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GROUP : Pulmonary Tuberculosis
LEADER : Eka Trisanti
MEMBERS : 1). Fitriyani
2). Dhewanita kusuma
3). Urifah
4). Aida Nurul Mutia
5). Friskyla Regita
6). Khofifah indar


Eka Trisanti Definition and Clasification of Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Fitriyani Causes of Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Symptoms Pulmonary TB

Urifah Treatment Pulmonary TB

Aida Nurul Mutia Prevention of Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Friskyla Regita Risk Factor for Pulmonary Tuberculosis

Khofifah Indar
Supporting Examination of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakhatu
Selamat pagi/siang pak/bu
Semoga harinya menyenangkan
Selamat datang di stand kami
Pertama, saya akan memperkenalkan diri saya. Nama saya Eka Trisanti, tetapi saya tidak
sendiri saya bersama kelompok. Mereka adalah:
1. Fitriyani
2. Dhewanita kusuma
3. Urifah
4. Aida nurul mutia
5. Friskyla regita
6. Khofifah indar parawangsa

Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakhatu
Good morning/ afternoon sir/ ma’am
I hope you are having a good day today
Welcome to our presentation

Firstly, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Eka Trisanti, but I’m not alone, I am
with my team. They are :
1. Fitriyani
2. Dhewanita Kusuma
3. Urifah
4. Aida Nurul Mutia
5. Friskyla Regita
6. Khofifah Indar Parawangsa

1. Name : Eka Trisanti

Materials: Definition and Clasification of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Opening :
In this great occasion, i will convey about the definition of pulmonary tuberculosis
and clasification of pulmonary tuberculosis
Tb paru adalah penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh kuman mycobacterium
tuberculosa, Sebagian besar kuman ini menyerang paru paru.

Klasifikasi Tb paru
Ada dua klasifikasi tb paru:
1. Pertama Tb laten
Tb laten adalah suatu kondisi ketika bakteri mycobacterium tuberculosis
terdapat didalam tubuh tetapi tidak aktif. Kondisi ini juga tidak menimbulkan gejala
atau penderita tidak merasa sakit dan tidak menular tetapi dapat aktif sewaktu-waktu.
2. Kedua Tb aktif
Tb aktif adalah suatu kondisi ketika bakteri mycobacterium tuberculosis
terdapat didalam tubuh dan aktif sehingga dapat menularkan bakteri kepada orang lain
dan juga menimbulkan gejala.

Pulmonary tuberculosis is a contagious disease caused by the bacteria
mycobacterium tuberculosa. Most of these germs attack the lungs.

Pulmonary TB classification
There are two classifications of pulmonary tuberculosis:
1. First latent Tb
Latent TB is a condition when the bacteria mycobacterium
tuberculosis is present in the body but is inactive. This condition also
does not cause symptoms or the sufferer does not feel sick and is not
contagious but can be active at any time.
2. Both Tb are active
Active TB is a condition when the mycobacterium tuberculosis
bacteria is present in the body and is active so that it can transmit the
bacteria to others and also cause symptoms.
So, that is all my presentation
my apology if there is any mistake
the next material will be delivered by Fitriyani. Time is yours
2. Name : Fitriyani
Materials: Causes of Pulmonary Tuberculosis
Opening :
Thank you, Eka. Alright, leadis and gentelmen, my name is Fitriyani the next
materials Will be explained by me. i Will explain about the Causes of Pulmonary
TB Paru disebabkan oleh bakteri Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M tuberculosis). TB
itu menular. Ini berarti bakteri mudah menyebar dari orang yang terinfeksi ke orang
lain. Anda bisa tertular TBC dengan menghirup tetesan udara dari batuk atau bersin
orang yang terinfeksi.
Kuman dapat bertahan di udara selama beberapa jam. Dimungkinkan untuk
menghirupnya bahkan ketika orang yang terinfeksi tidak ada di dalam ruangan.
Namun biasanya Anda harus dekat dengan seseorang yang mengidap TBC dalam
jangka waktu yang lama untuk bisa tertular.
Bagaimana TB paru menyebar?

