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Catur Saptaning Wilujeng, S.Gz, MPH

Teori Dan Konsep
Perubahan Perilaku
Teori S-O-R
• Perubahan perilaku didasari
oleh: Stimulus – Organisme —
• Proses :
a. Adanya stimulus (rangsangan): Diterima atau ditolak
b. Apabila diterima (adanya perhatian) mengerti
(memahami) stimulus.
c. Subyek (organisme) mengolah stimulus, dan hasilnya:
. Kesediaan untuk bertindak terhadap stimulus (attitude)
. Bertindak (berperilaku) apabila ada dukungan fasilitas
Teori “Dissonance” : Festinger

❖ Adanya keseimbangan antara sebab atau alasan

dan akibat atau keputusan yang diambil
❖ Apabila terjadi stimulus dari luar yang lebih kuat,
maka dalam diri orang tersebut akan terjadi ketidak
seimbangan (dissonance).

❖ Rumus perubahan perilaku menurut Festinger:

Terjadinya perubahan perilaku karena adanya
perbedaan elemen kognitif yang seimbang dengan
elemen tidak seimbang
Teori fungsi: Katz
Prinsip teori fungsi:
◆ a) Perilaku merupakan fungsi instrumental
(memenuhi kebutuhan subyek)
◆ b) Perilaku merupakan pertahanan diri dalam
mengahadapi lingkungan (bila hujan, panas)
◆ c) Perilaku sebagai penerima obyek dan pemberi
arti obyek (respons terhadap gejala sosial)
◆ d) Perilaku berfungsi sebagai nilai ekspresif dalam
menjawab situasi.(marah, senang)
Teori “Driving forces”: Kurt Lewin

✓Perilaku adalah merupakan

keseimbangan antara kekuatan
pendorong (driving forces) dan
kekuatan penahan (restraining
✓Perubahan perilaku terjadi
apabila ada ketidak seimbangan
antara kedua kekuatan tersebut
Health Belief Model (Model
Kepercayaan Kesehatan)
Health belief Model didasarkan atas 3
faktor esensial :
1. Kesiapan individu untuk merubah perilaku
dalam rangka menghindari suatu penyakit
atau memperkecil risiko kesehatan.
2. Adanya dorongan dalam lingkungan
individu yang membuatnya merubah
3. Perilaku itu sendiri.
The Social Marketing Approach
What is social marketing?
• Combining ideas from commercial marketing and the social
sciences, social marketing is a proven tool for influencing
behaviour in a sustainable and cost-effective way.

• It helps you to decide:

❖ Which people to work with.
❖ What behaviour to influence.
❖ How to go about it.
❖ How to measure it.
A social marketing approach
• Just considering these four questions will add value to your
projects and policies:

❑ 1. Do I really understand my target audience and see things from their

❑ 2. Am I clear about what I would like my target audience to do?
❑ 3. For my target audience, do the benefits of doing what I would like them to do
outweigh the costs or barriers to doing it?
❑ 4. Am I using a combination of activities in order to encourage people to achieve
the desired action?
How social marketing helps
Theory of Reasoned Action
(Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975, 1980)
Transtheoretical Model
(Prochaska, 1979)
Social Cognitive Theory
(Bandura, 1977)
Strategic Behavioral Communication (SBC)

Information, Education, Communication (IEC)

Communication for Social Change (CSC)

Behavior Change Communication (BCC)

Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC)

Strategic Behavioral
• SBC is an interactive process with
individuals and communities to
develop tailored communication
strategies, messages and
approaches using a mix of
communication channels and
interventions to promote healthier
behaviors and support individual,
community and societal behavior

Strategic Behavioral Communication (SBC) for HIV

and AIDS: A Framework. SBC Unit of FHI’s Institute
for HIV/AIDS, September 2005
Information, Education and
Communication (IEC)
• IEC combines strategies,
approaches and methods that
enable individuals, families,
groups, organisations and
communities to play active roles
in achieving, protecting and
sustaining their own health.
• Embodied in IEC is the process
of learning that empowers
people to make decisions,
modify behaviours and change
social conditions.

Inter-Agency Working Group on

Reproductive Health in Crisis
Communication for Social Change
• The model of Communication
for Social Change (CFSC)
describes an iteractive process
where “community dialogue”
and “collective action” work
together to produce social
change in a community that
improves the health and welfare
of all of its members.

