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“Live as you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

” ProTEFL | Grammar

“Live as you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ProTEFL | Grammar

“Live as you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ProTEFL | Grammar

“Live as you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ProTEFL | Grammar

“Live as you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ProTEFL | Grammar

Kalimat sederhana minimal memiliki satu subject dan satu predicate. Subject diwujudkan dalam
bentuk noun dan predicate diwujudkan dalam bentuk verb. Untuk menambahkan ide pada subject dan
predicate tersebut, kita dapat memodifikasi atau menambahkan bagian-bagian tersebut ke dalam
bentuk phrase (frasa).
Phrase merupakan satuan gramatikal yang berupa gabungan kata yang tidak memiliki subject
atau pun predicate dan berfungsi sebagai salah satu bagian dari kalimat. Phrase terdiri dari headword
(kata yang menjadi pokok pembicaraan) dan modifier (kata keterangan yang menerangkan headword
Pada kaitannya dengan pengembangan bagian-bagian kalimat, kita perlu memahami beberapa
bentuk phrase. Apabila frasa tersebut berfungsi sebagai penjelas noun, disebut noun phrase (frasa kata
benda), bila berfungsi sebagai penjelas dan kesatuan verb, disebut verb phrase, dan sebagainya.

Noun phrase (frasa kata benda) adalah kelompok kata benda yang terdiri atas modifier (kata
keterangan) dan headword (kata inti) dan bisa juga diawali dengan artikel. Pada kalimat, noun phrase
dapat berkedudukan sebagai subject maupun object.
S V Comp.
(a) Anita is smart.
Noun Pada contoh (a) my closest friend adalah noun phrase
yang berkedudukan sebagai subject kalimat. My closest
My closest friend is smart. merupakan modifier pada noun phrase tersebut. Di sini, my
Noun Phr. sebagai determiner dan closest sebagai adjective yang
mendeskripsikan headword friend.
S V O Sedangkan pada contoh (b) a secret adalah noun phrase
(b) I have something. yang berkedudukan sebagai object kalimat. A adalah
Noun determiner yang berfungsi sebagai modifier pada noun phrase
tersebut. Headword dari noun phrase tersebut adalah secret.
I have a secret.
Noun Phr.

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ProTEFL | Grammar
UNIT 2 – Parts of A Sentence Development

ProTEFL | Grammar
UNIT 2 – Parts of A Sentence Development

ProTEFL | Grammar
UNIT 2 – Parts of A Sentence Development

ProTEFL | Grammar
UNIT 2 – Parts of A Sentence Development

ProTEFL | Grammar
UNIT 2 – Parts of A Sentence Development

Memahami noun phrase, akan memudahkan kita mengenali bagian-bagian kalimat, terutama
subject, object, maupun object of preposition. Ada beberapa pola dasar pembentukan noun phrase,
antara lain:
(1) Determiner + Noun (Headword)
 a table  many answers
 the station  much money
 two oranges  this idea
 my house  those people
(2) Determiner + Adjective + Noun (Headword)
 a beautiful woman  some delicious cake
 the next door  many interesting places
 three cute cats  these brilliant designs
 his elder brother  Mary’s new hat

(3) (Determiner) + (Adjective) + Noun (Headword) + Of + Noun/ Noun Phrase

 a friend of mine  that revolting dog of hers
 an understanding of language  some members of the parliament
 the beauty of painting  her dislike of oyster
(4) (Determiner) + Noun + Noun (Headword)
 a history book  many sand castles
 some student teachers (calon guru)  a mover car
 the school uniform  the iron lady
(5) (Determiner) + Noun (Headword) + of + Noun
 The lord of the ring  The president of Indonesia
 The owner of the house  The principal of the school
 The prince of Persia

Terkadang suatu noun phrase terbentuk dari beberapa adjective. Untuk itu, kita bisa
menggunakan susunan yang disingkat sebagai ‘nosascomp’ seperti dibawah ini:
N (number) O S A S Color O M P
DE Sequenc quantifi Opinion / siz ag shap Colo pattern origin materi purpos NOU
e word er observatio e e e r al e N

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“Live as you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ProTEFL | Grammar

“Live as you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ProTEFL | Grammar

“Live as you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ProTEFL | Grammar

“Live as you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ProTEFL | Grammar

“Live as you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ProTEFL | Grammar

the first two interesting big ol fat gold (zigzag Javanes woode shado puppet
d ) e n w s