-berjabat tangan
-berbagi makanan atau minuman
-tidur di ranjang yang sama
TBC menyebar melalui udara, yang berarti Anda dapat terinfeksi Micobacterium
tuberculosis setelah menghirup udara
oleh seseorang dengan tuberkulosis. Ini dapat berupa udara dari:
Pulmonary TB is caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis
(M tuberculosis). TB is contagious. This means the bacteria are easily
spread from an infected person to someone else. You can get TB by
breathing in air droplets from a cough or sneeze of an infected person.

The germs can stay in the air for several hours. It’s possible to inhale
them even when the infected person isn’t in the room. But usually you
have to be close to someone with TB for a long period of time to catch it

How pulmonary TB spreads?

shaking hands
sharing food or drink
sleeping in the same bed

TB is airborne, which means you can become infected with

Micobacterium tuberculosis after breathing air exhaled
by someone with tuberculosis. This can be air from:
So, that is all my materilas
im sorry if there is any mistake
the next material will be explained by Dhewanita. dhewanita please

3. Name : Dhewanita kusuma

Materials: Symptoms Pulmonary Tb
Opening :
Thank you, Fitriyani. Alright, leadis and gentelmen, the next materials Will be
explained by me. i will describe about the symptoms of pulmonary TB
Gejala TBC (tuberculosis) yang muncul bisa berupa:

Batuk yang berlangsung lama (3 minggu atau lebih), biasanya disertai dahak.
-Batuk darah .
-Berkeringat di malam hari.
-Penurunan berat badan.
-Demam dan menggigil.
-Nyeri dada saat bernapas atau batuk.
-Tidak nafsu makan.
Tidak semua kuman TBC yang masuk ke paru-paru secara langsung menimbulkan
gejala. Kuman TBC hanya bisa bersembunyi sampai suatu saat menjadi aktif dan
menimbulkan gejala. Kondisi ini dikenal sebagai TB laten. Selain tidak menimbulkan
gejala, TB laten juga tidak menular.

Selain menyerang paru-paru, kuman TBC juga dapat menyerang organ lain, seperti
ginjal, usus , otak, atau kelenjar TBC . Penyakit TBC pada organ selain paru-paru
sering terjadi pada orang dengan imunitas rendah, seperti penderita AIDS .
Berikut contoh gejala yang muncul akibat penyakit TBC di luar paru-paru, menurut
organ yang terkena:
-Pembengkakan kelenjar getah bening saat terkena TBC.
-Urin berdarah pada tuberkulosis ginjal.
-Nyeri punggung pada tuberkulosis tulang belakang .
-Sakit perut jika Anda menderita TBC usus.
-Sakit kepala dan kejang saat terkena TBC di otak.
Symptoms of tuberculosis (tuberculosis) that appear can include:

Cough that lasts a long time (3 weeks or more), usually accompanied by

-Cough blood.
- Sweating at night.
-Weight loss.
-Fever and chills.
- Chest pain when breathing in or coughing.
-No appetite.
Not all TB germs that enter the lungs directly cause symptoms. TB
germs can only hide until one day they become active and cause
symptoms. This condition is known as latent TB. Apart from causing no
symptoms, latent TB is also not contagious.

Apart from attacking the lungs, TB germs can also attack other organs,
such as the kidneys, intestines, brain, or TB glands. TB disease in organs
other than the lungs often occurs in people with low immunity, such as
people with AIDS.
The following are examples of symptoms that arise due to TB disease
outside the lungs, according to the affected organs:
Swollen lymph nodes when exposed to tuberculosis.
-Blooded urine in renal tuberculosis.
-Back pain in tuberculosis of the spine.
- Stomach pain if you have intestinal tuberculosis.
-Headaches and seizures when exposed to tuberculosis in the brain.
So, that is all that i want to explain
my apology if there is any mistake
the next material will be presented by Urifah. urifah, please proceed

4. Name : Urifah
Materials : Treatment pulmonary Tb
Opening :
Thank you, dhewanita. Alright, leadis and gentelmen, the next materials Will be
explained by me. i will present about the treatment for patients with pulmonary
Content :
Penting untuk mendapatkan pengobatan TB laten meskipun Anda tidak memiliki
gejala. Anda masih bisa mengembangkan penyakit TBC paru di masa depan.
Anda mungkin hanya memerlukan satu obat TBC jika Anda menderita TBC laten.

