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Remove Install & Repair OB Hauler

RIR Aftercooler HD 785-7 & OHT 777D

1|RIR Aftercooler OB Hauler Disusun oleh: Diki P.

Air Intake & Exhaust System

Distribusi energi dari energi kimia bahan bakar dirubah menjadi energi
mekanis atau tenaga putaran pada flywheel dengan satuan horsepower.
Hanya 40% saja yang murni menjadi tenaga putaran output engine.
Selebihnya energi terlepas ke atmosfer melalui pendinginan jacket
water sekitar 25%, exhaust gas 30% dan radiasi 5%.
Sistem pamasukan udara dan pengeluaran gas buang pada HD785-7
Komatsu adalah tipe turbocharger aftercooler. Perkembangan teknologi
menghasilkan beberapa tipe terdiri dari:
1. Naturally Aspirated
Sistem pemasukan udara paling sederhana berawal dari tipe
naturally aspirated. Masuknya udara hanya berdasarkan
kevakuman ruang bakar.

2|RIR Aftercooler OB Hauler Disusun oleh: Diki P.

2. Turbocharger Aspirated
Sistem pemasukan udara yang lebih baik lagi dengan
menggunakan komponen turbocharger yang akan menambah
horsepower sekitar 30%. Sistem turbocharger berawal dari sistem
supercharger yang digerakkan oleh penggerak gear.

3|RIR Aftercooler OB Hauler Disusun oleh: Diki P.

3. Turbocharger Aftercooler Aspirated
Sistem yang paling baru dan paling kompleks dengan
menambahkan komponen aftercooler pada sistem air intake.
Dengan sistem ini menambah horsepower sekitar 5% sampai 10%.

Komponen Air Intake dan Exhaust System

Beberapa komponen dan fungsinya adalah:
1. Precleaner
Fungsinya untuk memisahkan antara kotoran dan udara bersih
yang masuk ke sistem.
2. Air Cleaner
Fungsinya untuk memisahkan kotoran kasar dan kotoran halus
sebelum masuk ke sistem.
3. Vacuator Valve
Untuk membuang debu dan kotoran yang masuk kedalam ruang
air cleaner.

4|RIR Aftercooler OB Hauler Disusun oleh: Diki P.

4. Dust Indikator
Sebagai petunjuk/ indikator debu pada air cleaner sehingga dapat
diketahui air cleaner tersebut dalam keadaan tersumbat atau
5. Turbocharger
Meningkatkan jumlah udara yang akan masuk ke dalam ruang
bakar dengan tekanan tinggi, sehingga udara yang masuk
bertambah banyak dan tenaga engine akan bertambah sekitar 30
% tanpa merubah konstruksi engine itu sendiri.
6. Aftercooler
Mendinginkan udara yang masuk ke dalam ruang bakar setelah
dari turbocharger, sehingga berat udara persatuan volumenya
bertambah padat dan tenaga engine bertambah 5% – 10%.
7. Intake Manifold
Sebagai tempat penampungan udara bersih sebelum dimasukkan
ke dalam ruang bakar.
8. Exhaust Manifold
Sebagai tempat berkumpulnya gas buang hasil pembakaran
sebelum dibuang melalui muffler.
9. Muffler
a. Sebagai peredam suara.
b. Sebagai tempat peredam percikan api.
c. Menurunkan temperature gas buang.
d. Memberikan back pressure ke dalam ruang bakar sehingga
perubahan suhu menjadi kecil pada cylindernya.
10. Exhaust Pipe / Exhaust Stack
Sebagai saluran pembuangan akhir dari gas buang sisa

5|RIR Aftercooler OB Hauler Disusun oleh: Diki P.

Jenis – jenis Aftercooler
Sampai saat ini ada 3 jenis terdiri dari:
1. Jacket Water Aftercooler (JWAC)
Pendinginan udara dengan air radiator. Pada truck Komatsu tipe
aftercooler ini terdapat pada HD 785-5.

2. Air to Air Aftercooler (ATAAC)

Pendinginan udara dengan udara pada truck Komatsu terdapat
pada HD 785-7. Sistem pendingin ini sangat efektif karena media
pendingin udara jumlahnya tidak terbatas di atmosfer, oleh
karenanya sistem ini lebih efektif dari JWAC sistem.

