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Room service merupakan salah satu jenis pelayanan di hotel yang secara umum berarti
pelayanan F&B di dalam kamae sebuah property, baik itu hotel, villa atau bahkan resort sekalipun.
Sesuai pengertiannya, room service adalah bagian dan tanggung jawab dari F&B department. Room
service dalam istilah perhotelan juga di sebut in-room dinning.

 Pengertian room service

Beberapa ahli dalam bidang perhotelan mendifinisikan room service sebagai berikut :

1. Room service menurut S Meldlik (1980) :

Room service adalah bagian tata hidang yang bertanggung jawab atas pesanan dan
pelayanan makanan dan minuman untuk dihidangkan di kamar tamu atau di tempat
lainnya dalam hotel kecuali restaurant.
2. Room sevice menurut Warsum WA (1993):
room service merupakan salah satu bagian dari F&B department yang bertugas melayani
tami yang ingin menikmati makan dan minum di dalam kamarnya
3. Room service menurut Ensar Sugiarto dan Sri Sulastriningrum (1998):
Room service adalah bagian F&B service yang bertugas unyuk mengelola penjualan
makana dan minuman yang di antar langsung ke kamar tamu yang menginap di sebuah

Maka dari ketiga pendapat tersebut kita sepakat bahwa memang room service ini merupakan tim
dari F&B yang mana secara khusus melayani permintaan tamu yang hendak menikmati makanan
dan minuman di dalam kamarnya, baik itu breakfast, lunch ataupun dinner.

 Perbedaan room sevice dengan restaurant atau bar service

Secara umum orang-orang yang di tugaskan di bagian room service memiliki tanggung
jawab yang sama dengan mereka yang berada di bar ataupun restaurant. Hanya saja ada
beberapa hal yang membedakannya, seperti :

1. Lokasi penyajian
Tentu saja tempatnya selain restaurant, yaitu di kamar, aula, atau meeting room
2. Cara pemesanan
Berbeda dengan pemesanan saat tamu berada di restaurant yang memesan secara
langsung kepada waiter/waitress, dalam room service tamu akan memesan
makanan dan minuman melalu sambungan telepon atau melalui doorknob menu
3. Menu
Menu dalam room service cenderung sedikit dan terbatas berbeda dengan menu
saat on the spot di restaurant
4. Jam operasiaonal
Berbeda pula dalam jam operasional restaurant yang biasanyanya hingga pukul
10.30 malam, jam operasional room service biasanya buka selama 24 jam.
 Tujuan dari room service

Room service ini merupakan salah satu trik dari hotel untuk mendapatkan income
tambahan dari tamu yang menginap selain hanya mendapatkan income dari kamarnya saja.
Selain itu dengan adanya room service ini akan menambah value dari kualitas pelayanan
hotel tersebut yang tentu nantinya di harapkan bisa menambah tingkat kepuasan tamu
yang menginap. Satu hal yang lebih penting dengan adanya room service ini hotel
memperkenalkan makanan-makanan yang menjadi ciri khas dari hotel tersebut kepada
para tamu.

 Struktur Organisasi Room Service

Untuk menjalankan operasionalnya, team room service di pimpin oleh seorang room
service manager, berikut structure dan tugasnya bawah ini :

Room service

Assistant room service


Order taker

Waiter/ waitress

 Room service manager

 Memimpin dan mengarahkan team room service agar bekerja sesuai SOP
 Bertanggung jawab atas seluruh keperluan operasionl dari departemen room
 Bertanggung jawab secara langsung kepada F&B Manager
 Melakukan pengawasan terhadap kelancaran operasional room service
terutama pelayanan makan dan minum kepada tamu
 Membuat action plan atau rencana kerja bagi semua lini room service
 Memastikan program training dan development berjalan lancar untuk
peningkatan sumber daya manusia bagi semua personil room service
 Assisten room service manager
 Memeriksa dan memastikan absensi waiter dan order taker
 Mengawasi persiapan service yang akan di lakukan
 Mengontrol kualitas pesanan yang akan di sajikan ke tamu
 Bertanggung jawab secara langsung kepada room service manager
 Menggantikan tugas head waiter saat berhalangan hadir atau libur
 Mengawasi dan membagi tugas untuk persiapan peralatan room service
 Membuat laporan operasional baik itu bulanan atau harian ke room service
 Mengatur penggunaan peralatan dan bahan agar efisien

