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Dr. Baiatun Nisa, M.Pd.

Retno Dwigustini, M.Pd.
Sulhizah Wulan Sari, S.S., M.Hum.
Maulani Pangestu, S.S., M.Hum.
Danang Dwi Harmoko, S.S., M.Pd.

Mitra Ilmu


Penulis :
Dr. Baiatun Nisa, M.Pd.
Retno Dwigustini, M.Pd.
Sulhizah Wulan Sari, S.S., M.Hum.
Maulani Pangestu, S.S., M.Hum.
Danang Dwi Harmoko, S.S., M.Pd.

ISBN: 978-623-145-067-8

Desain Sampul dan Tata Letak:


Penerbit :
Mitra Ilmu

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Cetakan pertama: Mei 2023

Dilarang memperbanyak, menyalin, merekam sebagian atau seluruh bagian buku ini dalam bahasa
atau bentuk apapun tanpa izin tertulis dari penerbit atau penulis.


Alhamdulillah, puji dan syukur kami sampaikan kehadirat Illahi Robbi, karena berkat rahmat dan
karunia-NYA kami diberikan kemudahan dan kelancaran dalam menyusun buku berjudul “Basic
Grammar” ini.
Banyak mahasiswa baik dengan latar belakang jurusan bahasa Inggris atau masyarakat umum
yang ingin mempelajari dan memperdalam bahasa Inggris, mengalami kesulitan dalam belajar tata
bahasa Inggris (grammar). Hal ini menyebabkan kendala dalam belajar dan juga berdampak
terhadap turunnya minat belajar bahasa Inggris. Beberapa kesulitan yang sering dialami
mahasiswa dan umum dalam belajar bahasa Inggris pada umumnya antara lain karena sulit
mendapatkan buku referensi dengan penjelasan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia. Berdasarkan
masalah tersebut maka kami menyusun sebuah buku yang membahas tentang 16 tenses dengan
penjelasan menggunakan bahasa Indonesia sehingga dapat dipelajari secara mandiri. Buku Basic
Grammar ini merupakan bentuk dedikasi dan kontribusi kami untuk membantu dan
mempermudah mahasiswa dan umum dalam memahami dasar-dasar tata bahasa (grammar) dalam
bahasa Inggris. Bahasan dalam buku ini memuat konsep sederhana dari struktur grammar yang
dibutuhkan untuk memahami definisi tentang materi yang dipelajari juga disertai dengan latihan-
latihan untuk mempertajam pemahaman tentang tenses
Buku ini sangat cocok untuk dijadikan rujukan baik oleh para mahasiswa dan umum yang sedang
mempelajari struktur tenses dalam bahasa Inggris. Akhirnya, harapan kami semoga buku “Basic
Grammar” ini dapat memberikan manfaat dan dampak yang besar untuk mahasiswa dan umum
dalam mempelajari dan memperdalam bahasa Inggris. Tidak lupa kami mengucapkan banyak
terima kasih kepada Rektor Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika (UBSI) dan seluruh jajarannya,
keluarga penulis, rekan sejawat, dan semua pihak yang tidak dapat kami sebutkan satu persatu
yang telah membantu kami baik secara moril maupun materil dalam menyelesaikan penyusunan
buku ini.
Kami menyadari bahwa buku ini masih jauh dari sempurna. Seperti kata pepatah “tidak ada gading
yang tidak retak”. Kami menerima dengan senang hati semua kritik, saran dan tanggapan untuk
membuat buku ini menjadi lebih baik.

Jakarta, 25 Mei 2023


Bab 1

1.1 Mengapa Belajar Grammar

1.2 Apa itu Tenses?
1.3 Part of Speech
1.4 Latihan

1.1 Mengapa Belajar Grammar?

Secara sederhana grammar adalah aturan-aturan yang mengatur penggunaan Bahasa dalam
sebuah kalimat. Lebih lanjut Herring (2016a) menjelaskan bahwa Grammar itu mengacu pada cara
kata-kata yang digunakan, diklasifikasikan, dan disusun bersama untuk membentuk komunikasi
baik secara tertulis maupun lisan dengan tepat. Bahasa selalu terdiri dari kata-kata, tetapi cara kata-
kata dimodifikasi dan digabungkan bersama sebagai alat komunikasi berbeda dari satu bahasa ke
bahasa lain.
Setiap bahasa termasuk bahasa Indonesia, memiliki tingkat kesulitan tersendiri dalam
mempelajari tata bahasa masing-masing. Apalagi jika kita membandingkan struktur bahasa
Inggris dengan struktur bahasa Indonesia. Struktur bahasa Inggris memiliki akar yang berasal dari
Jerman sedangkan bahasa Indonesia memiliki akar yang berasal dari Austronesia. Sehingga
strukturnya sangatlah berbeda. Dengan banyaknya perbedaan yang dimiliki, merupakan sebuah
tantangan bagi penutur asli bahasa Indonesia untuk mempelajari grammar (tata bahasa) bahasa
Inggris yang lebih komplek.
Mengapa pemelajar Bahasa Inggris harus belajar grammar? Karena belajar grammar dapat
membantu anda untuk:
1. Memahami struktur dasar dari sebuah kalimat dan bagaimana kata-kata tersebut saling
terhubung satu sama lain.
2. Membuat kalimat yang tepat dan efektif.
3. Memperbaiki kesalahan yang sering dilakukan oleh pemelajar Bahasa Inggris seperti
menggunakan kata kerja yang salah atau menempatkan kata sifat yang tidak tepat.
4. Mengerti bagaimana tenses dan clause bekerja dalam Bahasa Inggris.
5. Mampu berbicara dan menulis Bahasa Inggris dengan baik dan benar.

Jadi grammar penting untuk dipelajari karena dapat membantu pemelajar dalam struktur dan tata
Bahasa Inggris serta memperbaiki kesalahan yang sering dilakukan oleh pemelajar Bahasa Inggris.
Grammar dalam Bahasa Inggris mencakup part of speech (kategori grammatical kata-kata seperti
noun, verb, dan adjective), tenses (bentuk kata kerja untuk menunjukkan waktu), dan clause (bagian

dari kalimat yang memiliki subjek dan predikat). Grammar juga mencakup aturan tentang
penulisan dan ejaan kata-kata, serta penggunaan tanda baca yang tepat.

1.2 Apa itu Tenses?

Sebelum membahas tentang tense, ada baiknya untuk memahami lebih dahulu perbedaan antara
time dengan tense. Time memiliki makna penunjuk waktu tetapi tidak termasuk dalam kategori
linguistic (extralinguistics) atau independen dari kajian bahasa. Sedangkan tense adalah konsep
linguistik yang menunjukkan perubahan kata kerja untuk menunjukkan keadaan yang berkaitan
dengan waktu. Sebagai contoh, dalam kalimat John confessed that he had stolen the money. Bentuk
kata kerja confessed adalah bentuk kata kerja ke-2 yang menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan tersebut
terjadi di waktu lampau.
Oleh karena itu menurut (Herring, 2016a) Tense mengacu pada penyesuaian kata kerja untuk
mencerminkan kapan waktu kejadian atau aksi terjadi. Jadi tenses adalah tata bahasa (grammar)
yang menekankan pada penggunaan kata kerja (verb) yang dikaitkan dengan waktu
Satu tantangan terbesar yang mungkin dihadapi pemelajar yang sedang belajar Bahasa Inggris
sebagai bahasa asing adalah mengingat aturan tata bahasa (grammar). Tidak seperti bahasa
Indonesia yang relatif lebih mudah dipelajari karena aturan tata bahasanya yang sederhana,
dimana penggunaan kata kerja yang tetap sama baik di situasi lampau, dalam bahasa Inggris,
perubahan waktu menyebabkan perubahan kata kerja. Ada 16 perubahan waktu (tenses) yang
dimiliki oleh bahasa Inggris adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Present Tense
a. Simple Present Tense
b. Present Continuous Tense
c. Present Perfect Tense
d. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
2. Past Tense
a. Simple Past Tense
b. Past Continuous Tense
c. Past Perfect Tense
d. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
3. Future Tense
a. Simple Future Tense
b. Future Continuous Tense
c. Future Perfect Tense
d. Future Perfect Continuous Tense
4. Past Future Tense
a. Past Future Tense
b. Past Future Continuous Tense
c. Past Future Perfect Tense
d. Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense
Pembahasan secara menyeluruh tentang 16 tenses + modal Verbs akan diuraikan dalam bab
selanjutnya. Buku ini juga dilengkapi dengan latihan-latihan soal agar siswa/mahasiswa dan
umum yang ingin mendalami Basic Grammar dapat belajar secara madiri dan memperoleh
pemahaman grammar dengan baik. Karena menurut (Hadfield, 2003) untuk memperoleh
pemahaman grammar secara akurat perlu diberikan berbagai jenis latihan praktik tata
1.3 Parts of Speech
Sebelum memahami secara mendalan tentang 16 Tenses dan Modal Verb, penting untuk para
pemelajar memahami tentang Part of Speech. Part of Speech atau Word Classes menurut (Herring,
2016a) adalah kategori-kategori di mana kata-kata yang berbeda ditugaskan, berdasarkan makna,
struktur, dan fungsinya dalam sebuah kalimat.
Secara sederhana part of speech adalah kategori grammatikal yang menunjukkan bagaimana kata
digunakan dalam sebuah kalimat. Memahami part of speech dapat membantu pemelajar untuk
memahami struktur dasar dari sebuah kalimat dan bagaimana kata-kata tersebut saling terhubung
satu sama lain. Dengan demikian, pemelajar dapat terbantu dalam membuat kalimat bahasa Inggris
yang tepat dan efektif. Selain itu memahami part of speech dapat membantu pemelajar dalam
memahami tata bahasa yang lebih kompleks, seperti tenses dan clause.
Ada sembilan part of speech utama dalam bahasa Inggris, yaitu:

A. Kata benda

Kata benda adalah kata yang mengidentifikasi atau menyebut nama orang, tempat, atau
benda. Kata benda dapat berfungsi sebagai subjek klausa atau kalimat, objek kata kerja, atau
objek preposisi.

Contoh: cat (kucing), book (buku), table (meja), girl (gadis), computer (computer), etc.

B. Kata kerja

Kata kerja adalah kata-kata yang menggambarkan tindakan — atau keadaan keberadaan —
orang, binatang, tempat, atau benda. Verba berfungsi sebagai akar dari apa yang disebut
predikat, yang diperlukan (bersama dengan subjek) untuk membentuk kalimat lengkap; oleh
karena itu, setiap kalimat harus menyertakan setidaknya satu kata kerja.

Contoh: run (lari), walk (berjalan), write (menulis), atau sing (menyanyi), serta kata-kata yang
menggambarkan keadaan makhluk, seperti menjadi, tampak, merasakan, atau suara.

C. Kata ganti

Kata ganti (Pronoun) adalah kata-kata yang mewakili kata benda (orang, tempat, atau benda).
Secara tata bahasa, kata ganti digunakan dengan cara yang sama seperti kata benda; mereka
dapat berfungsi sebagai subjek atau objek.
Contoh: I (aku), you (kamu), they (mereka), we (kami), he (dia), she (dia), it (itu).

D. Kata sifat

Kata sifat adalah kata-kata yang memodifikasi (menambahkan deskripsi ke) kata benda dan
(kadang-kadang) kata ganti. Mereka dapat menjadi bagian dari subjek atau predikat.
Contoh: red (merah), blue (biru), fast (cepat), slow (lambat), big (besar), high (tinggi), dan wide

E. Adverbia

Kata keterangan (Adverbia) adalah kata-kata yang mengubah kata kerja, kata sifat, kata
keterangan lain, atau bahkan seluruh klausa. Bergantung pada apa yang mereka modifikasi
(dan bagaimana), kata keterangan dapat muncul di mana saja dalam kalimat. Adverbia
umumnya dibentuk dari kata sifat dengan menambahkan "-ly" di akhir kata.
Contoh: slowly (dengan perlahan), quickly (dengan cepat), beautifully (dengan indahnya).

F. Preposisi

Preposisi adalah kata-kata yang mengekspresikan hubungan antara kata benda atau kata
ganti dan bagian lain dari kalimat. Kata benda atau kata ganti yang berada setelah preposition
dikenal sebagai object of preposition.
Contoh: on the table (di atas meja), di dalam gudang, dan di seberang lapangan. (Preposisi
dalam huruf tebal.)

G. Konjungsi

Konjungsi adalah kata-kata yang menghubungkan kata, frasa, atau klausa lain, yang
mengungkapkan jenis hubungan tertentu antara dua (atau lebih) elemen. Konjungsi yang
paling umum adalah konjungsi koordinasi: dan, tetapi, atau, atau, untuk, begitu, dan belum.

Berikut adalah ringkasan dari 9 bagian part of speech:

Part of Speech Fungsi/Arti Contoh

Noun (Kata Orang, tempat, Edi, Teacher, The sun

Benda) benda, binatang Jakarta, town, shines.
music, printer,
Anna goes to
cat, goat

Pronoun (Kata Pengganti Kata I, You, They John is hungry.

Ganti) Benda We, He, She, It, He wants to
Me, Them, us, eat.
My, Your,
who, whom

Verb Menunjukkan Run, go, have, My mother

(Kata Kerja) tindakan invite, laugh, wakes up at 4
listen, bike everyday

Adjective Menjelaskan Happy, Brown cat.

(Kata Sifat) Kata benda beautiful, smart teacher.
healty, angry, handsome
good, football player

Adverb Menjelaskan Badly, fully, He runs

Kata Kerja, Kata bautifully, quickly.
Sifat, atau Kata never, quickly, Bobby eats
keterangan well, very, very1 slowly2
lainnya. really, almost

Article Tanda bahwa The, a, an I have a new
(Kata Sandang) sebuah benda house.
akan mengikuti
The house is
very beautiful.

Preposition Menunjukkan Above, before, I am going to

(Kata Depan) hubungan antar except, from, my campuss.
kata dalam in, near, of
sebuah kalimat since, between,
upon, with, to,
at, after, on

Conjuction Menghubungkan And, or, but, I was tired so I

(Kata kata, Frase, so, after, went to sleep.
Penghubung) Klausa, atau before, unless,
Kalimat either, neither,
because, since.

Interjection Kata seru yang Aha!, gosh!, Oops! I spilled

(Sata Seru) mengekspresikan great!, hey!, the milk.
perasaan yang oh!, oops!,
kuat. hooray!, ouch!

Berikut contoh penggunaan beberapa Part of Speech dalam sebuah kalimat:

I have an important conference at work tomorrow,
so I am rather busy.
Pronoun Verb Determiner Adjective Noun Preposition Noun

I have an important conference at work

Adverb Linking Pronoun Verb Adverb Adjective


tomorrow, so I am Rather busy

Banyak kata dalam bahasa Inggris dapat memiliki lebih dari satu fungsi/peran part of speech.
Misalnya, kata "work" dapat berupa verb (kata kerja) dan juga noun (kata benda); kata "but" dapat
berupa conjunction dan preposition; Kata "well" bisa berupa adjective (kata sifat), adverb (kata
keterangan), dan Interjection (kata seru); Selain itu, banyak noun (kata benda) dapat bertindak
sebagai adjective (kata sifat).

Sebenarnya ada lebih banyak lagi kata-kata yang memiliki banyak fungsi. Pada tabel
di bawah ini, dapat dilihat beberapa contoh kalimat yang menunjukkan satu kata bisa
memiliki fungsi lebih dari satu:

Word Part of Speech Contoh

Work Noun My work is easy.

Verb I work in Jakarta
Conjunction John came but Mary
didn't come.
Preposition Everyone
came but Mary.
Adjective Are you well?
Adverb She speaks well.
Interjection Well! That’s
Noun We ate in the
Noun acting as We had afternoon
adjective tea.

1.4 Latihan Soal

A. Please do this grammar exercise. It tests what you learned on the Parts of Speech section.

1. I bought a beautiful shoes at the mall.

a. preposition d. adverb
b. adjective e. pronoun
c. noun

2. What did she ask you?

a. conjunction d. adverb
b. preposition e. adjective
c. pronoun

3. I left my shoes under the table.

a. adjective d. noun
b. adverb e. preposition
c. pronoun

4. If we finish our work quickly we can go to the coffee shop.

a. adverb d. noun
b. conjunction e. preposition
c. verb

5. On Saturdays I work from nine to two.

a. noun d. pronoun
b. conjunction e. preposition
c. verb

6. I want to go to a university in Bandung.

a. noun d. adjective
b. conjunction e. preposition
c. verb

7. I'm sure I've met your sister before.
a. adjective d. preposition
b. adverb e. interjection
c. verb
8. Well, I don't think she'll be home before 5.
a. adjective d. interjection
b. adverb e. preposition
c. verb
9. Budi knocked on the door but nobody answered.
a. adjective d. preposition
b. conjunction e. pronoun
c. Interjection
10. After lunch let's go out for a coffee.
a. adjective d. preposition
b. adverb e. pronoun
c. verb

B. Is the underlined word a verb, a noun or an adjective?

Shall we go for a walk? => noun
Shall we walk into town? => verb

1. Budi wanted to talk to his mom.

2. Budi wanted a talk with his mom.
3. The classroom isn't very clean.
4. Doesn't anyone clean the classroom?
5. My mother went to a fabulous show in Jakarta.
6. Alisha wanted to show Rita her photos.
7. Anto thought Sri looked beautiful.
8. A strange thought came into Sri's head.
9. Mutia is feeling quite tired right now.
10. Studying all night had tired Joko out.

Bab 2
Simple Present Tense

2.1 Definisi Simple Present Tense

2.2 Kalimat Positif
2.3 Kalimat Negatif
2.4 Kalimat Interogatif
2.5 Latihan dan Soal

2.1 Definisi Simple Present Tense
1.2 Latihan dan Soal
Penjelasan tentang definisi simple present 1.3
tense diberikan oleh (Herring, 2016a) menjelaskan bahwa
Simple present tense digunakan untuk berbicara tentang kebiasaan, fakta umum, dan jadwal
kegiatan. Larsen-Freeman and Celce-Murcia (2016) menambahkan bahwa simple present tense
menyampaikan fakta yang sebenarnya dengan bentuk yang sederhana yang tidak ada kaitannya
dengan waktu (tidak menerangkan tentang lamanya durasi waktu sebelum atau sesudahnya).
The earth rotates around the sun.
My mother loves daises.
It is a beautiful day.
He is hungry|he is ill|he is dead.
The train leaves at 7 PM
Rangkuman penjelasan tentang kapan simple present tense digunakan menurut Larsen-Freeman and
Celce-Murcia (2016) dan Eastwood (2002) dapat dilihat dalam tabel 2.3.
Tabel 2.3 Fungsi Simple Present Tense

No. Fungsi Contoh Kalimat

1 Menunjukkan pikiran atau I think so.

I like it.
Like, Dislike, Love, Enjoy, Hate,
He loves me so much.
Have, Know, Need, Want, Seem

2 Menyatakan hal-hal yang Water boils at 1000C.

dianggap sudah menjadi
We live quite near.
kebenaran umum (generally
truth) atau fakta untuk waktu
yang sudah lama.

3 Kegiatan yang berulang We come here every week.

(habitual actions).

4 Dalam sebuah frase seperti I I promise I’ll pay you back.
promise, I agree.

5 Untuk memberikan sebuah Why don’t we go out?


6 Kegiatan yang sudah I have a meeting next

terjadwal . Wednesday at that time.

7 menggambarkan sebuah From here you cross the road,

rangkaian suatu kegiatan. go through an iron gate and
follow the path west.

Kata keterangan yang biasa digunakan dalam simple present Tense adalah Adverb of Frequency,
 Always (selalu; 100%)
 Usually (biasanya; 80%
 Often (sering; 60%)
 Sometimes (kadang-kadang; 40%)
 Seldom (jarang/hampir tidak pernah; 20%)
 Never (tidak pernah; 0%)

Ada dua macam bentuk kalimat dalam Simple Present Tense, yaitu kalimat yang memiliki Verb (kata
kerja) dan kalimat yang tidak memiliki kata kerja. Kalimat yang tidak memiliki kata kerja biasanya
diikuti oleh adjective phrase, adverb phrase atau noun phrase. Kalimat yang tidak memiliki kata kerja
maka menggunakan be (is, am, are). Perbedaan kalimat yang memiliki kata kerja dan tidak memiliki
kata kerja, dapat dilihat pada rumus Simple Present Tense pada tabel 2.1
Tabel 2.1: Rumus Simple Present Tense
Ket Positive Sentence/ Negative Sentence/ Introgrative Sentence/
Kalimat Positif Negative Statement Introgrative Statement
Rumus (+) Subjek + Verb 1 (-) Subjek +do/does + (?) Do/does + Subjek + Verb
dengan (s/es)+Complement NOT + Verb 1 + Complement
kata 1+Complement
Rumus (+) Subjek + To Be (is, (-) Subjek + To Be (is, (?) To be (is, am, are) +
tanpa am, are) + Complement am, are) + NOT + Subjek + Verb 1 +
kata Verb 1 + Complement Complement
Example (1) Harry likes classical (1) Harry doesn’t like (1) Does Harry like
music. (Harry suka classical music. classical music.
musik klasik) (Harry tidak suka (Apakah Harry suka
musik klasik) musik klasik?)
(2) My mother is a
doctor. (Ibu saya (2) My mother isn‘t (2) Is your mother a
seorang dokter) a doctor. (Ibu doctor. (Apakah ibumu
saya bukan seorang dokter)
seorang dokter)

2.2 Kalimat Positif
a. Subjek + verb 1 + (s/es) + Complement
Pada kalimat positif dalam simple present tense, apabila subjeknya I, You, They, We maka kata
kerjanya tidak ditambah s/es. Namun, apabila subjeknya He, She, It maka kata kerjanya ditambah
s/es. Perhatikan contoh berikut:

You Sing
They Study


Perhatikan tabel berikut untuk mempelajari penambahan s/es di kata kerja 1 dalam simple present tense.

Kata Kerja yang

-s/-es Contoh

s tambah -es He passes

z tambah -es She dozes

sh tambah -es She wishes

ch tambah -es He watches

Ubah Y menjadi I,
consonant + y kemudian tambahkan - It flies

He sings
[anything else] tambah -s
She works

b. S + To Be (is, am, are) + Complement

To be dalam bahasa Inggris berfungsi sebagai pengganti kata kerja. Jadi to be digunakan apabila
sebuah kalimat tidak memiliki kata kerja.
John is happy.
My mother is a lawyer.
Ucok is from Medan.
Dalam contoh kalimat tersebut, tidak ada kata kerjanya. Happy adalah adjective, a lawyer adalah noun
phrase, dan from Mean adalah Adverb phrase.
Perhatikan penggunaan to be dan singkatannya dalam tabel berikut:

Subjek Tobe Contractions

I am I’m

You are You’re

They are They’re

We are We’re

He is He’s

She is She’s

It is It’s

My mother is My mother’s

John is John’s

2.3 Kalimat Negatif

a. Subjek + do/does+ verb 1 + Complement
Untuk membuat kalimat negative dan introgative (kalimat tanya) dalam Simple Present Tense,
dibutuhkan auxiliary verb (kata kerja bantu) do dan does. Penjelasan penggunaan auxiliary verb do
dan does dapat dilihat pada table 2.2
Tabel 2.2 Penggunaan auxiliary Do dan Does

Subject Auxiliary Verb

I, You, They, We Do

He, She, It Does

a. I come from Bandung. Where do you come from?
b. Does he know your phone number? “No, he doesn’t”
c. I don’t like Korean drama.

b. S + To Be (is, am, are) + not+Complement

Membuat kalimat negative dalam simple present tense, apabila kalimat tersebut tidak memiliki kata
kerja dan menggunakan to be, maka tambahkan not setelah to be.
John isn’t happy.
My mother isn’t a lawyer.
I’m not from Medan.
Untuk lebih jelas, perhatikan penggunaan to be+not dan singkatannya untuk membuat kalimat
negative dalam simple present tense pada tabel berikut:
Subjek To be Negatif Contractions

I am not I’m not

You are not You aren’t

They are not They aren’t

We are not We aren’t

He is not He isn’t

She is not She isn’t

It is not It isn’t

My mother is not My mother isn’t

John is not John isn’t

2.4 Kalimat Tanya (Interrogative)

a. Do/Does+ Subjek +verb 1 + Complement
Untuk membuat kalimat introgative (kalimat tanya) dalam Simple Present Tense, letakkan auxiliary
sebelum subjek dan hilangkan tambahan –s/-es pada kata kerja. Penjelasan perubahan kalimat
positif menjadi kalimat tanya dapat dilihat pada table 2.2
Tabel 2.2 Perubahan Kalimat Positif ke Kalimat Tanya

Kalimat Positif Kalimat Tanya Jawab

He works in the Does he work in the Yes, he does

morning morning? No. he doesn’t

They work everyday Do they work every Yes, they do

day? No, they don’t

Rio drinks coffee in the What does Rio drink coffee

morning in the morning?

b. S + To Be (is, am, are) + not+Complement

Untuk membuat kalimat tanya dimana kalimatnya memakai to be, maka letakkan to be sebelum

Kalimat Positif Kalimat Tanya Jawab

The pencil is red Is the pencil red? Yes, it is

No, it isn’t

John and Mary are Are John and Mary Yes, they are
hungry hungry?

No, they aren’t

The techer is from Where is the teacher England

England from?

2.5 Latihan dan Soal

A. Pilihan Ganda
1. Anto and I … in the library now.
a. is d. are
b. am e. does
c. do
2. … the girl a stewardess or an actress?
a. is d. do
b. am e. does
c. are
3. Computers … very vital to be possessed.
a. is d. do
b. am e. does
c. are
4. … your campus far or near from here?
a. does d. am
b. do e. is
c. are
5. The man … not Javanese.
a. is d. do
b. am e. does
c. are
6. Borobudur and Prambanan … famous temples in Indonesia.
a. is d. do
b. are e. does
c. am
7. … Ferarri an excellent racing car?
a. am d. do
b. is e. does
c. are
8. … there a lot of people discussing inside the meeting room?
a. is d. do
b. am e. does
c. are
9. … It important to master the language?
a. is d. do
b. am e. does
c. are
10. How many friends … there in your class?
a. is d. do
b. are e. does
c. am
11. … the man always … for the office by train?
a. do, leave d. does, leaves
b. do, leaves e. do, does
c. does, leave
12. Aldi’s house … to be painted every year.
a. is need d. need
b. are need e. needs
c. am need
13. My cats … a lot of fish everyday.
a. eat d. eaten
b. eats e. do eat
c. eating
14. The managers … how to do the business successfully.
a. do direct d. directs
b. does direct e. direct
c. is direct
15. … the jobs need a lot of risks?
a. is d. do
b. are e. does
c. am
16. … the secretary use the computer for typing a letter?
a. is d. do
b. are e. does
c. do
17. My uncle often … to some Asian countries once a month.
a. is fly d. fly
b. am fly e. flies
c. are fly
18. The office boys always … all rooms everyday.
a. clean d. is cleaning
b. cleans e. are cleaning
c. cleaning
19. My sister sometimes … the football game on TV.
a. watch d. is watching
b. watches e. are watching
c. watchs
20. She … enough money to go abroad in the middle of the month.
a. isn’t have d. don’t have
c. aren’t have e. doesn’t have
d. not have
B. Fill in the Blanks!
1. As a diligent boy, Alby always … (get up) early.
2. Oh, my goodness! Your hands are so dirty. Why … you … (wash <->) your hands now?
3. It’s already 7 o’clock. Why … you … (have a bath <->) now, sweetheart? You’ll be late
for school.
4. Please … (make <->) such a noise, my father is sleeping.
5. He is economical. He seldom … (use) his car to go to work.
6. French people seldom … (speak) other languages even English.
7. You … (look) so pail. Why … you … (take a rest <->) now, honey?
8. The swimming bath … (open) at 9.00 AM and … (close) at 9.00 PM.
9. I have a car but I … (use <->) it very often.
10. I don’t understand the word ‘deceive’. What … ‘deceive’ … (mean <->)?q

C. Making Sentences
No Kalimat Afirmatif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

1 Mrs. Allen drinks coffee much

of the time.

2 Mary doesn’t have cornflakes

for breakfast

3 He is late to class some of the


4 Do you usually eat lunch at


5 John and Mary aren’t hungry

6 . Does John pronounce


Bab 3
Present Continuous Tense
3.1 Definisi Present Continuous Tense
3.2 Rumus Present Continuous Tense
3.3 Penggunaan Present Continuous Tense
3.4 Latihan

3.1. Definisi Present Continuous Tense

Present continuous tense digunakan untuk mengekspresikan kegiatan yang sedang dilakukan pada saat si
penutur berbicara. Kalimat present continuous dibentuk oleh auxiliary verb “be” seperti am, is, are dan diikuti
oleh present participle (bentuk Verb 1+ing). Kata kerja yang dipakai dalam tense ini biasanya adalah dynamic
atau action verbs, yakni kata kerja yang yang menyatakan aksi atau adanya pergerakan. Jika kalimat present
continuous menggunakan stative verbs–kata kerja yang tidak menunjukkan aksi melainkan hanya
menunjukkan sebuah situasi dan kondisi, biasanya kalimat tersebut memiliki makna pragmatik tertentu.

3.2 Perbedaan Simple Present Tense dan Present

Continuous Tense
Simple Present Tense adalah jenis tenses yang digunakan untuk menjelaskan suatu kejadian yang
dilakukan sehari-hari atau berulang-ulang, baik setiap hari, setiap minggu, setiap bulan, dan
seterusnya. Sedangkan Present Continuous Tense/ Present Progressive adalah jenis tenses yang
digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang sedang terjadi sekarang atau sedang dalam

Untuk mengetahui lebih jelas, kita lihat dalam bagan

Contoh Simple Present Present Continuous

I drink a glass of milk a ѵ

day (Saya meminum
(menyatakan sebuah
segelas susu setiap
rutinitas yang teratur
dan berulang yaitu
meminum segelas
susu setiap har)

A: Hi, where is Anna? ѵ

B: Oh Anna. She is (menyatakan
studying in the kegiatan yang sedang
classroom. berlangsung pada
saat berbicara yaitu
Anna sedang belajar
di dalam kelas

The sun rises in the Ѵ

(menyatakan sebuah
fakta yang tidak

My father is living in ѵ
Bandung for 2 months.
(menyatakan sebuah
fakta/ kegiatan yang
sifatnya sementara)

Tabel 3.1. Perbedaan Simpel Present Tense dan Present Continuous Tense

3.3 Rumus Present Continuous Tense

A.. Rumus Kalimat Afirmatif

S + to be (am, are, is) + V-ing + O

a. Budi is playing football now
S to be V-ing O Adv of time

b. Ucok and Maribeth are discussing math project in the classroom

S to be V-ing O Adv of place

Lengkapi kalimat berikut agar menjadi present continuous tense (bentuk afirmatif) menggunakan kata
kerja di dalam kurung!

1. Anton ………… a letter from his friend. (read)

2. Sisca and her sister ………… for dinner in the kitchen. (cook)
3. We ………… from home during corona-virus outbreak. (work)
4. They ………… for classic football match between Manchester United vs Liverpool. (wait)
5. We ………… to visit National Museum next month. (plan)

6. The President ………… with Papua Governoor. (meet)
7. I ………… to understand this lesson. (try)
8. You ………… good in this test. (do)
9. The sun ………… beautiful today. (shine)
10. What are you doing? I ………… a business proposal. (type)
11. He ………… blue jeans and black t-shirt. (wear)
12. She ………… a beautiful scenery. (paint)
13. My friend and 1 ………… an online game. (play)
14. You ………… too hard for final exam. (study)
15. Where is Jean? She ………… a lunch. (have)

B. Rumus Kalimat Negatif

17. S + to be (am, are, is) + not + V-ing + O
Budi is not playing football now
S to be V-ing O Adv of time

Ucok and Maribeth are not discussing math project in the classroom
S to be V-ing O Adv of place

Lengkapi kalimat berikut agar menjadi present continuous tense (bentuk negatif) menggunakan kata
kerja di dalam kurung!

1. Endah ……… the financial report. (create)

2. Puspa ……… in the factory anymore. (work)
3. We ……… about this topic. (debat)
4. The girl ……… something in that room. (take)
5. My assistant ……… their proposal in his room. (analyze)
6. She ……… to one of our regular customers in that room. (talk)
7. My friend ……… his car beside that building. (park)
8. The mechanic ……… my car in my garage. (repair)
9. One of them ……… to open the door. (try)
10. My teacher ……… today. (teach)
11. The Driver ……… tired because of working too hard. (get)
12. The Bus ……… in the bus station. (stop)
13. EXO ……… to Jakarta this month. (come)
14. She ……… a glass of orange juice. (make)
15. The man ……… the button. (push)
C. Rumus Kalimat Interogatif
2. To be (am, are, is) + S + V-ing + O + ?

a. Is Budi playing football now ?
to be S V-ing O Adv of time

b. Are Ucok and Maribeth discussing math project

To be S V-ing O

in the classroom ?
Adv of place

Ubahlah kalimat berikut ke dalam bentuk interogatif!

1. My accountant is calculating the total expenses we need.

2. My little sister is returning the books to the library.
3. The guests are having lunch with my supervisor.
4. John is paying the food he ordered.
5. My supervisor is still training some new employees in the training room.
6. She is doing something in the meeting room.
7. The investors are calling all mechanical staffs in London.
8. Billy is reporting to his boss in the head office.
9. Brenda is recording all today's transactions.
10. The receptionists are still talking to one of my guests.

3.3 Penggunaan Present Continuous Tense

A. Menyatakan tindakan yang sedang dilakukan oleh penutur pada saat berbicara.

a. I am playing mobile football game. (Saya sedang bermain permainan sepakbola di gawai)
Pada saat berbicara penutur sedang bermain permainan sepakbola di gawai.

b. We are eating dinner together now. (Kami sedang makan malam bersama sekarang)
Pada saat berbicara penutur sedang makan malam bersama.

B. Tindakan atau rencana yang akan dilakukan di waktu yang akan datang

Present continuous tense juga dapat digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan yang akan dilakukan di masa yang
akan datang dengan menggunakan penanda waktu atau adverb of time.
a. I am planning to take English Proficiency Test next month. (Saya berencana mengambil tes kecakapan
berbahasa Inggris bulan depan)
Penanda waktu ”bulan depan“ menandakan bahwa penutur belum melakukan tes kecakapan bahasa Inggris
saat berbicara, namun masih dalam rencana.

b. We are watching movie later. (Kami (akan) menonton film nanti)

Pada kalimat di atas, penutur tidak sedang menonton film pada saat berbicara. Melainkan ia mempunyai
rencana untuk menontonnya nanti.

3.4 Latihan Soal

A. Terjemahkan kalimat berikut kedalam bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan pola present
continuous tense!
1. Mereka sedang berlari menuju garis finish.
2. Laki-laki itu sedang memperbaiki radio yang rusak.
3. Tolong tenang! Bayi saya sedang tidur.
4. Sekretaris sedang berbicara menggunakan telepon.
5. Indonesia sedang bernegosiasi dengan Malaysia.
6. Hani sedang pergi ke Bali untuk berlibur.
7. Anton sedang memanjat pohon untuk memetik buah mangga.
8. Rahayu sedang mengerjakan PR di dalam kamar.
9. Dia (perempuan) sedang menghitung uang.
10. Guru sedang rapat di kantor.

B. Rubahkan kalimat berikut kedalam bentuk kalimat interogatif!

1. I am writing an e-mail now.
2. Susan is lying in the bed at the moment.
3. I am staying in London this month.
4. Peter is working this week.
5. My mum and dad are cooking now.
6. I am learning English in Hastings this summer.
7. Sarah and Sue are playing in the street at the moment.
8. She is decorating her flat in York these days.
9. We are just looking.
10. Luke is taking a shower now.

C. Periksalah kalimat di bawah ini dan buatlah menjadi kalimat yang benar sesuai dengan
pola present continuous tense.
1. The TV no is working.

2. I am ride a bicycle to school right now.
3. She sending a package through online courier.
4. Hurry up! The show start now.
5. Is they complaining about their food to the waitress?
6. Teacher meeting in the office.
7. Mother no buying vegetables in the market.
8. Tisha study for her final exam.
9. They really bussy prepare for school festival.
10. Agnes sings Indonesian national anthem now.

D. Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini dengan memilih jawaban yang paling tepat!

1. The time shows that it‘s 12.30 pm. Peter ….. sleeping in his bedroom.
a. are d. were
b. is e. was
c. has

2. Hurry up. It is ……………… right now.

a. rained d. raining
b. rains e. rain
c. start rain

3. Rita and Shinta ............... poems at English Literature Festival.

a. were reading d. is reading
b. are reading e. am reading

c. was reading

4. Don’t speak loudly!. ....... am trying to concentrate.

a. you d. we
b. they e. she
c. I

5. what ……. you …….. ?

a. is – doing d. am – doing
b. are – doing e. were – doing
c. was -- doing

6. … Mary reading a book in her classroom?

a. is d. was
b. am e. were
c. are

7. They …… …… …………………….. a cup of coffee, but chocolate.

a. is not collecting d. is not drinking
b. are not drinking e. are not collecting
c. was not collecting

8. Why ……. your sister crying so loud? Please give her candies or something.
a. is d. am
b. are e. were
c. was
9. Is he bringing my laptop? ………………….
a. Yes, she is. d. Yes, he does.
b. No, she does not. e. No, he is.
c. Yes, he is.

10. ……. they ……………. in a good company? Yes, they are.

a. Is – going c. Are – working
b. Am – talking d. Were – studying
c. Was – speaking

11. Diana: Look! It’s snowing.
Anggi: So beautiful. This is the first time I have ever seen snow. It …….. (snow,not) in my country.
a. are not snowing c. was not snowing
b. am not snowing d. is not snowing
c. were not snowing

12. Sally: Now, close your eyes and listen carefully. What ………………(I, do)?
Inggrit: You are knocking the door.
a. am I doing d. is I doing
b. are I doing e. aren’t I doing
c. I doing

13. “Nina is a chef. She always prepares food at her cafe. She sells many delicious foods such as cakes, bakeries,
dishes, and drinks. Her cafe is open from 07.00 am to 10.00 pm. Now, it is 10.00 am. What do you think Nina
is doing this time?”
a. Nina is closing her cafe because it is about to be bankrupt.
b. Nina is going to sleep because it’s time for break.
c. Nina is cooking and selling dishes for her cafe.
d. Nina is delivering posts around the city.
e. Nina is going home and take a rest.

