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Mata pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Lintas Minat
Kelas/Semester : XI/Ganjil
Tahun Pelajaran : 2019/2020
Materi Pembelajaran :  Tindakan/kegiatan/ kejadian yang
sudah/telah dilakukan/terjadi dikaitkan
dengan satu titik waktu di waktu lampau,
saat ini, dan waktu yang akan datang,
dengan memperhatikan unsur kebahasaan
past perfect, present perfect, future
Alokasi Waktu : 4 jam (2 x 45 menit)
A. Kompetensi Inti (KI)
KI-1:Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.
KI-2:Menghayati dan mengamalkan perilaku jujur, disiplin, santun, peduli (gotong royong,
kerjasama, toleran, damai), bertanggung jawab, responsif, dan pro-aktif, dalam
berinteraksi secara efektif sesuai dengan perkembangan anak di lingkungan, keluarga,
sekolah, masyarakat dan lingkungan alam sekitar, bangsa, negara, kawasan regional,
dan kawasan internasional.
KI 3. Memahami, menerapkan, dan menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual, prosedural dan
metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingintahunya tentang ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, seni,
budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan
peradaban terkait penyebab fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan
prosedural pada bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk
memecahkan masalah
KI 4. Mengolah, menalar, menyaji, dan mencipta dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak terkait
dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara mandiri serta efektif dan
kreatif, dan mampu menggunakan metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator

Kompetensi Dasar Indikator
3.1. Menerapkan fungsi sosial,
3.3.1. 3.3.1.Menyimpulkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan
struktur teks, dan unsur pada teks lisan dan tulis untuk memberi dan meminta
kebahasaan teks interaksi informasi terkait tindakan / kegiatan / kejadian yang
transaksional lisan dan sudah / telah dilakukan / terjadi dikaitkan dengan
tulis yang melibatkan satu titik waktu di waktu lampau, saat iini, dan waktu
tindakan memberi dan yang akan datang, sesuai dengan
meminta informasi terkait konteks penggunaannya.
tindakan/kegiatan/ 3.3.2. Mengidentifikasi struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan
kejadian yang sudah/telah pada teks lisan dan tulis untuk memberi dan meminta
dilakukan/terjadi informasi terkait tindakan / kegiatan / kejadian yang
dikaitkan dengan satu titik sudah / telah dilakukan / terjadi dikaitkan dengan
waktu di waktu lampau, satu titik waktu di waktu lampau, saat iini, dan waktu
saat ini, dan waktu yang yang akan datang, sesuai dengan
akan datang, sesuai konteks penggunaannya
dengan konteks
3.6.3.  3.3.3. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
penggunaannya. kebahasaan pada tindakan memberi dan meminta
(Perhatikan unsur informasi terkait tindakan / kegiatan / kejadian yang
kebahasaan past perfect,
sudah / telah dilakukan / terjadi dikaitkan dengan
present perfect, future
perfect) satu titik waktu di waktu lampau, saat iini, dan waktu
yang akan datang, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya.

4.1.Menyusun teks interaksiMencer 4.4.1. Mempraktikkan tindakan memberi dan meminta

transaksional lisan dan tulis informasi terkait tindakan / kegiatan / kejadian yang
yang melibatkan tindakan sudah / telah dilakukan / terjadi dikaitkan dengan
satu titik waktu di waktu lampau, saat ini, dan waktu
memberi dan meminta
yang akan datang(fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
informasi terkait unsur kebahasaan).
Kompetensi Dasar Indikator
tindakan/kegiatan/ kejadian
4.2.2    4.4.2. Mencontohkan penggunaan tindakan memberi dan
yang sudah/telah meminta informasi terkait tindakan / kegiatan /
dilakukan/terjadi dikaitkan kejadian yang sudah / telah dilakukan / terjadi
dikaitkan dengan satu titik waktu di waktu lampau,
dengan satu titik waktu di
saat ini, dan waktu yang akan datang
waktu lampau, saat ini, dan
waktu yang akan datang, 4.4.3.Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis untuk memberi dan
dengan memperhatikan meminta informasi terkait tindakan / kegiatan /
fungsi sosial, struktur teks, kejadian yang sudah / telah dilakukan / terjadi
dan unsur kebahasaan yang dikaitkan dengan satu titik waktu di waktu lampau,
benar dan sesuai konteks saat ini, dan waktu yang akan datangdengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan, yang benar dan sesuai konteks