 Oder taker
 Menerima dan mencatat semua pesanan tamu
 Sebagai pusat infoemasi hotel kepada tamu
 Melakukan up selling baik itu makanan maupun minuman
 Menyampaikan dan bertanggung jawab atas pesanan tamu kepada waiter
 Mengontrol setiap pesanan tamu sebelum di antar ke kamar tamu

 Waiter/ Watress
 Menyiapkan alat makan dan alat hidang
 Mengantar makanan dan minuman yang di pesan ke kamar tamu
 Menyajikan makanan dan minuman ke kamar tamu
 Melakukan clearing up atau membersikan segala peralatan makan dan minum
di kamar tamu
 Menyampaikan atau menyerahkan bill tagihan pembayaran

 Prosedur pelayanan dalam room service

Untuk bagian ini kita coba bahas bagai mana prosedur keyika menerima order room
service dan bagaimana prosedur Ketika proses penyajiannya di dalam kamar tamu.

 Prosedur menerima order

 Tamu memesan memlaui sambungan telepon atau doorknob menu
 Order taker menuliskan pesanan tam uke order slip yang mana biasanya terdiri
dari 3 rangkap yang nantinya didistribusikan ke kitchen/bar, kasir serta ke
 Waiter beserta team F&B product akan menyiapkan pesanan tamu di kitchen
dan atau bar berdasarkan slip order.
 Jika makanan dan minuman sudah siap dari kitchen dan atau bar, maka
hidangan akan di bawa ke room service station guna di periksa Kembali
apakah sudah sesuai dengan pesanan tamu, dan setelah itu waiter juga akan
melengkapi dengan alat makan atau cutleries, condiment dll
 Setelah semuanya sudah sesuai dengan pesanan tamu(bedasarkan order slip)
maka waiter ke room service cashier guna menyertakan bill yang telah di
stempel “guest bill” bersama hidangan yang akan di antar
 Hidangan diantar ke kamr tamu oleh waiter/waitress yang sedang bertugas
 Prosedur penyajian di dalam kamar
 Waiter/waitress mengetuk kamar tamu sebanyak 3x sembari menyebutkan
“room service”
 Setelah tamu membukakan pinyu, waiter mengucapkan salam kepada tamu
 Waiter menanyakan kepada tamu hidangan akan diletakan dimana
 Jangan lupa juga tanyakan kepada tamu apakah memerlukan pelayanan lain,
jika tidak maka waiter memberikan guest bill kepada tamu untuk di
 Setelah selesai ucapkan magic word seperti “ have a nice day” dan
mengucapkan salam kepada tamu
 Waiter meninggalkan kamar tamu dan menutup Kembali kamar tamu dengan
 Waiter Kembali ke cashier room service untuk menyerahkan guest bill dan
Kembali ke station



1. Order taking
2. Setting up tray / trolley
3. Delivering the order in the room
4. Prepare the tray / trolley for delivery
5. Tea / coffee service
6. Clearing tray
7. Presenting the bill
8. CIP / VIP Amenity Service
9. Morning shift / night shift check list
10. Take away (Parcel) order
11. Suggestive selling & up selling

 Pick up the telephone within 3 rings or 15 seconds whichever is less.

