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EDescriptive dan Recount Text Lebih Menyenangkan dengan Poster

Praktik Pembelajaran di SMP Swasta Bintang Laut, Teluk Dalam, Nias Selatan

Siswa mendeskripsikan poster rupa perempuan cantik sesuai LK II.

Oleh Vestina Hondro, A.Md *)

Teluk Dalam, Sumatera Utara.

Agar siswa berhasil mengerjakan descriptive dan recount text, saya merancang pembelajaran
menggunakan permainan kata dan media berupa poster perempuan cantik. Supaya punya
poster seperti itu, terpaksa saya mengunting majalah Kartini kesayangan. Tapi saya tidak
menyesal karena siswa kelas VIII menyenangi pembelajaran hari ini.

Kami belajar SK (standar kompetensi) mengungkapkan makna dalam teks dan essay pendek
berbentuk descriptive dan recount untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar. Dulu saya
mengajarkan SK ini dengan cara menghafal. Saya minta siswa menghafal sebanyak mungkin
kata-kata dan grammarnya. Setelah itu siswa saya suruh menuliskan deskripsi sebuah benda
yang mereka hayalkan. Hasilnya mengecewakan, siswa banyak yang tidak berhasil. Saya
tidak mau langi mengulanginya lagi.

Pagi ini saya mulai PBM (Proses Belajar Mengajar) dengan semangat dan wajah riang. Saya
katakan kepada siswa, kalau mereka akan bisa mendeskripsikan benda dan menyusun
deskripsi itu ke dalam sebuah paragraph.

Setelah itu saya mulai menunjukkan sebuah poster perempuan cantik. Saya minta siswa
mengomentari poster perempuan itu. Respon siswa beragam. Ada yang bilang perempuan itu
berambut panjang, punya mata indah, kulitnya putih dan sebagainya.”Beautiful girl, baby
face, thin lips, long neck, white and black eys…,” kata mereka. Komentar itu saya tuliskan
kembali di papan tulis.

Setelah punya daftar kata-kata yang banyak, kemudian saya ajak siswa menuliskan kata-kata
itu kedalam kalimat. Misalnya untuk perempuan yang berambut panjang, saya menulisnya
menjadi, ”She has long hair.” Untuk perempuan yang berparas rupawan saya tulis
sebagai,”She has beautiful face.” Deskripsi dan penulisan kalimat ini saya tujukan agar siswa
mengenal jenis-jenis kata dan kalimat descriptive dan recount. Seperti kata pepatah, ala bisa
karena biasa.

Setelah siswa mengenal kata-kata dan kalimat descriptive dan recount, saya meminta siswa
membentuk kelompok. Setiap kelompok saya beri amplop dan lembaran kerja (LK) I. LK I
berisi instruksi agar siswa menyusun potongan kalimat di dalam amplop menjadi satu
paragraph. Sedangkan amplop berisi satu paragraph yang mendeskripsikan wajah seseorang.
Siswa harus berdiskusi dan menentukan bersama susunan kalimat yang pas.
Ketika siswa berdiskusi, saya mendatangi setiap kelompok. Saya mendengar baik-baik topik
dan cara mereka berdiskusi. Saya ingin memastikan siswa memahami instruksi yang ada di
LK I. Kelompok yang sudah mengerti, saya biarkan langsung bekerja. Sedangkan untuk
kelompok yang masih bingung, saya bantu dengan penjelasan tambahan. Di dalam proses ini
saya memposisikan diri sebagai fasilitator, sehingga siswa yang lebih aktif.

Saatnya memeriksa hasil kerja kelompok. Saya minta setiap kelompok mengutus seorang juru
bicara. Terserah mereka memilih siapa. Semua juru bicara harus berbaris di depan kelas.
Setiap juru bicara membacakan runtutan kalimat yang mereka susun.

