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06 March 2021 20-DES-2014



Semester : IV Sks: 2

Minggu Ke : 3-4 Tugas ke: 2


1 TUJUAN TUGAS: Mahasiswa mampu memahami berbagai konsep tentang
pendekatan ESP dalam desain pembelajaran Bahasa
Inggris (PBI).
a. Obyek Garapan Konsep Dasar Pendekatan ESP dalam ELT
b. Batasan yang harus Menelusuri dan mengumpulkan berbagai informasi
Dikerjakan terkait dengan:
1. Rationale for an ESP approach in ELT
2. Various definitions of ESP
3. Kinds of ESP
4. The Emergence of ESP
5. The roles of ESP teachers
c. Metode/Cara 1. Mahasiswa mengumpulkan berbagai informasi
Pengerjaan/Acuan tentang rasional penerapan pendekatan ESP dalam
yang Digunakan ELT/PBI, berbagai definisi tentang ESP, Jenis-jenis
ESP, Sejarah munculnya ESP, dan Konsep tentang
“Knowing Language”, dengan mengerjakan LKM
yang telah disediakan.
2. Mahasiswa melakukan diskusi hasil penelusuran
referensi terhadap aspek-aspek di atas.
3. Mahasiswa mengerjakan laporan hasil temuan
secara berkelompok (2-3 orang) dengan mengisi
lembar kerja (worksheet 2 berikut).
4. Sebelum dikumpulkan, hasil diskusi disajikan pada
pertemuan kelas online untuk mendapatkan
feedback dari mahasiswa lain dan dosen.

d. Referensi 1. Anthony, L. 2018. Introducing English for Specific

Purposes. Great Britain: Routledge.
2. Basturkmen, H. 2010. Developing Courses in
English for Specific Purposes. McMilan: Palgrave
3. Dudley, E. & St. Jones., 1998. Development in
English for Specific Purpose: An Interdisciplinary

approach. Cambridge: CUP
4. Hutchinson, T & A. Waters, 2010. English for
Specific Purposes. Cambridge: CUP
5. Tickoo, L. (ed.) 1988. ESP: State of Art. Singapore:
6. Woodrow, L. 2018. Introducing Course Design in
English for Specific Purposes. New York:

e. Luaran yang Tugas berupa Laporan Hasil Diskusi dikerjakan secara

Dihasilkan berkelompok yang terdiri dari 2 atau 3 orang. Tugas
disampaikan dalam diskusi kelas online sebelum
dikumpulkan dalam

3 KRITERIA PENILAIAN 1. Kelengkapan & Ketepatan materi/konsep 45%

2. Kedalaman analisis 45%
3. Bahasa 10%

Student Worksheet 2 “ESP Program Development” @I Made Sujana/UNRAM 2


Pleas transfer the results of your discussion here:

1. Find references on definitions of ESP, summarize them and discuss them.

a. According to Hutchinson and Waters (2010)

Hutchinson & Waters (2010) define ESP as an approach of designing courses

based on learners’ needs.

b. According to Streven (1987)

who defined ESP as a particular case of general category of special purpose

language teaching. The definition makes a distinction between four absolute and
two variable characteristics.
1.Absolute character
 designed to meet specified needs of the learner;
 related in content (i.e. in its themes and topics) to particular disciplines,
occupations and activities;
 centred on the language appropriate to those activities in syntax, lexis,
discourse, semantics, etc., and analysis of this discourse;
 in contrast with General English.
2. Variable characteristic
 restricted as to the language skills to be learned (e.g. reading only);
 not taught according to any pre-ordained methodology

c. According to Dudley-Evans & St. Jones (1998)

Modified Strevens' original definition of ESP to form their own. He defined ESP
by identifying its absolute and variable characteristics.

d. According to ….

Anthony (1997) notes that there has been considerable recent debate about what
ESP means despite the fact that it is an approach which has been widely used over
the last three decades.

Student Worksheet 2 “ESP Program Development” @I Made Sujana/UNRAM 3

e. According to ….

Robinson’s (1991: 3) definition of ESP is based on two criteria: 1) ESP is

normally ‘goal-directed’, and 2) ESP courses develop from a needs analysis which
aim to specify what exactly it is that students have to do through the medium of
English, and a number of characteristics which explain that ESP courses are
generally constrained by a limited time period in which their objectives have to be
achieved and are taught to adults in homogenous classes in terms of the work or
specialist studies that the students are involved in.

3. What are the similarities of those definitions? (What do they share in common?)

Similarities of aspects in those definitions:

Some people describe ESP as simply being the teaching of English for any purpose that
could be specified. Others, however, are more precise, describing it as the teaching of
English used in academic studies or the teaching of English for vocational or professional
purposes, or as the teaching of English for nonnative speakers of English who learn
English on specific purposes.
ESP is a subset of English as a second or foreign language. It usually refers to teaching
the English language to university students or people already in employment, with
reference to the particular vocabulary and skills they need.

4. Find references on the rationales of using an ESP approach in ELT, summarize them and
then discuss to your group.

Because ESP for specific purposes in teaching that has different approaches and
assumptions. ESP material refers to the students' needs and the users of the graduates
themselves. The three main characteristics of ESP, namely goal oriented, need analysis,
and ESP are generally taught at the intermediate academic and work professional levels.
ESP teachers perform a variety of roles such as collaborators, researchers, course
designers and material developers along with conventional roles as teachers. This is not
the case in ELT. Here the teacher is only concerned with teaching.

