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Yuli Rahmawati, M.Sc, Ph.D. PEMBELAJARAN KIMIA
Dr. Afrizal, M.Si. Norbertus Krisnu P
Dr. Irwanto, M.Pd. 1311821001
MATA KULIAH : Miskonsepsi Dalam Pembelajaran Kimia
PRODI : S2 Pendidikan Kimia
DOSEN PENGAMPU : Yuli Rahmawati, M.Sc., Ph.D
Dr. Afrizal, M.Si.
Dr. Irwanto, M.Pd.
NAMA / NIM : Norbertus Krisnu P / 1311821001

Literatur : Hadinugrahaningsih, T., Ridwan, A., Rahmawati, Y., Allanas, E.,

Cahya N, G., & Amalia, R. (2021, April). An analysis of chemistry
student’s laboratory jargon in acid-base material using a 3E
learning cycle. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2331, No. 1, p.
040035). AIP Publishing LLC.


Deskripsi : Penelitian dilakukan untuk menganalisa jargon / kata-kata kunci

yang dibiasa dipakai siswa saat praktikum asam-basa dan dalam
upaya untuk membantu mengatasi miskonsepsi yang terjadi
dengan metode 3E learning cycle. Jargon saat praktikum asam
basa sering digunakan untuk menjelaskan konsep kimia seracara
jelas. Penelitian dilakukan secara kualitatif terhadap 36 siswa kelas
11 di SMAN 107. Data merupakan hasil interview, observasi,
lembar kerja siswa, jurnal refleksi, dan instrumen jargon praktikum
yang terdiri dari 10 pertanyaan,dimana meliputi konsep asam-basa,
atom, molekul, konsep disosiasi air, dan konsep penetralan asam-
basa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jargon praktikum dapat
memberikan miskonsepsi pada konsep asam-basa. Siswa
mengalami miskonsepsi tentang protonasi, konsep amphoteric
(H2O), neutralisasi, kekuatan asam-basa, konsentrasi asam/basa,
dan indikator asam-basa. Metode 3E learning cycle mudah
dilakukan dan memiliki efek yang kuat terhadap eksplorasi kognitif
siswa. Metode ini dapat membantu guru dalam melakukan
identifikasi dan follow up miskonsepsi yang terjadi pada siswa,
disertai dengan pembelajaran yang bermakna. Guru memfasilitasi
terjadinya konflik kognitif, sehingga terjadi perubahan konsep yang
lebih baik dengan 3E cycle.

3E : Seorang guru konstruktivis memberikan kesempatan agar siswa

Learning secara aktif terlibat dalam pembelajaran dan konsep dibanguan
Cycles secara mandiri oleh siswa sendiri. Model pembelajaran yang
dikembangkan dengan framework kontruktivisme salah satunya
adalah siklus belajar (Learning Cycles). Kekhasan pada siklus
belajar adalah tiap siswa belajar secara individu, kemudian hasil
belajar individu dibawa ke diskusi kelompok dan tiap siswa dalam
kelompok bertanggung jawab atas jawaban bersama.
Konsep model belajar dengan 3E sudah dikenal sejak 1970-an. 3E
learning cycle meliputi tahap explorasi, eksplanasi, dan elaborasi.
Eksplorasi adalah tahap dimana siswa bekerja sama untuk mencari
atau membentuk konsep. Eksplanasi adalah dimana siswa
menjelaskan konsep yang dipahaminya pada tahap sebelumnya.
Elaborasi adalah tahap dimana siswa mendeskripsikan jalan pikiran
/ logika berpikir atas konsep-konsep yang ada. Berikut ini adalah
siklus 3E:

Sintaks :  Tahap Eksplorasi (Exploration)

Siswa dibentuk kedalam kelompok kelompok-kelompok kecil
biasanya antara 2-4 siswa, kemudian diberi kesempatan
untuk bekerja sama dalam kelompok kecil tanpa
pembelajaran langsung dari guru. Dalam kelompok ini siswa
didorong untuk menguji hipotesis dan atau membuat
hipotesis baru, mencoba alternatif pemecahnnya dengan
teman sekelompok, melakukan dan mencatat pengamatan
serta ide-ide atau pendapat yang berkembang dalam diskusi.
Pada dasarnya tujuan tahap ini adalah mengecek
pengetahuan yang dimiliki siswa apakah sudah benar, masih
salah, atau mungkin sebagian salah sebagian benar.
 Tahap Penjelasan (Explanation)
Pada tahap ini, siswa diminta untuk menjelaskan apakah
statemen yang diberikan adalah benar atau salah, dan
alasannya. Siswa diminta menjelaskan dengan
kalimat/pemikiran sendiri, meminta bukti dan klarifikasi atas
penjelasan siswa.
 Tahap Elaborasi (Elaboration
Siswa memperluas konsep yang telah dipelajari, membuat
koneksi dengan konsep lain yang berhubungan,
serta mengaplikasikan pemahaman mereka dalam dunia
Contoh :  Tahap Eksplorasi (Exploration)
Penerapan Siswa diberikan statemen (jargon) yang mengarahkan
kepada konflik kognitif seperti:

