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Ujian Tulis – terdiri dari 100 soal MCQ (mirip sama ujian yang periode sebelumnya)
Ujian Interview – 4 ruangan @30mins

Ruang 1

1. Introduction + motivasi
2. Plan setelah lulus?
3. Team PMR & jelasin masing2 tugasnya
4. Kasus yang paling banyak ditemui saat kerja
5. OA : definisi, jenis2, bagaimana mendx OA
6. Edukasi apa yang kamu berikan pada px OA
7. Muscle pada knee >> muscle flexi dan extensi apa aja, innvervasi
8. Sebutkan anatomi lutut

Ruang 2

1. Introduction + motivasi
2. Plan setelah lulus?
3. Team PMR & jelasin masing2 tugasnya
4. Kasus yang paling banyak ditemui saat kerja
5. ICF & sebutkan ICF pada px stroke
6. Sebutkan peran tim PMR pada px stroke
7. Bedanya spesialis rehab medic dan saraf apa pada px stroke
8. Apa yang kamu lakukan saat magang
9. Kasus apa aja yang ditemui saat magang
10. OA : definisi, patof, ICF, peran tim PMR, grading, edukasi, anatomi lutut, fungsi patella
11. Stroke : definisi, jenis, risk factor, vaskularisasi otak, cranial nerve (pemeriksaan, mana yang pure
motoric dan mixed), edukasi pada px stroke, apakah rehab pada px hemmor and non hemmor
beda? Bedanya apa?
12. CP : definisi, jenis cp apa aja, paling banyak jenis apa
13. Dikasih contoh soal > anak usia 8 tahun kejang ternyata encephalitis. Termasuk cp ga itu?

Ruang 3

1. Introduction + motivasi
2. Plan setelah lulus apa
3. Team PMR & jelasin masing2 tugasnya
4. Pembiayaan ppds nanti, kenapa ga langsung sekolah
5. Pertanyaan saat magang ngapain aja plus kasusnya apa aja yang banyak
6. Kasus yang paling banyak ditemui saat kerja
7. Covid19 jelaskan (aku jelasin definisi, patfis, jenis2, management rehab mulai acute-sub acute-
maintenance ngapain aja)
8. Long covid
9. Afasia itu apa? Jenisnya ada apa aja?
10. OA : patfis, grading OA, edukasi, ICF
11. Pertanyaan tentang journal yang dibuat
12. Sebutkan joint pada shoulder (disuruh nunjukkin di tengkorak yang ada di ruangan letaknya
dimana aja)
13. Fungsi shoulder joint (disuruh meragain plus nyebutin ototnya apa aja) > maksudnya flexi extensi
14. Sebutin posisi saat berdiri terus nyebutin ototnya dari atas sampe bawah (sambil meragain)

Ruang 4

1. Introduction + motivasi
2. Plan setelah lulus apa
3. Team PMR & jelasin masing2 tugasnya
4. Kasus yang paling banyak ditemui saat kerja
5. Dikasi kasus fraktur humerus 1/3 medial : apa yang dilakukan? (aku jelasinnya as a GP)
6. Fraktur aga dan agb apa beda? Imobilisasinya brp lama?
7. Komplikasi fraktur apa aja? Kalau humerus komplikasinya apa?
8. Pada wrist drop muscle yang terlibat apa aja
9. Permasalahan pada geriatric
10. Apa itu geriatric? Kalo ga salah ditanyain bedanya apa sama lansia (ato apa ya lupa aku)?
11. Apa edukasi yang km berikan as a GP pada px geriatric
12. Apa itu osteoporosis? Resiko pada px osteo apa?
13. Gimana kok bs terjadi osteo? Edukasi yang km berikan as a GP apa?
14. Komplikasi terbesar pada px geriatri? >> aku jawabnya prolong imobilisasi, apa aja komplikasi
prolong imobil?
15. Dikasih kasus intinya fraktur kompresi gt jawabannya > berarti yang kena mananya?
16. Kalau pada HNP yang terkena apa? Annulus fibrosus letaknya dimana?

1. Introduction & Plan

2. Motivasi? Arahin ke OA tapi malah di tanyakan plexus brachialis, jelasin dari root trunk sampai
nervus (c5-t1) + innervasi musculus apa aja?
3. CTS
4. LBP
5. Gerakan shoulder + musculus
6. Frozen shoulder
7. Polio (pas bel sudah bunyi)


1. Introduction
2. Di kasih kasus pediatri : BP (jelasin penanganan sebagai dokter umum smpe rehabnya)
3. Defisini PMR dan team
4. Lainnya ttg gerakan shoulder, elbow, knee + musculus + innervasi
5. Struktur knee ada apa aja? (Kl jawab meniskus sm ligamen apa fx untuk?)
6. Fx hamstring? Kenapa bs 2 action?


1. OA
2. Stroke
3. ICF dan terapkan ke kasus seorang pria muda kerjanya atlet gimana
4. Pmr definisi dan team


1. Covid
2. Trauma pada knee —> fraktur (setting di igd sampai ke rehab gimana)
3. Zoom : coba pegang wajah, itu sensori CN apa? (Trigeminal), trus kalau facialis dimana? Di kasih
kasus arahnya ke GBS, apa nama lainnya?
Room 1

1. Cerita ttg diri (nama keluarga, pekerjaan, motivasi, rencana setelah studi dll)
2. Kasus rehab paling sering di tempat bekerja
3. Kasus close fraktur femur (penanganan sbg dokter umum, sampai berapa lama maksimal
4. Di suruh jinjit otot apa yang berkontraksi
5. Stroke, kehilangan kemampuan sensoris pada hemisfer kanan atau kiri
6. Khasnya kalau lesi pada hemisfer kiri?
7. Di suruh posisi lengan seperti istirahat ditempat,
8. Sebutkan nama pergerakan sendinya dan otot yang terlibat, inervasinya

Room 2

1. Perkenalan, motivasi, pekerjaan, dll

2. Kasus diabetic foot, apa yang harus dilakukan dan diperhatikan dokter umum pada pasien diabetic
3. Definisi stroke, vaskularisasi cerebri

Room 3

1. Perkenalan diri, dll

2. Jika blm ada tim rehab dan fasilitas tim rehab apa yg km lkukan di tmpat balik nanti,
3. Kasus OA,
4. Anatomi genu,
5. Saat angkat kaki 1, apa yang kontraksi,
6. Quadricep komponen apa
7. Hamstring komponen apa
8. Yang inervasi apa
9. Gimana bedakan yang kontraksi gastroknemius atau soleus

