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Identitas Sekolah SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja
Tahun Penyusunan 2022
Durasi 1 kali pertemuan ( 3 x 45 menit )
Fase F
Capaian Pembelajaran Di akhir fase F, peserta didik menggunakan teks lisan,
tulisan dan visual dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk
berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan
pemirsa/pembacanya, berbagai jenis teks seperti Handling
Telephone (making a telephone and taking message) .
Kompetensi Awal 1. Peserta didik mampu memiliki kompetensi berfikir logis
dan kritis.
2. Peserta didik yang bernalar kritis mampu memproses
informasi secara objektif, membangun keterkaitan
berbagai informasi, menganalisis informasi, mengevaluasi
dan menyimpulkannya.
Profil Pelajar 1. Beriman dan bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa
Pancasila melalui kegiatan berdoa diawal dan diakhir pembelajaran.
2. Bernalar kritis melalui kegiatan mendengarkan dan
memperhatikan video dan powerpoint tentang Handling
Telephone ( making a telephone and taking message ).
3. Mandiri melalui kegiatan menjawab beberapa pertanyaan
yang ditanyakan oleh Guru dan membaca dialog
percakapan tentang Handling Telephone ( making a
telephone and taking message ).
4. Kreatif melalui kegiatan mengerjakan latihan soal
bersama teman kelompoknya dan mengerjakan LKS
secara perorangan kemudian mengumpulkannya.

Sarana dan Prasarana - Media Pembelajaran:

Laptop/Handphone, PPT, Alat tulis, Koneksi internet,
lembar kerja dan video tentang Handling Telephone
( making a telephone and taking message ) dari youtube.
Target Peserta Didik
Peserta didik regular dan Peserta didik dengan gaya belajar
yang berbeda
Model Pembelajaran Discovery Learning
yang Digunakan


I. Elemen Menyimak
Peserta didik menyimak dan mendengarkan sebuah video dialog percakapan tentang
Handling Telephone ( making a telephone and taking message ) untuk dapat mengetahui
ugkapan-ungkapan Handling Telephone ( making a telephone and taking message ).


a. Peserta didik dapat mengetahui proses dan struktur kalimat tentang Handling Telephone
( making a telephone and taking message)
b. Peserta didik dapat memahami ungkapan dalam Handling Telephone
( making a telephone and taking message)
c. Peserta didik mampu menggunakan bahasa yang sopan dan santun saat Handling
Telephone ( making a telephone and taking message). ( improve speaking skill )
d. Peserta didik dapat menggunakan expresi dalam Handling Telephone ( making a
telephone and taking message)

- Kalimat yang santun saat menerima telepon masuk dapat digunakan dalam kehidupan
sehari-hari, seperti saat bekerja atau kegiatan menerima telepon lainya dan juga mampu
menyampaikan pesan yang diberikan lewat telepon dengan baik dan benar.


1. What do you say when you call your friend by telephone?

2. What do you say when you want to take message by telephone?


a. Kegiatan Awal ( 10 menit )

1. Guru menyampaikan salam dan mengajak peserta didik untuk berdoa bersama.
2. Mengkondisikan suasana belajar yang menyenangkan dengan meminta siswa
memperhatikan lingkungan tempat belajar.
3. Guru mengecek kehadiran siswa dan menanyakan kondisi siswa (fisik/psikis).
4. Guru meminta siswa untuk mengumpulkan handphone nya di meja paling depan.
5. Mengingatkan materi sebelumnya.
b. Kegiatan Inti ( 100 menit)
1. Guru meminta siswa untuk membuat group, yang masing-masing siswa
beranggotakan 6 siswa. Kemudian Guru memberikan pertanyaan pemantik
kepada siswa ( 5 menit )
1. What do you say when you call your friend by telephone?
2. What do you say when you want to take message by telephone?
2. Memutarkan video tentang dialog percakapan Handling Telephone. ( 15 menit )
3. Memberikan tugas untuk siswa berdiskusi bersama groupnya untuk menyusun
kalimat yang sudah diacak oleh guru ( arrange the sentences ) sesuai dengan
susunan dialog percakapan yang telah diputarkan. Kemudian membahasnya
bersama. ( 20 menit )
4. Menjelaskan materi ungkapan-ungkapan Handling Telephone dari powerpoint
yang ditayangkan. ( 15 menit )
5. Meminta siswa menjawab LKPD yang diberikan Guru. ( 45 menit )

c. Kegiatan Penutup ( 10 menit )

1. Guru menyimpulkan materi tentang Handling Telephone ( making a telephone
and taking message) yang sudah dijelaskan sebelumnya.
2. Guru menyampaikan kegiatan pembelajaran yang akan dilakukan pada pertemuan
3. Meminta peserta didik memimpin doa penutup.


