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Nama : Silpi Yulianti, S.Pd
NUPTK : 1055769670130073
No. Peserta PPG : 19020815711016
Bidang Studi Sertifikasi : 157-Bahasa Inggris
Sekolah Asal : SMPN 2 Pangalengan, Bandung


Setelah mengenal bahan ajar, silakan Anda coba buktikan pemahaman Anda dengan mengerjakan tugas
Praktik Membuat Bahan Ajar

Apa yang harus Anda lakukan dalam tugas ini? Ikuti langkah-langkah berikut:

1. Pilihlah salah satu topik atau materi yang akan Anda ajarkan. Jika harus menggunakan bahan
ajar untuk topik tersebut, bahan ajar mana sajakah yang tepat untuk Anda gunakan?

2. Buatlah bahan ajar tersebut sesuai dengan jenis bahan ajar yang Anda pilih!

Selamat Mengerjakan!



3.3 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait nama hari, bulan, nama waktu dalam hari, waktu dalam
bentuk angka, tanggal, dan tahun, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
(Perhatikan kosa kata terkait angka kardinal dan ordinal)
Kompetensi Dasar
4.3 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis sangat pendek dan
sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait nama
hari, bulan, nama waktu dalam hari, waktu dalam bentuk angka, tanggal, dan tahun,
dengan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan
3.3.1 Menyebutkan informasi terkait nama hari, bulan, nama waktu dalam hari,
waktu dalam bentuk angka, tanggal, dan tahun dalam Bahasa Inggris
3.3.2 Mengidentifikasi ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
nama hari, bulan, nama waktu dalam hari, waktu dalam bentuk angka,
tanggal, dan tahun, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (What Time?,
What day is today, yesterday tomorow? What month before/after)
3.3.3 Mengetahui penggunaan cardinal number dan ordinal number

Indikator Pencapaian
Kompetensi 4.3.1 Menunjukan informasi terkait nama hari, bulan, nama waktu dalam hari,
waktu dalam bentuk angka, tanggal, dan tahun beserta dengan
pendeskripsian kegiatan
4.3.2 Membuat dialog dengan menggunakan ungkapan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait nama hari, bulan, nama waktu dalam hari, waktu dalam
bentuk angka, tanggal, dan tahun, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya
4.3.3 Bermain peran dengan menggunakan ungkapan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait nama hari, bulan, nama waktu dalam hari, waktu dalam
bentuk angka, tanggal, dan tahun, sesuai
Pada akhir pembelajaran:
Setelah Mengidentifikasi dan menyusun fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
Tujuan Pembelajaran kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis, siswa dapat menyebutkan,
menunjukanan, membuat dialog serta bermain peran yang melibatkan tindakan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait nama hari, bulan, nama waktu dalam hari,
waktu dalam bentuk angka, tanggal, dan tahun, sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya dengan bahasa yang telah dipahaminya sendiri. (Perhatikan kosa
kata terkait angka kardinal dan ordinal)
Uraian Materi 1

A. Fungsi Sosial Teks (What Time is It?)

Teks lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi dan menyatakan penggunaan waktu
dan pendeskripsian kegiatan.

B. Struktur teks
Umumnya ada dua rumus untuk menyatakan jam yaitu:
 Jam + Menit
Cara ini merupakan cara yang paling mudah untuk menunjukan waktu, hanya dibacakan saja angkanya dalam bahasa
Contoh :
03.30 = It's three thirty (Itu jam tiga tigapuluh)
06.45 = It's six forty-five (itu enam empatpuluh lima)
 Minutes + past/to +hour
Pada cara ini kita harus menyebutkan menit-nya dulu baru jam-nya dan memakai kata 'past' atau 'to' untuk
menerangkan kurang atau lebihnya menit pada jam tersebut.
Contoh :
08.10 = It's ten past eight (Itu jam delapan lewat sepuluh menit)
08.55 = It's five (minutes) to nine (lima menit lagi menuju jam sembilan/ jam sembilan kurang lima menit)

Untuk membaca jam ada beberapa hal yang harus kita perhatikan. Kata O'clock digunakan untuk jam tepat, quarter
(seperempat) digunakan untuk menyatakan waktu yang kurang atau lebih 15 menit. Sedangkan half (setengah) digunakan
untuk menyatakan waktu yang lebih dari 30 menit. Mari kita lihat penjelasannya di bawah ini.

