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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris.
Kelas/semester : VIII/Satu.
Materi Pokok : We Can Do It, And We Will Do It.

JUDUL UNIT/BAB We Can Do It, and we Will Do It.

Kompetensi Dasar (3, 3.2. Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
dan 4) unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional
lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
kemampuan dan kemauan, melakukan suatu
tindakan, sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan
can, will)
4.2 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan
dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana yang
melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait kemampuan dan kemauan,
melakukan suatu tindakan, dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks,
dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai
Indikator Pencapaian 3.2.1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi social, Generic
Komptetensi stucture dan unsur kebahasaan dari memberi
dan meminta informasi terkait kemampuan
dan kemauan
3.2.2. Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan dari
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
kemampuan dan kemauan
3.2.3. Menyebutkan dan Merespon ungkapan
tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait kemampuan dan kemauan
3.2.4. Menggunakan ungkapan yang tepat dalam
struktur teks yang runtut dengan unsur
kebahasaan yang benar sesuai konteks
memaparkan kemampuan dan kemauan,
melakukan suatu tindakan dalam bentuk lisan
dan tulisan
Materi Pembelajaran  To State That We Can Do Something
 To State That We Will Do Something
Pertemuan 1 “To State That We Can Do Something”

Tujuan Pembelajaran Pertama

Setelah mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran peserta didik dapat:
 Mengidentifikasi fungsi social dan struktur teks dari memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait kemampuan

Main Vocabularies

 Can = dapat
 Can’t = Tidak dapat

Pengertian To state that we can do something. Cara – cara memberikan ungkapan

menyatakan kemampuan seseorang dalam melakukan sesuatu. Penggunaan to state
that we can do something dikehidupan sehari-hari
The social function : to explain someone’s ability atau menyatakan dan
menanyakan tentang kemampuan (can)

Key Points
Ability is the quality of being able to do something. It is an expression when you want
to state that you are able to do some actions. There are several ways to state your
ability. The most usual expressions which can be used are:
- can
- Can’t ( Can Not)

For example, look at the sentences below:

- “I can play the harmonica.”
- “I can run fast.”
- “I Can’t swim.”
- “I Can Not make pancakes.”

If you want to state that you are not able to do something, you can use the negative
forms of the expressions by adding ‘not’ in your sentences. For example, look at the
sentences below:
- “I cannot fix your laptop.”
- “I cannot play volleyball.”
- “I am not able to ride a bike.”

In addition to the questions above, you can respond it by using several expressions
- “Yes, I can.”
- “No, I cannot.”
Pertemuan 2 “To State That We Can Do Something”

Tujuan Pembelajaran Kedua

Setelah mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran peserta didik dapat:
 Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan dari memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait kemampuan
 Menyebutkan ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
 Merespon ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
 Menulis teks sederhana untuk mengucapkan dan merespon ungkapan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait kemampuan

The social function : to explain someone’s ability

Cara – cara untuk memberikan ungkapan menyatakan kemampuan seseorang dalam
melakukan sesuatu. (can/can’t) I can play the guitar “Positive” & I can’t (Can Not) play
Guitar “Negative”.
Untuk Menayakan Kemapuan: Can + S + V + O
Interrogative : Can you play guitar?
Positive : Yes, I can
Negativ e: Sorry, I can”t or I’m not sure.
When talking to someone, we sometimes talk about our or others’ ability. Ability is
something that people can do or can’t (can Not do)

Study the following pattern:

Positive Negative

She She
He He
It can play chess It can’t play chess
You You
We We
they they
For examples, look at several dialogues below and notice the use of expressions of

Dialogue 1

Rina : “Hello Nafa. Tomorrow we are going to go hiking. Can you join us?”
Nafa : “Yes, I can.”
Rina : “And, can you bring your camera tomorrow?”
Nafa : “I am afraid I cannot.”
Rina : “Well, that’s okay. Just come tomorrow.”
Nafa : “Okay, then. See you tomorrow.”

