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Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Jenjang Sekolah : SMA

Pokok Bahasan : Narrative Text - Legend
Ketrampilan : Lisan dan tulis
Kelas / Semester : X / II
Waktu : 2 x 2JP

A. Kompetensi Inti
1. Menghargai dan menghayati ajaran agama yang dianutnya
2. Menghargai dan menghayati perilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggung jawab, peduli
(toleransi, gotong royong), santun, percaya diri, dalam berinteraksi secara efektif
dengan lingkungan sosial dan alam dalam jangkauan pergaulan dan kebenarannya.
3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,
prosedural berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi,
seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan,
kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta
menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai
dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk memecahkan masalah
4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait
dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri, dan
mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan

B. Kompetensi Dasar
3.8 Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks
naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait legenda
rakyat, sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya
4.8 Menangkap makna secara kontekstual terkait fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan teks naratif, lisan dan tulis sederhana terkait legenda rakyat

C. Indikator Pencapaian Kompetensi

3.8.1 Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan teks naratif terkait legenda rakyat
3.8.2 Menyebutkan fungsi sosial teks naratif terkait legenda rakyat
3.8.3 Mengklasifikasikan struktur teks naratif terkait legenda rakyat
3.8.4 Membandingkan dua teks naratif terkait dengan legenda rakyat
4.8.1 Menentukan gambar umum paragraph dalam teks naratif terkait legenda rakyat
4.8.2 Menentukan informasi rinci dalam teks naratif terkait dengan legenda rakyat
4.8.3 Menemukan informasi tersirat dalam teks naratif terkait legenda rakyat
4.8.4 Menentukan makna kata dalam teks naratif terkait legenda rakyat
4.8.5 Menentukan rujukan kata dalam teks naratif terkait legenda rakyat
4.8.6 Menemukan nilai moral dalam teks naratif terkait legenda rakyat
D. Tujuan Pembelajaran Diperdengarkan rekaman teks naratif, siswa mampu mengidentifikasi unsur
kebahasaan teks naratif terkait legenda rakyat dengan tepat Diperdengarkan rekaman teks naratif, siswa mampu menyebutkan fungsi
sosial teks naratif terkait legenda rakyat dengan baik Diberikan contoh teks naratif dan tabel, siswa mampu menglasfikasikan
struktur teks naratif terkait legenda rakyat dengan tepat Diberikan graphic organizer, siswa mampu membandingkan dua teks naratif
terkait dengan legenda rakyat Diberikan teks naratif, siswa mampu menentukan gambaran umum paragraph
dalam teks naratif terkait legenda rakyat dengan tepat Diberikan teks naratif, siswa mampu menentukan informasi rinci dalam teks
naratif terkait legenda rakyat dengan tepat Diberikan teks naratif, siswa mampu menemukan informasi tersirat dalam
teks naratif terkait legedan rakyat dengan tepat Diberikan teks naratif, siswa mampu menentukan makna kata dalam teks
naratif terkait legenda rakyat dengan tepat Diberikan teks naratif, siswa mampu menentukan rujukan kata dalam teks
naratif terkait legenda rakyat dengan tepat Diberikan teks naratif, siswa mampu menemukan nilai moral dalam teks
naratif terkait legenda rakyat dengan baik

