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Critical Appraisal Journal






“Urinary tract infection with
Klebsiella pneumoniae in Patients
with Chronic Kidney Disease”

Jurnal yang digunakan
Abstrak Penelitian

Tujuan : menentukan frekuensi terjadinya Urinary Tract Infection/UTI (ISK)

Klebsiella pneumonia pada pasien gagal ginjal kronis (CKD)

Metode : mengisolasi 14 sampel urin yang diambil dari pasien CKD dengan parameter
klinis, faktor yang mempengaruhi (usia, jenis kelamin, tingkat CKD, komorbiditas) dan
parameter biokimia (serum urea, kreatinin, asam urat dan elektrolit darah) terhadap
golongan antibiotik berdasarkan farmakodinamiknya

Hasil :
 ISK Klebsiella pneumonia dengan pasien CKD selama periode penelitian sejumlah
0,51% dari total pasien rawat inap di klinik peneliti
 ISK saja sejumlah 32,60% dari 100% ISK + CKD sedangkan ISK + CKD stage 4 dan
5 sejumlah 78,56% (11 pasien) dengan infeksi K. Pneumonia dan 4 dari pasien
tersebut menderita diabetes melitus tipe 2 sejumlah 28,75%
 Peningkatan kadar serum (100%), urea (85,71%), asam urat (45,45%)
 2 pasien meninggal setelah terjadinya perubahan pada kardivaskular
Critical Appraisal Journal
1. Were the two groups similar and
recruited from the same population?

Pada desain studi/ penelitian mengisolasi
bakteri K.pneumonia pada sampel urin
pasien CKD dan untuk mengetahui
sensitivitas bakteri tersebut terhadap
antibiotik dengan pemilihan berdasarkan
inklusi dan ekslusi.

Inklusi : usia, jenis kelamin, lingkungan asal

(perkotaan/perdesaan), riwayat penyakit
diabetes, hipertensi, ISK berulang,
nefrolitiasis, glomerulonefritris, piolenefritis
Ekslusi : pernah transplantasi ginjal, TB
dengan ginjal, lupus nefritis, kehamilan,
riwayat penyakit baru-baru ini instrumentasi
urogenital, hpersensitivitas/ alergi terhadap
antibiotik yg diuji
Critical Appraisal Journal
2. Were the exposures measured
similarly to assign people to both
exposed and unexposed groups?

Tidak terdapat data yang menunjukkan
efektifitas golongan antibiotik karena peneliti
hanya menggunakan perbandingan data
tahun 2010 dan 2016
Critical Appraisal Journal
3. Was the exposure measured in a
valid and reliable way?

Peneliti telah memenuhi standar prosedur
untuk kerentanan antibiotik dari obat diuji
dalam M02, M07 dan M100 dengan
suplemen di M100 S25 (januari 2015)
yang mencakup data tambahan untuk
seleksi antibiotik, interprestasi kualitas,
dan kontrol yang diperlukan untuk
praktek klinis
Critical Appraisal Journal
4. Were confounding factors

Faktor :
 Usia : 3 pasien (50-60tahun), 3 pasien
lain >60 tahun
 Jenis kelamin : 4 pasien pria dan 1 pasien
 Lingkungan/ tempat tinggal: 4 pasien
tinggal diperkotaan dan 2 pasien tinggal
Critical Appraisal Journal
5. Were strategies to deal with
confounding factors stated?

Peneliti mengolah data dengan menggunakan
X2 dan t-test, dan regresi logistik untuk
penerapan dari model prodiktif
Critical Appraisal Journal
6. Were the groups/participants free
of the outcome at the start of the
study (or at the moment of

Peneliti menggunakan retrospektif data
 Pasien yang dipilih adalah pasien CKD
dengan pemeriksaan lab untuk
menentukan serum kreatinin, urea, asam
urat dan proteinuria sehingga dapat
dikatakan partisipan tidak masuk dalam
outcome atau harapan peneliti
 Sensitivitas antibiotik : pada sampel urin
yang diambil belum pernah dilakukan uji
sensitivitas banteri (pertama kali)
Critical Appraisal Journal
7. Were the outcomes measured in a
valid and reliable way?

 Peneliti mengukur dan menghitung nilai
laju filtrasi glumerolus (GFR) dan
mengkategorikan sesuai dengan tingkatan
berdasarkan KDOQI (Kidney Disease
Outcomes Quality)
 Peneliti memenuhi standar dalam
prosedur pengujian sensitivitas antibiotik
sesuai dengan M02, M07 and M100
with the supplement in M100 S25
(January 2015) mencakup a data untuk
seleksi obat.
Critical Appraisal Journal
8. Was the follow up time reported
and sufficient to be long enough for
outcomes to occur?

Tidak terdapat data yang menunjukkan
rentang waktu / intervensi pada penelitian
karena peneliti hanya menggunakan
perbandingan data tahun 2010 dan 2016
Critical Appraisal Journal
9. Was follow up complete, and if
not, were the reasons to loss to
follow up described and explored?

Tidak ada pasien yang di follow up karena
peneliti tidak melakukan pengujian terapi
pada pasien sehingga tidak ada data yang
diperoleh misalnya persentase jumlah pasien
yang putus obat atau lupa minum obat dan
tidak ada data pasien yang dieliminiasi
selama penelitian berlangsung
Critical Appraisal Journal
10. Were strategies to address
incomplete follow up utilized?

Tidak ada pasien yang di follow up karena
peneliti memilih data pasien yang sudah ada
dan tidak ada data pasien yang dieliminiasi
selama penelitian berlangsung
Critical Appraisal Journal
11. Was appropriate statistical
analysis used?

Pada penelitian ini diperoleh perbedaan
signifikan pada parameter yang diuji dengan
Chi-square, t-test dan SPSS
Dimana apabila p value ≤0,05 dinilai terjadi
perubahan signifikan pada data
Sedangkan perbedaan antar kelompok diuji
menggunakan X2, t-studi, regresi logistik
“Hyponatremia is Associated with Fluid
Imbalance and Adverse Renal Outcome in
Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Treated with

Jurnal yang digunakan
Abstrak Penelitian

Tujuan : untuk menentukan apakah penggunaan diuretik dan hiponatremia terkait

berhubungan dengan ketidakseimbangan cairan dan dapat diprediksi hasil klinis yang
merugikan, termasuk hasil ginjal, pada pasien dengan CKD

Metode : 5.047 (11 Nov dan 30 Jun 2009) dipilih pasien melalui program perawatan
CKD terintegrasi di 2 rumah sakit afiliasi Universitas Kedokteran Kaohsiung di Taiwan
Selatan dan diamati sampai 31 Juli 2010

Hasil :
 Adanya korelasi positif dengan hiponatremia tetapi tidak dengan diuretik tiazid
 Pada pengguna diuretik, setelah rata-rata tindak lanjut 1070 hari, kejadian RRT
lebih tinggi pada Na <135 mEq/L, yaitu 113 (62,4%)
 Persentase Na <135 mEq/L pada non-pengguna diuretik adalah 17,3%
 Na <132mEq/L dikaitkan dengan risiko RRT yang lebih tinggi sedangkan Na >143
mEq/L dikaitkan dengan risiko yang lebih tinggi untuk semua penyebab kematian
(Na <135mEq/L, Na 135–138mEq/L, Na 138– 141mEq/L, dan Na >141mEq/L )
Critical Appraisal Journal
1. Were the two groups similar and
recruited from the same population?

Pada desain studi/ penelitian
mengelompokkan pasien pengguna diuretik
dan pengguna diuretik non-penggunaan

Inklusi : demografis, riwayat medis,

temuan pemeriksaan, data laboratorium,
dan riwayat pengobatan
Ekslusi : pasien yang mangkir dalam
waktu 3 bulan dan pasien dengan
informasi pengobatan yang tidak lengkap
dieliminasi dari penelitian
Critical Appraisal Journal
2. Were the exposures measured
similarly to assign people to both
exposed and unexposed groups?

Untuk mencegah variabilitas, elektrolit
termasuk natrium serum dikumpulkan 3
bulan sebelum dan sesudah pendaftaran dan
dirata-rata. Untuk mempelajari hubungan
hasil klinis dengan 2 ujung kadar natrium,
pasien dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok menurut
kadar natrium serum, dengan nilai cut-off
dari 135mEq/L, 138mEq/L, dan 141mEq/L
Critical Appraisal Journal
3. Was the exposure measured in a
valid and reliable way?

Peneliti menggunakan standar CKD
dipentaskan menurut definisi K/DOQI dan
perkiraan laju filtrasi glomerulus (eGFR)
dihitung menggunakan persamaan 4-variabel
Modifikasi Diet pada Penyakit Ginjal
(MDRD) Study
Critical Appraisal Journal
4. Were confounding factors

Faktor :
Usia, jenis kelamin, perkiraan laju filtrasi
glomerulus (eGFR), DM, penyakit
kardiovaskular, tekanan darah rata-rata,
hemoglobin terglikasi, hemoglobin, albumin,
kolesterol, rasio protein-ke-kreatinin urin,
Protein C-reaktif, indeks massa tubuh,
angiotensin-converting enzyme
inhibitor/angiotensin II receptor blocker,
agen antihipertensi, obat antidiabetes oral,
statin, perawatan CKD terpadu dan penyebab
penyakit ginjal
Critical Appraisal Journal
5. Were strategies to deal with
confounding factors stated?

Peneliti mengolah data dengan menggunakan
perangkat lunak STATA 12.0 (Stata Corp
LP, College Station, TX, USA) dan Paket
Statistik untuk Ilmu Sosial, Versi 21.0
untuk Windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL,
Critical Appraisal Journal
6. Were the groups/participants free
of the outcome at the start of the
study (or at the moment of

Peneliti memilih pasien yang tidak dalam
kondisi perkembangan koroner akut
sindrom atau stroke akut, rawat inap
untuk penyakit oklusi arteri perifer atau
gagal jantung kongestif, dan kematian
oleh sebab-sebab ini
Critical Appraisal Journal
7. Were the outcomes measured in a
valid and reliable way?

 Peneliti mengukur dan menghitung nilai
laju filtrasi glumerolus (GFR) dan
mengkategorikan sesuai dengan tingkatan
berdasarkan KDOQI (Kidney Disease
Outcomes Quality)
 Metode penelitian disetujui oleh
Institutional Review Board Rumah Sakit
Universitas Kedokteran Kaohsiung
Critical Appraisal Journal
8. Was the follow up time reported
and sufficient to be long enough for
outcomes to occur?

Pasien discreening dari 11/11/ 2002 -
30/6/2009. Lalu dilakukan follow up sampai
tanggal 31/7/2010. Dalam jurnal disebutkan
bahwa untuk ukuran sampel yang lebih kecil
dari 2 kadar natrium serum dan durasi follow
up yang relatif singkat dapat menghasilkan
kekuatan statistik yang lebih rendah,
sehingga kekuatannya lemah dalam
menganalisis hubungan antara kematian dan
kejadian KV dan ketidakmampuan untuk
membedakan efek loop dan diuretik tiazid
Critical Appraisal Journal
9. Was follow up complete, and if
not, were the reasons to loss to
follow up described and explored?

