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01. N a m a : Dr. H. Muris, M.Si

02. Tempat/Tanggal Lahir : Tinggas, 1965
03. Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki
04. Fakultas/Jurusan : FMIPA/Fisika
05. Pangkat/Golongan/NIP : Lektor Kepala/IV/a/131925820
06. Bidang Keahlian : Fisika Material
07. Alamat Rumah : BTN Minasa Upa G20/14 Makassar.
Telp. (0411) 886307
HP. 081342403676
08. Alamat Kantor : Jurusan Fisika FMIPA UNM
Kampus Parangtambung Makassar
Tlp/Fax. (0411)840622, HP. 081342403676
09. e-mail :

10. Riwayat Pendidikan Tinggi :

Jenis Pendidikan Tempat Tahun lulus Spesialisasi

Sarjana (S1) IKIP Ujung Pandang 1989 Pendidikan Fisika
Pra Magister (Pra S2) ITB Bandung 1992 Fisika
Magister (S2) ITB Bandung 1994 Fisika Material
Doktor (S3) Université de la Méditerranée 2001 Fisika Material
Marseille, Prancis

B. Riwayat Pekerjaan

1.Dosen Tetap Jurusan Fisika FMIPA Universitas Negeri Makassar, 1990 - sekarang.
2.Ketua Program Studi Fisika FMIPA Universitas Negeri Makassar, 2003 - 2004.
3.Pembantu Dekan Bidang Akademik FMIPA Universitas Negeri Makassar, 2004 - sekarang.
4.Dosen Program Pascasarjana UNM Makassar, 2006 - sekarang
Fisika Statistik

Rujukan Utama :
Introdution to Statistical Physics for Students
Longman, England

Rujukan Tambahan :
Buku Buku Fisika Zat Padat, Fisika Kuantum dan Fisika
Modern yang relevan
Pokok Bahasan

1. Pengantar
2. Statistik Maxwell Boltzmann
3. Aplikasi Statistik Maxwell Boltzmann
4. Statistik Bose Einstein
5. Statistik Fermi Dirac
6. Temperatur dan Entropy
7. Aplikasi Statistik Termodinamika
8. Ensemble Kanonik
9. Grand Ensemble Kanonik
Pokok Bahasan

1. Pengantar
2. Statistik Maxwell Boltzmann
3. Aplikasi Statistik Maxwell Boltzmann
4. Statistik Bose Einstein
5. Statistik Fermi Dirac
6. Temperatur dan Entropy
7. Aplikasi Statistik Termodinamika
8. Ensemble Kanonik
9. Grand Ensemble Kanonik
Sistim Termodinamika, Parameter Makroskopik

Sistim terbuka dimana dimungkinkan

terjadi pertukanan energi dan materi
dengan lingkungan.
Sistim tertutup terjadi pertukaran
energi maupun materi dengan
Isolated systems tidak
memungkinkan terjadinya pertukaran
energi maupu materi dengan

Paramater internal dan external : temperatur, volume, tekanan, energi,

medan magnet, dll. (nilai rata-rata, fluktuasi diabaikan).
Pengertian Dasar Statistik

Mean : Rata-rata
Mode : yang paling mungkin
Median : Titik tengah
Varians : Ragam, Lebar Distribusi
Pengertian Dasar Statistik

Misalkan suatu variabel yang diselidiki : 3,4,4,3,5,3,4

3 + 4 + 4 + 3 + 6 + 3 + 5 28
X= = =4
7 7

x1 + x 2 + x3 + x 4 + x5 + x6 + x7
X =

åx i
X = i

Pengertian Dasar Statistik

Rata-rata dengan fungsi probabilitas

xi f f(xi) xi f(xi)
3 3 3/7 9/7
4 3 3/7 12/7
5 1 1/7 5/7
7 1 28/7 = 4

Ternyata diperoleh hasil rata-rata yang sama yakni 4

Pengertian Dasar Statistik

Hasil ini diperoleh dari pengembangan bentuk

å f .( x ).x
å f (x ) = 1
i i
= å f ( x ).x
X= i
å f (x )
i i
i i

Jika fungsinya kontinyu maka : X = ò x. f ( x)dx

Bagaimana anda mengartikan parameter statistik berikut ?

Pengertian Dasar Statistik
Fungsi Gaussian

Fungsi seperti akan banyak dijumpai dalam pembahasan statistik

Ruang Euclid dan Ruang Fase

Ruang Euclid

dV = dxdydz


y dz
x dx
Ruang Euclid dan Ruang Fase

p x2 + p y2 + p z2
e =

dG = dxdydzdpx dp y dp z
Ruang fase Ruang momentum

dG6 N = dx1 dy1 dz1 dp x1 dp y1 dp z1

........dxi dy i dz i dp xi dp yi dp zi
........dx N dy N dz N dp xN dp yN dp zn
= Õ dxi dy i dz i dp xi dp yi dp zi
i =1
= Õ (dG )i
i =1
Rata Rata Sifat Assembly

Misalkan dalam assembly terdapat sejumlah N molekul dengan

energi total E dan berada dalam volume V.
p(N) menyatakan koordinat momentum
x(N) menyatakan koordinat posisi


Rata Rata Sifat Assembly

Jika X adalah perilaku yang ingin dicari rata-ratanya dalam ruang

fase tersebut

X = ò X {x( N ), p( N )}P{x( N ), p( N )}dG

G6 N

Normalisasi terhadap ruang

ò X {x( N ), p( N )}P{x( N ), p( N )}dG

G6 N

ò P{x( N ), p( N )}dG
G6 N
Rata Rata Sifat Assembly

Jika X merupakan fungsi yang diskrit, maka perata-rataan fungsi X

dapat dinyatakan dengan :
åpX i i
X= i

åp i

Normalisasi probabilitas menghasilkan

i =1

X = å pi X i
Assembli Klasik dan Kuantum

a. Klasik
- Terbedakan antara satu dengan lainnya (distinguishable)
- Energi kontinu
- Tak memenuhi prinsip larangan Pauli

b. Kuantum : Terdapat dua tipe

Tipe I (fermion) :
- Tak terbedakan antara satu dengan lainnya (indistinguishable)
- Energi disktrit
- Memenuhi prinsip larangan Pauli
Misalnya : elektron dalam zat padat
Assembli Klasik dan Kuantum

b. Kuantum : Terdapat dua tipe

Tipe II (boson) :
- Tak terbedakan antara satu dengan lainnya (indistinguishable)
- Energi disktrit
- Tidak memenuhi prinsip larangan Pauli
Misalnya : foton atau partikel alpha
Statistik Maxwell Boltzmann

