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Tim Penyusun:
Tri Widya Sandika, SS.,M. Hum


TAHUN 2023



Menjadi perguruan tinggi yang Unggul dan mampu bersaing di tingkat Nasional
tahun 2024.
1. Menyelenggarakan pendidikan dan pembelajaran yang efektif melalui
sistem pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan Standar Nasional Perguruan Tinggi
(SNPT) dan KKNI, terintegrasi dengan hasil-hasil penelitian dan
pengabdian masyarakat terkini untuk menghasilkan lulusan sesuai profil
yang diharapkan.
2. Melaksanakan penelitian ilmiah dan dipublikasikan secara nasional dan
3. Melaksanakan pengabdian masyarakat yang terstruktur dan mengacu pada
hasil penelitian.
4. Melaksanakan kerjasama produktif dengan berbagai Instansi baik dibidang
pendidikan, pelayanan, dunia usaha, dunia industri ditingkat nasional
maupun internasional dalam mendukung tridarma perguruan tinggi.



Menjadi Program Studi S-1 Keperawatan yang unggul dalam menghasilkan ahli
madya keperawatan yang profesional dalam bidang medikal bedah di Tingkat
Nasional pada tahun 2023.


1. Menyelenggarakan pendidikan dan pembelajaran dalam bidang keperawatan

profesional khususnya dalam bidang keperawatan yang berkualitas, efisien, efektif
dan berorientasi kepada ketaqwaan terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa serta cinta
tanah air dan bangsa

2. Menyelenggarakan penelitian ilmiah yang mampu memberikan konstribusi

kepada pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi, dalam bidang
keperawatan serta mampu memberikan solusi dalam berbagai persoalan
pelayanan keperawatan kepada individu, keluarga, kelompok khusus dan

3. Melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat yang mendukung upaya

peningkatan peran perawat terutama dalam mendorong kesadaran masyarakat
akan pentingnya pelayanan keperawatan kepada individu, keluarga, kelompok
khusus dan masyarakat.


Puji Syukur tim penulis panjatkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa karena telah
memberikan anugerah-Nya sehingga penulis dan tim dapat menyelesaikan
penyusunan Modul Cetak Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris II dengan baik. Modul ini
disusun sebagai salah satu bahan ajar yang diperuntukkan kepada mahasiswa
program studi S-I Keperawatan UIM khususnya pada semester IV. Dengan
adanya modul ini, diharapkan dapat membantu mahasiswa dalam mempelajari dan
memahami materi-materi Bahasa Inggris untuk Keperawatan..

Modul Bahan Ajar Bahasa Inggris II ini berdasarkan pada Kurikulum S-I
Keperawatan, dengan memperhatikan Capaian Pembelajaran Lulusan (CPL)
program studi dan Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah (CPMK). Melalui
pembelajaran pada modul ini diharapkan mahasiswa dapat mencapai CPMK yang
telah ditentukan. Materi di dalam buku ini berisi bahan kajian yang dibutuhkan
sesuai CPMK dan kompetensi yang diajarkan kepada mahasiswa sebagai salah
satu referensi Bahasa Ingris II bagi Mahasiswa Keperawatan terutama dalam
melakukan percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris. Selain itu, modul ini juga memuat
latihan atau tugas mahasiswa yaitu tugas terstruktur dan kegiatan mandiri dengan
petunjuk yang spesifik sehingga memudahkan mahasiswa belajar dengan metode
Student Centered Learning (SCL).

Penulis dan tim telah berusaha dalam menyusun modul ini sesuai dengan
kurikulum dan kebutuhan mahasiswa dengan sebaik mungkin. Namun, penulis
dan tim menyadari bahwa modul ini mungkin masih memiliki kekurangan.
Sehingga penulis dan tim mengharapkan adanya saran atau masukan positif agar
menjadi bahan pertimbangan untuk menyempurnakan modul bahan ajar ini.
Akhirnya, penulis dan tim berharap modul ini dapat digunakan oleh mahasiswa
dengan baik dan aktif sehingga dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan mahasiswa
dalam melakukan percakapan dalam Bahasa Inggris

Medan, Februari 2023

Tri Widya Sandika, SS.,M.



HALAMAN SAMPUL …………………………………………………… i
VISI DAN MISI UIM ………………………………………………....... ii
KATA PENGANTAR ………………………………………………..... iii
DAFTAR ISI ……………………………………………………….......... iv
GLOSARIUM …………………………………………………………...... V
KEPERAWATAN ………………………...................................................
PENDAHULUAN ………………………………………………………… 1
A. Pengantar Pendahuluan ……………………………………………....… 1
B. Deskripsi Materi ………………………………………………………. 1
C. Kemampuan / Tujuan akhir yang diharapkan ……………………........... 1
D. Uraian Materi ………………………………………………………..… 1
BAB I : Hospital ……………………………..................................... 1
BAB II : Describing Phisical Pain ......................................................... 1
BAB III : Florence Nightingale................................................................ 1
BAB IV : Nurse ..................................................................................... 1
BAB V : Modal Auxiliary Verbs ............................................................... 1
BAB VI : Simple present tense ................................................................. 2
BAB VII : Present continuous tense ......................................................... 2
BAB VIII : Present perfect tense............................................................... 2
BAB IX : Simple past tense .................................................................... 2
BAB X : Past continuous tense .............................................................. 2
BAB XI : Past perfect tense.................................................................... 2
BAB XII : Future tense............................................................................ 2
BAB XIII : Question Word ........................................................................ 2
BAB XIV : Kosa kata tentang Nursing Terms.............................................. 2
BAB I: HOSPITAL ………………….................................................... 2
I. What is hospital ..................................................................................... 3
II. What is the role of the hospital? ............................................................ 3
III. What is the type of hospital? .................................................................. 4
Rangkuman ……………………………………………………………….. 4
Tugas ……………………………………………………………………… 4
1.Tugas Terstruktur …………………………………………………….. 5
2.Tugas Mandiri ………………………………………………………... 5
Kunci Jawaban ………………………………………………………........ 7
Daftar Pustaka …………………………………………………...………… 8

BAB II: DESCRIBING PHISICAL PAIN .............................................. 11

I. What is physical pain? .......................................................................... 11
II. Why do we feel physical pain? ............................................................. 12
III. How can I stop feeling physical pain at all? …………………......…… 12
Rangkuman ……………………………………………………………….. 12
Tugas ……………………………………………………………………… 12
1.Tugas Terstruktur …………………………………………………….. 12
2.Tugas Mandiri ………………………………………………………... 12
Kunci Jawaban ………………………………………………………........ 12
Daftar Pustaka ………………………………………………...................… 13
BAB III: FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE ............................................... 13
I. Who is Florence Nightingale?…………………………..…….................. 13
II. Family ties and spiritual awakening………………................................. 15
III. Nursing in peace and war ……………..………………..............…... 16
Rangkuman ……………………………………………………………….. 16
Tugas ……………………………………………………………………… 17
1.Tugas Terstruktur …………………………………………………….. 17
2.Tugas Mandiri ………………………………………………………... 17
Kunci Jawaban ………………………………………………………........ 18
Daftar Pustaka ………………………………………………...…………… 18

BAB IV: NURSE ...................................…............................................... 18
I. Who is a nurse? …………………........................................................... 18
II. Roles of a Nurse …………..................................................................... 20
III. Patient care ………………................................................................... 21
Rangkuman ……………………………………………………………….. 24
Tugas ………………………………………………………………………
1.Tugas Terstruktur …………………………………………………….. 25
2.Tugas Mandiri ………………………………………………………... 25
Kunci Jawaban ………………………………………………………........ 25
Daftar Pustaka ………………………………………………………..…… 25
BAB V: MODAL AUXILIARY VERBS…………………......................... 25
I. The use of modal auxiliary verbs ……………………......…............…. 27
II. Pattern …………....………...............................................................…. 27
III. Examples ………………......……......................................................... 28
Rangkuman ……………………………………………………………….. 29
Tugas ………………………………………………………………………
1.Tugas Terstruktur …………………………………………………….. 30
2.Tugas Mandiri ………………………………………………………... 30
Kunci Jawaban ………………………………………………………........ 30
Daftar Pustaka ……………………………………………………………. 30
BAB VI: SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE …………………...................... 31
I. The use of the simple present tense. ......................…………………… 31
II. Pattern: .....................................................................……………….... 33
III. Examples: …………………................................................................. 34
Rangkuman ……………………………………………………………….. 37
Tugas ………………………………………………………………………
1.Tugas Terstruktur …………………………………………………….
2.Tugas Mandiri ………………………………………………………...
Kunci Jawaban ………………………………………………………........ 38
Daftar Pustaka …………………………………………………………..… 38

BAB VII: PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE....................................…... 38
I. The use of present continuous tense ..................................................... 38
II. Pattern: .................................................................................................. 39
III. Examples: ............................................................................................. 39
Rangkuman ……………………………………………………………….. 39
Tugas ……………………………………………………………………… 39
1.Tugas Terstruktur …………………………………………………….. 40
2.Tugas Mandiri ………………………………………………………... 41
Kunci Jawaban ………………………………………………………........
Daftar Pustaka ……………………………………………………………. 42
BAB VIII: PRESENT PERFECT TENSE ...........……………………… 43
I. The use of present perfect tense ....................…………………………... 43
II. Pattern: …………………………............................................................ 43
III. Examples:……………………………..................................................... 44
Rangkuman ……………………………………………………………….. 44
Tugas ……………………………………………………………………… 44
1.Tugas Terstruktur …………………………………………………….. 47
2.Tugas Mandiri ………………………………………………………... 50
Kunci Jawaban ………………………………………………………........
Daftar Pustaka ……………………………………………………………. 51

BAB IX: SIMPLE PAST TENSE............................................................ 53

I. The use of simple past tense. ............................. ………………………. 53
II. Pattern: …………………....................................................................... 53
III. Examples: ……………………............................................................... 54
Rangkuman ……………………………………………………………….. 54
Tugas ……………………………………………………………………… 54
1.Tugas Terstruktur …………………………………………………….. 55
2.Tugas Mandiri ………………………………………………………... 56
Kunci Jawaban ………………………………………………………........ 57
Daftar Pustaka …………………………………………………………… 57

BAB X: PAST CONTINUOUS TENSE …………….................……... 57
I. The use of past continuous tense …………………......……............…… 57
II. Pattern: ……...............................................................……………........ 58
III. Examples:…........…...................................................................……….. 58
Rangkuman ……………………………………………………………….. 58
Tugas ……………………………………………………………………… 58
1.Tugas Terstruktur …………………………………………………….. 61
2.Tugas Mandiri ………………………………………………………... 64
Kunci Jawaban ………………………………………………………........
Daftar Pustaka …………………………………………………………… 65
BAB XI: PAST PERFECT TENSE ...................……...……………… 65
I. The use of the past perfect tense .....………………............………….. 65
II. Pattern: ..................................................................…..................…… 66
III. Example: ………..........................................................................…… 66
Rangkuman ……………………………………………………………….. 66
Tugas ……………………………………………………………………… 66
1.Tugas Terstruktur …………………………………………………….. 68
2.Tugas Mandiri ………………………………………………………... 69
Kunci Jawaban ………………………………………………………........
Daftar Pustaka ……………………………………………...……………… 70
BAB XII: FUTURE TENSE ..................................................................... 71
I. The use of The Simple Future Tense: Will And Be Going To ............... 71
II. Pattern: …………………........................................................................ 71
III. Examples: …......................................................................................... 71
Rangkuman ……………………………………………………………….. 71
Tugas ……………………………………………………………………… 72
1.Tugas Terstruktur …………………………………………………….. 74
2.Tugas Mandiri ………………………………………………………... 77
Kunci Jawaban ………………………………………………………........
Daftar Pustaka …………………………………………………………… 78