Sebagian siswa mengira statemen ‘CO2 consists of one C

and two O’ adalah benar dan lainnya berpendapat statemen
tersebut adalah salah.
 Tahap Penjelasan (Explanation)
Siswa nomor 12 berpendapat bahwa C dan O harus ditulis
dengan elemennya (Carbon dan Oxygen) beserta jumlahnya
Siswa berasumsi demikian atas diskusi sesama anggota
 Tahap Elaborasi (Elaboration)
Diskusi diarahkan pada dasar konsep molekul dan komposisi
‘angka indeks yang ditulis subscript pada formula kimia
molekul’. Miskonsepsi pada konsep atom dan molekul
masuk sebagai hal yang diantisipasi guru sesuai dengan
‘Tips for overcoming student misconceptions’ (NRC 1997, p.

Tahap 3E diulangin kembali dengan jargon/statemen lain:

Statemen ini kembali memberikan konflik kognitif pada siswa.

Setelah siklus 3E yang pertama, siswa mulai menyadari pentingnya
kata-kata kunci, sehingga memberikan kalimat yang lebih baik.
Salah satu siswa merespons,

Jawaban siswa nomor 21 mengindikasikan bahwa pemahaman

siswa berkembang dengan penjelasan bahwa CO2 adalah suatu
molekul. Satu molekulnya terdiri dari dua atom oksigen dan satu
atom karbon. Siklus belajar 3E bermanfaat untuk membentuk cara
berpikir siswa.

Contoh lain, jargon pada konsep asam-basa berserta respons

Sebelum 3E learning cycle:

Setelah 3E learning cycle:

"The H+ from the ionization of HCl will later join the water molecule
(H2O) so that it will later produce H3O + and be able to donate
protons. So the one who donated the proton was H3O+."

Pada kasus ini, model siklus 3E mampu memberikan efek positif

pada konstruksi pemahaman konsep asam-basa siswa. Perubahan
konsep terjadi akibat konflik kognitif pada jargon (Conceptual
Change Texts).
An analysis of chemistry student’s laboratory
jargon in acid-base material using a 3E
learning cycle
Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2331, 040035 (2021);
Published Online: 02 April 2021

Tritiyatma Hadinugrahaningsih, Achmad Ridwan, Yuli Rahmawati, et al.


Developing students’ attitudes towards chemistry learning through culturally responsive

transformative teaching (CRTT)
AIP Conference Proceedings 2331, 040036 (2021);

Dilemma teaching pedagogy for students’ soft skills development in chemistry using dilemma
stories learning of polymer topic
AIP Conference Proceedings 2331, 040044 (2021);

Engaging university students in multidisciplinary, project-based learning through the

Southeast Asia mobility (SAM) program
AIP Conference Proceedings 2331, 030034 (2021);

AIP Conference Proceedings 2331, 040035 (2021); 2331, 040035

© 2021 Author(s).
An Analysis of Chemistry Student’s Laboratory Jargon in
Acid-Base Material Using a 3E Learning Cycle
Tritiyatma Hadinugrahaningsih1, a), Achmad Ridwan1, Yuli Rahmawati1, Edith
Allanas1, Gusti Cahya N1, and Risky Amalia1
Chemistry Education Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Jakarta, Jalan
Rawamangun Muka 13220, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Corresponding author:

Abstract. This study aimed to analyze student’s laboratory jargon to help overcome misconceptions related to acid and
base concepts using a 3E learning cycle. Laboratory jargon is commonly used to explain a chemistry concept concisely and
clearly. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach with 36 students’ year 11 students at 107 senior high
school. Data was collected via an interview, observations, student worksheets, and a laboratory jargon instrument that
consisted of ten questions related to acid-base, atoms and molecules, the concept of water, and the concept of a
neutralization reaction. The results indicated that laboratory jargon can lead to students having misconceptions about acid
and base concepts. Students held misconceptions about protonation, the concept of amphoteric in water, neutralization, the
strength of acid-base, acid-base concentration, and acid-base indicators. The 3E learning cycle helped teachers explore
student's prior knowledge and follow up by addressing student's misconceptions through meaningful learning experiences.
Teachers engaged students in cognitive conflict to facilitate a conceptual change process. Students presented concepts to
be evaluated by the teacher in the final stage of the 3E cycle. The model helped the teacher to address the student’s
misconceptions and to help them come to a better conceptual understanding.

