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Theoritical Foundation

1. Sosiolinguistik

1.1 Pengertian Sosiolinguistik

Sosiolinguistik berasal dari kata “sosio” dan “linguistic”. Sosio sama dengan kata

sosial yaitu berhubungan dengan masyarakat. Linguistik adalah ilmu yang mempelajari dan

membicarakan bahasa khususnya unsur-unsur bahasa. Jadi, sosiolinguistik adalah kajian

yang menyusun teori-teori tentang hubungan masyarakat dengan Bahasa (Nababan, dalam

Purwanti, 2021). Sosiolinguistik merupakan studi bahasa yang berhubungan dengan

penutur bahasa sebagai anggota masyarakat, atau mempelajari aspek-aspek kemasyarakatan

bahasa khususnya variasi-variasi yang terdapat di dalam bahasa yang berkaitan dengan

faktor-faktor kemasyarakatan/sosial (Isnaniah, 2013). Suatu bahasa akan cepat tersebar

melalui komunikasi salah satunya di media sosial ini. Sosiolinguistik mengkaji bahasa

dengan memperhitungkan hubungan antara bahasa dengan masyarakat, khususnya

masyarakat penutur bahasa itu (Abdurrahman, dalam Fauziah dkk, 2021). Menurut Robita

(dalam Fauziah dkk, 2021), pandangan sosiolinguistik terhadap bahasa dapat dilihat dari

fungsi-fungsi bahasa melalui sudut pandang penutur, pendengar, topik, kode, dan amanat

pembicaraan, dilihat dari sudut penutur, bahasa berfungsi personal atau pribadi atau emotif,

dalam artian si penutur menyatakan sikap terhadap apa yang dituturkannya. Fishman (1967)

mengemukakan bahwa sosiolinguistik adalah kajian tentang ciri khas variasi bahasa, fungsi

variasi bahasa, dan pengunaan bahasa karena ketiga unsur ini berinteraksi dalam dan saling

mengubah satusama lain dalam satu masyarakat tutur, identitas sosial dari penutur,

lingkungan social tempat peristiwa tutur terjadi serta tingkatan variasi dan ragam linguistik.
1.2 Manfaat Sosiolinguistik

Sosiolinguistik menjelaskan bagaimana menggunakan bahasa itu dalam aspek atau segi

sosial tertentu, seperti dirumuskan Fishman (1965) bahwa yang dipersoalkan dalam

sosiolinguistik adalah, “who speak, what language, to whom, when, and to what end”.

Menurut Chaer dan Agustina (dalam Sari P. J., 2015), bahasa merupakan alat komunikasi

verbal manusia. Dalam penggunaannya, sosiolinguistik ini memberikan pengetahuan

bagaimana menggunakan bahasa di dalam masyarakat. Sebagai manusia, sosiolinguistik ini

memberikan pengetahuan tentang bagaimana kita dapat menempatkan diri dalam

penggunaan bahasa ketika berada pada masyarakat tertentu, dan sosiolinguistik pun

memberikan deskripsi variasi bahasa dalam kaitannya dengan pengguna maupun

kegunaannya, selain itu sosiolinguistik mengkaji fenomena dan gejala bahasa yang ada di

dalam masyarakat melalui kaca mata sosiolinguistik.

2. Code Switching

2.1 Pengertian Code Switching

Code switching merupakan fenomena yang sering terjadi dalam komunikasi atau

penggunaan bahasa. Hal tersebut juga dialami oleh seseorang yang sedang belajar bahasa.

Secara umum, code switching terjadi dikarenakan kurangnya kemampuan peserta didik

dalam penguasaan bahasa yang dipelajari. Hal ini senada dengan Brown (2007) yang

mengatakan bahwa code switching adalah sebuah tindakan memasukkan kata, prase, atau

bagian dalam percakapan yang lebih panjang ke dalam bahasa yang lain (Sahrawi dkk,

2019). Alih kode adalah peralihan penggunaan kode satu bahasa ke kode bahasa yang

lainnya. Apabila seseorang mula-mula menggunakan kode bahasa A, misalnya bahasa

Indonesia, kemudian beralih menggunakan kode bahasa B, misalnya bahasa Inggris, maka

peralihan pemakaian seperti itu disebut alih kode (code-switching). Alih kode juga terjadi

ketika seseorang menghubungkan atau memasukkan bahasa keduanya ke dalam tuturan

bahasa pertamanya namun masing-masing klausa dari kedua bahasa tersebut tetap

mendukung fungsi bahasanya sendiri-sendiri (Myres-Scotto, dalam Piantari dkk, 2011).

