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Modul Ajar

I’m here
Stationery and rooms at school (There is and there are)
Informasi Umum
Nama Mila Nurjanah, S.Pd. Kelas 7
Asal Sekolah SMPN 1 Ciracap Mapel Bahasa Inggris
Alokasi 6 JP (3X40 Menit) Jumlah 30/Siswa Reguler(Tipikal)
Profil Pelajar Pancasila  Beriman,Bertakwa Model  Tatap Muka
kepada Tuhan Pembelajaran  PJJ Daring
Yang Maha Esa  PJJ Luring
dan Berakhlak  Paduan Tatap
Mulia Muka dan Daring
 Berkebhinekaan (Blended Learning)
 Bergotong royong
 Mandiri
 Bernalar Kritis
 Kreatif
Fase D Domain 
Menyimak –
Mapel Berbicara
 Membaca –
 Menulis –
Tujuan Pembelajaran 7.4.1 Mengidentifikasi konteks, gagasan utama, dan informasi terperinci
dari teks Schedule yang disajikan dalam bentuk multimoda dalam
lingkup keluarga dan kelas.
Kata Kunci Mengidentifikasi konteks, gagasan utama, dan informasi terperinci,
lingkup keluarga dan kelas.
Deskripsi Umum Kegiatan Fokus pembelajaran adalah tentang aktifitas mengidentifikasi
konteks teks, gagasan utama, dan informasi terperinci.
Pengetahuan/Keterampilan Nama-nama benda di lingkungan kelas
Pemahaman Bermakna 1. Siswa dapat membedakan penggunaan there is dan there are
2. Siswa dapat menyebutkan keberadaan suatu benda
Pertanyaan Pemantik 1. How do you feel being a junior high school student ?
2. What do you like about studying at school ?
Indikator Keberhasilan Bisa membedakan penggunaan there is dan there are

Materi ajar, Alat dan Bahan 1. Materi ajar:

 Watching or observing the picture/video to explain the context.
 Ask and answer questions.
2. Alat:
Lembar kerja
3. Bahan: PPT

Sarana dan Prasarana  Komputer/Laptop, proyektor, gawai (HP), jaringan internet.

 Lingkungan kelas.

Asesmen 1. Asesmen Diagnostik Non Kognitif : Memberikan pertanyaan

mengenai kekawatiran dan bentuk dukungan yang diharapkan selama
2. Asesmen Formatif:
A. Sikap (Profil Pelajar Pancasila): Observasi Guru, Penilaian Diri,
Penilaian Teman Sebaya, Refleksi
B. Keterampilan: efektifitas penyajian presentasi dalam kelas,
partisipasi dalam diskusi
C. Pengetahuan: Tes Tertulis (tes objective: Essay,pilihan
3. Asesment Sumatif : Presentasi Tugas dan Tes Tertulis

Kegiatan Pembelajaran (Pertemuan Ke-1)

Persiapan Pembelajaran

Guru menyiapkan (5 menit):

 file video hasil unduhan.

 laptop, proyektor, dan speaker

 Lembar Kerja Kegiatan

Urutan Kegiatan Pembelajaran

• Guru mengucapkan salam dan bertegur sapa
dengan siswa.
(10 menit)
• Guru mengajak siswa untuk berdo’a, memeriksa kehadiran siswa dan
kesiapan siswa
• Guru bertanya jawab terkait kemampuan awal peserta didik terkait materi
• Guru menginformasikan Tujuan Pembelajaran dan materi yang akan dipelajari
dan memberikan gambaran umum tentang manfaatnya.
• Guru menyajikan Pertanyaan pemantik :
1. How do you feel being a junior high school student ?
2. What do you like about studying at school ?
• Guru menyajikan secara singkat materi pembelajaran dan meminta peserta
didik yang kompetensi awalnya masih kurang untuk membaca lebih lanjut
(90 Menit) materi baik melalui buku guru maupun melalui internet dengan pendampingan
intensif guru. Sementara siswa lain yang kompetensi awalnya sudah optimal
diminta untuk menjadi tutor sebaya selama proses belajar mandiri. Peserta
didik diberikan keleluasaan untuk memilih materi yang diminati untuk didalami
dan berbagi informasi dalam mendalami materi tersebut dan materi lainnya

dengan tutor sebaya.