5. Why ESP? [What makes ESP is more preferable in current ELT?]

Typically, the rationale behind integrating ESP in ELT is to help language learners cope

Student Worksheet 2 “ESP Program Development” @I Made Sujana/UNRAM 4

with features of language or develop the competencies needed to function in a discipline,
professional practices, or work place. This led Benesch [1] to call for a critical approach
to EAP (English for Academic Purposes) teaching.

6. According to Hutchinson & Waters (1993), there are some phenomena for the emergence
of ESP. What are they and how do they happen?

The phenomena for the emergence of ESP:

a. In some cases, the materials given in English subject in university level,
especially in non english study program, is sometimes irrelevant with the
students background and need. This happened because of some reasons,
such as the lacks of English teaching materials which is specified for
certain purposes, and many available teaching materials are published by
foreign country in which the level of difficulities is not really suitable with
the students need in indonesia
b. First, the end of the Second World War brought with it an " ... age of
enormous and unprecedented expansion in scientific, technical and
economic activity on an international scale · for various reasons, most
notably the economic power of the United States in the post-war world, the
role [of international language] fell to English" (p. 6). Second, the Oil
Crisis of the early 1970s resulted in Western money and knowledge
flowing into the oil-rich countries. The language of this knowledge became
The general effect of all this development was to exert pressure on the
language teaching profession to deliver the required goods. Whereas
English had previously decided its own destiny, it now became subject to
the wishes, needs and demands of people other than language teachers, the
demands of a brave new world
c. The second key reason cited as having a tremendous impact on the
emergence of ESP was a revolution in linguistics. Whereas traditional
linguists set out to describe the features of language, revolutionary pioneers
in linguistics began to focus on the ways in which language is used in real
communication. Hutchinson and Waters (1987) point out that one

Student Worksheet 2 “ESP Program Development” @I Made Sujana/UNRAM 5

significant discovery was in the ways that spoken and written English vary.
In other words, given the particular context in which English is used, the
variant of English will change. This idea was taken one step farther. If
language in different situations varies, then tailoring language instruction to
meet the needs of learners in specific contexts is also possible. Hence, in
the late 1960s and the early 1970s there were many attempts to describe
English for Science and Technology (EST). Hutchinson and Waters (1987)
identify Ewer and Latorre, Swales, Selinker and Trimble as a few of the
prominent descriptive EST pioneers a revolution in linguistics.
d. The final reason Hutchinson and Waters (1987) cite as having influenced
the emergence of ESP has less to do with linguistics and everything to do
psychology. Rather than simply focus on the method of language delivery,
more attention was given to the ways in which learners acquire language
and the differences in the ways language is acquired. Learners were seen to
employ different learning strategies, use different skills, enter with different
learning schemata, and be motivated by different needs and interests.
Therefore, focus on the learners' needs became equally paramount as the
methods employed to disseminate linguistic knowledge. Designing specific
courses to better meet these individual needs was a natural extension of this
thinking. To this day, the catchword in ESL circles is learner-centered or
learning-centered. and the focus on the learner

7. What are the kinds of ESP?

Kinds of ESP:
Broadly speaking, ESP is divided into two, namely EAP (English for Academic
Purposes) and EOP (English for Occupational Purposes). If the purpose of EAP is
learning English for academic purposes and needs, then EOP is learning English for
work and training purposes or need

ELT Tree from Hutchinson & Waters (p.). What do you think it means?

Student Worksheet 2 “ESP Program Development” @I Made Sujana/UNRAM 6

Hutchinson and Waters illustrated their idea of ELT by the picture of a tree. In the
picture, ESP is opposed to General English, usually taught for exam purposes.
Thus, the first conclusion we can draw is that ESP is teaching English for any other
purposes, e.g. work or study. These two are usually called professional (also
occupational or vocational) purposes and academic purposes. According to the division,
most secondary schools teach General English simply because their purpose is a
particular exam (a GE exam, of course, such as the FCE or the standard Russian school
exam). If a student intends to use English in their future profession or wants to continue
their academic studies, they need another sort of English that ought to meet some
particular needs. Therefore, all our universities and colleges deal with ESP.

8. Find references, and discuss the various roles of an ESP teacher

Five Key Roles of an ESP teacher:

1. as a teacher
The teacher as a teacher means that the teacher only acts as an ordinary English
2. as a collaborator
This means that ESP teachers must work closely with experts in developing
teaching and learning activities.
3. as a constituent of the material

Student Worksheet 2 “ESP Program Development” @I Made Sujana/UNRAM 7

This means that an ESP teacher must provide materials covering a wide range of
fields, arguing that the grammatical structures, functions, discourse structures,
skills and strategies of the different disciplines are identical.
4. as a researcher
Many ESP teachers are sometimes confused about choosing materials that are
appropriate for their teaching and learning activities. Therefore, ESP teachers as
'researchers' are very important, with results that lead directly to the right material
for teaching and learning activities.
5. as an evaluator
This means that an ESP teacher must demonstrate the achievements of students by
assigning assignments to them.

What are the differences of being ESP practitioners/teacher and teachers at formal
The review of previous studies reveals that EGP focuses on general English language
abilities of students whereas ESP focuses on specific skills and needs of learners based
on a detailed analysis of learners' professional/academic needs. This distinction has
important implications for ESP teachers.

Student Worksheet 2 “ESP Program Development” @I Made Sujana/UNRAM 8

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