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Patologi Umum Penyakit Infeksi

Kompetensi Dasar
 Mempelajari dan memahami penyakit infeksi (virus dan
 Mempelajari dan memahami proses penyakit infeksi di
dalam tubuh
 Mempelajari dan memahami respon sel, jaringan, organ,
dan sistem terhadap penyakit infeksi
 Respon imun tubuh terhadap penyakit infeksi
 Manifestasi tubuh terhadap penyakit infeksi
 Komplikasi penyakit infeksi
 Patogenik: agen penyebab infeksi yg menyebabkan

 Infeksi terjadi bila MO menyerang jaringan tubuh internal

yg steril

 Penyakit infeksius terjadi bila infeksi berhubungan dengan

kerusakan jaringan yang bermanifestasi secara klinis

Mekanisme bagaimana organisme infeksiosa
menimbulkan penyakit tergantung:
Sifat spesifik
Respon host
terhadap agen
Agen Penyebab Infeksi
Parasit / Cacing
 Sejumlah bakteri secara normal berkoloni pada
permukaan luar tubuh (kulit, sistem pencernaan, saluran
nafas atas). Kebanyakan patogenik rendah dan terkadang
justru menguntungkan tubuh seperti:

 Menghasilkan bahan nutrisi tubuh: Vitamin B12

 Berkompetisi dan menyingkirkan patogen

Rute masuknya organisme infektif:
1. Kulit & membran mukosa
a) Kontak langsung  peny kelamin, HIV
b) Kontaminasi dr luka & abrasi  infeksi luka, rabies
c) Inokulasi  gigitan serangga, tusukan jarum; DBD,
hepatitis B
2. Ingesti  kontaminasi makanan & air; cholera,
hepatitis A
3. Inhalasi  debu, droplet ; influenza, TBC

Faktor yg mempengaruhi terjadinya infeksi:

1. Faktor host : kondisi tubuh yg sehat & nutrisi baik

 mencegah & membatasi infeksi
a) Barier fisika: epitel gepeng pd kulit
b) Sekresi: air mata, urin
c) Filtrasi: bulu hidung
d) Musin: pd silia sal nafas
e) Bahan kimia: sekresi asam pd lambung & sal kemih,
lisosom, imunoglobulin A, substansi inhibitor non
spesifik seperti urin, keringat, sebum

2. Faktor MO (mikroorganisme)
a) Jml kuman; makin >> kuman  makin mudah mekanisme
pertahanan diserang
b) virulensi

Faktor yg mempengaruhi perjalanan

 Saat infeksi terjadi, mk mekanisme pertahanan yg

penting akan bekerja yaitu:
1. Inflamasi pd reaksi lokal akut u/ membatasi
penyebaran mo
2. Fagositosis
3. Respon imunitas
 Reaksi Ab humoral  aglutinasi, opsonisasi, lisis melalui
 Reaksi seluler  tu pd infeksi virus
4. Interferon : sekelompok agen antivirus non spesifik
yg dihasilkan oleh sel host yg terinfeksi
Public Enemy #1 : The Bacteria

•Modus operandi :
 Set up shop in tissues but remain
EXTERNAL to cells
 Reproduce rapidly
 Secrete exotoxins or contain
endotoxins as part of cell wall
Examples: Escherichia coli,
Clostridium botulinum, Salmonella

Figure from Holt Biosources

Mekanisme terjadinya penyakit:
Reaksi lokal thd infeksi biasanya adalah inflamasi & ini dipicu oleh kerusakan
selular & sel-sel mati. Mekanisme detilnya berbeda pd bakteri & virus

 Bakteri
1. Produksi toksin
 Eksotoksin : disekresikan oleh bakteri hidup, berupa
protein sederhana, dinetralisir oleh Ab spesifik
(antitoksin), seringnya memiliki enzim spesifik & bekerja
pd organ/jar spesifik