Distribusi Energi

Misalkan dalam sistim yang ditinjau terdapat N sistim :

Sistem 1 dengan energi ε1
Sistem 2 dengan energi ε2

Sistem i dengan energi εi

Sistem N dengan energi εN
Statistik Maxwell Boltzmann

Distribusi Energi

Misalkan dalam sistim yang ditinjau terdapat N sistim :

Sistem 1 dengan energi ε1
Sistem 2 dengan energi ε2

Sistem i dengan energi εi

Sistem N dengan energi εN
Statistik Maxwell Boltzmann

Prinsip Kekekalan
Statistik Maxwell Boltzmann

Jumlah pilihan jika memilih sejumlah N1 di antara N partikel

Jika g1 menyatakan bobot, maka jumlah pilihan yang ada adalah :

Statistik Maxwell Boltzmann

Perluas lagi dengan mengambil sejumlah N2 dari N-N1

Perluas lagi dengan mengambil sampai n kali

Statistik Maxwell Boltzmann

Secara umum dapat ditulis :

Contoh Pemakaian

Empat partikel dengan notasi a,b,c dan d didistribusi pada dua pita energi 2 pada pita 1 dan 2
pada sistim 2. Bobot masing-masing adalah 3 dan 4.

Jadi : N1 = N2 = 2 g1 = 3 , g2 = 4

W = ´ g12 .g 22
N 1!.N 2 !

W = ´ 3 2.4 2 = 864
2 !.2!
Contoh Pemakaian

a b a b c,a

c d c d d b

Ini hanyalah 3 contoh gambar dari 864 kemungkinan yang ada.

Sekarang adalah giliran anda untuk melengkapinya.
Statistik Maxwell Boltzmann

Peluang terbesar diperoleh dengan mengambil dw/dn = 0

Rumus Stirling
Distribusi Maxwell Boltzmann

n(e )de = e -e / kT e 1 / 2 de
(pkT ) 3/ 2

æ e ö g(e) P(e)
expçç - ÷÷ g (e ) = C e
è k BT ø
´ =
0 e 0 e 0 e
Aplikasi Statistik Maxwell Boltzmann
ky Untuk partikel kuantum dalam kotak 2D (e.g., electron pd FET):
2D pnx pn y
k kx = ky =
k = kx + k y

Lx Ly
kx 1 p k2 k 2 (area ) k2 1 2me
N (k ) = = G (k ) = G (e ) =
4 p p 4p 4p 4p ! 2
Lx L y
# states within ¼ of g 2 D (e ) =
(2s + 1) m - Tak
p 2p ! 2 bergantung pd e
a circle of radius k

1 (4 / 3)p k 3 k 3 (volume )
3/ 2
k3 1 æ 2me ö
3D N (k ) = = G (k ) = G (e ) = ç ÷
kz 8 p p p 6p 2
6p 2 6p 2 è !2 ø
´ ´
Lx L y Lz

(e ) = (2 s + 1) æ 2m ö
3/ 2

e 1/ 2
g ç ÷
kx 4p 2 2
è! ø
ky 1D
3/ 2
Thus, for 3D electrons 1 æ 2m ö
g 3 D (e ) = 2 ç 2 ÷
e 1/ 2
2p è ! ø
Distribusi Kecepatan Maxwell
" volume"(v « v + dv )
3/ 2
æ m ö æ mv 2 ö vy
f (v ) fv = çç ÷÷ expçç - ÷÷ 4pv 2 dv
è 2p k BT ø è 2 k BT ø = 4pv 2 dv
Nampak bahwa persamaan ini merupakan perkalian v
antara faktor Boltzmann dengan sebuah tetapan.
Tetapan tersebut dapat diperoleh dari normalisasi vx
¥ 3/ 2
æ m ö
ò f (v )dv = 1
C = çç ÷÷
0 è 2p k T
B ø P(v)

æ e ö
dN (e ) = NP (e )de = N expçç - ÷÷de
è k BT ø
Distribusi energi, N – the total # of particles
3/ 2
æ m ö æ mv 2 ö
dN (v ) = NP (v ) dv = N çç ÷÷ 4pv expçç -
÷÷ dv
è 2p k BT ø è 2 k BT ø
speed distribution (distribusi kecepatan) P(vx)
1/ 2
æ m ö æ mv 2 ö
dN (v x ) = NP (v x ) dv = N çç ÷÷ expçç - ÷÷ dv
è 2p k BT ø è 2 k BT ø
Distrbusi kecepatan dalam arah x, vx vx
Karakteristik Nilai Kecepatan
3/ 2
æ m ö æ mv 2 ö Lihat bahwa distribusi ini tidak simetrik, sehingga
P(v ) = çç ÷÷ 4pv expçç -
÷÷ perlu dicari perata-rataan sebagai berikut
è 2p k BT ø è 2 k BT ø
The root-mean-square speed is proportional to
the square root of the average energy:

1 2E 3k BT
m(vrms )
E= vrms = =
2 m m
vmax v vrms v

é dP(v ) ù 2 k BT
Harga kec.maksimum :
êë dv úû = 0 ® v max =
v = vmax m

æ m ö¥ æ mv 2 ö 8k BT
Kelajuan rata-rata : v = ò v ´ P(v ) dv = ç
ç ÷
÷ ò 4pv expç -
ç ÷
÷ dv =
0 è 2p k BT ø 0 è 2 k BT ø pm

vmax ÷ v ÷ vrms = 2 ÷ 8 / p ÷ 3 = 1 ÷ 1.13 ÷ 1.22

Soal (Maxwell distr.)
Consider a mixture of Hydrogen and Helium at T=300 K. Find the speed at which
the Maxwell distributions for these gases have the same value.

