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Week 8 Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia

• Definisi
• Mengapa Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia
• Fungsi Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia
• Penggunaan sistem dalam Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia
Diakhir perkuliahan mahasiswa diharapkan mampu memahami dan
• Konsep dasar manajemen, bagaimana menghadapi perubahan dan
perkembangan teori manajemen dan mengembangkan inovasi untuk
ketrampilan manajerial. pengembangan organisasi
• Aspek Lingkungan dan pengaruhnya • Pengelolaan SDM dalam organisasi
terhadap organisasi • Perilaku individu
• Etika dan tanggung jawab sosial • Perilaku kelompok
• Motivasi karyawan
• Fungsi perencanaan
• Berbagai aspek tentang kepemimpinan
• Langkah-langkah dalam pengambilan
keputusan • Masalah komunikasi dalam organisasi
• Fungsi pengorganisasian • Fungsi Pengendalian
• Dan menyesuaikan diri dengan
Definisi Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia
• Griffin & Ebert (2008) mendefiniskan Manajemen Sumber Daya
Manusia sebagai “serangkaian aktifitas organisasi yang diarahkan
pada usaha untuk menarik, mengembangkan dan mempertahankan
Angkatan kerja yang efektif”.

• A common definition of Human Resource Management (HRM) is the

practice of managing people to achieve better performance.
Manajemen Personalia atau SDM
• Beberapa pendapat menyatakan bahwa manajemen personalia
berbeda dengan manajemen sumber daya manusia (banyak dikenal
dengan sebutan HR saja). Ada yang berpendapat bahwa manajemen
personalia berurusan hanya dengan administrasi dan menjadi bagian
dari manajemen SDM. Ada pula pendapat yang menyatakan bahwa
personalia adalah “the old version of HR”. Pendapat yang netral
menyatakan bahwa personalia dipakai sebagai kata pengganti HR
seperti kata lainnya contoh people management, talent management,
organizational management.
What is a Human Resource?
• Human Resources are all the people that in one capacity or another work for
or contribute to an organization.
• These people make up a company’s workforce. They can be regular
employees, for example, but also contractors. Especially with the rise of the
gig economy, more and more people are starting to work for an organization
on a contract basis without having a traditional labor contract.
• These people include independent contractors, workers provided by contract
firms, on-call workers, and temporary help agency workers.
• An independent contractor can be under contract for years at the same
organization, while an agency worker can work at 20 different companies
throughout one year. Because these people are all involved in the company
to a different extent, the way they are managed and involved in the
organization should also be different.
Mengapa Manajemen SDM penting
• SDM dalam sebuah organisasi atau perusahaan menjadi faktor
penentu keberhasilan organisasi tersebut.
• Dimasa kini organisasi yang efektif adalah organisasi yang “adaptive,
resilient, customer-centred and quick to change direction”. Untuk
mendukung hal tersebut diperlukan manajemen SDM yang mampu
mengelola SDM yang memenuhi syarat dalam pelaksanaan organisasi
yg efektif tersebut.
• Kesadaran bahwa biaya yang akan dikeluarkan oleh sebuah organisasi
akan sangat mahal apabila perencanaan sumber daya manusianya
Importance of HR Managers in
• Strategy management: This is an important aspect of any organisation and plays a vital role in human resource management. HR
managers manage strategies to ensure the organisation reaches its business goals, as well as contributing significantly to the corporate
decision-making process, which includes assessments for current employees and predictions for future ones based on business
• Benefits analysis: HR managers work towards reducing costs, such as with recruitment and retention. HR professionals are trained to
conduct efficient negotiations with potential and existing employees, as well as being well-versed with employee benefits that are
likely to attract quality candidates and retaining the existing workforce.
• Training and development: Since HR managers contribute significantly to training and development programmes, they also play a
pivotal role in strengthening employer-employee relationships. This contributes to the growth of employees within the company,
hence enhancing employee satisfaction and productivity.
• Interactivity within employees: HR managers are responsible for conducting activities, events and celebrations in the organisation
which gives way to team building opportunities. Moreover, it enhances interactivity within employees and instils a sense of trust and
respect among peers.
• Conflict management: The department to go to when any kind of professional conflict arises between employees is HR. They ensure
that issues and conflicts are resolved effectively, approaching the problem with an unbiased attitude and encouraging effective
communication to reach a solution. In addition, they help employees understand various ways of developing effective work
relationships and the importance of not letting personal judgement affect their behaviour.
• Establishing a healthy work culture: A healthy work culture is pivotal in bringing out the best in employees. HR managers contribute
significantly in setting up a healthy and friendly work culture, which further translates into better productivity among employees.
• Compliance: HR professionals work towards making the organisation compliant with employment laws, as well as maintaining records
of hiring processes and applicants’ log.
Fungsi Manajemen SDM
Human Resource Management Basic Functions
Human Resource Management has four basic functions: staffing, training and development,
motivation, and maintenance.
• Staffing is the recruitment and selection of potential employees, done through interviewing,
applications, networking, etc. There are two main factors to staffing: attracting talented recruits
and hiring resources.
• Training/learning and development involves a continuous process of training and developing
competent and adapted employees.
• Motivation is seen as key to keeping employees highly productive. This includes employee
benefits, performance appraisals, and rewards. Employee benefits, appraisals, and rewards are all
encouragements to bring forward the best employees.
• Maintenance, involves keeping the employees' commitment and loyalty to the organization.
Managing for employee retention involves strategic actions to keep employees motivated and
focused so they elect to remain employed and fully productive for the benefit of the organization.
• Recruitment & selection
• Recruitment and selection are arguably the most visible elements of HR. We all remember
our first interview, right?
• Recruiting candidates and selecting the best ones to come and work for the company is a key
HR responsibility. People are the lifeblood of the organization and finding the best fits is a
key task.
• The request for new hires usually starts when a new job is created or an existing job opens
up. The direct manager then sends the job description to HR and HR starts recruiting
candidates. In this process, HR can use different selection instruments to find the best person
to do the work. These include interviews, different assessments, reference checks, and
other recruitment methods.
• Sometimes, when there are a lot of candidates, HR may deploy preselection tools. These tools
help to separate the wheat from the chaff when it comes to suitable candidates. The
successful candidates then continue to the next round, where they are interviewed and
receive a more in-depth assessment.
Penyusunan staf
Staffing is the recruitment and selection of potential employees, done
through interviewing, applications, networking, etc. There are two main
factors to staffing: attracting talented recruits and hiring resources.