- Endotoksin : bgn integral dr dinding sel bakteri,
dilepaskan organisma mati, berupa komplek lipo-
polisakarida, tdk merangsang produksi antitoksin,
menyebabkan demam & syok endotoksik, bekerja
menyebabkan kerusakan kapiler, mengganggu sistem
koagulasi, mengaktifkan fibrinolitik & kaskade
komplemen, memfasilitasi pelepasan mediator
inflamasi akut

2. Reaksi hipersensitifitas menyebabkan jejas jar: reaksi
antara protein bakteri & limfosit yg disensitifikasi
memicu reaksi inflamasi
3. Invasi jaringan: penyebaran limfatik & invasi pembuluh

 Bakterimia: adanya bakteri yg hidup di dlm darah. Merup
bgn integral dr bbrp infeksi spt demam thypoid, biasanya
tidak ada makna yg serius.

 Septikemia / sepsis / toksemia: bakterimia dgn respon

inflamasi dr tubuh menyebabkan sindroma inflamasi
sistemik. Ditandai dg nafas cepat, TD rendah, demam dll.

 Pyemia : salah satu tipe septikemia yg menyebabkan

penyebaran abses secara luas. Merup kondisi serius dg
toksemia berat, organisme lepas ke dlm aliran darah dlm
btk agregat kecil membentuk mikroemboli

Infeksi bakteri akut
Bakteri pyogenik
- Staphylococcus aureus : bakteri gram (+), tersusun
berkelompok. Menghasilkan enzim koagulase yg
menimbun fibrin pd tempat lokasi infeksi 
pembentukan pus & abses
- Streptococcus pyogenes : bakteri gram (+), tersusun
dlm btk rantai. Menghasilkan sejumlah enzim spt
hyaluronidase, streptokinase & leucocidin

- Neisseria (meningococcus, gonococcus): diplococcus
intraselular gram (-)
 Basil gram (-): biasanya komensal pd sal cerna,
anaerob obligat & fakultatif.
 Gangren: salah satu bentuk nekrosis yg sering
mengalami infeksi bakteri. Bakteri berproliferasi &
mencerna jar mati & kmdn menghasilkan gas.
 Gangren basah: ok udem / kongesti vena  jar
 Gangren kering: tu pd kaki & tumit, orang tua yg
menderita oklusi arteri bertahap

etio: Clostridium tetani, anaerob, gram (+) 
sekresi eksotoksin
metode infeksi: kontaminasi luka dg kondisi
anaerob (luka penetrasi dalam) / luka dg kerusakan
jar lunak yg hebat (kecelakaan lalin)
efek eksotoksin  spasme otot paroksismal 
makin hebat  fatal
Imunitas : imunisasi aktif dg Toksoid (profilak),
imunisasi pasif dg antitoksin (terapi)

Infeksi bakteri kronik
 Tuberkulosis
 Aktinomikosis
 Lepra
 Sifilis

Public Enemy #2 : The Viruses
•Modus Operandi :
 Dock with receptors on target cell
 Insert viral DNA or RNA into
host cell
 Use host cell machinery to
replicate new viruses
 Lyse host cell and spread to
nearby cells
Lytic vs. Lysogenic life cycles

Examples: smallpox, chickenpox,

polio, HIV
Infeksi virus akut
 Pd periode inkubasi terjadi hal sbb: penetrasi virus pd
sel tempat infeksi  replikasi virus di dlm sel secara
lokal  sel mati, membebaskan virus  penyebaran
virus ke KGB lokal  replikasi lanjutan virus &
kematian sel
 Pd keadaan di atas : ditemukan gejala lokal berupa spt
pd influenza, enteritis ok virus

 Pd keadaan peny lanjut: virus dibebaskan ke dlm
aliran darah  penyebaran virus oleh darah ke KGB
secara umum  replikasi lanjut virus  sel mati &
membebaskan virus ke aliran darah  penyebaran
virus secara umum ke seluruh tubuh dg efek terutama
terlihat pd organ / jar yg memiliki reseptor spesifik
untuk virus tsb
 Pd keadaan ini tdp gejala yg lebih jelas pd organ /
jaringan yg rusak spt pd poliomyelitis-sel saraf