Room 4

1. Aplikasikan bels Palsy ke icf jika dia artis

2. Definisi PMR
3. Kasus stroke vaskularisasi otak
4. Di suruh gerakan, ototnya apa persarafan apa
5. Afasia apa aja jenisnya
6. Apa yg sbg dokter umum perhatikan dari pasien stroke,
7. Ambulask pasien stroke?
dr Bayu Sp.KFR

1. Tell about yourself

2. Why choose Unair?
3. Kasus SCI , definition
4. Spinal cord consist of
5. PNS consist of, ANS sympatis ,jarasnya dari mana
6. Sensoris examination apa aja

dr yang seruangan dengan dr Bayu Sp.Kfr

1. Motivation to choose PMR, funding

2. Standing, what muscles and innervation
3. Flexion , extension shoulder what muscles
4. If position “istirahat ditempat” what muscles
5. Jump, what muscle
6. Definition CTS
7. Median nerve innervate what muscles
8. What is Tardiv Ulnar Nerve palsy, symptom, and innervate what musle,
9. Ulnar nerve at “forearm”, innervate what muscle
10. Rehabilitation team
11. Diff facial nerve palsy UMN and LMN
12. Bells Palsy defeniton, and etiology

dr. Ratna Sp.KFR dan dokter yang seruangan.

1. Tell about yourself

2. the relation with PMR in Covid disease, long covid effect , how we do as PMR Doc
3. definition PMR and Team Rehabilitation
4. Tell me about LBP, def, etiology,
5. Differentiation spondylosis, spondilolistesis, spondilolitis
6. In Stroke, if patient have Left hempiglegic, what cortex defect is? What other symptom we can
7. tell all the examination about it.
8. What your plan after graduate from PMR
9. If your contract with one of hospital once you back already have PMR Doct, what will you do?
10. If patient with Kifosis, why it happen?

dr. disebelah ruangan dr Bayu Sp.KFR

1. PMR def, team rehabilitation
2. ICF def
3. Why choose PMR
4. OA def, Knee Structure
5. Rotator Cuff , show the muscle and movement
6. Diff between Pmr doc with Fisioterapi
7. Dif okupasion therapi and fisioterapi
8. Def stroke, Classification
9. Circle of willis
10. ICF Stroke
11. Def Low Back Pain
12. Tell about body posture ,bone and muscle.

Dokter yang diruangan paling ujung

1. Tell about yourself

2. Why PMR, UNAIR?
3. ICF def
4. Rehab team and explain roll of them.
5. OA def, etiology ,pathopshiolgy
6. Knee structure
7. Flex shoulder what muscles and innervation
8. Abduction shoulder what muscle
9. Stroke Def
10. Type of stroke and What Stroke that have better outcome? Explain
11. Diff facial palsy UMN and LMN Type
12. Bells Palsy Def and etiology
yg gw binun cm pas dr andri nanya itu ky

1. gw sbg dokter telemedicine, kan ada sebutin kasus LBP nah ditanyain gmn penegakan diagnosis LBP

2. shoulder pain maren kl ada pasien datang gmn apa yg ditanyain dan diperiksa? jgn lupa pemeriksaan
radiologinya jgn lgsg sebut rujuk

3. treatment stroke hemoragik ma non hemoragik sbg KFR gmn apa yg membedakan?

sisanya anatomi dasar gt :

ky gerakan berdiri, jinjit, tangan garuk punggung gmn mekanismenya?

Kasus yg dibawakan ky CP ditanya persis ky maren, definisi, kategori, klasifikasi apa aja?

bels plasy definisi, bedanya central ma perifer?

ma dr ratna dikasi kasus gt suruh tebak dxnya apa? aku dptnya stroke ma CP

1. Dr alit: menanyakan kasus anda apa, kebetulan cerita soal OA, disuruh menjabarkan (ditanya
definisi, klinis (hapalin aja tentiran kakak kelas hampir semua keluar)) (sempat ditanya origo
insersi inervasinya quadricep)
2. Dr lukitra: menanyakan hal standart seputar pengalaman kerja, menanyakan anatomi (nervus
facialis fungsinya untuk sensori organ apa?, nervus cranialis ada apa saja, sebutkan, nervus
trigeminus fungsinya apa saja,) , peragakan Tip Toe, gerakan tip toe melibatkan otot apa,
inervasinya apa
3. Dr dewi : jelaskan CP, ICF CP, sedikit dibahas soal respirasi IKFR, (apa itu chest fisio)
4. Dr rwahita: ditanya seputar Lutut (karena kebetulan bilang kasus saya OA) ditanya ligamen, ada
apa saja ligamen di lutut, apa fungsi ligamen, otot di area genu ada apa saja, kinesiologi otot
quadricep dan hamstring, inervasinya otot nya apa saja, (secara umum ditanya seputar anatomi
otot area Genu)
5. Dr noor ida: ditanya seputar stroke(secara umum mulai dari definisi sampai ke rehabilitasi stroke)
6. Dr nuri : ditanya seputar kehidupan, pengalaman, introducing yourself
7. Dr bayu: ditanya berapa jenis sistem saraf, contoh 2 nya, mana yang pure sensorik, motoric, dan
kombinasi keduanya, contoh otot di inervasinya.
8. Dr Mei wulan: ditanya soal PBI dan Bells palsy
9. Dr meissy: peragakan gerakan lompat apa yang terlibat, peragakan gerajakn di shoulder joint, hip
joint, apa otot terlibat
10. Dr andriati: perkenalkan diri anda, apa itu rehabilitasi respirasi (ditanya sedikit mendalam seputar
ini), ditanya soal stroke
11. Dr nuniek: peragakan tip toe, otot apa terlibat
12. Dr Ratna: otot apa terlibat saat fleksi jari, otot apa yang terlibat saat jari mencengkeram, apa yang
terjadi pada otot ketika kontraksi, ditanya seputar neuro plastisitas, ditanya seputar rotator cuff
Room 3 (dr Ratna, dkk)
1. Motivasi menjadi KFR
2. Kenapa tidak jadi dr SpOT saja
3. Tamat KFR mau balik kemana
4. Pernah lihat kasus benjolan di tulang belakang pada anak2?pass
5. Kasus ciders lutut saat bermain bola, sbg GP apa yg bisa kamu lakukan
6. Silakan berdiri, lakukan gerakan Shoulder Abduction, Sebutkan Otot yg terlibat
7. Klo saya kehilangan sensasi di area wajah, nervus apa yg terganggu?
8. Pada gerakan menggenggam dg jari, otot2 apa saja yg terlibat
9. Sebutkan kasus yg km temui selama bekerja/magang, OA CTS BELLS PALSY (definisi)
10. CTS, apa yg diharapkan dari Phallen Test, kapan dikatakan positif?

