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Chapter 1

Talking about Self

Hello, Novi
Hello, I am Rendi
my name is

Source: s

Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dalam teks mengenai
jati diri dan hubungan keluarga.
2. Membedakan fungsi sosial, struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan dari ungkapan meminta
dan memberi informasi mengenai jati diri dan hubungan keluarga formal dan tidak formal.
3. Meminta informasi mengenai jati diri dan hubungan keluarga dengan menggunakan
struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang tepat sesuai dengan konteks penggunaan
4. Memberi informasi mengenai jati diri dan hubungan keluarga dengan menggunakan
struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang tepat sesuai dengan konteks penggunaan
5. Menyusun teks lisan dan tulis mengenai jati diri dan hubungan keluarga dengan
menggunakan struktur teks dan unsur kebahasaan yang tepat sesuai dengan konteks

Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Semester 1 SMKS Darul Habibi 1
A Listening Skill

Listen to your teacher and fill the blank!

Transcript 1

Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you for giving me this 1) ………..

I am a new member in this 2) ………….. Allow me to introduce myself.
3) ……….. is Fanny Ernawati. I am 4) ………... I live in Anggrek Street
5) ………... I am in class X C. My hobby is 6) ……….., especially English
movie. I chose this club because I want to 7) ……….. in English. I love
everything about English. I love singing 8) ………..and read English comics. I
hope we can learn English together and 9………... I think that’s all. Thank you
for 10) ………...

Transcript 2

Rindu : Today is very hot, right?

Intan : Yes, 1) ………... The Sun shines brightly.
Rindu : Are you waiting for someone?
Intan : Yes, I am. I’m waiting for 2) ………... How about you?
Rindu : Me, too, but I’m waiting for my father. By the way,
3) ………..
Intan : Hi, Rindu. My name is Intan. Are you 4) ………..
Rindu : Yes, I am. Are you at the first grade too?
Intan : That’s right. My class is XB.
Rindu : I’m in XE. Well, that’s my father. 5) ………..
Nice to meet you, Intan.
Intan : That’s okay. Nice to meet you too, Rindu.

Source: Modul Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas X: Graha Pustaka

Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Semester 1 SMKS Darul Habibi 2
Speaking Skill B

Practice the dialogues with your partner!

1. Vita : Good morning Mr. Rahardian

Mr. Rahardin : Good Morning
Vita : Mr. Rahardian, I’m Vita, a new student.
Mr. Rahardin : How do you do?
Vita : How do you do? It is nice to meet you
Mr. Rahardin : It is nice to meet you too


Who is Vita?
Who is Mr. Rahardian?
What they are doing?
What is their relationship?

2. Ms. Anne : Good morning students.

Students : Good morning Ma’am.
Ms. Anne : Today, I’d like to introduce a new
to you. Her name is Caroline. She is from
Australia. She will study here. Ok., now
you can greet her
Rosa : Hi, Caroline. Nice to meet you.
Caroline : Hi, Nice to meet you

- What is Ms. Anne doing?

- What do Ms. Anne and students say when they meet
each other?
3. Rosa : There is Caroline. Do you know her?
Vita : No. I don’t.
Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Semester 1 SMKS Darul Habibi 3
Rosa : Hello, Caroline.
Caroline : Hello, Ros.
Rosa : Caroline, please meet Vita. Vita, please
meet Caroline, the student from Australia.
Caroline : Hi
Vita : Hello, it is nice to meet you.
Caroline : Nice to meet you, too.
Rosa : Did you have a nice weekend, Caroline?
Caroline : Yes, thanks.
Rosa : What did you do?
Caroline : Well, I went to a cinema on Saturday
evening, and on Sunday morning I played
tennis. And how was your weekend?
Rosa : It was good, thanks. Some friends from out
of town came. So I show them around
Caroline : I see.


What is the purpose of the conversation?

-What did at her weekend?

Source: English for a Better Life Grade X: Pakar Raya

C Reading Skill
Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Semester 1 SMKS Darul Habibi 4
Task 1: Read the following letter carefully and pay attention to the
expression of introducing yourself!

Text 1

Good morning all, allow me to introduce myself in. My name is

time. Pridani.
Pleased I wasyou.
to meet born in Jakarta on April 13 1998. I now live in Bandung Right
now I stayed at my grandma’s house. Now allow me to introduce myself further. I like
travelling, and small things like reading, watching, and spent my free time by doing
nothing. Okay now about me and my family, I am the second child in my family. I have
a little sister, and she is an elementary student. My father is a teacher which is named
Arifin Surya. While, my mother is a housewife. I love my family more than anything.
Well that’s my introduction


Hi, class! Let me introduce my cousin. His name is Tom Walker. His nick
name is Walker. He was born in Seattle, 16 April 2005. He is here, because his
father became an ambassador in Indonesia. His hobby is reading scientific
book and swimming. His favourite food is fried chicken. His favourite drinks
are fresh water. He wants to be an army. His favourite film is adventuring. His
Favourite song is Californication. I think that’s enough. If you have questions
about him, he will answer happily. Thank you!
Task 2: After reading the texts, fill the chart below based on the texts!

