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Proceeding of ICONIE FTIK IAIN Pekalongan


Syafaatul Khusna1, Akhmad Dalil Rohman2, Muhammad Maskur Musa3, Juwita
IAIN Pekalongan1, IAIN Pekalongan2, IAIN Pekalongan3, IAIN Pekalongan4
syafaatulkhusna7@gmail.com1, akhmaddalilrohman@gmail.com2, 3,

Ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi merupakan salah satu bidang
kehidupan yang berkembang pesat seiring dengan kemajuan zaman
terutama pada abad 21. Kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan harus dibarengi
dengan kemajuan sistem pendidikan suatu bangsa. Pemerintah
Indonesia telah melakukan beberapa upaya untuk meningkatkan
kualitas pendidikan. Untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan, ide-ide
kreatif dan orisinal yang segar dari pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam
pendidikan sangat dibutuhkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk
mendeskripsikan inovasi media pembelajaran interaktif berbasis video
PPT animasi dalam peningkatan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa
MI/SD di era abad 21. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah
metode telaah pustaka yang bersumber dari buku, jurnal, ebook,
ataupun artikel ilmiah lainnya yang berkaitan dengan inovasi media
pembelajaran interaktif berbasis video PPT animasi dalam
peningkatan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa MI/SD di era abad 21.
Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa dengan menggunakan media
pembelajaran yang kreatif dan inovatif yang berbasis teknologi saat
ini, siswa sekolah dasar dapat meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir
kritis mereka selama proses pembelajaran. Media power point
berbasis video animasi merupakan salah satu jenis media yang
menarik digunakan guru di dalam kelas untuk memudahkan dalam
menyampaikan materi dan mempermudah siswa memahami materi.
Video pembelajaran PPT berbasis animasi tidak hanya menarik, tetapi
juga interaktif, memungkinkan siswa untuk terlibat secara aktif dalam
proses pembelajaran. Jika siswa lebih terlibat dalam pembelajaran,
kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa dapat meningkat. Berpikir kritis
adalah salah satu kualitas yang harus dimiliki siswa di 21.
Pembelajaran yang disertai media, seperti video pembelajaran PPT
berbasis animasi, merupakan salah satu teknik untuk meningkatkan
kemampuan berpikir kritis.
Kata kunci: Inovasi Media Pembelajaran, Video PPT Animasi,
Berpikir Kritis, Abad 21

Proceeding of ICONIE FTIK IAIN Pekalongan

Science and technology is one area of life that is growing rapidly
along with the progress of the times, especially in the 21st century.
The progress of science must be accompanied by the progress of a
nation's education system. The Indonesian government has made
several efforts to improve the quality of education. To improve the
quality of education, fresh creative and original ideas from parties
involved in education are needed. This study aims to describe the
innovation of interactive learning media based on animated PPT
videos in improving critical thinking skills of MI/SD students in the
21st century. The research method used is a literature review method
sourced from books, journals, ebooks, or other related scientific
articles. with the innovation of interactive learning media based on
animated PPT videos in improving critical thinking skills of MI/SD
students in the 21st century era. The results of the study explain that
by using creative and innovative learning materials based on current
technology, elementary school students can improve their critical
thinking skills during the learning process. Power point media based
on animated videos is one of the interesting types of media used by
teachers in the classroom to make it easier to convey material and
make it easier for students to understand the material. The animation-
based PPT learning videos are not only interesting, but also
interactive, enabling students to be actively involved in the learning
process. If students are more involved in learning, students' critical
thinking skills can increase. Critical thinking is one of the qualities
that must be possessed by students at 21. Learning that is
accompanied by media, such as animation-based PPT learning
videos, is one technique to improve critical thinking skills.
Keywords: Learning Media Innovation, Video PPT Animation,
Critical Thinking, 21st Century

INTRODUCTION 21st century, there has been a total

In the 21st century or the era of change in terms of society, the
the industrial revolution 4.0, human environment and also in their daily
life has undergone many changes and lives. The 21st century is also known
is also required to become quality as the knowledge age, which is a
human resources in all respects. time when all aspects of life are
Changes in this era can not be denied based on knowledge. The most
by anyone. As we know that in the important changes occur in the field