Room 4 (dr Alit Pawana, dkk)

1. Apa motivasimu menjadi KFR
2. Setelah tamat balik mau kemana
3. Anak dan Istri dimana selama sekolah
4. Jelaskan tentang fisiatris
5. Apa saja anggota tim Rehab dan perannya masing2
6. Apa itu ICF?Body Function dan Body Structure apakah sama?
7. Kasi contoh kasus dg ICF
8. Jelaskan struktur anatomi Knee Joint
9. Apa fungsi Pattela
10. Sebutkan otot yg telibat dalam Knee Extension, Knee Flexion, Hip Fleksion, Hip Extension
11. Jelaskan ttg OA dan mekanisme terjadinya
12. Semisal cedera saat bermain futsal, mungkin kah terjadi OA?

Room 1 (dr.Meissy, dr Lidya, dr Mei, dr Bayu)

1. Apa hubungan Airlangga dan Udayana
2. Sebutkan komponen peripheral nerve system, apa fungsinya
3. Apa motivasi mendaftar KFR, tamat mau balik kemana
4. Sebutkan otot yg terlibat saat plantar fleksi
5. Sebutkan otot yg telibat saat Dorsofleksi, saraf apa yg terkena, sebutkan kasus yg mungkin
menyebabkan Drop Foot
6. Apa itu AFO (ankle foot orthosis)
7. Hip joint termasuk tipe joint apa?sebutkan yg setipe, apa beda Hip Joint dan Shoulder Joint
8. Jelaskan Anatomi Shoulder Joint
10. Beda Orthosis vs Prostesis
11. Apa itu Sprain vs Strain
12. Jelaskan ttg OA

Room 2 (sy tidak ingat persis pengujinya)

1. Perkenalan dan motivasi diri
2. Jelaskan dan peragakan semua gerakan Shoulder Joint
3. Semisal ada nyeri di telapak tangan, jelaskan perjalanan nervusnya sampai dipersepsi nyeri
4. Jelaskan ttg Tim Rehab
5. dikasi kasus Stroke, dari tim rehab, siapa yg bertugas melatih otot, siap yg mengajari memakai baju
6. Sebutkan semua divisi IKFR
7. ttg Bells Palsy, apa faktor poor prognosisnya?mana lebih bagus Hyperlacrimation vs Dry Eye
8. Apa itu CP, apakah umur 10 tahun bisa didiagnosis CP?Apa klasifikasi fungsional utk Anak CP

Secara Umum di Semua Station

1. Perkenalan diri
2. Motivasi Mendaftar
Station 1

a. Pertanyaan Umum : Perkenalan diri, kenapa memilih PMR, kenapa unair, biaya sekolah, apa
rencana setelah lulus sekolah.
b. Pertanyaan Khusus :
1. Apa itu PMR? Tim PMR terdiri dari?
2. Apa itu stroke? Vaskularisasi otak? Gejala yang timbul dari stroke? Kapan kita akan
menghubungi TIM PMR?
3. Genu joint terdiri dari?

Station 2

a. Pertanyaan Umum : Perkenalan diri, kenapa memilih PMR, kenapa unair, biaya sekolah, apa
rencana setelah lulus sekolah.
b. Pertanyaan Khusus :
1. Otot yang berfungsi saat kaki menjinjit?
2. Cara asessement Peripheral Nerve?
3. Apa itu stroke ? jenis – jenis stroke ?
4. Apa itu cts? Bagaimana terjadinya cts? Nerve apa yg terkena? Otot apa saja yang dipersarafi
oleh medial nerve and ulnar nerve?

Station 3

a. Pertanyaan Umum : Perkenalan diri, kenapa memilih PMR, kenapa unair, biaya sekolah, apa
rencana setelah lulus sekolah.
b. Pertanyaan Khusus :
1. Apa itu MMT?
2. Apa penyakit yang menyebabkan kelumpuhan kedua kaki pada anak yang sebelumnya
didahului demam?
3. Penyakit apa yang timbul pada lansia yang terjatuh? Bagaimana penanganannya? Saraf apa
yang terkena?
4. Otot apa yang berfungsi ketika tangan diangkat lurus keatas? Tangan lurus ke depan ?
tangan lurus ke bawah dan bahu digerakkan ke arah depan?
5. Otot ketika hip flexion, knee flexion?
6. Apa fungsi PMR pada pasien covid?

Station 4

a. Pertanyaan Umum : Perkenalan diri, kenapa memilih PMR, kenapa unair, biaya sekolah, apa
rencana setelah lulus sekolah.
b. Pertanyaan Khusus :
1. Apa hobbi mu? Jika futsal, apa itu OA? Apa yang terjadi pada pasien OA? Apa faktor resiko
OA? Genu joint terdiri dari ?
2. Otot yang berfungsi ketika angkat barbel beserta origo insersionya? Otot yang berfungsi
saat tangan pronasi dan supinasi disertai origo dan insersi?
3. Di rs tmpt kmu bekerja apa yang kamu lakukan jika belum ada tim PMR dan saran
prasarannya? (membuat networking atau referred to other facility)
Ruang 1
1. Perkenalan
2. Motivasi
3. Riw pekerjaan
4. Job desc pekerjaan saat ini
5. Kasus tersering
6. OA (definisi, patifisiologi, faktor risiko)
7. Struktur knee joint
8. Otot2 knee
9. Disuruh jinjit, otot apa
10. Cara bedain gastroc dan soleus
11. Komponen shoulder joint
12. Gerakan2 shoulder joint

Ruang 2
1. Perkenalan
2. Motivasi
3. Riw pekerjaan
4. Job desc pekerjaan saat ini
5. Kasus tersering
6. Paper yang kita punya (jelasin isinya)
7. Jelaskan chest fisioterapi
8. Otot2 inspirasi ekspirasi
9. Jelaskan ttg CP (definisi, ICF)
10. Jelaskan pain pathway
11. Apa itu motor humonculus, jelaskan contohnya

