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Dosen Koordinator:
Ns. Reny Sulistyowati, M.Kep


TAHUN 2022

Dalam rangka mencapai capaian pembelajaran bagi mahasiswa Prodi Diploma-IV

Keperawatan Poltekkes Kemenkes Palangka Raya pada mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris, maka
perlu dibuat modul praktikum yang bertujuan membantu mahasiswa sebagai persiapan untuk
mengikuti perkuliahan dan melakukan praktik komunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris. Modul
praktikum ini merupakan buku yang harus dimiliki mahasiswa yang mengikuti mata kuliah
Bahasa Inggris. Proses perkuliahan yang diikuti mahasiswa dengan menggunakan modul
praktikum ini diharapkan dapat memfasilitasi mahasiswa dalam berkomunikasi dengan
menggunakan Bahasa Inggris dalam melaksanakan asuhan keperawatan pada pasien yang
menggunakan Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa sehari-hari serta membantu mahasiswa dalam
menggunakan referensi dalam Bahasa Inggris untuk mendukung proses perkuliahan,
mengingat Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu Bahasa internasional didunia.
Penulis menggunakan beberapa referensi yang mendukung dalam penyusunan modul
ini. Penyusunan modul ini masih jauh dari kata sempurna sehingga saran untuk perbaikan
sangat diharapkan dan Penulis berharap modul ini dapat memberikan manfaat dalam proses
pengajaran bagi mahasiswa.

Palangka Raya,


Kata Pengantar………………………………………………………………………… ii
Daftar Isi ………………………………………………………………………………. iii

Bab I Pendahuluan
A. Deskripsi …………………………………………………………………………... 1
B. Tujuan Pembelajaran ……………………………………………………………. 1

Bab II Capaian Pembelajaran Dan Target Pencapaian

A. Capaian Pembelajaran Dan Bahan Kajian ……………………………………2
B. Target Pencapaian ………………………………………………………………..2
C. Kegiatan …………………………………………………………………………… 3
D. Peserta ……………………………………………………………………………...3
E. Teknik Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Praktikum ………………………………3
F. Sanksi ……………………………………………………………………………….4
G. Evaluasi……………………………………………………………………………..4

Modul 1: Introducing Your Self …………………………………………………….5

Modul 2: Telling the time …………………………………………………………..11
Modul 3: Grammar and Tenses ..…………………………………………………15
Modul 4: Passive Voice & Conditional Sentences ……………………………20
Modul 5: General Assessment, Dimension of Symptoms, Checking
Vital Sign …………………………………………………………………34
Modul 6: Discharge Instruction & Medical Supplies
and Tools ………………………………………………………………...42
Modul 7: Human Body ………….…………………………………………………48
Modul 8: The Blood………………………………………………………………...54
Modul 9: Nursing Care …………….………………………………………………60
Modul 10: The Body Parts ………..………………………………………………70
Modul 11: First Day At School …………………………………………………...72


Mata kuliah ini memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk meningkatkan
kemampuan berbahasa Inggris dalam melaksanakan asuhan keperawatan.
Mahasiswa diberi kesempatan mempelajari teknik percakapan singkat,
berkomunikasi dan membaca sumber bacaan. Proses pembelajaran meliputi
kegiatan belajar yang dilakukan melalui kuliah, diskusi dan penugasan.

1. Tujuan Umum Pembelajaran
Setelah belajar mata kuliah ini mahasiswa dapat berkomunikasi menggunakan
Bahasa Inggris dengan baik dengan memperhatikan kaidah-kaidah yang benar.

2. Tujuan Khusus Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pendidikan mahasiswa diharapkan mampu :
a. Memahami tata bahasa Inggris
b. Memahami dan mengenal kosakata dalam bahasa Inggris
c. Memahami percakapan dalam bahasa Inggris
d. Memahami tentang teknik berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris
e. Membaca sumber bacaan bahasa Inggris
f. Melakukan percakapan singkat
g. Menterjemahkan bacaan dari Bahasa Inggris ke Bahasa Indonesia.



No Capaian Pembelajaran Bahan Kajian

1. Mampu memberikan pendidikan kesehatan dan 1. Pendidikan kesehatan
melatih kemampuan praktis kepada klien (individu, 2. Komunikasi individu,
keluarga, kelompok dan masyarakat) agar mandiri kelompok, masyarakat &
dalam menjaga kesehatannya melalui organisasi
upayapromotif, preventif, kuratif dan rehabilitative 3. Hubungan antar manusia
dalam rentang sehat – sakit dengan memanfaatkan 4. Tingkatan Sosial Masyarakat
multimedia, dan bekerja sama secara lintas (budaya masyarakat, ekonomi)
program dan lintas sektor untuk menyelesaikan 5. Upaya-upaya kesehatan
masalah klien. (promotif, preventif, kuratif dan
2. Mampu mengaplikasikan bidang pengelolaan 1. Konsultasi
layanan keperawatan dan asuhan keperawatan 2. Bekerja sama dalam tim
berdasarkan fungsi-fungsi manajemen meliputi (teamwork)
Perencanaan, pengorganisasian, penggerakan, 3. Continuiting pelayanan
pengontrolan dan evaluasi, serta menerapkan (menerima – pulang)
komunikasi manajerial secara efektif dalam 4. Berkomunikasi dengan
pengelolaan keperawatan dan mampu Bahasa Inggris sebagai
memanfaatkan sistem informasi, teknologi bahasa internasional
pengolahan data dan seni memimpin yang efektif 5. Sistem informasi.
untuk menyelesaikan masalah manejerial pada
tatanan praktik di rumah sakit atau masyarakat,
serta dapat beradaptasi terhadap proses
perubahan dan mengambil keputusan yang tepat.

