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Elemen: Membaca – Memirsa

Bahasa Inggris
Fase E (kelas X SMA)

SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Sidoarjo

Jl. Mojopahit No.666B, Sidoarjo
Situs web
(031) 8921591
Kurikulum Sekolah Penggerak
Descriptive Text

Descriptive Text

School : SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Sidoarjo

Subject : English
Fase/Grade: Fase E / Grade X
School Year : 2020/2021

Khoirul Umam, S.Pd.

Khoirul Umam, S.Pd. 02

Descriptive Text

Pada akhir fase E, peserta didik menggunakan teks lisan, tulisan dan visual dalam bahasa
Inggris untuk berkomunikasi sesuai dengan situasi, tujuan, dan pemirsa/pembacanya.
Berbagai jenis teks seperti narasi, deskripsi, prosedur, eksposisi, recount, report, dan teks
asli menjadi rujukan utama dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris di fase ini. Peserta didik
menggunakan bahasa Inggris untuk menyampaikan keinginan/perasaan dan berdiskusi
mengenai topik yang dekat dengan keseharian mereka atau isu yang hangat sesuai usia
peserta didik di fase ini. Mereka membaca teks tulisan untuk mempelajari
sesuatu/mendapatkan informasi. Keterampilan inferensi tersirat ketika memahami informasi,
dalam bahasa Inggris mulai berkembang. Peserta didik memproduksi teks tulisan dan visual
yang lebih beragam, dengan kesadaran terhadap tujuan dan target pembaca.

Elemen : Membaca – Memirsa

CP Elemen : Pada akhir fase, peserta didik membaca dan merespon teks deskripsi.
Mereka membaca untuk mempelajari sesuatu atau untuk mendapatkan informasi. Mereka
mencari dan mengevaluasi detil spesifik dan inti dari teks deskripsi berbentuk cetak atau
digital, termasuk diantaranya teks visual, multimodal atau interaktif. Pemahaman mereka
terhadap ide pokok, isu-isu atau pengembangan plot dalam berbagai macam teks mulai
berkembang. Mereka mengidentifikasi tujuan penulis dan mengembangkan keterampilannya
untuk melakukan inferensi sederhana dalam memahami informasi tersirat dalam teks.

Tujuan Pembelajaran
1. Peserta didik dapat mengidentifikasi teks descriptive secara mandiri
2. Peserta didik dapat menjelaskan struktur dan fungsi sosial teks descriptive dalam
berbagai media (infografis, video, gambar) dengan bahasa sendiri.
3. Peserta didik menemukan informasi umum dan rinci dari berbagai teks descriptive
4. Peserta didik dapat mengevaluasi tujuan penulis menyusun teks descriptive dengan
bahasa sendiri
5. Peserta didik dapat menemukan ide pokok dalam teks descriptive secara mandiri
6. Peserta didik dapat menyajikan informasi baru dari teks descriptive menggunakan
bahasa mereka sendiri

Khoirul Umam, S.Pd. 03

Descriptive Text


Cover ................................................................................................................................... 2

Capaian pemberlajaran ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.3

Vocabularies building ......................................................................................................... 5

Let‟s learn ........................................................................................................................... 6

Reading time ...................................................................................................................... 7

Listening time ..................................................................................................................... 8

Conversation ..................................................................................................................... 8

Writing focus ...................................................................................................................... 9

Khoirul Umam, S.Pd. 04

Descriptive Text

Vocabularies Building
A. Pair work. Describe each person. Use the words in the boxes and your own ideas.

B. Pair work. Write these words in the correct columns. Then discuss the questions below.

Khoirul Umam, S.Pd. 05

Descriptive Text

Let’s learn
C. Descriptive Text. Read and listen to your teacher explanation

D. Simple Present Tense. Read and listen to your teacher explanation

Khoirul Umam, S.Pd. 06

Descriptive Text

Reading Time
E. Read. Read the text and answer the questions.
Rowan Atkinson

Rowan Atkinson is an English comedian, actor and writer, famous for his title roles in
the British television comedies Blackadder, the Thin Blue Line and Mr. Bean. He has been
listed in the Observer as one of the 50 funniest actors in British comedy. Atkinson is mostly
well known as Mr. Bean.

Rowan Atkinson is a quite thin man. He has fair complexion and black short hair.
Some people considered Atkinson “the man with the rubber face.” In fact, he has really funny
face with unique smile. He is in medium height of European people. He has a pointed nose,
big black eyes and thick eyebrows. His moustache and sideburns are usually well shaved.
He usually wears a man‟s suit with shirt, collar, trousers and a pair of shiny shoes.

Rowan Atkinson married Sunetra Sastry in 1990. The couple has two children, Lily
and Benjamin, and lives in England in the Northamptonshire. With an estimated wealth of
$100 million, Atkinson owns many expensive cars.

F. Work alone. Answer the question based on the text.

1. The text mainly describes …
2. What is the writer‟s purpose to write the text?
3. Who is Rowan Atkinson?
4. What is he like?
5. What is paragrapgh 1 about?
6. What is paragrapgh 2 about?
7. ”Rowan Atkinson is a quite thin man.” (Paragraph 2) The word „thin” has the same
meaning as .......
8. “The couple has two children, Lily and Benjamin, …” (Paragraph 3) The words
“couple” refer to …
9. What are Rowan Atkinson‟s favorite outfits?
10. Where does he live?

Khoirul Umam, S.Pd. 07

Descriptive Text

Listening Time
G. Listen. Patricia and Carl are at a picnic. Who is Patricia describing? Write the number in
the circles

H. Listen again. Complete the sentence with the names from part G.


I. Pairwok. Read the conversation. Then practive with partner.

J. Pairwok. Practice the conversation again. Talk about someone you know.

Khoirul Umam, S.Pd. 08

Descriptive Text

Writing Focus
K. Write. Think about a famous person. Look at the table and write the description.
Name: ..........................
Age: ..........................
Job: ..........................
Height: ..........................
Weight: ..........................
Personality: ..........................
Appearance: ..........................
Face and hair:
Clothes :

L. Write. Arrange the description you have into the correct descriptive Text



Khoirul Umam, S.Pd. 09

Descriptive Text


Thank you

information here:
Jl. Mojopahit No.666B, Sidoarjo
(031) 8921591

Khoirul Umam, S.Pd. 10

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