14. Luki: What is Priyo doing in his vacation now?

Lusi: He is … to Bangladesh now.
a. go d. going
b. went e. goes
c. gone

15. Desta: What is your sister doing with her friends in the library?
Pras: They are …
a. buying some books
b. lending some books
c. borrowing some books
d. collecting some books
e. reading some books.

Bab 4
Present Perfect Tense
4.1 Definisi Present Perfect Tense
4.2 Rumus Present Perfect Tense
4.3 Penggunaan Present Perfect Tense
4.4 Perbedaan Simple Past Tense dan
Present Perfect Tense
4.5 Latihan

4.1. Definisi Present Perfect Tense

Present perfect tense digunakan untuk mengekspresikan kegiatan terjadi di masa lampau dan telah
selesai di masa lampau pula namun efeknya masih dapat dirasakan saat ini.
Pada umumnya present perfect tense digunakan untuk menginformasinya atau menjawab pertanyaan
terkait aktivitas yang telah kita lakukan di masa lampau namun masih berkaitan dengan topik
pembicaraan yang saat ini dilakukan.
Ciri lain dari tenses ini adalah tidak menggunakan penanda waktu yang spesifik. Hal ini juga dapat
mempermudah kita dalam mengidentifikasi tenses ini.
Penanda lain yang dapat digunakan untuk mengenali jenis tenses ini adalah penggunaan auxiliary
verb (kata kerja bantu) has atau have kemudian diikuti oleh past participle atau Verb 3.
Nah setelah mengenal present perfect tense pada pembahasan berikutnya mari kita pelajari rumus
serta contoh agar lebih mudah memahami tenses ini.

4.2 Rumus Present Perfect Tense

Ket Positive Sentence/ Negative Sentence/ Introgrative Sentence/
Kalimat Positif Negative Statement Introgrative Statement
Rumus (+) Subjek + have/ has+ (-) Subjek + have/ has+ (?) Have/ has + subject +
Verb-3 (past participle) NOT + Verb-3 (past Verb-3 (past participle) + ?
Contoh (3) I have finished my (1) She has not (1) Have you tried this new
breakfast. studied English virtual game?
(Saya telah selesai for Exam. (Sudahkah kamu
makan pagi) (Dia tidak selesai mencoha permainan
belajar untuk virtual baru ini?)

(4) Google has (2) He has not (2) Has she bought pizza
released new submitted the for dinner?

version of machine financial report to (Apakah dia sudah
learning. director. membeli pizza untuk
(Google telah (Dia tidak makan malam)
meluncurkan versi mengumpulkan
terbaru dari mesin laporan keuangan
pembelajaran) kepada direktur)

Pola kalimat present perfect tense menggunakan

a. Kalimat positif
S + Have/Has + been + Adjective/ Noun/ Adverb
b. Kalimat negatif
S + Have/Has + not + been + Adjective/ Noun/ Adverb
c. Kalimat interogatif
Have/Has + S + been + Adjective/ Noun/ Adverb

( + ) We have been to London.
Kami telah ke London.
( - ) We have not been to London.
Kami tidak telah ke London.
( ? ) Have we been to London?
Apakah kami telah ke London?

4.3. Penggunaan Present Perfect Tense

1. Menyatakan suatu kegiatan, tindakan yang baru saja terjadi sehingga hasilnya atau akibat dari
tindakan tersebut masih dapat dirasakan hingga saat dibicarakan.

a. Kalimat positif
Sinta just arrived from Singapore. She needs a rest to recover her energy.
(Dia baru tiba dari Singapore. Dia membutuhkan istirahat untuk memulihkan energi.)
Kalimat diatas menunjukkan bahwa pada saat percakapan berlangsung subyek sedang
menginformasikan bahwa Sinta sedang istirahat karena baru saja tiba dari Singapore.
Kejadian tiba dari Singapore masih memberikan efek pada saat pembicaraan berlangsung.

b. Kalimat negatif
Peter has not played this game before. This is the first time.
(Peter tidak pernah memainkan permainan ini sebelumnya. Ini pertama kali ia

Pada saat pembicaraan berlangsung penutur menginformasikan bahwa Peter sebelumnya dia
belum pernah memainkan permainan tersebut.

2. Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian yang telah dilakukan secara berulang-ulang.
They have visited Borobudur Temple for several times this year.
(Mereka telah mengunjungi Candi Borobudur beberapa kali tahun ini)

3. Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang sudah terjadi.
a. She has seen it.
Dia telah melihatnya.
b. They have just returned from school.
Mereka baru saja telah Kembali dari sekolah.

1.4. Time Signal (Keterangan Waktu)

 Up to now : sampai sekarang
 Recently : baru-baru ini
 Almost : hampir
 Since : sejak
 For…. : selama…
 Already : sudah
 At last : akhirnya
 Never : tidak pernah
 Finally : akhirnya
 Lately : akhir-akhir ini
 Many times : banyak sekali
 Until now : sampai sekarang
 Just : baru saja
 Still : masih
 Once : satu kali
 Twice : dua kali

4.4. Perbedaan Simple Past Tense dan Present Perfect

Pada saat ini mungkin kita bingung cara membedakan antara past tense dan present perfect tense.
Hal ini mungkin karena kedua-duanya sama-sama membicarakan kejadian pada masa lalu.
Untuk memahami lebih dalam perbedaan kedua tenses ini, mari kita perhatikan table berikut ini

Simple Past Tense Present Perfect Tense

Kejadian yang telah selesai. Kejadian yang dimulai pada

masa lalu dan masih berlangsung
pada saat ini.

 I’ve known Bobby for  I knew Bobby for twenty
twenty years. years, but then he moved
away and we lost contact.


Penjelasan: Pada kalimat diatas bahwa subject

ini telah mengenal Bobby selama
Pada kalimat diatas bahwa subject 20 tahun namun kemudian hilang
telah mengenal Bobby selama 20 kontak sehingga mengetahui
tahun dan sampai saat ini dia kondisi dan kabar Bobby saat ini.
masih mengenalnya.

Kejadian yang telah selesai

dalam kehidupan seseorang
Kejadian yang telah selesai (Ketika seseorang masih hidup)
dalam kehidupan seseorang  My Grandfather has been
(Ketika seseorang sudah
to Paris three times.
 My great-Grandfather Penjelasan:
went to Paris three times.
Dalam kalimat diatas, penulisa
ingin menginformasikan bahwa
Penjelasan: kakeknya telah pergi ke Paris
Dalam kalimat diatas, penulis sebanyak 3 kali sebelumnya.
bermaksud menginformasikan
bahwa kakeknya pernah ke Paris
sebanyak tiga kali semasa

a. Simple past tense digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang tidak ada kaitannya dengan
saat ini.
b. Present perfect tense digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang dimulai pada masa
lampau dan masih terjadi sampai saat ini atau kejadian yang telah selesai dimasa lampau
namun masih ada hubungannya dengan saat ini.

4.5 Latihan Soal

A. Buatlah kalimat postif, negatif, dan interogatif menggunakan kalimat berikut.

1. ( + ) They have finished on their science project.

( - ) ……………………………………………………………
( ? ) ……………………………………………………………

2. ( + ) ……………………………………………………………
( - ) We have not been to Semarang.
( ? ) ……………………………………………………………
3. ( + ) ……………………………………………………………
( - ) ……………………………………………………………
( ? ) Have I bought a new book?
4. ( + ) My co-worker has written the purchasing inquiry.
( - ) ……………………………………………………………
( ? ) ……………………………………………………………
5. ( + ) ……………………………………………………………
( - ) Jennifer has not left the discussion.
( ? ) ……………………………………………………………
6. ( + ) ……………………………………………………………
( - ) ……………………………………………………………
( ? ) Has Freddy cooked for us?
7. ( + ) My sister has played a music for an hour.
( - ) ……………………………………………………………
( ? ) ……………………………………………………………
8. ( + ) ……………………………………………………………
( - ) My friends has not ordered a taxi through online application.
( ? ) ……………………………………………………………
9. ( + ) ……………………………………………………………
( - ) ……………………………………………………………
( ? ) Have they booked the restaurant for company gathering?
10. ( + ) We have played badminton for 40 minutes.
( - ) ……………………………………………………………
( ? ) ……………………………………………………………

B. Lengkapi kalimat berikut agar menjadi present perfect tense menggunakan kata kerja di dalam

1. Marc ……… the hard training this weekend. (start)

2. I ……… a bunch of flowers for my grandmother. (bring)
3. The fire ……… the whole school building. (burn)
4. The plant ……… fast because of natural fertilizer. (grow)
5. We ……… a budget plan for next year. (create)
6. You ……… me about your traveling plan to Bangkok. (tell)

7. They ……… a lot of money for shopping. (spend)
8. He ……… very early morning to prepare his test. (wake)
9. Gavrien ……… some vegetable for her family dinner. (buy)
10. The soldier ……… to cross the river. (swim)

C. Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini dengan memilih jawaban yang paling tepat!

1. She _____ traveled to most parts of the world.

a. have d. has
b. is e. will
c. haven’t
2. _____ you ever _____ in a car accident?
a. Has / been d. Have / was
b. Has / was e. Have / been
c. Have / be
3. She _____ to Russia two years ago.
a. go d. will go
b. went e. goes
c. gone
4. I _____ in a crash when I _____ 10.
a. were / was d. was / was
b. am / was e. were / were
c. was / am
5. I _____ last night.
a. Leave d. left
b. Leaves e. Have left
c. leaving
6. “_____ you _____ to Russia.” “Yes, I _____.”
a. Had / be / haven’t
b. Had / been / have
c. Have / be / have
d. Have / been / have
e. Has / been / have
7. Have you _____ your homework?
a. do d. did
b. to do e. does
c. done
8. I haven’t done it _____ .
a. yet d. since
b. already e. finished
c. just
9. I have _____ done it.
a. yet d. since
b. ago e. did

c. just
10. I’ve _____ the latest Star Wars film. I _____ it last week.
a. seen / saw d. saw / saw
b. see / saw e. saw / seen
c. seen / seen
11. She has _____ to Portugal.
a. be d. were
b. been e. go
c. being
12. She works _____ a big company.
a. to d. of
b. with e. from
c. for 1
13. ‘Hamlet’ is a play _____ Shakespeare.
a. of d. on
b. by e. in
c. at
14. Brad and Marilyn are _____ honeymoon.
a. on d. of
b. for e. from
c. at
15. Mason _____ his homework 10 minutes ago, but I’ve not finished mine _____.
a. finished / yet d. finish / just
b. finish / just e. finished / yet
c. finished / just
16. A: Have you ever _____ a holiday in India?
B: Yes, we have. We _____ there in 2000.
a. had / have gone d. have / went
b. been / went e. have / were
c. had / went
17. A: Welcome back. _____ have you been?
B: I’ve _____ to Afghanistan.
a. Where / gone d. When / gone
b. Where / been e. What / been
c. When / been
18. There’s nobody in the class. All the students have _____ home.
a. been d. be
b. went e. goes
c. gone
19. _____ the TV and _____ the lights. Let’s watch news.
a. Turn out / turn off
b. Turn off / turn out
c. Turn back / on
d. Turn on / turn off

e. Turn off / turn on
20. First, he _____ his jumper, then _____ his best shirt.
a. took off / put on
b. took after / put on
c. turned up / tried on
d. tried on / turned up
e. tried to / get on

Bab 5
Present Perfect Continuous Tense
5.1. Definisi Present perfect continuous tense
5.2. Rumus Present perfect continuous tense
5.3. Penggunaan Present perfect continuous tense
5.4. Perbedaan Present Perfect continuous tense
dengan lainnya
5.5. Latihan

5.1 Definisi Present Perfect Continuous Tense

Sebelum kita mempelajari present perfect continuous tense kita harus menguasai konsep present perfect tense
dan present continuous tense karena keduanya merupakan untuk pembentuk tenses ini.
Present perfect continuous tense atau sering dikenal present perfect progressive tense adalah salah satu bentuk
waktu yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan sebuah kejadian yang dimulai di masa lampau dan masih
berlangsung hingga saat ini. Adanya kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung menjadi alasan mengapa tenses ini
disebut present perfect continuous tense.
Hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam tenses ini adalah penggunaan kata kerja bentuk -ing dan merupakan kategori
kata kerja yang memiliki/ menunjukkan durasi.
I have been reading this novel from a month now.
Saya telah (sedang) membaca novel ini sejak satu bulan ini,
Kalimat contoh diatas mengungkapkan sebuah kegiatan dimana subyek kalimat sedang membaca sebuah novel
yang ia mulai dari satu bulan yang lalu dan masih belum selesai hingga saat ini.
Kalimat diatas juga menggunakan V-ing yang memiliki durasi.

5.2. Rumus Present perfect continuous tense

Ket Positive Sentence/ Negative Sentence/ Introgrative Sentence/
Kalimat Positif Negative Statement Introgrative Statement
Rumus (+) Subjek + have/ has+ (-) Subjek + have/ has+ (?) Have/ has + subject + been
been + Verb-ing (present NOT + been + Verb- + Verb-ing (present
participle) ing (present participle) + ?
Contoh (5) I have been living (1) You have not (1) Have you been living in
in Surabaya for 5 been living in Surabaya for 5 years?
years. Surabaya for 5 (Apakah anda telah
(Saya sudah tinggal years. tinggal di Surabaya
di Surabaya selama (Saya tidak selama 5 tahun?)
5 tahun) tinggal di

Surabaya selama
5 tahun)
(2) Has he been working in
(6) He has been (2) He has not been this company since
working in this working in this 2003?
company since company since (Apakah dia telah
2003. 2003. bekerja di perusahaan
(Dia telah bekerja (Dia telah tidak ini sejak tahun 2003?)
di perusahaan ini bekerja di
sejak tahun 2003) perusahaan ini
sejak tahun 2003)
(3) Have they been playing
(7) They have been (3) They have not this board game
playing this board been playing this recently?
game recently. board game (Apakah mereka baru
(Mereka telah recently. saja memainkan
memainkan (Mereka tidak permainan papan?)
permainan papan memainkan
baru saja.) permainan papan
baru saja.)

Keterangan Waktu (Time Signal) untuk Present Perfect

Continuous Tense
Keterangan Waktu Contoh Kalimat

For = Selama I have been waiting a train to Brussel here for

more than 2 hours.
(Saya telah menunggu kereta ke Brussel
disini lebih dari 2 jam)

For about = Selama The Policeman has been chasing the the thief
kira-kira for about 6 hours.

Since = Sejak Mr Peter has been teaching English since 2015

All the day = Sepanjang What a day!. I have been working all the day.

A long day = Sepanjang You have been driving a long day. You need
hari to take a rest.

Forover = Selama lebih They have been searching for the missng
dari person forover a week.

Kegunaan Present Perfect Continuous Tense
1. Aktivitas yang dimulai pada masa lampau dan masih berlangsung hingga saat ini.

Present perfect continuous tense atau sering dikenal present perfect progressive tense adalah
salah satu bentuk waktu yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan sebuah kejadian yang
dimulai di masa lampau dan masih berlangsung hingga saat ini. Adanya kegiatan yang sedang
berlangsung menjadi alasan mengapa tenses ini disebut present perfect continuous tense.
Hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam tenses ini adalah penggunaan kata kerja bentuk -ing dan
merupakan kategori kata kerja yang memiliki/ menunjukkan durasi.
She has been waiting for us all day.
(Dia telah menunggu kita sepanjang hari)

2. Dapat juga digunakan untuk menyatakan situasi yang berlangsung sementara

I usually go to library on the Diponegoro street, but it is closed for a week so I have been going
to the one in the University.
(Saya biasanya pergi jalan Diponegoro, namun saat ini sedang tutup selama satu minggu
sehingga saya pergi ke perpustakaan di Universitas.)

5.3. Perbedaan Present Perfect Continuous Tense dan

Pada bagian ini kita akan membahas tentang perbedaan present perfet continuous tense dengan
tense lainnya.
1. Present Perfect Tense vs Present Perfect Continuous Tense
Present Perfect Tense Present Perfect Continuous Tense
 Fokus pada hasil  Fokus pada aktivitas
Contoh: Contoh:
Sisca has been I have been working all day.
cleaning the room. It I am so tired.
looks so nice. Penjelasan:
Penjelasan: Fokus utama dari kalimat
Fokus utama kalimat diatas adalah aktivitas
diatas pada hasil dari subyek yang bekerja
aktivitas Sisca yang seharian.
ruangan sehingga
membuat ruangan
terlihat lebih nyaman.

 Menyatakan aktivitas
yang telah selesai  Menyatakan aktivitas yang
Contoh: masih berlangsung
I have written you an Contoh:
email. I have been writing the
Penjelasan: annual report since this early
Kalimat diatas morning.
menunjukkan bahwa Penjelasan:
subyek telah selesai Pada kalimat diatas
menulis sebuah email. menjelaskan bahwa subyek
sedang menulis laporan
tahunan yang sudah dia
mulai sejak pagi.

2. Present Perfect Continuous Tense vs Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Present Perfect Continuous Tense Past Perfect Continuous Tense
 Menyatakan kegiatan  Menyatakan aktivitas yang
yang dimulai pada masa dimulai dan berlangsung di
lampau namun masih masa lampau.
berlangsung sampai Contoh:
sekarang. When it was 4.00 PM, I had
Contoh: been running for 3 hours.
Agnes Monica has been Penjelasan:
exercising since 9 AM. Pada kalimat diatas
Penjelasan: menyatakan bahwa pada pukul
Kalimat diatas menjelaskan 4 sore, subyek telah berlari
bahwa Agnes Monica telah selama 3 jam. (saat ini mungkin
memulai aktivitas telah selesai aktivitas tersebut)
berolahraga sejak pukul 9
pagi. (Saat ini masih

5.4 Latihan Soal

A. Buatlah kalimat postif, negatif, dan interogatif menggunakan kalimat berikut.

1. ( + ) Andrew has been diving 30 minutes.

( - ) ……………………………………………………………
( ? ) ……………………………………………………………
2. ( + ) ……………………………………………………………
( - ) The plant has not been growing so fast.
( ? ) ……………………………………………………………
3. ( + ) ……………………………………………………………
( - ) ……………………………………………………………
( ? ) Has she been singing a song at my sister wedding party?
4. ( + ) You have been baking this cake for several minutes.
( - ) ……………………………………………………………
( ? ) ……………………………………………………………
5. ( + ) ……………………………………………………………
( - ) The baby has not been crying during the storm.
( ? ) ……………………………………………………………
6. ( + ) ……………………………………………………………
( - ) ……………………………………………………………
( ? ) Have you been delivering the package?
7. ( + ) The teacher has been explaining in front of the class since 8.00 o’clock.
( - ) ……………………………………………………………
( ? ) ……………………………………………………………
8. ( + ) ……………………………………………………………
( - ) They have not been hearing the President’s speech from television.
( ? ) ……………………………………………………………
9. ( + ) ……………………………………………………………
( - ) ……………………………………………………………
( ? ) Has she been knitting for a month?
10. ( + ) They have been enjoying the concert at main hall.
( - ) ……………………………………………………………
( ? ) ……………………………………………………………

B. Lengkapi kalimat berikut agar menjadi present perfect continuous tense menggunakan kata kerja
di dalam kurung!

1. He ……….……… in Jakarta since 2003. (live)

2. She ……….……… in an oil company for 15 years (work)
3. The Animal Keepers in wildlife reserve ……….……… endangered animals from illegal
hunting. (protect)
4. The Mechanic ……….……… my car by replacing some spare parts. (repair)

5. We ……….……… our product from market because of some malfunction components.
6. My mother ……….……… me a story for refugee children. (tell)
7. I ……….……… football for 90 minutes. (play)
8. Roberto ……….……… for a newspaper since 1999. (write)
9. You ……….……… for five hours. (sleep)
10. She ……….……… a comic since early morning. (read)

C. Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini dengan memilih jawaban yang paling tepat!

1. How long _____ in Paris?

a. do you live
b. are you living
c. have you been living
d. you live
e. did you live
2. Anna _____ a good job.
a. finds
b. has found
c. founded
d. have been finding
e. has been finding
3. Pete and I _____ for over six months.
a. are gone
b. have gone out
c. went out
d. have been going out
e. has been gone
4. I _____ a new flat a few months ago.
a. bought
b. have been buying
c. have been bought
d. buy
e. have bought
5. How long _____ your car?
a. have you had
b. you have
c. are you have
d. are you having
e. have you been having
6. Tom _____ as a postman for the past month.
a. has worked
b. worked

c. works
d. has been working
e. are working
7. I _____ an essay all day.
a. write
b. have been written
c. am writing
d. have been writing
e. has been writing
8. I _____ six pages.
a. am written
b. have been writing
c. have written
d. write
e. writing
9. A: “Are you going out?”
B: “_____. I don’t know yet.”
a. Carefully
b. Possibly
c. Mainly
d. Nearly
e. Somehow
10. The exam was _____ difficult. I couldn’t do any of it.
a. fluently
b. seriously
c. exactly
d. real
e. almost

11. A: “How old are you?”

B: “I’m _____ eight. It’s my birthday next week.”
a. possibly
b. fluently
c. nearly
d. exactly
e. might be
12. I travel a lot in my job, _____ to Europe.
a. exactly
b. nearly
c. really
d. mainly
e. some of
13. Sorry I’m late. _____ for a long time?
a. Did you wait

b. Have you waited
c. Have you been waiting
d. Did you wait
e. Do you wait
14. The streets are wet. _____?
a. Was it raining
b. Has it been raining
c. Has it been rained
d. Has it rained
e. Did it rain
15. I’m hot because I _____!
a. have run
b. run
c. have been running
d. am run
e. have ran

16. I _____ my finger! It really hurts.

a. cut
b. cutted
c. have cut
d. have been cutting
e. was cutted
17. _____ Paul Simon’s latest record?
a. Have you heard
b. Have you been hearing
c. Did you hear
d. Are you heard
e. Do you hear
18. She’s tired because she _____ all day.
a. shopped
b. shops
c. has been shopping
d. has shopped
e. is shopping
19. Sorry. I _____ one of your glasses.
a. have broken
b. broke
c. break
d. have been breaking
e. has been broken
20. How long _____ this book?
a. do you read
b. are you reading

c. you are reading
d. have you been reading
e. have you read

21. They _____ here for three years.

a. lives
b. are living
c. live
d. have been living
e. has been living
22. I _____ the living room, but I haven’t finished yet.
a. have painted
b. paint
c. am painting
d. painted
e. have been painting
23. I _____ my wallet. Where did I last put it?
a. lost
b. have lost
c. had lost
d. have been losing
e. lose
24. Look what my father _____ me for my birthday! A bike!
a. gave
b. have been giving
c. gives
d. has given
e. had given
25. There’s my wallet! I _____ for it for hours.
a. have been looking
b. am looking
c. looked
d. have looked
e. look

Bab 6
6.1 Definisi Simple Past Tense
6.2 Rumus Simple Past Tense
6.3 Keterangan Waktu
6.4 Kata Kerja Beraturan dan
Tidak beraturan
6.5 Penggunaan to be “Was”
dan “Were”
6.6 Latihan Soal Simple Past

6.1 Definisi Simple Past Tense

Simple Past Tense adalah sebuah kegiatan yang terjadi dan berakhir dimasa lampau dimana kegiatan tersebut
sudah tidak ada lagi hubungannya dengan masa sekarang. Simple Past tense biasa digunakan untuk
menceritakan kegiatan dimasa lampau dimana durasi kejadiannya dianggap tidak penting. (Azar and Hagen,
1. My children studied English in their school yesterday.
2. She read many book last night.
3. Did you came to my sister’s party last week? I didn’t see you.
4. Rifdah didn’t eat her lunch yesterday because she didn’t like the food.
5. Did Aca play doll lat night? No, She didn’t.
Simple Past tense digunakan untuk mengekpresikan kegiatan yang telah selesai dimasa lampau. Hal tersebut
dikenal sebagai Past Simple karena kalimat tersebut tidak membutuhkan kata bantu (Auxiliary) untuk
melengkapi artinya. Bentuk kalimatnya sangat sederhana. Past Simple hanya menggunakan kata bantu
(Auxiliary) Ketika dalam kalimat negative dan kalimat tanya. Kata bantu (Auxilary) dalam kalimat Simple
Past adalah did. (Herring and Norlen, 2016)
1. She didn’t go to the school yesterday.
2. They didn’t play football two days ago.
3. Did they play football two days ago?
4. Did she go to school yesterday?

Simple Past Tense dapat digambarkan sebagai berikut:

Simple Present

Simple Past Simple Future

Gambar 6.1. Bagan Simple Past Tense

Didalam bagan tersebut, Simple Past digambarkan kejadian sebelum Simple Present, dimana kegiatan yang
terjadi pada Simple Past adalah kejadian yang terjadi dimasa lampau. (Clarke, 2012)
Simple Past juga bisa digunakan untuk kebiasaan diwaktu lampau. (Herring and Norlen, 2016)
1. She used to visit her family when she lived in the same town.
2. They always swam in the swimming pool when they were young.

6.2 Rumus Simple Past Tense

Rumus Simple Past menggunakan kata kerja kedua pada kalimat positif dan menggunakan kata kerja pertama
pada kalimat negatif dan interogatif. (Clarke, 2012)

Kalimat Positif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya Kalimat Tanya

Yes / No WH-Question

S + V2 + O + S + didn’t + Did + S + V1 Wh-Q + did +

C V1 + O + C +O+C+? S + V1 + O + C
Tabel 6.1 Rumus Simple Past Tense

Keterangan :
S = Subjek
Did = kata bantu simple past tense
V2 = Kata kerja ke dua (masa lampau)
V1 = Kata kerja pertama (present)
O = Objek
C = Kata keterangan waktu dan tempat (Complement)

It + studied + English.
We (V2)
It + didn‘t + study + English.
We (Aux) (V1)

Did + He + play + football ?

(Aux) She ( V1)

Penggunakan Kata Kerja kedua (V2) hanya digunakan pada kalimat positif. Sedangkan pada kalimat negatif
dan kalimat tanya, kata kerja kembali menjadi kata kerja pertama (V1). (Clarke, 2012)
Kalimat negatif dan kalimat tanya menggunakan kata bantu DID.
1. a. I went to Bandung yesterday.
b. I didn’t go to Bandung yesterday.
c. Did you go to Bandung yesterday?.
d. Where did you go yesterday.
2. a. Chyntia and Sisca studied English two days ago.
b. Chyntya and Sisca didn’t study English two days ago.
c. Did Chyntia and Sisca study English two days ago?
d. Why did Chyntia and Sisca study English two days ago?

6.3. Keterangan Waktu Simple Past Tense
Keterangan waktu Simple past Tense:(Herring and Norlen, 2016)
- yesterday
- last week
- last month
- last Saturday
- last year
- two days ago
- three month ago
- two hours ago,
- etc

1. My sister went to Surabaya yesterday.
2. Aca and Rifdah swam in the swimming pool two days ago.
3. Beni wrote a letter for his friend last week.
4. Desy and her friends had English Exam at the school three month ago.
5. I slept early last night because I was so tired.

6.4 Regular Verbs (Kata Kerja Beraturan) dan Irregular

Verbs (Kata Kerja Tidak Beraturan)
Contoh kata kerja beraturan dan tidak beraturan:

Kata Kerja Beraturan (-ed) Kata kerja Tidak beraturan

study - studied sleep – slept

walk - walked speak – spoke

play – played write - wrote

dance – danced read – read

work – worked break – broke

want - wanted build – built

watch - watched know - knew

call – called draw – drew

visit – visited run - ran

play – played buy - bought

Tabel 6.2 Tabel kata kerja beraturan dan tidak beraturan.

Contoh kata kerja tidak beraturan:

1. They went to Bandung yesterday.
2. My sister read many books last month.
3. My father bought a new car twodays ago.
4. She wrote a letter for her boyfriend who live in Singapore.

Contoh kata kerja beraturan:

1. We played badminton yesterday morning.
2. The man worked in the office last night.

6.5 Penggunaan To be Was and Were

A. Rumus Simple Past Tense dengan penggunaan to be was dan were.

Kalimat Positif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya Kalimat Tanya

Yes / No WH-Question

S + was / S + was / were Was / were + Wh-Q + was /

were + O + C + not + O + C S + O + C + ? were + S + O +
Tabel 6.3 Rumus Simple Past Tense dengan menggunakan was / were

Keterangan :
S = Subject (Subjek)
Was / were = to be dalam simple past tense
O = Object (objek)
C = Complement (keterangan waktu / keterangan tempat)
Penggunaan to be WAS digunakan pada subjek I / HE / SHE, sedangkan to be WERE digunakan pada subjek
WE / YOU / THEY. (Walker and Elsworth, 2000)
B. Contoh kalimat Simple Past Tense dengan menggunakan to be Was and Were.

To be WAS dan WERE digunakan pada kalimat SIMPLE PAST hanya untuk kalimat yang tidak
menggunakan kata kerja. To be WAS dan WERE memiliki fungsi sebagai KATA KERJA didalam kalimat
SIMPLE PAST TENSE. (Murphy, 2019)
To be Was To be Were
I was happy. You were so nice.

She was surprised. They were sad because their mother

was sick yesterday.

He was angry. Eko and Ira were hungry.

Hendy was upset. Desy and Dennis were happy.

Chyntia was hungry. We were curious so much.

Tabel 6.4. Contoh penggunaan to be was dan were.
Contoh didalam tabel To be WAS dan WERE berfungsi sebagai Kata kerja mutlak, bukan sebagai kata bantu.
Contoh :
I was happy
_____ __________ _________
Subjek kata kerja 2 kata sifat

Eko and Ira were hungry

__________ ___________ _________
Subjek kata kerja 2 Adjective

6.6 Latihan Soal Simple Past Tense

A. Pilihan Ganda
1. Student A: ....... did you do yesterday morning?
Student B: I played football.
a. Why d. Whom
b. What e. Who
c. Where
2. Did you read books two days ago?
a. No, I am not d. No, he wasn’t
b. Yes, I did e. Yes, I am
c. No, I wasn’t
3. Andy . . . . many books yesterday afternoon.
a. reads d. readed
b. reading e. read
c. red
4. My sister . . . . sad yesterday. She just stayed in her room.
a. were d. was
b. are e. is
c. been
5. The students . . . . English three days ago in the school.
a. study d. to study
b. studying e. studies
c. studied
6. . . . . gave you a cake? My mom gave me a cake.
a. Why d. What
b. Where e. Why
c. Who
7. Did you study English three months ago?
a. No, I did not d. No, I wasn’t
b. Yes, I do e. Yes, I have
c. Yes, I am
8. They . . . . happy yesterday because It was holiday.
a. was d. are
b. is e. were
c. been
9. Andy quickly . . . . friends at his new school last year.
a. brought d. took
b. made e. went
c. lost
10. The bed was very uncomfortable so I …… the new one yesterday.
a. bought d. buying
b. buy e. to buy
c. buyed
B. Isilah titik titik dibawah ini
Read what Andini says about her activities!
I usually get up at 5 o’clock. I have breakfast at 7.00.
I go to work at 8 o’clock by car. I start working at 8.30.
I have lunch at 12 o’clock. I finish working at 5 o’clock.
I am always tired when I get home. I usually cook for my dinner.
I go to bed at about 10 o’clock. I always sleep well.
I always have beautiful dream.

Yesterday was Andini’s activities. Write what she did or didn’t do yesterday.
1. She _____________________ at 5 o’clock yesterday morning.
2. She _______________________ breakfast at 7 o’clock yesterday morning.
3. She _______________ to work at 8 o’clock yesterday morning.
4. She ______________ working at 8.30 yesterday morning.
5. She _____________ working at 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon.
6. She __________ tired when she _________ home.
7. She ___________ for her dinner yesterday evening.
8. She ____________ to bed about 10 o’clock.
9. She ___________ well last night.
10. She ________ beautiful dream last night.

C. Isilah titik titik dibawah ini dengan menggunakan kata kerja lampau (V2)

1. She . . . . (go) to Bandung yesterday.

2. He . . . . (to be) happy yesterday because he got a new bicycle.
3. They . . . . (swim) in the swimming pool last week.
4. . . . . you read those books? No, I didn't.
5. My brother didn't . . . . (eat) fried rice. He ate satay.
6. Where . . . you go two weeks ago? I . . . . (go) to Bandung with my family.
7. I . . . (know) she was very busy so I . . . (not, disturb) her.
8. The children didn’t like the food, so their mom . . . (cook) fried rice.
9. They . . . , (stay) at home because they . . . (to be) ill yesterday.
10. Chintya . . . (go) swimming with her friends last week.

D. Acak Kata (Urutkan kata kata dibawah ini menjadi kalimat yang benar)

1. She / felt / before a competition / nervous / .

2. The / ate / my / cat / breakfast / .
3. She / books / many / read / in / room / her / .
4. The student / in the class / raised / yesterday / the hand / .
5. sat / because / Andini / on / she / the chair / was / tired / .

E. Essay
1. What did she do last week? (read books)
2. Did the children play basketball two days ago? (Yes)
3. Why did she read many books yesterday? (have exams)
4. Who ate my breakfast yesterday? (my sister)
5. Was she sad because I didn’t come to her house last night? (No)
6. Did She write a letter for her boyfriend yesterday? (Yes)
7. Did they play badminton after going home last week? (No), (play football)
8. Did you go to the cinema with your family two days ago? (Yes)
9. How many books did he read last month? (20 books)
10. How much money did his father give him last Sunday? ($100)

F. Isi tabel yang kosong dengan kata kerja yang sesuai.

No V1 V2 V3
1 give
2 read
3 broken

4 stolen

5 say
6 ride

7 stood

8 Sat
9 smelt

10 wear

Bab 7
Past Continuous Tense
7.1Definisi Past Continuous
7.2 Penggunaan Past Continuous
7.3 Rumus Past Continuous
7.4 Keterangan Waktu
7.5 Perbedaan Simple Past
Dan Past Continuous
7.6 Latihan Soal Past Continuous

7.1 Definisi Past Continuous

Past Continuous Tense adalah sebuah aktifitas yang sedang terjadi di masa lampau, dimana kegiatan tersebut
sudah tidak ada hubungannya dengan masa sekarang. Biasanya didalam Past Continuous Tense terdapat dua
kegiatan yang terjadi pada saat yang bersamaan. (Azar and Hagen, 2017)
Contoh :
1. He was reading book when I came to her house.
2. They weren’t playing football at 7 O’clock yesterday morning.
3. Were you sleeping while your teacher was explaining the lesson yesterday?.
4. I was writing a letter for my parents at 8 O‘clock last night.
5. Was she crying when I shouted her two days ago?.
Past Continuous mengekspresikan kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung pada masa lampau atau dua
kejadian terjadi pada saat yang bersamaan di masa lampau. (Azar, 2003)
When the phone rang, I was sleeping. When = at that time
The phone rang while I was sleeping. While = during that time.

Past Continous Tense dapat digambarkan sebagai berikut :

Simple Past

Past Continuous

Picture 7.1: Bagan Past Continuous Tense

Didalam bagan terdapat kegiatan Past Continuous yang sedang terjadi dimana kegiatan tersebut terjadi
bersamaan dengan kegiatan lain (Simple Past / Past Continuous). (Azar and Hagen, 2017)

Contoh :
1. She was swimming when her mom came yesterday morning.
She was swimming merupakan kalimat dimana kegiatan tersebut sedang berlangsung pada saat itu, ketika her
mom came.. Dimana satu kegiatan terjadi dengan membutuhkan waktu lama (She was swimming) dan
kegiatan yang lainnya (Her mom came) hanya membutuhkan waktu sebentar. Ini menerangkan bahwa :
a. She was swimming adalah Past Continuous Tense.
b. Her mom came adalah Simple Past Tense
Contoh lain :
2. She was cooking when her father was washing his car.
She was cooking merupakan kalimat dimana kegiatan tersebut sedang terjadi berbarengan dengan kalimat
Her father was washing his car. Kalimat She was cooking merupakan kegiatan yang membutuhkan waktu
yang lama, demikian pula dengan kalimat Her father was washing his car merupakan kegiatan yang
membutuhkan waktu yang lama. Hal ini menerangkan bahwa:
a. She was cooking adalah Past Continuous.
b. Her father was washing his car adalah Past Continuous.
Past Continuous disebut juga dengan nama Past Progressive, biasa digunakan untuk menggambarkan sesuatu
yang sedang berlangsung pada saat tertentu di masa lampau. Disebut dengan Past Continuous karena Tense
ini menggunakan to be was dan were dengan diikuti kata kerja participle / Ving sebagai kata kerja utama.
(Herring and Norlen, 2016)

7.2 Penggunaan Past Contiuous Tense

Past Continuous tense digunakan pada kegiatan :
1. Membicarakan kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung di masa lampau.
2. Membicarakan kegiatan yang terpotong oleh kegiatan lain ditengah kegiatan. Biasanya
menggunakan keterangan waktu when dan while.
3. Menggambarkan situasi pada kejadian lampau. (Clarke, 2012)

Contoh :
a. It was raining on Sunday so the children didn’t play basketball.

(Kalimat diatas menerangkan kegiatan yang sedang terjadi di masa lampau sehingga kegiatan yang lainnya
tidak dapat dilakukan.)
b. She was driving to work when she looked a beggar fainted on the street.

(kalimat diatas menerangkan kegiatan yang sedang terjadi dimasa lampau dan terganggu oleh kegiatan
lain ditengahnya.)
c. We were driving home after working. Mom turned on the radio and that’s when I was heard
that song.

(kalimat diatas menerangkan kegiatan yang sedang terjadi dimasa lampau dan ketika itu ada kejadian lain
yang pertama kali didengarnya.)

Past continuous biasanya tidak menggunakan kata kerja seperti : believe, like, prefer, want, depend, love, know,
remember, forget, mean, need dan understand. (Clarke, 2012)
Kata kerja diatas biasa digunakan dalam Simple tenses saja, seperti Simple Present dan Simple Past.
Contoh :
1. I wanted to go to Bali yesterday but my mom forbade me.
2. She believed he would marry her, but the fact it is not true.
3. The man forgot to bring his glasses yesterday.
Dalam kalimat Past Continuous tidak bisa menggunakan kata kerja yang menunjukkan kepemilikan
(possession) atau sebab (atribution). (Herring and Norlen, 2016)
✖ The man was having a large house. (salah)
✖ My father was owning three cars. (salah)
✖ That bag was belonging to her. (salah)
✖ We were having a large family. (salah)
✖ The teacher was holding several postgraduate degrees. (salah)

Kalimat yang benar, kita bisa menggunakan kalimat Simple Past:

V The man had a large house. (benar)
V My father owned three cars. (benar)
V That bag belonged to her. (benar)
V We had a large family. (benar)
V The teacher holded several postgraduate degrees. (benar)
Beberapa kata kerja kognitif dapat menjadi static ataupun dinamik, tergantung pada situasi dan kondisi. Jika
mereka dapat digunakan didalam kalimat continuous dengan benar, mereka akan mengekpresikan sebuah
kegiatan dinamik.(Herring and Norlen, 2016)
1. I considered my options before I made a decision.