3. Separated Circuit Aftercooler

Sistem ini memiliki komponen tambahan untuk mempertemukan
air media pendingin luar dengan udara masuk. Umumnya sistem
ini digunakan pada marine engine.

6|RIR Aftercooler OB Hauler Disusun oleh: Diki P.

Tabel di atas adalah perbandingan efisiensi beberapa tipe
aftercooler membuktikan tipe ATAAC lebih efisien dari pada

7|RIR Aftercooler OB Hauler Disusun oleh: Diki P.

Pengukuran Air Intake & Exhauts System System HD785-7 &
OHT 777D

Spesifikasi performa engine SAA12V140E-3:

8|RIR Aftercooler OB Hauler Disusun oleh: Diki P.

Untuk menentukan performa engine baik atau tidaknya harus melihat
dari pengukuran 2 sistem pada engine yaitu air intake & exhaust system
dan fuel system. Tidak tercapainya beberapa parameter pada sistem
udara dan gas buang akan mempengaruhi performa engine. Tidak
tercapainya parameter pengukuran performa engine umumnya
disebabkan oleh beberapa hal terdiri dari:
1. Boost pressure tidak tercapai umumnya bisa disebabkan filter
udara buntu, kegagalan komponen turbocharger dan kebocoran
pada aftercooler dan lines.
2. Blowby engine di atas batas normal umumnya disebabkan
keausan pada ring piston.
3. Temperature gas buang di atas normal umumnya disebabkan oleh
injector yang bermasalah atau aftercooler rusak pada fins, karena
kenaikan 1°C pada intake manifold berpengaruh kenaikan 4°C
pada temperature gas buang.

A. Pengukuran Boost Pressure Engine HD 785-7

Pengukuran boost pressure engine dapat dilakukan dengan 2 cara
yaitu cara manual dan dengan menggunakan monitor dengan kode
fiturnya adalah 36500.

9|RIR Aftercooler OB Hauler Disusun oleh: Diki P.

Pada gambar di atas adalah plug dan tool untuk pengukuran
boost pressure.
B. Pengukuran Blowby Pressure HD 785-7
Pengukuran engine blowby pressure adalah untuk mengetahui
kondisi kompresi pada ruang bakar terutama bagaimana kondisi ring
piston saat memampatkan saat terjadinya pembakaran. Pengukuran
ini dapat dilakukan dengan 2 cara yaitu cara manual dan melihat
pada monitor dengan kode fitur 42801.

10 | R I R A f t e r c o o l e r O B H a u l e r Disusun oleh: Diki P.

Cara manual bisa juga dilakukan dengan cara menggunakan
selang air.

C. Pengukuran Exhaust Temperatur HD 785-7

Pengukuran ini dapat dilakukan dengan 2 cara yaitu manual dan
dengan melihat di monitor dengan catatan sensor masih terpasang
pada exhaust manifold dengan kode fitur 42602.

11 | R I R A f t e r c o o l e r O B H a u l e r Disusun oleh: Diki P.

D. Pengecekan Warna Gas Buang HD 785-7

1. Black Smoke = Too Much Fuel

2. Blue Smoke = Oil on Combustion
3. White Smoke = Water on Combustion
4. Grey Smoke = Timing Off Side
Pengukuran yang mencakup sistem pemasukan dan pengeluaran
udara sangat mempengaruhi performa engine. Tidak tercapainya
nilai saat test performa bisa menimbulkan efek low power pada

12 | R I R A f t e r c o o l e r O B H a u l e r Disusun oleh: Diki P.

E. Membersihkan fins Aftercooler
1. Lepas radiator group guard.

2. Semprot dengan udara bertekanan.

3. Jaga jarak antara ujung air gun dengan fins agar tidak merusak
fins. Jarak minimalnya adalah 30 cm.

13 | R I R A f t e r c o o l e r O B H a u l e r Disusun oleh: Diki P.

A. Pengukuran Boost Pressure Engine OHT 777D
Pengukuran boost pressure engine dapat dilakukan dengan
menggunakan ET Service Tool. Dengan posisi engine stall speed.
Pengukuran secara manual juga bisa dilakukan dengan mengganti
boost pressure sensor dengan pressure tap untuk pengukuran.

