrence
pastured bull before weaning. of short-duration CL in postpartum cattle [66] and in pre-
pubertal ewes [67].
2.3. The role of hormone regulation in initiation of normal In addition to the ability to hasten the onset of puberty,
estrous cycles treatment with some progestins before the first ovulation,
was also able to eliminate the occurrence of a short-
The individual functions of the hypothalamus, pituitary, duration CL [52–54]. For example, 100% of anestrous beef
and ovaries are established well before puberty occurs. As cows exposed to progesterone (i.e., in an intravaginal de-
puberty approaches, a progressive decrease in the negative vice) for 5 days before a GnRH-induced ovulation had a
feedback of estradiol on luteinizing hormone releasing normal luteal phase after ovulation, but only 46% of anes-
hormone (LHRH) secretion allows increased secretion of LH trous beef cows fed melengestrol acetate (MGA) for 5 days
thus stimulating follicular growth and increased estradiol before a GnRH-induced ovulation had a normal luteal
production by the growing follicles. This increased secre- phase [53]. When anestrous cows were treated with pro-
tion of estradiol eventually reaches concentrations suffi- gesterone (i.e., in a controlled internal drug–releasing de-
cient to induce the pubertal LH surge (see review [42,43]). vice) or MGA and allowed to spontaneously ovulate, more
The period over which this change in negative feedback of cows treated with progesterone ovulated within 4 days
estradiol on LH release diminished is referred to as the after controlled internal drug–releasing device removal,
peripubertal period and begins approximately 50 days and more progesterone-treated cows had a normal-length
before the pubertal ovulation [44,45]. luteal phase compared with cows treated with MGA [68].
Exposure of heifers to a progestin has been reported to Thus, the normal dose of MGA (0.5 mg,cow1,day1) may
hasten the onset of puberty [46–49]. The first luteal phase be adequate to hasten puberty but insufficient to prevent
after the first ovulation in prepubertal heifers is usually of the earlier secretion of PGF2a from the uterus.
short duration. Although the oocyte may become fertilized,
embryo mortality occurs due to the onset of luteolysis 2.4. Development of the brain in initiation of normal estrous
before the time of maternal recognition of pregnancy (see cycles
reviews by [50,51]). Treatment with some progestins, before
the first ovulation, was able to eliminate the occurrence of a Several studies have reported increased circulating
short-duration CL [52–54]. Therefore, many estrous syn- concentrations of LH in heifers around 3 to 4 months of age
chronization protocols have included treatment with a that then decrease until just before puberty [69,70], and as
progestin [6,55,56] to induce puberty. However, different previously mentioned, as puberty approaches, a progres-
progestins are known to differ in their chemical structure, sive decrease in the negative feedback of estradiol on LHRH
potency, pharmacokinetics, metabolism [57], and in binding secretion by the hypothalamus occurs allowing estradiol to
affinity to the progesterone receptor [58–60]. The ability of a reach concentrations sufficient to induce the pubertal LH
progestin to change LH pulse frequency and amplitude ap- surge [43]. In addition, expression of estrogen receptors in
pears necessary to hasten the onset of puberty [43], and this the anterior hypothalamus and ventromedial nucleus was
ability appears to be restricted to the peripubertal period of negatively correlated with LH pulse frequency, and 9 days
time. When a norgestomet (synthetic progestin) implant of exposure to norgestomet decreased the number of
was used, it was able to induce puberty at 12.5 months of age neurons positive for the estrogen receptor in the preoptic
but not at 9.5 or 11 months of age [61]. After 9 days of low- area [43]. Thus, changes in neuroregulation must occur
dose exposure to norgestomet, the number of neurons before the initiation of puberty.
positive for the estrogen receptor in the preoptic area was There are a significant number of genes and pathways
decreased, and expression of estrogen receptors in the involved in neuromaturation for the initiation of normal
anterior hypothalamus and ventromedial nucleus was estrous cycles [71]. The model described previously, which
negatively correlated with LH pulse frequency [43]. increased growth rate to induce puberty at an early age, has
The first period of elevated concentrations of proges- been used in several studies to investigate these genes and
terone after formation of luteal tissue in prepubertal heifers pathways. This model tended to increase circulating con-
is usually of short duration. Although the oocyte released centrations of leptin [72], but increased leptin alone is not
during the first ovulation can become fertilized, embryo sufficient to induce puberty or normal estrous cycles
mortality usually occurs due to the onset of luteolysis [73,74]. Neuropeptide Y (NPY) expression was decreased in
before the time of maternal recognition of pregnancy (see the arcuate nucleus, and NPY innervation of GnRH neurons
reviews by [50,51]). It is believed that premature release of was decreased in the medial basal hypothalamus, whereas
PGF2a from the uterus is responsible for the short-lived expression of proopiomelanocortin expression was
duration of the first ovulatory CL [50,51,62,63]. When a CL increased in the arcuate nucleus [71]. However, KISS1 does
of short duration and normal duration were compared, not appear to be a major differentially regulated gene in
there were no differences in weight, concentrations of early puberty [40,72,75], although KISS1 expression was
progesterone, LH receptors, adenylate cyclase activity, decreased in nutrient-restricted rats, and administering
number of luteal cells, ratio of large to small cells, or PGF2a kisspeptin restored LH release [76]. It is more likely that
receptors (see reviews by [51] and [64]). It is well known kisspeptin plays a role in the feedback of estradiol on GnRH
that release of PGF2a from the uterus is responsible for and/or LH release, as kisspeptin neurons have estradiol
normal luteal regression [65], and to investigate the specific receptors [71], and GnRH neurons contain the receptor for
role of the uterus is the short life span of first ovulatory CL, kisspeptin [77]. Thus, the inhibitory effects of NPY on GnRH
4 G.A. Perry / Theriogenology xxx (2016) 1–6

and/or LH release appear to decrease [78,79], and the indicating that a minimum amount of body condition
stimulatory effect of melanocyte-stimulating hormone (i.e., total body fat) is necessary for puberty and repro-
alpha (a proopiomelanocortin-derived peptide) on GnRH ductive success to occur. Increased leptin alone is not suf-
[80] appears to increase as puberty approaches [71]. ficient to induce puberty or normal estrous cycles. As
puberty approached, a progressive decrease in the negative
3. Advancing our understanding of puberty and feedback of estradiol on LHRH secretion allows increased
fertility secretion of LH, thus stimulating follicular growth and
increased estradiol production. This change in feedback
Basic research on the control of puberty and fertility has may be regulated through expression of estrogen receptors
greatly improved reproduction and pregnancy success. in the anterior hypothalamus and ventromedial nucleus,
However, current research in the control of puberty and which was negatively correlated with LH pulse frequency.
fertility will continue to contribute to improving repro- Although a significant number of genes and pathways are
duction and pregnancy success. Furthermore, advance- involved in neuromaturation for the initiation of normal
ments in genomic technologies will likely provide a estrous cycles, the inhibitory effects of NPY on GnRH and/or
powerful tool for selecting heifers at birth or weaning that LH release appear to decrease, and the stimulatory effect of
will have a high probability of being reproductively suc- melanocyte-stimulating hormone alpha on GnRH appears
cessful, if managed correctly. Some reproductive traits are to increase as puberty approaches. Kisspeptin has been
highly heritable (i.e., age at puberty, heritability ¼ 0.41; implicated in the onset of puberty, and administering
weight at puberty, heritability ¼ 0.40 [81]); however, the kisspeptin restored LH release in nutrient-restricted rats.
genetic impact on reproduction and pregnancy success has However, it is more likely that kisspeptin plays a role in the
been difficult to determine because pregnancy success is feedback of estradiol on GnRH and/or LH release, as kiss-
impacted by management and environment [33]. There- peptin neurons have estradiol receptors, and GnRH neu-
fore, reproductive traits are often considered moderately rons contain receptors for kisspeptin. Thus, a thorough
(e.g., conceived on first service, heritability ¼ 0.22; con- understanding of the changes that occur to initiate normal
ceptions per estrous cycle exposed, heritability ¼ 0.27) or estrous cycles is needed to facilitate management of the
lowly (e.g., pregnant at the end of breeding season, important reproductive event.
heritability ¼ 0.09; calf alive at 2 weeks of age,
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Animal, page 1 of 8 © The Animal Consortium 2017

Impacts of stocking density on development and puberty

attainment of replacement beef heifers
K. M. Schubach1, R. F. Cooke1†, A. P. Brandão1,2, K. D. Lippolis1, L. G. T. Silva1,2,
R. S. Marques1 and D. W. Bohnert1
Oregon State University – Eastern Oregon Agricultural Research Center, Burns, OR 97720, USA; 2UNESP – Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia,
Botucatu 18168-000, Brazil

(Received 6 October 2016; Accepted 19 April 2017)

In all, 60 Angus × Hereford heifers were ranked by age and BW (210 ± 2 days and 220 ± 2 kg) on day 0, and assigned to: (a) one of
three drylot pens (10 × 14 m pens; 10 heifers/pen) resulting in a stocking density of 14 m2/heifer (HIDENS; n = 3), or ( b) one of three
pastures (25 ha pastures; 10 heifers/pasture), resulting in a stocking density of 25 000 m2/heifer (LOWDENS; n = 3). Pastures were
harvested for hay before the beginning of this experiment, and negligible forage was available for grazing to LOWDENS heifers
during the experiment (days 0 to 182). All heifers received the same limited-fed diet, which averaged (dry matter basis) 4.0 kg/heifer
daily of hay and 3.0 kg/heifer daily of a corn-based concentrate. Heifer shrunk BW was recorded after 16 h of feed and water
withdrawal on days −3 and 183 for BW gain calculation. On day 0, heifers were fitted with a pedometer behind their right shoulder.
Each week, pedometer results were recorded and blood samples were collected for puberty evaluation via plasma progesterone.
Plasma samples collected on days 0, 28, 56, 84, 112, 140, 161 and 182 were also analyzed for cortisol concentrations. On days 0,
49, 98, 147 and 182, hair samples were collected from the tail switch for analysis of hair cortisol concentrations. On days 28, 102
and 175, blood samples were collected for whole blood RNA isolation and analysis of heat shock protein (HSP) 70 and HSP72 mRNA
expression. Heifers from LOWDENS had more ( P < 0.01) steps/week compared with HIDENS. No treatment effects were detected
( P = 0.82) for heifer BW gain. Plasma cortisol concentrations were greater ( P ⩽ 0.05) in LOWDENS compared with HIDENS heifers on
days 84, 140, 161 and 182 (treatment × day interaction; P < 0.01). Hair cortisol concentrations were greater ( P < 0.01) in HIDENS
compared with LOWDENS heifers beginning on day 98 (treatment × day interaction; P < 0.01). Heifers from LOWDENS had greater
( P = 0.04) mean mRNA expression of HSP72, and tended ( P = 0.09) to have greater mean mRNA expression of HSP70 compared
with HIDENS. Heifers from HIDENS experienced delayed puberty attainment and had less ( P < 0.01) proportion of pubertal heifers on
day 182 compared with LOWDENS (treatment × day interaction; P < 0.01). In summary, HIDENS altered heifer stress-related and
physiological responses, and delayed puberty attainment compared with LOWDENS.

Keywords: beef heifers, growth, puberty, stocking density, stress

Implications development programs to optimize reproductive and overall

efficiency of cow-calf operations.
Rearing replacement beef heifers in drylots with high
stocking density altered stress-related and physiological
responses, and delayed puberty attainment compared with Introduction
rearing heifers in pastures with low stocking density. More- Public scrutiny on beef production systems is growing
over, these outcomes were independent of heifer nutritional rapidly, and cattle welfare is one of the main targets for
status and growth rate, but were associated with reduced attention (Grandin, 2014). Cattle producers are currently
physical activity and increased chronic stress most likely challenged with improving production efficiency while
caused by the higher stocking density and/or greater degree fostering animal well-being (Thornton, 2010). Hence,
of confinement. Therefore, housing management and management regimens that increase beef cattle productivity
resultant stocking density should be considered in heifer and promote animal welfare are warranted to enhance
profitability in beef cattle systems, address the current and
projected increases in beef demand, and satisfy industry and

E-mail: public requirements for proper animal care.

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Schubach, Cooke, Brandão, Lippolis, Silva, Marques and Bohnert

Stocking density is one example of management that All pastures utilized herein were harvested for hay before
impact welfare and productive efficiency in cattle operations the beginning of this experiment, and negligible forage was
(Fraser et al., 2013). In typical US spring-calving cow-calf available for grazing to LOWDENS heifers throughout the
herds, replacement heifers are weaned in the fall and experimental period due to wintery conditions. Heifers were
exposed to their first breeding season the following spring. weaned 7 days before the beginning of the experiment, and
Hence, these heifers are commonly reared in drylot systems maintained as a single group within a 6-ha pasture with
to facilitate feeding and management during the fall and ad libitum access to alfalfa-grass hay until day 0. During the
winter (Olson et al., 1992). However, rearing cattle in areas experimental period (days 0 to 182), all heifers received the
with elevated stocking density is known to stimulate stress same limited-fed diet described in Table 1, in addition to
reactions (Grandin, 2014), whereas acute and chronic stress ad libitum access to water and a commercial mineral
directly impairs reproductive function in beef cattle (Dobson and vitamin mix (Cattleman’s Choice; Performix Nutrition
and Smith, 2000). Accordingly, Petersen et al. (2014) repor- Systems, Nampa, ID, USA) containing 14% Ca, 10% P, 16%
ted that heifers developed in drylots (11 m2/heifer) gained NaCl, 1.5% Mg, 6000 ppm Zn, 3200 ppm Cu, 65 ppm I,
more BW but had increased heart rate and rested less 900 ppm Mn, 140 ppm Se, 136 IU/g of vitamin A, 13 IU/g of
compared with contemporary heifers reared on native range vitamin D3 and 0.05 IU/g of vitamin E. Diets were offered
(7400 m2/heifer). Mulliniks et al. (2013) also indicated that daily at 0800 h in feed bunks with similar linear space across
heifers reared in drylots had greater average daily gain treatments (0.7 m/heifer). Hay was offered separated from
(ADG), but reduced pregnancy rates compared with cohorts concentrate, and the entire diet was completely consumed
reared on range pastures. Based on this information, it was within 24 h after being offered.
hypothesized that elevated stocking density impairs welfare
and reproductive development in beef heifers. To test this Sampling
hypothesis, this experiment compared growth, physical Hay and concentrate samples were collected at the beginning
activity, stress-related and physiological responses, and of the experiment, and analyzed for nutrient content by a
puberty attainment in heifers reared on high (drylots) or low commercial laboratory (Dairy One Forage Laboratory, Ithaca,
(pastures) stocking densities from weaning until the start of NY, USA). Samples were analyzed in triplicates by wet
their first breeding season. chemistry procedures as reported by Reis et al. (2015).