Chemistry is a study of matter and its changes [1] that helps students understand what is happening around them
[2]. The study of chemical material is considered difficult because some abstract concepts are associated with chemical
representations that cover macroscopic, submicroscopic, and symbolic levels [3–5] that challenge making connections
to everyday life [6,7]. Further issues arise in the use of so-called laboratory jargon [5] to convey concepts briefly and
clearly but, in doing so, often creating misconceptions in the way it is delivered to explain microscopic events in
chemical materials such as acid-base [8].
In the learning process, students try to build their understanding of a concept[9] also known as a misconception.
Acid-base material [10–17] is one of many chemical concepts where student misconceptions are evident, an important
issue in chemistry because it is related to hydrolysis material, buffer solutions, and also organic chemistry [11,18].
The use of laboratory jargon impacts on students' misconceptions and conceptual understanding of chemistry.
Misconceptions can be identified and overcome by applying appropriate learning models to the chemistry classroom
A suitable learning model is the 3E Learning Cycle which has been used effectively with pre-service teachers [20].
The 3E Learning Cycle was developed based on a constructivist theory about how humans learn. The 3E model covers
the stages of exploration, explanation, and elaboration. Exploration is the stage where students work together to search
or form concepts. The explanation is where students explain the concepts they have formed in the previous stage.
Elaborate is the stage where students describe their thinking [21]. The research project was conducted using the 3E
learning model to analyze laboratory jargon and students' understanding of acid-base material.

The 2nd Science and Mathematics International Conference (SMIC 2020)

AIP Conf. Proc. 2331, 040035-1–040035-7;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-4075-3/$30.00

The study was conducted using a qualitative approach with 36 students’ year 11 students at 107 senior high school.
This research used a qualitative case study approach with data gathered via interviews, observations, reflective student
reflective journals, and a Laboratory Jargon instrument in the form of 10 statements that the students responded. The
data obtained in this study were sourced from students, researchers, and two observers. Data analysis was carried out
by identifying each topic in the laboratory jargon tool and relating it to student understanding. The 3 stages of the
model are represented in Figure 1 below:

FIGURE 1. Learning Cycle 3E cycle

The 3E learning cycle has three stages is exploration, explanation, and elaboration. Exploration is the stage where
students work together to search or form concepts. The explanation is where students explain the concepts they have
formed in the previous stage. Elaborate is the stage where students describe their thinking [21]. The research project
was conducted using the 3E learning model to analyze laboratory jargon and students' understanding of acid-base


In chemistry education, a teacher commonly uses laboratory jargon to explain a concept so that it is easily conveyed
and understood. However, the use of laboratory jargon can cause the learner to develop misconceptions [22]. An
analysis of laboratory jargon, using the Laboratory Jargon instrument, in the form of statements, was carried out to
reveal how students' understanding of concepts were impacted. Results indicated that many students used laboratory
jargon to help them understand the concept of acid-base material and also, that many students held misconceptions
about all acid-base concepts. An analysis of a follow-up interview revealed that students were confident in choosing
answers even though some did not understand, or were confused by, the choice of answers that were considered
correct. Therefore, further discussion should be carried out to consolidate these concepts [13].
The following is an analysis of laboratory jargon on each acid-base concept in the test instrument:
1. Concept of Atoms and Molecules
The concept of atoms and molecules is basic in chemistry, about Laboratory Jargon which is included in this
concept which is about carbon dioxide atoms. The statement given to students is as follows:

CO2 consists of one C and two O

Some students thought that the statement was correct, whilst others thought the statement was inappropriate.
Student 12 assumed that the number of compilers must be included in the statement as demonstrated below:

"Carbon dioxide does consist of Oxygen and Carbon, but still must include the amount of
Carbon and Oxygen, Carbon dioxide consists of 2 Carbon and 1 Oxygen. The statement above
does not include the number of its compilers so that it is not quite right”
Student 12

After learning with the 3E Learning Cycle, students were shown the following statement:

Carbon dioxide is composed of Oxygen and Carbon

Students responded in various ways, one of which was:

"The statement is incorrect. The statement should begin with the word molecule. Because CO2
is a molecule and is composed of two oxygen atoms and one carbon atom."
Student 21

The above answer indicates that the student had developed their understanding by explaining that CO2 is a
molecule and is composed of two oxygen atoms and one Carbon atom. This response was only evident after the 3E
Learning Cycle was used, demonstrating that it helped students develop their thinking [21].
However, students still held misconceptions regarding the concept of an atom. Students needed to understand the
definitions and differences between atoms and molecules to answer the problem correctly. The most frequent
misconceptions about the matter of atoms, molecules, and ions are in the understanding of atoms and molecules [23].

