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Intended to Fulfill One of Requirements

For the Award of Sarjana Degree
in English Study Program

Written By :


NIM. 1732039



YORIN SRI SUDARTI, 2021. Pidato Informatif Pada Mahasiswa Semester

Tiga Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Unersitas Pasir Pengaraian.

Berbicara merupakan salah satu keterampilan berbahasa yang harus

dikuasai oleh setiap siswa agar kompeten dalam berkomunikasi. Peneliti tertarik
untuk menganalisis keterampilan berbicara mahasiswa dalam informative speech
pada mahasiswa semester 3 program studi bahasa Inggris universitas pasir
pengaraian. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana
keterampilan berbicara siswa dalam pidato informatif untuk mahasiswa semester
ketiga program studi bahasa Inggris universitas pasir pengaraian. Penelitian ini
dilakukan pada semester 3 program studi bahasa Inggris universitas pasir

Metodologi penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Penelitian deskriptif

kuantitatif merupakan suatu pendekatan untuk menguji teori-teori objektif dan
mendeskripsikan fenomena. Sampel penelitian adalah 29 siswa. Untuk memilih
sampel penelitian menggunakan total sampling. Dalam mengumpulkan data,
peneliti menggunakan tes berbicara dan dalam bentuk video pidato. Dalam
menganalisis data, peneliti menggunakan komponen dalam berbicara yaitu: aksen,
tata bahasa, kosakata, kefasihan, dan pemahaman.

Dari hasil analisis 3 penguji mencakup semua aspek, mahasiswa semester 3

program studi bahasa Inggris universitas pasir pengaraian memiliki level baik
dalam menyampaikan pidato informatif. 1 siswa (3,44% ) memiliki nilai sangat
baik, 15 siswa ( 51,72 %) memiliki nilai baik, dan 13 siswa (44,82%) memiliki
nilai sedang. Nilai siswa di kategorikan baik. Siswa memiliki kategori sedang
pada aspek aksen, dan tata bahasa, kelancaran, dan kemampuan siswa dalam
aspek kosakata dan pemahaman memiliki kategori baik, karena siswa memiliki
banyak kosakata dan pidato yang disampaikan bisa dimengerti. Dapat
disimpulkan bahwa keterampilan siswa adalah level baik dalam menyampaikan
pidato informatif.

Kata kunci : Dekriptif Kuantitatif, Berbicara, Pidato Informatif


YORIN SRI SUDARTI, 2021. Informative Speech of the Third Semester

Students of English Study Program University of Pasir

Speaking is one of the language skills that must be mastered by every

student to be competent in communicating. Researchers are interested in
analyzing students' speaking skills in informative speech in 3rd semester students
of the English study program at University of Pasir Pengaraian. The purpose of
this study was to find out how the students' speaking skills in informative speech
of the third semester students of English study program at University of Pasir
Pengaraian. This research was conducted in 3 semester of the English study
program at University of Pasir Pengaraian.

The methodology of this research was descriptive quantitative. Descriptive

quantitative research was an approach to test objective theories and describe
phenomena. The research sample was 29 students. To select the research sample
using total sampling. In collecting data, the researcher used a speaking test and in
the form of a speech video. In analyzing the data, the researcher used components
in speaking, namely: accent, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension.

From the analysis results of 3 examiners covering all aspects, 3rd semester
students of the English study program at university of Pasir Pengaraian have an
good level in delivering informative speeches. 1 students (3,44%) had excellent
level, 15 students (51,72%) had an good level, and 13 students (44,82%) had
average level. Students grades are categorized as good. The students had an
average level in accent, grammar, and fluency aspect and than the students‟ skill
in vocabulary and comprehension aspect were in good category, because the
students have many vocabulary and delivering speech could be understand. It can
be concluded that the students' skills are the good level in delivering informative

Keywords: Descriptive Quantitative, Speaking, Informative Speech


The greatest gratitude destined for my lord, The Merciful, Allah SWT who has
given so many blessings in completing this thesis. Peace and salutation be upon to the
prophet Muhammad SAW. This thesis entitled " Informative Speech Of The Third
Semester Students Of English Study Program University Of Pasir Pengaraian."
This paper is written to fulfill one of the requirements to obtain the Sarjana degree at
the English Students Departments in Faculty of Teachers Training and Education,
University of Pasir Pengaraian.

In writing this thesis, the researcher has received a lot of guidance, advices and
support from many people. Therefore, the researcher would like to express gratitude

1. DR. Hardianto , M.Pd is as the Rector of University of Pasir Pengaraian.

2. Ria Karno, S.Pd., M.Si. is as the Dean of Teachers' Training and Education, University
of Pasir Pengaraian.
3. Batdal Niati, M.Pd is as the Head of English Study Program in Training and
Education, University of Pasir Pengaraian.
4. Pipit Rahayu, M.Pd is as the first advisor who has given his thought, time, guidance,
support, comments, to the researcher in finishing thesis.
5. Wirda Jannatul Jannah, M.Pd is as the second advisor who has given his thought, time,
guidance, support, comments, to the researcher in finishing thesis.
6. Andri Donal, M.Pd is as the first examiner who has given his thought, time, guidance,
support, comments, to the researcher in finishing thesIS.
7. Evi kasyulita, M.Pd is as the second examiner who has given his thought, time,
guidance, support, comments, to the researcher in finishing thesis.
8. Batdal Niati, M.Pd is as the third examiner who has given his thought, time, guidance,
support, comments, to the researcher in finishing thesis.
9. All the lecturers of English Study Program who have motivated and distributed in
continuing the study in order to get Sarjana Degree.

10. All the raters Ms Pipit Rahayu , M.Pd, Batdal Niati,M.Pd , and Ms Wirda Jannatul
Jannah, M.Pd, have motivated and distributed in continuing the study in order to get
Sarjana Degree.
11. Special thanks and grateful to my big family, especially my parents, Mr Sudarwin and
Mrs Asti Nelfida and my siblings ayu, arya, and putri have been giving their great
advice ,spirit, pray, money, and love. That have supported and entertained when I get
stress in finishing my thesis.
12. Bangun Rambe, My beloved life partner candidate have been motivating.
13. Thank you for my beloved friends, Wulandary hasanah Widia Sari, my beloved
friends English Study Program ‟17 “ and the third semester for participations have
been giving the helps to finish the thesis.

Finally, the researcher realized that the thesis still far from being perfect.
Therefore Constructive critics and suggestions from the reader will be much
appreciated. The researcher hopes that this thesis can be useful for development of

Pasir Pengaraian, 3 August 2021

The Researcher

Yorin Sri Sudarti


ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................ i

ABSTRAK........................................................................................................... i

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................ iii

LIST OF FIGURE ........................................................................................... vii

LIST OF TABEL ............................................................................................ viii

LIST OF APPENDIX ....................................................................................... ix

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ....................................................................... 1

A. Background of the Research ...................................................................... 1

B. Setting of The Problem.............................................................................. 5

C. Limitation of The Problem ........................................................................ 5

D. Formulation of The Problem...................................................................... 6

E. Purpose of The Research ........................................................................... 6

F. Significance of The Research .................................................................... 6

G. Definition of The Key Terms..................................................................... 7

CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ................................ 8

A. Review of Related Theories ....................................................................... 8

B. Review The Related Findings .................................................................. 16

C. Conceptual Framework ........................................................................... 20

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ........................................... 21

A. Research Design ...................................................................................... 22

B. Setting of the Research ............................................................................ 23

C. Population and Sample ............................................................................ 23

D. Instrumentation of the Research .............................................................. 23

E. Technique of Collecting the Data ............................................................ 24

F. Technique of Analyzing the Data ............................................................ 24

CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION ............................................... 31

A. Research Finding ..................................................................................... 31

B. Discussion ............................................................................................... 41

C. Limitation of The Research ..................................................................... 42

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ..................................... 44

A. Conclusion .............................................................................................. 44

B. Suggestion............................................................................................... 44

BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................ 46



Figure 1. Conceptual Frame Work……………………….................…………. 20


Table 1 : Scoring Rubric……..…………………………………..……………. 34

Table 2 : Weighting Table 1………………………….…………..……………. 38

Table 3 : Weighting Table 2……………………….…………………………... 39

Table 4 : Range Of Score..…………………………………………………….. 39

Table 5 : Analysis Of Students‟ Accent…….………………………………….. 41

Table 6 : Analysis Of Students‟ Grammar .……………………..…………..…. 43

Table 7 : Analysis Of Students‟ Vocabulary….………………………………... 44

Table 8 : Analysis Of Students‟ Fluency...……………………………………... 45

Table 9 : Analysis Of Students‟ Comprehension..…………………………..…. 47

Table 10 : Result Of Student Speech By Rater……..……………………….…. 48

Table 11 : Total Score In Delivering Informative Speech………………..……. 49

Table 12 : Result Of Students‟ Skill In Delivering Informative Speech....….…. 50


Appendix 1Instruments …….…………………………………...………….…… 48

Appendix 2 Transcript………...…………………………………...……….…… 49

Appendix 3 Scoring Rubric….………………………………………...………… 67

Appendix 4 Students Score Sheet...……………………………………...……… 70

Appendix 5 Score From Rater 1………..…………………………………...…… 71

Appendix 6 Score From Rater 2…..…………………………………………...… 72

Appendix 7 Score From Rater 3..……………………………………….……….. 73

Appendix 8 Accent Score...……………………………………………..…..…… 74

Appendix 9 Grammar Score..……….………………………………….……...… 75

Appendix 10 Vocabulary Score…………...……..…………………….……...… 76

Appendix 11 Fluency Score…..……………………..……………………...…… 77

Appendix 12 Comprehension Score…..……………..………………………...… 78

Appendix 13 Total Score ……………..………………..……………………...… 79



This chapter discuss the problem what the students have in English Study

Program. Because informative speech is very important, the situation of this

chapter will explain more deeply and more focus to make easy the reader

understand how to fix the problem. This chapter consists of some sections. They

are background of the problem, setting of the research, limitation of the research,

formulation of the research, purpose of the research, significance of the research,

and definition of the key terms.

A. Background of the Research

Language is a system of conventional spoken, manual (signed), or written

symbols by means of which human beings, as members of a social group and

participants in its culture, express themselves. The function of language include

communication, the expression of identity, play, imaginative expression, and

emotional release. Language is a means of communication with the aim of

fulfilling the basic nature of the individual as a social being that requires

interaction with its environment. Ummah et al. (2018, p. 56) says that a person

who has adequate language skills will be easier to transform and convey

information both orally and written. Meanwhile , Jesus Martinez del Castillo

(2015, p. 31) stated that Language is nothing but human subjects in as much as

they speak, say and know. Therefore, effective communication ability can help

people to exchange and share their ideas, opinions, feelings, even build

relationship and have some touch with people around the world.

Nowadays, many people learn English for various purposes, both for career

and school. Many people realize that English is one of international language is

use throughout the world. English is an important communication tool. Especially

in education levels, English is taught at all levels, from elementary school, junior

high school, senior high school, and also university. In learning English, we

recognize four skills, speaking, witing, listening and reading. These skills are

important to be learnt and carry out own purpose. According to Bailey and Nunan

(2005, p. 2) stated that “Speaking is an interactive process of constructing

meaning that involves producing, receiving, and processing information".

Speaking skills are a form of language skills as the ability to say things related to

sounds, pronunciation and words to express an opinion, thought, and idea orally

either to a person or groups, either face to face or not. Learning speaking is

learning how we can communicate with other.

Learners need to be able to interact with other people. In addition, Argawati

(2014, p. 74) states that speaking is an activity used by someone to communicate

with other. Speaking is one of the most important skills to be developed and

enhanced as means of effective communication. Leong L, and Ahmadi.S (2017, p.

2) stated that Speaking skill is regarded one of the most difficult aspects of

language learning. They stop talking because they face psychological obstacles or

cannot find the suitable words and expressions . Howhever, speaking is the skill

that the students should be mastered and the proofs of the students able to do that

are they speak english.(Niati Batdal,2018, p. 67). So, speaking is important in

public speaking.

In addition Brown (2004, p. 172) states that speaking skill must have five

aspects they are vocabulary, grammar, fluency, comprehension, pronunciation.

Then, to support these five components in speaking skills, there are several ways,

one of which is speech. Speech is speaking style that is often used from the past

until nowadays. Ricky Telg (2011, p. 2) says that there are some kinds of speech,

speeches can be divided into the following categories like that the informative

speech, the persuasive speech, and speeches for special occasions. Meanwhile

O‟Hair, Rubenstein and Stewart (2007, p. 146) state that speech is an utterance

which has good structure to share to many people, speeches can be divided into

the following categories: informative speech, persuasive speech, special occasion,

and inspirational speech. There are some kinds of speech , one of them is

informative speech. Informative speech is aim to provide some information to the


However, as should be clear, this general definition demonstrates that

there are many ways to inform an audience. Therefore, there are several types of

informative speeches. The main types of informative speeches include definition,

descriptive, explanatory, and demonstrative. An informative speech is one that

aims to inform the audience about a given topic.