Tidak semua pasien menyelesaikan penelitian
ini sampai akhir . Sejumlah 123 pasien yang
mangkir dalam waktu 3 bulan dan 158
pasien dengan informasi pengobatan yang
tidak lengkap dieliminasi dari pertisipan.
Untuk alasan pasien yang mangkir dalam
waktu 3 bulan tidak disebutkan alasannya
dalam penelitian ini
Critical Appraisal Journal
10. Were strategies to address
incomplete follow up utilized?

Peneliti melakukan dilakukan follow up
sampai tanggal 31/7/2010.
Partisipan/pasien akan diemilinasi apabila
mangkir dalam waktu 3 bulan dan 158
pasien dengan informasi pengobatan yang
tidak lengkap
Critical Appraisal Journal
11. Was appropriate statistical
analysis used?

Dilakukan dengan perangkat lunak STATA
12.0 (Stata Corp LP, College Station, TX,
USA) dan Paket Statistik untuk Ilmu
Sosial, Versi 21.0 untuk Windows (SPSS
Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Dimana apabila p
value ≤0,05 dinilai terjadi perubahan
signifikan pada data
Current Health Sciences Journal Vol. 43, No. 2, 2017 April-June

Original Paper
Urinary tract infection with Klebsiella pneumoniae
in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
Department of Microbiology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, Romania
Department of Allergology, ”Carol Davila” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania
Department of Pharmacology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, Romania
Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova, Romania

ABSTRACT: Study Motivation: After assessing electronic databases of medical scientific literature, we have
observed that the interrelation between urinary tract infections (UTIs) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) is poorly
studied, especially when UTIs are caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae (K. pneumoniae). Materials and methods: K.
pneumoniae was isolated in 14 urine samples from patients with CKD addmited in the Nephrology Department of the
County Emergency Clinical Hospital Craiova. The isolated strains were statistically analyzed in the correlation with
the different clinical and functional parameters (age, gender, CKD stage, comorbidities, biochemical parameters-
serum urea, creatinine, uric acid and blood electrolytes). The degree of K. pneumoniae susceptibility to antibiotics
from different pharmacodynamic classes was assessed. Results: UTIs with K. pneumoniae in patients with CKD in
the investigated period represented 0.51% from the total admissions in the clinic and 32.60% from cases of UTI.
Eleven patients with this type of infection (78.56%) were in stage 4 and 5 CKD, and from them 4 also had diabetes
mellitus type 2 (28.57%). We observed an increased level for serum creatinine (100%), blood urea (85.71%), and
serum uric acid (45.45%). Two patients died after installation of cardiovascular changes in CKD, at advanced ages
and in the presence of urinary infection. Multiple drug resistance occurred in 6 strains of K. pneumoniae correlated
with the degree of kidney failure, advanced age, male gender, and diabetes mellitus. Conclusions: UTI with K.
pneumoniae in patients with CKD is the second cause of urinary infection which raises problems of unfavorable
evolution of CKD and also the recurrence of UTI with multiple drug resistance in CKD, which may lead to
pharmacotherapeutical problems.

KEYWORDS: Klebsiella pneumoniae, urinary tract infection (UTI), chronic kidney disease (CKD), antibiotics,
susceptibility, multiresistance

targets of this pathogenic bacteria [1]. The

Introduction underlying molecular mechanisms involved in
Klebsiella pneumonia is the most relevant the pathogenesis of infections with this
human pathogen within genus Klebsiella, microorganism are not entirely elucidated.
causing many infections in hospitals, long-term Endocytosis regulating protein caveolin-1 is
care facilities and communities worldwide, implicated in inflammatory responses in K.
including lung, urinary tract, abdominal cavity, pneumoniae infection. The Src tyrosine kinase
surgical sites and soft tissues infections, even Lyn, involved in monocyte-related phagocytosis
bacteremia [1,2]. This capsulated Gram-negative through FcγR via the phosphorylation of
bacterium is found in normal flora of the mouth, tyrosines in immunoreceptor tyrosine-based
skin and intestine, and it is also the third most activation motifs, may coordinate lipid rafts and
frequently isolated microorganism in the blood impact cellular function of caveolin-1. Lyn is
cultures from sepsis patients [3]. A new located in the proximity of lipid rafts and can be
hypervirulent (hypermucoviscous) variant of translocated into the activated membrane
K. pneumoniae, determining severe and life- domains to transmit cellular signals, thus being
threatening infections, including pyogenic liver involved in host defense against K. pneumoniae
abscesses, endophthalmitis and meningitis, has by regulating the phagocytosis processes and
been described and is becoming a public health downregulating inflammatory responses [3,6].
concern [2,4,5]. Lyn deficiency could accelerate and intensify
It is important to underline that Klebsiella cytokine responses (such as cytokines IL-6,
pneumoniae is one of the most common tumor necrosis factor TNF-alpha) in mice
pathogens in nosocomial infections, and tends to infected by K. pneumoniae. Lyn cooperating
become multidrug-resistant [3]. The with lipid rafts regulates inflammatory responses
hospitalized, immunocompromised patients with in K. pneumoniae infection through the p38/NF-
significant underlying diseases are the main κB pathway [3].

10.12865/CHSJ.43.02.06 137
Oana Mariana Cristea et al. - Urinary tract infection with Klebsiella pneumonia in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is uropathogen. An important aim of the study is to

increasingly recognized as a global public health highlight whether CKD and chronic renal failure
problem [7]. Patients with CKD and kidney can be associated with antibiotic resistance of
failure may be at hight-risk for infectious K. pneumoniae isolates in the UTIs.
complications, similar to patients with other The objectives are to determine the
tipes of acquired immune deficiencies or those frequency of UTIs with Klebsiella pneumoniae
treated with immunosuppresive drugs. in CKD, assessing clinical forms of the chronic
Secundary immune alterations in uremia are kidney disease, favorable factors, co-morbidities
multifaceted and influenced by uraemic and the influence of the infection on the
intoxication per se, by altered renal metabolism evolution of chronic kidney failure and the
of immunologically active proteins and by degree of antibiotic susceptibility of
specific effects of therapy [8]. Dialysis causes uropathogenic K. pneumoniae.
additional immune abnormalities [8]. End-stage
renal disease (ESRD) is associated with Study design
significantly increased morbidity and mortality The clinical study was conducted at the
resulting from cardiovascular disease (CVD) and Nephrology Department and the hospital's
infections, accounting for about 50% and 20%, Bacteriology Laboratory of the County
respectively, of the total mortality in ESRD Emergency Clinical Hospital Craiova for the
patients [9]. It is plausible that these period July 1-December 31, 2016.
complications are linked to alterations in the Laboratory screening of CKD was performed
immune system functions in ESRD. Uremia is by determining serum creatinine, urea, uric acid
associated with immune dysfunctions and proteinuria.
characterized by an impaired immune response CKD is defined as “Either kidney damage or
component that contributes to the high GFR of less than 60mL/min/1.73m2 of body
prevalence of infections among these patients, as surface area lasting for long than 3 months”
well as by a persistent immune stimulation [14].
component resulting in inflammation that may We determined the stages of CKD based on
contribute to CVD [9,10]. Accelerated the GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate) estimate
atherosclerosis in ESRD may involve which is calculated from serum creatinine
interrelated processes, including oxidative stress, according to the KDOQI guidelines (National
endothelial dysfunction and vascular Kidney Foundation's Kidney Disease Outcomes
calcification, in a milieu of constant low-grade Quality Initiative):
inflammation with impaired function of T cells Stage 1: GRF ≥ 90mL/min/1.73m2
and neutrophils, as well as a dysregulated Stage 2: GRF = 60-89mL/min/1.73m2
cytokine network, the mainly proinflammatory Stage 3: GRF = 30-59mL/min/1.73m2
cytokines IL-6 and TNF-alpha playing key roles Stage 4: GRF = 15-29mL/min/1.73m2
in the development of Th imbalance and CVD Stage 5: GRF < 15 mL/min/1.73m2or dialysis
[11]. Chronic renal failure is a risk factor for the Normal age-related decline in GFR is
development of urinary tract infections (UTIs) ~1mL/min/1.73m2/yr after 30–40 years of age.
due to metabolic disorders resulting in We evaluated the risk factors (diabetes
secondary immune alterations affecting many mellitus, urolithiasis, hydronephrosis etc).
components of the immunity. Moreover, in To evaluate correlations between UTIs, CKD
patients with chronic renal failure, UTIs occur and antibiotic resistance of K. pneumoniae, we
frequently after kidney transplantation [12]. assessed:
We found few studies related to the • demographic parameters of the study group:
relationship between UTIs and CKD, by age, gender, the environment of origin (urban,
assessing electronic databases of medical rural);
scientific literature, and fewer studies of • CKD stage by determining serum
uropathogenic K. pneumoniae resistance to creatinine, urea, uric acid, GFR;
antibiotics in these cases. The management of
• blood electrolytes determination (serum
UTIs in patients with chronic renal failure has
sodium, potassium);
drawn little attention [13].
• state of performing or not hemodialysis;
We investigated the interrelation between
Klebsiella pneumoniae UTIs and CKD, by • ultrasound examination with detection of
evaluating clinical and laboratory correlations. anatomical anomalies of the kidneys and the
We also assessed antibiotic susceptibility of the presence of kidney stones;

138 10.12865/CHSJ.43.02.06
Current Health Sciences Journal Vol. 43, No. 2, 2017 April-June

• patient history such as diabetes, Phosphonic acid derivate: Fosfomicin

hypertension, recurrent UTIs, nephrolithiasis, trometamol (FOT).
glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis. The study was retrospective, descriptive and
Exclusion criteria were represented by renal non-randomized.
transplantation, renal tuberculosis, lupus Data obtained from patients in 2016 were
nephritis, pregnancy, personal history of recent compared with similar data obtained previously
urogenital instrumentation, hypersensitivity in 2010, to assess changes.
/allergy to the tested antibiotics.
Urine cultures for patients included in the Statistical analysis
study were carried out in the Department of The antibiotic resistance data was recorded in
Bacteriology of the hospital laboratory, and MS-Excel and the statistical analysis of the data
antibiotic susceptibility/resistance testing was was performed and statistical significance
determined by antibiogram after detection of the between different parameters was checked by
causative microorganism of UTIs (Klebsiella Chi-square test, t-test and the Statistical Package
pneumoniae). for the Social Sciences (SPSS) 13.0 for
Antibiotic susceptibility Windows. A p value of ≤0.05 was considered
Antibiotic susceptibility of K. pneumoniae significant. Differences between groups were
isolates was done by Bauer’s and Kirby’s disk tested by use of the x2 and Student’s t test. Also
diffusion method [15]. Organisms were grown were used the logistic regressions for elaboration
on specific media and inoculated on Mueller of predictive model.
Hinton agar plates by sterile swabs and then
antibiotic disks were placed on media and Results
pressed gently followed by overnight incubation.
Prevalence of Klebsiella pneumoniae
This method was done according to Clinical and
uropathogens in CKD
Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) guidelines
In the Nephrology Department between July
to determine susceptibility of UTIs causative
1 and December 31, 2010, 357 patients were
agents [15].
hospitalized, from which 37 (10.36%) had UTIs
We have complied with standardized
with 12 cases (32.43%) with CKD and K.
procedures for antimicrobial susceptibility of the
pneumoniae UTI, from them 10 (27.03%) being
drugs tested presented in M02, M07 and M100
male and 2 (5.40 %) female patients (Table 1,2).
with the supplement in M100 S25 (January
In 2016, in the last 6 months, of the
2015) that include data essential to drug
272 admitted patients 46 (16.91%) had UTIs,
selection, quality interpretation and control
from which 15 (32.60%) with K. pneumoniae,
required for clinical practice [16].
8 (17.08%) men and 7 (15.22%) women
In this study the antibiotic disks used for
(1 women without CKD) (30.43% patients had
antibiogram were:
UTI with Klebsiella and CKD) (Table 1,2).
Beta-lactams+beta-lactamase inhibitors:
Amoxicillin+Clavulanic acid (AMC),
In both time periods the main etiology of
Piperacillin+tazobactam (TPZ), UTIs was Escherichia coli.
Cefoperazone+sulbactam (CES); In the last 6 months of 2010, the rate of UTIs
Cephalosporins: Cefazoline (CZ) first with uropathogenic germs in CKD patients was
generation, Cefuroxime (CXM), Cefoxitin (FOX) 37 (10.36%). In the same period of the year
and Cefaclor (CEC), second generation, 2016 the percentage was 16.91% (46 patients).
Ceftriaxone (CRO), Ceftibuten (CTB) and Compared to all patients admitted to the clinic
Cefpodoxim (CPO), third generation, Cefepime during this time, UTIs with K. pneumoniae in
(FEP) fourth generation; patients with CKD accounted for 0.33% in 2010
Carbapenems: Imipenem (IP); and 0.51% in 2016 (Table 2).
Fluoroquinolones: Ciprofloxacin (CPR), There is no correlation in the prevalence of
Ofloxacin (OFX), Norfloxacin (NOR); UTIs cases in patients with CKD linked to the
Aminoglycosides: Gentamicin (GN), hot or cold season of the year. In 2010, there
Amikacin (AK); were several UTIs cases with K. pneumoniae in
Polymyxins: Colistin (CO); August, November, and in 2016 in August,
Folate pathway inhibitors: Trimethoprim/ September, November (Table 2).
sulfamethoxazole (SXT);
Nitrofurans-Nitrofurantoin (FM);