1. Jam tepat = Jika jam menunjukkan jam tepat/pas (jarum panjang tepat ke angka 12) maka kita harus mengatakan
seperti ini:
It's seven o'clock (Jam tujuh tepat 07.00)
It's nine o'clock (Jam sembilan tepat/ 09.00)
It's eleven o'clock (Jam sebelas tepat/ 11.00)
2. Jam lebih = Jika jarum panjang jam menunjukkan lebih 1-30 menit, maka kita harus mengatakan:
It's ten minutes past nine (Jam 8 lebih sepuluh menit/ 08.10)
It's a quarter past eleven (Jam sebelas lebih lima belas menit/ 11.15)
It's a half past twelve (Jam dua belas lebih tiga puluh menit/ setengah satu / 12.30)

3. Jam kurang = Jika jarum panjang menunjukkan lebih dari 31 menit ke atas, maka kita harus mengatakan:
It's ten to nine (Jam sembilan kurang sepuluh menit/ 09.50)
It's five to three (Jam tiga kurang lima menit/ 02.55)
It's a quarter to five (Jam lima kurang lima belas menit/ 04.45)

Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan lihat pada gambar di bawah ini:

C. Unsur kebahasaan
Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, kosakata (kata tanya: what time is it?) dan tata bahasa (simple present tense)

Istilah yang sering muncul dalam Telling Time

 a.m : ante meridiem (dimulai dari jam 12 malam sampai jam 12 siang)
 p.m : post meridiem (dimulai dari jam 12 siang sampai jam 12 malam)
 Long hand : Jarum panjang
 Short hand : Jarum pendek
 Second hand : Jarum detik
 Alarm clock : Jam beker
 Clock : Jam dinding
 Watch : Jam tangan
 Hour : Jam
 Minute : Menit
 Second : Detik
 O'clock : Digunakan untuk menunjukan jam ketika jarum panjangnya tepat ke jam 12.
 Past : Lebih
 To : Kurang
 A quarter : Seperempat (15 menit)
 A half : Setengah (30 menit)
Kalimat untuk menanyakan jam.
 What time is it now? (Jam berapa sekarang?)
 What is the time? (Jam berapa sekarang?)
 What time is it right now? (Jam berapa sekarang?)
 Do you know what time is it? (Apakah kamu tahu ini jam berapa?)
 May I know what time is it? (Bolehkah aku tahu ini jam berapa?)
 What time exactly the movie start? (Kapan tepatnya filmnya main?)
 When does the store is open? (Kapan tokonya buka?)
 When should we meet again? (Kapan kita bisa bertemu?)

Soal Latihan 1
Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTS
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : VII
LISTENING SECTION. Listen what teacher say and Put the order number based on the

..... ..... ..... ..... .....

A. Look at the picture! What time is it?

It is twenty to three It is a half past seven

B. Read the text carefully!

How do you do my friends??? I want to introduce myself to you………I’m Rose
Moore. These are my daily activities. At 5’o clock in the morning I get up. After getting up,
I clean my house at 06.00 am. Before going to my school, I take a bath, It’s 06.35 am. After
that, I always help my mother to make meals for our breakfast. Do you know my favorite
food when I have breakfast? Yupss….the sunny side up, that’s my favorite food.
I go to my school with Sarah, she is my best friend. I always arrive at the school
by 07.15 am. Because the school is near to my house. Well, this’s the time for me to go to
my school. I don’t want to be late, because it is 07.05 am now. Byeeeee,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
C. Answer the questions below based on the text!

1. What time does Rose get up in the morning?

2. What time does Rose go to her school?
3. Whom does Rose go to school with?
4. What time do Rose and Sarah arrive at the school ?
5. What time does Rose clean her house?

D. Analyze these statements whether they are TRUE or FALSE!

1. (………….) Rose usually gets up at 5 o’clock in the evening
2. (………….) Rose and Sarah always arrive to their school six forty five
3. (………….) Rose doesn’t clean her house at six o’clock p.m.
4. (………….) Rose takes a shower at six thirty five a.m.
5. (………….) Rose and Sarah go to school at six five p.m.