Dialogue 2

Dona : “James, are you able to take your flash disk to my home?”
James : “Why is that?”
Dona : “I want to copy the movie you showed me yesterday.”
James : “Oh, certainly.”
Dona : “Or can you just bring your laptop?”
James : “No, I cannot. My sister is going to use it.”
Dona : “Well that’s okay. Just bring your flash disk”
James : “Okay, then.”


Can you…? Answer the Question based on the mark

 

Yes, I can No, I can’t

Look at the pictures, read and answer the questions.

Can you skateboard? Can you do karate?

 
 
 
 
 
 
 
Can you swim?
  Can you play basketball?

 Can you do gymnastics?  Can you ride a bicycle?

   

Can you play tennis? Can you rollerblade?
Pertemuan 3 “To State That We Will Do Something”

Tujuan Pembelajaran Ketiga

Setelah mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran peserta didik dapat:
 Mengidentifikasi fungsi social dan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari
ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait kemauan melakukan sesuatu

Main Vocabularies

o I will = Saya akan

o I won’t = saya tidak akan

To state that we will do something

Penggunaan ungkapan To state that we can do something and to state that we will do
something dalam kehidupan sehari - hari. menyatakan dan menanyakan kemauan melakukan
suatu tindakan (will) and Will Not
To understand how to put it in context, read the dialogue below and you can try to notice the use of
some expressions that show will of doing something.

Indi : “Good morning, Nada.”

Nada : “Good morning, Indi.”
Indi : “How are you today?”
Nada : “I’m good. I hope you, too.”
Indi : “Yes, I am. And, I want to ask you about my book that you borrowed last week”
Nada : “Ah, I forgot to bring it”
Indi : “Can you bring it tomorrow?”
Nada : “Yes, I can. I will bring it tomorrow”
Indi : “Thank you.”
Pertemuan 4 “To State That We Will Do Something”

Tujuan Pembelajaran ke Empat

Setelah mengikuti serangkaian kegiatan pembelajaran peserta didik dapat:
 Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan dari ungkapan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait kemauan melakukan sesuatu
 Menyebutkan ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait kemauan
 Merespon ungkapan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait kemauan
 Menulis teks lisan sederhana untuk mengucapkan dan merespon ungkapan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait kemauan melakukan sesuatu

To state that we will do something

Contoh – contoh ungkapan Menyatakan dan menanyakan kemauan melakukan suatu tindakan
(will and Will Not)

Intterogative :Will you go to the meeting?

Positive : Yes, I will.
Negative : No, I won’t
Interrogative : will you sing for me?
Positive : Yes, I will or All right.
Negative : No, I won’t

Relating to ability, you also can ask about someone’s willingness whether he or she will do
some things or not. We can use the expression “Will you..” as shown in the examples below:
- “Will you come to school tomorrow?”
- “Will you go out tonight?”

To respond the questions of willingness, and to show that you are willing to do or not to do
something, you can use some expressions such as:
- “Sure.”
- “Yes, I will.”
- “No, I will not.”

To sum up:

• you ask someone’s ability by using some expressions such as “Can you…”
• you also can ask someone’s willingness to do something by using “Will you…”
• you have to respond such questions with the appropriate responds such as “Yes, I can.”
when you are able to do something, or “No, I cannot.” when you are not able to do


We use will to talk about the future. We use won’t to write the negative of will.

In the future robots will speak. I won’t eat more cake tomorrow.


I will I won’t Will I …?

You will You won’t Will you …?

He/She/It will He/She/It won’t Will he/she/it …?

We will We won’t Will we …?

You will You won’t Will you …?
They will They won’t Will they …?

Complete the sentences using will.

I (help) will help you tomorrow. We (win) the match.

She (cook) next week. You (be) a doctor.

I’m sure they (understand) you. The movie (start) soon.

I think (go) I camping this summer. They (study) hard.

Maybe I (bake) some cupcakes later. He (call) you.

Complete the sentences using won’t

I (help) won’t help you tomorrow. We (win) the match.

I (drink) coca-cola today. You (go) swimming.

In the future robots (do) my homework. We (do) it.

He (give) me back my pencil. It (rain) .

You (fail) the test. You (come) to my birthday.

Order to form questions

He / study / hard? / Will You / do / Will / homework? / your

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