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NO. PESERTA : 19030515710424


A. Kompetensi Dasar:

3.2 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi interpersonal lisan
dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberikan ucapan selamat dan memuji bersayap (extended), serta
menanggapinya, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

4.2 Menyusun teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis sederhana yang melibatkan tindakan
memberikan ucapan selamat dan memuji bersayap (extended), dan menanggapinya dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks

Materi Pokok : Congratulating and Complimenting Others

Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 2 jp ( 4x pertemuan)

Tujuan Pembelajaran :

Melalui diskusi, tanya jawab, penugasan, presentasi dan analisis, peserta didik dapatmemahami,
menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya
tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan,
kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan
pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk
memecahkan masalah dan mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait
dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan mampu menggunakan metoda
sesuai kaidah keilmuan, sehingga peserta didik dapat menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang
dianutnya, mengembangkan sikap jujur, peduli, dan bertanggungjawab, serta dapat mengembangankan
kemampuan berpikir kritis, berkomunikasi, berkolaborasi, berkreasi (4C).
B. Petunjuk Penggunaan Diktat

1. Petunjuk Bagi Peserta Didik:

Agar konsep, teori dan kegiatan belajar yang akan dipelajari oleh peserta didik pada Diktat ini dapat
dikuasai dengan baik dan peserta didik dapat berperan aktif serta berinteraksi dengan sumber belajar
yang mendukung, maka peserta didik harus memperhatikan hal-hal sebagai berikut:

Persiapkan dan bacalah Buku Teks Pelajaran berikut:

1. Buku Bahasa Inggris kelas X, Kementrian Pendidikan Kebudayaan RI, Maret 2016;
2. Persiapkan kamus ;
3. Bacalah dengan seksama materi serta latihan soal ;
4. Buku lain yang sekiranya Anda temukan berkaitan dengan materi Congratulating and
Complimenting others, untuk keperluan ini Anda boleh mencarinya di internet.
5. Tanyakan pada guru apabila ada yang belum jelas
6. Anda dapat mengerjakan kegiatan belajar (activity) di buku kerja atau bias langsung menuliskan
jawaban anda di bagian kosong yang tersedia.
7. Anda dapat bekerja secara mandiri maupun membentuk kelompok agar mendapat lebih banyak
ketrampilan kolaborasi dan komunikasi.
8. Fokus dan semangat.

2. Petunjuk Bagi Guru

Guru yang akan mengajar dengan menggunakan Diktatl ini hendaknya mempersiapkan diri sebaik
baiknya yaitu mencakup aspek penguasaan materi, strategi pembelajaran, pemilihan metode, , alat
bantu media pembelajaran dan perangkat evaluasi.

C. Tujuan Akhir Setelah membaca modul ini, siswa diharapkan mampu mencapai kompetensi (indikator):

3.2.1 Mengidentifikasi situasi dalam sebuah percakapan.

3.2.2 Menunjukkan ungkapan-ungkapan ucapan memuji dalam suatu gambar.

3.2.3 Menganalisa kartu ucapan selamat.

3.2.4 Menyebutkan kejadian dalam percakapan.

3.2.5 Mendaftar ungkapan memuji dan kata sifat dalam percakapan.

3.2.6 Menyebutkan ungkapan memuji dan kata sifat yang ada dalam sebuah percakapan.

3.2.7 Mengklasifikasikan daftar situasi yang sesuai untuk ungkapan memuji secara tepat.
3.2.8 Menggunakan ungkapan memuji dalam situasi yang telah diklasifikasikan.

4.2.1 Membuat kartu ucapan selamat.

4.2.2 Menganalisis penggunaan Bahasa dalam conversation ungkapan memuji yang berbeda (formal dan

4.2.3 Menyusun conversation menggunakan ungkapan memberi selamat dan memuji.

4.2.4 Mempresentasikan conversation ungkapan memberi selamat dan memuji.


Activity 1

(3.2.1. Mengidentifikasi situasi dalam sebuah percakapan.)

A. Are you familiar with compliments and congratulation? Think of one thing what we might be express
when we meet the following situations:

In a general situation:

1. When someone has been doing his/ her best effort,

2. When you visiting someone’s house for the first time,
3. If you realize something new with someone’s performance.
4. When someone has been promote as a director in his company
5. When someone has been win the competition
6. When someone celebrate his/her birthday

Activity 2

(3.2.2 Menunjukkan ungkapan-ungkapan ucapan memuji dalam suatu gambar.)