A. Complete dialogue below!

1. Teacher : Do you have the time?
You : _____________________ (07.10)
2. Mother : Do you know what time it is?
You : _____________________ (08.50)
3. Teacher : Could you tell me what the time is?
You : _____________________ (09.00)
4. Teacher : Do you have the time?
You : _____________________ (12.30)
5. Teacher : What time is it?
You : _____________________ (05.15)
6. Teacher : Do you know what time is it?
You : _____________________ (02.45)
7. When will he come home?
You : _____________________ (Tonight)
8. Teacher : When did you call her?
You : _____________________ (morning, yesterday)
9. Teacher : When does school start?
You : ______________________(two days after tomorrow)
10. Teacher : When will you go out for tea?
You : ______________________(this afternoon)
A. Write the activity and the time based on your daily activity!
Name :
Time Activities

B. Describe your daily activity in paragraph! And tell to your friend in front of class!


Uraian Materi 2 Cardinal & Ordinal

Cardinal Number

Dalam kamus Oxford, Cardinal Number (/ˈkɑːd(ɪ)n(ə)l ˈnʌmbə/) is a whole number, for example: 1, 2, 3 that shows

Artinya adalah Cardinal Number berarti seluruh angka yang menunjukan jumlah (quantity), contohnya: 1, 2, 3, … dan
seterusnya/ tak terhingga.

Contoh penggunaan Cardinal Number dalam kalimat

 Jack has 2 (two) bags.

(Jack mempunyai dua buah tas.)

 My aunt gave 2 (two) packs of candy for me yesterday.

(Bibiku memberi dua bungkus permen padaku kemarin.)

Ordinal Number

Dalam kamus Oxford, Ordinal number (/ˈɔːdɪn(ə)l ˈnʌmbə/) is a number that shows the order or position of something
in a series, for example: First, second, third, fourth, fifth, …
Artinya adalah Ordinal Number berarti angka yang menunjukan urutan atau posisi dari suatu rangkaian. Contoh
dari Ordinal Number adalah 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th … (kesatu, kedua, ketiga, keempat, kelima, …)
Contoh penggunaan Ordinal Number dalam kalimat
 He is the 1st (first) winner in that competition.
(Dia adalah juara pertama dalam kompetisi tersebut.)
 February is 2nd (second) month in a year.
(Februari adalah bulan kedua dalam satu tahun.)
 Who is 5th (fifth) guest star of that Reality Show?
(Siapa yang merupakan bintang tamu kelima dalam acara Reality Show itu?)
 Today is Wednesday, 15th of November 2017.
(Hari ini adalah hari Rabu, tanggal lima belas September 2017)
 Dalam pengucapan tanggal, biasanya langsung menyebutkan angka seperti 15th dibaca tanggal lima belas, jarang
menyebutnya tanggal ke lima belas.
General Ordinal merupakan subclass (bagian) dari ordinal number dimana kata tersebut tidak secara langsung
merujuk pada angka.
Contoh General Ordinal:
 last week, last payment, last Monday
 latter days, latter stages, latter times
 next meeting, next time, next Saturday
 previous pages, previous experience, previous jobs
 subsequent developments, subsequent events, subsequent years
Soal Latihan 2
Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTS
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : VII
Listen to teacher’s story and put TRUE Or FALSE based on the statement !

1. (………) Kevin is the 2nd winner

2. (………) John is the 4th winner
3. (………) David is the 5th winner
4. (………) Richard is the 1st winner
5. (………) Nick is the 6th winner

B. Mark circle to the correct order for number 1 and 2! Make a sentence based on the picture for
number 3,4,5!

1. Which horse is the fourth?

2. Which cat is the tenth ?

3. 4. 5.

He is seventh queuer ......................... ...............................

A. Write the numbers below correctly!

1. 3 : three 6. 55 :
2. 10 : 7. 85 :
3. 20 : 8. 203 :
4. 100 : 9. 550 :
5. 115 : 10. 1000

B. Write down the ordinal number below !

1) 1st : first 6) 22 : .................................................

2) 3rd : ...................................... 7) 57 : ..................................................
3) 5th : ...................................... 8) 11 : ..................................................
4) 8th : ...................................... 9) 12 : ....................................................
5) 9th : ...................................... 10) 34 : ....................................................
Uraian Materi 3 Name of the day

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Saturday, Sunday

Here are the abbreviations:

Mo., Mon.
Tu., Tue., Tues.
We., Wed.
Th., Thu., Thur., Thurs.
Fr., Fri.
Sa., Sat.
Su., Sun.