Dalam struktur suatu kalimat, sering terdapat bentuk-bentuk noun yang terletak di depan atau
belakang subject kalimat. Inilah bentuk noun yang disebut dengan appositive. Appositive adalah kata
benda (noun) atau kata ganti (pronoun) yang menjelaskan noun atau pronoun lain. Appositive biasanya
diletakkan di belakang noun atau pronoun yang dijelaskan, namun dapat juga diletakkan sebelumnya.
Subject + Appositive + Verb + Object
(a) The popular US president Barrack Obama - Barrack Obama adalah appositive dari noun
is famous for his eloquent and inspirational phrase ‘the popular US president’ pada
speeches. contoh (a).

Subject, Appositive, + Verb + Object

(b) Barrack Obama, the popular US president, - Sedangkan pada contoh (b), ‘the popular US
is famous for his eloquent and inspirational president’ adalah appositive dari noun
speeches. ‘Barrack Obama’.

Pada kedua contoh tersebut terdapat perbedaan penggunaan tanda baca (punctuation) koma.
Kalimat pertama tidak memakai koma sedangkan yang kedua memakai koma. Koma diperlukan bila
noun (the popular US president) yang digunakan terlalu umum. Apabila appositive pada contoh (a)
dihilangkan, kita tidak tahu presiden US yang mana yang dimaksud. Namun, pada contoh (b), noun
(Barrack Obama) sudah sangat jelas.

Exercise 1 Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.

1. _____ don't really fit in with the rest of the play.

(A) The music interludes
(B) The musician interludes
(C) The musical interludes
(D) A musical interlude

2. Troops shot dead _____ of the rebels in an attack last night.

(A) the leader
(B) a lead
(C) a leading

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ProTEFL | Grammar
UNIT 2 – Parts of A Sentence Development

ProTEFL | Grammar
UNIT 2 – Parts of A Sentence Development

ProTEFL | Grammar
UNIT 2 – Parts of A Sentence Development

ProTEFL | Grammar
UNIT 2 – Parts of A Sentence Development

ProTEFL | Grammar
UNIT 2 – Parts of A Sentence Development

(D) lead

3. In the beginning of the 19th century, _____ was desperately in need to reform.
(A) the system of America’s educational
(B) the American educational system
(C) America’s systemic educational
(D) America had an educational system

4. _____, book, film, or cartoon about an imagined future attracts many people’s interest.
(A) It is
(B) There are
(C) Sci-fi is
(D) Science fiction

5. Jackson, _____ capital of Mississippi, is the largest city in the state.

(A) is the
(B) it is the
(C) the
(D) where is the

Fungsi adjective (kata sifat) adalah menerangkan/memberi informasi tentang noun (kata benda).
Sama halnya dengan noun, adjective juga dapat muncul dalam bentuk phrase. Adjective phrases
menerangkan/memberi informasi tentang noun. Perhatikan contoh dibawah ini. Sebuah frase kata sifat
bisa terdiri dari gabungan kata sifat dengan kata sifat (contoh a, b, dan c), gabungan kata keterangan
(adverb) dan kata sifat (contoh d dan e), atau frase kata benda (contoh f dan g).
(a) The nearby motel offers cheap but Pada contoh (a) dan (b), adjective phrase
adj. phr terdiri dari dua kata sifat. Penambahan kata ‘but’
comfortable rooms. menunjukan kedua kata sifat tersebut bertentangan
headword (contoh a), sedangkan pada contoh (b) kedua kata
sifat langsung digabungkan. Tanda koma tidak
(b) Tony lost his dark brown briefcase. diperlukan di antara kedua kata sifat tersebut. Pada
adj. phr headword
contoh (c), adjective phrase terdiri dari tiga kata
(c) It was cold, bleak, biting weather. sifat sehingga diperlukan tanda koma. Tanda koma
Adj. phr headword diperlukan apabila dalam suatu frase terdiri dari
tiga atau lebih kata sifat.