10.12865/CHSJ.43.02.06 139
Oana Mariana Cristea et al. - Urinary tract infection with Klebsiella pneumonia in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease

Table 1. Distribution of patients without UTI during July-December 2010 and 2016

Month of patient without UTI hospital admission (n)

Without UTI patients
Total July August September October November December
Females without UTI 2010 151 20 17 25 30 27 32
Males without UTI 2010 169 27 26 32 26 27 31
Total without UTI 2010 320 47 43 57 56 54 63
Females without UTI 2016 118 17 14 26 14 31 16
Males without UTI 2016 108 21 13 18 16 32 8
Total without UTI 2016 226 38 27 42 30 63 24

Table 2. Distribution of patients with Klebsiella pneumonia

UTI and UTIs (total) during July-December 2010 and 2016

Total Month of patient with UTI hospital admission (n)

Urine culture
(n) July August September Octomber November December
F (2) 0 0 0 1 1 0
Urine culture Klebsiella 2010
M (10) 2 4 0 1 3
Urine culture Klebsiella 2010
12 2 4 0 2 4 0
- total
F (7) 0 2 3 1 0 1
Urine culture Klebsiella 2016
M (8) 2 2 3 1 0 0
Urine culture Klebsiella 2016
15 2 4 6 2 0 1
Total uropathogenic germs
37 6 9 7 6 8 1
Total uropathogenic germs
46 7 8 13 5 8 5

In the 2016 evaluation, we observed that the Although in 2010 UTIs with K. pneumoniae
age of patients it’s between 50 and 82, with an and CKD predominated in males (83.33%), in
average age of 69.8 (Table 3). 2016 the proportion of males and females is
Analyzing UTIs with K. pneumoniae in quite similar, with a slight predominance in
patients admitted to the Nephrology Department, males (6→42.86% women and 8→57.14%
it was found that it prevails at the age above men).
55 years, similar in the two studied periods of In 2016 from the patients with CKD, 3
time. (21.42%) patients were in the stage 3 of kidney
In 2016, from 15 cases of UTIs with K. failure, 3 patients (21.42%) in stage 4 and 8
pneumoniae, in 14 (93.33%) the infection (57.14%) patients in stage 5.
occurred in the patients with CKD and in one From the 14 cases with CKD and UTI with
(6.67%) patient without CKD hospitalized for K. pneumoniae, 7 (50%) had also type 2
urinary infection and kidney cyst with diabetes, of which 4 (28.57%) were in stage 4
nephrolithiasis. and 5 of CKD.
Among patients with CKD, 6 (42.86%) were
on renal dialysis (3 males and 3 females).

Table 3. Distribution of UTI and CKD patients according to age group

Age Distribution
Age groups Min and max
<=25 26 - 35 36 - 45 46 - 55 56 - 65 66 - 75 >75
(years) ages.
Number of
1 1 3 14 12 (min. 21 ages)
patients with 0 (0%) 15 (32.60%)
(2.17%) (2.17%) (6.52%) (30.44%) (26.08%) (max.83 ages)
UTI 2016
Number of 3 (20.14%)
patients with +1 patient (min.50 ages)
0 (0%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) (7.14%) 4 (28.57%) 6 (42.85%)
Klebsiella UTI without CKD (max. 82 ages)
(50 ages)
2016 (7.14%)

140 10.12865/CHSJ.43.02.06
Current Health Sciences Journal Vol. 43, No. 2, 2017 April-June

Of the 14 patients with CKD and UTI, cefoperazone-sulbactam (6/7-85.71%

nephropathy without case specification was susceptible strains) and also piperacillin-
found in 6 (42.85%) patients, nephrolithiasis in tazobactam (7/14-50% susceptible strains)
4 (28.57%) patients, and renal cyst in one case (Table 4).
(7.14%). In the group of CKD many fluoroquinolones
Regarding biochemical parameters related to still retain good susceptibility (9/14-64.29%
kidney function, increased blood urea was susceptible and 5/14-35.71% resistant to
performed in 12/14 (85.71%) patients, ciprofloxacin, 3/3-100% susceptible to ofloxacin
5/11 (45.45%) patients with increased uric acid, and less to norfloxacin-3/7-42.86% susceptible,
elevated serum creatinine in 14/14 (100%) 4/7-57.14% resistant) (Table 4).
patients. Proteinuria was found in 5/10 (50%) of High sensitivity to aminoglycosides may be
CKD patients. explained by their reduced use in CKD due to
Blood electrolytes determinations revealed a nephrotoxicity (5/14-35.71% to gentamicin and
decrease in serum sodium below normal values 11/13-84.62% to amikacin). However, the
in 9/14 (64.29%) patients with CKD, serum resistance to gentamicin is still quite high
potassium increased in 6/14 (42.86%) patients (5/14-35.71%) (Table 4).
and 1/14 (7.14%) with low serum potassium High sensitivity has also been encountered
compared to normal. with colistin for injection, maybe due to reduced
use in CKD (11/11-100.00%) (Table 4).
Antibiotic susceptibility Resistance is increased to
Patients with CKD are possibly more likely trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (13/14-92.86%)
to have a resistant strain. and to nitrofurantoin (13/14-92.86% and one
Among the Klebsiella strains tested on eight strain with intermediate sensitivity) probably
cephalosporins, there is a high resistance in the due to more widespread use (Table 4).
first and second generation ones (10/14-71.43% Klebsiella spp. are only moderately inhibited by
cefazoline-resistant, 3/4-75% to cefuroxime, nitrofurantoin [17].
7/14-50% to cefoxitin, but also to 5/14-35.71% For fosfomycin trometamol, currently used in
intermediate sensitivity to cefoxitin, single-dose for cystitis, the study reveales a high
8/13-61.54% resistance to ceftriaxone). From resistance with 7/14 (50%) resistant strains,
third generation a moderate sensitivity to 2/14 (14.29%) strains with intermediate
ceftibuten was found where 4/7-57.14% strains susceptibility and only 5/14 (35.71%)
were susceptible. Unfortunately, in the cefepime susceptible strains (Table 4).
(fourth generation cephalosporin) of the 4 tested Of the 15 antibiotics tested in the
strains 2 (50%) were resistant and 2 (50%) K. pneumoniae UTI without CKD it was
sensitive intermediates. In carbapenems, revealed resistance to ofloxacin, ciprofloxacin,
imipenem remains a reserve antibiotic with a ceftriaxone, trimethoprim / sulfametoxazole and
good sensitivity to K. pneumoniae nitrofurantoin, and susceptibility to gentamicin,
(10/14-71.43% susceptibiliy strains) (Table 4). amikacin, tazobactam/piperacillin, ceftibuten,
The combinations of betalactams-beta- imipenem, colistin, intermediate sensitivity to
lactamase inhibitors demonstrated that the best cefoxitin, cefazoline, fosfomycin trometamol
susceptibility of K. pneumoniae was to and cefoperazone/sulbactam.

Table 4. Susceptibility patterns for Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from urine samples of CKD patients
(N-number, %)

Disks Isolates Resistant Intermediate Susceptible

Classes of antibiotics Antibiotic used Codes
(μg) (N) N (%) N (%) N (%)
AMC 20/10 4 3 (75) 0 (0) 1 (25)
Clavulanic acid
Beta-lactam + beta- Piperacillin+
TPZ 100/10 14 4 (28.57) 3 (21.43) 7 (50)
lacatamase inhibitors Tazobactam
CES 75/30 7 0 (0) 1 (14.29) 6 (85,71)
Cefazolin 1rd
CZ 30 14 10 (71.4) 3 (21.43) 1 (7,14)
Cefuroxime 2rd
Cephalosporins CXM 30 4 3 (75) 1 (25) 0 (0)
Cefoxitin 2rd
FOX 30 14 7 (50) 5 (35,71) 2 (14.29)

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Oana Mariana Cristea et al. - Urinary tract infection with Klebsiella pneumonia in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease

Cefaclor 2rd
CEC 30 1 1 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0)
Ceftriaxone 3rd
CRO 30 13 8 (61.54 ) 2 (19.23) 2 (19.23)
Ceftibuten 3rd
CTB 30 7 2 (28.57) 1 (14.29 ) 4 (57.14)
Cefpodoxim 3rd
CPO 30 1 1 (100) 0 (0) 0 (0)
Cefepime 4rd
FEP 30 4 2 (50) 2 (50) 0 (0)
Carbapenems Imipenem IP 10 14 3 (21.43) 1 (7,14) 10 (71.43)
Ciprofloxacin CPR 5 14 5(35.71) 0 (0) 9 (64.29)
Quinolones Ofloxacin OFX 5 3 0(0) 0 (0) 3 (100)
Norfloxacin NOR 10 7 4(57.14) 0 (0) 3 (42.86)
Gentamicin GN 10 14 5(35.71) 4 (28.58) 5 (35.71)
Amikacin AK 3010 13 1(7.69) 1 (7.69) 11 (84.6)
Polymyxins Colistin CO 11 0(0) 0 (0) 11 (100)
Folate pathway Trimethoprim/S SXT/ 1.25/23
14 13 (92.86) 0 (0) 1 (7.14 )
inhibitors ulfamethoxazole TS .75
Phosphonic acid Fosfomycin
FOT 50 14 7(50) 2 (14.29 ) 5 (35.71)
derivatide trometamol
Nitrofurans Nitrofurantoin FM 300 14 13 (92.86) 1 (7.14) 0 (0)

