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Nett weight 250 g Nett weight 125 g

Contain per carton 40 pcs Contain per carton 80 pcs
Carton size 330 x 210 x 300 mm Carton size 300 x 294 x 180mm
Kota Surakarta lebih dikenal sebagai Solo. Salah satu kota yang di Jateng. Jumlah penduduknya
disebut sebagai yang terbesar ke 3 diantara daerah-daerah lain di Jawa Tengah. Salah satu
kuliner yang sayang bila di lewatkan adalah Bakso khas Solo dengan ciri tekstur bakso yang
empuk, kenyal, dan juicy. Pada proses pembuatannya tidak lepas dari bahan baku tepung sagu /
sago flour.
Premiks bakso khas Solo "Sobaso" hadir dengan 3 langkah mudah untuk membuat bakso dengan
tekstur empuk, kenyal, dan juicy.
1. Siapkan daging giling, tepung premiks, es batu
2. Giling hingga halus dan khalis, segera di bentuk bulat dan dicelupkan dalam air hangat.
3. Rebus hingga matang ( bulatan bakso mengapung) siap di sajikan dengan bahan-bahan
Selamat Menikmati
The city of Surakarta is better as Solo. One of the cities in Central Java. The population is said to
be the third largest among other areas in southern java. One of the culinary delights that is a pity
to miss is the typical Solo Meatball with the characteristics of a meatball texture that is tender,
chewy, and juicy. In the process production, it cannot be cannot be separated from the raw
material of sago flour.
Premix for Solo Meatballs "Sobaso" comes with three easy steps to make meatballs.
1. Prepare ground beef, premix flour and ice cubes / crushed ice
2. Grind until smooth and even, immediately form a ball and dipped in warm water.
3. Boil until cooked & meatballs float on the surface, meatballs are ready to be served with other
complementary ingredients.

Makes Everything More Delicious

Nett weight 250 g Nett weight 125 g

Contain per carton 40 pcs Contain per carton 80 pcs
Carton size 330 x 210 x 300 mm Carton size 300 x 294 x 180mm
Ide awal team R&D mengembangkan Tepung adonan untuk Bakso rasa sapi karena tantangan
dari pasar menengah ke bawah para UMKM ataupun pedagang bakso gerobak, Pedagang bakso
warung / kaki lima, mengeluhkan harga per-KG daging sapi segar yang relatif tinggi dan
susahnya memperoleh daging segar. sehingga para pedagang ini ada yang mencampurkan
dengan protein nabati (ISP - isolated soy protein) Maupun daging ayam.hal ini sedikit banyak
berpengaruh pada aroma dan tekstur bakso yang di peroleh. Tepung adonan untuk bakso rasa
sapi "Sobaso" hadir untuk membantu agar aroma khas bakso dan tekstur empuk, kenyal, dan
juicy di bakso tetap dapat di pertahankan premiks ini di perkaya dengan bumbu ekstrak daging
sapi. 3 langkah mudah untuk membuat bakso.
1. Siapkan daging giling, tepung premiks, es batu
2. Giling hingga halus dan khalis, segera di bentuk bulat dan dicelupkan dalam air hangat.
3. Rebus hingga matang ( bulatan bakso mengapung) siap di sajikan dengan bahan-bahan
Selamat Menikmati
The initial idea for the R&D team to was to research & develop dough flour for beef - flavoured
meatballs was due to challenges from the middle to lower market. They complain about the
relatively expensive price per kilograms of fresh beef and the difficulty of obtaining frozen beef
the price of frozen beef is relatively cheaper than fresh beef. There markers mix beef with (ISP /
isolated soy protein) or chicken meat. this has more or less effect on the aroma and texture of the
final results. Dough flour for beef meatballs "Sobaso" is here to help maintain the aroma and
texture like beef meatballs in general there are three easy steps to make beef meatball. premix
"Sobaso" comes with three easy steps to make meatballs
1. Prepare ground beef, premix flour and ice cubes / crushed ice
2. Grind until smooth and even, immediately form a ball and dipped in warm water.
3. Boil until cooked & meatballs float on the surface meatballs are ready to be served with other
complementary ingredients.

