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Nefa Claudia Meliala

• Materi ini diberikan khusus untuk peserta mata kuliah
Kriminologi (LAW182113-2) Kelas A Semester Pendek
2021/2022. Mohon untuk tidak menyebarluaskan dan/ atau
memperbanyak bahan kuliah ini.
Association Theory
• Salah satu teori tertua terkait cara manusia mempelajari
sesuatu adalah melalui association

• Aristotle : all knowledge is acquired through experience and

that none is inborn or instinctive

• Terdapat 3 (tiga) cara manusia mempelajari sesuatu melalui

association :
1. Classical conditioning
2. Operant conditioning
3. Modeling or social learning theory
1. Classical conditioning
• Pavlov à penelitian terhadap anjing yang mengasosiasikan bunyi bel
dengan daging sehingga setiap kali bel berbunyi air liur anjing tersebut
akan secara otomatis menetes. Ini dikarenakan setiap kali bel berbunyi
majikannya pulang dan membawa potongan daging untuk dimakan oleh
anjing itu
• Objek dalam classical conditioning ini bersifat pasif dan mempelajari pola
tertentu dari lingkungan sekitar

2. Operant conditioning
• B F Skinner à penelitian terhadap tikus yang belajar untuk menghindari
jalur tertentu yang dialiri listrik agar mendapatkan makanan
• Menggunakan konsep reward and punishment
• Objek dalam operant conditioning ini bersifat aktif dan belajar untuk
menghindari sesuatu (punishment) dan memperoleh sesuatu (reward)
3. Modeling or social learning theory
• Albert Bandura à menekankan bahwa perilaku seseorang
dapat dibentuk tidak hanya melalui metode reward and
punishment, namun juga melalui apa yang dilakukan orang-
orang sekitar
• Fokus penelitiannya pada perilaku manusia, bukan hewan
• Contohnya, seseorang yang hidup dan dibesarkan di dalam
lingkungan judi, maka dia cenderung untuk memilih bermain
• Consideration of motivation :
1. External reinforcement (from the environment)
2. Vicarious reinforcement (from observing others)
3. Self reinforcement (as a result of taking pleasure or pride
from one’s own actions)

• Bandura terkenal dengan The Bobo Doll Experiment

Tarde’s law of imitation
• Tarde’s law of imitation :
1. People imitate one another in proportion to how much close
contact they have with one another, eg : anak meniru
perilaku orang tuanya
2. The inferior usually imitates the superior, eg : golongan
ekonomi menengah kebawah minum minuman keras karena
golangan ekonomi menengah keatas melakukan hal serupa
3. The newer fashions displace older ones, eg : modus operandi
pembunuhan beralih dari menggunakan pisau menjadi
menggunakan senjata api
Differential Association Theory
• Differential Association Theory à proses belajar tingkah laku
kriminal melalui interaksi sosial dimana akan ditemui pengaruh
kriminal atau non kriminal ; mana yang lebih kuat akan
menentukan apakah seseorang pada akhirnya akan terlibat dari
tingkah laku kriminal atau tidak

• Two basic elements :

1. Content à what is learned ; includes :
a. Specific technique for committing crimes
b. Appropriate motives, drives
c. Rationalizations
2. Process à where learning takes place ; learning is said to occur
through associations in intimate personal groups
• Differential Association Theory dalam Buku Principles of
Criminology (1939)
• Differential Association didasarkan pada 9 proposisi (dalil) :
1. Criminal behavior is learned
2. Criminal behavior is learned in interaction with other person
in process of communication
3. The principal part of the learning of criminal behavior occurs
within intimate personal groups
4. When criminal behavior is learned, the learning includes
techniques for committing the crime which are sometimes
very complicated but sometimes very simple and the specific
direction of motives, drives, rationalizations and attitudes
5. The specific direction of motives and drives is learned from
definitions of legal codes as favorable or unfavorable
6. A person becomes delinquent because of an excess of definitions
favorable to violation of law over definitions unfavorable to
violation of law à key principle of Differential Association
7. Differential associations may vary in frequency, duration, priority
and intencity
8. The process of learning criminal behavior by association with
criminal and anti criminal patterns involves all of the mechanism
that are involved in any other learning
9. While criminal behavior is an expression of general needs and
values, it is not explained by those general needs and values, since
noncriminal behavior is an expression of the same need

• Subcultural Theories (Teori-teori Sub Budaya)

• Subculture à suatu subdivisi di dalam budaya dominan yang
memiliki norma-norma, keyakinan-keyakinan dan nilai-
nilainya sendiri
• Biasanya timbul ketika orang-orang dalam keadaan serupa
mendapati diri mereka terpisah dari mainstream masyarakat
dan mengikatkan diri untuk saling mendukung
• Mungkin terbentuk dengan anggota sesama suku atau ras
minoritas, sesama penghuni penjara, sesama kelompok-
kelompok pekerja, sesama penghuni daerah kumuh
• Walter B Miller à fokus pada penjelasan atas gang
• Lower class has a separate, identifiable culture distinct from
the culture of the middle class, and that this culture has a
tradition at least as old as that of middle class. Where the
middle class has “values” such as achievement, the lower
class “focal concerns” that include :
1. Trouble à getting into and staying out of trouble are
dominant concerns of lower class people
2. Toughness à masculinity, endurance, strength, etc are highly
3. Smartness à skill at outsmarting the other guy, “street
sense” rather than high IQ
4. Excitement à the constant search for thrills, as opposed to
just “hanging around”, fate (the view that most things that
happen to people are beyond their control and nothing can
be done about them) and autonomy (resentment of
authority and rules)

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