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Lemak merupakan salah satu komponen tubuh manusia yang penting karena sebagai pembentuk
hormon dan pelindung organ. Di dalam tubuh, lemak tersusun dalam bentuk jaringan berwarna coklat
dan putih. Apa sajakah perbedaan kedua jaringan lemak tersebut? Berikut penjelasannya.
Mamalia memiliki dua bentuk jaringan lemak (adiposa) yaitu jaringan adiposa putih (white adipose
tissue / WAT) dan jaringan adiposa coklat (Brown adipose tissue / BAT). Jaringan adiposa putih
berperan dalam penyimpanan energi dalam bentuk lemak / lipid, sedangkan jaringan adiposa coklat
berperan dalam pengeluaran energi.

Jaringan adiposa coklat berperan sebagai anti-obesitas karena memiliki kemampuan mengoksidasi
asam lemak dan glukosa untuk mempertahankan thermogenesis (panas tubuh). Kerja sistem
thermogenesis pada jaringan adiposa coklat dipengaruhi oleh sistem saraf dan norepineprin (hormon
di dalam tubuh yang memberikan respon dalam situasi stres atau darurat).
Contoh, ketika dalam ruangan yang dingin tubuh akan mempertahankan suhu tubuh agar tetap
normal. Udara yang dingin merupakan salah satu stressor yang memicu kerja saraf simpatis. Saraf
ini akan melepaskan hormon norepineprin di permukaan jaringan adiposa coklat dan ditangkap oleh
reseptor beta-adrenergik pada tempat yang sama. Hal tersebut akan mengaktifkan protein kinase dan
menstimulasi aktivitas uncoupling protein 1 (zat termogenin) di membran mitokondria jaringan adiposa
coklat. Uncoupling protein 1 yang aktif akan membuat asam lemak dalam jaringan adiposa coklat
dioksidasi menjadi panas yang kemudian dialirkan keseluruh tubuh melalui pembuluh darah, sehingga
tubuh akan terasa hangat.
Tabel perbedaan lemak putih dan lemak coklat

Aktivitas jaringan adiposa coklat berkorelasi negatif dengan usia, indeks massa tubuh, dan gula darah
puasa (fasting glycemia). Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa kerja jaringan adiposa coklat akan
menurun seiring dengan pertambahan umur. Selain itu, semakin tinggi indeks massa tubuh maka
semakin sedikit jumlah jaringan adiposa coklat yang ada pada tubuh. penelitian menunjukkan bahwa
olahraga dapat mengoptimalkan kerja jaringan adiposa coklat dengan cara meningkatkan aktivitas
sitokrom oksidase, mitokondria dan konsumsi oksigen pada jaringan adiposa coklat sehingga terjadi
penurunan berat badan pada kelompok sample yang mengalami obesitas.
Tubuh memiliki dua jenis jaringan adiposa yang memiliki peran yang bertolak belakang, yaitu jaringan
adiposa putih (WAT) yang berfungsi menyimpan energi dalam bentuk lemak, dan jaringan adiposa
coklat (BAT) yang berfungsi mengeluarkan energi. Jumlah jaringan adiposa coklat semakin berkurang
seiring dengan pertambahan usia, namun fungsi jaringan tersebut dapat dioptimalkan dengan
melakukan olahraga secara teratur.
Writer : Anisyah Citra, S.gz
Editor & proofreader : Jansen Ongko, Msc, Rd

Breaking it down: Short-chain fatty acids and your

 5 APR 2017 | Kristina Campbell
 Diet, Fibers, Food & Ingredients, Inflammation, Metabolic Conditions, News Watch, Nutrition, Obesity, SCFA
 Tagged: acetate Butyrate Diet fibre Gut microbiota health Immune system Obesity Propionate Short-chain fatty acids
Fiber is good for health—that much we know.
But for decades, scientists have been searching for the answer to a very simple
question: how does dietary fiber manage to benefit the body?
The answer turns out to be quite complicated. Currently, scientists think the gut
microbiota plays a pivotal role in the how fibre benefits health—and it’s mostly thanks
to their host of molecular messengers, called short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs).
SCFAs are molecules produced by bacteria when they ferment dietary components
(primarily fibre: non-digestible carbohydrates) inside the colon. Some of these molecules
stay close to home in the gut, but others travel far and wide throughout the body, taking part
in complex interactions that produce various effects on health and are the subject of active
scientific study.
First, SCFAs have effects in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract that influence gut health. In
fact, their main reason for existence is serving as a source of energy for cells inside the colon.
They help boost the protective mucus layer in the gut and also have the ability to influence
genes that control cell proliferation and cell cycle (whereby cells prepare to divide and
duplicate their DNA). Not only that, SCFAs are under investigation for their apparent
influence over gut motility—the muscular contraction responsible for propelling the
intestinal content through the GI tract during digestion process—in both humans and animal
SCFAs also have an effect on how energy is metabolized in the body, and thus, a
possible protective effect against metabolic disease and obesity. Evidence on this,
however, is somewhat contradictory. Studies show SCFAs seem to reduce levels of
cholesterol and glucose—which would ultimately protect against obesity—but at the same
time, they provide a source of calories in the gut that could contribute to obesity. More study
is needed on this link.
Another known influence of SCFAs is on the immune system. Research shows that SCFAS
(in particular, the SCFA butyrate) have anti-inflammatory effects and seem to play a
part in kick-starting the differentiation (that is, specialization) of immune cells that help
‘keep the peace’, called regulatory T cells. And if that weren’t enough, SCFAs may play a role
in protection against colorectal cancer, by favorably altering the gut environment or perhaps
by modulating the immune system in a way that reduces cancer risk.
At this stage, there’s no doubt that SCFAs are important molecules—one of the main ways in
which the gut microbiota and diet co-contribute to better health. Since the production of
SCFAs by bacteria in the body is influenced by food intake, many scientists believe they
are a key linkbetween diet, the gut microbiome, and health.

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