• Peserta didik melihat gambar kotak pencsil dan menuliskan isi dari kotak
pensil seperti yang ada pada kegiatan 1, Task 1

• Peserta didik melengkapi tabel berdasarkan tontonan yang mereka lihat di

youtube yang ada pada task 2

• Peserta didik secara individu mengerjakan latihan yang ada pada task 2

• Peserta didik memilih kata yang ada didalam kotak untuk mengisi tugas
yang ada pada task 3

• Peserta didik dengan perwakilan kelompok membacakan hasil tugas

mereka di depan kelas

• Peserta didik menuliskan apa saja hal-hal yang dipelajari dari materi pada
pertemuan yang disampaikan

Penutup • Bersama guru Peserta didik menyimpulkan pembelajaran tentang materi

(15 Menit) tersebut

• Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan guru tentang pengalaman dan

kesulitan mereka dalam menyimak materi

• Guru memberikan apresiasi kepada seluruh peserta didik yang telah

belajar dengan baik dan menyampaikan materi pada pertemuan

• Peserta didik dan guru berdo’a sebelum menutup kegiatan

Refleksi :

Refleksi Guru

No. Aspek Refleksi Hasil Refleksi

Apakah kegiatan pembelajaran berjalan sesuai rencana?

2 Apakah siswa dapat mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan


3 Apakah siswa senang dan antusias mengikuti kegiatan


4 Kesulitan apa yang dialami ketika melaksanakan kegiatan

pembelajaran ini?

5 Apa langkah yang perlu dilakukan untuk memperbaiki proses


Refleksi Siswa

No. Aspek Refleksi Hasil Refleksi

1 Kendala apakah yang kalian temui saat mengikuti

pembelajaran ?

2 Bagaimanakah perasaan kalian selama mengikuti

pembelajaran hari ini ?

3 Kesulitan apakah yang kalian temui saat mengikuti

pembelajaran ?

4 Langkah apa yang akan kalian lakukan untuk mengatasi

kesulitan yang kalian temukan?

5 Jika kamu diminta untuk memberikan bintang 1 – 5, berapa

bintang akan kamu berikan pada usaha yang kamu lakukan?

Kriteria untuk mengukur ketercapaian Tujuan Pembelajaran dan assesmennya

• Siswa mampu memahami konteks, topik, setting dan
Penilaian Kompetensi
atau Kemampuan serta kosakata ditandai dengan kemampuan mengerjakan LK.
Pengetahuan • Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi informasi rinci ditandai
dengan kemampuan mengerjakan LK.
• Siswa mampu menyampaikan pertanyaan dan memberikan
respon terhadap pertanyaan
• Tes Tertulis (lembar kerja)
Cara melakukan
• Ketepatan mengidentifikasi informasi rinci
Kriteria Penilaian • Ketepatan memaknai dan menggunakan kosakata.
• Jawaban tertulis di lembar kerja.
Produk Siswa • Performa

Daftar Pustaka :

Dokumen Penunjang

Lembar Kerja Siswa Lembar Kerja 1:

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Lembar Evaluasi

Bahan bacaan siswa Vocabulary list

Bahan bacaan guru Wacana (Lampiran)

Bahan: Make a presentation telling your friends about rooms
Materi Pengayaan
in your house and what you usually do in your house.
You can use any kinds of application you like

Take a picture of your house and tell your friends about your
Materi untuk siswa
house in simple paragraph.
yang kesulitan
belajar (Remedial)

Ciracap, Juli 2022

Mengetahui :
Kepala SMP NEGERI 1 CIRACAP, Guru Mata Pelajaran

UCU HERLIA, S.Pd. Mila Nurjanah, S.Pd.

