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Nama:Nurul ilma

Kls :B


Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

Fakultas : Kesehatan
Program Studi : S1 Keperawatan
Semester : 4
Dosen Pengampu:Nila Kusumawati,S.Kep, Ns, M.P.H
SKS : 2
Dosen Pengajar: Nila Kusumawati, S. Kep, Ns, M.P.H
Sifat Ujian: Open book


1.Tenaga psikologi klinis

2.Tenaga keperawatan

3.Tenaga kebidanan

4.Tenaga kefarmasian

5.Tenaga kesehatan masyarakat

6.Tenaga kesehatan lingkungan

7.Tenaga gizi

8.Tenaga keterapian fisik

9.Tenaga keteknisian medis

10.Tenaga teknik biomedika


1.Clinical psychology personnel

2. Nursing staff

3. Midwifery staff

4. Pharmaceutical staff

5. Community health workers

6. Environmental health workers

7. Nutritionist

8.Physical therapy personnel

9. Medical technicians

10. Biomedical engineering staff


1.Ruang darurat

2.Ruang tunggu

3.Rumah sakit umum

4.Rumah sakit jiwa

5.Unit gawat darurat



8.Ruang operasi

9.Ruang perawatan umum

10.Klinik rawat jalan

1. Emergency room

2. Waiting room

3. General hospital

4. Mental asylum

5. Intensive care unit

6. Laboratory

7. Emergency Room

8. Operating theatre

9. Medical ward

10. Out patient dept


1.UV Sterilisator

2.Lampu Periksa

3.Hematology Analyzer

4.Pasien Monitor

5.Mesin Anestesi


7.Inkubator Bayi

8.Alat Infus Beserta Tiangnya

9.Kursi roda

10.Alat tes gula darah


1.UV Sterilizer

2. Check light

3. Hematology Analyzer

4.Patient Monitor

5. Anesthesia Machine

6. Ultrasound

7. Baby Incubator

8. Infusion Tool Along with the Pole

9. Wheel chair

10. Blood sugar test kit


1.Pemberian antibiotika

2.Rawat inap rumah sakit

3.Operasi amandel tonsilektomi

4.Operasi usus buntu

5.Operasi sectio



8.Kateterisasi uretra pada wanita

10.Kultur sputum


1. Administration of antibiotics

2. Hospitalization

3. Tonsillectomy tonsil surgery

4. Appendicitis surgery

5. Sectio operation

6. EKG

7. Episiotomy

8.Urethral catheterization in women

9. Intubation

10. Sputum culture


1.Infeksi saluran pernapasan akut (ISPA)

2. COVID-19


4. Tuberkulosis

5. Demam dengue


7. Penyakit kulit


10.Sistem syaraf


1. Acute respiratory infection (ARI)

2. COVID-19

3. Diarrhea

4. Tuberculosis

5. Dengue fever

6. Worms

7. Skin disease

8. Malaria

9. Diphtheria

10. Nervous system


Saya menceritakan disaat saya praktik di rumah sakit Arifin ahmad

pekanbaru saya mempunyai pengalaman banyak.waktu saya dihari

praktik pertama saya masuk siang diruangan anak saya disuruh ikut

melakukan tanda-tanda vital dimana kalau anak kecik hanya cek suhu

tubuhnya setelah itu saya tidak lama disuruh ngambil obat, melakukan

injeksi, melakukan ganti bed disaat pasien sudah pulang, melepas infus.
Pengalaman di Saat Rumah Sakit

Saya menceritakan disaat saya praktik di rumah sakit Arifin ahmad

pekanbaru saya mempunyai pengalaman banyak.waktu saya dihari

praktik pertama saya masuk siang diruangan anak saya disuruh ikut

melakukan tanda-tanda vital dimana kalau anak kecik hanya cek suhu

tubuhnya setelah itu saya tidak lama disuruh ngambil obat, melakukan

injeksi, melakukan ganti bed disaat pasien sudah pulang, melepas infus.

Saya diruang anak selama 2 minggu lalu minggu ke 3 saya pindah di

ruangan bedah dimana ruangan itu yang selalu merawat luka, dan lain-

lain. Saya awal diruangan bedah saya diajak melakukan bedah luka disitu

saya membantu perawat untuk melakukan bedah luka sebenarnya saya

takut karna bedah lukanya bukan operasi hanya bedah luka seperti biasa

karna disaat pasien ditanyakan kenapa tidak di operasi saja pasien

ternyata juga takut, lalu selesai. Dan besoknya lagi ada 2 pasien yang

satunya pasien yang sama karna untuk merawat lukanya dan terakhir

pasien yang sudah melakukan operasi karna dikakinya ada luka yang

sangat besar jadi sama pasien diamputasi untuk mati rasa. Yang pertama

saya disuruh ikut untuk melakukan rawat luka karna beda perawat jadi

saya disuruh untuk menyiapkan peralatannya yang dibutuhkan apa saja

lalu saya mengajak perawatnya untuk merawat luka. Disaat merawat luka

pasiennya terasa kesakitan banget karena disaat rawat lukanya diberi

alkohol untuk menghilangkan bakteri lalu itu setelah dibersihkan luka

lalu ditutup luka biar tidak terkena kotoran. Lalu,yang pasien kedua saya

benar-benar takut sampai saya pusing karna luka yang dikaki itu untuk

membuka balut saja susah, dan pasien tidak terasa kesakitan ataupun

nyeri, luka yang dibersihkan itu seperti jalan raya yang ada jeglongan itu

jadi saya takut dan merasa pusing jadi saya disuruh mundur takut

pingsan tapi saya tetap karna menjadi seorang perawat berani untuk

menghadapi apa saja. Dari situ lah saya pengalaman saya disaat rumah



I told that when I practiced at the Arifin Ahmad Hospital Pekanbaru I had

a lot of experience. When I was on the first day of practice I went into

the afternoon in my child's room and was told to take part in taking vital

signs where if a small child just checked his temperature after that I was

not long told to take medicine , doing injections, changing beds when

the patient is home, removing the infusion.

Experience in Hospital

I told that when I practiced at the Arifin Ahmad Hospital Pekanbaru, I

had a lot of experience. When I was on the first day of practice, I entered

the afternoon in my child's room, I was told to take part in taking vital
signs, where if a small child just checked his temperature, after that I was

not long told to take medicine. , doing injections, changing beds when

the patient is home, removing the infusion.

I was in the children's room for 2 weeks, then on the 3rd week I moved

to the operating room where the room always treated wounds, and so

on. I was initially in the operating room, I was invited to perform wound

surgery there, I helped the nurse to perform wound surgery, actually I

was afraid because the wound surgery was not surgery, only wound

surgery as usual because when the patient was asked why he didn't just

have surgery, the patient was also afraid, then it was over. And the next

day there were 2 patients, the only patient who was the same because

he was treating his wound and finally the patient who had surgery

because his leg had a very large wound, so the patient was amputated to

numb it. First, I was told to go along to treat the wound because there

were different nurses, so I was told to prepare whatever equipment was

needed, then I invited the nurse to treat the wound. While treating the

wound the patient was in a lot of pain because while treating the wound

he was given alcohol to remove bacteria and then after cleaning the

wound then closed the wound so that dirt would not get on it. Then, the

second patient, I was really scared until I got dizzy because the wound on

the leg was difficult to open the dressing, and the patient didn't feel pain

or pain, the wound that was cleaned was like a highway with a jeglongan
on it so I was scared and felt dizzy so I was told to step back for fear of

fainting but I still because of being a nurse I dare to face anything. From

there I was my experience while in the hospital.

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