3. Mampu mengaplikasikan hasil-hasil penelitian dan 1. Pengolahan data

memanfaatkan teknologi pengolah data serta alat- 2. Analisa data
alat pelayanan berbasis teknologiuntuk melakukan 3. Statistik non parametrik
penelitian terapan di bidang keperawatan sesuai 4. Statistik parametrik
dengan keahliannya pada tingkatan individu, 5. Menulis
keluarga, kelompok dan masyarakat, dengan 6. Membaca untuk menulis
menggunakan metode penelitian yang sesuai untuk 7. Berbicara untuk keperluan
meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan keperawatan akademik

1. Melaksanakan percakapan Demonstrasi 3x
sehari-hari dengan Bahasa Redemonstrasi 3x
Inggris Kegiatan mandiri 1x
2. Menghafal vocabulary Demonstrasi 3x
Redemonstrasi 3x

Kegiatan mandiri 1x
3. Membaca (reading) dan Demonstrasi 3x
mengeja (spelling) dengan Redemonstrasi 3x
tepat Kegiatan mandiri 1x
4. Menulis (writing) dengan Demonstrasi 3x
tepat hasil dari Redemonstrasi 3x
mendengarkan (listening) Kegiatan mandiri 1x
dari topik-topik yang
5. Memahami struktur dan Demonstrasi 3x
tata bahasa (grammar) Redemonstrasi 3x
Kegiatan mandiri 1x

Untuk mencapai ketrampilan diatas mahasiswa diberikan fasilitas untuk menggunakan
laboratorium bahasa didampingi dosen.

Peserta pembelajaran praktikum adalah mahasiswa Tingkat III semester VI, yang dibagi
dalam 8 kelompok


Setiap mahasiswa wajib mengikuti seluruh pembelajaran praktikum Bahasa Inggris,
dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :
1. Setiap mahasiswa menyiapkan diri untuk mengikuti kegiatan praktikum dengan hadir
secara daring maupun secara luring 15 menit sebelum jadwal.
2. Setiap mahasiswa wajib mempelajari modul praktikum Bahasa Inggris sebelum
melakukan praktikum laboratorium .
3. Wajib mentaati tata tertib yang berlaku di Poltekkes Kemenkes Palangka Raya
(kedisiplinan, ketertiban, kerapian, serta membawa modul).
4. Wajib mengisi presensi dan jurnal praktikum laboratorium setiap kegiatan, merapikan
dan mengembalikan dokumen pembelajaran ke bagian akademik.
5. Apabila mahasiswa berhalangan hadir wajib memberitahukan dan harus mengganti
sesuai dengan ketentuan yang berlaku.
6. Membuat laporan kegiatan dari hasil kegiatan praktikum secara individu.
7. Selama pelaksanaan praktikum akan dilakukan evaluasi untuk melihat capaian
pembelajaran mahasiswa.

Apabila terjadi pelanggaran terhadap tata tertib yang berlaku akan diberikan sanksi oleh
institusi merujuk pada buku panduan akademik yang berlaku.

Untuk menilai keberhasilan capaian pembelajaran kegiatan praktikum dilakukan evaluasi,
yang meliputi :
1. Kognitif/pengetahuan yaitu responsi dan partisipasi dalam diskusi.
2. Sikap, yaitu sikap mahasiswa saat melaksanakan praktikum, meliputi kesopanan,
komunikasi, ketelitian, kesabaran, kejujuran dan respon terhadap dosen, pegawai
dan mahasiswa yang lain.
3. Psikomotor: mampu melakukan keterampilan dengan tepat dan benar.



Telling the time


1) Nursalam. 2009. Buku Ajar English in Nursing – Midwifery Sciences and Technology.


1. Passive voice
2. Conditional sentences

1. Passive Voice

Passive Form

In passive sentences, the thing receiving the action is the subject of the sentence and the
thing doing the action is optionally included near the end of the sentence. You can use the
passive form if you think that the thing receiving the action is more important or should be
emphasized. You can also use the passive form if you do not know who is doing the action or
if you do not want to mention who is doing the action.

[Thing receiving action] + [be] + [past participle of verb] + [by] + [thing doing action]


Active / Passive Overview

Tense Active Passive

Simple Once a week, Tom cleans the Once a week, the house is
Present house. cleaned by Tom.

Present Right now, Sarah is writing the Right now, the letter is being
Continuous letter. written by Sarah.

Simple Past Sam repaired the car. The car was repaired by Sam.

The salesman was helping the The customer was being helped by
customer when the thief came into the salesman when the thief came
the store. into the store.

Present Many tourists have visited that That castle has been visited by
Perfect castle. many tourists.

Present Recently, John has been Recently, the work has been being
Perfect doing the work. done by John.

George had repaired many cars Many cars had been repaired by
Past Perfect before he received his mechanic's George before he received his
license. mechanic's license.

Chef Jones had been The restaurant's fantastic

Past Perfect preparing the restaurant's dinners had been being
Continuous fantastic dinners for two years prepared by Chef Jones for two
before he moved to Paris. years before he moved to Paris.

Simple Future Someone will finish the work by The work will be finished by 5:00
will 5:00 PM. PM.

Simple Future Sally is going to make a beautiful A beautiful dinner is going to be

be going to dinner tonight. made by Sally tonight.

Future At 8:00 PM tonight, John will be At 8:00 PM tonight, the dishes will
Continuous washing the dishes. be being washed by John.

Future At 8:00 PM tonight, John is going At 8:00 PM tonight, the dishes are
Continuous to be washing the dishes. going to be being washedby John.
be going to

Future Perfect They will have completed the The project will have been
will project before the deadline. completed before the deadline.

They are going to have The project is going to have been

Future Perfect
completed the project before the completed before the deadline.
be going to

Future Perfect The famous artist will have been The mural will have been being
Continuous painting the mural for over six painted by the famous artist for over
will months by the time it is finished. six months by the time it is finished.