Items Text 1
Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Semester 1 SMKS Darul Habibi 5
Main Idea
Text Structure
Language Feature
Place, date of birth
Hobby and Favourite
Father’s occupation

Items Text 2
Main Idea
Text Structure
Language Feature
Place, date of birth
Hobby and Favourite
Father’s occupation

Source: Modul Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris untuk Direktorat Jenderal PAUD, DIKDAS dan DIKMEN

Task 3. Pay attention to the table of pronoun and read aloud after your teachers
Tas 4. Fill the blank with the right pronoun
1. …..(Me/I) come to Yogyakarta every month
Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Semester 1 SMKS Darul Habibi 6
2. …..(his/He) spends the weekend with playing the guitar
3. …..(They/Them) tell me that they send e-mail to each other every day
4. …..(We/Ours) plan to visit Thailand next year
5. …..(We/It) can climb Bromo Mousntain together on July
6. I am going to introduce ……. (she/her) to one of my pen pals in
7. Lolita told……. (we/me) that she wanted to send a birthday gift to
her pen pal in Papua
8. My friend and I have regular meeting with pen pal seeker group. You
can join….(it/its) anytime
9. He told me that he had many e-pals but he is no longer keep in touch
with…..(them/it) frequently three days
10.He told me about his family and I told……(my/mine) too
11.I a going to wash…………………….(my/me) hand.
12.Do you like…………..(your/you) pen pal?
13.………(he/his) hobby is reading the biography of famous people.
14.She is sixteen…………(her/he) school is in Menneapolis.
15.They run their family business themselves because…………….
(they/their) father died last year.

Source: Bahasa Inggris untuk SMS/MA/SMK/MMAK Kelas X: Kemdikbud Republik Indonesias

Writing Skill D

Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Semester 1 SMKS Darul Habibi 7
Task 1: Fill the blank based on the words in the box

Named Is Like Live watch

My name is Anis Candrawinarno. I ……(1) in a Boulevard Residence ar

MT. Haryono Street 17. I live with my small family. I a a father for my two sons…
(2) Richard Wilshare and Robert Teves. My wife…(3) a doctor in a government
hospital in Solo. Her nae is Ratna Wulansari. I a a finance consultant in one of the
greatest Bank in Indonesia. Now, I am 45. My sons and i…..(4) football very
much. We usually….(5) football match together on the weekend.

Task 2: Change these sentences into negative and interrogative!

1. I speak English every day

2. She sends a letter to her parent
3. He drinks a cup of coffee every morning
4. We work after six o’clock in the morning
5. My father goes to work by car

Source: Modul Bahasa Inggris untuk SMA/MA/SMK/MAK Kelas X: Graha Pustaka

Task 3: make an Introduction paragraph prepared below!

Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Semester 1 SMKS Darul Habibi 8
A. Listening Skill

Activity 1 (Transcript
Lembar 1) Didik Bahasa Inggris Kelas X Activity
Kerja Peserta Semester11(Transcript
SMKS Darul 2) Habibi 9
1. Opportunity 1. SYou’re right.
2. English speaking club 2. My sister
3. My name 3. My name is Rindu
4. Fifteen years old 4. First grade student
5. Number 34 5. I have to go
6. Watching movies
7. Speak fluently
8. English song
9. Help each other
10. Your attention

B. Speaking Skill
Dialogue 1

1. She is a new student

2. He is a teacher
3. They are greeting and introducing each other
4. They are student and teachers

Dialogue 2
1. She introduces a new students
2. Good morning

Dialogue 3
1. To tell about activity in the weekend
2. I went to a cinema on Saturday evening, and on Sunday morning I played tennis.

C. Reading Skill
Task 2

Items Text 1
Main Idea She introduces herself
Text Structure My name is, allow me, I was born,
Language Feature Pronoun. Present Tense (verbal and nominal)
Place, date of birth Jakarta on April 13 1998
Hobby and Favourite reading, watching, and spent my free time by
doing nothing
Father’s occupation A teacher

Items Text 2
Main Idea She/he introduces someone to others s
Text Structure His name is Tom Walker, His nick name is Walker
Language Feature Pronoun. Present Tense (verbal and nominal)
Place, date of birth Seattle, 16 April 2005
Hobby and Favourite His favourite food is fried chicken. His favorite
drinks is fresh water
Father’s occupation an ambassador in Indonesia

Task 4:
1. I
2. He
3. They
4. We
5. We
6. Her
7. Me
8. It
9. Them
D. Writing Skill
Task 1
1. Live
2. Named
3. Is
4. Like
5. Watch

Task 2
1. I speak English every day
(-)I do not speak English every day
(?) do I speak English every day
2. She sends a letter to her parent
(-)She does not send a letter to her parent
(?)Does She send a letter to her parent
3. He drinks a cup of coffee every morning
(-)He does not drink a cup of coffee every morning
(?) Does He drink a cup of coffee every morning
4. We work after six o’clock in the morning
(-)We do not work after six o’clock in the morning
(?) Do We work after six o’clock in the morning
5. My father goes to work by car
(-)My does not father go to work by car
(?) Does My father go to work by car

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