Table 1 Composition and nutrient profile of diets offered during the

Material and methods
This experiment was conducted at the Oregon State
Days 0 Days 70 Days 140
University – Eastern Agricultural Research Center (Burns, OR, Items to 69 to 139 to 182
USA) from September 2015 until March 2016 (days 0 to 182).
All animals were cared for in accordance with acceptable Ingredients (kg/day)
practices and experimental protocols reviewed and approved Alfalfa-grass hay 4.1 4.1 4.0
by the Oregon State University Institutional Animal Care and Whole corn 2.5 3.0 3.5
Use Committee (no. 4757). Soybean meal 0.0 0.0 0.2
Nutrient profile (dry matter basis)1
Dry matter (%) 91.8 86.0 91.7
Animals and treatments
Total digestible nutrients (%)2 70.0 71.3 72.5
On day 0 of the experiment, 60 Angus × Hereford heifers NDF (%) 40.1 38.0 35.4
were ranked by age and BW (initial age = 210 ± 2 days; ADF (%) 26.0 24.3 22.4
initial BW = 220 ± 2 kg) and allocated to: (a) one of three Net energy for maintenance (Mcal/kg)3 1.57 1.62 1.66
drylot pens (10 × 14 m pens; 10 heifers/pen), resulting in a Net energy for gain (Mcal/kg)3 0.96 1.00 1.04
stocking density of 14 m2/heifer (HIDENS; n = 3), or (b) one of CP (%) 10.9 10.9 11.9
three meadow foxtail (Alopecurus pratensis L.) pastures Nutrient intake2
(25 ha pastures; 10 heifers/pasture), resulting in a stocking Dry matter (kg/day) 6.60 7.10 7.80
density of 25 000 m2/heifer (LOWDENS; n = 3). Pasture and Total digestible nutrients (kg/day) 4.62 5.06 5.66
drylot pens were located ~800 and 80 m, respectively, NDF (kg/day) 2.65 2.70 2.76
from the handling facility where cattle were processed ADF (kg/day) 1.72 1.73 1.75
Net energy for maintenance (Mcal/day)2 10.4 11.5 13.0
during the present experiment. Treatments were designed
Net energy for gain (Mcal/day)2 6.34 7.10 8.11
to represent stocking densities of drylot- or pasture-based CP (kg/day) 0.72 0.77 0.93
heifer development programs utilized at the Oregon
State University – Eastern Agricultural Research Center,
Values obtained from a commercial laboratory wet chemistry analysis (Dairy
One Forage Laboratory, Ithaca, NY, USA).
and representative of commercial cow-calf operations 2
Calculated with the following equations (NRC, 2000): net energy for main-
(Cooke et al., 2012; Reis et al., 2015). In addition, HIDENS tenance = 1.37 metabolizable energy − 0.138 (metabolizable energy)2 + 0.0105
heifers were exposed to the stocking density recommended (metabolizable energy)3 − 1.12; net energy for gain = 1.42 metabolizable
energy − 0.174 (metabolizable energy)2 + 0.0122 (metabolizable energy)3–
for growing cattle reared in drylot systems (Albin and 0.165, given that metabolizable energy = digestible energy × 0.82, and 1 kg of
Thompson, 1990; Hurnik, 1991). total digestible nutrients = 4.4 Mcal of digestible energy.

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Stocking density and heifer development

Net energy for maintenance (NEm) and net energy for gain Laboratory analyses
(NEg) were calculated using the equations proposed by For plasma collection, blood samples were placed immedi-
the NRC (2000). Nutritional profile of the diets is described ately on ice after sampling, subsequently centrifuged
in Table 1. (2500 × g for 30 min; 4°C), and plasma stored at −80°C on
Heifer shrunk BW was recorded after 16 h of feed and the same day of collection. Plasma concentrations of pro-
water withdrawal on days −3 and 183 for ADG calculation. gesterone and cortisol were analyzed using chemilumines-
Heifer temperament was assessed via chute score, exit cent enzyme immunoassays (Immulite 1000; Siemens
velocity and overall temperament score as described by Medical Solutions Diagnostics, Los Angeles, CA, USA). The
Cooke (2014) on days 0 and 182. On day 0, heifers were also intra- and interassay CV were, respectively, 5.1% and 5.8%
fitted with a pedometer (HJ-321; Omron Healthcare, Inc., for progesterone and 4.8% and 7.0% for cortisol.
Bannockburn, IL, USA) placed inside a polyester patch Cortisol was extracted from hair samples based on the pro-
(HeatWatch II; CowChips, LLC, Manalapan, NJ, USA) fixed cedures described by Moya et al. (2013). In brief, hair samples
behind their right shoulder to assess physical activity were cleaned with warm water (37°C) for 30 min, and dried at
(Haley et al., 2005; Knight et al., 2015). Pedometers had the room temperature for 24 h. Hair samples were then washed
capability to store daily data for 7 consecutive days, and twice with isopropanol, dried at room temperature for 120 h,
remained in heifers throughout the experimental period. and ground in a 10-ml stainless steel milling cup with a 12-mm
Each week during the experiment (days 0 to 182), heifer stainless steel ball (Mixer Mill MM400 ball mill;
full BW and pedometer results were recorded, and blood Retsch, Hannover, Germany) for 5 min at a frequency of 30
samples were collected via jugular venipuncture into com- repetitions/s. A quantity of 20 mg of ground hair and 1 ml of
mercial blood collection tubes (Vacutainer, 10 ml; Becton methanol were combined into a 7-ml glass scintillation vial,
Dickinson, Franklin Lakes, NJ, USA) with 158 US Pharmaco- sonicated for 30 min, and incubated for 18 h at 50°C and 100 r.
peial Convention units of freeze-dried sodium heparin for p.m. for steroid extraction. Upon incubation, 0.8 ml of metha-
plasma collection. If pedometer malfunctioned or it was lost, nol was transferred to a 2-ml microcentrifuge tube and
a new pedometer was inserted during the weekly handling evaporated at 45°C. Samples were reconstituted in 100 μl of
and data from the previous week was considered missing. the phosphate-buffered saline supplied with a salivary cortisol
Pedometer data from the day of sampling was discarded ELISA kit (High Sensitivity 1-E3002; Salimetrics Expanded
to prevent confounding effects between treatments and Range, State College, PA, USA), and stored at −80°C. Samples
additional activity due to cattle gathering and handling. were analyzed for cortisol concentrations using the aforemen-
All plasma samples were analyzed for progesterone con- tioned ELISA kit, whereas intra- and inter-assay CV were,
centrations to estimate onset of puberty. Heifers were con- respectively, 5.8% and 7.3%.
sidered pubertal once plasma progesterone concentrations Upon collection, PAXgene tubes were stored at room tem-
were ⩾1.0 ng/ml, followed by a cyclic pattern of plasma perature overnight and then at −80°C until RNA isolation.
progesterone < and ⩾1.0 ng/ml suggestive of normal estrous Total RNA was extracted from whole blood samples using
cycles (Reis et al., 2015). Puberty attainment was declared at the PAXgene Blood RNA Kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA, USA).
the first sampling that resulted in plasma progesterone Quantity and quality of isolated RNA were assessed via
⩾1.0 ng/ml. Heifer age and BW at puberty was calculated UV absorbance (NanoDrop Lite; Thermo Fisher Scientific,
based on weekly full BW measurements and heifer age at the Wilmington, DE, USA) at 260 nm and 260/280 nm ratio,
week of puberty attainment. Heifer full BW on day 182 was respectively. Extracted whole blood RNA (120 ng) was reverse
also used to estimate the percentage of mature BW at the end transcribed using the High-Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcrip-
of the experiment, based on the mature BW of the cowherd tion Kit with random hexamers (Applied Biosystems, Foster
utilized herein (545 kg; Marques et al. 2016). Plasma samples City, CA, USA). Real-time RT-PCR was completed using the
collected on days 0, 28, 56, 84, 112, 140, 161 and 182 were Fast SYBR Green Master Mix (Applied Biosystems) and
also analyzed for concentrations of cortisol. gene-specific primers (20 pM each; Table 2) with the StepOne
On days 0, 49, 98, 147 and 182, hair samples were Real-time PCR system (Applied Biosystems), according to
collected from the tail switch (Burnett et al., 2014) for ana- procedures described by Rodrigues et al. (2015). At the end
lysis of hair cortisol concentrations. Within each sampling, of each RT-PCR, amplified products were subjected to a
hair was collected from an area that has not been previously dissociation gradient (95°C for 15 s, 60°C for 30 s and 95°C
sampled. Hair was collected using scissors as close to the for 15 s) to verify the amplification of a single product by
skin as possible, and the hair material closest to the skin denaturation at the anticipated temperature. A sample of
(2.5 cm of length, 300 mg of weight) was stored at −80°C each amplified product was purified with the QIAquick PCR
until processed for cortisol extraction. On days 28, 102 and purification kit (Qiagen) and sequenced at the Oregon State
175, blood samples were also collected via jugular veni- University – Center for Genome Research and Biocomputing
puncture into PAXgene tubes (BD Diagnostics, Sparks, MD, to verify the specificity of amplification. All amplified products
USA) for subsequent whole blood RNA isolation and analysis represented only the genes of interest. Responses were
of heat shock protein (HSP) 70, HSP72, ribosomal protein 9 quantified based on the threshold cycle (CT), the number of
and β2-microglobulin mRNA expression in whole blood cells PCR cycles required for target amplification to reach a
via real-time quantitative reverse transcription (RT)-PCR. predetermined threshold. The CT responses from HSP70

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Table 2 Primer sequences, accession number and reference for all gene transcripts analyzed by real-time reverse
Target genes Primer sequence 5' to 3' Accession no. Reference

Heat shock protein 70

Forward CGGCTTAGTCCGTGAGAACA BTU09861 Liu et al. (2014)
Heat shock protein 72
Forward AACATGAAGAGCGCCGTGGAGG U02892 Lacetera et al. (2006)
Ribosomal protein 9
Forward ACATCCCGTCCTTCATCGT NM001101152 Liu et al. (2014)
Forward GGGCTGCTGTCGCTGTCT NM_173893 Rodrigues et al. (2015)

and HSP72 were normalized to the geometrical mean of compared with HIDENS heifers throughout the experiment
CT values from ribosomal protein 9 and β2-microglobulin (Table 3). No treatment differences (P = 0.82) were detected
(Vandesompele et al., 2002). The CV for the geometrical mean for heifer BW and ADG during the experimental period
of ribosomal protein 9 and β2-microglobulin CT values across (Table 3). In addition, heifer full BW and percentage of
all samples was 2.5%. Results are expressed as relative fold mature BW at the end of the experiment (day 182) were
change (2 ΔΔCT ), as described by Rodrigues et al. (2015). similar (P = 0.57) between HIDENS and LOWDENS heifers
(364 and 368 kg of full BW, SEM = 5; 66.8% and 67.6% of
Statistical analysis mature BW, SEM = 1.0; respectively).
All data were analyzed using pen or pasture (three replica-
tions per treatment) as experimental unit, with the MIXED or Physiological parameters
GLIMMIX procedure of SAS (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, A treatment × day interaction was detected (P < 0.01) for
USA) for quantitative and binary data, respectively, and plasma cortisol concentration (Figure 1), which was greater
Satterthwaite approximation to determine the denominator (P ⩽ 0.05) in LOWDENS compared with HIDENS heifers
df for the tests of fixed effects. One heifer from the LOWDENS on days 84, 140, 161 and 182 of the experiment. A treat-
treatment was already pubertal at the beginning of the ment × day interaction was also detected (P < 0.01) for hair
experiment; hence, results from this heifer were removed cortisol concentrations, which were greater (P < 0.01) for
from the experiment. All data were analyzed using replica- HIDENS compared with LOWDENS heifers on days 98, 147
tion (treatment) and heifer (replication) as random effects. and 182 (Figure 2). Heifers from the LOWDENS group had
The model statement used for ADG, initial and final BW, greater (P = 0.04) mean mRNA expression of HSP72, and
initial and final temperament variables, as well as heifer BW tended (P = 0.09) to have greater mean mRNA expression of
and age at puberty contained the effects of treatment. The HSP70 compared with HIDENS heifers during the experiment
model statement for puberty attainment, physical activity (Table 3; treatment × day interaction, P = 0.26).
and physiological variables contained the effects of treat-
ment, day and the treatment × day interaction. The specified Temperament parameters
term used in the repeated statement was day, the subject No treatment differences were detected for temperament
was heifer (replication), and the covariance structure utilized traits (P = 0.37), given that LOWDENS and HIDENS heifers had
was autoregressive, which provided the best fit for these similar chute score, exit velocity and overall temperament
analyses according to the Akaike information criterion. score at the beginning and end of the experiment (Table 3)
Results are reported as least square means. Significance was
set at P ⩽ 0.05 and tendencies were determined if P > 0.05 Puberty attainment
and ⩽0.10. Results are reported according to effect of A treatment × day interaction was detected (P < 0.01) for
treatment if no interactions were significant, or according to puberty attainment, as HIDENS heifers experienced delayed
the highest order interaction detected. puberty attainment compared with LOWDENS heifers
(Figure 3). At the end of the experimental period, a greater
(P < 0.01; Figure 3) proportion of LOWDENS were pubertal
compared with HIDENS heifers (65.4% v. 31.9% pubertal
Growth and physical activity heifers/total heifers; SEM = 5.5). Within heifers that reached
A treatment effect was detected (P < 0.01) for phy- puberty during the experiment, HIDENS were heavier
sical activity, given that LOWDENS had more steps/week (P < 0.01) and older (P = 0.04) at puberty attainment

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Stocking density and heifer development

compared with LOWDENS heifers (324% v. 372 kg of BW, LOWDENS had greater area available for movement com-
SEM = 10; 331 v. 364 days of age, SEM = 12; respectively). pared with HIDENS heifers. Others have also reported greater
physical activity in heifers reared on pasture compared with
Discussion drylot cohorts (Petersen et al., 2014; Perry et al., 2015).
Hence, HIDENS heifers were not only exposed to greater
Growth and physical activity
stocking density, but also had less opportunity to exercise
Treatment differences detected for steps/week were expec-
compared with LOWDENS heifers.
ted based on the current experimental design, given that
Although elevated physical activity may increase main-
Table 3 Activity, growth parameters, temperament variables and tenance requirements and reduce growth rates in cattle
whole blood mRNA expression of heat shock proteins (HSP) in heifers (NRC, 2000), LOWDENS and HIDENS heifers had similar BW
reared in low stocking density (25 000 m2/heifer; LOWDENS, n = 3) or and ADG during the experimental period (Table 3). According
high stocking density (14 m2/heifer; HIDENS, n = 3)1 to the NRC (2000) model, stocking density and space
allowance assigned to LOWDENS, their NEm requirements
could be up to 15% greater compared with NEm require-
Activity ments of HIDENS heifers. Petersen et al. (2014) and Perry
Steps/week2 19 709 3148 628 <0.01 et al. (2015) also reported greater ADG in heifers reared in
Growth parameters drylot compared with pastures, although nutritional man-
Initial BW on day −3 (kg) 211 212 3 0.82 agement differed among heifer groups. In this experiment,
Final BW on day 183 (kg) 356 358 5 0.84 pasture availability and grazing activity of LOWDENS heifers
ADG (kg/day)3 0.777 0.783 0.018 0.82 were deemed negligible due to previous hay harvest and
Temperament variables4 snow cover resultant from wintery conditions. Hence, it is
Chute score unlikely that LOWDENS heifers consumed pasture in
Initial (day 0) 1.93 1.80 0.12 0.45 amounts that fulfilled potential increases in their NEm
Final (day 182) 1.85 1.89 0.11 0.76
requirements, although pasture availability and intake were
Exit velocity (m/s)
Initial (day 0) 2.50 2.25 0.19 0.37
not evaluated herein to fully support this rationale. Given
Final (day 182) 1.62 1.67 0.15 0.80 that HIDENS and LOWDENS heifers were offered and com-
Temperament score pletely consumed the same limit-fed diet, BW and ADG
Initial (day 0) 2.45 2.35 0.16 0.60 results suggest that the stocking densities evaluated herein
Final (day 182) 2.44 2.39 0.17 0.83 did not impact growth rates in beef heifers receiving the
HSP mRNA expression5 same dietary regimen.
HSP70 (fold effect) 3.72 2.39 0.46 0.09
HSP72 (fold effect) 3.48 2.77 0.18 0.04 Physiological parameters
From days 0 to 182, HIDENS heifers were reared in one of three drylot pens Treatment differences detected for plasma cortisol con-
(10 × 14 m pens; 10 heifers/pen) and LOWDENS heifers were reared in one of centrations do not corroborate with the hypothesis that cattle
three meadow foxtail (Alopecurus pratensis L.) pastures (25 ha pastures; reared in elevated stocking density experience increased
10 heifers/pasture).
Based on pedometers (HJ-321; Omron Healthcare, Inc., Bannockburn, IL, USA) adrenocortical stress response (Huzzey et al., 2012; Grandin,
assessed every 7 days during the experimental period. 2014). Circulating cortisol concentrations have been widely
Calculated using initial (day −3) and final (day 183) shrunk BW, which was used as a biomarker of stress in cattle (Carroll and Forsberg,
recorded after 16 h of feed and water withdrawal.
According to the techniques described by Cooke (2014), and evaluated on 2007). However, plasma cortisol concentrations are also
days 0 and 182 of the experiment. promptly increased in response to physical activity (Hill et al.,
Samples collected on days 28, 102 and 175 of the experiment, processed and 2008). Hence, treatment differences for plasma cortisol can be
evaluated for mRNA expression according to Rodrigues et al. (2015). The
treatment × day interaction was not significant (P = 0.24); hence, results are attributed, at least partially, to the additional activity of
reported according to main treatment effects. gathering and bringing the LOWDENS heifers from pasture to

Panel A **
Plasma cortisol, ng/mL

* * *
0 28 56 84 112 140 161 182
Figure 1 Plasma cortisol concentrations from heifers reared in low stocking density (25 000 m /heifer; LOWDENS; n = 3) or high stocking density (14 m2/

heifer; HIDENS; n = 3) from days 0 to 182 of the experiment. A treatment × day interaction was detected (P < 0.01). Within days: *P ⩽ 0.05, **P ⩽ 0.01.