The famous artist is going to The mural is going to have been

Future Perfect
have been painting the mural for being painted by the famous artist
over six months by the time it is for over six months by the time it is
be going to
finished. finished.

Used to Jerry used to pay the bills. The bills used to be paid by Jerry.

My mother would always The pies would always be made by

Would Always
make the pies. my mother.

Future in the I knew John would finish the I knew the work would be
Past work by 5:00 PM. finished by 5:00 PM.

Future in the I thought Sally was going to I thought a beautiful dinner was
Past make a beautiful dinner tonight. going to be made by Sally tonight.
Was Going to

Contoh Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris Simpe Past Tense
Kalimat aktif:

We watched the Jurasic Park Movie on the cinema yesterday.

Kami menonton film Jurasic Park di bioskop kemarin.

Andri picked up Santi in her house at 19 o’clock last night.

Andi menjemput Santi di rumahnya jam 7 kemarin malam.

The governor built that monument year ago.

Gubernur membuat patung itu setahun yang lalau.

He studied Mathematic yesterday.

Dia belajar matematika kemarin.

Kalimat pasif:

The Jurasic Park Movie was watched by us yesterday.

Film Jurasic Park ditonton oleh kami di bioskop kemarin.

Santi was picked up by Andri in her house at 19 o’clock last night.
Santi dijemput oleh Andri di rumahnya jam 7 kemarin malam.

That monument was built by governor year ago.

Monument itu dibangun oleh gubernur setahun yang lalu.

The mathematic is studied by him yesterday.

Matematika dipelajari oleh dia kemarin.

Contoh Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris Past Perfect Tense
Kalimat aktif:
I had informed him the news before he went.
Aku telah menginformasikan dia berita itu sebelum dia pergi.

They had won the race after had hard work.

Mereka sudah memenangkan perlombaan setelah bekerja keras.

I had worried about my brother after he had gone.

aku telah khawatir dengan saudaraku setelah dia pergi.

I had written the letter to my village before I had come.

Aku telah menulis surat ke kampungku sebelum aku sudah datang.

Kalimat pasif:
He had been informed the news by me before he went.
Dia sudah diinformasikan tentang berita itu oleh saya sebelum ia pergi.

The race had been won by us after had hard work.

Perlombaan suadh dimenangkan oleh kita setelah bekerja keras.

My brother had been worried by me after he had gone.

Saudaraku telah dikhwatirkan oleh aku setelah dia pergi.

The letter had been written by me to my village before I had come.

Surat itu telah ditulis oleh aku untuk kampungku sebelum aku sudah datang.

Contoh Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif dalam Bahasa Inggris Past Continuous Tense
Kalimat aktif:

Dodo was asking me the question yesterday.

Dodo sedang bertanya kepadaku kemarin.

I was pulling the table yesterday at nine.

Aku sedang mendorong mejanya kemarin jam 9.

My father was driving me to my school yesterday in the morning.
Ayahku sedang mengantarkan aku kesekolah kemarin di pagi hari.

They were playing the ball together at noon yesterday.

Mereka sedang bermain bola bersama di siang hari kemarin.

I was fixing her computer when she came.

Aku sedang memperbaiki komputernya saat dia datang.

Denny was punching John right in his face when the teacher came.
Denny sedang meninju John tepat diwajahnya saat guru datang.

Kalimat pasif:

I was being asked the question by Dodo.

Aku sedang ditanya sebuah pertanyaan oleh Dodo.

The table was being pulled by me yesterday at nine.

Meja sedang ditarik olehku kemarin jam Sembilan.

I was being driven by my father to my school yesterday in the morning.

Aku diantar oleh ayahku ke sekolah kemarin di pagi hari.

The ball was being played by them together at noon yesterday.

Bola itu dimainkan oleh mereka bersama-sama di siang hari kemarin.

Her computer was being fixed by me when she came.

Komputernya sedang diperbaiki oleh ku saat dia datang.

John was being punched by Denny right in his face when the teacher came.
John sedang ditinju tepat diwajahnya saat guru datang.

Contoh Kalimat Aktif dan Pasif dalam Past Perfect Continuous Tense
Kalimat aktif:

I had been being watching the show for 2 hours.

Aku telah melihat pertunjukan itu selama 2 jam.

We had been waiting for him for 4 hours when he came.

Kami telah menunggunya selama 4 jam ketika dia datang.

We had been studying English for 2 hours when the bell rang.
Kami telah belajar bahasa inggris selama 2 jam ketika bel berbunyi

Jane had been lifting the suitcase for 20 minutes before I took.
Jane sudah mengangkat koper selama 2 menit sebelum aku mengambilnya.

By the time the teacher came, they had been reading the book.
Saat guru datang, mereka telah membaca buku.

They had been building the statue completely for 3 years before it ruined.
Mereka telah selesai membangun patung itu seluruhnya selama 3 tahun sebelum runtuh.

Kalimat pasif:

The show had been being watched by me for 2 hours.

Pertunjukan itu telah aku tonton selama 2 jam.

He had been being waited for by us for 4 hours when he came.

Dia telah ditunggui oleh kami selama 4 jam ketika dia datang.

English language had been being studied by us for 2 hours when the bell rang.
Bahasa inggris telah dipelajari oleh kami selama 2 jam ketika bell berbunyi.

The suitcase had been being lifted by Jane for 20 minutes before I took.
Koper itu sudah diangkat oleh Jane selama 20 menit sebelum aku ambil.

