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Untuk mengetahui tentang kebtuhan dasar siswa, CGP menggunakan model observasi dan assessment
diagnostik. Pada metode assessment diagnostic CGP menampilkan pertanyaan pada slide dan murid
menuliskan jawaban pilihan mereka secara mandiri, hal ini untuk mengetahui minat dan profil/ gaya
belajar mereka. Untuk kebutuhan belajar kesiapan murid, CGP melihat berdasarkan hasil pre-test tentang
descriptive text yang diberikan. Dari hasil analisis hasil pengamatan maka di ketahui sebagai berikut;

Kesiapan Belajar Minat Profil Belajar/ Gaya Belajar

Konten Guru menyiapkan materi ajar dengan membuat video animasi, mendownload
gambar-gambar terkait materi, video tutur, dan merancang mapping atau metode
descriptive map. Kemudian, merancang RPP dan menyiapkan LKPD untuk
dibagikan kepada siswa. Siswa adakan dimintakan untuk mengisi descriptive map
sebagai bentuk pemahaman dan rencana penyusunan teks mandiri. Siswa akan
membuat teks descriptive dengan berdasarkan pemahaman dan kesenangan mereka
dalam berbagai bentuk media.

Proses Siswa belajar membuat teks Siswa mengidentifikasi dan

descriptive secara mandiri, mencari informasi lewat video
dan terbimbing dengan pembelajaran, buku/modul,
menggunakan descriptive sumber internet, video
map animasi, dan interaksi
lingkungan sekitar.

Produk Siswa menyajikan hasil

capaian pembelajaran
dalam bentuk tulisan,
gambar, dan komik

Satuan Pendidikan ; SMA Negeri 33 Maluku Tengah Materi ; Descriptive text

Mata Pelajaran ; Bahasa Inggris Alokasi Waktu; 1 Pertemuan (@ 2 x 45’)
Kelas / Semester ; X / Ganjil
Dengan menggunakan metode diskusi, tanya jawab dan menggunakan media Graphic organizer dalam Descriptive Map serta pendekatan
model Discovery Learning, siswa diharapkan dapat menganalisis unsur kebahasaan dan struktur teks, menentukan informasi penting terkait unsur
kebahasaan, struktur teks, dan fungsi sosial, dan membuat teks descriptive dengan baik serta penuh rasa tanggung jawab dan mandiri.

Media : Alat/Bahan :
 Worksheet atau lembar kerja (siswa)  Laptop
 Lembar penilaian  Speaker
 Slide presentasi (ppt), video pembelajaran  Camera


Pertemuan 1 Awal; salam, doa, mengecek absensi siswa

o Guru menunjukan sebuah video terkait tempat-tempat yang terkenal di daerah
o Guru menerangkan materi dan menjelaskan apa itu descriptive text
o Guru menunjukan contoh teks dan menjelaskan detail teks
o Guru memutarkan audio deskripsi untuk siswa dan
o Siswa menentukan kata-kata yang baru dikenal dalam teks yang didengar maupun di handout
o Guru mensimulasi proses pembuatan descriptive teks lewat Descriptive Map
o Siswa mencoba dalam kelompok menentukan stuktur teks dengan menggunakan Descriptive Map dan menyusun teks
pribadi sesuai dengan konteks
o Hasil kerja siswa dijadikan bahan evaluasi
Penutup; guru dan siswa saling memberikan feedback pertanyaan bagi hal yang belum dipahami


Pengetahuan Ketrampilan Sikap

Mengerjakan soal dan melengkapi Menulis produk cerita Berinteraksi dalam proses belajar dan
Descriptive Map berdiskusi dengan teman
Pertemuan 1