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
Melalui kegiatan pembelajaran peserta didik dapat :
1.Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
interaksi trainterpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait tindakan / kegiatan / kejadian yang sudah / telah dilakukan / terjadi
dikaitkan dengan satu titik waktu di waktu lampau, saat iini, dan waktu yang akan datang,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya
2.  Menyusun teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan
tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait tindakan / kegiatan / kejadian yang
sudah / telah dilakukan / terjadi dikaitkan dengan satu titik waktu di waktu lampau, saat
ini, dan waktu yang akan datang, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan
unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteksdengan mengembangkan sikap religius,
penuh tanggung jawab, bekerja keras, serta dapat mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir
kritis dan pro-aktif (kreatif), serta mampu berkomukasi dan bekerjasama dengan baik.
D. Materi Pembelajaran
 Fungsi sosial
- Menjelaskan, meyakinkan, mengarahkan, menjanjikan, dsb.
 Struktur teks
- Memulai
- Menanggapi (diharapkan/di luar dugaan)
 Unsur kebahasaan

- Pernyataan dan pertanyaan terkait tindakan/kegiatan/kejadian yang sudah/telah

dilakukan/terjadi dikaitkan dengan satu titik waktu di waktu lampau, saat ini, dan
waktu yang akan datang
- Penggunaan nominal singular dan plural secara tepat, dengan atau tanpa a, the,
this, those, my, their, dsb secara tepat dalam frasa nominal Ucapan, tekanan kata,
intonasi, ejaan, tanda baca, dan tulisan tangan.
E. Metode Pembelajaran
Pendekatan Pembelajaran            : Saintific Learning
Model Pembelajaran                    :  Pembelajaran Langsung
Tekhnik Pembelajaran                  : Diskusi, Presentasi, Tanya Jawab
F. Media/alat, Bahan, dan SumberBelajar
1. Media/alat : White board, Board marker,Dictionary
2. Sumber Belajar : Internet

G. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
Pertemuan Pertama : (2 JP)
No Kegiatan Pembelajaran Nilai-nilai Alokasi
Karakter Waktu
1 Pendahuluan
 Menyiapkan peserta didik untuk mengikuti proses 10 Menit
pembelajaran seperti berdoa, absensi, menyiapkan
buku pelajaran;
 Memotivasi peserta didik secara kontekstual sesuai Religiositas
dengan manfaat pembelajaran yang akan dicapai. dan
 Mereview pembahasan pada kegiatan sebelumnya Integritas
 Menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau kompetensi
dasar yang akan dicapai; dan menyampaikan cakupan
materi dan penjelasan uraian kegiatan sesuai silabus.
 Menyampaikan cakupan penilaian yang akan
2 Kegiatan Inti
Mandiri, 70 Menit
 Guru memberikan motivasi atau rangsangan integritas
dan gotong
untuk memusatkan perhatian pada topik struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks khusus dalam
bentuk poem, lisan dan tulis, dengan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait kehidupan remaja,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
 Guru menjelaskan materi tentang poem, lisan dan
tulis, dengan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait kehidupan remaja, sesuai dengan konteks
 Guru mengecek kembali pemahaman peserta
didik tentang poem, lisan dan tulis, dengan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
kehidupan remaja, sesuai dengan konteks
 Guru membagikan LKPD kepada setiap peserta
 Guru membimbing peserta didik dalam
mengerjakan LKPD
 Guru menginstruksikan peserta didik untuk maju
kedepan mengemukakan hasil kerjanya.

3 Penutup Mandiri, 10 Menit

 Memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses integritas
pembelajaran: Well, class, you have done a very good dan
job today. Most of you are active. I hope next time, all religiositas
of you involve in the interaction. How do you feel
during the lesson? Is there anyone want to say
 Menyimpulkan apa yang dipelajari hari ini
 Menyampaikan rencana kegiatan pembelajaran untuk
pertemuan berikutnya.
 Doa penutup

Pertemuan Kedua : (2 JP)

No Kegiatan Pembelajaran Nilai-nilai Alokasi
Karakter Waktu
1 Pendahuluan
 Menyiapkan peserta didik untuk mengikuti proses 10 Menit
pembelajaran seperti berdoa, absensi, menyiapkan
buku pelajaran;
 Memotivasi peserta didik secara kontekstual sesuai Religiositas
dengan manfaat pembelajaran yang akan dicapai. dan
 Mereview pembahasan pada kegiatan sebelumnya Integritas
 Menjelaskan tujuan pembelajaran atau kompetensi
dasar yang akan dicapai; dan menyampaikan cakupan
materi dan penjelasan uraian kegiatan sesuai silabus.
 Menyampaikan cakupan penilaian yang akan
2 Kegiatan Inti
Mandiri, 70 Menit
 Guru memberikan motivasi atau rangsangan integritas
dan gotong
untuk memusatkan perhatian pada topik struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks khusus dalam
bentuk poem, lisan dan tulis, dengan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait kehidupan remaja,
sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
 Guru menjelaskan materi tentang poem, lisan dan
tulis, dengan memberi dan meminta informasi
terkait kehidupan remaja, sesuai dengan konteks
 Guru mengecek kembali pemahaman peserta
didik tentang poem, lisan dan tulis, dengan
memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
kehidupan remaja, sesuai dengan konteks
 Guru membagikan LKPD kepada setiap peserta
 Guru membimbing peserta didik dalam
mengerjakan LKPD
 Guru menginstruksikan peserta didik untuk maju
kedepan mengemukakan hasil kerjanya.