2. Concept of Acid-Base
Laboratory jargon included in the concept of acids and bases is about the definition of the acid-base, weak acid-
base, acid-base ion formation, acid strength (pH), and acid-base indicator. The following is one of the laboratory
jargon statements, a definition of acid-base according to Bronsted Lowry that was discussed:

The HCl molecule is in hydrochloric acid, it releases protons

Student 09’s answer below shows that their understanding is limited to the protons released by HCl in the form of
H +. Ionization with the role of H2O is not discussed.

"HCl will undergo ionization to produce H+ and Cl- ions. H+ here indicates a positive ion or
proton, and H+ will be able to donate its proton to another molecule, to form bonds."
Student 09

After the 3E Learning Cycle was completed, the statement below was given to the students.

"The H+ from the ionization of HCl will later join the water molecule

Hydrochloric acid can be deprotonated.

Student 19 provided the following answer that shows they had begun to understand the purpose of the questions
asked, In this case, the 3E Learning Cycle revealed positive results where the concepts students constructed could be
applied accurately.

H2O) so that it will later produce H3O + and be able to donate protons. So the one who donated
the proton was H3O+."
Student 19

Misconceptions related to this material can occur because many students define acid-base concepts by relying on
one theory only [10].
The laboratory jargon statement on the concept of acid-base on a weak acid-base refers precisely to the definition
of weak acid-base. The problem below shows one example of a weak base, ammonia, which can react with water
(H2O) to produce ammonium ions and hydroxide ions. The reaction that occurs is an equilibrium reaction because
only some of the bases undergo ionization[1].

Ammonia solution has a low concentration

Student 34 responded that when ammonia is at a low concentration, it indicates that ammonia has weak basic

properties. This is one example of laboratory jargon that often arises because the existing abbreviations indicate that
if the concentration of a species is low it will be weak.

"Low concentrations of ammonia indicate that ammonia is a weak base."

Student 34

After completing the 3E Learning Cycle, students were given different statements, this time, explaining the
ionization that occurs in ammonia. Student 25’s response below indicates that they have begun to understand strong
and weak acids and bases, the explanation shows that if ammonia undergoes perfect ionization it will produce strong
acids or bases, this is an appropriate response because strong acids and bases will experience 100% ionization or
perfect ionization.

"Ammonia is a weak base, it should be that if ammonia reacts to form ammonium, a perfect
reaction will not occur. Perfect reactions occur in strong acids or bases. But because ammonia
is a weak base, the reaction should not be perfect. "
Student 25

Meanwhile, ammonia is a weak base so that the ionization will not be 100% and will produce a reaction in
equilibrium according to the reaction that has been written. Interviews revealed that students understood this concept
after reading about it on the internet.

"Regarding the imperfect reaction, I had read that while searching for a weak base on the
internet. So in my opinion the reaction is not perfect. "
(Interview of students 25, 5 February 2018)

During the 3E learning cycle learning the relationship between concentration and the strength of an acid with a
base was discussed. The laboratory jargon statement that often occurs, in this case, connects concentration with the
strength or weakness of an acid or base resulting in some students unable to effectively apply the concepts they have
A laboratory jargon statement about the concept of acid-base regarding the formation of acid-base ions was the
next statement in the test. This statement presented the concept of acid-base precisely about the formation of acid-
base ions or acid-base dissociation sodium hydroxide or NaOH has ions both solid and liquid, in a solid-state. These
ions have strong bonds with each other between positive ions and negative [24].

NaOH molecules dissociate by water into Na + ions and OH- ions

Following is an explanation from student 35 regarding the statement above that demonstrates their understanding
is still limited because the ions in NaOH will form in a liquid or solution.

"NaOH consists of ions that make it up like Na + ions and OH- ions. These ions will be formed
if NaOH is dissolved in water."
Student 35

The 3E Learning Cycle improved students' understanding of the concept of acid-base dissociation. The different
statements allowed students to demonstrate their ‘new’ understanding. The questions were still presented as statements
regarding the concept of acid-base dissociation as shown below:

The pairs of Na + and OH- ions from solid sodium hydroxide are separated into single ions.