Ruang 3
1. Perkenalan
2. Motivasi
3. Riw pekerjaan
4. Job desc pekerjaan saat ini
5. Kasus tersering
6. Fraktur (definisi, patifisiologi, faktor risiko)
7. Kalau fraktur di humerus, struktur apa yg rentan, gimana efeknya
8. Kalau kena Radial nerve, apa yg harus dihindari

Ruang 4
1. Perkenalan
2. Motivasi
3. Riw pekerjaan
4. Job desc pekerjaan saat ini
5. Kasus tersering
6. Serabut saraf perifer apa saja
7. Cranial nerve yg pure motorik, pure sensorik, beserta contoh2nya
8. Brachial plexus palsy apa aja, jelaskan masing2 (definisi, manifestasi klinis)
9. ICF Bells palsy
10. Sebutkan gerakan saat lompat
Pos 1 [dr. Nuniek, dr. Ratna, dr.Andriati]
dr. Nuniek:
 Perkenalan diri
 Kenapa pilih IKFR UNAIR? Kenapa tidak ambil di fakultas asal [UI]
 Motivasi pilih IKFR?
 Dulu waktu S2 di University of Sydney ambil jurusan apa dan bagaimana hubungannya dengan
Ilmu IKFR?
dr. Ratna
 Apa menurut kamu hal yang saat ini sedang berkembang di bidang neuro-rehab [Saya jawabnya
tentang all about neuroplasticity dan bagaimana saat ini rehab intervensi ilmunya sangat
 Jelaskan yang kamu tahu mengenai Cerebral Palsy terutama peran rehab medikk
 Jika nanti lulus ingin lebih fokus di research or klinisi?
dr. Andriati
 Kasus yang ditemui saat kerja di RS/ Internship? Jelaskan apa yang bisa dilakukan dari aspek
rehab (Membahas tentang TB/HIV – Spondilitis TB, Wasting Syndrome, Meningitis TB/HIV) dan
bagaimana peran IKFR dalam penyakit tersebut
 Apakah sudah pernah ada publikasi di bidang IKFR

Pos 2 [dr. Bayu, dr. Meisy, dr. Mei Wulan, dr. Lidya]
dr. Bayu
 Perkenalan diri [Setelah itu beliau tidak ada pertanyaan lanjutan]
dr. Meisy
 Alasan memilih IKFR UNAIR
 Pertanyaan ttg keluarga [background orangtua, sudah menikah/blm]
 Sebutkan otot-otot Rotator cuff
 Sebutkan nama divisi-divisi di IKFR [Ada 6 divisi: Kardiorespi, Neuromuskular, Muskuloskeletal,
Pediatri, Geriatri, Sport Rehabilitation]
 Jika bisa memilih, divisi apakah yang kira-kira anda minati?
 Sebutkan kasus-kasus yang ditemui sewaktu bekerja di Rumah Sakit
Dr. Mei Wulan
 Disuruh berdiri, angkat satu kaki dan sebutkan otot-otot yang bekerja
 Disuruh melakukan Gerakan hip flexion, knee extension, hip extension, hip abduction, dan
menyebutkan otot-otot yang terlibat
Dr. Lidya
 Waktu Saya tidak banyak bertanya, hanya menambahkan dari pertanyaan-pertanyaan

Pos 3 [dr. Indrayuni, dr. I Putu Alit, dr. Noor Idha]

Dr. I Putu Alit
 Perkenalan diri
 Alasan Pilih IKFR UNAIR
 Sebutkan jenis-jenic cidera dalam berlari dan oto yang terlibat
 Sebutkan otot dan struktur dari Lutut
Dr. Indrayuni
 Perkenalan diri
 Alasan memilih di UNAIR
 Apakah ada rekomendasi balik ke daerah asal
 Sebutkan penyakit yang sering ditemui di RS tempat bekerja
 Apa yang kamu ketahui tentang Spondilitis TB dan hubungannya dengan IKFR

Dr. Noor Idha

 Pilih kasus yang banyak ditemui dan jelaskan dari aspek rehab [TB Spine, OA, HIV)
 Jenis-jenis teknik untuk chest therapi [Teknik mobilisasi sekret, Teknik batuk, dkk]

Pos 4 [dr. Rwahita dan 2 dokter lagi Saya lupa]

Dr. Rwahita
 Perkenalan diri
 Jelaskan tentang LBP [Jenis-jenis LBP, diagnosis, terapi
 Jelaskan ttg prinsip IKFR [ICF Concept – Start from body function/structure, activity,
 Jelaskan otot-otot di lower body trunk
 Berapa jumlah vertebra bones and spine nerves di tubuh manusia
 Pilih satu kasus yang sering kamu temui di RS dan jelaskan
Room 1:
Introduce your self
Why did you choose PMR
What is the different between PMR and other specialist
What is ICF?
Can you explain about ICF and the example ICF diagnosis?

Room II
Introduce your self
Why did you choose PMR
What is the different between PMR and other specialist
What is ICF?
Can you explain about ICF and the example ICF diagnosis?

Room III
dr. Bayu ask about CNS and PNS
Asking about gait
What muscle that youuse when you walk
Ask about kusta, what nerve and muscle that involve
Ask about stroke, the definition and the ICF
Why don’t you choose UI or Unpad?

Room IV
Introduce your self
Ask about gait and walking
Ask about rotator cuff muscle
Ask about Stroke the definition and the ICF Diagnosis
Room 1
1. Perkenalan diri, keluarga
2. Motivasi masuk Unair
3. Pengalaman Kerja
4 . Kasus terbanyak saat kerja dijelaskan penanganan rehabnya
5. Otot ekstrimitas atas dan bawah serta gerakannya
6. Filosofi rehab medik
7. Osteoarthritis vs Rheumatoid Arthritis
8. Pembagian Nervous System. Apa saja yang termasuk Peripheral Nervous System
9. Pembiayaan selama kuliah

Room 2
1. Perkenalan
2. Tim rehab medis
3. Prostesis vs Orthosis
4. Jenis stroke
5. Kapan pasien stroke boleh berjalan
6. ICF pada CP
7. Lesi pada otak usia berapa yang masih termasuk CP

Room 3
1. Introduksi
2. Pengalaman kerja dan Motivasi masuk rehab
3. Kasus terbanyak saat kerja, jelaskan penanganan rehabnya
4. Motivasi masuk Unair
5. Jika ditempatkan di luar pulau Jawa apakah bersedia, bagaimana keluarga
6. Otot otot saat lompat dan jinjit
7. Pasien dengan paralysis wajah dan nyeri telinga DDnya apa saja

Room 4
1. Perkenalan diri
2. Motivasi masuk Unair
3. Motivasi masuk rehab
4. Pengalaman kerja
5. Kasus terbanyak saat kerja
6. Osteoarthritis ICFnya
7. Jelaskan tentang struktur Knee Joint
8. Rencana setelah lulus
9. Jika belum ada fisioterapis bagaimana
10. Apakah sudah ada MoU dengan RS tempat kembali
11. Faktor resiko osteoarthritis
1. Which nerve is easily getting injured on humerus. Pilih salah satu :
a. Ulnaris.
b. Radialis.
c. Axillaris.
d. Medianus
e. Musculocutaneus.