E. Pendekatan / Metode Pembelajaran

Cooperative Learning – Teams Games Tournament

F. Bahan Pelajaran
 Fungsi Sosial
Mendapat hiburan, menghibur, mengajarkan nilai-nilai luhur, mengambil teladan.
 Struktur Teks
Dapat mencakup:
a. Orientation: berisi pengenalan tokoh, tempat dan waktu terjadinya cerita tentang
siapa atau apa, kapan dan dimana.
b. Complication: berisi tentang permasalahan yang muncul / mulai terjadi dan
c. Resolution: berisi tentang permasalan yang terpecahkan.
 Unsur Kebahasaan
- Kalimat-kalimat dalam simple past tense, past continuous, dan lainnya yang
- Kosa kata: terkait karakter, watak, dan setting dalam legenda
- Adverbia penghubung dan penujuk waktu
- Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan
 Topik
Cerita legenda yang dapat menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat di KI
Materi selengkapnya terlampir.
G. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pertemuan Pertama
1) Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10)
1. Guru memberikan salam, tegur sapa.
2. Guru meminta siswa untuk berdoa, memeriksa kehadiran siswa.
3. Guru meminta siswa untuk mengisi angket motivasi belajar.
4. Guru menanya kepada siswa apakah mereka pernah mendengar tentang
Legenda Surabaya.
5. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran.
6. Guru menyampaikan bahwa mereka akan belajar menggunakan metode Teams
Games Tournaments dan memberikan motivasi agar mengikuti dengan baik.
2) Kegiatan Inti (60)
Penyampaian Materi
1. Guru memperdengarkan audio tentang teks naratif berjudul “The Legend of
Surabaya”, siswa diminta untuk melengkapi kosa kata yang dirumpangkan.
Kemudian didiskusikan bersama secara klasikal.
2. Guru menanyakan kepada siswa fungsi sosial dari teks naratif.
3. Guru mengajak siswa untuk mengingat kembali struktur teks naratif dan
mengisi label bagian- bagian dari struktur teks naratif.
4. Guru membagi siswa ke dalam kelompok yang berisi 4 anak.
5. Guru memberikan teks naratif berjudul “The Legend of Lotus” dan meminta
siswa untuk mendiskusikan perbandingan dari teks tersebut dengan teks
pertama, “The Legend of Surabaya” serta menjawab soal yang menyertainya.
6. Guru dan siswa mendiskusikan hasil dari kerja kelompok.
3) Kegiatan Penutup (20 menit)
1. Guru dan siswa melakukan refleksi terhadap pelajaran hari ini; manfaat
pembelajaran yang baru diselesaikan dan kesulitan- kesulitannya.
2. Menyampaikan rencana kegiatan pembelajaran untuk pertemuan berikutnya.
Meminta siswa untuk mempersiapkan diri untuk mengikuti turnamen.
3. Doa / pembacaan ayat suci Al – Qur’an (program literasi).
4. Salam penutup

Pertemuan Kedua
1) Kegiatan Pendahuluan (10)
1. Guru memberikan salam, tegur sapa.
2. Guru meminta siswa untuk berdoa, memeriksa kehadiran siswa.
3. Guru menanya pelajaran yang dipelajari siswa minggu lalu
4. Guru menyampaikan tujuan pembelajaran hari ini dan menyampaikan bahwa
mereka akan melakukan turnamen.
2) Kegiatan Inti (60)
1. Guru meminta siswa untuk berkelompok sesuai dengan timnya minggu lalu.
2. Guru memberikan sebuah teks naratif kepada siswa dan meminta siswa untuk
berdiskusi tentang teks tersebut tentang characters, setting, isi dari tiap
paragraph dan kata sulit yang mereka temui.
3. Guru dan siswa mendiskusikan bersama tentang teks yang telah didiskusikan
dalam kelompok.
4. Guru meminta perwakilan 1 siswa dalam tiap kelompok untuk maju ke depan
kelas. Guru memberikan sebuah kartu soal pada masing- masing siswa
perwakilan dari tiap kelompok dengan soal yang sama.
Guru memberikan waktu 1-3 menit kepada siswa untuk menjawab, siswa
menuliskan jawaban pada kartu soal. Kemudian siswa perwakilan kelompok
tersebut menunjukkan jawaban mereka kepada teman –teman sekelas.
Guru membacakan soal yang tertulis pada kartu soal secara nyaring dan
mendiskusikan dengan siswa dalam sekelas jawaban yang tepat.
Perwakilan kelompok yang menjawab dengan benar mendapatkan skor sesuai
dengan skor yang tertera pada kartu soal.
5. Siswa perwakilan dari tiap kelompok bergantian maju ke depan kelas untuk
menjawab soal sampai seluruh siswa berkesempatan mengikuti turnamen.
3) Kegiatan Penutup (20 menit)
1. Guru dan siswa melakukan refleksi terhadap pelajaran hari ini; manfaat
pembelajaran yang baru diselesaikan dan kesulitan- kesulitannya.
2. Doa / pembacaan ayat suci Al – Qur’an (program literasi).
3. Salam penutup.