A good informative speech conveys accurate information to the audience

in a way that is clear and that keeps the listener interested in the topic. Achieving

all three of these goals accuracy, clarity, and interest is the key to your

effectiveness as a speaker. If information is inaccurate, incomplete, or unclear, it

will be of limited usefulness to the audience (Rice, 2017, p. 304). Informative

speech is a speech that might involve providing information about a person,

animal, or an object (Dailin, 2017, p. 50). Informative speech is to teach an

audience something using objective factual information. Based on the explanation

above informative speech, where the speaker is charged with making some

information known to an audience. Unlike a persuasive speech the speaker

attempts to influence people to think or behave in a particular way. Informative

speeches are unique because the subjects can vary from medical technology to

animal research, as long as the topic is something that is new.

In english study program at the university of pasir pengaraian,the students

will learn speech at third semester in speaking III subject. In this class, the

students are required to fulfill their previous subject,speaking I and speaking II.

The goal of speaking III subject in english study program is how make or prepare

the students to be proficient in delivering english speech. There are many types of

speech are taught In speaking III subject, for example impromptu

speech,informative speech,and persuasive speech. However , many students still

have difficulties in delivering speech, especially informative speech. It is caused

by various factor. It is like they lacked practice in making speeches or they don‟t

have more understanding about informative speech in detail. They think all of

speech have same strategies. In fact, each of speeches has different strategies.

Based on the difficulties above, researcher consider this research is important

because informative speech is one of speech which its delivering must also be

seen the substance and how it is delivered. Informative speech is most difficult

speech because the goal is to give information . Informative speech is important in

their communication and informative speech also helps them to get information.

This research is expected to be an alternative for teachers in learning informative

speech in order to increase. Therefore it is necessary to conduct the research on

Informative Speech Of The Third Semester Students Of English Study Program

University Of Pasir Pengaraian.

B. Setting of The Problem

Based on the explanation above, the problem of this research is in speaking

skill, especially delivering informative speech. The students who have learned

English for a long time ,they can not deliver informative speech well. The

students do not understand how deliver informative speech because they seldom

to practice it. The researcher think that speaking skill is very important in teaching

communication. However, they still have difficulties in delivering informative


Because of those problems, the researcher research about Informative speech

of the third semester students of English study program University of Pasir


C. Limitation of The Problem

There are some problems that researcher found in this research. But the

researcher limit them on informative speech of the third semester students of

English study program University Of Pasir Pengaraian.

D. Formulation of The Problem

Based on the limitation of the problem above, the problem of this research is

formulated “How is the students‟ speaking skill in informative speech by the third

semester students of English Study Program University of Pasir Pengaraian ?”

E. Purpose of The Research

Based on the problems that have already told above, the researcher want to

find out the student‟s skill in informative speech by the third semester students of

English Study Program University of Pasir Pengaraian.

F. Significance of The Research

1. Students

Students understand easily how the strategies in delivering informative

speech. Then, they motivated in teaching and learning process especially in


2. Readers

This research can be useful for the readers to get information about what the

informative speech is.

3. English Teachers

The teacher get the information and benefits to improve the students‟ ability

in informative speech

4. The Next Researcher

The research can be use as the references to the next researchers who conduct

the similar studies.

G. Definition of The Key Terms

1. Speech

According to Oxford Dictionary (2008),speech is the formal talk given to an

audience. O‟Hair, Rubenstein and Stewart (2007, p. 146) state that speech is an

utterance which has good structure to share to many people. Spratt (2005, p.

34) state that speech is used in speaking to express meanings to the other

people Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded Speech is human

vocal communication using language.

2. Informative Speech

An informative speech is one that aims to inform the audience about a given

topic (Rice, 2017, p. 304). informative speaking is to teach an audience

something using objective factual information. Dailin (2017, p. 50) stated that

informative speech is a speech that might involve providing information about

a person, animal, or an object). Based on the explanation above, it can be

concluded informative speech, where the speaker is charged with making some

information known to an audience.



The review of related literatures are very important to discussed. The

researcher is interesting to explain in the theory to make it clear in the

informative speech. In this chapter, the researcher would like to put the theories

from some experts that support this research. Those are about the nature of

speech, types of speech, and informative speech. This chapter also discuss

review of related findings and conceptual framework.

A. Review of Related Theories

a. The Nature of Speech

Speech is human vocal communication using language. According to

Oxford Dictionary (2008), speech is the formal talk given to an audience.

Speech is a result of the following physiological processes: respiration,

phonation, resonance, speech articulation, audition, neurological function, and

emotional behavior. Then , Spratt (2005, p. 34) state that speech is used in

speaking to express meanings to the other people. In short, speech is utterance

or a talk given to audience and it belongs to elements of speaking skill. In

delivering Speech, it have to have a goal , and one of them is informative

speech (Rice, 2017, p. 304) that aims to inform the audience about a given

topic. Ratna (2017, p. 66) also add that there purpose in delivering speech :

Informative (to inform), Persuasive(to persuade), Recreative (to entertain).

Another opinion about speech is also said by Julijanti and Quraisyin (2012, p.

28) that speech is an speaking activity in public to deliver idea, thinking ,or

information ,and also speaker‟ intention to audiences directly.

b. Types of Speech

Knowing the topic of speech will help the speakers to prepare their speech

performance. The speaker have to know what the each characteristics of

speech. There are expert stated that speech divided into some types. First

opinion is stated by Telg (2011, p. 2) that speech divided into three types :

1. Informative Speech

If the speech‟s purpose is to define, explain, describe, or demonstrate, it is

an informative speech. The goal of an informative speech is to provide

information completely and clearly so that the audience understands the

message. Examples of informative speeches include describing the life

cycle stages of an egg to a chicken, explaining how to operate a camera, or

demonstrating how to cook a side dish for a meal. The organization of the

speech depends on your specific purpose and varies depending on whether

you are defining, explaining, describing, or demonstrating. Informative

demonstration speeches lend themselves well to the use of visual aids to

show the step-by-step processes with real objects.

2. Persuasive Speech

Persuasive speeches are given to reinforce people‟s beliefs about a topic,

to change their beliefs about a topic, or to move them to act. When

speaking persuasively, directly state what is good or bad and why you

think so near the beginning of the speech. This is your thesis statement that

you want to make early on. Since your purpose is to persuade using logic

and reasoning, this communicates to listeners that you want to convince

them of your point of view.

3. Speeches for Special Occasions

Speeches for special occasions are prepared for a specific occasion and for

a specific purpose dictated by that occasion Speeches for special occasions

can be informative, persuasive, or both, depending on the occasion. Two

of the more common types of speeches for special occasions are the

speech of introduction and the speech of welcome.

Based on the explanation above,speech divided into three types, they are

informative speech, persuasive speech, and speech for special occasions. Each

of those speech have the different characteristics.

Each one maintains a different specific purpose, but all three types have the

general purpose of to inform by Rice (2017, p. 312)

1. Speech of Demonstration is commonly referred to as the process or

"how to" speech. It intends to teach the audience how to complete a

task through step-by-step instruction. It generally uses a temporal

layout as each "step" of the process takes the audience through a

sequence of time.

2. Speech of description is given to describe an object, person, place,

or event. Depending on the topic of the speech, it can be laid out in

a topical, spatial, temporal or chronological format.

3. Speech of Definition deals with explaining a concept or term.

Generally, it is laid out in a topical, temporal or chronological


Meanwhile, O‟Hair, Rubenstein and Stewart (2007, p. 146) state that there are

four kinds of speeches.

1. Informative speech is a speech providing new information, new insights,

or new ways of thinking about a topic. The general purpose of an

informative speech is to increase the audience‟s understanding and

awareness of a topic.

2. Persuasive speech is a speech whose goal is to influence the attitudes,

beliefs, values, or acts of others.

3. Special occasion speech, also called a ceremonial speech, is prepared for

a specific occasion and for a purpose dictated by that occasion.

4. Inspirational speech means that the purpose of an inspirational speech

is to ask audience to improve in one of several ways personally,

emotionally, professionally, or spiritually. The inspirational speaker relies

more on emotional appeal than logical appeal. The speaker is attempting to

connect with the individual listener‟s feelings. The speaker explains why

and how the situation is changing or why their current emotions, fears or

goals may be inadequate or counterproductive. Inspirational speakers

motivate the audience and challenge them to do more at a higher level and

specify the benefits they can expect if they do so.

In addition Gareis (2006, p. 35) gives some types of speeches as follow:

1. Narrative Speeches

A narrative speech is a speech telling a story. While stories can be told in

many different ways, they usually consist of five parts.

2. Demonstration Speeches

Demonstration speeches are speeches that show how something works

(e.g., a camera) or how something is done (e.g., CPR). Audiovisual aids

are therefore essential. Sometimes, demonstrations show something that

take place on the floor (e.g., how to brake on inline skates). During such a

speech, it is important that all listeners have a clear view.

3. Informative Speeches

Informative speeches are the speeches that aim to educate the audience.

Speakers basically act as teachers and provide new knowledge and ideas.

Topics can include people (e.g., Jimi Hendrix, the Ainu people in Japan),

places (e.g., India, the Bermuda triangle), objects (e.g., chopsticks, a

sculpture by Rodin), events (e.g., folk festivals, space missions), concepts

(e.g., intelligence, alternative medicine), and issues (e.g., assisted suicide,

industrial pollution).

4. Persuasive Speeches

A persuasive speech is the speech that has goal to convince the audience.

Persuasive speeches can be centered around claims of fact (e.g., “the earth

is in danger of being destroyed by meteors”), claims of values (e.g.,

“factory farming is immoral”), and claims of policy (e.g., “we should

adopt a flat rate tax system”).

5. Speaking on Special Occasions

There are a number of occasions that call for short speeches. Here are

some guidelines.

c. Informative speech

1. Definition of Informative Speech

An informative speech is one that aims to inform the audience about a

given topic (Rice, 2017, p. 304) The goal of an informative speech is to

provide knowledge on a new, exciting subject. When preparing to write an

informative speech, originality is essential. Teaching and instruction were

performed as debates, and even fields like science and medicine relied on

argumentative reasoning instead of factual claims.

Meanwhile, According to Dailin (2017, p. 50) informative speech is a

speech that might involve providing information about a person, animal, or an

object. Informative speech, is an attempt to instill understanding. Because of

that overall, informative speech should be clear, logical, and systematic.

Audiences find it difficult to understand messages that are abstract, skipping

paint, and messy.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher concludes that

informative speech is one that intends to educate the audience on a particular

topic. There are many different types of informative speeches,

including speeches that describe the conditions of a subject and speeches that

instruct the audience on how to perform an action.

2. Type of informative speech

An informative speech is one in which the speaker relays knowledge to an

audience on a specific topic. According to Anderson (2021, p. 2) there are

four distinct types of informative speeches: speeches about objects, speeches

about processes, speeches about events, and speeches about concepts.

1) Speeches about Objects

Speeches about objects focus on things existing in the world. Objects

include, among other things, people, places, animals, or products. Because

you are speaking under time constraints, you cannot discuss any topic in its

entirety. Instead, limit your speech to a focused discussion of some aspect of

your topic. Some example topics for speeches about objects include: the

Central Intelligence Agency, tombstones, surgical lasers, Franklin Delano

Roosevelt, the pituitary gland, and lemmings. To focus these topics, you

could give a speech about Franklin Delano Roosevelt and efforts to conceal

how he suffered from polio while he was in office. Or, a speech about

tombstones could focus on the creation and original designs of grave markers.

2) Speeches about Processes

Speeches about processes focus on patterns of action. One type of speech

about processes, the demonstration speech, teaches people "how-to" perform

a process. More frequently, however, you will use process speeches to

explain a process in broader terms. This way, the audience is more likely to

understand the importance or the context of the process. A speech about how

milk is pasteurized would not teach the audience how to milk cows. Rather,

this speech could help audience members understand the process by making

explicit connections between patterns of action (the pasteurization process)

and outcomes (a safe milk supply).

Other examples of speeches about processes include: how the Internet

works (not "how to work the Internet"), how to construct a good informative

speech, and how to research the job market. As with any speech, be sure to

limit your discussion to information you can explain clearly and completely

within time constraints.

3) Speeches about Events

Speeches about events focus on things that happened, are happening, or

will happen. When speaking about an event, remember to relate the topic to

your audience. A speech chronicling history is informative, but you should

adapt the information to your audience and provide them with some way to

use the information. As always, limit your focus to those aspects of an event

that can be adequately discussed within the time limitations of your

assignment. Examples of speeches about events include: the 1963 Civil

Rights March on Washington, Groundhog's Day, the Battle of the Bulge, the

World Series, and the 2000 Presidential Elections.

4) Speeches about Concepts

Speeches about concepts focus on beliefs, ideas, and theories. While

speeches about objects, processes, and events are fairly concrete, speeches

about concepts are more abstract. Take care to be clear and understandable

when creating and presenting a speech about a concept. When selecting a

concept, remember you are crafting an informative speech. Often, speeches

about concepts take on a persuasive tone. Focus your efforts toward providing

unbiased information and refrain from making arguments. Because concepts

can be vague and involved, limit your speech to aspects that can be readily

explained and understood within the time limits. Some examples of topics for

concept speeches include: democracy, Taoism, principles of feminism, the

philosophy of non-violent protest, and the Big Bang theory.

B. Review The Related Findings

First, the research conducted by Dailin (2017, p. 46) in the thesis entitled

“Improving Students’ Speaking Ability In Giving Informative Speech By

Using Visual Aids”. This research aims to this study was to improve the

ability of students who took public speaking lesson on sixth semester at

English study program of IAIN Bengkulu in giving an informative speech.

