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1. DWI SINTA (NPM : 2110070110026)

2. KHADIJAH PUTRI NOPANI (NPM : 2110070110027)
3. KEVIN RICARDO LUBIS (NPM : 2110070110028)
4. ERTHASYA AURA A (NPM : 2110070110030)
5. MIFTAHUL HAFIZ (NPM : 2110070110031)
6. DEA IGNACIA (NPM : 2110070110032)
7. DINDA OKTAVIANISCA (NPM : 2110070110033)
8. M. HABIB AL FAJAR (NPM : 2110070110034)
9. M SALAHUDDIN AL MAJID (NPM : 2110070110035)
10. MARSHANDA DELON (NPM : 2110070110036)
11. NADHILAH SAFIRAH (NPM : 2110070110037)



TAHUN 2022/2023

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Segala puji bagi Allah SWT yang telah memberikan kami

kemudahan sehingga kami dapat menyelesaikan makalah ini tepat waktu.
Tanpa pertolongan-Nya tentunya kami tidak akan sanggup untuk
menyelesaikan makalah ini dengan baik. Shalawat serta salam semoga
terlimpah curahkan kepada baginda tercinta kita yaitu Nabi Muhammad
SAW yang kita nanti - nantikan syafaatnya di akhirat nanti.

Penulis mengucapkan syukur kepada Allah SWT atas limpahan

nikmat sehat-Nya, baik sehat fisik maupun akal pikiran, sehingga penulis
mampu untuk menyelesaikan pembuatan makalah MKWU BAHASA

Penulis mengucapkan terima kasih kepada :

1) Dosen mkwu bahasa inggris

2) Semua pihak yang berkontribusi dalam penulisan makalah ini

Penulis tentu menyadari bahwa makalah ini masih jauh dari kata
sempurna dan masih banyak terdapat kesalahan serta kekurangan di
dalamnya. Untuk itu, penulis mengharapkan kritik dan saran dari pembaca
untuk makalah ini, supaya makalah ini nantinya dapat menjadi makalah
yang lebih baik lagi. Kemudian apabila terdapat banyak kesalahan pada
makalah ini, penulis mohon maaf yang sebesar-besarnya.

Demikian, semoga makalah ini bermanfaat. Terima kasih.

Padang, 5 desember 2022

Group 3

KATA PENGANTAR..................................................................................................................... 2
DAFTAR ISI..................................................................................................................................... 3
BAB I PENDAHULUAN.............................................................................................................. 4
1.1 Latar Belakang........................................................................................................... 4
BAB II PEMBAHASAN................................................................................................................ 6
2.1 Klasifikasi Istilah.................................................................................................. 6
2.2 Menetapkan Permasalahan/Define The Problems.................................7
BAB III PENUTUP..................................................................................................................... 25
3.1 KESIMPULAN...........................................................................25
DAFTAR PUSTAKA.................................................................................................................... 26

1.1 Latar Belakang

Bad breath is a disorder that often occurs in the mouth. To get rid of
bad breath, usually someone will brush their teeth or use mouthwash or
However, certain food ingredients will cause bad breath that is
difficult to get rid of, even by brushing your teeth or gargling with
One food ingredient that can leave stubborn bad breath includes
onions, especially shallots, garlic, and onions.
Smoking has been known may cause interference health. this health
problem can be caused by the nicotine comes from mainstream smoke and
smoke side currents of a smoked cigarette by smokers. Therefore Sufferers
are not just smokers themselves (active smokers) but also people who are in
a smoking environment (passive smoker) WHO data says that in developing
countries the number smokers reached 800 million people, nearly three
times that of developed countries.
Even every day around 80-100 thousands of teenagers in the world who
are becoming smoking addicts and addicts. If this number steadily settled
then approx 250 million living children now it will die caused by a disease
related to habits smoking.Currently 80% of smokers live in developing
countries. There is more than 6 trillion cigarettes consumed in this world.
According to World Health Organization (WHO), smoke environment
smoking is the cause of various disease, and can also affect healthy non-

2.1 Onions and Bad Breath

 The cause of the onion smell
So far, onions and the like are known for their distinctive smell and are
hard to lose. This is because onions, onions, leeks, shallots, and also
other allium plant families produce cysteine sulfoxide.

This substance produces a distinctive and distinct taste and odor. The
compounds produced by the allium plant family have similarities to the
compounds produced by anaerobic bacteria.