 Tdk seluruh perubahan/evolusi virus tsb dpt terjadi secara
lengkap ok replikasi / penyebaran virus dilawan oleh
mekanisme pertahanan tubuh.
 Infeksi virus memiliki 3 variasi yaitu:
1. latent
2. onkogenik
3. lambat

Reaksi yg terjadi pd host thd infeksi virus:

1. Perubahan sel yg terinfeksi

 Degenerasi sel
 Fusi sel yg terinfeksi dg sel di dekatnya  sel datia
 Proliferasi sel
 Pembentukan badan inklusi di dlm sitoplasma / inti (tdr
dr agregat virus &/ produk dr degenerasi sel)
 Tdk ada perubahan pd sel tp virus tetap laten 
 Tdk ada perubahan  proliferasi malignan

2. Produksi interferon: sekelompok molekul protein  sgt
penting utk pertahanan
3. Respon imun dimulai 4 -7 hari setelah infeksi inisial
4. Respon inflamasi

Infeksi opportunistik
 Disebabkan oleh MO yg seringnya nonpatogenik /
virulensi derajat rendah, terjadi pd individu dg
ketahanan tubuh yg rendah thd infeksi.
 Penyebab rendahnya ketahanan tubuh:

1. Defisiensi imunologi kongenital

2. Defisiensi imunologi didapat
 Ok penyakit: infeksi HIV, tumor ganas
 Ok terapi: immunosupresi pd transplantasi

So what’s a body to do?

 First line defenses: Nonspecific anatomical barriers and

secretions that prevent entry, such as skin, saliva, tears
(lysozyme), mucus, stomach acid, fever

Second line defenses: Inflammation

A nonspecific response triggered by histamine secreted by
basophils when tissue is damaged
Lines of Defense

Nonspecific Defense Mechanisms……

First line defenses:
A. Body Surfaces
 Intact skin
 keratin layers, acidity (pH 3-5), antibacterial sebum
 Mucous membranes
 acidic vaginal secretions, stomach (HCl and proteases), saliva
and tears (Lysozyme), mucous (trapping of pathogens, outward
transport via cilia)
B. Cellular & Chemical Defenses
 If surface barriers are breached:
 Phagocytes (phagocytotic cells)
 macrophages (develop from WBC [monocytes]) after leaving
blood vessels, found in nearly all tissues, also capable of
respiratory burst (release of free radicals attacking pathogen)
 neutrophiles (production of defensins)
 eosinophiles (parasitic worms, not true phagocytosis “external
digestion” of pathogens)
 potential long term damage by DNA damage through radicals 
Cellular & Chemical Defenses
 Natural Killer Cells
 large granular lymphocytes, attack abnormal (cancerous),
and virus-infected cells
 non-specific attack, via non-self recognition of cell surface
 destroy cells via cytotoxic compounds, induction of
membrane channels on target, disintegrate the nucleus
 release of inflammatory compounds
Second line defenses:

 Any tissue damage causes inflammation

 mechanical (blows, cuts)
 chemical (acids, bases, solvents, etc.)
 heat, intense radiation
 infection via viruses, bacteria, fungi

 Five Cardinal Symptoms:

 Redness, Heat, Swelling, Pain and Loss of function
The Inflammatory Response
 1- Tissue injury; release of chemical signals~
• histamine (basophils/mast cells): causes Step 2...
• prostaglandins: increases blood flow & vessel permeability

 2/3- Dilation and increased permeability of capillary~

• chemokines: secreted by blood vessel endothelial cells mediates phagocytotic migration of WBCs