From all strains isolated of K. pneumoniae, generation (71.43%), and 75% strains were
over 70% were resistant to trimethoprim/ resistant to cefuroxime (second generation
sulfamethoxazole (92.86%), nitrofurantoin cephalosporin) and to amoxicillin/ clavulanic
(92.86%), cefazoline, cefalosporin of first acid.
Table 5. Strains of multidrug resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae from patients with UTI and CKD

Klebsiella strains
resistant to No.
Klebsiella resistant to CKD Hemo Renal Gender
Ciprofloxacin + antibiotics Diabetes Age
other antibiotics stage dialysis affecting distribution
resistant to other tested
antibiotics (n.)
+7 antibiotics 14 4 0 + L, C 66 M
+10 14 5 + + 0 79 M
+11 FM/NOR/ 15 3 0 + L 50 M
+9 16 4 0 + 0 76 M
+8 12 5 + 0 N 60 M
+5 FM/CPR/CRO/OFX/TS 15 0 0 L, C 60 F
L=lithiasis; C=renal cyst; N=nephropaty; M=male; F= female; n=number

Of the six ciprofloxacin resistant strains, five them fit into the group of Klebsiella
were multiresistant (for 12,11,10,9,8 antibiotics), pneumoniae multiresistant strains. The presence
and one strain from a CKD-free patient is of multidrug resistant strains in advanced
resistant to 5 antibiotics from different kidney disease (stage 4 and 5) is noted. Of the
pharmacodynamic classes (cephalosporins/ six patients with CKD, only two were on
nitrofurans/ fluoroquinolones/ folate pathway hemodialysis (Table 5).
inhibitors) (Table 5). Regarding the age of the patients with K.
Although strain number 10 is sensitive to pneumoniae UTIs, three subjects were between
ciprofloxacin, it is resistant to other 50 and 60 year-old (of which, one in CKD stage
8 antibiotics from 5 different pharmacodynamic 3, one in stage 5, and one without CKD), and
classes (Table 6). It was isolated from a female three patients were over 65 years (with stages 4
patient aged 77 years with CKD stage 3 and and 5 CKD) (Table 5).
diabetes. Considering gender and CKD, five patients
By analyzing the sensitivity of the six were men and only one woman. Four patients
strains, we found that they are resistant to more were from urban environment and two from
than four classes of antibiotics, which makes rural environment (Table 4).

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Table 6. The resistance of Klebsiella pneumoniae strains to antibiotics

and the number of classes of antibiotics

Number of
Klebsiella Number of
Antibiotic resistance classes of
strains antibiotics
1 FOX/CZ/TPZ/CTB/FM/CPR/NOR/TS 8 5 classes
3 GM/CZ/CRO/FEP/TS 5 4 classes
4 FOT/FM/TS 3 3 classes
5. CZ/FM/CRO/TS 4 3 classes
6 FM/TS 2 2 classes
7 FOT/FM/TS 3 3 classes
9 FM/TS/AMC 3 3 classes
10 FOX/CZ/FOT/FM/CRO/TS/CXM/AMC 8 5 classes
12 FOX/CZ/FOT/FM/CRO/TS 6 6 classes
13 GM/FOX/AK/TPZ/FM/CPR/CRO/IP/TS 9 8 classes
14 FOX/CZ/FOT/FM/IP/CEC/CPO 7 4 classes
15 * FM/CPR/CRO/OFX/TS 5 4 classes
*Klebsiella pneumoniae of patient without CKD

K. pneumoniae strains were defined as or extended multidrug resistance. Thus, subjects

resistant multidrug strains following analysis of with strains resistant to less than 8 antibiotics
resistance and susceptibility to antibiotics tested were included in the first group, and if they had
for each strain. Using the median, standard strains resistant to more than 8 antibiotics were
deviation and variation coefficient, limits have considered with severe multidrug resistance.
been set for regrouping cases as having limited

Table 7. Observing-predicted frequency table for the two groups (limited and extended resistance), and risk

PRO Frequency Percentage

TEINUR UREA AGE Obser Pearson Obse Predic
IA ved Residual rved ted
EXTENDED 0 ,000 ,000 ,0% ,0%
0 1 0 0 0 0 R 60 F
LIMITED 1 1,000 ,000 100,0% 100,0%
EXTENDED 0 ,000 ,000 ,0% ,0%
0 0 0 0 3 R 69 F
LIMITED 1 1,000 ,000 100,0% 100,0%
EXTENDED 0 ,000 ,000 ,0% ,0%
1 0 1 1 5 R 65 M
LIMITED 1 1,000 ,000 100,0% 100,0%
EXTENDED 1 1,000 ,000 100,0% 100,0%
1 1 0 3 U 75 F
LIMITED 0 ,000 ,000 ,0% ,0%
EXTENDED 1 1,000 ,000 100,0% 100,0%
0 1 1 5 U 79 M
LMITED 0 ,000 ,000 ,0% ,0%
EXTENDED 1 1,000 ,000 100,0% 100,0%
3 U 50 M
LIMITED 0 ,000 ,000 ,0% ,0%
1 1 1
EXTENDED 1 1,000 ,000 100,0% 100,0%
1 1 0 66 M
LIMITED 0 ,000 ,000 ,0% ,0%
4 U
EXTENDED 1 1,000 ,000 100,0% 100,0%
76 M
LIMITED 0 ,000 ,000 ,0% ,0%

From the multivariate analysis we can see The frequency of resistance for each
that the common, defining elements of the antibiotic from the extended multidrug
multi-resistance group are: CKD stage 3-5, male resistance group and the limited drug resistant
gender, age over 70 years, urban environment, group was compared to determine which
diabetes association, high levels of creatinine, antibiotic should be avoided in patients with
urea and ureic acid, proteinuria. (Table 7). Each multidrug resistance.
strain of K. pneumoniae is multidrug resistant to Thus, in Gentamicin there are 66.4% cases of
8 and more than 8 antibiotics (Tables 5,6). The resistance in the extended multidrug resistance
model used is predictive for 62.5% of group, vs. 11% resistance in the limited
investigated cases. resistance group (p=0.037); FOX 83% vs. 22.2%
(p=0.007); CZ 100% vs. 44.4% (p=0.0003); TPZ

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Oana Mariana Cristea et al. - Urinary tract infection with Klebsiella pneumonia in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease

66.4% vs. 0% (p=0.025); CTB 100% vs. 0% (p the „Council Recommendation on the prudent
<0.001); FM 100% vs. 88.8% (p=0.0006); CPR use of antimicrobial agents in human medicine”.
83% vs. 11.1% (p=0.004); NOR 80% vs. 0% These proposals provide a detailed set of public
(p=0.01); TS 100% vs. 88% (p=0.0006); CXM health actions against antimicrobial resistance
100% vs. 0% (p <0.001). [18].
A similar sensitivity in both groups (p> 0.05) Urinary tract infections caused by
was found for: AK; FOT; IP; CES; CO. These K. pneumoniae appear to be increasing and have
antibiotics may be used in patients with UTI and become a real health problem, especially in
CKD. hospital settings. This trend should be
Noteworthy, a 77 year-old women with CKD approached even more carefully in patients with
stage 5 with nephropathy, hemodialysis, CKD, where urinary infection can accelerate
hypertension, heart failure and with evolution to the final stages of renal failure,
K. pneumoniae UTI was hospitalized twice at infections being the second cause of mortality in
interval of one month during the study period, these patients after cardiovascular
and the Klebsiella susceptibility changed as complications.
follows. At the first admission, the Kidney disorders are increasing in
K. pneumoniae revealed resistance to 3/16 tested prevalence, affecting mostly elderly people.
antibiotics (nitrofurantoin, trimethoprim/ Pharmacokinetics of kidney eliminated drugs is
sulfamethoxazole, amoxicillin / clavulanic acid), significantly altered, and drug dosage
intermediate sensitivity to 6/16 antibiotics and adjustments based on individual renal function
susceptibility to 7/16 antibiotics tested. At one must be performed [19].
month interval, at the second admission CKD and other chronic illness, especially
Klebsiella pneumoniae had resistance to those which alter the immune system function,
6/12 antibiotics, intermediate sensitivity to such as diabetes, may increase the risk of
1/12 antibiotics and susceptibility to developing UTIs [20].
5/12 antibiotics. No susceptibility to norfloxacin, UTI involve the combination of pathogens
cefoperazone/ sulbactam, cefuroxime, within urinary tract and symptoms and/or
amoxicillin/ clavulanic acid has been tested, inflammatory response to the pathogens
which would possibly have shown Klebsiella requiring treatment. Asymptomatic bacteriuria is
resistance to these antibiotics. The patient died defined as isolation of a specified quantitative
by cardiopulmonary arrest two weeks after the count of bacteria in an appropriately collected
second hospitalization. In this patient, an urine specimen from an individual without
increase in the resistance of urine isolated clinical manifestations. UTIs are usually
K. pneumoniae to the cephalosporins of first, classified by the site of infection as cystitis or
second and third generation was observed. There pyelonephritis [21].
was a change from intermediate susceptibility to The risk of developing chronic kidney
resistance for three antibiotics (cefazoline, insufficiency due to UTIs without other risk
cefoxitin, ceftriaxone), and the sensitivity to factors is low. The course and severity of UTIs
imipenem decreased at intermediate sensitivity. are determined by the pathogenicity of the
Another patient who died was an 82 year-old infective microorganism and the efficiency of
man with CKD stage 5, nephropathy, cardiac local or systemic defense mechanisms.
disease and UTI with K. pneumoniae. In his Virulence properties, given by adhesins, toxins
unfavorable evolution, it seems that cardiac or capsule, are encoded by the genomic
damage prevailed, with death due to worsening structures. In kidney failure, many different
of the renal failure and myocardial infarction. molecules (uraemic toxins, betaine, amino acids,
K. pneumoniae revealed resistance to three creatinine, urea, glucose) influence the microbial
antibiotics (tazobactam/ piperacillin, fosfomycin environment. Defense factors, such as
tromethanol, trimethoprim/ sulfametazazole, phagocytic activity of granulocytes, defensins
from three different pharmacodynamic classes) and Tamm-Horsfall protein, as well as the
and intermediate sensitivity to ceftriaxone and underlying anatomical lesions and the pre-
cefoxitin (another classes of antibiotics). existing renal disease determine the severity of
UTIs and the prognosis of renal insufficiency
Discussions [22]. In the presented study, we have seen a
In 2001, the European Commission presented slightly decrease in percent, but with an increase
a “Community strategy against Antimicrobial in absolute number of UTI cases with
Resistance”. An important part of this strategy is K. pneumoniae after 6 years in patients with

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Current Health Sciences Journal Vol. 43, No. 2, 2017 April-June

