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Indonesian Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology Science

Total Placenta Previa with Complication of Post Partum Haemorrhage

at 39 Weeks Gestation on Multiparous

Reski Wulandari Roni, Ferri Waluyo Wiwoho Pujojati

General Practitioner, Obstetrician Gynecologist
Rumkit Tk II Dr R Hardjanto Balikpapan Provinsi KALTIM
Korespondensi : Reski Wulandari Roni, Email :

The main cause of maternal mortality is bleeding. Placenta previa is one of the most common
causes of bleeding in pregnant women. [4] In Indonesia, according to the 2012 Indonesian
Demographic and Health Survey (IDHS), the maternal mortality rate in Indonesia is still
high at 359 per 100,000 live births. Based on data from 2010-2013, the biggest cause of
death for mothers is bleeding.[4] The purpose of writing this case report to author and reader
can understand the complications of placenta previa, that is postpartum hemorrhage and
how to manage this case. We report a 31 year old woman, multiparous case with Complete
Placenta Previa and a two times history of caesarian section who experienced Postpartum
Haemorrhage and Hypovolemic Shock. The patient's condition improved in 3 days after
surgery and Intensive Care Unit (ICU) treatment.

Key Word : Total Placenta Previa, Post Partum Haemorrhage.

Plasenta Previa Totalis dengan Komplikasi Perdarahan Post Partum

Pada Multipara di Usia Kehamilan 39 Minggu

Penyebab angka kematian ibu (AKI) yang utama ialah perdarahan. Plasenta previa
merupakan salah satu penyebab perdarahan yang tersering terjadi pada ibu hamil. [4]Di
Indonesia, menurut Survei Demografi dan Kesehatan Indonesia (SDKI) tahun 2012, angka
kematian ibu di Indonesia masih tinggi sebesar 359 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. Berdasarkan
data dari tahun 2010-2013 penyebab kematian terbesar kematian ibu ialah perdarahan. [4]
Tujuan dari penulisan laporan kasus ini adalah agar penulis dan pembaca mampu memahami
komplikasi dari plasenta previa yaitu perdarahan post partum dan bagaimana managemen
tatalaksana dari pada kasus tersebut. Kami melaporkan kasus multipara berusia 31 tahun
dengan Plasenta Previa Totalis dan Riwayat SC 2x yang mengalami Perdarahan Post Partum
dan Syok Hipovolemik. Kondisi pasien membaik 3 hari pasca operasi dan perawatan
Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

Kata Kunci : Plasenta Previa Totalis, Perdarahan Post Partum.

Reski Wulandari Roni : Complete Placenta Previa at 39 Weeks Gestation on Multiparous

The incidence of placenta previa in

the second pregnancy with vaginal
delivery during the first pregnancy was 4.4
Introduction in 1000 births, while by cesarean section
was 8.8 in 1000 births. Other data states
Most of the placenta will make an that mothers with a history of one cesarean
implantation in a good place in order to section have a 2.2 times greater risk of
provide adequate nutrition for the fetus, experiencing placenta previa. The risk
that is in the uterine fundus. However, this increases with the increase in history of
is not always happend, leading to various cesarean section, that 4.1 times for 2
placental implantation abnormalities.[5] cesarean sections and 22.4 times for a
Placenta previa is a placenta that history of 3 cesarean sections. [1,4,6,7]
located in the lower uterine segment in This case is about a 31 years old
such a way that it is adjacent to or partially woman with complete placenta previa at
or completely covers the internal uterine her 39 weeks of gestation and had two
ostium.[3,16] The incidence of placenta history of caesarian section get post
previa is 4-5 per 1000 pregnancies. [7] The partum haemorrhage after the last
incidence is 2.8/1000 deliveries in caesarean section with anaemia.
singleton pregnancies and 3.9/1000 This case has received approval
deliveries in twin pregnancies. [6] from the patient and the hospital medical
Placenta previa is one of a problem committee.
in pregnancy. This causes painless vaginal
bleeding and some cause bleeding profuse Objective
enough and can endanger the condition of
the mother and fetus that should require To present a common case of plasenta
immediate delivery, either elective or previa and to discuss about theory and
emergency. [6] management of complication caused by
The factors that influence the pacenta previa.
occurrence of placenta previa are increased
maternal parity, increased maternal age, Case Illustration
multiple pregnancies, curatage, previous
cesarean section, the presence of scar on A 31-years old woman,
the uterus and myomectomy or multiparous at 39 weeks gestation was
endometritis, a history of placenta previa, complained of vaginal bleeding. Bleeding
and smoking habits. [13,7] occurred since 1 day before admission to
Defects in the uterus for example the hospital and the blood came out in the
due to cesarean section, scrapings and form of brown spots without any other
myomectomy had a significant effect to complaints, without abdominal pain.
the inflammatory process and the Previously, the patient had experienced the
incidence of endometrial atrophy resulting same thing in the 7th month of pregnancy
in inadequate decidua vascularization, but the bleeding was only a spotting.
causing placenta previa.[13] From the physical examination
and ultrasound performed at the hospital, it

Reski Wulandari Roni : Complete Placenta Previa at 39 Weeks Gestation on Multiparous

is found that the placenta completely caesarean section . The patient is directed
covers the birth canal. The patient is also to hospitalization and surgery plans the
known to have a two times history of next day.