B. Pengukuran Crankcase Blowby OHT 777D

Pengukuran engine crankcase blowby adalah untuk mengetahui
kondisi kompresi pada ruang bakar terutama bagaimana kondisi ring
piston saat memampatkan saat terjadinya pembakaran. Pengukuran
ini dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan tools blowby manual di
pasang pada tube crankcase breather.

14 | R I R A f t e r c o o l e r O B H a u l e r Disusun oleh: Diki P.

Standard crankcase blowby pada engine caterpillar menggunakan
satuan L/menit seperti table di bawah ini.

C. Pengukuran Exhaust Temperatur OHT 777D

Pengukuran ini dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan thermogun
dishoot ke arah masing – masing exhaust manifold.

15 | R I R A f t e r c o o l e r O B H a u l e r Disusun oleh: Diki P.

Basic Remove Intall
Untuk melakukan proses remove install pada unit harus berdasarkan
service manual. Berikut ini adalah simbol – simbol yang biasa
ditemukan pada service manual.

Untuk proses pemasangan baut harus dikencangkan berdasarkan tabel

standard tightening torque di bawah ini. Berikut ini adalah standard
torque general berdasarkan diameter thread.

16 | R I R A f t e r c o o l e r O B H a u l e r Disusun oleh: Diki P.

Romove Instal & Repair Aftercooler HD 785-7 Komatsu
Procedure remove install dan repair aftercooler pada shop manual
include pada prosedur remove install radiator group. Berikut ini berat
aftercooler (air to air type) pada beberapa tipe unit Komatsu.

Remove Engine Aftercooler

1. Lepas engine-side clamps (91)
dan (93) dan lepas cooler-side
clamp (90) dan (92) untuk
melepas pipa aftercooler (88)
dan (89).
2. Setelah melepas pipa
aftercooler, tutup bagian pipa
yang terbuka pada bagian
engine dan bagian radiator
grup. Pastikan tertutup
dengan rapat dan dengan

17 | R I R A f t e r c o o l e r O B H a u l e r Disusun oleh: Diki P.

Engine Aftercooler Piping
1. Penyelipan hose pada pipa
harus sesuai pada gambar.
2. Torque 10,5 ± 0,5 Nm (107 ± 5
kgcm) screw jika dengan
torque 9,8 Nm (1,0 kgm).
Jarak dari screw harus seperti
pada gambar di bawah.
Jaraknya 5,1 mm.

18 | R I R A f t e r c o o l e r O B H a u l e r Disusun oleh: Diki P.

19 | R I R A f t e r c o o l e r O B H a u l e r Disusun oleh: Diki P.
20 | R I R A f t e r c o o l e r O B H a u l e r Disusun oleh: Diki P.
4/27/2020 777E Off-Highway Truck KDP00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY C32 Engine(M0068932 - 44) - Systems & Components

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Welcome: jva6ij
Configuration: 777E Off-Highway Truck KDP00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED
BY C32 Engine

Disassembly and Assembly

777E, 777F and 777G Off-Highway Truck
Media Number -RENR8300-07 Publication Date -01/07/2015 Date Updated -25/09/2018


Aftercooler - Remove
SMCS - 1063-011

Removal Procedure
Table 1
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A FT-2515 Guide Bolt 2
B 138-7575 Link Bracket 2

Personal injury can result from hot coolant, steam and alkali.

At operating temperature, engine coolant is hot and under pressure. The

radiator and all lines to heaters or the engine contain hot coolant or
steam. Any contact can cause severe burns.

Remove filler cap slowly to relieve pressure only when engine is stopped
and radiator cap is cool enough to touch with your bare hand.

Cooling System Conditioner contains alkali. Avoid contact with skin and

Care must be taken to ensure that fluids are contained during
performance of inspection, maintenance, testing, adjusting, and repair… 1/4
4/27/2020 777E Off-Highway Truck KDP00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY C32 Engine(M0068932 - 44) - Systems & Components

of the product. Be prepared to collect the fluid with suitable containers

before opening any compartment or disassembling any component
containing fluids.

Refer to Special Publication, NENG2500, "Dealer Service Tool

Catalog" for tools and supplies suitable to collect and contain fluids on
Cat products.

