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Nama Penyusun Meisha Miftahul Jannah
Institusi SMA N 1 Ciawigebang
Tahun Pelajaran 2023 – 2024
Jenjang Sekolah Sekolah Menengah Atas
Kelas/Fase X/E
Elemen Menulis dan Mempresentasikan
Capaian Pembelajaran Menulis dan Mempresentasikan: Pada akhir fase E,
peserta didik dapat menulis jenis teks fiksi dan non-fiksi,
melalui aktivitas yang dipandu, menunjukkan kesadaran
peserta didik terhadap tujuan dan target pembaca. Mereka
membuat perencanaan, menulis, mengulas dan menulis
ulang berbagai jenis tipe teks dengan menunjukkan
strategi koreksi diri, termasuk tanda baca dan huruf besar.
Mereka menyampaikan ide menggunakan kosa kata dan
kata kerja umum dalam tulisannya. Mereka menyajikan
informasi menggunakan berbagai mode presentasi untuk
menyesuaikan dengan pembaca/pemirsa dan untuk
mencapai tujuan yang berbeda-beda, dalam bentuk cetak
dan digital.
Alokasi Waktu 45 Menit x 2 JP x 3 Pertemuan
Descriptive text
Bernalar Kritis Mengidentifikasi kata sifat yang sesuai dengan gambar yang
disajikan dan urutan yang benar.
Gotong Royong Berkerja sama mencari informasi tentang kata sifat.
Mandiri Mencari informasi tambahan tentang materi.
Kreatif Menyusun teks deskripsi menggunakan kosa kata sendiri.
Model Pembelajaran Problem Based Learning
Metode Pembelajaran Scaffolding
Media Video interaktif, Gambar, PPT, Quizziz
Sarana Prasarana  Alat: Laptop, Proyektor
 Bahan: Buku Bahasa Inggris, Youtube, LKPD,
Jumlah Peserta Didik: 36 orang
Setelah membaca descriptive text, peserta didik mampu membedakan fungsi sosial,
struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks deskriptif lisan dan tulis dengan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait tempat wisata dan bangunan bersejarah
terkenal, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.

Descriptive text adalah teks yang menggambarkan sesuatu/manusia secara terperinci.

Jadi tujuan utama dari deskriptif teks ini adalah untuk menggambarkan seseorang/benda
secara spesifik kepada pembaca dalam ruang lingkup yang terperinci.
Ditampilkan gambar pada PPT, dan menanyakan
 Where did you go on holiday?
 Which place you want to visit?
 What’s in that place?

 Guru menyusun LPKD.
 Guru menyusun instrumen assesmen yang digunakan.
 Guru melakukan tes modalitas belajar.
 Guru memberi salam dan mengajak berdo’a sebelum
pembelajaran dimulai.
 Guru mengecek kehadiran peserta didik.
Pendahuluan  Guru memberi apersepsi tentang tujuan pembelajaran dan
(15 menit) materi yang akan dipelajari.
 Memotivasi siswa untuk tercapainya kompetensi dan
karakter yang sesuai dengan Profil Pelajar Pancasila.
 Menyebutkan jargon dan melakukan ice breaking untuk
mengetes tingkat kefokusan siswa.

Orientasi peserta didik pada masalah

Peserta didik diberi motivasi atau rangsangan (stimulus)
Inti tentang materi yang akan dipelajari dengan cara mengamati
(65 menit)
video "Flores & Komodo Islands" atau sebuah teks yang
berhubungan dengan materi.
Mengorganisasi peserta didik

 Peserta didik dikelompokkan sesuai dengan teman

sebangkunya untuk menuliskan hal-hal apa saja yang
mereka lihat dalam video tersebut.
 Peserta didik secara berkelompok menentukan fungsi
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan secara lebih

Membimbing Penyelidikan Individu

 Peserta didik diberikan LKPD/Quizziz.

