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DOSEN PENGAMPU : Dra. Eva Betty Simanjuntak M.Pd

NAMA : Elsa Wahyuni Pulungan
NIM : 1183111087




Puji dan syukur senantiasa penulis ucapkan kehadirat Allah SWT atas rahmat dan
hidayahNya, akhirnya penulis dapat menyelesaikan tugas makalah yang berjudul
“CRITICAL BOOK REPORT” . Pada kesempatan ini penulis menyampaikan rasa terima
kasih kepada Ibu yang sudah memberikan bimbingannya. Makalah ini disusun memenuhi
tugas mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris serta untuk menambah wawasan serta pengetahuan
pembaca. Penulis sudah berupaya semaksimal mungkin dalam menyelesaikan makalah ini,
namun penulis menyadari makalah ini masih jauh dari kata sempurna. Oleh karena itu kritik
dan saran sangat penulis harapkan dari berbagai pihak.
Untuk menyempurnakan ini, penulis dengan senang hati akan menerima kritik dan
saran yang bersifat membangun dari berbagai pihak. Sehingga dikemudian hari penyusun
dapat menyempurnakan makalah ini dan penulis dapat belajar dari kesalahan-kesalahan.

Akhir nya penilis berharap semoga buku ini dapat bermanfaat khususnya bagi penulis
dan umumnya bagi semua pihak yang berkepentingan

Medan, November, 2019

Elsa Wahyuni Pulungan


Kata Pengantar .........................................................................................................i

Daftar Isi .................................................................................................................ii

Bab I ........................................................................................................................1

Pendahuluan BAB II ...............................................................................................1

A. Rasionalisasi pentingnya CBR.....................................................................4

B. Tujuan CBR.................................................................................................4
C. Manfaat CBR................................................................................................4
D. Identitas Buku..............................................................................................5

Bab II .........................................................................................................................

A. Rangkuman Buku ......... ............................................................................6

Bab III .......................................................................................................................

Kelebihan dan Kekurangan....................................................................................10

BAB IV......................................................................................................................


Saran ......................................................................................................................11

Daftar pustaka........................................................................................................12




Critical book report adalah laporan tentang evaluasi (penjelasan, interpretasi,

analisis) kita mengenai keunggulan dan kelemahan buku tersebut, apa yang menarik dari
buku tersebut, bagaimana isi buku tersebut bisa mempengaruhi cara berpikir kita dan
menambah pemahaman kita terhadap suatu bidang kajian tersebut. Tugas ini bertujuan
untuk mengembangkan budaya membaca, berpikir sistematis dan kitis, dan
mengekspresikan pendapat (Rosen, 2006:325).

Manusia dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya melakukan berbagai aktivitas yang

dapat digolongkan menjadi jenis – jenis pekerjaan. Jenis pekerjaan manusia pada umumnya
ada yang bersifat sederhana yang menuntut keterampilan tertentu tanpa harus mengikuti
proses pendidikan dan latihan dalam waktu yang lama, cukup dengan memiliki kekuatan otot
dan keterampilan tertentu dapat melakukan pekerjaan tertentu yang dapat memenuhi
kebutuhan sehari – hari. .

Profesi kependidikan terdiri dari dua ranah, yaitu profesi pendidik dan profesi tenaga
kependidikan. Pendidik dengan derajat profesionalitas tingkat tinggi sekalipun nyaris tidak
berdaya dalam bekerja, tanpa dukungan tenaga kependidikan. Sebaliknya, tenaga
kependidikan yang professional sekalipun tidak bisa berbuat apa – apa, tanpa dukungan guru
yang professional sebagai actor langsung di dalam dan luar kelas.