A. Kegiatan Inti
Simulation o Guru memutarkan sebuah video tentang tempat-tempat rekreasi/ terkenal di daerah Seram Timur Maluku
o Siswa menonton dengan seksama dan mencatat info penting yang mereka lihat
o Setelah menonton video, guru memberikan beberapa pertanyaan (pemantik) terkait video untuk menggagas pengetahuan
Statement o Guru menampilkan beberapa gambar (orang dan benda) dan meminta siswa menyebutkan nama serta gambaran singkat
tentang gambar tersebut
o Guru mengirimkan materi untuk siswa lewat WA (kegiatan asinkron)
o Guru menyampaikan materi pembelajaran (kegiatan sinkron)
Data collection o Guru menjelaskan tentang Descriptive Map dan menunjukan contoh teks menggunakan descriptive Map
o Guru meminta siswa untuk menemukan kosakata bahasa inggris yang baru dikenal dalam teks yang diberikan dan
mengartikannya dengan menggunakan sumber belajaran lain seperti kamus, google translate atau kamus online pada
o Siswa menuliskan hasil temuan dalam LKS/ buku tugas
Data processing o Guru memutarkan sebuah audio descriptive tentang Tohono Chul Park dan siswa mendengarkan dengan seksama
o Guru menampilkan teks baku descriptive dan meminta siswa menganalisis fungsi teks dengan mengguanakan
descriptive map.
o Siswa dalam kelompok mendiskusikan hasil yang ditemui
Verification o Siswa mempresentasikan hasil kerja mereka
o Guru memberi masukan/feedback terhadap jawaban siswa
o Siswa mereview hasil kerja mereka
Generalization o Siswa membuat kesimpulan pemahaman tentang materi dalam catatan
o Guru mengevaluasi hasil kerja siswa
o Guru memberikan tugas untuk siswa membuatkan sebuah teks descriptive sederhana tentang sebuah tempat yang terkenal
atau tempat favorit mereka dengan mengacu pada descriptive map. Tugas dapat dikumpulkan berdasarkan kreativitas
c. Penutup
o Guru dan Siswa menyimpulkan hasil belajar bersama
 siswa membuat refleksi pembelajaran
o Guru menyampaikan arah singkat tentang materi selanjutnya/ yang akan datang
o Guru dan Siswa berdoa bersama.


1 2 3 4
Novice Discoverer Achiever Excellent

Ideas and organization No evidance of purpose or Hints at using organized Well-focused sentences and Interesting and precise
logical ideas that help the ideas to desribe place, paragraphs are logical and sentences and paragraphs
reader see what is being people and things help readers see what is tell a descriptive story with
described being described. metaphor.
Word choice Lacks evidance of sensory Provide some sensory Uses well-crafted sensory Engages the reader in the
words and adjectives words and adjectives images and appropiate story ny making people,
adjectives that describe. places, and objects come
alive with sensory details,
comparisons and powerful
Stucture, grammar, and Lack evidence of proper Exhibits some Shows sentences variety, Offers reader enganging and
mechanics sentences, spelling, understanding of sentence with few errors in spelling, compelling sentences and
pronounciation, and structure; many spelling, punctuation, or grammar. paragraphs without
grammar punctuation, and spelling, puctuation, or
grammatical errors. grammatical errors.
Creative presentation and No sense of artistic concern Provides some concern for Exhibits strong use and Creative use of materials to
art or care for neatness; no artistic technique and understanding of artistic tell an engaging story
attempt to interest the neatness; offers basic concepts; details figure artistically; powerful details
reader through sensory description. strongly in the work and description.

Notes: Key: Score:

14-16 points : excellent
11-13 points : very good
8-10 points : good
5-7 : fair
0-4 : poor

1. Video tempat wisata

Quiding questions:
a. Do you recognize these places? Please mention some of them?
b. Where do you like to spend your holiday?
c. Why do you like to go there? Give the reasons.


3. Materi Descriptive Text (PPT-publisher)

4. Teks descriptive:


Seram Island or Seran island or Serang island is located on the north island of Ambon, Maluku Province. The main
town is Masohi, the capital of Central Maluku district. In this island there are several ports: Amahai, Masohi Kairatu, and
harbor people like Tehoru, Bula, Slide, and Piru.
The indigenous people who live in Seram Island are Alifuru people, but there are other inhabitant who live in there
with different culture. Most of the population is Seram Island is Muslim, Protestant, Catholic, or beliefs of Animism.
D Manusela tribe still embraced Hinduism, such a sinkretisasi types.
S Seram Island is having natural mountains and tropical forests. Products that they produce for living is include
C cloves, nutmeg, copra, resin, sago, fish and oil. There is one national park name Manusela National Park renowned for its
R many endemic animal and plantation. To reach this place i can be reached through the village in the district Yaputih or
I Hatu in Tehoru district, approximately 100km from Masohi.
T Dated back to the earlybegin in Seram Island, Portuguese missionaries were on this island in the 16th century.
I Dutch trade post was established in the early 17th century, in 1650, Seram island was controlled by Dutch colonialism.
O Looking for the genuine, Seram island is the destination itself that can be explored from the way the native living in
N everyday life, the natures gift, or the exotic heritage.

