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NAMA : Ryan Perangin angin

NIM : 5203351005
DOSEN PENGAMPU : Tansa Trisna Astono Putri, S.Kom., M.T.I.

MATA KULIAH : Bahasa Inggris





Puji syukur saya panjatkan kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa yang telah memberikan
rahmatnya kepada saya dalam menyelesaikan tugas rutin indivudu ini, sehingga makalah
ini dapat diselesaikan tepat pada waktunya. Terimakasih saya ucapkan kepada Tansa
Trisna Astono Putri, S.Kom., M.T.I. selaku dosen pengampu mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris
yang telah membimbing kami. Dalam makalah ini saya membahas dan menjelaskan
mengenai tugas critical journal review dengan judul jurnal . Selaku manusia biasa, saya
menyadari bahwa dalam hasil makalah ini masih terdapat kekurangan dan kekeliruan yang
tidak disengaja. Oleh karena itu saya sangat membutuhkan kritik dan saran. Saya berharap
makalah ini dapat bermanfaat bagi kita semua, khususnya pada mata kuliah Bahasa inggris
Jurusan Pendidikan Tehnik Informatika di Universitas Negeri Medan.

Medan, September 2021


Kata Pengantar....................................................................................................................i

Daftar Isi............................................................................................................................ii


A. Latar Belakang ..............................................................................................1

B. Tujuan Penulisan ...........................................................................................2

C. Manfaat Penulisan .........................................................................................2


2.1 Identitas Jurnal .............................................................................................3

2.2 Ringkasan Jurnal...........................................................................................3


3.1 penggunaan tata bahasa................................................................................6

3.2 kata dalam bahasa Inggris.............................................................................6


A. Kesimpulan..................................................................................................20


Bahasa Inggris | Ryan Perangin angin Page ii



A. Latar Belakang

Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa Jermanik yang pertama kali dituturkan

di Inggris pada Abad Pertengahan Awal dan saat ini merupakan bahasa yang paling umum
digunakan di seluruh dunia.[4] Bahasa Inggris dituturkan sebagai bahasa pertama oleh
mayoritas penduduk di berbagai negara, termasuk Britania Raya, Irlandia, Amerika
Serikat, Kanada, Australia, Selandia Baru, dan sejumlah negara-negara Karibia; serta
menjadi bahasa resmi di hampir 60 negara berdaulat. Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa ibu ketiga
yang paling banyak dituturkan di seluruh dunia, setelah bahasa Mandarin dan bahasa
Spanyol. Bahasa Inggris juga digunakan sebagai bahasa kedua dan bahasa resmi oleh Uni
Eropa, Negara Persemakmuran, dan Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa, serta beragam organisasi
Bahasa Inggris berkembang pertama kali di Kerajaan Anglo-Saxon Inggris dan di wilayah
yang saat ini membentuk Skotlandia tenggara. Setelah meluasnya pengaruh Britania
Raya pada abad ke-17 dan ke-20 melalui Imperium Britania, bahasa Inggris tersebar luas di
seluruh dunia. Di samping itu, luasnya penggunaan bahasa Inggris juga disebabkan oleh
penyebaran kebudayaan dan teknologi Amerika Serikat yang mendominasi di sepanjang abad
ke-20 Hal-hal tersebut telah menyebabkan bahasa Inggris saat ini menjadi bahasa utama dan
secara tidak resmi (de facto) dianggap sebagai lingua franca di berbagai belahan dunia.[
Menurut sejarahnya, bahasa Inggris berasal dari peleburan beragam dialek terkait, yang saat
ini secara kolektif dikenal sebagai bahasa Inggris Kuno, yang dibawa ke pantai timur Pulau
Britania oleh pendatang Jermanik (Anglo-Saxons) pada abad ke-5; kata English' berasal dari
nama Angles Suku Anglo-Saxons ini sendiri berasal dari wilayah Angeln (saat ini Schleswig-
Holstein, Jerman). Bahasa Inggris awal juga dipengaruhi oleh bahasa Norse
Kuno setelah Viking menaklukkan Inggris pada abad ke-9 dan ke-10.
Penaklukan Normandia terhadap Inggris pada abad ke-11 menyebabkan bahasa Inggris juga
mendapat pengaruh dari bahasa Prancis Norman, dan kosakata serta ejaan dalam bahasa
Inggris mulai dipengaruhi oleh bahasa Latin Romawi (meskipun bahasa Inggris sendiri
bukanlah rumpun bahasa Romawi), yang kemudian dikenal dengan bahasa Inggris
Pertengahan. Pergeseran Vokal yang dimulai di Inggris bagian selatan pada abad ke-15 adalah
salah satu peristiwa bersejarah yang menandai peralihan bahasa Inggris Pertengahan
menjadi bahasa Inggris Modern.
Selain Anglo-Saxons dan Prancis Norman, sejumlah besar kata dalam bahasa Inggris juga
berakar dari bahasa Latin, karena Latin adalah lingua franca Gereja Kristen dan bahasa utama
di kalangan intelektual Eropa, dan telah menjadi dasar kosakata bagi bahasa Inggris modern.
Karena telah mengalami perpaduan beragam kata dari berbagai bahasa di sepanjang sejarah,
bahasa Inggris modern memiliki kosakata yang sangat banyak, dengan pengejaan yang
kompleks dan tidak teratur (irregular), khususnya vokal. Bahasa Inggris modern tidak hanya
merupakan perpaduan dari bahasa-bahasa Eropa, tetapi juga dari berbagai bahasa di seluruh
dunia. Oxford English Dictionary memuat daftar lebih dari 250.000 kata berbeda, tidak
termasuk istilah-istilah teknis, sains, dan bahasa gaul yang jumlahnya juga sangat banyak