V I was considering my options before I made a decision.
(benar—kata kerja aksi)
2. I considered myself a rational person.

✖ I was considering myself a rational person.

(Salah—kata kerja statis)
3. They thought of an answer.

V They were thinking of an answer.

(Benar—kata kerja aksi)

Kata kerja sense (indera) tertentu juga berfungsi sebagai kata kerja aksi didalam suasana lainnya, dan hal
tersebut dapat digunakan didalam bentuk continuous. (Herring and Norlen, 2016)
1. I was feeling gently around the table in the dark.
2. The guards were sounding the alarm!
3. What’s that delicious food I was smelling?
4. He was looking across the table at me.

7.3 Rumus Past Continuous Tense

Rumus Past continuous menggunakan to be dalam bentuk lampau was dan were dan menggunakan kata
kerja bentuk -ing. (Clarke, 2012)

Kalimat Positif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya Kalimat Tanya

Yes / No WH-Question

S + was / S + was / were Was / Were + Wh-Q + was /

were + Ving + not + Ving S + Ving + O were + S +
+O+C +O+C +C+? Ving + O + C +
Tabel 7.1 Rumus Past Continous Tense
Subjek yang menggunakan to be was adalah Subject : I, He, She. Sedangkan Subjek yang menggunakan to
be were adalah subjek : We, You dan They. (Walker and Elsworth, 2000)

He + was + studying + English.


You + were + studying + English.

Was + He + playing + football ?



Were + You + playing + football ?


He + wasn‘t + studying + English.



You + weren‘t + studying + English.


7.4 Keterangan Waktu Past Continuous Tense

Keterangan waktu Past Continuous : (Azar and Hagen, 2017)

 At 7 o’clock yesterday morning
 At 8 o’clock yesterday evening
 At the same time yesterday morning
 When
 While
 etc

1. The teacher was reading many books when I came in to the room yesterday morning.
2. What were you talking about when she arrived at your home last night?
3. The students were studying English at 8 o’clock yesterday morning.
4. Were you sleeping when I called you this morning?

7.5 Perbedaan Antara Simple Past Tense dan past
Continuous Tense
Perhatikan kalimat didalam bagan dibawah ini:

Simple Past Tense Past Continuous Tense

1a. She was hungry yesterday. 2a. She was eating yesterday

1b. They played football last week. 2b. They were playing football when
their teacher stopped them.

1c. Ariana sang a happy song. 2 c. Jenika was singing a sad song
while Ariana was singing a happy
song last night.

1d. Father drove his car to the office 2d. Father was driving his car when
yesterday morning. someone crossed the road.
Table 7.2: Perbedaan Simple Past Tense and Past Continous tense
Kalimat 1a dan 2a:
1a. She was hungry yesterday.
2a. She was eating yesterday morning.
kalimat She was hungry yesterday menerangkan bahwa kejadian tersebut terjadi pada masa lampau dan
hanya dalam bentuk kalimat tunggal, tidak diketahui waktunya. Sedangkan pada kalimat She was eating
yesterday morning menerangkan bahwa kejadian tersebut sedang terjadi pada masa lampau dan dibicarakan
proses kejadian tersebut.
Kalimat 1b dan 2b:
1b. They played football last week.
2b. They were playing football when their teacher stopped them.
Kalimat They played football last week merupakan kejadian yang terjadi pada masa lampau dan tidak diketahui
pasti waktunya. Sedangkan kalimat Tehy were playing football when their teacher stooped them merupakan
dua kalimat yang terjadi pada saat bersamaan di masa lampau. Dimana satu kegiatan sedang berlangsung
kemudian dihentikan oleh kegiatan lainnya.

Perhatikan kalimat dibawah ini, terdapat perbedaan antara Simple Past dan Past Continous : (Walker and
Elsworth, 2000)
1. They were having dinner when we arrived. (Mereka memulai makan malam sebelum kami tiba)
2. They had dinner when we arrived. (Mereka memulai makan malam bersamaan kedatangan kami)
Kalimat no.1 merupakan kalimat dalam bentuk Past Continuous, dimana kejadiannya terjadi ditengah ada
kegiatan lain. Sedangkan kalimat no.2 merupakan kalimat dalam bentuk Simple Past, dimana kedua kalimat
tersebut terjadi pada waktu lampau dan terjadi bersamaan.

7.6 Latihan Soal Past Continuous Tense
A. Pilihan Ganda
1. Sinta: Where ...... you going last night?
Andy: I was going to my uncle’s house.
a. was d. is
b. are e. been
c. were
2. I ................. when my mom knocked the door.
a. am sleeping d. was sleeping
b. have been e. had sleeping
c. sleep

3. While my dad .................... his car , my mom ...................... fried chicken yesterday afternoon.
a. was washing, were cooking
b. was washing, was cooking
c. were washed, were cooked
d. were washing, were cooking
e. washes, cooked
4. What were they doing yesterday morning?
a. They are playing football.
b. They are play football.
c. They were playing football.
d. They have been playing football.
e. They play football.
5. She ..................... when her husband got home late last night.
a. weren’t sleeping d. hasn’t sleeping
b. wasn’t sleeping e. aren’t sleeping
c. isn’t sleeping
6. At 7 O’clock yesterday morning, I and my family .............
a. was eating pizza. d. are eating pizza
b. were eating pizza. e. eat pizza
c. have been eating pizza.
7. What ........ you ............... when the light went off last night?
a. were, doing d. did, doing
b. are, doing e. is, doing

c. was, doing
8. ......... she ...................... you last week when you were in US?
a. Was, call d. Does, call
b. Did, calling e. Did, call
c. Were, calling
9. They ......................... the exam at 8 o’clock last Wednesday.
a. were doing d. have done
b. are doing e. do
c. was doing
10. What was he doing two days ago?
a. He is studying English now.
b. He were studying English.
c. He has been studying English.
d. He study English every day.
e. He was studying English two days ago.
B. Lingkari Simple Past Tense ( SP) atau Past Continuous Tense (PC).

1. She was happy because her mom gave her a present. ( SP / PC )

2. They were crying when their mom was not here. ( SP / PC )
3. He was playing football with his friends last Saturday ( SP / PC )
4. I went to my parent’s house yesterday morning. ( SP / PC )
5. While Mr Smith was reading book, his wife was cooking. ( SP / PC )
6. I am sure you met my girlfriend when you were at the party last night.
( SP / PC )
7. It was my first day of class. I found many friends, ( SP / PC )
8. When the students were doing the exam, the teacher fainted in front of the class two days ago.
( SP / PC )
9. Yesterday afternoon she was working at her office. ( SP / PC )
10. My mother was very sad because I was ill last week. ( SP / PC )

C. Isilah Titik-titik dibawah ini!

1. Herlina ........................ (teach) English when someone came in the class yesterday afternoon.
2. I enjoyed my holiday last year. While the sun .................... (shine), I ............... ( sunbathe) with my friends.
3. When I ......................... (eat) my breakfast in the dining room, the phone .......... (ring).
4. The students ...................... (play) football with their sport teacher at 8 o’clock yesterday morning.
5. The man ....................... (drive) to the work when he ............. (look) a beggar fainted on the street last week.
6. My sister ...................... (clean) the kitchen while my brother ............ (study) English in his room two days
7. Eyang Titi always listens to the music at 7 o‘clock every morning. She .................... (listen) to the music at
the same time yesterday morning.
8. Aca and Rifdah ...................... (watch) Doraemon movie at 8 o’clock yesterday evening.
9. Ms Ana ...................... (discuss) about AloEdu Indonesia foundation with Ms Yulidar when I came in the
room last week.
10. Ms Susi and Mr Ali ..................... (have) online workshop yesterday morning.

D. Lengkapi Cerita dibawah ini!

Hi, My name Aca.

This is my picture of my family.
In that picture I (1) ............ 7 years old.
But now I am 15 years old.
So it (2) ............... 6 years ago.
My brother’s name is Ariq.
My little sister’s name is Rifdah.
When I was 7 years old, I always (3) ........... (play) with my brother and my sister. One day I was playing
with my sister when someone (4) ........ (come) to our house. He (5) ......... a scary man. He (6) ......... (shout)
at us all the time. We (7) ........... (cry) loudly, then our mom (8) .............. (come) in. She (9) ................ (drive)
out the man. It (10) ........... a scary day for us. Thanks God, our mom is always with us. We love you Mom.

E. Essay

1. What were you doing when your friends were playing football? (read books)

2. Why were they studying Math last night? (Have an exam)


3. Who was cleaning this room yesterday? It was very tidy and fragrant. (My mom)

4. What were they doing yesterday morning?



5. What were you doing when your mom called you last night? (study Math)

6. What was happening in this room when you walked in yesterday? (someone, clean the room)

7. What were you doing at 7 o’clock yesterday morning? (have breakfast)



8. What was he doing last week? (work)



9. What was the teacher doing when the students were doing the exam?
(check the students)

10. What were the people doing when they looked there was an accident on that road yesterday? (help
the victims)

Bab 8
8.1 Definisi Past Perfect Tense
8.2 Rumus Past Perfect Tense
8.3 Keterangan Waktu
8.4 Penggunaan Past Perfect
8.5 Perbedaan Simple Past
Dan Past Perfect
8.6 Latihan Soal Past Perfect

8.1 Definisi Past Perfect Tense

Past Perfect tense merupakan tense yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan kegiatan yang telah selesai di masa
lampau, sebelum kegiatan lainnya (Simple Past). Past Perfect dibentuk dengan menggunakan kata bantu had
+ past participle (kata kerja ketiga. V3) sebagai kata kerja utama. (Herring and Norlen, 2016)
1. Rifdah had eaten when Cathy came. (Kalimat ini menunjukkan bahwa Ketika Cathy dating,
Rifdah sudah selesai makan).
2. My mother had cooked dinner and had it waiting on the table when the children got home.
(kalimat ini menunjukan bahwa Ketika Anak anak datang, ibu saya telah memasak makan
malam dan makanan tersebut sudah ada diatas meja).
3. Why did Budi visit Bandung again when you had been there before? (Kalimat tanya ini
menunjukkan bahwa si penanya menanyakan kepada Budi mengapa pergi ke Bandung lagi
padahal sudah 3 kali kesana).
4. The movie had already ended when Dhifa turned on the TV. (Kalimat ini menunjukkan
bahwa Ketika Dhifa menyalakan TV, film nya sudah berakhir).
5. Ariq hadn’t eaten Parmesan cheese before going to Italy. (kalimat ini menunjukkan Ariq
belum pernah makan keju Parmesan sebelum pergi ke Italy. Setelah Ariq ke Itali, baru Ariq
merasakan keju Parmesan).


Past Perfect Tense

Gambar 8.1. Bagan Past Perfect Tense

Didalam bagan tersebut, Past Perfect menggambarkan kejadian sebelum Simple Past, dimana kegiatan yang
terjadi pada Simple Past adalah kejadian yang terjadi dimasa lampau, jadi keduanya terjadi pada masa
lampau. (Clarke, 2012)
Past Perfect digunakan ketika kegiatan tersebut telah selesai sebelum kegiatan lainnya di masa lampau.
(Penston, 2005)

8.2 Rumus Past Perfect Tense

Rumus Past perfect menggunakan kata bantu had dan kata kerja ketiga (Verb3) sebagai kata kerja
uatama. (Clarke, 2012)

Kalimat Positif Kalimat Kalimat Tanya Kalimat Tanya

Negatif Yes / No WH-Question

S + V2 + O + C S + didn’t + V1 + Did + S + V1 + O Wh-Q + did + S +

O+C +C+? V1 + O + C + ?

Tabel 8.1 Rumus Past Perfect Tense

Keterangan :
S = Subject / Subjek
Verb3 = Kata kerja ke tiga
O = Object / Objek
C = Complement / Kata keterangan waktu dan tempat
It + had + studied + English.
We (aux) (V3)

He + hadn‘t + studied + English.
She (Aux) (V3)
You + hadn‘t + studied + English.
They (Aux) (V3)

Had + He + played + football ?
(Aux) She ( V3)
1. Retno had stayed in London before she stayed in Indonesia.
2. After I had taught English for two years, I taught French in 2006.
3. The students had done the exams by the time the teacher ordered them to collect the results.
4. The man had built the building so we could use that building for our party last year.
5. The students had studied Past Perfect before the teacher gave them the exercises.

Kata bantu (auxilary) didalam Past Perfect adalah had, to be didalam Past Perfect adalah been. (Jespersen,

Kalimat Positif Kalimat Kalimat Tanya Kalimat Tanya

Negatif Yes / No WH-Question

S + V2 + O + C S + didn’t + V1 + Did + S + V1 + O Wh-Q + did + S +

O+C +C+? V1 + O + C + ?

Tabel 8. 2 Rumus Past Perfect Tense dengan to be (been)

1. She had been there before I came in.
2. They had been here for 3 hours.
3. Had you been there?

8.3 Keterangan Waktu Past Perfect Tense

Keterangan waktu Past Perfect Tense: (Azar and Hagen, 2017)
- Before
- After
- When
- By the time
- Until
- As soon as
- So

1. My brother had left his keys in the house when he left, so I couldn’t come in.
2. Baheera hadn’t dreamed of living in Turkey before she visited the country.
3. Had you ever ridden on a motorcycle before working on the restaurant?
4. The man came here after Claudia had given him much money.
5. Syamila had gone to the market when her parents woke up this morning.
6. Lisna had returned to their office by the time Indar finished her report

8.4 Penggunaan Past Perfect

Past Perfect sering digunakan dalam kalimat klausa (clause) yang dihubungkan dengan sebuah kata sambung
(conjunction) seperti: when, and, that, because,so pada sebuah klausa yang berisi kata kerja kedua (Simple
Past). (Penston, 2005)
1. I knew (that) I had seen her somewhere before.
2. It had stopped raining so they didn’t bother to put the car way.

Past Perfect sering digunakan untuk menghindari kebingungan maupun ambiguitas. Sebagai contoh, kita
gunakan keterangan waktu when lebih sering daripada before dan after. (Penston, 2005)
1. They had finished eating when I got here.
(2 masa yang membuat kalimat tersebut menjadi jelas, Past perfect dan Simple Past)
2. They finished eating before I got there.
(kata bantu before membuat kalimat tersebut menjadi jelas, kita dapat menggunakan Simple
Past saja daripada Past Perfect untuk awal kalimat)

8.5 Perbedaan Simple Past Tense dan Past Perfect Tense

 Perbedaan pertama adalah perbedaan dalam hal definisi.

Past perfect tense merupakan Suatu kegiatan atau peristiwa sebelum kegiatan atau peristiwa lain di masa
lampau. Dikarenakan kegiatan atau peristiwa dalam Past perfect tense terjadi sebelum kegiatan atau peristiwa
lain, maka kata kerja kedua nya biasanya dalam bentuk Simple past tense. (Herring and Norlen, 2016)

1. When Mr Gusdin turned on the TV, the film had ended.
2. My grandma was sad when she left the house, she had lived in for so many years.

Sedangkan pada Simple past tense, Simple past tense biasanya digunakan untuk mengekspresikan kegiatan
yang sudah selesai di masa lampau. Simple past tense sering menggunakan ekspresi waktu lampau untuk
memberikan informasi yang lebih lengkap. (Herring and Norlen, 2016)
1. Mr Gusdin turned off the TV because the film ended.
2. My grandma was sad when she moved from her house yesterday.

 Perbedaan kedua adalah perbedaan dalam hal aksi.

Perhatian bahwa Past perfect tense akan muncul dalam sebuah kalimat baik itu sebelum maupun sesudah
kegiatan atau kejadian, tetapi selalu memiliki waktu yang lebih awal dari kegiatan lainnya (Simple Past).
(Herring and Norlen, 2016)
1. Ms Gita cooked dinner when the children came home.
2. Ms Gita had cooked dinner when the children came home.

Pada kalimat pertama menunjukkan Ms. Gita mulai memasak bersamaan dengan anak anak yang tiba di rumah.
(Simple Past)
Sedangkan pada kalimat kedua, menunjukkan Ms. Gita telah selesai memasak sebelum anak anak tiba
dirumah. (Past Perfect)
Simple Past merupakan kegiatan yang telah selesai dilakukan dimasa lampau, sedangkan Past Perfect adalah
kegiatan yang terjadi sebelum Simple Past. (Clarke, 2012)

Past Perfect

Simple Past
Perhatikan perbedaan Simple Past dan Past Perfect dibawah ini: (Azar and Hagen, 2017)(Murphy, 2019)
Simple Past
1. a: Was Tom there when you arrived?
b: Yes, but he left soon afterwards.

Kate wasn’t at home when I phoned. She was at her mother’s house.

Past Perfect
2. a: Was Tom there when you arrived?
b: No, he’d already left.

Kate had just got home when I phoned. She’d been at her mother’s house.

Kalimat pada Simple Past menerangkan bahwa Kate berada dirumah ibunya Ketika dia menelpon. Sedangkan
pada kalimat Past Perfect menerangkan bahwa Kate sudah berada dirumahnya sendiri Ketika saya
menelponnya. Sebelumnya Kate berada dirumah ibunya.

8.6 Latihan Soal Past Perfect Tense
A. Pilihan Ganda
1. Had you watched the movie before I told you? Yes, I ……..
a. have d. was
b. am e. did
c. had
2. Had she …….. the novel?
a. write d. writes
b. written e. writing
c. wrote
3. The students ,,,,,,,,, the exam after the teacher had explained the lesson.
a. did d. have done
b. do e. are doing
c. had done
4. My friend . . . . sad yesterday before I came to her house.
a. had been d. been
b. had e. were
c. has
5. The class …… (already, begin) by the time they got there
a. has already began d. was already begun
b. already began e. is already beginning
c. had already begun

B. Isilah titik titik dibawah ini! (Simple Past atau Past Perfect)

1. After his friends ………. (leave), Ariq ………… (go) to bed.

2. A: Where was Anggi?
B: She …………(go) before you ……. (come) in.
3. Lee Ming Ho ………. (already, leave) by the time Andini ……. (get) there.
4. In 2006, Aca and Rifdah ……… (move) to England from Indonesia. They …… (never, travel) outside of
Indonesia before.
5. I ……. (never, see) any Shakespeare masterpieces before I ……. (join) the Academy of English Literature
last year.

C. Buatlah kalimat yang benar apakah Past Perfect atau Past Simple.

1. Widya wasn’t at the school when Mosa arrived. (She / go) She’d gone home.
2. My father felt very tired when he got home, so (He / go) …………. straight to bed.
3. The school was very quiet when we got there. (Everybody, go) ……………. home.
4. The house was so quietly. (People / not, to be) …………… ….. there.
5. The room was very dirty, there were many dirty plate and glasses. (People / have) ……………….
party there.

D. Bacalah situasi dibawah ini dan buatlah kalimat Past Perfect dengan
menggunakan kata didalam kurung.

1. There was a picture lying on the floor.

(It / fall / off the wall) It had fallen off the wall.
2. There was pizza on the table.
(Mother / cook / pizza) …………………………………………..….
3. I and my friends went to the cinema last night. We got to the cinema late.
(The film / already / start) …………………………………………….
4. There was a package on my room.
(someone / send / it) …………………………………………………..
5. I missed my plane. I couldn’t go to my hometown.
( the plane /already / take-off) …………………………………………
E. Essay.

1. What had the boy done before Retno came to your house yesterday?
(watch TV)


2. Had she married that man before she married you? (Yes)

3. Where had Parsa stayed before she stayed in London? (America)


4. Had you ever seen Dinosaurs statues before you watched the movie Dinosaurs? (No)

5. What had she done by the time you met her yestreday? (read many books)


Bab 9
Past Perfect Continuous Tense
9.1 Definisi Past Perfect
9.2 Rumus Past Perfect
9.3 Penggunaan Past Perfect
9.4 Perbedaan Present Perfect
Continuous Dan PastPerfect
Continuous tense
9.5 Latihan Soal Past Perfect
Continuous Tense

9.1 Definisi Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Past Perfect Continuous merupakan kombinasi dari aspek continuous tense dan perfect tense dengan
past tense. Past Perfect continuous digunakan untuk aksi sebelum kegiatan lain di masa lampau. Perbedaannya
dengan Past Perfect adalah Past Perfect Continuous menekankan pada proses. (Herring and Norlen, 2016)

Past Perfect Continuous juga menekankan pada proses kegiatan bukan pada kapan selesainya. Past
Perfect Continuous juga digunakan untuk menekankan efek kegiatan pada saat lain di masa lampau. Past
perfect continuous secara umum hanya menggunakan kata kerja aksi (seperti: sit, throw, sing, write, dll) , bukan
kata kerja statif, (seperti: have, like, seem, prefer, understand, belong, doubt, hate, know, dll). (Herring and
Norlen, 2016)
1. When Gita arrived at the bus stop, many people there had been waiting for nearly an hour.
2. They hadn’t been talking for very long before Andy had to leave.
3. Her eyes were tired because she had been working on the computer.
4. Had Gita and Tirta been living in America for a long time?
5. Tirta had been feeling unwell, so he went to lie down.

Past Perfect Continous Tense dapat digambarkan sebagai berikut :

• Past Perfect Tense

Simple Past Tense

Past Perfect
Picture 9.1: Bagan Past Perfect Continous Tense

Pada gambar diatas menerangkan posisi Past Perfect Continuous terjadi pada kegiatan yang sedang terjadi di
masa lampau sebelum kejadian Simple Past. (Clarke, 2012)

Past Perfect continuous dibentuk dengan menggunakan rumus had been + present participle (Ving) sebagai
kata kerja utama. (Herring and Norlen, 2016)
Past Perfect continuous adalah ungkapan atau kalimat yang memiliki fungsi untuk menyatakan perbuatan
yang sudah dimulai dan masih berlangsung pada waktu lampau sebelum kegiatan lain (Simple Past). (Azar
and Hagen, 2017)

9.2 Rumus Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Rumus Past Perfect Continuous menggunakan kata kerja past participle dan kata bantu had been. (Clarke,

Kalimat Positif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya Kalimat Tanya

Yes / No WH-Question

S + had been S + Had been Had + S + Wh-Q + had +

+ Ving + O + not + Ving + been + Ving + S + been +
C O+C O+C+? Ving + O + C +
Tabel 9.1 Rumus Past Perfect Continuous Tense

1. Dhifa was lying on the sofa. She was tired because she’d been doing the homework.
2. They had been working through the night.
3. Retno had been looking forward to meeting Budi but now this news turned desire to dread.
4. I had been swimming four hours when they started swimming to find me.

9.3 Penggunaan Past Perfect Continuous

Past Perfect continuous merupakan kegiatan yang berlangsung sebelum kegiatan utama. Past Perfect
Continuous tense digunakan untuk mengekspresikan kegiatan yang panjang di masa lampau sebelum aksi
lainnya terjadi. (Penston, 2005)
Retno had been looking forward to meeting Budi but now this news turned desire to dread.

(“This news turned desire to dread” adalah kalimat utama, dan “Retno had been looking
forward to meeting Budi” adalah kalimat sebelum kalimat utama)

Keterangan Waktu yang sering digunakan pada kalimat Past Perfect Continuous adalah: (Penston,
a. When
- That boy had been studying all night when his friend called last night.
- Ranty had been playing the violin for ten years when she was retired.
b. For
- Arman and Rita had been talking for three hours before I arrived.
- My mother had been working for an hour before my father came.
c. Since
- The children had been running around since the teacher left.
d. Before
- My brother had been working at that company for seven years before he got promoted.

Perbedaan Past perfect continuous dengan Past perfect adalah:

Past perfect adalah sebuah kegiatan yang telah selesai sebelum kegiatan lain (Simple past) sedangkan
Past perfect continuous adalah sebuah kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung sebelum kegiatan lain (Simple
past).(Penston, 2005)
1. When we came home, we saw that the cat had eaten the fish. (Past Perfect: kegiatan tersebut
telah selesai sebelum kegiatan sebelumnya di masa lampau).
2. When we came home, we saw that the cat had been eating the fish. (Past Perfect continuous:
kegiatan tersebut sedang berlangsung sebelum kegiatan lain di masa lampau, focus pada
proses kegiatannya)

9.4 Perbedaan Antara Present Perfect Continuous Tense

dan Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Perhatikan bagan dibawah ini: (Murphy, 2019)

Present Perfect Continuous

Past Now

Past Perfect Continuous

Past Now
Present Perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous Tense
I hope the bus comes soon. I’ve been At last the bus came. I’d been
waiting for 20 minutes. (before now) waiting for 20 minutes. (before
James is out of breath. He’s been the bus came) James was out of
running. (= he has been …) breath. He’d been running. (= he
had been …)

Table 9.2 Perbedaan Present Perfect Continuous and Past Perfect Continous

Kalimat didalam table tersebut adalah kalimat dalam Past Perfect continuous dan Present perfect continuous.
(Murphy, 2019)
Kalimat pertama menerangkan:
1. Eli hopes the bus comes soon. She has been waiting for 20 minutes.

(Eli menunggu bus selama 20 menit dan sampai saat ini dia masih menunggu karena bus belum datang).
Kalimat kedua menerangkan:
2. At last the bus came. Eli’d been waiting for 20 minutes. (before the bus came)

(Eli telah menunggu bus selama 20 menit, tetapi Ketika Eli berbicara, bus tersebut telah datang).

9.6 Latihan Soal Past Perfect Continuous Tense

A. Pilihan Ganda
1. When the guests came, the students ……………… for an hour.
a. had been d. had been waited
b. waited e. has waited
c. had been waiting
2.. Anjani had been standing in front of the door for forty minutes before it ……… opened
a. was d. is
b. were e. had been
c. had
3. Rahmat was annoyed since he ………… for three hours on the shelter.

a. waited d. was waited
b. had been waiting e. waits
c. had being waited
4.What had you been doing before your mother came to your house?
a. I just stayed at home.
b. I had been studying English with my friends.
c. I had cooked for my mother.
d. I was sleeping while I was waiting my mother came.
e. I was studying English at this moment.
5. Had you been writing a letter for your girlfriend?
a. Yes, I write it.
b. No, I didn’t write it.
c. Yes, I have written it.
d. No, I had not been writing it.
e. Yes, I am writing it.

B. Lingkari Past Perfect ( PP) atau Past Perfect Continuous (PPC) kalimat dibawah ini.

1. She was happy because her mom had given her a present. ( PP / PPC )
2. They were quite silent when her mom had been not here. ( PP / PPC )
3. His hands were dirty because he’d been repairing my car. ( PP / PPC )
4. By the time the teacher came, the students had been reading a half part of the text.
( PP / PPC )
5. He had been drinking milk out the carton when his mom walked into the kitchen.
( PP / PPC )
C. Isilah titik titik dibawah ini dengan Past Perfect atau Past Perfect Continuous.

1. I ....................................................... (sleep) for six hours when my mother woke me up.

2. Nurman and Wisnu .................................................... (cycle) all day so their legs were hurt.
3. We ......................................... (look for) her necklace for three hours and finally we found it in the yard.
4. Before we parked our cars, we .................................................. (collect) the ticket.
5. The grandma called the police when she ......................................... (see) the light in the backyard.

D. Isilah titik titik dibawah ini dengan Present Perfect Continuous atau Past Perfect continuous.

1. She love Shakespeare’s books. She ………………………….…… (read) them for years.
2. Arya hasn’t decided on a career yet, but he ……………………………..…. (think) about it lately.
3. Anjani had no idea it was so late because she .................................................. (not / watch) the time.
4. My friends finally found the cat after they ...................................................... (look) for it all night.
5. That man makes me nervous. He ……………………….……... (stare) at me all evening.

E. Lingkari jawaban yang benar.

1. We were extremely tired. We (were travelling / had been travelling) for more than 24 hours.
2. Rifdah was sitting on the ground. She was out of breath. She (was running / had been running).
3. Teguh and I went for a walk. He (was walking / hadbeen walking) very fast and I had difficulty
keeping up with him.
4. Ariq was sad when his friend’s local cafe closed. He (was going / had been going) there for many
5. Hendy and Nita work for the same company. He joined the company before Nita. When Nita
started a few years ago, he (was already working / had already been working) there.

F. Buatlah Pertanyaan Berdasarkan Jawaban dibawah ini.

1. How long ......................................................................................................................................... ?

My sister had been learning English for two years before we moved to U.S.

2. Why .................................................................................................................................................. ?
They had been cycling all day so their legs were hurt.

3. When ................................................................................................................................................ ?
The road were blocked in the morning. It had been snowing all night.

4. What ................................................................................................................................................. ?
Her French was perfect. She had been studying for five years.

5. Who .................................................................................................................................................. ?
When we moved to Cirendeu Street, Budi’s Family had been living there for ten years.

Bab 10
Simple Future Tense
10.1 Definisi Simple Future Tense
10.2 Kalimat Positif
10.3 Kalimat Negatif
10.4 Kalimat Interogatif
10.5 Will vs Be Going To
10.6 Latihan dan Soal

10.1 Definisi Simple Future Tense
10.8 Latihan dan Soal
Simple Future Tense adalah salah satu dari 10.9
16 tenses bahasa Inggris yang harus dipelajari. Tense dalam bahasa
Indonesia disebut dengan sebutan kala dan kala tersebut terbagi menjadi ‘present‘, ‘past‘, dan ‘future‘. Khusus
di bab ini dan juga bab setelahnya akan mulai dibahas mengenai kala ‘future‘.
Hal yang perlu untuk selalu diingat bahwa tenses ini digunakan untuk menceritakan peristiwa yang akan terjadi
atau peristiwa di masa depan. Bila diterjemahkan kata future dalam tenses Simple Future Tense ini mempunyai
makna ”masa depan”. Oleh karena itu pada penggunaanya, future tense memiliki aturan-aturannya sendiri yang
harus ditaati ketika Anda menggunakan tenses ini, yaitu dengan menggunakan kata modal will maupun shall,
yang mempunyai arti “akan“. Di dalam sebuah kalimat, setelah kata modal will atau shall pasti akan diikuti
oleh kata kerja (verb) atau kata kerja bantu (to be). Tipe kata kerja yang digunakan khusus di tenses ini adalah
kata kerja pertama atau verb 1. Pada umumnya, kata modal will lebih sering digunakan pada percakapan
maupun pada sebuah teks. Selain itu pula, Simple Future Tenses ini agak jarang digunakan dalam bidang
akademik dikarenakan tenses ini biasanya membicarakan hal-hal yang bersifat umum dan tidak pasti.
Untuk dapat lebih memahami lagi mengenai bentuk atau aturan yang ada di dalam Simple Future Tense,
berikut ini akan disajikan rumus-rumus yang bisa digunakan saat menggunakan Simple Future Tense. Rumus
terbagi menjadi tiga bagian, yakni:

Tabel 10.1: Rumus Simple Future Tense

Ket Positive Sentence/ Negative Sentence/ Introgrative Sentence/
Kalimat Positif Negative Statement Introgrative Statement
Rumus (+) Subjek + will / shall + (-) Subjek + will / shall (?) Will / shall + Subjek +
Verb 1 + NOT + Verb 1 Verb 1 + Objek
(+) Subjek + To Be (is, (-) Subjek + To Be (is, (?) To be (is, am, are) +
am, are) + Going To + am, are) + NOT + Subjek + Going To + Verb 1
Verb 1 + Objek Going To + Verb 1 + + Objek
Example (8) They will go to (3) They will not go (3) Will They go to Bogor
Bogor tomorrow to Bogor tomorrow morning?
morning (Mereka tomorrow (Akankah mereka pergi
akan pergi ke Bogor morning (Mereka ke Bogor besok pagi?)
besok pagi) tidak akan pergi

ke Bogor besok
(9) I am going to finish (4) Am I going to finish my
my assignment (4) I am not going to assignment toinght?
tonight (Saya akan finish my (Apakah saya akan
menyelesaikan assignment menyelesaikan tugas
tugas saya malam tonight (Saya saya malam ini?)
ini) tidak akan
semua tugas saya
malam ini).

Berdasarkan (Azar, 2002) bahwa penggunaan kata shall dengan kata I atau kata we untuk mengambarkan
waktu yang akan datang masih memungkinkan namun tidak biasa digunakan pada American English.
Sedangkan kata shall lebih sering digunakan pada British English daripada American English. Kata will
biasanya disingkat dengan kata personal pronouns baik dalam speaking dan informal writting. Selain itu pula,
kata will juga dapat disingkat ketika bertemu dengan nouns dan kata lain ketika speaking, namun tidak dalam
Selain itu, (Azar and Hagen, 2000) pun menambahkan bahwa kata will dan going to itu dapat saling
mengantikan dan berfungsi sejajar.
Untuk pemahaman lebih lanjut maka akan ditampilkan di bawah ini bentuk kata kerja yang ada di Simple
Future Tense sehingga lebih mudah lagi dipahami.
Table 10.2 Kata Kerja Umum Dalam Simple Future Tense

Infinitive Simple Future Negative

to be will be will not be
to ask will ask will not ask

to work will work will not work

to call will call will not call

to use will use will not use
to have will have will not have

Pada tabel diatas dapat dilihat secara seksama bagaimana cara mengubah bentuk verb 1 menjadi verb yang
dapat digunakan pada Simple Future Tense. Sehingga kalian dapat dengan mudah memahami cara membuat
kalimat pada Simple Future Tense.
Secara global, penggunaan Simple Future Tense ini sama saja dengan Simple Present Tense. Namun,
perbedaannya terletak pada saat bingkai waktu kejadiannya. Simple Future Tense ini digunakan untuk suatu
kejadian atau peristiwa yang belum terjadi atau mungkin akan terjadi pada masa yang akan datang.
Selain itu Simple Future Tense juga mempunyai beberapa fungsi kalimat dikarenakan Simple Future Tense
adalah tense yang merupakan gabungan dari aspek simple – dalam artian muncul pada satu waktu yang spesifik
dan mempunyai bingkai waktu future – yaitu waktu yang akan datang. Sehingga dapat dengan mudah diingat
bahwa Simple Future Tense itu selalu berbentuk simple atau sederhana namun bingkai waktunya adalah Future
dan dilambangkan dengan kata modal will atau shall yang digabungkan dengan kata kerja verb 1.
Bingkai waktu dapat dikenali secara tersurat dari kata kerja setiap klausa atau kalimat. Sejalan dengan apa yang
(Jespersen,1948) sampaikan bahwa tenses dalam bahasa Inggris itu terlihat atau tergambarkan pada kata kerja
masing-masing klausa maupun kalimat.
Berikut makna-makna dari kalimat Simple Future Tense:
Table 10.3 Makna Simple Future Tense

No. Kegunaan Contoh Kalimat

1. Untuk mengungkapkan gagasan Families will always be important for

umum. us.

2. Untuk mendeskripsikan kebiasaan. My parents will visit my

grandparents once a month.

3. Untuk mengambarkan emosi. He will love his new bicycle.

4. Untuk menyatakan milik atau By next month, Andrea will have a

hubungan personal. complete set of encylopedias.

5. Untuk menentukan batas waktu dan John will call me Thursday morning.
fokus kejadian.

Pada tabel diatas dapat dilihat secara mendetail bahwa Simple Future Tense pun mempunyai beberapa makna.
Sehingga penggunaan Simple Future Tense harus dapat dipahami sebelum pembentukan kalimat dilakukan.
Selain itu juga, pengunaan makna diatas tidak dapat dilakukan berbarengan dalam satu kalimat karena sesuai
dengan filosofi kata ‘simple‘ itu sendiri. Seperti yang kita semua ketahui bahwa kalimat simple itu adalah
kalimat sederhana yang hanya mengandung satu aksi atau satu kata verb dan juga mengandung satu makna.
Penggunaan makna lebih dari satu dalam satu kalimat secara jelas akan bertentangan filosofi Simple Future
Tense itu sendiri.
Untuk membuat kalimat Simple Future Tense, akan lebih baik lagi jika kita menambahkan keterangan waktu.
Selain untuk membuat kalimat menjadi lengkap, penggunaan keterangan waktu pun dapat membuat para
pembaca yang mungkin awam dapat langsung mengenali kalimat Simple Future Tense tersebut. Untuk dapat
kenal lebih jauh apa saja keterangan waktu pada Simple Future Tense, berikut contoh-contoh keterangan waktu
pada kalimat Simple Future Tense yang dapat kalian gunakan. Namun, penggunaan keterangan waktu ini tidak
disarankan untuk ditambahkan per kalimat jika kalian membuat karangan karena penggunaan keterangan
waktu future yang sama terus menerus akan membuat kalimat menjadi kaku.
Table 10.4 Keterangan Waktu Pada Simple Future Tense

a. Tomorrow ... Besok ...

Tomorrow morning Besok pagi

Tomorrow afternoon Besok siang

Tomorrow evening Besok sore

Tomorrow night Besok malam

b. Next... --- yang akan datang

Next time Waktu yang akan datang

Next week Minggu depan

Next month Bulan depan

Next year Tahun depan
c. Tonight Malam ini

d. Soon Segera

e. Later Nanti
Two days later Dua hari lagi

f. Two more days Dua hari lagi

g. By and by Sebentar lagi

h. The day after tomorrow Besok lusa

Untuk penjelasan lebih lanjut maka Simple Future Tense ini akan dibahas satu persatu berdasarkan tipe-tipe
kalimat yang ada.

10.2 Kalimat Positif

Subyek + will/ shall + verb 1 atau S + To Be (is, am, are) + Going To + Verb 1 + O

Diatas, adalah rumus yang digunakan untuk membuat sebuah kalimat dalam bentuk Simple Future Tense
dengan kalimat yang berbentuk positif. Untuk lebih mengerti mengenai bentuk kalimat dalam Simple Future
Tense ini, berikut contoh penggunaan Simple Present Tense dalam kalimat positif:
1. Yeni will join the company which is known as the best company in town.
2. Deen is going to get married tomorrow at the villa near the mountain.
3. I will fly to Kuala Lumpur after Pandemic COVID 19 is over.
4. They are going to give this birthday cake to the birthday girl tomorrow.

10.3 Kalimat Negatif

Subyek + will/ shall + NOT + verb 1 atau S + To Be (is, am, are) + NOT + Going To + Verb 1 + O

Rumus yang digunakan dalam bentuk kalimat negatif Simple Future Tense memiliki bentuk yang hampir sama
dengan kalimat positif Simple Future Tense. Yang membedakan hanyalah penggunaan ’NOT’ dalam
rumusannya untuk membentuk kata negatif. Untuk dapat memahami maka perhatikan contoh penggunaan
Simple Future Tense pada kalimat negatif:
1. Bintang shall not come to the party tomorrow afternoon.
2. Mark Westlife is not going to sing any new song though he has a very beautiful voice.
3. I will not eat any fried noodle.