2. The following is TRUE about femoral neck..

a. It is called coxa valga if the angle 90 degree.
b. The normal angle of inclination of the femoral neck to the shaft in the frontal plane is 140degree.
c. It is called coxa valga if the angle 150 degree.
d. The normal angle of inclination of the femoral neck to the shaft in the frontal plane is 125degree.
e. The normal angle of inclination of the femoral neck to the shaft in the frontal plane is 100Degree.

3. An adolescent patients with pain at the tibial tuberosity that is exacerbated with activities and direct
contact. That radiographic is irregularly and fragmentation of the tibial tuberosity. The diagnosis is:
a. Sinding – Larsen – Johansson disease.
b. Osgood – Schlater disease.
c. Compartment Syndrome.
d. Medial tibial stress Syndrome.
e. Tibial stress fracture.

4. A man 40 years old.had a motorcycle accident 3 months ago. On physical examination normal
sensation was found at the area of medial malleoli right and left.The MMT grades were foundon
the lower extremities : iliopsoas normal, quadriceps fair, tibialis anterior poor, extensor hallucis
longus trace and gastrocnemius zero. The sensory level in this cases would be..
a. L2
b. L1
c. L3.
d. T12.
e. L4.

5. The conduction pathway of human heart is:

a. Is usually due to SA node – internodal pathway – transitional fibers- AV node - penetratingfibers
- distal fibers – Bundle of His – right and left bundle branches – Purkinje fibers.
b. SA node – transitional fibers – AV node - penetrating fibers - distal fibers – Bundle of His –right and
left bundle branches – Purkinje fibers.
c. SA node – internodal pathway – AV node - penetrating fibers - distal fibers – Bundle of His
– right and left bundle branches – Purkinje fibers.
d. SA node – internodal pathway – transitional fibers -AV node - penetrating fibers - Bundle ofHis –
right and left bundle branches – Purkinje fibers.
e. SA node – internodal pathway – transitional fibers - penetrating fibers - distal fibers –Bundle
of His – right and left bundle branches – Purkinje fibers.

6. Which of following muscles is the lateral rotator of hip joint?

a. Tensor fasciae latae.
b. Gluteus minimus.
c. Gluteus medius.
d. Psoas major.
e. Piriformis.

7. You are evaluating a patient with nerve palsy. During evaluation, the patient reveals appositive
Froment’s sign. Which nerve is injured?
a. Median.
b. Radial.
c. Ulnar.
d. Brachioradialis.
e. Musculocutaneus

8. When a disk protrudes, it does so in the posterolaterally direction, because

a. The annulus is thicker posteriorly.
b. The posterolateral aspect is not covered by the longitudinal ligament.
c. The forces of weight bearing in upright position are more the posterior side of the verticalbody.
d. The longitudinal ligament supporting the spine is in a bending position.
e. The annulus is thicker anteriorly.

9. Which of the following is the most important lifestyle modification for prevention of osteoporosis?
a. Increasing the intake of alcohol.
b. Eating a diet high in protein and phosphorus.
c. Avoiding cigarette smoking and high intake of caffeine.
d. Minimizing the use of nonsteroidal anti inflammatory medications
e. Increasing intake of coffee.

10. The patient may complain of numbness, paresthesias or dysesthesias radiating to the first,
second, third and lateral fourth digits. Symptoms may be exacerbated during sleep and relieved
with wrist shaking. This condition found in :
a. Cubital Tunnel Syndrome.
b. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
c. Pronator Tunnel Syndrome.
d. Guyon Syndrome.
e. Axillaris Syndrome

11. Which of the following is characteristic of the radial nerve lesion?

a. Ape hand.
b. Wrist drop
c. Claw hand.
d. Intrinsic minus hand.
e. Intrinsic plus hand.

12 The following test is common test for cervical root syndrome..

a. Adson’s test
b. Spourling’s test.
c. Finkelstein’s test
d. Trendelenburg’s test.
e. Yergason’s test.

13. A male patient, 30 years old no history of regular sport activities comes with chief complaintof paint
on the right knee joint around the patellar tendon insertion after play football. This worstwhen he
runs or climbs the stairs. The most probable diagnosis is
a. Osgood schlatter disease.
b. Chondromalacia patella.
c. Ligament sprain.
d. Meniscal tear.
e. ACL tear.

14. Taste from posterior one third of tongue is provided by which of the following nerve:
a. Glossopharyngeal
b. Facial
c. Vagus.
d. Hypoglossal.
e. Trigeminal.

15. What nerve affected in shoulder dislocation:

a. Axillary nerve.
b. Radial nerve.
c. Musculocutaneous nerve
d. Supraspinatus nerve.
e. Deltoid nerve.

16. The sensory distribution of median nerve is:

a. Area of the carpal bone on the volar aspect of the hand.
b. Thumb, index finger and long finger.
c. Medial two digits of the hand.
d. Lateral 3 ½ digits of the hand.
e. Lateral 2 ½ digits of the hand.

17. Rotator cuff muscles…

a. Teres minor.
b. Teres mayor.
c. Pectoralis mayor.
d. Deltoid.
e. Triceps.

18. Special test to make exact ACL injury Diagnosis Except..

a. Distraction test.
b. Pivot shift test.
c. Drawer test.
d. Lachman test.
e. Mc murray test.

19. Cubital tunnel syndrome is an entrapment neuropathy of the following nerve :

a. Radial nerve.
b. Median nerve.
c. Axillary nerve.
d. Ulnar nerve.
e. Musculocutaneus nerve.

20. What most true cervical segments innervate the diaphragm muscle.
a. C 2-4
b. C 3-5
c. C 1-3
d. C 4-5
e. C 3-6.

21. Which of the following is not indicative of damage of the pyramidal tract
a. Spasticity.
b. Muscle Fasciculation.
c. Hyperreflexia
d. Babinski Sign
e. Clonus.