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B. Tujuan Penulisan Critical Journal Report (CJR)
Mengkritik Jurnal (critical journal review) ini dibuat sebagai salah satu referensi ilmu
yang bermanfaat untuk menambah wawasan penulis maupun pembaca dalam mengetahui
kelebihan dan kekurangan suatu jurnal, menjadi bahan pertimbangan, dan juga menyelesaikan
salah satu tugas individu mata kuliah Perkembangan Peserta Didik pada Jurusan Pendidikan
Teknik Bangunan di Universitas Negeri Medan.

C. Manfaat Penulisan Critical Journal Report (CJR)

 Membantu pembaca mengetahui gambaran dan penilaian umum dari sebuah jurnal
atau hasil karya tulis ilmiah lainnya secara ringkas.

 Mengetahui kelebihan dan kelemahan jurnal yang dikritik.

 Mengetahui latar belakang dan alasan jurnal tersebut dibuat.

 Mengetahui kualitas jurnal dengan membandingkan terhadap karya dari penulis

yang sama atau penulis lainnya.

 Memberi masukan kepada penulis jurnal berupa kritik dan saran terhadap cara
penulisan, isi, dan substansi jurnal.

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2.1 Identitas Jurnal 1

Judul : Educational Policy Actions by the Ministry of National

Education in the times of COVID-19

Penulis : Mahmut ÖZER

Jenis Jurnal : Education Journal

Website :

Volume dan Nomor : Vol. 28, No:3, 1124-1129

Jumlah Halaman :6

Tahun Terbit : 2020

Identitas Jurnal 2

Judul : Online Learning: A Panacea in the Time of COVID-19 Crisis

Penulis : Shivangi Dhawan

Jenis Jurnal : Education Journal Technology

Website :

Volume dan Nomor : Vol. 49(1) 5–22

Jumlah Halaman : 18

Tahun Terbit : 2020

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2.2 Ringkasan Jurnal

Jurnal 1

Covid-19 Pandemic in Turkey Turkey

kept the threat of COVID-19 out of its borders until 11th of March. Since then, the number of
cases has been increasing. As of 15th of April, about one month after announcing the first
official COVID-19 case, there are 69,392 known cases, 1,518 deaths and 5,674 recovered
patients in Turkey (Ministry of Health-COVID 19 Database). The changes in the number of
COVID-19 positive cases with comparison of some other countries is given in Figure 1. As it
is seen in Figure 1, numbers of the cases with COVID-19 positive have yet to reach the
expected peak level in Turkey and have continued to increase with lower ratio. Ministry of
Health and its Scientific Council evaluate the situation constantly, and precautionary
measures have become stricter with their feedbacks.

Since the first stages of COVID-19 pandemic, Ministry of National Education (MoNE) has
maintained the communications with Ministry of Health and its Scientific Council.
Considering an education system with approximately 18 millions of students and 1 million
teachers, MoNE prioritized the health and well-being of all educational stakeholders, and
decided to maintain school closures until the end of April 2020 based on the
recommendations of the Scientific Council.

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Distance Education

With the school closures, continuing of education via alternative platforms become crucial in
Turkey. Distance education is the key element of MoNE to maintain its services and transmit
these services to all educational stakeholders. Within the scope of distance education, MoNE
has decided to perform the courses via its online platform-EBA (Educational Informatics
Network) and national television channel-TRT (Turkish Radio and Television Corporation).
With the collaboration of MoNE and TRT, learning materials for distance education via
national channels are prepared in a quite short time.