The research method was classroom action research by doing three cycles.

It showed that the students‟ could decrease the difficulties in giving an

informative speech. It meant the using of visual aids can improve the

students‟ ability in giving an informative speech. The similarity of this

research is examining informative speech and the difference is that he uses

Visual Aids.

Second, Charles R.Gruner (May, p. 2009) entitled “the effect of humor in

dull and interesting informative speeches”. The aim of this research was to

Subjects were exposed to an informative speech on “listening”; intended to be

either dull or interesting and either humorous or serious. They were tested for

recall of information in the speech and asked to rate the speaker they heard on

ethos scales and the speech they heard on interestingness and humorousness

The addition of humor enhanced the interestingness of the dull speech but did

not produce greater information retention. Addition of humor to each speech

enhanced ratings of speaker character. The difference with this research the

researcher examines the student's ability to deliver informative speeches.

Third, Yohana B (2017, p. 7) entitled “ students’ self-efficacy to perform

speech in public speaking class”. The aim of this research showed that most

of the public speaking students have high self efficacy while performing the the research result, the researcher found the factors which showed

that the students‟ self efficacy influences their speech performances.

Those factors were students strategies, success experiences, and other

friends‟ feedbacks. Although, the students have high self efficacy, they still

lack in some aspect such as the students were not sure they can handle their

nervousness and did not feel nervous when they know perform.

In general, the higher self efficacy they gain, the higher expectation they

have for themselves to perform well, and thus there are better possibilities to

get higher scores. The difference with this research the researcher examines

the student's ability in deliver informative speeches.

Fourth, Idha Ratna Dewi (2016) entitled “Informative Speaking Using The

Extemporaneous Speech Method In A University Public Speaking Class”.

This study showed that Extemporaneous Speech Method has been

implemented in teaching informative speaking in public speaking class of

English Literature study program in State University of Surabaya. Thus, this

study aimed at describing how the lecturer implemented the Extemporaneous

Speech Method in teaching informative speaking, explaining the procedures

that the lecturer used, and discussing the result of students‟ speaking ability

after the implementation of Extemporaneous Speech Method. They realized

that Extemporaneous Speech Method assisted them in delivering speaking.

The similarity of this research is examining informative speech and the

difference is that he uses Extemporaneous Speech Method.

Five, Finarsih (2018) entitled “improving students’ speaking skill on

informative speech using video”. The aim of this research was conducted

based on the problems found in teaching and learning process. Students had

problems with fluency, pronunciation and confidence in speaking of

informative speech. The research was conducted through Classroom Action

Research in three cycles. students‟ speaking ability was improved by using

video. The similarity of this research is examining informative speech and the

difference is that he uses video and I research about students speaking skill in

delivering informative speech of the third semester students english study

program university of pasir pengaraian.

Based on the previous research, there were many researchers who used

informative strategies in their research. Here , the research only focused in

how the students‟ skill in delivering informative speech. The sample of this

research was university‟ students. The reason why this research was

conducted ,because speaking is very interesting to analyze, especially in

informative speech. Then, there were many students still have limited skill in

informative speech. Therefore, Researcher attempted to develope assesment

rubrics in informative speech so that the students can deliver informative

speech as possible.

C. Conceptual Framework

Conceptual framework is the concept that researcher use the plan of the

research. A conceptual framework is analytical tool with several variations

and context. It uses to make conceptual distinctions and organize ideas.

Students‟ Speaking Skill

Students‟Informative Speech

Informative speech Test


Finding and Discussion

Figure 1. Conceptual frame work

In the third semester of English study program, speaking belongs to the

main skill. Speech is one of the skill that must be mastered by students. One

of the speech is informative speech in speaking III subject. In delivering

speech, students still have difficulties. For example, the students do not know

information about informative speech in detail. Then, many students still have

difficulties in vocabulary. Therefore, to solve this problem, the researcher

tried to use the scoring rubric in assessing their informative speech.

Instrument of this research is speaking test in informative speech. Then,

students‟ informative speech analyzed by the scoring rubric. Scoring rubric

consist of criterias that can help the students to increase their ability in

speaking. Through the scoring rubric, the students can know how their

performance in informative speech. From the analysis, it found of the

findings and discussion in students‟ informative speech. Then, from the

analysis, it found the conclusion of the research.



This chapter explains the description of research methodology used in this

study. It is consist of the research design, setting of the research, instrumentation

of the research, procedure of the research, technique collecting the data, and

technique of analyzing the data. This chapter also discusses about the population

and sample of this research.

A. Research Design

This research a descriptive quantitative research. According to Sugiyono

(2013, p. 2) state that research design is a scientific way to get data with a specific

purpose. Meanwhile, the model of research design used in this reseach

quantitative. Creswell (2014, p. 4) add that quantitative research is an approach

for testing objective theories by examining variables. These variables, in turn, can

be measured, typically on instruments, so that numbered data can be analyzed

using statistical procedures. The statistical procedures described as the need of the


In this research, the mainpoint of this research was to collect and accumulate

the data in descriptive way. It intends to describe about the students skill in

informative speech of the third semester students English study program

university of Pasir Pengaraian.

B. Setting of the Research

This research conducted at third semester students of english study program

University of Pasir Pengaraian. It was located Rambah Hilir, Rokan Hulu. The

research from Desember 2020 to May 2021.

C. Population and Sample

According to Sugiyono (2013, p. 215) population is generalization region that

consist of object,subject that have and certain characteristic who determined by

researcher to be learned and to be concluded . The population of this research was

the third semester students of English study program University of Pasir

Pengaraian in academic year 2020/2021. There were 29 students and all of

students population.

Based on the considerations above, the researcher used probability sampling.

According to Sugiyono (2013, p. 218) probability sampling is sampling technique

where the the number of samples is the same as the population. The number of

sample in this research were 29 samples. So in this research, the amount of

samples is the same as the population, they were 29 person.

D. Instrumentation of the Research

The instrument of this research was speaking test. The test was given to the

students to deliver in informative speech. Then, students‟ speaking test were

analyzed by scoring rubric of informative speech. The scoring rubric was taken

from Hughes „s theory (2003, p. 131).

E. Technique of Collecting the Data

The test of this study was conducted at University Pasir Pengaraian, in

third semester students of English Study Program of Faculty of Teacher

Training and Education. This method was carried out by some steps:

1. The researcher gave the speaking test for students that consist of

instructions deliver informative speech

2. The students prepared one topic that they have Chosen.

3. After that,students delivered informative speech . The maximum time

given is seven minutes.

4. The researcher recorded the videos from the students.

F. Technique of Analyzing the Data

After collecting data , the researcher analyzed the data. The researcher filled

the scoring rubric which contained some criterias based on the teoritical of

scoring rubric by Hughes (2003, p. 131) . The data analyzed by using the

following criteria :

Table 1. Scoring Rubric by Arthur Hughes (2003)

No Aspect Criteria Score

Pronunciation frequently unintelligible 1

Frequent gross errors and every heavy accent

make understanding difficult, require frequent 2


“Foreign accent” requires concentrated

listening and mispronunciations lead to 3

occasional misunderstanding

Marked “foreign accent” and occasional and

mispronunciations which do not interfere with 4


No conspicuous mispronunciations, but would

not be taken for a native speaker

Native pronunciation, with no trace of

“foreign accent”

Grammar almost entirely inaccurate except in

stock phrases

Constant errors showing control of very few

major patterns and frequently preventing 2


Frequent errors showing some major patterns

uncontrolled and causing occasional irritation 3

and misunderstanding

Occasional errors showing imperfect control

of some patterns but no weaknesses that

causes misunderstanding

Few errors, with no patterns of failure 5

No more than errors during interview 6

Vocabulary inadequate for even the simplest


Constant limited to basic personal and

survival areas.

Choice of word sometimes inaccurate,

limitations of vocabulary prevent discussion 3

of some common professional and social topic

3) VOCABULARY Professional vocabulary adequate to discuss

special interest; general vocabulary permits

discussion of any non-technical subject with

some circumlocutions

Professional vocabulary broad and precise;

general adequate to cope with complex 5

practical problems and varied social situations

Vocabulary apparently as accurate and

extensive as that of an educated native


Speech is so halting and fragmentary that

conversation is virtually impossible

Speech is very slow and uneven except for

short routine sentences.

Speech is frequently hesitant and jerky;

sentences may be left uncompleted

4) FLUENCY Speech is occasionally hesitant, with some

unevenness caused by rephrasing and 4

grouping for words

Speech is effortless and smooth, but

perceptively non-native in speed and evenness

Speech on all professional and general topics

as effortless and smooth as a native speaker‟s

understands too little for the simplest type of


5) COMPREHENSION understands only slow, very simple speech on

common social and touristic topics; requires 2

constant repetition and rephrasing

understands careful, somewhat simplitied

speech when engaged in a dialogue but may 3

require considerable repetition and rephrasing

understands quite well normal educated

speech when engaged in a dialogue, but 4

requires occasional repetition and re- phrasing

understands everything in normal edu- cated

Conversation except for very Colloquial or

low-frequency items, or exceptionally rapid or

slurred speech

understands everything in both formal and

colloquial speech to be expected of an 6

educated native speaker

Table 2.


1 2 3 4 5 6 A

Accent 0 1 2 2 3 4 -

Grammar 6 12 18 24 30 36 -

Vocabulary 4 8 12 16 20 24 -

Fluency 2 4 6 8 10 12 -

Comprehension 4 8 12 15 19 23 -

Adam and Frith (Hughes, 1979, p. 35-58)

Table 3.

(Transcript Score of the weighting table)


1 2 3 4 5 6

Accent 0 25 50 50 75 100

Grammar 16,6 33,2 50 66,5 83 100

Vocabulary 16,6 33,3 50 66,7 83,2 100

Fluency 16,6 33,2 50 66,4 83 100

Comprehension 17,4 34,8 52 65 82,5 100

Then,the range of the scores for stating opinions can be seen as follows:

Table 4.

Range of the score The level of the skill

81-100 Excellent

61-80 Good

41-60 Average

21-40 Fair

0-20 Poor

(Harris,1968, p. 79)



This chapter discusses about the result of the research and analyzes the data

of the students‟ skill in infomative speech. This chapter also consists of research

finding and discussion. In this chapter, the researcher explained the students‟ skill

in delivering informative speech. The researcher also list table of the result to ease

the readers in catching point of this research. The elaboration of the limitation of

this research will be answered in the research finding then completed in the


A. Research Finding

There were five aspects that must be scored in this research. They were

accent,grammar,vocabulary,fluency,and comprehension. The result were analyzed

in separate section in this chapter. But, the summary of the students‟ score of

delivering informative speech by three raters could be seen in appendix.

a. Students’ Accent

The students‟ skill in terms of accent was shown in the following table :

Table 5.

The analysis on the students’ accent from three raters

No Range Category Frequency Percentage

1 81-100 Excellent - -
2 61-80 Good 2 6,90 %
3 41-60 Average 24 82,75 %

4 21-40 Fair 3 10,34 %
5 0-20 Poor - -
Total 29 100 %

Based on the table 5, it could be seen that the students skill in accent have

variety level of frequency point because 2 student (6,90 %) were in good category

or they had made no conspicuous mispronunciation. The students had delivered

speech in good, but they would not be taken for a native speaker. This case could

be seen when students delivered the speech, they need more pace and clarity. The

second, 24 students (82,75%) were average in accent because they in range

between 41-60. It means that they had “Foreign accent” requires concentrated

listening and mispronunciations lead to occasional misunderstanding. This case

could be seen in their pronunciation . For example they said the word “prophet “,

but they pronunce “propet”and it should be pronunce “/ˈprɒfɪt/.” .The last, 3

students (10,34 %) were fair or they range between 21-40, it mean that they had

frequent gross errors and every heavy accent make understanding difficult, require

frequent repetition. This case could be seen when they say the word “about”,they

pronunced “abot”,it should be “/əˈbaʊt/”, the word “caused” was pronunced

“kauset”,it should be “ /kɔːz/ ”. Another case could be seen when they deliver

speech, they said the word “aaaaaa” between the word . From the explanation

above, it could be concluded that most students were in average level, a litle

students had fair, and a litle students had good level. Many students were wrong

in their spoken or they did mispronunciation.

b. Students’ Grammar

The students‟ skill in terms of grammar was shown in the following table :

Table 6.

The analysis on the students’ Grammar from three raters

No Range Category Frequency Percentage

1 81-100 Excellent - -
2 61-80 Good 12 41,38 %
3 41-60 Average 14 48,27 %
4 21-40 Fair 3 10,34 %
5 0-20 Poor - -
Total 29 100 %

Based on the table 6, it could be seen that there were 12 student (41,38 %)

were in good because they in range 61- 80, it is mean that they had imperfect

control of some patterns but no weaknesses that causes misunderstanding. And

then, 14 students (48,27 %) were in average because they in range 41-60, it mean

that they had made frequent errors that showing some major patterns uncontrolled

and misunderstanding . This case could be seen in their tenses error,for example

they made “...who has bought us...”. This sentence should be “...who has giving

us...”.. Another case can be seen at the sentence structure “...We all know when

we are sick...” ,it should be “...All of us know when we are sick...”. The last, there

were 3 student (10,34 %) were in fair because they in range 21-40, it means that

they constant errors showing control of very few major patterns and frequently

preventing communication. From the explanation above, it could be concluded

that the students in grammar still in average level. The students were in average,

because the students still low in grammar, they did a mistake when they produce

the sentence, they did not good used tenses and then they always did mistake to

put the structure in their sentence, they should prepare and correct their script.

c. Students’ Vocabulary

The students‟ skill in terms of vocabulary was shown in the following


Table 7.