3/ 2
æ m ö æ mv 2 ö
P(v, T , m ) = çç ÷÷ 4pv expçç -
è 2p k T
B ø è 2 k T
B ø

3/ 2 3/ 2
æ m1 ö æ m1v 2 ö æ m2 ö æ m2 v 2 ö
çç ÷÷ 4pv expçç -
÷÷ = çç ÷÷ 4pv expçç -
è 2p k BT ø è 2k BT ø è 2p k BT ø è 2 k BT ø

3 m1v 2 3 m2 v 2
ln m1 - = ln m2 -
2 2 k BT 2 2 k BT

3k BT ln
3 m1 v2 m2 3 ´1.38 ×10 - 23 ´ 300 ´ ln 2
ln = (m1 - m2 ) v= = = 1.6 km/s
2 m2 2k BT (m1 - m2 ) 2 ´1.7 ×10 - 27
Soal (Maxwell distr.)
Find the temperature at which the number of molecules in an ideal Boltzmann gas
with the values of speed within the range v - v+dv is a maximum.

¶P(v, T )
3/ 2
æ m ö æ mv 2 ö
P(v, T , m ) = çç ÷÷ 4pv expçç -
÷÷ maximum: =0
è 2p k T
B ø è 2 k T
B ø

1/ 2 3/ 2
3æ m ö æ m ö æ mv ö æ m ö 2
æ mv 2 öæ mv 2 ö
çç ÷÷ çç - ÷
2 ÷
expçç - ÷÷ + çç ÷÷ expçç - ÷÷çç ÷=0
2 ÷
2 è 2p k BT ø è 2p k BT ø è 2k BT ø è 2p k BT ø è 2k BT øè 2k BT ø

3 æ mv 2 ö mv 2
+ çç ÷÷ = 0 T=
2 è 2 k BT ø 3k B

At home:

Find the temperature T at which the rms speed of Hydrogen molecules exceeds their
most probable speed by 400 m/s.

Answer: 380K

Pelebaran Garis Spektrum Doppler

Bagian ini adalah salah satu contoh penerapan distribusi laju dari
statistik Maxwell Boltzmann, yakni pelebaran spektrum akibat efek
Misalkan molekul gas melakukan radiasi dengan panjang
gelombang dalam arah x dengan kecepatan vx menuju kepada
seorang pengamat. Pengamat akan menerima radiasi dengan
panjang gelombang.

Pelebaran Garis Spektrum Doppler

Karena efek Doppler, maka panjang gelombang yang diamati

pengamat adalah :

æ vx ö
l = l o ç1 - ÷
è c ø

c(lo - l )

dv x = - dl

Pelebaran Garis Spektrum Doppler

Dari distribusi Maxwell Boltzamann

3/ 2
æ m ö æ mv 2 ö
dN (v ) = Nf (v ) dv = N çç ÷÷ 4pv expçç -
÷÷ dv
è 2p k BT ø è 2 k BT ø

Ubah sebagai fungsi panjang gelombang

æ mc 2 (l - lo )2 ö c
3/ 2
æ m ö
f (l )dl = çç ÷÷ expçç - ÷ dl
è 2p k T
B ø è 2 k BT lo ÷ø lo

Pelebaran Garis Spektrum Doppler

Intensitas radiasi :
æ mc 2 (l - lo )2 ö
I (l )dl = Cf (l )dl = I (lo ) expçç - ÷ dl
è 2 k B T l2
o ø

I (lo ) Dengan mengukur intensitas

I (l ) radiasi maka dapat ditentukan
temperatur gas emisi

lo òp
x / 2me e / KT dG
e= G

- e / kT

Prinsip Ekipartisi Energi

Jika energi sistem dinyatakan dalam bentuk kuadrat posisi dan momentum maka tiap
bentuk kuadrat tersebut akan memberikan energi rata-rata ½ kT
Contoh molekul gas dengan massa m, energinya dapat dinyatakan dengan

p x2
ex =

Maka energi rata-ratanya adalah :

ò dG
2 e / KT
p x / 2 m e
e= G

- e / kT
e dT
Prinsip Ekipartisi Energi

p x2
Nyatakan energi sebagai dan
p x2 p x2
ò exp{- (e - ) / kT }dxdydzdp y dp z = ò exp( - p 2
x / 2mkT ) dp x
2m 2m
ex = -¥

ò exp{- (e - p x2
2m ) / kT }dxdydzdp y dp xx ò exp( - p 2
x / 2mkT ) dp x

p x2 = u2 maka

-u 2
kT e u du
ex = -¥

-u 2

Prinsip Ekipartisi Energi

¥ ¥

Hasilnya memberikan : òe
-u 2
ò du
u du =
2 1
2 e
-¥ -¥

p x2
1 =u
Maka : ex = kT 2mkT

Karena ada satu bentuk kuadrat maka memberikan energi rata-rata ½ kT

Contoh 2 : Osilator harmonik dengan dua jenis energi

p x2 1 2
ex = + µx
2m 2
Prinsip Ekipartisi Energi

Maka :
ì 2 1 2 -e / kT
ò Gî x
í p / 2 m + µx }e dG
ex =
ò G e dG
- e / kT

¥ ¥
ìxdxæ p x2 1 2 ö
dp ü
ì 2 1 2
ò-¥-ò¥íî px + 2 µx expíî- çè 2m + 2 µx ÷ø / kT ýþdxdpx
ç ÷
ex = ¥ ¥
ì æ p x2 1 2 ö ü
ò-¥-ò¥expíî- ççè 2m + 2 µx ÷÷økT ýþdxdpx

Ubah ke koordinat polar :

p x2 1 2
= r 2 sin 2 q , µx = r 2 cos 2 q
2m 2
dp x dp y º 2(m / µ ) rdrdq
Prinsip Ekipartisi Energi

Maka :
2x ¥

ò ò
r / kT
d e r 3 dr
e= 0
= kT
ò ò
-r / kT
d e rdr
0 0

Karena terdiri dari dua bentuk kuadrat maka energinya adalah

2 x ½ kT = kT

Untuk osilator harmonik 3D maka :

ìï p 2 p y2 p 2 üï 1 1 1 3
e =í x + + x ý = kT + kT + kT = kT
ïî 2m 2m 2m ïþ 2 2 2 2
= kT
Prinsip Ekipartisi Energi

Energi rata-rata untuk osilator harmonik 3 D.