(Lihat lampiran LKPD)

Rubrik Penilaian untuk asesmen formatif

Nama Peserta Didik:

Nomor Absen:
Aspek yang dinilai Skor Kriteria Perolehan
KETEPATAN 20 Siswa mampu menjawab minimal 3 pertanyaan
MENJAWAB yang diberikan dalam diskusi dengan tepat
PERTANYAAN 15 Siswa mampu menjawab 2 pertanyaan dengan
10 Siswa mampu menjawab 1 pertanyaan dengan
5 Siswa tidak menjawab pertanyaan
KEAKTIFAN DALAM 20 Siswa sangat aktif terlibat dalam diskusi
KEGIATAN DISKUSI kelompok kecil
15 Siswa aktif terlibat dalam diskusi kelompok
10 Siswa cukup aktif terlibat dalam diskusi
kelompok kecil
5 Siswa kurang aktif terlibat dalam diskusi
kelompok kecil
KEMAMPUAN 20 Siswa mampu menyampaikan pendapat dengan
MENYAMPAIKAN sangat baik dan tepat
PENDAPAT 15 Siswa mampu menyampaikan pendapat dengan
10 Siswa mampu menyampaikan pendapat dengan
cukup baik
5 Siswa kurang mampu dalam menyampaikan
KEMAMPUAN 20 Tempo bicara tepat, bahasa mudah dipahami,
MEMPRESENTASIKAN dan intonasi tepat
15 Tempo bicara tepat, bahasa mudah dipahami,
dan intonasi kurang tepat
10 Tempo bicara terlalu tepat atau lambat, bahasa
mudah dipahami, dan intonasi kurang tepat
5 Tempo terlalu cepat atau lambat, bahasa susah
dipahami, dan intonasi kurang tepat
KETERAMPILAN 20 Siswa mampu membuat simpulan yang sesuai
MEMBUAT SIMPULAN dengan tujuan pembelajaran dengan
redaksional yang tepat.
15 Siswa mampu membuat simpulan yang sesuai
dengan tujuan pembelajaran
10 Siswa membuat simpulan yang belum sesuai
dengan tujuan pembelajaran
5 Siswa tidak mampu membuat simpulan.


Reseptionist : Good Morning, Victory Corporation. Can I help you?

Caller : Morning. Could I speak to Mrs Kent, please?

Reseptionist : Who is speaking, please?

Caller : This is Harry Smith from ABC Company.

Reseptionist : Would you mind holding the phone for a moment, please?

Caller : Alright.

Reseptionist : I’m sorry. Mrs Kent is having a meeting now. Would you like to leave a message?
Caller : Yes. Please ask her to call me back after the meeting.

Reseptionist : Allright, Sir. Can I have your phone number, please?

Caller : Certainly. It 6 4 6 9 7 5 0 3 0 7.

Reaseptionist : That’s 6 4 6 9 7 5 0 3 0 7. Anything else Sir?

Caller : No thankyou.

Reseptionist : Okay Sir. I will give her your message.

Caller : Thankyou. Bye.

Reseptionist : You’re welcome. Bye.

1. Apakah ada kendala pada kegiatan pembelajaran?
2. Apakah semua peserta didik aktif dalam kegiatan pembelajaran?
3. Apa saja kesulitan peserta didik yang dapat diidentifikasi pada kegiatan pembelajaran?
4. Apakah peserta didik yang memiliki kesulitan ketika berkegiatan dapat teratasi dengan
5. Apa level pencapaian rata-rata peserta didik dalam kegiatan pembelajaran ini?
6. Apakah seluruh peserta didik dapat dianggap tuntas dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran?
7. Apa strategi agar seluruh peserta didik dapat menuntaskan kompetensi?