The analysis on the students’ Vocabulary from three raters

No Range Category Frequency Percentage

1 81-100 Excellent 13 44,82 %
2 61-80 Good 15 51,72 %
3 41-60 Average 1 3,44 %
4 21-40 Fair -
5 0-20 Poor - -
Total 29 100 %

Based on the table 7, Most of students students were in good level. We

could be seen that there were some students in excellent level about 13

students (44,82 %) between 81-100 or they had made Professional vocabulary

broad and precise. This case could be seen when the students delivered the

speech about caffeine, it was made supporting vocabulary such as the scope of

wake up, driving, and other varied vocabulary. There were 15 students (51,72

%) were in good level between 61-80 . They had made general vocabulary

permits discussion. This case could be seen that the students have made

vocabulary related to the topic. For example, when the students delivered the

speech about the bullying, so they made the general vocabularies of the topic.

There were 1 student (3,44%) were in average level. The student had

limitations of vocabulary prevent discussion of some social topic. It could be

shown that the topics presented did not cover the entire material, so the

vocabulary only struggled in one discussion and the vocabulary was not

various. They should add their vocabulary for mastery in their speaking skill.

From the explanation above, the students‟ vocabulary were in good level.

There were students create professional vocabulary adequate to discuss special

interest; general vocabulary permits discussion of any non-technical subject

with some circumlocutions.

d. Students’ Fluency

The students‟ skill in terms of fluency was shown in the following table :

Table 8.

The analysis on the students’ Fluency

No Range Category Frequency Percentage

1 81-100 Excellent - -
2 61-80 Good 8 27,58 %
3 41-60 Average 15 51,72 %
4 21-40 Fair 6 20,69 %
5 0-20 Poor - -
Total 29 100 %

Based on the table 8 there were 15 students (51,72%) were average. They had

made speech that was frequently hesitant and jerky, sentences may be left

uncompleted. This case could be seen when they delivered one sentence has not

been completed, it was continued with another sentence. So, that it become

ambiguous speech . About the table there were 8 students (27,58 %) were good in

fluency,or they had made speech is occasionally hesitant, with some unevenness

caused by rephrasing and grouping for words. They delivered speeches by

repetition a few words to sentences frequently caused by nervous. The last 6

students (20,69 %) were in fair or they had speech is very slow and uneven

except for short routine sentences. In this case, the students had the limited ideas

and vocabulary, so the sentences were simple and underdeveloped. In addition,

students spoken slowly, they look like remember their script and many students

always silent for a moment,sometimes they said “eee”. From the explanation

above, it could be concluded that the students‟ skill in fluency aspect were still

average. The students were very slow in speech because what the students deliver,

it is still confuse and the students had limited idea to be developed.

e. Students’ Comprehension

The students‟ skill in terms of comprehension was shown in the following

table :

Table 9.

The analysis on the students’ comprehension from three raters

No Range Category Frequency Percentage

1 81-100 Excellent 11 37,93 %
2 61-80 Good 17 58,62 %
3 41-60 Average 1 3,44 %
4 21-40 Fair - -
5 0-20 Poor - -

Total 29 100 %

Based on the table above, 11 students (37,93 %) were in excellent in

comprehending the topic or they understands everything in both formal and

colloquial speech to be expected of an educated native speaker. Secondly, there

were 17 students (58,62 %) were in good comprehend the topic or they understand

everything in normal educated conversation except for very colloquiarl or low

frequency items, or exceptionally rapid or slurred speech. The last, there were 1

students (3,44 %) were in average or they understanding careful, some what

simplified speech when engaged in a dialogue but may require considerable

repetition and rephrasing. This case could be shown when the students deliver

speeches, they avoid the dialogue or communication to the audience and they

repeat the sentences frequently. It was caused they did not comprehend deeply

about their material. From table analysis above, it could be concluded that the

students‟ level in comprehension aspect was good category. It is caused

understands everything in normal edu- cated Conversation except for

exceptionally rapid .

After explaining each of aspect in delivering informative speech, researcher

wanted to made the concluded of level from each aspect. The concluded was

presented on the table below.

Table 10.

The result of students’ speech by three raters

No Indicators Percentage Level

1 Accent 47,01 % Average

2 Grammar 56,02 % Average

3 Vocabulary 79,47 % Good

4 Fluency 52,35 % Average

5 Comprehension 78,78 % Good

Based on the table 10, it could be seen the percentage of each aspect .The

data collected from 29 students of third semester English Study Program

university of pasir pengaraian. The students‟ accent is 47,01 %, students‟

grammar is 56,02%, students‟ vocabulary is 79,47%, students‟ fluency is 52,35 %

and students‟ comprehension is 78,78 %.

f. Result of students in delivering informative speech

In order to make clearly, the result of the students‟ informative speech by

three raters of all aspects could be seen in the following table :

Table 11.

The total score in delivering informative speech in all aspect

No Total Last Score Level
1 2 3
1 63.28 66.64 54.78 184.7 61.57 Good

2 69.8 66.64 68.24 204.68 68.23 Good
3 76.58 63.14 91.6 231.32 77.11 Good
4 84.7 74.72 84.7 244.12 81.37 Excellent
5 63.14 73.22 70 206.36 68.79 Good
6 69.58 66.5 66.42 202.5 67.50 Good
7 56.28 58 54.78 169.06 56.35 Average
8 59.64 56.34 51.42 167.4 55.80 Average
9 63 66.44 69.8 199.24 66.41 Good
10 64.24 59.64 62.94 186.82 62.27 Good
11 63.34 66.44 54.98 184.76 61.59 Good
12 59.64 73.04 54.76 187.44 62.48 Good
13 74.54 59.64 69.54 203.72 67.91 Good
14 56.48 56.34 54.92 167.74 55.91 Average
15 52.98 59.64 59.92 172.54 57.51 Average
16 62.92 56.34 51.42 170.68 56.89 Average
17 76.58 70 54.96 201.54 67.18 Good
18 73.22 69.92 66.64 209.78 69.93 Good
19 73.22 69.92 79.9 223.04 74.35 Good
20 74.72 62.92 81.34 218.98 72.99 Good
21 56.42 69.72 51.42 177.56 59.19 Average
22 56.34 62.92 62.92 182.18 60.73 Average
23 69.58 59.64 81.2 210.42 70.14 Good
24 62.92 56.34 62.92 182.18 60.73 Average
25 60.32 53 37.96 151.28 50.43 Average
26 53.74 53 44.8 151.54 50.51 Average
27 52.98 62.92 51.48 167.38 55.79 Average
28 48.12 56.34 44.78 149.24 49.75 Average
29 44.62 62.92 41.46 149 49.67 Average
Total Score 1819.07
Average 62.73

Based on the table 11, the percentage of students has the result that students

were in good level. From the table , it could be seen that most of the students were

in good. It mean that the third semester students of English study program of

university of Pasir Pengaraian had good in delivering informative speech. 1

students were in excellent score, 15 students were the good score, and 13 students

were in average score. In conclusion, the table above showed that the students

skill in delivering informative speech was in good category ( 62,73 %) .

Based on the data above, the researcher wanted to made the data more clear

with made the table about the percentage of the result.

Table 12.

The Result of Students’ skill in Delivering informative Speech

No Range Category Frequency Percentage

1 81-100 Excellent 1 3,44 %

2 61-80 Good 15 51,72 %

3 41-60 Average 13 44,82 %

4 21-40 Fair - -

5 0-20 Poor - -

Total 29 100 %

From the data in the table of result the students in delivering informative

speech, the researcher concluded that the students' speaking skill in delivering

informative speech was in good category. There were 1 students got excellent

category (3,44 %), there were 15 students got good category ( 51,72 %), and there

were 13 students got average category (44,82 %).

B. Discussion

There were five aspect in assessing students‟ speech included accent,

grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension (Hughes, 2003, p. 131). From

the research result, the researcher found that the students were in good level in all

of aspect. After getting the data, the researcher needed to discuss the findings to

answer the research question. From the findings of the research, it concluded that

students‟ skill in informative speech at third semester students English study

program university of pasir pengaraian,the score 62,73 % that categorized in good


The research also found the result of each aspect. It was consist of accent,

grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. The score of accent was 47,01

% that categorized in average level, grammar 56,02 % in average level,

vocabulary 79,47 % in good level, fluency 52,35 % in average level, and

comprehension 78,78% in good level.

The finding showed that students‟ accent categorized in average level

(47,01%). They had “Foreign accent”, requires concentrated listening and

mispronunciations lead to occasional misunderstanding. This case could be seen

in the pronunciation. The students were difficult to pronounce word in english.

This finding was supported by the theory of john and ziwei (2018, p. 1 ) stated

that accent refers to distinct ways a language is pronounced, whether by native or

non-native speakers. Accent could be very powerful markers. It could be

concluded that the students were difficult to pronounce word in english.

The score of grammar was 56,02 %. This result showed that students‟

grammar were still in average level. It means that they had made frequent errors

that showing some major patterns uncontrolled and misunderstanding. This

finding was supported by the theory of effendi et al. (2017, p. 42) stated that

mastering the grammar of a language will affect the mastery of language skills.

Therefore, in studying language formally, grammar was a subject that should be

studied in depth. It could be concluded that the students still low in grammar, they

did a mistake when they produce the sentence, they did not good used tenses and

than they always did mistake to put the structure in their sentence, they should

prepare and correct their script.

The score of fluently was 52,35 %. It was in average level . It mean that

they had made speech that was frequently hesitant and jerky, sentences may be

left uncompleted. This finding was supported by the theory of (Permana et

al.(2020, p. 43) stated that good speaking fluency made one‟s English proficiency

much better and sound slicker, more natural, and more impressive for the

listeners. It also provided more effective communication due to the absence of

speaking disturbances. It could be concluded that the students were very slow in

speech because what the students deliver, it was still confuse and the students had

limited idea to be developed.

From the discussion above, the students still have difficulties in accent,

grammar, and fluency aspect. Most of the students were difficult in accent aspect

because the students had mispronunctiation or the students were difficult in

pronuncing word in english. Most of the students were difficult in grammar aspect

because the students had made frequent errors that showing some major patterns

uncontrolled and misunderstanding. Most of the students were difficult in fluency

because the students were not able to communicate fluently and accurately, they

do not have enough knowledge. However, students‟ skill in vocabulary and

comprehension aspect were in good category. It could be seen that the students‟

score were good in vocabulary and comprehension aspect . From the explanation

above, the researcher concluded that the students‟ skill were good in delivering

informative speech.

C. Limitation of The Research

This research had been analyzed. Delivering informative speech in third

semester students of English Study Program in University of Pasir Pengaraian.

The findings were analyzed based on the theory of experts. However, since the

research was inaccessible, it became the limitation of this research.

This research actually focused in delivering informative speech. It meant

this research analyzed the students informative speech in indicators of speaking it

self that was explained by experts in previous chapter. This research conducted in

University of Pasir Pengarain, so the situation of students itself differ with other

universities or other places. Moreover, There were some problems faced by the

researcher during the research, such as limited theory by experts as the references,

limited time in collecting the data and analyzing the data and the researcher had

difficulty in collecting the data because the campus was used online and offline

learning system .



This chapter discusses about the conclusion and suggestion. This chapter also

discusses about the suggestion for the lecturer, for the students , and the

institution. It is suggested for the other researcher to guide them in further


A. Conclusion

The researcher did the research about the students' speaking skill in delivering

informative speech. The researcher used spoken test and video recording to know

the students' speaking skill in delivering informative speech of the third semester

students English Study Program in University of Pasir Pengaraian. Based on the

finding and discussion, it concluded that students' speaking skill in delivering

informative speech at the third semester students of English study program was in

good level. From the five aspects, the students were good in accent, grammar,

fluency, vocabulary and comprehension.

B. Suggestion

Based on the result of the research, the researcher would like to give some

suggestion to:

1. The lecturer

The lecturer should be creative in teaching speaking skill to the

students. Furthermore, the lecturer have the explain about the main strategies

of informative speech. It could be done by giving interesting topics to discus

in the class. From the interesting topics , the students could be easy to

understand to delivering informative speech or in speaking skill whether in

different topics.

2. The students

The students should manage of time to study at home and also must be

seriously in study English speaking skill, especially about informative speech

because is very important for them. As all of the people know that speaking is

kind of tool that to deliver the our idea.

3. The researcher

This research should be hopeful give the contribution to other

researcher to do the next research. It should be a guide for the next researcher

in their thesis, especially in speaking skill. More attention to do the research

in informative speech because many aspect that should include in the research

to be analyze.


