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Week 11

Sand Problem & Gravel Design

Penyelesaian dan Kerja
Ulang Sumur
• Introduction
• Factor from Formation (unconsolidated)
• Kekuatan Formasi, V shale
• Sand Prediction
• Core & log derived comp. strength measurement, max allowable drawdown
• Critical rate to prevent Sand production
• Sand control types
• Mechanical: screen alone, open hole gravel, cased hole gravel, frac pack, tubular screen
• Chemical: sand consolidation & coated resin
• Gravel size & screen design
• Core sampling, sieve analysis, gravel selection, screen selection
• Effect of gravel pack to productivity
Produksi pasir umumnya terjadi pada formasi berumur tersier, terutama miocene. Karena
umumnya formasi produktif di Indonesia berumur tersier, maka banyak dijumpai masalah
kepasiran. Selanjutnya, Lingkungan pengendapan pasir pada umumnya terbentuk dalam
dua kondisi, yaitu: marine dan non-marine.

- Formasi endapan marine umumnya sementasi antar butir adalah mineral calcareous
atau siliceus, sehingga membentuk batu pasir yang kokoh dan terkonsolidasi.

- Formasi pasir endapan non-marine yang disementasi oleh mineral clay, silt, dan aspal
membentuk batu pasir yang lemah dan tidak terkonsolidasi dengan baik. Pada formasi
batu pasir non-marine inilah sering dijumpai terjadinya masalah kepasiran.
Introduction Cont
Multiphase desanders (hydrocyclones) can be installed
upstream of separators, although these are often temporary
devices for well clean-ups (Rawlins and Hewett, 2007).
Permanent devices are usually installed downstream of the
choke where pressure ratings can be lower. Hydrocyclones
can remove around 95% of produced solids (Kaura et al.,

Because of size constraints, they are normally deployed on

single wells, although Putra et al. (2007) report their use on
a production manifold in Oman for wells that had screens
perforated to improve productivity. A typical configuration
is shown in the figure
Factor from Formation
Terdapat beberapa faktor yang menyebabkan terjadinya kepasiran, dimana selain
diakibatkan oleh laju produksi yang tidak dikendalikan juga dipengaruhi oleh kondisi
formasi itu sendiri, yang meliputi:

1. Sementasi batuan (From Archie)

2. Kekuatan formasi

3. Tegangan (stress) yang bekerja di sekitar lubang bor

4. Penurunan (draw-down) tekanan formasi

Factor from Formation contd
Faktor sementasi :

Faktor sementasi dalam persamaan Archie umumnya digunakan dalam Rule of thumb
estimasi saturasi air dalam perhitungan petrofisik. Selain itu factor sementasi
m ≥ 1,8 umumnya merupakan typical formasi
dapat menjadi indikasi apakah formasi tersebut consolidated.
kompak (consolidated) baik di sandstone
Rumus umum Archie
atau karbonat.

m = factor sementasi (dimensionless)
Sw = saturasi air (fraction or percentage)
n = saturation exponent (typically 2, dimensionless)
Rw = formation water resistivity (Ω-m)
Rt = true formation resistivity (Ω-m),
F = formation resistivity factor (dimensionless)
a = tortuosity factor constant (typically 1, dimensionless)
Φ = porosity (fraction or percentage)
Factor from Formation contd
Kekuatan Formasi : Dimana:

Kekuatan formasi (strength formasi) adalah merupakan kemampuan formasi Kandungan lempung suatu formasi dapat diperkirakan dengan menggunakan
dalam menahan butiran batuan tetap pada tempatnya. Tixier melakukan data-data logging. Persamaan yang digunakan adalah sebagai berikut :
perhitungan sebagai berikut :
SPlog GRlog  GRmin
Vsh  1  atau Vsh 
1  2  B
1      0,125Vsh  0, 27
SSP GRmax  GRmin
2 1    3 1    Dimana :

   Vsh = kandungan lempung, fraksi.