Proceeding of ICONIE FTIK IAIN Pekalongan

of education, nowadays technology title of the article on improving

and education are developing critical thinking skills and social
rapidly. However, education in studies learning outcomes through
Indonesia is still relatively low interactive power point media. In his
compared to other countries. So research, he explained that for the
education in Indonesia must be 2020/2021 academic year, students at
improved immediately in order to be SDN 2 Jetiswetan, Pedan District,
able to give birth to a generation that Klaten Regency can improve critical
excels in various fields, especially in thinking skills and social studies
the field of education, so that the learning outcomes by using
Indonesian nation is able to compete interactive powerpoint media. The
with other countries and is not left increase in every cycle is the proof
behind due to the increasingly rapid (Susilowati et al., 2022).
global flow (Rahmatullah et al., Furthermore, research conducted by
2022). Indiyanti and Umm Sholihah whose
Improving the quality of article title is the development of
human resources through education animation-based presentation media
is the key to being able to follow the to improve the mathematical critical
development of the Industrial thinking skills of MTs students. In
revolution 4.0. This 21st century the research, the article explains that
learning applies creativity, critical the animation-based power point
thinking, cooperation, problem learning media produced, according
solving, communication skills, to research, is valid in terms of media
community and character skills. validity, material content validity,
Critical thinking skills are very and student reactions to the provided
important to be mastered by students media, and is able to improve critical
so that students are more skilled in thinking skills of VII grade students
compiling an argument, and are able at MTs N. 7 Nganjuk, East Java
to face the problems that will be (Indiyanti & Sholihah, 2021). Alif
faced later (Kahar et al., 2021). Agung Wicaksono, et al also
This research was conducted conducted research on digital media
by Wuri Susilowati, et al with the in empowering 21st century critical

Proceeding of ICONIE FTIK IAIN Pekalongan

thinking skills in science learning in rapidly, so various technological

elementary schools. In his research, advances should begin to be applied
he explained that digital educational in the world of education so that
games, videos, youtube, power point, learning is more innovative and
macromedia/adobe flash, digital creative. Technology-based creative
comics, e-books, flipbooks, and innovative learning can improve
augmented reality, virtual reality, students' critical thinking skills
educational websites, educational during the learning process. One of
television, and educational them is the innovation of animated
applications, such as teacher rooms, video-based power point media used
quipperschools , and smart by teachers to facilitate the delivery
classrooms, are examples of digital of material, besides animation-based
media innovations in empowering PPT learning video media can realize
21st century critical thinking skills in interactive learning, so students are
science learning in elementary actively involved in learning, if
schools (Alif Agung Wicaksono, students are more active and
Lola Depra, Silva Maharani, involved in learning then will
Syahrial, 2017). improve critical thinking skills in
The above research focuses students (Andrian & Rusman, 2019).
more on PPT interactive media in In addition to the world of
improving students' critical thinking. education, learning has entered the
While this research focuses on the 21st century era which is marked by
innovation of interactive learning technological developments.
media based on animated PPT videos However, the influence of an
in improving critical thinking skills environmental condition also makes
of MI/SD students in the 21st teachers have to be creative in the
century. The focus of the study is teaching and learning process. The
how animated PPT videos improve situation in question has been
critical thinking skills of MI/SD experienced 2 years ago in all
students in the 21st century. corners of the world, namely the
The 21st century is also COVID-19 outbreak (Kintoko &
marked by technology that develops Mulianingsih, 2022).

Proceeding of ICONIE FTIK IAIN Pekalongan

The existence of this covid 19 this increases students' critical

outbreak, creating new rules, namely thinking skills. So that the expected
to limit interaction and maintain learning objectives can be achieved
distance in order to break the chain (Sartika et al., 2020).
of transmission of the covid 19 Therefore, the author
outbreak that has infected all parts of conducted a study on the innovation
the world, so the teaching and of interactive learning media based
learning process which was on animated PPT videos in
originally carried out in classrooms improving critical thinking skills of
directly cannot be carried out. The MI/SD students in the 21st century
epidemic condition that occurred 2 era. With the aim of knowing how
years ago became a test as well as a animated PPT videos improve
challenge for teachers to continue to critical thinking skills of MI/SD
be creative, creative and innovative students in the era 21st century
in designing technology to help METHOD
learning to prepare for the demands There is also this type of
of the 21st century education world research using qualitative research
(Al-Sakkaf et al., 2021). through digital literature studies.
One of the forms of teacher Digital literature study is a series of
creativity in utilizing technological activities related to methods of
developments in learning is through collecting data, reading, and taking
the media used in the learning notes and processing research
process. The media is in the form of materials through digital browsing.
PPT which is made into an The data collection technique used to
animation-based video. The media obtain relevant materials, and in
can attract students in the learning accordance with this article, is library
process, with the interest of students research. The data obtained in this
the material presented by the teacher article are sourced from digital
can be understood well. In addition, surveys, namely from journals and
this animated PPT video media is books. Furthermore, the relevant data
also interactive media that makes is used to support the author's ideas
students more active in learning, and and is used as the basis or basis for