4. I am not going to open his blocked number.
10.4 Kalimat Interogatif
Will/ Shall + Subyek + verb 1 + O + ? atau To Be (is, am, are) + S + Going To + Verb 1 + O + ?

Setelah pembahasan kalimat positif dan negatif maka kita akan sampai pada bentuk terakhir dari Simple Future
Tense yaitu bentuk kalimat tanya. Perhatikan contoh penggunaan Simple Future Tense pada kalimat tanya
berikut ini:

1. Will Michael go to Batam tomorrow afternoon?

2. Am I going to finish all my assignment tonight?
3. Shall Mark Westlife change his profession?
4. Will his parents able to visit their kid during this Pandemic COVID 19?

Selain tiga bentuk diatas, Simple Future Tense juga mempunyai dua fungsi lain selain berfungsi untuk
menyatakan kejadian yang akan datang, yakni berfungsi untuk menyatakan akibat perbuatan tertentu dan
berfungsi untuk memohon seseorang untuk melakukan suatu hal, lihat contoh berikut:
Contoh kalimat menyatakan akibat perbuatan tertentu:
1. If you dont finish your assignment tomorrow, I will give you bad scores.
2. If I hurt her, she will leave me forever.

Contoh kalimat menyatakan permohonan kepada seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu:

1. Will you bring this small table?
2. Will you carry my bag, Jennifer?

10.5 Will vs Be Going To

Seperti yang telah disebutkan di atas, Simple Future Tense identik dengan kata modal will, shall dan begitu
juga dengan kata be going to. Ketiga kata tersebut tentu saja digunakan dalam kalimat yang berbeda. Selain itu
juga, ketiga kata tersebut mempunyai makna berbeda. Perbedaan fungsi dalam penggunaan kata-kata tersebut
akan dijabarkan secara terpisah pada table-table di bawah ini:

Table 10.5 Will

No. Fungsi Contoh Kalimat

1. Untuk mengajukan I need a hand for those groceries. Will
permohonan/permintaan. you help me?

2. Untuk menunjukkan keinginan He wont go no matter what.

atau ketidakinginan.

3. Untuk membuat I promise, I will come to your house.


4. Untuk menunjukkan fakta Plants will die if they dont get enough
umum. water.

Pada table diatas dapat dibaca secara mendetail mengenai jenis atau makna kalimat apa saja yang biasanya
menggunakan kata modal will. Sehingga tidak ada kesalahan pemilihan kata modal ketika kalian membentuk
kalimat Simple Future Tense dan juga untuk dapat membuat kalimat kalian lebih alami ketika dibaca.

Table 10.6 Be Going To

No. Fungsi Contoh Kalimat

1. Untuk menunjukkan niat atau tujuan. I am going to go to party
whether you are there or not.

2. Untuk membicarakan kejadian yang Look at those clouds! It is going

akan segera terjadi to rain.

3. Untuk membicarakan rencana yang We are going to spend a month

telah dibuat. in Japan.

Pada table diatas juga dapat dibaca secara mendetail mengenai jenis atau makna kalimat apa saja yang biasanya
menggunakan kata be going to. Penting untuk mengetahui makna dari kata be going to sebelum kalian
memutuskan menggunakan antara kata modal will atau kata to be going to. Sehingga tidak ada kesalahan
pemilihan kata modal ketika kalian membentuk kalimat Simple Future Tense dan juga untuk dapat membuat
kalimat kalian lebih alami ketika dibaca.

Table 10.7 Will and Be Going To

No. Fungsi Contoh Kalimat

a. Untuk membuat prediksi. Everything will be fine for

Nathan’s party, and everyone is
going to have fun.
b. Be going to biasanya digunakan I am going to write an article. First,
untuk mengenalkan topik. Lalu I will do some research on the topic.
dilanjutkan dengan kalimat yang Then I wil make an outline and
menggunakan will. write.

Pada table diatas adalah rangkuman besar perbedaan antara kata will dan kata be going to. Supaya kalian benar-
benar paham dan dapat memutuskan dengan tepa tantara kata will dan kata be going to. Selain itu pula menurut
(Azar and Hagen, 2000) bahwa biasanya kata will di dalam tulisan dan verbal dapat disingkat jika bertemu
dengan pronoun, misal: I will menjadi I’ll, she will menjadi she’ll atau he will menjadi he'll.

Selain kata will dan juga kata be going to, ada juga kata modal lain yang biasanya digunakan pada Simple
Future Tense ini. Kata tersebut adalah kata shall yang secara harfiah dapat diartikan ‘bolehkah’. Penggunaan
kata shall lebih sering digunakan pada jenis kalimat tanya (Redman, 2011). Berikut merupakan penggunaan

Table 10.8 Shall

No. Fungsi Contoh Kalimat

a. Untuk membuat kalimat menjadi I shall go to store.

lebih formal.

b. Untuk menawarkan sesuatu. Shall I get you a drink

Should dan May biasanya digunakan Should I get you a drink?

pada konteks ini.

c. Untuk mengusulkan aktifitas yang Shall we dance?

dilakukan oleh pembicara dan
Let’s dance.

Pada konteks ini Let’s (let us) lebih

sering digunakan dan lebih informal.

10.6 Latihan dan Soal

A. Pilihan Ganda

1. Davina ………….. all of her friends to the celebration next week.

a. will invite d. invited
b. invites e. invitation
c. invite
2. Manda and I ………….. some plates and glasses on the dining table for the dinner tonight.
a. was preparing d. shall prepare
b. prepared e. prepare
c. prepares
3. Yogi and Yoga will not ………….. in music competition at school next month.
a. participates d. participation
b. participate e. participated
c. be participate
4. Amy: Hey! Look at those dark clouds!
Kiki: Woow! It is ………….. rain soon
a. will d. coming
b. the e. going to

c. will not
5. ………….. Rama give back Dayat’s phone.
a. Is d. Does
b. Will e. Was
c. Are
6. Will you ………….. the suspect tomorrow?
a. arresting d. arrested
b. arrest e. to arrest
c. arrest
7. I will not ………….. my Mom about the bad score that I got.
a. tell d. tells
b. telling e. to tell
c. told
8. The athetes ………….. with the university track team next semester.
a. trains d. will train
b. trained e. have joined
c. be trained
9. Manda : I ………….. the students exchange programme next month.
Kiki : That’s good idea.
a. join d. will join
b. joined e. have joined
c. joins
10. Nita : What are you planning to do with all these paintings?
Rachmat : I ………….. them in cultural fair next December.
a. to be exhibiting d. will exhibit
b. to exhibit e. be exhibiting
c. exhibits
11. Yongki : What is your plan for the weekend?
Yoga : I ………….. my grandma
a. will have visited d. visited
b. have visited e. will visit
c. visits
12. Eka : Could you tell your elder sister to meet me at the cafetaria tomorrow night?
Eko : Sure, I ………….. her
a. told d. be telling her
b. will tell e. tell

c. tells

13. what will I ………….. in Singapore?

a. buying d. buy
b. to buy e. bought
c. buys
14. Your brother ………….. happy if you send them a gift on his birthday.
a. will be d. going to
b. will e. are
c. is
15. I ………….. extremely rich someday?
a. will be d. going to
b. will e. be exhibiting
c. is
16. There ………….. no drastic development in Jakarta in 2020.
a. will d. is
b. will be e. going to
c. are
17. I saw weather forecast in TV that tomorrow ………….. rainy hard.
a. will be d. going to
b. is e. will
c. are
18. ………….. buy a new sport car next month.
a. I d. I am
b. I will e. I am going
c. I
19. Your parents ………….. proud of you if you finish your study at University.
a. will be d. going to
b. will e. is
c. are
20. My website ………….. the best source for English learners someday.
a. will be d. going to be
b. will e. going to
c. is

B. Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini!

Gunakan be going to jika kamu beranggapan pembicara mengungkapkan rencana di depan. Jika kamu
beranggapan bahwa dia tidak mengukapkan rencana di depan maka, gunakan will.

1. A: This letter is in French, and I don’t speak French. Can you help me?
B: sure. I will translate it for you.
2. A: Do you want to go shopping with me? I am going to go to the shopping mall downtown.
B: Sure. What time do you want to leave?
3. A: Ok class, who wants to read the text out loud? Are there any volunteers?
B: I (do) ____________ it!
C: I (do) ____________ it!
4. A: Why does she have a pen in her hand?
B: She (write) ____________ down the answer on piece of paper.
5. A: How about getting together for lunch at l pm?
B: Sounds good. Where?
A: Burger King Restaurant. I (meet) ____________ you there around 12.30 pm.
B: Great.
6. A: Do you have plans for dinner?
B: Yes. I (have) ____________ dinner with a colleague at Burger King Restaurant. Want to
join us?
7. A: This patio light doesn’t work. The bulb is probably burned out. Do we have any new light
B: I (get) ____________ one for you.
A: Thanks.
8. A: Uh, oh! I’ve spilled chicken curry on my top!
B: Just wait please. I (get) ____________ wet tissue for you.
9. A: Yogi, do you want to join with us?
B: I can’t. I have to study for exam.
A: Oh, c’mon! You can’t study all times – night and day.
B: All right, I (go) ____________ with you. I guess I can finish this study tomorrow.
10. A: I (sell) ____________ my Honda Jazz. I have to.
B: What? Why? You need your car to get to work.
A: I know. But I seriously need money right now to pay for my baby’s doctor and medicine. I
can walk to work.
11. A: How do you spell “acquaintance”?
B: I’m not sure. I (look) ____________ it up for you.
A: Thanks
B: Here it is. It has ‘q’ after ‘c’.
12. A: Can you give Reza a message for me?
B: Sure. I (see, probably) ____________ him at the meeting this evening.

C. Essay
Ubahlah verb di bawah ini dengan bentuk yang tepat dan benar.

Jim asked a fortune teller about his future. Here is what she told him:
1. You (earn) __________________________ a lot of money.
2. You (travel) ________________________ around the world.
3. You (meet) ________________________ lots of interesting people.
4. Everybody (adore) ___________________________ you.
5. You (not, have) ________________________________ any problems.
6. Many people (serve) ______________________________ you.
7. They (anticipate) ______________________________ your wishes.
8. There (not, be) _______________________________ anything left to wish for.
9. Everything (be) ___________________________________ perfect.
10. But all these things (only, happen) _____________________________ if you marry me.

D. Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini! Ubah kata verb ke bentuk yang benar dan tepat
1. I _________________________________ (help) you with your homework.
2. She ____________________________ (be) here very soon.
3. They ______________________________ (come) at 8 o’clock.
4. You _____________________________ (call) me next week.
5. I ___________________________ (use) the money wisely.
6. We ___________________________ (return) as soon as possible.
7. It _______________________________ (rain) tomorrow.
8. Ralf ___________________________________ (pay) for it.
9. Amanda ________________________________ (win) this game.
10. Maybe we __________________________________ (stay) at home.

E. Membuat kalimat

No Kalimat Afirmatif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

1 I will fly to Lampung
this coming weekend.

2 I shall not eat too much

next time.

3 Davina will start the

‘new normal” learning

4 Will she come home
this Idul Adha?

5 Ibu Tuti shall wear

make up this afternoon.

6 I will not force again my

eyes to read in the dark.

7 Will he be home

8 They shall go to clinic

first tomorrow before
coming to hospital.

9 Raisa will not be a

success singer one day.

10 Will someone care to

others all the times?

F. Buatlah Karangan

Buatlah karangan sebanyak 200 kata mengenai cita-cita kalian di masa yang akan datang. Gunakanlah Simple
Future Tense.













Bab 11
Future Continous Tense
11.1 Definisi Future Continous Tense
11.2 Kalimat Positif
11.3 Kalimat Negatif
11.4 Kalimat Interogatif
11.5 Future Continous Tense vs Simple Present
11.6 Latihan dan Soal

11.1 Definisi Future Continuous Tense
11.8 Latihan dan Soal
Tenses atau kala yang masih berkaitan dengan ‘future‘ selain Simple Future Tense adalah Future Continous
Tense. Tenses ini juga salah satu dari 16 tenses bahasa Inggris yang harus dipelajari.
Secara umum pada jenis tenses ini masih membicarakan hal atau peristiwa yang akan terjadi atau peristiwa di
masa depan. Namun secara spesifik, Future Continous Tense berbicara tentang suatu peristiwa yang sedang
terjadi, juga sebagaimana Present Continous Tense, namun hal yang membedakan pada Future Continous
Tense kata ‘sedang‘ itu tidak diartikan sebagai kata ‘sekarang‘ melainkan ‘besok‘, ‘akan datang‘ maupun
Peribahasa ‘serupa namun tidak sama‘ dapat diaplikasikan pada bab ini, dikarenakan benang merah ‘future‘
masih ada dalam jenis tenses ini maka rumus kalimat masih hampir sama. Perbedaan yang mencolok hanya
terletak pada verb phrasenya saja. Sejalan dengan apa yang diungkapkan oleh (Jespersen, 2006) bahwa dalam
bahasa Inggris tenses dapat dikenali melalui kata kerja di dalam klausa atau kalimat. Sehingga untuk mengenali
apakah kalimat yang mengandung kata will itu termasuk Simple Future Tense atau Future Continous Tense
atau bukan maka perhatikan saja verb phrasenya. Di dalam sebuah kalimat, setelah kata modal will atau shall
pasti akan diikuti oleh kata auxiliary be + verb-ing. Jenis kata kerja yang digunakan khusus di tenses ini adalah
kata kerja bentuk gerund atau verb-ing.
Fungsi Future Continous Tense mengacu kepada tindakan atau kejadian yang belum selesai, yang sedang
terjadi di waktu setelah sekarang – future. Menurut (Azar, 2002) bentuk kalimat Future Continous Tense juga
memiliki dua bentuk yaitu will dan be going to. Kedua kata tersebut mempunyai makna sama dan dapat saling
mengantikan. Untuk dapat lebih memahami lagi mengenai bentuk atau aturan yang ada di dalam Future
Continous Tense, berikut ini kami sajikan rumus-rumus yang bisa Anda gunakan saat menggunakan Future
Continous Tense. Rumus beserta contoh kalimat dapat dilihat di bawah ini:

Tabel 11.1: Rumus Future Continous Tense

Ket Positive Sentence/ Negative Sentence/ Introgrative Sentence/
Kalimat Positif Negative Statement Introgrative Statement
Rumus (+) Subjek + will / shall + (-) Subjek + will / shall (?) Will / shall + be + Subjek
be + Verb-ing (Gerund) + NOT + be + Verb- + Verb-ing (Gerund) +
ing (Gerund) Objek
(+) Subjek + be going to (-) Subjek + be going to (?) Be going to + be + Subjek
+ be + Verb-ing + NOT + be + Verb- + Verb-ing (Gerund) +
(Gerund) ing (Gerund) Objek

Example (10) She will be working (5) She will not be (5) Will she be working on
on that book for a working on that that book for a long
long time (Dia akan book for a long time? (Akankah dia
sedang time (Dia tidak sedang mengerjakan
mengerjakan buku akan sedang buku itu untuk waktu
itu untuk waktu mengerjakan yang lama?)
yang lama) buku itu untuk
waktu yang lama)

(11) I am going to be (6) I am not going to (6) Am I going to be

studying at the be studying at studying at library
library tomorrow library tomorrow tomorrow around 09
around 09 am. aroung 09 am am? (Apakah saya akan
(Saya akan sedang (Saya tidak akan sedang belajar di
belajar di sedang belajar di perpustakaan besok
perpustakaan besok perpustakan sekitar jam 09 pagi?)
sekitar jam 09 pagi) besok sekitar jam
09 pagi).

(Azar and Hagen, 2000) juga berpendapat bahwa Future Continous Tense mengekspresikan sebuah kegiatan
yang masih dalam proses pada bingkai waktu tertentu di masa depan. (Frank, 2019) menambahkan bahwa cara
lain untuk mengekspresikan kala future yaitu Present Tense yang Simple dan Continous – be going to.
Sebagaimana kita ketahui bahwa pada Present Tense pun dapat terlihat makna tenses future itu sendiri. Masih
menurut (Frank, 2019) kata be going to adalah salah satu jenis kata auxilirary yang sering dipakai untuk
menandakan kala future. Kata auxiliary tersebut berkekuatan lebih dibandingkan dengan kata modal will dan
shall. Mirip dengan Present Continous, kata auxiliary be going to menekankan hubungan antara rencana di
future dengan kala present.
Selain itu (Azar, 2002) juga menambahkan bahwa terkadang ada sedikit sekali perbedaan atau bahkan tidak
ada sama sekali perbedaan antara Simple Future Tense dengan Future Continous Tense. Terutama jika kalimat
yang dibuat akan terjadi dalam rentang waktu singkat di masa yang akan datang. Sebagai contoh lihatlah
perbedaan dua kalimat di bawah ini:
1. Don’t get impatient. She will be coming soon.
2. Don’t get impatient. She will come soon.

Pada contoh kalimat diatas dapat terlihat bahwa dua tenses dapat digunakan untuk mengungkapkan maksud
yang tertulis pada kalimat diatas. Ketika kita sedang menggunakan Future Continous Tense, pendengar atau
yang menjadi lawan bicara kita biasanya paham atau dapat secara pasti mengetahui waktu yang sedang kita
Untuk pemahaman lebih lanjut maka akan ditampilkan di bawah ini bentuk kata kerja yang ada di Future
Continous Tense sehingga lebih mudah lagi dipahami.
Table 11.2 Kata Kerja Umum Dalam Future Continous Tense

Infinitive Future Continous Negative

to study will be studying will not be studying

to stay will be asking will not be asking

to work will be working will not be working

to call will be calling will not be calling

to use will be using will not be using

to have will be having will not be having

to wait will be waiting will not be waiting
Pada tabel diatas dapat dilihat secara seksama bagaimana cara mengubah bentuk verb 1 menjadi verb-ing yang
dapat digunakan pada kalimat Future Continous Tense. Dengan harapan kalian dapat dengan sangat mudah
memahami cara membuat kalimat pada Future Continous Tense.
Secara umum, penggunaan Future Continous Tense ini sama saja dengan Simple Present Tense. Namun,
perbedaannya terletak pada saat bingkai waktu kejadiannya. Future Continous Tense ini digunakan untuk suatu
kejadian atau peristiwa yang belum terjadi atau mungkin akan terjadi pada masa yang akan datang.
Satu hal yang harus selalu diingat bahwa Future Continous Tense digunakan untuk kegiatan atau kejadian yang
akan terjadi di masa depan dan terus berlanjut untuk beberapa saat. Dengan kata lain, kejadian atau kegiatan
tersebut setidaknya membutuhkan beberapa waktu untuk dapat dilakukan. Jadi suatu kejadian yang
digambarkan mempunyai durasi waktu, sangat tepat jika mengunakan tenses Future Continous Tense. Selain
itu, Future Continous Tense hanya berlaku pada action verb, karena action verb-lah yang mempunyai durasi
waktu ketika dilakukan. Contohnya adalah: running, thinking, dan walking. Sementara, stative verb yaitu kata
kerja yang berfungsi untuk mendeskripsikan keadaan seperti being, seeming, knowing tidak dapat digunakan
di Future Continous Tense.
Walaupun kata kerja action yang digunakan pada Future Continous Tense biasanya hanya memerlukan durasi
pendek, Future Continous Tense dapat juga digunakan untuk mengekspresikan action verb yang akan
berkelanjutan di masa yang akan datang atau action verb tersebut mempunyai durasi yang panjang. (Cowan,
2008) menyatakan bahwa cara untuk menunjukkan action verb yang mempunyai durasi waktu panjang yaitu
dengan menambahkan kata ‘for‘ di dalam kalimat. Contoh kalimatnya sebagai berikut:
They’ll be debating the wisdom of letting president wage a negative campaign against his
opponent for a long time.

Pada tabel dibawah ini akan dirangkum fungsi-fungsi dari kalimat Future Continouse Tense:
Tabel 11.3 Fungsi Kalimat Future Continous Tense
No. Fungsi Kalimat

1. Untuk membayangkan diri kita di - This time next month I

masa depan will be walking around
Twin Towers Kuala
- By end of 2020, I will
be riding motorcycle
like a pro.

2. Untuk memprediksi atau - She’ll be coming to the

menduga tentang kejadian di meeting, I guess.
masa depan. - You’ll be missing local
Indonesian burger once
you are back home.

3. Untuk menanyakan informasi - Will you be bringing

tentang masa depan secara sopan Adjie to our events
(bentuk kalimatnya harus tonight?
affirmative) - Will I be sleeping in this

Berdasarkan tabel diatas maka kita dapat membuat kalimat yang menggunakan kala Future Continous
Tense secara tepat. Sehingga kesalahan fatal dapat dihindari.
Untuk membuat kalimat Future Continous Tense, akan lebih baik lagi jika kita menambahkan
keterangan waktu. Selain untuk membuat kalimat menjadi lengkap, penggunaan keterangan waktu pun dapat
membuat para pembaca yang mungkin awam dapat langsung mengenali kalimat Future Continous Tense
tersebut. Untuk dapat kenal lebih jauh apa saja keterangan waktu pada Future Continous Tense, berikut contoh-
contoh keterangan waktu pada kalimat Future Continuos Tense yang dapat kalian gunakan. Hal yang perlu
juga diperhatikan bahwa keterangan waktu ini pun mirip malah mungkin hampir sama dengan Simple Future
Tense dikarenakan bingkai waktu future yang digunakan keduanya. Namun, Future Continous Tense lebih
spesifik ketika menyebutkan waktu. Jadi perbedaan keterangan waktu antara Simple Future Tense dan Future
Continous Tense adalah spesifik dan tidak spesifik. Jika spesifik maka tenses yang harus digunakan adalah
tenses Future Continous Tense. Berikut ini beberapa contoh keterangan waktunya untuk dapat kalian ketahui.

Table 11.4 Keterangan Waktu Pada Future Continous Tense

a. Tomorrow night Besok malam

b. Next year on April Tahun depan pada bulan April

c. Tonight at seven o‘clock Nanti malam jam 07.00

d. At this time tomorrow Pada waktu ini besok

e. At six o’clock tomorrow morning Pada waktu ini besok

f. At this time next year Pada saat ini tahun depan

Untuk penjelasan lebih lanjut maka Future Continous Tense ini akan dibahas satu persatu berdasarkan tipe-tipe
kalimat yang ada.

11.2 Kalimat Positif

Subyek + auxiliary verb will/ shall + auxiliary verb be + verb-ing (gerund) atau S + will/shall + be +
verb-ing + O

Diatas, adalah rumus yang digunakan untuk membuat sebuah kalimat dalam bentuk Future Continous Tense
dengan kalimat yang berbentuk positif. Untuk lebih mengerti mengenai bentuk kalimat dalam Future
Continous Tense ini, berikut contoh penggunaan Future Continous Tense dalam kalimat positif:
1. I will be staying in Hilton Suites Hotel during my visit to Bangkok next Septemer.
2. Sendi will be watching his favorite TV program when I arrive.
3. I will be eating with Zaharadeen this evening so that I can tell him.
4. He will be sleeping at 10 pm.

11.3 Kalimat Negatif
Subyek + auxiliary verb will/ shall + NOT + auxiliary verb be + verb-ing (gerund) atau S + will/shall +
NOT + be + Verb-ing + O
Rumus yang digunakan dalam bentuk kalimat negatif Future Continous Tense memiliki bentuk yang hampir
sama dengan kalimat positif Future Perfect Tense. Yang membedakan hanyalah penggunaan ’NOT’ dalam
rumusannya untuk membentuk kata negatif. Untuk dapat memahami lebih lanjut maka perhatikan contoh
penggunaan Future Continous Tense pada kalimat negatif:
5. It will not be raining when you return.
6. Dewi will not be dancing jaipong at 09 am tomorrow.
7. I will not be waiting for him when his plane arrives.
8. He will not be studying at the library tonight.

11.4 Kalimat Interogatif

Will/ Shall + Subyek + auxiliary verb be +verb-ing (gerund) + O + ? atau Will/Shall + S + be + Verb-
ing + O
Pada jenis kalimat interogatif kata kerjanya pun masih menggunakan verb-ing namun awal kalimat dimulai
dengan kata modal yaitu will atau shall. Perhatikan contoh penggunaan Future Continous Tense pada kalimat
tanya berikut ini:

1. Will you be leaving tonight sir?

2. Will I be climbing this weekend?
3. Will she be waiting there?
4. Will I be cooking lunch for his parents?

11.5 Future Continous Tense vs Simple Present Tense

Sebagai tambahan informasi, biasanya Future Continous Tense dipasangkan atau disandingkan bersamaan
dengan Simple Present Tense. Bentuk kalimatnya pun terkadang berbentuk kompleks dengan kata lain terdiri
dari dua klausa. (Frank, 2019) juga menambahkan bahwa terkadang di dalam Simple Present Tense kita dapat
melihat makna future. Untuk gambaran lebih jelas dapat diperhatikan pada contoh kalimat di bawah ini:
Contoh kalimat positif:
1. I will be sleeping when you come home tonight.
2. She will be watching play when her husband works tonight.

Contoh kalimat negatif:

1. Claudia will not be working at the office when you arrive.
2. I will not be jogging with my sister when mother cooks.

Contoh kalimat interogatif:

1. Will I be reading when father eats dinner?
2. Will Davina be crying when Irja eats her meal?

11.6 Latihan dan Soal
A. Pilihan Ganda

1. Tommy will be ………….. for her when her plane arrives tonight.
a. wait d. is wait
b. waiting e. will wait
c. waits
2. Jack and Russel ………….. not be waiting.
a. will d. is
b. have e. was
c. has
3. I will be ………….. TV when he arrives tonight.
a. watching d. was watch
b. watch e. will watch
c. is watch
4. I ………….. waiting for you when your flight arrives
a. was d. are
b. is e. will be
c. am
5. I am going to be ………….. at the Mahanntan Hotel, if anything happens and you need to contact me.
a. stay d. stays
b. stayed e. is stay
c. staying
6. He will be ………….. at the library tonight, so he will not see Jennifer when she arrives.
a. studying d. studies
b. study e. studied
c. student
7. Tomorrow at 02 P.M, I am ………….. be eating lunch with Lucy.
a. gone d. going to
b. go e. went
c. goes
8. At midnight tonight, they will still be ………….. through the dessert.
a. drive d. was drive
b. driving e. will drive
c. is drive

9. I am ………….. be watching and he is going to be making potato salad.
a. going to d. went
b. gone e. go
c. goes
10. Tonight, we ………….. eating dinner, discusses our plans and having a good time.
a. will d. could
b. will be e. would
c. would be
11. While Rina is reading novel, Daniel will be ………….. television
a. watch d. was watch
b. is watch e. will watch
c. watching
12. When I arrive at the birthday party, everbody is ………….. be celebrating.
a. go d. goes
b. gone e. going to
c. went
13. Some will be …………..
a. dance d. dancing
b. was dance e. will dance
c. is dance
14. I see people are ………….. be talking.
a. going to d. goes
b. gone e. went
c. go
15. A few people ………….. eating pizza.
a. will d. have
b. will be e. has
c. was
16. While I ………….. my assignment, she is going to be making dinner.
a. revise d. will be revising
b. am revising e. revised
c. revises
17. James ………….. at my house when you arrive.
a. will be d. will be waiting
b. has e. will waiting
c. have

18. You will still be ………….. for her when her plane delays.
a. wait d. is wait
b. waits e. will wait
c. waiting
19. My lecturer ………….. thinking in giving us homework during weekend.
a. will be d. is
b. would e. was
c. could
20. He will be ………….. letter for his girlfriend.
a. write d. writer
b. writting e. wrote
c. writes

B. Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini!

Gunakan tenses future continous tense atau simple present.

13. Right now I am attending yearly meeting. Yesterday at this time, I was attenting yearly meeting
too. Tomorrow at this time, I (attend) ____________________ yearly meeting.
14. Next week I’m going to leave for office. When I (arrive) __________________ at the airport,
my office driver and my secretary (wait) _____________________ for me.
15. When I (get) __________________ up tomorrow morning, the sun (shine) ____________, the
birds (sing) _________________, the butterflies (fly) __________________ and my brother
(lie, still) ____________________ in bed fast asleep.
16. A: When do you leave for Kuala Lumpur?
B: Next week. Just think! A week from now I (lie) __________________ on the Malaka beach
in the sun.
A: sounds great! I (think) ___________________ about you.
17. A: How can I get in touch with you while you’re out of town?
B: I (stay) __________________ at the Ritz Carlton Hotel. You can reach me there.
18. January next year at this time, I (do) ________________ exactly what I am doing now. I
(attend) _________________ classes and (study) __________________ hard next year.
19. Look at those dark clouds. When our gathering (be) ____________ over, it (rain, probably)
20. A: Are you going to be in town next Friday?
B: No. I (visit) __________________ my aunt in Tanjung Priok.
21. A: Where are you going to do this evening?
B: I (work) ___________________ at my room on my research final paper.

22. A: Do you think life will be very different 100 years from now?
B: Of course. I can picture it in my mind. People (live) __________________ in more
sophisticated clustes residential units that they can take with them if they have to move, and
they (drive) __________________ air cars that can go at super fast speed.
A: That sounds pretty cool to me. By the way, why would people want to take their houses with
them when they move?

C. Ubahlah kata kerja di bawah ini ke bentuk Future Continous Tense.

1. ask : ……………………………………….
2. run : ……………………………………….
3. wait : ……………………………………….
4. use : ……………………………………….
5. travel : ……………………………………….
6. lay : ……………………………………….
7. participate : ……………………………………….
8. sleep : ……………………………………….
9. watch : ……………………………………….
10. lie : ……………………………………….

D. Susunlah kata acak di bawah ini menjadi kalimat sempurna dan ubah ke bentuk Future
Continuous Tense!
 you / have / time / to / finish / homework
 Will you be having time to finish homework?

1. select / for the football team / you / they

2. increase / next year / they / taxes
3. down / not / prices / come / the / oil
4. this / not / weekend / snow /
5. match / next month / win / the football / team
6. school / not be / tomorrow / morning / morning / he

7. a lot / Kevin / money / earn / by end of year
8. on beach / she / sunbath / next month
9. this program / end of September / work
10. tomorrow morning / at 05 am / take / she / train

E. Membuat kalimat

No Kalimat Positif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

1 When you come
tomorrow morning, I
will be flying to

2 I will not be lying on

beach next year.

3 I will be using knive and

fork for eating in
Amsterdam next

4 Am I going to be
running tonight?

5 Pricillia will be making

birthday cake at this
time tomorrow.
6 You will be not sleeping
tomorrow night.

7 Will she be crying

the next day after

8 They will be going

around Central Market
at tomorrow afternoon.

9 Tia will not be eating by

the time I come tonight..

10 Will everybody be
pasticipating on
Decemeber election
this year?

G. Menulis

Coba narasikan suatu acara/kegiatan. Bayangkan diri kalian sebagai pembawa acaranya. Lalu
deskripsikan kegiatannya dengan mengunakan Future Continous Tense. Buatlah 6 atau 7 kalimat.

Contoh: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to this annual pageant show - Miss International. Due to Pandemic
Covid 19, we are sorry that your seating will be arranged accordingly. Iam pleased to inform that Kecak dance
will be perfoming at seven o’clock. While our guest star – Ronan Keating will be singing at eight o’clock.
Then the last but not the least, our judges are going to be joining us soon.










Bab 12
Future Perfect Tense
12.1 Definisi Future Perfect Tense
12.2 Kalimat Positif
12.3 Kalimat Negatif
12.4 Kalimat Interogatif
12.5 Latihan dan Soal

12.1 Definisi Future Perfect Tense

Setelah tenses jenis continuous dibahas maka untuk selanjutnya kita akan membahas tenses Future Perfect
Tense. Tenses ini juga salah satu dari 16 tenses bahasa Inggris yang harus dipelajari. Dan juga variasi lain atas
tenses perfect selain Present Perfect dan Past Perfect. Secara umum pada jenis tenses ini masih membicarakan
hal atau peristiwa yang akan terjadi atau peristiwa di masa depan atau dengan kata lain waktu yang dibahas
masih waktu masa mendatang atau masa depan. Secara spesifik, Future Perfect Tense berbicara tentang
kejadian yang berkemungkinan selesai dengan sempurna pada suatu waktu di masa depan.
Berdasarkan (Azar, 2002) Future Perfect Tense mengungkapkan suatu kegiatan yang akan diselesaikan
sebelum waktu atau kegiatan lain di masa depan. Dengan catatan ada klausa waktu yaitu - by the time yang
berbentuk Simple Present Tense yang digunakan di dalam kalimat. Jadi tense ini tidak dapat berdiri sendiri
atau dengan kata lain bentuk kalimat untuk tenses ini tidaklah sederhama atau simple namun harus kompleks.
Future Perfect Tense harus berdampingan dengan Simple Present Tense sehingga makna dari Future Perfect
Tense menjadi terlihat.
Secara umum,menurut (Frank, 2019) Future Perfect Tense dikategorikan sebagai waktu masa depan-sebelum-
masa depan. Tense ini menekankan fakta kalau satu waktu di masa depan suatu kegiatan atau peristiwa akan
telah selesai sebelum waktu masa depan yang lain. Atau dengan kata lain satu waktu di masa depan adalah
masa lampau dalam hubungannya dengan waktu masa depan yang kedua. Seringkali kegiatan yang ditandai
oleh Future Perfect Tense sebenarnya dimulai di masa lampau dan berakhir di masa depan atau bisa dikatakan
masa lampau-ke-masa depan. Ini merupakan tense yang memiliki keterkaitan dengan masa lampau yang akan
terjadi di masa depan atau masa yang akan datang. Future Perfect Tense biasanya disertai dengan ekspresi
waktu seperti kata pada, oleh, atau sebelum di kegiatan yang akan datang.
Selain itu, (Cowan, 2008) pun menambahkan bahwa dalam Bahasa Inggris kala perfect itu ditandai dengan
kata auxiliary ‘have’ lalu diikuti oleh past participle atau Verb 3 untuk menunjukkan bahwa kegiatannya telah
sempurna dilakukan di masa depan atau masa mendatang. Apa yang diungkapkan oleh (Cowan, 2008) sejalan
dengan pernyataan (Herring, 2016b) bahwa Future Perfect Tense terdiri dari will + have + past participle.
Untuk dapat lebih memahami lagi mengenai bentuk atau aturan yang ada di dalam Future Perfect Tense,
berikut ini kami sajikan rumus-rumus yang bisa Anda gunakan saat menggunakan Future Perfect Tense.
Rumus terbagi menjadi tiga bagian yakni:

Tabel 12.1: Rumus Future Perfect Tense
Ket Positive Sentence/ Negative Sentence/ Introgrative Sentence/
Kalimat Positif Negative Statement Introgrative Statement
Rumus (+) Subjek + will + have (-) Subjek + will + (?) Will + Subjek + have +
+Verb 3 NOT + have + Verb Verb 3 + Objek
(+) Subjek + To Be (is, (-) Subjek + To Be (is, (?) To be (is, am, are) +
am, are) + Going To + am, are) + NOT + Subjek + Going To + Verb 3
Verb 3 + Objek Going To + Verb 3 + + Objek
Example (12) We will have met at (7) We will have met (7) Will we have met at
Langkawi Island by at Langkawi Langkawi Island by the
the end of Island by the end end of September?
September. (Kita of September. (Akankah kita telah
akan telah bertemu (Kita tidak akan bertemu di Pulau
di Pulau Langkawi telah bertemu di Langkawi di akhir
di akhir bulan Pulau Langkawi bulan September?)
September). di akhir bulan

(13) She is going to have (8) She is not going (8) Is she going to have
taken a bath by 09 to have taken a taken a bath by 09
p.m. (Dia akan bath by 09 p.m.? (Apakah dia akan
telah mandi di jam p.m.(Saya tidak telah mandi di jam 09
09 malam). akan telah mandi malam?)
di jam 09

Pada table diatas dapat dilihat secara jelas bagaimana cara membuat kalimat Future Perfect Tense yang dikutip
dari (Azar and Hagen, 2000). Ada dua tipe kata kerja bantu yang digunakan pada tenses future dan keduanya
dapat digunakan pada jenis tenses Future Perfect Tense.
Untuk pemahaman lebih lanjut maka akan ditampilkan di bawah ini bentuk kata kerja yang ada di Future
Perfect Tense sehingga lebih mudah lagi dipahami.
Table 12.2 Kata Kerja Umum Dalam Future Perfect Tense

Infinitive Future Perfect Tense Negative

to eat will have eaten will not have eaten
to ask will have asked will not have asked

to watch will have watched will not have watched

to call will have called will not have called

to use will have used will not have used

to wait will have waited will not have waited

Pada tabel diatas dapat dilihat secara seksama bagaimana cara mengubah bentuk verb 1 menjadi verb 3 dengan
menggunakan tambahan auxiliary sesuai rumus Future Perfect Tense. Sehingga kalian dapat dengan mudah
memahami cara membuat kalimat pada Future Perfect Tense.
Secara mudahnya, penggunaan Future Perfect Tense ini sama saja dengan Present Perfect Tense dan Past
Perfect Tense yaitu kata kerja yang digunakan kata kerja bentuk 3 atau past participle. Yang membedakan
dengan Future Perfect Tense yaitu pada auxiliary-nya dan ada tambahan kata modal will atau shall atau be
going to. Kata auxiliary khusus untuk Future Perfect Tense adalah have apapun subjeknya (jamak atau
Bersama ini pula akan dibahas beberapa fungsi kalimat Future Perfcet Tense. Tenses ini lebih sering digunakan
untuk rencana kegiatan atau pekerjaan yang memang sudah terencana dengan baik atau pun sudah ada
gambaran akan waktu selesainya. Jikalau tenggat waktu atas kejadian atau peristiwa yang terjadi belum
diketahui maka tenses yang disarankan adalah Simple Future Tense bukan Future Perfect Tense. Untuk lebih
jelas lagi akan dirangkum dalam table di bawah ini dan diberikan contoh kalimatnya. Berikut makna-makna
dari kalimat Future Perfect Tense:
Table 12.3 Makna Future Perfect Tense

No. Kegunaan Contoh Kalimat

1. Untuk mengungkapkan aktivitas - Before the bride comes,
yang sudah akan selesai atau terjadi the red flowery carpet
sebelum aktivitas lain dilakukan di will have prepared.
masa depan. - By this time Grandma
arrives, Our mom will
have cooked rendang.