B. Tujuan
1. Mengetahui kelemahan dan kelebihan dari buku ini
2. Mengembangkan cara berpikir sistematis dan kritis dalam mengemukakan pendapat.
3. Mengembangkan budaya membaca

C. Manfaat
1. Dapat mengetahui kelemahan dan kelebihan isi buku
2. Mendapat informasi yang berguna bagi khalayak banyak




A Practical Reference Guide
Pengarang : Marcella Frank
ISBN : C 0-135940109
Kota terbit : New Jersey
Halaman : 414 halaman
Penerbit : PRENTICE HALL, INC., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
Pengarang : Dr. Muhammadyaumi, M.Hum., M.A
ISBN : 978.602-7985.45.2 420
Kota terbit : Jakarta
Halaman : 195 halaman
Penerbit : KENCANA


1. Ringkasan buku utama

BAB I Possesive Adjactive,Nouns, Verbs, Adverb, Subject Pronoun
The noun is the one of the most important parts of speech. Its arrangement with the
verb helps to for, the sentence core wich is esessential to every complete addition,
it may fuction as the chief or “head” word in many structures of modification.
1. Nouns (page 6)
 Proper noun begins with the capital later in writing.
 A concrete noun is a word for a physical object that can be perceived by the sense  - we
can see, touch, smell the object (flower, girl)
 A countable noun can usually be made plural by the additional of – s (one girl, two girls).
 A noncountable noun is not used in the plural.
 A collective noun is a word for a group of people, animal or objects, considered as a single
 Adjective form used as noun, these noun are often preceded by the.
 Adjective form used as noun may be in comparative noun, and also express the idea.
 Subjective complement used after linking verb  to refer back to the subject.
 Objective complement an object following the direct object that has the same identity as
the direct object.
 Object preposition complete the idea of time, direction, position, etc. began by a
  2. Pronouns ( Page . 20)

 Pronouns make up a small class of words of very high frequency.

 Personal pronouns refer to :
1.      The speaker, called the first person (singular I, Plural We)
2.      The person spoken to, called the second person – You
3.      The person of thing being spoken of, called the third person.
 Interrogative pronoun introduces direct or indirect questions.
 There are three interrogative pronoun, Who (for person), what (for thing), which (for
choice involving either person or thing)
 The most common demonstrative pronoun are THIS (plural these), that (plural those).
 Reflexive pronoun is combination of –self with one of the personal pronoun or with the
impersonal pronoun one.
 Reciprocal pronoun like the reflexive pronoun, the reciprocal pronoun has the same
identity as the subject.
 Indefinite pronoun such pronoun refers to indefinite (usually unknown) person or thing, or
indefinite quantities.
 All indicates the totally of items.
 Every gathers the separate item one by one into a whole.

 Each draws attention to individual item.
 Any used within a mass signifies indifference to component being referred to.
 The pronoun both is used only after the context has established the fact that two individual
persons or things are being referred to.
 Some is generally used with plural noun or with a noncountable noun
 Some used with a singular noun merely express indefiniteness in the same way as the
article a does.
 Another occur only with a singular noun, other is generally used in the plural unless it this
preceded by The, This, or a indefinite pronoun like some, any each,
 Pronouns have the same position as noun do. Pronoun subject appear before verb, pronoun
object appear after verb of after preposition
4.        Verbs ( Page . 47)
 The verb is the most complex part of speech
 A predicating verb is chief word in predicate that say something about the subject.
 A transitive verb takes a direct object (he is a reading book); an intransitive verb does not
required an object (he is walking in the park).
 A finite verb is a lexical verb with or without auxiliaries that acts as the full verb in the
 Non-finite (of infinite) verb are incomplete verb form that function as part of speech than
 The verbs function as the grammatical center for the prediction about the subject.
 The verb is used after subject, or before an object or complement.
 The grammatical form of verb is usually discussed in connection with tense.
 Imperative mood, for this mood the simple form of the verb is used for request, command,
or instruction.
 Such derivational forms consist chiefly of the suffixes –es, -ize, -fy, -ate, and the prefix
en- and –be.
 These alternatives for Yes – No Questions consist of two part. The first part makes a
statement; the second parts ask the questions that expect agreement with the statement.
 Verbs ( Page . 47)
 The verb is the most complex part of speech
 A predicating verb is chief word in predicate that say something about the subject.
 A transitive verb takes a direct object (he is a reading book); an intransitive verb does not
required an object (he is walking in the park).
 A finite verb is a lexical verb with or without auxiliaries that acts as the full verb in the
 Non-finite (of infinite) verb are incomplete verb form that function as part of speech than
 The verbs function as the grammatical center for the prediction about the subject.
 The verb is used after subject, or before an object or complement.
 The grammatical form of verb is usually discussed in connection with tense.
 Imperative mood, for this mood the simple form of the verb is used for request, command,
or instruction.