BAB XIII: QUESTION WORD ……………...……………………….. 78
I. The use of Question Words ……………………………....................…. 78
II. Pattern: …………………….........................................................…… 78
III. Examples: ........................................................................................... 78
Rangkuman ……………………………………………………………….. 79
Tugas ……………………………………………………………………… 74
1.Tugas Terstruktur …………………………………………………….. 79
2.Tugas Mandiri ………………………………………………………... 80
Kunci Jawaban ………………………………………………………........ 81
Daftar Pustaka ………………………………………………………….…
I. Nursing Terms ……………………..................................................... 82
II. Why is it important to learn nursing terms? ……………...…………... 82
Rangkuman ……………………………………………………………….. 82
Tugas ……………………………………………………………………… 83
1.Tugas Terstruktur …………………………………………………….. 83
2.Tugas Mandiri ………………………………………………………... 83
Kunci Jawaban ………………………………………………………........ 86
Daftar Pustaka …………………………………………………………… 89


Adverb : Kata keterangan

Adjective : Kata sifat

Auxiliary Verb : Kata kerja bantu

Active : Aktif

Continuous : Terus menerus

Complement : Pelengkap

Countable : Dapat dihitung

Exclamatory : Tanda seru

Enough : Cukup

Future : Akan datang

Indirect ; Tidak langsung

Infinitive : Kata dasar dari kata karja

Noun : Kata benda

Passive : Pasif

Past : Yang telah lalu

Perfect : Sempurna

Present : Waktu sekarang

Preposition : Kata depan

Tense : Bentuk kata kerja


A. Pengantar Pendahuluan
Modul ini berisikan penggunaan grammar berupa pola kalimat bahasa inggris
untuk pelaksanaan prosedur unit kerja keperawatan
Materi ini merupakan bagian yang harus anda kuasai dalam Mata Kuliah Bahasa
Inggris II untuk keperawatan. Salah satu capaian pembelajaran pada Program Studi S-1
Keperawatan adalah menguasai penggunaan grammar berupa pola kalimat bahasa inggris
untuk pelaksanaan prosedur unit kerja keperawatan.
Modul ini membantu memberikan pemahaman tentang tata bahasa (grammar)
sebagai materi dasar dan awal dalam mata kuliah ini. Dengan demikian diharapkan
mahasiswa akan lebih mudah memahami Bahasa Inggris

B. Deskripsi Materi
Materi yang akan dibahas pada Modul ini ada 14 BAB, yaitu: Verb Be: Is, Am, Are,
Adverbs Of Manner, Adjective, Modal Auxiliary Verbs, Simple Present Tense, Present
Continuous Tense, Present Perfect Tense, Simple Past Tense, Past Continuous Tense, Past
Perfect Tense, Future Tense, Past Future, Question Word, Passive Sentence.

C. Kemampuan/Tujuan Akhir yang Diharapkan

Tujuan akhir yang diharapkan adalah: Mahahasiswa mampu memahami penggunaan
grammar berupa pola kalimat bahasa inggris untuk pelaksanaan prosedur unit kerja

D. Uraian Materi
BAB I : Hospital
BAB II : Adverbs Of Manner
BAB III : Adjective
BAB IV : Modal Auxiliary Verbs
BAB V : Simple Present Tense
BAB VI : Present Continuous Tense
BAB VII : Present Perfect Tense
BAB VIII : Simple Past Tense
BAB IX : Past Continuous Tense
BAB X : Past Perfect Tense
BAB XI : Tata bahasa Future Tense
BAB XII : Exclamatory sentences
BAB XIII : Question Word
BAB XIV : Passive Sentence

Berbicara Tentang ‘Hospital’
Tri Widya Sandika, SS.,M. Hum

I. What is hospital?
Hospital, an institution that is built, staffed, and equipped for the diagnosis of disease; for
the treatment, both medical and surgical, of the sick and the injured; and for their housing
during this process. The modern hospital also often serves as a centre for investigation and
for teaching. hospital.

II. What is the role of the hospital?

Hospitals complement and amplify the effectiveness of many other parts of the health
system, providing continuous availability of services for acute and complex conditions.
They concentrate scarce resources within well-planned referral networks to respond
efficiently to population health needs.

III. What is the type of hospital?

Specialty Hospitals. General Medical & Surgical Hospitals. Clinics. Teaching Hospitals.

IV. What happens in a hospital?

Every few hours, they'll check your temperature, blood pressure, heartbeat, and breathing.
Nurses will also bring you any medicines you may need while you're sick. You'll see plenty
of doctors in the hospital, too. You might see your own doctor or a doctor who always
works in the hospital and takes care of children.

A hospital is a health care institution providing patient treatment with specialized health
science and auxiliary healthcare staff and medical equipment. The best-known type of
hospital is the general hospital, which typically has an emergency department to treat
urgent health problems ranging from fire and accident victims to a sudden illness. A district
hospital typically is the major health care facility in its region, with many beds for intensive
care and additional beds for patients who need long-term care. Specialized hospitals
include trauma centers, rehabilitation hospitals, children's hospitals, seniors' (geriatric)
hospitals, and hospitals for dealing with specific medical needs such as psychiatric
treatment (see psychiatric hospital) and certain disease categories. Specialized hospitals can
help reduce health care costs compared to general hospitals. Hospitals are classified as
general, specialty, or government depending on the sources of income received.

1. Tugas
1. Bentuklah 3 kelompok yang terdiri dari 5-9 orang.
2. Bacalah dan cermati soal multiple choice di bawah ini, kemudian diskusikan
dengan kelompokmu untuk menjawab pertanyaan dengan memilih jawaban yang
benar beserta dengan pembahasannya
3. Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi 1,5
sertakan tanggal pengerjaan, kelompok dan nama anggota kelompok.
4. Sampaikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara berurutan.

1. She.........................a nurse yesterday.
A. is
B. am
C. are
D. were

E. was
Pembahasan Soal:

2.there a pharmacy in this hospital everyday?

A. Is
B. Have
C. Has
D. Were
E. Were
Pembahasan Soal:

3. There.............................a prescription on the table.

A. Do
B. Does
C. is
D. Have
E. Has
Pembahasan Soal:

4.there a Doctor’s note on the table last night?

A. Have
B. Has
C. Is there
D. This was
E. Was
Pembahasan Soal:

5. There..................................prescriptions in the emergency room.

A. There not
B. There is not
C. Is there
D. There have
E. are
Pembahasan Soal:

2. Tugas
1. Buatlah Membuat part of hospital (bagian bagian Hospital dalam bahasa Inggris)
2. Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi 1,5
menggunakan Cover yang berisi judul tugas, nama, nim, dan program studi.
3. Tugas dikumpulkan via spada paling lambat seminggu setelah tanggal perkuliahan

Kunci Jawaban

Tes 1
1. Jawaban
To Be dalam bahasa Inggris ini memiliki berbagai macam jenis seperti : Is, Am dan Are.
Seperti yang sudah dijelaskan tadi, To Be dalam bahasa Inggris itu digunakan sebagai
penghubung antara subjek dengan predikat. Namun, bukan berarti kita bisa asal
menghubungkannya saja ya. Ada yang perlu diketahui terlebih dahulu tentang To Be
seperti apa yang harus digunakan sesuai dengan subjek suatu kalimat. Kita bisa lihat
dibawah ini :

Dalam bahasa Inggris, Is ini biasa digunakan jika subjek adalah orang ketiga tunggal. Kita
pasti mengingat bahwa dalam setiap bahasa, sudut pandang orang itu ada berbagai macam
jenis, bukan? Namun, pada bahasa Inggris, penggunaan Is ini hanya dapat terpakai untuk
orang ketiga tunggal seperti misalnya He (Dia laki-laki), She (Dia Perempuan), dan It (Kata

Dalam penggunaan To Be di bahasa Inggris, Am ini hanya bisa digunakan untuk subjek
yang mengacu pada orang pertama tunggal yang mana hanya ada satu saja yaitu adalah I

Dalam penggunaan To Be di bahasa Inggris, Are ini bisa digunakan untuk dua macam
sudut pandang, di antaranya adalah subjek pada sudut pandang orang kedua dan juga
subjek berbentuk jamak. Untuk sudut pandang orang kedua, kita biasa mengenal subjek
sebagai kata You (Kamu). Sedangkan untuk sudut pandang berbentuk jamak, kita biasa
mengenal subjek sebagai kata We (Kita) dan They (Mereka)
Pada soal nomor satu, jawabannya ‘Was’, karena kalimatnya dalam bentuk tunggal dan

2. Jawaban :
Pembahasan :
Pada soal nomor 2, jawabannya ‘Is’, karena kalimatnya dalam bentuk pertanyaan dan

3. Jawaban :
Pembahasan :
Pada soal nomor 3, jawabannya ‘Is’, karena kalimatnya dalam bentuk tunggal

4. Jawaban :
Pembahasan :
Pada soal nomor 4, jawabannya ‘was’, karena kalimatnya dalam bentuk tunggal.

5. Jawaban :
Pembahasan :
Pada soal nomor 5, jawabannya ‘are’, karena kalimatnya dalam bentuk tunggal

Daftar Pustaka

1. Murphy, Raymond. (1990). Essential Grammar in Use.

Cambridge University Press : USA
2. Lou, Robby. (2011). English Grammar And How To Use It. Singapore
1. Schrampfer Azar, Betty and A. Hagen, Stacy. (2006). Basic English Grammar. USA
2. Annie, Perwata dan Aniek Maryunani. (2001). English Conversation for Nursing
Personnel. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta.
3. Satya, Satria, (2010). Kamus Istilah Computer. Klik-Media. Yograkarta.
4. Iyan, Darmawan. (2004). English For Nurses. Jakarta
5. Surip, Haryani. (2014). Midwifery English. Rohima Press. Yogyakarta.
6. Endang, Susilowati. (2005). General English Materials For Health Student. Penerbit
Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta.

Mendengarkan Tentang ‘Describing phisical pain.’
Tri Widya Sandika, SS., M. Hum

I. What is physical pain?

Physical pain is what most people refer to when they say something hurts on their body and
is associated with damage to tissues of their body. Physical pain can be caused by many
things and can be described as throbbing, aching, or burning.

II. Why do we feel physical pain?

When your body is injured in some way or something else is wrong, your nerves (cells that
help your body send and receive information) send millions of messages to your brain
about what's going on. Your brain then makes you feel pain.

III. How can I stop feeling physical pain at all?

Simple, everyday activities like walking, swimming, gardening and dancing can ease some
of the pain directly by blocking pain signals to the brain. Activity also helps lessen pain by
stretching stiff and tense muscles, ligaments and joints.