Anaerobic bacteria themselves are bacteria that cause bad breath. This
distinctive compound from onions is called allyl methyl sulfide
(AMS). This gaseous compound will be absorbed by the body through
the blood when onions are processed in the body.

The gas flowing through the blood will be passed on to the lungs and
then exhaled when breathing. In addition, AMS will also be excreted
through the pores of the skin.

This is what causes bad breath because onions will not easily disappear
even though you have brushed your teeth repeatedly.

As long as the AMS content is still in the blood and lungs,

automatically the smell of onions will still be smelled from the mouth.

 Foods and drinks that can get rid of the stubborn smell of onions
Although it's hard to get rid of, there are some foods and drinks you
can consume to reduce the smell of onions.
- Apples
One of the foods that you can consume to reduce the smell of
onions is apples. Apples contain natural enzymes that are similar
to natural deodorant ingredients.This enzyme will fight the
cysteine sulfoxide content that causes the smell of onions. This can
be seen when there is a change in the color of the apple from white
to brown when peeled. If you want to reduce the smell of onions,
you are advised to consume apples immediately after consuming

- Milk
Instead of apples, you can use milk to neutralize the annoying
smell of onions. Milk is one type of drink that has a high fat
content which can neutralize the smell of garlic. This is based on a
study conducted at Ohio State University in 2010. The best milk
for reducing onion odor is milk that has a high fat content. Fat has
been shown to reduce odors.

- Parsley and mint

Some fresh herbs have been proven effective for reducing onion
odor because they have strong oil content. Two of them are parsley
and mint. Both of these plants can function as a natural mouthwash
to get rid of the smell of onions. This was outlined by Sally Cram,
DDS, who is a spokesperson for the American Dental Association.

- Spinach
You are certainly no stranger to spinach. If you have bad breath
because of onions, you can consume spinach to reduce the smell.
Spinach contains polyphenols which can break down the sulfate
compounds in onions.

- Lemons
One of the foods that contain natural deodorant ingredients is
lemon. Its fresh smell can drive away the smell of onions both in
the mouth and on the hands. The anti-bacterial content is effective
in removing the smell of onions just by squeezing a lemon and
drinking the juice.
- Coffee bean
Are you a coffee lover? If so, you can use coffee beans that have a
fairly strong odor to get rid of the onion smell. You just need to
chew the coffee beans for a while to get rid of the coffee smell.

- Green tea
In addition to slimming the body, green tea also has other benefits,
namely eliminating the smell of onions. The enzymes and
antioxidants present in green tea are proven to help reduce odor.
You simply drink tea shortly after eating onions or eating foods
that contain onions.

2.2 Smoking habits and periodontitis

Smoking can make status worse individual person's oral hygiene and together
with dental hygiene and bad mouth. Cigarette smoke content Tobacco consists
of gases and ingredients toxic or carcinogenic chemicals. This habit not only
raises systemic effects, but can also cause pathological conditions in the cavity
mouth. This is due to cavities the mouth is where it happens absorption of
cigarette combustion products, especially the more soft tissues of the mouth
vulnerable to the effects of smoking.

Rizkia's research (2011) states resulting periodontal tissue damage smoking,

begins with the occurrence accumulation of plaque on teeth and gingiva. tar
that settles on the teeth, besides poses an aesthetic problem, too causes the
tooth surface to become Rough, so it's easy for plaque to stick. Accumulation
of plaque at the gingival margin, exacerbated by poor hygiene conditions
bad mouth, causingoccurrence of gingivitis Untreated gingivitis, can progress
to periodontitis as a result of chronic invasion of plaque bacteria below the
margins gingiva. Increased vascularity, followed with accumulation of chronic
inflammatory cells, causes loss of collagen exposed gingival connective tissue.
Loss of attachment of the gingiva to the tooth cause gingival recession
which increases the risk of root caries.Loss of alveolar bone as well as loss
teeth is the most severe condition of periodontitis.
 Cigarette Components
Cigarettes are a combination of chemicals. One cigarette burned, will
release 4000 chemicals. Cigarettes produce a combustion imperfect
which can be deposited in the body when inhaled. In general cigarette
components can be divided into two major groups, namely gas
components (92%) and solid components or particles (8%).