H. Asesemen dan Penilaian

1. Pengetahuan
a. Teknik Penilaian : Tes Tulis, Proses
b. Bentuk Instrumen : Multiple choices, short
c. Kisi-kisi :
No. Indikator Butir Instrumen
1. 3.8.1. Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan teks naratif
Soal B
terkait legenda rakyat
2. 3.8.2. Menyebutkan fungsi sosial teks naratif terkait Soal A nomor 11,
legenda rakyat 21
3. 3.8.3. Mengklasifikasikan struktur teks naratif terkait
Soal A nomor 19
legenda rakyat
4. 3.8.4. Membandingkan dua teks naratif terkait dengan
legenda rakyat
2. Keterampilan
a. Teknik Penilaian : Tes
b. Bentuk Instrumen :
Multiple choices
c. Kisi-kisi:

No. Tujuan Pembelajaran Butir Instrumen

4.8.1. Menentukan gambar umum paragraph dalam Soal A nomor 2,

teks naratif terkait legenda rakyat 17

4.8.2. Menentukan informasi rinci dalam teks naratif Soal A nomor 6, 7,

terkait dengan legenda rakyat. 8, 9, 13, 15, 22, 25

4.8.3. Menemukan informasi tersirat dalam teks Soal A nomor 1, 5,

naratif terkait legenda rakyat. 14, 16, 24

4.8.4. Menentukan makna kata dalam teks naratif Soal A nomor 3,

terkait legenda rakyat. 18, 23

4.8.5. Menentukan rujukan kata dalam teks naratif

5. Soal A nomor 4, 12
terkait legenda rakyat.

4.8.6. Menemukan nilai moral dalam teks naratif Soal A nomor 10,
terkait legenda rakyat. 20
d. Instrumen: Lihat Lampiran II
e. Pedoman penskoran:
Soal A Multiple choice : Jawaban benar x 1
Soal B Short answer : Jawaban benar x 1
Total nilai = (skor Soal A + skor Soal B) / 35 * 100

I. Sumber Pembelajaran Bahan, Alat, dan Media

1. Media/Alat : Laptop, Loudspeaker, Graphic Organizer, Kartu Soal
2. Bahan : Teks Naratif
3. Sumber Belajar : Internet,
D., Sari K. 2014. Bupena Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas
X. Jakarta : Erlangga.
Grace, Eudia dan Th. M. Sudarwati. 2007. Look Ahead 2
An English Course. Jakarta : Erlangga.

Mengetahui: Surabaya, Maret 2018

Kepala Sekolah Guru Mata Pelajaran

……………………. Okky Evita Sari


Activity 1
Listen to the audio and complete the text below.
Activity 2

Read the text below.