Village of Sawai, Maluku, is one of destinations in the Manusela National Park. The waters are calm and clean. This tourism village
has the same beauty with other islands in Indonesia. This village is famous for its beaches and sea. Most of the sea in the this village is still
natural and well preserved.
Sawai village is including the oldest villages in Maluku and it has several small islands surrounding it. These islands are also adds to
the beauty of the Sea of Sawai. What is unique of this village is there is “giant swimming pool”. This pool is a source of water village in Sawai
and it is located in the center of the village. The springs from this pool is coming from the stone boulder in the middle of the pond. The
sparkling water in the pool is like crystal clear, and we can see the bottom clearly.
Not only the sea, along the way from Ora beach to the village of Sawai, we can see the cliffs and Manusela valleys, that located by the
Sawai sea is also have million potential caves with tremendous sightseeing.
Not far from the location of the reef, there is a big gap and height that can be entered by tourists. Currently the village of Sawai is also
having some endemic animals, such as cockatoos spooky, parrot head black, and hornbill. But unfortunately, the current population of
parrot-headed black is almost waned.
Maluku is having so much potentials beauty in tourism, and most of all are still hidden and un-promoted. This is true that we call
Manusela National Park is a Heaven on Earth or the hidden pearl in East Indonesia.

In the wild landscape of the Bay of Saparua, where pepper grows wild and time almost stands still, you will find Nabucco’s Cape
Paperu Resort and Spa. Divers, snorkelers and nature lovers who visit this small paradise landscape will enjoy themselves as completely as
possible. Cape Paperu Resort covers about 10 hectares (25 acres) with mature shade trees, many over one hundred years old, countless
coconut palms, shrubs and bushes, wild orchids and much more.
From the restaurant you have a beautiful view over the sea, while enjoying a wide variety of dishes from Moluccas and Europe as
well as your choice of wine. You can relax around the natural beach on the sun beds, or indulge in a massage in the spa after a day’s diving
or sight-seeing. The lovely Pool Area in the Palmgarden invites you for relaxing and enjoying.
In the wild cliffside landscape live different kinds of birds, as well as many types and sizes of beautifully colored butterflies. All
nature lovers will find something to delight them.
The seven spacious bungalows, with a living space about 65 m2 (78 square), each have an additional covered veranda of about 35 m2 (42
square). From there you can enjoy a fantastic view across the Banda Sea to the island of Nusa Laut. Apart from the bedroom, the bungalows
have a small dressing room with adjustable air-conditioning.
Especially for guests who wish for a little extra peace or privacy there are four additional bungalows, which are situated in a
luxurious natural garden, surrounded by a wall. These bungalows also contain fans and AC for cooling and also have verandas.
In all the bungalows are a minibar and safe, and each has a half open-air bathroom with shower and toilet.

The Swiss managed Extradivers Dive Center and school of is situated directly on the bay beach. They offer comprehensive services,
starting with guided diving to the 2 km (1 ½ mile) long house reef. Other sites in the area are visited with dive boats. Nitrox is available as
well as PADI, CMAS and IANTD courses and a range of rental equipment.
The interesting and varied diving sites around the islands of Saparua, Molana, Nusa Laut and Hakuru stand among the best in the world.
They offer you diving with luxurious coral gardens steep walls, and a huge variety of colorful fishes.
5. Descriptive Map
a. Topic : judul
b. Name of the character/place/thing:
c. Picture of the character
d. What does your character /place/thing look like?
e. What are your character /place/thing personality traits?
f. What does your character /place/thing do?
g. What I can learn from this character /place/thing?

Descriptive Map

Topic /

Name of the character/place/thing:

Picture of the character//place/thing

What does your character What does your character
/place/thing look like? /place/thing do?

………………………………………….. …………………………………………..
………………………………………….. …………………………………………..
………………………………………….. …………………………………………..