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“Live as you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ProTEFL | Grammar

“Live as you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ProTEFL | Grammar

“Live as you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ProTEFL | Grammar

“Live as you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ProTEFL | Grammar

“Live as you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ProTEFL | Grammar

(d) Humans can be fairly ridiculous animals. Pada contoh (d) dan (e), frase kata sifat
Adj. phr headword terdiri dari kata keterangan dan kata sifat. Pada
(e) Buddy thinks the shampoo tastes contoh (d) frase kata sifat mendahului noun
headword (headword) sedangkan pada contoh (e) frase kata
awfully funny. sifat terdapat setelah noun dan linking verb.
adj. phr
(f) The president gave a ten-minute speech. Pada contoh (f) dan (g), frase kata benda
adj.phr headword berfungsi sebagai frase kata sifat. Perlu diingat
(g) The teacher told us to read bahwa apabila frase kata benda berfungsi sebagai
the five-hundred-page book. frase kata sifat, maka noun pada frase kata benda
adj. phr headword selalu tunggal (singular). Perhatikan kata minute
dan page.

Exercise 2 Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.

1. Her _____ loves playing jigsaw puzzle.

(A) four-years-old son
(B) four-year-old son
(C) four-year-old-son
(D) four-year-old sons

2. Her eyes were _____ to the young man.

(A) very mesmerizing
(B) mesmerize
(C) mesmerizingly
(D) very mesmerizingly

3. The music from next door was _____.

(A) annoying loud
(B) loud annoyed
(C) loudly annoyingly
(D) annoyingly loud

4. That complex has _____ apartments.

(A) big but cheap quite
(B) quite big cheap but
(C) quite big but cheap
(D) but quite big cheap

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ProTEFL | Grammar
UNIT 2 – Parts of A Sentence Development

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UNIT 2 – Parts of A Sentence Development

ProTEFL | Grammar
UNIT 2 – Parts of A Sentence Development

ProTEFL | Grammar
UNIT 2 – Parts of A Sentence Development

ProTEFL | Grammar
UNIT 2 – Parts of A Sentence Development

5. He said that the cost of the car was _____.

(A) too height
(B) too high
(C) to high
(D) to height


Apabila terdapat noun, pronoun atau gerund yang diawali preposition seperti in, at, on, of, to, by,
with, maka kata benda tersebut menjadi object dari preposition dan susunan tersebut merupakan
prepositional phrase (frasa kata depan). Prepositional phrase dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris tidak
dapat menjadi subject.
Adv. V O
Pada contoh (a), kata benda Tony diawali
(a) With Tony found the movie theatre.
oleh kata depan with, sehingga Tony merupakan
Prep. Phr. Verb Noun. Phrase.
object dari preposition with. Dikarenakan susunan
With Tony tersebut merupakan prepositional
phrase yang tidak dapat dijadikan sebagai subject,
maka kalimat tersebut masih memerlukan
kehadiran sebuah subject.
Adv. S V O Kalimat yang tepat dapat disusun seperti
(b) With Tony, I found the movie theatre. contoh (b). Kalimat tersebut telah dilengkapi
Prep. Phr. Pron. Verb noun.Phrase. subject I, sehingga kalimat tersebut telah lengkap
dan telah memiliki ide yang sempurna.

Exercise 3 Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.

1. We brought the table on _____.

(A) the corner
(B) near the corner
(C) inside
(D) outside
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“Live as you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ProTEFL | Grammar

“Live as you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ProTEFL | Grammar

“Live as you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ProTEFL | Grammar

“Live as you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ProTEFL | Grammar

“Live as you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ProTEFL | Grammar

2. With his friend, _____ found the movie theater.

(A) has
(B) he
(C) later
(D) when

3. Before the war, _____ started playing football for Barnstoneworth United.
(A) had
(B) with him
(C) later
(D) Lee

4. _____, three types of swords are used: the foil, the epee, and the sabre.
(A) Fencing is a sport
(B) In fence
(C) Fencing is
(D) In the sport of fencing

5. Without the proper card installed inside the computer, _____ impossible to run a graphics program.
(A) is definitely
(B) because of
(C) it is
(D) is


Verb phrase dapat terdiri dari kelompok main verb atau pun gabungan dari main verb dan
auxiliary verb. Verb phrase seperti halnya verb menduduki jabatan predicate (verb).
She [is working].
They [will arrive] tomorrow.
Tabel berikut ini merangkum bentuk-bentuk umum dari verb phrase:
Present Tense Past Tense Modal
Simple shows, show showed could show
Perfect has/ have shown had shown could have shown
Progressive am/ is/ are showing was/ were showing could be showing
Passive am/ is/ are shown was/ were shown could be shown
Perfect + Progressive has/ have been showing had been showing could have been showing
Perfect + Passive has/ have been shown had been shown could have been shown
Progressive + Passive am/ is/ are being shown was/ were being shown could be being shown

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ProTEFL | Grammar
UNIT 2 – Parts of A Sentence Development

ProTEFL | Grammar
UNIT 2 – Parts of A Sentence Development

ProTEFL | Grammar
UNIT 2 – Parts of A Sentence Development

ProTEFL | Grammar
UNIT 2 – Parts of A Sentence Development

ProTEFL | Grammar
UNIT 2 – Parts of A Sentence Development

Exercise 4 Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.