NIP. 196704271994122001 NIP. 198903102020122006

Kegiatan Pembelajaran (Pertemuan Ke-2)

Persiapan Pembelajaran

Guru menyiapkan (5 menit):

 file video hasil unduhan.

 laptop, proyektor, dan speaker

 Lembar Kerja Kegiatan

Urutan Kegiatan Pembelajaran

• Guru mengucapkan salam dan bertegur sapa
dengan siswa.
(10 menit)
• Guru mengajak siswa untuk berdo’a, memeriksa kehadiran siswa dan
kesiapan siswa
• Guru bertanya jawab terkait kemampuan awal peserta didik terkait materi
• Guru menginformasikan Tujuan Pembelajaran dan materi yang akan dipelajari
dan memberikan gambaran umum tentang manfaatnya.
• Guru menyajikan Pertanyaan pemantik :
1. How do you feel being a junior high school student ?
2. What do you like about studying at school ?
• Guru menyajikan secara singkat materi pembelajaran dan meminta peserta
didik yang kompetensi awalnya masih kurang untuk membaca lebih lanjut
(90 Menit) materi baik melalui buku guru maupun melalui internet dengan pendampingan
intensif guru. Sementara siswa lain yang kompetensi awalnya sudah optimal
diminta untuk menjadi tutor sebaya selama proses belajar mandiri. Peserta
didik diberikan keleluasaan untuk memilih materi yang diminati untuk didalami
dan berbagi informasi dalam mendalami materi tersebut dan materi lainnya
dengan tutor sebaya.

• Peserta didik secara kelompok menonton video youtube untuk

mengerjakan tugas yang ada pada task 4

• Peserta didik secara kelompok menuliskan penggunaan dari there is and

there are pada task 5

• Peserta didik dengan perwakilan kelompok membacakan hasil tugas

mereka di depan kelas

• Peserta didik menuliskan apa saja hal-hal yang dipelajari dari materi pada
pertemuan yang disampaikan

Penutup • Bersama guru Peserta didik menyimpulkan pembelajaran tentang materi

(15 Menit) tersebut

• Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan guru tentang pengalaman dan

kesulitan mereka dalam menyimak materi

• Guru memberikan apresiasi kepada seluruh peserta didik yang telah

belajar dengan baik dan menyampaikan materi pada pertemuan

• Peserta didik dan guru berdo’a sebelum menutup kegiatan

Refleksi :

Refleksi Guru

No. Aspek Refleksi Hasil Refleksi

Apakah kegiatan pembelajaran berjalan sesuai rencana?

2 Apakah siswa dapat mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan


3 Apakah siswa senang dan antusias mengikuti kegiatan


4 Kesulitan apa yang dialami ketika melaksanakan kegiatan

pembelajaran ini?

5 Apa langkah yang perlu dilakukan untuk memperbaiki proses


Refleksi Siswa

No. Aspek Refleksi Hasil Refleksi

1 Kendala apakah yang kalian temui saat mengikuti

pembelajaran ?

2 Bagaimanakah perasaan kalian selama mengikuti

pembelajaran hari ini ?

3 Kesulitan apakah yang kalian temui saat mengikuti

pembelajaran ?

4 Langkah apa yang akan kalian lakukan untuk mengatasi

kesulitan yang kalian temukan?

5 Jika kamu diminta untuk memberikan bintang 1 – 5, berapa

bintang akan kamu berikan pada usaha yang kamu lakukan?

Kriteria untuk mengukur ketercapaian Tujuan Pembelajaran dan assesmennya

• Siswa mampu memahami konteks, topik, setting dan
Penilaian Kompetensi
atau Kemampuan serta kosakata ditandai dengan kemampuan mengerjakan LK.
Pengetahuan • Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi informasi rinci ditandai
dengan kemampuan mengerjakan LK.
• Siswa mampu menyampaikan pertanyaan dan memberikan
respon terhadap pertanyaan
• Tes Tertulis (lembar kerja)
Cara melakukan
• Ketepatan mengidentifikasi informasi rinci
Kriteria Penilaian • Ketepatan memaknai dan menggunakan kosakata.
• Jawaban tertulis di lembar kerja.
Produk Siswa • Performa