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Schubach, Cooke, Brandão, Lippolis, Silva, Marques and Bohnert

the handling facility, whereas HIDENS heifers were grouped in cortisol concentration to cross the skin line and become
drylot pens adjacent to the handling facility. available for collection (Burnett et al., 2014). Treatment
Accordingly, treatment differences detected for hair cortisol effects on hair cortisol concentrations may also help explain-
concentration support this latter rationale and the main ing the similar ADG among HIDENS and LOWDENS heifers. It
hypothesis of this research. Cortisol concentration in hair from can be speculated that the greater chronic stress experienced
the tail switch has been recently validated as biomarker of by HIDENS heifers during the experiment increased their basal
chronic stress in cattle (Burnett et al., 2014; Moya et al., metabolism and maintenance requirements to the same level
2015). Cortisol is gradually accumulated in the emerging tail that physical activity increased these parameters in LOWDENS
hair and its concentration represents long-term adrenocortical heifers (NRC, 2000; Petersen et al., 2014).
activity rather than concurrent circulating cortisol concentra- Expression of HSP in whole blood cells can also be used
tions (Moya et al., 2013; Burnett et al., 2014; Cooke et al., as diagnostic marker of stress, given that HSP are rapidly
2017). Hence, measuring cortisol in hair from the tail switch synthesized when cells are exposed to a variety of stressors
eliminates the confounding effects that gathering and hand- (Welch, 1992). Therefore, treatment effects of whole blood
ling cattle exert on plasma cortisol concentrations (Moya mRNA expression of HSP70 and HSP72 also do not corrobo-
et al., 2013, Moya et al., 2015). Treatment differences rate with the hypothesis of this research and treatment
detected for hair cortisol concentration (Figure 2) suggest that effects detected for hair cortisol concentrations. Nevertheless,
chronic stress and adrenocortical activity were indeed greater exercise has been shown to stimulate mRNA expression
in HIDENS compared with LOWDENS heifers. Such outcomes and circulating concentrations of these HSP in rodents and
were only noted beginning on day 98 of the experiment, humans (Naito et al., 2001; Febbraio et al., 2002; Milne and
which might be associated with the time required for elevated Noble, 2002). Exercise activates the heat shock response via
stocking density to be perceived as a stressor by HIDENS several mechanisms including increased muscle temperature,
heifers, as well as the time required for hair with elevated exercise-related production of reactive oxygen species and
muscle ATP depletion (Noble et al., 2008). Thus, treatment
effects detected for whole blood mRNA expression of HSP70
Hair cortisol, pg/mg of hair

9 HIDENS LOWDENS ** and HSP72 should be attributed to the greater physical

7 **
activity of LOWDENS v. HIDENS heifers, either on a daily
6 basis according to differences in stocking rate and steps/
5 **
week (Table 3), or during gathering for weekly samplings
3 corroborating with plasma cortisol outcomes (Figure 1).
0 Temperament parameters
0 49 98 147 182
Rearing cattle in intensive systems, such as drylot with ele-
Day of the experiment
vated stocking density, results in increased human-animal
Figure 2 Cortisol concentrations in tail switch hair from heifers reared interaction, which has been shown to impact cattle tem-
in low stocking density (25 000 m2/heifer; LOWDENS; n = 3) or high
stocking density (14 m2/heifer; HIDENS; n = 3) from days 0 to 182 of the
perament and subsequent productivity (Cooke, 2014).
experiment. A treatment × day interaction was detected (P < 0.01). However, treatments evaluated herein did not impact heifer
Within days: **P ⩽ 0.01. temperament variables as reported in Table 3; perhaps the

70 **
60 **
Pubertal heifers, %


40 ** **
30 ** ** ** ** **
* * * * *


0 14 28 42 56 70 84 98 112 126 140 154 168 182
Day of the experiment

Figure 3 Puberty attainment in heifers reared in low stocking density (25 000 m2/heifer; LOWDENS, n = 3, represented by gray line) or high stocking
density (14 m2/heifer; HIDENS, n = 3, represented by black line) from days 0 to 182 of the experiment. Puberty was evaluated according to plasma
progesterone concentrations in samples collected weekly during the experiment. Heifers were considered pubertal once plasma progesterone
concentrations were ⩾1.0 ng/ml, followed by a cyclic pattern of plasma progesterone < and ⩾1.0 ng/ml suggestive of normal estrous cycles (Reis et al.,
2015). Puberty attainment was declared at the first sampling that resulted in plasma progesterone ⩾1.0 ng/ml. A treatment × day interaction was detected
(P < 0.01). Within days: *P ⩽ 0.05, **P ⩽ 0.01.

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Stocking density and heifer development

level of interaction between HIDENS heifers and research as permanent professor to the Programa de Pós-Graduação em
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Cattle temperament has been directly associated with UNESP – Universidade Estadual Paulista, Botucatu, SP 18618-
neuroendocrine reactions and subsequent circulating cortisol 970, Brazil.
concentrations (Cooke, 2014). Hence, treatment differences
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Financial support for this research was provided by the Agri- Marques RS, Cooke RF, Rodrigues MC, Cappellozza BI, Larson CK, Moriel P and
cultural Research Foundation. Dr Reinaldo Cooke is also affiliated Bohnert DW 2016. Effects of organic or inorganic Co, Cu, Mn, and Zn

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Schubach, Cooke, Brandão, Lippolis, Silva, Marques and Bohnert

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CHALID TALIB: Sapi Bali di Daerah Sumber Bibit dan Peluang Pengembangannya



Balai Penelitian Ternak, P.O. Box 221, Bogor 16002


Sapi Bali sebagai sapi asli Indonesia telah tersebar di seluruh wilayah Indonesia dan disukai oleh peternak rakyat yang
umumnya berskala usaha kecil. Sapi ini mudah beradaptasi dengan baik pada berbagai lingkungan yang ada dengan
menampilkan performan produksi yang cukup bervariasi dan performan reproduksi yang tetap tinggi. Daerah sumber bibit utama
sapi Bali adalah Bali, Sulawesi Selatan, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) dan Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB). Performan produksi sapi
Bali pada daerah ini menunjukkan bahwa secara keseluruhan produktivitas sapi Bali di Bali adalah yang terbaik dan berdasarkan
populasi maka Sulawesi Selatan memiliki populasi sapi Bali terbanyak. Bila diamati dari tingkat kesuburan maka sapi Bali pada
semua daerah sumber bibit ini tetap menunjukkan prolifikasi yang tinggi tetapi pada saat panen anak maka diketahui bahwa
kematian anak tertinggi adalah di NTT dan terendah di Bali. Adanya penurunan bobot dewasa sapi dara di luar Pulau Bali
disamping menunjukkan daya adaptasi yang luar biasa dari bangsa ini terhadap cekaman iklim dan kurang pakan, juga sekaligus
menggambarkan bahwa tanpa perbaikan genetik yang tertata baik dan dibawah pengaruh lingkungan yang kurang mendukung,
sapi Bali cenderung memperkecil ukuran tubuhnya. Oleh karenanya pemasukan darah baru unggul sudah selayaknya menjadi
prioritas dalam pengembangan sapi Bali yang berjalan seiring dengan program perbaikan pakan dan manajemen, diharapkan
ketiganya dapat berjalan bersama.
Kata kunci: Sapi Bali, bibit, produktivitas dan pengembangan



Bali cattle is one of Indonesian native breed of cattle distributed in almost all Indonesian provinces under small holder
rearing system. The breed is easily adapted within many variations of tropical environment in Indonesia. Although there are a big
differences of the production performance between places but the reproduction performances reported are always good. The Bali
cattle resources in the country are Bali, South Sulawesi, East and West Nusa Tenggara (NTT and NTB). Based on the production
performance, Bali cattle in Bali are the best Bali cattle in Indonesian and in population, South Sulawesi is province having the
highest population of the cattle. All of Bali cattle in the resource areas have a high prolific with a good calving rate but NTT
shows the highest number of calf mortality and Bali is the lowest. Except in Bali, Bali heifers perform a decline adult body
weight that caused by no genetik improvement program and less of supported environment. All of the phenomenons are as as a
guidance for a higghly adaptation ability of the breed. In addition, introducing a new blood with highly genetic potential together
with the improvement in feeding and management should be conducted.
Key words: Bali cattle, breeding stock, production and development

PENDAHULUAN berhasilnya pengembangan sapi Bali di Jawa

kemungkinan disebabkan karena cukup tingginya
Sapi Bali adalah sapi asli Indonesia sebagai hasil populasi ternak domba yang kemungkinan besar telah
domestikasi dari banteng liar yang telah berjalan lama. menjadi carrier dari penyakit MCF yang mudah sekali
Kapan dimulainya proses penjinakan banteng belum menulari sapi Bali dengan akibat yang cukup fatal bagi
diketahui dengan jelas, demikian pula dengan mengapa bangsa sapi ini. Hal yang berbeda terdapat di beberapa
lebih terkenal di Indonesia sebagai sapi Bali dan wilayah di Indonesia seperti Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara,
bukannya sapi banteng mengingat dalam keadaan liar Maluku, Sumatera dan Kalimantan.
dikenal sebagai banteng. Pendapat yang bisa dirujuk Dalam keadaan liar, habitat asli banteng di
adalah dijinakkan di Jawa dan Bali (HERWEIJER, 1947; Indonesia, adalah di Jawa Timur (Blauran) dan di Jawa
MEIJER, 1962; PANE, 1990 dan 1991) dan dalam Barat (Ujung Kulon). Dari galur yang lebih kecil,
perkembangannya ternyata kondisi di Bali lebih sesuai banteng juga ditemukan di perbatasan hutan
bagi bangsa sapi ini karena adanya budaya orang Bali Kalimantan Timur, Laos, Vietnam dan di Semenanjung
yang memuliakan ternak sapi. Sementara itu tidak Coubourgh di Australia Utara (SCHERF, 1995).

WARTAZOA Vol. 12 No. 3 Th. 2002

Walaupun demikian yang pasti sesuai dengan namanya, yang disebut belakangan, sapi Bali lebih dikenal
dapat dikatakan bahwa sapi Bali di Indonesia hampir sebagai “banteng cattle” (DEVENDRA et al., 1973;
semuanya bermula dari sapi Bali yang ada di Bali dan KIRBY, 1979; SCHERF, 1995; TALIB et al., 1998).
hasil pembuktian lanjutan menunjukkan bahwa sapi
Bali di Bali adalah yang paling murni (NAMIKAWA dan
WIDODO, 1978; NAMIKAWA et al., 1980) jika ASAL-USUL
digunakan darah banteng sebagai kontrolnya.
Secara umum bila dilihat dari peta penyebaran Ada bermacam-macam bangsa sapi di dunia dari
sapi Bali di luar Indonesia, ternyata sapi Bali juga ukuran yang besar lebih dari satu ton dan ada juga sapi
terdapat di negara Asia Tenggara lainnya, Australia kate yang ukuran dewasanya kurang dari 100 kg
Utara dan sedikit di peternakan khusus di Texas dan (LASLEY, 1981). Walaupun demikian semua sapi
Australia (Brisbane dan NSW) dan juga dalam jumlah termasuk dalam genus Bos, dengan klasifikasi menurut
terbatas tersebar di 112 buah tempat penangkaran dan zoology sebagaimana terlihat dalam Gambar 1.
kebun binatang di seluruh dunia. Pada tempat-tempat

Class Mammalia

Order Artiodactyla
(even-toed, hoofed

Family Bovidae
(hollow horned)

Taurine Group Bibovine group Bisontine group Bubaline group

Bos taurus Bos gaurus Bos grunniers Bos caffer
Ordinary cattle The guar The yak The African buffalo

Bos indicus Bos frontalis Bos bonasus Bos buballus

Humped cattle The gayal The European bison The Indian bufallo

Bos sundaicus Bos bison

The banteng The American bison

Gambar 1. Klasifikasi menurut zoology untuk genus Bos

CHALID TALIB: Sapi Bali di Daerah Sumber Bibit dan Peluang Pengembangannya

Gambar1 menunjukkan bahwa yang menjadi cepat dan fertil (subur) pada kondisi tropis-basah
anggota dari Famili Bovidae antara lain Bos taurus maupun kering di Indonesia.
(Sapi Eropa dan sapi di Afrika), Bos indicus (Sapi di
anak benua India dan sebagian besar sapi di Afrika)
dan Bubaline sp. (kerbau). Di beberapa negara juga PRODUKTIVITAS
telah diternakkan sapi-sapi yang tidak termasuk dalam
ketiga anggota di atas yaitu Bos bison di Amerika Sapi Bali telah menunjukkan pewarnaan yang
Serikat, Bos grunniens di negara-negara sekitar seragam dengan sedikit kelainan-kelainan yang sering
pegunungan Himalaya dan Bos sundaicus (Bibos timbul, tetapi karena kelainan warna ini tidak disukai
banteng, Bos javanicus) di Indonesia dan beberapa oleh peternak maka dengan cepat menghilang dari
negara Asia Tenggara dan Australia Utara yang juga populasi. Akhir-akhir ini dilaporkan bahwa pada
dikenal sebagai sapi Banteng atau sapi Bali. beberapa lokasi di NTB dan Bali ada kecenderungan
Keluarga bovidae ini memiliki jumlah pasangan peternak mempertahankan kelainan-kelainan yang ada
kromosom yang bervariasi dari 30–60 tetapi jumlah seperti sapi Bali albino di Desa Taro yang digunakan
dasar pasangan kromosom dari keluarga ruminansia ini untuk ritual keagamaan dan turisme dan sapi Bali
sebenarnya hanya bervariasi dari 58–62 pasang. Bos bintik putih pada caudal yang banyak terdapat di NTB
taurus, Bos indicus dan Bos sundaicus memiliki jumlah (TALIB et al., 2002). Kerabatnya yang terdapat di
pasangan kromosom yang sama yaitu 60 pasang negara-negara Asia Tenggara menunjukkan warna yang
(PAYNE dan ROLLINSON, 1973). Oleh karena itu secara bervariasi. Bila sapi Bali jantan di Indonesia pada usia
teoritis mereka seharusnya dapat dikawinkan satu dewasa, warna merah tubuhnya berubah menjadi hitam
dengan lainnya dengan keturunan yang fertil. Dalam karena adanya pengaruh sex-linkage gene dengan
meneliti mengenai sel-sel karyotype didapatkan bahwa pigmentasi warna bulu (SANDHI et al., 1990), maka lain
kromosom Y pada ternak jantan dari Bos sundaicus halnya dengan kerabatnya di Kambodja dan Laos yang
hampir identik dengan yang dimiliki oleh Bos taurus tetap berwarna merah sampai dewasa dengan ciri-ciri
tetapi berbeda cukup jauh dengan Bos indicus (KIRBY, warna lainnya yang serupa dengan sapi Bali, tetapi
1979). Pengamatan lanjutan yang dilakukan diperoleh dengan ukuran tubuh dewasa yang sedikit lebih kecil
hasil yang menunjukkan bahwa Bos taurus dan Bos (SCHERF, 1995). Tetapi laporan mengenai produktivitas-
indicus sekitar tiga juta tahun yang lalu memiliki tetua nya masih sangat terbatas.
yang sama yang dikenal sebagai Bos primigenius– Di Indonesia dikenal beberapa daerah sumber
Aurochs, kemudian kedua kelompok baru mulai bibit sapi Bali yaitu Bali, Sulawesi Selatan, NTT, NTB
dibentuk sekitar satu juta tahun yang lalu terutama dan akhir-akhir ini adalah Lampung. Walaupun demikian
melalui penjinakan (LASLEY, 1981; KIKKAWA et al., yang akan dibahas dalam makalah ini hanyalah pada
1995), yang pada akhirnya dikenal tetua dari Bos tiga daerah yang disebut pertama. Sapi Bali di Indonesia
indicus sebagai Bos namadicus yang menurunkan dapat dikatakan bersumber dari sapi Bali yang ada di
sekitar 600.000 juta sapi Zebu di Asia dan Afrika Bali, yang penyebarannya baru dimulai pada awal abad
(FAO, 1995). Selanjutnya KIKKAWA dengan teman- 1900an. Walaupun demikian dalam waktu hampir
temannya melalui penelusuran RFPLs dari mitochondria seratus tahun pengembangannya di luar Bali, sapi-sapi
dan DNA pada genom mitochondria mendapatkan ini telah menunjukkan variasi yang cukup besar dalam
bahwa Bos sundaicus (Sapi Bali) ternyata memiliki produktivitasnya.
nenek moyang yang berbeda dengan Bos taurus dan
Bos indicus. Hasil yang ditunjukkan oleh KIKKAWA Penyebaran sapi Bali di berbagai wilayah di
dan kelompoknya ini lebih dapat diterima karena Indonesia
kenyataannya semua persilangan sapi Bali dengan Bos
taurus maupun Bos indicus menghasilkan keturunan Sapi Bali di Pulau Timor, pertama kali dimasukkan
jantan yang infertile (KIRBY, 1979). oleh pemerintah Belanda pada tahun 1912 dari Bali.
Hasil ini menarik karena sekaligus membuka Pada tahun 1916 terbukti bahwa sapi Bali sangat baik
suatu cakrawala baru pengembangan sapi Bali di adaptasinya di Pulau Timor (DE WILDE, 1916) sehingga
Indonesia. Berdasarkan Gambar 1 dan bentuk phenotype diputuskan pada tahun 1919 untuk lebih berkonsentrasi
antara sapi Bali dan Bos gaurus yang terkenal dengan pada pengembangan sapi Bali dari sapi lainnya yang
nama sapi Mithan di pegunungan Tibet dan sekitarnya, ada di Timor Barat, NTT ini. Pada tahun 1952 jumlah
seharusnya sapi Bali dapat dikembangkan melalui populasi sapi ini telah mencapai 108.000 ekor. Pada
perkawinan dengan sapi Mithan ini. Diharapkan tahun 1989 diketahui bahwa jumlah sapi Bali di Pulau
keturunannya akan besar-besar dan bersaing dengan Timor menjadi 550.000 ekor dengan jumlah pemilikan
sapi Zebu dan sapi Taurine dengan pertumbuhan yang sebesar 4,6 ± 2 ekor per kepala keluarga (MALESSY et
al., 1990; PATRICK, 1994).