IV. What are the 4 types of pain?

1. Nociceptive Pain: Typically the result of tissue injury.
2. Inflammatory Pain: An abnormal inflammation caused by an inappropriate response by
the body's immune system.
3. Neuropathic Pain: Pain caused by nerve irritation. ...
4. Functional Pain: Pain without obvious origin, but can cause pain.

V. What are the types of physical pain?
The five most common types of pain are:
1. Acute pain.
2. Chronic pain.
3. Neuropathic pain.
4. Nociceptive pain.
5. Radicular pain.

1. Tugas
• Bentuklah 3 kelompok yang terdiri dari 5-9 orang.
• Bacalah dan cermati soal multiple choice di bawah ini, kemudian diskusikan dengan
kelompokmu untuk menjawab pertanyaan dengan memilih jawaban yang benar
beserta dengan pembahasannya.
• Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi 1,5
sertakan tanggal pengerjaan, kelompok dan nama anggota kelompok.
• Sampaikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara berurutan.

1. The doctor explained to the patient …………………..
A. much
B. excitedly
C. late
D. greedily
E. beautifully
Pembahasan Soal

2. The mother the hospital.

A. much
B. excitedly

C. late
D. greedily
E. slowly
Pembahasan Soal

3. The sun shone.........................through the window in the clinic.

A. brightly
B. excitedly
C. late
D. greedily
E. slowly
Pembahasan Soal

4. The patient takes the medicine …………………
A. brightly
B. excitedly
C. late
D. happily
E. beautifully

Pembahasan Soal

5. The rain fall............................and we are sick.

A. brightly
B. excitedly
C. heavily
D. happily
E. beautifully
Pembahasan Soal

2. Tugas
1. Menyusun resume tentang tata bahasa Adjective + Preposition.
2. Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi 1,5
menggunakan Cover yang berisi judul tugas, nama, nim, dan program studi.
3. Tugas dikumpulkan via email paling lambat
seminggu setelah tanggal perkuliahan dilaksanakan.

Kunci Jawaban

Tes 1
1. Jawaban B
Adverb of manner, atau dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti “keterangan cara”,
merupakan unsur kalimat yang digunakan untuk memperjelas bagaimana suatu kata
kerja dilakukan. Adverb of manner umumnya berasal dari adjective (kata sifat) dan
juga gerund, yang ditambah dengan akhiran –ly. Namun, tidak semua adjective
yang digunakan sebagai adverb of manner mengalami perubahan bentuk tersebut.
Dalam soal nomor satu, arti dari;
- much = banyak

- excitedly = dengan gembira

- late = dengan terlambat.
- greedily = dengan tamak.
- beautifully = dengan indah
Sehingga, dari kelima kata keterangan cara itu yang tepat jawabannya adalah
‘excitedly’ karena lebih sesuai dengan kalimatnya.

2. Jawaban E
Dalam soal nomor dua, arti dari;
- much = banyak
- excitedly = dengan gembira
- late = dengan lambat
- greedily = dengan tamak
- slowly = dengan lambat
Sehingga, dari kelima kata keterangan cara itu yang tepat jawabannya adalah
‘slowly’ karena lebih sesuai dengan kalimatnya.

3. Jawaban A
Dalam soal nomor tiga, arti dari:
- brightly = dengan cerah
- excitedly = dengan gembira
- late = dengan terlambat
- greedily = dengan tamak
- slowly = dengan lambat
Sehingga, dari kelima kata keterangan cara itu yang tepat jawabannya adalah
‘brightly’ karena lebih sesuai dengan kalimatnya.

4. Jawaban D
Dalam soal nomor empat, arti dari:
- brightly = dengan cerah
- excitedly = dengan gembira
- late = dengan lambat
- happily = dengan gembira
-beautifully = dengan cantik
Sehingga, dari kelima kata keterangan cara itu yang tepat jawabannya adalah
‘happily’ karena lebih sesuai dengan kalimatnya.

5. Jawaban C
Dalam soal nomor lima, arti dari:
- brightly = dengan cerah
- excitedly = dengan senang
- heavily = dengan lebat
- happily = dengan gembira
- beautifully = dengan indah

Sehingga, dari kelima kata keterangan cara itu yang tepat jawabannya adalah
‘heavily’ karena lebih sesuai dengan kalimatnya.

Daftar Pustaka

1. Murphy, Raymond. (1990). Essential Grammar in Use. Cambridge

2. University Press : USA
3. Lou, Robby. (2011). English Grammar And How To Use It. Singapore
4. Schrampfer Azar, Betty and A. Hagen, Stacy.(2006). Basic English Grammar. USA
5. Annie, Perwata dan Aniek Maryunani.(2001). English Conversation for Nursing
Personnel. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta.
6. Satya, Satria, (2010). Kamus Istilah Computer.Klik-Media.Yograkarta.
7. Iyan, Darmawan. (2004). English For Nurses. Jakarta
8. Surip, Haryani. (2014). Midwifery English. Rohima Press. Yogyakarta.
9. Endang, Susilowati. (2005). General English Materials For Health Student. Penerbit
Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta.

Reading about ‘Florence Nightingale.’
Tri Widya Sandika, SS., M. Hum

I. Who is Florence Nightingale?

Florence Nightingale, byname Lady with the Lamp, (born May 12, 1820, Florence [Italy]—
died August 13, 1910, London, England), British nurse, statistician, and social reformer
who was the foundational philosopher of modern nursing. Nightingale was put in charge of
nursing British and allied soldiers in Turkey during the Crimean War. She spent many
hours in the wards, and her night rounds giving personal care to the wounded established
her image as the “Lady with the Lamp.” Her efforts to formalize nursing education led her
to establish the first scientifically based nursing school—the Nightingale School of
Nursing, at St. Thomas’ Hospital in London (opened 1860). She also was instrumental in
setting up training for midwives and nurses in workhouse infirmaries. She was the first
woman awarded the Order of Merit (1907). International Nurses Day, observed annually on
May 12, commemorates her birth and celebrates the important role of nurses in health care.

Family ties and spiritual awakening

Florence Nightingale was the second of two daughters born, during an extended European
honeymoon, to William Edward and Frances Nightingale. (William Edward’s original
surname was Shore; he changed his name to Nightingale after inheriting his great-uncle’s
estate in 1815.) Florence was named after the city of her birth. After returning to England
in 1821, the Nightingales had a comfortable lifestyle, dividing their time between two
homes, Lea Hurst in Derbyshire, located in central England, and Embley Park in warmer
Hampshire, located in south-central England. Embley Park, a large and comfortable estate,
became the primary family residence, with the Nightingales taking trips to Lea Hurst in the
summer and to London during the social season.

Florence was a precocious child intellectually. Her father took particular interest in her
education, guiding her through history, philosophy, and literature. She excelled in
mathematics and languages and was able to read and write French, German, Italian, Greek,
and Latin at an early age. Never satisfied with the traditional female skills of home
management, she preferred to read the great philosophers and to engage in serious political
and social discourse with her father.
As part of a liberal Unitarian family, Florence found great comfort in her religious beliefs.
At the age of 16, she experienced one of several “calls from God.” She viewed her
particular calling as reducing human suffering. Nursing seemed the suitable route to serve
both God and humankind. However, despite having cared for sick relatives and tenants on
the family estates, her attempts to seek nurse’s training were thwarted by her family as an
inappropriate activity for a woman of her stature.

Nursing in peace and war

Despite family reservations, Nightingale was eventually able to enroll at the Institution of
Protestant Deaconesses at Kaiserswerth in Germany for two weeks of training in July 1850
and again for three months in July 1851. There she learned basic nursing skills, the
importance of patient observation, and the value of good hospital organization. In 1853
Nightingale sought to break free from her family environment. Through social connections,
she became the superintendent of the Institution for Sick Gentlewomen (governesses) in
Distressed Circumstances, in London, where she successfully displayed her skills as an
administrator by improving nursing care, working conditions, and efficiency of the
hospital. After one year she began to realize that her services would be more valuable in an
institution that would allow her to train nurses. She considered becoming the
superintendent of nurses at King’s College Hospital in London. However, politics, not
nursing expertise, was to shape her next move.

1. Tugas
1. Bentuklah 3 kelompok yang terdiri dari 5-9 orang.
2. Bacalah dan cermati soal multiple choice di bawah ini, kemudian diskusikan dengan
kelompokmu untuk menjawab pertanyaan dengan memilih jawaban yang benar
beserta dengan pembahasannya.
3. Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi 1,5
sertakan tanggal pengerjaan, kelompok dan nama anggota kelompok.
4. Sampaikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara berurutan.

1. am still waiting in the dentist in the clinic.
a. Can
b. They
c. He
d. I
e. She
Pembahasan Soal

2. aren’t listening the doctors in the hospital.

a. Can
b. They
c. He

d. I
e. She ..........
Pembahasan Soal

3. Is...........................working at the hospital?

a. Can
b. They
c. He
d. I
e. We
Pembahasan Soal

4. can cause heart attack

a. Can
b. They
c. He
d. I
e. It
Pembahasan Soal

5. Proteins are needed by children.......................are very important.

a. Can
b. They
c. He
d. I
e. It
Pembahasan Soal

2. Tugas Mandiri
1. Membuat minimal 10 vocabulary yang berkaitan dengan ‘The most common
medical terminology.
2. Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi 1,5
menggunakan Cover yang berisi judul tugas, nama, nim, dan program studi.
3. Tugas dikumpulkan via spada paling lambat seminggu setelah tanggal perkuliahan

Kunci Jawaban
Tes 1
1. Jawaban
Kata ganti merupakan suatu kata yang dipakai untuk menggantikan noun (kata benda) yang
bisa berwujud orang, hewan, benda, tempat, hingga konsep yang abstrak.
Selain itu, kata ganti juga sangat penting digunakan untuk menghindari repetisi kata pada
suatu kalimat.

Sebagai contoh kata ganti untuk “ayah / father” di dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah “dia”.
Namun di dalam bahasa inggris, kata “ayah / father” diganti menjadi “he”, sehingga
kata “ayah / father” tidak akan terulang lagi dan cukup menggunakan “he”.
Sehingga, dari kelima kata keterangan cara itu yang tepat jawabannya adalah ‘I’ karena
lebih sesuai dengan kalimatnya.

2. Jawaban B
Dalam soal nomor dua, arti dari;
- Can = dapat
- They = mereka
- He = (dia laki – laki)
- I = saya
- She = (dia perempuan)
Sehingga, dari kelima kata keterangan cara itu yang tepat jawabannya adalah ‘they’ karena
lebih sesuai dengan kalimatnya.

3. Jawaban C
Dalam soal nomor dua, arti dari;
- Can = dapat
- They = mereka
- He = (dia laki – laki)
- I = saya
- She = (dia perempuan)
Sehingga, dari kelima kata keterangan cara itu yang tepat jawabannya adalah ‘He’ karena
lebih sesuai dengan kalimatnya.

4. Jawaban E
Dalam soal nomor dua, arti dari;
- Can = dapat
- They = mereka
- He = (dia laki – laki)
- I = saya
- It = ( kata ganti benda)
Sehingga, dari kelima kata keterangan cara itu yang tepat jawabannya adalah ‘it’ karena
lebih sesuai dengan kalimatnya.

