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Laila Zahara, S.Pd., Jenjang/

Nama SMA/ XI
M.Pd. kelas

Asal sekolah SMAN 3 Banda Aceh Bahasa Inggris

20 JP (8 pertemuan) siswa/ target

 Berkebhinekaan
Profil pelajar  Laptop/smartphone
 Bergotong-royong Sarana dan
sekolah yang  Jaringan internet
 Mandiri prasarana
berkaitan  Buku siswa
 Kreatif
 Buku guru
 Percaya diri
 Kritis
Kompetensi Memahami Isi Teks Model  tatap muka
awal Exposition pembelajaran 

Domain mata  Menyimak

Fase F  Berbicara
 Menulis

Setelah mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran

peserta didik dapat:

 Menganalisis informasi dari sebuah teks exposition dan

menyimpulkan informasi yang tersirat yang ada dalam
teks, berdasarkan pertanyaan yang diberikan secara
Tujuan pembelajaran
 Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial teks exposition.
 Mengidentifikasi struktur teks exposition.
 Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan yang diperlukan
untuk menyusun teks exposition.
 Menjelaskan tentang jenis-jenis teks exposition.
Pemahaman bermakna  Dalam berkomunikasi di masyarakat, peserta didik
harus mempunyai kemampuan untuk menyimpulkan
informasi yang diterima.
 Mampu memahami dan mengekspresikan Blood donor
dalam kehidupan sehari hari.
 Pernah tidak kalian melakukan donor darah?
Pertanyaan pemantik  Persiapan apa yang di lakukan untuk proses donor
darah ?
 Apa manfaat donor darah?
Pengaturan siswa Kelompok dan mandiri

Metode pembelajaran BKOF

Kegiatan pembelajaran Pendahuluan:

- Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan pemantik yang

- Peserta didik mendiskusikan jawaban dengan guru.


- Guru memberikan contoh gambar donor darah.

- Peserta didik mengamati dan menyimpulkan tentang
proses donor darah.
- Peserta didik dengan arahan guru membuat pertanyaan
yang eksplisit dan implisit.
- Peserta didik dengan guru mendiskusikan jawaban dari
informasi yang bersifat implisit.
- Peserta didik mendengar penjelasan tentang cara
menentukan kesimpulan dari informasi yang bersifat
- Peserta didik diminta untuk mengidentifikasi aspek apa
saja di dalam teks exposition.
- Peserta didik mendengarkan penjelasan tentang aspek
yang di gunakan dalam teks exposisi.
- Peserta didik di bagi dalam kelompok
- Guru memberikan teks yang berbeda setiap kelompok
- Secara berkelompok peserta didik diminta mengalisis
isi teks dan menjawab pertanyaan. Serta bertkar
informasi antar kelompok.


- Peserta didik menjelaskan dengan bahasa sendiri cara

membuat kesimpulan dari informasi yang bersifat
- Peserta didik melakukan presentasi
- Guru mengecek pemahaman peserta didik dengan
memeriksa hasil pekerjaan peserta didik.
 Asesmen Diagnostik : Tes tertulis
Asesmen  Asesmen Formatif : Observasi
 Asesmen Sumatif : Presentasi
Pengayaan dan Peserta didik yang membutuhkan bimbingan mempelajari
remedial bahan ajar tambahan terkait materi yang sedang dipelajari.

 LKPD (Lampiran 1)
Lampiran  Bahan bacaan guru dan peserta didik (Lampiran 1)
 Glosarium (Lampiran 2)
 Daftar Pustaka (Lampiran 3)


Exposition text
Definition of Analytical Exposition Text: is a type of the text that is intended to
persuade the listeners or readers that is something in the case and follow what the writer

Definition of Hortatory Exposition Text: is a type of the text that has a propensity to give
recommendation to the reader.

Generic Structures of Exposition Text

- Thesis
- Arguments
- Reiteration / recomendation

The Characteristics / Language Feature of exposition Text

- Using simple present; we use the simple present

- Using the words represents the writer’s feeling ( feel, know, realize, sense, think)
- Using connective words
- Subjunctive ( suggest, insist, ask, propose, recommend, request, and advice)

problems subjunctive

Subject + subjuctive + that + S + V1 +

O/ comp

Dania cant speak English well I suggest that she take private course

My friend gets stroke My mother insists that he not drink

coffee too much

I do not meet my cousins My aunt propose that I come another


The staffs create new recipe for pizza The boss recommend that they use the
old recipe

Subject + subjunctive+ that +S+ not+

verb 1+ O/comp

My brother drinks coffee too much My mother insists that he not drink
coffee too much

The children are so naughty The teacher insist that they not break the

You are overweight The trainer suggests that I take more



Do /Does+ S + subjunctive+ that +S+

Verb 1

I have trouble with math Do you recommend that I take social


she watches the horror movie Does she suggest that You join with her?