WARTAZOA Vol. 12 No. 3 Th. 2002

Tabel 1. Dinamika populasi ternak sapi di Indonesia dari tahun 1941−1995 (000 ekor)

Ternak 1841 1945 1969 1984 1995 2001

Sapi potong 0,67 3,84 6,45 9,24 11,55 11,64
Sapi perah 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,20 0,34 0,35
Sapi Bali 0,02 1,14 1,60 2,20 3,27 3,5

Sumber: AALF (1934), DITJENNAK (1996; 1997; 2001) data di olah kembali

Pada tahun 1927 sapi Bali dimasukkan ke dalam 4 bulan pertama (LIWA, 1990; TALIB et al.,
Sulawesi Selatan (Rampi) sebanyak 5 ekor dan pada 1999). Korelasi genetik bobot umur 120 hari dengan
tahun 1940 jumlahnya telah mencapai 80 ekor. Pada sifat-sifat ekonomis lainnya juga ditemukan pada
tahun 1947 sapi Bali disebarkan ke propinsi ini secara bangsa sapi lainnya (TALIB, 1988; KRIESSE et al., 1991;
besar-besaran. Sapi-sapi inilah bersama dengan BENNET dan GREGORY, 1996). Cara lain untuk
pendahulunya menjadi cikal bakal sapi Bali di Sulawesi meningkatkan produktivitas sapi adalah dengan
Selatan yang telah berkembang menjadi propinsi memanfaatkan Banteng yang memiliki bobot dewasa
dengan jumlah sapi Bali terbanyak di Indonesia. Hanya yang besar (bilamana susah mencari pejantan sapi Bali
sayangnya, pada tahun 1964 di Bali terjadi musibah dengan bobot sekitar 600−800 kg di luar pulau Bali)
penyakit jembrana secara besar-besaran yang ataupun sapi Mithan yang memang masih satu tetua
menyebabkan sapi Bali tidak boleh dikeluarkan lagi dengan sapi Bali (SCHERF, 1995; TALIB et al., 1997).
dari pulau Bali sebagai ternak bibit. Mulai periode inilah Sapi Bali umur sekitar 2 tahun dengan bobot 400 kg
sumber bibit sapi Bali bagi daerah lain di Indonesia atau umur 4 tahun dengan bobot badan sekitar 600–800
digantikan oleh NTT, Sulawesi Selatan dan NTB. kg dapat ditemukan di Bali. Karena adanya kasus
Pada tahun 1957 dilaporkan bahwa populasi sapi penyakit-penyakit khas sapi Bali mengakibatkan
Bali di Indonesia mencapai 503.000 ekor dan pada tahun potensi yang baik ini belum dapat digunakan dengan
1989 telah mencapai sekitar 3 juta ekor atau sekitar semestinya di luar Pulau Bali.
15% dari total populasi sapi (Tabel 1). Pada tahun 2001 Tabel 2 juga secara tersirat menunjukkan adanya
diperkirakan jumlah sapi Bali berada pada kisaran 3,5 perbedaan performan antara dua sistem pemeliharaan
juta ekor dari total 12 juta ekor ternak sapi yang ada di yang mendominasi peternakan sapi Bali di Indonesia
Indonesia atau hampir 30% dari total populasi sapi di yaitu sistem grazing (Sulawesi Selatan dan NTT) vs
Indonesia. intensif (sebagian di NTT dan Bali). Pada umumnya di
Melihat jumlah ini ternyata bahwa potensi Sulawesi Selatan pemeliharaan sapi Bali dengan
pengembangan sapi Bali di Indonesia menunjukkan grazing, sehingga performan produksi lebih rendah.
grafik pengembangan yang sangat baik dan ada Hal yang sama juga ditunjukkan oleh batas bawah dari
kecenderungan pada akhirnya dapat menjadi sumber performan sapi Bali di NTT. Tetapi pada pemeliharaan
utama daging sapi di Indonesia bilamana tidak ada intensif terlihat bahwa sapi Bali baik di Bali ataupun di
intervensi kebijakan lainnya. NTT menunjukkan performan yang sama baiknya.
Pada pemeliharaan intensif maupun ekstensif sapi Bali
Performan produksi menunjukkan kemampuan adaptasi yang baik terhadap
lingkungan khusus tersebut. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari
Sapi Bali termasuk sapi kecil (Tabel 2), dengan laporan SIREGAR et al. (2000) bahwa walaupun sapi
ukuran bobot yang hampir sama dengan beberapa Bali di Ujung Pandang berukuran kecil tetapi
bangsa sapi kecil lainnya di Afrika dan India. Data ini mempunyai body condition score yang baik, artinya
juga menunjukkan bahwa variasi bobot badan pada sapi-sapi tersebut tidak kurus. Kemampuan adaptasi ini
berbagai tingkat umur pada sapi Bali cukup besar, merupakan salah satu keunggulan sapi Bali tetapi juga
sehingga peluang pengembangan melalui seleksi masih sekaligus merupakan kelemahannya karena bilamana
akan efektif. Hasil penelitian TALIB et al. (1998) lingkungan hidupnya kurang baik (pakan jelek)
menunjukkan bahwa korelasi genetik sapi Bali antara adaptasi sapi Bali adalah dengan menurunkan ukuran
bobot umur 120 hari dengan bobot sapih dan bobot tubuh. Sehingga, dengan sendirinya akan menghasilkan
setahun maupun dengan bobot lahir dan pertambahan jumlah edible meat sedikit dan kecil-kecil. Dengan
bobot harian relatif cukup baik. Oleh karena itu sifat ini demikian pasarannya juga hanya dapat menjangkau
dapat dipertimbangkan untuk dijadikan kriteria seleksi, kalangan bawah sampai hampir menengah.
mengingat produksi susu sapi Bali yang baik hanya

CHALID TALIB: Sapi Bali di Daerah Sumber Bibit dan Peluang Pengembangannya

Tabel 2. Performan produksi sapi Bali pada tiga wilayah sumber bibit di Indonesia

Status Sulawesi Selatan NTT Bali Pustaka*)

Bobot lahir (kg) 12−13 10,5−15 16−18 1,2,3,4,5,15
Bobot 120 hari (kg) 40 43−49 70 4,6,9,10
Bobot 205 hari (kg) 70−75 67−89 82 - 94 1,6,7,8,9,10,11
Bobot 365 hari (kg) 105−112 105−130 137 1,6,7,11,12
Bobot melahirkan I, umur 30 bulan (kg) 180 190 236 1,6,7
Bobot dewasa, umur 5 th (kg) 280 295−478 329 1,7,10
Persentase karkas % 45−47 47−49 56–57 7,10,13,14

*) 1. PANE, 1990; 2. TALIB et al., 2002; 3. WIRDAHAYATI dan BAMUALIM,1990; 4. TALIB et al., 1999; 5. ASTAWA, 1990; 6.
DITJENNAK dan UNIBRAW, 1983; 7. SIREGAR et al., 1985; 8. SUPRAPTINI, 1980; 9. TALIB et al., 1998; 10. TALIB, 1984a; 11.
BAKRY et. al., 1994; 12. SUDRANA, 1988; 13. TALIB, 1984b; 14. DJAGRA dan BUDIARTA, 1990; 15. TALIB et al., 2002.

Pengembangan sapi Bali melalui persilangan besar merupakan strategi dari spesies ini untuk
dengan sapi Taurin dan sapi Zebu walaupun sudah mempertahankan eksistensi mereka melalui proses
banyak dilakukan, tetapi tidak dapat diharapkan adaptasi terhadap lingkungan yang kurang mendukung
sempurna karena adanya kendala kesuburan pada bagi sapi-sapi dengan tubuh yang besar. Hal ini mudah
keturunan yang jantan walaupun sudah mencapai pada terlihat dari tubuh banteng liar dewasa yang dapat
3/4 darah Bali pada crossbred tersebut (PULUNGAN dan mencapai bobot hidup sekitar 800 kg, yang jarang
MA’SUM, 1978; KIRBY, 1979). Hasil persilangan ditemukan pada sapi Bali. Hal kedua adalah terlihat
terutama dengan sapi Taurin menunjukkan hasil yang dari mulai banyak ditemukan sapi-sapi Bali induk
cukup baik sebagai ternak komersial. Persilangan untuk dengan bobot badan yang hanya berkisar antara 120–
menghasilkan sapi-sapi final stock ini telah dikembang- 150 kg dalam kehidupan padang penggembalaan di
kan di beberapa wilayah di Indonesia dalam jumlah Sulawesi Selatan (SIREGAR et al., 2000). Pada
yang cukup banyak seperti di Timor–Barat (dengan penelitian di padang penggembalaan juga terlihat
sapi Taurin dan Zebu); NTB (dengan Taurin); dan di bahwa ternyata sapi Bali dapat menyesuaikan siklus
Sulawesi Selatan dan beberapa propinsi di Sumatera kelahiran dengan fluktuasi produktivitas padang
(dengan sapi Taurin dan Zebu). Hasil persilangan rumput dengan sangat baik (WIRDAHAYATI dan
dengan sapi Zebu kurang baik jika dibandingkan BAMUALIM, 1990; TALIB dan SIREGAR, 1991;
dengan sapi Taurine terutama Simmenthal, Limousin HIDAYATI et al., 2000) dan juga bobot lahir yang kecil
dan Angus. Hanya perlu kehati-hatian dalam persilangan yang dengan sendirinya akan memperkecil bobot
ini karena adanya kecenderungan peternak untuk dewasa (Tabel 2).
mempertahankan keturunannya yang betina, karena Kelemahan lainnya yang dapat dilihat pada sapi
dikhawatirkan pada masa mendatang dapat berakibat Bali ini adalah pada pemeliharaan ekstensif di NTT,
terhadap hilangnya plasma nutfah sapi Bali. bahwa kematian pra-sapih yang dialami cukup besar
yaitu mencapai 15–50%, tetapi tidak terjadi pada
Performan Reproduksi pemeliharaan ekstensif di Sulawesi Selatan maupun
pemeliharaan yang intensif di Bali. Dari penelitian
Sapi Bali, walaupun ukurannya kecil tetapi lanjutan diketahui bahwa penyebab kematian ini
disukai di Indonesia, salah satu penyebabnya adalah terutama disebabkan karena beberapa hal yaitu: bobot
kemampuan adaptasi reproduksinya yang luar biasa lahir yang kecil (< 10 kg); produksi air susu induk yang
dibawah cekaman lingkungan yang keras (Tabel 3). rendah, anak terlahir lemah (gejala dehidrasi); dan anak
Dari Tabel 3 terlihat bahwa secara umum prestasi yang baru dilahirkan disembunyikan/tidak diketahui
reproduksi pada sapi-sapi Bali di Sulawesi Selatan dan oleh pemiliknya. Penyebab lainnya yaitu bagi pedet-
NTT untuk sifat-sifat birahi dan lama bunting relatif pedet yang dilahirkan diluar musim kelahiran (pada
sama dengan yang di Bali. Pada pemeliharaan intensif saat produksi padang rumput sudah tidak mendukung),
(Bali) maupun ekstensif (Sulawesi Selatan dan NTT) karena pada saat ini induk-induk sapi akan kehilangan
ternyata sapi Bali tetap memperlihatkan kemampuan sebagian besar bobot badan yang dengan sendirinya
reproduksi yang cukup superior. Hal yang serupa juga juga menurunkan mothering ability dalam membesarkan
ditunjukkan oleh bangsa sapi-sapi kecil di daerah pedet termasuk produksi susu (WIRDAHAYATI dan
savana tropis–Afrika (MUKASA MURGEWA, 1989). BAMUALIM, 1990; TALIB et al., 1999).
Bahwa ukuran tubuh yang kecil pada sapi kemungkinan

WARTAZOA Vol. 12 No. 3 Th. 2002

Tabel 3. Performan reproduksi sapi Bali pada tiga wilayah sumber bibit di Indonesia

Sumber variasi Sulawesi Selatan NTT Bali Pustaka*)

Pertama birahi (bulan) 18–24 18–24 19–21 1,4,6,15
Siklus berahi (hari) 20–21 19–23 20–21 4,5,7
Lama birahi (jam) 18–36 18–36 27–48 1,2,4,6
Conseption rate (%) 70–90 80–90 86–88 1,4,5,8
Lama bunting (hari) 281–286 280–290 285–302 4,6,9,14
Calving rate (%) 82 83 69–83 4,5,6,15
Beranak pertama (bulan) 30–40 30–38 31 4,5,6
Oestrus postpartum (hari) < 90 60–90 60–180 2,4,10,14
Selang beranak (bulan) 11–16 15–18 13–17 1,4,5,6,12,13,14,
Produksi susu, pada 4 bulan pertama (kg) 1,8 1,2–1,8 − 3,11
Kematian prasapih (%) 7 15–50 8 (5) 3,4,5
Kematian dewasa 3 1 3 (4) 1,4,5,8

*) 1. TALIB dan SIREGAR, 1984; 2. POHAN, 2000; 3. WIRDAHAYATI dan BAMUALIM, 1990; 4. PANE, 1990; 5. TALIB, 1984a; 6.
TALIB, 1984b; 7. TALIB et al., 2000; 8. SIREGAR et al., 1985; 9. TALIB, 1989; 10. TALIB et al., 2000; 11. LIWA, 1990; 12.
SUMBUNG et al., 1976; 13. DARMADJA, 1980; 14. ARDIKA, 1995; 15. ASTAWA, 1990.