By the time the teacher came, the book had been being read by them.
Saat guru datang, buku itu telah dibaca oleh mereka.
The statue had been being built completely for 3 years before it ruined.
Patung itu telah selesai dibangun seluruhnya selama 3 tahun sebelum runtuh.

o Active: She brings the book. (Dia membawa buku.)
o Passive: The book is brought by her. (Buku itu dibawa olehnya.)
o Active: Daniel is cleaning the floor. (Daniel sedang membersihkan lantai.)
o Passive: The floor is being cleaned by Daniel. (Lantai tersebut sedang dibersihkan oleh Daniel.)
o Active: The students have given the English books back. (Para siswa sudah mengembalikan buku-buku
bahasa Inggris.)
o Passive: The English books have been given back by the students. (Buku-buku bahasa Inggris telah
dikembalikan oleh para siswa.)


o Active: They printed the letter last night. (Mereka mengeprint surat kemarin malam.)
o Passive: The letter was printed by them last night. (Surat tersebut diprint oleh mereka kemarin malam.)
o Active: Franda was cooking the noodle. (Franda sedang memasak mi.)
o Passive: The noodle was being cooked by Franda. (Mi sedang dimasak oleh Franda.)
o Active: The man had watched The Dark Knight Rises. (Pria itu telah menonton The Dark Knight Rises.)

o Passive: The Dark Knight Rises had been watched by the man. (The Dark Knight Rises telah ditonton
oleh pria itu).

o Active: Diana will finish all the homework tonight. (Diana akan menyelesaikan PR mala mini.)
o Passive: Tonight, all the homework will be finished by Diana. (Malam ini, semua PR akan diselesaikan
oleh Diana.)
o Active: Sandra will be revising her thesis at 7.00 PM. (Sandra akan sedang memperbaiki Skripsinya
pada pukul 7.00 malam).
o Passive: At 7.00 PM, the thesis will be being revised by Sandra. (Pada pukul 7.00 malam, skripsi tersebut
akan sedang diperbaiki oleh Sandra.)
o Active: My father will have completed the work tomorrow morning. (Ayah saya akan sudah
menyelesaikan pekerjaan tersebut esok pagi.)
o Passive: The work will have been completed by my father tomorrow morning. (Pekerjaan tersebut akan
sudah diselesaikan oleh ayah saya besok pagi.)

EXERCISE A – Choose the best answer

1. The grapes are grown in California (active or pasive)
2. The hamster can be kept in a cage (active or pasive)
3. The party has already started (active or pasive)
4. The car is standing at the garage (active or pasive)
5. The ship has been given up. (active or pasive)
6. The police didn't find the robber last week (active or pasive)
7. The first fast food restaurants were opened in the USA in 1916 (active or pasive)
8. The train is going to arrive late (active or pasive)
9. The search will be stopped because of the storm (active or pasive)
10. The friends have been looking forward to meeting her (active or pasive)



Dalam bahasa inggris ada 3 jenis/ tipe kalimat pengandaian/bersyarat yaitu;


1 IF S + V1 S + WILL + V1 There is possibility
(is, am, are) There will possibility be......
IF S + V2 S + Would + V1 Berlawanan dengan
2 (Were) Be pernyataan dan present
3 IF S + HAD + V3 S + Would have + V3 Berlawanaan dengan
Been Been pernyataan dan past tense.

Will bisa diganti dengan shall, can, may, must.
• Would bisa diganti dengan should, could might, must.
• Unless = if not ~ jika tidak/ seandainya tidak
• Otherwise = jika tidak
• Provided that = asalkan

• On condition that

Penjelasan tipe-tipe conditional sentence

1. Future Conditional sentence menyatakan bahwa sesuatu yang disebutkan pada IF-
Clausa mungkin akan terjadi atau nampak akan terjadi dalam waktu present atau future.
pada tipe ini, main clause menggunakan will, can, must, may, to be going, have to
ditambah bentuk pertama kata kerja (Infinitive form)
Verb pada Conditional Clause adalah dalam bentuk present tense.
For example ;
* I will come to the party if He invites me
(S + will + V1; If S+ V1)
* The teacher must be angry if you don't do the homework
(S + must + V1 be; If S + V1)

2. Present conditional sentence menyatakan bahwa sesuatu yang disebutkan pada If

clause adalah berlawanan dengan kenyataan diwaktu sekarang. pada tipe ke-2 main
clouse menggunakan would, should, could, might, was going to, expected ditambah
dengan bentuk pertama dari kata kerja.
Verb pada conditional clause adalah bentuk past
For example;
* She would build a beautiful house if she were rich.
(S would + V1; If S + were + V2)

3. Past Conditional Sentence menyatakan bahwa sesuatu yang disebutkan pada If clause
adalah berlawanan pada waktu lampau.
Kata kerja dalam Main-clause dalam bentuk Past Future Tense sedang If clause dalam
bentuk Past Perfect Tense.
For example;
* She would have bought a new car if she had had much money.
(S would have + V3; If S had + V3)
* You would have passed the test if you had been dilligent.
(S would have + V3; If S + had been).

Contoh Future Conditional sentence:

1. If I live in Liverpool, I will visit Anfield Stadium. (I probably will visit or not)
2. If she has much money, she will buy a new car for her father. (She will buy or not)
3. Andi will leave the room if the teacher doesn’t come.
4. Roy won’t be a doctor if he doesn’t pass the test.
5. They will go to Borobudur temple if the planning runs well.
6. If the volunteers do not come to help, the victims of the landslide will die.
7. She will live with me if I am a rich man.
8. The police will not come if noone calls them.
9. The street rider will make a convoy if they get a letter permission.
10. If the goverment do not raise the minimum payment, the national worker will do a

Type 2 atau biasa disebut present unreal adalah untuk mengandaikan kondisi yang tidak
mungkin terjadi saat kita berbicara atau kondisinya berlawanan dengan apa yang ada saat
ini. untuk menjelaskan meaning / faktanya selalu berlawanan dan menggunakan simple
present tense.