Communication for Social Change: An

Integrated Model for Measuring the Process
and Its Outcomes/Maria Elena Figueroa, D.
Lawrence Kincaid, Manju Rani, Gary Lewis,
Behavior Change
Communication (BCC)
• Develops communication
strategies to promote
positive behaviors that are
appropriate to their


• Provides a supportive
environment that will
enable people to initiate
and sustain positive
What Can BCC Do?
Individual Level Community/Environmental Level
• Increase knowledge of health • Stimulate community dialogue
risk/solution/services • Gain support of community
• Promote attitude change leaders/influencers
• Reduce stigma and discrimination • Address and change community norms
• Create a demand for information and • Reduce stigma and discrimination
services • Advocate for policy development or
• Promote services for prevention, care change
and support
• Improve skills and sense of self-efficacy
What causes behavior?
Rules of Behavior Change
• If you want to change someone’s behavior, it will be
most likely to happen if the person is motivated to
adopt that behavior, and if it’s easy for them to do so

2 • Change the behavior that will help you achieve your


3 • Action changes attitude faster than attitude changes


4 • There are (at least) 10 spurs to get someone to act

The Advertising Effect: How To Change Behavior, Adam Ferrier and Jennifer Fleming, Oxford University Press, 2014
Two Types of Spurs
Takes an existing behavior and
frames it in a different, more
appealing way

It focuses on benefits rather than

features and taps into the
assumptive and implicit ways we
make decisions

Use this to boost individual

incentive (what’s in it for me?)
• Stirs powerful emotions to motivate
• When you stir strong emotions, people
are more likely to act
• Use this when behavior has become
ingrained and when people are no
longer conscious they perform the
We often Use this to
decide what boost social
to behave by “Social norms
looking at norms” (‘what will
what other others think
people do of me?’)
Owner Rather than tell people what to do, ownership
asks people what they think should be done

It asks them to be involved in the solution to your


Use this when it’s advantageous to give a person

a sense of control and efficacy over an issue
Makes the desired Use this when you
behavior enjoyable by have control over the
embracing the environment within
principles of structured which the behavior
play or gamification occurs
• Offering additional
benefits and services to
encourage the behavior
• Use this to increase
Utility individual incentive
(‘what’s in it for me?’)
• When we watch certain behavior,
we copy it
• Uses a high-profile, credible
person to inspire or inform
• Use this when the model is
relevant and when there is
positive reinforcement for the
Skill Up
• Shows someone how to do the
• Making it easier for people to do
the behavior you want
• Use this if someone says they
don’t know how to do something
• Removing as many barriers as
possible to undertake behavior
• Use this when you control the
environment and are able to
remove impediments to make a
behavior happen
• A powerful tool of influence
• An important first step to
behavior change
• Asking for a small favor first
increases the likelihood of
Commitment securing a bigger agreement later
• Use this when the behavior
change is significant and you can’t
change the entire behavior in one
Selecting what spurs to use
Motivation Ease
• Individual incentives: • Ability: Do they have the
What’s in it for them? Will resources, competency and
they be rewarded and to skills to do the behavior?
what extent? • Opportunity: Does the
• Social norms: What will environment allow the
others think of them if they behavior to happen?
undertake that behavior?
Bentuk Integrasi di Pengabdian Masyarakat
• Judul : Perubahan Perilaku Gaya Hidup Sehat Remaja Melalui Aksi Bergizi – Aktif Bergerak Pada
Sekolah Mitra Gizi Tahun 2021

• Hasil :
Hasil pre test dan post test menunjukkan bahwa ada kenaikan 3 poin untuk hasil edukasi gizi yang dilakukan. Hasil
monitoring evaluasi menunjukkan ada perubahan perilaku terkait konsumsi air putih yang dari FGD guru dan orang
tua diketahui bahwa remaja cenderung kurang dalam mengonsumsi air putih tetapi setelah diberikan intervensi
edukasi hasilnya menunjukkan sebagian besar remaja/siswa sudah bisa mengonsumsi 5-7 gelas air putih setiap hari.
SMP Brawijaya Smart School merupakan sekolah mitra, dari hasil FGD baik orang tua maupun guru memberikan
saran untuk kegiatan terkait kesehatan ada kolaborasi dengan instansi terkait seperti Dinas Kesehatan dan
Perguruan Tinggi yang ada program Studi Kesehatan sehingga Kesehatan remaja/siswa bisa lebih diperhatikan
untuk mencapai derajat kesehatan yang optimal
Behaviour Change Behaviour Change
Communication Communication & Social Change Social Change Communication

Individual (knowlege, attitude, Interpersonal (families, friends, Community (relationship

self-efficacy, practices social networks) between institutions & families)

Intervention : SBCC strategy

Healthy behaviour (healthy dietary practices & Physical Real action


Goal / Outcome
Quality of life Adolescent
• Aunger, R and Curtis, V. 2015. A Guide to Behaviour Centred
Design. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

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