EBA Infrastructure is Strengthened

MoNE made investments to strengthen the infrastructure of EBA in order to obtain a

sustainable distance education portal. During this distance education period, access frequency
of EBA has increased to great extent, and EBA has become one of the most frequently used
websites around the world. Between the beginning of March and 12th of April, EBA has been
clicked more than 1 billion times, and the number of the access to EBA reached 900 million.
EBA maintains the service with its strengthened infrastructure with high-volume of access

Free Internet Access to Students

MoNE collaborated with the leading GSM operators in Turkey to support the students’ access
to the EBA online portal. Operators provided internet access to the students up to 8 GB free of
charge. Students can use internet access to participate the online courses and other educational
activities at the EBA portal.

Live Courses for Students in 8th Grade and 12th Grade

MoNE provided extra opportunities to support the students who has been preparing for the
high-stake examinations in Turkey. For students who will take High School Entrance
Examination (LGS) in 8th grade, and those who will take University Entrance Examination
(YKS) in 12th grade, “live courses” via the EBA portal are available now.

Accordingly, students can participate interactive courses and get feedback from their
teachers. Moreover,

MoNE has also started a new broadcasting channel via TRT to support students for these
high-stake examinations during weekends. Revision of the High-School Entrance
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Examination Content and Automatic Registration of Students As mentioned above, High
School Entrance Examination (LGS) is a high-stake test which is used to assess the academic
performance of 8th grade students and place them to high schools based on their choices and
performance. In normal conditions, LGS is prepared based on the 8th grade curriculum.
Considering the possible inequalities in access to online and distance education, the content of
LGS is now limited to only the first semester of 8th grade curriculum. LGS is postponed from
June to July. Accordingly, if there would not be any other delay, all 8th grade students could
take this multiple-choice test—which has a broad social legitimacy due to its objective

Due to the limitations as a result of social distancing,

MoNE decided to register all students in 8th grade to High School Entrance Examination
(LGS) automatically. Therefore, students and parents do not need to go to school, register
themselves or confirm the registration to take examination. Considering the number of
students who take the exam, this regulation is quite important to keep social distance

Supporting the Professional Development of Teachers via Distance Education

MoNE has prepared a professional development program for teachers in collaboration with
UNESCO. To support the professional skills of teachers, 17 programs which focus on the
diverse topics, were prepared and presented to teachers via distance education.
Approximately, 125.000 teachers will participate the professional development programs
during school closure period

Supporting the Psychological Resilience and Well-being of Students and Parents

Social distancing and other limitations due to COVID-19 may cause negative psychological
conditions such as anxiety and fear, and these may affect the well-being of students and
parents. Along with the distance education, MoNE aims to support the psychological
resilience of students and parents. To maintain the emotional health of students and parents,
MoNE prepared psychosocial guides and shared them with the public. In these guides,
students and parents are informed about the effects of COVID-19, and suggestions for parents
to support their children’s well-being are provided. Considering the differences in target
groups, guides are presented in three versions: For families, adults, and youth.

Increasing the Production Capacity of Vocational Education and Training

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VET has been on the hot debated agenda of education systems for years (Ozer and Perc,
2020). Especially, after widespread use of automations in the production and service sectors
supported by artificial intelligence technologies, this debate has been dramatically increased
in terms of the new skill demands in labor market (Perc et al., 2019). MoNE has conducted
multidimensional projects to improve VET in Turkey after declaring the Education Vision
2023 (Ozer, 2018). These projects increased the both quality of VET and production capacity
of vocational and technical Anatolian schools (VTAHs). Many chronic problems have been
eased since then (Ozer, 2018; Ozer, 2019a; Ozer, 2019b; Ozer and Suna, 2019; Ozer and
Suna, 2020). With the increasing educationproduction capacity in VET, VET has become one
of the main source of production for the needs of society during the initial shocks of COVID-
19 crisis (Ozer, 2020). VET has an important potential to adapt its power in production
towards the urgent needs, and its adaptation ability makes VET an important source in times
of crisis.

Jurnal 2

Online Teaching Is No More an Option

It Is a Necessity The major part of the world is on quarantine due to the serious outbreak of
this global pandemic Covid-19 and therefore many cities have turned into phantom cities and
its effects can be seen in schools, colleges, and universities too. Betwixt all this online
teaching and online learning can be termed as the panacea for the crisis. The Corona Virus has
made institutions to go from offline mode to online mode of pedagogy. This crisis will make
the institutions, which were earlier reluctant to change, to accept modern technology. This
catastrophe will show us the lucrative side of online teaching and learning. With the help of
online teaching modes, we can sermonize a large number of students at any time and in any
part of the world. All institutions must scramble different options of online pedagogical
approaches and try to use technology more aptly. Many universities around the world have
fully digitalized their operations understanding the dire need of this current situation. Online
learning is emerging as a victor ludorum amidst this chaos. Therefore, the quality
enhancement of online teaching–learning is crucial at this stage. Online education in Chinese
universities has increased exponentially after the Covid-19 outbreak.