Dispose of all fluids according to local regulations and mandates.

Note: Install caps and plugs on all openings in order to prevent dirt or debris from entering the system.
Cleanliness is an important factor. Before the removal procedure, the exterior of the component should be
thoroughly cleaned. This will prevent dirt from entering the internal mechanism.

Illustration 1 g01303355

1. Remove bolts (1).… 2/4
4/27/2020 777E Off-Highway Truck KDP00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY C32 Engine(M0068932 - 44) - Systems & Components

Illustration 2 g01303369

2. Install Tooling (A). Remove bolts (2).

Illustration 3 g01303379

3. Attach Tooling (B) and a suitable lifting device to handhold (3). Remove Tooling (A) and handhold (3).
The weight of handhold (3) is approximately 25 kg (55 lb).… 3/4
4/27/2020 777E Off-Highway Truck KDP00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY C32 Engine(M0068932 - 44) - Systems & Components

Illustration 4 g01303388

4. Loosen clamps (4). Position clamps (4) out of the way.

Illustration 5 g01303391

5. Attach a suitable lifting device to aftercooler (6). Remove bolts (5). Remove aftercooler (6). The weight of
aftercooler (6) is approximately 25 kg (55 lb).

6. Repeat Steps 4 through Step 5 for the remaining aftercooler.

Copyright 1993 - 2020 Caterpillar Inc. Mon Apr 27 2020 08:37:52 GMT+0800 (Singapore Standard Time)
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4/27/2020 777E Off-Highway Truck KDP00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY C32 Engine(M0068932 - 44) - Systems & Components

Previous Screen
Welcome: jva6ij
Configuration: 777E Off-Highway Truck KDP00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED
BY C32 Engine

Disassembly and Assembly

777E, 777F and 777G Off-Highway Truck
Media Number -RENR8300-07 Publication Date -01/07/2015 Date Updated -25/09/2018


Aftercooler - Install
SMCS - 1063-012

Installation Procedure
Table 1
Required Tools
Tool Part Number Part Description Qty
A FT-2515 Guide Bolt 2
B 138-7575 Link Bracket 2

Illustration 1 g01303391… 1/3
4/27/2020 777E Off-Highway Truck KDP00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY C32 Engine(M0068932 - 44) - Systems & Components

1. Attach a suitable lifting device to aftercooler (6). Position aftercooler (6). The weight of aftercooler (6) is
approximately 25 kg (55 lb).

Illustration 2 g01303388

2. Position clamps (4). Tighten clamps (4) to a torque of 7.5 ± 1 N·m (66 ± 9 lb in).

3. Repeat Steps 1 through Step 2 for the remaining aftercooler.

Illustration 3 g01303379

4. Attach Tooling (B) and a suitable lifting device to hand hold (3). The weight of hand hold (3) is
approximately 25 kg (55 lb). Install Tooling (A). Remove Tooling (B).… 2/3
4/27/2020 777E Off-Highway Truck KDP00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY C32 Engine(M0068932 - 44) - Systems & Components

Illustration 4 g01303369

5. Install bolts (2). Remove Tooling (A).

Illustration 5 g01303355

6. Install bolts (1).

Copyright 1993 - 2020 Caterpillar Inc. Mon Apr 27 2020 08:39:08 GMT+0800 (Singapore Standard Time)
All Rights Reserved.
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4/27/2020 777E Off-Highway Truck KDP00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY C32 Engine(M0068932 - 44) - Systems & Components

Previous Screen Welcome: jva6ij


Configuration: 777E Off-Highway Truck KDP00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED
BY C32 Engine

D 6 3 4 5 1

1 3 4 5 6



3 6



777E Off-Highway Truck, Powered By C32 Engine

Media Number - M0068932-44 | Publication Date - 01/04/2020 | Date
Updated - 01/04/2020

Ref. Qty. Note Part No. Part Name


Ref. Qty. Note Part No. Req. Part Name… 1/2
4/27/2020 777E Off-Highway Truck KDP00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY C32 Engine(M0068932 - 44) - Systems & Components
1 8D-3786 8 MOUNTING
3 7X-0618 12
4 M 329-3356 4 NUT (M12X1.75-THD)
5 8T-4895 8 WASHER (13.5X50X5-MM THK)
6 M 8T-4910 8 BOLT (M12X1.75X60-MM)



