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Didik P
Elizabeth A
Shinta Chandra
● Human Resources Management In Action
● Employee Training
● Characteristics of Effective Training Practice
● Assessing Training Needs and Designing
Training Programs
● Principles That Enhance Learning
● Evaluating Training Programs
● Add Considerations in Measuring the Outcomes
of Training
● New Employee Orientation: The On-Boarding
● Planning, Packaging and Evaluating an On-
Boarding Program
● Lesson Learned
● HRM in Action: Conclusion
● Summary
Outline 1
Human Resources Management
Employee Training
In Action
• Technology-Delivered Instruction • What is Training?
(TDI) Catches On • Training Trends
• Impact of Training on
and Society

What determines Effective

Training? Assessing
Characteristics of Effective
Training Needs and
Training Practice
Designing Training
• The training paradox • Assesing Training Needs
• How training relates to
competitive strategies
Human Resources Management In Action
Technology-Delivered Instruction (TDI)
• Waktu lebih flexible, karyawan
• cepat mengikuti
perkembangan • Kurangnya interaksi
• terbaru • Aspek sosial terabaikan
• Tidak butuh bentuk kelas
• Peningkatan budaya belajar
• Lebih dinamis
• Biaya training tereduksi


Training terdiri dari program yang direncanakan/dirancang untuk
meningkatkan kinerja pada individu, kelompok dan/atau
organisasi.Meningkatkan kinerja pada gilirannya menyiratkan ada
perubahan yang terukur dalam pengetahuan,ketrampilan,sikap dan
atau tingkah laku sosial.

Makro level: program oleh berbagai penyedia pelatihan,biaya untuk

menyelenggarakan pelatihan,siapa peserta pelatihannya, dampak
ekonomi dari pelatihan

Mikro level : jenis pelatihan apa yang memberikan dampak positif

untuk organisasi dan peserta pelatihan,struktur penyampaian program
pelatihan, evaluasi pelatihan
● Permintaan pengembangan personal dan profesional
● Efek teknologi pada pekerjaan
● Perubahan struktural
● Mempersiapkan kompetensi saat ini dan next job
● Training as an important aspect 's brand
● Teams
1. Meta-analysyses (hasil kuantitatif dari penelitian)bahwa pelatihan
memiliki efek positif secara keseluruhan pada perilaku atau kinerja
terkait pekerjaannya
2. Training can improve technical skills
3. Training can improve strategic knowledge
4. Membantu konsistensi dalam bekerja
5. Management development program memberikan efek positif
6. Cross-cultural training meningkatkan penyesuaian pekerja asing
7. Leadership training meningkatkan sikap dan kinerja karyawan
8. Training in team communication dan team effectiveness memberikan
dampak positif pada kinerja tim
9. Pada level organisasi training adalah penggerak utama e-commerce
10.Pada level sosial masyarakat training meningkatkan kualitas angkatan
● Komitmen dari manajemen puncak terhadap pelatihan dan
● Training harus dikaitkan dengan Strategi dan Tujuan Bisnis serta
Hasil bisnis
● Lingkungan organisasi kaya umpan balik
● Komitmen untuk berinvestasi pada sumberdaya yang diperlukan

Training Paradox: Meningkatkan kemampuan karyawan secara

bersamaan akan meningkatkan rasa aman dalam bekerja dan keinginan
karyawan untuk tetap tinggal dlm perusahaan

Training adalah aspek penting dari Strategi MSDM dan tujuan utama
dari membuat pelatihan di tempat kerja adalah program training yang
in-light dengan Strategi bisnis.