2. Untuk menunjukkan bahwa suatu - By this time next month,

aksi akan telah selesai pada suatu I will have sailed across
waktu di masa depan. Batu Ferringhi Beach.
- At this time next month, I
will have finished my
English class.

Pada tabel diatas dapat dilihat secara mendetail bahwa Future Perfect Tense pun mempunyai beberapa makna.
Oleh karenanya penggunaan Future Perfect Tense harus dapat dipahami sebelum pembentukan kalimat
Berbeda dengan Simple Future Tenses bahwa penggunaan tenses ini tidaklah simple. Future Perfect Tense
digunakan berdampingan dengan Simple Present Tense. Sehingga para pembaca dapat menemukan tenses
jenis ini pada kalimat-kalimat yang kompleks. Untuk dapat menciptakan kalimat Future Perfect Tense, akan
lebih baik lagi jika kita menambahkan keterangan waktu. Selain untuk membuat kalimat menjadi lengkap,
penggunaan keterangan waktu pun dapat membuat para pembaca yang mungkin belum menguasai tenses
dengan sempurna dapat langsung mengenali kalimat Future Perfect Tense tersebut. Di bawah ini akan
diberikan beberapa contoh kata keterangan waktu yang dapat digunakan ketika membuat kalimat. Namun,
penggunaan keterangan waktu ini tidak disarankan untuk ditambahkan per kalimat jika kalian kalimat yang
banyak atau mungkin ketika membuat karangan karena penggunaan keterangan waktu future yang sama terus
menerus akan membuat kalimat menjadi natural dan terkesan kaku.
Table 12.4 Keterangan Waktu Pada Future Perfect Tense

a. At this time next week/month Pada waktu yang sama pada saat
ini di minggu/bulan depan

b. By this time next week/month Selambat-lambatnya waktu yang
sama pada saat ini di minggu/bulan

c. By next Sunday Tidak melebihi hari Minggu depan

d. By 9 Tidak melebihi pukul 9

e. Tomorrow Besok

f. On the 15th of September Pada tanggal 15 bulan September

g. In 3 years time Dalam watu tiga tahun

Untuk tambahan mengenai kata keterangan waktu bahwa untuk Future Perfect Tense bisa digunakan yang
sangat spesifik (misalnya at 05 a.m.) atau bisa juga yang tidak spesifik seperti contohnya kata next week. Atau
dapat juga menggunakan klausa waktu yang menunjukkan kejadian lain yang terjadi sebelum atau sesudah
kejadian yang akan dibicarakan (main verb).
Untuk penjelasan lebih lanjut maka Future Perfect Tense ini akan dibahas satu persatu berdasarkan tipe-tipe
kalimat yang ada.

12.2 Kalimat Positif

Subyek + auxiliary verb will/ shall + have + verb 3 (past participle) atau S + will/shall + have + verb 3 +

Rumus diatas adalah rumus yang digunakan untuk membuat sebuah kalimat dalam bentuk Future Perfect
Tense dengan kalimat yang berbentuk positif. Untuk lebih mengerti mengenai bentuk kalimat dalam Future
Perfect Tense ini, berikut contoh kalimat yang menggunakan Future Perfect Tense dalam kalimat positif:
5. Rita shall have found new job by this time next year.
6. Werda will have done her homework by the time we arrive.
7. She shall have left for Paris by this time tomorrow.
8. The film will have finished by the end of this day.

12.3 Kalimat Negatif

Subyek + auxiliary verb will/ shall + NOT + have + verb 3 (past participle) atau S + will/shall + NOT +
have + Verb 3 + O

Rumus yang digunakan dalam bentuk kalimat negatif Future Perfect Tense memiliki bentuk yang hampir sama
dengan Future Perfect Tense dengan kalimat positif. Yang membedakan hanyalah penggunaan ’NOT’ dalam
rumusannya untuk membentuk kata negatif. Untuk dapat memahami maka perhatikan contoh penggunaan
Future Perfect Tense pada kalimat negatif:
9. Dany will not have eaten by half past ten.
10. They shall not have watched by this evening.
11. I will not have received enough marks by next year.
12. The rain will not have stopped by tomorrow evening.
12.4 Kalimat Interogatif

Will/ Shall + Subyek + have + verb 3 (past participle) + O + ? atau Will/Shall + S + have + Verb 3 + O

Setelah pembahasan kalimat positif dan negatif maka kita akan sampai pada bentuk terakhir dari Future Perfect
Tense yaitu bentuk kalimat tanya. Perhatikan contoh penggunaan Future Perfect Tense pada kalimat tanya
berikut ini:

5. Will you have graduated from the university before your younger sister graduate?
6. Shall you have learned all information about this job by December?
7. Will Nadia have finished her work by 5 o’clock?
8. Will Ben have started his start up business by next month?

Masih sama dengan jenis tenses future lainnya bahwa kata modal yang digunakan untuk Future Perfect Tense
adalah shall dan will. Selain kata modal, kata to be going to juga dapat digunakan karena kata tersebut
mengandung makna future.

12.5 Latihan dan Soal

A. Pilihan Ganda

1. Sean ………….. Malang by the end of next year.

a. will be visited d. be visits
b. will have visited e. will have been visited
c. visits
2. Tina and I ………….. the washing by 1 o’clock.
a. were d. shall be done
b. shall being do e. shall have done
c. shall being done
3. Tommy ………….. repaired the bike next Saturday.
a. will have d. will be
b. will e. was
c. have been
4. The police will have ………….. the thief.
a. arrest d. be arrested
b. arrested e. being arrested

c. been arrested

5. We ………….. written the essay by next Sunday.

a. was d. will
b. will have been e. will have
c. will be
6. Paula ………….. have managed the teams by the end of this month.
a. will d. be
b. was e. been
c. were
7. I will have ………….. the town by tonight.
a. leave d. been left
b. leaving e. be left
c. left
8. By 10 pm tonight, they shall ………….. the report.
a. is finishing d. be finished
b. finishes e. been finished
c. have finished
9. By 9 pm tonight, you shall …………..
a. have asleep d. be slept
b. have fallen asleep e. have slept
c. been asleep
10. She ………….. the movie by the end of today.
a. will watch d. will have watched
b. was watched e. watches
c. watched
11. By the end of this Monday, I will ………….. all of these books.
a. have been read d. be read
b. have read e. being read
c. read
12. It ………….. snowing by he end of this month.
a. will have stopped d. stopping
b. will be stopped e. have stopping
c. is stopped
13. By the end of next month, he ………….. arrived from Singapore.
a. will d. been

b. was have e. being
c. will have

14. Chandra ………….. his car by next Wednesday.

a. will be sold d. selling
b. will have sold e. sell
c. will have
15. At this time next tomorrow morning, my father ………….. the exercise.
a. will have begun d. is going to begin
b. will begin e. is begun
c. is beginning
16. In 2021, Uncle Rudi ………….. here for 25 years.
a. will work d. is worked
b. will have worked e. is going to work
c. is working
17. Sam ………….. the entire house by the end of lunch.
a. will clean d. is cleaned
b. is going to clean e. will have cleaned
c. are cleaned
18. By September, Julia ………….. us English for over a year.
a. teaches d. teach
b. will have taught e. will have been teaching
c. will teach
19. Before Saturday, they ………….. done doing the exam.
a. is d. will be
b. will e. will have
c. are
20. I ………….. English in the course for 5 months by January.
a. will learn d. am learning
b. will have learned e. is going to learn
c. is learning

B. Isilah titik-titik di bawah ini! Gunakan bentuk tense Future Perfect Tense.

23. Ann and Andy got married on June 1st.

Today is June 14th. They have been married for two weeks.
By June 7th, they had been married for one week.

By June 28th, they____________ married for four weeks.
24. This traffic is terrible. We’re going to be late. By the time we get to the airport, Bob’s plane (arrive,
already) ____________ and he’ll be wondering where we are.
25. A: Do you think everything will be finished when I get back from supermarket?
B: Don’t worry. By the time you get back, I (clean) ____________ up the living room and finished
washing the dishes. Everything will be perfect when you arrive.
26. A: I just have three more courses before I graduate from university. By this time next month, I
(graduate) ____________, and I will already be looking for a job.
B: Does that scare you? Are you worried about the future?
A: Not really. I am going to go to a carrier counselor and get some suggestion on how to find a
great job.
27. I’m getting tired of sitting in the car. Do you realize that by the time we arrive in Phoenix, we
(drive) ____________ for twenty straight hours?
28. Margaret was born in 1975. By 1995, she had lived on this earth for 20 years. By the year 2025, she
(live) ____________ on this earth for 50 years.
29. Go ahead and leave on your vacation. Don’t worry about this work. By the time you get back, we
(take) ____________ care of everything.
30. A: Do you know that Liana is going to take a vacation in Africa this summer?
B: I can’t believe how often she goes abroad. Where closely does she want to go?
A: She is going to visit Algeria, Libya, and Egypt.
B: At this time, she (visit) ____________ every country in the world by the time she’s 40.
31. What? He got married again? At this rate, he (have) ____________ a dozen wives by the time he
32. We have been married for a long time. By our next anniversary, we (be) ____________ married
for 43 years.

C. Essay. Ubahlah verb di bawah ini dengan bentuk yang tepat dan benar.

1. Bobi (complete) ______________________________ his Master Degree by the end of August.

2. The quality control department (operate) ___________________________ for one year by then.
3. By the time I start my work, Doni (start) ________________________ the shift for 14 hours straight.
4. Diana (get) ________________________ the scholarship by the time she starts school in December.
5. By this time next week, I hope they (finish) ___________________ building the administration center.
6. Mr. Scott (teach) ____________________ at this university for 30 years by the time he retires in May.
7. He (receive) ________________________________ the message by the time your plane takes off.
8. Tiara (accomplish) ______________________ the night shift by the time you wake up in the morning.
9. Dina’s team (work) ________________________ at the exhibition for 6 hours by the time I arrive there.

10. By the time I get on the plane, Ria (load) ____________ already__________________ the luggage.

D. Ubahlah kata kerja di bawah ini menjadi bentuk Future Perfect Tense!

1. smoke : ……………………………………….
2. swear : ……………………………………….
3. have : ……………………………………….
4. fly : ……………………………………….
5. cook : ……………………………………….
6. stand : ……………………………………….
7. examine : ……………………………………….
8. test : ……………………………………….
9. buy : ……………………………………….
10. teach : ……………………………………….

E. Membuat kalimat

No Kalimat Afirmatif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

1 I will not have forgotten
to lock the room before I

2 We will have turned off

the television by 2 pm

3 You will have finished

wash the clothes by the
end of today.
4 Will she have
changed the bus at
the right shelter?

5 He will have proposed

her to marry him.

6 She will not have invited

him to go to a coffee

7 Will you have

written a patient
report by tomorrow?

8 They will have finished
doing the test by 10

9 Davina will not have left

the class by end of hour.

10 Will she have

returned from the
recreation by 5

H. Buatlah Karangan

Buatlah karangan sebanyak 200 kata mengenai hal-hal yang akan kalian lakukan di masa yang akan datang.
Gunakanlah Future Perfect Tense.












Bab 13
Future Perfect Continuous Tense
13.1 Definisi Future Perfect Continuous Tense
13.2 Kalimat Positif
13.3 Kalimat Negatif
13.4 Kalimat Interogatif
13.5 Latihan dan Soal

13.7 Latihan dan Soal
13.1 Definisi Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Setelah pembahasan Simple Future Tense, Future Continuous Tense dan Future Perfect Tenses maka
sampailah kita pada tipe tenses terakhir atas kala future yaitu Future Perfect Continuous Tense. Seperti tenses
yang lainnya Future Perfect Continuous Tense ini juga salah satu dari 16 tenses bahasa Inggris yang harus
Secara umum pada jenis tenses ini masih membicarakan hal atau peristiwa yang akan terjadi atau peristiwa di
masa depan. Namun secara khusus, Future Perfect Continuous Tense berbicara tentang suatu peristiwa yang
telah terjadi di waktu present atau past dan akan berakhir pada suatu waktu di masa yang akan datang.
Sebenarnya tenses ini masih sama fungsinya dengan Future Perfect Tense. Kala ini merupakan bayangan atau
gambaran diri kita di masa depan dan membicarakan hal yang sudah dimulai atau sudah terjadi sebelumnya.
Tenses ini mengacu ke tindakan atau kejadian saat ini yang belum terselesaikan, namun akan selesai di masa
depan. Lebih seringnya, tenses ini digunakan berbarengan dengan ekpresi waktu.
(Azar, 2002) menyampaikan bahwa Future Perrfect Continuous Tense lebih menekankan pada ‘durasi‘
kegiatannya. Kegiatan pada tenses ini masih dalam proses sebelum sampai di waktu ‘future‘ dan
berkemungkinan akan selesai di masa yang akan datang.
Masih menurut (Azar, 2002) bahwa terkadang Future Perfect Tense dan Future Perfect Continuous Tense
mempunyai makna kalimat yang sama seperti pada contoh kalimat di bawah ini:
1. When Professor Jones retire next month, he will have taught for 45 years.
2. When Professor Jones retire next month, he will have been teaching for 45 years.

Pada contoh kalimat diatas dapat terlihat dengan jelas bahwa kedua tenses dapat mengekspresikan makna
kalimat yang sama. Mohon untuk dicatat bahwa kegiatan diatas dimulai di waktu ‘past‘. Menurut (Azar, 2002)
bentuk kalimat Future Perfect Continous Tense juga memiliki dua bentuk kata kerja bantu yaitu will dan be
going to. Kedua kata tersebut mempunyai makna sama dan dapat saling mengantikan. Untuk dapat lebih
memahami lagi mengenai bentuk atau aturan yang ada di dalam Future Continuous Tense, berikut ini kami
sajikan rumus-rumus yang bisa Anda gunakan saat menggunakan Future Continuous Tense. Rumus terbagi
menjadi tiga bagian yakni:

Tabel 13.1: Rumus Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Ket Positive Sentence/ Negative Sentence/ Introgrative Sentence/
Kalimat Positif Negative Statement Introgrative Statement
Rumus (+) Subjek + will / shall + (-) Subjek + will / shall (?) Will / shall + have been +
have been + Verb-ing + NOT + have been Subjek + Verb-ing (Gerund)
(Gerund) + Verb-ing (Gerund) + Objek
(+) Subjek + be going to (-) Subjek + be going to (?) Be going to + have been
+ have been + Verb-ing + NOT + have been + Subjek + Verb-ing
(Gerund) + Verb-ing (Gerund) (Gerund) + Objek
Example (14) I will have been (9) I will not have (9) Will I have been living
living in East been living in in East Jakarta for 20
Jakarta for 20 years East Jakarta for years? (Akankah saya
(Saya akan telah 20 years (Saya telah tinggal di Jakarta
tinggal di Jakarta tidak akan telah Timur selama 20
Timur selama 20 tinggal di Jakarta tahun?)
tahun) Timur selama 20
(15) I am going to be
have been studying (10) I am not going to (10) Am I going to have
at the library by the have been been studying at library
time you arrive studying at by the time you arrive
tomorrow (Saya library by the tomorrow? (Apakah
akan telah sedang time you arrive saya akan telah sedang
belajar di tomorrow (Saya belajar di perpustakaan
perpustakaan pada tidak akan telah pada saat kamu sampai
saat kamu sampai sedang belajar di besok?)
besok) perpustakan pada
saat kamu sampai
(Azar and Hagen, 2000) juga berpendapat bahwa Future Perfect Continuous Tense mengekspresikan sebuah
kegiatan yang dimulai sejak waktu ‘past‘ dan berkemungkinan masih dalam proses pada bingkai waktu tertentu
di masa depan. Pemakaian tenses ini selalu berbarengan dengan tenses jenis future lainnya atau bahkan Simple
Present Tense. Makna sesungguhnya dari Future Perfect Continuous Tense dapat tergambar jelas jika
disandingkan dengan beberapa kalimat dengan tenses future lain yang berbeda.
Menurut (Cowan, 2008) Future Perfect Continuous Tense merupakan tenses yang mempunyai dua aspek yaitu
Perfect dan Continuous untuk menekankan kegiatan yang masih dalam proses dan berkemungkinan selesai di
masa mendatang. Dua aspek dalam tenses ini diwakilkan oleh kata have dan been setelah kata modal will.
Cobalah perhatikan runutan cerita yang dikutip dari (Azar, 2002) di bawah ini dengan seksama:
Kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini mendeskripsikan kejadian pada kehidupan seorang laki-laki yang
bernama Bill. Kalimat-kalimat didominasi dengan tenses Simple Past Tense, namun beberapa kejadian
AKAN terjadi di keesokan harinya.
1. When Bill got up yesterday morning, the sun was shinning. And tomorrow?
- When Bill gets up tomorrow morning, the sun will be shinning.
2. He shaved and showered, and then made a light breakfast. And tomorrow?
- He will shave and shower, and then make a light breakfast.
3. After he ate breakfast yesterday, he got ready to go to work. And tomorrow?
- After he eats breakfast tomorrow, he will get ready to go to work.
4. By the time he got to work yesterday, he had drunk three cups pf coffee. And tomorrow?
- By the time he gets to work tomorrow, he will have drunk three cups of coffee.
5. Between 08.00 and 09.00 a.m., Bill answered his e-mail and planned his day. And tomorrow?
- Between 08.00 and 09.00 a.m., Bill will answer his e-mail and (will) plan his day.
6. By 10.00 a.m. yesterday, he had called new clients. And tomorrow?

- By 10.00 a.m. tomorrow, he will have called his new clients.
7. At 11.00 a.m. yesterday, he was attending a staff meeting. And tomorrow?
- At 11.00 a.m. tomorrow, Bill will be attending a staff meeting.
8. He went to lunch at noon and had a sandwich and a bowl of soup. And tomorrow?
- He will go to lunch at noon and have a sandwich and a bowl of soup.
9. After he finished eating, he took a short walk in the park before he returned to the office. And
- After he finishes eating, he will take a short walk in the park before he returns to the

Pada runutan kejadian diatas dapat dilihat dengan jelas bingkai waktunya dan perbedaan tenses ‘future‘ yang
digunakan. Kalimat yang dinomori didominasi dengan tenses Simple Past lalu dikarenakan kita sedang
membahas ‘future‘ maka kata tomorrow ditambahkan. Dengan kata lain, tenses apa kira-kira yang tepat dengan
kejadian atau kegiatan yang sama terjadinya di masa lalu namun dibicarakan di masa yang akan datang. Pada
nomor 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 dan 9 jelas bahwa tenses yang cocok adalah Simple Future Tense dikarenakan kalimat
tersebut simple dan hanya mempunyai satu klausa. Lalu di nomor 4 dan 6 menggunakan tenses Future Perfect
Tense dikarenakan kejadian atau kegiatan di nomor tersebut kemungkinan akan telah selesai pada waktu yang
telah ditentukan di masa datang sehingga Future Perfect Tense sangat tepat untuk nomor tersebut. Khusus
untuk nomor 7, tenses yang digunakan adalah Future Continuous Tense karena pada jam yang disebutkan di
nomor 7 kegiatan yang dilakukan Bill pasti masih dalam proses dan lagi, kejadian tersebut akan terjadi di masa
Untuk runutan kegiatan Bill selanjutnya mari kita lihat lagi kalimat-kalimat di bawah ini:
10. He worked at his desk until he went to another meeting in the middle of afternoon. And
- He will work at his desk until he goes to another meeting in the middle of the afternoon.
11. By the time he left the office, he had attended three meetings. And tomorrow?
- By the time he leaves the office, he will have attended three meetings.
12. When Bill got home, his children were playing in the yard. And tomorrow?
- When Bill gets home, his children will be playing in the yard.
13. They had been playing since 03.00 p.m. in the afternoon. And tomorrow?
- They will have been playing since 03.00 p.m. in the afternoon.
14. As soon as he finished dinner, he took the children for a walk to a nearby playground. And
- As soon as he finishes dinner, he will take the children for a walk to nearby playground.
15. Afterwards, the whole family sat in the living room and discussed their day. And tomorrow?
- Afterwards, the whole family will sit in the living room and discuss their day.
16. They watched television for a while, and then he and his wife put the kids to bed. And
- They will watch television for a while, then Bill and his wife will put the kids to bed.
17. By the time Bill went to bed yesterday, he had had a full day and was ready for sleep. And
- By the time Bill goes to bed tomorrow, he will have had a full day and will be ready for

Kalimat simple yang cocok dengan tenses Simple Future Tense adalah kalimat nomor 10, 14, 15 dan 16
karenakan memang kejadian di masa past pun hanya fokus pada satu kegiatan saja dan kalimat pun tidak
berbentuk kompleks. Lalu tenses yang cocok untuk nomor 11 dan 17 adalah Future Perfect Tense. Hal ini
dikarenakan ada adverbial clause pada kedua kalimat tersebut. Sehingga kejadian di nomor 11 dan 17 akan
telah selesai dengan sempurna di masa yang akan datang – sesuai dengan adverbial clause yang dituliskan pada

nomor tersebut. Selanjutnya pada nomor 12, tenses yang tepat adalah Future Continuous Tense dikarenakan
kegiatan di nomor tersebut masih akan berlangsung ketika dilakukan di masa depan atau dapat juga
disimpulkan karena kegiatan yang dilakukan membutuhkan durasi sehingga yang sangat tepat hanya tenses
Future Continuous Tense saja. Kalimat terakhir adalah kalimat yang menggunakan tenses Future Perfect
Continuous Tense di nomor 13. Kalimat ini merupakan contoh sempurna atas tenses ini. Mengapa nomor 13
tepat menggunakan tenses Future Perfect Continuous Tense, karena proses ‘main‘ si anak akan dimulai di suatu
waktu di masa lalu (simple past) sebelum masa waktu future dan berkemungkinan akan selesai juga di masa
yang akan datang. Namun dikarenakan kegiatan tersebut berproses maka waktu continuous diaplikasikan ke
kalimat tersebut.
(Frank, 2019) menambahkan bahwa khusus untuk jenis tenses ini, sangat jarang sekali muncul dalam sebuah
cerita ataupun text. Dan juga, tenses ini menekankan pada durasi waktu atas satu kejadian yang terjadi sebelum
waktu ‘future‘ datang dan juga bagaimana atau kapan kegiatan itu akan selesai.
Untuk pemahaman lebih lanjut maka akan ditampilkan di bawah ini bentuk kata kerja yang ada di Future
Perfect Continuous Tense sehingga lebih mudah lagi dipahami.
Table 13.2 Kata Kerja Umum Dalam Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Infinitive Future Perfect Continuous Negative

to eat will have been eating will not have been eating
to cook will have been cooking will not have been cooking

to cry will have been crying will not have been crying

to teach will have been teaching will not have been teaching
to swim will have been swimming will not have been swimming
to call will have been calling will not have been calling

to wait will have been waiting will not have been waiting

Pada tabel diatas dapat dilihat secara seksama bagaimana cara mengubah bentuk verb 1 menjadi bentuk kata
kerja yang dapat digunakan pada kalimat Future Perfect Continuous Tense. Dengan harapan kalian dapat
dengan sangat mudah memahami cara membuat kalimat pada Future Perfect Continuous Tense.
Secara umum, penggunaan Future Perfect Continuous Tense ini sangat jarang jika dibandingkan dengan
Present Perfect Continuous Tense ataupun Past Perfect Continuous Tense. Pada tabel dibawah ini akan
dirangkum fungsi-fungsi dari kalimat Future Continouse Tense:
Tabel 13.3 Fungsi Kalimat Future Perfect Continuous Tense

No. Fungsi Kalimat

1. Untuk menyatakan suatu - I shall have been living
peristiwa atau kejadian yang akan in Bandar Lampung for
terjadi pada waktu yang akan four years by next year.
berlangsung selama beberapa
waktu di masa yang akan datang - Reza will have been
studying French for two
months by the time he
finish his class.

2. Untuk menyatakan suatu - Rina will have been
peristiwa atau kejadian yang akan visiting her mom for a
terjadi pada waktu yang week by the end of this
dilakukan sudah lampau dan year.
diteruskan pada masa yang akan
- We will have been
analyzing new Corona
virus by the end of

Berdasarkan tabel diatas maka kita dapat membuat kalimat yang menggunakan kala Future Perfect Continuous
Tense secara tepat dan menghindari kesalahan secara makna dan tata bahasa (grammar).
Untuk membuat kalimat Future Perfect Continuous Tense, akan lebih baik lagi jika kita menambahkan
keterangan waktu. Selain keterangan waktu, biasanya kalimat dengan tenses ini menampilkan klausa yang
menggunakan tenses lain untuk dapat mempertegas makna waktu atas Future Perfect Continuous Tense.
Selain untuk membuat kalimat menjadi lengkap, penggunaan keterangan waktu pun dapat membuat para
pembaca yang mungkin awam dapat langsung mengenali kalimat Future Perfect Continuous Tense tersebut.
Untuk dapat kenal lebih jauh apa saja keterangan waktu pada Future Perfect Continuous Tense, berikut contoh-
contoh keterangan waktu pada kalimat Future Perfect Continuous Tense yang dapat kalian gunakan. Hal yang
perlu juga diperhatikan bahwa keterangan waktu ini pun mirip malah mungkin hampir sama dengan Future
Continuous Tense dikarenakan bingkai waktu future yang digunakan keduanya. Future Perfect Continuous
Tense secara grammatikal masih sama dengan Present Perfect Continuous Tense dan juga dengan Past Perfect
Continuous Tense hanya khusus di Future Perfect Continuous Tense durasi kejadiannya berhenti pada suatu
titik waktu di masa depan. Berikut ini beberapa contoh keterangan waktunya untuk dapat kalian ketahui.
Table 13.4 Keterangan Waktu Pada Future Perfect Continuous Tense

a. For Selama

b. Next Depan

c. At this time tomorrow Pada waktu ini besok

d. For two weeks by next month Selama dua minggu menjelang bulan

e. By the end of 2020 Menjelang akhir tahun 2020

f. By the end of this week Menjelang akhir minggu

Untuk penjelasan lebih lanjut maka Future Perfect Continuous Tense ini akan dibahas satu persatu berdasarkan
tipe-tipe kalimat yang ada.

11.2 Kalimat Positif

Subyek + auxiliary verb will/ shall + have + auxiliary verb been + verb-ing (gerund) atau S + will/shall
+ have + been + verb-ing + O

Diatas, adalah rumus yang digunakan untuk membuat sebuah kalimat dalam bentuk Future Perfect Continuous
Tense dengan kalimat yang berbentuk positif. Menurut (Herring, 2016b) kata auxiliary yang dapat digunakan
untuk tenses ini sama dengan kala future lainnya yaitu shall, will dan juga be going to. Namun khusus untuk
tenses ini setelah kata modal ditambahkan auxilirary have dan auxilirary been setelahnya. Untuk lebih mengerti
mengenai bentuk kalimat dalam Future Perfect Continuous Tense ini, berikut contoh penggunaan Future
Perfect Continuous Tense dalam kalimat positif:
1. We will have been living in Bandar Lampung America for two years by next year.
2. Rose will have been visiting her mother for a week by the end of this year.
3. Yeni will have been studying in Oxford University for two years by the end of 2020
4. Saqif will have been swimming for 1 hour by 09.00 o’clock tomorrow morning.

11.3 Kalimat Negatif

Subyek + auxiliary verb will/ shall + NOT + have + auxiliary verb been + verb-ing (gerund) atau S +
will/shall + NOT + have + been + Verb-ing + O

Rumus yang digunakan dalam bentuk kalimat negatif Future Perfect Continuous Tense memiliki bentuk yang
hampir sama dengan kalimat positif tenses ‘future‘ lainnya. Yang membedakan hanyalah penggunaan ’NOT’
dalam rumusannya untuk membentuk kata negatif. Untuk dapat memahami lebih lanjut maka perhatikan
contoh penggunaan Future Perfect Continuous Tense pada kalimat negatif:
1. He will not been waiting for 2 hours by 12.00 o’clock tomorrow.
2. They will not have been staying in London next summer.
3. She will not have been studying Japanese next month.
4. I will not have been eating rice for three months.

11.4 Kalimat Interogatif

Will/ Shall + Subyek + have + auxiliary verb been +verb-ing (gerund) + O + ? atau Will/Shall + S +
have + been + Verb-ing + O

Pada jenis kalimat interogatif kata kerjanya pun masih menggunakan verb-ing namun awal kalimat dimulai
dengan kata modal yaitu will atau shall dan diikuti have been. Perhatikan contoh penggunaan Future Perfect
Continuous Tense pada kalimat tanya berikut ini:

1. Will you have been eating vegetables for 2 months?

2. Will I have been reading the book for 1 hour?
3. Will she have been teaching English for 10 years next year?
4. Will Irtiza have been playing with the toys for twenty minutes?

11.5 Future Perfect Continuous Tense vs Future

Continuous Tense

Pada bagian akhir ini akan dibahas mengenai perbedaan antara Future Continuous Tense dengan Future Perfect
Continuous Tense. Banyak native speaker yang lebih memilih untuk menggunakan Future Continuous Tense
daripada Future Perfect Continuous Tense. Perbedaan antara keduanya bahwa Future Continuous Tense lebih
menekankan tindakan sedangkan Future Perfect Continuous Tense lebih menekankan durasi atas kegiatan
yang dilakukan. Untuk lebih jelas dapat melihat contoh kalimat di bawah ini:

1. He will be tired because he will be exercising so hard.

2. He will be tired because he will have been exercising so hard.

Jika diubah ke dalam bahasa Indonesia maka kalimat no. 1 akan jelas terlihat bahwa ia akan lelah karena dia
akan berolahraga pada waktu tertentu di masa depan. Sedangkan kalimat no. 2 menekankan bahwa ia akan
menjadi lelah karena dia akan melakukan olahraga (proses olahraga karena ada aspek continuous disitu). Selain
itu, dapat berkemungkinan bahwa proses olahraga yang dilakukan akan masih berlangsung untuk masa tertentu
hingga kalimat Future Perfect Continuous Tense ini mencapai titik waktu tertentu di masa depan.
Satu hal lagi yang dapat dicatat bahwa khusus untuk tense Future Perfect Continuous Tense kata kerja yang
tidak bisa digunakan dalam tenses continuous dapat digunakan karena ada unsur aspek perfect disitu.

11.6 Latihan dan Soal

A. Pilihan Ganda

2. We will have ………….. 6 hours by the time we get home.

a. be cycling d. been cycled
b. cycling e. to cycle
c. been cycling
2. In the summer, Lewis ………….. to find a new place for five months.
a. will search d will have been searching
b. will searching e will have searching
c. will be searching
3. James will be very exhausted when he will have been ………….. over 24 hours.
a. be flying d. fly
b. flying e. to flying
c. to fly
4. She ………….. been following the class for an hour at 12 o’clock.
a. have d. had
b. will have e. will
c. will had
5. You will not have been ………….. for 6 hours at 10.00 a.m. you still need 30 minutes more to make it.
a. teach d. be teach
b. teaching e. to teach
c. to teaching

6. You ………….. here for a year when you can ask for a pay raise.
a. would have been working d. will have been driven
b. will have been working e. will have been worked
c. will have been driving
7. Benny ………….. on the non-profit organization for seven months next week.
a. will have been being d. will have been playing
b. will have been be e. will be playing
c. will have been being playing
8. The construction workers ………….. for more than 90 minutes when the bell rings.
a. won’t have been sleeping d. will have been running
b. wouldn’t have been sleeping e. will had been running
c. will has been running
9. ………….. the researchers by the end of this semester?
a. Would have been waiting
b. Will have been waiting
c. Will all the students have been completing
d. Will have been all the students completing
e. Will has been waiting
10. I ………….. here for over a week tomorrow.
a. will have not been staying d. will she have been studying
b. will not have been staying e. will she has been studying
c. she will have been studying
11. Your children ………….. paintball in my back yard for more than two hours by the time you pick them
a. will have been being d. will have been playing
b. will have been be e. will has been playing
c. will have been being playing
12. My mom ………….. for two days the time I see her.
a. has been travelling d. will had travelling
b. will have been travelling e. will had been travelling
c. will has been travelling
13. They’ll be exhausted by dinner. They will have been ………….. exercise for seven hours
a. doing d. does
b. done e. was doing
c. do
14. Will you ………….. here for ten years by the time of the Idul Adha celebration?

a. have been lived d. has been living
b. have to live e. have be living
c. have been living
15. It’s a 24 hours relay. They’ll only have been ………….. for half the time by 05 p.m.
a. walk d. walking
b. walked e. be walk
c. be walking
16. We ………….. been standing long.
a. will not have d. will has been
b. have not will e. will have will
c. will have not
17. I ………….. marying for two years.
a. willn’t have been d. will had been
b. won’t have been e. will has been
c. not have been
18. Won’t ………….. they travelling to Johor Bahru for two weeks by then?
a. have been d. will be
b. had been e. had be
c. has been
19. The police will have been ………….. for a month by the time the case is revealed.
a. investigate d. investigates
b. investigation e. investigated
c. investigating
20. The films run all night. We ………….. movies for seven hours by the time the feature come on.
a. watched d. will has wacthing
b. will have been watching e. will be watched
c. will watch

B. Ubahlah verb dalam kurung ke bentuk Future Perfect Continuous Tense yang benar!

1. Next year Bobby (teach) ____________ At vocational high school for four years.
2. Before next year my sister (work) ____________ at the company for 11 years.
3. When you arrive at Tangerang, your aunty (wait) ____________ for you for a few minutes at the
terminal bus.
4. Davina is severely ill. Next Monday she (stay) ____________ at the local hospital for a week.
5. Next year Liana (live) ____________ in the metropolitan city of Jakarta for 5 years.
6. Next week Rita (study) ____________ at the university for a year.

7. Dewi (work) ____________ at home for two semester next year due to COVID 19.
8. My next dor neighbor (serve) ____________ in the military for 10 years next month.
9. By next month baby Aisya (walk) ____________ for two months.
10. The party goes well all day. We (eat) ____________ for hours by the afternoon time.

C. Ubahlah kata kerja di bawah ini ke bentuk Future Perfect Continuous Tense.

1. mary : ……………………………………….
2. stay : ……………………………………….
3. do : ……………………………………….
4. visit : ……………………………………….
5. go : ……………………………………….
6. cry : ……………………………………….
7. study : ……………………………………….
8. analyze : …… ………………………………….
9. research : ……………………………………….
10. speak : ……………………………………….

D. Gunakan kata kerja yang tepat dari kotak untuk membuat kalimat Future Perfect Continuous Tense
dan tambahkan kata keteangan waktu. Kerjakan seperti contoh!

 They / for the test
 They will not have been studying for the test by the end of this weekend.

Wait Clean Buy Eat

Cry Work Play
Go Listen Drive

1. they / home for the weekend ______________________________________________________

2. I / a bowl of chicken noodle ______________________________________________________
3. You / the English record ______________________________________________________
4. Mother / home yard ______________________________________________________
5. My uncle / his new Honda Jazz _____________________________________________________
6. Deen / online games ______________________________________________________
7. Dewi / living room furniture ______________________________________________________
8. She / for her bad marks ______________________________________________________
9. I / last flight ______________________________________________________
10. He / on his final exam ______________________________________________________

E. Membuat kalimat

No Kalimat Positif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

1 By the time we reach 06
p.m., they will have
been going to airport.

2 Reza will not have been

studying Math for two
hours by four o’clock.
3 By the time I finish my
study here, I will have
been living in Australia
for two years.

4 Will you have been

waiting long when I
arrive in the

5 Marsha will have been

becoming UBSI student
for a year by the end of
this semester.

6 By 2021 the COVID 19

will not have been
staying for more than a

7 Will they have been

living here for 10
years by end of

8 Michael will have been

practicing singing for 2
hours when I arrive at
09 a.m.

9 He will not have been

using motorcycle by the
time I come.

10 Will they have been
watching concert for
five hours?

I. Menulis

Ceritakan kembali kegiatan kalian yang sudah terjadi di waktu lampau ke bentuk future. Buatlah kalimat
secara runut sebanyak 7 atau 9 kalimat. Gunakan tenses tidak hanya Future Perfect Continuous Tense namun
tenses future lainnya (Simple Future Tense, Future Continuous Tense atau Future Perfect Tense).










Bab 14
Past Future Tense

14.1 Definisi Past future tense

14.2 Rumus Past future tense
14.3 Penggunaan Past future tense
14.4 Latihan

14.1. Definisi Past Future Tense

Past future tense adalah bentuk kalimat yang digunakan untuk mengungkapkan ide, rencana, harapan pada
masa yang akan datang yang dilihat dari sudut pandang masa lalu. Jadi, past future tense dapat diartikan sebagai
suatu bentuk kalimat untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang akan dilakukan di masa lampau, namun tidak terjadi,
sehingga menyebabkan peristiwa lain terjadi atau disebabkan oleh peristiwa lain. Dengan kata lain past future
tense merupakan sebuah pengandaian.
Pada dasarnya terdapat dua bentuk past future tense yaitu bentuk “would/should” dan “was going to”. Kedua
bentuk ini dapat digunakan secara bergantian namun sejatinya mempunyai fungsi yang berbeda.

14.2. Rumus Past future tense

Ket Positive Sentence/ Negative Sentence/ Introgrative Sentence/
Kalimat Positif Negative Statement Introgrative Statement
Rumus (+) Subjek + would/ (-) Subjek + would/ (?) Would/ should + Subjek +
should + V1 + Object should + not + V1 + V1 + Object + ?
Atau Object Atau
(+) Subjek + was/were + Atau Was/ were + Subjek + going to
going to + V1 + Object (-) Subjek + was/were + + V1 + Object + ?
not + going to + V1 +
Contoh (1) She would be a (4) She would not be (4) Would you help me,
teacher. a teacher. please?
(Dia akan mejadi (Dia tidak akan (Bersediakah anda
guru) menjadi guru) membantu saya?)
Penjelasan: Penjelasan: Penjelasan:
Kalimat ini menjelaskan Kalimat ini menjelaskan Berbeda dengan bentuk positif
bahwa penutur kalimat bahwa penutur kalimat dan negatif, dalam bentuk
sedang membicarakan sedang membicarakan interogatif (bentuk tanya) fungsi
rencana subjek kalimat rencana subjek kalimat past future tense berfungsi
(She) pada masa lampau (She) pada masa lampau sebagai kalimat permintaan
yang ingin menjadi yang tidak ingin menjadi secara sopan. Seperti contoh
seorang guru. seorang guru. diatas yang merupakan kalimat
Kemungkinan besar saat Kemungkinan besar saat permintaan/ request.
ini dia tidak menjadi ini dia menjadi seorang
seorang guru. guru.