Yes, she does

No she doesn’t

Tobe (is, am, are, was were)


Im headache, cant go out from the bed Im recommending you take an aspirin

she prefers staying at home Her friends are insisting that she go
sight seeing.

My father broke his hands I was suggesting that he go to the hospital

Diana wanted to be a chef We were asking that she take a cooking


Andrea gets diabetes The doctor is asking that she consume

brown rice

Language features

- Using conjuction ( because of, therefore, so, …)

- Cause and ffect
- Simple present tense
- subjunctive

Written task ( Paraphrasing)

. What is Blood

Blood is essential to life. Blood circulates through

our body and delivers essential substances like
oxygen and nutrients to the body’s cells. It also
transports metabolic waste products away from
those same cells. There is no substitute for blood. It
cannot be made or manufactured. Generous blood
donors are the only source of blood for patients in
need of a blood transfusion.

Blood Components
There are four basic components that comprise
human blood: plasma, red blood cells, white blood
cells and platelets.
Red Blood Cells
Red blood cells represent 40%-45% of your blood
volume. They are generated from your bone marrow
at a rate of four to five billion per hour. They have a
lifecycle of about 120 days in the body.
Platelets are an amazing part of your blood. Platelets
are the smallest of our blood cells and literally look
like small plates in their non-active form. Platelets
control bleeding. Wherever a wound occurs, the
blood vessel will send out a signal. Platelets receive
that signal and travel to the area and transform into
their “active” formation, growing long tentacles to
make contact with the vessel and form clusters to
plug the wound until it heals.
Plasma is the liquid portion of your blood. Plasma is
yellowish in color and is made up mostly of water,
but it also contains proteins, sugars, hormones and
salts. It transports water and nutrients to your body’s
White Blood Cells
Although white blood cells (leukocytes) only account
for about 1% of your blood, they are very important.
White blood cells are essential for good health and
protection against illness and disease. Like red blood
cells, they are constantly being generated from your
bone marrow. They flow through the bloodstream
and attack foreign bodies, like viruses and bacteria.
They can even leave the bloodstream to extend the
fight into tissue.

Task 1
1. Please find the topic sentence of each paragraph!
2. How important is blood for our body?
3. What happens if we have less white blood in the body?
4. Make a summary about the reading passage above!
5. Arrange the sentence from the difficult words you find on the text according to
analytical exposition generic structure.

Lampiran 2
(Spoken task)
Why Blood Is Needed
The reason to donate is simple…it helps save lives.
In fact, every two seconds of every day, someone
needs blood. Since blood cannot be manufactured
outside the body and has a limited shelf life, the
supply must constantly be replenished by generous
blood donors.

Blood donors play a vital role in the healthcare of

patients in your community. 37% of the population is
eligible to donate blood, yet only 5% actually do.
With every blood donation, you are providing
strength, hope and courage to patients and their
families in your local hospitals. View more reasons
to donate here
Why Blood Is Needed
There are many reasons patients need blood. A
common misunderstanding about blood usage is that
accident victims are the patients who use the most
blood. Actually, people needing the most blood
include those:

 Being treated for cancer

 Undergoing orthopedic surgeries
 Undergoing cardiovascular surgeries
 Being treated for inherited blood disorders

In fact, according to a 2011 survey by the

Department of Health and Human Services, here is
the actual breakdown of how blood is used in the
Task 2

1. Create a dialogue about blood donor( Use hortatory exposition)

2. Please, analyse the diagram above ( platelet usage)

Lampiran 3 (written task)

Picture of Blood

Blood is a constantly circulating fluid providing the

body with nutrition, oxygen, and waste removal.
Blood is mostly liquid, with numerous cells and
proteins suspended in it, making blood "thicker" than
pure water. The average person has about 5 liters
(more than a gallon) of blood.
A liquid called plasma makes up about half of the
content of blood. Plasma contains proteins that help
blood to clot, transport substances through the blood,
and perform other functions. Blood plasma also
contains glucose and other dissolved nutrients.