Picture 1: Plasenta Covers the Whole Way of Birth

Lab results before surgery showed an After the sugery was completed,
insignificant rate of anemia with 9.9gr% the patient was transfer to the Intensive
of haemoglobin, erythrocytes 4.1 million, Care Unit (ICU) and the patient was
Leukocytes 8700 mm3, Thrombocytes closely observed. The patient furthermore
187,000/ uL, Ureum 9 mg / dl and showed improvement after the third day of
Creatinine 0.4 mg / dl. Furthermore, the stay in the ICU. The patient get well with
patient is planned for surgery the next day. stable hemodynamics and the haemoglobin
The baby was born healthy with an apgar back to normal at 11gr% after 4 bag
score 8 in the first minute and 9 in the fifth transfusin of blood.
minute, active motion, and weight 3200
grams. Discussion
The complications that caused by
Placenta previa is a condition when
low lying of placenta previa is post partum
the position of placenta in the lower
haemorrhage that occur during the surgery.
segment of uterus so that it closes of the
The estimated blood loss of the patien is
opening of the birth canal (ostium uteri
2500 cc then causes the patient's
internum). The incidence of placenta
haemoglobin become 1.8 g% and also
previa in the second pregnancy with
causes unstable hemodynamic. The
vaginal delivery during the first pregnancy
patient's blood pressure drops to 80/50
was 4.4 in 1000 births, while by cesarean
mmHg, and the patient's consciousness
section was 8.8 in 1000 births. [1,4,]
begins to decline. Furthermore,
Other data states that mothers with
hemodynamic improvement is carried out
a history of one cesarean section have a
in collaboration with Anesthesiologists, by
2.2 times greater risk of experiencing
installing 2 IV lines by inserting colloids
placenta previa. The risk increases with the
and crystalloids, as well as conducting
increase in history of cesarean section, that
intra-operative blood transfusions to
4.1 times for 2 cesarean sections and 22.4
overcome anemia that occurs in patients.

Reski Wulandari Roni : Complete Placenta Previa at 39 Weeks Gestation on Multiparous

times for a history of 3 cesarean sections. d. Complete/ Total Placenta Previa

Women over 30 years of age tend to which is when hat placenta covers
get placenta previa. [11] entire of internal uterine ostium.
Early in pregnancy, the placenta
begins to form, a round, flat organ that is The etiology of placenta previa is
responsible for providing oxygen and not known with certainty, but several risk
nutrients for the baby's growth and factors have been established as conditions
removing waste products from the baby's that are associated with the occurrence of
blood. The placenta is attached to the placenta previa. These risk factors include
uterine wall and to the baby's umbilical old age pregnancy, multiparity, multiple
cord which forms an important connection pregnancy, smoking during pregnancy,
between mother and baby. [16,18] male fetus, history of pregnancy abortion,
There are 4 classification of history of uterine surgery, history of
placenta previa : [3] placenta previa in previous pregnancies
a. Partial Placenta Previa which is and IVF.[17, 19]
when the placenta covers a half of The pathogenesis of placenta previa is
internal uterine ostium. unclear. Reduced vascularization or
b. Marginal Placenta Previa which is atrophic changes in the decidua due to past
when the placenta covers lower labor may not always lead to placenta
edge of internal ostium internum. previa, because it is not clear that placenta
c. Low-lying Placenta Previa which is previa is present in the majority of patients
when the placenta covers with high parity. Bleeding without reason
approximately 2 cm of internal and without pain is the main and first
uterine ostium. symptom of placenta previa. [1,10,13]

Table 1: History of labor by caesarean section increases the incidence of placenta previa
in subsequent pregnancies [7,11]

Type of Previa Previous Caesarean 15 to 19 24 to 27 32 to 35

Delivery weeks weeks weeks
Complete No. 20 56 90
Complete Yes 41 84 89
Partial No. 6 12 39
Partial Yes 7 40 63
Overall 12 49 73

Diagnosis enforced by the presence after 28 weeks of pregnancy or in late

of clinical symptoms and several pregnancy (third trimester), the peak
examinations, including:[1,3,4,7,9] incidence is at 34 weeks of gestation. The
nature of the bleeding without a cause
1. History Taking / Anamnesis (causeless), without pain (painless), and
The first symptom that brings the recurrent.
patient to the doctor or hospital is bleeding

