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____________dari kelas Tahun__________akan menyampaikan pidato bertajuk
“Berbaik dengan Jiran”

Umumnya, jiran ialah orang yang tinggal berhampiran dengan rumah

seseorang atau tetangga. Hidup berjiran memerlukan semangat kejiranan. Semangat
kejiranan ini merujuk kepada tahap keakraban dalam hubungan sesama jiran. Sebagai
rakyat Malaysia yang hidup dalam keadaan harmoni samangat berjiran perlu
diamalkan kerana pelbagai kebaikan yang diperoleh. Pepatah Melayu ada
mengatakan bahawa “Jiran sepakat membawa berkat”. Jadi, kita perlulah
mengukuhkan semangat kejiranan supaya kita sentiasa bersatu hati dalam melakukan
sesuatu perkara.

Kebaikan semangat kejiranan ialah kita akan mudah mendapat bantuan jika
kita menghadapi sesuatu masalah. Seperti yang kita sedia maklum bahawa kehidupan
kita tidak dapat lari daripada perkara luar dugaan seperti kebakaran, kemalangan atau
kematian. Jika kita menghadapi sesuatu bencana sudah tentunya jiranlah orang yang
paling cepat dapat membantu kita. Begitu juga jika kita sakit, jiranlah yang kita
harapkan untuk menghantar kita ke klinik atau hospital bagi mendapatkan rawatan.

Di samping itu, semangat kejiranan membantu memupuk semangat perpaduan

dalam kalangan rakyat di kita. Perpaduan yang terjalin akan membolehkan rakyat
hidup dalam keadaan aman dan damai. Nyatalah semangat kejiranan banyak memberi
manfaat baik kepada diri sendiri, penduduk setempat dan masyarakat umumnya.
Manfaat yang lebih besar ialah semangat kejiranan ini dapat mendorong terjalinnya
hubungan baik antara kaum dan membawa kepada perpaduan.

Kesimpulannya, semangat kejiranan dalam setiap individu amat penting untuk

melahirkan masyarakat yang prihatin dan membentuk perpaduan kaum di negara kita.
Sekiranya kita berbaik-baik dengan jiran, maka jiran juga akan berbaik-baik dengan
kita. Cogan kata “ Jiran Sepakat Membawa Berkat” perlu terus diamalkan dalam
kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Oleh itu, kita mestilah sentiasa berusaha untuk
memastikan semangat kejiranan sentiasa terpelihara dengan dengan hati yang ikhlas.
Usaha yang sistematik dan proaktif mestilah digerakkan mulai sekarang kerana
perjalanan yang beribu batu mestilah bermula dengan langkah yang pertama!
Good morning , My name is ....................................., I am from class of
year ........ .................... will deliver my speech entitled “Causes Of Vandalism That
Happened In Malaysia”
Nowadays, many issues of this case which is always happened and also has been
increasing in Malaysia. As we know, this issue is a moral of crime. In that case, the issue
often associated by teenagers because of lack morals. Vandalism is one of a bad thing which
is can make problem to the community and also can taint our country’s image. This issue
happened because teenager loves to destroy public amenities and they wanted attention.
They felt satisfied of doing this so that they do this thing as their habit. The types example
of vandalism are damage to property, breaking the windows and also make graffiti art using
the dark colours at any public wall. According to Richmond (n, d), he said that “blaming
young people for all acts of vandalism makes the problem worse as people who do not feel
they are taken seriously often tend to rebel”. So that , there are many causes of vandalism
that happened in Malaysia.
Firstly. Peer influence is one of the issue. Teenagers always decided to choose a
wrong path of choosing friends which is can affected their attitude and can change their
personalities to become a bad person. Vandalism is actually happened group by group and
they have been involved to this bad behaviour because of lack of moral. It might be a
serious issue to the country because this thing need a lot of costs to fix this problem. This
teenager is a generation that can help coloured to our country’s future. The best way to fix
this problem is government need to be more concerned about them and do not ignore about
Next, the causes of why teenagers lead to do vandalism is because of lack of
attention from their parents. Nowadays, the most parents are too busy with their work and
cannot give full attention to their children. Some of these issues happened because of
family’s problem that can affect teenager’s morals and attitude. So, parents should be the
examples to their children and they must spend more time with their children because it is
parent’s responsibility to teach their child to be a better person.
Furthermore, the children just want more attention from their parents by spending
time together as a happy family. This issue is because of the teenager lack of attention from
their parents and they will do anything such as vandalisms. This is the way to them to get
back their attention from their parents.
Last but not least, influence of mass media is one of the reasons why vandalism
happened among teenagers. It is because a lot of negative elements such as a bad website on
social media and also unsuitable tv shows that can be affected to the teenager’s moral that
can tend to a vandalism.
As a conclusion , vandalism is a bad thing that can damaged the properties that
comes from bad behaviours by the teenagers . This issue can disrupt the peace of the
community and also can taint Malaysia’s name and image. So that, government and parents
should take a much care to this children to avoid them from doing this.

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