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Judul Jurnal : Kasus Madrasah Nidham al-Mulk

Pengarang : HASARUDDIN
Tahun terbit : 1 Mei 2015
Tebal jurnal : 6 Halaman


Dalam sejarah kehidupan manusia, selalu ada membutuhkan kemajuan dan

pengembangan guna meningkatkan taraf hidup mereka. Untuk itu, ada gagasan tentang
transfer, pelestarian dan pengembangan budaya manusia, dalam rangka meningkatkan
kualitas sumber daya manusia di masa depan. Oleh karena itu, dalam sejarah pertumbuhan
dan perkembangan masyarakat, pendidikan merupakan topik besar yang selalu mendapat
perhatian dalam rangka meningkatkan sumber daya manusia, melalui waktu. Nidham al-Mulk
yang sangat peduli dengan kemajuan dan perkembangan masyarakat, telah berupaya untuk
terus mempertahankan dan meningkatkan sumber daya manusia di zamannya. Pada saat itu,
pendidikan dilaksanakan di berbagai masjid, tetapi karena jumlah siswa dan dalam rangka
menjaga kualitas ibadah kepada Tuhan maka, Nidham al-Mulk mendirikan madrasah untuk
menjawab tuntutan masyarakat agar dapat belajar dengan baik, yaitu Nidhamiah .

Menjelaskan Madrasah merupakan hasil evolusi dari masjid sebagai lembaga
pendidikan dan khan sebagai tempat bagi para siswa untuk menginap. Madrasah merupakan
fase ketiga dalam garis besar lembaga pendidikan Islam dengan urutan masjid, khan
madrasah, madrasah, sekaligus sebagai jawaban dari kebutuhan akan lembaga pendidikan
profersional. Sehingga kita dapat mengetahui sedikit banyaknya sejarah tentang awal mula
pendidikan islam dan pengembangannya dengan singkat dan padat, dan tidak membuat
pembaca merasa bosan membacanya.

Pada pembahasan isi jurnal di dapati penulisan istilah istilah bahasa asing yang tidak
menyertakan arti daripada istilah tersebut, sehingga akan membuat para pembaca susah untuk

(Kasus Madrasah Nidham al-Mulk)
Dosen Tetap pada Fak. Dakwah dan Komunikasi UIN Alauddin Makassar

In the history of human life, there is always requires the progress and development in
order to improve their living standards. For that matter, there are the ideas about transfer,
preservation and development of human culture, in order to improve the quality of human
resources in the future. Therefore, in the history of the growth and development of society,
education is a great topic which is always gets an attention in order to improve the human
resources, trough by the times. Nidham al-Mulk who was very concerned with the progress
and development of society, had strived to continuously maintained and improved the human
resources in his era. In that time, education implemented in various mosques, but because the
number of students and in order to maintain the quality of worshipping to the God then,
Nidham al-Mulk founded madrasah to response the demands of society in order to study well,
namely Nidhamiah.

Education, Nidham al-Mulk, Madrasah, Nidhamiah

The history of Islamic education is essentially inseparable from the history of
Islam itself. In general, Islamic history is divided into three periods, the classical, the
middle, and the modern. Then the three periods, can be broken down into five
periods; the period of the Holy Prophet, al-Khulafa 'al-Rasydun, the Umayyads, the
Abbasids, and the period of the collapse of the Caliphate in Baghdad to this day. The
division of the five periods is closely related to the period of History of Islamic
In the period of the Holy Prophet, Islamic educational institutions have been
known. The educational institution used is the house. The Prophet himself, using
Arqam ibn Arqam's house as the meeting place of the first Islamic Education
institution. But once the community is formed and the house is not able to
accommodate many people, then the learning process takes place in the mosque.
Similarly in the time of friends and Umayyad times, the mosque is used as a place of
learning process.
At the time of the Abbasids, Islamic civilization reached the golden age.
Various educational institutions have emerged, including; Dar al-Hikmah, which is
spread in various Islamic regions such as in mausi, Fustat, and Hibb. However, when
the Turks came to power, various Islamic educational institutions were born in the
formal form, marked by the birth of various madrassas.