 
1 G 2
G  1,34 x10 xA b 2
 1,34 x1010 xB b 2  1,34 x1010 xAxB b 4
t c Cb t c Cb t c SPlog = defleksi SPlog, mV.
Dimana :
SSP = defleksi maksimum SPlog, mV
G = shear modulus, psi. 1/Cb = bulk modulus, psi.
Cb = bulk compresibility, psi-1 Vsh = kandungan lempung, fraksi. GRlog = Gamma ray log yang diukur, API
b = bulk density, gr/cc. tc = transite time, us/ft.
GRmax = Gamma ray maksimum , API

GRmin = Gamma ray minimum , API

G/Cb = kriteria formation strength, psi2
Rule of thumb G/Cb
≥ 0,8 x 1012 psi2 (kompak)
< 0,8 x 1012 psi2 (tdk kompak)
Sand Prediction
Core-derived strength measurements

Several strength experiments can be performed. The simplest is the unconfined

compressive strength (UCS) measurement as shown in Figure below. This requires a 2 to 3
in. length core plug with a length to diameter ratio of 2. A more realistic method is to
perform a confined compressive strength experiment where an elastomeric jacket
surrounds the core plug and pressure applied. The problem with this test is deciding what
confining pressure to use. Ideally, a range of pressures should be used, possibly based
around the mean effective stress of the formation, but this requires multiple specimens of
the same strength rock – something that is often hard to achieve from conventional core.

A cavity failure test or, more commonly called, thick wall cylinder (TWC) experiment is
now common as it more closely represents the failure mechanics of a perforation.
Because UCS measurements are cheaper and easier to perform, it is still common to
use these for calibration to log data rather than TWC measurements.
Sand Prediction Contd
Log-derived strength measurements

Log data can be used to assess rock strength. Logs are best used
when calibrated to core data as there is no direct relationship
between any wireline-derived data and rock strength
(Simangunsong et al., 2006).

The advantage of log-derived measurements is that they are cheap

and simple and routinely obtained across the reservoir section for
other reasons. Because they are near-continuous measurements,
once tuned, they provide a profile of the strength through the
reservoir. The two most common wireline logs used for strength
The use of log data in this way can then be used to
determination are porosity (either neutron or density logs) and the predict the strength of rocks that have not been cored
sonic log. These logs are routinely run by measurement while (either the same well or on wells in the same intervals
within the same field).
drilling (MWD) or by a dedicated wireline run.
Sand Prediction Contd
Using a different log-derived strength relationship could have a large bearing on the final prediction.
A further step is therefore required – correlating the log-derived UCS to the core-derived UCS. Why
core-derived UCS and not directly the core-derived TWC?

It is critical that the correlation is accurate at low strengths rock,

as these intervals will be used to define the onset of sanding.
Because sand production prediction models generally use TWC
data, log-derived, core-corrected UCS strength measurements
have to be corrected to TWC strength measurements using
empirical relationships (Palmer). This creates a log-derived, core
corrected TWC strength profile.

Picking the core plug points can be helped by using the log-
derived relationship (or techniques such as scratch testing) to
pick the weakest interval and a range. Assistance from a
petrophysicist and geologist will be beneficial for picking UCS
sampling points
Sand Prediction Contd
A sensitivity to reservoir pressure, suggesting increased
sanding potential with reduced pressure, is shown in the top
figure. These plots are referred to again when discussing sand
production mitigation methods. (see purple line for pwf and
its maximum drawdown, avoid the overlap)

A further common visualization is to examine a particular

interval (e.g. the lowest strength) and calculate allowable
drawdowns with depletion. In the example used so far, the top
of the reservoir interval is used as shown in the bottom figure.
Critical rate to prevent Sand production
(Stein et al)

0.025 x 10 6 k z N z G z Az
Qz 
B z  z At
Dimana :
Qz = laju alir kritis, STB/day
kz = permeabilitas batuan, mD
Nz = jumlah lubang perforasi
Gz = shear modulus, psi
Bz = faktor volume formasi fluida, bbl / STB
µz = viskositas fluida, cp
Az = luas kelengkungan pasir formasi, sq-ft
At = luas kelengkungan pasir pada kondisi test, sq-ft, biasanya dianggap sama
dengan Az
Effect of Sand Problem
1. Akumulasi pasir (sand bridge) di perangkat produksi sumur dapat mematikan sumur.

2. Dapat menimbulkan kerusakan pada perangkat produksi sumur seperti, pompa,katup, jepitan,
pipa salur di permukaan dan fasilitas produksi lainnya.