3 Penutup Mandiri, 10 Menit

 Memberikan umpan balik terhadap proses integritas
pembelajaran: Well, class, you have done a very good dan
job today. Most of you are active. I hope next time, all religiositas
of you involve in the interaction. How do you feel
during the lesson? Is there anyone want to say
 Menyimpulkan apa yang dipelajari hari ini
 Menyampaikan rencana kegiatan pembelajaran untuk
pertemuan berikutnya.
 Doa penutup

H. Teknik Dan Instrument Penilaian

Teknik Penilaian :
 Sikap : Onservasi ( Jurnal )
 Pengetahuan : Tes tertulis/lisan
 Keterampilan : Unjuk Kerja/Praktik, Produk
 Writing Rubric ( Produk)

Items for Description

Contextually correct, Almost error-free, Genuine effort to
write like a native speaker
Comprehensible, generally correct, Occasional error 4
Frequent errors that confuse reader and require guessing at
Content meaning, Obvious translation from English that is difficult to 3
Errors interfere with comprehensibility 2
Most clauses contain errors, Many phrases are
incomprehensible, Fails to communicate main ideas
No grammatical errors 5
Few syntax errors, Minor errors that do not impede
Frequent errors 3
Many errors (agreement, verb forms), Errors in basic
structures 2
Errors impede communication
Most structures incorrect, Constant use of infinitive; no
conjugation 1
Reader understands only because of past experience
Smooth flow, Very good transition, Appropriate punctuation 5
Good use of transition, flow, Each clause fits within context 4
Choppy, Visibly translated, Comprehensible 3
Coherency Much use of English Many restatements of same information
Uses language significantly below expected level
Inappropriate phrases, isolated words, Uses unrelated
Very good; wide range, Uses appropriate and new words and
Expressions, Interesting response
Good, appropriate vocabulary, Generally good response 4
Vocabulary Vocabulary is just adequate to respond, No attempt to vary
expressions, Basic
Inadequate vocabulary or incorrect use of lexical items,
Communication difficult
Incomplete sentences or fragments, Vocabulary repeated 1

Keterangan :
 Skor maksimal : 20
 Nilai : Skor Perolehan x 100
Skor Maksimal

Mangkutana, Juli 2019

Mengetahui Guru Mata Pelajaran
Kepala Sekolah

Salmon, S.Pd Lidya Sampe Toding, S.Pd

Lembar Kegiatan Peserta Didik (LKPD)

Materi :
Hari/Tgl :
Nama :

A. Kompetensi Dasar
3.1. Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional
lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait
tindakan/kegiatan/ kejadian yang sudah/telah dilakukan/terjadi dikaitkan dengan satu titik
waktu di waktu lampau, saat ini, dan waktu yang akan datang, sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan past perfect, present perfect, future perfect)
B. Indikator
3.3.1.Menyimpulkan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks lisan dan tulis
untuk memberi dan meminta informasi terkait tindakan / kegiatan / kejadian yang sudah /
telah dilakukan / terjadi dikaitkan dengan satu titik waktu di waktu lampau, saat iini, dan
waktu yang akan datang, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
3.3.2.Mengidentifikasi struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan pada teks lisan dan tulis
untuk memberi dan meminta informasi terkait tindakan / kegiatan / kejadian yang sudah /
telah dilakukan / terjadi dikaitkan dengan satu titik waktu di waktu lampau, saat iini, dan
waktu yang akan datang, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya
3.3.3. Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan pada tindakan memberi
dan meminta informasi terkait tindakan / kegiatan / kejadian yang sudah / telah
dilakukan / terjadi dikaitkan dengan satu titik waktu di waktu lampau, saat iini, dan waktu
yang akan datang, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya.
C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks
interaksi trainterpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan
meminta informasi terkait tindakan / kegiatan / kejadian yang sudah / telah dilakukan /
terjadi dikaitkan dengan satu titik waktu di waktu lampau, saat iini, dan waktu yang
akan datang, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya
2.    Menyusun teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi
dan meminta informasi terkait tindakan / kegiatan / kejadian yang sudah / telah
dilakukan / terjadi dikaitkan dengan satu titik waktu di waktu lampau, saat ini, dan
waktu yang akan datang, dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteksdengan mengembangkan sikap religius,
penuh tanggung jawab, bekerja keras, serta dapat mengembangkan kemampuan berpikir
kritis dan pro-aktif (kreatif), serta mampu berkomukasi dan bekerjasama dengan baik.