5. Jawaban B
Dalam soal nomor dua, arti dari;
- Can = dapat
- They = mereka
- He = (dia laki – laki)
- I = saya
- It = ( kata ganti benda)
Sehingga, dari kelima kata keterangan cara itu yang tepat jawabannya adalah ‘they’ karena
lebih sesuai dengan kalimatnya.

Daftar Pustaka

1. Murphy, Raymond. (1990). Essential Grammar in Use. Cambridge

2. University Press : USA
3. Lou, Robby. (2011). English Grammar And How To Use It. Singapore
4. Schrampfer Azar, Betty and A. Hagen, Stacy.(2006). Basic English Grammar. USA
5. Annie, Perwata dan Aniek Maryunani.(2001). English Conversation for Nursing
Personnel. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta.
6. Satya, Satria, (2010). Kamus Istilah Computer.Klik-Media.Yograkarta.
7. Iyan, Darmawan. (2004). English For Nurses. Jakarta
8. Surip, Haryani. (2014). Midwifery English. Rohima Press. Yogyakarta.
9. Endang, Susilowati. (2005). General English Materials For Health Student. Penerbit
Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta.

Menulis Tentang ‘Nurse.’
Tri Widya Sandika, SS., M. Hum

I. Who is a nurse?
A nurse is a person who is trained to give care to people who are sick or injured. Nurses
work with doctors and other health care workers to make patients well and to keep them fit
and healthy. Nurses also help with end-of-life needs and assist other family members with

Roles of a Nurse
The primary role of a nurse is to advocate and care for individuals and support them
through health and illness. However, there are various other responsibilities of a nurse that
form a part of the role of a nurse, including to:
• Record medical history and symptoms
• Collaborate with teams to plan for patient care
• Advocate for the health and wellbeing of patients
• Monitor patient health and record signs
• Administer medications and treatments
• Operate medical equipment
• Perform diagnostic tests
• Educate patients about management of illnesses
• Provide support and advice to patients

Patient care
A nurse is a caregiver for patients and helps to manage physical needs, prevent illness, and
treat health conditions. To do this, they need to observe and monitor the patient, recording
any relevant information to aid in treatment decision-making.
Throughout the treatment process, the nurse follows the progress of the patient and acts
accordingly with the patient’s best interests in mind. The care provided by a nurse extends
beyond the administration of medications and other therapies. They are responsible for the
holistic care of patients, which encompasses the psychosocial, developmental, cultural, and
spiritual needs of the individual.

Patient advocacy
The patient is the first priority of the nurse. The role of the nurse is to advocate for the best
interests of the patient and to maintain the patient’s dignity throughout treatment and care.
This may include making suggestions in the treatment plan of patients, in collaboration
with other health professionals.
This is particularly important because patients who are unwell are often unable to
comprehend medical situations and act as they usually would. It is the role of the nurse to
support the patient and represent the patient's best interests at all times, especially when
treatment decisions are being made.

Planning of care
A nurse is directly involved in the decision-making process for the treatment of patients. It
is important that they are able to think critically when assessing patient signs and
identifying potential problems so that they can make the appropriate recommendations and

As other health professionals, such as doctors or specialists, are usually in charge of

making the final treatment decisions, nurses should be able to communicate information
regarding patient health effectively. Nurses are the most familiar with the individual patient
situation as they monitor their signs and symptoms on an ongoing basis and should
collaborate with other members of the medical team to promote the best patient health

Patient Education and Support

Nurses are also responsible for ensuring that patients are able to understand their health,
illnesses, medications, and treatments to the best of their ability. This is of the essence
when patients are discharged from hospital and need to take control of their own
A nurse should take the time to explain to the patient and their family or caregiver what to
do and what to expect when they leave the hospital or medical clinic. They should also
make sure that the patient feels supported and knows where to seek additional information.

1. Tugas Terstruktur

 Bentuklah 3 kelompok yang terdiri dari 5-9 orang.

 Kemudian diskusikan dengan kelompokmu untuk membuat
10 kalimat yang berhubungan dengan Rekam Medis Dan
Informasi Kesehatan.
 Setiap kalimat menggunakan tata bahasa modal auxiliary verbs
 Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New
Roman 12 spasi 1,5, sertakan tanggal pengerjaan, kelompok
dan nama anggota kelompok.
 Sampaikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara berurutan

2. Tugas
1. Mahasiswa mencatat 5 vocabulary yang berkaitan dengan Rekam Medis
Dan Informasi Kesehatan
2. Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi
1,5 menggunakan Cover yang berisi judul tugas, nama, nim, dan program
3. Tugas dikumpulkan via email paling
lambat seminggu setelah tanggal perkuliahan dilaksanakan.

Kunci Jawaban

Tugas 1
Pembahasan (Contoh)
1. She is in charge for this hospitalization.
2. He can feel terrible
3. They will not hate to smell any kind of food
4. The patient must take a lot of vitamin
5. The doctor is operating the patient for the sake of his life.
6. Mother may breastfeed her baby.
7. My father cannot feel sick.
8. The doctor can go to the hospital.
9. We should take this medicine.
10. You are allergic to anything.

Daftar Pustaka

1. Murphy, Raymond. (1990). Essential Grammar in Use. Cambridge

2. University Press : USA
3. Lou, Robby. (2011). English Grammar And How To Use It. Singapore
4. Schrampfer Azar, Betty and A. Hagen, Stacy.(2006). Basic English Grammar. USA
5. Annie, Perwata dan Aniek Maryunani.(2001). English Conversation for Nursing
Personnel. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta.
6. Satya, Satria, (2010). Kamus Istilah Computer.Klik-Media.Yograkarta.
7. Iyan, Darmawan. (2004). English For Nurses. Jakarta
8. Surip, Haryani. (2014). Midwifery English. Rohima Press. Yogyakarta.
9. Endang, Susilowati. (2005). General English Materials For Health Student. Penerbit
Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta.

Tri Widya Sandika, SS., M. Hum

I. Kegunaan modal auxiliary verbs

A modal is a type of auxiliary (helping) verb that is used to express: ability, possibility,
permission or obligation. Modal phrases (or semi-modals) are used to express the same
things as modals, but are a combination of auxiliary verbs and the preposition to.
The modal auxiliary verbs are words such as ‘can, will, shall, may, might, should, ought to,
must, could’, which are used together with the main verbs and are placed after the subjects.
• Will = future
• Could = ability in the past, possibility.
• Can = ability, permission.
• May = permission
• Might = possibility
• Should / ought to = obligation, desirability.
• Must = conclusion, probability, necessity.
1. ‘The modal auxiliary verb’ and the verb that follows it does not change its form.
2. ‘The modal auxiliary verb’ is placed immediately after the subject unless there is an
adverb that modifies it.

II. Pola modal auxiliary verb

subject + the modal auxiliary + infinitive.

III. Contoh Kalimat adverb of manner

• Will = future
- We will come on time tomorrow.

• Could = ability in the past, possibility.
- He could swim when he was still young. ( ability in the past ).
- He could come in a minute. ( possibility )

• Can = ability, permission.

- He can play the guitar. ( ability )
- The students can play here. ( permission )

• May = permission
- The children may play here. ( permission ).
- He may get a raise. ( possibility )

• Might = possibility
- He might get a raise in his salary. ( possibility ).

• Should / ought to = obligation, desirability.

- Students ought to / should study regularly. ( obligation )
- You ought not to / shouldn’t drink and drive. ( desirability )

• Must = conclusion, probability, necessity.

- He must be twenty years old. ( conclusion, probability )
- You must be hungry. ( conclusion, probability ).
- You must study tonight. ( necessity )

Modal auxiliary verb is used with another verb to indicate its mood, as can, could,
may, might, must, shall, should, will, and would: it has no special form in the third person
singular and no present or past participle

1. Tugas Terstruktur
Bentuklah 3 kelompok yang terdiri dari 5-9 orang.
Kemudian diskusikan dengan kelompokmu untuk membuat 10 kalimat yang
berhubungan dengan Rekam Medis Dan Informasi Kesehatan.
Setiap kalimat menggunakan tata bahasa modal auxiliary verbs
Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi 1,5,
sertakan tanggal pengerjaan, kelompok dan nama anggota kelompok.
Sampaikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara berurutan

2. Tugas
1. Mahasiswa mencatat 5 vocabulary yang berkaitan dengan Rekam Medis Dan
Informasi Kesehatan
2. Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi 1,5
menggunakan Cover yang berisi judul tugas, nama, nim, dan program studi.
3. Tugas dikumpulkan via email paling lambat
seminggu setelah tanggal perkuliahan dilaksanakan.

Kunci Jawaban

Tugas 1
Pembahasan (Contoh)
1. She is in charge for this hospitalization.
2. He can feel terrible
3. They will not hate to smell any kind of food
4. The patient must take a lot of vitamin
5. The doctor is operating the patient for the sake of his life.
6. Mother may breastfeed her baby.
7. My father cannot feel sick.
8. The doctor can go to the hospital.
9. We should take this medicine.
10. You are allergic to anything.

Daftar Pustaka
1. Murphy, Raymond. (1990). Essential Grammar in Use. Cambridge
2. University Press : USA
3. Lou, Robby. (2011). English Grammar And How To Use It. Singapore
4. Schrampfer Azar, Betty and A. Hagen, Stacy.(2006). Basic English Grammar. USA
5. Annie, Perwata dan Aniek Maryunani.(2001). English Conversation for Nursing
Personnel. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta.
6. Satya, Satria, (2010). Kamus Istilah Computer.Klik-Media.Yograkarta.
7. Iyan, Darmawan. (2004). English For Nurses. Jakarta
8. Surip, Haryani. (2014). Midwifery English. Rohima Press. Yogyakarta.
9. Endang, Susilowati. (2005). General English Materials For Health Student. Penerbit
Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta.

Tri Widya Sandika, SS., M. Hum

I. Kegunaan the simple present tense.

The simple present (also called present simple or present indefinite) is a verb tense
which is used to show repetition, habit or generalization. Less commonly, the simple
present can be used to talk about scheduled actions in the near future and, in some cases,
actions happening now. Read on for detailed descriptions, examples, and simple present

• Use the simple present to express the idea that an action is repeated or usual. The action
can be a habit, a hobby, a daily event, a scheduled event or something that often happens. It
can also be something a person often forgets or usually does not do.
• The simple present can also indicate the speaker believes that a fact was true before, is
true now, and will be true in the future. It is not important if the speaker is correct about the
fact. It is also used to make generalizations about people or things.
• Speakers occasionally use simple present to talk about scheduled events in the near
future. This is most commonly done when talking about public transportation, but it can be
used with other scheduled events as well.
• Speakers sometimes use the simple present to express the idea that an action is happening
or is not happening now. This can only be done with non-continuous verbs and certain
mixed verbs.

II. Pola the simple present tense.

Subject + Verb / To Be + Object / Adjctive / Adverb.

III. Contoh kalimat the simple present tense.

1. She does not go to the
hospital. 57
2. Does he take medicines everday?
3. The patients always forget the medicine.
4. Do they stay in the hospital?
5. The hospital starts at 8 o'clock.

The simple present is a verb tense with two main uses. We use the simple present tense
when an action is happening right now, or when it happens regularly (or unceasingly,
which is why it’s sometimes called present indefinite). Depending on the person, the simple
present tense is formed by using the root form or by adding -s or -es to the end.