Mengetahui, Singaraja, 26 Oktober 2022

Kepala SMK Negeri 3 Singaraja, Guru Mata Pelajaran,

Dr. I Ketut Bawa, S.Pd., M.Pd. Dra. Fariah Sutedjo, M.Pd.

Pembina Utama Muda NIP. 19650413 199203 2 010
NIP. 19730305 199802 1 003

Useful Expressions in Handling Telephone

Starting a call (caller) (Memulai panggilan (penelepon))

 Hello / good morning / good afternoon.
 May I speak to ...(someone)..., please?
 Could I speak to ...(someone)..., please?
 I'd like to speak to ...(someone)....

Receiving a call (Menerima panggilan)

 Hello / good morning / good afternoon.
 Good morning, ...(your institution)....
 Hello. John speaking
 Hello. PT. Abadi Jaya office speaking
 Yes, can I help you?
 Oh, hi! It's been a long time. How are you?

Telling identity (Menceritakan identitas)

 This is ...(your name)... speaking.
 ...(your name)... speaking.
 I'm calling on behalf of ...(company)....
 ...(someone)... told me to contact you.

Asking identity (Menanyakan identitas)

 Who's calling, please?
 Who's speaking?
 May I have your name?
 Who am I speaking to?
 Is that ...(someone)...?
 Can I ask who’s calling?

Asking to wait (Meminta untuk menunggu)

 Hold the line, please.
 Could you hold on?
 Just a moment, please.
 Please wait a minute.

Connecting (Menghubungkan)
 The line is free now. I'll put you through.
 Thank you for holding.

Giving information (memberikan informasi)

 I'm sorry. He/she is not available at the moment.
 I'm afraid the line is engaged. Could you call back later?
 I'm afraid he's still in a meeting.
 I'm sorry. He's out of the office today.
 I'm sorry. There's nobody here by that name.
 Sorry. I think you have dialed the wrong number.

Leaving a message (Meninggalkan pesan)

 I'd like to leave a message.
 Please tell him that I will meet him next week.
 Please tell him that I called.
 That's alright. I'll call back later.
 Yes. Please tell him to contact me.
Taking a message (Mengambil pesan)
 Would you like to leave a message?
 Do you have a message?
 May I take a message?
 May I have your number?
 Let me repeat your message. ...(repeat the message and confirm the details, e.g. place, time,
telephone number, etc.)

Asking to repeat (Meminta untuk mengulang)

 I'm sorry. Could you speak up, please?
 Could you repeat that, please?
 I'm afraid I can't hear you.
 I'm sorry. I didn't catch that. Come again?
 I beg your pardon. The line is very bad.

Closing a call (Menutup panggilan)

 Thank you. Bye
 Thanks for your information.
 Thank you for the time.

I. Choose the correct number A,B, C, or D for each number

1. Caller : Hello. ... ?
Nita : I'm sorry, he is out. Could you call back at four?
Caller : All right. Thank you.
a. Could you speak to Mr. Aziz, please
b. Can I take a message from you
c. Could I speak to Mr. Aziz, please
d. Would you like to call him again
2. Raihana : …
Mrs. Anni : I’m afraid you have the wrong number, Miss
a. Hello, is this Mrs. Ita’s house?
b. Excuse me. Where is Mrs. Kim?
c. Hello, who’s speaking, please?
d. Could you tell me where your wife is?
3. Telephone Message
For : Mr. Graham
Date : 10/6/2000 Time: 12.00
From : Ms. Kim Beverly
Departure of Agriculture
Phone : 555-7501
Message : Please ring him. Urgent. Tell him If I have received his facsimile.
Taken by : Anita
Based on the telephone message form, who's the message for? It's for ...
a. Ms. Kim Beverly
b. Mr. Graham
c. Anita
d. Urgent
4. Andi : I will go to Ari's house. Will you accompany me?
Anjas : Oh, I'm sorry I can't. I've already had an appointment.
Mira : What has Andi told you, Anjas?
Anjas : …
a. Anjas has told me that he will go to Ari's house
b. Andi has told me that he will go to Ari's house
c. Andi told Mira that he would go to Ari's house
d. I told him that he refused to go to Ari's house
5. Reservation clerk : Elang Persada Airlines, good morning. May I help you?
Arya Pamungkas : Yes, Tuesday afternoon?
Reservation clerk : One moment, please…. Yes, there's a flight at 4:45 p.m. and one at
a. do you have any flights to Pontianak
b. I'd like to reserve a room
c. Could you tell me how much a return fl ight costs
d. You had reserved double rooms
6. Operator :Pemalang Hotel. Can I help you?
Chandra : Good morning, . . .
Operator : I’m sorry he’s out now. May I have your name, please?
Chandra : This is Chandra.
a. I want to see Mr.Andi.
b. Can I help you Mr.Andi?
c. I would like to meet Mr.Andi, please
d. Could you put me through to Mr.Andi, please?