B. Look at the following picture, then discuss with your group to answer the questions below;
1. What sentences are saying by the girl on the picture?
2. In what situation someone’s deserve to get compliment?
3. What are adjectives often used to give someone’s a compliment?
4. Why did someone’s get a compliment?
5. How someone’s reaction when she/ he got a compliment?

Activity 3

(3.2.3. Menganalisa kartu ucapan selamat.)

C. Look at the following picture, then discuss with your group to answer the questions below;

Picture. 1
1. What is the purpose of someone’s when she/ he send the card?
2. Why someone’s send the card?

Picture. 2

1. What is the picture shows?

2. What should you express if the person in the picture is your relatives?
3. Why you should say that?

Important notes:

 Congratulating is used to express our happiness for someone’s success.

 Complimenting is used to express agreement and supporting. It is also to appreciate other
people. For example; You shows that you notice something happen or something on other’s
performance, other job, other masterpiece, other belong of something, even other’s kindness
or cares.
 Adjectives are words that describe or modify other words, making your writing and speaking
much more specific, and a whole lot more interesting.
 Informal is out of formality or protocoled. It is more daily conversation in casual situation.
 Formal is ruled in to the customized, arrangement, written rule or specific requirement.
Sometimes it is relating with office work or government stuff.

Activity 4

(3.2.4 Menyebutkan kejadian dalam percakapan.)

Do with your partner; Read aloud to the following Dialogue

Understand, and wirite a note about;

1. What, who, when, why the situation in the dialogue happen?

2. How’s the situation in that dialogue indeed?!


Andre : Are you ready to go to Dewi’s birthday party?

Tasya : I’m ready. Let’s go now!

Andre : I absolutely love you in that dress. It really suits you!

Tasya : That’s really nice of you.

Andre : Really, your look beautiful.

Tasya : I like your haircut too.

Andre : Thanks. I cut my hair for the party.

Tasya : It’s good. We should go now otherwise we’ll be late.

Andre : Okay. Don’t forget the gift!

Tasya : No, of course.


Rahmi : Hello, How are things going on, Sinta?

Sinta : Hi. Good, and you?

Rahmi : I'm feeling great today. How was your weekend with your family in Batu?

Sinta : Excellent! We had a lovely time there. You should have gone there with us.

Rahmi : Really? Hey what a beautiful skirt you are wearing. It matches your blouse.

Sinta : Thanks a lot. My sister bought it for me last month

Rahmi : Wow! That's wonderful!

Activity 5
3.2.5 Mendaftar ungkapan memuji dan kata sifat dalam percakapan.

3.2.6 Menyebutkan ungkapan memuji dan kata sifat yang ada dalam sebuah percakapan.

3.2.7 Mengklasifikasikan daftar situasi yang sesuai untuk ungkapan memuji secara tepat.

I. Read these conversations carefully.

Dialog 1.
Maria : What a great car you have, Dhan. I really like
your vehicle.
Dhanny : Thank you. I just finished modifying it.
Maria : Do you mean this is the old car that you used
to drive to school?
Dhanny : Yes, it is. You are absolutely right.
Maria : Now your car looks more gorgeous. What
did you do to it?
Dhanny : Not much. I had it painted with a brighter
color and add some new accessories.
Maria : Great job!
Dhanny : Thanks.

Dialog 2.

Jane : That’s a cute T-shirt you’re wearing.

Sarah : I appreciate your compliment. It was a birthday present
from my mother.
Jane : Where did your mother buy it?
Sarah : My mother said that she had bought it for me when she was
in Singapore
Jane : Your look beautiful with that T-shirt.
Sarah : Thank you.

Sumber: modified from


Dialog 3.

Andi had passed on his final semester test. On the way home, he meets Desi, his friend. She
congratulates and compliments Andi.
Desi : Hi, Andi. How are you doing?
Andi : I am fine, thanks.
Desi : It’s very nice to meet you here, Andi. You look great today! I love your new hair style.
Andi : Thank you very much, Desi. You look great, too.
Desi : Thanks, Andi. By the way, how was your test? Have you got the result?
Andi : Yes, I’ve got it. You know what? I have passed for the final test. I’m so happy right
Desi : That’s great. Congratulations! How’s the score?
Andi : Thanks God. I got the highest score for the test.
Desi : Wow, that’s amazing. I know you are very smart, Andi. Well done!
Andi : Thanks for your compliment, Desi. You are so kind.
Desi : Never mind Andi. It’s my pleasure.