What are your character What I can learn from this

/place/thing personality character /place/thing?
………………………………………….. …………………………………………..
………………………………………….. …………………………………………..
6. Audio descriptive; tohono chul park

7. Menentukan kosakata baru dari dalam teks yang di dengar (Tohono Chul Park)

Urban : berkaitan dengan kota

Preserve : cagar
Suburb :pinggiran kota
Thematic display :tampilan bertema
Marvelous : menakjubkan, bagus sekali
Outstanding :terkenal
Handicrafts :kerajinan tangan
8. Simulasi pengisian Descriptive Map

Descriptive Map


Picture of the character//place/thing

What does your character
What does your character
/place/thing look like?
/place/thing do?
Tohono Chul Park is an
a. Tourism spot: for
urban oasis. It is a botanical
garden, nature preserve, spending holiday time,
cultural museum wedding photo
b. Thematic Display; a
botanical garden
What are your character c. Art galeries; historical
/place/thing personality side, mine stones and
traits? handicrafts

a. Tohono Chul Park is

opened for public as
tourism spot
b. This park has What I can learn from this
developed thematic character /place/thing?
This park always be a
c. This park is Art
favorite place to be visit
and learn all at once.

9. Untuk tugas siswa, menganalisis dan mengisi Descriptive Map menggunakan teks berjudul “Paperu Cape Resort”
10. Siswa membuat text descriptive tentang tempat favorit mereka/ tempat ternama di daerah mereka tinggal/

Nama Sekolah : SMA Negeri 33 Maluku Tengah

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Fase / Semester : E / Ganjil
Tahun Ajaran : 2023-2024
Materi Pokok : Descriptive Text

A. Identitas Siswa:
Nama Siswa :
Nama grup /teman kerja :
(untuk kegiatan interaksi)
Kelas :

Tujuan Pembelajaran

Dengan menggunakan metode diskusi, tanya jawab dan menggunakan media Graphic organizer dalam
Descriptive Map serta pendekatan model Discovery Learning, siswa diharapkan dapat menganalisis unsur
kebahasaan dan struktur teks, menentukan informasi penting terkait unsur kebahasaan, struktur teks, dan fungsi
sosial, dan membuat teks descriptive dengan baik serta penuh rasa tanggung jawab dan mandiri.

Petunjuk Kerja:
a. Berdoa sebelum mengerjakan
b. Bacalah instruksi soal dengan seksama
c. Berkerjalah dengan tulus, jujur dan penuh rasa tanggung jawab

1. Video tempat wisata

Guiding questions:
a. Do you recognize these places? Please mention some of them?
b. Where do you like to spend your holiday?
c. Why do you like to go there? Give the reasons.

2. look at these pictures, named them and give some descriptions of the pictures based on your opinion and knowledge

3. Materi Descriptive Text (PPT-publisher) = open the learning materials on your WA Group.
4. Descriptive text:
Read these following texts carefully. Identify the generic structures and find the unfamiliar words (new vocabularies) to find the meaning.
Text 1


Village of Sawai, Maluku, is one of destinations in the Manusela National Park. We can reach this place by car and boat. The waters
are calm and clean. This tourism village has the same beauty with other islands in Indonesia. This village is famous for its beaches and sea.
Most of the sea in this village is still natural and well preserved.
Sawai village is including the oldest villages in Maluku and it has several small islands surrounding it. These islands are also adds to
the beauty of the Sea of Sawai. What is unique of this village is there is “giant swimming pool”. This pool is a source of water village in Sawai
and it is located in the center of the village. The springs from this pool is coming from the stone boulder in the middle of the pond. The
sparkling water in the pool is like crystal clear, and we can see the bottom clearly.
Not only the sea, along the way from Ora beach to the village of Sawai, we can see the cliffs and Manusela valleys, that located by the
Sawai sea is also have million potential caves with tremendous sightseeing.
Not far from the location of the reef, there is a big gap and height that can be entered by tourists. Currently the village of Sawai is also
having some endemic animals, such as cockatoos spooky, parrot head black, and hornbill. But unfortunately, the current population of
parrot-headed black is almost waned.
Maluku is having so much potentials beauty in tourism, and most of all are still hidden and un-promoted. This is true that we call
Manusela National Park is a Heaven on Earth or the hidden pearl in East Indonesia.