D. Materi Pembelajaran
1. Past Perfect Tense
Past perfect tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk menyatakan
bahwa suatu aksi telah selesai pada suatu titik di masa lalu sebelum aksi lainnya terjadi.

2. Pattern
 Positif (+)
Subject + had + verb III + (past participle) + object
• Negatif (-)
Subject + had + not + verb III + object
• Tanya (?)
Had + subject + verb III + object ?

3. Example

1. They had been here before 1945 (+)

– mereka telah berada disini sebelum tahun 1945
They had not been here before 1945 (-)
– mereka belum berada disini sebelum tahun 1945
Had they been here before 1945 ? (?)
– apakah mereka telah berada disini sebelum 1945 ?
2. She had gone to Amsterdam when I called her (+)
– dia telah pergi ke Amsterdam ketika aku meneleponnya
She had not gone to Amsterdam when I called her (-)
– dia belum pergi ke Amsterdam ketika aku meneleponnya
Had she gone to Amsterdam when you called her ?
– apakah dia telah pergi ke Amsterdam ketika kamu meneleponnya ?
4. Keterangan waktu (Adverb of time) yang umum digunakan dalam past Perfect tense:
after, before, already, as soon as, just, yet, until, till, by the time that.

Past Perfect tense juga digunakan untuk ungkapan seperti : “I wish”, “as if/though” and “if
• I wish I hadn’t gone there ( aku berharap aku tidak pernah pergi kesana )
• Jono looked as if he had done something terrible. ( Jono tampak seolah-olah ia telah melakukan
sesuatu yang mengerikan )

1. Present Perfect Tense 

Present perfect tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk
menyatakan suatu aksi atau situasi yang telah dimulai di masa lalu dan masih berlanjut sampai
sekarang atau telah selesai pada suatu titik waktu tertentu di masa lalu namun efeknya masih

2. Pattern
kalimat positif (+)

S + auxiliary verb (have/has) + past participle (verb-3) + o

kalimat negatif (-)

S + auxiliary verb (have/has) + not + past participle (verb-3) + o

kalimat interogatif (?)

auxiliary verb (have/has) + S + past participle (verb-3) + o

3. Keterangan waktu (Adverb of time) yang umum digunakan dalam Perfect perfect tense:
already  sudah selesai
just  baru saja
recently, lately  belum lama ini
never/ever  tidak pernah/pernah
yet  masih
once/times sekali/dua kali
three time tiga kali
so for sampai kini
no… yet belum
as yet hingga kini
for selama
finally akhirnya
this week/month/year minggu/bulan/tahun ini
for week/month/year selama seminggu/sebulan/setahun
at last akhirnya

4. Example

Present Perfect Tense Positive

1.  have bought a new car.

2. My sister has started a new job this week.
3. She has already submitted her paper.
4. We have been to Singapore.
5. Peter has gone to the bookstore.
6. There has been an accident near here.
7. My father has broken his leg.
8. My students have improved their English.
9. They have had a newborn baby.
10. My friends and I have worked hard this month.

Present Perfect Tense Negative

1. I haven’t bought a new laptop yet.
2. My sister has not started a new business.
3. Julia hasn’t finished her Science project.
4. We have not been to Australia.
5. He has not gone to the gymnastic class.
6. There hasn’t been any rain this month.
7. My father has never cut his hair himself.
8. My students haven’t been lazy this semester.
9. They haven’t got a baby girl yet.
10. My friends and I haven’t gone out together this month.

Present Perfect Tense Interrogative

1. Have you bought a new car?

2. Has your sister started a new business?
3. Has Julia finished her Science project?
4. Have they been to Singapore?
5. Who has gone to the bookstore?
6. Has there been an accident near here?
7. When has your father broken his leg?
8. How long have your students improved their English?
9. Have they got a baby girl already?
10. Why have your friends and you worked hard this month?