(2) I would treat you to (5) Chairman would
watch the Batman not speak in the
Movie if I won the meeting if the it
game. started on time.
(Saya akan (Ketua tidak akan
mentraktir anda berbicara pada
untuk menonton rapat jika tidak
film Batman jika dimulai tepat
saya memenangkan waktu)
permainan) Penjelasan:
Penjelasan: Kalimat diatas
Kalimat diatas menjelaskan menjelaskan bahwa
bahwa subjek (dulu) ketua tidak akan
berencana ingin mentraktir berbicara pada rapat jika
menonton film Batman jika rapat tidak dimulai tepat
dia memenangkan waktu.
Namun kenyataannya hal
itu tidak terjadi sehingga
apa yang terjadi sebenarnya
berbeda dengan rencana,

Keterangan Waktu untuk Past Future Tense

 Yesterday : kemarin
 The day before : sebelum hari ini
 The week before : minggu sebelumnya
 Last ... : ... yang lalu
 Last week : minggu lalu
 Last year : tahun lalu
 ... if ... : ... jika ...
 ... ago : ... yang lalu
 Two days ago : dua hari yang lalu


Subject Would/should Contoh Verb-1 Contoh Object

He Would Write A letter

I Should Write A letter


14.3.Penggunaan Past future tense

A. Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau kegiatan yang akan terjadi atau dilakukan
pada masa lampau, tetapi tidak terlaksana karena ada syarat yang tidak terpenuhi.

 Ali would come here, if you invited him yesterday.
(Ali akan datang kesini, jika anda mengundangnya kemarin)
 I should buy a car if I had much money.
(Saya akan membeli mobil seandainya saya mempunyai banyak uang)
B. Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau perbuatan yang akan sudah terjadi atau
dilakukan pada masa lampau.

 I would be in Jakarta last week.
(Anda akan berada di Jakarta minggu lalu)
 Yunus would go to Lampung the day before.
(Yunus akan pergi ke Lampung sebelum hari ini)
C. Menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau kejadian yang tidak terjadi pada masa lampau karena
syaratnya tidak terpenuhi serta tidak akan mungkin terjadi pada saat ini.

 If I were rich I would travel around the world. (Seandainya aku kaya, aku akan
berkelana keliling dunia)
 He would be a model if he had the chance. (Dia akan menjadi model jika ada
D. Menyatakan kalimat tidak langsung (Indirect Speech)
 He said that he would help me wash my car. (Dia berkata bahwa dia akan membantu
saya untuk mencuci)
 She told me that she would visit me. (Dia bilang bahwa dia akan mengunjungiku)
E. Menyatakan suatu peristiwa, Tindakan dan perbuatan yang menjadi suatu kebiasaan dan kata
kerja yang sering digunakan adalah kata kerja bantu would.
 I would sit by the beach for a long time. (Saya akan duduk di tepi pantai untuk waktu
yang lama)
F. Menyatakan keharusan
 We should go home at 9.30 PM. (Kita harus pulang ke rumah tepat pukul 9.30
 She should work hard to be a successful doctor. (Dia harus bekerja keras agar
menjadi dokter yang sukses)

14.4. Latihan

A. Buatlah kalimat positif, negatif, dan interogatif menggunakan kalimat berikut.

1. ( + ) It should be fine for now.

( - ) ……………………………………………………………
( ? ) ……………………………………………………………
2. ( + ) ……………………………………………………………
( - ) It should not be that bad
( ? ) ……………………………………………………………
3. ( + ) ……………………………………………………………
( - ) ……………………………………………………………
( ? ) Should he be in Banten next month?
4. ( + ) He said he was going to come home at 10 tonight.
( - ) ……………………………………………………………
( ? ) ……………………………………………………………
5. ( + ) ……………………………………………………………
( - ) It would not rain that day.
( ? ) ……………………………………………………………
6. ( + ) ……………………………………………………………
( - ) ……………………………………………………………
( ? ) Should we continue or discussion now?
7. ( + ) He said he would buy a house last year.
( - ) ……………………………………………………………
( ? ) ……………………………………………………………
8. ( + ) ……………………………………………………………
( - ) The window should not be opened.
( ? ) ……………………………………………………………
9. ( + ) ……………………………………………………………
( - ) ……………………………………………………………
( ? ) Would lunch be provided yesterday?
10. ( + ) I should pick him up at station yesterday evening.
( - ) ……………………………………………………………
( ? ) ……………………………………………………………

B. Lengkapi kalimat berikut agar menjadi past future tense menggunakan kata kerja di dalam

1. Diana ……….……… (do) her homework at 20.00 o’clock yesterday.

2. They ……….……… (watch) news program at 7.00 o’clock.
3. I ……….……… (phone) him last night.
4. She ……….……… (type) the report before the time last week.
5. We ……….……… (climb) the mountain.
6. By this time last week, you ……….……… (meet) my friend.
7. When you came back, he ……….……… (buy) the house.
8. By last month, she ……….……… (sell) her own book.
9. Rico ……….……… (buy) a motorcycle a couple days ago.
10. ………. Andin ……….……… (cook) for 3 hours yesterday?

C. Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini dengan memilih jawaban yang paling tepat!

1. When Bill and Clara ............ a new cellular phone, they met Paul in the phone shop.
a. would bought d. shall bought
b. will buy e. would buy
c. will bought
2. My brother ............ ask me to stop disturbing him
a. was going to d. are going to
b. is going to e. weren’t going to
c. were going to
3. They ............ their new uniforms
a. shall wear d. wearing
b. will wear e. to wear
c. would wear
4. My sister ............ to talk with her manager
a. is going d. was going
b. are going e. going
c. were going
5. I asked to go with my father when he would ............ the museum last week
a. Visited d. visits
b. Visit e. to visit
c. Visiting
6. She was going to ............ telling me that i was right
a. Kept d. be kept
b. Keeping e. keep
c. Keeps

7. My mother cooked a special food when the special guest ............ to our house yesterday
a. will come d. to come
b. shall come e. comes
c. would come
8. Oscar and Cindy............ like my son when they met him.
a. was going to d. are going to
b. is going to e. aren’t going to
c. were going to
9. He would ............ to solve the problem by himself
a. Try d. trying
b. Tries e. to try
c. Tried
10. We were going to ............ dancing with our friends
a. Enjoying d. enjoy
b. Enjoyed e. be enjoyed
c. Enjoys
11. He ............ forgive you if you come to his house.
a. Would d. has
b. Will e. had
c. Was
12. My Uncle told me that he would ............ on time.
a. Comes d. came
b. Coming e. was come
c. Come
13. She promised she would ............ me a box of strawberry cake.
a. Given d. gave
b. Give e. was given
c. Giving
14. My father had a strong feeling that the weather ............ be warm
a. Will d. is
b. Would e. had
c. Was
15. I knew that the task would be ............
a. Finish d. was finish
b. Finished e. had finish
c. Finishing
16. I ............ give you everything that you like.
a. Will d. would
b. Was e. have
c. Had
17. They would ............ a new car someday.
a. Buying d. was buy
b. Bought e. buy
c. Buys

18. You ............ have money if you do your job.
a. Would d. have
b. Will e. had
c. Was
19. I think she ............ enroll the course.
a. Will d. have
b. Would e. had
c. Was
20. I knew you would ............ all the things for the meeting.
a. Prepared d. was prepare
b. Prepare e. have prepare
c. Preparing

Bab 15
Past Future Continuous Tense

15.1 Definisi Past Future Continuous Tense

15.2 Bentuk Kalimat Past Future Continuous Tense
15.3 Past Future Continuous Tense & Simple Past Tense
15.4 Conditional Sentence
15.5 Latihan dan Soal

15.1 Definisi Past Future Continuous Tense

Past Future Continuous Tense adalah tenses ke 14 dari 16 tenses dalam struktur bahasa Inggris. Nama lain dari
Past Future Continuous Tense adalah Past Future Progressive Tense. Tense ini digunakan untuk menceritakan
peristiwa atau kegiatan yang telah dimulai di masa lalu dan kegiatan yang dilakukan atau peristiwa yang terjadi
tersebut masih berlanjut atau berlangsung di masa depan. Sebagaimana nama tense ini dibentuk dari 3
gabungan waktu, yakni past, future, dan continuous. Maka kegiatan atau pertistiwa yang terjadi berkaitan
dengan kondisi waktu di masa lalu dan masih berlangsung di masa depan. Dalam hal ini, meski kata future
bermakna "masa depan” namun kejadian, kegiatan, atau peristiwa ditandai dengan bentuk lampau (would dari
asal kata will dan should dari asal kata shall atau keduanya disebut auxillary verb). Sementara permulaan
kegiatan dilakukan dan kegiatan tersebut masih berlangsung di masa depan memiliki ciri (be + V1 (present
participle) + ing). Fungsi utama dari penggunaan past future continuous tense ini adalah sebagai pengandaian,
prediksi, dan ketidakmungkinan suatu peristiwa atau kegiatan terjadi (Hughes, 2001). Ketiga fungsi dalam past
future continuous tense menunjukkan sebuah makna peristiwa, kegiatan atau kejadian yang tidak benar benar
terjadi sebagaimana contoh berikut:
1. Pengandaian

Ashidiq would be driving the airplane if he had a driving lisence.

2. Prediksi

When the cloud was dark, it would be falling rain.

3. Ketidakmungkinan

I would be flying to the sky If I were a bird.

Berikut adalah rumus dan contoh yang dapat digunakan sebagai pemahaman bentuk atau aturan yang ada di
dalam Past Future Continuous Tense:

Tabel 1.1: Rumus Past Future Continuous Tense
Ket Positive Sentence/ Negative Sentence/ Introgrative Sentence/
Kalimat Positif Negative Statement Introgrative Statement
Rumus (+) Subjek + (-) Subjek + Would not (?) Would/Should +
Would/Should + Be + (wouldn’t) /Should Subjek + Be + Verb 1
Verb 1 (present participle) (shouldn’t) + Be + (present participle) + Ing
+ Ing Verb 1 (present
participle) + Ing
Contoh (16) He should be (11) He shouldn‘t be (11) Should he be coming
coming to his pen coming to his pen to his pen pal’s
pal’s house. pal’s house house?
(17) Nani would be (12) Nani would not (12) Would Nani be
receiving the new be receiving the receiving the new
task from her new task from her task from her
manager. manager. manager.

Selain itu, kita dapat menambahkan keterangan waktu (time signal) yang dapat digunakan dalam past future
continuous tense. Beberapa contoh time signal adalah sebagai berikut:

Tabel 1.2 Keterangan Waktu/ Time Signal

a. Last Last time, last week, last month, last
year, the last two days later, the last two
days, last night, last day, the last evening,

b. After The day after yesterday, etc.

c. Nama hari & bulan On Sunday, Tuesday, Monday, etc

In June, March, January, etc.

d. By the end By the end of this year, by the end of this

month, etc.

15.2 Bentuk Kalimat Past Future Continuous Tense

Pada umumnya bentuk kalimat dibagi kedalam tiga bentuk yaitu kalimat positif, kalimat negatif, dan kalimat
tanya (interogratif). Fungsi bentuk kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris memiliki fungsi yang sama dalam bahasa
Indonesia. Kalimat yang berisi pernyataan disebut kalimat deklaratif, kalimat yang berisi pertanyaan disebut
interogatif, kalimat yang berisi perintah disebut imperative, dan kalimat yang mengekspresikan emosi yang
kuat disebut kalimat seruan/eklamasi dengan ditambahkan tanda seru (!) di akhir kalimat (Altenberg and Vago,
2010). Sementara fungsi kalimat negatif berisi penolakan atau mengandung arti tidak, berikut penjelasan
kalimat umum yang sering digunakan:

a. Kalimat Positif
Ciri-ciri kalimat positif adalah ditandai dengan penggunaan subjek kalimat atau subjek yang melakukan
tindakan di awal kalimat. Kemudian dilanjutkan dengan penambahan bentuk past dari will, yakni

would. Selanjutnya ditambahkan dengan be dan kata kerja past participle yang sudah ditambahkan –ing
di akhir kata (lihat tabel). Sementara, penambahan objek dan kata pelengkap (complement) pada
kalimat boleh ditambahkan ataupun tidak ditambahkan. Struktur berikut adalah bentuk kalimat positif
past future continuous tense beserta contohnya:

Subject + Would/Should+ Be + Verb 1 (Present Participle) + Ing + Object/Complement

1. Dani would be playing the violin tomorrow at this time.

2. She would be joining the privat yoga next week.
3. Dewi would be sending the snail mail the next day.

Untuk membentuk Ing-form kita bisa menambahkan kata kerja action verb (Altenberg and Vago, 2010) atau
dynamic yang bertujuan untuk menunjukkan bentuk tindakan sebagaimana tertera dalam tabel.

Tabel 1.3 Kata Kerja Action Verb Bentuk –Ing

No (V1) Present Participle + Bentuk –Ing

1 Move (+) ing Moving

2 Revise (+) ing Revising

3 Sing (+) ing Singing

4 Ask (+) ing Asking

5 Go (+) Ing Going

b. Kalimat Negatif
Kalimat negatif selalu ditandai dengan kata not yang berarti tidak atau bukan. Kata tersebut diletakan
setelah kata would atau sering disingkat wouldn’t sebagaimana dicontohkan dalam rumus berikut ini:

Subject + Would/Should + Not + Be + Verb 1 (Present Participle) + Ing + Object/Complement

1. Dani wouldn’t be playing the violin tomorrow.

2. She wouldn’t be joining the privat yoga next week.
3. Dewi wouldn‘t be sending the snail mail the next day.

c. Kalimat Tanya (Interogratif)

Kalimat tanya ditandai dengan pemindahan dan penukaran letak subjek dan to be. Subjek dalam kalimat positif
diletakan setelah kata would. Ciri yang kedua adalah kalimat interogratif diakhiri dengan tanda tanya diakhir
kalimat (?). Contoh berikut ini adalah bentuk kalimat interogratif dari past future continuous tense:

Would/ Should+Subject+be+Verb 1 (Present Participle)+Ing+Object/Complement?

1. Would Dani be playing the violin tomorrow at this time?

2. Would she be joining the privat yoga next week?
3. Would Dewi be sending the snail mail the next day?

15.3 Past Future Continuous Tense & Simple Past Tense
Past future continuous tense dapat diletakan setelah simple past tense atau sebaliknya dengan penambahan kata
penghubung klausa waktu (when). Jika penempatan atau peletakan kata penghubung when di awal kalimat,
maka sebelum menuliskan kalimat kedua harus ditambahkan tanda pemisah atau koma (Downing and Locke,
2006b). Selain kata penghubung when yang sering dugunakan dalam klausa adalah after, before, by the time,
once, since, untill, dan while. Semua kata penghubung tersebut menjelaskan kejadian yang terjadi di waktu
lampau (Alexander, 1998). Berikut adalah tabel penggunaan past future continuous dan simple past tense
dalam kalimat.

Tabel 1.4 Past Future Continuous Tense & Simple Past Tense
No Adverbial First Sentence/ Clause Adverbial Second Sentence/ Clause
Clause of Clause of
Time Time

1. Past Future Continuous When Simple Past Tense

X Tense
(S+Would (Would not)/
Should (Shouldn’t) + Be

+ V1 + Ing) etc

2. When Simple Past Tense , Past Future Continuous

After (S+V2+O/C)
(Would/Should be + V1 +
Before Ing)

1. Katho would be visiting her mother when her friend called her.
Past Future Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense

(Katho akan sedang mengunjungi ibunya ketika temannya menelponya).

2. They would be doing the task after the teacher gave the quiz.
Past Future Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense

(Mereka akan sedang mengerjakan tugas setelah guru memberikan soal).

3. Would you be writing some articles when I came to your house?

Past Future Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense

(Apakah kamu akan sedang menulis beberapa artikel ketika saya datang ke rumahmu?).

4. The students wouldn’t be speaking too noise when the teacher came into the class.
Past Future Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense

(Siswa tidak akan sedang berbicara dengan berisik ketika guru masuk ke dalam kelas).

5. Before Sari went to Bandung, Rosida would be enrolling her study at the University.
Simple Past Tense Past Future Continuous Tense

(Sebelum Sari pergi ke Bandung, Rosida akan sedang mendaftarkan studi di kampus).

15.4 Conditional Sentence

Past future continuous tense memiliki makna ketidakmungkinan jika diletakan dalam kalimat pengandaian.
Pasangan clause dalam kalimat pengandaian adalah past future continuous tense (S+Would/Should + Be + V1
+ Ing) dan bentuk simple past tense (S+V2). Pengandaian dengan menggunakan past future continuous tense
sering ditemukan dalam bentuk pengandaian jenis ke 2 (Present Continuous Conditional). Pengandaian ini
mengekspresikan tindakan, kegiatan, peristiwa, situasi yang belum selesai dan masih berkelanjutan dan
kemungkinan hasil dari kondisi tersebut tidak nyata (Hughes, 2001).

Tabel 1.5 Pengandaian Tipe 2

If Clause Main Clause

If Simple Past Tense Past Future Continuous Tense

(S+V2+O/C) (S+Would + Be + V1 + Ing)

(Hughes, 2001)
1. I would be staying in the white palace if I was invited by the president.
Past Future Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense

(It means I don’t stay there, so I am not invited).

2. Sandi would be studying in Australia if he had a chance.

Past Future Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense

(It means he doesn’t study in Australia, so he is not studying).

3. If he brought you a red rose, you would be giving him love.

Past Future Continuous Tense Simple Past Tense

(It means he doesn’t give you a red rose, so you are not expressing your love).
Dalam kalimat pengandaian kata if dapat diletakan di awal kalimat atau setelah kalimat pertama (diletakan di
tengah sebelum kalimat kedua). If yang diletakan di awal kalimat selalu menggunakan koma sebagai tanda
pemisah kalimat. Berdasarkan contoh mengindikasikan bahwa makna peristiwa, tindakan atau kejadian
tersebut tidak benar-benar terjadi. Selain itu, makna pada kalimat pengandaian (if = kalau saja, andai, jika)
dapat ditambahkan dengan kata keterangan only, even, dan probably sebagai bentuk keinginan yang kuat
mengenai kondisi present atau past (Vince, 2008).

1. If only you brought your pet to the doctor, it wouldn’t be getting the influenza.
Simple Past Tense Past Future Continuous Tense

(Kalau saja kamu membawa hewan peliharaanmu ke dokter, dia tidak akan mengalami flu saat ini).
Pengandayan dalam kalimat ini menunjukkan kalimat yang kontradiktif (kebalikan) dari arti yang
sebenarnya, yakni binatang tersebut sedang sakit influenza karena tidak dibawa ke dokter.

2. Even If you asked me to forgive him, I would be giving it.

Past Future Continuous Simple Past Tense

(Bahkan jika kamu memintaku untuk memaafkan dia, saya akan sedang memberikan maaf itu). Arti
dari kalimat ini adalah pemberian maaf pasti dilakukan meski seseorang meminta atau tidak.

3. Probably, he would be working at this office if he met the requarement.

Past Future Continuous Simple Past Tense

(Mungkin dia sedang akan bekerja di kantor ini jika dia memenuhi persyaratan). Kalimat ini memiliki
arti bahwa dia sedang tidak bekerja.

15.5 Latihan dan Soal

A. Pilihan Ganda

1. Would we be (have) _______a dinner party?

a. Had had c. Have had e. Have
b. Had d. Having
2. My brother would be_________when I came home.
a. was eating c. have eaten e. Eaten
b. Ate ` d. Eating
3. Acan___________playing foothball with Jafar at the ground.
a. Will c. Had e. Will be
b. Would d. Would be
4. Khansa would be___________mathematics at the University in Asutralia.
a. Taught c. Teaching e. Singing
b. Teaches d. Teach
5. The show would be___________when the artist was ready.
a. Start c. Starting e. Will start
b. Started d. Had started
6. Would you be____________my project?
a. Accept c. To accept e. Accepting
b. Acceptance d. Accepted
7. The computer wouldn’t be____________to the internet lastly.
a. Connecting c. Connect e. Connection
b. To Connect d. Connector
8. The new motor cycle would be___________its power in the show room.
a. Performance c. Performing e. Have perform
b. Performed d. To perform
9. I __________be visiting someplaces when I was busy.
a. Would c. Wouldn’t e. Haven’t
b. Will have d. Had
10. Aisyah would be___________of her little brother.
a. Takes care c. Will take caring e. Taking care
b. Takes caring d. Have taken care
11. Siti: Would you be sitting here if the seat was not taken?
Sidiq: No…Thanks, I __________ be sitting here.
a. Will have it c. Sure e. Would
b. Wouldn’t d. Ok
12. Kayla: Would you be____________the football team?
Muhammad: Sure, I____________
a. Playing, Would c. Will play, Would e. Have, Played
b. Play, Wouldn’t d. Can play, Wouldn’t
13. What would you be___________when you reached your project?
a. Coming c. Sitting e. Leaving
b. Doing d. Singing
14. If your sister___________she would be thinking over on that case.
a. Cried a lot c. Crying a lot e. Have cried
b. Cries a lot d. Will cry
15. I would be____________the competition.
a. Joining c. To join e. Have joined
b. Join d. Joined
16. It would be__________when the corn heated up in the oven.
a. Pop c. Pop up e. Popping up
b. The popping d. Pup
17. When Puteri leaved her country, you would be ________ for a help.
a. Asking c. Had asked e. Have asked
b. To ask d. Asked
18. You would be __________the project if the boss trusted on you.
a. Have c. Had have e. Having
b. Had d. To have
19. Probably, your friends would be participating if you_______ the invitation.
a. Seller c. Sent e. Sending
b. Sell d. To send
20. The next singer would be__________in front of her fans.
a. Standing c. To stand e. To stand for
b. Stand d. Stand for

B. Esai
Lengkapilah kalimat berikut ini dengan bentuk pengandaian dari past future continuous tense.
1. You would be going to football match if I (come)___________with you.
2. If I shared your information, you wouldn’t be (take part) __________again.
3. She would be thinking of her trouble if you (give) ___________lots of task.
4. The people would be (follow)______the rule if the government made the punishment.
5. The customer wouldn’t be (complain) __________on something if the maid served well.
6. A doctor wouldn’t be (give) _______the receipt if the patients didn’t have a good attitude.
7. The demonstrators would be (leave) ______the crowd if the police made a peace.
8. Even anything would be going well if you (be)________ inpositive manner.
9. Probably, she wouldn’t be (sing) _______at the stage if no one interested with the solo performance.
10. He only would be (wait) _______for you if you loved him.

C. Ubahlah kalimat berikut ke bentuk past future continuous tense

1. I go for shopping with my family.
2. Ihsan watches the soccer match to night.
3. They moved to the new town house last week.
4. Amelia is driving a car when her mom came home.
5. The book store is closed. I will look for another shop.
6. The snow will melt in the summer.
7. I will feel happily if you come here.
8. Wait, it will rain!
9. You don’t close the door.
10. Are you typing some letters?

D. Lengkapi kalimat pada kolom berikut:

No Kalimat Afirmatif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

1 I would be flying if I was a bird.

2 I wouldn’t be eating much chili.

3 Ahsan would be fighting.

4 Would you be giving her

money back?

5 They would be telling you the


6 If you had much money, you
would be visiting three contiries in
a year.

7 Would the man be sitting

beside you?

8 He would be helping someone.

9 She would be voting the selection

10 Would he be teaching in our


E. Buatlah 5 kalimat yang terdiri dari salah satu bentuk kalimat afirmatif, negatif atau interogratif menggunakan
pengandaian dari past future continuous tense berdasarkan kata kerja berikut ini:
1. Involve __________________________________________________________________________
2. Print __________________________________________________________________________
3. Recognize __________________________________________________________________________
4. Produce __________________________________________________________________________
5. Work __________________________________________________________________________

Bab 16
Past Future Perfect Tense
16.1 Definisi Past Future Perfect Tense
16.2 Bentuk Kalimat Past Future Perfect Tense
16.3 Past Future Perfect Tense & Past Perfect Tense
16.4 Conditional Sentence
16.5 Latihan dan Soal

16.1 Definisi Past Future Perfect Tense

Tense ke-15 dari 16 bentuk tenses struktur bahasa Inggris adalah past future perfect tense. Past future perfect
tense terdiri dari tiga bentuk tense yaitu past tense yang dicirikan dengan penggunaan kata kerja bentuk lampau,
bentuk future diikuti dengan kata would dari asal kata will, dan perfect diiringi dengan kata bantu have dan
kata kerja past participle. Sehingga past future perfect tense dirumuskan dengan penggabungan
Would+Have+V3 (past participle). Sama halnya dengan tenses lain, penggunaan past future perfect tense
digunakan untuk mengekpresikan aktivitas, peristiwa, tindakan, dan kejadian yang dilakukan oleh subjek pada
waktu tertentu. Makna yang terkandung dalam past future perfect tense adalah bentuk lampau akan telah
terjadi. Dengan demikian, past future perfect tense digunakan untuk mengekpresikan gagasan, keadaan,
tindakan, dan peristiwa yang diperkiranakan akan telah terjadi di waktu lampau. Penggunaan tense ini sangat
penting digunakan dalam kalimat pengandaian yang menunjukkan sebuah ungkapan, impian, angan-angan
yang belum atau tidak terpenuhi dan diharapkan oleh seseorang meski tidak sesuai dengan fakta (Hughes,
2001). Untuk memahami lebih jauh penggunaan past future perfect tense ini, rumus berikut dapat dijadikan
Tabel 1.1: Rumus Past Future Perfect Tense
Ket Positive Sentence/ Negative Sentence/ Introgrative Sentence/
Kalimat Positif Negative Statement Introgrative Statement
Rumus (+) Subjek + Would/ (-) Subjek + Would not (?) Would/Should + Subjek +
Should + Have + Verb 3 (wouldn’t)/Should Have + Verb 3 (past participle)
(past participle) (Shouldn’t) + Have +
Verb 3 (past participle)
Example (18) The students should (20) The students (14) Should the students
have collected the shouldn‘t have have collected the final
final project before collected the final project before the
the assesment’s project before the assesment’s day?
day. assesment’s day. (15) Would the informal
(19) The informal office (13) The informal office staff have held
staff would have office staff the meeting?
held the meeting. wouldn’t have
held the meeting.

Dalam bentuk past future perfect tense, kita tidak perlu merubah kata bantu would have menjadi would has
untuk subjek kalimat orang ketiga tunggal (she, he, it). Artinya semua subjek dapat menggunakan kata bantu
yang sama yaitu would have. Selain itu, karena makna yang digunakan dalam past future perfect tense
menekankan pada bentuk lampau maka keterangan waktu (time signal) pada tense ini dapat diikuti dengan
bentuk lampau pula sebagaiamana dicontohkan di tabel 1.2 berikut:
Tabel 1.2 Time signal past future perfect tense
a. Last... Last time, last week, last month, last year, the
last two days, last night, last day, the last
evening, etc.

b. Day The day after yesterday, The day before

yesterday, the last day, etc.

c. Nama-Nama Hari Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc.

d. Hour An hour, two hours, the last hour, before an

hour, etc.

e. Nama-Nama Bulan January, February, Mach, April, etc.

f. Several Several times, several months, several years,


g. Ago Two years ago, four months ago, four weeks

ago, ten days ago, etc.

h. After After, after two years, after three months, etc

16.2 Bentuk Kalimat Past Future Perfect Tense

Untuk lebih memahami fungsi kalimat past future perfect tense dalam pengandaian dan dalam kalimat
sederhana, alangkah baiknya jika kita mengulas kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris selain 3 bentuk kalimat umum
yang telah kita ketahui di bab sebelumnya (kalimat tanya, afitmatif, dan negative). Menurut (Djauhari, 1996),
ada tiga bentuk kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris:
1. Simple sentence memiliki unit makna yang lengkap (Alexander, 1998) atau dikenal dengan ‘kalimat
tunggal’. Simple sentence merupakan kalimat yang memiliki satu gagasan dan satu kata kerja utama
di dalam kalimat tanya, afirmatif, dan negatif. Contoh simple sentence menggunakan past future
perfect tense:
Bintang would have left the town.
One main clause has one verb
2. Sementara compound sentence adalah gabungan dua kalimat sederhana (Alexander, 1998) atau arti
bahasa Indonesianya disebut dengan kalimat majemuk setara. Compound sentence adalah kalimat
yang memiliki dua main clauses (dua induk kalimat) dan juga memiliki lebih dari satu gagasan yang
dihubungkan dengan kata sambung atau jenis coordinating conjunction seperti and, but, so, dan or.
Contoh kalimat majemuk setara pada past future perfect tense:

Bintang would have left the town and found the new residence.
The first main clause The second main clasue

Kata Sambung (Coordinating Conjuction)

3. Complex sentence atau dalam bahasa Indonesia sering diartikan sebagai kalimat majemuk
bertingkat yang memiliki lebih dari dua kalimat sederhana. Kalimat ini membutuhkan kata sambung
jenis subordinating conjuction (If, because, after, before, dan yang lainya) atau kata ganti
penghubung (relative pronoun: who, whom, which, that, whose) dalam gabungan induk kalimat
dan anak kalimat. Induk kalimat atau disebut main clause dan anak kalimat disebut sub-clause.
Contoh kalimat majemuk bertingkat pada past future perfect tense:

1. Bintang would have left the town if he had found the new residence.
Induk Kalimat Anak Kalimat

Kata Sambung (Subordinating Conjuction)

2. Bintang who had found the new residence, he would have left the town
ho Anak Kalimat Induk Kalimat

Kata ganti penghubung relative pronoun

Subbab pembahasan ini fokus pada penggunaan kalimat tunggal (simple sentence) dari past future perfect
tense, sementara penggunaan complex sentence atau kalimat majemuk bertingkat yang berfungsi sebagai
bentuk pengandaian dari past future perfect tense akan dijelaskan lebih rinci pada pembahasan subbab kalimat
pengandaian (1.20). Berikut adalah contoh simple sentence (kalimat tunggal) dan rumus pada past future
perfect tense dalam kalimat positif, negative, dan interogratif:

d. Kalimat Positif

Subject + Would/Should + Have + Verb 3(Past Participle) + Object/Complement

1. Arka would have stayed in the gadang house for several days.
2. The milk would have frozen in the refrigerator for an hour .
3. He would have gainsaid the truth.

4. Kalimat Negatif

Subject + Would/Should + Not+Have + Verb 3(Past Participle) + Object/ Complement

1. Arka wouldn‘t have stayed in the gadang house for several days.
2. The milk wouldn‘t have frozen in the refrigerator for an hour .
3. He wouldn‘t have gainsaid the truth.

5. Kalimat Tanya (Interogratif)

Would/Should + Subject + Have + Verb 3 (Past Participle) + Object/ Complement?

1. Would have Arka stayed in the gadang house for several days?
2. Would the milk have frozen in the refrigerator for an hour?
3. Wouldn he have gainsaid the truth?

16.3 Past Future Perfect Tense & Past Perfect Tense
Penggunaan past future perfect tense dalam klausa waktu (before/after/when) dapat disandingkan dengan
bentuk past perfect tense sebagaimana rumus dan contoh berikut:
Tabel 1.3 Adverbial Clasue in Past Future Perfect Tense
No Adverbial First Sentence/ Clause Adverbial Second Sentence/ Clause
Clause of Clause of
Time Time

1. Past Future Perfect Tense Before/ Past Perfect Tense

X (S+Would/Should+have+V3)

2. Before/ Past Perfect Tense Past Future Perfect Tense

After/ ,
(S+Had+V3) (S+Would/Should+have+V3)

1. Cholid would have visited his little brother when his mother had asked him.
Past Future Perfect Tense Past Perfect Tense

(Cholid akan telah mengunjungi adik kecilnya ketika ibunya telah memintanya).

2. The maid would have finished the household chores before the mistres had come.
Past Future Perfect Tense Past Perfect Tense

(Pembantu akan telah menyelesaikan tugas rumah tangga sebelum nyonya rumah datang).

3. After Guntur had told you his mistake, would you have corrected his attitude?
Past Perfect Tense Past Future Perfect Tense
(Setelah Guntur memberi tahu kamu kesalahannya, apakah kamu akan memperbaiki sikapnya?)

4. We shouldn’t have opened the umbrella when the rain had stopped.
Past Future Perfect Tense Past Perfect Tense

(Kita seharusnya tidak membuka payung ketika hujan telah berhenti.).

5. When your closed friend had passed a way, you should have encouraged her family.
Past Perfect Tense Past Future Perfect Tense

(Ketika teman dekat kamu telah meninggal, kamu seharusnya memberi semangat kepada

16.4 Conditional Sentence

Kalimat pengandaian dalam bentuk lampau sangat cocok diterapkan pada past future perfect tense. Makna dari
pengandaian menggunakan bentuk past future perfect tense berkaitan dengan peristiwa, kegiatan, atau tindakan

yang akan telah terjadi di waktu lampau dengan ketentuan bahwa ketiga hal tersebut diikuti dengan syarat atau
ketentuan yang disebutkan dalam pengandaian (Djauhari, 1996). Ciri klausa bentuk pengandaian yang
disertakan dalam kalimat past future perfect tense adalah dengan pasangan past perfect tense dimana bentuk
kata kerja dalam tense tersebut memiliki bentuk lampau atau past participle (S+Had +V3). Pengandaian yang
menyertakan bentuk past perfect tense kedalam kalimatnya dikategorikan dalam bentuk pengandaian jenis ke-
3 (Past Conditional). Keterkaitan past future perfect tense pada jenis pengandaian ini adalah ia sering digunakan
untuk menunjukkan suatu pernyataan yang berlawanan dengan kenyataan yang terjadi di waktu lampau
(Cyssco, 2009). Keadaan, kegiatan, peristiwa, dan tindakan yang sebenarnya telah terjadi di masa lalu dirubah
kedalam pengandaian yang bermakna bahwa kondisi tersebut tidak akan pernah terjadi, tidak mungkin, dan
berlawanan dengan kondisi sebenarnya (Fitikides, 2004). Penerapan ini dapat dilakukan dengan cara berikut
Tabel 1.4 Conditional Sentence in Past Future Perfect Tense
Keadaan yang menunjukkan makna Bentuk Pengandaianya
pernyataan yang sesungguhnya di masa

No (Simple Past Tense) (Past Perfect Tense+ Past Future

Perfect Tense)

1  I din’t have much money. If I had had much money, I would have
 I didn’t buy a new car. bought a new car.

2  I din’t know you come. If I had known you came, I would have
 I din’t meet you. met you.

3  She was in hospital. If she had not been sick, she would
 She didn’t help you. have helped you.

4  You came late. If you had not come late, you wolud
 You didn’t see the movie star. have seen the movie star.

Sumber: (Cyssco, 2009)

Kalimat pengandaian dalam tabel 1.4 menunjukkan makna dari keadaan yang berlawanan dengan keadaan
sesungguhnya. Hal ini menunjukkan fungsi dari pengandaian tipe ke-3 sebagaimana dirumuskan berikut ini:

Tabel 1.5 Pengandaian Tipe 3

If Clause Main Clause

If Past Perfect Tense Past Future Perfect Tense

(S+ Had+V3+O/C) (S+Would/Should+ Have + V3/Past PArticiple)

(Walton, 1999)

1. Habil would have become a pilot if he had studied at aeronautics academy four years ago.
Past Future Perfect Tense Past Perfect Tense
(The real situation: It means Habil didn’t study there and become a pilot).

2. If your teacher hadn‘t given you a permittion, you wouldn‘t have a chance to join the test in the last

Past Past Future Perfect Tense Past Perfect Tense

(The real situation: It means the teacher gave a permittion to take the test).

3. If Opi had known Abi better, she would have married him last year.
Past Future Perfect Tense Past Perfect Tense

(The real situation: It means she didn’t know him well and she didn’t get merried with him).

4. If the president of America had invited me, I should have stayed in the wahite house.
Past Perfect Tense Past Future Perfect Tense

(An impossible condition: It means it was immpossibe to stay with the president).

Ketiga kalimat pengandaian tersebut menunjukkan kegiatan, peristiwa, tindakan, dan kejadian yang
berlawanan dan sebenarnya tidak terjadi di masa lalu. Pada klausa if diikuti dengan bentuk past perfect tense
sebagai anak kalimat (sub clause) yang menunjukkan syarat atau ketentuan dan past perfect continuous sebagai
induk kalimat (main clause) yang menunjukkan akibat atau hasil dari adanya syarat-syarat atau ketentuan
tertentu yang disebutkan dalam kalimat pengandaian, baik syarat tersebut telah dipenuhi atau tidak dipenuhi
oleh subjek kalimat semuanya menunjukkan hasil yang berlawanan dengan fakta atau keadaan yang

16.5 Latihan dan Soal

A. Pilihan Ganda

1. Would Samudra have _______you yesterday?

a. To call d. calling
b. Calling e. called
c. had called
2. The movie would have_________.
a. Called d. beaten
b. Eaten e. cut
c. started
3. The pedestrian would have__________the bridge.
a. Lied on d. crossed over
b. Spoken e. told
c. slept
4. Ceuceu would___________done her project two years ago.
a. Be d. had

b. was e. have
c. are
5. The firm would have __________many motor cycles in three years ago.
a. Distributed d. had distributed
b. Distributing e. will distribute
c. distribution
6. Many companies would have____________their production.
a. Complaining d. to reclaim
b. Stopped e. ignoring
c. accepting
7. The commuter line wouldn’t have ____________without the safety system.
a. Gone d. operated
b. Gotten e. seen
c. shown
8. A good procedure in the company would ___________the employees.
a. is helped d. will help
b. Be helped e. have helped
c. is helping
9. The wife__________dressed up when her husband had come home.
a. Will d. are not
b. Are e. would have
c. wouldn’t
10. The chef ___________made the new menu.
a. Did d. are
b. would have e. will
c. do have
11. Nia: Should you have taken the second task if you ______ missed the test?
Mia: Yes I should.
a. Will d. had
b. Would e. wouldn’t
c. is
12. Padly : Would you have____________it to the teacher?
Fauzan : Sure, I____________
a. Would, Collected d. can collect, would n’t
b. Wouldn’t, Given e. submitted, would
c. will submit, would

13. Where would you have___________your booth?
a. Come d. sung
b. Done e. put
c. sat
14. If your mother___________, you should have done it.
a. Had asked d. will have
b. Have had e. hadn’t have
c. will not have
15. Aji would have ____________the football competition.
a. To win d. win win solution
b. Winning e. won
c. will win e. won
16. The train would have _________if the Mecanics had pushed the brake button.
a. Popped d. fallen
b. Stopped e. gotten
c. dropped e. gotten
17. If Eka had come, you would have ________her happily.
a. To ask d. avoided
b. Welcomed e. ignored
c. spoken
18. You would have __________your dream.
a. Taken d. reached
b. Given e. controlled
c. fallen e. controlled
19. If I had ________ you, I would have saved much money for my future’s education.
a. Sold d. been
b. As e. seem
c. liked
20. If I had reached that high position, I would have__________my profits.
a. Devided d. to devide
b. Shared e. to share
c. seen

B. Essay

Buatlah hasil atau akibat dari syarat pengandaian pada kalimat di point-point berikut ini menjadi bentuk
pengandaian menggunakan past future perfect tense.
1. If I had completed my job desk,…………………………………………….
2. If I had companied your last night,………………………………………….
3. If you had succeeded in your test,…………………………………………..
4. If the mall had opened,……………………………………………………..
5. If we had not worked,………………………………………………………
6. If they had come to my party,………………………………………………
7. If the labor had become unemployeed,……………………………………..
8. If the virus hadn’t existed,……...…………………………………………..
9. If the vaccine had speaded in the world,……………………………………
10. If the disater hadn’t dissapeared,………………………………………….