 Such derivational forms consist chiefly of the suffixes –es, -ize, -fy, -ate, and the prefix
en- and –be.
 These alternatives for Yes – No Questions consist of two part. The first part makes a
statement; the second parts ask the questions that expect agreement with the statement.
3. Adverbs ( Page . 141)
 The manner adverb has the  most characteristic adverbial from (an – ly ending added to a
descriptive adjective).
 Among the adverb of place and direction may be included some prepositional forms
appearing after the verb – He came in; they walked down.
 These adverb have a fixed boundary in time – yesterday, to day, tomorrow, most of these
word have noun form and some many the used in plural form – Saturdays, nights (he
works nights and sleeps days )
 In addition, a group of words may function as single time expressions  - last week, a
month ago, the day before yesterday.
 Adverb of degree denoting how much with respect to adjective  or adverb – very, too,
quite, somewhat, rather, extremely, exceedingly, fairy, more.
 Adverb of manner sometimes also express degree – she is breath takingly beautiful; he
works devilishly hard.
 Sentence adverbs can serve as single word answer to questions, especially if they exspress
affirmation (yes, certainly, surely, absolutely, precisely, undeniably), negatif (no),
possibility or probability (perhaps, maybe, possibly, probably).
 Conjunctive adverbs indicate sunc relationships as result (therefore, accordingly), addition
(moreover, besides), contrast (however, nevertheless), condition (otherwise), time (then),
groups of words may be used to establish the some kind of relationship
 where a famous poet once lived.
 Interrogative adverbs. a. In questions-when will he errive? b. In noun clouses derived from
quetions-i asked when be would arrive.
 This adverb is used with adjectives and adverbs. how beautifully she dressess ! how
beautiful she is!
 The boy threw the ball quickly. Or the boy quickly threw the ball.
 Adverbs of manner modify the verb most directly. Adverbs of place and time may also be
considered as modifying the verb, although some grammarians consider these as
modifying the entire sentence.
 Adverb as modifier
 Adverbs of degree can participate in several layers of modification – he drank far too
much coffee; he can finish this job ever so much more quickly than i can.
 When two or more types of adverbials appear in final position, they follow the order
of  place, manner, time after the complement.
 Commas used to set off adverbials are often optional; in many cases they are determined
by whether the writer
 Commas often occur after adverbials in initial position. The longer the adverbial
 The adverb has an inflectional form only for comparition.

 The so subtitute is used to avoid repeating a part of a predicate that appears with a
preceding verb.
 A high degree