1.Future Perfect Tense

Future perfect tense adalah suatu bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk
mengungkapkan bahwa suatu aktivitas akan sudah selesai pada titik waktu di masa
2. Pattern
Subject + will + have + Verb + o
Subject + will + not + have + Verb 3 + o
Will + Subject + have + Verb 3 + o?
3. Keterangan waktu

By this time Pada saat ini

From now Dari sekarang
At Pada
Already Telah
By the time Pada saat
When Ketika
Before Sebelum
As soon as Sesegera

4. Example

(+) Kalimat positif ( S + will + have + V3/past participle)

 She will have left work at 4.45 pm. (Dia akan sudah meninggalkan pekerjaan pada jam

 They will have stayed at the Frangipani Villa until Sunday. (Mereka akan sudah tinggal
di Villa Frangipani sampai Minggu).

 I will have finished the homework by the time my mom gets home. (Aku akan sudah
menyelesaikan pekerjaan rumah pada saat ibuku tiba di rumah).

 He will have arrived in the office at 8.45 am. (Dia kan sudah sampai di kantor pada jam
8.45 am).

 You will have done the same work for 5 years. (Kamu akan sudah menyelesaikan
pekerjaan yang sama selama 5 tahun).

(-) Kalimat negatif (S + will + not + have + V3/past participle)

 They won’t (will not) have started the meeting until their boss comes to the
office. (Mereka tidak akan sudah memulai rapat sampai bos mereka datang ke kantor).

 He won’t (will not) have spent all the money before holiday ends. (Dia tidak akan sudah
menghabiskan semua uangnya sebelum liburan berakhir).

 She won’t (will not) have passed the test until she can answer all of the questions. (Dia
tidak akan sudah melewati ujian sampai dia dapat menjawab semua soal-soal).

 I won’t (will not) have booked the flight ticket by the time she asks me. (Saya tidak akan
sudah memesan tiket pesawat pada saat dia menyuruhku).

 We won’t (will not) have finished work at 2.30 pm. (Kami tidak akan sudah
menyelesaikan pekerjaan pada jam 2.30 pm).

(?) Kalimat Interogatif = Will + S + have + V3/past participle

 Will she have done the project by 10 o’clock tonight? (Apakah dia akan sudah

menyelesaikan projek pada jam 10 malam ini?)

 Will the children have gone to bed when we arrive home? (Apakah anak-anak akan sudah
tidur ketika kami tiba di rumah?)

 Will the shop have closed by 11 o’clock tonight? (Apakah toko akan sudah tutup pada
jam 11 malam ini?)

 Will they have reached Australia by today? Apakah mereka akan sudah tiba di Australia

pada hari ini?)

 Will he have sent the letter when we get home? Apakah dia akan sudah mengirimkan
surat ketika kita tiba di rumah?

Part 1 – Past Perfect Tense

PAST or PAST PERFECT (Simple and progressive) – Complete the following sentences
with the correct form of the verb!
1. When I _______ (WALK) through Bologna I _______ (THINK) about the wonderful times I
_______ (SPEND) there as a student.
2. They _______ (ALREADY LEAVE) the village before the sun _______ (RISE).
3. As soon as she _______ (FINISH) cleaning the floors she _______ (START) gardening.
4. After I _______ (POST) the letter I _______ (REALISE) I _______ (WRITE) the wrong
5. We _______ (DRIVE) for two hours when we saw the hotel.
6. It was the first time that he _______ (INVITE) me for lunch.
7. John _______ (ASK) me if I _______ (BE) away on holiday.
8. When I _______ (GET) home last night my family _______ (ALREADY GO) to bed.
9. We _______ (BE) worried about John because we _______ (CALL) several times but he
never answered.
10. When I _______ (ARRIVE) home I _______ (SEE) that someone _______ (BREAK) into
my house.
11. She _______ (MEET) James on the street yesterday and he _______ (TELL) her that he
_______ (BE) ill for the past two weeks.
12. I _______ (LOOK) out of the window last night because I _______ (HEAR) some noises.
13. I _______ (INVITE) Susan to the party but she couldn’t come because she _______ 
(ALREADY MAKE) other plans.
14. They _______ (WATCH) TV when the earthquake occurred.
15. When room service arrived, we _______ (ALREADY WAIT) for nearly half an hour.