 Greet the guest with appropriate greeting using the guest name and giving your name
“Good Morning Mr. Brown, this is Tono from Room Service. How may I help
 Politely ask the guest about preferences.
 Use upselling techniques by suggesting soups, starters, drinks or desserts.
 Wherever appropriate mention the approximate time for delivery.
 Repeat the order back to the guest.
 Thank the guest for ordering through in room dining and big farewell “Thank you for
calling room service, have a nice day.”
 Clearly write out the order in the KOT mentioning the names of the items, time of
ordering, room number, name of the guest, portions, Etc.
 Complete the KOT and hand over the supervisor for execution.


 The second copy of the KOT is placed on the tray / trolley.

 Ensure the tray corners/ trolley base is free of grease, grime, and dirt.
 Place cruet sets, bud vase and Bon Appetite card for all meal orders.
 Check the tray mat / trolley cloth to be stain free and in good repair.
 A final check may be made to match the order and in good repair.
 Pick the order from the respective kitchens on the tray or trolley directly.
 Carry the correct accompaniments / condiments ( pickle, pappad for Indian orders and
Rolls and butter for continental orders ).
 As a final step, show the tray to the supervisor, on the way to the elevator, who will
check again for correctness.
 Pick up the bill in the order folder and check correctness.


 Use service lift to get to the correct floor as soon as possible.

 When on correct floor, take the shortest route to get to the room.
 Move along the corridors silently and briskly.
 Upon reaching the correct room, ring the bell or knock the door twice and announce
in a loud and clear voice “Room Service”
 When the guest opens the room, wish him according to the day.
 Announce the order by saying “Your coffee/ tea / lunch/ drinks, Mr. Brown.”
 Introducing yourself by the name to the guest while entering the room.
 While walking into the room, enquire with the guest on where may I place the tray.
 Place the tray appropriately an offer to serve him.
 If the order is in the morning, offer to open the curtain.
 If you serve the meal, lay a proper cover in the table or in the trolley and start the
 After service find out guest about his proffered time for clearance or if he would
prefer to call back in room dining for clearance.
 Wish the guest an enjoyable meal / drink / coffee.
 Retreat to the door and exit gracefully while closing the door softly behind you.
 Fill up the Errand Card once after the order is delivered.
 If the room is on DND, immediately inform the order taker.
 May I take your signature Sir/ Madam.


 As soon as the order is ready, collect from kitchen / bar.

 Check order against KOT.
 Check for correct crockery, cutlery and glassware are in place.
 Place hot food in warmer, where ever appropriate.
 Cover all open food with cloche.
 Collect the bill from order taker in a folder and check account account against food
 Inform the order taker about the order moving before proceeding to the floor.
 Executive / supervisor should check the tray before delivery (room orders)


 Pick up the appropriate order following the standard tray set – up.
 Once order is ready to leave the room service area inform the order taker on the room
number being serviced.
 Upon reaching the room, ring the bell and announce in a loud and clear voice “ Room
Service “.
 When the guest opens the room, wish him according to the time of the day, using his /
her name “Good morning Ms. Brown, My name is Tono from Room Service.”
 Announce the order by saying “Your coffee/ tea / drinks, Mr. Brown.”
 If it’s in the morning, take the paper from the door and place it in the rack or in the
writing table neatly.
 While walking into the room, enquire with the guest on where to place the tray and
place it accordingly.
 After laying the tray in an appropriate area offer to mix the coffee/ tea / drink for the
 Wish the guest enjoyable coffee / drink and retreat to the door and exit gracefully
while closing the door softly behind you.


 The time of clearance is known by asking the guest during service or from the order
taker if the guest call back Room Service for his clearance.
 Upon reaching the rooms follow the same procedure as in SOP for opening the door.
 After the guest opens the door, announce intention of clearing the tray / trolley.
 Arrange all the clearance on the tray and get guest feedback.
 Arrange the guest room as appropriately.
 Find out if the guest would like anything else “ Is there anything else that I could
assist you, Mr. Brown?”
 If nothing, exit from the room gracefully while wishing the guest a wonderful day.
 Carry the tray back from the room to room service pick up any other tray that you
may find in the corridor / pantry.
 Be careful not to drop anything on the way.
 Inform the order taker about the clearance.