3. Menyebabkan persoalan pembuangan pasir.

4. Selubung dapat collapse akibat tidak ratanya pembebanan axial.

Sand Control
Metode pengontrolan kepasiran dibagi menjadi:

1. Secara mekanik
Yaitu menggunakan design screen dan gravel pack. Prinsip
gravel pack adalah mencegah terproduksinya pasir dengan
memasang gravel yang mempunyai permebilitas yang tinggi
tetapi tidak dapat dilewati oleh partikel pasir formasi.
Supaya gravel tidak terlepas dari tempatnya maka dipasang

2. Secara kimiawi
Yaitu menggunakan sand consolidation atau resin-coated
gravel pack
Untuk mendesain ukuran Gravel, diperlukan sampel batuan formasi yang representative. Beberapa
metoda pengambilan sampel pasir formasi dengan tingkat kepercayaan dari yang tertinggi sampai yang
terendah dapat diurutkan antara lain adalah :

a.Convensional core c. Bailed sampling

Didapat dari rubber sleeve core barrel, dan Dioperasikan melalui convensional wireline dan
hasilnya cukupbaik serta dapat dipercaya karena hasilnya kurang dapat dipercaya,karena keharusan
mempunyai recovery core yang tinggi. mengangkat drill pipe dalam memperoleh core.

b. Sidewall core d. Produced sand

Didapat melalui electrical wire line, dan hasil Hasil yang diperoleh kurang dapat dipercaya, karena
yang diperoleh cukup dapat dipercaya karena pasir formasi yang didapatkan hanya yang berukuran
sampel dapat diambil di setiap kedalaman. kecil.
Selanjutnya dilakukan analisa distribusi butiran dengan sieve analysis. Untuk menentukan penyebaran (distribusi) batuan
formasi produktif, dengan sieve Analysis Langkah kerjanya adalah sebagai berikut :

a) Ambil contoh batuan yang sudah kering

b) Sediakan dan timbang 100 atau 200 gram sampel tersebut.
h) Tuangkan isi sieve yang paling halus berikutnya
c) Sediakan sieve analysis yang telah bersih kedalam mangkuk tadi juga, kemudian timbang
berat kumulatifnya. Teruskan cara tersebut
d) Susunlah sieve di atas alat pengguncang dengan mangkuk sampai isi seluruh sieve ditimbang secara
pada dasar, sedangkan sieve diatur dari yang paling halus di kumulatif
atas mangkuk dan yang paling besar pada puncak
e) Tuangkan dengan hati-hati sampel kedalam sieve yang i) Dari berat timbangan secara kumulatif dapat
paling atas, kemudian pasang tutup dan kencangkan dihitung juga berat sampel dalam tiap sieve
bagian penguatnya. dengan mengurangi suatu berat kumulatif
sebelumnya. Dari hubungan antara prosentase
f) Guncangkan selama 30 menit. butiran yang lolos dengan diameter saringan
dalam skala logaritma, dapat diketahui kurva
g) Tuangkan isi sieve yang paling kasar (atas) ke dalam sebaran pembagian ukuran butiran yang
mangkuk dapat menunjukan keseragaman sampel.
Kurva Hubungan Diameter Butiran Pasir vs Persen Kumulatif