Proceeding of ICONIE FTIK IAIN Pekalongan

making this article, with the title of students. The learning process which
interactive learning media innovation was originally only spoken and
based on animated PPT videos in written can be enriched with various
improving critical thinking skills of learning models using learning media
MI/SD students in the 21st century (Asela et al., 2020).
era. Learning communication
DISCUSSION using oral alone will not be able to
Interactive Learning Media help students to easily understand
Advances in information learning material, especially those
technology have brought significant that are abstract, it takes an
changes in various aspects of life. equipment or media that can
Learning in schools is growing concretize the abstract material.
rapidly, and the use of technology Thus, learning media is needed that
can facilitate the flow of knowledge is able to overcome these problems.
without being limited by space and One alternative choice is technology-
time. All information can now be based interactive learning media as a
accessed instantly by users thanks to form of learning media that can
technological advances. This describe real and clear material that
condition of course also encourages is abstract or not real and adaptive to
efforts to use technology to improve the development of information and
learning outcomes (Bahroni et al., communication technology. In
2019). accordance with the demands of the
Technology plays an 21st century learning process which
important role in achieving learning demands an integrated computer-
objectives. Learning media which is based learning process and
a means of learning aids related to technology. Interactive learning
the senses of sight and hearing is one media is one of the answers to the
example of the results of technology. problem of abstract learning
Educators can then build a conducive materials, packaging interactive
learning environment, determine learning media in the form of
learning methods, and foster a computer software along with adding
positive emotional climate among good animated visuals will attract the

Proceeding of ICONIE FTIK IAIN Pekalongan

desire of students to learn and learning environment. Learning is a

understand abstract learning valuable tool provided by educators
concepts. In addition, interactive to assist students in acquiring
learning media is a form of learning knowledge, mastering skills, and
media that can adapt to technological developing character, as well as
developments, learning demands in creating attitudes and beliefs. In
the 21st century (Paul et al., 2018). other words, learning is a process
Learning Media consists of that allows students to learn
two words, namely media and effectively.
learning. The word media comes Interactive is a two-way
from Latin and is the plural form of communication relationship or more
the word "medium" which literally of the communication components
means intermediary. So the media is themselves, but what is meant by
an intermediary or messenger from interactive is reciprocal
the sender to the recipient of the communication between the
message. Another opinion says that communication media and the user,
the media comes from the Latin starting with data input by the user
medius, which literally means and receiving a response from the
'middle', 'intermediary' or media, resulting in interaction. Based
'introduction'. In Arabic, the media is on this, interactive learning media
an intermediary (waasaailah) or an can be defined as all software and
introductory message from the hardware that can be used as
sender to the recipient of the intermediaries to send the contents of
message. Therefore, in language, the teaching materials from learning
media can be said as an intermediary resources to students using learning
tool or an introduction to a message methods that can provide feedback to
from the sender of the message to the users based on what has been
recipient of the message (Yanto, inputted into the media. learning.
2019). media.and experts that with
Learning is a process in interactive media learning, student
which students interact with learning outcomes increase, because
education and learning resources in a learning through the senses of sight

Proceeding of ICONIE FTIK IAIN Pekalongan

and hearing is easier to understand application (Rumini & Soegiyanto,

than learning through oral and 2021).
written (Irawan, 2017) This Powerpoint application
Animated PPT Videos is easy and simple but can provide
The online learning process great benefits for learning. This
that involves the assistance of application can display text, images,
information communication sound, and video. Thus, it can
technology (ICT) indirectly requires accommodate all interactive learning
educators to improve their quality in activities such as listening, reading,
the field of digital literacy. This is in writing and also playing visual
accordance with the regulation of the games.
Minister of National Education No. With various facilities for
16 of 2007 which states that a making object animations, the
teacher must have competence in the resulting display from Powerpoint
field of information and can be as attractive as programs built
communication technology. In with more sophisticated applications.
addition, Permendikbud No.22 of In addition, audio visual presentation
2016 in the standard process, namely or better known as multimedia makes
the learning principle used is that the visualization more interesting.
teacher must be able to utilize Learning by developing multimedia
information and communication learning media like this can present a
technology to improve the efficiency display in the form of non-sequential,
and effectiveness of learning. In nonlinear, and multidimensional text
learning each subject, the use of with branching links and nodes
computer technology has been interactively. This display will make
widely carried out. An example that the user more flexible in choosing,
is often encountered is the use of synthesizing, and elaborating the
computer programs or applications knowledge that has been mastered,
that can be accessed for free by so that he can also create interactive
learners, namely learning media learning media.
created using the Powerpoint Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Abad