1. Tugas
• Bentuklah 3 kelompok yang terdiri dari 5-9 orang.
• Bacalah dan cermati soal multiple choice di bawah ini, kemudian diskusikan
dengan kelompokmu untuk menjawab pertanyaan dengan memilih jawaban
yang benar beserta dengan pembahasannya
• Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi
1,5 sertakan tanggal pengerjaan, kelompok dan nama anggota kelompok.
• Sampaikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara berurutan.

2. Tugas Mandiri
1. Masing-masing mahasiswa menuliskan resume tentang the simple present tense.
2. Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi 1,5
menggunakan Cover yang berisi judul tugas, nama, nim, dan program studi.
3. Tugas dikumpulkan via email paling lambat
seminggu setelah tanggal perkuliahan dilaksanakan

1. When..........................the operation begin?
A. am
B. is
C. does
D. do
E. are
Pembahasan Soal
2. The now.
A. am
B. is
C. does
D. do
E. are
Pembahasan Soal

3. Head of right now.

A. wants
B. needs
C. puts
D. listens
E. drinks
Pembahasan Soal

4. He.........................medicines in his hand.
A. have
B. does
C. do
D. is
E. has
Pembahasan Soal

5...........................they doctors in hospital?

A. have
B. does
C. do
D. are
E. has
Pembahasan Soal

Kunci Jawaban

Tes 1
1. Jawaban C
Simple present tense adalah tenses yang digunakan ketika suatu kejadian sedang
berlangsung saat ini atau kejadian yang berlangsung berulang kali (kebiasaan). Untuk
membentuk kalimat simple present tense, biasanya digunakan kata kerja bentuk dasar, atau
Verb 1. Kecuali untuk kata ganti orang ketiga, menggunakan Verb 1 + s/es.
Dalam soal nomor satu, arti dari:
- am
- is
- does
- do
- are
Sehingga, dari kelima kata kerja itu yang tepat jawabannya adalah ‘does’ karena lebih
sesuai dengan kalimatnya.

1. Jawaban B
Dalam soal nomor dua, terdapat pilihan kata kerja bantu;
- am
- is
- does
- do
- are
Sehingga, dari kelima kata kerja bantu itu yang tepat jawabannya adalah ‘is’ karena lebih
sesuai dengan kalimatnya.

2. Jawaban B
Dalam soal nomor tiga, arti dari:
- wants = ingin
- needs = memerlukan
- puts = meletakkan
- listens = mendengarkan
- drinks = meminum
Sehingga, dari kelima kata kerja itu yang tepat jawabannya adalah ‘needs’ karena lebih
sesuai dengan kalimatnya.

3. Jawaban E
Dalam soal nomor empat, terdapat pilihan kata kerja bantu;
- have
- does
- do
- is
- has
Sehingga, dari kelima kata kerja bantu itu yang tepat jawabannya adalah ‘has’ karena lebih
sesuai dengan kalimatnya.

4. Jawaban D
Dalam soal nomor empat, terdapat pilihan kata kerja bantu;
- have
- does
- do
- are
- has

Sehingga, dari kelima kata kerja bantu itu yang tepat jawabannya adalah ‘are’ karena lebih
sesuai dengan kalimatnya.

Daftar Pustaka
1. Murphy, Raymond. (1990). Essential Grammar in Use. Cambridge
2. University Press : USA
3. Lou, Robby. (2011). English Grammar And How To Use It. Singapore
4. Schrampfer Azar, Betty and A. Hagen, Stacy.(2006). Basic English Grammar. USA
5. Annie, Perwata dan Aniek Maryunani.(2001). English Conversation for Nursing
Personnel. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta.
6. Satya, Satria, (2010). Kamus Istilah Computer.Klik-Media.Yograkarta.
7. Iyan, Darmawan. (2004). English For Nurses. Jakarta
8. Surip, Haryani. (2014). Midwifery English. Rohima Press. Yogyakarta.
9. Endang, Susilowati. (2005). General English Materials For Health Student. Penerbit
Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta.

Tri Widya Sandika, SS., M. Hum

I. Kegunaan present continuous tense

The present continuous (also called present progressive) is a verb tense which is used
to show that an ongoing action is happening now, either at the moment of speech or now in
a larger sense. The present continuous can also be used to show that an action is going to
take place in the near future. Read on for detailed descriptions, examples, and present
continuous exercises.
• Use the present continuous with normal verbs to express the idea that something is
happening now, at this very moment. It can also be used to show that something is not
happening now.
• In English, "now" can mean: this second, today, this month, this year, this century, and so
on. Sometimes, we use the present continuous to say that we are in the process of doing a
longer action which is in progress; however, we might not be doing it at this exact second.
• Sometimes, speakers use the present continuous to indicate that something will or will not
happen in the near future.
• The present continuous with words such as "always" or "constantly" expresses the idea
that something irritating or shocking often happens. Notice that the meaning is like simple
present, but with negative emotion. Remember to put the words "always" or "constantly"
between "be" and "verb+ing."

II. Pola the present continuous tense

Subject + To Be + Verb – ing.

III. Contoh kalimat the present continuous tense

1. You are learning English for nursing now.
2. Is the patient sitting or standing?
3. The sick persons are reading their books in the hospital.
4. Why isn’t the doctor working in the hospital?
5. I am not going to the emergency room.

The present continuous tense is used for actions happening now or for an action that is
unfinished. This tense is also used when the action is temporary.The present continuous
tense is formed with the subject plus the present particle form (-ing) of the main verb and
the present continuous tense of the verb to be: am, is, are.
One simple example of this tense is: He is swimming. "He" is the subject, "is" is the
present tense of the verb to be and "swimming" is the present participle verb form.

1. Tugas Terstruktur
• Bentuklah 3 kelompok yang terdiri dari 5-9 orang.
• Kemudian diskusikan dengan kelompokmu untuk membuat 10 kalimat
yang berhubungan dengan keperawatan dengan menggunakan Present
Continuous Tense
• Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12
spasi 1,5, sertakan tanggal pengerjaan, kelompok dan nama anggota
• Sampaikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara berurutan

2. Tugas
1. Masing-masing mahasiswa menuliskan resume tentang Present Continuous Tense
2. Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi 1,5
menggunakan Cover yang berisi judul tugas, nama, nim, dan program studi.

3. Tugas dikumpulkan via email paling lambat
seminggu setelah tanggal perkuliahan dilaksanakan

Kunci Jawaban

Tugas 1 (Contoh)
1. She is crying in waiting room
2. The doctor is talking to his pasients.
3. The baby is sleeping in the emergency room.
4. We are visiting to the hospital.
5. I am not going to the dentist after work.
6. Are they listening to the doctor’s advice?
7. We are leaving for the emergency room tomorrow morning.
8. The sick person is not smiling.
9. I’m spending two bottles of medicine.
10. My father is wating for the pharmacist.

Daftar Pustaka
1. Murphy, Raymond. (1990). Essential Grammar in Use. Cambridge
2. University Press : USA
3. Lou, Robby. (2011). English Grammar And How To Use It. Singapore
4. Schrampfer Azar, Betty and A. Hagen, Stacy.(2006). Basic English Grammar. USA
5. Annie, Perwata dan Aniek Maryunani.(2001). English Conversation for Nursing
Personnel. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta.
6. Satya, Satria, (2010). Kamus Istilah Computer.Klik-Media.Yograkarta.
7. Iyan, Darmawan. (2004). English For Nurses. Jakarta
8. Surip, Haryani. (2014). Midwifery English. Rohima Press. Yogyakarta.
9. Endang, Susilowati. (2005). General English Materials For Health Student. Penerbit
Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta.

Tri Widya Sandika, SS., M. Hum

I. Kegunaan present perfect tense

The present perfect is a verb tense which is used to show that an action has taken place
once or many times before now. The present perfect is most frequently used to talk about
experiences or changes that have taken place, but there are other less common uses as well.

• We use the present perfect to say that an action happened at an unspecified time before
now. The exact time is not important. You ca not use the present perfect with specific time
expressions such as: yesterday, one year ago, last week, when I was a child, when I lived in
Japan, at that moment, that day, one day, etc. We can use the present perfect with
unspecific expressions such as: ever, never, once, many times, several times, before, so far,
already, yet, etc.

• You can use the present perfect to describe your experience. It is like saying, "I have the
experience of..." You can also use this tense to say that you have never had a certain
experience. The present perfect is not used to describe a specific event.

• We often use the present perfect to talk about change that has happened over a period of

• We often use the present perfect to list the accomplishments of individuals and humanity.
You cannot mention a specific time.

• We often use the present perfect to say that an action which we expected has not
happened. Using the present perfect suggests that we are still waiting for the action to
• We also use the present perfect to talk about several different actions which have
occurred in the past at different times. Present perfect suggests the process is not complete
and more actions are possible.

II. Pola present perfect tense

Subject + have / has + the past participle

III. Contoh kalimat present perfect tense

1. The patient has taken the medicine.
2. She has had the chickenpox since Tuesday.
3. They have lived near the hospital for a long time.
4. He has learned English for nursing for one year.
5. He has worked in this pharmacy since June.

The present perfect is a grammatical combination of the present tense and perfect
aspect that is used to express a past event that has present consequences. The term is used
particularly in the context of English grammar to refer to forms like "I have finished". The
forms are present because they use the present tense of the auxiliary verb have, and perfect
because they use that auxiliary in combination with the past participle of the main verb.

1. Tugas
• Bentuklah 3 kelompok yang terdiri dari 5-9 orang.
• Bacalah dan cermati soal multiple choice di bawah ini, kemudian diskusikan dengan
kelompokmu untuk menjawab pertanyaan dengan memilih jawaban yang benar beserta
dengan pembahasannya
• Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi 1,5
sertakan tanggal pengerjaan, kelompok dan nama anggota kelompok.

• Sampaikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara berurutan.
2. Tugas
1. Masing-masing mahasiswa menuliskan resume tentang present perfect tense
2. Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi 1,5
menggunakan Cover yang berisi judul tugas, nama, nim, dan program studi.
3. Tugas dikumpulkan via email paling lambat
seminggu setelah tanggal perkuliahan dilaksanakan

1. I..............................been a doctor since two years ago.
A. do
B. have
C. does
D. is
E. am

2. Diana has............................her work in the hospital.

A. done
B. do
C. does
D. did
E. to do
Pembahasan Soal:

3. The doctor and nurse have.........................each other for a very long time.
A. know
B. to know
C. knew
D. knows
E. known

4. I haven’t.........................the dentist in a while.

A. see
B. saw
C. seen
D. to see
E. sees

5. Have you..........................medicine?
A. taken
B. take
C. took
D. to take
E. takes
Pembahasan Soal:

Tes 1
1. Jawaban B
Present perfect tense adalah suatu tense yang menggambarkan suatu kejadian yang
terjadi sebelum satu spesifik waktu di masa lalu tetapi masih berlanjut sampai sekarang.
Tense ini terdiri dari gabungan aspek perfect (sebelum satu spesifik waktu di masa lampau)
dan bingkai waktu present (masa sekarang).
Selain itu, tense ini juga bisa menggambarkan suatu kejadian yang dimulai dan berakhir di
masa lampau tetapi efeknya masih dirasakan sampai saat sekarang. Lebih singkatnya, tense
ini digunakan sebagai penghubung antara masa lalu dan masa sekarang.
Dalam soal nomor satu, terdapat lima pilihan dari kata kerja bantu, yaitu;
- do
- have
- does
- is
- am
Sehingga, dari kelima kata kerja bantu itu yang tepat jawabannya adalah ‘have’ karena
lebih sesuai dengan kalimatnya.

