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Paragraf Sebab Akibat (Text of Cause and Effect)

Paragraf atau alenia adalah suatu bentuk bahasa yang bahasanya merupakan hasil
penggabungan beberapa kalimat. Dalam upayah menghimpunbeberapa kalimat menjadi
paragraph, yang perlu diperhatikan adalah kesatuan dan kepaduan.Kesatuan berarti seluruh
kalimat dalam paragraph membicarakan satu gagasan (gagasantunggal). Kepaduan berarti
seluruh kalimat dalam paragraph itukompak, saling berkaitan mendukung gagasan tunggal

Pengertian Paragraf Sebab Akibat

Paragraf sebab akibat ialah salah satu paragraf yang pengembangan dari pola pikir paragraf
induktif dimana kalimat utama diletakkan di akhir paragraf dan sering disebut juga dengan
kesimpulan.Berdasarkan pola pemikiran tersebut, paragraf sebab akibat atau yang disebut dengan
paragraf kausatif merupakan paragraf yang dimulai denganfakta-fakta khusus sebagai sebab
kemudian disimpulkan menjadi fakta umum pada bagian akhir kalimat yang disebut dengan

Contoh jenis paragraf sebab akibat.

1. Sebab Akibat

Paragraf ini diawali dengan kalimat-kalimatk husus yang merupakan sebab lalu pada bagian
akhir paragraf disimpulkan kedalam kalimat umum yang merupakan akibat.

Example 1

The following effects because all city park officials went on strike since three months ago. The
yard that used to have green grass is now turned into a stretch of grassless land. If it rains, the
yard will tarnish and leave a small puddle. If the heat of the yard will turn into a dusty area that is
stifling. The statues that originally looked charismatic now seemed to look like ordinary stone
that has a shape. The fountain pool can no longer be called a fountain because the area is dry
without any water at all. The children’s playground is now a bleak vehicle that even the genies
don’t want to play there.

2. Akibat Sebab

Paragraf ini diawali dengan menyajikan kalimat-kalimat khusus yang berupa akibat-akibat dari
sesuatu dan disimpulkan menjadi kalimat umum yang menjadi sebab masalah-masalah tersebut

Example 2:

Employees and workers also demanded that their wages and salaries be increased because the
nominal wages previously considered were no longer appropriate to meet their daily needs. All
the necessities of life are as if they don’t want to be in their original position. All this happened
because the government recently issued a policy of increasing fuel prices and basic electricity

3. Sebab Akibat 1 Akibat 2

Paragraf ini memiliki 2 kalimat yang menjadi akibat dari sebab-sebab yang telah dikemukakan
pada kalimat sebelumnya, namun akibat1 akan menjadi sebuah sebab yang bisa menimbulkan
serangkaian akibat lain “akibat 2”.

Example 3:

Pak Rahmat fell asleep very deeply in his room. After a hard day at work in his office, he did not
necessarily go straight home. He still has to pick up his children from school. On normal days, it
was his wife who drove and picked the children up to school. Arriving at home, Pak Rahmat
does not necessarily sit and rest. He changed his clothes casually and went straight to the kitchen
to prepare dinner. After finishing dinner he also took care of it. Not even had time to rest, he still
had to put his children to sleep. As soon as his children had fallen asleep, he suddenly
remembered overtime work from his office which he brought home. He did it as soon as possible
and when he realized he had fallen asleep on his desk along with the paperwork. All this
happened because his wife was out of town so he had to be willing to do homework as well as
his own work.

Answer the following question!

For example 1 :

1. What is the text talking about?

The text is talking about the effect because all city park officials went on strike since
three months ago.
2. Why is the yard not looking green now?
The yard is not looking green now because all city park officials went on strike since
three months ago.
3. What happened with the statues?
The statues that originally looked charismatic now seemed to look like ordinary stone
that has a shape.
4. Why the people cannot see the fountain in the fountain pool?
The people cannot see the fountain in the fountain pool because the area is dry without
any water at all.
5. Why did all of these effects happen?
All of these effects happen because all city park officials went on strike since three
months ago.

For example 2.

1. What is the topic of the text?

the topic of the text is that happened because the government recently issued a policy of
increasing fuel prices and basic electricity tariffs.

2. Why they could not meet their daily needs?

They could not meet their daily needs because the nominal wages previously considered
were no longer appropriate to meet their daily needs
3. What did the government do so they demanded that their wages and salaries be increased?
The government issued a policy of increasing fuel prices and basic electricity tariffs.

For example 3.

1. What is the main idea of the paragraph?

Mr. rahmat's activities are busy because his wife is out of town so he has to be willing to do
housework and his own work.
2. What did pak Rakhmat do after doing in his office?
He has to pick up his children from school.
3. Who used to drive and pick their children up to school?
On normal days, mr. rahmat's wife
4. Why did pak Rakhmat do all these things?
Pak Rakhmat do all these things because his wife was out of town so he had to be willing to
do homework as well as his own work.

Putri Nur Jannah (30)

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