Develope criteria
Assess instructional
Pretest trainees

Select training Monitor training

Derive Objectives media and learning
Evaluate training

Evaluate transfer
Evaluate transfer


Model umum sistem pelatihan dan pengembangan


Ada empat level analisis untuk menentukan kebutuhan

training yang dapat dipenuhi:
 Organization Analysis, melihat kebutuhan strategis
 Demographic Analysis, melihat kebutuhan dari pekerja
lebih tua, wanita,
atau lainnya, mereka terkadang membutuhkn pelatihan
yang berbeda.
 Operations Analysis, melihat dari kompetensi dalam
pekerjaan (opersional)
 Individual Analysis, fokus kepada kebutuhan
perindividu yg dinilai membutuhkan pelatihan atau
Outline 2
Principles That Enhance Learning Evaluating Training Programs

• Motivating the trainee: Goal Setting • Evaluate training:

• Behaviour Modeling • systematically document the outcomes of
• Meaningfulness of the Material the training how trainees behave back on
• Practice(Makes Perfect) their jobs and the relevance of the
• Feedback behavior to the objectives of the
• Transfer of training
• Asses the value of training:
• Team training
• Have trainees achieved a specific level
• Selecting Training Method
of skill, knowledge or performance?
• Did change occur?
• Is change due to training?
• Is the change positively related to the
achievement of organizational goals?
• Will similar changes occur with new
participants in the same training

Agar menjadi efektif, skill learning

sebaiknya mencakup 4 hal :
● Pengaturan
● Pemodelan Ketika yang menjadi fokus adalah
Perilaku pada learning facts, maka urutannya
● Latihan berubah menjadi :
● Umpan Balik  Pengaturan Tujuan
 Meaningfulness of material
 Latihan
 Umpan Balik
Evaluating Training

Membuat konsep kerangka kerja yang cocok

antara target evaluasi (mis. Konten dan desain
pelatihan, perubahan peserta didik) dengan metode
pengumpulan data (mis. Analisis manfaat biaya)
Additional Considerations in Measuring
the Outcomes of Training

● Used measures
● Alternative explantions for results :
1. Leghtened job experience
2. Outside economic events
3. Changes in supervision
4. Performance incentives
● Administer the measures in logical plan or procedure e.g.
Before and after training to a comparable control group
● Before and after measurement of the trained group’s
performance relative to untrained control groups
New Employee Orientation: The On-
Boarding Process

Most turnover occurs during the first few months on the job
Failure to provide a thorough orientation can be a very expensive
Orientation : familiarization with and adaptation to a situation or
an environment
In practice, orientation is often jusr superficial indoctrination into
company philosophy, policies and rules or a quick tour of the
Socialization : learning to function as a contributing member of
the organization
A well-designed new employee orientation will facilitate
The payoff orientation-socialization : higher levels
of job satisfaction and commitment along with
reduce levels of employee turn over and deeper
understanding of a firm’s goals, values, history
and people
The cost of hiring, training and orienting a new
person is far higher
The pharmaceutical giant, Merck and Co., found
that turnover costs are 1,5 to 2,5 times the annual
salary paid for the job.
3 typical problems face the new
1. Problems in entering a group : whether be acceptable to the other group
members, will be liked, and will be safe from physical and
psychological harm
2. Naive expectation, employee ought to be told about factual information
like employee norms and company attitudes. Being honest produces
positive results
3. First job environment, does the new environment help or hinder the
new employee trying to climb aboard.

The first year with an organization is the critical period during an employee
learn to become a high performer.
The careful matching of company and employee expectations can result in
positive job attitudes and high standards.
Outline 3
and Evaluating an On- Lesson Learned
Boarding Program
• Orientation Follow-Up • HRM in Action:
• Evaluation of the Conclusion
Orientation Program • Technology-
Delivered Instruction
(TDI)Catches On

Planning, Packaging and Evaluating
an Onboarding Program

In Fortune 500 companies alone, about 500,000 managers take on new

roles each year, and overall, managers begin new jobs every two to four
years. Unfortunately, in the midst of all these transitions:
• Half of all senior outside hires fail within 18 months in a new position.
• Half of all hourly workers leave new jobs within the first 120 days.”
Talya N. Bauer. 2010. Onboarding New Employees: Maximizing Success. SHRM Foundation’s Effective Practice Guidelines Series.
Planning, Packaging and Evaluating an
Onboarding Program


The purpose of this checklist is to provide a consistent on-boarding experience into the Elanco Marketing World. The
checklist should be finalized during the first week in the role together with the supervisor. During the set up the supervisor
should provide more context to any questions and also adapt any timings and programs as fit. It is recommended that the
employee is accountable for keeping the check list up to date through weekly discussions with the supervisor, especially
during the first 3 months of on-boarding.