1. When  I WAS WALKING  through Bologna I  THOUGHT/ WAS THINKING  about the
wonderful times I  HAD SPENT  there as a student.
2. They  HAD ALREADY LEFT  the village before the sun  ROSE.
3. As soon as she  HAD FINISHED  cleaning the floors she  STARTED  gardening.
4. After I  HAD POSTED  the letter I  REALISED  I  HAD WRITTEN  the wrong address.
5. We  HAD BEEN DRIVING  for two hours when we saw the hotel.
6. It was the first time that he  HAD INVITED  me for lunch.
7. John  ASKED  me if I  HAD BEEN  away on holiday.
8. When I  GOT  home last night my family  HAD ALREADY GONE  to bed.
9. We  WERE  worried about John because we  HAD CALLED  several times but he never
10. When I  ARRIVED  home I  SAW  that someone  HAD BROKEN  into my house.
11. She  MET  James on the street yesterday and he  TOLD    her that he  HAD BEEN  ill for the
two weeks.
12. I  LOOKED  out of the window last night because I  HAD HEARD  some noises.
13. I  INVITED    Susan to the party but she couldn’t come because she   HAD ALREADY
MADE  other plans.
14. They  WERE WATCHING  TV when the earthquake occurred.
15. When room service arrived, we  HAD ALREADY BEEN WAITING  for nearly half an hour.
Part 2 – Past Perfect Tense
PAST or PAST PERFECT Tense: Fill in the correct verb forms!
1. They _______ (GO) home after they _______ (FINISH) their homework.
2. She just _______ (JUST GO) out when I called at her house.
3. The sun had set before I _______ (BE) ready to go.
4. When she came into the room she saw that her husband _______ (ALREADY DRINK) a lot
of alcohol.
5. He _______ (LEARN) English before he left for England.
6. When my husband came home I _______ (ALREADY BE) in bed for two hours.
7. My friend _______ (NOT SEE) me for many years when I met him last week.
8. After I _______ (HEAR) the news, I _______ (HURRY) to see him.
9. He thanked me for what I _______ (DO).
10. They drank small cups of tea after they _______ (FINISH) dinner.
11. He told me _______ (CATCH) a young lion and _______ (SHOOT) two
12. When I _______ (GET) there everyone _______ (ALREADY GO).
13. When I saw him last he _______ (BE) married for 6 years.
14. We heard that a fire _______ (BREAK OUT) in the neighboring house.
15. After he _______ (READ) the letter he _______ (BURN) it.
16. He wanted to go to London because he _______ (NEVER BE) there before.
17. When Queen Victoria _______ (DIE) in 1901 she _______ (REIGN) for over
60 years.
18. She told me that she _______ (NEVER GO) to Canada.
19. The results were better than I _______ (EXPECT)
20. Mr. Smith retired last year after he _______ (BE) with his company for over 30 years.
1. They WENT  home after they HAD FINISHED their homework.
2. She HAD JUST GONE  out when I called at her house.
3. The sun had set before I WAS ready to go.
4. When she came into the room she saw that her husband HAD ALREADY DRUNK a lot of
5. He  HAD LEARNED/ HAD BEEN LEARNING English before he left for England.
6. When my husband came home I HAD ALREADY BEEN in bed for two hours.
7. My friend  HAD NOT SEEN me for many years when I met him last week.
8. After I  HAD HEARD the news, I HURRIED to see him.
9. He thanked me for what I HAD DONE.
10. They drank small cups of tea after they HAD FINISHED dinner.
11. He told me he  HAD CAUGHT a young lion and HAD SHOT two others.
12. When I GOT  there everyone  HAD ALREADY GONE.
13. When I saw him last he HAD BEEN married for 6 years.
14. We heard that a fire HAD BROKEN OUT in the neighboring house.
15. After he HAD READ the letter he BURNED it.
16. He wanted to go to London because he HAD NEVER BEEN there before.
17. When Queen Victoria DIED in 1901 she HAD REIGNED/ HAD BEEN REIGNING for over
60 years.
18. She told me that she HAD NEVER GONE to Canada.
19. The results were better than I HAD EXPECTED.
20. Mr. Smith retired last year after he  HAD BEEN with his company for over 30 years.
Part 3 – Past Perfect Tense
Past or Past Perfect Tense – Simple: Fill in the correct form.