2. Jawaban A
Dalam soal nomor dua, terdapat lima pilihan dari kata kerja bantu, yaitu;
- done
- do
- does
- did
- to do

Sehingga, dari kelima kata kerja bantu itu yang tepat jawabannya adalah ‘done’ karena
lebih sesuai dengan kalimatnya.

3. Jawaban E
Dalam soal nomor tiga, terdapat lima pilihan dari kata kerja, yaitu;
- know
- to know
- knew
- knows
- known
Sehingga, dari kelima kata kerja bantu itu yang tepat jawabannya adalah ‘known’ karena
lebih sesuai dengan kalimatnya.

4. Jawaban C
Dalam soal nomor empat, terdapat lima pilihan dari kata kerja, yaitu;
- see
- saw
- seen
- to see
- sees
Sehingga, dari kelima kata kerja bantu itu yang tepat jawabannya adalah ‘seen’ karena
lebih sesuai dengan kalimatnya.

5. Jawaban A
Dalam soal nomor lima, terdapat lima pilihan dari kata kerja, yaitu;
- taken
- take
- took
- to take
- takes
Sehingga, dari kelima kata kerja bantu itu yang tepat jawabannya adalah ‘taken’ karena
lebih sesuai dengan kalimatnya.

Daftar Pustaka
1. Murphy, Raymond. (1990). Essential Grammar in Use. Cambridge
2. University Press : USA
3. Lou, Robby. (2011). English Grammar And How To Use It. Singapore
4. Schrampfer Azar, Betty and A. Hagen, Stacy.(2006). Basic English Grammar. USA
5. Annie, Perwata dan Aniek Maryunani.(2001). English Conversation for Nursing
Personnel. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta.
6. Satya, Satria, (2010). Kamus Istilah Computer.Klik-Media.Yograkarta.
7. Iyan, Darmawan. (2004). English For Nurses. Jakarta
8. Surip, Haryani. (2014). Midwifery English. Rohima Press. Yogyakarta.
9. Endang, Susilowati. (2005). General English Materials For Health Student. Penerbit
Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta.

Tri Widya Sandika, SS., M. Hum

I. Kegunaan simple past tense.

The simple past tense, sometimes called the preterite, is used to talk about a completed
action in a time before now. The simple past is the basic form of past tense in English. The
time of the action can be in the recent past or the distant past and action duration is not
• You always use the simple past when you say when something happened, so it is
associated with certain past time expressions.
• For the negative and interrogative simple past form of "to do" as an ordinary verb, use the
auxiliary "did". The negative of "have" in the simple past is usually formed using the
auxiliary "did", but sometimes by simply adding not or the contraction "n't".The
interrogative form of "have" in the simple past normally uses the auxiliary "did".

II. Pola simple past tense.

S + Verb in past form

III. Contoh kalimat simple past tense.

1. Did the pharmacist make a patient profile in the computer?
2. Did the doctor ask about any allergies and general medical conditions?
3. This was a good time to ask for a generic brand.
4. The pharmacist was not prepare the prescription bottle.
5. Did the pharmacist calls your name when the prescription was ready.

• The simple past (also called past simple, past indefinite or preterite) is a verb tense which
is used to show that a completed action took place at a specific time in the past.

The simple past is also frequently used to talk about past habits and generalizations. Read
on for detailed descriptions, examples, and simple past exercises.
• The simple past is formed using the verb + ed. In addition, there are many verbs with
irregular past forms. Questions are made with did and negative forms are made with did
• Use the simple past to express the idea that an action started and finished at a specific
time in the past. Sometimes, the speaker may not actually mention the specific time, but
they do have one specific time in mind.
• The simple past can be used with a duration which starts and stops in the past. A duration
is a longer action often indicated by expressions such as: for two years, for five minutes, all
day, all year, etc.

1. Tugas
• Bentuklah 3 kelompok yang terdiri dari 5-9 orang.
• Bacalah dan cermati soal multiple choice di bawah ini, kemudian diskusikan
dengan kelompokmu untuk menjawab pertanyaan dengan memilih jawaban
yang benar beserta dengan pembahasannya
• Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi 1,5
sertakan tanggal pengerjaan, kelompok dan nama anggota kelompok.
• Sampaikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara berurutan.

2. Tugas Mandiri
2. Masing-masing mahasiswa menuliskan resume tentang the simple past


3. Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi 1,5
menggunakan Cover yang berisi judul tugas, nama, nim, dan program studi.
4. Tugas dikumpulkan via email paling lambat
seminggu setelah tanggal perkuliahan dilaksanakan
1. you pay for the prescription yesterday?
A. Does
B. Do
C. Did
D. Is
E. Am
Pembahasan Soal:

2. I...............................not want to have this prescription filled last night.

A. am
B. did
C. do
D. does
E. is
Pembahasan Soal:

3. Did you..................................your medical insurance card last week?

A. take
B. eat
C. feel

D. drink
E. sleep
Pembahasan Soal:

4. Did you............................your medicine in the pharmacy?

A. stay
B. drink
C. eat
D. feel
E. buy
Pembahasan Soal:

5. Did you...............................I will get well soon last year?

A. bring
B. hope
C. take
D. eat
E. drink
Pembahasan Soal:

Kunci Jawaban

Tes 1
1. Jawaban C
Simple past tense adalah kalimat tenses yang digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian
yang terjadi di masa lampau dan telah berakhir di masa lampau. Berbeda dengan
past continous tense, yakni menyatakan kejadian yang terjadi di masa lampau,
namun masih terjadi di masa sekarang.
Untuk membentuk kalimat simple past tense, rumusnya adalah sebagai berikut; S +
Verb 2 + O
Dalam kalimat simple past tense, kata kerja / verb yang digunakan merupakan
bentuk kata kerja kedua. Terdapat 2 jenis kata kerja / Verb, yakni Regular Verb dan
Irregular Verb. Untuk regular verb, tambahkan -ed / -d dibelakang setelah kata kerja
bentuk pertama.
Dalam soal nomor satu, terdapat lima pilihan dari kata kerja bantu, yaitu;
- Does
- Do
- Did
- Is
- Am
Sehingga, dari kelima kata kerja bantu itu yang tepat jawabannya adalah ‘did’
karena lebih sesuai dengan kalimatnya.

2. Jawaban B
Dalam soal nomor dua, terdapat lima pilihan dari kata kerja bantu, yaitu;
- Am
- Did
- Do

- Does
- Is
Sehingga, dari kelima kata kerja bantu itu yang tepat jawabannya adalah ‘did’ karena
lebih sesuai dengan kalimatnya.

3. Jawaban A
Dalam soal nomor tiga, terdapat lima pilihan dari kata kerja, yaitu;
- take
- eat
- feel
- drink
- sleep
Sehingga, dari kelima kata kerja itu yang tepat jawabannya adalah ‘take’ karena
lebih sesuai dengan kalimatnya.

4. Jawaban E
Dalam soal nomor dua, terdapat lima pilihan dari kata kerja, yaitu;
- stay
- drink
- eat
- feel
- buy
Sehingga, dari kelima kata kerja itu yang tepat jawabannya adalah ‘buy’ karena lebih
sesuai dengan kalimatnya.

5. Jawaban B
Dalam soal nomor dua, terdapat lima pilihan dari kata kerja, yaitu;

- bring
- hope
- take
- eat
- drink
Sehingga, dari kelima kata kerja itu yang tepat jawabannya adalah ‘hope’ karena
lebih sesuai dengan kalimatnya.

Daftar Pustaka

1. Murphy, Raymond. (1990). Essential Grammar in Use.

Cambridge University Press : USA
2. Lou, Robby. (2011). English Grammar And How To Use It. Singapore
3. Schrampfer Azar, Betty and A. Hagen, Stacy. (2006). Basic English Grammar.
4. Annie, Perwata dan Aniek Maryunani. (2001). English Conversation for Nursing
Personnel. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta.
5. Satya, Satria, (2010). Kamus Istilah Computer. Klik-Media. Yograkarta.
6. Iyan, Darmawan. (2004). English For Nurses. Jakarta
7. Surip, Haryani. (2014). Midwifery English. Rohima Press. Yogyakarta.
8. Endang, Susilowati. (2005). General English Materials For Health Student. Penerbit
Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta.

Tri Widya Sandika, SS., M. Hum

I. Kegunaan past continuous tense

The past continuous tense is used to describe actions that began in the past and often
continued for a short period of time after the action started. This tense describes actions or
events that happened at a specific time in the past. These actions are usually no longer
happening at the time the sentence is being said or written.

• The past continuous is formed from the past tense of "to be" with the base of the main
verb plus the ending "-ing" form of the verb.

• Past continuous tense is often combined with past simple tense. An example of this
combination is: While we were sitting at the stadium, the rain began. The past continuous
tense is "were sitting" and the past simple is "began."

• In this combination, the simple past tense interrupted the past progressive tense action.
This pairing shows that something happened in the middle of something else
happening.Past continuous tense can also be used when describing the background of a
story written in the past tense.

• Past continuous tense can be used when describing an unfinished action that was
interrupted by another action. The action in the past started before the other action and
continued after for a short period of time.

• Past continuous can also be used to express a change of mind or thought that happened in
the past.

• Past continuous tense can be used to show that two actions were going on at the same
time in the past.
II. Pola past continuous tense
S + was / were + V - ing

III. Contoh kalimat past continuous tense

1. I was praying when the doctor came to my house yesterday.
2. I was not having my breakfast when the accident happened in the hospital
3. Were the patients eating sandwich during the lunchtime yesterday?
4. Was the nurse working all night yesterday?
5. The dentist was working in the clinic

The past continuous tense, also known as the past progressive tense, refers to a
continuing action or state that was happening at some point in the past. The past continuous
tense is formed by combining the past tense of to be (i.e., was/were) with the verb’s present
participle (-ing word).It can also be used to describe something that was happening
continuously in the past when another action interrupted it.

1. Tugas Terstruktur
• Bentuklah 3 kelompok yang terdiri dari 5-9 orang.
• Kemudian diskusikan dengan kelompokmu untuk membuat 10 kalimat yang
berhubungan dengan keperawatan dengan menggunakan Past Continuous Tense
• Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi 1,5,
sertakan tanggal pengerjaan, kelompok dan nama anggota kelompok.
• Sampaikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara berurutan

2. Tugas
1. Masing-masing mahasiswa menuliskan resume tentang Past
Continuous Tense.
2. Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi 1,5
menggunakan Cover yang berisi judul tugas, nama, nim, dan program studi.
3. Tugas dikumpulkan via email paling lambat
seminggu setelah tanggal perkuliahan dilaksanakan

Kunci Jawaban

Tugas 1 (Contoh)
1. Who was taking care of the children?
2. The patients were receiving analgesia.
3. He was not suffering from certain diseases.
4. The patient was looking for schedule of Dr. John in this hospital.
5. How were you feeling last night?
7. My hands were trembling.
8. What was going on with you?
9. The nurse was going to check your temperature.
10. Your nose was bleeding.