The Legend of Lotus

Once upon a time, there was a kingdom named Umbul Wening. The king was
Prabu Ranubahu and he had a very beautiful daughter named Dewi Arum. Dewi Arum
had a strange habit. She liked to swim in a pond. She could spend hours swimming and
forgot everything. The king often got angry when Dewi Arum swam in the pond and
neglected her duties as a princess.
Meanwhile, people lived happily. Their happy lives were disturbed when they
suffered a terrible illness. It made the king sad. He already asked the palace healer to
cure them. Unfortunately, the palace healer was also unable to heal the illness. The king
then prayed to god. Days and nights, he asked God to heal the illness. When the king
was sleeping, he had a dream. An old man told the king that the illness could be healed
with flowers in a pond in a forest and the person who had to pick the flowers was Dewi
Arum. When the king woke up, he immediately called the princess. He told her about
his dream and asked her to pick the flowers. Actually, the king was not sure his
daughter could go there. It was very far from the palace. The king then asked the ladies-
in-waiting and his troops to accompany the princess. After going through a very difficult
journey, the princess finally arrived in the forest. Nobody had ever been to this forest
before. Wild animals were everywhere. They were really scared. They all hoped to find
the pond soon and picked the flowers.
Finally, they found the pond. It was very beautiful and the water was very clear.
For a moment, they all forgot about their mission. They were amazed by the beauty of
the pond. The princess was the happiest person. She had never seen a beautiful pond
like that before. She swam and swam for hours. The ladies-in-waiting reminded the
princess about picking the flowers, but she ignored them. Meanwhile, the king was
waiting in the palace. He was very restless, he knew the people really needed the
flowers to heal the illness. He could not wait any longer. He then went to the forest to
follow the princess. On his arrival at the pond, he saw the princess swimming! The king
was really angry. “Dewi Arum! What are you doing here? Our people are dying and you
are having fun swimming in the pond. I’ve told you many times not to neglect your
duties. You are allowed to swim. But you have to do your duties first. I’m really
disappointed with you! You don’t deserve to be the princess and live in the palace. You
deserve to live here in the pond!” said the king.
He was really angry. Surprisingly, the princess sank into the pond and a beautiful
flower suddenly appeared. The king was speechless. He regretted what he said, but it
was too late. Then, the king brought the flower to the palace and everybody was cured.
People were also amazed by the flower. Since that day, people named the flower lotus. It
grew in water as Dewi Arum spent hours swimming.
Activity 3

Work in groups and find the differences of the story elements between text
1 (The Legend of Surabaya and text 2 (The Legend of Lotus).



Text 1

Text 2
Activity 4

Answer the question below based on the text “The Legend of Lotus”.
Choose the best answer.

1. What does the text tell about?

a. The text tells about Umbul Wening kingdom.
b. The text tells about the terrible illness.
c. The text tells about the legend of lotus.
d. The text tells about the beautiful flower.
e. The text tells about Dewi Arum.
2. Who was Prabu Ranubahu?
a. The king of Umbul Wening kingdom.
b. The old man who accompany Dewi Arum in the forest.
c. The king who can heal the terrible illness.
d. He was Dewi Arum’s brother.
e. He was the prince who pick the lotus.
3. What was the king’s dream?
a. About the king’s prayer to God.
b. About the illness that could only heal by flowers in a forest’s pond.
c. About Dewi Arum’s duties to swim in a pond.
d. About a beautiful flowers in a forest.
e. About a difficult task to have a journey.
4. “He was very restless, he knew the people really …” (in paragraph 3). What does the bold
word mean?
a. Sleepy d. Worried
b. Disappointed e. Nervous
c. Reckless
5. “It was very far from the palace.” (in paragraph 2). What does the word ‘it’ refer to?
a. The flowers d. The kingdom
b. The palace e. The pool
c. The forest
6. Why the king was really angry to Dewi Arum?
a. Because the king knew the people really needed the flowers to heal the illness.
b. Because the king could not wait her any longer.
c. Because she did not find the flower.
d. Because she spent hours swimming in the pond and neglect her duties
e. Because she sank in the pond.
7. “I’ve told you many times not to neglect your duties.” What does the synonym of the word
a. Ignore d. Careless
b. Eliminate e. Reject
c. Prevent
8. The following sentences are true based on what the king said to Dewi Arum, except ...
a. He did not like the fact that Dewi Arum was having fun while the people dying
b. He was really angry because Dewi Arum neglected her duty
c. He wanted Dewi Arum to do her duty before anything else
d. He told that he was really dissapointed to Dewi Arum
e. He said that Dewi Arum did not allow to swim in the pond any more
Activity 5

Read the text below. Discuss with your group about the characters,
setting, and the contents of each paragraphs.