 Peserta didik mencari dan mengumpulkan informasi
tentang fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaaan dari teks deskripsi yang telah mereka

Mengembangkan dan menyajikan hasil kerja

 Peserta didik menggunakan

 Peserta didik menyajikan hasil

Menganalisis dan mengevaluasi proses pemecahan


Peserta didik bersama dengan guru melakukan diskusi kelas

untuk menganalisis hasil jawaban dan menyamakan persepsi
tentang memfasilitasi peserta didik untuk mereview
yang dipelajari.
pembelajaran yang telah dilaksanakan.
 guru memberikan apresiasi dan motivasi terhadap hasil
kerja peserta didik.
Penutup  Guru dan Peserta didik melakukan refleksi.
(10 menit)
 Guru menginformasikan kegiatan yang akan
dilaksanakan pada pertemuan berikutnya.
 Guru dan peserta didik berdoa bersama.

 Apa yang sedang kamu rasakan saat ini?
 Hal apa yang paling menyenangkan dan tidak
Asesmen diagnostik non
 Apa yang kamu inginkan dalam pembelajaran hari

Asesmen Kognitif LKPD

Asesmen Formatif
Penilaian harian

Asesmen Sumatif Penilaian Akhir Semester

1. Remedial diberikan kepada peserta didik yang belum memahami konsep yang sudah
dipelajari. Remedial dilakukan dengan cara:
a. Pembelajaran ulang.
b. Pemberian bimbingan secara khusus.
c. Pemberian tugas-tugas latihan secara khusus.
d. Pemanfaatan tutor sebaya.
2. Pengayaan diberikan kepada peserta didik yang sudah memahami konsep yang
sudah dipelajari dan bisa melanjutkan pembelajaran berikutnya. Pengayaan
dilakukan dengan cara:
a. Belajar kelompok.
b. Belajar mandiri.
Guru :
a) Apakah pelaksanaan pembelajaran sudah sesuai dengan perencanaan?
b) Apakah siswa antusias mengikuti pembelajaran?
c) Apakah model pembelajan yang saya gunakan sesuai dengan materi dan
karakteristik peserta didik?
Siswa :
 Materi apa saja yang dipelajari?
 Bagian materi mana yang paling disukai?
 Materi apa yang kurang dimengerti?
Buku teks Bahasa Inggris kelas X
Video Youtube:
Pengertian teks deskriptif adalah teks yang menjelaskan mengenai seseorang, hewan,
tempat, maupun benda. Tujuan dari descriptive text yaitu untuk menggambarkan
seseorang /benda secara spesifik kepada pembaca dalam ruang lingkup yang terperinci.
Struktur dari teks deskriptif:
1. Identifikasi
Bagian ini menjelaskan mengenai di mana dan siapa subjek yang dijelaskan.
2. Deskripsi
Bagian ini menjelaskan mengenai subjek secara lebih detail, dapat berupa
informasi mengenai penampilan maupun kualitas.

Language Features:
1. Using simple present tense (karena menceritakan fakta dari objek yang
S + V1 + O + Adverb
S (I/You/We/They) + V1 + O + Adverb
S (He/She/It) + V1 + s/es + O + Adverb

Borobudur is one of historical buildings in Indonesia.
Borobudur temple consists of six square roots.

2. Using adjectives (kata sifat) and adverb (kata keterangan) yang digunakan
untuk memperjelas noun (kata benda).
Example of adjective:
A big house.
A red moon.
Adverb (kata keterangan) digunakan untuk memberikan gambaran lebih jelas dan
detail untuk kata kerja, kata sifat, atau adverb lainnya.
Example of adverb:
In Indonesia,
Last week,
On the top corner,

3. Using Present Passive Voice

Active: S + V + O + Adverb
Passive: O + is/am/are + V3 + by + s + Adverb

Active voice: I bathe my cat in the bath up every weekend.
Passive voice: Every weekend, my cat is bathed by me.

Active voice: I do homework every evening.

Passive voice: Every evening, the homework is done by me.

