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Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan

STIKes Muhammadiyah, Lhokseumawe

Skripsi, September 2022



Kualitas Hidup Pasien Hipertensi Grade II Di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas

Muara Batu Kabupaten Aceh Utara

xii + V BAB + 45 Halaman + 6 Tabel + 2 Skema + 11 lampiran

Penyakit hipertensi seringkali disertai dengan penyakit komorbid/penyakit

penyerta lainnya seperti jantung, ginjal dan stroke sehingga menyebabkan
penurunan kualitas hidup seseorang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui
Kualitas Hidup Pasien Hipertensi Grade II di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Muara
Batu Kabupaten Aceh Utara. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian
CROSS SECTIONAL. Tehnik pengambilan sampel yaitu Total Sampling
berjumlah 117 responden. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas
Muara Batu Kabupaten Aceh Utara dengan menggunakan lembar kuesioner
WHOQOL.Analisa statistik yang digunakan rumus persentase. Berdasarkan hasil
penelitian diperoleh hasil bahwa mayoritas umur responden penelitian adalah ≥ 66
tahun dengan frekuensi sebanyak 71 orang (60,7%), Jenis Kelamin Perempuan
sebanyak 80 orang (68.4%), Pendidikan SMA sebanyak 48 orang (41,0%) dan
Pekerjaan Wiraswasta sebanyak 43 orang (36.8%) dan mayoritas responden
dengan kualitas hidup produktif sebanyak 58.1% (68 orang). Diharapkan
responden dapat melakukan aktifitas secara produktif, mandiri tanpa harus dibantu
dengan orang lain atau menggunakan alat bantu dan mampu berinterkasi dan
bersosialisasi dengan masyarakat sekitar dengan baik.

Kata Kunci : Kualitas Hidup, Hipertensi Grade II

Daftar Bacaan : 9 Buku Bacaan (2013 – 2018) + 28 Jurnal (2014-2021)

The Nursing Science Course Program
STIKes Muhammadiyah, Lhokseumawe
Thesis, September 2022



Quality of Life of Grade II Hypertension Patients in the Muara Batu Health

Center Work Area, North Aceh Regency

xii + V CHAPTER + 45 Pages + 6 Tables + 2 Schematics + 11 appendices

Hypertension is often accompanied by comorbid diseases/other comorbidities

such as heart, kidney and stroke, causing a decrease in a person's quality of life.
This study aims to determine the Quality of Life of Grade II Hypertensive Patients
in the Muara Batu Health Center Work Area, North Aceh Regency. This study
uses a quantitative descriptive research design. The sampling technique is Total
Sampling totaling 117 respondents. This research was conducted in the working
area of the Muara Batu Health Center, North Aceh Regency using the WHOQOL
questionnaire sheet. Statistical analysis used the percentage formula. Based on the
results of the study, it was found that the majority of the age of the research
respondents were 66 years with a frequency of 71 people (60.7%), Female Gender
as many as 80 people (68.4%), high school education as many as 48 people
(41.0%) and Occupation There are 43 entrepreneurs (36.8%) and the majority of
respondents with productive quality of life are 58.1% (68 people). It is expected
that respondents can carry out activities productively, independently without
having to be assisted by other people or using assistive devices and be able to
interact and socialize with the surrounding community well.

Keywords : Quality of Life, Hypertension Grade II

References : 9 Books (2013 – 2018) + 28 Journals (2014-2021)

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