CKD (30.43% in 2016 as compared to 32.43% antigen presenting cells and a depletion of the
in 2010 versus 14 patients in 2016 and antigen presenting dendritic cells. Moreover,
12 patients in 2010). The age of patients with there is a reduction in number and antibody
CKD and UTIs with Klebsiella admitted to the producing capacity of B cells, and an increased
Nephrology Department shifted towards older T cell turnover and apoptosis leading to
age groups. This increase in the number of depletion of naive and central memory CD4+and
third-age CKD patients maybe due to the CD8+T cells, with an impaired cell mediated
increase in the lifetime of the entire population, immunity [29]. In our study, the serum urea was
with improved medical care for renal patients. above the normal range in 13/14 patients with
In a study published by Taiwanese authors in CKD, contributing probable to decreased
patients with UTI and CKD with varying immunity, and favoring therefore K. pneumoniae
degrees of renal impairment, it was found that UTI.
age, female gender, and kidney stones are Predialysis kidney disease appears to be
independently associated with UTI in the upper associated with increased risk of severe
urinary tract. This study revealed also that infection. Whether predialysis kidney disease
patients with CKD and UTI were elderly, and increases the susceptibility to infections and
that females were prone to have more bacteriuria whether age modifies this association remains
and upper UTI than males. In addition, subjects unclear [30].
who had renal stones were more prone to have Complicated UTIs with relapsing Klebsiella
upper UTI than other bacteriuria patients [23]. In infections are relatively more common in
our study there is a higher proportion of elderly patients with diabetes [31]. Diabetes, as well as
men with UTI and CKD. CKD, are risk factors for recurrent UTIs by
UTIs prevalence is usually higher in women, decreasing immunity and therefore resistance to
at a younger age. Klebsiella infections are more infection.
prevalent in older groups [24]. Other authors Diabetes represents the most common cause
mention a higher prevalence in women of the of chronic kidney disease. It is part of the first
third age, but does not specify whether the category of risk factors in the progression of
patients had associated CKD [1,25]. A reduction CKD. Type 2 diabetes is not only a risk factor
in estimated glomerular filtration rate and/or the for community-acquired UTIs, but also for
presence of proteinuria, are the predominant health care-associated UTIs, catheter-associated
manifestations of CKD, which is common in the UTI and post-renal transplant-recurrent UTIs
elderly population [26]. Proteinuria accelerates [32]. In addition, these patients are more prone
the rate of decline of GFR in hypertensive, to have resistant pathogens as the cause of their
diabetic, and non-diabetic individuals. UTIs, including extended-spectrum β-lactamase-
Proteinuria was recorded in our study in positive Enterobacteriaceae, fluoroquinolone-
5/10 (50%) CKD patients (stage 3-one patient, resistant uropathogens, carbapenem-resistant
stage 4-two patients and stage 5-two patients) Enterobacteriaceae, and vancomycin-resistant
aged 65-79 year-old. In 2014 some autors have Enterococci. Susceptibility to UTIs increases
stated that there is currently no evidence on the with longer duration and greater severity of
relationship between proteinuria and infection diabetes. High urine glucose content and
incidence independent of the glomerular defective host immune factors predispose to
filtration rate [27]. infection. Hyperglycemia causes neutrophil
In another study, UTIs in dialyzed kidney dysfunction by increasing intracellular calcium
patients were frequent, with Klebsiella as a levels and interfering with actin and, thus,
second uropathogen involved [28]. In our study, altering diapedesis and phagocytosis [32].
from 14 patients with CKD, six underwent Various impairments in the immune system,
dialysis. Of these, a multiresistant Klebsiella including humoral, cellular, and innate immunity
was isolated in two patients. may contribute in the pathogenesis of UTIs in
While bacterial infections have diminished as diabetic patients. Bacteria have ability to thrive
a cause of death in the general population, they in the presence of elevated blood sugar, and, in
remain the second most common cause of death addition, a hyperglycemic state negatively
in patients ESRD. This is largely due to the affects the body’s ability to respond to
impaired immune response in uremia which is antimicrobial therapy. In our study
caused by a decreased granulocyte and 7/14 Klebsiella UTIs patients had type
monocyte/macrophage phagocytic function, but 2 diabetes as co-morbidity for CKD. The
also a defective antigen presenting capacity of

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Oana Mariana Cristea et al. - Urinary tract infection with Klebsiella pneumonia in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease

association of diabetes-CKD further favors spectrum of fosfomycin includes the most of the
UTIs. enteric gram-negative bacteria, but with a
In a study performed in a tropical region, K. considerably higher MIC for Klebsiella sp [38].
pneumoniae was found to the most frequent In our study, a relatively large number of
bacterial etiological agent in UTIs, after K. pneumoniae is resistant to fosfomycin (50%),
Escherichia coli, both isolated microorganisms probably as a consequence of its frequent use in
being highly resistant to ampicillin, uncomplicated urinary tract infections.
trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, doxycycline, Patients with chronic kidney failure, up to a
amoxicicline/clavulanic acid, whereas Klebsiella creatinine clearance of 20mL/min, can be
demonstrated also to be highly resistant to expected to have still sufficiently high urinary
cefuroxime, ceftriaxone and gentamycin [33]. concentrations of fosfomycin, and treatment of
An Indian study, found that most of the cystitis may be justified from pharmacokinetic/
Klebsiella strains in UTIs were susceptible to pharmacodynamic point of view. Single oral
amikacin. In our study, K. pneumoniae isolated dose therapy with fosfomicin is recommended
from the urine of CKD patients revealed that, for treatment and prophylaxis of uncomplicated
from 14 strains tested, 12 were susceptible to UTIs, not only in premenopausal, but also in
amikacin. Rare use of this antibiotic in our post-menopausal elderly, otherwise healthy
region may explain the maintenance of women above 65 years of age [39]. Our study
susceptibility [34]. A study in Jordan highlighted revealed that increased use of fosfomycin
that all isolates from the UTI of Klebsiella were trometamol in recent years has probably led to
resistant to at least one antibiotic [35]. In our an increase in resistance to this antibiotic.
study, most Klebsiella strains were resistant to The death of the two patients with CKD
more than three antibiotics. (14.28%) in the study group was favored by the
Tazobactam in combination with piperacillin presence of severe kidney failure, advanced age,
has an excellent clinical efficacy in various CVD complications and Klebsiella pneumoniae
infections [20]. Tazobactam is a promising beta- UTIs.
lactamase inhibitor which has its own antibiotic The multiple resistance to antibiotics of the
activity. In our study, if the resistance to Klebsiella pneumoniae strains was correlated
amoxicillin with clavulanic acid was significant, with the advanced age of the patients, the
the association of piperacillin with tazobactam presence of diabetes in four cases, advanced
was found to be effective in the percentage of renal failure with high serum urea and creatinine
50% and cefoperazone with sulbactam levels, and male gender.
A recent Taiwanese study revealed in the last Conclusions
decade a decreased susceptibility of Klebsiella Klebsiella pneumoniae strains isolated from
to most antibiotics, especially third generation urine in UTI patients with CKD are the most
cephalosporins and fluoroquinolones [37]. important uropathogenic microorganisms, after
Fluoroquinolones appear to be drugs of choice Escherichia coli.
for the treatment of pyelonephritis and cystitis in UTIs due to K. pneumoniae are favored by
patients with renal dysfunction. Theoretically, the presence of CKD, with increased blood urea,
ciprofloxacin would appear to be the preferred in turn the CKD evolution to the final stages is
fluoroquinolone in CKD. It is secreted as well as accelerated by UTI.
filtered, and has good tissue penetration. A Although the percentage of urinary infections
broad spectrum cephalosporin such as with K. pneumoniae is reduced in the case of
ceftriaxone may also be considered as an uropathogenic isolates from patients with
alternative to ciprofloxacin in chronic kidney advanced CKD stages, isolated strains are
failure, but K. pneumoniae in our study shows a multiresistant in more than four classes of
high degree of resistance to this antibiotic antibiotics.
(8/13-61.54% resistant strains). The treatment of UTIs caused by
Fosfomycin is increasingly used for empiric K. pneumoniae with trimethoprim/
treatment of urinary tract infection in the sulfamethoxazol, nitrofurantoin, first generation
absence of routine drug susceptibility testing of cephalosporins, and even the combination of
[38]. Fosfomycin is a phosphonic acid derivative broad spectrum penicillin (amoxicillin) with
with antibacterial activity against a wide range beta-lactamase inhibitor (clavulanic acid) has no
of gram-negative pathogens and some gram- more favorable effect on patients with UTIs and
positive pathogens [24]. The antibacterial CKD, due to high resistance.

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Corresponding Author: Cristea Oana Mariana, University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova,
Petru Rares St., No.2, Craiova, Romania, e-mail:

148 10.12865/CHSJ.43.02.06

OPEN Hyponatremia is Associated with

Fluid Imbalance and Adverse Renal
Outcome in Chronic Kidney Disease
received: 17 March 2016
accepted: 18 October 2016 Patients Treated with Diuretics
Published: 14 November 2016
Lee Moay Lim1,*, Ni-Chin Tsai1,2,*, Ming-Yen Lin1,3, Daw-Yang Hwang1, Hugo You-Hsien  Lin1,4,
Jia-Jung Lee1, Shang-Jyh Hwang1,3, Chi-Chih Hung1 & Hung-Chun Chen1,3

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is frequently complicated with hyponatremia, probably because of fluid
overload or diuretic usage. Hyponatremia in CKD population is associated with increased mortality,
but the effect on renal outcome was unknown. We investigated whether hyponatremia is associated
with fluid status and is a prognostic indicator for adverse outcomes in a CKD cohort of 4,766 patients
with 1,009 diuretic users. We found that diuretic users had worse clinical outcomes compared with
diuretic non-users. Hyponatremia (serum sodium <135 mEq/L) was associated with excessive volume
and volume depletion, measured as total body water by bioimpedance analysis, in diuretic users, but
not in diuretic non-users. Furthermore, in Cox survival analysis, hyponatremia was associated with an
increased risk for renal replacement therapy (hazard ratio, 1.45; 95% CI, 1.13–1.85, P < 0.05) in diuretic
users, but not in diuretic non-users (P for interaction <0.05); restricted cubic spline model also showed
a similar result. Hyponatremia was not associated with all-cause mortality or cardiovascular event
whereas hypernatremia (serum sodium >141 mEq/L) was associated with an increased risk for all-cause
mortality. Thus, hyponatremia is an indicator of fluid imbalance and also a prognostic factor for renal
replacement therapy in CKD patients treated with diuretics.