Penyusunan staf di dalam organisasi diawali dengan aktifitas rekrutmen

yang sumbernya bisa dari dalam organisasi, biasa disebut dengan
rekrutmen internal atau dari luar organisasi (rekrutmen eksternal)
Rekrutmen SDM
• Rekrutmen dilaksanakan setelah sebuah organisasi mendapatkan
gambaran yang jelas tentang kebutuhan SDM nya.

• Rekrutmen internal (internal recruiting)

Praktek ini dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan sumber daya dari dalam
organisasi untuk menjadi kandidat bagi fungsi atau jabatan yang belum terisi.

• Rekrutmen eksternal (External recruiting)

Praktek menarik orang dari luar organisasi untuk melamar lowongan yang
tersedia disebuah organisasi
Seleksi Sumber Daya Manusia
• Formulir aplikasi
• Tes
• Wawancara
• Teknik lainnya (contoh: tes psikologi, tes kesehatan)
Learning & development
• People are the product of life experiences, the country and era they
grow up in, and a range of cultural influences. Within HR, learning and
development ensure that employees adapt to changes in processes,
technology, and societal or legal shifts.
• Learning and development helps employees to reskill and upskill.
Good policies can be very helpful in advancing the organization
towards its long-term goals.
• Learning and development provides employees with a way in which
to bridge skill gaps and develop into leaders.
Pengembangan Pekerja
• Pelatihan
• On-the-job training
• Off-the-job training
• Vestibule training (pelatihan simulasi)
Performance management
• Once employees are on board, performance management becomes
important. It involves helping people to become their best selves at
work, boosting the company’s bottom line. 
• Usually, employees have a defined set of responsibilities that they
need to take care of. Performance management is a structure that
enables employees to get feedback on their performance – to reach
their best performance.
Compensation and benefits
• Another one of the HR basics is compensation and benefits. Fair compensation
is key in motivating and retaining employees. One of the fundamentals of
human resource management concerning pay is ensuring equity and fairness.
• Making the right offer of pay is a key part of attracting the best talent. This must
be balanced with the budget and profit margins of the company. HR should
monitor pay increases, and set standards of merit.
• Compensation comprises primary compensation and secondary compensation.
Primary compensation involves directly paid money for work, which often is a
monthly salary and sometimes performance-based pay.
• Secondary benefits are all non-monetary rewards which include extra holidays,
flexible working times, day-care, pensions, a company car and laptop, and much
• The goal here is to reward people in ways that motivate them.
Kompensasi dan Tunjangan
• Pemberian kompensasi dan tunjangan serta benefits lainnya, adalah
salah satu cara sebuah organisasi memotivasi pekerja untuk tetap
melaksanakan pekerjaannya dengan efektif dan bersedia untuk tetap
menjadi karyawan atau pekerja di organisasi tersebut.

• Motivation is seen as key to keeping employees highly productive.