1. If she didnt meet me, she would decide to suicide.

fact: She meets me, so she doesn’t suicide.
2. I would be there now if she invited me to her wedding party.
fact: She doesn’t invite me, so I am not there.
3. We would study abroad if we passed the final test.
fact: we don’t pass the final exam.
4. If I had much money, she would marry me.
fact: I don’t have much money, so she doesn’t marry me.
5. I would tell you the truth if I knew it.
fact: I don’t know the truth.

Perlu diperhatikan untuk to be/auxiliary dalam conditional sentence type 2 selalu

menggunakan “WERE” apapun subject nya.

6. If I were you, I would marry her (not If I was you)

7. Would you come to my house warming party if she weren’t there?
8. She would never love him if he weren’t kindly hearted person.
Selain itu, dalam type 2, kata IF bisa dihilangkan, caranya dengan menghilangkan “IF” dan
meletakkan “WERE” sebelum subject.

9. Were She here, I would tell her that I love her. (she isn’t here, so I don’t tell her)
10. Were you at my home now, she would visit us. (you aren’t at my home, so she doesn’t
visit us).

Contoh kalimat conditional sentence type 3 (past unreal)

Conditional sentence type 3 ini digunakan untuk sebuah penyesalan di waktu lalu. Setiap
dari kita tentunya mempunyai keinginan yang tidak terpenuhi di waktu lalu.Untuk
mengungkapkannya dalam bahasa Inggris kita menggunakan CS type 3 ini. Fakta atau
meaningnya selalu menggunakan simple past tense dan selalu berlawanan.
1. If we had passed the exam last year, we would have studied in UGM.
fact: we didn’t pass the exam, so we didn’t study in UGM.
2. If she had got married with me last month, she would have been happy.
fact: She was not happy, because she didn’t get married with me.
3. He wouldn’t have got an accident if he had driven the car carefully.
fact: he got a car accident, because he didn’t drive carefully.
4. The horrible accident would have been avoided if the driver hadn’t been drunk.
fact: the driver was drunk.
5. The fuel price wouldn’t have been arise if the president had had another smart solution.
fact: the president didn’t have a smart solution.
6. If he hadn’t helped me, I would have been lost in Jakarta.
fact: He helped me.
7. Would you have come here if you hadn’t known she was here?

8. If you hadn’t known the truth, you shouldn’t have spreaded the gossip.
9. Had you told her that you would marry her last year, she wouldn’t have been with him.
fact: You didn’t tell her your intention, so she got married with him.
10. Anton would have punched you if she hadn’t told him to be calm down.
fact: She advised him tobe calm down.


Exercise A - Which answers are correct?

1. Which words/phrases can be used in an if-clause type III?
had played
had sung
has played
have played
have sung
2. Which words/phrases can be used in an if-clause type II?
had sung
has played
3. Which words/phrases can be used in an if-clause type I?
had played
will sing

Exercise B - Finish the sentences. Use the correct phrases.

1. You would have slept much better
a. if you had taken your medicine
b. if you took your medicine
c. if you will take your medicine

2. If he studied the new words,

a. he can get a good mark in the test
b. he could get a god mark in the test

c. he could have got a good mark in the test

3. I would go to the party

a. if you came with me
b. if you come with me
c. if you had come with me

4. If we had seen the film,

a. we will not buy the DVD
b. we would not buy the DVD
c. we would not have bought the DVD

5. My uncle would stay longer in York

a. if he had had more time.
b. if he had more time
c. if he has more time

Exercise C - Complete the sentences.

1. type I: If the sun (to shine), we (to

go) swimming.
2. type I: They (to fly) to Canberra if they (to
have)more money.
3. type II: If the sun (to shine), we (to
go) swimming.
4. type I: If I (to study), I (to pass) the test.
5. type II: If I (to study), I (to pass) the test.

Exercise D - Which type of the Conditional sentences is used?

1. If it rains, I'll wear a raincoat.

type I (condition possible to fulfil)
type II (condition in theory possible to fulfil)
type III (condition not possible to fulfil - too late)
2. She would be very happy if her friends came.
type I (condition possible to fulfil)
type II (condition in theory possible to fulfil)
type III (condition not possible to fulfil - too late)

3. If Lisa had got up earlier, she would not have been late for work.
type I (condition possible to fulfil)
type II (condition in theory possible to fulfil)

type III (condition not possible to fulfil - too late)
4. If they had driven carefully, they wouldn't have crashed into the other car.
type I (condition possible to fulfil)
type II (condition in theory possible to fulfil)
type III (condition not possible to fulfil - too late)
5. My parents would have bought the house if it had been cheaper.
type I (condition possible to fulfil)
type II (condition in theory possible to fulfil)
type III (condition not possible to fulfil - too late)

Exercise E - Put in the correct verb forms.

1. If Brian (to like) horses, he could ride well.

2. If Sarah (not/to eat) so much junk food, she could have been in the
school hockey team.
3. If you listened carefully, you (to know) about it.
4. He can write good stories if he (to feel) like it.
5. If the weather had been better, we (to come) by bike.

Exercise F - Conditional Sentences Type I: Complete the Conditional Sentences Type I.

1. If you (go) out with your friends tonight, I (watch) the football
match on TV.

2. I (earn) a lot of money if I (get) that job.

3. If she (hurry / not) , we (miss) the bus.

Exercise G - Conditional Sentences Type II: Complete the Conditional Sentences Type II.
1. If he (try) harder, he (reach) his goals.

2. I (buy) these shoes if they (fit) .

3. It (surprise / not) me if he (know / not) the answer.#

Exercise H - Conditional Sentences Type III: Complete the Conditional Sentences Type III.
1. If we (listen) to the radio, we (hear) the news.