1. Mary _______ (give) me Tony’s address before she left.

2. When the boys arrived at the cinema, the film _______ (already, start).

3. Before we reached the station we saw that we _______ (lose) our way.

4. All the tickets _______ (be) sold before the concert began.

5. They took a shower after they _______ (finish) the game.

6. I asked Mr. Green how many books he _______ (read)

7. Mum asked me why I ___________________ (not tidy) up my room.

8. Bob was sorry that he _______ (told) me the story.

9. Alan watched TV after he _______ (have) lunch.

10. The sun _______ (shine) yesterday after it _______ (be) cold for many weeks.

11. Uncle David _______ (go) to the doctor after he _______ (be) ill for a month.

12. Before the police _______ (catch) the thief, he _______ (steal) two more watches.

13. Mum once _______ (paint) a picture although she _______ (never, learn) it.

14. I _______ (not tell) my teacher that my mum _______ (help) me with
my homework.

15. I _______ (be) very angry when I _______ (see) that my brother _______ (eat) my apple.

16. The bike _______ (be) much more expensive than he _______ (think) at first.

17. Dad _______ (drive) me home after I _______ (fall) into the water.

18. Marion _______ (ask) me what _______ (happen) to me last week.

19. We _______ (eat) two Big Macs before we _______ (go) home.

20. Paul _______ (not say) that he _______ (take) Albert’s watch.

21. The days _______ (become) colder after it _______ (snow).

22. Martin _______ (tell) me that he _______ (be) in London.

23. I _______ (feel) great after I _______ (pass) the exam.

24. It _______ (be) Freddy who _______ (clean) the room.

25. When I _______ (get) off the bike I _______ (see) that one of those tires _______ (lose) air.

26. I _______ (be) sorry that I _______ (not be) nicer to him.

27. Nobody _______ (come) to the meeting because Angela _______ (forget) to tell them about

28. I know that I _______ (see) her somewhere before.

29. Because she _______ (not check) the oil for so long, the car _______ (break) down.

30. She couldn’t find the book that I _______ (lend) her.
31. They never _______ (never find) where he _______ (hide) the money.

32. It was a firm that I _______ (never hear) of.

33. When she _______ (come ) in we all knew where she _______ (be)

34. The lesson _______ (already start) when I ___________________ (arrive).

35. When I _______ (get) to the park I found out that I _______ (lose) my car.
Fill in the correct form of the Present Perfect tense!

1. The earth _______ here for billions of years. (be)

2. We _______ cards for the last few hours. (play)

3. We _______ problems with our new car recently. (have)

4. _______ on anything interesting lately? (you work)

5. Cuba _______ a socialist country since 1959. (be)

6. I _______ care of my neighbor’s cats while they are away. (take)

7. I _______ my car for three years. (have)

8. _______ an important fight? (the boxer, ever, win)

9. John and Mary _______ with each other since the day they got married. (quarrel)

10. It _______ hard since last night. (rain)

11. I’m tired because I _______ well lately. (not feel)

12. _______ your problems? (your parents, always, understand)

13. The patient _______ penicillin for several days now. (take)

14. A big earthquake _______ San Francisco since 1906. (not hit)

15. They _______ in San Francisco since they arrived in the USA 20 years ago. (live)

16. He got ill five weeks ago and _______ yet. (not recover)

17. Everyone in the Middle East _______ about the situation for decades. (worry)

18. We _______ very cold weather this year. (have)

19. Where _______ the money? (you, hide)

20. At last, my favorite team _______ against its most important rival. (win)

21. I _______ for 6 years. (marry)

22. Dad _______ a number of jobs in the last few years. (have)

23. The bank is still closed. It _______ yet. (not open)

24. Our daughter _______ lipstick since she was 16. (wear)

25. She is angry because of her boyfriend _______ up yet and she _______ for half an hour. (not
show, wait)

26. I’m still waiting for an answer. They _______ up their minds yet. (not make)

27. How many times _______ the cat today? (Kim feed)

28. The kids _______ on my nerves. They _______ too much noise. (get, make)

29. My company _______ a lot of money in the last few years. They _______ hard on an
important project. (make, work)

30. They _______ our new refrigerator yet, but they will any day now. (not deliver)
Fill in the correct form of the Present Perfect tense!
1. The earth has been here for billions of years.
2. We have been playing cards for the last few hours.
3. We have been having/ have had problems with our new car recently.
4.  Have you been workingon anything interesting lately?
5. Cuba  has been a socialist country since 1959.
6. I  have been takingcare of my neighbor’s cats while they are away.
7. I  have hadmy car for three years.
8.  Has the boxer ever won  an important fight?
9. John and Mary have been quarreling with each other since the day they got married.
10. It has been raining hard since last night.
11. I’m tired because I haven’t been feeling well lately.
12.  Have your parents always understood your problems?
13. The patient has been taking penicillin for several days now.
14. A big earthquake has not hit San Francisco since 1906.
15. They have been living in San Francisco since they arrived in the USA 20 years ago.
16. He got ill five weeks ago and has not recovered yet.
17. Everyone in the Middle East  has been worrying about the situation for decades.
18. We have had/ have been having very cold weather this year.
19. Where have you hidden  the money?
20. At last, my favorite team has won against its most important rival.
21. I  have been married  for 6 years.
22. Dad has had a number of jobs in the last few years.
23. The bank is still closed. It hasn’t opened yet.
24. Our daughter has been wearinglipstick since she was 16.
25. She is angry because her boyfriend has not shown up yet and she has been waiting for half
an hour.
26. I’m still waiting for an answer. They haven’t made  up their minds yet.
27. How many times  has Kim fed  the cat today?
28. The kids have been getting on my nerves. They have been making too much noise.
29. My company has been makinga lot of money in the last few years. They have been
working hard on an important project.
30. They haven’t delivered  our new refrigerator yet, but they will any day now.

