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Ubiquitin, protein dengan 76 asam amino yang dinamai karena penyebarannya di semua jenis sel

dan tingkat konservasi yang tinggi di seluruh spesies, biasanya, tetapi tidak selalu melekat pada

protein sebagai sinyal untuk degradasi oleh proteasome. Seperti protein lainnya , histone di

mana-mana melalui perlekatan ubiquitin pada kelompok ε-NH + dari lisin. Pengamatan histone

H2A, H2B, H3 dan H1 telah diamati. Sebagian besar histone tampaknya mono-ubiquitin,

meskipun ada bukti untuk poli-ubiquitin. Peran histone ubiquitina dalam kontrol transkripsi gen

dalam sistem saraf masih kurang dipahami.

Ubiquitin, a protein with 76 amino acids that is named for its ubiquitous distribution in all cell
types and high degree of conservation across species, is usually, but not always, attached to
proteins as a signal for degradation by the proteasome. Like other proteins, histones are
ubiquitinated through attachment of a ubiquitin to the ε-NH+ group of a lysine. Ubiquitination of
histones H2A, H2B, H3 and H1 has been observed. Most histones appear to be mono-
ubiquitinated, although there is evidence for poly-ubiquitination. The role of histone
ubiquitination in the control of gene transcription in the nervous system remains poorly
Protein ubiquitin adalah modifikasi pasca-translasi penting yang mengatur hampir setiap aspek

fungsi seluler di banyak jalur pensinyalan sel pada eukariotik. Ubiquitin adalah protein 8,5 kD

yang terkonjugasi menjadi substrat protein oleh sistem ubiquitin-proteasome sehingga mengatur

stabilitas dan pergantian protein target. Histone ubiquitin dilakukan oleh histone ubiquitin ligases

dan dapat dihilangkan dengan peptidases spesifik ubiquitin, yang belakangan dikenal sebagai

enzim deubiquitinating (DUBs). Monoubiquitin memiliki peran penting dalam translokasi

protein, pensinyalan kerusakan DNA, dan regulasi transkripsi. Histone 2A monoubiquitin

(H2Aub) lebih sering dikaitkan dengan pembungkaman gen. Monoubiquitinasi histone 2B

(H2Bub) biasanya berkorelasi dengan aktivasi transkripsi. Polyubiquitin menandai protein untuk

degradasi atau aktivasi pada jalur pensinyalan tertentu. Demikian pula dengan fosforilasi histone,

ada juga cross-talk antara histi ubiquitination dan modifikasi histone lainnya. Sebagai contoh,

monoubiquitin histone H3 mampu menginduksi asetilasi dari histone yang sama

Protein ubiquitination is an important post-translational modification that regulates almost every

aspect of cellular function in many cell signaling pathways in eukaryotes. Ubiquitin is an 8.5 kD
protein which is conjugated to substrate proteins by the ubiquitin–proteasome system thereby
regulating the stability and turnover of the target proteins. Histone ubiquitination is carried out
by histone ubiquitin ligases and can be removed by ubiquitin-specific peptidases, the latter
known as deubiquitinating enzymes (DUBs). Monoubiquitination has a critical role in protein
translocation, DNA damage signaling, and transcriptional regulation. Histone 2A
monoubiquitination (H2Aub) is more often associated with gene silencing. Monoubiquitination
of histone 2B (H2Bub) is typically correlated with transcription activation. Polyubiquitination
marks the protein for degradation or activation in certain signaling pathways. Similarly to histone
phosphorylation, there is also cross-talk between histone ubiquitination and other histone
modifications. For instance, monoubiquitination of histone H3 is able to induce acetylation of the
same histone

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