SMCS Codes

Copyright 1993 - 2020 Caterpillar Inc. Mon Apr 27 2020 08:42:06 GMT+0800 (Singapore Standard Time)
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4/27/2020 777E Off-Highway Truck KDP00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY C32 Engine(M0068932 - 44) - Systems & Components

Previous Screen
Welcome: jva6ij
Configuration: 777E Off-Highway Truck KDP00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED
BY C32 Engine

Testing and Adjusting

C27 and C32 Engines for Caterpillar Built Machines
Media Number -SENR9937-30 Publication Date -01/08/2015 Date Updated -14/08/2019


Aftercooler - Test
SMCS - 1063-081

Table 1
Tools Needed
Part Number Part Name Quantity

1U-5470 Engine Pressure Group 1

FT-1984 Aftercooler Testing Group 1
FT-1438 Aftercooler Gp (Dynamometer Test) 1

Visual Inspection
Inspect the following parts at each oil change:

Air lines


Gasket joints

Pressurized air can cause personal injury. When pressurized air is used
for cleaning, wear a protective face shield, protective clothing, and
protective shoes.

Ensure that the constant torque hose clamps are tightened to the correct torque. Refer to Specifications,
SENR3130, "Torque Specifications" in order to locate the proper torque. Check the welded joints for cracks.
Ensure that the brackets are tightened in the correct positions. Ensure that the brackets are in good condition.… 1/6
4/27/2020 777E Off-Highway Truck KDP00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY C32 Engine(M0068932 - 44) - Systems & Components

Use compressed air to clean any debris or any dust from the aftercooler core assembly. Inspect the fins in the
aftercooler core for the following conditions:




Use a stainless steel brush to remove any corrosion.

Note: When parts of the air-to-air aftercooler system are repaired or replaced, a leak test is recommended.

Inlet Manifold Pressure

Normal inlet manifold pressure with high exhaust temperature can be caused by blockage of the fins of the
aftercooler core. Clean the fins of the aftercooler core. Refer to "Visual Inspection" under this topic for the
cleaning procedure.

Low inlet manifold pressure and high exhaust manifold temperature can be caused by any of the following

Plugged air cleaner - Clean the air cleaner or replace the air cleaner, as required. Refer to the Operation and
Maintenance Manual, "Engine Air Cleaner Element - Clean/Replace".

Blockage in the air lines - Blockage in the air lines between the air cleaner and the turbocharger must be

Aftercooler core leakage - Aftercooler core leakage should be pressure tested. Refer to "Aftercooler Core
Leakage" under this topic for the testing procedure.

Inlet manifold leak - An inlet manifold leak can be caused by the following conditions: loose fittings and plugs,
missing fittings and plugs, damaged fittings and plugs and leaking inlet manifold gasket.

Aftercooler Core Leakage… 2/6
4/27/2020 777E Off-Highway Truck KDP00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY C32 Engine(M0068932 - 44) - Systems & Components

Illustration 1 g01134323
FT-1984 Aftercooler Testing Group
(1) Regulator and valve assembly
(2) Nipple
(3) Relief valve
(4) Tee
(5) Coupler
(6) Aftercooler
(7) Dust plug
(8) Dust plug
(9) Chain

A low power problem in the engine can be the result of aftercooler leakage. Aftercooler system leakage can
result in the following problems:

Low power

Low boost pressure

Black smoke… 3/6
4/27/2020 777E Off-Highway Truck KDP00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY C32 Engine(M0068932 - 44) - Systems & Components

High exhaust temperature

Remove all air leaks from the system to prevent engine damage. In
some operating conditions, the engine can pull a manifold vacuum for
short periods of time. A leak in the aftercooler or air lines can let dirt
and other foreign material into the engine and cause rapid wear and/or
damage to engine parts.

A large leak of the aftercooler core can often be found by making a visual inspection. To check for smaller leaks,
use the following procedure:

1. Disconnect the air pipes from the inlet and outlet side of the aftercooler core.

Dust plug chains must be installed to the aftercooler core or to the

radiator brackets to prevent possible injury while you are testing. Do
not stand in front of the dust plugs while you are testing.