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Subject :

Semester : III (A/B)

Date :

Time :

1. Prepare one topic for a informative speech.

2. Make a informative speech script based on the topic you have chosen.

3. Present your speech in front of the class.



1. Student 1
assamualaikum wr.wb. good morning ladies and gentleman. the honorable
ms pipit rahayu m.pd, the lecturer of speaking subject and my beloved
friends. first of all, let say to allah swt, who giving us blessing and
mercies, so we can attend at this class in good condition and happy
situation. secondly sholawat and salam always be with our prophe
muhammad saw, by saying allahummasholli alla syaidina muhammad
saw. okay let me introduce my self,my name is rizki elvia putri you can
me kiki, im from third semester. the honorable mrs.pipit rahayu m.pd as
the our lecturer, and all of my beloved friend. well here i will explain my
speech about bullying ladies and gentlemen bullying ? what is this ? 1 am
sure everyone knows already. bullying comes from thee meaning of the
word intimadete to bull and appressthe week, and annoying what are the
causes of bullying? it can be such as peaople feel strong, powerful, rich,
and have averything how to deal with bullying activity? 1. follow up
religious activities in school, 2. follow up to co curricular activities in the
school 3. avoid, negative activities, choosing good friends. so that 'all my
infomative speech, thank you give attention. assamualaikum wr,wb.
2. Student 2
assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. my name is evi peranian.
the honorable mrs pipit rahayu m.pd. the honorable our sisters and our
beloved friends of mine. first ot all, lets pray and thanks to allah swt. the
lord of this world who has been giving us mercies and blessing that we
cannot count so we can attend and gether in this unforgettable place in
good condition and happy situation. secondly, shalawat and salam to our
prophet muhammad saw. who has bougth us from the darkness to the
lightness from the bad to the good. by saying allahummasholli ala syaidina
muhammad waala ali syaudina muhammad. standing in front of you all, i
would like to present my speech, impact of global warming. 1. what is
global warming? is the, is the, is the climate warming? the impact of
global warming will be felt across the globe. so,what is global warming?
global warming is the gradual increase, global warming is the gradual
increase of the temperature of earths atmosphere and oceans. we know
global warming is serious problem which has in, which has in, which has
in encountered planet of since the middle of 20th century. global warming
is mostly related of to human activities. most of, most of our, most our,

most of our activities give be impact to the earth. take a simple example,
when we are reading our motorcycle, we contribute for the population
which is also one several factors that support global warming. global
warming is the increase in the average temperature of earth atmosphere
and oceans. what causes it? green house effect, the air pollution, illegal
logging, eating meat andelectricity. global warming has already started to
affect the earth in several ways. i am sorry if i had a mistake, and the last,
assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
3. Student 3
assalamualaikum wr.wb. the honorable ms pipit rahayu m.pd. as a lecture
of speaking subject. the honorable sister wulan and sister yorin and all of
my beloved friends. my name is fatimah zahara. i am a student of english
study program university of pasir pengaraian from third semester, first of
all, let's say thanks to allah swt who has been giving us some mercies and
blessing so that we can join on this meeting without any troubles at all.
secondly, sholawat and salam be with our prophet muhammad saw who
has guided us from the darkness to lightness in the world. with saying
"allahummasholli ala syaidina muhammad waala ali syaidina muhammad.
ok, today i would like to tell you about my informative speech and the title
is 3 positive impacts by using facebook. ladies and gentleman in modern
era, we can not to be deny that people in the world use some social media
for many uses. and now so many social media appears like facebook,
twitter, instagram and many more. social media has to be one of the
greatest developments of human history, it has connected humanity like
never before. it has change the way that people do business, we can see
quickly what is going on in our communities and around the if
we use facebook. facebook is defined as an online social networking
website where people can create profiles,share information such as photos
or quotes about themselves and respond or link to the information posted
by others. facebook also the most popular social networking site, which
allows people to share photos, comments, videos online and many more.
founded in 2004 by mark zuckerberg. however, facebook have many
positive impact and now i have to tell you about 3 positive impacts by
using facebook. the first, facebook can be use for communication,
facebook refers to the means of interactions among people in which they
create, share and exchange information and ideas and virtual communities
and networks. the second, facebook can expand friendship. people who
have made a new friend online say they have met new friends on a social
media platform such as facebook. this proves that social media plays a
critical role in connecting people to new friends, allowing people to learn

more about new friends and get to know them better. the third, facebook as
media to promote business. facebook can allows for immediate for
interaction and customer feedback. they can also respond to their
customers right way, customers also can facebook to ask questions about
products or services. in conclusion, facebook plays many vital roles in
order to connecting people in the world, this gives us the opportunity and
to know more about their culture, value, tradition and many more. okay,
that's all my speech today. i hope it's will be usefull for us. thank you for
your attention. wassalamualaikum wr.wb.
4. Student 4
assalamualaikum warahmatulullahi wabarakatuh. good day ladies and
gentleman. alhamdulilah alhamdulillah hirabbillalamin assholatuasshola
mualaasrafilambia iwalmursalin waalaalihi wasabbihi rasullillahiajmain.
the honorable ms pipi rahayu m.pd as a lecture of speaking subject . the
honorable the assistant lecturersister yorin and sister wulan. and my
beloved all of my friends. first of all, let we say thank to allah swt, who
has giving us blessing and healthy. and then, sholawat and salam to our
prophet muhammad saw by saying allahummasolli ala syaidina
muhammad, waala ali syaidina muhammad" okay, ladies and gentleman,
in this opportunity i‟m lestari anugrah from third semester and i would
like to speech on a very important topic, the topic is save water" ladies and
gentleman, as we know, that the water is important for the continuation of
life on the earth. it is the most basic need for everyone. water is the unique
source of life, without water we cannot imagine the life here. almost three-
fourth area of the earth is covered by the water and it constitutes around
60-70 % of the living world. ladies and gentleman ,actually, there is only
1% of the water on the earth which is usable to us. and the other water
bodies have unusable water to us such as 97% salty sea water, 2% water in
the form of glaciers and polar ice caps. so, death is more possible in the
lack of water than the lack of food. it again arises a question in our mind
that why we are so late in realizing the need of conservation and water
saving. ladies and gentleman since the life of each and every living things
on the earth depends on water, here are some tips which really help us to
save the water: 1. parents should be aware their children about the need of
water conservation. 2. everyone should be aware of the water shortage
rules and strictly follow in their own area. 3. every employee should be
active for the water conservation at their own work place. 4. people should
be more active in their area to report any problems related to water loss.
and the last water conservation awareness should be highly developed and
promoted. ledies and gentleman. i think that is all. thank you so much for

your attention. i am sorry for all of my mistake. wassalamualaikum
warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
5. Student 5
assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatu. good morning everyone,
the honorable ms pipit rahayu m.pd , the honorable assistant lecturer ,and
my friends, first of all lets pray in god to allah swt of all mercies and
blessing sholawat and salam to our prophet muhammad saw by saying
"allahumasholialashaidina muhammad waalaali syaidina muhammad".
before that, i will introduce my self my name is delvita sari, class b english
study program semester three. ok friends lets give me speech about a
kepenuhan. my hometown kepenuhan. kepenuhan famous with aa negri
beradat. so that negri beradat take aaa background still colorful and all
arrangement adat istiadat at luhak kepenuhan, it so that luhak beradat its
b a stand of bersih, community of kepenuhan love …nice aaa description
of gotong royong keep of my self….. , e its stand of elok, the people of
kepenuhan kind nature and behavior polite and harmonis and … so it‟s a
beautiful for us aaaa activities of adat which aa showcase and the beauty of
production at kepenuhan , ok next,aaa r its stand of ramah,for is the other
aa pencak silat as aa from cultural hospitality. a stand of agamis, the
majority existing religion in kepenuhan islam in kepenuhan islam become
the foundation association, d its stand of dinamis, aa dynamic aa society
always trust word art the pavilion the dinamis , a its stand of akademis as
an educated an society there are several the basic characteristic that are
show by people of the… aa first recognize aa the passion of nice to the
outside word in the.. aa the information and which development second in
tolerance tried by the people of kepenuhan, t its stand of terpimpin, the
picture aaa in … datuk pundawo sakti as there people of kepenuhan.
kepenuhan also it famous with a refer and wish, kepenuhan have a refer
very much and next the refer before very much kind of fish . so at there
many people work as a fisherman and which many people is farmer
because at have a … ok thank you for you attention, sorry for my mistake,
assalamualaikum wr.wb.
6. Student 6
assalamualaikum wr.wb. assalamu'alaikum warohmatullahi wabarokatuh.
first of all, let we say thank to allah swt, who has giving us some mercies
and blessing, so due to those we are able to join in this class without any
trouble. secondly may sholawat and salam be with our prophet muhammad
saw who has guided us from the darkness to lightness in the world by
saying allahumma sholli 'ala muhammad wa 'ala ali muhammad. the
honorable ms pipt rahayu m.pd. the honorable to our sister wulan and

sister yorin and all of my beloved friends. before i‟m going to my speech,
let me to introduce my self, my name is dewi ratna sari, i‟m a student to
english study program from the third semester. ok friends, now i will give
you some information about the negative effects from the playing online
game. ladies and gentleman, we are living in technological era, people
especially children extremely very like playing the online game. they can
play the game through by ipad, computer, smartphone and many other
technologies by connecting the game to the internet. and now i will
describe aa some in aa some negative effects from the playing the online
game: the first playing the online game, can make the people addicted.
they will be really, they will feel only we know playing the online game,
they can spend a lot of stand to playing online game also it make them
very tired but they feel very happy. playing the online game also can make
the people forget the everything. second, playing the online game also the
impact in healthy such as mental health, eyes health, obesity, ice healthy,
postural disorder . the third playing the online game also can, can make
people to spend a lot of money, because the people will the willing ee
because the people that very like playing the online game will be willing
to pay to the aa internet server every time order, in order to make them to
aa in order to connect in the internet. the fourth, playing the online game
also can impact the academic aa children, they will feel ,children spend a
lot of time to playing the online game so to make them to be lazy to study
and it make would fall games. they also can …. and the last playing the
online game make the negative behavior ok friends that all my speech
today i hope it is usefull for us, thanks for attention, assalamualaikum
7. Student 7
assalamualaikum wr.wb. first of all we give thank to allah swt. for blessing
and mercies as the make our in the palce. sholawat and salam prays to our
prophet muhammad saw ok, the honorable ms pipit rahayu m.pd, the
honorable ms wulan and yorin, the honorable my best friend, now give
you information about insomnia. sleep is a part of every day live that is
under teenager. sleep to needed to maintenance the stability of one health.
most people can sleep easily in situation. some other people…some other
people sleep in hard difficulty to. everyone need for sleep is a relative.
sleep quality is more important that the long sleep. if you ever feel
insomnia guys? yes, ……sleep ability…insomnia is a topic of my speech
because is ….with function activity, insomnia activity as difficulty sleep ,
stay sleep or sleepy. most people has insomnia, even only situation
especially at this time is can make… is one of the reason we sleep..

insomnia that occur is generation, body, symptom is a typical problem ,
continuous insomnia can have negative impact and our daily activities, it
symptom increase use consult doctor, now aa how to build sleep lessnes?
one sheet a regular the time two don‟t use the matrass, three use of aa,
number three use of a handphone, number four the ability of time foods
and drink, number five long buds. insomnia symptom insomnia fake,,,
symptom of insomnia can include what the time weakness, two aa… three
irritability , four problem with concentration of memory. ok guys aaaaaa i
think enough explain my speech i hope it spend you for you. thank you for
attention. assalamualaikum. wr.wb.
8. Student 8
assalamualaikum wr.wb. the honorable ms pipit rahayu m.pd, as a lecturer
of speaking subject. the honorable sister yorin and sister wulan and all of
my friends. first of all we give thank to allah swt who has giving us
mercies and blessing. secondly sholawat and salam to our prophet
muhammad saw by saying allahumma shollialasaidina muhammad
waalaalihi saidina muhammad. my name is dwi ahlunisa i am from english
study program from third semester. today i would like to tell about my
speech the title is " the importance of education". education refers to a
process by which a person develops their skill, attitudes and value.
nowadays, nowadays education,,(ee lupa) nowadays education of priority
it must be ok by people. designed children, children education , children,…in the garden. elementary, junior high school, high school,
high school from us, high element education such us, university,,university
or or the school. that is important in education to our subject. important
ducation to our step and prepare student mental before,before they enter
the real period of education. the next point,,,,the next point education of
important because, because can make….the potencies such us speaking
and writing, therefor educatin, education very important to our live. i
think that enough thank you for attention. assalamualaikum wr. wb.
9. Student 9
ualaa asrofil ambiya iwal mursalin wa'ala alihi wassahbihi ajma'in
ammaba‟du. the honorable our lecturer ms pipit rahayu, m. pd. the
honorable our sister wulan and yorin and my beloved all off my friends.
first of all let's say thanks to allah swt, who has given us the mercies and
blessing so that, we can attend in this day without any trouble and
obstacle. secondly shalawat and salam to our prophet muhammad saw,
who has brought us from the darkness to the likeness from the bad to the
good. well, here i will deliver the contest of my speech untitled: the