II. Fill in this column based on the conversation above.

Dialog Situation Complimenting expressions Adjectives
1 Dhanny had his car  What a great car you have, D  Great
painted han.  …………………
 …………………………. …
 ………………………….  …………………

 …………………

Dialog Situation Complimenting expressions Adjectives

2  ………………………….  …………………
 …………………………. …
 …………………

 …………………

3  ………………………….  …………………
 …………………………. …
 …………………

 …………………

III. Read these situations carefully.

1 a car driver hit a cat 6 An old friend called you
2 your brother got a medal 7 Your uncle has just been home.
a vagrant helped a kid to cross the Your little sister gave all her pocket
3 8
road money to a beggar
Your best friend showed her new
4 9 Your UNCLE got an accident
sophisticated mobile phone
Aunty has prepared a yummy A very young singer played guitar
5 10
breakfast harmoniously

IV. Classify the situations above into this column.

Compliment of
Expression of
Situation Not
Appearance Achievement Possession Creation complimenting

1 Not x x x x x
2 compliment v How smart!
Read the text then answer the questions!

ANNOUNCEMENT SMK Islam Secang will hold “The Alumni Reunion 2017” on January 5th, 2020 at 8
a.m. at the park of SMK Islam Secang. On this occasion we would like to invite you to come and share
your experience and your success stories. All alumni are asked to renew our commitment for a better
future. The registration fee is RP 250.000 per person payable at the venue. The charges include an
Alumni T-Shirt, Alumni ID, Alumni Souvenir, and lunch. We look forward to seeing you soon. RSVP by
December 20th 2019 to Contact Person: Mr. Supangat 089612406316

1. What is the purpose of the announcement above?

A. To tell about SMK Islam Secang’s program. B. To inform about “The Alumni Reunion 2017” event C. To
register for the guest stars in the event D. To send an email for registration

2. “…., we would like to invite you to come ….”(Paragraph 1) The word “we” refers to ….

A. The alumni of SMK Islam Secang B. The committee of the Alumni Reunion’ C. The headmaster of SMK
Islam Secang D. The students of SMK Islam Secang

3. If you want to come to “The Alumni Reunion 2017” event, you can … Mr. Supangat.

A. Go B. Renew C. Call D. Invite

4. The generic structure of the announcement above is ….

A. Head / title - body – closing - writer B. Body – head/title – closing C. Writer – body – head/title –
closing D. Body – closing – writer Read the following text then answer the questions! Ladies and
gentlemen, welcome to the Airlangga train. We hope you enjoy your 9 hours journey to Malang. If you
need our services, please ask our crew team. For your safety and comfort, the train operates a
nonsmoking policy. Please do not leave your belongings unattended. Tickets checks are in operation so
please have your tickets available for inspection. Have a nice journey. Thank you

5. From the text, we know that passengers will spend … on the train to Malang. A. Half a day B. The
whole day C. More than six hours D. Less than nine hours
6. The purpose of the announcement is to inform us …. A. How to travel to Malang by train B. How to
leave for Malang comfortably C. What to do before getting on the train D. What to do during the train
journey Read the text then answer the following questions! Announcement To celebrate Independence
Day, our school will have a Talent Competition, that will be held on August 16th 2019. All classes are
obliged to send representatives for each competition; Dancing, singing, poetry reading, and “karung”
race. Registration will be open from August 6 th – August 14th at the Student Council room. Free
registration and plenty of prizes! Contact person: Elvina (085728145289)

7. To whom is the announcement addressed? A. The headmaster B. The teachers C. The students D. The

8. The announcement is written to …. A. Give information about the winners B. Remind the students
about Independence Day C. Register the students for the competition D. Inform the students about the

9. From the text, we can conclude that …. A. The students do not have to pay for the registration B. The
competition will be held until August 14 th 2019 C. Not all of the students need to join the competition
D. The school will give prizes to all the students

10. “To celebrate Independence Day, ….” (Line 1) The word “celebrate” has the similar meaning to …. A.
Welcome B. Receive C. Commemorate D. Appreciate

Activity 5 Rearrange the following sentences into good announcement! a. All who use these tools are
expected to attend and take notes. b. Several of the features on the new machines are not being put to
use, and we can all benefit from this new technology. c. A representative from Doe Machine will be in
the shop on Tuesday at 2.30 p.m. to demonstrate the advanced features of our new computer-assisted
milling machines.

Activity 6 Write a formal written announcement. Write don on the white board. Write based on the
following purposes! a. To sell something b. To campaign against/for something c. To invite people to
events d. To publicize a formal personal event Source: - Forward an English Course for Vocational School

Students Grade X - Practice Your English Competence 1 - Express Erlangga -

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