The response below demonstrates that student t20 was able to apply the above concept. They understood that ions
in a compound are both solid and liquid. The student was able to explain the state of ions in the solid compound state
where the ion compound will experience a very strong bond between positive and negative ions [24].

"In solid sodium hydroxide, there are Na + and OH - but when it is still in the solid form a very
strong bond may occur because NaOH is an ionic bonded compound. So that when dissolved,
it will form Na + and OH- in different forms."
Student 20

3. Concept of Water
Laboratory jargon about the concept of water is demonstrated in the following statement:

The water balance produces protons and hydroxide ions.

Student 16 provided the following response that shows minimal understanding of the concept of water dissociation
when thinking about reactions that produce protons and hydroxide ions. Dissociation of water will produce hydronium
ions and hydroxide ions which, in this case, the dissociation in question is the autoprotolysis of water molecules [22].
Two water molecules can react with each other and experience proton donor-acceptors[1].

"In water dissociation, if H2O is broken, it will form H + and OH- which also shows the neutral
nature of water. H + is part of the acid and OH- indicates part of the base. So it is neutral."
Student 16

After the 3E Learning Cycle was conducted, students were asked to respond to the statements below:
The following are a student’s answer to the statements:

Water can be acidic and basic

"Water dissociation occurs when two water molecules (H2O) are reacted to form H3O + ions
and OH- ions. The reaction that occurs is called autoprotolysis, following the reaction."
Student 01

Autoprotolysis will occur because of two water molecules if reacted there will be a proton donor-acceptor between
the two and produce H3O+ and OH- ions. Therefore, the response above shows that student 01’s understanding of the
concept of water dissociation developed after learning via the 3E Learning Cycle.

4. Concept of Neutralization Reaction

The concept of neutralization reaction quite often gives rise to misconceptions when using laboratory jargon, as
demonstrated in the following statement:

Neutralization means the formation of salt

The above statement shows a relationship with the ionization reaction. The following student’s response to the
statement shows that they did not fully understand the reaction of this neutralization; a response that was reinforced
during an interview with student 33.

"This neutralizing reaction will show that the concentration of the acid will be equivalent to
the concentration of the base. So that it will produce a neutral reaction."
Student 33

"I'm pretty sure about my answer when in a neutral state the concentration of the acid will be
the same as the concentration of the base."
(Interview with student 33, 6 February 2018)

After the 3E Learning Cycle was conducted, students were asked to respond to the statement below:

In the neutralization reaction the amount of acid concentration will

be the same as the amount of base concentration.

The statement is still about neutralizing reactions involving the number of concentrations present in acids and
bases in neutralizing reactions.
Student 22 response below demonstrates that the learning cycle had a positive impact on student understanding.

"In a neutralizing reaction, the equivalent is the number of moles of acid with moles of the base
so that acids and bases will run out of reaction and produce salt and water."
Student 22

In chemistry education, students often use statements, referred to as laboratory jargon that is easy to understand,
however, they can cause misconceptions. This research study shows that students' understanding can be developed
using a 3E Learning Cycle learning which requires students to build, explain, and apply their understanding of
concepts to new problems.

Based on the results of this research, it can be concluded that students use laboratory jargon to construct their
understanding of acid-base concepts. Students’ responses to statements using laboratory jargon created
misconceptions, as can be seen from the pattern of their answers. Laboratory jargon is believed to be able to shape
students' concepts and mindsets[25].
Analysis of data revealed that students use laboratory jargon to demonstrate their understanding of acid-base
concepts such as the concept of atoms and molecules, the definition of acid-base, water dissociation, weak acid-base,
water concentration, acid-base ion formation, neutralization reaction, acid strength (pH), acid-base indicators, and
amphoteric properties of water. The results of the study show that students agreed with the laboratory jargon
statements represented as a misconception. Students held conceptual errors, especially with the concept of the
amphibious nature of water, and understanding atoms and molecules, and neutralization reactions.
Laboratory jargon makes it easy for students to form concepts, but during the 3E Learning Cycle, students were
required to form their concepts and reflect on their understanding of the concepts before constructing their final
conceptual understanding. The application of the 3E Learning Cycle had an impact on students' understanding
compared to their initial knowledge related to the use of laboratory jargon. The 3E model helped them understand
more accurately concepts related to acid-base materials. However, this study has limitations that would benefit from
the addition of quantitative data to inform the impact of the 3E model on learning.

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