Daftar Pustaka

1. Murphy, Raymond. (1990). Essential Grammar in Use.

Cambridge University Press : USA
2. Lou, Robby. (2011). English Grammar And How To Use It. Singapore
3. Schrampfer Azar, Betty and A. Hagen, Stacy. (2006). Basic English Grammar.
4. Annie, Perwata dan Aniek Maryunani. (2001). English Conversation for Nursing
Personnel. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta.
5. Satya, Satria, (2010). Kamus Istilah Computer. Klik-Media. Yograkarta.
6. Iyan, Darmawan. (2004). English For Nurses. Jakarta
7. Surip, Haryani. (2014). Midwifery English. Rohima Press. Yogyakarta.
8. Endang, Susilowati. (2005). General English Materials For Health Student. Penerbit
Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta.

Tri Widya Sandika, SS., M. Hum

I. Kegunaan the past perfect tense

The past perfect, also called the pluperfect, is a verb tense used to talk about actions that
were completed before some point in the past. It is for talking about something that
happened before something else.
When to Use the Past Perfect
So what’s the difference between past perfect and simple past? When you’re talking about
some point in the past and want to reference an event that happened even earlier, using the
past perfect allows you to convey the sequence of the events. It’s also clearer and more
The past perfect is used in the part of the sentence that explains the condition (the if-
Most often, the reason to write a verb in the past perfect tense is to show that it happened
before other actions in the same sentence that are described by verbs in the simple past
tense. Writing an entire paragraph with every verb in the past perfect tense is unusual.

II. Pola the past perfect tense

Subject + had + the past participle

III. Contoh kalimat the past perfect tense

 The pharmacist had made a patient profile in the computer.
 The doctor had asked about some allergies and general medical conditions.
 This had been a good time to ask for a generic brand.
 The pharmacist had prepared the prescription bottle.
 The pharmacist had called your name when the prescription is ready.

I. Rangkuman
We use the past perfect tense to show that one action happened first compared to another.
The past perfect tense: Subject + had + the past participle
a. The show had already begun when we arrived.
b. He said that he had known her for three years. The time indicators of the past
perfect tense are:
1. Adverbials of time
 Before : I had done my homework before I went bed.
 After : I decided to cancel my plan after I had talked to her.
 Until : I hadn’t gone until I finished my work.
 Just / already … when: I had just / already finished washing the dishes when
my mother told me to iron the clothes.
 When : When she had reported the case, she went home.
 As soon as : As soon as I had finished typing, I sent it to my boss by
 Hardly / scarcely / barely … when : She had hardly gone when you arrived.
 No sooner … than … : He had no sooner hung up than the telephone
rang again.

II. Tugas
1. Tugas Terstruktur
• Bentuklah 3 kelompok yang terdiri dari 5-9 orang.
• Kemudian diskusikan dengan kelompokmu untuk membuat 10 kalimat yang
berhubungan dengan Issuing Medical Files menggunakan The past perfect tense.
• Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi 1,5,
sertakan tanggal pengerjaan, kelompok dan nama anggota kelompok.
• Sampaikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara berurutan

2. Tugas Mandiri Petunjuk:
1. Masing-masing mahasiswa menuliskan resume tentang The past perfect
2. Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi
1,5 menggunakan Cover yang berisi judul tugas, nama, nim, dan program
3. Tugas dikumpulkan via email paling lambat
seminggu setelah tanggal perkuliahan dilaksanakan.

III. Kunci Jawaban
Tugas 1
IV.Pembahasan (Contoh)
1. I had got to the pharmacy in this hospital?
2. She had wanted to pick up a prescription.
3. The nurse had given me the doctor’s note!
4. I had felt terrible.
5. The doctor had checked your blood pressure and your temperature first.
6. The doctor had given you a prescription for some medicine.
7. The daughter had taken one pill about 30 minutes before she went to bed.
8. The father had got a better night's sleep.
9. The patient had slept well after thirty days.
10. The pharmacist had written the prescription.

Daftar Pustaka

1. Murphy, Raymond. (1990). Essential Grammar in Use.

Cambridge University Press : USA
2. Lou, Robby. (2011). English Grammar And How To Use It. Singapore
3. Schrampfer Azar, Betty and A. Hagen, Stacy. (2006). Basic English Grammar.
4. Annie, Perwata dan Aniek Maryunani. (2001). English Conversation for Nursing
Personnel. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta.
5. Satya, Satria, (2010). Kamus Istilah Computer. Klik-Media. Yograkarta.
6. Iyan, Darmawan. (2004). English For Nurses. Jakarta
7. Surip, Haryani. (2014). Midwifery English. Rohima Press. Yogyakarta.
8. Endang, Susilowati. (2005). General English Materials For Health Student. Penerbit
Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta.

Tri Widya Sandika, SS., M. Hum

I. Kegunaan The Simple Future Tense: Will And Be Going To.

The simple future is a verb tense that is used to talk about things that haven’t happened yet.
It has two different forms in English: "will" and "be going to." Although the two forms can
sometimes be used interchangeably, they often express two very different meanings. These
different meanings might seem too abstract at first, but with time and practice, the
differences will become clear. Both "will" and "be going to" refer to a specific time in the
The use of simple future tense:
• To Express a Voluntary Action
"Will" often suggests that a speaker will do something voluntarily. A voluntary action is
one the speaker offers to do for someone else. Often, we use "will" to respond to someone
else's complaint or request for help. We also use "will" when we request that someone help
us or volunteer to do something for us. Similarly, we use "will not" or "won't" when we
refuse to voluntarily do something.
• To Express a Promise
"Will" is usually used in
• "Be going to" to Express a Plan
"Be going to" expresses that something is a plan. It expresses the idea that a person intends
to do something in the future. It does not matter whether the plan is realistic or not.

II.Pola The Simple Future Tense: Will And Be Going To.

Subject + will / shall + Verb
Subject + am /is /are + going to + Verb

III. Contoh Kalimat The Simple Future Tense: Will And Be Going To
- I will pay for the medicine by credit card.
- The doctor will do the injection in the hospital.
- He will carry my syringes.

- The baby will not eat his soup in clinic.
- I will not leave until I have seen the nurse.

V. Rangkuman
The simple future refers to a time later than now, and expresses facts or certainty. In this
case there is no 'attitude'. The simple future is used:
 To predict a future event:
 With I or We, to express a spontaneous decision:
 To express willingness:
 In the negative form, to express unwillingness:
 With I in the interrogative form using "shall", to make an offer:
 With we in the interrogative form using "shall", to make a suggestion:
 With I in the interrogative form using "shall", to ask for advice or instructions:
 With you, to give orders:
 With you in the interrogative form, to give an invitation:

Note: In modern English will is preferred to shall. Shall is mainly used with I and we to
make an offer or suggestion, or to ask for advice (see examples above). With the other
persons (you, he, she, they) shall is only used in literary or poetic situations, e.g. "With
rings on her fingers and bells on her toes, She shall have music wherever she goes."

1. Tugas Terstruktur Petunjuk
• Bentuklah 3 kelompok yang terdiri dari 5-9 orang.
• Bacalah dan cermati soal multiple choice di bawah ini, kemudian diskusikan
dengan kelompokmu untuk menjawab pertanyaan dengan memilih
jawaban yang benar beserta dengan pembahasannya

• Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi
1,5 sertakan tanggal pengerjaan, kelompok dan nama anggota kelompok.
• Sampaikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara berurutan.

VII. Soal
1. I to the hospital tomorrow.
A. can go
B. must go
C. may go
D. will go
E. need go
VIII.Pembahasa soal:
2. A will you open the medicine?
B. Next week.
A. When
B. Where
C. How
D. Who
E. Why
IX.Pembahasan Soal:
X. ……………………………………………………………………………..
3. Shall we go to the dentist ……………………
A. yesterday
B. today
C. last year
D. last month
E. tonight
XI.Pembahasan Soal:

XII. ………………………………………………………………………………
4. The doctor giving an injection to the patient next day.
A. are
B. is
C. am
D. has
E. do
XIII. Pembahasan Soal:
XIV. …………..…………………………………………………………
5. A. Will the nurse come to the clinic next week? B. No. ………………….
A. she will not
B. she will
C. will not
D. she not
E. will she not
XV. Pembahasan Soal:
XVI. ……………………………………………………………………..

2. Tugas Mandiri Petunjuk:

1. Menyusun resume tentang tata bahasa The Simple Future Tense: Will And Be
Going To.
2. Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi
1,5 menggunakan Cover yang berisi judul tugas, nama, nim, dan program
3. Tugas dikumpulkan via email paling lambat
seminggu setelah tanggal perkuliahan dilaksa

XVII. Kunci Jawaban

Tes 1
1. Jawaban D Pembahasan:
Simple future tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan
bahwa suatu aksi terjadi dimasa depan, secara spontan atau terencana. Simple future tense
dibentuk dari modal auxiliary verb “will” atau “shall” dan bare infinitive (bentuk dasar
verb) atau dibentuk dari phrasal modal “be going to” dan bare infinitive.

2. Jawaban : D Pembahasan :
Wh- question (pertanyaan yang dimulai dengan what, where, when, why, which, who,
whose, atau how) dengan simple future tense yang dibentuk dari modal “will” atau “shall”
+ bare infinitive atau phrasal modal “be (am/is/are) going to” + bare infinitive.

3. Jawaban E Pembahasan:
Simple future tense memiliki sejumlah kata keterangan waktu yang menjadi petunjuk
bahwa suatu kalimat mengandung unsur tense jenis simple future.
Kata keterangan waktu Arti
• tomorrow besok
• next month bulan depan
• next time lain kali
• until hingga
• after sesudah
• tonight malam ini
• this afternoon sore nanti
• two days later dua hari lagi

• while sementara
• in a little while sebentar lagi

4. Jawaban: B Pembahasan
Present continuous tense (selain verb “go”) dapat juga digunakan untuk menyatakan aksi di
masa depan seperti simple future tense.
Contoh Kalimat Present Continuous Tense
I‘m presenting the weekly report at today’s meeting.
(Saya akan mempresentasikan laporan mingguan di pertemuan hari ini.) Selain itu,
kombinasi will dan be + present participle juga dapat digunakan untuk menghindari nada
tidak sabar (impatient) atau mendesak (insistent). Kalimat akan terdengar demikian jika
hanya ada “will” (tanpa be + present participle) karena stress (penekanan) hanya terjadi
pada kata tersebut.

5. Jawaban : A Pembahasan
Untuk membentuk kalimat negative dalam simple future tense, ditambahkan not setelah
‘will’ dan diikuti dengan kata kerja. Kata kerja tetap dalam bentuk kata kerja dasar.

Daftar Pustaka

1. Murphy, Raymond. (1990). Essential Grammar in Use.

Cambridge University Press : USA
2. Lou, Robby. (2011). English Grammar And How To Use It. Singapore
3. Schrampfer Azar, Betty and A. Hagen, Stacy. (2006). Basic English Grammar.
4. Annie, Perwata dan Aniek Maryunani. (2001). English Conversation for Nursing
Personnel. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta.
5. Satya, Satria, (2010). Kamus Istilah Computer. Klik-Media. Yograkarta.
6. Iyan, Darmawan. (2004). English For Nurses. Jakarta
7. Surip, Haryani. (2014). Midwifery English. Rohima Press. Yogyakarta.
8. Endang, Susilowati. (2005). General English Materials For Health Student. Penerbit
Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta.