Rendahnya kematian dini pedet sapi Bali di dengan datangnya oestrus postpartum, dan juga
Sulawesi Selatan salah satunya karena kelahiran memiliki record birahi kembali sekitar 60–90 hari.
banyak terjadi ketika panen padi sawah/tegal baru saja 3. Perbaikan genetik dapat juga dilakukan melalui
selesai sehingga wilayah penggembalaan sapi justru perkawinan dengan banteng ataupun dengan sapi
dilakukan di areal tanam padi tersebut. Keuntungannya Mithan (Bos gaurus) yang sangat mirip dengan sapi
adalah kelahiran mudah diketahui (tidak ada tempat Bali walaupun tidak memiliki warna putih pada
persembunyian) pemiliknya, sehingga peternak akan pantat.
dengan cepat mengetahui kelahiran yang terjadi dan 4. Perbaikan manajemen pemeliharaan ekstensif yaitu
akan menambat induk-induk yang baru melahirkan. dengan memberi perhatian lebih pada induk-induk
Sehingga masalah produksi air susu induk yang rendah bunting tua dan yang baru melahirkan untuk
dapat teratasi dengan penyediaan pakan hijauan menyelamatkan terutama pedet pra-sapih tersebut.
tambahan oleh peternak. Kemudian program pemberian pakan tambahan
pada sistem pemeliharaan ekstensif di padang
penggembalaan terutama pada saat produksi padang
5. Program pemuliaan hendaknya diarahkan untuk
Perbaikan yang perlu dilakukan adalah pada sifat- menghasilkan dua macam galur, yaitu galur untuk
sifat yang kurang baik menjadi baik yakni dengan pemeliharaan intensif dan galur untuk pemeliharaan
mempertahankan ataupun meningkatkan sifat-sifat baik dipadang penggembalaan.
yang sudah dimiliki. Peluang perbaikan yang dapat 6. Karena trend produksi susu sapi Bali yang hanya
dilakukan antara lain: cukup baik dalam 4 bulan pertama maka seleksi
1. Bobot badan sapi Bali dapat ditingkatkan melalui pada pedet umur 120 hari sangat dianjurkan
seleksi sebagaimana yang telah dilakukan di Proyek mengingat adanya korelasi genetik positive antara
Pengembangan dan Perbibitan Sapi Bali (P3Bali) di bobot ini dengan bobot badan dan pertambahan
Bali dan Sulawesi Selatan. Induk-induk yang ikut bobot badan lainnya pada sapi Bali.
dalam program pemuliaan ini haruslah induk-induk 7. Persilangan dengan Bos taurus dan Bos indicus
yang memiliki sifat reproduksi yang terbaik. hendaknya hanya diarahkan untuk memproduksi
2. Seleksi yang dilakukan seharusnya juga memasuk- sapi-sapi final stock ataupun induk-induk perantara
kan sifat produksi susu, sehingga induk-induk yang penghasil final stock saja. Keturunan betina dari
ikut dalam perbaikan genetik ini hanyalah induk- persilangan ini yang tidak diperuntukan sebagai
induk dengan produksi susu yang baik. Mengingat induk-induk perantara sebaiknya dijadikan final
adanya hubungan negatif antara produksi susu tinggi stock saja agar keaslian plasma nutfah sapi Bali
dapat tetap dipertahankan.

CHALID TALIB: Sapi Bali di Daerah Sumber Bibit dan Peluang Pengembangannya

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Utomo et al. Pubertas Sapi Katingan betina dikaitkan dengan konsentrasi mineral Cu dan lingkungan

Pubertas Sapi Katingan Betina Dikaitkan dengan Konsentrasi Mineral Cu

dan Lingkungan
Utomo BN1, Noor RR2, Sumantri C2, Supriatna I3, Gurnardi ED 2

Balai Besar Penelitian Veteriner, Jl. RE. Martadinata 30 Bogor 16114
Departemen Ilmu Produksi dan Teknologi Fakultas Peternakan IPB, Jl. Rasamala, Darmaga, Bogor
Departemen Klinik, Reproduksi dan Patologi Fakultas Kedokteran Hewan IPB, Jl. Rasamala, Darmaga, Bogor

(Diterima 1 Maret 2013 ; disetujui 20 Mei 2013)


Utomo BN, Noor RR, Sumantri C, Supriatna I, Gurnardi ED. 2013. Puberty of Katingan cow in realation to Cu mineral and the
environtment. JITV 18(2): 123-130
The onset of puberty is an important role in order to optimize performance of Katingan cattle reproduction. The onset of
puberty can be estimated from to blood progesterone concentration. In this study the onset of puberty was estimetid through
analysis of progesterone hormone in various age of individual cattle. Thirty blood samples were obtained from 30 Katingan
heifers of 13 months and 15 days to 23 months and 18 days old from Tumbang Lahang (10 samples) and Buntut Bali (20
sampels) to be analyzed for progesterone concentrations using RIA method. The same samples were also analyzed to find out
information about Copper (Cu) concentration. The results showed that progesterone concentration varied narrowly from 0.008 to
0.184 ng/ml. The result indicated that the Katingan cattle in 23 months old was still in prepuberty category. Environment factor
such as land pH was acid (pH<6), grass quality and climate in term of temperature and humidity relatively high, may an
important role to delay the oset of their puberty. One of the environment problem was proved by the most of the same samples
than had under adequate value of level of Copper.
Key Words: Katingan Cattle, Progesterone, Puberty, Cu mineral, Environment


Utomo BN, Noor RR, Sumantri C, Supriatna I, Gurnardi ED. 2013. Pubertas Sapi Katingan betina dikaitkan dengan konsentrasi
mineral Cu dan lingkungan. JITV 18(2): 123-130
Umur awal pubertas sangat penting dalam rangka mengoptimumkan performan reproduksi Sapi Katingan. Estimasi umur
awal pubertas dilakukan melalui pemeriksaan konsentrasi hormon progesteron pada individu-individu Sapi Katingan dengan
berbagai variasi umur. Sebanyak 30 ekor Sapi Katingan betina umur 13 bulan 15 hari - 23 bulan 18 hari diperoleh dari Buntut
Bali (20 ekor) dan dari Tumbang Lahang (10 ekor). Konsentrasi hormon progesterone diukur dari serum darah dengan
menggunakan metode Radio Immuno Assay (RIA). Pada contoh serum yang sama juga dilakukan pemeriksaan terhadap kadar
mikro mineral Copper (Cu). Hasil pemeriksaan menunjukkan bahwa kisaran konsentrasi hormon progesterone yang berhasil
diukur adalah 0,008 – 0,184 ng/ml. Hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa sapi-sapi Katingan tersebut masih dalam kategori
prepubertas. Hasil pemeriksaan kadar Cu dalam serum sapi Katingan hampir semuanya di bawah kadar kecukupan. Hal ini
diduga menjadi penyebab keterlambatan pubertas pada sapi Katingan betina. Faktor lingkungan yang diduga kuat ikut
mempengaruhi diantaranya adalah kualitas lahan (pH rendah), kualitas rumput yang diberikan, dan iklim yang ekstrim.
Kata Kunci: Sapi Katingan, Progestron, Pubertas, Mineral Cu, Lingkungan

PENDAHULUAN Awal pubertas mempunyai banyak definisi

(Getzewick 2005), antara lain umur ketika hewan mulai
Salah satu tolak ukur efisiensi reproduksi adalah melepaskan sel gamet (betina: pertama ovulasi)
dicapainya umur awal pubertas yang lebih awal sesuai (Rawlings et al. 2003), umur pertama kali estrus, serta
dengan potensi genetiknya. Hal ini penting untuk umur pada saat betina mampu untuk bunting dimana
mencapai performan reproduksi sapi yang optimum dan organ-organ reproduksinya mulai berfungsi (Getzewick
memberikan peningkatan produktivitasnya. Informasi 2005). Suatu hewan telah dipertimbangkan mencapai
umur awal pubertas juga penting sebagai acuan dalam pubertas jika dia memperlihatkan estrus, mempunyai
meningkatkan efisiensi reproduksi berdasarkan potensi korpus luteum yang dapat dipalpasi antara hari ke tujuh
dan permasalahan yang ada di lapangan melalui dan hari ke 15 setelah estrus dan mempunyai
berbagai inovasi teknologi.

JITV Vol. 18 No 2 Th. 2013: 123-130

konsentrasi progesteron lebih dari 1 ng/ml dalam Kecamatan Pulau Malan dengan konsentrasi lokasi di
periode tetap (Rekwort et al. 2000). Desa Buntut Bali sebanyak 20 contoh. Lokasi tersebut
Pubertas dikontrol oleh mekanisme-mekanisme dipilih berdasarkan informasi petugas dan peternak
fisiologis tertentu yang melibatkan gonad dan kelenjar tentang sapi-sapi yang teridentifikasi hari, bulan dan
adenohipofisa, sehingga pubertas tidak luput dari tahun kelahirannya berdasarkan catatan peternak.
pengaruh faktor herediter dan lingkungan yang bekerja Pengambilan contoh darah Sapi Katingan betina
melalui organ-organ tersebut (Toelihere 1985), tidak dapat dilakukan secara rutin dengan interval
lingkungan (nutrisi, iklim dan musim) serta pejantan waktu tertentu, melainkan hanya pada individu-individu
atau biostimulation (Rekwort et al. 2000; Getzewick sapi dengan umur yang berbeda, yaitu antara umur 13
2005; Abdelgadir et al. 2010). bulan 15 hari – 23 bulan 18 hari (Tabel 1). Hal ini
Umumnya pertumbuhan dan perkembangan menjadi disebabkan karena kondisi lapang yang sulit,
prasyarat penting untuk inisiasi menuju pubertas manajemen ekstensif tradisional dan jauh dari
(Rekwort et al. 2000). Menurut Getzewich (2005) pada pemukiman serta kejadian banjir saat musim penghujan,
umumnya pubertas dicapai ketika mereka telah akibatnya lokasi sapi sulit dijangkau. Dengan demikian
mencapai 40% dari bobot badan dewasa dan aspek contoh darah hanya dikoleksi 1 (satu) kali pada 30 ekor
pakan mempunyai pengaruh yang besar. Beberapa Sapi Katingan. Darah diambil melalui vena jugularis,
penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ternak yang diberi kemudian ditampung dalam tabung vakuntainer 7 ml
asupan pakan dengan kecukupan energi dan protein tanpa antikoagulan. Tabung berisi darah kemudian
menyebabkan ternak cepat tumbuh dan umur pubertas dimiringkan untuk memperlebar bidang permukaan
lebih awal bisa dicapai (Son et al. 2001; Romano et al. selama + 20 menit sampai serum terpisah dari bekuan
2005). Sapi dari spesies Bos indicus permasalahan yang darahnya. Serum yang keluar dipindahkan ke dalam
dihadapi adalah pencapaian awal umur pubertas lebih tabung eppendrof dan disimpan dalam icebox selama
lambat dibandingkan dengan sapi dari Bos Taurus berada di lapang. Sesampainya di laboratorium contoh
(Sargentini et al. 2007). Menurut Noguiera (2004), disimpan pada suhu -20oC sampai siap untuk dilakukan
seleksi genetik, crossbreeding dan perbaikan pakan analisis.
dapat digunakan untuk mempercepat umur pertama
beranak sapi Bos indicus. Analisis konsentrasi hormon progesteron
Pemeliharaan pada Sapi Katingan yang biasanya
dilakukan secara ekstensif, menyulitkan pengamatan Pemeriksaan hormon progesteron dilakukan dengan
umur pubertas dan profil reproduksi lainnya, sehingga. metode RIA. Kotak (KIT) berisi perlengkapan uji imun
tidak diketahui secara pasti kapan sebenarnya sapi Radioisotop untuk progesteron adalah buatan Cisbio
tersebut siap untuk dikawinkan. Penggembalaan Bioassays dari Perancis. Pengukuran radioaktivitas
campuran antara sapi-sapi jantan dan sekelompok sapi dilakukan dengan alat gamma counter sehingga
betina di padang rumput akan menurunkan produktivitas didapatkan nilai CPM (count per minute). Prosedur
dan reproduktivitasnya. Faktor lingkungan seperti pH pengujian dilakukan sesuai dengan petunjuk yang
lahan yang rendah mempengaruhi ketersediaan mineral tersedia pada KIT progesteron Cisbio Bioassays. Semua
Cu (Gartenberg et al. 1990; Darmono 2009) yang uji untuk kurva baku (standar) dibuat dua kali atau tiga
sangat berpengaruh terhadap pencapaian pubertas kali, bersama-sama dengan contoh serum yang tidak
akibat gangguan aktivitas ovariumnya (Ahmed et al. diketahui konsentrasi progesteronnya.
2009) demikian juga dengan pengaruh dari temperatur Pembuatan kurva baku untuk progesteron dibuat
dan kelembaban yang ekstrim atau iklim yang ektrim dari tabung-tabung A = 0,15 ng/ml, B = 0,40 ng/ml,
(Gwazdauskas 1985). C = 1,30 ng/ml, D = 3,50 ng/ml, E = 16,60 ng/ml,
Melihat hal tersebut penentuan umur awal pubertas F = 63ng/ml dan O = 0 ng/ml. Kurva dibuat dengan
pada Sapi Katingan dan faktor-faktor yang sumbu X berupa konsentrasi progesteron baku dan
mempengaruhi perlu diteliti sebagai informasi dasar sumbu Y adalah nilai CPM. Perhitungan nilai
penting yang menunjang produktivitas ternak Sapi progesteron dapat ditentukan langsung melalui grafik
Katingan. baku yang tersedia berdasarkan nilai CPM contoh atau
dapat ditentukan dengan persamaan regresi linear.
Analisis kadar Cu dan lingkungan
Contoh darah
Penelitian lapang dilakukan selama 6 bulan dengan Pada contoh serum yang sama untuk analisis
lokasi pengambilan contoh darah di Kecamatan hormon progesteron juga dilakukan pemeriksaan
Katingan Tengah dengan konsentrasi lokasi di Desa terhadap konsentrasi mineral Cu. Analisis mineral Cu
Tumbang Lahang sebanyak 10 contoh dan di dilakukan di laboratorium Balitnak.

Utomo et al. Pubertas Sapi Katingan betina dikaitkan dengan konsentrasi mineral Cu dan lingkungan

Tabel 1. Distribusi contoh darah Sapi Katingan untuk analisis laboratorium.