22. The Central Nervous System consist of :

a. The brain – 12 cranial nerve – Median nerve.
b. The brain – 12 cranial nerve – Ulnar nerve
c. The brain – Branchial plexus – Lumbosacral Plexus.
d. The brain – 12 cranial nerve – Spinal cord
e. The brain – 12 cranial nerve – Branchial plexus.

23. Which cranial nerve is involving in swallowing process


24. What muscle weakness causes difficulty in climbing stairs?

a. Quadriceps Muscle
b. Hamstring Muscle
c. Tibialis Muscle
d. Gastrocnemius Muscle
e. Vastus lateralis

25. Posture Muscle ?

a. Pectoralis Mayor
b. Deltoid Muscle
c. Masseter
d. Teres Mayor
e. Oblique

26. Gaenslen test is a test for evaluating:

a. SI joint

27. Autonomic Component of facial nerves innervate what structure?

a. Lacrimal Gland
b. Levator Palpebra Muscle
c. Orbicularis Oculi Muscle
d. Taste of 2/3 Anterior of tongue

28. Tic Douloureux?

a. Trochlear Nerve
b. Trigeminal Nerve
c. Facial Nerve
d. Hypoglossal Nerve
e. Facial Nerve

29. Aphasia is most likely to occur with what type of stroke :

a. Lacunar.
b. Right cortical hemisphere.
c. Left cortical hemisphere.
d. Bilateral occipital lobes.
e. Occipital lobes.

30. Saturday Night Palsy is suggestive of

a. Radial nerve lesion at the spinal groove.
b. Ulnar nerve entrapment at the wrist.
c. An Axillary nerve lesion.
d. A median nerve lesion in the upper arm.
e. Musculocutaneous nerve lesion in the mid arm.

31. When the patient falls on the dorsi flexi hand and breaking the radius transversely just abovethe
a. Monteggia fracture.
b. Galeazzi fracture.
c. Colles fracture.
d. Barton’s fracture.
e. Smith fracture

32. Insertion of gastrocnemius muscle on :

a. Tibial side.
b. Femur side.
c. Fibular side.
d. Tibial and femur side.
e. Hip joint.

33. Communication is very important is human and takes many forms especially in children.The
appropriate skills of communication in child's 2 year old:
a. A look
b. A gesture
c. The first word
d. Two word phrases.
e. Sentence.

34. The muscle that function as shoulder abduction :

a. Teres mayor.
b. Infraspinatus.
c. Subscapularis.
d. Supraspinatus
e. Deltoid.

35. The most frequent fracture in geriatric patient due to fall is :

a. Femoral shaft.
b. Femoral neck.
c. Radioulnar shaft.
d. Proximal radioulnar.
e. Supracondylar fracture.

36. How long the duration estimated for 1 cycle of bone remodeling process?
a. 3 weeks.
b. 4 weeks.
c. 3 months.
d. 4 months
e. 6 months.

37. Which muscle is weak in waddling gait?

38. Man,48 years old, taxi driver, suddenly cannot speak, He’s taking to emergency room.Whatshould the
doctor do?
a. CT scan and Hospitalized the patient.
b. Anamnese – Physical Examination- Simple laboratory – CT Scan if necessary.
c. Anamnese – Physical Examination- CT Scan.
d. Refer to Neurologist doctor.
e. Anamnese – Physical Examination.

39. The segment of human spinal cord :

a. 8 cervical part, 12 Thoracal part, 5 lumbar part, 5 sacral part and 1 coccygeus part.
b. 7 cervical part, 12 Thoracal part, 5 lumbar part, 5 sacral part and 1 coccygeus part.
c. 8 cervical part, 12 Thoracal part, 5 lumbar part, 5 sacral part and 3 coccygeus part.
d. 7 cervical part, 12 Thoracal part, 5 lumbar part, 5 sacral part and 3 coccygeus part.
e. 8 cervical part, 12 Thoracal part, 5 lumbar part, 5 sacral part and 5 coccygeus part.

40. What is hip abductor muscle ?

a. Gluteus maximus.
b. Gluteus medius.
c. Gluteus minimus.
d. Semitendinosus.
e. Semimembranosus.

41. Which one is knee extensor muscle:

a. Hamstring.
b. Quadriceps.
c. Tibialis anterior.
d. Gastrocnemius.
e. Peroneus longus.

42. The Bronchial tree of the lung :

a. Right main bronchus consist of superior lobe (apical posterior segment), middle lobe
(anterior, medial,lateral segment, inferior lobe (anterior basal and posterior basal segment). Leftmain
bronchus consist of upper lobe (Apicoposterior, anterior, superior, inferior segment and lower lobe
(lateral basal, anteromedial basal, posterior basal segment).
b. Right main bronchus consist of superior lobe (apical posterior, anterior segment), middle
lobe (medial,lateral segment, inferior lobe (anterior basal and posterior basal segment). Left main
bronchus consist of upper lobe (Apicoposterior, anterior, superior, inferior segment and lower lobe
(lateral basal, anteromedial basal, posterior basal segment).

43. Woman 33 years old, the face is skew to the right when she woke up in the morning withoutparese
of the limb and other neurologic symptom,what possibilities diagnose?
a. Lesion of V Cranial nerve.
b. Lesion of VII Cranial nerve
c. Lesion of VII and VIII Cranial nerve
d. Lesion of III Cranial nerve
e. Lesion of V and VII Cranial nerve

44. From no 43,what should the doctor do ?

a. Anamnese, Physical examination ( Manual muscle testing of face muscles), sensibility
examination of the face.
b. Anamnese, Physical examination ( General condition, especially Manual muscle testing of face
muscles), sensibility examination of the face, laboratory examination.
c. Anamnese, Physical examination, laboratory examination, thorax Radiography.
d. Anamnese, Physical examination, laboratory examination, electrocardiography.
e. Anamnese, Physical examination, laboratory examination, CT scan.