2.2 Type of Code Switching

The researcher uses the theory of code switching as stated by Hoffman (1991) & Romaine

in Anggraeni (2021) there are three types of code switching, they are:

1. Intra-Sentential Code Switching

Further supported by Hoffman (1991), that it is the switch that occurs within

sentence. It is often occurated when someone uses one language and suddenly

switches into another language in a sentence. As stated by Hoffman (1991) that

“Intra-sentential is the switch that occurs within sentence. It is often occurred when

someone uses one language and suddenly switches into another language in a

sentence”. For example: A: Dari jam sepuluh empat lima tekan jam sewelas

seprapat kan? (From ten forty-five to eleven fifteen, isn’t it?) Sudarsono in

Anggraeni (2021). This intra-sentential code switching happens within sentence,

clause, word boundaries, or phrase. This switching concerns on language alternation

that occurs within a sentence or a clause boundary. Moreover, sometimes it includes

mixing within word boundaries.

2. Inter-Sentential Code Switching

Appel and Muysken in Anggraeni (2021) stated that “Inter-sentential codes

switching is the switch involving movement from one language to other between

sentences’’. This situation may also include a switch from a whole sentence or more

than one sentence produced entirely in one language to other language.

Intersentential switching may serve to emphasize a point made in the other

languages in conversation. The following examples show inter-sentential code

switching from one language to another language: “Ini lagu lama, tahun 60an. It’s

oldies but goodies, they said. Tapi, masih enak kok didengerin”. It shows

Indonesian bilingual switches from Indonesian to English. Further supported by

Hoffman (1991), “Inter-sentential switching is the switch from one language into

another language which occurs between sentences or speech acts”. It can be

occurred at a clause or sentence level where each clause or sentence in different


3. Tag Switching

Tag switching involves the insertion of a tag from one language into an utterance

which is otherwise entirely in other language. Tags used easily inserted in speech at

a number of point in monolingual utterance without break syntactic rules (Romaine

in Anggraeni, 2021). For example: A finnish bilingual switchaeches from finnish to

English, for example: Mutta en mǝ viittinyt, no way! An Indonesian bilingual

switches from English to Indonesian, for example; It’s okay, no problem, ya nggak?

2.3 Possible reason of code switching

In this research, the researcher applies the theory of Hoffman to answer research

question about the possible reason Cinta Laura Kiehl use code switching in her video-based

Hoffman theories. According to Hoffman (1991):

a) Talking about particular topic

is people sometimes prefer to talk about certain topics. sometimes people feel more

comfortable when they can express their emotional feelings. This kind of code-

switching occurs in continue the previous speech speaker, like when one Indonesian

the speaker speaks in English and then another speaker tries to answer in English also.

b) Being Emphatic about something

This reasoning is used to clarify something or emphasize something. it is either

intentionally or unintentionally, will switch from his second language to his first

language. Or, on the other hand, he switches from his second language to his first

language because he feels more convenient to be emphatic in his second language

rather that in his first language.

c) Interjection

is words or expressions, which are inserted into a sentence to convey surprise,

strong emotion, or to gain attention. Interjection is a short exclamation like: Darn!

Hey!, Well!, Look! Oh my god, etc. Example: “Oh my god! itu seriusan”

d) Repetition used for clarification

Hoffman (1991) said that when a bilingual wants to clarify his/her speech so that it

will be understood more by the listener, he/she can sometimes use both of the language

that he masters saying the same utterance (the utterance is said repeatedly).

e) Intention of clarifying the speech content for interlocutor

is when bilingual or multilingual person talks to another bilingual/multilingual,

there will be lots of code switching and code mixing occurs. It means to make the

content of his speech runs smoothly and can be understood by the listener. A message

in one code is repeated in the other code in somewhat modified form.

f) Expressing group identity

is used to show someone's identity, talk profile. The way of communication of

academic people in their disciplinary groupings, are obviously different from the other

groups. In other words, the way of communication of one community is different from

the people who are out of the community.