Jika Anda menderita TB paru, dokter Anda mungkin meresepkan beberapa obat.
Anda perlu minum obat ini selama enam bulan atau lebih untuk hasil terbaik.

Obat TBC yang paling umum adalah:

etambutol (Myambutol)
rifampisin (Rifadin)
Dokter Anda mungkin merekomendasikan pendekatan yang disebut terapi
observasi langsung (DOT) untuk memastikan bahwa Anda menyelesaikan
perawatan Anda. Menghentikan pengobatan atau melewatkan dosis dapat
membuat TB paru resisten terhadap obat-obatan, yang menyebabkan TB-MDR.

It's important to get latent TB treatment even if you don't have symptoms. You can
still develop pulmonary tuberculosis in the future. You may only need one TB
medicine if you have latent TB.

If you have pulmonary TB, your doctor may prescribe several medications. You will
need to take this medication for six months or longer for best results.

The most common TB drugs are:

ethambutol (Myambutol)
rifampin (Rifadin)
Your doctor may recommend an approach called direct observation therapy (DOT) to
ensure that you complete your treatment. Stopping treatment or skipping doses can
make pulmonary TB resistant to drugs, leading to MDR-TB.

So, that is all my presentation

im sorry if you find any flaws in my presentation
next material will be delivered by Aida. Time is yours

5. Name : Aida nurul mutia

Materials: Prevention of pulmonary tuberculosis
Opening :
Thank you, urifah. Alright, leadis and gentelmen, the next materials Will be explained
by me. i will describe about the what are the prevention of pulmonary tuberculosis
Salah satu langkah untuk mencegah TBC (tuberkulosis) adalah dengan
menerima vaksin BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin). Di Indonesia, vaksin
ini termasuk dalam daftar imunisasi wajib dan diberikan sebelum bayi
berusia 2 bulan. Bagi yang belum pernah menerima vaksin BCG,
dianjurkan untuk melakukan vaksin bila terdapat salah satu anggota
keluarga yang menderita TBC.

TBC juga dapat dicegah dengan cara yang sederhana, yaitu mengenakan
masker saat berada di tempat ramai dan jika berinteraksi dengan penderita
TBC, serta sering mencuci tangan.

Walaupun sudah menerima pengobatan, pada bulan-bulan awal

pengobatan (biasanya 2 bulan), penderita TBC juga masih dapat
menularkan penyakit. Jika Anda menderita TBC, langkah-langkah di
bawah ini sangat berguna untuk mencegah penularan, terutama pada
orang yang tinggal serumah dengan Anda:

1. Tutupi mulut saat bersin, batuk, dan tertawa, atau kenakan Apabila
menggunakan tisu untuk menutup mulut, buanglah segera setelah
2. Tidak membuang dahak atau meludah sembarangan.
3. Pastikan rumah memiliki sirkulasi udara yang baik, misalnya dengan
sering membuka pintu dan jendela agar udara segar serta sinar matahari
dapat masuk.
4. Jangan tidur sekamar dengan orang lain, sampai dokter menyatakan
TBC yang Anda derita tidak lagi menular.
One of the steps to prevent tuberculosis (tuberculosis) is to receive the
BCG vaccine (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin). In Indonesia, this vaccine is
included in the list of mandatory immunizations and is given before the
baby is 2 months old. For those who have never received the BCG
vaccine, it is recommended to do the vaccine if there is a family member
who has TB.

TB can also be prevented in a simple way, namely wearing a mask when

in crowded places and when interacting with TB sufferers, and washing
your hands frequently.