No. Umur sapi Jumlah No. Umur sapi Jumlah (ekor)

Bulan Hari Bulan Hari
1. 13 15 1 17 22 1
2. 14 15 1 23 1
18 1 26 1
3. 15 2 1 27 1
17 1 6. 19 5 1
21 1 15 1
4. 16 15 1 19 1
21 1 7. 20 16 1
29 1 26 1
29 1 8. 21 3 1
5. 17 0 1 16 1
6 1 9. 22 0 1
15 1 5 1
17 3 10. 23 18 1

Aspek lingkungan yang diamati adalah suhu dan perbedaan umur, bobot badan dan status fisiologis dari
kelembaban yang diukur dari pagi dan sore hari masing-masing individu sapi. Hasil penelitian Romano
selamapelaksanaan kegiatan penelitian. Sementara et al. (2005) pada sapi yang umurnya relatif seragam
kondisi pH lahan mengacu pada hasil penelitian yang juga menunjukkan gambaran konsentrasi progesteron
dilakukan sebelumnya oleh peneliti BPTP Kalteng. yang fluktuatif walau bobot badannya berbeda.
Manajemen pemeliharaan sapi diamati untuk Konsentrasi hormon pada periode ini sesuai dengan
memperkaya informasi. yang dilaporkan Nakada et al. (2000) pada sapi FH dari
lahir sampai prepuber (0,05 + 0.01 sampai 0.18 + 0.05
Analisis data ng/ml), namun lebih rendah dari laporan Balakrishnan
et al. (1986) pada sapi cross Zebu dan Holstein
Data dianalisis secara deskriptif meliputi (0.23+0,06 ng/ml). Konsentrasi progesteron akan
meningkat signifikan sesaat sebelum pubertas
konsentrasi hormon progesteron, mineral Cu dan aspek
(Berardinelli et al. 1979)
lingkungan. Khusus untuk menentukan pencapaian
Berbagai penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
umur awal pubertas sapi digunakan kriteria ketika
konsentrasi progesteron ketika mencapai umur awal
konsentrasi serum progesteron lebih besar dari 1,0 pubertas melebihi dari 2 ng/ml. Romano et al. (2005)
ng/ml (Cooke dan Arthington, 2009; Getzewick, 2005; melaporkan bahwa pada awal pubertas sapi lokal
Sargentini et al. 2007). Nelore dari Brazil pada berbagai umur, konsentrasi
progesteronnya rata-rata 2,78 ng/ml, sedangkan
HASIL DAN PEMBAHASAN Rekwort et al. (2005) melaporkan pada sapi lokal
Guinea Bunaji konsentrasi hormon progestronnya 3,00-
Konsentrasi Hormon Progesteron 3,40 ng/ml.
Berdasarkan hasil pemeriksaan terhadap konsentrasi
Konsentrasi hormon progesteron Sapi Katingan hormon progesteron tersebut, diestimasikan bahwa
pada umur 13 bulan 15 hari sampai 23 bulan 18 hari umur awal pubertas pada Sapi Katingan di atas 23
semuanya masih di bawah 1 ng/ml. Kisaran hasil bulan. Noguiera (2004) mengestimasi umur awal
pemeriksaan konsentrasi hormon progesteron adalah pubertas dengan melihat umur pertama kali beranak.
0,01 – 0,18 ng/ml (Gambar 1), mengindikasikan bahwa Berdasarkan informasi dari 30 responden peternak yang
sapi-sapi tersebut masih dalam kategori belum puber ada di tiga lokasi penelitian (Pendahara, Buntut Bali
(Rekwort et al. 2000; Swain and Harjit, 2001). dan Tumbang Lahang), umur rata-rata pertama kali
Konsentrasi hormon antara umur 13.5 sampai 23.5 beranak Sapi Katingan adalah 3,0-3.5 tahun. Sehingga
bulan masih rendah dan sangat fluktuatif akibat sangat dimungkinkan bahwa Sapi Katingan mulai puber

JITV Vol. 18 No 2 Th. 2013: 123-130


Konsentrasi progesteron (ng/ml)

Umur individu sapi (Bulan, Hari)

Gambar 1. Konsentrasi hormon progesteron pada individu-individu Sapi Katingan berbagai umur.

setelah berumur di atas 23 bulan sebagaimana terjadi mempengaruhi pencapaian bobot badan saat pubertas
pada sapi-sapi lokal lainnya di daerah tropis (Faruque yang sudah barang tentu akan mempengaruhi
and Bhuiyan 2002; Premasundera 2002; Singh et al. pencapaian umur awal pubertas.
2002; Talib et al. 2003; Miazi et al. 2007; Bishop dan Pertumbuhan Sapi Katingan tidak maksimal karena
Pfeiffer 2008 Sutradhar et al. 2010). Lamanya pakannya hanya yang ada di padang gembalaan yang
pencapaian umur pubertas menurut Bishop and Pfeiffer kualiltas dan kuantitasnya rendah. Dari berbagai hasil
(2008) menunjukkan bahwa performan reproduksi sapi penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pakan mempunyai
tersebut jelek. pengaruh yang nyata terhadap pencapaian umur
Sapi-sapi yang hidup di daerah beriklim tropis pubertas (Al-Shami 2007; Son et al. 2001; Romano et
seperti di Afrika rata-rata pencapaian umur awal al. 2005; Noguiera 2004; Agustina et al. 2001). Pakan
pubertas yang didasarkan pada level naiknya tidak hanya berhubungan dengan syarat pencapaian
progesteronnya relatif lama, berkisar 25-33 bulan bobot badan saat pubertas tetapi juga mempengaruhi
(Eduvie et al. 1993; Kanuya et al. 1993; Osei et al. produksi dan pelepasan hormon (Swain dan Harjit
1993). Sebaliknya sapi-sapi yang hidup di daerah 2001). Menurut Darmono (2009) sapi yang hampir
subtropis umur awal pubertas lebih cepat yaitu pada 100% pakannya berasal dari tanaman pakan ternak atau
umur kurang dari 25 bulan (Sargentini et al. 2007; rumput alam akan mengalami defisiensi mineral yang
Saenz et al. 2008). dapat menurunkan reproduktivitas.
Kondisi lahan tempat pemeliharaan Sapi Katingan
Faktor lingkungan yang diduga mempengaruhi adalah asam (pH rendah) dan pada kondisi ini menurut
pencapaian pubertas Gartenberg et al. (1990) terjadi kekurangan unsur
mineral mikro Copper (Cu). Menurut Darmono (2009)
Kondisi lingkungan pemeliharaan (habitat) sapi hal ini akan berakibat hijauan yang tumbuh di atas
Katingan yang diduga mempunyai pengaruh terhadap tanah tersebut juga akan miskin mineral Cu. Copper
pencapaian umur awal pubertas, diantaranya adalah: (1) berperan dalam proses metabolisme estrogen dan
Kondisi lahan dengan pH rendah (asam), pada lokasi diperlukan pula untuk kesuburan ternak betina. Copper
Buntut Bali dilaporkan mempunyai pH 4.30 juga mempunyai peranan yang nyata dalam
(Firmansyah belum dipublikasi), (2) Kualitas pakan pemeliharaan fertilitas yang secara optimum dengan
yang rendah (hanya rumput), dan (3) Suhu dan melibatkan aktivitas FSH, LH dan estrogen (Desai et al.
kelembaban yang relatif tinggi. Kadarsih (2003) 1982). Defisiensi Cu menyebabkan gangguan aktivitas
menyebutkan bahwa penampilan produksi dan ovarium (Ahmed et al. 2009). Defisiensi Cu pada sapi
reproduksi dipengaruhi oleh faktor lingkungan dan akan mengakibatkan berkurangnya sintesa estrogen.
faktor genetik dengan perbandingan 60:40. Aspek Dilaporkan juga bahwa konsentrasi LH di jaringan
lingkungan yang banyak dilaporkan adalah masalah pituitary akan lebih rendah ketika terjadi defisiensi Cu
pakan (Abdelgadir et al. 2010; Noguiera, 2004; Son et (Xin et al. 1993). Kondisi ini diperparah oleh jarangnya
al. 2000; Shehu et al. 2008). Terzano et al. (2007) pemberian pakan tambahan dan mineral. Mineral yang
melaporkan bahwa pada sistem manajemen kadang-kadang diberikan adalah garam dapur. Darmono
pemeliharaan (intensif dan ekstensif) secara nyata (2007) melaporkan bahwa di beberapa daerah

Utomo et al. Pubertas Sapi Katingan betina dikaitkan dengan konsentrasi mineral Cu dan lingkungan

transmigrasi di Kalimantan sapi-sapi mengalami Hubungan/korelasi antara kadar progesteron dengan

defisiensi mineral dan dari hasil penelitian lain kadar Cu dipelajari melalui analisis korelasi linear
menunjukkan bahwa defisiensi Cu adalah yang paling sederhana (Pearson correlation) dan didapatkan tingkat
sering ditemukan di Indonesia (Stoltz et al. 1985). hubungan yang rendah dengan arah negatif (P-Value =
Walaupun kondisi lahan lokasi pemeliharaan Sapi 0.06) (Gambar 3) dan dengan tingkat keeratan R = -
Katingan berdasarkan referensi tersebut ada 0.35. Hal ini wajar karena unsur Cu lebih berperanan
kemungkinan defisiensi Cu, namun demikian perlu pada metabolisme estrogen.
dipastikan lebih lanjut melalui pemeriksaan Defisiensi mineral Cu ini diduga menjadi pemicu
laboratorium terhadap lingkungan (lahan dan rumput) beberapa kasus kesulitan melahirkan dan retensi
dan sapinya sendiri. plasenta yang menurut Garternberg et al. (1990).
Data kandungan mineral Cu dari sapi-sapi yang Dengan demikian faktor mineral utamanya Cu menjadi
sama disajikan pada Gambar 2. Sebagaimana bahan pertimbangan penting dalam rangka membantu
konsentrasi hormon progesteron, konsentrasi Cu pada mempercepat pencapaian umur awal pubertas pada Sapi
masing-masing individu juga fluktuatif. Status fisiologis Katingan. Menurut Gardner et al. (2003) suplementasi
yang berbeda dari masing-masing individu sapi dengan Cu efektif untuk meningkatkan konsentrasi Cu sapi.
umur yang bervariasi diduga menjadi salah satu Faktor-faktor iklim (suhu, curah hujan dan
penyebabnya. Menurut Kincaid (1999) konsentrasi Cu kelembaban) yang tidak sesuai bagi ternak sapi dapat
dipengaruhi oleh infeksi, stress dan eritrosit hemolisis. mempengaruhi reproduktivitas. Menurut Ahmed
Juga bisa dipengaruhi oleh Zn, Fe, Mo dan S yang (2007), zona termonetral suhu nyaman untuk sapi lokal
dikonsumsinya (McDowell 1992). adalah 21-27oC, kelembaban udara tidak boleh melebihi
Konsentrasi Cu serum berkisar antara 0.18 sampai 60oC dan indek kelembaban suhu (temperature
0.76 µg/ml. Menurut Kincaid (2000), konsentrasi Cu humidity index) 72. Menurut Gwazdauskas (1985) iklim
dalam plasma untuk batas marginal adalah 0,50-0,70 yang ekstrim dapat mempengaruhi reproduksi karena
ug/ml, batas cukup 0.70-0.90 µg/ml sedangkan dapat mengubah fungsi endokrin dan dapat menunda
dikatakan kandungan Cu tinggi ketika konsentrasinya pencapaian umur pubertas. Ketinggian tempat di tiga
0,90-1,10 µg/ml. Standar kecukupan mineral yang lokasi penelitian (Pendahara, Buntut Bali dan Tumbang
dianjurkan bervariasi, Leanne et al. (2010) memberikan Lahang) berada pada kisaran 0-700 meter di atas
batasan terendah 0.60 µg/ml, sedangkan Gadberry et al. permukaan laut. Hal ini menjadikan kawasan ini
(2003) memberikan batas kecukupan dari 0,80-1,40 memiliki rejim panas (isohyperthermic) dan lembab
ppm (µg/ml). (udic). Berdasarkan hasil beberapa kali pengukuran
Hasil pemeriksaan contoh serum Sapi Katingan terhadap temperatur dan kelembaban di Pendahara pada
menunjukkan sebagian besar di bawah standar bulan April 2010 didapatkan rata-rata temperatur dan
kecukupan mineral Cu. Hanya satu dari keseluruh kelembaban pada pagi hari 28oC dan >100% sedangkan
contoh yang diperiksa (3.30%) mempunyai konsentrasi pada sore hari 34oC dan 93%. Informasi tersebut
yang di atas cukup yaitu 0.76 µg/ml menurut standar mengisyaratkan bahwa iklim di lingkungan
yang disampaikan Kincaid (2000). Dapat dinyatakan pemeliharaan sapi Katingan relatif ekstrim.
bahwa sapi-sapi Katingan tersebut mengalami defisiensi Manajemen pemeliharaan sapi Katingan
mineral Cu yang diduga ikut berperan dalam menunda dilakukan secara ekstensif, dimana sapi jantan dan
terjadinya awal pubertas. betina dilepas bersama-sama di dalam ranch atau di
Konsentrasi Cu (µg/ml)

Umur individu sapi (bulan, hari)

Gambar 2. Konsentrasi Cu pada Sapi Katingan yang diperiksa hormon progesteronnya.

JITV Vol. 18 No 2 Th. 2013: 123-130


Konsentrasi Progesteron

Kadar Progesteron



0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

Kadar Cu
Konsentrasi Cu

Gambar 3. Korelasi antara konsentrasi hormon progestron dan mineral Cu Sapi Katingan.

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U.S. De.partment of Agriculture, Fort Robin'son Beef Research Station, Nebraska
and University of Nebraska, Limoln

p Ulevel
B E R T Y in beef heifers is influenced by
of nutrition, breed, sire, growth rate
beet pulp 6 and 60% ground shelled corn. The
concentrate was kept in a self-feeder, and
and heterosis (Warnick et al., 1956; Chris- heifers had access to the feeder for approxi-
tian, 1957; Wiltbank, Rowden and Ingalls, mately 14 hr. daily.
1959; Reynolds, DeRouen and High, Jr., Heifers on the low nutritional level received
1963; Wiltbank et al., 1966). I t is not known a full feed of either crested or intermediate
if the effect of level of nutrition is comparable wheat grass hay and 0.2 kg. of 40% protein
in all breeds and crosses of beef heifers. This supplement daily. Heifers received these diets
experiment was designed to determine if level from weaning until the first ovulatory estrus,
of nutrition had a differential effect on age which was defined as puberty.
and weight at puberty in straightbred and Estrus was detected with the aid of a steril-
crossbred beef heifers. ized bull (Wiltbank, 1961). The bull was
painted twice daily on the brisket with grease
M a t e r i a l and M e t h o d s containing pigment. The bull was with heifers
on the low level of nutrition during the night
The heifers were produced by mating four and with heifers on the high level of nutrition
Angus and four Hereford sires to yearling during the day. Each group of heifers was ob-
Angus or Hereford females. Each bull was served for estrus for approximately 30 mill.
mated to approximately equal numbers of fe- night and morning. A grease mark on the
males of his own breed and of the other breed rump or tail head or standing to be ridden was
(Wiltbank et al., 1967). The dams of these taken as an indication of estrus. Rectal exam-
heifers were on two different feeding regimes inations of the ovaries were made biweekly to
before and three feeding regimes after the determine if ovulations had occurred without
birth of the calves. The heifers were weaned estrus and if ovulation occurred following es-
from July through October at 127 to 175 days trus. The incidence of ovulations without es-
of age and assigned within breed groups (An- trus was negligible. The heifers were weighed
gus, Hereford or crossbred) to either a low or biweekly.
high nutritional level. The eight sires were
represented almost equally among the heifers
Results and Discussion
in each group. Prior nutritional level of dams
could not be considered because of the limited The heifers assigned to the low level of nu-
number of heifers available. Weight of the trition were heavier at the start of the experi-
heifers at 120 days was used in assigning ment in all breed groups (table 2). The weight
heifers to make weight at 120 days as equal gains of heifers on the two levels of feed were
as possible in high and low nutritional groups markedly different (table 2). The average
in each breed. The design of the experiment daily gain from 6 to 12 months was 0.78 kg.
and the number of heifers in each group are for heifers on the high level of feed and 0.33
shown in table 1. kg. for heifers on the low level of feed ( P ~
Heifers on the high nutritional level received .01). The average weight at 12 months of age
a full feed of concentrate plus 1.3 to 1.8 kg. was 298.5 kg. for heifers on the high level of
of crested or intermediate wheat grass hay feed and 218.6 kg. for heifers on the low level
per head per day. The concentrate was 40% of feed ( P < . 0 1 ) .
There was a difference in rate of gain be-
x Published with the approval of the director as Paper No.
2375 Journal series, Nebraska Agriculture Experiment Station. tween breed groups ( P < . 0 1 ) . Hereford heifers
S Present address: Department of Animal Science, Colorado
State University, Fort Collins.
gained slower on both levels of feed than the
s Present address: The Upjohn Co., Kalamazoo, Michigan.
Deceased. 6 LPC, manufactured by Great Western Sugar Co. and con-
5 Authors wish to acknowledge the assistance of J. W. Thorn- taining dried beet pulp plus condensed beet solubles neutralized
ton in the analysis of the data. with ammonia.
Downloaded from by Jean and Alexander Heard Library Vanderbilt University user on 28 December 2019
TABLE 1. D E S I G N O F E X P E R I M E N T AND of level of nutrition and breed of heifers on
age at puberty was found (table 5). This dif-
B r e e d i n g of h e i f e r s ferential effect is also seen in the difference
L e v e l of between straightbred and crossbred heifers in
nutrition H H ** AA AH HA age at puberty on the high level of feed (0
High * 8 12 9 8 days) and the low level of feed (148 days)
Low 8 12 10 7 (table 4).
* Level of nutrition during experimental period. Crossbred heifers on the high level of feed
9 *~ H : H e r e f o r d ; A~Angus. First letter refers to breed of were heavier than straightbred heifers at pu-
sire, second to breed of dam.
berty, while crossbred heifers on the low level
other three groups, while the two crossbred of feed were lighter than straightbred heifers
groups made the most rapid gains. The inter- at puberty. This led to a significant interac-
action between breed group and level of nutri- tion for weight at puberty between nutritional
tion was not significant ( P > . 0 5 ) , indicating level and crossbred v s . straightbred heifers
that level of feed did not have a different effect ( P < . 0 1 ) (table 5).
on rate of gain in the different breed groups Crossbred heifers on the high level of feed
(table 3). gained more weight from the start of the ex-
Straightbred heifers on the high level of feed periment to puberty than straightbred heifers
reached puberty an average of 191 days earlier (193 v s . 169). The opposite was true on the
than straightbred heifers on a low level of feed low level of feed. Crossbred heifers gained 105
(table 4). The difference between the cross- kg. while straightbred heifers gained 128 kg.
bred heifers on the two levels of feed was only (table 4). This led to a highly significant nu-
43 days. Thus, evidence for a differential effect trition X breed interaction (table 5).