This text is for questions 7 to 10

What if you want to talk right now to a friend who lives far away? The answer is simple.
You pick up your telephone and press some buttons. Next, you hear a ringing sound—one, two,
three rings. Then you hear your friend’s voice say, Hello.” Making a phone call seems so easy.
But did you ever think about what makes it possible?
When you talk on the phone, your voice is changed into an electric signal that
can travel through wires. A plastic disk in the mouthpiece vibrates when you speak. The
vibration makes a pattern in an electric field between the plastic disk and a metal disk. The
pattern is sent through wires as an electric signal. Just as a telephone can turn a voice into an
electric signal, it can also change an electric signal back into a voice.
When the signals pass through magnets in the earpiece, the magnets vibrate a
disk thatreproduces the speaker’s voice. When you make a local call, the call travels over wires
from your house to the telephone company’s routing station. From there, a computer
automatically sends the call to the number you dialed.
Did you know you can call someone on the other side of the world? The call might even
besent into space! Satellites orbiting high above Earth connect calls between distant countries.
Some international calls travel along cables under the sea. Cell phones work by sending a radio
signal through the air to a cell tower. The tower sends the signal to the cell phone company,
which relays it to another cell phone or through the telephone company to a wired phone.

7. What does paragraph 2 talk about?

a. How the cell phone company relays the radio signal.
b. How the voice changes into an electric signal.
c. How you make a call to your friend.
d. How the satellite connects calls.
8. What changes an electric signal back into a voice?
a. A wire.
b. A plastic disc.
c. A telephone.
d. A mouthpiece.
9. How does an electric signal travel?
a. It travels through wires.
b. It travels through the air.
c. It travels through a radio.
d. It travels through the sea.
10. What does “it” in paragraph 4 line 5 refer to?
a. The satellite.
b. The cell phone.
c. The wired phone.
d. The radio signal
11. Caller : ........... May I speak to Mr. Judy?
Receptionist : I’m sorry Mr. Judy has just left his officeten minutes ago.
a. Hi everyone.
b. Hello, My name is Pizky
c. Hello, Judy’s company
d. Hello, Who’s speaking
12. Receptionist :.......
Caller : I would like to speak to the sales manager please.
a. Hello, Who’s calling?
b. Hello, my name is Eva.
c. Hello, can I help you?
d. Hello, may I talk to sales manager please.
13. Connie : Good morning, I’m Connie.
Sarah : Good morning...................
Connie : I would like to speak to Mss. kanti please.
a. Hello, this is Fancy Cafe.
b. Fancy Cafe, how may I direct your call?
c. Thanks for calling Fancy Cafe.
d. My name is Sarah. I will deliver your message.
14. Tino : Hello, am I calling Blaire Cake n’Bread?
Waiter: Hello, yes this is Balire Cake n’Bread................
Tino : Yes, I’m Tino. would like to check my birthday cake order.The order number is
283. Is the cakeready?
Waiter: Yes Sir. your cake is ready.
a. What can I do for you?
b. My name is John.
c. Would you like to order a cake?
d. Who is speaking?
15. Caller : Hello this is Neezar ............. could i speak Mrs. Dessy please?
Receptionist: Sure.
a. I’m from Dimensi Bahasa Inggris
b. May I leave a message.
c. Who am I talking with.
d. Hello my name is Daniel
16. Manda : Hello, good afternoon.
Ferdinand: Helllo, good afternoon. Golden bay hotel............. How may I help you?
a. Who am I talking with?
b. Can I have your name please
c. My name is Ferdinand
d. This is ferry
17. Caller : Hello I’m Karen from Lotty the Italian restaurant……………….
Call receiver: I’m so sorry that extension is busy at this moment.
a. May I speak to that extension?
b. Could you connect me to the extension 24?
c. Do you know the extension 24?
d. I’ll connect you to extension 24.
18. Caller : Hello, my name is Dary
Receptionist: Hello. ....... Can I help you?
a. Who is speaking?
b. I am your receptionist.
c. Thanks for calling DBI corporation.
d. DBI corporation.
19. Ferry : Hello. ......I’m calling from Tech n’ Lifestyle
Magazine.Leanna: Hello, Tokichi computer. What can I do foryou Sir?
a. Can I speak to Mr. Tokichi
b. Hello, I am Leanna
c. this is Leanna
d. this is Ferry
20. Tiara : Hello, Ericsson telecommunication. Can i help you?
Pino : I would like to speak to Mr. Ericsson please.
Tiara : ..... You'll be speaking withhim in a sec.
Pino : Thank you.
a. Just a moment please.
b. I'm sorry he is busy at this moment.
c. Can you call back in five minutes.
d. Thank you for your call