Reski Wulandari Roni : Complete Placenta Previa at 39 Weeks Gestation on Multiparous

2. Physical Examination 35 weeks of gestation. If the distance is

A speculum examination may be >20 mm vaginal delivery is most likely
performed to assess the vagina and cervix. successful. If the distance between the
Vaginal touchers should be avoided in all edge of the placenta and the internal
women with antepartum haemorrhage until uterine ostium is 0-20 mm, a cesarean
it is diagnosed as non-placental previa section is likely to be performed, but
vaginal delivery can still be performed
3. Additional Examination depending on the clinical condition of the
Ultrasound Examination patient. [18]
a) Transvaginal ultrasound with an In placenta previa, bleeding may
accurate 100% identification of continue after the placenta is delivered
placenta previa from the implantation site because the
b) Transabdominal ultrasound with lower uterine segment cannot contract
an accuracy of around 95% properly. Bleeding can also occur from
MRI can be used to assist in the cervical laseration, especially after manual
identification of placenta accreta, increta, placentation due to placenta that is too
and placenta perkreta. attached. [3]
The principal management of Rosenberg et al stated that the
placenta previa is must be carried out incidence of postpartum hemorrhage in
immediately in all cases of antepartum placenta previa was 1.4%, higher than not
hemorrhage is to assess the condition of placenta previa, which was 0.5%.
the mother and fetus, perform appropriate Hasegawa et al stated that postpartum
resuscitation if necessary, if there is fetal hemorrhage morbidity has a relative risk
distress and the baby is mature enough to of 1.86 for placenta previa.[5]
be born, it is necessary to consider Post partum hemorrhage was defined
terminating the pregnancy and as the loss of 500 ml or more of blood
administering anti-D immunoglobulin to after vaginal delivery or 1000 ml or more
all mothers with negative rhesus.[9,10] after cesarean section. Postpartum
Management of mothers with hemorrhage can be caused by, first: uterine
symptomatic placenta previa includes: atony. Uterine atony is the inability of the
after being diagnosed, the mother is uterus, especially the myometrium, to
advised to be hospitalized, blood contract after the placenta is delievered.
transfusions are available if needed [12,13]

immediately, supporting facilities for Post partum hemorrhage is

emergency cesarean section, delivery plans physiologically controlled by the
at 38 weeks of pregnancy but if there are contraction of the myometrial fibers,
indications before the time of delivery especially those around the blood vessels
determined, a cesarean section can be that supply blood to the placental
performed at that time. [11,13] attachment. Failure to contract and retract
The methode of delivery is the myometrial fibers can cause rapid and
determined by the distance between the severe bleeding and hypovolemic shock.
placental edge and the internal uterine os [10,14]

by transvaginal ultrasound examination at

Reski Wulandari Roni : Complete Placenta Previa at 39 Weeks Gestation on Multiparous

Uterine atony is the most common bleeding remains associated with trauma.
cause of post partum haemorrhage, up to If there is persistent bleeding and the
about 70% of cases. Atony can occur after source of the bleeding is known, uterine
vaginal delivery, vaginal operative artery embolization should be considered.
delivery or abdominal delivery. Research [15,16]

so far has shown that uterine atony is In pregnancies with placenta previa, it
higher in abdominal labor than in vaginal should be noted that rebleeding is usually
delivery.[14] more frequent. Blood transfusion should
Second: birth canal laceration. be given immediately if there are
Laseration of the birth canal are usually symptoms of hypovolemia shock due to
the result of an episiotomy, spontaneous massive bleeding even though the clinical
laseration of the perineum, forceps trauma appearance is good.[10] Bhatt et al found
or vacuum extraction, or due to the 64.7% of mothers with placenta previa
extraction version.[12,13] required blood transfusion.[1]
Third: placental retention. Placental
retention is the placenta that has not been Conclusion
born until or beyond 30 minutes after the
baby is born. This is because the placenta Post partum and antepartum
has not yet separated from the uterine wall hemorrhage is the most frequent
or the placenta has separated but not yet occurrence and causes the death of the
been born. Placental retention is the third mother the most. Early diagnosis is very
most common etiology of postpartum important in order to prevent excessive
hemorrhage (20% - 30% of cases).[12,13] bleeding during labor. Proper management
The management of a patient with post of placenta previa and postpartum
partum haemorrhage has two main hemorrhage is a very important thing for
components, resuscitation and the safety of both mother and child.
management of obstetric hemorrhage that
may be accompanied by hypovolemic Acknowledgements
shock and identification and management
of the cause of the bleeding. The The author would like to thank the mentor
successful management of postpartum dr. Ferri Waluyo Wiwoho Pujojati
hemorrhage requires that both components Obstetrician Gynecologist for his direction
be managed simultaneously and and guidance in this paper.
systematically .[15,16]

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