Tiga karakteristik dari kurva distribusi ukuran

butiran yang seringkali digunakan untuk
menggambarkan deskripsi pasir yaitu :
a.Median, d50, yaitu diameter butir pada titik 50%
kurva Median = d50
b. Koefisien kekompakan (sorting coeficient) yang
didefinisikan oleh Corelab sebagai berikut :
∂ = (d25)0.5/d75
c. Koefisien keseragaman (uniformity confident)
menurut Schwartz
C = d40/d90
Jika C < 3 maka pasir seragam
Jika C > 5 maka pasir tidak seragam
Jika C < 10 maka pasir sangat tidak seragam
Gravel Pack overview
Keuntungan gravel pack antara lain : Pelaksanannya adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Efektif digunakan pada zona produksi yang
a. Pembersihan perforasi dengan clean fluid sebelum gravel pack dipasang.
intervalnya panjang
b. Penentuan ukuran gravel pack sesuai dengan ukuran butiran pasir formasi
2. Dapat digunakan untuk sumur yang sudah
c. Squeeze gravel pack ke dalam lubang perforasi, gunakan water wet gravel
lama dan telah memproduksi pasir
d. Produksikan sumur dengan segera setelah packing, aliran produksi dimulai
3. Mempunyai permeabilitas yang relatif tinggi
dengan laju produksi rendah kemudian dilanjutkan dengan kenaikan laju produksi
dan dapat diterapkan pada formasi yang
sedikit demi sedikit.
mempunyai permeabilitas bervariasi.
Kekurangan gravel pack antara lain :
1. Berkurangnya diameter lubang sumur
karena adanya screen di dalam lubang
sehingga dapat mengganggu operasi yang lain
2. Screen yang digunakan harus tahan terhadap
korosi dan erosi yang disebabkan oleh fluida
Setelah melakukan sieve analisis untuk butiran Persyaratan Gravel rekomendasi API RP 58
formasi (d), Penentuan ukuran diameter gravel (D)
1. Kebulatan dan kebundaran 0,6 atau lebih dari skala
dapat diperoleh dari persamaan empiris berikut: Krumbein
• Coberly dan Wagner
D = 10 x d10
• Tousch dan Corley
4 x d10 > D < 6 x d10
• Soucier (umumnya dipakai)
D = 5 s/d 6 x d50

2. Pembatasan kelarutan terhadap asam tidak boleh larut lebih

dari 1 % dalam 12 % HCL atau 3 % HF

3. Kandungan kwarsa 98 % atau lebih

4. Kekuatan butiran (dalam standar tes laboratorium) bila

diberi tekanan 2000 psi selama 2 menit tidak boleh rusak
lebih dari 4 % untuk ukuran 12/20, 16/30, 20/40 mesh atau
2 % untuk ukuran 30/50 dan 40/60 mesh
Tabel Ukuran gravel komersial
Gravel Pack Design Ukuran gravel/in, U.S.mesh Diameter median, in

Ada beberapa faktor yang perlu dipertimbangkan di dalam

perencanaan gravel pack, yaitu: 0.006x0.017 40/100 0.012
0.008x0.017 40/70 0.013
1. Ukuran gravel pack yang tersedia 0.010x0.017 40/60 0.014
Gravel pack tersedia dalam beberapa ukuran. Apabila ukuran 0.017x0.033 20/40 0.025

gravel hasil perhitungan tidak tersedia, umumnya memakai 0.023x0.047 16/30 0.035

ukuran yang lebih kecil.

0.033x0.066 12/20 0.050
0.039x0.066 12/18 0.053
Kadang-kadang memakai ukuran yang lebih besar apabila
0.033x0.079 10/20 0.056
ukuran yang lebih kecil tidak tersedia. tabel berikut
0.047x0.079 10/16 0.063
memperlihatkan ukuran gravel yang tersedia.
0.066x0.094 8/12 0.080
0.079x0.132 6/10 0.106
2. Angularitas dan Besar Butir Gravel Tabel Angularitas dan besar gravel terhadap Perm por
Gravel size, US mesh 8 -12 10 - 20 10 - 20 10 - 30 20 - 40 40 -60
Permeabilitas dan kompaksi gravel
dapat dipengaruhi oleh angularitas dan Roundness Angular Angular round round round round
besar butir. Suman mengemukakan
angularitas secara relatif tidak begitu K, Darcys 1745 881 325 191 121 45
mempengaruhi terhadap permeabilitas Porosity, % 36 36 32 33 35 32
gravel. Akan tetapi Archie
mengemukakan bahwa permeabilitas
angular jauh lebih besar dibandingkan
dengan permeabilitas yang bundar.

3. Kebasahan Gravel

Suman mengutip bahwa perubahan kebasahan gravel dari basah air ke

oil wet, terutama pada perbandingan viskositas air minyak yang besar.

Minyak kadang-kadang bersifat senyawa polar yang apabila diserap

oleh permukaan gravel, menyebabkan gravel cenderung bersifat oil wet.

Oleh karena itu, jika minyak digunakan sebagai fasa kontinu untuk
fluida pembawa dalam penempatan gravel, material gravel sebaiknya
dibasahi dulu dengan air sebelum diinjeksikan ke dalam sumur.
Dari ukuran median gravel dan median sand
(D50/d50 ) dapat diperoleh tingkat penurunan
permeabilitas gravel akibat pasir yang masuk
kedalam gravel pack. Permeabilitas setelah kondisi
ini selanjutnya dinamakan permeabilitas efektif.