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) causes dysfunction in regulating water homeostasis because of a reduced glomer-
ular filtration rate (GFR)1. Volume overload is highly prevalent in patients with CKD and a 10% to 30% increase
in extracellular fluid can be detected, even in the absence of overt edema2. The disorder in homeostasis resulted
in hypertension, electrolyte imbalance and edema. Volume overload has been associated with CKD progression
and cardiovascular disease (CVD) related morbidity or mortality3. Diuretics are essential in treating fluid bal-
ance, blood pressure control, prevention of hyperkalemia and urine amount regulation in CKD population4–6.
However, several studies have reported negative outcomes of diuretic usage on renal function, mortality, and
hospitalization in patients with heart failure7–11. In acute kidney injury (AKI), loop diuretics exert no significant
effect on renal recovery, the need for dialysis, or mortality12–15. In CKD, the long-term effect of diuretic usage in
correction of volume overload has not been thoroughly studied16.
Sodium imbalance could be secondary to diuretic usage, particularly in patients with CKD, because the ability
of kidneys to regulate dilution and concentration becomes impaired as renal disease progressing2. Hyponatremia
could be a consequence of fluid overload or a consequence of diuretic usage in these patients. Various epide-
miological studies have documented an association between hyponatremia and increased mortality from dis-
eases involving fluid overload and diuretic usage, such as congestive heart failure (CHF) and liver cirrhosis17–21.
Recently, Kovesdy et al. discovered that both lower and higher serum sodium levels are associated with higher
mortality in patients with CKD, independent of CHF and liver disease22, but renal outcome and the degree of diu-
retic usage were not reported. Due to the unique disease characteristic that are susceptible to sodium imbalance,

Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine, Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital, Kaohsiung
Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Kaohsiung Chang Gung
Memorial Hospital, Chang Gung University, College of Medicine, Taiwan. 3Faculty of Renal Care, College of Medicine,
Kaohsiung Medical University, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 4Department of Internal Medicine, Kaohsiung Municipal Ta-Tung
Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. *These authors contributed equally to this work. Correspondence and requests for
materials should be addressed to C.-C.H. (email:

Scientific Reports | 6:36817 | DOI: 10.1038/srep36817 1

Diuretic non-users (n = 3757) Diuretic users (n = 1009) p

Demographics data
Age, yrs 61.2 ±​  14.8 64.0 ±​  13.5 <​0.001
Female, n (%) 1573 (41.9%) 500 (49.6%) <​0.001
Congestive heart failure, n (%) 303 (8.1%) 279 (27.7%) <​0.001
Diabetes mellitus, n (%) 1297 (34.5%) 661 (65.5%) <​0.001
Cardiovascular disease, n (%) 774 (20.6%) 425 (42.1%) <​0.001
Severe liver disease, n (%) 167 (4.4%) 66 (6.5%) 0.006
Body mass index, kg/m2 24.5 ±​  4.0 24.9 ±​  3.8 0.002
Total body water (male), % 54.0 ±​  5.7 55.5 ±​  8.2 0.036
Total body water (female), % 49.0 ±​  6.3 49.6 ±​  6.5 0.374
Mean blood pressure, mmHg 99.2 ±​  13.9 100.4 ±​  14.8 0.030
Integrated CKD care 2840 (75.6%) 731 (72.4%) 0.116
Causes of renal disease <​0.001
Glomerulonephritis 1617 (43%) 249 (24.7%)
Tubular interstitial disease 361 (9.6%) 36 (3.6%)
Diabetes mellitus 1115 (29.7%) 584 (57.9%)
Hypertension 399 (10.6%) 87 (8.6%)
Other 265 (7.1%) 53 (5.3%)
Laboratory values
eGFR, ml/min/1.73 m2 33.7 ±​  25.7 25.1 ±​  22.3 <​0.001
UPCR, mg/g 1026 (351–2106) 2089 (941–3715) <​0.001
Hemoglobin, g/dL 11.4 ±​  2.5 10.2 ±​  2.2 <​0.001
Albumin, g/dL 3.9 ±​  0.6 3.5 ±​  0.6 <​0.001
CRP, mg/dL 1.4 (0.4–6.5) 1.6 (0.5–6.2) 0.179
HbA1c, % 6.4 ±​  1.6 7.0 ±​  1.9 <​0.001
Renal replacement therapy, n (%) 949 (25.3%) 520 (51.5%) <​0.001
All-cause mortality, n (%) 561 (14.9%) 255 (25.3%) <​0.001
Cardiovascular events, n (%) 415 (11.0%) 273 (27.1%) <​0.001

Table 1.  Baseline characteristics and clinical outcomes of the diuretic users and diuretic non-users.
Abbreviations: eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; CRP, C-reactive protein; UPCR, Urine protein-to-
creatinine ratio. Continuous variables are expressed as mean ±​ standard deviation or median (inter-quartile
range), and categorical variables are expressed as percentage. p <​ 0.05 indicates a significant difference between
diuretic non-user and diuretic user.

hyponatremia could be prognostic indicator in patients with CKD. Thus, the aim of our study was to determine
whether diuretic usage and the related hyponatremia are associated with fluid imbalance and are predictive of
adverse clinical outcomes, including renal outcomes, in patients with CKD.

Baseline characteristics and clinical outcomes of the diuretic users and diuretic non-users. 
Table 1 showed the baseline characteristics of diuretic users and non-users which comprised of 1,009 and 3,757
respectively. The diuretic users showed higher percentage of CHF, Diabetes mellitus (DM), CVD and severe
liver disease (SLD). They exhibited a significantly higher mean blood pressure, urine protein-to creatinine ratio
(UPCR) and HbA1c level (P <​ 0.05). At the same time, lower estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), serum
hemoglobin and albumin were observed in diuretic users (Table 1). However, only male diuretic users showed
higher total body water (TBW) (55.5 ±​ 8.2% vs 54.0 ±​ 5.7%). Diuretic users also showed higher percentage of
renal replacement therapy (RRT) and CVD.

Baseline characteristics of diuretic users according to serum sodium.  Table 2 showed the baseline
characteristics of diuretic users. The mean age was 64.0 ±​ 13.5 years and 49.6% were female. Diuretic users were
divided according to mean serum sodium ±​ 1 SD into 4 groups: Na <​135 mEq/L, Na 135–138 mEq/L, Na 138–
141 mEq/L, and Na >​141 mEq/L (Table 2). Diuretic users with Na <​135 mEq/L were more likely than those with
Na 138–141 mEq/L to experience CHF, DM, and CVD, have higher blood glucose levels, HbA1C and UPCR, and
have lower albumin concentrations. Diuretic usage did not differ among the Na groups (Table 2). In male diuretic
users, Na <​135 mEq/L was associated with lowest TBW.

Association between hyponatremia and total body water in diuretic users.  Table 3 showed the
variables associated with hyponatremia (Na<​135 mEq/L) in diuretic users. To understand whether hyponatremia
could be an indicator of fluid status, we measured TBW by using the bioimpedance method in 498 randomly
selected diuretic users and performed logistic regression to determine the nonlinear association between serum

Scientific Reports | 6:36817 | DOI: 10.1038/srep36817 2

Na (mEq/L)
All (n = 1009) <135 (n = 181) 135–138 (n = 332) 138–141 (n = 335) >141 (n = 161) p for trend
Demographics and Medical History
Age, year 64.0 ±​  13.5 65.1 ±​  11.2 63.4 ±​  13.9 62.6 ±​  14.6 66.8 ±​  12.0 0.360
Female, n (%) 500 (49.6%) 97 (53.6%) 165 (49.7%) 151 (45.1%) 87 (54.0%) 0.607
CHF, n (%) 279 (27.7%) 68 (37.6%) 91 (27.4%) 75 (22.4%) 45 (28.0%) 0.011
DM, n (%) 661 (65.5%) 138 (76.2%) 220 (66.3%) 204 (60.9%) 99 (61.5%) 0.001
CVD, n (%) 197 (19.5%) 97 (53.6%) 148 (44.6%) 119 (35.5%) 61 (37.9%) <​0.001
SLD, n (%) 66 (6.5%) 10 (5.5%) 26 (7.8%) 22 (6.6%) 8 (5.0%) 0.679
BMI, kg/m2 24.9 ±​  3.8 24.2 ±​  3.6 24.9 ±​  3.9 25.3 ±​  3.8 25.1 ±​  3.9 0.010
Total body water (male), % 55.5 ±​  8.2 54.4 ±​  9.1 55.2 ±​  7.7 55.9 ±​  8.1 57.2 ±​  8.2 0.216
Total body water (female), % 49.6 ±​  6.5 49.7 ±​  5.5 49.4 ±​  6.8 50.1 ±​  7.5 48.2 ±​  4.7 0.611
Mean BP, mmHg 100.4 ±​  14.8 99.9 ±​  14.3 100.4 ±​  14.9 101.3 ±​  14.9 98.8 ±​  14.8 0.612
Integrated CKD care 708 (70.2%) 123 (68.0%) 238 (71.7%) 235 (70.1%) 112 (69.6%) 0.278
Primary renal disease 0.015
Glomerulonephritis 249 (24.7%) 37 (20.4%) 73 (22.0%) 107 (31.9%) 43 (26.7%)
Tubular interstitial disease 36 (3.6%) 7 (3.9%) 8 (2.4%) 11 (3.3%) 10 (6.2%)
Diabetes mellitus 584 (57.9%) 115 (63.5%) 194 (58.4%) 170 (50.7%) 94 (58.4%)
Hypertension 87 (8.6%) 13 (7.2%) 34 (10.2%) 32 (9.6%) 8 (5.0)
Other 53 (5.3%) 9 (5.0%) 23 (6.9%) 15 (4.5%) 6 (3.7%)
Laboratory values
eGFR, ml/min/1.73 m2 25.1 ±​  22.3 23.2 ±​  20.5 23.6 ±​  20.9 28.5 ±​  24.9 23.1 ±​  20.7 0.537
2089 2477 2106 1870 1869
UPCR, mg/g 0.043
(941–3715) (1238–3715) (899–4399) (752–3690) (973–3709)
Hemoglobin, g/dL 10.2 ±​  2.2 9.9 ±​  2.1 10.3 ±​  2.1 10.5 ±​  2.3 10.0 ±​  2.1 0.595
Albumin, g/dL 3.5 ±​  0.6 3.4 ±​  0.6 3.5 ±​  0.6 3.6 ±​  0.6 3.6 ±​  0.6 0.003
CRP, mg/dL 1.6 (0.5–6.2) 1.74 (0.44–6.59) 1.74 (0.5–7.79) 1.44 (0.50–4.68) 1.81 (0.46–6.10) 0.468
Sodium, mEq/L 137.5 ±​  3.9 131.4 ±​  3.1 136.5 ±​  1.1 139.4 ±​  0.9 142.5 ±​  1.6 <​0.001
Potassium, mEq/L 4.3 ±​  0.6 4.3 ±​  0.6 4.3 ±​  0.6 4.3 ±​  0.7 4.3 ±​  0.7 0.362
HCO3, mg/dL 21.3 ±​  4.6 20.5 ±​  4.4 21.2 ±​  4.5 21.7 ±​  4.4 21.4 ±​  4.9 0.786
Phosphorus, mg/dL 4.7 ±​  1.3 4.7 ±​  1.4 4.8 ±​  1.3 4.5 ±​  1.2 4.7 ±​  1.2 0.476
Calcium, mg/dL 8.8 ±​  0.8 8.7 ±​  0.8 8.8 ±​  0.7 8.8 ±​  0.8 9.0 ±​  0.7 0.268
Cholesterol, mg/dL 203.9 ±​  67.8 202.4 ±​  72.0 203.4 ±​  72.5 204.9 ±​  63.5 204.6 ±​  62.3 0.729
Blood glucose, mg/dL 124.5 ±​  54.4 141.8 ±​  68.0 123.5 ±​  48.3 118.9 ±​  52.4 118.5 ±​  49.6 <​0.001
HbA1c, % 7.0 ±​  1.9 7.7 ±​  2.4 7.0 ±​  1.7 6.7 ±​  1.8 6.9 ±​  1.6 <​0.001
Medications, n (%)
Furosemide 867 (85.9%) 152 (84.0%) 294 (88.6%) 283 (84.5%) 138 (85.7%) 0.850
Thiazide 175 (17.3%) 36 (19.9%) 52 (15.7%) 59 (17.6%) 28 (17.4%) 0.760
ACEI/ARB 655 (64.9%) 118 (65.2%) 209 (63.0%) 235 (70.1%) 93 (57.8%) 0.680
Anti-HTN agents 801 (79.4%) 145 (80.1%) 274 (82.5%) 256 (76.4%) 126 (78.3%) 0.230
OAD agents 448 (44.4%) 103 (56.9%) 149 (44.9%) 124 (37.0%) 72 (44.7%) <​0.001
Statins 403 (39.9%) 74 (40.9%) 131 (39.5%) 142 (42.4%) 56 (34.8%) 0.312

Table 2.  Baseline characteristics of diuretic users according to serum sodium. Abbreviations: CHF,
congestive heart failure; DM, Diabetes mellitus; CVD, cardiovascular disease; SLD, Severe liver disease; BMI,
Body mass index; BP, blood pressure; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; CRP, C-reactive protein;
UPCR, Urine protein-to-creatinine ratio; ACEI, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ARB, angiotensin
II receptor blocker; Anti-HTN, anti-hypertensive; OAD, Oral antidiabetic drug. Continuous variables are
expressed as mean ±​ standard deviation or median (inter-quartile range), and categorical variables are
expressed as number and percentage. P for trend <​ 0.05 indicates a significant trend for increasing Na levels.

sodium and TBW. Our results showed that the lowest and highest quartiles of TBW were associated with hypona-
tremia (Table 3). Age, CVD, HbA1c and BMI also showed positive correlation with hyponatremia but not thiazide
diuretics. No association between serum sodium and TBW was noted in diuretic non-users (Supplementary Table 1).
CVD, eGFR, albumin, HbA1c and BMI showed positive correlation with hyponatremia in diuretic non-users.