ìï p x2 1 p 2
1 p 2
1 ü

e =í + µ1 x + + µ2 y + + µ3 z ý
2 y 2 x

ïî 2m 2 2m 2 2m 2 ïþ
= 6. kT
= 3kT

Jadi dalam hal ini ada 6 derajat kebebasan ( f = 6) dimana tiap

derajat kebebasan memberikan kontribusi energi sebesar ½ kT
Prinsip Ekipartisi Energi

Jika terdapat NA (bil. Avogadro) molekul gas dan berlaku sebagai

osilator harmonik 3D, maka, terdapat 6 derajat kebebasan,maka :
E = 6 N A kT = 3RT
Panas jenis per gram atom zat padat :

ì ¶E ü
í ý = 3 R = 5,94 kal/ o
î ¶T þv
Panas jenis gas

Jika terdapat NA (bil. Avogadro) molekul gas dan berlaku sebagai

osilator harmonik 3D, maka, terdapat 6 derajat kebebasan,maka :
E = 6 N A kT = 3RT
Panas jenis per gram atom zat padat :

ì ¶E ü
í ý = 3 R = 5,94 kal/ o
î ¶T þv

g s [( g s - 1) + n s ]!

g s [( g s - 1) + n s ]!
ws =
(g s - 1)!ns !
[(g s - 1) + ns ]!
[(g s - 1) + ns ]!

s (g s - 1)!ns ! (g s - 1)!ns !

w = Õ ws

[(g s - 1) + ns ]!
s (g s - 1)!ns !

w = Õ ws

æ ¶ log w ö
ås ç ¶n
ç + x + be ÷
s ÷dn s = 0
è s ø

¶ log w
+ x + be s = 0
¶n s

log w = å log ws

= å [( g s - 1 + n s ) log( g s - 1 + n s ) - ( g s - 1) log( g s - 1) - n s log n s ]


¶ log w
= log( g s - 1 + n s ) - log n s
¶n s

¶ log w æ g s + ns ö
= logçç ÷÷
¶n s è ns ø

æ g + ns ö
logçç s ÷÷ + x + be s = 0
è ns ø

= e -( x + be s ) - 1

ns =
e -( x + be s ) - 1

ns =
1 e s / kT -1

ws =
n s !( g s - n s )!

ns =
e -( x + be s ) - 1

ns =
1 e s / kT -1

ws =
n s !( g s - n s )!

W = Õ ws

ws =
ns !( g s - ns )!
Jumlah untuk semua kemungkinan susunan
yang berbeda untuk satu tingkatan energi

W =Õ Jumlah untuk semua kemungkinan susunan
s n s !( g s - n s )! yang berbeda

log W = å log
s n s !( g s - n s )!
= å [g s log g s - n s log n s - ( g s - n s ) log( g s - n s )]

ì ¶ log W ü
ås í ¶n + a + bÎs ýdns = 0 Gunakan rumus Stirling
î s þ

¶ log W
+ a + bÎs = 0
¶n s

¶ log W g s - ns
= log
¶n s ns

g s - ns
log + a + bÎs = 0

gs - (a + b ( s ) )
=e +1

~ kB T
f (Î) = -
e (Î-ÎF )kT + 1

n(Î)d Î= f (Î)g (Î)d Î

T=0 Î<ÎF (0 ), f (Î) = =1
e -µ + 1

Î>ÎF (0 ), f (Î) = µ
e +1
(with respect to µ)

ns = - Distribusi jumlah partikel partikel
e -(a + be s ) + 1

1 Melalui normalisasi gs = 1 diperoleh

f (Î) = - fungsi distribusi. Maka f(e) merupakan
e (Î-ÎF )kT + 1
probabilitas sebagai fungsi energi

Sebagai fungsi probabilitas maka harga fungsi ini maksimum 1

dan minimum 0
Radiasi Benda Hitam

Two types of bosons:

(a) Composite particles which contain an even

number of fermions. These number of these
particles is conserved if the energy does not
exceed the dissociation energy (~ MeV in the
case of the nucleus).

(b) particles associated with a field, of which the

most important example is the photon. These
particles are not conserved: if the total
energy of the field changes, particles appear
and disappear. We’ll see that the chemical
potential of such particles is zero in
equilibrium, regardless of density.
Radiation in Equilibrium with Matter
Typically, radiation emitted by a hot body, or from a laser is not in equilibrium: energy
is flowing outwards and must be replenished from some source. The first step towards
understanding of radiation being in equilibrium with matter was made by Kirchhoff,
who considered a cavity filled with radiation, the walls can be regarded as a heat
bath for radiation.
The walls emit and absorb e.-m. waves. In equilibrium, the walls and radiation must
have the same temperature T. The energy of radiation is spread over a range of
frequencies, and we define uS (n,T) dn as the energy density (per unit volume) of the
radiation with frequencies between n and n+dn. uS(n,T) is the spectral energy density.
The internal energy of the photon gas: ¥
u (T ) = ò u S (n , T ) dn
In equilibrium, uS (n,T) is the same everywhere in the cavity, and is a function of
frequency and temperature only. If the cavity volume increases at T=const, the
internal energy U = u (T) V also increases. The essential difference between the
photon gas and the ideal gas of molecules: for an ideal gas, an isothermal expansion
would conserve the gas energy, whereas for the photon gas, it is the energy density
which is unchanged, the number of photons is not conserved, but proportional to
volume in an isothermal change.
A real surface absorbs only a fraction of the radiation falling on it. The absorptivity a
is a function of n and T; a surface for which a(n ) =1 for all frequencies is called a
black body.
Photons Apa Itu ?
The electromagnetic field has an infinite number of modes (standing
waves) in the cavity. Any radiation field is a superposition of plane T
waves of different frequencies. The characteristic feature of the
radiation is that a mode may be excited only in units of the quantum
of energy hf (similar to a harmonic oscillators) :
e = (ni + 1 / 2) hn

This fact leads to the concept of photons as quanta of the electromagnetic field. The
state of the el.-mag. field is specified by the number n for each of the modes, or, in other
words, by enumerating the number of photons with each frequency.