Sedangkan distribusi diatas rasio kira-kira 10,

menunjukan tendensi produksi pasir (< ±10 pasir
masih tertahan gravel pack) (berdasarkan hasil studi
Ukuran Screen yang Digunakan Berdasarkan Ukuran Range Gravel.

Gravel Size Gravel Size Screen Gauge Screen Gauge

(U.S. Mesh) (inch) (inch) (inch  103)
40/60 0.0165  0.0093 0.008 08
30/50 0.0230  0.0120 0.010 10
20/40 0.0330  0.0165 0.012 12
16/30 0.0470  0.0230 0.016 16
12/20 0.0660  0.0330 0.020 20
06/16 0.0940  0.0470 0.028 28

Atau melalui persamaan empiris, ukuran lubang screen liner dapat diperoleh dari:

• Wilson : W = d10

• Coberly : W = 2d10

• Gill : W = d15

• Schwartz, Coberly, Rogers : W = d100

untuk formasi-formasi baru yang mengalami kepasiran

• De Priester (umumnya sering digunakan): 0,05 in =< W=< d20

Bila harga d20 lebih kecil dari 0.05 in, maka perlu digunakan metode sand control lain
Screen types
1. Slotted pipe

Pipa mempunyai lubang irisan membujur atau

melintang. Keuntungannya adalah murah.

Kerugiannya adalah ukuran slot terkecil relatif

masih terlalu besar untuk gravel terbesar, pipa
mudah terkena korosi, dan mudah terkikis.

2. Wire Wrapped Screen Kawat stainles steel dilllitkan

pada pipa. Tapisan ini adalah yang paling umum

3. Prepacked Screen.

Gravel yang resin coated sudah ditempatkan di

antara 2 tapisan sebelum dipasang disumur. Cocok
digunakan untuk interval panjang karena mudah
Teknik Penempatan Gravel Dan Screen

1. Wash down Method.

Tempatkan gravel di dalam

selubung sampai di bawah perforasi.
Masukkan rangkaian screen dengan
wash pipe dan push down shoe ke
lubang sumur sambil sirkulasi lurus
dan tempatkan saringan sampai di
depan perforasi. Metode ini tidak
cukup memadatkan gravel di anulus
dan akan menyortir ukuran gravel.
Cara ini hanya baik untuk selang
perforasi di bawah 10 ft.

2. Sirkulasi terbaik (Reverse circulation)

Screen dan liner diturunkan di sekitar

perforasi. Bubur gravel dipompakan
melalui anulus dengan sirkulasi terbaik.
Gravel akan terperangkap di anulus. Cara
ini tidak baik untuk sumur miring


3. Crossover Method.

Masukkan rangkaian saringan dan penyekat

dengan liner setting tool tempatkan saringan
tepat di depan perforasi.

Biasanya panjang tapisan ditambah 5 ft di

atas dan 5 ft di bawah selang perforasi dan
diberi pipa buta 1.5 kali panjang tapisan.

Adonan gravel dipompakan dan disirkulasi

lurus. Sirkulasi lurus tersebut akan menjadi
sirkulasi terbalik setelah melewati crossover.
Adonan gravel akan terbawa menuju anulus
tapisan dan selubung. Cabut rangkaian liner
setting tool

Perhitungan pressure drop pada gravel pack
Untuk menentukan pressure drop pada gravel pack completion, digunakan
Persamaan Jones, Blount dan Glaze sbb:

Pwfs – Pwf = aq2 + bq =  Pgravel

Dimana : Pwf = tekanan aliran dasar sumur, psi

Pwfs = tekanan aliran dasar sumur pada permukaan pasir, psi
9.08 x10  Bo 2  o L Q = laju aliran, bbl
Bo = faktor volule formasi, bbl/stb Top view
 B L o = densitas minyak, lb/cuft
b o o
3 L = length of linear flow path, ft
1.127 x10 k A L
kg = permeabilitas gravel, md
7 A = luas area perforasi, ft2
1.47 x10
 0.55 = SPF x H x (1/4)*π*d2
kg Diameter sumur
H = ketebalan atau interval perforasi
β = faktor turbulensi, ft-1
Diameter saringan/screen
Pengaruh Gravel pack terhadap Produktivitas
Adapun yang berhubungan dengan Untuk menghitung pressure drop formasi
produktivitas secara langsung adalah bisa menggunakan persamaan Productivity
permeabilitas. index pada periode aliran yang telah
mencapai boundary yaitu steady state
maupun presudo steadystate.