dangers of drugs .the first danger of the drugs is to reduce the awarness of
the user so that can it lead to memory loss. this is because drugs can cause
sedative effects such us confusion, memory loss, changes in behavior,
decreased level of consciousness, and impaired body coordination.even
more sadly, most of the drug users are not aware of the advere effects that
haunt him. they are only tempted to fell a moment's, pleasure as an escape
from the problems of life they face. there are many harmful effects that
can damage physical and mental health. it's not just not drinking enough to
dehydrate you, drug side effect can also lead to severe dehydration and
electrolyte imbalance. ok that's all my speech. thank you
wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.
10. Student 10
assalamualaikum wr.wb. my name is jannati maswa. alhamdulillahirabbil
alamin wasshalatuwassalamualaa asrofil ambiya iwal mursalin wa'ala alihi
wassahbihi ajma'in ammaba‟du. the honorable our speaking lecturer, mrs.
pipit rahayu, m.pd. the honorable sister yorin and sister wulan and my
beloved friends .first of all let's thanks to allah swt. who has given us
chance, so we‟re still in the good health in the mid of corona outbreak.
secoundly sholawat and salam to our prophet muhammad saw, by saying
allahumma shalliala sayyidina muhammad wa'ala aliisayyidina
muhammad.well, this is speaking iii subject, and we will discus about
informative speech. so i would like to inform you about my organization
pmii or in bahasa is pergerakan mahasiswa islam indonesia. ladies and
gentlemen pmii is an islamic-based external campus organization.pmii was
founded on 17 april 1960 in surabaya with the chairman of mahbub
djunaidi. the distinctive colors of this organization is blue and yellow.
ladies and gentlemen in the rokan hulu, pmii was founded on 16 february
2020 with the chairman of muhammad akbar hermawan. this organization
is the only external campus organization that has succeeded in uniting 4
campus in the rokan hulu as its members, there are university of pasir
pengaraian, stai tuanku tambusai and stkip rokania. ladies and gentlemen
to become a pmii cadre, there are several activities that we must participate
in such as mapaba or (masa penerimaan anggota baru), pkd (pelatihan
kader dasar), pkl (pelatihan kader lanjutan), and pkn (pelatihan kader
nasional). mapaba is held annually for new students who want to
join.while pkd is carried out 4 until 6 months after mapaba, and pkl held 6
until 12 months after pkd. ok a little bit information about my
organization, if i mistakes i apologize. thank you so much for the nice
attention and, wallahul muwafieq illa aqwamith torieq, wassalamualikum
wr wb.

11. Student 11
assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatu. the honorable ms pipit
rahayu m.pd as a subject speaking, the honorable sister yorin and sister
wulan, and beloved my friends. first of all, let's thanks to allah swt
secondly sholawat and salam always be our prophet muhammad saw by
saying "allahumasholialashaidina muhammad waalaali syaidina
muhammad". my name is endah listiawati. i am from third semester. today
i,,i would like to tell you about my speech " the danger of alcoholic drinks
for teenagers" now day's,,now day's it is really ,it's really easy for
teenagers a access alcoholic drinks. added with their ,added with their
curiosity, alcoholic drinks consumer has increased to ,increased in the
recent years. the first effect in concering our body health. consuming
alcoholic drinks can damage our body. it cause, it cause minor until major
damage to our vital organs, and especially. alcohol drink,,,alcoholic drinks
contain alcohol that is bad for the kidney. it‟s,,, it is bad for the adults. so
you can imagine now dangerous to will be to teenagers. you will put your
hearth,,, you will put your hearth at risk just by consuming alcohol and,,
and believe me it a not worth it. i think its all thank you for attention.
wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatu.
12. Student 12
assalamualaikum wr.wb. my name is suci rahayu syafitri. the honorable,
lecturer of speaking ms pipit rahayu m.pd, and the honorable sister wulan
and sister yorin, that‟s to in this opportunity i will make speech about
learn. learning is a proces in in the aa opportunity what the changes a my
speech in the form of an increase in the quality and quantity of behavior,
knowloge, attitudes, or thinking power. learning objectives is: 1. to acquire
knowledge, 2. inserting concepts and skills, 3. shaping attitude, how how,
how to learn well: 1. good understand what you need to learn, 2. set you
study schedule, 3. try to study in a comfortable place, 4. do a grup or
discussion, and 5. do the self-test. so, solution of learning is an effart if
annn effart to learn and understand knowing what is read and heard. ok i
think,, i think that my speech and sorry thank you. assalamualaikum
13. Student 13
assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. good morning ladies and
gentleman ,today i hope you have a good mood and condition to. let me
introduce my name is rizki zahra' rafifah, you can call me titi or
rizki, i am 20 years old, the honorable our lecturer ms pipit rahayu m.pd,
the honorable sister yorin and sister wulann, and all my belovd friends.
first of all lets thank to allah swt who has us guidance and mercy son we

can gather here for speaking test. secondly sholawat and salam to our
prophet muhammad saw who has brings us from the darkness to the
likeness by saying allahhumma solliala saidina muhammad waalaalihi
saidina muhammad. ok today who had to tell you about english study
program. now days,more and more people are studying english cause
english is international,,studying english can help your
progress in life both personally and professionally. this is evidenced by the
use of english applications found everywhere for example smartphones,
applications, software languages, aaa game and etc. and as an english
major, your greats vocabulary,understanding of style, advance critical
thinking abilities and experience writing complex will give you distinctive
verbal capabilities. in english major in pasir pengaraian university we
have many exiting activities by english vaganza, english table manner
hotel, we also invite native speaker from various countries ,,aaaa and we
have short course a broad such as malaysia,singapore and thailand. and
importantly,,,the most importantly aaa,,in pasir pengaraian university we
best lectures ,especially in english study program. so what students learn
in the english study program ? in english study program learn about,
matriculation class by intensive course. secondly english abilities by
listening like you, speaking like me, reading, writing and grammar. third
teacher training : teaching english aaaa as a foreign language, teaching
english to aaa young learners, curriculum and development and material
development, micro teaching, and practice field experience. so what aaa so
what a career paths skill major english: first master english and able to
teach it at the elementary, middle, and high school level. then aaaa be, be
able to the native speaker and etc. maybe that all from me thank you for
attention. assalamualaikum wr.wb.
14. Student 14
assalamualakum warrahmatullahiwabarakatu. good morning everyone,
today here i will explain my speech about online business for teenagers.
first of all, let us give thanks to allah swt and aa do not forget aaa prayers
to the prophet muhammad by aaa saying allah huma solialasayidina
muhammad wa ala ali sayidina muhammad. ok aaaaa the honorable to aaa
our lecturer ms pipit rahayu , and than the honorable aa ok aaaa i will
explain the firstly what is online business. online business is way product
and selling somethingaa offered and service with aaa by using internet
network. aaa by communicating with orther. ok why i aaaa …about
business for teenager its very important to our as students and then give
our aaa… i will explain aaa ok i i give my question who has olshop in
here? what do you feel about that? actually we can aa we are students, we

can aa have mney, we can …aaa make me easy to aaa selling something
can used aaa our aa with aa something product in social media a like
whatsapp , instagram, facebook and many others social media in
handphone, then there are many aaaa ok will to tell you there are think
online business there are perfect work today,,,aaa in very benefit in the
social media in online business which point is thanking saving time
,saving time why because aaaa many people don‟t should go to the market
just aaa by something in the in the internet just the internet is very easy. i
hope you, i hope you aaa can you social media or aaaa online business aaa
well in the word haaa ok that all my speech about online business, thank
you for your attention sorry for my mistake assalamualaikum
warrahmatullahi wabarakatu.
15. Student 15
assalamualaikum wr. wb. good morning ladies and gentleman, the
honorable assistant lecture sister wulan and sister yorin and the honorable
all of my friend. the first lets say the pray to allah swt. sholawat and salam
to prophet muhammad saw by lafas allahhummasolliala saidina
muhammad waalaalihisaidina muhammad. in this occasion i want to
deliver a speech about education. as we know education life an important
role for the program of the nation if the education of the people is the leaf
behind, then the education to the experience difficult in addicting and
preasure from outside world. therefore as mosturising that they for the
program of process education in indonesia. one of the way its by allocation
that one the font, so the drop can be reduce more student can get the ride
education actually education can not only be obstyle at school given
outside at school be use technology to access education. thank for
attention, assalamualaikum wr.wb.
16. Student 16
assalamualaikum wr.wb. good morning ladies and gentleman. the
honorable ms pipit rahayu m.pd as a lecture in speaking subject . first of
all let's say pray thanks to allah swt. secondly shalawat and salam to our
prophet muhammad saw, by saying "allahummasholli ala syaidina
muhammad waala ali syaidina muhammad. my name is novita sari. lets me
a give speech about the environment so the we can learn alone. the
environment condition that we live to they are very friend from the
environment several the carry able. in the past to in the countries . now
land content place has been regret with having. environment are not only
limited to plains if we are sensitive many fauna and animals rester habitat.
human …. place aa …..ok so my speech about environment….thank you
for attention assalamualaikum wr. wb.

17. Student 17
assalamualaikum wr.wb. first off all lets say thank to allah who as givin a
change and healty so we can attend at this lass in good condition .
secondly sholawat and salam to our prophet muhammad saw by saying
allhuma shalli ala sayyidina muhammad waala ali muhammad the
honorable ms pipit rahayu m.pd as a lectural of speaking public and my
beloved all of friends. i would like my speech and the title is how
important to learn english language". assalamualaikum wt.wb. this
language is very universal language. english is an international language.
almost a difficult any word in communicated. is one person people in
world can speak english and the other … so from the statement very
important. we living in indonesian and people from that country
indonesian beautiful place and so friendly. so we need to communicate the
english speaking, impossible we can understand aa if we introduce there
are cultural international ….used english speak. aa way must people did
not can speak english because we not used english in daily life, we are life
in indonesia and we are used indonesian speaking in everyday. we are
from indonesia and my friend from indonesian. so that my english… ok
that all my speech ,sorry for my mistake thank you for attention
asssalamualaikum wr.wb.
18. Student 18
good morning, ladies and gentleman, the honorable ms.pipit rahayu, m.pd.
as a lecturer of speaking subject, the honorable sister yorin and wulan and
my beloved friends. first of all let us say thank to god for given us grace,
guildance and the never cending blessing to us. secondly, let me introduce
my self my name is rutmaida tambunan, i am an english department from
third semester. ladies and gentleman, on this occasion, i would ike to teii
you about my speech is discipline. the discipline of education is a guiding
process aimed at inculcating certain patterns of behavior, certain customs,
or shaping humans by certain characteristics, primarily to enhance,
primarily to enhance mental and moral qualities, within the family, within
the family can be characterized as a parent's method of guidance for the
child to comply with it. ladies and gentleman ….my speech that discipline
that i can share. today so may we can always be discipline in all be so we
can always become better and measure .. and religion i think that all my
speech, i am sorry for my mistake ,thank you for you attention, see you.
19. Student 19
assalamualaikum wr.wb. the honorable ms.pipit rahayu,m.pd as a
lecture.the honorable sister yorin and sister wulan. and my beloved
friends. first of all let s pray and thanks to allah swt, who has given us

mercy and blessing. secondly my peace and salutation to our prophet
muhammad saw by saying allahumma soli 'ala sayyidina muhammad wa
ala ali sayyidina muhammad. introduce myself, my name is rice gus gulita
sari i'm from the third semester of english study program. today,i would
like to deliver a speech with a title " corruption culture in indonesia".
many people say that corruption has become a culture. comments like this
are not to blame because of the phenomenon of corruption is nothing new
in the life of the indonesian people. now i will explain the meaning of
corruption what is corruption? corruption is a crime committed by a
person or group with the purpose of enriching them selves in the wrong
way. ladies and gentlemen ,we never thought, why corruption happens? a
basic question about corruption. i give a small example. chil dren who
want a clothes because he jealous to his friend. and because he was afraid
to tell his parents, he was lying on the grounds eventually asked for more
money to pay for books. but the money was not used to pay for books, but
to buy clothes. what this problems can be said to be corrupt? yes, it can be
considered corruption. a child who lied to his parents. corruption is not
only the corruption of money, but also other corruption. such as the
corruption of time. why corruption is happening?ladies and gentleman,
corruption can occur because of three factors: 1.intention, 2. opportunity,
3. risk. and how to prevent it? prevention of corruption is very simple but
useful if you do, which should start from ourselves, honest, and believe
that corruption is the disease that is harmful to people's lives. i think that's
all, thank you for your attention. assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi
20. Student 20
assalamualaikum,wr,wb. morning guys. first of all, let us thanks to allah
swt give me opportunity together here speaking test. don‟t forget to send
our prayers to the prophet muhammad saw by saying
allahummasollalasayidina muhammad wa ala ali sayidina muha mmad. the
honorable ms pipit rahayu m.pd as a lecture speaking subject, the
honorable sister yorin and sister wulan and all my beloved friends. my
name is rosdiana daulay, i am student english study program from
university of pasir pengaraian. today, in this ocasion i will talking about
bullyingin junior high school in indonesia. i have a question for audiens .
how many people in the audience today have been a victim of bullying ? if
you want if you then you can rice your hand. ok what,,you can introduce
your self and , how do you feel about it ?,, thank you thank you. ok next
question is how aaa many people witnessed a people being bullied and
how many all of you have bullied someone? none of these three situations