Among the rulers who founded the madrasa were Nidham al-Mulk. The
Madrasah he founded was named after Nidhamiyah. So this paper seeks to lift to the
surface; factors driving the birth of Madrasah Nidhamiyah, and its history and
institutional motives.


The birth of formal education in the development of Islamic education, is the

development of the teaching done in mosques, which from the beginning has had the
tools and means of learning, to support the smooth process of teaching and learning.

Madrasah is the result of evolution from khan mosque. Madrasahs occupy the
sequence number three of the process of development and development of Islamic
education with the order, mosque, khan mosque, and then madrasah.

Along with the development of Islamic civilization, education that early got
attention to great progress. The attention of magnates and philanthropists towards this
field led to the creation of a network of scientific activities. The mosque and the khan
mosque, despite its great role, remain a place of worship and only part of its space and
time can be used for educational activities. It is quite natural if then born a new need
for an educational institution that is specifically used for education. Here the
madrasah is regarded as the answer to that need.

Nehdi Nakosten, explained, the birth of various madrasas, among others; Firstly,
in relation to the lessons given at Maktab, the palace and mosque have limitations to
accommodate those who are inigin to learn, both in terms of facilities, unfavorable
environments, and conflicts between educational objectives and religious objectives
have not gained a common ground. In fact, education requires activity and this raises
the noise that can mengaganu kekhusuan worship, then the establishment of madrasah
is the most ideal solution. Second, external factors, the reality that the advancement
and dissemination of science spawned a group of scientists who were constrained to
build a decent life with their knowledge. Advancing education and providing income
for them is the reason for the establishment of madrasah.

From this it becomes clear that madrassas can be regarded as the answer to an
increasingly advanced machine of Islamic education. Madrasah does not impose the
function of the mosque, in fact the majority of madrasah complex has a mosque in it.
However, it is clear that the function of worship house is not the main function of


When the Turks of the Sajkuq dynasty took over the Abbasid power, Nidham al-
Mulk was appointed zair from 456 AH / 1064 CE until he died. To ensure his
continued power, Nidham al-Mulk founded the madrasah of the fiqh learner in the

Shafi'i school in major cities in the Seljuq region of power. Madrasas founded by
Nidham al-Mulk are called Nidhamiyah madrassas.

The first Madrasah founded by Nidham al-Mulk was the Nidhamiyah madrassa in
Nisyafur, around the year 440an H / 1050s AD, for al-Juwaini. Here alGazali had
studied before he eventually became a lecturer at Madrasah Nidhamiyah Baghdad. In
its development, Nidham al-Mulk built madrassas in every major city of Iraq and
Khurasan, such as Bagda, Basrah, Isfahan, Heart, Balkh, and Mosul. But the Baghdad
Nidhamiyah madrasah is the largest and most important madrasah of all these
madrassas. The Madrasah was built in 457 AH / 1065 AD, and completed in 459 AH /
1067 AD, located on the banks of the Dajlah river. There are several factors, which
led to the establishment, Madrasah Nidhamiya. Among them, according to Hasan

First. Education, Nidham al-Muluk is a scientist and expert on hadith, so his

attention in the field of education is large, which is a necessity for a scientist. The
simplest thing for the establishment of a madrasah is, insufficient capacity, a mosque
for those who want to gain knowledge. Mosque, in the end only serve as a place of
worship, while the madrasah as a learning center, so that both programs can run
smoothly and do not disturb one another.

Second, conflict between religious groups. The 5th century H / 11 M, is the

culmination of internal conflicts that engulf the various groups that exist in Islam,
such conflicts occur for example, Mu'tazilah, Shi'i, Ash'ariyah, Hanbaliyah,
Hanafiyah, and Syaifi'iyah. Before Nidham al-Muluk, Seljuq was led by al-Kunduri a
Hanafi adherent and a loyal follower of the Mu'tazilites. The mistake made by al-
Kunduri is, expel and persecute people who do not follow the Hanafi school,
especially those who follow the Shafi'i school and followers of Ash'ariyah. Al-
Kunduri was later replaced by Nidham al-Mulk, then confronted with the Mu'tazilites.
The oppression experienced by the Ash'ariites during al-Kunduri, attempted to be
defended and guarded by Nidham al-Mulk.