According to the quantum theory of radiation, photons are massless E ph = hn

bosons of spin 1 (in units ħ). They move with the speed of light :
E ph = cp ph
The linearity of Maxwell equations implies that the photons do not E ph n
interact with each other. (Non-linear optical phenomena are p ph = =h
observed when a large-intensity radiation interacts with matter).
c c

Presence of a small amount of matter is essential for establishing equilibrium in the

photon gas. We’ll treat a system of photons as an ideal photon gas, and, in particular,
we’ll apply the BE statistics to this system.

The mechanism of establishing equilibrium in a photon gas is absorption and emission

of photons by matter.
Potensial Kimia Foton = 0
The mechanism of establishing equilibrium in a photon gas is absorption æ¶F ö
and emission of photons by matter. The textbook suggests that N can be çç ÷÷ = 0
è ¶ N øT ,V
found from the equilibrium condition:

æ¶F ö Thus, in equilibrium, the chemical

On the other hand, çç ÷÷ = µ ph µ ph = 0
¶ N potential for a photon gas is zero:
è øT ,V
However, we cannot use the usual expression for the chemical potential, because one
cannot increase N (i.e., add photons to the system) at constant volume and at the same
time keep the temperature constant: æ¶F ö
çç ÷÷ - does not exist for the photon gas
è ¶ N øT ,V

G = Nµ æ ¶F ö F (T , V )
Instead, we can use G = F + PV P = -ç ÷ =-
è ¶V øT V
- by increasing the volume at T=const, we proportionally scale F

F - the Gibbs free energy of an G

Thus, G=F- V =0 µ ph = =0
V equilibrium photon gas is 0 ! N
For µ = 0, the BE distribution reduces to the Planck’s distribution:
1 1
n ph = f ph (e , T ) = = Planck’s distribution provides the average
æ e ö æ hn ö number of photons in a single mode of
expçç ÷÷ - 1 expçç ÷÷ - 1
è k BT ø è k BT ø frequency n = e/h.
e = n hn =
The average energy in the mode: æ hn ö
expçç ÷÷ - 1
In the classical (high temperature) limit: e = k BT è k BT ø

In order to calculate the average number of photons per small energy interval de, the
average energy of photons per small energy interval de, etc., as well as the total
average number of photons in a photon gas and its total energy, we need to know the
density of states for photons as a function of photon energy.

kz Rapat Keadaan Foton

1 (4 / 3)p k 3 k 3 (volume ) k3
N (k ) = = G (k ) =
8 p p p 6p 2
6p 2
´ ´
Lx L y Lz

ky dG (e ) e3 e2
g (e ) = e = cp = c!k G (e ) = g 3D
(e ) =
de 6 p (c! ) 2 p 2 (c! )
2 3 ph 3

extra factor of 2:
g (n ) = g (e )
3D 3D de (
=h 2
hn ) 8pn 2
= 3
8pn 2
g (n ) = 3
two polarizations
p (c! )
ph ph 3
c c
Spektrum Radiasi Benda Hitam
Rata-rata jumlah foton per satuan volume denga frekwensi n dan n+dn:

8p h n3
g (n ) f (n )dn = u S (n , T )dn u s (n , T ) = hn g (n ) f (n ) = 3
c exp(b hn ) - 1

- Rapat Spektrum (hukum Radiasi Planck)

u adalahfungsi energi: u (e , T )de = u (n , T )dn u (n , T ) = u (e , T ) = u (hn , T )´ h

8p e3
Radiasi spektrum u (e , T ) =
benda hitam (hc )3 expçç
æ e ö
÷÷ - 1
è k BT ø

u(e,T) - the energy density per unit photon

energy for a photon gas in equilibrium with
a blackbody at temperature T.
Pendekatan Klasik (f kecil , l besar), Hkm Rayleigh-Jeans

Pd frekwensi rendah dan temp. tinggi b hn << 1 exp(b hn ) - 1 @ b hn

8p h n3 8p n 2 - purely classical result (no h), can be

u s (n , T ) = 3 @ 3 k BT
( )
c exp b hn - 1 c obtained directly from equipartition

Hukum Rayleigh-Jeans

This equation predicts the so-called

ultraviolet catastrophe – an infinite
amount of energy being radiated at
high frequencies or short
Hukum Rayleigh-Jeans
u sebagai fungsi dari panjang gelombang
æ cö
çh ÷
é de hc ù 8p è lø æ hc ö 8p hc 1
u (l , T )dl = -u (e , T )de êë dl = - u (l , T ) = ç ÷ =
l2 úû (hc )3 expæç hc ö÷ - 1 è l2 ø l5 expæç hc ö÷ - 1
çlk T ÷ çlk T ÷
è B ø è B ø

In the limit of large l:

8p k BT
u (l , T ) large l » 1
n frekwensi tinggi , Hukum Pergeseran Wien’s

At high frequencies: b hn >> 1 exp(b hn ) - 1 @ exp(b hn )

8p h 3
u s (n , T ) = 3
n exp(- b hn ) - Ditemukan secara eksperimen oleh Wien Wien
Nobel 1911

Maksimum u(n) berfeser ke frekwensi tinggi ketika temperatur naik.