BAB II To Be: Yes/No Question

Yes or no questions are questions whose expected answer is either "yes" or "no".
1. If the main verb of the sentence is To be¸ simply invert the subject and the verb:
- He is the headmaster of the school. -> Is he the headmaster of the school? Yes, he is./ No, he isn’t.
- They are American. -> Are they American? Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.
2. If the sentence includes a main verb and an auxiliary verb, invert the subject and the auxiliary verb.
- She can speak several languages. -> Can she speak several languages? Yes, she can./ No, she can’t.
- I have got two brothers. -> Have you got two brothers? Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t.
- You should eat healthier. -> Should you eat healthier? Yes, you should./ No, you shouldn’t.
- They are visiting Paris. -> Are they visiting Paris? Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.
- I was sleeping when you phoned me. -> Were you sleeping when I phoned you? Yes, I was./ No, I
2. Ringkasan Buku Pembanding
BAB I Possesive Adjactive,Nouns, Verbs, Adverb, Subject Pronoun
Subject Pronouns Subject pronouns are used when the pronoun is the subject of the
sentence. Singular Subject Pronouns I - I bought a new bike. You - You told me you would
be busy. He - James is intelligent and he is funny. She - She wears a uniform to school. It -
The dog is big but it is friendly. Plural Subject Pronouns We - We both love learning English.
You - Do you have any free time? They - They went to the park. Possessive Adjectives
Possessive adjectives are used before nouns. They are used to show possession or ownership
of something. Singular Possessive Adjectives My - This is my brother. Your - Where is your
homework? His - His car is parked outside. Her - Have you seen her new phone? Its - The
house has its own garage. Plural Possessive Adjectives Our - Jenna is our hardest working
employee. Your - How often do you wash your dog? Their - It was their decision to cancel
the meeting.
BAB II To Be: Yes/No Question

This question model is formed by using the auxiliary verb as a question, for example:
tobe (am, is, are), to do (do, do), to have (have, has, had), and capital auxiliaries ( shall, will,
(be) going, tp, can, must, should, would, might)


A. Kelebihan Buku Utama dan Pembanding

Pada buku utama yang berjudul MODERN ENGLISH A Practical Reference Guide
dan buku pembanding yang berjudul ENGLISH in REAL SITUATION, kedua buku ini
materi yang ada didalamnya sangat berkaitan dan dari segi cover buku utama lebih menarik
minat baca seseorang serta menambah semangat untuk membaca buku sebelum memulai
membacanya. Buku utama yang disajikan sesuai dengan persyaratan penulisan buku.
Pembahasan pada buku ini sangat menarik sebab materinya berkaitan. Pembahasan pada
buku didukung oleh teori. Sedangkan buku pembanding menurut saya setelah membaca ini
saya merasa penjelasan yang terdapat di dalamnya sangat efektif dan akurat. Buku ini juga
dipenuhi banyak gambar sehingga tidak bosan ketika membacanya, serta tulisan yang cukup
besar membuat saya lebih tertarik lagi ketika membacanya.

B. Kelemahan Buku Utama dan Pembanding

Pada buku utama ini kertas yang digunakan sangat mudah sobek sehingga mudah
cepat rusak buku tersebut. Ketepatan bahasa, ketepatan ejaan dan efektivitas penggunaan
kalimat pada buku tersebut masih sangat berantakan. Sedangkan pada buku pembanding
menurut saya, isi buku ini terlalu sedikit dan juga terdapat pula beberapa penjelasan yang
menurut saya kurang meluas sehingga terkadang hal itu membuat saya kurang mengerti
penjelasan yang ada.


A. Kesimpulan
Didalam mengkritik buku pelajaran ini banyak ditemukan kelebihan-kelebihan dan
kekurangan-kekurangan dari masing-masing buku. Baik itu dari cover depan buku, isi buku,
bahasa yang digunakan, contoh yang digunakan, struktur isi buku, dan lain-lain. buku ini juga
sudah sesuai dengan pembelajaran yang ditetapkan pemerintah hanya saja ada beberapa
materi yang kurang dijelaskan dari buku tersebut.

B. Saran
Diharapkan dengan mengkritik sebuah buku dapat dijadikan wahana untuk menuangkan
ide, merubah pikiran menjadi lebih kritis lagi. Menambah wawasan baru dan pengetahuan
baru pula. Jadi, sebaiknya kita sebagai calon pendidik harus banyak-banyak mengkritik
sebuah buku agar kelak dapat menjadi guru yang professional


Marcella Frank.MODERN ENGLISH, a practical reference guide. New Jersey: PRENTICE

HALL, INC., Englewood Cliffs

Dr. Muhammad yaumi, M.Hum., M.A. Drs. Syahid, M.ED,M English in real situation.
Jakarta, kencana


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