Susunlah kata-kata menjadi kalimat yang sesuai.

1. has – it – for – rained – days – three .

2. five – has – Gunawan – worked – for – years – here .
3. gone – police – they – have – to – the – office .
4. we – learned – have – since – 2005 – English .
5. novel – yet – finished – I – reading – this – haven’t .
6. you – George’s – ever – wife – met – have ?
7. He – driven – has – before – car – never – a .
8. already – has – morning – called – this – you – Juna ?
9. Melinda – times – year – been – has – Australia – two – to – this .
10. She – coffee – three – of – drunk – today – cups – has .


Isilah titik-titik dengan kata-kata Have / Has.

11. We … never had a car./li>

12. I … not seen John this morning.
13. … she already submitted the task?
14. They … had their breakfast.
15. Lina … lot her key.
16. My parents … told me the story.
17. … they been to Moscow?
18. … Daniel started a new job?
19. Your mother … cooked your favorite food.
20. He … not finished the homework.


Isilah titik-titik dengan kata kerja Verb 3. Ubah kata kerja Verb 1 dalam kurung menjadi Verb 3.

21. She has … some novels. (write)

22. We have never … it. (hear)
23. I have … my dinner. (have)
24. Has your sister … the flowers? (receive)
25. Have we … before? (meet)
26. She has … to the market. (go)
27. They haven’t … the door. (lock)
28. My uncle hasn’t … back yet. (come)
29. Have you put it there? (put)
30. He hasn’t found a job yet. (find)
Apabila masih bingung mencari jalan keluar atau mau ngetes sejauh mana pemahamanmu, pakai
kunci sakti ini setelah mengerjakan contoh soal di atas. Yuk dicek!

1. It has rained for three days.

2. Gunawan has worked here for five years.
3. They have gone to the police office
4. We have learned English since 2005.
5. I haven’t finished reading this novel yet.
6. Have you ever met George’s wife?
7. He has never driven a car before.
8. Has Juna already called you this morning?
9. Melinda has been to Australia two times this year.
10. She has drunk three cups of coffee today.
11. We have never had a car.
12. I  haven’t seen John this morning.
13. Has she already submitted the task?
14. They have had their breakfast.
15. Lina  has lot her key.
16. My parents have  told me the story.
17. Have they been to Moscow?
18. Has Daniel started a new job?
19. Your mother has cooked your favorite food.
20. He  hasn’t finished the homework.
21. She has  written some novels.
22. We have never  heard it.
23. I have had my dinner.
24. Has your sister received  the flowers?
25. Have we met before?
26. She has  gone  to the market.
27. They haven’t locked the door.
28. My uncle hasn’t come back yet.
29. Have you put it there?
30. He hasn’t  found  a job yet.
I. Suppose you and your friends are planning for the activities you are going to do in France on
your long holiday. Change the verb in brackets into Future Perfect Tense.

The places in Paris are very pretty. I will have taken (take) many pictures there.

1. The Eiffel Tower is so beautiful at night. We ………………….. (visit) by the day we arrive
2. France has a special famous food. We …………………….. (taste) baguette by the next day.
3. French is a unique language. We ………………………. (learn) it before we arrive in France.
4. It will be winter when we come in France. People there ………………………. (put) on their
jacket by the beginning of winter.
5. This is the first time we are going to visit France. We …………………………. (buy) some
souvenirs for our families before we go back home.

II. Make sentence using the words in brackets.

The train is moving now. (they/ arrive/ in the village in two hours)
They will have arrived in the village in two hours.

6.The students are going out from school. (Rina and Vida/ come/ home by the end of afternoon)


7. Panji has planned for his holiday. (He/ go/ to Bali by the end of this month)


8. Intan is finishing her script. (She/ graduate/ from the university by the end of next month)


9. Westlife is creating a new song. (Westlife/ release/ their new song next month)

10.Frieda is on her way home. (She/ see/ the surprise for her this evening)

Kunci Jawaban:

1. Will have visited
2. Will have tasted
3. Will have learned/ will have learnt
4. Will have put
5. Will have bought
6. Rina and Vida will have come home by the end of afternoon.
7. He will have gone to Bali by the end of this month.
8. She will have graduated from the university by the end of next month.
9. Westlife will have released their new song next month.
10. She will have seen the surprise for her this evening.

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