Saya ingin siswa berpartisipasi dan menilai sendiri hasil kerja kelompok kawannya. Setiap
kali juru bicara selesai mempresentasikan hasil kerja kelompoknya, saya minta siswa lain
menilai. Siswa lain merespon sangat baik, mereka bisa menunjukkan kesalahan-kesalahan
yang dilakukan kelompok si juru bicara. Lebih hebatnya lagi, mereka juga bisa menujukkan
cara memperbaiki kesalahan itu. Saya kagum dengan mereka.

Setiap kelompok saya beri perlakukan yang sama. Di akhir presentasi, ternyata hanya ada
satu kelompok yang benar semuanya. Kepada kelompok ini saya mengucapkan selamat dan
meminta semua siswa memberikan tepuk tangan sebagai hadiah.

Setelah LK I selesai, maka saya minta siswa mengerjakan LK II. Sebelum mengerjakan LK
II, setiap kelompok saya berikan dulu poster gadis cantik. Baru setelah itu siswa membaca
LK II. Di dalam LK II saya meminta siswa mendiskripsikan rupa di gadis dalam poster,
kemudian menuliskannya kedalam satu paragraph kalimat. Mereka harus mengerjakannya
dengan kata-kata sendiri.

Penggunaan poster ternyata mempermudah siswa berkerja. Siswa mengaku lebih gampang
menjalankan istruksi saya. Mereka tidak perlu lagi menghayal seperti dulu.” Kami bisa
langsung menunjuk bagian poster yang akan dideskripsilkan, ini lebih mudah dan
menyenangkan,” kata Methanida Zagoto, seorang siswi saya yang paling aktif.

Setelah siswa berhasil mendiskripsikan poster, mereka tuliskan deskripsi itu ke dalam kertas
LK II. Ketika menulis urutan kalimat, siswa berusaha agar sesuai dengan contoh sebelumnya.
Kemudian saya minta setiap kelompok untuk membacakan hasil deskripsi mereka. Pada
bagian ini, mereka cukup membacakan di dalam kelompok saja. Setiap kelompok harus
mengajukan juru bicara yang baru. Pergantian juru bicara ini, saya tujukan gar semua siswa
dapat kesempatan berbicara. Saya tidak ingin hanya siswa pintar saja yang berbicara.

Nah, saat yang paling saya tunggu tiba. Setelah seluruh juru bicara selesai membacakan
naskah hasil diskusi kelompoknya, saya kembali meminta siswa untuk presentasi. Kali ini
siswa tidak membaca naskah, tetapi langsung mendeskripsikan rupa si gadis di poster dengan
kata-katanya sendiri. Saya sendiri yang menentukan siswa yang presentasi dari setiap
kelompok. Saya ingin memastikan apakah mereka mampu menggunakan descriptive dan
recount secara verbal.

Saya senang sekaligus terkejut. Merasa senang karena siswa bisa mendeskripsikan sebuah
poster dengan baik. Terkejut karena siswa yang biasanya pemalu dan kurang aktif, namun
ketika diminta bicara, Ia bisa tampil baik dan mengesankan.
Seluruh siswa mengatakan senang belajar dengan model CTL. Simon Ray. C Sarumaha
berkomentar positif. Simon merasa CTL membuatnya lebih mudah belajar bahasa Inggris.”…
jujur saya sangat senang, lebih enjoy dan banyak mengeluarkan pendapat kepada teman-
teman…,” tulisnya dalam lembar refleksi siswa. Saya bahagia membacanya! (*)

*) Guru Bahasa Inggris SMP Swasta Bintang Laut, Teluk Dalam, Nias Selatan

rita bahasa Inggris merupakan salah satu contoh hal yang amat menarik di dalam sebuah
pembelajaran. Dengan membaca cerita, Anda akan merasa terhibur dan mendapatkan banyak
inspirasi menarik. Di dalam artikel ini, kami mempunyai cukup banyak cerita bahasa Inggris
yang bisa Anda dapatkan. Cerita yang dibagikan kepada Anda ini merupakan kisah-kisah
nyata yang tentu saja mampu membuat perasaan Anda berkesan setelah membacanya.
Silakan simak beragam cerita bahasa Inggris di bawah ini.