(The most common abbreviations are the ones with 3 letters.)

Soal Latihan 3
Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTS
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : VII
Listen to the teacher say and cross the word do you hear!






Read and answer the questions correctly!
1. What day is it today ? .......................................................................
2. What day was it yesterday ? ............................................................
3. What day was it before yesterday ? ................................................
4. What day is tomorrow ? ..................................................................
5. What day is after tomorrow ? .........................................................

Complete the dialogues below !
1. Anto : what day is before Friday dylan ?
Dylan : it is .................................................................................
2. Ratu : what day is it today ?
Putri : ..........................................................................................
3. Vira : ...........................................................................................
Robi : it is Saturday
4. Dewi : What day is it .................................................................?
Desi : it is Wednesday
5. Rayna : ........................................................................................
Azkia : .........................................................................................
Uraian Materi 3 Name of the Month
Soal Latihan 4

Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTS

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : VII


Listen to the teacher say and cross the word do you hear!
1. a.January b.March c.September
2. a.February b.April c.October
3. a.December b.November c.September
4. a.July b.June c.October
5. a.May b.August c.June

Corect the word below into good order!


Complete and answer the questions correctly !

1. What month is it now ? it is .......................................................................

2. What month is before december ? it is...................................................

3. What month is after june ? ........................................................................

4. What month is before april ? .....................................................................

5. What is the first month ? ...........................................................................

6. What is the third month ? ..........................................................................

7. What month is after august ? ...................................................................

8. What month is before november ? ...........................................................

9. What month was two months ago ? it was................................................

10. What month is next month ? .....................................................................

Penggunaan In

In digunakan sebagai penunjuk waktu untuk bulan, tahun, abad, dan untuk periode yang panjang. Contoh penggunaan in dalam
bahasa Inggris

 She was born in 1999.

 I met her in the summer.
 I have an appointment in the afternoon.
 His birthday is in August.
 She woke up early in the morning.
 In the evenings, I like to exercise.
 This is the first cake, I’ve had in five years.

Penggunaan On
Berbeda dengan In, On digunakan sebagai penunjuk waktu untuk waktu yang lebih spesifik seperti hari, tanggal, dan hari
besar, atau hari-hari spesial. Contoh penggunaan on dalam bahasa Inggris:

 I have exams on Monday.

 I’ll see you on Friday.
 I ate too many cookies on Christmas Eve.
 I was born on 24th March 1992.
 She got a lot of presents on her birthday.
 We are going to have a barbecue party on New Year’s Eve.
 Can you meet me on Wednesday morning?
 This festival will be held on December 3rd, 2019.

Penggunaan At
Preposisi At digunakan untuk menunjukkan waktu yang sangat spesifik seperti jam, night, noon, dan weekend
(british).Contoh penggunaan at dalam bahasa Inggris

 I’m going to meet him at 2PM.

 He decorated the Christmas tree at night.
 Let’s meet at 10:15.
 What do you do at weekend?
 The bus will stop here at 3PM.
 She is going to buy a hamburger at noon.
 They will set up a banner in here at 11AM.
 We are going to have a club meeting at 1PM.
 We are going to watch a movie at noon.

Look at the tables below!

Preposition of Time Penggunaan Contoh

– Bulan: January, February, March
– Tahun: 1996, 2009, 2019
– Abad: 19th Century, 20th Century
In I met her in the summer.
– Waktu: In the evening
– Periode: In the Past
– Musim: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
– Hari: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
On – Tanggal: on December 19th, on July 14th I ate too many cookies on Christmas Eve.
– Hari Besar: Christmas Day, Birthday
– Jam: eight o’clock, 7 PM, 5 AM
At She is going to buy a hamburger at noon.
– Waktu: at night, at noon, at the weekend (british)
Soal Latihan 5

Jenjang Pendidikan : SMP/MTS

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : VII

A. Multiple Choice!
1. I was born ... 16th of November, 1988.
a. At b. On c. In d. None
2. He came to my house ... last night.
a. At b. On c. In d. None
3. I take an English test ... Tuesday
a. At b. On c. In d. None
4. The school was built ... 1986.
a. At b. On c. In d. None
5. We will find new technology ... the future.
a. At b. On c. In d. None
6. Let's meet ... dinner time.
a. At b. On c. In d. None
7. When could I meet Mr. George? ... 9 a.m.
a. At b. On c. In d. None
8. Are you going to the course ... the Summer?
a. At b. On c. In d. None
9. We will go shopping ... this evening.
a. At b. On c. In d. None
10. A car accident happened ... Sunday morning.
a. At b. On c. In d. None