Once upon a time, there lived a well-known sculpture in Tapanuli, North Sumatra.
His name was Datu Panggana. He was very talented. All his statues were very artistic and
he could carve wood into many things.
One day, he got an idea to carve a wood into a statue of a beautiful woman. Then,
he put the statue in front of his house. It was not finished yet. The statue still had no
clothes yet. Later, a young merchant passed by in front of Datu Panggana’s house. His
name was Bao Partigatiga. He sold jewelleries and clothes. He was very impressed by the
beauty of the statue.
“She would be more beautiful by wearing my clothes,” said Bao Partigatiga. He
then put on the clothes he wanted to sell. Bao Partigatiga was very contented now. The
statue looked like a real human. Then he left Datu Panggana’s house. After that, a priest
and his wife passed by. They were also impressed by the beauty of the statue. “I want to
pray to God to make her live like a real human. I want to make her our daughter,” said
the priest to his wife. The couple hadn’t had any children yet. Their dream came true.
The statue changed into a very beautiful girl. The priest and his wife then took the girl
home. They named her Nai Manggale.
The news about Nai Manggale spread very fast. All the villagers came to the
priest’s house to see Nai Manggale. Among them were Datu Panggana and Bao
Partigatiga. Datu Manggana said, “She has to stay in my house. The statue was mine.”
But, Bao Partigatiga also claimed the same thing. “She is wearing my clothes. So, she has
to stay in my house.” The priest did not want to deprive of Nai Manggale. “Remember, I
am the one who made her live like a human. So, she stays here.” Those three men then
were busy arguing. They claimed to have the rights of Nai Manggale.
To calm them, an elderly of the village gave a solution. His name was Aji Bahir.
“You all can have her and have a relationship with her. Datu Panggana, you are her
uncle. Bao Partigatiga, you are her brother. And you the priest, you are her father.” The
three men had no objection to Aji Bahir’s advice. And now they were happy because they
all could ask her to stay in their houses. Besides that, now those three men were related.

Activity 6

Let’s play a game.

Each of you will be a representative of your group to answer question cards. You will get
score for each of your correct answer. The score will be accumulated for each group. The
group with the highest score is the winner.
Question Cards
What can we infer from Datu What is the moral value that we can
Panggana? get from the story?
Who had the rights to live with Nai a. He had many admirers. a. Don’t be greedy
Manggale? b. He didnot have a wife. b. Selfish is sometimes okay
What is the best tittle of the text? c. He could shape log into beautiful c. You have to fight for what you
a. The Wise Aji Bahar a. Datu Panggana because he made things. want
b. Datu Panggana, the Great the statue d. He was ready to sell the statue. d. Peaceful resolution is the best for
Sculpture b. Bao Partigatiga becase he gave the e. He was still learning about everyone
c. Nai Manggale, the Legend from clothes carving. e. If you are right you have to prove
Tapanuli c. The priest because he had prayed it
d. The Story from Tapanuli to make the statue alive
d. Datu Panggana, Bao Partigatiga, Score : 15 Score : 15
e. A Beautiful Girl from Tapanuli
and the priest had the right
e. No one had the right to live with
Nai Manggale Why did Aji Bahir want those three The statements below are correct,
Score: 10 people involved to be a family? except...
Score : 10
a. Because Aji Bahir did not want to a. The priest arrived at Datu
hurt Nai Manggale Panggana’s house after the statue
“It was not finished yet.” (paragraph b. Because Aji Bahir was worried had been dressed
2). The word it refers to ... Bao Partigatiga was very contented about the fighting between b. Many people in Tapanuli knew
now. What is the similar meaning of villagers about Datu Panggana’s talent at
a. The cloth
contented? c. Because Aji Bahir promissed to that time
b. The statue
c. The jewel a. Satisfied give a family to Nai Manggale c. Nai Manggale got her name after
d. The house b. Comfortable d. Because Aji Bahir thought that by she lived like a real girl
e. The wood c. Confident the resolution all people would be d. Aji Bahir gave the solution that
d. Arogant happy made Datu Panggana had the only
e. Happy e. Because Aji Bahir wanted to marry rights of Nai Manggale
Nai Manggale e. Nai Manggale was a kind of prize
for the priest and his wife that they
Score : 10 had been waited
Score : 15 Score : 15