 Present the bill to the guest only after required service.

 The bill should be presented in clean folder along with hotel pen.
 Politely request the guest to sign the bill.
 When the guest has signed the bill, thank them, wish them a pleasant meal and
enquire about the clearance as mentioned in SOP.
 Leave the room gracefully taking away any unwanted items and close the door gently.
 Return the bill to the order taker who will settle it in the computer.



 As part of the guest service differentiators we serve a complimentary fruit basket or

cookies platter as per instruction and request slip from the Front Desk for Suites and
Presidential Suite.
 Once the request comes from any of the above category from the front desk, take
down the request.
 Make an NC KOT for the requested items and pick up the order from the kitchen.
 Ensure it is presented nicely with proper arrangements.
 Set up the tray and take the specially cleaned and assigned basket or platter for
placing it in the room.
 Once it is placed inform the immediate supervisor and front desk.


 File the occupancy and the sales report in the appropriate file.
 Follow up on the breakfast door knob menu request if any.
 Return all the liquor which was not sold the previous night to the dispense bar.
 Take the proper count and take over of all the beverages.
 Check the flowers and receive from housekeeping for the tray.
 Adequate new linens to be collected from housekeeping for the smooth operations
throughout the day.
 All bills to be handed over to front office at 10hrs, 15hrs, 12 midnight ( before the
night audit )
 Ensure that adequate amount of crockery and cutlery is there for the smooth
operations with adequate set tray for rapid service.
 Not available items to be checked with the chef and updated in the board.
 Errand cards have to be handed over to the supervisor and any clearance not done to
be handed over to the next shift steward.


 Tray set up for the dinner sessions to be done before 7 pm.

 Floor clearance to be done frequently (every 30 minutes)
 Once the housekeeping amenities are ready send Triton to housekeeping for pick up.
 Errand cards have to be handed over to the supervisors and any clearance not done to
be handed over to the next shift steward.

 Log books to be checked and updated at the end of every shift.

 Pickle and sauce containers to wash daily.
 Cash to be checked and handed over to front desk without any discrepancies.
 Check for the breakfast knob card for any advance order. Timing should be
 Check and collect advance tea/ coffee orders from front desk after signing the copy of
 Collect liquor and smokes from the dispense bar.


 Take away the order one day advance by phone and mail.
 If its bill to company guest has to send the BTC mail to the hotel or fax request.
 If the guest wants to settle by online credit card they have to send the authorization
mail and in one day before, then we only forward to accounts to take the charge slip.
 Transportations for the parcel order around the city to be checked with the supervisor
or manager and to intimate to the guest.
 Parcel order has to be placed the order ticket to the kitchen two hours earlier to the
pick up and place the order overnight not more than one day before.


 Suggestive selling means encouraging guest to buy additional food and beverages.
Suggestive selling requires tact and good judgment.
 The key to effective suggestive selling is a good knowledge of the menu.
 Here are some tips for more effective suggestive selling :
 Be enthusiastic. It’s easier to sell something you’re excited about.
 Make food sound appetizing. Use words like “fresh”, “popular”, and “generous”
when describing menu items.
 Ask questions. Find out if guest is really hungry or just want something light, whether
they like chicken or beef, if they feel like having something hot or cold.
 Suggest specific menu items. Don’t simply ask: “ Would you like soup with your
meal ?” Instead, point out: “A cold bowl of borscht would go well with your salad
on a hot day like this.”
 Suggest your favorites. Try as many of the menu items as you can and tell guest
you’ve tried them: “You’ll like the chicken kiev. It’s one of my favorite here.” But
be honest – don’t say that something is your favorite when it isn’t.
 Offer a choice: “Would you like a slice of our famous cheesecake or our homemade
pecan pie for dessert?”
 Suggest the unusual. People dine out to get away from the routine fare they have at
 Suggest food and beverage that naturally go together soups and sandwiches, coffee,
dessert, steak, and baked potatoes, and eggs.

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