PI a Pformasi Bila memperhitungkan watercut, dapat

 menggunakan persamaan Pudjo Sukarno.
PI b Pformasi  Pgravel

PIa = PI sesudah gravel packing
PIb = PI sebelum gravel packing
Pengaruh Gravel pack terhadap Produktivitas contd
Selain dari perhitungan pressure drop melalui gravel, - Berdasarkan susunan gravel packing seri radial
terdapat beberapa pendekatan empiris lain terhadap untuk dua lapisan (D.D Sparlin)
well productivity, diantaranya: re
- Berdasarkan ketebalan gravel & ratio rw
kavg 
permeabilitas (Van Pollen et al) (dengan q Darcy)  1 r 1 re 
 ln  ln 
 k g rw k f r 
sehingga laju produksi melalui media gravel
(modifikasi persamaan darcy dengan subtitusi k)

2 kavg hP
qg  Dimana
 ln e qg = laju produksi dgn media gravel
rw (STB/day)
q = laju produksi dari formasi (STB/day)
re kg = permeabilitas gravel, mD
qg rw kf = permeabilitas formasi, mD
 r = jari2 media gravel, in
q  1 r 1 r  re = jari2 pengurasan, in
k f  ln  ln e 
k r  rw = jari2produksi, in
 g rw k f
Sand Control Contd
Metode pengontrolan kepasiran dapat dibreakdown lagi menurut konfigurasinya:

1. Secara mekanik
- Stand alone screen

- Open hole gravel pack

- Cased hole gravel pack

- Frac Pack

- expandable screen

2. Secara kimiawi

- Yaitu menggunakan sand consolidation atau resin-coated gravel pack

Relative merits of principal
sand control method
• Reliability. This is fundamental, especially in environments like
subsea wells. Sand control failure usually results in a side track or
well abandonment. Care must always be used when using historical
data on reliability to ensure that the environment is similar,
• Productivity. To be of use for economics, the reservoir completion
productivity needs to be converted into comparable (discounted)
production profiles. These profiles need to include the upper
completion effect, reservoir depletion and water/gas influx.
• Cost. To be fully comparable, the cost must be all-encompassing.
Obvious costs such as those for equipment and installation need to
be included, as well as associated costs such as slower drilling rates
because of using a water-based mud prior to an open hole gravel
pack, additional wiper trips for an expandable sand screen or
different trajectories/reservoir section lengths.
• Zonal isolation
Standalone Screens
Standalone screens (SAS) are used extensively
throughout the world due to their simplicity and low
installation costs. Wire-wrapped, pre-packed and
premium screens are all used as standalone screens.

Theses screens can be installed with or without a

washpipe and often incorporate blank sections of pipe
and external casing packers (or swellable elastomer
packers). Because of the lack of pumping and screen
expansion operations, they are sometimes the only form
of sand control that can be deployed in extended reach
wells or in many types of multilateral wells.
Open Hole Gravel Packs
Originally used in deviated or vertical wells, since the mid-1990s, open hole gravel packs
became a common form of sand control; particularly in horizontal wells, where they can be
very productive. The intention is simple; pack the annular space with gravel sized to stop
formation sand from being produced and size the screen to prevent the gravel from escaping.
When successfully installed, they prevent the formation from collapsing and therefore reduce
fines production, but the filter cake (if still present) must flow back through the gravel and
screen. Operationally, they can be challenging (particularly with respect to fluid selection and
deployment), and like all forms of sand control, success is not guaranteed.
Cased Hole Gravel Packs and Frac Packs
Cased hole gravel packs and particularly their extension to frac packing are extensively used in
the Gulf of Mexico and occasionally elsewhere. In some environments, such as the North Sea, they
are rarely used. They provide some of the most reliable sand control completions (King et al.,
2003) – particularly in environments where other sand exclusion techniques struggle (laminated
shale and sand intervals, lower permeability formations and high fines contents). They also offer
the opportunity for zonal isolation by the use of stacked packs. The downside is significant
operational complexity, logistics and time. The cost and complexitymakes them considerably less
attractive ( but not impossible) for long reservoir sections. They become increasing less suited for
higher permeability formations as productivity declines.
Cased Hole Gravel Packs