Problems Associated With Online Teaching and Learning

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There are n number of technologies available for online education but sometimes they create a lot of
difficulties. These difficulties and problems associated with modern technology range from
downloading errors, issues with installation, login problems, problems with audio and video, and so
on. Sometimes student finds online teaching to be boring and unengaging. Online learning has so
much of time and flexibility that students never find time to do it. Personal attention is also a huge
issue facing online learning. Students want two-way interaction which sometimes gets difficult to

Possible Solutions for Problems

A lot of issues are attached to online education but we cannot ignore the perks of it in times of such
crisis. We can always have solutions to fix these difficulties. Technical difficulties can be solved
through prerecording video lectures, testing the content, and always keeping Plan B ready so that the
teaching–learning process cannot be hampered. Online courses should be made dynamic,
interesting, and interactive. Teachers should set time limits and reminders for students to make them
alert and attentive. Efforts should be made to humanize the learning process to the best extent
possible. Personal attention should be provided to students so that they can easily adapt to this
learning environment. Social media and various group forums can be used to communicate with
students. Communication is the key when it gets difficult to try reaching out to students via texts,
various messaging apps, video calls, and so on—content should be such that enable students for
practice and also hone their skills. The quality of the courses should be improved continuously and
teachers must try to give their best. Online programs should be designed in such a way that they are
creative, interactive, relevant, student-centered, and group-based (Partlow & Gibbs, 2003).
Educators must spend a lot of time in making effective strategies for giving online instructions.
Effective online instructions facilitate feedback from learners, make learners ask questions, and
broaden the learner horizon for the course content (Keeton, 2004). Institutions must focus on
pedagogical issues and emphasize collaborative learning, case learning, and project-based learning
through online instructions (Kim & Bonk, 2006).

SWOC Analysis of Online Learning: During Corona Virus Pandemic and Other Crisis-Like Situation
(Natural Disasters)

In the aftermath of some of the natural calamities such as floods, cyclones, earthquakes, hurricanes,
and so on, knowledge delivery becomes a challenging task. These hazards disrupt the educational
processes in schools and colleges in several ways. Sometimes, it leads to closure of schools and
colleges which creates serious consequences for students and deprives them of their fundamental

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right to education and poses them to future risk. “100 million children and young people are affected
by natural disasters every year. Most of them face disruption to their schooling” (World Vision).
Situations of crisis and conflicts are the biggest hurdles in the path of education. Many students and
teachers also face psychological problems during crisis—there is stress, fear, anxiety, depression, and
insomnia that lead to a lack of focus and concentration. Disasters create havoc in the lives of people
(Di Pietro, 2017).

With changing weather patterns and rising global temperatures, an increasing number of extreme
weather events have become the new norm. Such events caused varying amounts of loss to life and
property. Table1 shows some of the natural disasters that caused huge disruption in educational
processes. Large numbers of schools and colleges were destroyed and thousands of students were
affected by these natural calamities. Their education got disrupted in midway. “Disruption of
education can leave children at risk of child labor, early marriage, exploitation, and recruitment into
armed forces” (Baytiyeh, 2018). When disasters and crises (man-made and natural) occur, schools
and colleges need to be resilient and should find new ways to continue with teaching–learning
activities (Chang-Richards et al., 2013).

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3.1 Penggunaan Tata Bahasa

Jurnal 1

Tata Bahasa yang digunakan cukup terlalu formal sehingga sedikit sulit di mengerti dan
butuh waktu untuk memahaminya

Ada bagian kesalahan dalam penyusunan kata sehingga sedikit membuat bingung saat

Jurnal 2

Tata Bahasa cukup rumit dan terlalu banyak elemen yang di pakai sehingga pemula atau
orang awam sedikit sulit membaca jurnal tersebut

3.2 Penggunaan kata

Jurnal 1

Jenis kata yang di pilih sedikit sulit di mengerti karena jarang di gunakan di pembicaraan
atau percakapan sehari hari jadi para awam sulit unutk mengerti dengan cepat apa yang
sedang di bicarakan atau di bahas di jurnal tersebut

Jurnal 2

Jenis kata yang di pilih sedikit lebih kekinian tetapi tetap formal walau ada kata kata yang
jarang di dengar sehingga mengharuskan menggunakan kamus ataupun google translate
unutk mengartikanya

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A. Kesimpulan

Kedua jurnal tersebut bagus untuk di baca ,dari segi tata Bahasa ataupun pemilihan
kata yang di gunakan walau tidak cocok utnuk awam yang baru membaca jurnal dalam
Bahasa inggris dikarenakan posisi inti dalam jurnal tersebut sulit di temukan karena
masi belum terlalu mengerti

Untuk kedua jurnal tersebut saya rekomendasikan untuk di baca karena ilmu yang di
suguhkan cukup menarik unutk di bahas ataupun untuk menjadi pengetahuan saja


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