Tri Widya Sandika, SS., M. Hum

I. Kegunaan Question Words : Who, What, Where, When, Why, Whose

1. Question words are used to ask for specific information. They are who, what, where,
when, why, whose, how, which.
2. ‘Who’ is used to ask about people, ‘what’ to ask about things, ‘where’ to ask about
places, ‘why’ to ask about reasons, ‘whose’ to ask about possession and ‘when’ to ask
about time.
a. Who do you want to see?
b. What have you done?
c. Where did he go?
d. Why did you lie?

II. Pola Question Words : Who, What, Where, When, Why, Whose
Subject question = Who/what + Verb
Non subject question = Question Word + Auxiliary verb + Subject + Ordinary Verb

III. Contoh Kalimat Question Words : Who, What, Where, When, Why, Whose
1.What (Apa)
Pada question word ini berfungsi untuk menanyakan benda atau suatu hal secara specific.
Contoh :
 What is your tote bag colour ?
 What do you think about asian games ?
 What is your father name ?
2. Why (Kenapa/ Mengapa)
Berfungsi untuk menanyakan alasan, penjelasan atau keterangan.
Contoh :
 Why rina go to lamongan ?
 Why adrian getting sick ?
 Why Mr. Joko always come late ?
3. When (Kapan)

Berfungsi untuk menanyakan waktu, suatu kejadian, atau occasion.
Contoh :
 When we first met ?
 When you say nothing at all ?
 When are Reyhan going to airport ?
4. Where (Dimana)
Question word ini biasa digunakan untuk menanyakan posisi atau letak suatu benda atau
Contoh :
 Where is dimas and nadin was married ?
 Faiz will be teaching Edgar at 03.30 pm tomorrow. Where is edgar house ?
 Where is Dafa dormitory ?
5. Who (Siapa)
Penggunaan who hanya berfungsi untuk menanyakan person atau orang.
Contoh :
 Who is captain marvel ?
 Who is be president on next period ?
 Who is Nana Boy friend ?

1. Question words are used to ask for specific information. They are who, what, where,
when, why, whose, how, which.
2. ‘Who’ is used to ask about people, ‘what’ to ask about things, ‘where’ to ask about
places, ‘why’ to ask about reasons, ‘whose’ to ask about possession and ‘when’ to ask
about time.

1. Tugas Terstruktur
1. Bentuklah 3 kelompok yang terdiri dari 5-9 orang.

2. Kemudian diskusikan dengan kelompokmu untuk membuat 10 kalimat yang
berhubungan dengan Sign of symptoms of disease.’.Setiap kalimat menggunakan
tata bahasa Question Words : Who, What, Where, When, Why, Whose
3. Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi 1,5,
sertakan tanggal pengerjaan, kelompok dan nama anggota kelompok.
4. Sampaikan hasil diskusi kelompok secara berurutan

2. Tugas Mandiri
1. Membuat 1 paragraf terkait dengan sign and symtoms of disease
2. Diketik dalam MS Word kertas A4 dengan Font Times New Roman 12 spasi 1,5
menggunakan Cover yang berisi judul tugas, nama, nim, dan program studi.
3. Tugas dikumpulkan via spada paling lambat seminggu setelah tanggal perkuliahan

Complete the sentences below with the correct question word!
1. told you?
2. do you want?
3. are these?
4. ‘ are you?’ ‘I am fine.’
5. happened?
6. time is it?
7. is your name?
8. are you from?
9. do we have to go to bed so early?
10. ‘ did you last see him?’ ‘Yesterday.’

Daftar Pustaka

1. Murphy, Raymond. (1990). Essential Grammar in Use.

Cambridge University Press : USA
2. Lou, Robby. (2011). English Grammar And How To Use It. Singapore
3. Schrampfer Azar, Betty and A. Hagen, Stacy. (2006). Basic English Grammar.
4. Annie, Perwata dan Aniek Maryunani. (2001). English Conversation for Nursing
Personnel. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta.
5. Satya, Satria, (2010). Kamus Istilah Computer. Klik-Media. Yograkarta.
6. Iyan, Darmawan. (2004). English For Nurses. Jakarta
7. Surip, Haryani. (2014). Midwifery English. Rohima Press. Yogyakarta.
8. Endang, Susilowati. (2005). General English Materials For Health Student. Penerbit
Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta.

Kosa kata tentang Nursing
Terms Tri Widya Sandika, SS.,
I. Nursing Terms M. Hum

Nursing terms are the words, abbreviations and phrases that medical professionals use
throughout their workday. This professional vocabulary allows nurses to communicate with
patients and other medical professionals. If you're interested in a career in the medical field,
it's important to understand the common terms that nursing professionals use. In this article,
we review common nursing terms and abbreviations, explain why it's important to learn
these terms and share context for each term.

Related: 52 Types of Nurses

Why is it important to learn nursing terms?
Nurses use certain terminology to communicate with each other in an efficient manner.
Some nursing terms are exclusive to the profession, so it is important for aspiring nurses to
recognize this vocabulary. Having a strong knowledge of nursing terms allows you to
communicate with your coworkers, which in turn helps you provide better patient care.

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Nursing terms
If you are interested in pursuing a career as a nurse, you may need to know these terms and
their definitions:

Ad lib
Ad lib stands for "at liberty." Nurses sometimes write this in their nursing notes or
discharge reports to indicate that a patient can do something as much as they want. For
example, a nurse may tell a patient they can eat ad lib after an operation.


Nurses and medical staff use this term to describe patients. An alert patient responds to
directions and understands where they are and what they are doing. This term is opposite to
an unresponsive patient, who is unconscious or confused.

Ambulate is another term to describe a patient. An ambulate patient can walk around and
move about freely. When nurses use this term, they inform other nurses that a patient may
not need as much monitoring as a patient who is not ambulatory.

Banana bag
A banana bag, also known as a rally bag, is an IV bag filled with minerals, vitamins and
water. Banana bags are often yellow and help patients with chemical imbalances or
nutritional deficiencies. Nurses use banana bags to treat dehydration and promote healthy
muscle and nerve function.

Nurses use the term bandemia to describe a situation in which too many of a patient's white
blood cells are being released into their bloodstream. This usually means the patient is
fighting an infection or inflammation. Nurses discover bandemia through unusual lab

Code brown
Code brown is a term nurses use for an emergency involving incontinence. While nurses
use this term during their regular shifts, code brown sometimes also refers to an external
emergency, such as a tornado, flooding or major car crash. However, because of the very
different contexts in which doctors and nurses use this term, medical professionals can
distinguish the two.

Frequent flyer
A frequent flyer is a patient who visits the hospital or clinic often. Nurses use this term to
describe patients so that their coworkers can adjust their practices while caring for the
patient. When treating a frequent flyer, nurses take special care to help the patient manage
their symptoms so that they can limit their visits.
A hat is a device that fits inside a toilet to collect samples from patients. This allows nurses
to monitor patients closely and provides samples to send to laboratories. Nurses put hats in
toilets when they need to monitor a patient for a possible illness.

An ileus is a blockage in a patient's intestines. Nurses alert doctors of this and record it in
their notes to ensure that the patient receives additional care and monitoring. Ileuses can
lead to potential blockage, so it is important for nurses to recognize this term and its

In vitro
In vitro refers to something from a lab. Nurses use this term to refer to patient samples
when they are waiting for lab test results. Professionals use this term in a variety of
settings, but it is commonly used in fertility clinics and neonatal wards to describe the
conception of the babies conceived with the help of IVF medical efforts.

In vivo
In vivo is the opposite term of in vitro. In vivo means refers to something within another
living organism. Neonatal nurses and professionals in fertility clinics use this term to
describe a baby who developed inside a womb.

Pre-op stands for pre-operation. This refers to any medical interventions, protocols or other
events that take place before a patient's operation. Nurses use this term when providing
instructions to their coworkers and explaining protocols to patients and their families. For
example, a nurse may advise a patient not to eat pre-op.

Post-op stands for post-operation. This refers to all the medical happenings that take place
after a patient's operation. Nurses use this term to explain the practices that patients need to

adopt after an operation. For example, a nurse may instruct a patient to take showers
instead of baths post-op to avoid soaking a suture site.

Nurses use this term when treating patients with memory-related conditions, such as
dementia. Sundowning refers to the time of the day when a patient's memory weakens.
During this time, a patient may also start acting in ways that are uncharacteristic for them.
Since this often happens around sunset, nurses and medical professionals use the term
sundowning to describe the patient's behavior change.

Related: Nursing Home Jobs: Work Environment, Skills and

Benefits Tachy
Tachy is an abbreviation of tachycardia. This is a condition in which a patient's heart is
beating irregularly fast. Nurses shorten this medical term to save on time while still being
clear about the patient's condition. For example, if a patient was having a panic attack, a
nurse may tell their colleagues the patient is tachy to let them know the patient needs
immediate attention.

Nurses use the term "total" to describe a patient who needs extensive care. This can include
patients who need IVs, feeding assistance and other medical interventions. This term helps
communicate the level of care a patient requires to other medical professionals, which helps
them understand their responsibilities regarding the patient.

Related: 11 Top Professional Nursing Organizations: Networking, Certifications and More

A walkie-talkie is a patient who needs minimal bedside care. These patients can
communicate, feed themselves and walk without help. Often, walkie-talkie patients are near
the end of the hospitalization. Nurses communicate this to each other so that the nurse
taking over the next shift knows to prepare for discharge protocols.


When nurses administer narcotics and other medications, the dosage the patient needs
sometimes does not match the total amount of the substance. Due to safety protocols,
medical professionals cannot use this leftover amount for other patients, so nurses dispose
of the remaining medication. Nurses call this "waste." To follow protocol, nurses announce
they need to "waste" in order to get a witness for the practice. This ensures nurses dispose
of all narcotics and needles safely.

Nursing abbreviations
When writing nursing notes and completing medical charts, nurses often use abbreviations
to save time and notify other professionals about a patient's prescriptions, pre-op and post-
op orders. Here is a list of some of the common abbreviations these professionals use:

AC: Before meals

ADR: Adverse drug reaction
DC: Discontinue or discharge
DNR: Do not resuscitate
HS: At bedtime
IV: Intravenous
NPO: Nothing by mouth
PRN: When necessary
OOB: Out of bed
OR: Operating room
WNL: Within normal limits

Daftar Pustaka

1. Murphy, Raymond. (1990). Essential Grammar in Use.

Cambridge University Press : USA
2. Lou, Robby. (2011). English Grammar And How To Use It. Singapore
3. Schrampfer Azar, Betty and A. Hagen, Stacy. (2006). Basic English
Grammar. USA
4. Annie, Perwata dan Aniek Maryunani. (2001). English Conversation for
Nursing Personnel. Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta.
5. Satya, Satria, (2010). Kamus Istilah Computer. Klik-Media. Yograkarta.
6. Iyan, Darmawan. (2004). English For Nurses. Jakarta
7. Surip, Haryani. (2014). Midwifery English. Rohima Press. Yogyakarta.
8. Endang, Susilowati. (2005). General English Materials For Health Student.
Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC. Jakarta.

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