The components of cigarette smoke consist of carbon monoxide,

carbon dioxide, Hydrogen cyanide, Ammonia, oxides of Nitrogen and
Hydrocarbon compounds. Particle cigarettes consist of tar, nicotine,
benzantraccne, benzopyrene, phenol, cadmium, indole, carbarzol and
cresol. These substances are toxic, irritating and cause cancer
(carcinogen). Nicotine is the most common component found in

Tar, nicotine, and carbon monoxide are three different kinds of

chemicals most dangerous in cigarette smoke. Tar is a collection of
thousands of chemicals in the solid components of cigarette smoke and
is carcinogenic. When the cigarette is smoked, tar enters the oral cavity
as a solid vapor which after cooling will become solid and form brown
deposits on the surfaces of teeth, airways, and lungs. Tar components
contain free radicals, which are associated with risks onset of cancer

Nicotine is a toxic substance and can cause psychological dependence.

Nicotine is a natural alkaloid that is toxic, shaped liquid, colorless and
volatile. This substance can change color to brown and smells like
tobacco on contact with air. Nicotine plays a role in inhibits the
attachment and growth of periodontal ligament fibroblast cells, reduce
the protein content of fibroblasts, and can damage cell membranes

Carbon monoxide gas in cigarettes can increase blood pressure effect

on the hemoglobin exchange system. Carbon monoxide has an affinity
with hemoglobin about two hundred times stronger than oxygen
affinity on hemoglobin.2 Lead (Pb) is a component of cigarettes which
is also very dangerous. These particles are contained in cigarettes as
much as 0.5 g. Lead threshold black in the body is 20 milligrams per
day. The effects of smoking that arise influenced by the number of
cigarettes smoked, duration of smoking, type of cigarette that is
smoked, even related to the depth of cigarette suction that is done

 Effect of Cigarettes on Teeth

The results of a cross-sectional study show that it is significant that
smokers have a higher incidence of caries and DMF scores than those
who do not smokers. 14 Occurrence of root caries in patients
undergoing periodontal therapy also higher in smokers, compared to
non-smokers. The relationship between smoking with an increase in
the incidence of caries, associated with decreased salivary function
which plays a role in tooth protection, due to smoking. 15 Other
studies have shown tha there are differences in the buffering capacity
of saliva in smokers and non-smokers, which also related to the risk of
caries. 16 The risk of losing teeth insmokers, three times higher than in

 Effect of Cigarettes on the Oral Cavity

The oral cavity is a part that is very easily exposed to the effects of
smoking, because is the place of absorption of the main cigarette
combustion products. Toxic components in cigarettes can irritate the
soft tissues of the oral cavity, and cause mucosal infections, dry socket,
slow wound healing, weaken phagocytosis ability, suppress osteoblast
proliferation, and can reduce blood supply to the gingiva.


Onions, onions, leeks, shallots, and other allium plant families produce
cysteine sulfoxide.

This substance produces a distinctive and distinct taste and odor. The
compounds produced by the allium plant family have similarities to the
compounds produced by anaerobic bacteria.

If you really don't want to smell onions, of course you have to stop
consuming them. If you can't avoid it, at least you can reduce the portion of
onions you consume.

Several diseases were found induced periodontal tissue by smoking, namely

gingivitis, periodontitis, and periodontal disease advanced destruction.

Factors causing tissue disease periodontitis in smokers, ie categories of

light, moderate, heavy smokers, duration of smoking > 2 years, > 10 years,
and types of filter cigarettes.

1. Tattelman, E. (2005, July 1). Health effects of garlic

2. Singh, M. (2014, June 21). Science of stink: blame sulfur
compounds for your garlic breath
3. Shinada, K., Ueno, M., Konishi, C., Takehara, S. (2010, February
12). Effects of a mouthwash with chlorine dioxide on oral malodor
and salivary bacteria: a randomized placebo-controlled 7-day trial
4. Minnatillah A, Sugito BH, Isnanto I. Hubungan perilaku merokok
dengan penyakit gingivitis pada nelayan di Pelabuhan Perikanan
Pasongsongan tahun 2019. Jurnal Ilmiah Keperawatan Gigi.
5. Poana PM, Mariati NW, Anindita PS. Gambaran status gingiva pada
perokok di Desa Duku. Jurnal E-GiGi. 2015;3(1):223– 228.
6. Kusuma ARP. 2011. Pengaruh merokok terhadap kesehatan gigi
dan rongga mulut. Majalah Ilmiah Sultan Agung. 49(124):1

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