Association between serum sodium and clinical outcomes in diuretic users.  In diuretic users,
after a median follow-up of 1070 days, the RRT event was higher in Na <​135 mEq/L, which was 113 (62.4%)
(Table 4). In fully-adjusted competing risk Cox regression model, compared with Na 135–138 mEq/L, Na
<​135 mEq/L was associated with an adjusted HR of 1.45 (95% CI, 1.13–1.85; P <​ 0.05) for RRT, but not associ-
ated with all-cause mortality and cardiovascular events (Table 4). Na >​141 mEq/L was associated with a trend of

Scientific Reports | 6:36817 | DOI: 10.1038/srep36817 3

Variables OR 95% CI P
Age, year 1.032 1.005 to 1.060 0.022
Male 1.094 0.771 to 1.552 0.614
DM 1.207 0.778 to 1.871 0.401
CVD 1.614 1.137 to 2.290 0.007
Total body water
 1st quartile 3.707 1.054 to 13.046 0.041
 2nd quartile 1.000 1.0
 3rd quartile 1.048 0.273 to 4.019 0.946
 4th quartile 3.589 1.049 to 12.280 0.042
eGFR, ml/min/1.73 m2 0.999 0.989 to 1.009 0.835
Hb, g/dL 0.930 0.836 to 1.034 0.179
Albumin, mg/dL 0.863 0.616 to 1.210 0.393
CRPlog 1.030 0.860 to 1.233 0.748
HbA1c, % 1.241 1.130 to 1.363 0.005
UPCR log 1.165 0.790 to 1.719 0.442
Mean BP, mmHg 1.017 0.998 to 1.037 0.083
BMI, kg/m2 0.954 0.911 to 0.999 0.047
Thiazide (vs furosemide) 0.889 0.654 to 1.173 0.289

Table 3.  Logistic regression for sodium <135 mEq/L in diuretic users. Abbreviations: as Table 1. DM,
Diabetes mellitus; CVD, cardiovascular disease; BMI, Body mass index; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration
rate; CRP, C-reactive protein; UPCR, Urine protein-to-creatinine ratio; Adjusted for age, gender, eGFR,
diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, mean blood pressure, HbA1c, hemoglobin, albumin, cholesterol, log-
transformed urine protein to creatinine ratio, log-transformed C-reactive protein, body mass index, ACEI/ARB,
anti-HTN agents, OAD agents and statins.

increased risk for RRT. When compared with Na 138–141 mEq/L, Na >​141 mEq/L had an adjusted HR of 1.59
(95% CI, 1.09–2.32; P <​ 0.05) for all-cause mortality. In analysis of serum sodium and outcomes as restricted
cubic splines, we observed that Na <​132 mEq/L was associated with a higher risk for RRT (Fig. 1) whereas Na
>​143 mEq/L was associated with a higher risk for all-cause mortality (Fig. 2).

Association between serum sodium and clinical outcomes in diuretic non-users and interac-
tion between diuretic use and serum sodium.  We studied the prognostic effect of sodium in diuretic
non-user (Supplement Table 2). The percentage of Na <​135 mEq/L in diuretic non-users was 17.3% similar to
that in diuretic users, 17.9%. Na <​135 mEq/L was associated with increased risks of RRT, all- cause mortality
and cardiovascular events in unadjusted models; however, the result became non-significant after adjustment
(Supplement Table 2). In analysis of serum sodium and outcomes as restricted cubic splines, we also did not
observe a significant association (Supplement Figures 1, 2 and 3). The interaction between diuretic use and serum
sodium for RRT was significant with a p value of 0.017 and 0.038, when serum sodium treated as a categorical
variable or a continuous variable, respectively.

Sensitivity test for the association between serum sodium and clinical outcomes.  We tested
other grouping methods as stated in the method. In diuretic users, compared with Na 135–141 mEq/L, Na
<​135 mEq/L was associated with an increased risk of RRT and Na >​141 mEq/L was associated with an increased
risk of all-cause mortality (Supplement Table 3). In analysis by restricted cubic spline model with different knots,
we also observed that Na <​132 mEq/L was associated with a higher risk for RRT (Supplement Figure 4) whereas
Na >​143 mEq/L was associated with a higher risk for all- cause mortality (Supplement Figure 5). In diuretic
non-users, serum sodium treated as a categorical variable (3 groups) or as a continuous variable with different
knots showed similar results (data not shown). The interaction between diuretic use and serum sodium for RRT
was also significant with a p value of 0.024 and 0.036, when serum sodium treated as a categorical variable or a
continuous variable, respectively (data not shown).

We investigated the diuretic usage, clinical outcomes, and prognostic effect of serum sodium among patients in
a CKD cohort. We found that hyponatremia is associated with imbalance of TBW in diuretic users. In investi-
gating the prognostic effect of diuretic- related hyponatremia, we revealed, for the first time, that serum sodium
<​135 mEq/L is independently associated with a higher risk for RRT in diuretic users, but not in diuretic
non-users. Moreover, we also observed that serum sodium >​141 mEq/L is associated with an increased risk for
all-cause mortality.
Previous studies on the effects and outcomes of diuretic usage have mainly focus on patients with AKI or
edematous diseases other than kidney disease. Using diuretics to treat AKI provides no clear benefits in the
recovering of kidney function or preventing mortality23 other than maintaining urine output13. Moreover, diuretic
usage by critically ill patients with AKI was associated with an increased risk of death and non-recovery in renal

Scientific Reports | 6:36817 | DOI: 10.1038/srep36817 4

Na (mEq/L)
<135 135–138 138–141 >141
Renal replacement Therapy
Event 113 (62.4%) 174 (52.4%) 148 (44.2%) 85 (52.8%)
Unadjusted HR 1.33 (1.05–1.68)* 1 (reference) 0.80 (0.63–0.98)* 1.02 (0.79–1.32)
Adjusted HR 1.45 (1.13–1.85)* 1 (reference) 1.18 (0.94–1.48) 1.22 (0.83–1.71)
All-cause mortality
Event 56 (30.9%) 86 (25.9%) 60 (17.9%) 53 (32.9%)
Unadjusted HR 1.21 (0.86–1.69) 1 (reference) 0.72 (0.52–1.00) 1.25 (0.89–1.77)
Adjusted HR 1.11 (0.79–1.58) 1 (reference) 0.87 (0.62–1.22) 1.38 (0.98–1.96)
Cardiovascular event
Event 58 (32.0%) 89 (26.8%) 76 (22.7%) 50 (31.1%)
Unadjusted HR 1.22 (0.93–1.59) 1 (reference) 0.72 (0.56–0.94)* 1.04 (0.78–1.39)
Adjusted HR 1.06 (0.80–1.40) 1 (reference) 0.92 (0.70–1.19) 1.15 (0.86–1.54)

Table 4.  Associations between serum sodium and outcomes in diuretic users. Adjusted for age, gender,
eGFR, diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, mean blood pressure, HbA1c, hemoglobin, albumin,
cholesterol, log-transformed urine protein to creatinine ratio, log-transformed C-reactive protein, body mass
index, ACEI/ARB, anti-HTN agents, OAD agents, statins, integrated CKD care and causes of renal diseases.
*(p <​ 0.05) indicates a significantly different from reference group.

Figure 1.  Association between serum sodium and renal replacement therapy by restricted cubic spline
model in diuretic users.

Figure 2.  Association between serum sodium and all-cause mortality by restricted cubic spline model in
diuretic users.