45. A 35 year old women presents symptom in a few days of progressive ascending muscleweakness.She
had a viral infection in few weeks earlier.On examination, you find diffuse weakness and areflexia. The
most likely finding in the CSF is :
a. High protein- High cell count.
b. High protein- Low cell count
c. Low protein- High cell count
d. Low protein- Low cell count
e. Normal CSF

46. What is ankle dorsiflexor muscle?

a. Gastrocnemius.
b. Tibialis anterior.
c. Posterior Tibial tendon.
d. Flexor Hallucis Longus.
e. Soleus.
47. The conduction pathway of human heart is:
a. Is usually due to SA node – internodal pathway – transitional fibers- AV node - penetratingfibers
- distal fibers – Bundle of His – right and left bundle branches – Purkinje fibers.
b. SA node – transitional fibers – AV node - penetrating fibers - distal fibers – Bundle of His –right and
left bundle branches – Purkinje fibers.
c. SA node – internodal pathway – AV node - penetrating fibers - distal fibers – Bundle of His
– right and left bundle branches – Purkinje fibers.
d. SA node – internodal pathway – transitional fibers -AV node - penetrating fibers - Bundle ofHis –
right and left bundle branches – Purkinje fibers.
e. SA node – internodal pathway – transitional fibers - penetrating fibers - distal fibers –Bundle
of His – right and left bundle branches – Purkinje fibers.

48. Homonymous hemianopsia indicates a:

a. Retinal bleeding.
b. Chiasmal lesion.
c. Prechiasmal Lesion.
d. PostchiasmalLesion of the opposite side.
e. Lesion of on optic tract on the same side.

49. Shoulder pain is common after stroke episodes that had to hemiparesis :
a. Is usually due to Frozen shoulder.
b. Is usually due to Thalamic syndrome.
c. Is usually due to Reflex sympathetic dystrophy.
d. Is usually due to subluxation the shoulder joint.
e. Request injection with steroid for effective management.

50. The following factor decreased risk factor for osteoporosis:

a. Advanced age.
b. Thin habitus.
c. Smoking.
d. Obesity.
e. Female.

51. An entrapment neuropathy affecting the inferior Gluteal nerve will lead to the followingpathologic gaid
a. Steppage gait.
b. Quadriceps gait.
c. Gluteus medius gait.
d. Gluteus maksimus gait.
e. Wadding gait.
52. The Quadriceps femoris muscle has a double function of the lower extremity.
a. Flexor hip – Rotator knee
b. Extensor hip – Extensor knee.
c. Flexor hip – flexor knee.
d. Flexor hip – Extensor knee.
e. Abductor hip – Flexor knee.

53. The efferent off the corneal reflect is via the?

a. II cranial nerve.
b. V cranial nerve.
c. VI cranal nerve.
d. VII cranial nerve.
e. IX cranial nerve.

54. The IV cranial nerve innervate the following muscle:

a. M Rectus medialis.
b. M Rectus Lateralis
c. M Interior Oblique.
d. M Superior Oblique
e. M Rectus superior.

55. The risk factor of stroke are

a. Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension,Heart Disease, Dyslipidemia,Heavy smoking , Obesity.
b. Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension,Heart Disease, Dyslipidemia,Heavy smoking , Obesity, low
level of Physical activity.
c. Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension,Heart Disease, Dyslipidemia,Heavy smoking , low level of Physical
d. Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension,Heart Disease.
e. Diabetes Mellitus, Hypertension,Heart Disease, Dyslipidemia,Heavy smoking.

56. The patient may complain of weakness in abduction (supraspinatus),and external rotation
(infraspinatus) of the glenohumeral joint is a clinical presentation of ?
a. Masculacutaneus neuropathy
b. Long Thoracic neuropathy.
c. Suprascapular neuropathy.
d. Axillary neuropathy.
e. Radial neuropathy.

57. Which term is not included in muscle contraction ?

a. Isometric.
b. Isocentric.
c. Isotonic.
d. Eccentric.
e. Concentric.

58. The muscle below are functioned as hip exterior

a. Gluteus Maximus.
b. Semitendinosus.
c. Paralumbalmuscle.
d. Semimembranosus.
e. ILiopsoas

59. What is not consistent in rotator muscles.

a. Supraspinatus.
b. Infraspinatus.
c. Subscapular.
d. Teres minor
e. Major pectoral.

60. Neuromuscular Junction Disorder :

a. Myasthenia Gravis.
b. Poliomyelitis.
c. Guillain Barre Syndrome.
d. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis.
e. MultipleSclerosis.

61. The most common complication occurred to femoral neck head fracture is:
a. Non union.
b. Mal union.
c. Volkmann’s contracture
d. Avascular necrosis
e. Amputation.
62. When moving from lying to sitting position,which muscle will initiade the motion?
a. Iliopsoas muscle.
b. Abdominal muscle.
c. Gluteus muscle.
d. Back extensor muscle.
e. Quadriceps.

63. The autonomic component of the facial nerve innervates the following structure :
a. Levator palpebrae muscle.
b. Orbicularis oculi muscles
c. Lacrimal gland.
d. Taste of 2/3 anterior part of the tongue
e. Taste 1/3.

64. Oculomotor nerve leaves the skull through which of the following
a. Optic Canal.
b. Superior orbital fissure.
d. Foramen magnum.
e. Foramen meatus acusticus extremis.

65. Ortolani test in to examination

a. Congenital hip dislocation.
b. Congenital limb deficiency.
c. Congenital talipes equinovarus.
d. Congenital patella dislocation.
e. Log perthes disease.

66. The primary analgesics to contro; cancer pain…

a. Non opioid and opioid.
b. Opioid and muscle relaxant.
c. Corticosteroid and non opioid.
d. Nonopioid and anti depressant.
e. Opioid and antidepressant.

67. Parkinsonian features which impaired automatic motor task performance is …

a. Bradykinesia.
b. Hypotonia.
c. Spasticity.
d. Weakness.
e. Atrophy.

68. The most important substance/structure to hold water inside the joint cartilage is ….
a. Collagen.
b. Fibroblast.
c. Fibronectin.
d. Hyaluronate.
e. Proteoglycn

69. According to the Framingham studies the following condition has the highest risk to getstroke:
a. Diabetes mellitus.
b. Heart disease.
c. Dyslipidemia.
d. Hypertension.
e. Previous stroke.

70. The caused of Myasthenia gravis is :

a. Nerve cell are destroyed.
b. Lesion in the cerebral cortex.
c. Lesion in the anterior horn of the spinal cord.
d. Acetylcholine receptor in muscle cell is destroyed.
e. Cranial nerves disturbance.

71. High energy compression axial loading at vertebrae cause…

a. Fracture at processus spinosus.
b. Burst fracture of vertebrae body
c. Fracture at processus transversus.
d. Wedge at anterior vertebrae body.
e. Wedge at posterior vertebrae body.