Departing from the above case, according to Nakosten, Nidham al-Mulk's effort to
establish a madrasah was to teach the community about fiqh, especially in line with
the Shafi'i school, where he emphasized the deepening of theology and Islamic law.
Doctrinal movement by supporting Syafi'I school is known as the Ash'ari movement,
a movement that seeks to combine elements derived from liberal and conservative
doctrines against the Qur'an. The movement, also tried to make the attitude of
rationality as a counterweight in the interpretation of various Islamic law.

Third, improving the quality of human resources of government employees. As a

prime minister, Nidham al-Mulk always observed the state administration conditions
that included a wide range of territories, within which there were various peoples
from different backgrounds. To be able to control well all the administration of the
State, Nidham al-Mulk, made Baghdad the center of government administration. To
support this, Nidham provides optimal training and learning for all government
officials and also glances at the best alumni of madrasah to be empowered as a
manpower to improve public services.

Fourth, politics. As a prime minister, Nidham al-Mulk, made the madrasah on a

priority scale within his political framework. Madrasah Nidhamiyah, made by
Nidham al-Mulk as a means of connecting to community leaders, and also to the
people. This relationship is well preserved, because madrassas that are identical with
the increase of human resources can be used as a tool to mobilize more masses.


The educational institution that can be seen as the development of a madrasah

conducted by Nidham al-Mulk, is a madrasah founded in Baghdad.

The construction of the madrasah was financed by Nidham al-Mulk, a form of

wakaf for the adherents of the Shafi'i school of both in ushul and furu 'form. The
provision also applies to all property that becomes a waqf madrasah, which will be
used for the benefit of Shafi'i followers.

The madrasah building that was built in Bagdad consists of three sections, the
study room, the library, the mosque, and also prepared the dormitory for the students
and teachers who come away from other areas. From the human resources side, this
madrasah is supported by mudarris, wa'idh, muqri, and nahwi, and mutawalli al-poles.
The five positions each have a certain portion (their salary is taken from the existing
wakaf land, the mudarris, wa'id and mutawalli al-poles are the titles given to those
who embrace and understand the Shafi'i school well and deeply.16

As for the curriculum used in this madrasah, the Qur'an is the main source of the
lesson that is inside, also studied Arabic literature and the history of the Prophet.
common knowledge known today as arithmetic, also became a madrasah mainstay
curriculum founded by Nidham al-Mulk. As a follower and follower of the Shafi'i
school of thought, the theological doctrine of the madrassa is focused on the doctrine
of the Shafi'i school. the learning system is a mudarris standing in front of the class in
order to present the material, the students sit listening as well as record what is read
by the teacher. Once everything has gone on, the material that has been presented is
then discussed.

In the 13th century Nidhamiyah was defeated by al-Mustanshiriyah. With these

defeats, the madrasah automation ever established by Nidham al-Mulk, eventually
gradually experienced a period of difficult times and ultimately did not last long.
Whereas what has been found in the Nidhamiyah madrasah at that time, then made
the West as a prototype of teaching and learning process.

1. Madrasah is the result of evolution from the mosque as an educational
institution and khan as a place for students to stay. Madrasah is the third phase
in the outline of Islamic educational institutions with the order of mosques,
khan madrasah, madrasah, as well as in response to the need for profersional
educational institutions.
2. The birth of the madrasah at that time, due to the halaqah's inability to
accommodate the number of people who want to gain knowledge. And to
support the power controlled by the rulers of the time.
3. Madrasah Nidhamiyah, is one of the proofs of glory ever achieved by the
Seljuq Dynasty.

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