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Bahan ajar (teks, tabel, gambar, lampiran, dll.) untuk setiap jenis teks diambil dari sumbersumber yang relevan dengan topic yang dibahas.

Jika semua teks relevan dengan topic yang dibahas
Jika terdapat lebih dari 50% teks yang relevan dengan topic yang dibahas
Jika terdapat kurang dari 50% teks yang relevan dengan topic yang dibahas
Jika tidak terdapat sama sekali teks yang relevan dengan topic yang dibahas

Standard of Competence:
Understand messages in short functional texts and short monologues/essays of recounts,
narratives and procedure in daily life context and get access to popular science.
4: announcement
19: invitation letter
41: narrative
46: narative
53: recount
80: descriptive
93: procedure
107: recount
131: recount
146: descriptive
Convey messages in short functional texts and short monologues/essays of recounts,
narratives and procedures in daily life context.
84: recount
95: procedure
113: letter
143: invitation card
144: invitation
Understand messages in short functional texts and short essays of narrative, descriptive and
news item in daily life context and get access to popular science.
168: report
185: news item
214: descriptive
223: narrative
247: advertisement
270: explanation
285: news item
290: narrative
Convey messages in short functional texts and short essays of narrative, descriptive and news
item in daily life context.
196: short letter
292: advertisement

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