é æ hn ö3 ù
ê çç ÷÷ ú
du d ê è B øk T ú é 3x 2 x 3e x ù
= const ´ = const ´ ê x - 2ú
n max » 2.8
k BT dn æ hn ö ê
d çç
æ hn ö ú
÷÷ ê expçç ÷÷ - 1ú êë e - 1( )
e - 1 úû

h è k BT ø êë è k BT ø úû

(3 - x ) e x = 3 ® x » 2.8
hn max Hukum
» 2.8 Pergeseran
k BT

- the “most likely” frequency of a photon in a

blackbody radiation with temperature T
Numerous applications
(e.g., non-contact radiation thermometry)
nmax Û lmax
hn max
u (n , T ) u (l , T ) » 2.8 - does this mean that
k BT
» 2.8 ? Wrong!
n max lmax k BT lmax
æ cö
çh ÷
é de hc ù 8p è lø æ hc ö 8p hc 1
u (l , T )dl = -u (e , T )de êë dl = - u (l , T ) = ç ÷ =
l2 úû (hc )3 expæç hc ö÷ - 1 è l2 ø l5 expæç hc ö÷ - 1
çlk T ÷ çlk T ÷
è B ø è B ø
du d é
= const ´ ê 5
1 ù é
= const ´ ê- 6
- 5
( )
- x - 2 exp(1 / x ) ù

df dx ë x {exp(1 / x ) - 1}úû ë x {exp (1 / x ) - 1} x {exp(1 / x ) - 1} û

5 x{exp(1 / x ) - 1} = exp(1 / x ) ® lmax »
5 k BT

T = 300 K ® lmax » 10 µm

“night vision” devices

Radiasi Sinar Matahari
Temperatur permukaan- 5800K lmax = » 0.5 µm
5 k BT

As a function of energy, the spectrum of sunlight peaks at a photon energy of

umax = hn max = 2.8k BT » 1.4 eV ® l (umax) » 0.88 µm, near infrared

- close to the energy gap in Si, 1.2 eV,

which has been so far the best material
for photovoltaic devices (solar cells)

Spectral sensitivity of the eye:

Hukum Radiasi Stefan-Boltzmann
Jumlah total foton persatuan volume :
¥ ¥ 3¥ 3
N 8p n2 8p æ k BT ö x 2 dx æ kB ö 3
n º = ò n (e )g (e )de = 3 ò0 dn = ç ÷ ò0 e x - 1 çè hc ÷ø T ´ 2.4
= 8p
V 0 c æ hn ö c3 è h ø
expçç ÷÷ - 1
è k BT ø - increases as T 3

Energi total foton per satuan volume : (apat U e ´ g (e )

8p 5 (k BT )

energi gas foton) u (T ) º = ò de =

V 0 exp(be ) - 1 15(hc )

2p 5 k B
Tetapan Stefan-Boltzmann 4s 4 Hukum Stefan-
s= u (T ) = T Boltzmann
15h 3c 2 c

Energi rata-rata per foton :

u (T ) 8p 5 (k BT ) (hc ) p4
4 3
e = = = k BT » 2.7 k BT
15(hc ) 8p (k BT ) ´ 2.4 15 ´ 2.4
3 3

(just slightly less than the “most”

probable energy)
Daya yang dipancarkan oleh Benda Hitam

For the “uni-directional” motion, the flux of energy per unit area = c ´ u

energy density u

c ´ 1s
Integration over all angles provides a factor of ¼:
power emitted by unit area = c´u
(the hole size must be >> the wavelength)

Thus, the power emitted by a unit-area c c 4s 4

surface at temperature T in all directions: power = u (T ) = ´ T =s T4
4 4 c

The total power emitted

by a sphere of radius R:

total power emitted by a sphere = 4pR 2s T 4

4s 4
Beberapa Contoh u (T ) = T
The value of the Stefan-Boltzmann constant: s = 5.76 ´10 -8 W / (K 4 m 2 )

Consider a human body at 310K. The power emitted by the body: s T 4 » 500 W / m 2
While the emissivity of skin is considerably less than 1, it emits sufficient infrared
radiation to be easily detectable by modern techniques (night vision).

Radiative transfer:
Liquid nitrogen is stored in a vacuum or Dewar flask, a container surrounded by a thin
evacuated jacket. While the thermal conductivity of gas at very low pressure is small, energy
can still be transferred by radiation. Both surfaces, cold and warm, radiate at a rate:
i=a for the outer (hot) wall, i=b for the inner (cold) wall,
J rad = (1 - r )s Ti
W / m2
r – the coefficient of reflection, (1-r) – the coefficient of emission
Let the total ingoing flux be J, and the total outgoing flux be J’:
J = (1 - r )s Ta4 + rJ ¢ J ¢ = (1 - r )s Tb4 + rJ
1- r
The net ingoing flux: J - J¢ =
1+ r
s Ta4 - Tb4 )
If r=0.98 (walls are covered with silver mirror), the net flux is reduced to
1% of the value it would have if the surfaces were black bodies (r=0).
Efek Rumah Kaca
Absorption: 2

( ) 4æ R
Power in = a p RE s (TSun ) çç Sun
2 ö
è Rorbit ø
the flux of the solar radiation energy
received by the Earth ~ 1370 W/m2
Power out = 4p RE s TE
2 4

2 1/ 4
éa æ R ö ù
TE = ê çç Sun ÷÷ ú TSun
êë 4 è Rorbit ø úû

Rorbit = 1.5·1011 m
Transmittance of the Earth atmosphere RSun = 7·108 m

a = 1 – TEarth = 280K However, in reality a = 0.7 – TEarth = 256K

To maintain a comfortable temperature on the Earth, we need the Greenhouse Effect !

The complicated issue of global worming: adding CO2 (and other “greenhouse” gases)
to the atmosphere tends in itself to raise the earth’s average temperature, but also may
increase cloudiness, which lowers it. One thing is clear: since climate is largely
determined by the heat balance in the atmosphere, anything that changes the
atmospheric absorption is bound to have climatic consequences.
Pengurangan Massa Matahari
The spectrum of the Sun radiation is close to the black body spectrum with the
maximum at a wavelength l = 0.5 µm. Find the mass loss for the Sun in one second.
How long it takes for the Sun to loose 1% of its mass due to radiation? Radius of the
Sun: 7·108 m, mass - 2 ·1030 kg.
hc hc æ 6.6 ×10 -34 ´ 3 ×108 ö
lmax = 0.5 µm ® lmax = ® T= çç = K = 5,740 K ÷÷
5 k BT 5 k B lmax - 23
è 5 ´1.38 ×10 ´ 0.5 ×10