Makes Everything More Delicious

Nett weight 250 g Nett weight 125 g

Contain per carton 40 pcs Contain per carton 80 pcs
Carton size 330 x 210 x 300 mm Carton size 300 x 294 x 180mm
Kota "Nyakres" adalah istilah yang non formal di kalangan pedagang bakso untuk
menggambarkan tekstur bakso yang kenyal, lezat dan renyah tetap juicy. Kebutuhan akan tekstur
bakso ini dan rasa gurih yang mantap, menjadi pemicu team R&D merisetnya dan akhirnya
"Sobaso" meluncurkan" Premiks untuk Bakso Nyakres.
3 langkah mudah untuk mendapatkan bakso yang dicintai para penggemar bakso
1. Siapkan daging giling, tepung premiks, es batu
2. Giling hingga halus dan khalis, segera di bentuk bulat dan dicelupkan dalam air hangat.
3. Rebus hingga matang (bulatan bakso mengapung) siap di sajikan dengan bahan-bahan
Selamat Menikmati
Nyakres is a non-formal term among meatball traders to describe the texture of meatballs that are
chewy, tough, and crunchy as well as juicy. this need has trigger the R&D team to research it and
launched a Premix for Nyakres Meatballs "Sobaso".
Three easy steps to get the meatballs that fans love
1. Prepare ground beef, premix flour and ice cubes / crushed ice
2. Grind until smooth and even, immediately form a ball and dipped in warm water.
3. Boil until cooked & meatballs float on the surface meatballs are ready to be served with other
complementary ingredients.

Makes Everything More Delicious

Nett weight 250 g Nett weight 125 g

Contain per carton 40 pcs Contain per carton 80 pcs
Carton size 330 x 210 x 300 mm Carton size 300 x 294 x 180mm
Kuliner Iga Bakar ada hampir disemua wilayah Nusantara. Aroma bakarnya yang khas, dicocol
dengan sambal kecap manis dan irisan bawang merah.... sungguh sangat menggugah selera.
Aroma bakar yang khas dan rasa gurih yang mantap dipadu dengan tekstur yang kenyal dan
renyah, sobaso menghadirkan "Tepung Adonan untuk bakso rasa Iga Bakar" di perkaya dengan
rempah-rempah khas Nusantara.
3 langkah mudah untuk dapat menikmati bakso rasa Iga Bakar.
1. Siapkan daging giling, tepung premiks, es batu
2. Giling hingga halus dan khalis, segera di bentuk bulat dan dicelupkan dalam air hangat.
3. Rebus hingga matang ( bulatan bakso mengapung) siap di sajikan dengan bahan-bahan
Selamat Menikmati
Grilled rib Culinary is available in almost all regions of the archipelago. Its distinctive grilled
aroma, dipped with sweet soy sauce sprinkled shallots, is really very appetizing. A distinctive
grilled aroma with a strong savory taste combined with a chewy and crunchy meatballs texture,
sobaso presents "Meatballs Dough Flour with grilled rib flavor enriched with Indonesian spices.
Three easy steps to make meatballs.
1. Prepare ground beef, premix flour and ice cubes / crushed ice
2. Grind until smooth and even, immediately form a ball and dipped in warm water.
3. Boil until cooked & meatballs float on the surface meatballs are ready to be served with other
complementary ingredients.

Makes Everything More Delicious

Nett weight 250 g Nett weight 125 g

Contain per carton 40 pcs Contain per carton 80 pcs
Carton size 330 x 210 x 300 mm Carton size 300 x 294 x 180mm
Bakso atau baso adalah jenis bola daging yang lazim ditemukan pada masakan indonesia.
umumnya terbuat dari daging sapi giling / daging ayam / daging kerbau dengan tepung tapioka /
maizena / sagu diberi garam, dan rempah-rempah dalam penyajian, bakso umumnya disajikan
panas-panas dengan kuah kaldu sapi bening, dicampur mi, bihun, taoge, kol, tahu dengan
ditaburi bawang goreng & seledri. Bakso sangat populer & dapat ditemukan di seluruh indonesia
dari gerobak pedagang kaki lima hingga restaurant.
Premiks "Sobaso" hadir dengan 3 langkah mudah untuk membuat bakso
1. Siapkan daging giling, tepung premiks, es batu
2. Giling hingga halus dan khalis, segera di bentuk bulat dan dicelupkan dalam air hangat.
3. Rebus hingga matang ( bulatan bakso mengapung) siap di sajikan dengan bahan-bahan
Selamat Menikmati
Meatballs are a type of meat ball commonly found in Indonesian cuisine. generally made of
ground beef / chicken / buffalo meat with tapioca flour / cornflour / sago flour, and spices in it's
serving suggestion, Meatballs are generally served hot, mixed with noodles, vermicelli, bean
sprouts, cabbage, tofu with a sprinkle of fried onions & celery. Meatballs are very popular and
can be found all over Indonesia from street vendor carts to big restaurants.
Premix "Sobaso" comes with three easy steps to make meatballs
1. Prepare ground beef, premix flour and ice cubes / crushed ice
2. Grind until smooth and even, immediately form a ball and dipped in warm water.
3. Boil until cooked & meatballs float on the surface meatballs are ready to be served with other
complementary ingredients.