 4- Phagocytosis of pathogens~
• fever & pyrogens: leukocyte-released molecules increase body temperature
 Cell & tissue damage  release of inflammatory
 histamine, kinins, prostaglandins, complement, and
 all cause local vasodilation
  hyperemia - redness, heat
 all increase vascular permeability
  exudate formation - swelling, pain
 pain enhanced by prostaglandins, kinins
 Extensive infections may cause formation of pus:cell
debris, WBCs, pathogens, etc., if not removed by
macrophages, formation of abscess:collagen fiber
enclosed pus
 granulomas:resistant pathogens may become
enclosed in macrophages and persists, can cause
infectious outbreak later
If all else fails…
The Immune Response
 A highly specific, long lasting response tailored to
combat pathogens
Antigen- a molecule (usually carried on the
surface of a pathogen) that is capable of eliciting
an immune response
B-Lymphocytes- white blood cells that produce
and secrete antibodies
T-Lymphocytes- white blood cells that serve as
part of the cell-mediated immune response
Immune Response - Step by Step
1. Pathogen (carrying foreign antigens) enters and
survives the inflammatory response

2. Some pathogens remain exposed in tissues

where their antigens may be recognized by
circulating B cells
3. Macrophages engulf pathogens and display their
antigens on MHC (major histocompatibility
complex) receptors. Macrophage has now
become an Antigen Presenting Cell (APC)
Humoral Immunity
B cell response
• If a circulating B cell’s receptors bind to
foreign antigens, the B cell becomes activated
• Activated B cells divide into Memory B cells
and Plasma B cells
• Plasma B cells rapidly produce and secrete
antibodies (immunoglobulins)
• Clonal selection amplifies the production of
cells that produce effective antibodies
Humoral response: B cells
 Stimulated by T-dependent
antigens (help from Th cells)
 Macrophage (APCs) with class
II MHC proteins
 Helper T cell (CD4 protein)
 Activated T cell secretes IL-2
(cytokines) that activate B cell
 B cell differentiates into
memory and plasma cells
Clonal Selection

Figure from

Mechanism of Antibody Function
 Antibodies bind to
antigens and aggregate
pathogens for removal by
 Antibodies disrupt
function of pathogen’s
surface proteins
 Antibody-antigen
complexes trigger the
Complement system, a a
series of enzymes carried
in the bloodstream that
lyse invaders
Figure from
Cell-Mediated Immunity
T cell Response
 Helper T cells (TH or CD-4 T cells) constantly
interact with macrophages
 When T cell finds a macrophage that is presenting
antigen (APC) it becomes activated
 Activated T cells secrete cytokines, chemicals that
stimulate both T and B cells
 Stimulated cytotoxic T cells (killer or CD-8 T
cells) divide rapidly, bind directly to pathogen
infected cells and secrete enzymes that lyse
infected cells
Helper T lymphocytes
 Function in both humoral & cell-mediated immunity
 Stimulated by antigen presenting cells (APCs)
 T cell surface protein CD4 enhances activation
 Cytokines secreted (stimulate other lymphocytes):
 a) interleukin-2 (IL-2): activates B cells and cytotoxic T cells
 b) interleukin-1 (IL-1): activates helper T cell to produce IL-2
Cell-mediated: cytotoxic T cells
 Destroy cells infected by intracellular pathogens and cancer cells
 Class I MHC molecules (nucleated body cells) expose foreign proteins
 Activity enhanced by CD8 surface protein present on most cytotoxic T
cells (similar to CD4 and class II MHC)
 TC cell releases perforin, a protein that forms pores in the target cell
membrane; cell lysis and pathogen exposure to circulating antibodies
The Immune Response - Overview
Efek umum infeksi
 Demam
 Perubahan metabolisme

Steps in Pathogenesis
1. Pathogen enters Host
2. Pathogen clonizes appropriate site
3. Pathogen reproduces rapidly
4. Prodromal signs may appear
5. Acute signs present
6. Decreased reproduction & death of pathogens
7. Recovery – signs subside
8. Total recovery
Development of Infection: Clinical
Signs and Symptoms
 Local signs
 Inflammation
 Purulent exudate if bacterial infection; serous exudate if viral
 Tissue necrosis
 Lymphadenopathy
 Respiratory effects
 Systemic signs
 Fever, fatigue, headache, nausea

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