2p 5 k B
P (power emitted by a sphere) = 4pR 2s T 4 s= » 5.7 × 10 -8

15h 3c 2 m2K 4

This result is consistent with the flux of the solar radiation energy received by the Earth
(1370 W/m2) being multiplied by the area of a sphere with radius 1.5·1011 m (Sun-Earth
æ ö
P = 4p (RSun ) s çç
2 hc
( ) W
÷÷ = 4p 7 ×108 m ´ 5.7 ×10 -8 2 4 ´ (5,740K )4 = 3.8 ×10 26 W

è 2.8 k B lmax ø m K

dm P 3.8 ×10 26 W
the mass loss per one second = 2 = = 4.2 × 10 9
dt c (
3 ×10 m
8 2
1% of Sun’s mass will be lost in 0.01M 2 ×10 28 kg
Dt = = = 4.7 ×1018 s = 1.5 ×1011 yr
dm / dt 4.2 ×10 kg/s
Fungsi Distribusi untuk gas Fermi Ideal
The probability of the i-state with energy ei to be occupied 1 æ n e - µni ö
P(e i , ni ) = expçç - i i ÷÷
by ni particles (the total energy of this state ni ei) : Z k BT ø
The grand partition function for all particles in the ith single- é n (e - µ ) ù
particle state (the sum is taken over all possible values of ni) : Z i = å exp ê- i i ú
ni ë k B T û
If the particles are fermions, n can only be 0 or 1: æ e -µ ö
Z i = 1 + expçç - ÷÷
The mean number of particles in this state: è k BT ø
æ e -µ ö
expçç - ÷÷
è k T ø = 1
ni = å ni P(ni ) = 0 ´ P(0 ) + 1´ P(1) = B

æ e -µ ö æe -µ ö
1 + expçç - ÷÷ 1 + expçç ÷÷

è k BT ø è k BT ø
n (e ) = - the Fermi-Dirac ~ kB T
æe -µ ö distribution
expçç ÷÷ + 1
è k BT ø

At T = 0, all the states with e < µ have the average #

of particles 1 (i.e., they are occupied with 100%
probability), all the states with e > µ have the average
# of particles 0 (i.e., they are unoccupied). With T=0
increasing T, the step-like function is “smeared” over
the energy range ~ kBT.
(with respect to µ) e=µ
Fungsi Distribusi Gas Bose Ideal
The grand partition function for all particles in the é n (e - µ ) ù
ith single-particle state: Z i = å exp ê- i i ú
ni ë k B T û
(the sum is taken over the possible values of ni)

If the particles are bosons, é e -µù é 2(e - µ ) ù é 3(e - µ ) ù

n can any integer ³ 0: Z i = 1 + exp ê- ú + exp ê- ú + exp ê- ú + ....
ë k B T û ë k B T û ë k B T û
2 3
é e -µù æ é e - µ ùö æ é e - µ ùö 1
Z i = 1 + exp ê- +
ú çç exp ê - ÷ +
ú÷ ç ç exp ê - ÷
ú÷ + .... =
ë k T û è ë k T ûø è ë k T ûø é e -µù
1 - exp ê- ú
ë k BT û
æ e -µ ö
ni = å ni P (ni ) = 0 ´ P (0 ) + 1´ P (1) + 2 ´ P (2 ) + ... = çç x º ÷÷
The mean ni è k B T ø
number of
é n (e - µ ) ù
particles in this exp ê- i
ë k BT úû 1 ¶ 1 ¶Z
state: = å ni =- å exp(- ni x ) = -
ni Z Z ni ¶x Z ¶x

1 ¶Z -x ¶ æ 1 ö e- x ni (e ) =
ni = -
Z ¶x
= - 1- e ) ç ÷ = =
¶x è 1 - e - x ø 1 - e - x e x - 1
æe -µ ö
Distribusi Bose
expçç ÷÷ - 1 Einstein
k T
è B ø
The mean number of particles in a given state for the BEG can exceed unity, it diverges as
µ ® e, and is nonexistent for µ > e.
Probabilitas, Fungsi Distribusi, Rapat Keadaan ….

e The probability that the system is in state s

with energy E and N particles
1 ì [e - µ (T )ni ]ü
P(e i ) = expí- i ý <1 å P (E ) = 1
Z î k T þ s
x B

The macrostate of such system is completely defined if

we know the mean occupancy for all energy levels,
which is often called the distribution function:

f (E ) º n (E )

While f(E) is often less than unity (much less in the case of an ideal gas), it is not a
probability. (e.g., it can exceed unity in a Bose gas).

å f (E ) = n
where n=N/V – the density of particles

where g(e) is the
If we can neglect the
spectrum discreteness:
n = ò g (e ) f (e )de density of states
Kaitan Termodinamika, Potensial Kimia
Consider the grand potential W º -k BT ln Z which is a generalization of F=-kBT lnZ

dW = - SdT - PdV - Ndµ

- the appearance of μ as a variable, while computationally very convenient for the grand
canonical ensemble, is not natural. Thermodynamic properties of systems are
eventually measured with a given density of particles. However, in the grand canonical
ensemble, quantities like pressure or N are given as functions of the “natural” variables
T,V and μ. Thus, we need to use (¶W / ¶µ )T ,V = - N to eliminate μ in terms of T and

æ ¶S ö æ ¶U ö æ ¶F ö
µ (n, T ) = -T ç ÷ =ç ÷ =ç ÷
è ¶N øU ,V è ¶N ø S ,V è ¶N øT ,V

μ for an ideal gas is negative: when you add a

Boltzmann µ æ nQ ö particle to a system and want to keep S fixed, you
Boltzmann = -k BT lnçç ÷÷ < 0
Gas è n ø typically have to remove some energy from the