C. Ubahlah kalimat berikut ke bentuk past perfect tense lalu ke bentuk past future perfect tense
1. I am visiting the great volcano in Yogyakarta today.
Past Perfect tense : ____________________________________________________
Past Future Perfect tense : ___________________________________________________
2.She doesn’t agree with your idea.
Past Perfect tense : ____________________________________________________
Past Future Perfect tense : ___________________________________________________
3. Padli discussed the lesson with his group via online meeting.
Past Perfect tense : ____________________________________________________
Past Future Perfect tense : ___________________________________________________
4. Wildan has a dream to be a technician.
Past Perfect tense : ____________________________________________________
Past Future Perfect tense : ___________________________________________________
5. I saw the strangers coming to Rudi’s house last night.
Past Perfect tense : ____________________________________________________
Past Future Perfect tense : ___________________________________________________
6. It was a terrified, walking at night alone.
Past Perfect tense : ____________________________________________________
Past Future Perfect tense : ___________________________________________________
7. Someone stole your handphone.
Past Perfect tense : ____________________________________________________
Past Future Perfect tense : ___________________________________________________
8. We can make a choice for that case.
Past Perfect tense : ____________________________________________________
Past Future Perfect tense : ___________________________________________________
9. The issue of omnibus law is viral recently.
Past Perfect tense : ____________________________________________________
Past Future Perfect tense : ___________________________________________________
10. Have you worn the formal dress?
Past Perfect tense : ____________________________________________________
Past Future Perfect tense : ___________________________________________________

D. Lengkapi kalimat pada kolom berikut:

No Kalimat Afirmatif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

1 She wouldn’t have
reclaimed her profit.

2 Would have you

gotten a reward?

3 He would have learnt

the formula.

4 I would have called you

last nigt.

5 Would your parents

have managed
everything for your

6 The regional
government would have
built many highways
last year.

7 The power glue

wouldn’t have broken
the pipe.
8 The windmills would
have given the

9 The coconut wouldn’t

have grown in the sticky

10 Would you have

claimed your

E. Buatlah bentuk pengandaian dari keadaan di masa lalu pada kolom berikut:

No Keadaan yang menunjukkan Bentuk Pengandaianya
makna pernyataan yang
sesungguhnya di masa lalu

1  She didn’t prepare well her final

 Her score fell down.

2  Your sister remind you.

 You din’t forget to bring the
exam tools.

3  He lent you a pen.

 You wrote the material.

4  They spoke too loud and noise.

 My ears was sick.

5  I din’t understand the lesson.

 I get headache.

6  My family didn’t celebrate my

 I was not at home.

7  My brother’s schedule was

engaged all the day.
 He was too busy.

8  Azmi missed the train yesterday.

 She queued the ticket up.

9  The victim called the police.

 The robber was arrested.

10  Your boyfriend didn’t contact

you anymore.
 He broke the relationship.

F. Buatlah 5 kalimat afirmatif, negatif dan interogratif dari pengandaian past future perfect tense dan past
perfect tense.









Bab 17
Past Future Perfect
Continuous Tense

17.1 Definisi Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

17.2 Bentuk Kalimat Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense
17.3 Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense & Past Perfect Tense
17.4 Conditional Sentence
17.5 Latihan dan Soal

17.1 Definisi Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Tenses terakhir dalam 16 tenses struktur grammar bahasa Inggris adalah past future perfect continuous tense.
Bentuk past future perfect continuous tense memiliki kesamaan dengan past future continuous dan past future
perfect tense, yakni tense ini berfungsi untuk menunjukkan sebuah asumsi seseorang terhadap sesuatu atau
berkaitan dengan kalimat pengandaian atau imajinatif (Murcia and Freeman, 1999). Makna yang terkandung
dalam bentuk tense ini menunjukkan peristiwa, kegiatan, kejadian, dan gagasan yang dibayangkan akan telah
sedang terjadi di masa lalu.

Tabel 1.1: Rumus Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Ket Positive Sentence/ Negative Sentence/ Introgrative Sentence/
Kalimat Positif Negative Statement Introgrative Statement
Rumus (+) Subjek + Would + (-) Subjek + Would not (?) Would + Subjek + Have +
Have + Been + Verb 1 (Wouldn’t) + Have + Been + Verb 1 (present
(present participle) + Ing Been + Verb 1 (present participle) + Ing
participle) + Ing
Example The goverment would have The goverment wouldn‘t Would the goverment have been
been establishing the have been establishing establishing the transportation
transportation security the transportation security system in Jakarta?
system in Jakarta. security system in

Bentuk orang ketiga tunggal (she, he, it) dalam past future perfect continuous tense tidak mengalami perubahan
kata kerja bantu (auxilialry verb) dari ‘have’ menjadi ‘has’. Artinya, semua subject menggunakan kata bantu
have karena telah didahului dengan kata would. Disamping itu, time signal pada past future perfect continuous
tense memiliki kesamaan dengan future continuous tense sebagaimana dicontohkan dalam tabel 1.2 berikut:

Tabel 1.2 Time Signal in Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense
a. By by the end of this day, by the end of last
month, by the end of this month, by the end
of this year, by the end of last year, by next
month, by the next year, etc

b For For five years, for two months, for three

weeks, for several hours, for several moths,
for several years, for a week, etc.

17.2 Bentuk Kalimat Past Future Perfect Continuous

Meski telah dirumuskan dipembahasan sebelumnya mengenai tiga bentuk kalimat tunggal past future perfect
continuous tense, penjelasan yang lebih spesifik diperlukan agar kita dapat membuat kalimat past future perfect
continuous dengan baik, yakni dengan mengetahui susunan kata (word order) dalam kalimat interogratif,
afitmatif, dan negatif (Alexander, 1998). Ketiga bentuk kalimat past future perfect continuous tense berisi
asumsi seseorang terhadap sesuatu baik yang diperkiran, diangan-angankan, diinginkan, atau dipikirkan akan
sedang terjadi di masa lalu sebagaimana dicontohkan melalui susunan kata berikut ini.

Kalimat Positif

Subject + Would+ Have + Been + Verb 1(Present Participle) + Ing + Object/Comp.

1. Nabila would have been taking Spanish course by the end of this year.

(Nabila akan telah sedang mengambil kursus bahasa Spanyol pada akhir tahun ini).
2. Sonia would have been drawing the eco green city for several hours.

(Sonia akan telah sedang menggambar kota ramah lingkungan selama beberapa jam)
3. Yati would have been decorating her new room this week.

(Yati akan telah sedang menghiasi kamar barunya minggu ini).

Kalimat Negatif

Subject + Would+ Not + Have + Been + Verb 1(Present Participle) + Ing + Object/Comp.

1. Nabila wouldn’t have been taking Spanish course by the end of this year.

(Nabila tidak akan sudah sedang mengambil kursus bahasa spanyol pada akhir tahun ini).
2. Sonia would not have been drawing the eco green city for several hours.

(Sonia tidak akan sudah sedang menggambar kota ramah lingkungan selama beberapa jam)
3. Yati wouldn‘t have been decorating her new room this week.

(Yati tidak akan sudah sedang menghiasi kamar barunya minggu ini).
4. Kalimat Tanya (Interogratif)

Would + Subject + Have + Been + Verb 1(Present Participle) + Ing + Object/Comp.

1. Would Nabila have been taking Spanish course by the end of this year?

(Apakah Nabila akan sudah sedang mengambil kursus bahasa spanyol pada akhir tahun ini?).

2. Would Sonia have been drawing the eco green city for several hours?

(Apakah Sonia akan sudah sedang menggambar kota ramah lingkungan selama beberapa jam?)

3. Would Yati have been decorating her new room this week?

(Apakah Yati akan sudah sedang menghiasi kamar barunya minggu ini?).

17.3Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense & Past Perfect

Penggunaan past future perfect continuous tense dalam klausa keterangan waktu bentuk lampau;
before/after/when/while/since/as dapat disandingkan dengan bentuk past perfect tense sebagaimana rumus dan
contoh berikut:

Tabel 1.3. Adverbial Clause in Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

No Adverbial First Sentence/ Clause Adverbial Second Sentence/ Clause
Clause of Clause of
Time Time

1. Past Future Perfect Before/ Past Perfect Tense

X Tense
+V1 + Ing)


2. Before/ Past Perfect Tense Past Future Perfect

After/ , Continuous Tense
When (S+Would+Have+Been +V1
+ Ing)

1. Hadi would have been flushing the flower garden after his little brother had cleaned the house.
Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense Past Perfect Tense

(Hadi akan telah sedang menyirami kebun bunga setelah adik kecilnya telah membersihkan rumah).

2. Elim would have been feeding Koi fish before her father had come.
Past Future Perfect continuous Tense Past Perfect Tense

(Elim akan telah sedang memberi makan ikan Koi sebelum ibunya datang).

3. After Muhdi had asked your help, would you have been solving his problem?
Past Perfect Tense Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

(Setelah Muhdi meminta bantuan kepadamu, apakah kamu akan telah sedang menyelesaikan

4. Yusuf wouldn’t have been burning the plastic waste when the rain had fallen into the earth.
Past Future Perfect continuous Tense Past Perfect Tense

(Yusuf tidak akan sedang membakar sampah plastik ketika awan sudah gelap).

5. When Billy had reached his teenage, his family would have been preparing his birthday party.
Past Perfect Tense Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

(Ketika Billy mencapai usia remajanya, keluarganya akan telah sedang mempersiapkan pesta ulang

17.4 Conditional Sentence

Sebagaimana diketahui bahwa kalimat pengandaian menunjukkan alasan dan syarat sebagai bentuk dari
kondisi keadaan yang diminta pada kalimat past future perfect continuous tense, maka klausa if sebagai anak
kalimat (sub clause) harus menunjukkan dan menyebutkan syarat atau ketentuan yang diinginkan dan hasilnya
akan ditunjukkan oleh past perfect continuous sebagai bagian dari induk kalimat (main clause). Makna kalimat
pengandaian dikategorikan kedalam bentuk pengandaian tipe ke-3 ini pada dasarnya menunjukkan hasil yang
tidak terpenuhi dan belum selesai (Hughes, 2001).

Tabel 1.4 Conditional Sentence in Pas Future Perfect Continuous Tense

Pola Simple Past Tense Conditional Sentence Type Makna Keadaan
3 yang Sebenarnya

No (Simple Past Tense) (Past Perfect Tense+ Past The True Meaning
Future Perfect Continuous

1  You didn’t choose the If you had chosen the corect Kamu tidak memilih
correct answer. answer, you wouldn‘t have jawaban yang benar,
 You was fail in the test. been fail in the test. dan kamu telah gagal

2  I din’t hurt you. If I had hurt you, you would Saya tidak menyakiti
 You din’t cry for one have been crying for one week. kamu dan kamu tidak
week. akan menangis selama
satu minggu.

3  Bruno spent his time for If Bruno had not spent his time Bruno telah
spree. for spree, the silent week menghabiskan

 The silent week didn’t would have been giving him waktunya untuk
gave him the chance for the chance for studying hard. bersenang-senang,
studying hard. maka minggu tenang
selama ujian tidak akan
kesempatan untuk giat

(Cyssco, 2009)

Keinginan atau harapan tentang masa lalu dapat diungkapkan dengan menambahkan bentuk past perfect
(Vince, 2008) yang merupakan bagian dari pengandaian bentuk ke-3. Berikut rumus past continuous
conditional beserta contohnya:

Tabel 1.5 Pengandaian Tipe 3

If Clause Main Clause

If Past Perfect Tense Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense

(S+ Had+V3+O/C) (S+Would + Have + Been + V1/Present Participle) + Ing

(Hughes, 2001)

1. The criminals would have been hiding if the police had known their face.
Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense Past Perfect Tense
(Para penjahat akan telah sedang bersembunyi jika polisi telah mengetahui wajah mereka).
Kalimat kondisional dari makna yang terkandung di atas menunjukkan pengandaian dari perfect continuous
conditional sentence. Arti kalimat pengandaian pada kalimat di atas memiliki makna yang berbeda dan
berlawanan yaitu polisi tidak mengetahui wajah mereka sehingga penjahat tidak bersembunyi.

2. If you had ignored the project, you would have been regretting that.

Past Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense Past Perfect Tense

(Jika kamu mengabaikan proyek tersebut, kamu akan menyesalinya).
Makna situasi atau keadaan yang sebenarnya dari kalimat pengandaian di atas adalah kamu telah mengabaikan
proyeknya oleh karena itu kamu juga telah menyesal.

3. If she had forsworn, she would have been following the tight rules.
Past Future Perfect Continuous Tense Past Perfect Tense

(Jika dia telah bersumpah, dia akan telah sedang mengikuti aturan yang benar).
Keadaan dan situasi yang sebenarnya dari kalimat di atas adalah dia tidak bersumpah dan dia tidak mengikuti
aturan yang benar.

17. 5 Latihan dan Soal
A. Pilihan Ganda

1. Would Rizki have _______seeing you yesterday?

a. Is c. Been e. Will
b. Are d. Be
2. Mustafa would have been _________ the movie for several times.
a. Watching c. Watched e. Will wach
b. To watch d. Be watched
3. The Korean singer would have been _________ the amusement for her fans.
a. Be performed c. To perform e. Performed
b. Have performed d. Performing
4. I would have been ___________for a long time when you had brought me to this place.
a. Behave c. Have had e. Staying
b. Have d. Had
5. The mariachi singer would have been _________their musical art.
a. To play c. Played e. Will play
b. Play d. Playing
6. The airplane would have been ____________ on the air.
a. Sitting c. Seeing e. Recalling
b. Visiting d. Flying
7. You wouldn’t have been _______________that great movie.
a. had missed c. Tp miss e. Missed
b. Miss d. Missing
8. The competitor would have been___________for several hours.
a. Fought c. Fighting e. Just fight
b. To fight d. Fight
9. My mother would have been _______the new dress by the end of this week.
a. Buying c. Brought e. Will buy
b. To buy d. Not buying
10. The master ___________speaking in front of his followers.
a. Would c. Do have e. Will
b. Would Have d. Would have been

11. Engku: Would you have been reading this subject if I ______ given you the material?
Emran: Yes I would.

a. Had c. Be e. Are
b. Will d. Do
12. Cantika: Would you have____________sending the letter to my teacher?
Fauzan: Sure, I____________
a. Been, Yes c. Will, No e. Been, Would
b. Wouldn’t, Yes d. Been, Wouldn’t
13. Where would you have been ___________ that research?
a. Do c. To do e. Had Done
b. Doing d. Done
14. If the credit card had been over, you would have been______________it.
a. To stop c. To close e. Closed
b. Stopping d. Closing
15. Akbar would have been ____________in a public event.
a. Take c. Taking part e. To take part
b. Take in d. Took part
16. The whale would have been _________ for a long journey.
a. To eat c. To swim e. Eating
b. Eating d. Swimming
17. If you had aproached your destination, you would have been _____your effort.
a. Finish c. Finished e. Completing
b. To finish d. Complete
18. Your manager would have been ________ your new proposal if your final project had completed.
a. Will accept c. To Accept e. Accepting
b. Accepted d. Accept
19. If I had had this big house, I would have been ____ there for a long period.
a. Sold c. Selling e. To stay
b. To sell d. Staying
20. If the time had not reached the limit, I would have been __________ many exercises.
a. Work c. Exercise e. Doing
b. Practice d. Playing

B. Essay
Buatlah syarat dari hasil, akibat, dan alasan dari bentuk past future perfect continuous berikut ini.
1. The fan would have been swinging if...…………………………….……….
2. Furqon would have been striving if..……………………………….……….
3. He would have been winning that competition if …………………………..

4. Farhan wouldn't have been carrying the heavy luggage if ...……….………..
5. The river would have been overflowing if ……………………….…………
6. The MRT wouldn’t have been working if ……………………….…………
7. The flowers would have been growing up if ……...…………….…………..
8. The computer would have been turning on if ….……………….…………..
9. The twin sister would have been partaking to the party if …..………………
10. They would have been getting married if ...……………………………….

C. Ubahlah kalimat berikut ke bentuk past future perfect continuous tense

1. I would have sewn the new gown for the party.
2. Alifiya is eating mushroom.
3. Iki has relayed the news.
4. The book store opens for three years in the city.
5. The population is growing up in every country.
6. The dog walks out with his owner.
7. I play the violin.
8. The labor sawn the pine tree.
9. The frog jumps into the water.
10. The mouse runs and steals the fish in the kitchen.

D. Lengkapi kalimat pada kolom berikut:

No Kalimat Afirmatif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

1 Would Iim have been treading

her trip to London?

2 They would have been learning

English using a blended learning.

3 Would Mumuh have been

throwing the stone?

4 Akmal wouldn’t have been taking

the undergraduate program by the
end of this year.

5 Nisa wouldn’t have been

swimming for two hours.

6 Edo would have been teaching

geographic for five years.

7 Would Bahri have been

strewing the plant seeds in the

8 Indonesia would have been

develophing many building in the
city for several years.

9 The class wouldn’t have been

10 The man would have been sticking

the campaign sticker on the street

E. Buatlah bentuk pengandaian tipe ke-3 dari past future perfect continuous pada kolom yang disediakan.
No Keadaan yang menunjukkan Bentuk Pengandaianya
makna pernyataan yang
sesungguhnya di masa lalu

1  He got the pusnishment

 He ignored the rules

2  The children didn’t play near the

 It was dangerous

3  The library didn’t open

 The building was under

4  The movie started

 The audiences came

5  I din’t ask for a hel

 I could do it by my self

6  Her performance was good

 The audience gave Sri an

7  Djamal went to Jogja

 He got the scholarship

8  Zahra got free voucher

 She felt happy

9  Dedeh looked for the new

 She had much money

10  The man cut off his beard

 His bread was long

F. Isilah makna sebenarnya pada kolom berikut:

Pola Simple Past Tense Conditional Sentence Type Makna Keadaan
3 yang Sebenarnya

No Simple Past Tense Past Perfect Tense+ Past A description of the
Future Perfect Continuous True Meaning in
Tense Bahasa Indonesia

1  The waitress served the If the waitress had not served

quest well. the quest well, she wouldn‘t
 She got the tips. have been getting the tips.

2  Eko came late. Eko wouldn‘t have been

 He got the traffict jams. caming late if he had not gotten
the traffict jams.

3  The town inspired him. If the town had not inspired

 He painted it. him, he would not have been
painting it.

4  The teacher applied The teacher wouldn‘t have

new learning. been applying new learning if
 The students was not the students had not been
bored. bored.

5  The pupil listened to the The pupil wouldn’t have been

material in the video listening to the material in the
carefully. video carefully if they had not
 They interested in the interested in the engaged
engaged lesson.

G. Buatlah 5 kalimat afirmatif, negatif dan interogatif dari pengandaian tipe ke-3 past future perfect continuous
tense dan past perfect tense.









Bab 18

Memahami dan menguasai grammar, part of speech, dan tenses dalam Bahasa Inggris dapat
membantu pemelajar dalam menyusun kalimat yang tepat dan efektif. Selain itu juga dapat
membantu pemelajar dalam meningkatkan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris secara menyeluruh.
Penggunaan tenses yang tepat sangat penting dalam pembuatan kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris,
karena tenses membantu pemelajar menyatakan waktu dan kontinuitas tindakan atau kejadian
yang sedang dibicarakan

Setelah mempelajari 16 tenses, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa setiap kata kerja memiliki empat
aspek tenses. Aspek tenses adalah sebuah kategori grammatical yang menjelaskan tentang
bagaimana suatu Tindakan atau kejadian diwujudkan dalam waktu. Ada beberapa aspek tenses
yang umu digunakan dalam Bahasa Inggris, yaitu aspek waktu (time aspect) dan aspek kontinuitas
(continuous aspect).

Aspek waktu menjelaskan tentang waktu Ketika suatu tidakan atau kejadian terjadi. Dalam Bahasa
Inggris, ada tiga aspek waktu yang umum digunakan, yatu:
1. Present tense: digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan atau kejadian yang sedang
terjadi pada waktu sekarang. Contoh: I am eating an apple. (saya sedang makan
2. Past tense: digunakan untuk menyatakan menyatakan tindakan atau kejadian yang
sedang terjadi di masa lalu. Contoh: I ate an apple yesterday. (Saya makan apel
3. Future tense: digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan atau kejadian yang akan terjadi
di masa depan. Contoh: I will eat an apple yesterday. (Saya akan makan apel besok.)

Sedangkan aspek kontinuitas menjelaskan tentang apakah suatu Tindakan atau kejadian sedang
terjadi secara terus-menerus atau hanya sekali saja. Dalam Bahasa Inggris, ada dua aspek
kontiunitas yang umum digunakan, yaitu:
1. Simple aspect: digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan atau kejadian yang terjadi
sekali saja atau hanya sebentar saja. Contoh: I eat an apple every day. (Saya makan
apel setiap hari.)
2. Continuous aspect: digunakan untuk menyatakan tindakan atau kejadian yang
sedang terjadi secara terus menerus pada waktu tertentu. Contoh: I am eating an
apple now. (Saya sedang makan apel sekarang

Dengan memahami dan menguasai grammar yang akhirnya pada kesimpulan tentang aspek
tenses, diharapkan pemelajar dapat Menyusun kalimat-kalimat dalam Bahasa Inggris yang tepat
sesuai dengan waktu dan kontinuitas, sehingga pemelajar dapat dengan jelas menyatakan apa yang
sedang terjadi atau telah terjadi di masa lalu, atau apa yang akan terjdi di masa depan. Dengan
demikian, buku ini dapat membantu pemelajar dalam meningkatkan kemampuan Bahasa
Inggrisnya secara keseluruhan.


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Azar, B. S. (2002) Understanding and Using English Grammar Third Edition, Executive’s Guide to COSO
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Eastwood, J. (2002) Oxford Practice Grammar. 2nd edn. New York: Oxford University Press.
Ehrlich, E. (1991) English Grammar 3rd ed (E. Ehrlich).pdf. Third Edit. United States of America: McGraw-
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Gunter, R. and Dirven, R. (2007) Cognitive English Grammar. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Herring, P. (2016a) Complete English Grammar Rules. Farlex International.
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Wren and Martin (2000) English Grammar & Composition. S. CHAND & COMPANY LTD.


Bab 1
A. B.
1. B 1. Verb
2. C 2. Noun
3. E 3. Adjective
4. A 4. Verb
5. C 5. Noun
6. A 6. Verb
7. C 7. Verb
8. D 8. Verb
9. B 9. Adjective
10. D 10. Verb

Bab 2
1. D 11. C
2. A 12. E
3. C 13. A
4. E 14. E
5. A 15. D
6. B 16. E
7. B 17. E
8. C 18. A
9. A 19. B
10. B 20. A

1. gets
2. don’t … wash
3. don’t … have a bath
4. don’t make
5. uses
6. speak
7. look. don’t …take a rest
8. opens, closes
9. don’t use
10. does …mean?

No Kalimat Afirmatif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

1 Mrs. Allen drinks coffee much Mrs. Allen doesn’t drink coffee Does Mrs. Allen drink
of the time. much of the time coffee much of the time?

2 Mary has cornflakes for Mary doesn’t have cornflakes Does Mary have cornflakes
breakfast for breakfast for breakfast?

3 He is late to class some of the He isn’t late to class some of the Is he late to class some of
time. time. the time?

4 I usually eat lunch at noon I don’t usually eat lunch at Do you usually eat lunch at
noon noon?

5 John and Mary are hungry John and Mary aren’t hungry Are John and Mary

6 John pronounces well John deosn’t pronounce well Does John pronounce

Bab 3
Latihan (Kalimat afirmatif)
1. is reading
2. are cooking
3. are working
4. are waiting
5. are planning
6. is meeting
7. am trying
8. are doing
9. am shining
10. is wearing

Latihan (Kalimat negatif)

1. is not creating
2. is not working
3. are not debating
4. is not taking
5. is not analyzing
6. is not talking
7. is not parking

8. is not repairing
9. is not trying
10. is not teaching
11. is not getting
12. is not stopping
13. is not coming
14. is not making
15. is not push

Latihan (Kalimat interogatif)

1. Is my accountant calculating the total expenses we need?
2. Is my little sister returning the books to the library?
3. Are the guests having lunch with my supervisor?
4. Is John paying the food he ordered?
5. Is my supervisor still training some new employees in the training room?
6. Is she doing something in the meeting room?
7. Are the investors calling all mechanical staffs in London?
8. Is Billy reporting to his boss in the head office?
9. Is Brenda recording all today's transactions?
10. Are the receptionists still talking to one of my guests?

Terjemahkan kalimat berikut kedalam bahasa Inggris dengan menggunakan pola present continuous
1. They are running to finish line.
2. That man is fixing the broken radio.
3. Please be quiet! My baby is sleeping.
4. The secretary is talking by phone.
5. Indonesia is negotiating with Malaysia.
6. Hani is going to Bali for vacation.
7. Anton is climbing the tree to pick up mango fruit.
8. Rahayu is doing home-work in her room.
9. She is counting the money.
10. Teacher is meeting in the office.

Rubahkan kalimat berikut kedalam bentuk kalimat interogatif!

1. Am I writing an e-mail now?
2. Is Susan lying in the bed at the moment?
3. Am I staying in London this month?
4. Is Peter is working this week?
5. Are My mum and dad cooking now?
6. Am I learning English in Hastings this summer?

7. Are Sarah and Sue playing in the street at the moment?
8. Is She decorating her flat in York these days?
9. Are we just looking?
10. Is Luke taking a shower now?

Periksalah kalimat di bawah ini dan buatlah menjadi kalimat yang benar sesuai dengan pola present
continuous tense.
1. The TV is not working.
2. I am riding bicycle to school right now.
3. She is sending a package through online courier.
4. Hurry up! The show is starting now.
5. Are they complaining about their food to the waitress?
6. Teacher is meeting in the office.
7. Mother is not buying vegetables in the market.
8. Tisha is studying for her final exam.
9. They are really busy preparing for school festival.
10. Agnes is singing Indonesian national anthem now.

Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini dengan memilih jawaban yang paling tepat!
1. B 9. C
2. D 10. C
3. B 11. E
4. C 12. A
5. B 13. C
6. A 14. D
7. B 15. E
8. A

Bab 4
Buatlah kalimat postif, negatif, dan interogatif menggunakan kalimat berikut.

11. ( + ) They have finished on their science project.

( - ) They have not finished on their science project.
( ? ) Have they finished on their science project?
12. ( + ) We have been to Semarang.
( - ) We have not been to Semarang.
( ? ) Have we been to Semarang?
13. ( + ) I have bought a new book.
( - ) I have not bought a new book.

( ? ) Have I bought a new book?
14. ( + ) My co-worker has written the purchasing inquiry.
( - ) My co-worker has not written the purchasing inquiry.
( ? ) Has my co-worker written the purchasing inquiry?
15. ( + ) Jennifer has left the discussion.
( - ) Jennifer has not left the discussion.
( ? ) Has Jennifer left the discussion?
16. ( + ) Freddy has cooked for us.
( - ) Freddy has not cooked for us.
( ? ) Has Freddy cooked for us?
17. ( + ) My sister has played a music for an hour.
( - ) My sister has not played a music for an hour.
( ? ) Has my sister played a music for an hour?
18. ( + ) My friends have ordered a taxi through online application.
( - ) My friends have not ordered a taxi through online application.
( ? ) Have my friends ordered a taxi through online application?
19. ( + ) They have booked the restaurant for company gathering.
( - ) They have not booked the restaurant for company gathering.
( ? ) Have they booked the restaurant for company gathering?
20. ( + ) We have played badminton for 40 minutes.
( - ) We have not played badminton for 40 minutes.
( ? ) Have we played badminton for 40 minutes?

Lengkapi kalimat berikut agar menjadi present perfect tense menggunakan kata kerja di dalam kurung!
1. Has started
2. Have brought
3. Has burned
4. Has grown
5. Have created
6. Have told
7. Have spent
8. Has woke
9. Has bought
10. Has swam

Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini dengan memilih jawaban yang paling tepat!
1. D 11. B
2. E 12. C
3. B 13. B
4. D 14. A
5. D 15. E
6. D 16. B
7. C 17. B
8. A 18. A
9. C 19. D
10. A 20. A

Bab 5
Buatlah kalimat postif, negatif, dan interogatif menggunakan kalimat berikut.

1. ( + ) Andrew has been diving 30 minutes.

( - ) Andrew has not been diving 30 minutes.
( ? ) Has Andrew been diving 30 minutes?
2. ( + ) The plant has been growing so fast.
( - ) The plant has not been growing so fast.
( ? ) Has the plant been growing so fast?
3. ( + ) She has been singing a song at my sister wedding party.
( - ) She has not been singing a song at my sister wedding party.
( ? ) Has she been singing a song at my sister wedding party?
4. ( + ) You have been baking this cake for several minutes.
( - ) You have not been baking this cake for several minutes.
( ? ) Have you been baking this cake for several minutes?
5. ( + ) The baby has been crying during the storm.
( - ) The baby has not been crying during the storm.
( ? ) Has the baby been crying during the storm?
6. ( + ) You have been delivering the package.
( - ) You have not been delivering the package.
( ? ) Have you been delivering the package?

7. ( + ) The teacher has been explaining in front of the class since 8.00 o’clock.
( - ) The teacher has been explaining in front of the class since 8.00 o’clock.
( ? ) Has the teacher been explaining in front of the class since 8.00 o’clock?
8. ( + ) They have been hearing the President’s speech from television?
( - ) They have not been hearing the President’s speech from television.
( ? ) Have they been hearing the President’s speech from television?
9. ( + ) She has been knitting for a month.
( - ) She has not been knitting for a month.
( ? ) Has she been knitting for a month?
10. ( + ) They have been enjoying the concert at main hall.
( - ) They have not been enjoying the concert at main hall.
( ? ) Have they been enjoying the concert at main hall?

Lengkapi kalimat berikut agar menjadi present perfect continuous tense menggunakan kata kerja di dalam
1. Has been living
2. Has been working
3. Has been protecting
4. Has been repairing
5. Have been recalling
6. Has been telling
7. Have been playing
8. Has been writing
9. Have been sleeping
10. Has been reading

Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini dengan memilih jawaban yang paling tepat!

1. C 11. C
2. E 12. E
3. D 13. C
4. B 14. B
5. E 15. C
6. D 16. D
7. D 17. B
8. B 18. C
9. B 19. D
10. B 20. D

21. D 24. B
22. E 25. A
23. D

Bab 6
A. Pilihan Ganda
1. B 6. C
2. B 7. A
3. E 8. E
4. D 9. B
5. C 10. A

B. Isilah Titik-titik dibawah ini

1. got up
2. had
3. went
4. started
5. finished
6. was, got
7. cooked
8. went
9. slept
10. dreamt

C. Isilah Titik-titik dibawah ini dengan kata kerja lampau (V2)

1. went
2. was
3. swam
4. did
5. eat
6. did, went
7. knew, did’t disturb
8. cooked
9. stayed, were
10. went

D. Acak Kata
1. She felt nervous before the competition.
2. The cat ate my breakfast.
3. She read many books in her room.
4. The students raised the hand in the class yesterday.
5. Andini sat on the chair because she was tired.

E. Essay
1. She read books last week.
2. Yes, she did.
3. Because she had exams.
4. My sister ate my breakfast yesterday.
5. No, she wasn’t.
6. Yes, she did.
7. No, they didn’t. They played football.
8. Yes, I did.
9. He read 20 books.
10. His father gave him $100.
F. Isi tabel yang kosong dengan kata kerja yang sesuai.
No V1 V2 V3
1 give gave given

2 read read read

3 break broke broken

4 steal stole stolen

5 say said said

6 ride rode ridden

7 stand stood stood

8 sit sat sat

9 smell smelt smelt

10 wear wore worn

A. Pilihan Ganda
1. C
2. D

3. B
4. C
5. B
6. B
7. A
8. E
9. A
10. E

B. Lingkari Simple Past Tense ( SP) atau Past Continuous Tense (PC)
1. SP
2. PC
3. PC
4. SP
5. PC
6. SP
7. SP
8. PC
9. PC
10. SP

C. Isilah Titik-titik dibawah ini

1. was teaching
2. was shining, was sunbathing
3. was eating, rang
4. were playing
5. was driving
6. was cleaning, was studing
7. was listening
8. were watching
9. was discussing
10. were having

D. Lengkapi Cerita dibawah ini.

1. was
2. was
3. played
4. came
5. was
6. was shouting
7. were crying
8. came
9. drove out
10. was

E. Essay

1. I was reading books when my friends were playing football.
2. Because they had exams.
3. My mom was cleaning this room.
4. They were studying yesterday morning.
5. I was studying Math when my mom called me last night.
6. Someone was cleaning the room when I walked in to the room yesterday.
7. I was having breakfast at 7 o’clock yesterday morning.
8. He was working at his office last week.
9. The teacher was checking the students.
10. The people were helping the victims.

A. Pilihan Ganda
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. A
5. C

B. Isilah titik titik dibawah ini! (Simple Past atau Past Perfect)
1. had left, went
2. had gone, came in
3.had already left, got
4. moved, had never travelled
5.had never seen, joint

C. Buatlah kalimat yang benar apakah Past Perfect atau Past Simple.
1. She had gone home
2. He went straight bed
3. Everyone had gome home
4. People had not been there
5.People had had party there

D. Bacalah situasi dibawah ini dan buatlah kalimat Past Perfect dengan menggunakan kata didalam
1. It had fallen off the wall.
2. Mother had cooked pizza.
3. The film had already started.
4. Someone had sent it.
5. The plane had already taken off.

E. Essay
1. I had watched TV before Retno came to your house yesterday.
2. Yes, she had.
3. Parsa had stayed in America before she stayed in London.
4. No, I hadn’t.
5. She had read many books by the time I met her yestreday

A. Pilihan Ganda

1. C
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. D

B. Lingkari Past Perfect ( PP) atau Past Perfect Continuous (PPC) kalimat dibawah ini.

1. PP
2. PP
3. PPC
4. PPC
5. PPC

C. Isilah titik titik dibawah ini dengan Past Perfect atau Past Perfect Continuous

1. had been sleeping

2. had been cycling
3. had been looking for
4. had collected
5. had seen

D. Isilah titik titik dibawah ini dengan Present Perfect Continuous atau Past Perfect continuous.

1. has been reading

2. has been thinking
3.hadn’t been watching
4. had been looking
5. has been staring

E. Lingkari jawaban yang benar.

1. had been travelling

2. had been running
3. had been walking
4. had been going
5. had already been working

F. Buatlah Pertanyaan Berdasarkan Jawaban dibawah ini.

1. How long had your sister been learning English before you moved to U.S?
2. Why were their legs hurts?
3. When had the road been snowing all night?
4. What had she been studying for five years?
5 Who had been living on Cirendeu Street for ten years?

BAB 10

A. Pilihan Ganda
1. a. will invite
2. c. shall prepare
3. b. going to participate
4. b. going to
5. b. Will
6. b. arrest
7. a. tell
8. c. will train
9. c. will join
10. c. will exhibit
11. d. will visit
12. b. will tell
13. c. buy
14. a. will be
15. a. will be
16. b. will be
17. a. will be
18. b. I will
19. a. will be
20. a. will be

1. Will
2. Will
3. Will
4. Will
5. Will
6. Will

7. Will
8. Will
9. Will
10. Will

1. Will help
2. Will be
3. Will come
4. Will call
5. Will use
6. Will return
7. Will rain
8. Will pay
9. Will win
10. Will stay

1. will help
2. is going to be
3. are going to come
4. are going to call
5. am going to use
6. will return
7. is going to rain
8. is going to pay
9. will win
10. will stay


No Kalimat Afirmatif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

1 I will fly to Lampung this coming I will not fly to Lampung this Will I fly to Lampung this
weekend. coming weekend. coming weekend?

2 I shall eat too much next time. I shall not eat too much next time. Shall I eat too much next time?

3 Davina will start the ‘new normal” Davina will not start the “new Will Davina start the “new
learning soon. normal” learning soon. normal” learning soon?

4 She will come to home this Idul She will not come to home this Idul Will she come home this Idul
Adha. Adha. Adha?

5 Ibu Tuti shall wear make up this Ibu Tuti shall not wear make up Shall ibu Tuti wear her make
afternoon. this afternoon. up this afternoon?

6 I will force again my eyes to read I will not force again my eyes to Will I force again my eyes to
in the dark. read in the dark. read in the dark?

7 He will be home tomorrow. He will not be home tomorrow. Will he be home tomottow?

8 They shall go to clinic first They shall not go to picnic first Shall they go to picnic first
tomorrow before coming to tomorrow before coming to tomorrow before coming to
hospital. hospital. hospital?

9 Raisa will be a success singer. Raisa will not be a success singer Will Raisa be a success singer
one day. one day?

10 Someone will care to others’ all the Someone will not care to others all Will someone care to other/s
times. the times. all the times?

BAB 11

A. Pilihan Ganda
1. b. waiting
2. a. will
3. a. watching
4. e. will be
5. c. staying
6. a. studying
7. d. going to
8. b. driving
9. a. going to
10. b. will be
11. c. watching
12. e. going to
13. d. dancing
14. a. going to
15. b. will be
16. a. revise
17. d. will be waiting
18. c. waiting
19. a. will be
20. b. writing

1. Will be attending
2. Arrives, wil be waiting
3. Get up, will be shinning, will be singing, will be flying and will still be lying
4. Will be lying, will be thinking
5. Will be staying
6. Will be doing, will be attending
7. Is, probably will be raining
8. Will be visiting
9. Will be working
10. Will be living, will be driving

1. Will be asking
2. Will be running

3. Will be waiting
4. Will be using
5. Will be travelling
6. Will be laying
7. Will be participating
8. Will be sleeping
9. Will be watching
10. Will be lying

1. They will be selecting you for the football team.
2. They will be increasing taxes next year.
3. The oil prices will not be coming down.
4. This weekend will not be snowing.
5. The football team will be winning next month match.
6. He will not be going school tomorrow morning.
7. Kevin will be earning a lot money by end of year.
8. She will be sunbathing on beach next month.
9. This program will be working end of September.
10. She will be taking train at 05 am tomorrow morning.