B. Complete the sentence by using in, on or at

1. She was born ___ 2001
2. Spring begins ___ March.
3. Breakfast is served ___ eight o’clock.
4. He was born ____ September.
5. She often goes out ___ night.
6. It snows a lot ____ spring.
7. It always dark ___ night.
8. Let’s meet ___ 7PM.
9. We have appointment ___ Thursday.
10. The class is ___ Wednesday and Friday.

English Test Chapter 3 for Seventh Grade

1. What time is it?
a. It is seven o’clock
b. It is eight o’clock
c. It is nine o’clock
d. It is ten o’clock

2. What time is it?

a. It is half past seven
b. It is half past eight
c. It is half past nine
d. It is half past ten

3. What time is it?

a. It is a quarter past seven
b. It is a quarter past eight
c. It is a quarter past nine
d. It is a quarter past ten

4. How you say 02.03 a.m ?

a. It is three minutes past two in the morning
b. It is thirty minutes past two in the morning
c. It is two minutes past three in the evening
d. It is two minutes past three in the afternoon

5. What usually Dayu do at Sunday morning?

a. Dayu usually goes to supermarket with her father
b. Dayu usually goes to supermarket with her mother
c. Dayu usually goes to traditional market with her father
d. Dayu usually goes to traditional market with her mother

6. What time Dayu usually go to the traditional market?

a. At half past seven in the morning
b. At half past six in the morning
c. At thirty minutes past seven in the morning
d. At three minutes past six in the morning

Table for number 7-9

7. What are you learn on Friday?

a. I learn English and Sport
b. I learn Science and Math
c. I learn Arts and Religion
d. I learn Science and Indonesian
8. When do you learn Arts?
a. Every Monday and Wednesday
b. Every Tuesday and Friday
c. Every Wednesday and Tuesday
d. Every Thursday and Tuesday

9. How many subjects do you learn on Monday?

a. 3 subjects c. 5 subjects
b. 4 subjects d. 6 subjects

10. Today is Wednesday and tomorrow is ….

a. Sunday c. Monday
b. Thursday d. Tuesday

11. What day is before Sunday?

a. Friday c. Monday
b. Tuesday d. Saturday

12. What month is before May?

a. April c. August
b. June d. December

13. Edo : When is your birthday

Dayu : ………………………( May 5th )
a. My birthday is on the five of May
b. My birthday is on the fifth of May
c. My birthday is on the 5 of May
d. My birthday is on the fifteenth of May

14. When we celebrate Kartini’s day?

a. We celebrate it on the twenty first of April
b. We celebrate it on the twenty one of April
c. We celebrate it on the twenty eight of October
d. We celebrate it on the twenty of May

15. When do we celebrate youth pledge day?

a. August 17th October 28th
b. October 5th .
November 10th

No. 16-17 do as sample below !

16. Aida June 23rd

17. Asep May 2nd

18.When we celebrate the National Education Day?

19. What time is it? ( 05.33 a.m)

20. What time is it? ( 07.05 p.m)



1. It is a half past four in the afternoon. Edo and his family go to the park by bicycle.
2. It is seven o’clock in the evening. Edo and his family have dinner together.
3. It is a half past eight in the evening. Edo prepares his staff for school.
4. It is nine o’clock in the night. Edo say good night to his father.
5. It is half past nine in the night. Edo does not forget to pray before sleeping.


Today running match will be held. There are many runner who join the match, they are kevin, david,
richard, brian, justin, nick, jhon, larry and michael. Some run fast, but some of them run slow.after
couple hours, all the winner have been known. Richard is the 1st ,brian is the 8th, justin is the 4th,nick is
the 6th, jhon is the 5th, larry is the 3rd, michael is the 9th,kevin is the 2nd,david is the 7th winner. We
very enjoy to Watch this match


1. It is Tuesday
2. Yesterday was Monday
3. Tomorow is Wednesday
4. Today is Thursday
5. Two day after Thursday is Saturday


1. It is March.
2. Before march is february.
3. The ninth month is september.
4. After september is October.
5. We celebrate independent day on August.

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