2. Install couplers (5) on each side of the aftercooler core. Also, install dust plugs (7) and (8).

These items are included with the FT-1984 Aftercooler Testing Group.

Note: Installation of additional hose clamps on the hump hoses is recommended in order to prevent the
hoses from bulging while the aftercooler core is being pressurized.

Do not use more than 240 kPa (35 psi) of air pressure or damage to the
aftercooler core can be the result.

3. Install the regulator and valve assembly (1) on the outlet side of the aftercooler core assembly. Also, attach
the air supply.

4. Open the air valve and pressurize the aftercooler to 205 kPa (30 psi). Shut off the air supply.

5. Inspect all connection points for air leakage.

6. The pressure in the aftercooler system should not drop more than 35 kPa (5 psi) in 15 seconds.

7. If the pressure drop is more than the specified amount, use a solution of soap and water to check all areas
for leakage. Look for air bubbles that will identify possible leaks. Replace the aftercooler core, or repair
the aftercooler core, as needed.

T h l t li j h th t li i d li ll… 4/6
4/27/2020 777E Off-Highway Truck KDP00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY C32 Engine(M0068932 - 44) - Systems & Components
To help prevent personal injury when the tooling is removed, relieve all
pressure in the system slowly by using an air regulator and a valve

8. After the testing, remove the FT-1984 Aftercooler Testing Group. Reconnect the air pipes on both sides of
the aftercooler core assembly.

Air System Restriction

Pressure measurements should be taken at the inlet manifold and the turbocharger outlet.

Use the differential pressure gauge of the 1U-5470 Engine Pressure Group. Use the following procedure in order
to measure the restriction of the aftercooler:

1. Connect the vacuum port of the differential pressure gauge to a port on the inlet manifold.

2. Connect the pressure port of the differential pressure gauge to a port on the turbocharger outlet.

3. Record the value.

The air lines and the cooler core must be inspected for internal restriction when both of the following conditions
are met:

Air flow is at a maximum level.

Total air pressure drop of the charged system exceeds 13.5 kPa (4 in Hg) for engines with a 14.6 L
(890 cu in) displacement.

Total air pressure drop of the charged system exceeds 15.2 kPa (4.5 in Hg) for engines with a 15.8 L
(964 cu in) displacement.

If a restriction is discovered, proceed with the following tasks, as required:




Turbocharger Failure

Personal injury can result from air pressure.

Personal injury can result without following proper procedure. When

using pressure air, wear a protective face shield and protective clothing.

Maximum air pressure at the nozzle must be less than 205 kPa (30 psi)
for cleaning purposes.… 5/6
4/27/2020 777E Off-Highway Truck KDP00001-UP (MACHINE) POWERED BY C32 Engine(M0068932 - 44) - Systems & Components

If a turbocharger failure occurs, remove the air-to-air aftercooler core. Internally flush the air-to-air aftercooler
core with a solvent that removes oil and other foreign substances. Shake the air-to-air aftercooler core in order to
eliminate any trapped debris. Wash the aftercooler with hot, soapy water. Thoroughly rinse the aftercooler with
clean water and blow dry the aftercooler with compressed air. Blow dry the assembly in the reverse direction of
normal air flow. To make sure that the whole system is clean, carefully inspect the system.

Do not use caustic cleaners to clean the air-to-air aftercooler core.

Caustic cleaners will attack the internal metals of the core and cause

Dynamometer Test
In hot ambient temperatures, dynamometer tests for models with an air-to-air aftercooler can add a greater heat
load to the jacket water cooling system. Therefore, the jacket water cooling system's temperature must be
monitored. The following measurements may also need a power correction factor:

Inlet air temperature

Fuel API rating

Fuel temperature

Barometric pressure

With dynamometer tests for engines, use the FT-1438 Aftercooler Gp (Dynamometer Test). This tool provides a
water cooled aftercooler in order to control the inlet air temperature to 43 °C (110 °F).

Copyright 1993 - 2020 Caterpillar Inc. Mon Apr 27 2020 08:43:37 GMT+0800 (Singapore Standard Time)
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