1. In 1821, Emma Willard officially _____ the doors of the first school in the United States to offer
college-level courses for women.
(A) opening
(B) opens
(C) opened
(D) will open

2. Static electricity flowing one cloud to another or between clouds and the ground _____ lightning.
(A) creates
(B) creating
(C) is creating
(D) is created

3. The 1980 explosion of Mount St. Helens _____ the first volcanic eruption in the continental United
States in over 60 years.
(A) were
(B) was
(C) it was
(D) there were

4. The United States _____ all carpet wools in recent years because domestic wools are too fine and soft
for carpets.
(A) have imported
(B) has imported
(C) had been imported
(D) has been importing

5. You _____ to me when I told you to turn the oven off.

(A) was not listened
(B) are not listening
(C) are not listened
(D) were not listening

1. Present Participles/-ING Participles

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“Live as you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ProTEFL | Grammar

“Live as you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ProTEFL | Grammar

“Live as you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ProTEFL | Grammar

“Live as you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ProTEFL | Grammar

“Live as you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ProTEFL | Grammar

Present participle merupakan bentuk –ing dari verb (kata kerja), seperti talking, playing, running,
speaking, eating, dll. Present participle dapat menjadi bagian dari verb (kata kerja) atau adjective
(kata sifat).
 Menjadi bagian dari verb apabila present participle didahului oleh verb be (is, am, are, was,
were, been).
 Menjadi bagian dari adjective apabila present participle tidak didahului oleh verb be.
(a) The man is talking to his friends.
(b) The man talking to his friend has a beard.
Adjective verb
Pada contoh (a), talking merupakan bagian dari verb karena talking mengikuti verb be ‘is’.
Sedangkan pada contoh (b), present participle ‘talking’ tidak didahului oleh verb be, sehingga
present participle tersebut menjadi bagian dari adjective ‘talking to his friend’.

2. Past Participles/-ED Participles

Past participles adalah bentuk kata kerja yang muncul bersama bentuk-bentuk verb have atau be.
Seringkali past participles berakhiran –ed, tetapi banyak juga past participles yang tidak beraturan
(irregular past participles). Past participles juga dapat menjadi bagian dari verb maupun adjective:
 Menjadi verb apabila past participles tersebut mengikuti bentuk-bentuk verb have atau be.
Have/ Has/ Had + V3 (Past Participle)
Is/ Am/ Are/ Was/ Were + V3 (Past Participle)
 Menjadi adjective apabila past participles tersebut tidak mengikuti bentuk-bentuk verb have
atau be.
(a) The family has purchased a television.
(b) The television purchased yesterday was very expensive.
Adjective verb
Pada contoh (a), purchased merupakan bagian dari verb karena purchased mengikuti verb
‘has’. Sedangkan pada contoh (b), purchased merupakan bagian dari adjective karena tidak
mengikuti verb have atau be.

Exercise 5 Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.

1. The boy _____ on the corner was naughty. 3. The packages _____ mailed at the post office
(A) eats will arrive on Monday.
(B) eating (A) have
(C) was eating (B) were
(D) eaten (C) are

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ProTEFL | Grammar
UNIT 2 – Parts of A Sentence Development

ProTEFL | Grammar
UNIT 2 – Parts of A Sentence Development

ProTEFL | Grammar
UNIT 2 – Parts of A Sentence Development

ProTEFL | Grammar
UNIT 2 – Parts of A Sentence Development

ProTEFL | Grammar
UNIT 2 – Parts of A Sentence Development

(D) just
2. The child _____ playing in the yard is my son.
(A) now 4. The poem _____ by Paul appeared in the
(B) is magazine.
(C) he (A) was written
(D) was (B) writing
(C) written
(D) was writing

5. The artisans _____ various handicrafts at booths throughout the fair.

(A) demonstrating
(B) demonstrates
(C) were demonstrated
(D) were demonstrating


1. Parallel Structure with Coordinate Conjunctions

Fungsi dari kata penghubung (coordinate conjunctions) and, but, dan or adalah untuk
menggabungkan dua atau beberapa unsur setara di dalam suatu kalimat. Dengan kata lain, salah satu
unsur dalam kalimat harus sejajar (parallel) dengan bagian yang lain. Kata-kata penghubung tersebut
dapat menghubungkan kata benda dengan kata benda, kata kerja dengan kata kerja, kata sifat dengan
kata sifat, frasa dengan frasa, atau klausa dengan klausa.