are very pleasant. in fact, bullying itself have aaa destroyed familles, and
aa has left lifelong mental and physical nightmares and has aaa take many
lives aaa physical actions and of the cases of suicide due to
bullying in indonesia is a 14 years old girl named nadila who jumped from
the 3rd floor of her school because of bullying by her friends. this case
sticking up to a lot of hashtags #ripnadila in twitter. and this is one of the
worst impact of bullying. i want you all to close your eyes and imagine: a
girl sits surrounded by people. she laughs, she smile , she acts totally
normal. but inside she dying. her heart and thought clouded with sadness
and depression. aaaa she is been bullied and abused but no one know. she
too afraid to tell anyone. she cried alone, she thinks that she is worthless
because no one cares. how many people have to live like her? how many
son or daughter have live like her? how many our member of family have
to live like her? put on fake smile and tried to be happy when under the
damaged skin, they are dying. screaming for help but no one can hear her.
and all the scars. all the tears. all the thought. we can't see it, it's hidden
under the cheerful smile and the beautiful eyes full of sadness.aaaa
everything is . everything is hidden the cuts, the bruises, the
sadness. everything is hidden under the simple smile. and but of course
you didn‟t notice it, that‟s someone dying inside. that someone about to
take their own life because what you have done to them. because the act
that you didn‟t think would affect them. so, bullying is really have bad
impact for everyone aaa not only for victims bad also for bullyers. it will
destroy mentally and physically. even take aaaa lives. i think that all sorry
for my mistake thank you for attention assalamualaikum wr.wb.
21. Student 21
assalamualaikum wr.wb. my name is rosilawati class b semester three. is
aa informative speech the title aaa cigarettes harm lung health. one
cigarette, when burned and inhaled, result in 7000 concentration of
harmful substances in it, including heavily, heavily aaa researched tar and
nicotine that prove aaa dangers to health and various organs of the body. it
causes addictions or addictions that make it very difficult for those who
smoke to stop and end up aaa smoking continuously and risk suffering
from such cigarette aaa related diseases as hypertension, stroke, canlungs,
and other organ cancer, impotent, fertility disorders and development of
the fetus. for those around smokers, it is also at risk aaa of passive
smoking or second aaa hand smoke and third hand smoke. second aaa
hand smokers also risk suffering from the same aaa disease as smokers.
when we look back aaa at the overall rate, it becomes clear that smoking
remains more dangerous that beneficial. aaa that avoid smoking and stop

smoking right now, if you are hmmm are already, aaa the contact medical
personnel to help aaa stop smoking addiction. ok thank the information
from me thank you.
22. Student 22
assalamualakum wr.wb. good morning ladies and gentleman. the
honorable ms pipit rahayu m.pd. as a lecture of speaking subject aaa the
honorable sister wulan and sister yorin, and my beloved all of my friends.
the first all lets thanks to allah swt secondly sollawat and salam to our
prophet muhammad saw with saying allahumma shalli 'ala sayyidina
muhammad wa ala 'ali sayyidina muhammad. i am sesti nasution from
english study program the third semester in this opportunity, i will make a
speech about "caffeine". today, i'd like to give you some of the facts about
caffeine and its effects on your body. i may not cause you to change your
coffee consumption about what you are putting into your body. i'm going
to talk about the beneficial effects of caffeine, the negative effects and
discuss what are considered to be 'safe' levels of caffeine consumption.
let's start with the good news. caffeine, which comes from the leaves,
seeds and fruits of about 63 different plants, is well known as a stimulant.
that's why people drink it, right.? caffeine does help you wake up and feel
more alert and it has been shown to increase attention spans. this is a
benefixial effect for people who are driving long distances and for people
who are doing tedious work calling this a health benefit may be stretching
it, thought staying awake while you are driving a car definitely contributes
to your well-being! ladies and gentlemen, caffeine also contains
antioxidants, which have been shown to have cancer prevention qualities.
the negative effect of caffeine are largely dependent on how much you
consume. when consumed in small quantities for example when you have
one cup of coffee or on soda caffeine can increase your heart rate, cause
you to urinate more, which can cause dehydration. and prompt your
digestive system to produce more acid. in large amounts, caffeine can
cause you to have headaches, feel restless and nervous, be unable to sleep
and even in very large quantitie to have hallucinations. as you can see
caffeine can have both positive and negative effect on our health and well
being. assalamualaikum wr.wb.
23. Student 23
assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. first of all, let's say all the
praise and gratitude to allah swt not forgetting shalawat and salam to our
prophet muhammad saw by saying allahumma shalli 'ala sayyidina
muhammad wa ala 'ali sayyidina muhammad. i am sri bulan from english
study program third semester. in this occation i want talk about education.

education have 2 types: 1. formal educationis basically a practice of
learning where are human learn basic, academic or some trade see us for
his living. formal education or formal learning initiate at basic level.
further, it continuous still the collage or university level where people
study bachelor and master courses. it comes under a certain combination
of rules and regulation and it may provide a formal degree after the
completion of the courses. it is provide by the teacher that are highly
qualified and educated and are under strict discipline as well. 2. informal
education is the type of education where the people are not studying in a
specific school or a collage. they do not use any specific learning method
or technique. when, when a father teaches his son how to ride bicycle or a
mother teaches her daughter how to cook food. than these learning fall
under the category of informal education. a person can get informal
education by reading some books from library or educational website on
the internet. however, unlike the in formal education, in formal education
has no particular syllabus or any specific time. as we all know that
education is the key element of everyone‟s life today. education has the
value that help in making people valuable and full of knowledge.
education is necessary for the growth of life for everyone. it has the same
value for everyone equally. everyone is having the right to learn. without
education life can become so difficult and hard survive. thank you for
attention assalamualaikum wr.wb.
24. Student 24
assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh. good morning ladies and
gentlemen. the honorable, ms pipit rahayu, m.pd, as a lecturer of speaking
subject and the honorable sister yorin and my beloved all of my friends
first off all, let's say thanks to allah swt to give us blessing and mercies a
good condition. secondly. sholawat and salam always be with our propet
muhammad saw with saying "allahummasholli ala syaidina muhammad
waala ali syaudina muhammad". today im gonna to talk you a litle bit
about social media and how mentally addictive some people are to it.
social media is considered to be the use of social networking sites such as,
facebook, aaaa twitter, instagram, snapchat and tinder and many others
that people may use these site have become the modern communication
for today's according to the computer world's online website in 2018 the
use of social media network has become massively addictive people tend
to check and interact on social media all throughout a day to day basis
with that being said we actually have no idea how much time we tend to
spend on social media according to the computer world's website in 2018
state that most of the major social networking companies are working

harder everyday to make their sites so addictive that we can't even resist
them anymore however a lot of people have tried to quit social media
altogether by deleting their facebook, instagram, snapchat accounts some
people are very successful at this which is good. the only problem with
being addicted to social media is that feel we feel the need to check it at
any given time which can be sort of a dangerous aspect some people check
their aaaa phone and scroll through social media. additionally i feel like
the addictiveness aspect of social media is associated with the fear of
missing out about what is going on around us. i'm not saying social media
is a bad thing and i'm also not saying social media is a great thing we tend
to use social media and our everyday lives which help us in many ways
such as aaaa our educational purposes with this being said we should learn
to control their use of social media for the better rather than just to scroll
through our phone and scroll through feeds just to see what everybody is
doing.ok i think that all. thank you for your attention. assalamualaikum
25. Student 25
assalamualikum wr.wb. my name is widia andini. the honorable ms pipit
rahayu m.pd of as a lecturer of speaking and beloved all my friends. first
of all lets say all the best everything allah swt do to all blessing mercies
aaa for us and sholawat and salam my every,,,,aaa to muhammad saw
allahhummasalliala saydina muhammad waalaalihisaydina muhammad.
saw who has guied us from the darkness to lightness. there must be no one
who one to the basic, all we wish in the is healthy be happy, what are the
benefit of running of a healthy… first body will be healthy as stronger
again sign, second the activities we are better and we more active and
productive, what is, what is the a have …first taking balance and which
food high fiber and… the second we which some activities for 30 minute
is day the last no smoking, ok that this is the end of of my informative
speech, assalamualaikum wr.wb.
26. Student 26
asssalamualaikum wr. wb. good morning everyone first of all let‟s thank
to allah swt . let‟s introduce my self my name yeni hartati i am student aaa
english education study program aaa third semester of university pasir
pengaraian . i want to tell you about the smoking. smoking is regarded as a
fashion symbol in young despite the ill effect of the smoking.
people, smoking is simple regarded as effect a special simple young
boys,,aaa despite ill effect of the smoking, people still continue to smoke.
ok that all,,i think that all my speech thank you for you attention
assalamualaikum wr.wb.

27. Student 27
aghfiruhu wanaudzubillah mainsyurruri anfusinaa waminsayyiati
ammaalinnaa manyahdihillah falah mmudhillalah wa man yudhlil falaa
haadiyalah wa asyhadu allaailahaillaah wahdahu laa syariikalah wa
asyhadu anna muhammadan abduhu wa rasuuluh laa nabi ya ba‟da. first of
all lets thank to allah swt who give mercies and blessing so we can
attend…secondly sholawat and salam to our prophet muhammad saw by
saying allahummasalliala saidina muhammad waalaalihisaidina
muhammad. the honorable ms pipit rahayu m.pd, to our speaking lecture,
the honorable sister yorin and sister wulan and my beloved of friends. in
this occation i will tell you about effect, about effect social media. ladies
and gentleman how many time to check smartphone ? able that was to
answer. social media according to, according to mobile mindset study, by
scooring….by it use smartphone on the check phone the life…. and
searching for well bed or in the bedroom. social media supported in our
today. the generation and that…. most is life , most it the life aaa people
that make technology. so you . some people by the social media aaa
teenager of …social media . the paint of social media less… of the be
other. social media is time….. and … interaction communication and.. a
live to culturation and section and level people ..ten use social media
..story, good news or bad news. people are using a social media toooo….
like that sharing, marketing, learning and interaction. the negative effect of
social media like that expression, depression and.. aaa cyberbullying.
social media insecure, negative body images and general
,media bring good news or bad think in our life. and the end of the day you
are the one more inside whether there is, there is more help you
or,,,meaning for you. ok i think that enough thanks for you attention
assalamualaikum wr.wb.
28. Student 28
assalamualaikum wr. wb. my name is musab safii lubis. first and allah
mercies and blessing on wonderfull occasion i am here to give a speech
about islam. many searching that islam is a religion about world. but
,actually that islam is very beautiful, is very beautiful side and we can,,,
our, our life for example muslim reference by qur‟an and sunnah prohet
muhammad saw. the messanger of allah that must, a messanger of allah a
good .. model by hastage the nobel character that must by….muslim. every
habbit have nothing toooo by having harom. I think its all, thank you,
wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

29. Student 29
assalamualaikum name is nur jannah. i would like to thanks to
allah swt who has been giving blessing and mercies so we can attend this
meeting program in good condition. sholawat and salam who has given us
to our prophet muhammad saw by saying allahhummasollialasaidina
muhammad waalaalihisaidina muhammad , ladies and gentleman i wanna
tell you about tips keep our health. health so important for our life, there
are many bad effect if you sick for example you make the other people
busy and you can spend your money, i believe that no on as to be sick
weeee ours on to be health right. and than i will give you tips keep our
health. the first diligent washing hand, because bacteria insect to your
body from hand. the second drink mineral water, you will the hydration if
you not drink mineral water and then routine the exc exercise for example
swimming , running, gym, and then consume healthy food for example
fruit and vegetable and than always for , always positive thinking and
than enough rise aaaaa



No Aspect Criteria Score

Pronunciation frequently unintelligible 1

Frequent gross errors and every heavy accent

make understanding difficult, require frequent 2

“Foreign accent” requires concentrated

listening and mispronunciations lead to 3
occasional misunderstanding
Marked “foreign accent” and occasional and
mispronunciations which do not interfere with 4

No conspicuous mispronunciations, but would

not be taken for a native speaker

Native pronunciation, with no trace of

“foreign accent”

Grammar almost entirely inaccurate except in

stock phrases

Constant errors showing control of very few

major patterns and frequently preventing 2

Frequent errors showing some major patterns

2) GRAMMAR uncontrolled and causing occasional irritation 3
and misunderstanding

Occasional errors showing imperfect control

of some patterns but no weaknesses that 4
causes misunderstanding

Few errors, with no patterns of failure 5

No more than errors during interview 6

Vocabulary inadequate for even the simplest


Constant limited to basic personal and
survival areas.

Choice of word sometimes inaccurate,

limitations of vocabulary prevent discussion 3
of some common professional and social topic

Professional vocabulary adequate to discuss

special interest; general vocabulary permits
discussion of any non-technical subject with
some circumlocutions

Professional vocabulary broad and precise;

general adequate to cope with complex 5
practical problems and varied social situations

Vocabulary apparently as accurate and

extensive as that of an educated native 6

Speech is so halting and fragmentary that

conversation is virtually impossible

Speech is very slow and uneven except for

short routine sentences.