Kunci Jawaban :
1. C 11. C
2. A 12. C
3. B 13. A
4. B 14. A
5. B 15. A
6. D 16. C
7. B 17. B
8. A 18. B
9. D 19. D
10. D 20. A

II. Fill the blank with the correct answer !!

Phone Recording : Hello and thank you for calling computer (1) ____________.
Caller : Uh, yes, I have (2) ________ . . .
Phone Recording : Your call is (3) ______ to us, and we will answer (4) ________ in the order that
it was received. You are number 47 in the queue. Your approximate waiting time
is 47 minutes.
Technical support : Jason, (5) ______. How can I help you?
Caller : Oh, I’m (6) _____. I thought I was going to have to wait all day.
Technical support : Okay, what’s the problem?
Caller : Yeah, well, I (7) _____ one of your laptop computers about three weeks ago, but
it just isn’t running right.
Technical support : Okay, well, sorry to say, but your computer is no (8) _____ under warranty.
[What?!] It ran out yesterday.
Caller : What? A three-week warranty? [Yeah, great isn’t it.]. Ah!!!
Technical support : Okay, okay, what (9) ____ to be the problem?
Caller : Well, first of all, the thing always (10) ______ [Yeah.] and
has crashed a zillion times . . . [Always.]
Technical support : Uh, sir . . .
Caller : . . . and I think the computer’s infected with spyware and the big banana trojan
virus . . . [That’s normal.] That’s my (11) ______ . . . that’s normal? . . . That’s
my biggest concern.
Technical support : Oh, oh, uh, sir . . .
Caller : . . . and plus there was a ton of preinstalled, third-party (12) _____ that
just clutter the computer, and I’m at wit’s end trying to get this thing to work.
Technical support : Sir. I have to put you (13) _________.
Caller : What?
Technical support : It’s going to take us a minute or so to diagnose the problem. [Huh?!] I’m going
to (14) _______ you to our ONE technician.
Caller : One . . . one!? But . . .
Phone Recording : Thank you for waiting. Your call is important to us. You are number 84 in the
queue. Your approximate (15) ______ time is 2 hours, 17 minutes or whenever
we get around to answering your call.
[ End of call and continuation of computer advertisement . . . ]

Caller and Narrator : Does this experience sound familiar? Then, do what I did. If your computer is
holding you hostage and you can’t get the service you deserve, then call Turbo
Command, creators of the safest and most reliable computer and operating system
on the planet.
Listen, while the competition is spending all of their time trying to imitate our
computer’s performance and features, our company is innovating the computer
industry. So, why buy a computer that hiccups every time you turn it on when you
can be the owner of the sleekest and friendliest machine ever.
Call us today or visit our Website for more information, and let us introduce you
to the ultimate computer experience.
1. Technical support 9. Seems
2. A problem 10. Freezes
3. Important 11. Biggest
4. Your call 12. Programs
5. Speaking 13. On hold
6. Saved 14. Transfer
7. Bought 15. Waiting
8. Longer

1. Handling Telephone is the handling of communications carried out using the telephone, by
every employee, especially those who work as secretaries.
2. A secretary must be able to receive/make phone calls well, both in terms of attitude/ethics and
the language used.
C. Daftar Pustaka

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