No Kalimat Afirmatif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

1 When you come tomorrow When you come tomorrow Will I be flying to Singapore
morning, I will be flying to morning, I will not flying to when you come tomorrow
Singapore. Singapore. morning?

2 I will be lying on beach next year. I will not be lying on beach next Will I be lying on beach next
year. year?

3 I will be using knive and fork for I will not be using knive and fork Will I be using knive and fork
eating in Amsterdam next August. for eating in Amsterdam next for eating in Amsterdam next
August. August?

4 I am going to be running tonight I am not going to be running Am I going to be running

tonight. tonight?

5 Pricillia will be making birthday Pricillia will not be making Will Pricillia be making
cake at this time tomorrow. birthday cake at this time birthday cake at this time
tomorrow. tomorrow?

6 You will be sleeping tomorrow You will be not sleeping tomorrow Will you be sleeping
night. night. tomorrow night?

7 She will be crying the next day She will not be crying the next day Will she be crying the next day
after tomorrow. after tomorrow. after tomorrow?

8 They will be going around Central They will not be going around Will they be going to Central
Market at tomorrow afternoon. Central Market at tomorrow Market at tomorrow
afternoon. afternoon?

9 Tia will be eating by the time I Tia will not be eating by the time I Will Tia be eating by the time
come tonight. come tonight.. I come tonight?

10 Everybody will be participating on Everybody will not be participating Will everybody be

December election this year. on December election this year. pasticipating on Decemeber
election this year?

BAB 12
A. Pilihan Ganda
1. b. will have visited
2. e. shall have done
3. a. will have
4. b. arrested
5. e. will have
6. a. will
7. c. left
8. c. have finished
9. b. have fallen asleep
10. d. will have watched
11. b. have read
12. a. will have stopped
13. c. will have
14. b will have sold
15. a. will have begun
16. b. will have worked
17. e. will have cleaned
18. b. will have taught
19. e. will have
20. b. will have learned

1. will have been
2. will already have arrived
3. Will have cleaned
4. will have graduated
5. will have driven
6. will have lived
7. will have taken
8. will have visited
9. will have had
10. will have been

1. will have completed
2. will have operated
3. will have started
4. will have got
5. will have finished
6. will have taught
7. will have received

8. will have accomplished
9. will have worked
10. will have already loaded


1. will have smoked

2. will have swore
3. will have had
4. will have flown
5. will have cooked
6. will have stood
7. will have examined
8. will have tested
9. will have bought
10. will have taught


No Kalimat Afirmatif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

1 I will have forgotten to lock the I will not have forgotten to lock the Will I have forgotten to lock
room before I leave. room before I leave. the room before I leave?

2 We will have turned off the We will not have turned off the Will we have turned off the
television by 2 pm. television by 2 pm. television by 2 pm?

3 You will have finished wash the You will not have finished wash Will you have finished wash
clothes by the end of today. the clothes by the end of today. the clothes by the end of

4 She will have changed the bus at She will not have changed the bus Will she have changed the bus
the right shelter. at the right shelter. at the right shelter?

5 He will have proposed her to He will not have proposed her to Will he have proposed her to
marry him. marry him. marry him?

6 She will have invited him to go to She will not have invited him to go Will she have invited him to
a coffee shop. to a coffee shop. go to a coffee shop?

7 You will have written a patient You will not have written a patient Will you have written a patient
report by tomorrow. report by tomorrow. report by tomorrow?

8 They will have finished doing the They will not have finished doing Will they have finished doing
test by 10 o’clock. the test by 10 o’clock. the test by 10 o’clock.

9 Davina will have left the class by Davina will not have left the class Will Davina have left the class
the end of hour. by the end of hour. by the end of hour.

10 She will have returned from the She will not have returned from the Will she have returned from
recreation by 5 o’clock. recreation by 5 o’clock. the recreation by 5 o’clock.

BAB 13
A. Pilihan Ganda
1. c. been cycling
2. d. will have been searching
3. b. flying
4. b. will have
5. b. teaching
6. b. will have been working
7. d. will have been playing
8. d. will have been running
9. c. Will all the students have been completing
10. b. will not have been staying
11. d. will have been playing
12. b. will have been travelling
13. a. doing
14. c. have been living
15. d. walking
16. a. will not have
17. b. won’t have been
18. a. have been
19. c. investigating
20. b. will have been watching

21. Will have been teaching
22. Will have been working
23. Will have been waiting
24. Will have been staying
25. Will have been living
26. Will have been studying
27. Will have been working
28. Will have been serving
29. Will have been walking
30. Will have been eating

1. will have been marying
2. will have been staying
3. will have been doing
4. will have been visiting
5. will have been going
6. will have been crying
7. will have been studying
8. will have been analyzing
9. will have been researching
10. will have been speaking


1. they will have been going home for the weekend by end of this month
2. I will have been eating a bowl of chicken noodle by the time she comes.
3. End of this session you will have been listening the English record
4. Mother will have been cleaning home yard for 2 hours.
5. By next year, my uncle will have been driving his new Honda Jazz.
6. Deen will have been playing online games by end of the day.
7. Dewi will have been buying living room furniture by the end of this week.
8. For a week, she will have been crying for her bad marks.
9. I shall have been waiting last flight by next August.
10. He shall have been working on his final exam by end of this month.

No Kalimat Afirmatif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

1 By the time we reach 06 p.m., they By the time we reach 06 p.m., they Will they have been going to
will have been going to airport. will not have been going to airport. airport by the time we reach 06

2 Reza will have been studying Reza will not have been studying Will Reza have been studying
Math for two hours by four Math for two hours by four Math for two hours by four
o’clock. o’clock. o’clock?

3 By the time I finish my study here, By the time I finish my study here, Will I have been living in
I will have been living in Australia I will not have been living in Australia for two years, by the
for two years. Australia for two years. time I finish my study?

4 You will have been waiting long You will not have been waiting for Will you have been waiting
when I arrive in the afternoon. long when I arrive in the afternoon. long when I arrive in the

5 Marsha will have been becoming Marsha will not have been Will Marsha have been
UBSI student for a year by the end becoming UBSI student for a year becoming UBSI student for a
of this semester. by the end of this semester. year by the end of this

6 By 2021 the COVID 19 will have By 2021 the COVID 19 will not Will by 2021 the COVID 19
been staying for more than a year. have been staying for more than a have been staying for more
year. than a year?

7 They will have been living here for They will not have been living here Will they have been living
10 years by end of 2020. for 10 years by end of 2020. here for 10 years by end of

8 Michael will have been practicing Michael will not have been Will Michael have been
singing for 2 hours long when I practicing singing for 2 hours when practicing singing for 2 hours
arrive at 09 a.m. I arrive at 09 a.m. when I arrive at 09 a.m.

9 He will have been using He will not have been using Will he have been using
motorcycle by the time I come. motorcycle by the time I come. motorcycle by the time I

10 They will have been watching They will not have been watching Will they have been watching
concert for five hours. concert for five hours. concert for five hours?

BAB 14
Buatlah kalimat positif, negatif, dan interogatif menggunakan kalimat berikut.
1. ( + ) It should be fine for now.
( - ) It should not be fine for now.
( ? ) Should it be fine for now?
2. ( + ) It should be that bad.
( - ) It should not be that bad.
( ? ) Should it be that bad?
3. ( + ) He should be in Banten next month.
( - ) He should not be in Banten next month.
( ? ) Should he be in Banten next month?
4. ( + ) He said he was going to come home at 10 tonight.
( - ) He said he was not going to come home at 10 tonight.
( ? ) Was he not going to come home at 10 tonight?
5. ( + ) It would rain that day.
( - ) It would not rain that day.
( ? ) Would it rain that day?
6. ( + ) We should continue or discussion now.
( - ) We should not continue or discussion now.
( ? ) Should we continue or discussion now?
7. ( + ) He said he would buy a house last year.
( - ) He said he would not buy a house last year.
( ? ) Would he not buy a house last year?
8. ( + ) The window should be opened.
( - ) The window should not be opened.
( ? ) Should the window be opened?
9. ( + ) Lunch would be provided yesterday.
( - ) Lunch would not be provided yesterday.
( ? ) Would lunch be provided yesterday?
10. ( + ) I should pick him up at station yesterday evening.
( - ) I should not pick him up at station yesterday evening.
( ? ) Should I pick him up at station yesterday evening?

Lengkapi kalimat berikut agar menjadi past future tense menggunakan kata kerja di dalam kurung!
1. Should be done
2. Would watch
3. Should be phone
4. Should be typed
5. Would be climbed
6. Should be met
7. Would buy
8. Should sell
9. Would buy
10. Should, cooked?

Jawablah pertanyaan dibawah ini dengan memilih jawaban yang paling tepat!
1. E
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. B
6. E
7. C
8. C
9. A
10. D
11. A
12. C
13. B
14. B
15. B
16. D
17. E
18. A
19. B
20. B

Bab 15
A. Pilihan Ganda
1. d. Having 11. b. Wouldn’t
2. d. Eating 12. a. Playing, Would
3. d. Would be 13. b. Doing
4. c. Teaching 14. a. Cried a lot
5. c. Starting 15. a. Joining
6. e. Accepting 16. e. Popping up
7. a. Connecting 17. a. Asking
8. c. Performing 18. e. Having
9. c. Wouldn’t 19. c. Sent
10. e. Taking care 20. a. Standing

B. Essay
1. Came
2. Taking part
3. Gave
4. Following
5. Complaining
6. Giving
7. Leaving
8. Was
9. Singing
10. Waiting
186 Basic Grammar

C. Ubahlah kata kerja berikut ke bentuk past future continuous

1. I would be going for shopping with my family.
2. Ihsan would be watching the soccer match last night.
3. They would be moving to the new town house last week.
4. Amelia would be driving a car when her mom came home.
5. When the book store was closed, I would be looking for another
6. The snow would be melting in the summer.
7. I would be feeling happily if you come here.
8. Wait, it would be raining!
9. You wouldn’t be closing the door.
10. Would you be typing some letters?

D. Lengkapi kalimat pada kolom berikut:

No Kalimat Afirmatif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

1 I would be flying if I I wouldn’t be flying if I Would I be flying if I

was a bird. was a bird was a bird?

2 I would be eating much I wouldn’t be eating Would I be eating

chilli. much chili. much chilli?

3 Ahsan would be Ahsan wouldn’t be Would Ahsan be

fighting. fighting. fighting?

4 You would be giving You wouldn’t be giving Would you be giving

her money back. her money back. her money back?


5 They would be telling They wouldn’t be telling Would they be

you the truth. you the truth. telling you the truth?

6 If you had much If you had much money, If you had much
money, you would be you would be visiting money, would you
visiting three countries three contiries in a year. be visiting three
in a year. countries in a year?

7 The man would be The man wouldn’t be Would the man be

sitting beside you. sitting beside you sitting beside you?

8 He would be helping He wouldn’t be helping Would he be helping

someone. someone. someone?

9 She would be voting the She would be voting the Would she be voting
selection selection the selection?

10 He would be teaching He would be teaching in Would he be

in our course our course teaching in our

Bab 16
A. Pilihan Ganda
1. e. Called 11. d. Had
2. c. Started 12. e. Submitted, would
3. d. Crossed over 13. e. Put
4. e. Have 14. a. Had asked
5. a. Distributed 15. e. Won
6. b. Stopped 16. b. Stopped
7. d. Operated 17. b. Welcomed
8. e. Have helped 18. d. Reached

188 Basic Grammar

9. e. Would have 19. d. Been

10. b. would have 20. b. Shared

B. Essay
Jawaban pada poin ini tergantung pada jawaban individu dengan mengikuti pola
bentuk past future perfect tense (s+would+have+V3+O/C).

C. Ubahlah kalimat berikut ke bentuk past perfect tense lalu ke bentuk

past future perfect tense
1. a. I had visitted the great volcano in Yogyakarta last year.
b. I would have visitted the great volcano in Yogyakarta last year.
2. a. She hadn’t agreed with your idea.
b. She would have agreed with your idea.
3. a. Padli had discussed the lesson with his group via online meeting.
b. Padli would have discussed the lesson with his group via online meeting.
4. a. Wildan had a dream to be a technician.
b. Wildan would have a dream to be a technician.
5. a. I had seen the strangers coming to Rudi’s house last night.
b. I would have seen the strangers coming to Rudi’s house last night.
6. a. It had been a terrified, walking at night alone.
b. It would have been a terrified, walking at night alone.
7. a. Someone had stolen your handphone.
b. Someone would have stolen your handphone.
8. a. We had made a choice for that case.
b. We would have had made a choice for that case.
9. a. The issue of omnibus law had been viral lastly.
b. The issue of omnibus law would have been viral lastly.


10. a. Had you worn the formal dress?

b. Would you had worn the formal dress?

D. Lengkapi kalimat pada kolom berikut:

No Kalimat Afirmatif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

1 She woulds have reclaimed her She wouldn’t have reclaimed her Would she have reclaimed her
profit. profit. profit?

2 You would have gotten a reward. You wouldn’t have gotten a Would have you gotten a
reward. reward?

3 He would have learnt the formula. He wouldn’t have learnt the Would he have learnt the
formula. formula?

4 I would have called you last nigt. I wouldn’t have called you last nigt. Would you have called me last

5 Your parents would have managed Your parents wouldn’t have Would your parents have
everything for your study. managed everything for your managed everything for your
study. study?

6 The regional government would The regional government wouldn’t Would the regional
have built many highways last have built many highways last government have built many
year. year. highways last year?

7 The power glue would have The power glue wouldn’t have Would the power glue have
broken the pipe. broken the pipe. broken the pipe?

8 The windmills would have given The windmills wouldn’t have Would the windmills have
the advantages. given the advantages. given the advantages?

9 The coconut would have grown in The coconut wouldn’t have grown Would the coconut have
the sticky area. in the sticky area. grown in the sticky area.

10 You would have claimed your You wouldn’t have claimed your Would you have claimed your
purchasing? purchasing? purchasing?

E. Buatlah bentuk pengandaian dari keadaan di masa lalu pada kolom berikut:
No Keadaan yang menunjukkan Bentuk Pengandaianya
makna pernyataan yang
sesungguhnya di masa lalu

190 Basic Grammar

1  She didn’t prepare well her final If she had prepared well her
examination. examination, her score wouldn’t have
 Her score fell down. fallen down.

2  Your sister remind you. If your sister hadn‘t remind you, You
 You din’t forget to bring the would have forgotten to bring the exam
exam tools. tools.

3  He lent you a pen. If he hadn’t lent you a pen, you wouldn’t

 You wrote the material. have written the material.

4  They spoke too loud and noise. If they had not spoken too loud and
 My ears was sick. noise, my ears wouldn‘t have been sick.

5  I din’t understand the lesson. I would have understood the lesson if I

 I get headache. hadn’t gotten headache.

6  My family didn’t celebrate my My family wolud have celebrated my

birthday. birthday if I had been at home.
 I was not at home.

7  My brother’s schedule was If my brother’s schedule hadn’t

engaged all the day. engaged all the day, he would not have
 He was too busy. been busy.

8  Azmi missed the train yesterday. Azmi wouldn‘t have missed the train if
 She queued the ticket up. she hadn’t queued the ticket up.

9  The victim called the police. If the victim hadn’t called the police, the
 The robber was arrested. robber wouldn‘t have been arrested.

10  Your boyfriend didn’t contact If your boyfriend had contacted you, he

you anymore. would have not broken the relationship.
 He broke the relationship.


F. Jawaban pada poin ini tergantung pada jawaban individu dengan mengikuti
pola pengandaian bentuk ke-3, yakni if past perfect tense + past future perfect
tense (s+would+have+V3+O/C) dan disesuaikan pada masing-masing kalimat
baik intrerogratif, positif atau negatif.

Bab 17
A. Pilihan Ganda
1. c. Been 11. a. Had
2. a. Watching 12. e. Been, Would
3. d. Performing 13. b. Doing
4. e. Staying 14. d. Closing
5. d. Playing 15. c. Taking part
6. d. Flying 16. d. Swimming
7. d. Missing 17. e. Completing
8. c. Fighting 18. e. Accepting
9. a. Buying 19. d. Staying
10. d. Would have been 20. e. Doing

B. Essay
Jawaban bebas tergantung pada individu dengan cara menyertakan syarat pada
subclause atau anak kalimat.

C. Ubahlah kalimat berikut ke bentuk past future perfect continuous tense

1. I would have been sewing the new gown for the party.
2. Alifiya would have been eating mushroom.
3. Iki would have been relaying the news.
4. The book store would have been opening for three years in the city.
5. The population would have beeb growing up in every country.
6. The dog would have been walking out with his owner.
7. I would have been playing the violin.
8. The labor would have been sawing the pine tree.

192 Basic Grammar

9. The frog would have been jumping into the water.

10. The mouse would have been running and stealing the fish in the kitchen.

D. Lengkapi kalimat pada kolom berikut:

No Kalimat Afirmatif Kalimat Negatif Kalimat Tanya

1 Iim would have been treading her Iim wouldn’t have been treading Would Iim have been treading
trip to London. her trip to London. her trip to London?

2 They would have been learning They wouldn’t have been learning Would they have been
English using a blended learning. English using a blended learning. learning English using a
blended learning?

3 Mumuh wouldn have been Mumuh wouldn’t have been Would Mumuh have been
throwing the stone. throwing the stone. throwing the stone?

4 Akmal would have been taking the Akmal wouldn’t have been taking Would Akmal have been
undergraduate program by the end the undergraduate program by the taking the undergraduate
of this year. end of this year. program by the end of this

5 Nisa would have been swimming Nisa wouldn’t have been Would Nisa have been
for two hours. swimming for two hours. swimming for two hours?

6 Edo would have been teaching Edo wouldn’t have been teaching Would Edo have been
geographic for five years. geographic for five years. teaching geographic for five

7 Bahri would have been strewing Bahri wouldn’t have been strewing Would Bahri have been
the plant seeds in the field. the plant seeds in the field. strewing the plant seeds in the

8 Indonesia would have been Indonesia wouldn’t have been Would Indonesia have been
develophing many building in the develophing many building in the develophing many building in
city for several years. city for several years. the city for several years?

9 The class would have been The class wouldn’t have been Would the class have been
decorating with many pictures. decorating with many pictures. decorating with many

10 The man would have been sticking The man wouldn’t have been Would the man have been
the campaign sticker on the street sticking the campaign sticker on sticking the campaign sticker
wall. the street wall. on the street wall?


E. Buatlah bentuk pengandaian tipe ke-3 dari past future perfect continuous
pada kolom yang disediakan.
No Keadaan yang menunjukkan Bentuk Pengandaianya
makna pernyataan yang
sesungguhnya di masa lalu

1  He got the pusnishment He wouldn‘t have been getting the

 He ignored the rules pusnishment if he had not ignored the

2  The children didn’t play near the The children would have been playing
river near the river if it had not been
 It was dangerous dangerous.

3  The library didn’t open The library would have been opening if
 The building was under the building had not been under
construction construction.

4  The movie started The movie would have been started if

 The audiences came the audiences had come.

5  I din’t ask for a help I would have been asking for a help if I
 I could do it by my self had not done it by my self.

6  Her performance was good If her performance had not been good,
 The audience gave her an the audience wouldn‘t have been giving
applause her an applause.

7  Djamal went to Jogja Djamal wouldn’t have been going to

 He got the scholarship Jogja if he had not gotten the

8  Zahra got free voucher If Zahra had not gotten free voucher, she
 She felt happy would not have been feeling happy.

9  Dedeh looked for the new Dedeh wouldn‘t have been looking for
apartment the new apartment if she had not had
 She had much money much money.

194 Basic Grammar

10  The man cut off his beard The man would have been cutting off
 His bread was long his beard if his bread had been long.

F. Isilah makna sebenarnya pada kolom berikut:

Pola Simple Past Tense Conditional Sentence Type Makna Keadaan
3 yang Sebenarnya

No Simple Past Tense Past Perfect Tense+ Past A description of the

Future Perfect Continuous True Meaning in
Tense Bahasa Indonesia

1  The waitress served the If the waitress had not served Pelayan telah melayani
quest well. the quest well, she wouldn‘t tamu dengan baik oleh
 She got the tips. have been getting the tips. karena itu dia
mendapatkan tips.

2  Eko came late. Eko wouldn‘t have been Eko datang terlambat
 He got the traffict jams. caming late if he had not gotten karena dia terjebak
the traffict jams. macet.

3  The town inspired him. If the town had not inspired Kota telah memberinya
 He painted it. him, he would not have been inspirasi sebab itu dia
painting it. menggambarnya.

4  The teacher applied The teacher wouldn‘t have Guru menerapkan

new learning. been applying new learning if pengajaran yang baru
 The students was not the students had not been karena siswa bosan.
bored. bored.

5  The pupil listened to the The pupil wouldn’t have been Murid mendengarkan
material in the video listening to the material in the materi dalam video
carefully. video carefully if they had not dengan cermat karena
interested in the engaged mereka tertarik
 They interested in the dengan pelajaran.
engaged lesson.

G. Jawaban dapat disesuaikan dengan mengikuti pola pengandaian bentuk ke-

3, yakni if past perfect tense (s+ had+v3 +o/c) + past future perfect continuous
tense (s+would+have+been+v1+ing+o/c) atau sebaliknya berdasarkan jawaban
masing-masing individu pada setiap kalimat.



Future Continous Tense mengekspresikan sebuah kegiatan yang masih

dalam proses pada bingkai waktu tertentu di masa depan. Future
Continous Tense berbicara tentang suatu peristiwa yang sedang
terjadi, juga sebagaimana Present Continous Tense, namun hal
yang membedakan pada Future Continous Tense kata ‘sedang‘ itu
tidak diartikan sebagai kata ‘sekarang‘ melainkan ‘besok‘, ‘akan
datang‘ maupun ‘nanti‘.
Future Perfect Tense mengungkapkan suatu kegiatan yang akan
diselesaikan sebelum waktu atau kegiatan lain di masa depan.
Dengan catatan ada klausa waktu yaitu - by the time yang
berbentuk Simple Present Tense yang digunakan di dalam kalimat.
Future Perfect Continuous Tense berbicara tentang suatu peristiwa yang
telah terjadi di waktu present atau past dan akan berakhir pada
suatu waktu di masa yang akan datang. Future perfect continuous
tense mengacu ke tindakan atau kejadian saat ini yang belum
terselesaikan, namun akan selesai di masa depan. Lebih seringnya,
tense ini digunakan berbarengan dengan ekpresi waktu. Future
Perfect Continuous Tense lebih menekankan pada ‘durasi‘
kegiatannya. Kegiatan pada tense ini masih dalam proses sebelum
sampai di waktu ‘future‘ dan berkemungkinan akan selesai di masa
yang akan datang.

196 Basic Grammar

Kata benda (noun) adalah kata yang mengidentifikasi atau menyebut

nama orang, tempat, atau benda.
Kata kerja (verb) adalah kata-kata yang menggambarkan tindakan — atau
keadaan keberadaan — orang, binatang, tempat, atau benda.
Kata ganti (Pronoun) adalah kata-kata yang mewakili kata benda (orang,
tempat, atau benda).
Kata sifat (adjective) adalah kata-kata yang memodifikasi (menambahkan
deskripsi ke) kata benda dan (kadang-kadang) kata ganti.
Kata keterangan (Adverbia) adalah kata-kata yang mengubah kata kerja, kata
sifat, kata keterangan lain, atau bahkan seluruh klausa.
Konjungsi (conjunction) adalah kata-kata yang menghubungkan kata, frasa,
atau klausa lain, yang mengungkapkan jenis hubungan tertentu antara
dua (atau lebih) elemen.

Modal verb atau Modalitas diartikan sebagai kata kerja bantu. Modalitas
berkaitan erat dengan penilaian pembicara terhadap sesuatu baik yang
diyakini dan dipahami, sikap pembicara, dan potensi keadaan yang
Modal Can dan Could memiliki makna be able to atau diartikan dalam bahasa
Indonesia yaitu dapat/mampu/bisa. Makna can dan could dapat
mengekpresikan kalimat request, offer, probability, posibility, ability
dan disability, permission dan rejection, dan saran atau nasihat.
Modal Will dan Would memiliki beberapa makna seperti kemauan/niat,
prediksi, dan kebutuhan. Makna will dan would dapat mengekpresikan
kalimat keyakinan, request, invitation, dan offer.


Modal Shall dan should memiliki makna sama seperti ought to, yaitu
memberikan saran atau nasihat. Shall dan should mengungkapkan
ekspresi menawarkan (offer), kebutuhan atau kewajiban moral.
Modal May dan Might memiliki makna memberikan izin dan dapat
mengekpresikan sesuatu yang tidak pasti di waktu sekarang atau future,
offer, probability dan improbability.
Modal Must dan Have to memiliki makna kewajiban atau keharusan. Ekspresi
must dan have to juga dapat menunjukkan keyakinan.
Modal Ough adakah kata kerja defektif, yakni kata kerja yang dianggap tidak
dapat berdiri sendiri dan biasanya ia dihubugkan dengan infinitive to
atau bare infinitive (kata kerja dasar). Ough to memiliki makna yang
sama dengan should, yakni memberi saran/masukan/nasihat. Ough to
juga dapat menunjukkan ekspresi probability.

Preposisi adalah kata-kata yang mengekspresikan hubungan antara kata

benda atau kata ganti dan bagian lain dari kalimat.
Present continuous tense digunakan untuk mengekspresikan kegiatan
yang sedang dilakukan pada saat si penutur berbicara.
Past continuous tense adalah sebuah aktifitas yang sedang terjadi di masa
lampau, dimana kegiatan tersebut sudah tidak ada hubungannya
dengan masa sekarang
Present perfect tense digunakan untuk mengekspresikan kegiatan terjadi
di masa lampau dan telah selesai di masa lampau namun efeknya
masih dapat dirasakan saat ini.
Present perfect continuous tense atau sering dikenal present perfect
progressive tense adalah salah satu bentuk waktu yang digunakan
untuk mengungkapkan sebuah kejadian yang dimulai di masa
lampau dan masih berlangsung hingga saat ini.
Past perfect tense merupakan tense yang digunakan untuk
menggambarkan kegiatan yang telah selesai di masa lampau,
sebelum kegiatan lainnya (Simple Past).
198 Basic Grammar

Past perfect continuous tense adalah ungkapan atau kalimat yang

memiliki fungsi untuk menyatakan perbuatan yang sudah dimulai
dan masih berlangsung pada waktu lampau sebelum kegiatan lain
(Simple Past). Past Perfect continuous digunakan untuk aksi
sebelum kegiatan lain di masa lampau. Perbedaannya dengan Past
Perfect adalah Past Perfect Continuous menekankan pada proses.
Past future tense adalah bentuk kalimat yang digunakan untuk
mengungkapkan ide, rencana, harapan pada masa yang akan
datang yang dilihat dari sudut pandang masa lalu. Jadi, past future
tense dapat diartikan sebagai suatu bentuk kalimat untuk
menyatakan kegiatan yang akan dilakukan di masa lampau, namun
tidak terjadi, sehingga menyebabkan peristiwa lain terjadi atau
disebabkan oleh peristiwa lain. Dengan kata lain past future tense
merupakan sebuah pengandaian.
Past future perfect tense terdiri dari tiga bentuk tense yaitu past tense
yang dicirikan dengan penggunaan kata kerja bentuk lampau,
bentuk future diikuti dengan kata would dari asal kata will, dan
perfect diiringi dengan kata bantu have dan kata kerja past
participle. Sehingga past future perfect tense dirumuskan dengan
penggabungan Would+Have+V3 (past participle).
Past future perfect continuous tense memiliki kesamaan dengan past
future continuous dan past future perfect tense, yakni tense ini
berfungsi untuk menunjukkan sebuah asumsi seseorang terhadap
sesuatu atau berkaitan dengan kalimat pengandaian imajinatif.
Makna yang terkandung dalam bentuk tense ini menunjukkan
peristiwa, kegiatan, kejadian, dan gagasan yang dibayangkan akan
telah sedang terjadi di masa lalu.

Simple future tense digunakan untuk menceritakan peristiwa yang akan

terjadi atau peristiwa di masa depan.


Simple past tense adalah sebuah kegiatan yang terjadi dan berakhir
dimasa lampau dimana kegiatan tersebut sudah tidak ada lagi
hubungannya dengan masa sekarang.
Simple present tense digunakan untuk berbicara tentang kebiasaan, fakta
umum, dan jadwal kegiatan. Dan juga untuk menyampaikan fakta
yang sebenarnya dengan bentuk yang sederhana yang tidak ada
kaitannya dengan waktu.

Tense adalah tata bahasa (grammar) yang menekankan pada penggunaan kata
kerja (verb) yang dikaitkan dengan waktu penggunaannya.

200 Basic Grammar


Can · 86, 135, 159, 160, 161, 162, 172,
Have to · 167, 168, 174, 218
173, 174, 211, 217
Conditional Sentence · 133, 141, 142,
152, 157, 210
Could · 84, 159, 160, 161, 162, 173, 174, K
211, 213, 217
Kata benda · 5, 6, 217
Kata ganti · 5, 140, 217
F Kata kerja · 5, 19, 45, 47, 49, 55, 56, 64,
Kata keterangan · 6, 12, 45, 64, 217
Future Continous Tense · 89, 90, 91, 92,
Kata sifat · 5, 217
93, 97, 99, 216
Konjungsi · 6, 217
Future Perfect Continuous Tense · 4,
110, 111, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118, 119,
121, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 158, 210,
216 M
Future Perfect Tense · 4, 93, 100, 101,
102, 103, 104, 106, 108, 109, 110, 112, May · 83, 107, 165, 166, 169, 173, 174,
121, 138, 139, 141, 142, 143, 151, 216 211, 218
Might · 165, 166, 173, 174, 211, 213, 218
Modal · 5, 159, 160, 161, 164, 165, 166,
167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 174, 217, 218
Modalitas · 159, 161, 166, 217
Must · 167, 173, 211, 218


Ough to · 168, 218 Tense · 4, 11, 12, 14, 15, 19, 20, 23, 28, 29,
30, 35, 36, 37, 38, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 53,
54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 63, 64, 65, 66, 68,
P 71, 72, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 88,
89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 97, 100, 101, 102,
Past continuous tense · 218 103, 104, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115,
Past future perfect continuous tense · 121, 122, 123, 129, 130, 132, 133, 134,
219 138, 141, 142, 143, 149, 151, 152, 153,
Past future perfect tense · 138, 219 157, 158, 175, 176, 188, 210, 216, 220
Past future tense · 122, 124, 219
Past perfect continuous tense · 218
Past perfect tense · 66, 67, 218 V
Preposisi · 6, 218
Present continuous tense · 19, 23, 218 verb · 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 19, 28,
Present perfect continuous tense · 35, 37, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 86, 87, 89, 91, 92, 93,
218 101, 103, 104, 107, 113, 114, 115, 118,
Present perfect tense · 28, 31, 218 129, 131, 139, 140, 149, 159, 160, 161,
162, 164, 165, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171,
173, 174, 212, 217, 220
Shall · 9, 81, 82, 83, 93, 104, 115, 164, 165, W
172, 192, 211, 217
should · 122, 123, 124, 125, 129, 130, 138, Will · 77, 81, 82, 84, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 93,
141, 143, 144, 145, 159, 160, 164, 165, 97, 98, 101, 104, 108, 109, 110, 111,
168, 170, 171, 173, 174, 198, 199, 211, 115, 117, 120, 127, 128, 134, 135, 144,
213, 217, 218 154, 155, 163, 164, 172, 173, 174, 191,
Simple future tense · 219 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 211,
Simple past tense · 31, 66, 67, 219 213, 217
Simple present tense · 11, 220 Would · 117, 122, 123, 125, 127, 128, 130,
131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 137, 138, 140,
141, 142, 143, 144, 147, 149, 151, 153,
154, 155, 156, 163, 164, 169, 174, 199,
201, 202, 203, 205, 207, 208, 211, 217,

202 Basic Grammar


1. Dr . Baiatun Nisa, M.Pd, aktif mengajar Bahasa Inggris sejak

tahun 1997. Ia mendapat gelar Doktor tahun 2016 dan Master tahun
2010 di bidang Pendidikan Bahasa dari Universitas Negeri Jakarta
(UNJ). Gelar sarjananya bidang pendidikan Bahasa Inggris didapat
dari Universitas Islam As-Syafi’iyah (UIA) Jakarta pada tahun 1997.
Saat ini ia menjabat sebagai Dekan Fakultas Komunikasi dan Bahasa (FKB)
Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika (UBSI) Jakarta (2018-2023). Jabatan lain
yang pernah diembannya adalah Ketua Jurusan Program studi Bahasa Inggris
Akademi Bahasa Asing Bina Sarana Informatika (ABA BSI) Jakarta selama 4
periode (2004-2015). Sebelum memutuskan menjadi dosen tetap di Universitas
Bina Sarana Informatika (UBSI) sejak tahun 1998- sekarang, ia pernah
mengajar di Pondok Pesantren Asshiddiqiyah Batu Ceper Tangerang (1997-
2000), Lembaga Manajemen (LM) Patra Tangerang dan Jakarta (1997-2000),
LP3I Tangerang (1998-2001), dan LP3I Pondok Gede Bekasi (2001-2002).

2. Retno Dwigustini, M.Pd, Penulis sudah menikah sejak tahun

1999 dan memiliki 4 orang anak. Penulis lulus kuliah S1 dari
Universitas PGRI pada tahun 2001 jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa
Inggris, kemudian penulis melanjutkan kuliah S2 di Universitas
Jakarta dan memperoleh gelar Master Pendidikan pada tahun 2012. Penulis
telah bekerja di Bina Sarana Informatika sejak tahun 1996. Selain mengajar di
Akademi Bahasa Asing BSI, penulis mengajar di Akademi Kebidanan dan
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi pada tahun 1998. Pada tahun 2012 penulis
mengajar di STKIP Kusuma Negara selama 8 tahun. Saat ini penulis menjadi
dosen di Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra di Universitas Bina Sarana

3. Sulhizah Wulan Sari, SS., M. Hum lahir di Tangerang pada 21

Agustus 1985. Ia menyelesaikan kuliah dan mendapat gelar Sarjana
Sastra pada tahun 2009. Ia merupakan alumnus Jurusan Bahasa dan
Sastra Inggris Universitas Islam Negeri Syarifhidalatullah Jakarta.
Pada tahun 2010 mengikuti Program Magister Ilmu Susastra di
Universitas Indonesia Depok dan lulus pada tahun 2013. Pada tahun 2011


diangkat menjadi Dosen Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika Jakarta dan

ditempatkan di Fakultas Komunikasi dan Bahasa pada program studi Bahasa
Inggris. Ia juga aktif dalam mengajar sebagai part-time di STMIK Nusa
Mandiri, STBA Technocrat dan lembaga kursus lainnya, menerjemahkan
artikel, mereview, dan menulis di beberapa artikel di jurnal nasional bereputasi.
Salah satu capaiannya adalah mendapatkan hibah penelitian yang didanai oleh
kemenristekdikti pada tahun 2019 dan 2020.

4. Maulani Pangestu, SS., M. Hum lahir di Jakarta pada 27

December 1982. Ia menyelesaikan kuliah dan mendapat gelar Sarjana
Sastra pada tahun 2007 dari jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Pada tahun 2012 mengikuti Program
Magister Linguistik Terapan di Universitas Negeri Jakarta dan lulus pada tahun
2014. Sejak tahun 2008 sudah bergabung menjadi Dosen Universitas Bina
Sarana Informatika Jakarta dan ditempatkan di Fakultas Komunikasi dan
Bahasa pada program studi Bahasa Inggris. Ia juga aktif mengajar sebagai part-
time pengajar pada beberapa lembaga pendidikan swasta lainnya seperti SEAS
Course STIP Jakarta, ETS BBC, dan IBI Kosgoro selain itu juga penulis adalah
seorang penerjemah lepas.

5.Danang Dwi Harmoko, S.S, M.Pd, Penulis merupakan dosen di

Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika sejak 2016. Dia menyelesaikan
pendidikan magister dibidang Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di fakultas
Pascasarjana Universitas Indraprasta PGRI pada tahun 2016. Selain
menjadi pengajar, dia juga aktif di berbagai bidang sosial dan kewirausahaan.

204 Basic Grammar

Basic Grammar merupakan pembelajaran dasar tatabahasa Inggris.
Penggunaan kata-kata, pengklasifikasian fungsi kata, dan susunan
kata-kata dalam kalimat yang dapat digunakan untuk berbicara dan
menulis dengan benar diatur dalam Grammar (Herring, 2016a).
Tatabahasa Inggris terbagi kedalam 16 tenses. Semua tenses didukung
dengan penggunaan time (waktu) sebagai ciri kondisi dari suatu
peristiwa yang terjadi. Bentuk time dalam tata bahasa Inggris terdiri dari
tiga, yaitu present, past, dan future. Dengan pemahaman dasar Grammar
yang baik, seseorang akan mampu berbicara dan menulis
menggunakan bahasa Inggris yang dapat dimengerti.
Buku Basic Grammar ini menyajikan pedoman pembelajaran tata bahasa
yang mudah dipelajari untuk menguasai 16 tenses bahasa Inggris
dilengkapi dengan modal verb sebagai tambahan pemahaman bagi
kalangan mahasiswa dan umum. Banyak manfaat yang didapat setelah
membaca buku ini diantaranya adalah dapat menyusun kalimat bahasa
Inggris dengan tepat, mengasah kemampuan berfikir secara konseptual
mengenai struktur kata bahasa Inggris, melatih kemampuan menulis
dan menerjemahkan teks, dan menambah kosakata baru.
Di setiap Bab buku ini memuat penjelasan materi dalam bahasa
Indonesia sehingga lebih mudah dalam memahami aturan yang harus
digunakan dan konsep sederhana dari definisi materi yang dipelajari
dalam tata bahasa. Tidak hanya itu, buku ini juga dilengkapi dengan
latihan-latihan berupa esai dan pilihan ganda untuk mempertajam
pemahaman materi. Karena itu, sangat penting bagi kita untuk
mempelajari dan memahami dasar tata bahasa Inggris dengan baik dan
benar dalam kaidah Grammar.


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