The on-boarding elements have been grouped in five different areas and spans the first 2 years in the role.

Employee : Annisa Supervisor : Bimo

Start Date : 14/11/2020
Planning, Packaging and Evaluating an Onboarding


Employee: Ahmad Wahyudin Supervisor: Prapued Aksornpharn Start Date: 13 April 2019

Skill / Knowledge / Completed? Supervisory Role?

Elanco Link *
Focus Area Desired Outcome When Due Urgency 2=Yes,1=Ongoing Learning Method Who Delivers Set Filter to "Select
Experience 0=No
(internal Elanco only)

On-boarding Provide initial understanding of on-boarding plans

Welcome pack Day 1 13/04/2019 A Face-to-Face Supervisor
Fundamentals and basic company information
2017 Strategy and Highlight the company´s goal for the next 5 years and Collab Site
Elanco Overview Week 1 20/04/2019 A CBT CBT/Supervisor
Corporate Essential Wins the current year goals 2017 Foundations
Elanco code of business conduct designed to provide
Compliance SuccessFactors
Red Book better understanding of company values and legal Week 2 27/04/2019 Mandatory CBT HR
Processes Course R9026165
Provides polices and
supervisors withconduct standards.
a cross-functional
Learning & SuccessFactors
New Supervisor Program development experience introducing fundamental Month 1 13/05/2019 Optional CBT Yes
Development Course ID 393260
leadership principles and basic management skills
Company Understanding of the business unit strategy and Supervisor
Business Strategy Month 2 12/06/2019 A Face-to-Face
Knowledge Essential Wins. BU Director
US Elanco Orientation US Orientation package (US ONLY) Month 3 12/07/2019 Mandatory Group meeting HR
Company Strategic Thinking and Strategic Planning process
Strategic Planning Year 1 12/04/2020 A CBT In construction
Knowledge understanding and application
Learning & Advanced Leadership Development Program
ALDP Year 2 12/04/2021 A Course T&D Yes
Development (at management discretion)
Learning & To guide people toward success in new or
Coaching for Success TBD B ALDP iLearn booth Yes
Development challenging situations
Summary :
Best Practice for Onboarding

 Implement the basics prior to the first day on the job

 Make the first day on the job special
 Use formal orientation programs
 Develop a written onboarding plan
 Make onboarding participatory
 Be sure your program is consistently implemented
 Ensure that the program is monitored over time
 Use technology to facilitate the process
 Use milestones, such as 30, 60, 90 and 120 days on the job—and up to one year
post-organizational entry—to check in on employee progress
 Engage stakeholders in planning
 Include key stakeholder meetings as part of the program
 Be crystal clear with new employees in terms of :
 Objectives
 Timelines
 Roles
 Responsibilities
Talya N. Bauer. 2010. Onboarding New Employees: Maximizing Success. SHRM Foundation’s Effective Practice Guidelines Series.
“Research and conventional wisdom both suggest
Chapter 9 that employees get about 90 days to prove
themselves in a new job. The faster new hires feel
welcome and prepared for their jobs, the faster
they will be able to successfully contribute to the
TRAINING AND firm’s mission”

ONBOARDING : Talya N. Bauer. 2010. Onboarding New Employees: Maximizing Success. SHRM
Foundation’s Effective Practice Guidelines Series.

“One of the greatest fears of managers and lower-

level employee is obsolescence. Over time,
people become uneducated, and therefore
incompetent, to perform at a level at which they
Thank you for once perform adequately. Training is an important
antidote to obsolescence, but it is important to be
your attention realistic about what training can and cannot
Armer, P 1970. The individual : His privacy, self image, and obsolescence. 11th science and
astronautic. Wasington DC

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