Makes Everything More Delicious

Nett weight 250 g Nett weight 125 g

Contain per carton 40 pcs Contain per carton 80 pcs
Carton size 330 x 210 x 300 mm Carton size 300 x 294 x 180mm
Bakso atau baso adalah jenis bola daging yang lazim ditemukan pada masakan indonesia.
umumnya terbuat dari daging sapi giling / daging ayam / daging kerbau dengan tepung tapioka /
maizena / sagu diberi garam, dan rempah-rempah dalam penyajian, bakso umumnya disajikan
panas-panas dengan kuah kaldu sapi bening, dicampur mi, bihun, taoge, kol, tahu dengan
ditaburi bawang goreng & seledri. bakso sangat populer & dapat ditemukan di seluruh indonesia
dari gerobak pedagang kaki lima hingga restaurant.
Premiks "Sobaso" hadir dengan 3 langkah mudah untuk membuat bakso
1. Siapkan daging giling, tepung premiks, es batu
2. Giling hingga halus dan khalis, segera di bentuk bulat dan dicelupkan dalam air hangat.
3. Rebus hingga matang ( bulatan bakso mengapung) siap di sajikan dengan bahan-bahan
Selamat Menikmati
Bakso has its roots in Chinese-Indonesian culinary arts. This is shown from the term 'bakso'
which comes from the word Bak-So, in-Hokkien which literally means 'ground meat'. Since most
Indonesians are Muslim, meatballs are more commonly made from halal meat such as beef, fish,
or chicken. Now, most sellers of meatballs are Javanese from Wonogiri and Malang. Famous
Places as meatball centers are Solo and Malang called Bakso Malang. Malang meatballs and
Solo meatballs are meatball dishes and served with Javanese specialties. Meatballs come from
China but are different from Malang and Solo meatballs. Chinese meatballs are usually made
from pork or seafood and are slightly brown in color and not very round in shape. Meanwhile,
Malang and Solo meatballs are made of beef, gray in color and very round in shape. Chinese
meatballs are usually not served with abundant gravy, unlike Malang and Solo meatballs which
are served with abundant gravy.
Not need to go all the way to the City of Malang in East Java, just use the typical Malang City
meatball dough flour … a few bowls of hot meatballs are ready to be enjoyed.
Lets follow 3 easy steps to make the meatballs
1. Prepare ground beef, premix flour and ice cubes / crushed ice
2. Grind until smooth and even, immediately form a ball and dipped in warm water.
3. Boil until cooked & meatballs float on the surface meatballs are ready to be served with other
complementary ingredients.

Makes Everything More Delicious

Nett weight 250 g

Contain per carton 40 pcs
Carton size 330 x 210 x 300 mm
Varian lain dari bakso rebus adalah bakso goreng. Biasanya sebagai pendamping saat menyantap
semangkok bakso panas. Sobaso juga menghadirkan varian "Tepung Adonan Bakso Goreng"
yang renyah dan beraroma. ikutin aja petunjuknya penggunaannya, yang gak pakai ribet ada di
belakang kemasan Produk.
Another variant of boiled meatballs is fried meatballs. usually as a companion when eating a
bowl of hot meatballs. Sobaso also presents a variant of "Fried Meatball Dough Flour" that is
crispy and flavorful. Please follow the instructions for use, on the back of the packaging label.

Makes Everything More Delicious

Nett weight 250 g

Contain per carton 40 pcs
Carton size 330 x 210 x 300 mm
Terbentang dari Sabang hingga Merauke, Indonesia memiliki 17.499 pulau dengan luas total
wilayah Indonesia sekitar 7,81 juta km2. Dari total luas wilayah tersebut, 3,25 juta km2 adalah
lautan dan 2,55 juta km2 adalah Zona Ekonomi Eksklusif.
"Nenek moyangku orang pelaut gemar mengarung luas samudra menerjang ombak tiada takut
menempuh badai sudah biasa" adalah syair lagu anak-anak ditingkat TK & SD
Hasil laut Indonesia begitu luar biasa limpahnya. Sobaso menghadirkan "Tepung Premiks untuk
bakso seafood"
Ada 3 langkah mudah untuk menikmati bakso olahan hasil laut :
1. Siapkan gilingan daging ikan / cumi-cumi / udang / kerang
2. Giling hingga halus bersama premiks dan es batu
3. Segera bentuk bulatan, celupkan dalam panci yang berisi air suhu kamar. Rebus hingga
matang dan mengapung selamat menikmati.
Stretching from Sabang to Merauke, Indonesia has 17,499 islands with a total area of the total
area of about 7,81 million km2. of the total area 3.25 million km2 is ocean and 2.55 million
km2 is the Exclusive Economic Zone.
My ancestors were sailors..
Loved to wade through the ocean..
Brave the waves without being afraid..
Taking the storm was common...
Is a nursery rhyme in Kindergarten and Elementary School.
Indonesian seafood is very abundant and Sobaso presents "Premix flour for seafood meatballs"
There are 3 easy steps to enjoy seafood processed meatballs:
1. Prepare the minced meat of fish, squid, shrimp or clam meat grinder
2. Grind until smooth with premix and ice cubes
3. Immediately form a ball, dip it in a pot of room temperature water. Boil until cooked and float

Makes Everything More Delicious

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