72. The low back can be more painful when the patient…
a. Sitting.
b. Standing.
c. Forward bending.
d. Squatting.
e. Sidelying.

73. After right parietal stroke, common neuropsychological features include :

a. Impared language comprehension.
b. Oral motor apraxia.
c. Anosognosia.
d. Cortical blindness.
e. Dysphagia.

74. The following joint is not categorized as true joint

a. Calcaneo cuboid joint.
b. Glenohumeral joint.
c. Scapulothoracic joint.
d. Glenohumeral joint.
e. Acromioclavicular.

75. Disorders off skilled movement in the absence of motor sensory or cognitive impaired instroke
are called :
a. Aprosody.
b. Agraphia.
c. Anomia.
d. Apraxia.
e. Alexia.

76. A patient complains of difficulty chewing, on examination he is found to have decreased strength
of his muscle s of mastication.Which of the following cranial nerves is responsible forthis motor
function ?
a. Facial
b. Trigeminal.
c. Oculomotor.
d. Hypoglossal.
e. Glossopharyngeal.

77. What is not consisted in Quadriceps group muscles

a. Vastus medialis.
b. Vastus lateralis.
c. Sartorius.
d. Vastus intermedius.
e. Rectus femoris.

78. Which is not a true joint

a. Parietofrontal.
b. Glenohumeral
c. Temporomandibular.
d. Femorotibial.
e. Ankle mortise.

79. What most true for the phases of general healing process
a. Inflammation – proliferation – maturation – remodeling.
b. Proliferation – Inflammation - maturation – remodeling.
c. Remodeling - Inflammation – proliferation – maturation.
d. Maturation - Remodeling - Inflammation – proliferation

80. All of the following conditions may lead a Bell palsy patient has a poor prognosis, EXCEPT:
a. Severe inner ear pain.
b. Hyperlacrimation.
c. Diabetes mellitus
d. Hypertension.
e. Pregnancy.

81. Anterior horn cell disorders exept.

a. Areflexia.
b. Fasciculation.
c. Atrophy
d. Spasticity.
e. Reflex pathologist.

82. What kind of foot deformities in children with S1-S2 Lesion

a. Imbalance between intrinsic and extrinsic muscles.
b. Plantigrade ulceration.
c. Calcaneal foot.
d. Cavus foot.
e. Pes planus.

83. You evaluate a 12 years-old women complaining of visual problems. Your examinationshows a bilateral
visual field defect. Where is the lesion ?
a. Right optic nerve
b. Right occipital lobe.
c. Left optic radiation.
d. Optic chiasm.
e. Left optic nerve.

84. A stroke patient show signs of weakness and sensory deficit upper extremity more than lower
extremity. This condition most probably affecting the following artery…..
a. Middle cerebral artery.
b. Anterior cerebral artery.
c. Superior cerebral artery
d. Posterior cerebral artery.
e. Carotid internal artery.

85. Which exercise has the greatest effect on increasing blood level
a. Cycling.
b. Marathon.
c. Swimming
d. Weight Lifting.
e. Tai chi Stretching.

86. Anorexia of aging is meaning….

a. Increase energy intake
b. Increased stomach acid production.
c. Hyperchlorhydria lead to bacterial overgrowth.
d. Decreased Appetite caused by decreased smell and taste sensation.
e. Decreased gastric compliance causing late satiety and shortened postprandial satiety

87. Where is the lesion in ataxic dysarthria as found in Freidreich’s ataxia ?

a. Cerebellum.
b. Multiple site.
c. Basal Ganglia.
d. Extrapyramidal system.
e. Bilateral upper motor neuron.

88. Postmenopause woman should ingest how many milligrams of calcium daily?
a. 500
b. 1000
c. 1200
d. 1500
e. 2000.

89. Exercise for diabetic patient is beneficial because..

a. Increase blood glucose level.
b. Increase insulin sensitivity.
c. Increase insulin resistance.
d. Decreased HDL.
e. Increased LDL.
90. Fracture most commonly happen in old people?

91. Median Nerves Innervates what muscle ?

92. What is the most common caused of death inpatient with ventilator-dependent tetraplegiawho
have survived the first 24 hour ?
a. Pressure ulcer infection.
b. Pulmonary embolism.
c. Pneumothorax.
d. Renal Failure.
e. Pneumonia.

93. During physical examination of spasticity, you find there is slight increase in muscle tones,
manifested by a catch, followed by minimal resistance throughout the reminder ( <50 %) of the
range of motion, you will grade this patient with modified Ashworth scale as …..
a. 1
b. +1
c. 2
d. 3
e. 4

94. Shaft humeral fracture can impaired these structure….

a. Ulnar nerve.
b. Radial nerve.
c. Median nerve.
d. Interoseus nerve.
e. Axillary nerve.

95. The following movement are possible in ankle mortise :

a. Eversion – Inversion.
b. Flexion- Extension.
c. Endorotation – Exorotation.
d. Abduction – Adduction.
e. Supination –Pronation.

96. The respiratory muscle work during normal breathing:

a. Sternocleidomastoideus muscle, Pectoralis major muscle, Abdominal muscle.
b. Diaphragm muscle, Intercostal muscle.
c. Sternocleidomastoideus muscle, Pectoralis major muscle.
d. Diaphragm muscle
e. Sternocleidomastoideus muscle, Abdominal muscle.

97. What the name of muscle is not originated on greater tuberosity of the humerus
a. Supraspinatus.
b. Subscapular.
c. Teres minor.
d. Major pectoral.
e. Intercostalis.

98. Gloves and stocking pattern sensory disturbances is caused by lesion

a. Pheriperal
b. Spinal Cord
c. Thalamus
d. Cerebellum
e. Cortex

99. Most common risk fall in elderly

a. poor coordination
b. Ankle joint problem
c. Antidepressant
100. Pain and Thermal loss because of damage at
a. Dorsal Root
b. Dorsal Horn
c. Anterior Horn
d. Lateral Horn
e. Thalamus

101. Type 1 Muscle Fiber

a. Red Muscle
b. Anaerobic
c. Weight lifting
d. Fast contraction

102. Muscle is not originated from greater tubercle of humerus

a. Supraspinatus
b. indraspinatus
c. teres minor
d. Pectoris major
e. Intercostalis

103. Condition that happen in geriatric/elderly Except

a. increased treshold of cutaneus sense
b. Decrease sensori
c decrease motor coprdination
d. decrease respon to stimuli xxx
e. increased threshold of sensing postition of foot and mcp joint

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