Making a sentences using those

 Beautiful
 Lake

Telaga Biru Cicerem
Telaga Biru Cicerem

Nowadays many vacation places are visited

by tourists to relax themselves from the
pressures of work or just for family vacation.
There are many places in Kuningan city, West
Java, one of all is “Telaga Biru Cicerem”
which is located in Kaduela village,
Pasawahan sub-district, Kuningan city.

This place is suitable for family tours because

the entrance ticket is affordable, its only Rp.
5.000,-/person and has a large parking area
which also has a very cool atmosphere,
because it is located at the foot of Mount
Ciremai. This tourists spot offers a very clean
lake view so that the fish can be seen very
clearly. Not only that, this tour has several
rides that you can try such as water bikes,
duck boats, diving with fish, relaxing while
feeding fish in the lake, even taking pictures
with amazing results because here provides
photo spots and special photographers for

2. On the other hand, for those who want to try

Kuningan food specialties, there are many
vendors providing varied food. Meanwhile,
we can see the beautiful colors of the colorful
KOI fish swimming here and there. So, are
you interested in visiting this place?

Text Analysis:
1. Determine the structure of the text!
2. Mentions the specific
3. What is the benefit of reading this
True or false, simple present tense:
a. There are many places in Kuningan
a. True/False
b. True/False
b. This place is suitable for family tours.
4. Many vacation places are visited by
Change it that sentence into active voice!
Kunci Jawaban dan Penilaian

No. Kunci Jawaban Skor

1. Talaga Biru Cicerem is beautiful 1 poin

It is beautiful lake in Kuningan 1 poin

Paragraph 1 = identification
2. Paragraph 2 = description 1 2 poin
Paragraph 3 = description 2
Specific participant = “Telaga Biru Cicerem” 1 poin
The readers will know more about Telaga Biru Cicerem such as
1 poin
location, the best time to visit, activities, how to go there.
3. a. True 1 poin

b. True 1 poin

4. Tourists are visiting many vacation places. 2 poin


Making a sentences using those

 Huge
 Tourists spot


Nowadays many vacation places are visited

by tourists to relax themselves from the
pressures of work or just for family vacation.
There are many places in Indonesia that can
be the places to relieve stress, one of which is
Dufan. Dufan or fantasy world is a place of
entertainment or tourist spots in Jakarta,
precisely in the area of Ancol Dream Park,
North Jakarta.

This place is very suitable for family tours

because the games available are very
numerous and interesting. The entrance ticket
is quite an expensive but that's worth it
because usually it's also an Ancol ticket too,
its start from Rp. 250,000,-/person. There are
at least 32 rides that you can try in Dufan. The
most famous rides are the Halilintar
rollercoaster, Hysteria, and the Ferris wheel.
Not only that, there is a lot of food there that
is worth trying when you are tired of playing
on the rides. Apart from that, after testing
your adrenaline through various rides, we can
relax while looking at the beach in Ancol
because it is still in the same environment. So
it's not surprising that Dufan has become a
famous tourist attraction even though it has
been established since 1985. So, are you
interested in visiting this place?

Text Analysis:
a. Determine the structure of the text!
b. Mentions the specific
c. What is the benefit of reading this
a. Dufan or fantasy world is a place of
True or false, simple present tense:
entertainment or tourist spots in
a. True/False
b. True/False
b. This place is very suitable for family
4. Many atractions are played by tourists. Change it that sentence into active voice!

Kunci Jawaban dan Penilaian

No. Kunci Jawaban Skor

1. Dufan is huge place of entertainments. 1 poin

It is huge tourist spots in North Jakarta. 1 poin

2. Paragraph 1 = identification 2 poin

Paragraph 2 = description
Specific participant = “Dufan” 1 poin
The readers will know more about Dufan such as location, the best
1 poin
time to visit, activities, how to go there.
3. a. True 1 poin

b. True 1 poin

4. Tourists are playing many atractions. 2 poin

Nilai = Jumlah skor penilaian x 100 = Jumlah skor penilaian x 100

Jumlah skor maksimal 10

Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD)