A perforation tunnel length through the casing and cement

of 1.5 in. is assumed with 200 Darcy gravel; no account is
taken for the damage zone or crushed zone around the

Notice the relatively high flow efficiencies calculated

compared with many published results and the reduction
in flow efficiency with reducing effective shots per foot.
This would confirm the criticality (and difficulty) of ensuring
that the majority of perforations are clean and well packed
with gravel.
Frac Packs
Top Figure shows the deployment of a frac pack and the
resulting production behaviour. Where the permeability of
the formation is low in comparison to the gravel, the
fracture dominates performance and negative skin factors
can result. Flow through perforations not connected to the
fracture will be minimal and as a result, there is a reduced
requirement to ensure that these perforations are clean –
overbalanced perforating can be effective.

Notice the low flow efficiencies at high permeabilities. A

comparison with the non-fractured gravel pack in cased
hole Figure shows that at 1000 bpd, the flow efficiencies
are similar at around 3000 md. The combination of effects
3 and 4 with increased permeabilities would suggest that
in this example there would be a greater flow contribution
through the non-fractured perforations and the flow
efficiencies would therefore be better than predicted in this
graph so long as all the perforations were clean and
properly packed with gravel.
Expandable Screens
Expandable screens are a relative newcomer to sand control, being first
introduced in 1999 (Phillips et al., 2005).The early history of expandable screens
was not encouraging with many high-profile failures as equipment evolved.
However, they have now become a mainstream technique in sand control and are
slowly displacing open hole and cased hole gravel packs in some areas of the world.
Their merit is based on avoiding the open annulus that historically caused the
failure of many standalone screen completions. In theory, they should have similar
performance (productivity and reliability) to open hole gravel packs. Operationally,
expandable screens should be easier and cheaper to install than open hole gravel
packs. Evolving techniques whereby expandable screens combine with expandable
solid liners also offer the opportunity for zonal conformance – water and gas
shutoff – with a significant reduction in complexity compared with the alternatives
requiring the pumping of gravel
There are essentially two types of expandable screen in use.

The first uses overlapping woven sheets. The sheets move past each
other as the screen expands, but the mesh itself does not expand. This is
the technique used by Weatherford’s
ESSs (trademark of Weatherford Completion Systems)

The alternative approach is to use a screen that can itself be expanded. A woven screen is
suitable for this approach. The weave (weft) wires expand tangentially whilst the warp
wires do not expand. The gap providing the filtration is unchanged as shown

Typically multiple layers of woven metal screens are

used and the designs are similar to (indeed based on)
premium screens. These are the techniques chosen by
Baker (EXPresst, trademark of Baker Oil Tools) and
Halliburton (Poroflexs, trademark of Halliburton)
Some of the expansion methods
The alternative expansion methods are
1. Use a fixed cone with weight applied by the drillpipe. This works with the ESSs screen as the screen
requires a low expansion force – typically around 10,000–40,000 lb, depending on screen size and friction.
This method provides a degree of compliance because of the sharp edge of the expansion cone.
2. Reduce the friction further with a fixed roller. This will make the expansion non-compliant. The
geometry and positioning of the rollers can be optimised to provide circular expansion.
3. Use pistons to actuate the rollers against the screens. The pistons can be pushed up against the screen by
pressure applied through the drillpipe. Downward force is still applied by drillpipe weight. Expansion
speeds for all weight-set expansion techniques are around 10–25 ft/min.
4. Use pressure cycles to expand the screen by hydraulic power. This system is used for expanding pre-
drilled liner-type expandables due to the larger forces required. An anchor grips into the pipe in the
already expanded section. Hydraulic pressure actuates the piston and pushes a cone or roller down.
5. Use rotary expansion tools powered by hydraulics. For example, Weatherford uses a proprietary tool
consisting of a single row of pistons.
Chemical Consolidation
Historically, chemical consolidation has been used as a low-cost method of stopping sand production
in short perforated completed intervals. It is generally considered a remedial option.