Proceeding of ICONIE FTIK IAIN Pekalongan

A nation that is not ready to Every human being must have

face the development of science and the skill to think. Thinking is a
technology, which is developing very natural nature that is carried out at all
quickly, will certainly be left far times in all life activities. Thinking
behind from other nations. For this itself is divided into several levels
reason, in the 21st century, schools ranging from the simplest which only
are required to have creative thinking requires memory, to the highest level
skills (creative thinking), critical and requires reflection.
thinking and problem solving Critical thinking is a directed
(critical thinking and problem and clear process that is used in
solving), communicating mental activities such as solving
(communication), and collaborating problems, making decisions,
(collaboration) or commonly referred persuading, analyzing assumptions
to as the 4Cs (Dalil Rohman et al., and conducting scientific research.
2022). Critical thinking is the ability to
Lawrence in Suratno, states think in an organized way. Critical
that creativity is an idea or human thinking is the ability to
thought that is innovative, efficient systematically evaluate the weight of
and understandable. In contrast to personal opinions and the opinions of
Lawrence, Chaplin in Yeni others.
Rachmawati and Euis Kurniati, Critical thinking is essentially
stated that creativity is the ability to an active process in which a person
produce new forms in the arts or in thinks things through deeply, asks
the arts, or in solving problems with questions for himself, finds relevant
new methods. Suratno argues that information for himself rather than
creativity is an imaginative activity accepting things from others. Elaine
that manifests (embodiment) the B. Johnson says that the purpose of
ingenuity of the mind that is capable critical thinking is to achieve deep
of producing a product or solving a understanding. Meanwhile,
problem in its own way (Barak & Fahruddin Faiz, stated that the
Bedianashvili, 2021). purpose of critical thinking is simple,
namely to guarantee, as far as

Proceeding of ICONIE FTIK IAIN Pekalongan

possible, that our thinking is valid Animation PPT Video in

and correct. With the ability to think Improving Critical Thinking Skills
critically students will be able to for MI/SD Students in the 21st
solve the problems they face Century Era
(Srivastava, 2019). The rapid development of
Communication is the process science and technology requires
of language exchange that takes educators to make efforts to use
place in the human world. Therefore, technology in the teaching and
communication always involves learning process. One of the efforts
humans both in intrapersonal, group that can be done by combining the
and mass contexts. Communication teaching and learning process with
researchers prove that until now technology is developing learning
language is recognized as the most media. Learning using technology
effective medium in communicating affects student learning outcomes.
in an interaction between individuals The development of learning media
such as counseling and coaching using technology is commonly
activities, teaching and learning referred to as multimedia.
processes, workplace meetings and Multimedia is a learning process that
others. involves the senses and organs of the
Students must be taught to be human body (Tong-Zhigang, 2021).
able to collaborate with others. In multimedia, media is
Collaborate with people who are combined with various kinds of text,
different in their cultural background graphics, animation, sound and video
and values. In exploring information so that the media becomes
and constructing meaning, students interesting. Multimedia that is made
need to be encouraged to collaborate interesting can improve student
with their classmates. In working on understanding and response. There
a product, students need to be taught are 2 kinds of learning media
how to appreciate each person's developed in learning media, namely
strengths and abilities and how to in the form of software and
take on roles and adapt appropriately hardware, but the learning media
to them. developed in this study is in the form

Proceeding of ICONIE FTIK IAIN Pekalongan

of software only. The software used Creative and innovative

for the development of learning learning media based on technology
media is Microsoft PowerPoint. today, elementary school students
Microsoft PowerPoint is a can improve their critical thinking
presentation application program skills during the learning process.
used to create attractive and Power point media based on
professional presentation slides with animated videos is one of the
transition effects and animations. interesting types of media used by
The advantage of using Microsoft teachers in the classroom to make it
PowerPoint is that the presentation of easier to convey material and make it
PowerPoint slides can be made very easier for students to understand the
interesting, the contents of material. The animation-based PPT
PowerPoint slides can be animated, learning videos are not only
so that it can increase student interesting, but also interactive,
learning motivation. The enabling students to be actively
development of this PowerPoint involved in the learning process. If
learning media will later combine students are more involved in
text, graphics, sound, and video. The learning, students' critical thinking
addition of transition effects and skills can increase. Critical thinking
animations to the media makes the is one of the qualities that must be
media developed to be animated. The possessed by students at 21. Learning
learning media developed are accompanied by media, such as
interactive so as to make learning animation-based PPT learning
effective and efficient. This is videos, is one technique to improve
evident from the results of research critical thinking skills.
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