Identitas Peserta Didik

Name :
Class :
No. Absen :
Identitas LKPD
Materi : Descriptive Text
Tujuan Pembelajaran :Setelah membaca descriptive text, peserta didik mampu
mengidentifkasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan,
yang benar pada penulisan descriptive text.
Kelas :X

Text Analysis

1. Adjective and Adverb.

2. Structure text, specific partisipants, benefit/purpose.

3. Simple present tense.

4. Passive voice.

Nilai = Jumlah skor penilaian x 100 = Jumlah skor penilaian x 100

Jumlah skor maksimal 10

Penilaian Sikap

a. Observasi Sikap

No Indikator Kriteria Keterangan (*)

1 Kerjasama a. Mendapat bagian dalam 1. Jika 4 kriteria muncul maka diberi
mencari informasi yang sebutan selalu.
diperlukan. 2. Jika 3 kriteria muncul maka diberi
b. Mendapat bagian dalam sebutan sering.
kata yang diidentifikasi. 3. Jika 2 kriteria muncul maka diberi
c. Mendapat bagian dalam sebutan kadang-kadang.
Menganalis text. 4. Jika 1 kriteria muncul maka diberi
sebutan jarang.

(*) Informasi ini selanjutnya

disampaikan kepada guru PPKn,
Agama dan wali kelas untuk
dipertimbangkan menjadi nilai sikap.
2 Disiplin Menunjukkan komitmen
a. Mencari informasi
yang diperlukan.
b. Terlibat aktif dalam
c. Terlibat aktif dalam
menganalisis teks.

Rubrik Penilaian
Interval Predikat Sikap
7-8 A Sangat Baik
5-6 B Baik
3-4 C Cukup
1-2 D Kurang

b. Jurnal

Sikap Jumlah Nilai

No Nama Kerjasama Disiplin Skor Sikap

 Guru memberi salam dan mengajak berdo’a sebelum
pembelajaran dimulai
 Guru mengecek kehadiran peserta didik
Pendahuluan  Guru memberi apersepsi tentang tujuan pembelajaran dan
(15 menit)
materi yang akan dipelajari.
 Memotivasi siswa untuk tercapainya kompetensi dan
karakter yang sesuai dengan Profil Pelajar Pancasila.
 Menyebutkan jargon dan melakukan ice breaking untuk
mengetes tingkat kefokusan siswa.
Inti Orientasi peserta didik pada masalah
(65 menit)
Peserta didik diberi motivasi atau rangsangan (stimulus)
tentang materi yang telah dipelajari pada pertemuan
sebelum nya.
Mengorganisasi peserta didik

Peserta didik diberikan tugas untuk membuat teks

descriptive mengenai tempat wisata/tempat bersejarah
yang berada di kota Kuningan atau tempat impian yang
ingin mereka kunjungi.

Membimbing Penyelidikan Individu

 Peserta didik diberikan LKPD.

 Peserta didik mencari dan mengumpulkan
informasi tentang tempat wisata dan tempat
bersejarah di Kabupaten Kuningan atau tempat
impian yang ingin mereka kunjungi.

Mengembangkan dan menyajikan hasil kerja

 Peserta didik menggunakan LKPD.

 Peserta didik menyajikan hasil kerja.

Menganalisis dan mengevaluasi proses pemecahan


Peserta didik bersama dengan guru melakukan diskusi kelas

untuk menganalisis hasil jawaban dan menyamakan
persepsi tentang materi yang dipelajari.
 Guru memfasilitasi peserta didik untuk mereview
pembelajaran yang telah dilaksanakan.
 Guru memberikan apresiasi dan motivasi terhadap hasil
Penutup kerja peserta didik.
(10 menit)  Guru dan Peserta didik melakukan refleksi
 Guru menginformasikan kegiatan yang akan
dilaksanakan pada pertemuan berikutnya.
 Guru dan peserta didik berdoa bersama.