(the same structure) but (the same structure)
but (the same structure)

Dalam kalimat, prinsip parallel structure digunakan seperti pada contoh berikut ini:
He discussed the problem with the nurse and the doctor.
Noun Noun
The professor was knowledgeable but boring.
Adjective Adjective
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10 Bahan Pelatihan ProTEFL | P2B-LPPMP-UNY 2015 Untuk kalangan sendiri, tidak diperdagangkan

10 Bahan Pelatihan ProTEFL | P2B-LPPMP-UNY 2015 Untuk kalangan sendiri, tidak diperdagangkan
“Live as you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ProTEFL | Grammar

“Live as you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ProTEFL | Grammar

“Live as you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ProTEFL | Grammar

“Live as you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ProTEFL | Grammar

“Live as you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ProTEFL | Grammar

2. Parallel Structure with Paired Conjunctions

Kata penghubung berpasangan both . . . and, either . . . or, neither . . . nor, dan not only . . . but
also juga membutuhkan susunan yang sejajar.
Berikut ini adalah bagan tentang penggunaan parallel structure dengan kata penghubung


both and
either (the same structure) or (the same structure)
neither nor
not only but also

Perhatikan contoh berikut ini:

The lecturer was both informative and enjoyable.
Adjective Adjective
Either the history exam or the physics exam is on Tuesday.
Noun Noun

Exercise 6 Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.

1. Typically, wild violets grow in meadows or damp 4. The report you’re looking for could be in the file
woods and_____. or _____.
(A) blooming in the spring (A) on the desk
(B) bloom in the spring (B) missing
(C) to bloom in the spring (C) stolen
(D) blooms in the spring (D) could be

2. America was probably not discovered by 5. The movie was neither amusing nor _____.
Columbus _____ by Vikings. (A) was it interesting
(A) but (B) interesting
(B) neither (C) interested
(C) however (D) it was interested
(D) in addition

3. She held jobs as a typist, a housekeeper, and

(A) a waitress

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Bahan Pelatihan ProTEFL | P2B-LPPMP-UNY 2015 Untuk kalangan sendiri, tidak diperdagangkan 11
Bahan Pelatihan ProTEFL | P2B-LPPMP-UNY 2015 Untuk kalangan sendiri, tidak diperdagangkan 11
Bahan Pelatihan ProTEFL | P2B-LPPMP-UNY 2015 Untuk kalangan sendiri, tidak diperdagangkan 11
Bahan Pelatihan ProTEFL | P2B-LPPMP-UNY 2015 Untuk kalangan sendiri, tidak diperdagangkan 11
ProTEFL | Grammar
UNIT 2 – Parts of A Sentence Development

ProTEFL | Grammar
UNIT 2 – Parts of A Sentence Development

ProTEFL | Grammar
UNIT 2 – Parts of A Sentence Development

ProTEFL | Grammar
UNIT 2 – Parts of A Sentence Development

ProTEFL | Grammar
UNIT 2 – Parts of A Sentence Development

(B) to wait
(C) serving
(D) in a restaurant

12 Bahan Pelatihan ProTEFL | P2B-LPPMP-UNY 2015 Untuk kalangan sendiri, tidak diperdagangkan

12 Bahan Pelatihan ProTEFL | P2B-LPPMP-UNY 2015 Untuk kalangan sendiri, tidak diperdagangkan

12 Bahan Pelatihan ProTEFL | P2B-LPPMP-UNY 2015 Untuk kalangan sendiri, tidak diperdagangkan

12 Bahan Pelatihan ProTEFL | P2B-LPPMP-UNY 2015 Untuk kalangan sendiri, tidak diperdagangkan

12 Bahan Pelatihan ProTEFL | P2B-LPPMP-UNY 2015 Untuk kalangan sendiri, tidak diperdagangkan

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