Di dalam jurnal Eldin (2014), dia membahas mengenai alasan mengapa seseorang

melakukan code switching, yaitu:

a. To Show Solidarity

Janet Holmes mentions in her book Introduction to Sociolinguistics that, ‘a speaker

may. . . switch to another language as a signal of group membership and shared

ethnicity within an addressee’ (Holmes, 2000). Code-switching can be used to

express solidarity between people from different or the same ethnic groups.

b. To Reflect Social Status

Sometimes, speakers tend to use different languages to imply a certain social status

or to distinguish themselves from other social classes. Other reasons that have been

found to motivate CS are to sound elitist or classy. Professor Peter Auer says in his

book Code Switching in Conversation: Language, Interaction and Identity that

‘Code-switching carries a hidden prestige which is made explicit by attitudes’

(Auer, 2002). Also, Dr Hayat Al Khatib says in a research she conducted that

speakers may use code-switching ‘to show power over the less powerful’ (Al-

Khatib, 2003). Thus, I can now connect switching codes as a way to reflect one’s

social class. A speaker who can code-switch implies that he is a well educated

person who is competent in two languages or even more. Thus, code-switching can

be looked upon as a way to distinguish oneself. Yasir Suleiman says that, ‘the

phenomenon of CS is very common and is looked upon as something prestigious

and a sign of education and competence in more than one language’ (Suleiman,


c. Topic

Topic, on another hand, seems to be another important reason that leads a bilingual

speaker to code-switch. Janet Holmes says on the issue of code-switching according

to the topic when she says, ‘people may switch code within a speech event to

discuss a particular topic’ (Holmes, 2000). Thus, speakers may tend to use more

than one language within one same utterance according to the topic. In many

situations, a bilingual may tend to talk about one certain topic in a language rather
than another. Another good example can be one from the Lebanese society.

Discussing emotional and sexual topics in the Lebanese community is ‘easier’ when

it is discussed in a language that is different than the native Arabic language of the

society. ‘Taboo words and topics are often codes-witched so as to avoid to be

expressed in the speaker’s native language’ (Leung, 2006). Speakers in the

Lebanese society tend to discuss sexual topics and emotional topics in English or

French since it will make them more comfortable to discuss those issues which have

always been labelled as ‘taboos’ in a language different than their community’s one.

In a study by Khalid M. Abalhassan from the University of Indiana and Hamdan G.

Al Shalawi from Arizona State University, they collected data from twelve bilingual

Arabic speaking students in order to answer ‘ ‘why did you code-switch to English

language’?’. Although the answers were different in the result, one of the twelve

students replies, which grabbed my attention, was because ‘I can’t say taboo words

in Arabic’ (Abalhassan & Al Shalawi, 2000).

d. Affection

Code-switching can be used by speakers to express certain feelings and attitudes.

Speakers may switch codes to express happiness, excitement, anger, sadness, and

many other feelings. Why do People Code-switch? Janet Holmes says, ‘A language

switch . . . is often used to express disapproval. So a person may code switch

because they are angry. Dr. Hayat Al-Khatib gives an example in the same research

mentioned above about code-switching to express feelings. ‘After asking nicely for
a piece of paper from her brother’s pad, to not avail, A attempts to snatch a paper

from his jotting pad “did I say ey did I say ey? When I say ey it means ey, when I

say la’ it means la’)’ (Al-Khatib, 2003). In the example provided by Al-Khatib, the

speaker uses more than one language to express anger and dissatisfaction. Janet

Holmes also gives another good example about code-switching to express affection.

‘In the town of Oberwart two little Hungarian-speaking children were playing in the

woodshed and knocked over a carefully stacked pile of firewood. Their grandfather

walked in and said in Hungarian.

e. To Persuade Audience

Janet Holmes defines the term metaphorical switching as, ‘code-switching for

rhetorical reasons’ (Holmes, 2000). Code-switching is often used in speech and

rhetoric, on purpose in order to either attract attention and to persuade an audience.

Adina Nerghes comments on the effect of code-switching in persuasion and its

ability to grab the attention of the audience by saying, ‘code-switching will draw the

participant’s attention and will enhance their motivation to carefully scrutinize the

message presented’ (Nerghes, 2011).When a speaker uses code switching in

persuasion and rhetoric, they will be more capable of reaching their goal and in

persuading their audience since as I have mentioned, code-switching grabs

attention, and reflects a certain socioeconomic identity which can give the speaker

more credibility and reliability. As Nerghes concludes in her study, she says that ‘It
is concluded that code-switching is an effective strategy that leads to systematic

processing of information especially when associated with strong arguments’

(Nerghes, 2011).


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