Descriptive Text : Writing an Essay ”Tourist Title (Specifict Participant/Object)
Attarction or Historical Building” in
Kuningan/Your dream place. 1st Paragraph (Identification)
Who, Where, What the functions that place
for (tourist attraction, historical building,
etc), Introduced the place to readers.

2nd Paragraph (Description)

Described more details about everything in
that place (ticket price, the fasilities, etc).

Additional Paragraph (This also about the

You can add the sentences to promoted that
place, so more people will interested and
wanna go there.

Students will get higher score if they can making a descriptive text with complete generic
structure, language features, and in the right sentences.
Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik (LKPD)

Identitas Peserta Didik

Name :
Class :
No. Absen :
Identitas LKPD
: Descriptive Text : Writing an Essay”Tourist Attarction or
Historical Building”in Kuningan/Your dream place.
: Setelah membaca descriptive text, peserta didik mampu membuat
teks descriptive yang sesuai dengan struktur, lengkap dengan unsur
Tujuan Pembelajaran
kebahasaan, dan memiliki fungsi yang jelas menggunakan bahasa
mereka sendiri.
Kelas :X

Nilai = Jumlah skor penilaian x 100 = Jumlah skor penilaian x 100

Jumlah skor maksimal 10

Penilaian Sikap
a. Observasi Sikap
No Indikator Kriteria Keterangan (*)
1 Kerjasama d. Mendapat bagian dalam 5. Jika 4 kriteria muncul maka diberi
mencari informasi yang sebutan selalu.
diperlukan. 6. Jika 3 kriteria muncul maka diberi
e. Mendapat bagian dalam sebutan sering.
kata yang diidentifikasi. 7. Jika 2 kriteria muncul maka diberi
f. Mendapat bagian dalam sebutan kadang-kadang.
Menganalis text. 8. Jika 1 kriteria muncul maka diberi
sebutan jarang.

(*) Informasi ini selanjutnya

disampaikan kepada guru PPKn,
Agama dan wali kelas untuk
dipertimbangkan menjadi nilai sikap.
2 Disiplin Menunjukkan komitmen
d. Mencari informasi
yang diperlukan.
e. Terlibat aktif dalam
f. Terlibat aktif dalam
menganalisis teks.

Rubrik Penilaian
Interval Predikat Sikap
7-8 A Sangat Baik
5-6 B Baik
3-4 C Cukup
1-2 D Kurang

b. Jurnal
No. Nama Sikap Jumlah Nilai
Skor Sikap
Kerjasama Disiplin
3rd MEETING (Daily Assessment)

 Guru memberi salam dan mengajak berdo’a
pembelajaran dimulai.
 Guru mengecek kehadiran peserta didik.
(10 menit)
 Guru menjelaskan teknis pelaksanaan penilaian harian.
 Guru membagikan kertas soal, lembar jawaban, dan
mengarahkan siswa.
Inti  Peserta didik mengerjakan penilaian harian dengan
(70 menit) sebaik mungkin.
 Guru mengumpulkan hasil penilaian harian peserta didik.
 Guru memberikan apresiasi dan motivasi terhadap hasil
kerja peserta didik.
(10 menit)
 Guru menginformasikan kegiatan yang akan
dilaksanakan pada pertemuan berikutnya.

Daily Assessment Questions (Multiple Choices) - Type A

Penilaian Harian
Kelas X SMA
Petunjuk Umum:
1. Tulislah identitas Anda pada lembar jawaban yang telah disediakan.
2. Periksalah kelengkapan naskah soal dan laporkan kepada pengawas apabila ada soal
yang kurang lengkap.
3. Kerjakan dengan jujur dan penuh tanggungjawab.
4. Periksalah kembali pekerjaan Anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas.

Please answer the questions!