2. If you (switch) on the lights, you (fall / not) over the chair.

3. She (come) to our party if she (be / not) on holiday.

Exercise I - Conditional Sentences Type I, II or III: Complete the Conditional Sentences

with the correct form (Type I, II or III).
1. If I ..........................stronger, I'd help you carry the piano (am ; will be ;
were ; had been ; would be ; would have been)
2. If we'd seen you, we ..........................(stop; will stop ; stopped; had stopped; would
stop; would have stopped)
3. If we ............................. him tomorrow, we'll say hello (meet; will meet; met; had
met; would meet; would have met)
4. He would have repaired the car himself if he ............................. the tools (has; will
have; had; had had ; would have; would have had
5. If you drop the vase, it ............................. (breaks; will break; broke; had broken;
would break; would have broken)
6. If I hadn't studied I ..........................................., the exam (do not pass; will not pass;
did not pass; had not passed; would not pass; would not have passsed)
7. I wouldn't go to school by bus if I ...................................... a driving licence (have ;
will have; had; had had ; would have; would have had).
8. If she ........................................ him every day, she'd be lovesick (doesn't see; won’t
see; hadn’t seen; didn’t see; wouldn’t see; wouldn’t have seen).
9. I ....................................... to London if I don't get a cheap flight (don't travel; won’t
travel; didn’t travel; hadn’t travelled; wouldn’t travel; wouldn’t have travelled)
10. We'd be stupid if we ............................................. him about our secret (tell; will tell;
told; had told; would tell; would have told).

1. Vital Sign


Medical Supplies and Tools

Here is a list of some of the most common supplies found in doctor's offices,
operating rooms, and medical kits. Study the vocabulary and try the matching exercise.

antiseptic liquid used to sterilize (clean) the surface of the skin

a cloth covering that is placed over a wound to prevent bleeding, swelling

and infection

bandage scissors tool used to cut bandages

blood pressure
a tool that measures the force of blood flow through a person's body

dressing protective covering that is placed over a wound

elastic tape a thin roll of stretchy material that is sticky on one side

a poster of letter, word, and number combinations of various sizes used

eye chart
to test a person's eyesight

instrument used during operations and medical procedures (assists the

doctor in pulling, holding, and retrieving)

gauze thin, netted material used for dressing wounds

sharp pointed metal piece that pricks the skin (attached to a syringe),
hypodermic needle
used for taking blood or administering medicine

IV bag the pouch that contains liquids to be pumped into a patient's body

medicine cup small plastic measuring cup

microscope equipment that makes small things appear larger than they are

otoscope a device used for looking into a patient's ears

oxygen mask equipment that fits over the nose and mouth and supplies oxygen

an object that is used to separate the doctor and patient from others in
privacy screen
an open room

scales a device that measures a person's weight

stethoscope equipment for listening to a person's heart and lungs

a cylinder-shaped piece that attaches to a needle and can be filled with


table and head-rest paper that is placed on an examining table or head-rest to prevent the
paper spread of germs

glass cylinder that is filled with blood or other liquids and can be capped
test tube
and placed in a storage area

thermometer an instrument used to check a person's body temperature

vial a small bottle or container used for storing liquids

Matching Exercise
Match the comments with the supplies that are needed:

1 I can't catch my breath. a table and head-rest paper

Prepare the examining table for the next

2 b thermometer

3 We'll have to get a blood sample. c oxygen mask

4 I need to sterilize the wound. d hypodermic needle

5 We'll have to feed him with liquids. e bandage scissors

6 Let's find out your weight. f scales

7 I need to examine the patient in private. g eye chart

8 Let's check your vision. h antiseptic

9 Let's see if you are running a fever. i IV bag

10 Can you cut this gauze for me? j. privacy screen


Human Body

One of the first things you need to know when working in English is the parts of the body.
You will need to learn the names of the internal (inside the skin) and external body parts. You
will also need to learn the words for the functions of each of these body parts. Here are the
basics to get you started.


Inside the head is the brain, which is responsible for thinking. The top of a person's
scalp is covered with hair. Beneath the hairline at the front of the face is the
forehead. Underneath the forehead are the eyes for seeing, the nose for smelling, and the
mouth for eating. On the outside of the mouth are the lips, and on the inside of the mouth are
the teeth for biting and the tongue for tasting. Food is swallowed down the throat. At the
sides of the face are the cheeks and at the sides of the head are the ears for hearing. At the
bottom of a person's face is the chin. The jaw is located on the inside of the cheeks and chin.
The neck is what attaches the head to the upper body.

Upper Body

At the top and front of the upper body, just below the neck is the collar bone. On
the front side of the upper body is the chest, which in women includes the breasts.
Babies suck on the nipples of their mother's breasts. Beneath the ribcage are the
stomach and the waist. The navel, more commonly referred to as the belly button, is located
here as well. On the inside of the upper body are the heart for pumping blood and the lungs
for breathing. The rear side of the upper body is called the back, inside which the spine
connects the upper body to the lower body.

Upper Limbs (arms)

The arms are attached to the shoulders. Beneath this area is called the armpit
or underarm. The upper arms have the muscles known as triceps and biceps.
The joint halfway down the arm is called the elbow. Between the elbow and
the next joint, the wrist, is the forearm. Below the wrist is the hand with four fingers and

one thumb. Beside the thumb is the index finger. Beside the index finger is the middle
finger, followed by the ring finger and the little finger. At the ends of the fingers are

Lower Body

Below the waist, on left and right, are the hips. Between the hips are the
reproductive organs, the penis (male) or the vagina (female). At the back of the lower body
are the buttocks for sitting on. They are also commonly referred to as the rear end or the
bum (especially with children). The internal organs in the lower body include the intestines
for digesting food, the bladder for holding liquid waste, as well as the liver and the kidneys.
This area also contains the woman's uterus, which holds a baby when a woman is pregnant.