Nama: ……………………....................... / No. Absen: …..

Soal Ulangan Harian KD 8

A. Answer the questions below. Choose the best answer.
Text 1 for questions number 1-10.
A long time ago, in Bangka, lived a hunter. His name was Umpit. He was called
Umpit because he always went hunting using his blowpipe. The villagers liked him very
much because he was a nice person. Umpit often hunted the wild hogs. Those animals
often destroyed the villagers’ plantations.
Pak Raje was the richest man in the village. Nobody liked him. He was very
stingy. He did not like to donate his money. One day, he asked Umpit to hunt the wild
hogs. Umpit agreed. At night, he waited at Pak Raje’s plantation. While he was waiting,
suddenly seven wild hogs entered the plantation.
Then, whoosh! One of the hogs was shot. Amazingly, the hog disappeared.
Umpit could not find the hog anywhere. However, he found bloodshed on the ground.
He followed the blood trail. It went in the jungle. Finally the blood trail stopped in a big
cave. Slowly, he entered the cave. Then he heard a voice. “Who are you?”
“My name is Umpit. I’m looking for wounded hog. I shot it using my blowpipe.”
“So, it’s you!” you are the man who hurt my daughter!” slowly a woman
appeared in front of him. “Come, follow me,” said the woman. She then pointed a girl.
She was wounded. Her leg was bleeding.
“She was not a real hog. We are the goddesses of the jungle. I will forgive you,
but you have to cure my daughter.”
Umpit was so scared. He did not know that it was not the real hog. He then took
some leaves. He knew some medication because his parents taught him before. He put
the leaves on the wound. After a while, the girl was cured. The woman then gave Umpit
a present. Umpit immediately went home. He ran very fast. At home, Umpit
immediately opened the present. Wow! He got jewelleries, gold, and diamond. Umpit
sold the jewelleries and now he became a rich man.
1. The following statements are true about Umpit, except . . .
a. Umpit was a nice person
b. Umpit would only hunt using a blowpipe
c. Umpit often killed wild hogs
d. Umpit was a bad hunter
e. Umpit hunted destructive animals
2. What does paragraph 2 tell us about?
a. Pak Raje was only the richest man in Bangka
b. Umpit hunted at Pak Raje’s plantation
c. Pak Raje is hated by the villager
d. Umpit helped Pak Raje
e. Seven wild hogs ran rampantly at the plantation
3. Amazingly, the hog disappeared. (Paragraph 3, line 1).
The word ‘disappeared’ has similar meaning to words below, except ...
a. Vanished
b. Lost
c. Faded away
d. Be gone
e. Emerged
4. “It went in the jungle.” (Paragraph 3, line 3).
The word “it” refers to . . . .
a. Umpit
b. Blood trail
c. The hog
d. The blowpipe
e. A hunter
5. From the text, we know that the hog...
a. was a dangerous animal
b. was really deity
c. came from plantation
d. hurt Umpit
e. lived in the village
6. Why Umpit was so scared?
a. Because he was afraid of the hog
b. Because the hog ran after him
c. Because he was not ready to see blood
d. Because he shot a demigod
e. Because he was scolded by Pak Raje
7. The following statements are true about the goddesses, except ...
a. They lived in a cave
b. The girl was wounded
c. The woman forgave Umpit
d. The girl’s arm was bleeding
e. They are the goddesses of the jungle
8. How did Umpit cure the goddess?
a. He gave her first aid kids
b. He gave her leaves medication
c. He took her to a healer
d. He asked her to take some pills
e. He told her to have some rest
9. How did Umpit become rich? Because ...
a. he got donation from the villagers
b. he received a prize from Pak Raje
c. he earned much money by his hunting skill
d. he got valuable present from the goddess
e. he took care of wounded hog
10. What is the moral value of the text?
a. Take a pity on wild animals
b. Every rich man is evil
c. Beware hogs in the jungle
d. Don’t be stingy
e. Virtue bears good fortune