Straight- Cross- Differ-

HH AA AH HA bred bred ence
Wt. on experiment (kg,)
H i g h nutrition 129.9 136.8 128,7 146.0 133.9 136.8 2.9
Low nutrition 135.2 143.1 147.4 150.3 140.0 148.6 8.6
Difference 5.3 6.3 18.7 4.3 6.1 11.8 ...
Wt. at 12 too. of age (kg.)
High nutrition 270.9 302.2 306.3 311.2 289.0 308.6 19.6
Low nutrition 191.1 219.9 235.8 223.7 208.4 230.8 22.4
Difference 79.8 82.3 70.5 87.5 80.6 77.8 ...
Gain from 6 mo. of age to
12 mo. of age (kg.)
High nutrition 123.2 138.3 153.7 142.8 131.9 148.5 16.6
Low nutrition 47.9 59.3 71.0 57.0 54.8 65.2 10.4
Difference 75.3 79.0 82.7 85.8 77.1 83.3 ...
Av. daily gain from 6 too. of age to
12 too. of age (kg.)
High nutrition .68 .77 .85 .79 .73 .82 .09
Low nutrition .27 .33 .39 .32 .30 .36 : 06
Difference .41 .44 .46 .47 .43 .46 ...


Wt. on Av. daily

experi- Wt. at Gain gain
S o u r c e of v a r i a t i o n d.f. ment 12 t o o . 6-12 mo. 6-12 mo.

N u t r i t i o n a l level ( N ) 1 1363" 115541** 117393** 3.62**

Breed Group (B) 3 626 5465** 1849"* .056**
C r o s s b r e d v s . S t r a i g h t b r e d ( C . v s . S) 1 592 8847** 3831"* .12"*
Angus vs. Hereford (A vs. H) 1 534 7536** 1253"* .03*
Angus-Hereford vs. Hereford-Angus 1 752 12 462 .02
N x B 3 236 304 306 .01
NxCvs. S 1 171 0 0 0
NxAvs. H 1 0 0 0 0
N x AH vs. HA 1 368 0 0 0
Residual 66 337 529.4 196 .00,6
* P<.05.
** P<.01.
Downloaded from by Jean and Alexander Heard Library Vanderbilt University user on 28 December 2019

Straight- Cross- Differ-

HH AA AH HA bred bred ence
Age at puberty (days)
High nutrition 387 374 384 378 381 381 0
L o w nutrition 660 483 416 402 572 424 148
Difference 273 109 62 24 191 43 ...
Wt. at puberty (kg.)
High nutrition 294 305 331 329 299 330 31
L o w nutrition 279 257 270 238 268 254 14
Difference 15 48 61 91 31 76 ...
Wt. gain start of experiment
to puberty (kg.)
High nutrition 164 173 202 183 169 193 24
L o w nutrition 143 114 123 88 128 105 23
Difference 21 59 79 95 41 88 .,.

Correlations and regressions between age at The relationship between level of feed and
puberty and preweaning rate of gain, post- age at puberty reported here is similar to the
weaning rate of gain and gain from birth to results reported for dairy cattle (Eckles, 1915;
12 months were calculated. The regressions for Crichton and Aitken, 1954; Hansson, 1956;
age at puberty on gain on the high level of Reid, 1959) and beef cattle (Joubert, 1954;
feed were not significant and fluctuated around Wiltbank et al., 1966). The cause of the differ-
zero (table 6). Regressions for crossbred heif- ence in the magnitude of response in straight-
ers on the low level of feed were all negative bred and crossbred heifers on the two levels
and nonsignificant ( P ~ . 0 5 ) . Regressions for of nutrition is not fully known. Some of the
straightbred heifers on the low level of feed difference appears to be the result of a differ-
were all negative and significant ( P < . 0 5 ) , in- ence in growth rate between straightbred and
dicating that faster growing straightbred heif- crossbred heifers.
ers reached puberty earlier. Age at puberty Three observations indicate that some fac-
was adjusted for differences in gain in the tor in addition to weight of heifers is impor-
straightbred heifers on the low level of feed. tant in determining time of puberty. These
The adjusted average age at puberty was 4 to are:
9 days younger than when ages were unad-
justed. Differences between crossbred heifers (I) Heifers on the high level of feed were
and straightbred heifers on the low level were significantly heavier at puberty than
still large and significant ( P < . 0 5 ) . heifers on the low level of feed, indicat-
The magnitude of the correlation indicates ing that some factor other than weight
that only in the straightbred heifers on the low was involved in determining age at pu-
level of feed could a significant amount of the berty in heifers on the high level of
variation in age at puberty be accounted for feed.
by differences in growth rate. (2) Crossbred heifers on the high level of

Wt. gain
Age at Wt. at start of experi-
Source of variation d.f. puberty puberty ment to puberty
Nutritional level (N) 1 246737** 51385** 78618**
Breed Group (B) 3 54763** 0 28630**
Crossbred vs. Straightbred (C vs. S) 1 70627** 2019 2075
Hereford vs. Angus (H vs. A) I 87440** 0 57536**
Angus-Hereford vs. Hereford-Angus
(AH v s . HA) 1 6222 1288 26280**
N xB 3 47148** 5259** 81002**
N x C vs. S 1 74773** 6516"* 122718**
N x H vs. A 1 33974** 0 0
N x AH vs. HA 1 0 0 169087**
Residual 66 4802 1171 1048
** P~.O1.
Downloaded from by Jean and Alexander Heard Library Vanderbilt University user on 28 December 2019
ADG birth to weaning A D G weaning to 12 mo. ADG birth to 12 too.
Linear Linear Linear
Item Correlation regression Correlation regression Correlation regression
Low nutritional level
Crossbred , --. 07 --. 9 --. 21 --3.5 ~ . 35 --8.1
Straightbred --. 69** --21.9* --.45" --16.8* --. 74** --31.6*
High nutrition level
Crossbred --. 31 --1.3 0.05 0.3 --. 22 --1.5
Straightbred 0.30 1.2 0.09 0.4 0.23 1.3

* P<.05.
** P<.OI.

feed were heavier at p u b e r t y than the 330 kg. for crossbred heifers and 299 kg. for
straightbred heifers, yet age at p u b e r t y straightbred heifers on the high level of feed
was the same, again indicating that a and 254 kg. and 268 kg. for crossbred and
factor other than size was operative. straightbred heifers on the low level of feed.
(3) Although crossbred heifers on the low Thus, a n interaction for age and weight at
level of feed were heavier at the start p u b e r t y was found between level of nutrition
of the experiment and gained faster and breed of the heifer.
than the straightbred heifers on the low
level of feed (0.36 kg. v s . 0.30 kg. per Literature Cited
day), not all the difference in age at
p u b e r t y can be explained b y the differ- Christian, R. E. 1957. Age at puberty and related
phenomena in the beef heifer. Proc. Western Sec.
ence in growth rate. Some of the effect Am. Soc. An. Prod. 8:XXXXII.
is the result of crossbred heifers reach- Crichton, J. A. and J. N. Aitken. 1954. The eco-
ing p u b e r t y at lighter weights. nomical rearing of dairy heifers. Proc. Nutr. Soc.
These data tend to support those of Wilt- Eckles, C. H. 1915. The ration and age at calving
b a n k et al. (1966), who concluded that there as factors influencing the growth and dairy
qualities of cows. Missouri Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul.
was a heterotic effect independent of growth 135.
rate on age at puberty. However, the difference Hansson, A. 1956. Influence of rearing intensity on
in growth rate between crossbred and straight- body development and milk production. Proc.
bred heifers on the low level of feed appears British Soc. An. Prod. 1956:51.
Joubert, D. M. 1954. The influence of high and low
to account for a large portion of the difference nutritional plans on the oestrous cycle and con-
in age at p u b e r t y between crossbreds and ception rate of heifers. J. Agr. Sci. 45:164.
straightbreds. Reid, J. T. 1959. Effect of energy intake upon
reproduction in farm animals. Suppl. J. Dairy Sci.
Summary 43.
Reynolds, W. L., T. M. DeRouen and J. W. High,
Age and weight at p u b e r t y in heifers were Jr. 1963. The age and weight at puberty of Angus,
determined for Hereford, Angus and the Brahman and Zebu cross heifers. J. Animal Sci.
22:243. (Abstr.).
crosses between the two breeds. The heifers Warnick, A. C., W. C. Burns, M. Kroger and M. W.
were allotted to two nutritional levels from Hazen. 1956. Puberty in English, Brahman and
weaning to puberty. The average daily gain crossbred breeds of beef heifers. Prec. Assn. Soc
from 6 to 12 months of age was 0.82 kg. and Workers, p. 95.
Wiltbank, J. N., W. W. Rowden and J. E. Ingalls.
0.73 kg. for crossbred and straightbred heifers 1959. The age and weight at puberty in Hereford
on the high level of feed and 0.30 kg. and 0.36 heifers. J. Animal Sci. 18:1562. (Abstr.).
kg. for crossbred and straightbred heifers on Wiltbank, J. N. 1961. A technique for sterilization of
the low level of feed. The average age at pu- bulls. The Southwestern Vet. 14:194.
Wiltbank, J. N., K. E. Gregory, L. A. Swiger, J.
berty was 381 days for both crossbred and E. Ingalls, J. A. Rothlisberger and R. M. Koch.
straightbred heifers on the high level of feed, 1966. Effects of heterosis on age and weight at
while on the low level of feed the average age puberty in beef heifers. J. Animal Sci. 25:744.
at p u b e r t y was 424 days for the crossbred Wiltbank, J. N., K. E. Gregory, J. A. Rothlisberger,
J. E. Ingalls and C. W. Kasson. 1967. Fertility
heifers and 572 days for the straightbred in beef cow bred to produce straightbred or
heifers. The average weight at p u b e r t y was crossbred calves. J. Animal Sci. 26:1005.
Pengaruh Nutrisi dalam Pengelolaan Reproduksi Ternak (Studi Literatur)


Nutrients are needed by livestock to maintain the viability of the animal itself. Completeness of nutrients

pregnancy, child birth weight, weaning weight and keep the child after the parent state when lactation. While
the male animals, completeness nutrients in animal feed can maintain the quality of sperm produced. The food
is reasonably necessary for the normal functioning endoktrin. Levels of food affect the synthesis and release
of hormones from endoktrin. Growth and development of the reproductive organs of cattle is inhibited by
lack of food regardless of whether because of low levels of energy, protein, minerals or vitamins. Therefore
it is necessary to maintain forage nutritional completeness in this case will help the management of livestock
reproduction. Reproduction disrupted livestock and poultry farms will harm the survival of the animal itself. This
paper is a contribution of ideas and a review of several studies on the role of nutrition in animal reproduction.
Keywords: nutrition, reproduction, ruminants

Pendahuluan merupakan pertanyaan untuk memahami mekanisme

molekuler dan seluler yang terlibat saat pergantian
Makanan merupakan faktor yang penting dalam
pada suplai nutrisi menyebabkan perubahan terhadap
suatu usaha peternakan. Tanpa makanan yang baik dan
performansi reproduksi. Hewan memerlukan
dalam jumlah yang memadai maka meskipun ternak
protein sebagai sumber asam amino esensial dan
tersebut merupakan bibit unggul akan kurang dapat
(pada ruminansia) sebagai sumber nitrogen untuk
memperlihatkan keunggulannya. Proses pencernaan
makanan pada ruminansia seperti sapi, kerbau dan
kambing merupakan proses yang komplek. Sebagian
cernanya. Bahan pakan protein dikategorikan sebagai
besar aksi konsumsi bahan pakan sebagai suplai
bahan yang dapat terdegradasi dalam rumen dan
tidak dapat terdegradasi dalam rumen pada basis
produksi komponen energi dan protein yang dapat
kemampuan mikroba untuk menghidrolisa protein
dicerna dan diserap. Rumen didiami oleh banyak
dalam rumen.
tipe mikro organisme. Sebagian besar pencernaan
karbohidrat komplek, termasuk selulosa, karbohidrat Kebutuhan protein hewan tergantung pada status
dasar, memproduksi volatile fatty acids (VFA) seperti physiologi dan tingkat produksi. Asam amino esensial
asetat, propionat dan butirat. Propionat merupakan harus disuplai dalam pakan monogastrik, namun pada
dua substrat energi utama digunakan oleh ruminansia ternak ruminansia mikroba rumen dapat dijadikan
dan dirubah menjadi glokosa pada hati. Jumlah sumber utama asam amino. Ruminansia juga mampu
relatif tiap-tiap volatile fatty acids yang diproduksi mengurangi kehilangan protein dengan mendaur
merupakan bahan pakan tergantung dengan tipe ulang urea, suatu produk metabolisme protein yang
pakan. Roughage mendorong produksi asetat dan secara normal dieksresikan. Jadi sebagian besar
pakan dasar sereal mendorong produksi propionat. urea dapat didaur ulang ke rumen saat pakan rendah
Jadi tipe pakan dapat merubah ketersedian nutrisi nitrogen. Surplus asam amino akan di deaminasi dan
untuk tujuan produksi. nitrogen diekskresikan melalui hati dan ginjal, dan
dikeluarkan dalam urin. Kelebihan ammonia adalah
Pakan dan nutrisi bahan makanan tertentu selama
di konjugasi ke urea dan kemudian diekresikan. Jadi
kehidupan embrionik dan kehidupan fetus awal
level urea tinggi adalah konsisten dengan kelebihan
terhadap performansi reproduksi. Kemudian juga
protein intake, mungkin dengan kekurangan energi