Scientific Reports | 6:36817 | DOI: 10.1038/srep36817 5

function24. Observational studies have shown that diuretic usage by patients with heart failure is associated with
reduced renal function, the progression of heart failure and increased mortality25–27. Compared with paracentesis,
diuretic usage was associated with a higher incidence of renal impairment and other complications in patients
with liver cirrhosis and ascites28. These data suggest that diuretic usage could be harmful to patients with extreme
volume changes.
Clinical trials in patients with hypertension have yielded controversial results regarding the effects of diu-
retic usage on clinical outcomes. The Antihypertensive and Lipid-Lowering Treatment to Prevent Heart Attack
Trial (ALLHAT) reported that thiazide diuretics were not inferior to calcium channel blockers and angiotensin-
converting enzyme inhibitors in preventing all-cause mortality and were superior in preventing CVD29. The
renal outcomes of these drugs did not differ30. However, in the Avoiding Cardiovascular Events in Combination
Therapy in Patients Living with Systolic Hypertension (ACCOMPLISH) study, benazepril plus hydrochlorothi-
azide, compared with benazepril plus amlodipine, were more strongly associated with hypotension and higher
risks of the progression of CKD, cardiovascular morbidity, and mortality31. These data suggest that thiazide diu-
retics could be harmful if they cause volume depletion.
Little research has examined the association between diuretic usage and outcomes in CKD comparatively.
Diuretics have considerable therapeutic importance in treatment volume overload of CKD patients, but may
possess direct nephrotoxicity, particularly tubulointerstitial injury32 and impaired renal vaso-relaxation33. The
overuse of diuretics causes volume depletion and subsequently increased sympathetic activity34 and stimulates
the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system34, as evidenced by animal studies. Both local renal effects and systemic
neuro-hormonal effects impair renal function. In patients with hypertension and GFR <​60 mL/min/1.73 m2, thi-
azide diuretics were not inferior to 2 other drugs in reducing end-stage renal disease in the ALLHAT study35, and
benazepril plus hydrochlorothiazide were not associated with hypotension or a higher risk of the progression of
CKD in the ACCOMPLISH study31. No previous studies investigated the impact of loop diuretics in patients with
CKD. In our study, we discovered that diuretic users (80% loop diuretics) had worse clinical outcomes. However,
the causal relationship between them could not be determined.
In patients with CKD and volume overload, diuretic usage may be a necessary evil in managing volume status.
High prevalence of volume overload in CKD patients lead to unavoidable diuretic usage. Volume status could be
measured by using the bioimpedance method36, which reflects the status of hydration quantitatively. However,
this is not routinely use in daily practice. We found hyponatremia under diuretic usage could become a clinical
parameter which indicates the increased TBW (increased fluid status despite diuretic use) or decreased TBW
(likely because of too much diuretic use). Hyponatremia with increased TBW denotes water and salt retention
because of impaired renal excretion and activation of the neuro-hormonal mechanisms37. The increased fluid
status would increase renal efferent pressure and decrease renal blood38. Our previous study had shown that fluid
overload is associated with worse renal outcome36. Conversely, hyponatremia with decreased TBW suggests vol-
ume depletion under diuretic usage,
which enhances arginine-vasopressin (AVP) and renin-angiotensin secretion39. Acute volume depletion is
well-known as a cause of acute renal injury40 and chronic volume depletion could leads to chronic tubulointersti-
tial injury and CKD41. Volume depletion also decreases renal perfusion and increases the susceptibility to anal-
gesics and nephrotoxic agents. Thus, hyponatremia indicates imbalanced volume status and could be associated
with renal function progression.
Hyponatremia could also indicate an impaired renal dilution capability in CKD patients. As CKD progresses,
renal sodium loss because of impaired tubular reabsorption and osmotic disequilibrium between the luminal
fluid and medullary interstitial impair dilution42. CKD is also associated with increased AVP secretion and exper-
imental evidence has demonstrated that AVP is critical in initiating and exacerbating renal damage43. A sustained
stimulation of vasopressin receptors induced intrarenal renin- angiotensin system activation, glomerular hyper-
filtration, and hypertrophy, causing proteinuria and glomerulosclerosis43. However, our data demonstrated that
hyponatremia in diuretic non-users was associated with lower eGFR but was not associated adverse clinical out-
comes. Besides, thiazide diuretics, which inhibit sodium transport in the distal tubule, could prevent the maximal
dilution of urine44. But we found no association between hyponatremia and thiazide diuretics in diuretic users.
These data suggest that impaired renal dilution capability could not explain the prognostic effect of hyponatremia
in diuretic users.
Hyponatremia may also reflect concurrent heart failure, which may impose additive deleterious effects on
poor renal outcomes. Fluid overload as indicated by hyponatremia could cause cardiomyocyte elongation and
dysfunction during the left ventricle remodeling45. Our data demonstrated that hyponatremia was associated with
cardiovascular disease in patients with CKD. Hoorn et al. demonstrated that hyponatremia predicts declining
creatinine clearance in patients with severe heart failure46. The concourse of hyponatremia and renal dysfunction
has been shown to be associated with heart and liver failure47. Thus, cardiorenal syndrome can cause a vicious
cycle in which deteriorating heart function accelerates the reduction in kidney function via the neurohormonal
Hyponatremia is an independent prognostic factor for morbidity and mortality in heart failure 19,49 and
maintenance hemodialysis17,50. Kovesdy et al. concluded that lower serum sodium (<​135.9 mEq/L) and higher
serum sodium (>​145 mEq/L) were associated with higher mortality in a large cohort of patients with non–
dialysis-dependent CKD22. In our CKD cohort, the lack of association between hyponatremia and mortality
could be attributed to the fact that renal replacement therapy could resolve the fluid overload eventually in
patients with advanced CKD51. Our data also reconfirmed the association between hypernatremia and mortality
in CKD patients. Hypernatremia (serum sodium >​145 mEq/L) was much less than hyponatremia (serum sodium
<​135 mEq/L), 3% vs 17%. Patients with hypernatremia could be associated with acute complications and death,
rather than RRT.

Scientific Reports | 6:36817 | DOI: 10.1038/srep36817 6

Our study had several limitations. First, as an observational cohort, our ability to elucidate definite causal links
was limited. Second, total body water measured by bioelectrical impedance analysis was not equal to extracellular
fluid, though we had found a good correlation. Third, CV events were recorded in only one hospital, which might
have caused an underestimation. Fourth, variations in serum sodium levels caused by daily intake, nutritional
status, and medication use during the follow-up period could have confounded the results. However, our pur-
pose was to apply serum sodium as a prognostic factor, not a causal factor. Fifth, the smaller sample size of the
2 extreme serum sodium levels and relatively short follow-up duration could have resulted in lower statistical
power, which might account for the weak association with mortality and CV events and the inability to differen-
tiate the effects of loop and thiazide diuretics.
In conclusion, diuretic users have adverse clinical outcomes in CKD population. Hyponatremia is associated
with imbalanced TBW and is a prognostic indicator for RRT in diuretic users, but not in diuretic non-users.
Hyponatremia was not associated with all- cause mortality or cardiovascular event whereas hypernatremia was
associated with an increased risk for all-cause mortality. Therefore, the serum sodium levels of patients with CKD
who are being treated with diuretics should be routinely evaluated. Additionally, interventions other than diuret-
ics aimed at achieving optimal fluid status should be considered. Whether the mechanism behind hyponatremia
is diuretic-induced direct renal injury or neuro-hormonal activation requires further study.

Participants and Measurement.  Between November 11, 2002, and June 30, 2009, 5,047 patients who
were screened through an integrated CKD care program at 2 affiliated hospitals of Kaohsiung Medical University
in Southern Taiwan were included in the CKD cohort and followed until July 31, 2010. Integrated CKD care
program Kaohsiung for delaying dialysis (ICKD) study was designed as a prospective cohort study to investigate
the impact of an integrated CKD care program on clinical outcomes in patients with CKD stages 1–5 not on
dialysis. CKD was staged according to K/DOQI definitions and the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)
was calculated using the equation of the 4-variable Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) Study. A total
of 123 patients who were lost to follow-up within 3 months and 158 patients with incomplete medication infor-
mation were excluded. Of the patients included, 3,659 were treated as part of the integrated care program and
1,107 received regular care. A total of 4,766 patients with CKD between stages 1 and 5 were eligible for this study.
The study protocol was approved by the Institutional Review Board of Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital
(KMUH-IRB-990198). Written informed consent was obtained from patients and all clinical investigations were
conducted according to the principles expressed in the Declaration of Helsinki.
Baseline variables included demographic features, medical history, examination findings, laboratory data,
and medication history. The demographic features were the baseline records when patients enrolled in the CKD
care program. The medical history was obtained by reviewing doctor charts. DM and hypertension were defined
according to clinical diagnoses and prescribed medications. CVD was defined as a clinical diagnosis of heart fail-
ure, acute or chronic ischemic heart disease, or cerebrovascular disease. Diuretic use was defined as loop diuretics
exceeding equivalent furosemide 39 mg per day or thiazide diuretics exceeding equivalent trichlormethiazide
3.9 mg per day for more than half of the observation period. Other medication use was also defined as treatment
for more than half of the observation period. To prevent variability, electrolytes including serum sodium were col-
lected 3 months before and after enrollment and were averaged. To study the association of clinical outcomes with
2 ends of sodium level, patients were divided into 4 groups according to serum sodium levels, with cut-off values
of 135 mEq/L, 138 mEq/L, and 141 mEq/L equal to mean −​1 standard deviation (SD), mean, and mean +​1 SD,
respectively. We also examined serum sodium as a continuous predictor using restricted cubic spline analysis52.
Bioelectrical impedance analysis measures the change in impedance of electrical signals, which travel more
rapidly through water and lean body mass than through fat body mass. The device used in this study was the
InBody 230 (Biospace Co Ltd, Korea), which uses 2 frequencies (20 k and 100 kHz). Our preliminary data demon-
strated that the first and fourth quartiles of TBW (expressed as % of body weight) were associated with adverse
clinical outcomes. Accordingly, we defined decreased TBW as the first quartile (<​25%) and increased TBW as
the fourth quartile (>​75%).

Outcomes.  Three outcomes were assessed: all-cause mortality, renal replacement therapy (RRT), and car-
diovascular events. Survival status and cause of death were ascertained in a death certificate review by using
charts and the National Death Index. Cardiovascular events were defined as the development of acute coronary
syndrome or acute stroke, hospitalization for peripheral arterial occlusion disease or congestive heart failure,
and death by these causes. The development of cardiovascular events was ascertained by reviewing charts. RRT
was defined as the initiation of hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis, or renal transplantation and was ascertained by
reviewing charts and catastrophic illness certificate.

Statistical Analysis.  The baseline characteristics of all patients are expressed as percentages for categorical
data, in mean ±​ SD for continuous variables with approximately normal distribution, and median and inter-
quartile ranges for continuous variables with skewed distribution. The association between hyponatremia (Na
<​135 mEq/L) and clinical variables including TBW in diuretic users was evaluated using logistic regression anal-
ysis. Competing risk Cox proportional hazard analysis was used to assess the relationship between serum sodium
and clinical outcomes. The covariates were selected according to previous studies and our past publications, and
the continuous variables with skewed distributions were log-transformed to obtain normal distributions. The
adjusted covariates included age, gender, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), DM, cardiovascular disease,
mean blood pressure, glycated hemoglobin, hemoglobin, albumin, cholesterol, urine protein-to-creatinine ratio,
C-reactive protein, body mass index, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor/angiotensin II receptor blocker,

Scientific Reports | 6:36817 | DOI: 10.1038/srep36817 7

Figure 3.  Association between serum sodium and cardiovascular event by restricted cubic spline model in
diuretic users.

anti- hypertensive agents, oral anti-diabetic drug, statins, integrated CKD care and causes of renal diseases53.
Serum sodium was treated as a categorical variable with the cuf-off at 135, 138, and 141 mEq/L (the 16.6th, 50th,
and 83.3th percentile) in Table 4 and as a categorical variable with the cuf-off at 135 and 141 mEq/L (the 16.6th
and 83.3th percentile) in Supplement Table 3. Serum sodium was treated as a continuous variable with 5 knots at
130, 135, 138, 141, and 143 (the 5th, 16.6th, 50th, and 83.3th, and 95th percentile) in Figs 1, 2 and 3 and Supplement
Figures 1, 2 and 3 and as a continuous variable with 5 default knots at 130, 136, 138, 140, and 143 (the 5th,
27.5th, 50th, 72.5th, and 95th percentile) in Supplement Figures 4–6. P <​ 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Statistical analysis was performed with STATA 12.0 software (Stata Corp LP, College Station, TX, USA) and the
Statistical Package for Social Sciences, Version 21.0 for Windows (SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA).

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Author Contributions
Research idea and study design: L.M.L., N.C.T., D.Y.H., C.C.H.; Data acquisition: H.Y.H.L., J.J.L., L.M.L.; C.C.H.;
Data analysis/interpretation; L.M.L., D.Y.H., H.Y.H.L., C.C.H.; Statistical analysis: C.C.H., M.Y.L.; Supervision or
mentorship: S.J.H., H.C.C.; Each author contributed crucial intellectual content during manuscript drafting and
revision and accepts accountability for the overall work by ensuring that questions pertaining to the accuracy
or integrity of any portion of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved. All authors reviewed the
manuscript. Chih-Chi Hung is responsible for the honesty, accuracy, and transparency of the report; that no
important aspects of the study were omitted; and that any discrepancies from the study as planned (and, if
relevant, registered) are explained.

Additional Information
Supplementary information accompanies this paper at
Competing financial interests: The authors declare no competing financial interests.

Scientific Reports | 6:36817 | DOI: 10.1038/srep36817 9

How to cite this article: Lim, L. M. et al. Hyponatremia is Associated with Fluid Imbalance and Adverse Renal
Outcome in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients Treated with Diuretics. Sci. Rep. 6, 36817; doi: 10.1038/srep36817
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