Text 2 for questions number 11-20.

Thousands of years ago, in China, there was an emperor, Shi Huang. He made
people from all over China work on the Great Wall. The work was long and hard. Many
workers died.
A beautiful woman, Meng Chiang-nu, lived with her husband in a small village.
Her husband had to go north to work on the Great Wall. It was very, very cold in the
north. He was gone for many months.
One day, Meng Chiang-nu went to find her husband. She walked for days and
days. She walked across rivers and mountains. Finally, she reached the Great Wall.
"Where is my husband?" she asked.
"Oh, he died long ago," a man said. "We buried him here, by the wall." Meng
Chiang-nu cried. She cried for days, and many people cried with her. Their tears made
a river 300 meters long. They cried so hard that a part of the wall fell down.
When the emperor heard about the woman, he came to see what had happened.
He saw her crying, and fell in love with her. "Will you marry me?" he asked. "I will
marry you." Meng Chiang-nu said. "But first, you must build a tomb for my husband."
The emperor agreed.
When the tomb was finished, Meng Chiang-nu wouldn't marry the emperor. She
jumped into the river. "Catch her! Catch her!" the emperor shouted. But Meng Chiang-
nu became a beautiful silver fish. She swam away, into the green-blue water.

11. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To describe how Great Wall was built
b. To inform the struggle of Chinese
c. To show how Shi Huang ruled
d. To entertain about the story of Meng Chiang nu
e. To explain why there was a long river near the Great Wall
12. “He was gone for many months.” (Paragraph 2 line 2). The word he refers to ...
a. The man
b. The king
c. The husband
d. The people
e. The soldier
13. Why did Meng Chiang nu travel to the Great Wall of China?
a. To find her husband
b. Her husband asked her to
c. To work on the Wall
d. To visit the Great Wall
e. To marry the emperor
14. Which word describes Meng Chiang-nu's trip to the Great Wall?
a. Hard
b. Impossible
c. Easy
d. Joyful
e. Touched
15. What made part of the wall fell down?
a. The emperor destroyed it himself
b. The workers' shouting made it fall down
c. Meng Chang-nu’s crying brought it down
d. The workers hit it and made it fall down
e. The construction wasn’t strong enough
16. What can we infer about the king?
a. He was a hard worker king
b. He was a kind hearted king
c. He loved his people
d. He was a handsome king
e. He was a dictator king
17. What does paragraph 5 tell us about?
a. Meng Chiang-nu asked the king to build a tomb before he could marry her
b. Meng Chiang-nu asked the king to marry her
c. The king fell in love with Meng Chiang-nu and wanted to build her a tomb
d. The king build a tomb to respect Meng Chiang-nu’s husband
e. Meng Chiang-nu could not wait to marry the king
18. In paragraph 6 line 2, what does shouted mean?
a. Whispered
b. Said loudly
c. Said softly
d. Asked
e. Talked
19. What is the resolution of the story?
a. Meng Chiang-nu married the king and lived happily ever after
b. The king punished Meng Chiang-nu and threw her into a river
c. The king cursed Meng Chiang-nu into a fish
d. The king chased Meng Chiang-nu and married her
e. Meng Chiang-nu threw herself into river to avoid the marriage
20. What can we learn from the story above?
a. Don’t force someone else to fulfil your wish
b. Be wise in choosing your partner
c. As a leader we have to be wise
d. Don’t underestimate others
e. Don’t be greedy

Text 3 for questions number 21-25.