Chemical consolidation techniques can be broadly divided into two categories:

• plastic (or in situ) consolidation and the use of resin-coated gravel. Insitu treatments must be
pumped before sand production is excessive.

• Resin-coated sand is the fallback option if sand production becomes excessive. Before chemical
consolidation is attempted, the wellbore needs to be cleaned out of sand and the location of
current (and potentially future) sand production needs to be identified.
Sand consolidation
The objective of this consolidation technique is to treat the formation in the immediate vicinity of the
wellbore with a material that will bond the sand grains together at their points of contact. This is
accomplished by injecting liquid chemicals through the perforations and into the formation. These
chemicals subsequently harden and bond the sand grains together. For the treatment to be successful,
three requirements must be met:
1. The formation must be treated through all the perforations.
2. The consolidated sand mass remains permeable to well fluids.
3. The degree of consolidation should not decrease over time.

There are two principal types of sand consolidation treatment:

Epoxy resin: This is pumped in three main stages. First a pre-flush containing isopropyl alcohol is
pumped to reduce water saturation (otherwise consolidation is poor), then the epoxy is pumped
followed by a viscous oil to displace the resin from the pore spaces (to restore permeability). Clearly,
failure to inject the displacement results in nicely consolidated sand, but no production.
The treatment has some limitations:
1. Only around 20 ft at a time can be treated.
2. Reservoir temperature (100–2101F).
3. Maximum clay content of 20%.
4. Formation water salinity
Resin-coated sand
Like a gravel pack, a resin-coated sand pack is sized to hold back the formation sand;
however, a resin coating, rather than a screen, holds the sand pack in position.

Working through tubing, gravel pack sand is typically pumped via coiled tubing
into the perforation tunnels and void spaces outside the casing. The resin coating
hardens and bonds the gravel together. Excess resin-coated sand is removed from
inside the casing, usually by drilling it out. Like all chemical sand consolidation
treatments, productivity will be reduced by the treatment.

Some products that are externally catalyzed mix the resin into the gravel slurry
on location prior to pumping. Alternatively, the proppant is delivered to location
already coated, with formation temperature curing the resin, causing the gravel to
stick together. The products are the same as used for consolidating fracture
treatments to minimize proppant backflow.
Tugas #3
Diketahui data-data sumur dan formasi :
Sw formasi = 67%
Bagian 1
Densitas batuan formasi = 2.25 gr/cc Tunjukan apakah sumur tersebut cenderung
memproduksi pasir dilihat dari data-data
Transit time sonic log = 121 μs/ft
formasinya? Jelaskan.
GR log batuan formasi = 54 API

GR max = 113 API

GR min = 24 API

Rt (true resistivity) = 3.65 ohm-m

Rw (formation water resistivity) = 0.181 ohm-m

Porositas formasi = 25%

Oil viscosity =3.58 cp

Bo = 1.04 bbl/STB
Tugas #3 contd
Bila dari analisa formasi bagian 1, menunjukan
US Mesh Berat Sampel (gr)
kecenderungan pasir terproduksi
4 -
6 - Bagian 2
8 - analisa data sieve formasi tersebut utk menentukan ukuran
gravel (cocokan dengan ukuran gravel komersil) dan screen
12 0.9945
pd linernya.
16 -
20 2.0612
30 -
40 3.3208
50 -
70 15.0250
100 36.9660
140 12.1460
200 2.4810
total 72
Tugas #3 contd
Bagian 3
Diameter screen = 2.4 in Setelah mendapat ukuran gravel yang dipilih bandingkan
produktivitasnya sebelum dan sesudah dipasang gravel.
Interval perforasi = 62 ft
Gunakan rumus aliran radial periode steady state untuk
Kerapatan perforasi = 4 SPF
menghitung drawdown sebelum dipasang gravel.
Diameter lubang perforasi = 0.054 ft
r 
q  ln  e 
Diameter sumur = 0.583 ft  rw 
Pformasi 
7.08 x103 k f h
Permeabilitas formasi = 193 mD

Estimasi Jari-jari pengurasan =408 ft Hitung juga laju kritisnya! (asumsikan yang perlu diasumsi)

Oil viscosity =3.58 cp

Densitas minyak = 55.5 lb/cuft

Bo = 1.04 bbl/STB

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