Holiday in Grandma and Grandpa’s House

One week ago, I got holiday. It was because in my school was held final examination for all
students in the last level in my school or many people called it as UAN. For that, by using my
leisure time, I chose to go to my grandmother’s house in Bogor. The reasons I chose that
place were because I not only missed my grandma and grandpa, but I also really liked to visit
Bogor because this area had cool weather, and beautiful scenery. So that by those reasons, I
believed that they could refresh my brain from all burden in the school like the home work
that required me to finish it.

When I was in my grandma and grandpa’s house, I was invited by them to see their tea
garden. I was excited to do that. Then, we went to that garden by private car. After we arrived
in the garden, I saw all in the green one and I saw many people worked to pick tea leaves. I
could not say anything when seeing those phenomena. I awed with those things. I though
how perfect the God creation was.

By seeing those phenomena, I run to that garden to see the workers directly to know how the
way in picking the tea leave correctly. There, I introduced myself to them as grandchild of
their boss. So did them. In that garden, I was not only taught by them about how to pick tea
leaves correctly , but I also was taught about how the way to indentify tea leaves which were
ready to be taken. So that, I did not do the mistake in choosing the tea leaves to be picked.
After studying during a half hour from my grandma and grandpa’s workers, I tried to pick tea
leaves with my own. I wanted to help them and I did not want them to observe me in doing
that. It was because I believed that I could do it correctly as they taught me before. Then,
after an hour, I picked the leaves. I showed my result to them. They said that my work was
good. I was very satisfied and happy about it because I could show to my grandma and
grandma that I could do it, as their workers did.

The First Experience in Camping

In the Friday morning, I saw many students to get ready to come in their schools. Many
goods that they brought for the example were sticks, ropes, woods and many others. They
would do camping. Nevertheless, I did not where they would do the camping.

From that kind of phenomenon above, suddenly, I remembered when I was in senior high
school time, especially in 1st grade of that level. I remembered that in my school at the time,
there was regulation about for all new students in the 1st level might follow camping that was
held by my school. I was very shocked about it. It was because camping was the first time for
me. I never did before.

Before the date of the day, I and my friends prepared and bought many things for it. For the
example, I and my friends bought hat, rope, new shoes, and tarpaulin for camping. Then, we
also searched woods, and sticks. Besides, each of camping members might bring basic needs
like rice, vegetable oil, vegetables, cooking spices and others. Those things were used to
fulfill our needs during camping time.

The day of camping came, exactly in the Friday. Each group consisted of 10 members. Then,
I belonged to the 3rd group, where it consisted of me myself, Susi, Lia, Lina, Yuli, Dwi,
Wulan, Wati, Ike and Ratna. There each of members had her own duty. For the example at
the time I , Wati, and Wulan had duty in cooking. Then the others had different duty of mine.
During in camping time, there were many activities that done by us like we learned how to
make tent, to make litter, we also asked to go around fire and many other activities. Those
activities were very pleased. It taught me about the meaning of togetherness. That was my
first experience in camping.

The World Changed My Old Friend

Two days ago, when I and my mom went to mall, I met my old friend in Elementary school
with her friends. She was Vita. In my school at the time, Vita was well known as calm
student, low profile, and very kind. Nevertheless, two days ago in Mall, I did not believe that
my friend who was known good person, the fact she was not. She did not recognize that I was
her old friend. Even though, I introduced myself clearly. Nevertheless, she still did not want
to recognize me as her friend in front of her friends. Then, she asked her friends to not care
about who I was. Then, they leaved me and my mother without saying anything. I was very
sad about her action to me. Moreover, she did it in front of my mom too. I did not want my
mom sad.

That event above happened when I and my mom walked in a mall to seek new bag for me. It
was because my bag was broken. Then, on the intersection of path on the mall, I saw Vita
with her friends. She was talking and laughing with her friends loudly. I knew well her style
in talking and in laughing. Then, I invited my mom to approach Vita and her friends first,
before doing shopping.