1. What is the definition of descriptive text?

a. Descriptive text is text that tells a series of events sequentially and connected to each
b. Descriptive text is a text that doesn't describes a particular object (person/thing/place)
in details.
c. Descriptive text is a fantasy that describes a particular object (person/thing/place) in
d. Descriptive text is a text that describes a particular object (person/thing/place) in
e. Descriptive text is a text that explain about all the things that was happened in the past.
Read this following text to answer no 2-6!
Dufan or fantasy world is a place of entertainment or tourist spots Jakarta, precisely in the area
of Ancol Dream Park, North Jakarta. Dufan became a destination for recreation for the citizens
of Jakarta and outside Jakarta or even tourists from foreign countries, either with family or
friends – a good friend of children, young people, even parents. Lots of visitors there so the
atmosphere in there was very crowded. (1st Paragraph)
Moreover, if the holiday season arrives then we have to be patient to wait. That is queuing up to
buy the entrance ticket. Here surely belonged to the influx of expensive tickets like other tourist
attractions. But of course this is comparable to what we will get. Here a great many popular
games and of course very exciting. So it’s not surprising if with this exciting game, surely this
makes dufan as a superior tourist attractions in Jakarta. (2nd Paragraph)
2. What does the text tell you about?
a. Ancol
b. Popular games
c. Dufan
d. Jakarta
e. North Jakarta
3. From the text we know that Dufan was very crowded at what time?
a. Ordinary day
b. Weekday
c. Independence day
d. Holiday season
e. Religious day
4. It can be concluded that dufan is .... in Jakarta.
a. Superior tourist attractions
b. Quiet tourist spot
c. Abandoned place
d. Seedy tourist attractions
e. Prohibited tourist attractions
5. Which paragraph shows identification?
a. 1st Paragraph
b. 2nd Paragraph
c. Title
d. 1st and 2nd Paragraph
e. All answers are correct
6. “Lots of visitors there…”. The “there” word refers to?
a. Jakarta
b. Outside Jakarta
c. North Jakarta
d. Foreign Countries
e. Dufan

Read this following text to answer no 7-10.