æ µ -e ö
µMB < 0: - the occupancy nB = expçç ÷÷ cannot be negative for any e
è k BT ø
Potensial Kimia untuk Gas Fermi
1 g (e )
¥ ¥
Fermi nF (e ) = f F (e ) = n = ò g (e ) f (e ) de = ò de
Gas æe -µ ö æ e - µ (T , n ) ö
expçç ÷÷ + 1 0 0
expçç ÷÷ + 1
k T
è B ø k BT
è ø
µ (T ,V , N ) = [n = N / V ] = µ (T , n )
When the average number of fermions in a system (their density) is known, this equation
can be considered as an implicit integral equation for µ(T,n). It also shows that µ
determines the mean number of particles in the system just as T determines the mean
energy. However, solving the eq. is a non-trivial task.
µ /EF
µ 2
p æ k BT ö depending on n and T, µ for 1
= 1- çç ÷÷ + .... fermions may be either
EF 12 è EF ø positive or negative. 1 kBT/EF

The limit T®0: adding one fermion to the system at T=0 increases its energy U by EF. In
this situation F = U-TS = U (S is also 0: all the fermions are packed into the lowest-energy
states), so that the chemical potential, which is the change in F produced by the addition
of one particle, is EF: µ (T = 0) = E F
3/ 2
The change of sign of µ(n,T) indicates the crossover from the n 4 æ EF ö
degenerate Fermi system (low T, high n) to the Boltzmann statistics. = çç ÷÷
nQ 3 p è k BT ø
The condition kBT << EF is equivalent to n >> nQ:
The crossover occurs at n~nQ When n<<nQ the chemical potential
becomes negative: æ nQ ö
µ Boltzmann = -k BT lnçç ÷÷ < 0
è n ø
Potensial Kimia untuk Gas Bose

g (e )
¥ ¥
Bose nBE = n = ò g (e ) f (e ) de = ò de
Gas æe -µ ö æe -µ ö
expçç ÷÷ - 1 0 0
expçç ÷÷ - 1
k T
è B ø è k BT ø
The occupancy cannot be negative for any e, thus, for bosons, µ
µ £ 0 (e varies from 0 to ¥). Also, as T®0, µ ® 0 T

0, e > 0
(nBE )T =0 = 1
® (nBE )T =0 = ìí
exp(0 / 0 ) - 1 î1, e = 0

For bosons, the chemical potential is a non-trivial function of the density and temperature
(for details, see the lecture on BE condensation).
Pendekatan Klasik
The Fermi-Dirac and Bose-Einstein distributions must reduce to the Maxwell-
Boltzmann distribution in the classical limit, ni << 1 for all i. Hence,

1 é æ e - µ öù the Maxwell-
ée - µ ù ni = = exp ê- çç ÷÷ú
exp ê ú >> 1 and éæ e - µ öù ë è k BT øû Boltzmann
k T
ë B û exp êçç ÷÷ú distribution
ëè k BT øû
The same result, of course, we would get if we start from the equation for the
average nk in Boltzmann statistics:

N æ e ö é æZ ö Z æ µ öù æ µ ö æ e ö é (e - µ ) ù
ni = NP (s ) = expçç - ÷÷ = ê µ = -k BT lnç 1 ÷ ® 1 = expçç - ÷÷ú = expçç ÷÷ expçç - ÷÷ = exp ê- ú
Z1 è k BT ø ë èNø N è k BT ø û è k BT ø è k BT ø ë k BT û

Comparison of the MB, FD, and BE

distributions plotted for the same
value of µ. Note that the MB
distribution makes no sense when the
average # of particle in a given state
becomes comparable to 1 (violation of
the dilute limit).

Pendekatan Klasik (cont.)
3/ 2
In terms of the density, the classical limit æ 2p mk BT ö
n << nQ = çç 2
corresponds to n << the quantum density: è h ø
We can also rewrite this condition as T>>TC where TC is the so-called degeneracy
temperature of the gas, which corresponds to the condition n~ nQ. More accurately:
h æ n ö
TC @ çç ÷÷
2p mk B è 2.6 ø

For the FD gas, TC ~ EF/kB where EF is the Fermi energy (Lect. 24) , for the BE gas
TC is the temperature of BE condensation (Lect. 26).

Critical density for bosons:

g (e ) é ù
¥ 3/ 2 3/ 2 ¥
2 s + 1 æ 2m ö 2 s + 1 æ 2 mk T ö x 1/ 2
n=ò de = ê g (e ) = 2 ç 2 ÷
e ú=
1/ 2
2 ç
÷ ò dx
exp[b (e - µ )] - 1 êë 4p è ! ø úû 4p è !
ø 0 exp[x - bµ ] - 1
Since µ £ 0, the maximum possible value of x1/ 2
n is obtained when µ = 0, and ò0 exp(x ) - 1 dx » 1.3 p
3/ 2
2 s + 1 æ 2mk BT ö where nQ is the quantum concentration,
ncr = 1.3 p ç ÷ = 2.6nQ which varies as T 3/2
4p 2 è ! 2 ø
Pendekatan Ketiga Distribusi
Fermi-Dirac Nk B

k BTC 2

1 2 3 TC

zero-point 1
Pauli 2/3
principle h2 æ n ö
TC @ çç ÷÷
T 2p mk B è 2.6 ø
1 2 3 TC
Comparison between Distributions



0 1 T/TC
Comparison between Distributions
Maxwell Bose Fermi
Boltzmann Einstein Dirac
1 1 1
nk = nk = nk =
æe -µ ö æe -µ ö æe -µ ö
expçç ÷÷ expçç ÷÷ - 1 expçç ÷÷ + 1
è k BT ø è k BT ø è k BT ø
distinguishable indistinguishable indistinguishable
Z=(Z1)N/N! integer spin 0,1,2 … half-integer spin 1/2,3/2,5/2 …

spin doesn’t matter bosons fermions

localized particles wavefunctions overlap wavefunctions overlap

Y don’t overlap total Y symmetric total Y anti-symmetric

gas molecules photons free electrons in metals

at low densities 4He atoms electrons in white dwarfs

“unlimited” number of unlimited number of never more than 1

particles per state particles per state particle per state
Aplikasi Statistik Termodinamika


Fungsi Partisi
Aplikasi Statistik Termodinamika

Momen magnet rata-rata

Fungsi Partisi
Aplikasi Statistik Termodinamika

Kapasitas panas magnetik

Aplikasi Statistik Termodinamika

Untuk temperatur rendah

Aplikasi Statistik Termodinamika

Jika dideferensial terhadap B

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