Lower Limbs (legs)

The top of the leg is called the thigh, and the joint in the middle of the leg is the
knee. The front of the lower leg is the shin and the back of the lower leg is the
calf. The ankle connects the foot to the leg. Each foot has five toes. The smallest
toe is often called the little toe while the large one is called the big toe. At the ends of the
toes are toenails.


1 Your tonsils can get swollen when you have a sore.........

d. thigh c. throat
e. toe d. lips

2 The ......... is located in the middle of the arm.

a. Elbow c. Shoulder
b. Ankle d. Knee

3 My Dad's little .............. was lost in the accident.

a. Thumb c. Wrist
b. Toe d. Armpit

4 The patient lost so much weight his ................ were sunken

a. Calves c. Muscle
b. Thigh d. Cheeks

5 We'll put a cool cloth on your .................... to get your fever

a. Knees c. Teeth
b. Tongue d. Forehead

6 Another word for belly button is .....................

a. Knee c. Chest
b. Navel d. Stomach

7 The newborn is getting his ................changed in the nursery.

a. Thigh c. Shin
b. Bum d. Heart

8 She may never walk again because her ...............was so

badly injured.
a. Uterus c. Finger
b. Spine d. Eye

9 The .......................... on his knee was scraped off when he

hit the road.
a. Collar bone c. Teeth
b. Limbs d. Skin

10 Your grandfather will be able to walk better after his

................. surgery.
a. Chin c. HipWaist d. Arm

Visiting Hours

Part of being a nurse, involves dealing with the people who are close to your patients. When
a patient is staying in a hospital or other health facility, it is often necessary to welcome,
monitor, and inform visitors on a daily basis. In many cases you may form stronger
relationships with the patients' visitors than the patients themselves. Depending on the
condition of the patient, certain loved ones will be allowed to visit, while others will not. It is a
difficult time for people who have loved ones in the hospital. Showing them compassion and
explaining the rules is much easier if you have the necessary English skills.

Study the different people that may come to visit the patient. Then read some typical concerns
and questions that visitors may have, and some appropriate responses that you may be able
to give them.

Immediate family

Mother and Father (patient's parents)

Husband or Wife (the man or woman the patient is married to)
Son and Daughter (children of the patient, boy and girl)
Brother and Sister/siblings (other children of the patient's parents)

Extended family

Grandmother and Grandfather (mother and father of patient's parents)

Aunt and Uncle (brother and sister of patient's parents)
Niece and Nephew (girl and boy child of patient's siblings)
Cousins (children of patient's aunt or uncle)

Friends and other loved ones

Best friend (patient's closest friend)

Room-mate (a person the patient lives with)
Neighbour (a friend who lives near the patient)
Co-worker (a person who works with the patient)
Boyfriend or Girlfriend (the man or woman the patient loves/dates)
Fiancé (the man or woman the patient is engaged to marry)

Questions and Concerns of Loved Ones

• We're Michael's grandparents.

• Could you tell me which room Mrs Smythe is in?
• Is my child going to be okay?
• When can we speak with the doctor?
• What time are visiting hours?
• I'm trying to locate my sister. (I'm trying to find my sister's room.)
• Is there anything you can do to make him more comfortable.
• My child would like something to drink.
• Is there somewhere I can lie down for a while.

• Could you tell me where the chapel is?
• Please tell her to get well soon.

Questions and Responses from Nurses

• What is your relation to Jessica?

• You'll have to come back during visiting hours.
• Ms Lee is too tired for visitors.
• Room 7 is down the hall to your right.
• I'll give you two some privacy now.
• Does your daughter need anything?
• I'm afraid she's not having a very good day today.
• We do the best we can around here.
• There's a quiet room for families down the hall.
• The doctor would like to have a word with you. (The doctor wants to speak to you.)
• She's doing much better this morning.
• He's in isolation because of the transplant.
• We had to transfer your mother-in-law to the ICU.
• It's in your brother's best interest.

Sample Conversation

Nurse: I'm afraid visiting hours are over, sir

Visitor: My wife's in room 3B.

Nurse: Sorry, you'll have to come back in the morning.

Visitor: And leave her all alone overnight?

Nurse: I'm afraid that's the policy, sir.

Visitor: Surely you can make an exception? What if she needs me in the night?

Nurse: Don't worry, we'll look after her. What she really needs is her rest.

Visitor: Some of her friends want to see her too. When can they come?

Nurse: Visiting hours are from 9 to 11 in the morning and 4 to 7 in the evening, but I'm
afraid while your wife is on bedrest the doctor has requested that only immediate
family members come in to see her.

Visitor: Can't her friends even stop by to bring her flowers?

Nurse: Flowers are not permitted in this ward. We just can't risk any germs that might
come in with them.

Visitor: Well, I guess it's all in her best interest.

Nurse: Thanks for understanding. Now, I'm going to bring your wife her dinner. Why don't
you head home and get something to eat yourself?

Visitor: Okay. I really hate to leave her, but that's probably a good idea.