About half of blood volume is composed of blood


• Red blood cells, which carry oxygen to the tissues

• White blood cells, which fight infections
• Platelets, smaller cells that help blood to clot
Blood is conducted through blood vessels (arteries
and veins). Blood is prevented from clotting in the
blood vessels by their smoothness, and the finely
tuned balance of clotting factors.
Blood Conditions

 Hemorrhage (bleeding): Blood leaking out of

blood vessels may be obvious, as from a wound
penetrating the skin. Internal bleeding (such as
into the intestines, or after a car accident) may
not be immediately apparent.
 Hematoma: A collection of blood inside the body
tissues. Internal bleeding often causes a
 Leukemia: A form of blood cancer, in which
white blood cells multiply abnormally and
circulate through the blood. The abnormal white
blood cells make getting sick from infections
easier than normal.
 Multiple myeloma: A form of blood cancer of
plasma cells similar to leukemia. Anemia, kidney
failure and high blood calcium levels are
common in multiple myeloma.
 Lymphoma: A form of blood cancer, in which
white blood cells multiply abnormally inside
lymph nodes and other tissues. The enlarging
tissues, and disruption of blood's functions, can
eventually cause organ failure.
 Anemia: An abnormally low number of red blood
cells in the blood. Fatigue and breathlessness
can result, although anemia often causes no
noticeable symptoms.

 Hemoclitic Anemia caused by rapid bursting of

large numbers of red blood cells (hemolysis). An
immune system malfunction is one cause.
 Hemochromatosis: A disorder causing excessive
levels of iron in the blood. The iron deposits in
the liver, pancreas and other organs, causing
liver problems and diabetes.
 Sickle cell disease: A genetic condition in which
red blood cells periodically lose their proper
shape (appearing like sickles, rather than discs).
The deformed blood cells deposit in tissues,
causing pain and organ damage.


1. Write an analytical exposition about Bloodcondition

2. Find the topic sentence of each paragraph.

3. Underline the words that is new for you.

Lampiran 4 ( Spoken Activity)

Conversation 1

A: Have you been having any problems lately?

B: No, but the nurse at school says that I should have my blood pressure

A: Do you have a history of high blood pressure?

B: No, I have never been told that I have high blood pressure.

A: High blood pressure is called the silent killer because it hardly ever has
How do you check for high blood pressure?

A: We are going to use this cuff here, and it will give me a reading.
B: What do the numbers mean?

A: They tell me how much your heart is working at rest and when pumping

Conversation 2

A: How have you been feeling lately?

B: I've been feeling a little light-headed lately.

A: Has your blood pressure been high before?

B: If I have high blood pressure, it is news to me.

A: Usually people with high blood pressure have no symptoms, so we call it

the silent killer.

B: What do you use to check for high blood pressure?

I am going to put a cuff on you to get a reading.

B: What does the reading tell you?

A: I get an idea of the pressure in your arteries when your heart is pumping
blood versus at rest.

B: I hope that the test results show me to be really healthy

Task 4

1. Practice the conversation above with your partners.

2. find the main idea of the 2 conversations .
3. create a dialogue about hypertension.


Sekolah : SMA NEGERI 3 Banda Aceh
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Semester : I (Ganjil)
Alokasi Waktu : 5 X 45 menit
Pertemuan Ke- : 7
Topik Pembicaraan : Blood (Exposition Text)
Alat/Media/Sumber Pembelajaran :

- Alat : Lembar kerja

- Media : picture, internet, reading text
- Sumber Pembelajaran :
 Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA/SMK/MAK kelas XI, Jakarta: Kementrian
Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Republik Indonesia, 2016.
 Authentic text
 Simple Present, National Geographic Learning.


 Kelas/ Jurusan :
 Kelompok :
 Ketua Kelompok :
 Anggota Kelompok :

 1. ...............................
 2. ...............................
 3. ...............................
Activity 1
subjuctive .
Give the response to the problems below by using subjunctive

1. Im always dizzy when I wake up in the morning.

2. What should you do If you have high blood pressure.
3. I want to donor my blood.
4. My sister looks pale, she is energicless.
5. what vitamins be good for our blood

Write the order of blood donor, give your recommendation on the last

1. I insist you sleep early so you don’t get dizzy in the morning
2. You should reduce sugar and salt consumption, this will hopefully
decrease your blood pressure
3. Surely you can, but you have to meet these conditions, you must be
healthy, and your blood type must be compatible
Activity 2




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