Long time ago, in Girah Village, there lived Calon Arang, an old, powerful
woman. She had magical power. She had a very beautiful daughter, Ratna Mangali. Yet,
nobody wanted to marry her because they were afraid of her mother. People began to
talk about Ratna Mangali.
Calon Arang loved her daughter very much. When she heard people talking
about Ratna Mangali, she got very angry. She cursed the village so the villagers got very
ill and died. Soon the king heard the story and sent his best men to arrest her but they
all failed. Then the king called Mpu Baradah for his help. He sent his student, Mpu
Bahula to marry Ratna Mangali. Calon Arang was very happy. Then she gave her
daughter a big wedding party.
One day, Mpu Bahula asked Ratna Mangali to steal her mother’s magic book.
She took it when her mother was deep in sleep. Then she gave it to her husband. Then
Mpu Bahula gave it to his teacher, Mpu Barada. Knowing Calon Arang’s magic secret
Mpu Barada came to Girah Village. Calon Arang and Mpu Barada had a fight. Calon
Arang lost the fight because she did not have her magic book any more.
D., Sari K. 2014. Bupena Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA Kelas X. Jakarta : Erlangga.

21. What is the purpose of the writer?

a. To inform aboout important legend of Calon Arang.
b. To describe the power of Calon Arang.
c. To tell how Mpu Bahula defeated Calon Arang.
d. To amuse the readers a story about Calon Arang.
e. To explain why the villagers got ill and died.
22. Why did nobody want to marry Ratna Mangali? Because ...
a. she loved the king
b. she had a magical book
c. they scared of her mother
d. she was not beautiful
e. she was powerful woman
23. “Soon the king heard the story and sent his best men to arrest her but they all
failed.” (Paragraph 2 line 3).
The underlined word has the closest meaning with...
a. Catch
b. Punish
c. Jail
d. Call
e. Fight
24. Which statement is true based on the text above?
a. Ratna Mangali cursed the villagers that talked about her mother
b. Mpu Bahula asked Mpu Barada to marry Ratna Mangali
c. Calon Arang arranged her wedding party as big as possible
d. Ratna Mangali did not obey her husband to take the magic book
e. Calon Arang was defeated by Mpu Barada
25. What made Calon Arang has big power?
a. She had a big love to her daughter.
b. She had a great magic book.
c. She learned from Mpu Barada.
d. She got the king’s blessing.
e. She practiced with the villagers.

B. Fill in the blanks by using suitable words in box.

One Sunday, Putri Sidharta visited her friend, Rita Arfi’s house in Tuntang. Her
house is (1) _______ a big lake. People call it Rawa Pening Lake. Rita told Putri the story
of Rawa Pening Lake. It happened that Ki Ajar (2) ______ a baby son, but amazingly the
baby (3) ______ a snake. He named his son Baru Klinting. He (4) ______ the snake to
meditate in Mount Sileker to become a human.
One day, the people of Benerawa went hunting. They (5) ______ a big snake and
cut it into pieces. They did not (6) ______ that it was Baru Klinting.
The soul of Baru Klinting (7) ______ into a small boy. He begged for food in the
village of Benerawa. But no one cared of him and some boys even mocked him. The
little boy then planted a stick. When he (8) ______ the stick out of the ground, water
sprung out of the hole. Gradually, it became a big flood. All the Benerawa villagers were
(9) _______. Only an old poor widow was safe because she helped the boy by (10) ______
him some porridge and drink.
Nowadays, the area is a big lake called Rawa Pening. It is located in Semarang
Grace, Eudia dan Th. M. Sudarwati. 2007. Look Ahead 2 An English Course. Jakarta : Erlangga.

giving facing drowned had pulled

was turned ordered know found

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