Even though they have received treatment, in the initial months of

treatment (usually 2 months), TB sufferers can still transmit the disease.
If you have tuberculosis, the steps below are very useful for preventing
transmission, especially to people who live with you:

1. Cover mouth when sneezing, coughing and laughing, or wear. If you

use a tissue to cover your mouth, throw it away immediately after use.
2. Do not throw phlegm or spit carelessly.
3. Make sure the house has good air circulation, for example by opening
doors and windows frequently so that fresh air and sunlight can enter.
4. Do not sleep in the same room as other people, until the doctor states
that the TB you are suffering from is no longer contagious.
So, that is all that i want to explain
my apology if there is any mistake
the next material will be explained by friskyla. Friskyla please
6. Name: Friskyla regita

Materials: Supporting examination of pulmonary tuberculosis


Thank you, urifah. Alright, leadis and gentelmen, the next materials Will be
explained by me. i will explain about the supporting examination of Pulmonary tuberculosis



Diagnosa dan pemeriksaan penunjang

1. Lakukan pemeriksaan fisik untuk memeriksa cairan di paru-paru Anda

2. Tanyakan tentang riwayat kesehatan Anda

3. Jadwalkan rontgen dada

4. Tes medis untuk memastikan TB paru

5. Melakukan batuk yang kuat dan mengeluarkan dahak kemudian mengirimkan sampelnya
ke laboratorium. untuk mengidentifikasi bakteri TB.

Untuk mendiagnosis TB paru secara spesifik, dokter akan meminta seseorang untuk
melakukan batuk kuat dan mengeluarkan dahak hingga tiga kali secara terpisah. Dokter
akan mengirimkan sampel tersebut ke laboratorium. Di lab, teknisi akan memeriksa dahak di
bawah mikroskop untuk mengidentifikasi bakteri TB.

Selain tes ini, dokter juga dapat "membiakkan" sampel dahak. Artinya mereka mengambil
sebagian sampel dahak dan menaruhnya di bahan khusus yang membuat bakteri TBC
berkembang biak. Jika bakteri TBC tumbuh, ini adalah kultur yang positif.
Dokter juga dapat memesan uji polymerase chain reaction (PCR) untuk dilakukan. Ini
menguji dahak untuk mengetahui keberadaan gen tertentu dari kuman penyebab TBC.

6. CT scan

7. bronkoskopi

8. Thoracentesis

9. Biopsi paru-paru


Diagnosis and investigation

1. Do a physical exam to check for fluid in your lungs

2. Ask about your medical history

3. Schedule a chest x-ray

4. Medical tests to confirm pulmonary TB

5. Conduct a strong cough and expel phlegm and then send the sample to the laboratory. to
identify TB bacteria.

To diagnose pulmonary TB specifically, a doctor will ask a person to perform a strong cough
and produce sputum up to three separate times. The doctor will send the samples to a
laboratory. At the lab, a technician will examine the sputum under a microscope to identify
TB bacteria.
In addition to this test, a doctor can also “culture” a sputum sample. This means they take a
portion of the sputum sample and put it in a special material that makes TB bacteria grow. If
TB bacteria grow, this is a positive culture.

Doctors can also order a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay to be performed. This tests
the sputum for the presence of certain genes from the germs that cause TB.

6. CT scan

7. bronchoscopy

8. Thoracentesis

9. Lung biopsy

So, that is all my material

im sorry if there is any mistake

the next material will be presented by khofifah. Time is yours

7. Name: Khofifah indar parawangsa

Materials: Risk Factor for Pulmonary tuberculosis


Thank you, friskyla. Alright, leadis and gentelmen, the next materials Will be explained
by me. i will discrabe about the Risk factor for Pulmonary tuberculosis



Faktor resiko
Faktor resiko yang mempengaruhi tingkat kejadian TB meliputi BMI, tingkat pendidikan,
riwayat imunisasi BCG, riwayat kontak dengan penderita TB, ventilasi, kepadatan hunian,
sumber air dan riwayat merokok.


Risk factors

Risk factors that affect the incidence rate of TB include BMI, education level, history of BCG
immunization, history of contact with TB sufferers, ventilation, occupancy density, water
sources and history of smoking.


That ia all our presentation, thank you for your attention my apology if there is any mistakes.
I hope this presentation gives you more insight on Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Do you have any

wasalammualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh

Sekian presentasi kami, terima kasih atas perhatiannya mohon maaf jika ada kesalahan.
Saya harap presentasi ini memberi Anda wawasan lebih lanjut tentang Tuberkulosis Paru.
Apakah Anda punya pertanyaan?

wasalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakaatuh

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