Nurse: She's in good hands here. I'll tell her you were here and that you'll see her in the

Check Your Understanding

1. What is the man's relation to the patient?

a. brother c. husband
b. uncle d. son

2. Why does the nurse send the man away?

a. because he isn’t immediate family c. because the patient is in isolation
b. because the patient can’t have flowers d. because visiting hours have finished

3. The nurse thanks the man because..

a. He brought a gift for the patient c. He loves his wife so much
b. He understands the rules benefit patient d. He appoligized to her




Find some ‘irreguler verbs’ on the text above! (below)

Remember about V1, V2, V3

Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle

(Verb 1/ V1) (Verb 2/ V2) (Verb 3/ V3)

be (is/am/are) was/were been ada, adalah

bear bore borne menanggung

beat beat beaten mengalahkan/memukul

become became become menjadi

befall befell befallen menimpa

beget begot begotten menurunkan

begin began begun mulai

bend bent bent membengkokan

bereave bereft bereft kehilangan

beseech besought besought memohon

beset beset beset mengepung, menimpa

bestrew bestrewed bestrewn menabur/menganughari

bet bet, betted bet, betted bertaruh

betake betook betaken pergi

bid bid bid menawar/mengucapkan

bind bound bound mengikat

bite bit bitten menggigit

bleed bled bled berdarah

blow blew blown meniup

break broke broken memecahkan

breed bred bred berkembang biak

bring brought brought membawa

Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle
(Verb 1/ V1) (Verb 2/ V2) (Verb 3/ V3)

broadcast broadcast broadcast menyiarkan

browbeat browbeat browbeaten menggertak

build built built membangun

burn burnt, burned burnt, burned membakar

burst burst burst meledak

bust bust bust mendobrak

buy bought bought membeli

deal dealt dealt berurusan

dig dug dug menggali

dive dove dived menyelam

do did done melakukan

draw drew drawn menggambar

dream dreamt dreamt bermimpi

drink drank drunk minum

drive drove driven mengendarai

dwell dwelt dwelt tinggal, menghuni

eat ate eaten makan

fall fell fallen jatuh

feed fed fed memberi makan

feel felt felt merasa

fight fought fought berjuang, berkelahi

find found found menemukan

flee fled fled melarikan diri

fling flung flung menjebloskan, mengempaskan

Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle
(Verb 1/ V1) (Verb 2/ V2) (Verb 3/ V3)

fly flew flown terbang

forbid forbade forbidden melarang

forecast forecast forecast meramalkan

foresee foresaw foreseen maramalkan

forget forgot forgotten lupa

forgive forgave forgiven memaafkan

forgo forwent forgone meninggalkan kebiasaan

forsake forsook forsaken meninggalkan

freeze froze frozen membeku

get got gotten mendapatkan

give gave given memberi

go went gone pergi

grind ground ground menggerindra/menggiling

grow grew grown tumbuh

hamstring hamstrung hamstrung melumpuhkan

hang hung hung menggantung

have had had mempunyai

hear heard heard mendengar

hide hid hidden menyembunyikan

hit hit hit memukul

hold held held menahan, mengadakan

hurt hurt hurt menyakiti

Exercise 1:

1. In 1980 He … (become) an American citizen.

a. became b. become

2. It was Gina who … (blow up) all the balloons.

a. blew up c. blown up
b. blow up d. blowed up

3. My first car was good, but its insurance … (cost) so much.

a. cost b. costed c. costs

4. I didn’t call you last night because I … (know) you were busy.
a. known b. know c. knew

5. She had … (leave) when I came.

a. leave b. left c. leaved

6. You … (mow) your lawn this morning, didn’t you?

a. mowed b. mown c. mow

7. I think I … (overbuy) fruits. Do you want some apples?

a. overbuy b. overbought c. overbrought

8. I … (see) you walking down the hill yesterday morning.

a. seen b. saw c. see

9. A decision has been … (take) by the patient.

a. take b. took c. taken

10. Who … (wake up) in the morning at 4 o’clock?

a. woke up b. wake up c. woken up

Exercise 2:

1. He had taken his pills before he ... (sleep) last night.

a. sleeped b. slept

2. You ... (affect) my decision to apply as a transfer student.

a. affected b. affectted

3. When I ... (buy) my first property, I did a little research.

a. buyed b. bought

4. It was Julius von Haast who ... (study) geology and mineralogy at the University of the
a. studied b. studyed

5. In 2005 she ... (begin) working at a police office located in Illinois.

a. begun b. began

6. Who just ... (speak) at the conference?

a. speaked b. spoke

7. t's been a long time since we last ... (chat)

a. chated b. chatted

8. I heard that they ... (cry out) for help.

a. cried out b. cryed out

9. He ... (wear) an overcoat with jeans yesterday.

a. wore b. worn

10. The trained nurse ... (touch) blood with gloves.

a. touch b. touched


A. Instructions for the topic of Body Parts:

Please write with complete and precise the topic about ‘body parts’ that you will listen.

B. Instruction for the topic First Day at School:

1. Preparation

2. Listen carefully
3. Check your understanding: True or False:

C. Instruction for the topic: Difficult Situations

1. Listen carefully
2. Check your understanding: match the two parts of the sentence to describe difficult
situations. Write a – f next to the numbers 1 – 6.

3. Gap fill


A. Instruction for the topic First Day at School:

1. Preparation

2. Check your understanding:
Do this exercise while you listen. Circle the best word to complete these sentences.

B. Instruction for the topic Giving Direction

1. Preparation

2. Check your understanding


1. Giving instruction
2. Explaining medication




A. Giving Instruction
Ada beberapa cara yang dilakukan perawat untuk melakukan instruksi yang akan
dilakukan kepada pasien or explaining the procedure to the patient.
It’s time to clean your wound.
I will assist you and help you to take this medicine.
Give you instructions how to clean self colostomy
Give an example how to clean your body while you are sitting.

Kalimat lain yang bisa digunakan:

This will take time
Follow/listen to my instruction.
Let me help you wear you ..... shoes.
Do you feel ... dizzy?
Fine, that’s it







Astuti, K.E.W. Bahan Ajar Mata Kuliah: English In Midwifery Practice.
British Council. Learn English Teens, diunduh dari http://www.britishcouncilorg/learnenglishteens
Nursalam. 2009. Buku Ajar English in Nursing–Midwifery Sciences and Technology.
Pratiwi, I.D. English For The Professional Nurse, Book 2.


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