Speech is frequently hesitant and jerky;

sentences may be left uncompleted
4) FLUENCY Speech is occasionally hesitant, with some
unevenness caused by rephrasing and 4
grouping for words

Speech is effortless and smooth, but

perceptively non-native in speed and evenness

Speech on all professional and general topics

as effortless and smooth as a native speaker‟s

understands too little for the simplest type of


understands only slow, very simple speech on

5) COMPREHENSION common social and touristic topics; requires 2
constant repetition and rephrasing

understands careful, somewhat simplitied 3

speech when engaged in a dialogue but may

require considerable repetition and rephrasing

understands quite well normal educated

speech when engaged in a dialogue, but 4
requires occasional repetition and re- phrasing

understands everything in normal edu- cated

Conversation except for very Colloquial or
low-frequency items, or exceptionally rapid or
slurred speech

understands everything in both formal and

colloquial speech to be expected of an 6
educated native speaker


Student’s Score Sheet

Speaker :

Evaluator :

Date :

6 5 4 3 2 1

1. Accent
2. Grammar
3. Vocabulary
4. Fluency
5. Comprehension

Total score



C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
1 3 2 6 2 6 19
2 4 4 6 3 5 22
3 4 4 6 4 6 24
4 5 5 6 5 5 26
5 3 3 6 2 5 19
6 4 4 6 4 4 22
7 3 3 5 2 4 17
8 3 3 5 3 4 18
9 3 3 6 3 4 19
10 4 4 4 5 4 21
11 3 3 4 3 6 19
12 3 3 5 3 4 18
13 5 5 4 5 4 23
14 3 3 4 2 5 17
15 3 3 4 2 4 16
16 4 3 5 4 4 20
17 4 4 6 4 6 24
18 4 4 5 4 6 23
19 4 4 5 4 6 23
20 5 5 4 4 5 23
21 3 2 5 2 5 17
22 3 3 4 3 4 17
23 4 4 6 4 4 22
24 4 4 4 4 4 20
25 4 4 4 4 3 19
26 4 3 4 3 3 17
27 3 3 4 2 4 16
28 2 2 4 2 5 15
29 2 2 4 2 4 14




C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
1 3 3 6 2 6 20
2 3 3 5 3 6 20
3 3 3 5 3 5 19
4 5 4 5 4 5 23
5 4 4 5 4 6 23
6 3 3 6 3 5 20
7 2 3 6 3 4 18
8 3 3 4 3 4 17
9 3 4 5 3 5 20
10 4 4 4 3 4 19
11 3 4 5 3 5 20
12 4 4 5 5 5 23
13 4 4 4 3 4 19
14 3 3 4 3 4 17
15 3 4 4 3 4 18
16 3 3 4 3 4 17
17 3 3 6 3 6 21
18 4 4 4 4 6 22
19 4 4 4 4 6 22
20 4 4 4 4 4 20
21 4 4 5 4 5 22
22 3 4 4 4 4 19
23 3 3 5 3 4 18
24 3 3 4 3 4 17
25 3 3 3 3 4 16
26 3 3 3 3 4 16
27 4 4 4 4 4 20
28 3 3 4 3 4 17
29 4 4 4 4 4 20




C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
1 2 2 6 2 5 17
2 2 5 6 2 6 21
3 5 6 6 5 6 28
4 5 5 6 5 5 26
5 3 3 6 3 6 21
6 3 3 5 4 5 20
7 2 2 6 2 5 17
8 2 2 5 2 5 16
9 4 4 6 3 5 22
10 4 4 5 3 4 20
11 2 3 4 2 6 17
12 2 4 5 1 5 17
13 4 5 4 5 4 22
14 2 2 5 2 6 17
15 3 2 5 2 6 18
16 2 2 5 2 5 16
17 2 3 5 1 6 17
18 3 3 5 3 6 20
19 4 4 6 5 6 25
20 5 5 5 5 5 25
21 2 2 5 2 5 16
22 3 3 5 4 4 19
23 5 5 6 5 4 25
24 3 4 4 4 4 19
25 2 2 3 1 4 12
26 2 2 4 1 5 14
27 2 2 4 3 5 16
28 2 2 3 2 5 14
29 2 1 3 2 5 13




No Rater Total Level
1 2 3
1 50 50 25 125 41.67 Average
2 50 50 25 125 41.67 Average
3 50 50 75 175 58.33 Average
4 75 75 75 225 75.00 Good
5 50 50 50 150 50.00 Average
6 50 50 50 150 50.00 Average
7 50 25 25 100 33.33 Fair
8 50 50 25 125 41.67 Average
9 50 50 50 150 50.00 Average
10 40 50 50 140 46.67 Average
11 50 50 25 125 41.67 Average
12 50 50 25 125 41.67 Averrage
13 75 50 50 175 58.33 Average
14 50 50 25 125 41.67 Average
15 50 50 50 150 50.00 Average
16 50 50 25 125 41.67 Average
17 50 50 25 125 41.67 Average
18 50 50 50 150 50.00 Average
19 50 50 50 150 50.00 Average
20 75 50 75 200 66.67 Good
21 50 50 25 125 41.67 Average
22 50 50 50 150 50.00 Average
23 50 50 75 175 58.33 Average
24 50 50 50 150 50.00 Average
25 50 50 25 125 41.67 Average
26 50 50 25 125 41.67 Average
27 50 50 25 125 41.67 Average
28 25 50 25 100 33.33 Fair
29 25 50 25 100 33.33 Fair
Total Score 1363.33
Average 47.01



No Rater Total Level
1 2 3
1 33.2 50 33.2 116.4 38.80 Fair
2 66.5 50 83 199.5 66.50 Good
3 66.5 50 100 216.5 72.17 Good
4 83 66.5 83 232.5 77.50 Good
5 50 66.5 50 166.5 55.50 Average
6 66.5 50 50 166.5 55.50 Average
7 50 50 33.2 133.2 44.40 Average
8 50 50 33.2 133.2 44.40 Average
9 50 66.5 66.5 183 61.00 Good
10 66.5 66.5 66.5 199.5 66.50 Good
11 50 66.5 50 166.5 55.50 Average
12 50 66.5 66.5 183 61.00 Good
13 83 66.5 83 232.5 77.50 Good
14 50 50 33.2 133.2 44.40 Average
15 50 66.5 33.2 149.7 49.90 Average
16 50 50 33.2 133.2 44.40 Average
17 66.5 50 50 166.5 55.50 Average
18 66.5 66.5 50 183 61.00 Good
19 66.5 66.5 66.5 199.5 66.50 Good
20 83 66.5 83 232.5 77.50 Good
21 33.2 66.5 33.2 132.9 44.30 Average
22 50 66.5 50 166.5 55.50 Average
23 66.5 50 83 199.5 66.50 Good
24 66.5 50 66.5 183 61.00 Good
25 66.5 50 33.2 149.7 49.90 Average
26 50 50 33.2 133.2 44.40 Average
27 50 66.5 33.2 149.7 49.90 Average
28 33.2 50 33.2 116.4 38.80 Fair
29 33.2 66.5 16.6 116.3 38.77 Fair
Total Score 1624.53
Average 56.02



No Rater Total Level
1 2 3
1 100 100 100 300 100.00 Excellent
2 100 83.2 100 283.2 94.40 Excellent
3 100 83.2 100 283.2 94.40 Excellent
4 100 83.2 100 283.2 94.40 Excellent
5 100 83.2 100 283.2 94.40 Excellent
6 100 100 83.2 283.2 94.40 Excellent
7 83.2 100 100 283.2 94.40 Excellent
8 83.2 66.7 83.2 233.1 77.70 Good
9 100 83.2 100 283.2 94.40 Excellent
10 66.7 66.7 83.2 216.6 72.20 Good
11 66.7 83.2 66.7 216.6 72.20 Good
12 83.2 83.2 83.2 249.6 83.20 Excellent
13 66.7 66.7 66.7 200.1 66.70 Good
14 66.7 66.7 83.2 216.6 72.20 Good
15 66.7 66.7 83.2 216.6 72.20 Good
16 83.2 66.7 83.2 233.1 77.70 Good
17 100 100 83.2 283.2 94.40 Excellent
18 83.2 66.7 83.2 233.1 77.70 Good
19 83.2 66.7 100 249.9 83.30 Excellent
20 66.7 66.7 83.2 216.6 72.20 Good
21 83.2 83.2 83.2 249.6 83.20 Excellent
22 66.7 66.7 83.2 216.6 72.20 Good
23 100 83.2 100 283.2 94.40 Excellent
24 66.7 66.7 66.7 200.1 66.70 Good
25 66.7 50 50 166.7 55.57 Average
26 66.7 50 66.7 183.4 61.13 Good
27 66.7 66.7 66.7 200.1 66.70 Good
28 66.7 66.7 50 183.4 61.13 Good
29 66.7 66.7 50 183.4 61.13 Good
Total Score 2304.67
Average 79.47



No Rater Total Level
1 2 3
1 33.2 33.2 33.2 99.6 33.20 Fair
2 50 50 33.2 133.2 44.40 Average
3 66.4 50 83 199.4 66.47 Good
4 83 66.4 83 232.4 77.47 Good
5 33.2 66.4 50 149.6 49.87 Average
6 66.4 50 66.4 182.8 60.93 Good
7 33.2 50 33.2 116.4 38.80 Fair
8 50 50 33.2 133.2 44.40 Average
9 50 50 50 150 50.00 Average
10 83 50 50 183 61.00 Good
11 50 50 33.2 133.2 44.40 Average
12 50 83 16.6 149.6 49.87 Average
13 83 50 83 216 72.00 Good
14 33.2 50 33.2 116.4 38.80 Fair
15 33.2 50 33.2 116.4 38.80 Fair
16 66.4 50 33.2 149.6 49.87 Average
17 66.4 50 16.6 133 44.33 Average
18 66.4 66.4 50 182.8 60.93 Average
19 66.4 66.4 83 215.8 71.93 Good
20 66.4 66.4 83 215.8 71.93 Good
21 33.2 66.4 33.2 132.8 44.27 Average
22 50 66.4 66.4 182.8 60.93 Average
23 66.4 50 83 199.4 66.47 Good
24 66.4 50 66.4 182.8 60.93 Average
25 66.4 50 16.6 133 44.33 Average
26 50 50 16.6 116.6 38.87 Fair
27 33.2 66.4 50 149.6 49.87 Average
28 33.2 50 33.2 116.4 38.80 Fair
29 33.2 66.4 33.2 132.8 44.27 Average
Total Score 1518.13
Average 52.35



No Rater Total Level
1 2 3
1 100 100 82.5 282.5 94.17 Excellent
2 82.5 100 100 282.5 94.17 Excellent
3 100 82.5 100 282.5 94.17 Excellent
4 82.5 82.5 82.5 247.5 82.50 Excellent
5 82.5 100 100 282.5 94.17 Excellent
6 65 82.5 82.5 230 76.67 Good
7 65 65 82.5 212.5 70.83 Good
8 65 65 82.5 212.5 70.83 Good
9 65 82.5 82.5 230 76.67 Good
10 65 65 65 195 65.00 Good
11 100 82.5 100 282.5 94.17 Excellent
12 65 82.5 82.5 230 76.67 Good
13 65 65 65 195 65.00 Good
14 82.5 65 100 247.5 82.50 Excellent
15 65 65 100 230 76.67 Good
16 65 65 82.5 212.5 70.83 Good
17 100 100 100 300 100.00 Excellent
18 100 100 100 300 100.00 Excellent
19 100 100 100 300 100.00 Excellent
20 82.5 65 82.5 230 76.67 Good
21 82.5 82.5 82.5 247.5 82.50 Excellent
22 65 65 65 195 65.00 Good
23 65 65 65 195 65.00 Good
24 65 65 65 195 65.00 Good
25 52 65 65 182 60.67 Average
26 52 65 82.5 199.5 66.50 Good
27 65 65 82.5 212.5 70.83 Good
28 82.5 65 82.5 230 76.67 Good
29 65 65 82.5 212.5 70.83 Good
Total Score 2284.67
Average 78.78


Table Total Score Students’ In All Indicators By Three Raters

No Total Last Score Level
1 2 3
1 63.28 66.64 54.78 184.7 61.57 Good
2 69.8 66.64 68.24 204.68 68.23 Good
3 76.58 63.14 91.6 231.32 77.11 Good
4 84.7 74.72 84.7 244.12 81.37 Excellent
5 63.14 73.22 70 206.36 68.79 Good
6 69.58 66.5 66.42 202.5 67.50 Good
7 56.28 58 54.78 169.06 56.35 Average
8 59.64 56.34 51.42 167.4 55.80 Average
9 63 66.44 69.8 199.24 66.41 Good
10 64.24 59.64 62.94 186.82 62.27 Good
11 63.34 66.44 54.98 184.76 61.59 Good
12 59.64 73.04 54.76 187.44 62.48 Good
13 74.54 59.64 69.54 203.72 67.91 Good
14 56.48 56.34 54.92 167.74 55.91 Average
15 52.98 59.64 59.92 172.54 57.51 Average
16 62.92 56.34 51.42 170.68 56.89 Average
17 76.58 70 54.96 201.54 67.18 Good
18 73.22 69.92 66.64 209.78 69.93 Good
19 73.22 69.92 79.9 223.04 74.35 Good
20 74.72 62.92 81.34 218.98 72.99 Good
21 56.42 69.72 51.42 177.56 59.19 Average
22 56.34 62.92 62.92 182.18 60.73 Average
23 69.58 59.64 81.2 210.42 70.14 Good
24 62.92 56.34 62.92 182.18 60.73 Average
25 60.32 53 37.96 151.28 50.43 Average
26 53.74 53 44.8 151.54 50.51 Average
27 52.98 62.92 51.48 167.38 55.79 Average
28 48.12 56.34 44.78 149.24 49.75 Average
29 44.62 62.92 41.46 149 49.67 Average
Total Score 1819.07
Average 62.73


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