Eiffel Tower
Eiffel tower was built to celebrate the 100th year anniversary of the French Revolution. The
construction process took several years to finished, started from 1887 until 1889. The building
is located in Paris, France. (1st Paragraph)
Eiffel Tower is the highest building in Paris. It is 324 meters tall and its square base size is 125
meters. Almost all parts of the construction is made of iron with weight approximately 7.300
tons. There are three levels of the tower that can be accessed by tourist. On the first and second
levels the visitors will find the restaurants, on the first level is Le 58 Tour Eiffel restaurant, on
the second level is Le Jules Verne restaurant. The top level is where we can find the
observation deck. There are 8 elevators that we can use in the tower. Eiffel tower is also used as
an aerial to transmit radio and digital television signals, therefore we will find additional part on
the top of the tower in the form of transmitters. (2nd Paragraph)
7. From the text we know that…
a. Eiffel tower contruction process took 4 years to finished
b. Eiffel tower is not used to transmit radio
c. Almost all parts of the contruction is made of steel
d. There are two levels of tower that can be accessed by tourist
e. Eiffel tower is the tallest building in Paris.
8. Which statement are true?
a. 1st paragraph tells about the identification and the 2 nd paragraph tells about
b. 1st paragraph tells about the identification and the 2 nd paragraph tells about
c. 1st paragraph tells about the orientation and the 2nd paragraph tells about introduction
d. 1st paragraph tells about introduction and the 2nd paragraph tells about orientation
e. 1st paragraph tells about identification and the 2nd paragraph tells about conclusion
9. ”On the first and second levels the visitors will find the restaurants”. The “visitors”
closest meaning to?
a. Tourists
b. Foreigners
c. Strangers
d. Local people
e. Aborigine
10. From the text above which one the adjective?
a. Paris
b. Tour Eiffel restaurant
c. Find
d. Highest
e. Accessed
11. Which statements are FALSE about the social function of descriptive text?
a. To acknowledge
b. To identify
c. To have fun
d. To promote
e. To compliment/be proud of
12. “Hana …. at the Eiffel Tower now”
Which the best answer?
a. Cry
b. Cries
c. Cried
d. Crying
e. Cry out loud
13. “Tourists visit many vacation places”.
Change that sentence into active voice!
a. Many vacation places is visited by tourists
b. Many vacation places are visiting by tourists
c. Many vacation places are visited by tourists
d. Many vacation places is visit by tourists
e. Many vacation places are visit by tourists
Read this following text to answer no 14-18!
Petruk Cave is one of the leading tourist attractions in Kebumen, Central Java. The cave is
located in Dukuh Mandayana Candirenggo village, Ayah District, Kebumen Regency. In the
Petruk Cave there is no lighting that illuminates the cave. It is still very natural cave so that
Petruk Cave is very dark to be entered. The name is taken from the Punokawan of puppet
characters that is Petruk. The cave named Petruk cave because the length of it is like the
petruk’s nose.
In the cave there are three floors, the first is a basic cave, Hindu cave and Petruk. The base cave
is a short cave, which is just 100 meters away. The cave is used for tourist attractions. Hindu
cave is part of the cave that is usually used to put offerings to the ancestor. Inside Petruk there
are so many stalactites and stalagmites which are really awesome. If you want to explore this
cave, you must be led by guides who are ready to take you through the cave. After arriving at
the end of the cave, you can see the beach or waterfall located near the end of the cave.
14. The purpose of the text is to…
a. Inform about tourism in Kebumen
b. Tell the readers about Petruk cave
c. Explain how to get to Petruk cave
d. Acknowledge Petruk cave
e. Promote Petruk cave
15. What makes Petruk cave worth to visit?
a. It is not far from the beach and waterfall.
b. It’s length is the similar form as Petruk’s nose
c. The cave’s depth is as deep as Petruk’s nose
d. It is the place to put offerings to the ancestor.
e. It has so many stalactites and stalagmites.
16. “In the Petruk Cave there is no lighting that illuminates the cave.”
The underlined word means....
a. Lights
b. Raises
c. Clarifies
d. Darkens
e. Explain
17. From the text we know that…
a. In the Petruk Cave there is full of lighting
b. The name of cave is not taken from the Punokawan of puppet characters
c. There are three floors in the cave
d. The base cave is a tall cave
e. The cave is used for presidential meeting
18. From the text above which one the adverb of place?
a. Punokawan of puppet
b. Natural
c. Short
d. Petruk cave
e. Base cave
19. Language features of descriptive text, except…
a. Using adjectives
b. Using adverb
c. Using passive voice
d. Using present tense
e. Using future tense
Read this following text to answer no 20-23!
Van der Wijck Fort
It is established during Van de Bosch era in Indonesia. It has unique building because the shape
looks like blunt-square. It is located in Gombong, Central Java. The function of this building as
a VOC office. It has another function, as a fortress during the war.
20. What is the function of the building?
a. VOC office and fortress
b. Art office
c. Trading office
d. Unique building
e. Van de Bosch building
21. The – fort – in - Van der Wijck – unique – Indonesia – is – Fort
Arrange it into a good sentence!
a. The unique fort in Indonesia is Van der Wijck Fort.
b. The unique fort is Indonesia in Van der Wijck Fort.
c. The fort unique in Indonesia is Van der Wijck Fort.
d. The Indonesia unique fort is Van der Wijck in Fort.
e. The fort in Indonesia is unique in Van der Wijck Fort.
22. Van der Wijck Fort …… located in Gombong, Central Java.
a. Are
b. Am
c. Is
d. Has
e. Have
23. The text above is in form of…
a. Report text
b. Descriptive text
c. Narrative text
d. Procedure text
e. Exposition text
24. Why we use "simple present tense" in descriptive text?
a. Because it tells the fact of the object described
b. Because it tells something happened in the past
c. Because it tells the opinion of the object described
d. Because it tells something that happen next
e. Because it tells the estimation of the object described
25. Which one belong to passive voice form?
a. The shape looks like blunt-suare
b. It is established during Van de Bosch era
c. The functions of this building is as a VOC office
d. It has another function
e. It has a unique building

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