Yendraliza: Pengaruh Nutrisi dalam Pengelolaan Repproduksi Ternak (Studi Literatur)

bersamaan, dan sepertinya berhubungan dengan level

amonia tinggi dalam sirkulasi (Boland, et al., 2001).
Nutrisi bahan pakan meningkatkan programming dapat memperbaiki vigour saat lahir.
dan ekspresi metabolik pathway yang memungkinkan Bishonga et al. (1994) menemukan bahwa ketika
hewan mencapai potensi genetiknya untuk reproduksi. konsentrasi amonia plasma ditingkatkan (100 - 150
Hal tersebut indikasi dari metabolit blood-borne µmol l -1) menyebabkan tingginya insiden kematian
sebagai perantara, sebagai contoh, aktivasi nutrisi dari embrio, Selain itu juga dapat menimbulkan oversize
generator pulse Gonadothrophin Releasing Hormone fetus. Fenomena oversize fetus belum dibatasi
(GnRH). percobaan yang sangat sulit. Di lain pihak, meskipun pada kultur embrio secara in vitro tapi
pentingnya observasi baru sangat diperlukan dengan mungkin penyebab oversize fetus tersebut diduga
melihat perbedaan tingkat pemberian. muncul dari pengaruh nutrisi in vivo. Pemberian
makanan dengan level rendah pada sapi dara, akan
Kebutuhan Nutrisi untuk Bereproduksi menganggu pertumbuhan sapi dara dan mengalami
Pemberian enersi yang tidak cukup kemungkinan kesulitan dalam melahirkan (Salisbury dan
merupakan penyebab terbesar gangguan reproduksi Vabdemark, 1985).
pada ternak. Hal ini dibuktikan pada penelitian sapi
di Nigeria Utara bahwa penambahan konsentrat kaya
Pengaruh nutrisi terhadap pubertas
akan protein dan karbohidrat serta campuran mineral Pada sapi potong, penurunan tingkatan makanan
memperlihatkan masak kelamin dan kebuntingan umumnya memperlambat timbulnya pubertas
lebih cepat dibandingkan sapi yang tidak mendapatkan sedangkan tingkatan makanan yang tinggi dapat
tambahn enersi. Pada sapi yang sedang bunting dapat mempercepat pubertas dan peningkatan berat badan
mengalami abortus jika kekurangan energi. (Toelihere, 1979). Wiltbank et al., 1966 menyatakan
bahwa pertambahan berat badan yang lebih cepat
Penambahan protein menyebabkan penambahan
antara waktu lahir dan waktu disapih dan antara
pertumbuhan pada sapi dara namun ada beberapa
waktu disapih dan umur 396 hari akan mempercepat
penelitian yang memperlihatkan bahwa sapi yang
timbulnya pubertas pada sapi-sapi dara. Selanjutnya
hidup dengan kadar protein rendah dan enersi rendah
Foster et al. (1988) menunjukkan bahwa infusi
masih memperlihatkan ciri-ciri berahi, bunting
parenteral campuran asam amino-dextrose efektif
dan melahirkan, seperti pada kerbau (Borghese
memberikan frekuensi pulse Lutheneising Hormone
(LH) tinggi dengan syarat program pemberian pakan
mengakibatkan ternak mengalami penundaan
pubertas dan tanda-tanda berahi yang tidak normal. dilakukan kontiniu pada domba selama kebuntingan.
Kadar calcium yang rendah dalam makanan dapat Phillippo et al. (1987) berpendapat bahwa
menyebabkan ternak lambat pubertas. Begitu juga induksi molybdenum mengganggu sekresi LH,
menunda pubertas pada sapi. Penelitian pada efek
akan menyebabkan lahirnya bayi premature pada sapi nutrisi terhadap pencapaian pubertas adalah bahwa
perah dan lambatnya dewasa kelamin pada sapi dara. kekurangan sebagian besar nutrisi dapat menunda
pubertas. Selain itu perubahan level induksi pakan
Pengaruh nutrisi pada saat fetus pada laju pertumbuhan juga dapat menunda pubertas.
Kekurangan nutrisi pada domba selama Kelambatan timbulnya pubertas karena kekurangan
kehidupan fetus dan neonatal menurunkan litter makanan mungkin disebabkan oleh rendanya
size (reviewed by robinson, 1990). Komponen kadar gonadotropin yang dihasilkan oleh kelenjer
penting reproduksi adalah kelangsungan hidup saat adenohypohysa, kurangnya respon ovaria atau
lahir. Hal tersebut adalah bukti pada domba yang mungkin karena kegagalan ovaria untuk menghasilkan
sejumlah estrogen yang cukup (Toelihere, 1979).
meskipun tidak berpengaruh terhadap bobot lahir
domba, adalah berhubungan dengan penurunan sapi perah dara menunjukkan bahwa kombinasi
vigour domba saat lahir dan depresi pada kekebalan tersebut dapat memperlambat dewasa kelamin dan
pasif terhadap penyakit (Fisher and MacPherson, menekan munculnya tanda-tanda berahi (Salisbury
dan Vandemark, 1985).

Kutubkhanah, Vol. 16 No. 1 Januari – Juni 2013

Pada ovarium, feed intake yang rendah Downing et al., (1995a) menyatakan bahwa
akan menunda pubertas yang disertai penurunan aksi ovarium langsung dapat meningkatkan
perkembangan folikel ovarium sehingga pada sapi keberadaan glucosa. Berhubung keberlangsungan
betina feed intake yang rendah dapat membuat insulin meningkat pada plasma juga telah diteliti
folikel dominan lebih kecil (Bergfeld et al. 1994). ketika laju ovulasi meningkat baik infusi glucosa
Ini terjadi meskipun cukup Gonadothrophin, seperti (Downing et al., 1995b) maupun rantai cabang
diduga oleh respon glandula pituitary terhadap dosis asam amino, leusin, isoleusin adan valin (Downing
et al., 1995c) selama 5 hari pada akhir tahap luteal
dari siklus esterus. Menggunakan model ovarium
pada kontrol pelepasan GnRH juga merupakan subjek auto-transplanted, Downing (1994) menunjukan
spekulasi. Penelitian Hall et al. (1992) menunjukkan bahwa ketika infusi glukosa atau insulin sendiri,
pengaruh stimulasi infusi tyrosine abomasal terhadap tidak mempunyai pengaruh terhadap sekresi steroid
frekuensi pulse LH pada pertumbuhan terbatas anak ovarium, infusi kombinasinya menurunkan sekresi
domba betina secara tak langsung bahwa mungkin baik androstenedione maupun oestradiol pada
asam amino ini berfungsi sebagai signal nutrisi respon terhadap GnRH menstimulasi pulse LH, juga
mempengaruhi pusat syaraf mengontrol pelepasan pernyataan keterlibatan perubahan feedback steroid
GnRH. Metabolit blood-borne yang lain adalah pada respon ovulasi.
insulin dan insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) namun
berlawanan peran. Pengaruh nutrisi terhadap interval
Pengaruh nutrisi terhadap Laju Ovulasi
Turunnya konsentrasi estradiol saat kelahiran
Perubahan laju ovulasi secara umum terjadi saat menghilangkan feedback negatif pada aksis
durasi waktu dimana kelangsungan hidup folikel hipothalamic-pituitary, kemudian menstimulasi
gonadotrophin-dependent meningkat atau ketika sintesa mRNA untuk gonadotrophin. Hal ini
peningkatan pada laju folikel berlangsung tanpa ada diikuti oleh peningkatan LH/FSH pada pituitary
pergantian pada durasi (Scaramuzzi et al. 1993). Pada
kasus respon ovulasi terhadap nutrisi, kedua elemen Peristiwa ini dapat terjadi selama periode kurang
mekanisme dapat beroperasi. Melalui pengaruh nutrisi pada ovulasi, dihalangi oleh tidak cukup
ini terhadap feedback hormon mengontrol sekresi sekresi GnRH. Pada sapi pedaging menyusui setelah
gonadotrophin. Perubahan level dan durasi memulai kelahiran, Stagg et al. (1995) mendapatkan bahwa
folikel gonadotrophin-dependent terhadap FSH. rata-rata dari melahirkan ke ovulasi pertama adalah
Pengaruh nutrisi terhadap sirkulasi FSH 25 hari. Selanjutnya Stagg et al. (1995) menyatakan
konsentrasi tetap samar, hal ini juga telah dinyatakan bahwa waktu perkembangan folikel dominan dan
bahwa nutrisi 4(glukosa, asam-asam amino) dan
nutrisi yang berhubungan dengan metabolit (insulin, dipengaruhi oleh nutrisi. Panjangnya periode
growth hormon, IGFs dan IGFs binding protein) yang anoestrus diduga disebabkan oleh kekurangan nutrisi.
secara tak langsung berpengaruh pada respon ovulasi Kekurangan nutrisi kemungkinan dapat mengulang
terhadap nutrisi, mungkin berlangsung pada level perkembangan folikel sehingga terjadi atresia
ovarium menurunkan jumlah kebutuhan FSH untuk folikel-folikel dominan. Sejumlah data menunjukkan
mendukung folikel-folikel gonadotrophin-dependent interaksi antara kondisi tubuh saat melahirkan dengan
(Downing and Scaramuzzi, 1991). Mekanisme level pemberian pakan dalam kurun waktu tertentu
dapat berpengaruh terhadap interval oesterus pertama
bermain peran penting sebagai perantara, kemudian setelah melahirkan. Pada sapi perah yang memiliki
disebut “nutritional effects” yang meningkatkan
sekresi feses pada domba, dengan pakan baik duapertiga minggu pertama setelah melahirkan sangat
mengarah untuk mengurangi sirkulasi konsentrasi berkorelasi dengan interval pada oestrus pertama.
plasma (Adam et al., 1994) dan berhubung penurunan Protein intake rendah dapat mengurangi tingkah
pada oestradiol feed back yang diharapkan akan laku estrus atau disebut silent heat dan dapat
meningkatkan laju ovulasi (Payne et al., 1991). mengurangi ketepatan konsepsi pada sapi pedaging.

Yendraliza: Pengaruh Nutrisi dalam Pengelolaan Repproduksi Ternak (Studi Literatur)

Pakan DUP (digestible undegradable protein) atau juga dibutuhkan pada saat ternak mendapat program
pakan yang rendah energi dapat berpengaruh terhadap superovulasi. Beberapa penelitian telah dilakukan
produksi susu. Hal ini juga dapat menyebabkan ternak
pada pengaruh merugikan dari pakan protein tinggi
et al., (1994) menyatakan bahwa peningkatan yang terhadap fertilitas sapi perah. Elrod dan Butler (1993)
menemukan bahwa intake tinggi rumen degradable
DUP tinggi berlawanan dengan DUP rendah pada protein (RDP), menunjukkan pada produksi ammonia
sapi menyusui dengan kondisi tubuh rendah saat rumen berlebih, yang bergabung dengan penurunan
kawin. DUP ini sangat berpengaruh terhadap siklus pada pH lingkungan uterus, dan Elrod (1992)
estrus dan estrus pertama setelah melahirkan. Efek melaporkan bahwa ammonia dan urea secara berbeda
terhadap sekresi LH belum dapat dideteksi, kondisi mempengaruhi transportasi ion endometrium.
kurang nutrisi pertumbuhan folikel lambat pada sapi
Pakan RDP tinggi yang menghasilkan produksi
perah setelah melahirkan. Perubahan pada folikel ammonia berlebih pada rumen. Hal ini akan
dinamis ini diiringi oleh penurunan konsentrasi IGF-
1 pada plasma dan penurunan rasio estrogen terhadap
ditentukan kebutuhan asam amino (Lobley et al.,
progesteron pada senyawa folikel dominan (Lucy et
1995). Hal ini secara tak langsung dapat dikatakan
al., 1992). Modulasi nutrisi perkembangan folikel
bahwa persediaan suplemen asam amino dalam
melibatkan baik intra maupun ekstra growth factor
bentuk protein pakan status rendah degradasi
ovarium dipengaruhi oleh IGF-1 dan IGF binding
rumen mungkin menghilangkan efek merugikan
protein (Echternkamp et al., 1994). transforming
dari RDP berlebihan terhadap lingkungan uterus
dan survival embrio. Pengaruh stimulasi rencana
pemberian pakan tinggi protein tinggi terhadap laju
metabolik progesteron (Parr et al., 1993, ewe; Prime
Pengaruh nutrisi terhadap and Symond, 1993) dan diiringi dengan penurunan
keberlangsungan hidup embrio konsentrasi progesteron pada saat (hari ke 11 dan 12
Vanroose et al., (2000) menyatakan bahwa setelah domba kawin) ketika embrio sangat sentitif
kematian embrio kemungkinan dapat disebabkan oleh
faktor non infeksi seperti nutrisi. Level pemberian sirkulasi perifer) (Parr, 1992). Peran progesterone ini
pakan ekstrim akan mengganggu keberlangsungan sulit untuk dilihat perannya pada fungsi endometrium
hidup embrio, begitu juga dengan suplai nutrisi bahan dengan keberlangsungan hidup embrio.
makan khusus, seperti pemberian vitamin-vitamin, Penekanan induksi pakan pada sirkulasi
progesteron selama maturasi oocyt pada superovulasi
trace elemens dapat berpengaruh pada metabolisme. domba-domba betina baik dengan perlengkapan
Retinoid-retinoid merupakan metabolit utama single CIDR (0.3 g progesteron) dapat memberi kesan
vitamin A yang berperanan pada proliferasi sel, penghambatan perkembangan yang mengarah pada
differensiasi, ekspresi growth factors, transkripsi gen penurunan keberlangsungan hidup embrio (McEvoy
dan steroidogenesis. Retinoid ini mempunyai peranan et al., 1995). Kemungkinan hal ini disebabkan oleh
penting dalam menjaga kelangsungan hidup embrio. abnormal rasio oestradiol dengan progesteron yang
Asam folat dibutuhkan untuk mempertahankan dapat mengganggu maturasi oosit (McEvoy et al.,
embrio karena penting untuk sintesis asam nucleus. 1995). Ekspresi maternal mRNAs dibutuhkan untuk
Selain itu keberadaan vitamin C dapat meningkatkan mengatur perkembangan secara maternal hingga
fungsi luteal. Selain itu vitamin C juga berperanan tahap pertengahan blastosis kemungkinan dipengaruhi
dalam proses stereogenesis yang dianggap bermanfaat oleh level progesterone. Pengurangan pemberian
pada pemeliharaan awal kebuntingan pada sapi. pakan akan mempengaruhi pemberian progesterone
terhadap jumlah sel embrio dan sintesis protein pada
menurunkan kematian embrio selama implantasi. penelitian McEvoy et al., (1995). Perkembangan
Hal ini juga meningkatkan laju fertilisasi, membantu embrio dapat dihambat dan diturunkan dengan
kontraksi uterus sehingga memudahkan transportasi cara melakukan stimulasi pada gen awal dengan
sperma didalam saluran reproduksi betina. Hal ini progesteron-dependent, begitu juga dengan ekspresi
Kutubkhanah, Vol. 16 No. 1 Januari – Juni 2013

endometrium abnormal dapat direspon dengan pada 6-7 minggu karena jumlah spermatozoa pada sperical
spermatids di germinal epithelium tidak mengalami
fungsi reseptor progesteron (Heap et al., 1992). perkembangan.

Pengaruh Nutrisi terhadap metabolisme Kesimpulan

fetus Makanan merupakan faktor yang penting dalam
Malnutrisi fetus akan mempengaruhi suatu usaha peternakan. Tanpa makanan yang baik
perkembangan setelah kelahiran (Barker and Clark, dan dalam jumlah yang memadai maka meskipun
1997). Kekurangan nutrisi menurunkan aliran darah ternak tersebut merupakan bibit unggul akan kurang
uterus dan disertai penurunan pada insulin fetus dapat memperlihatkan keunggulannya. Kelengkapan
dan rangkaian IGF-1 dengan meningkatnya growth zat gizi dalam makanan ternak ruminansia akan dapat
hormone, adrenocorticotrophin dan corticosteron mempercepat pubertas pada sapi, estrus pertama
yang akan mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan setelah melahirkan, menjaga kebuntingan, berat anak
perkembangan fetus. Konsentrasi urea fetus lahir, berat anak setelah sapih serta menjaga kondisi
induk saat laktasi. Sedangkan pada ternak jantan,
glukogenesis meningkat oleh fetus dari asam amino kelengkapan zat gizi dalam makanan ternak dapat
(Bell, 1993). Ini membuktikan bahwa suplemen menjaga kualitas sperma yang dihasilkan. Makanan
UDP pada pemeliharaan berat lahir anak domba yang cukup perlu untuk fungsi endoktrin yang normal.
pada domba betina yang menerima energi dibawah
optimal selama akhir kebuntingan akan mengalami Catatan: (Endnotes)
malnutrisi. Pada anak-anak domba baru lahir, status 1 Dr. Yendraliza, S.Pt., MP. adalah Wakil Dekan I Fakultas
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