This includes employee benefits, performance appraisals, and
rewards. Employee benefits, appraisals, and rewards are all
encouragements to bring forward the best employees.
Kompensasi dan Tunjangan
• Kompensasi
• Upah dan Gaji
• Insentif (dirancang khusus untuk memotivasi kinerja yang lebih tinggi)

• Tunjangan (kompensasi di luar upah dan gaji)

• Asuransi
• Rencana pensiun (pension plan)
Perencanaan Sumber Daya Manusia
Agar mendapatkan SDM yang berkualitas dan sesuai dengan kepentingan dan
kultur organisasi maka diperlukan perencanaan yang cermat yang melibatkan
antara lain analisa man supply, analisa pekerjaan (job analysis) dan perkiraan
permintaan dan penawaran tenaga kerja (man power forecasting) .
Human resource planning is the continuous process of systematic planning
ahead to achieve optimum use of an organization's most valuable asset—
quality employees. Human resources planning ensures the best fit between
employees and jobs while avoiding manpower shortages or surpluses.
There are four key steps to the HRP process. They include analyzing present
labor supply, forecasting labor demand, balancing projected labor demand with
supply, and supporting organizational goals.
Proses Perencanaan SDM

Tujuan dan Strategi Organisasi

Melakukan Analisis Pekerjaan

Peramalan penawaran internal Peramalan penawaran eksternal

Rencana untuk mencocokkan antar permintaan TK (supply) dan Penawaran TK (demand)

Job Analysis
Yang disebut sebagai analisis pekerjaan adalah “ analisis sistematis
terhadap semua pekerjaan yang ada di dalam sebuah organisasi”, yang
terdiri dari 2 bagian:
• Deskripsi Pekerjaan atau lebih dikenal sebagai job description
• Spesifikasi pekerjaan atau job specification

Informasi yang didapat dari analisis pekerjaan akan digunakan untuk

berbagai aktifitas yang berhubungan dengan kepegawaian yang salah
satunya adalah peramalan kebutuhan sumber daya manusia
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
• Deskripsi pekerjaan adalah dokumen tertulis yang berisi sebuah
evaluasi secara sistematis terhadap tugas-tugas, lingkungan kerja, alat
kerja, bahan kerja, dan perlengkapan kerja yang berkaitan dengan
kinerja perusahaan.
Spesifikasi Pekerjaan/ Job Spec
• Adalah penjabaran keterampilan, kemampuan, dan pengalaman yang
dibutuhkan untuk melaksanakan suatu pekerjaan.
Human Resource Planning Steps
• Analyzing Labor Supply organisasi di masa depan, tren ekonomi secara umum.
• The first step of human resource planning is to identify • Balancing Labor Demand With Supply
the company's current human resources supply. In this • The third step in the HRP process is forecasting the
step, the HR department studies the strength of the employment demand. HR creates a gap analysis that
organization based on the number of employees, their lays out specific needs to narrow the supply of the
skills, qualifications, positions, benefits, and company's labor versus future demand. This analysis
performance levels. will often generate a series of questions, such as:
• Forecasting Labor Demand • Should employees learn new skills?
• The second step requires the company to outline the • Does the company need more managers?
future of its workforce. Here, the HR department can • Do all employees play to their strengths in their current roles?
consider certain issues like promotions, retirements, • Developing and Implementing a Plan
layoffs, and transfers. The HR department can also look • The answers to questions from the gap analysis help HR
at external conditions impacting labor demand, such as
determine how to proceed, which is the final phase of
new technology that might increase or decrease the
the HRP process. HR must now take practical steps to
need for workers.
integrate its plan with the rest of the company. The
• Kegiatan merencanakan kebutuhan SDM dimasa depan department needs a budget, the ability to implement
ini dimulai setelah manajer memahami sepenuhnya the plan, and a collaborative effort with all
pekerjaan yang akan dilakukan di dalam organisasinya. departments to execute that plan.
Dalam usaha untuk memperkirakan permintaan dan
penawaran SDM, yang dilakukan pertamakali adalah
menilai tren utilisasi SDM di masa lalu, melihat rencana
Forecasting Supply and Demand of Human

• Peramalan penawaran terdiri dari 2

• Peramalan penawaran internal (internal supply)
• Peramalan penawaran ekxternal (external supply)
Sarana kemudahan
• Employee information systems
Sarana ini akan memfasilitasi perencanaan dan pengidentifikasian
sumber daya yang akan di”putar” (istilah yang sering dipakai
dibeberapa industry adalah tour of duty) baik untuk dipindahkan
ataupun dipromosikan. Di dalam sistem ini tersedia data skills
inventories (persediaan keterampilan) para internal SDM

Untuk peramalan external, organisasi bergantung pada sistem informasi

dan nara sumber diluar dan misalnya, komisi tenaga kerja nasional
maupun propinsi.

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