When approaching my old friend, Vita, and her friends, I asked to her to make sure that she
was Vita. Then, she asked who I was. Then I answered that I was her old friend in
Elementary school in Pontianak who had name Sessy. Then, she answered that she did not
have a friend liked me when she studied in that school. She said that I met the wrong person,
not vita who I meant. Then, she and her friends went without saying good bye.

Through that event, my mom said to me that I might be patient toward painful action that was
done by my old friend, Vita. Then, I also might give forgiveness to her and also as the
learning for me myself that not to be arrogant person, because it made other people felt

The Wrong Number

I had a good friend in university. Her name was Kurnia. Nevertheless, because there was
problem with her in university that we studied, it made her to move to another university.
Then she moved to private university that had long distance with my university .For that
background, it made me and Kurnia long not to see again.

Four months since Kurna moved to another university, I and Kurnia did not ever meet yet. I
missed her so much. So did she. It was because at before I and Kurnia were always together.
We often shared together toward everything that happened to us. For that, I decided to visit
her in her dormitory.

Before going to Kurnia’s dormitory, I asked her dormitory’s address that could be met by me
myself. Then, she gave her complete dormitory’s address that was on Jl. R.A. Kartini No. 13,
Sumbang, Bandung. Then, by receiving Kurnia’s address. I was bent to visit her. Even
though, I did not know where the location was.

In making me to find easier her location, she gave me other directions. For the example, she
gave the directions about what kind of transportations that might be chosen by me, what the
name of that transportation was.

By provision of Kurnia’s address and direction, I went to Kurnia house. I was accompanied
by Putri, my sister. I and my sister used transportation as which suggested by her. Then,
almost 2 hours, I and my sister were on the bus. Finally we arrived in Subang. Then, the next
step for I and my sister was to find the exact Kurnia’s address that was on Jl. R.A. Kartini
No. 13. Nevertheless, during a half hour, we did not find that address. That we found was Jl.
R.A. Kartini No. 30. Then, I confirmed to my friend again about where her address exactly
whether on Jl. R.A. Kartini No. 13 or Jl. R.A. Kartini No. 30. Then she confirmed about her
address and said sorry by giving wrong number. Her true address was onR.A. Kartini No. 30.
It was because the number was changed recently. She forgot. Then, after that I and my sister
backed again to the first address that we found, on R.A. Kartini No. 30. Then, finally we
found Kurnia, my good friend.
Unforgettable Trip
One month ago, I went to visit my aunt and my uncle in Bandung. I visited my aunt; it was
because that month was the holiday time of my school. In addition, I really missed with my
cute nephew. She was Putri. Putri was my youngest nephew who really cute and the most
beautiful one among other nephews that I had.

Then, I visited my aunt and my uncle’s home with my parents, my mom and my father. I was
really glad when my parents ached my desirability to visit them. My family went in Bogor by
using airplane. I was very excited. It was because by airplane was the first time for me when
going to somewhere. In the airplane, I saw some pilots in it. They were very kind and friendly
to all people who existed in that plane, included of me myself. Besides, I also could see
everything in the ground. It was very small and looked very beautiful. It was the experience
that would never be forgotten by me.

At 7: 00 o’clock in the evening, I and my parents arrived in the airport. There, I and my
family saw my aunt, my uncle, and my cute nephew. I was really happy. Then, I kissed my
cute nephew directly. She only smiled. Then I asked her to play together with me. We played

Then the purpose of my uncle and his family themselves on the airport was to pick up my
family. Then, after that we together leaved the airport to my aunt and my uncle’s house.
Before arriving to my aunt and my uncle’s house, my family was asked by them to come in
the Restaurant first, in order to have dinner.

In the restaurant, I and all my family ordered our favorite food that was sea food. After
getting full, we decided to continue the trip to come in my aunt family’s house. There, I and
my father were welcomed to enter their house.Then my family was feted well by them by
giving any kind of snack, and warm tea. Then, before that, I and family took bath first. It was
because my family’s trip that day was very exhausted, but very pleased.After that, I decided
to take rest in order to prepare energy for activities in the next day.

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