Text 2

In the wild landscape of the Bay of Saparua, where pepper grows wild and time almost stands still, you will find Nabucco’s Cape
Paperu Resort and Spa. Divers, snorkelers and nature lovers who visit this small paradise landscape will enjoy themselves as completely as
possible. Cape Paperu Resort covers about 10 hectares (25 acres) with mature shade trees, many over one hundred years old, countless
coconut palms, shrubs and bushes, wild orchids and much more.
From the restaurant you have a beautiful view over the sea, while enjoying a wide variety of dishes from Moluccas and Europe as
well as your choice of wine. You can relax around the natural beach on the sun beds, or indulge in a massage in the spa after a day’s diving
or sight-seeing. The lovely Pool Area in the Palmgarden invites you for relaxing and enjoying.
In the wild cliffside landscape live different kinds of birds, as well as many types and sizes of beautifully colored butterflies. All
nature lovers will find something to delight them.
The seven spacious bungalows, with a living space about 65 m2 (78 square), each have an additional covered veranda of about 35 m2 (42
square). From there you can enjoy a fantastic view across the Banda Sea to the island of Nusa Laut. Apart from the bedroom, the bungalows
have a small dressing room with adjustable air-conditioning.
Especially for guests who wish for a little extra peace or privacy there are four additional bungalows, which are situated in a
luxurious natural garden, surrounded by a wall. These bungalows also contain fans and AC for cooling and also have verandas.
In all the bungalows are a minibar and safe, and each has a half open-air bathroom with shower and toilet.

The Swiss managed Extradivers Dive Center and school of is situated directly on the bay beach. They offer comprehensive services,
starting with guided diving to the 2 km (1 ½ mile) long house reef. Other sites in the area are visited with dive boats. Nitrox is available as
well as PADI, CMAS and IANTD courses and a range of rental equipment.
The interesting and varied diving sites around the islands of Saparua, Molana, Nusa Laut and Hakuru stand among the best in the world.
They offer you diving with luxurious coral gardens steep walls, and a huge variety of colorful fishes.

5. Use this descriptive map to identify “The Cape Paperu Resort”

Guiding questions for Descriptive Map
a. Topic : judul
b. Name of the character/place/thing:
c. Picture of the character
d. What does your character /place/thing look like?
e. What are your character /place/thing personality traits?
f. What does your character /place/thing do?
g. What I can learn from this character /place/thing?

Descriptive Map

Topic /

Name of the character/place/thing:

What does your character Picture of the character//place/thing

What does your character
/place/thing look like? /place/thing do?

………………………………………….. …………………………………………..
………………………………………….. …………………………………………..
………………………………………….. …………………………………………..

What are your character What I can learn from this

/place/thing personality character /place/thing?
………………………………………….. …………………………………………..
………………………………………….. …………………………………………..
6. Listen to the audio carefully and make your notes about the information you’ve hear
Audio descriptive; tohono chul park

7. Menentukan kosakata baru dari dalam teks yang di dengar (Tohono Chul Park)

Urban :
Preserve :
Suburb :
Thematic display :
Marvelous :
Outstanding :
Handicrafts :
Garden :
Collection :
Historical :
8. Create your own descriptive text by using descriptive map. Write the text based on your environment situation or your favourite place.

1 2 3 4
Novice Discoverer Achiever Excellent

Ideas and organization No evidance of purpose or Hints at using organized Well-focused sentences and Interesting and precise
logical ideas that help the ideas to desribe place, paragraphs are logical and sentences and paragraphs
reader see what is being people and things help readers see what is tell a descriptive story with
described being described. metaphor.
Word choice Lacks evidance of sensory Provide some sensory Uses well-crafted sensory Engages the reader in the
words and adjectives words and adjectives images and appropiate story ny making people,
adjectives that describe. places, and objects come
alive with sensory details,
comparisons and powerful
Stucture, grammar, and Lack evidence of proper Exhibits some Shows sentences variety, Offers reader enganging and
mechanics sentences, spelling, understanding of sentence with few errors in spelling, compelling sentences and
pronounciation, and structure; many spelling, punctuation, or grammar. paragraphs without
grammar punctuation, and spelling, puctuation, or
grammatical errors. grammatical errors.
Creative presentation and No sense of artistic concern Provides some concern for Exhibits strong use and Creative use of materials to
art or care for neatness; no artistic technique and understanding of artistic tell an engaging story
attempt to interest the neatness; offers basic concepts; details figure artistically; powerful details
reader through sensory description. strongly in the work and description.

Notes: __________________________ Key: Score:

________________________________ 14-16 points : excellent
________________________________ 11-13 points : very good
________________________________ 8-10 points : good
________________________________ 5-7 : fair
0-4 : poor


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