Daftar Pustaka :


Dokumen Penunjang

Lembar Kerja Siswa Lembar Kerja 1:

Task 4

Task 5

Lembar Evaluasi

Bahan bacaan siswa Vocabulary list

Bahan bacaan guru Wacana (Lampiran)

Bahan: Make a presentation telling your friends about rooms
Materi Pengayaan
in your house and what you usually do in your house.
You can use any kinds of application you like

Take a picture of your house and tell your friends about your
Materi untuk siswa
house in simple paragraph.
yang kesulitan
belajar (Remedial)

Ciracap, Juli 2022

Mengetahui :
Kepala SMP NEGERI 1 CIRACAP, Guru Mata Pelajaran

UCU HERLIA, S.Pd. Mila Nurjanah, S.Pd.

NIP. 196704271994122001 NIP. 198903102020122006

Lampiran 1

Materi Ajar
Provoking questions:
1. How do you feel being a junior high school student?
2. What do you like about studying at school?

”My School”

School is like our second home. It is a place for

us to grow intellectually and in character.
Do you love your school? What can you tell your
family about your school?
Let’s share our experience studying at school!

Lampiran 2

Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik

Activity 1
(60 minutes)

Intan: Hi, Fan! How are you doing? Fani: Great! What about
Intan: Never better. You look so busy.
What are you doing?
Fani: I’m doing my Math project.
Have you done it?
Intan: Not yet. Let’s do it together.
Fani: Okay. By the way, do you have any sharpener? Intan: Here
is my pencil case. Help yourself.
Fani: Mmmm…I can’t find it.

Task 1: Help Fani to look for the sharpener. Write down what you see in the pencil

1. There is/ are

2. There is/ are
3. There is/ are
4. There is/ are
5. There is/ are
6. There is/ are
7. There is/ are

8. There is/ are
9. There is/ are
10. There is/ are
So, is there any sharpener in Intan’s pencil case? What’s the colour? What’s the shape?

Task 2 What about your pencil case? Find things you probably put in your bag when you study at school.
Circles the word in the box. Write word on the blank. The first letter will help you to find the
word. Then tell your friends what you find in your own pencil case.

1. S_______________ 7. P_________________
2. E_______________ 8. R_________________
3. G_______________ 9. B_________________
4. P_______________ 10. P_________________
5. B_______________ 11. C_________________
6. C_______________ 12. M________________

Task 3. What do you use the stationery for? Complete the sentences with the word in the

1. Draw the straight lines using a_______________

2. Nina puts all her stationery in her _____________
3. I need a pair of__________ to cut the paper
4. The students need a pair of _________ to draw circles.
5. The teacher asks the students to read the __________ carefully
6. The students bring the ____________ on their back
7. Can I borrow your ____________ to erase the pictures
8. Nino and Tata need a ___________ to make sketches
9. The children stick the origami on the wall using some ________
10. Write the note on your book using a ___________

* bag * compass * pencil case

* book * eraser
* pen * ruler * pencil
* scissors *glue

Task 4: Watch the video below and write down rooms you can find at school and
the location of the room. Write down your finding in the table
YouTube link to learn about rooms at SMPK Widyatama


1 Security post There is a security post near the school gate.



, etc

Task 5. Write the use of there is and there are in the box.

We use “there is …” if

We use “there are …” if

Rooms at home (Countable and uncountable noun)
Activities at rooms at home
Informasi Umum
Nama Mila Nurjanah, S.Pd. Kelas 7
Asal Sekolah SMPN 1 Ciracap Mapel Bahasa Inggris
Alokasi 3 JP (3X40 Menit) Jumlah 30/Siswa Reguler(Tipikal)
Profil Pelajar Pancasila  Beriman,Bertakwa Model  Tatap Muka
kepada Tuhan Pembelajaran  PJJ Daring
Yang Maha Esa  PJJ Luring
dan Berakhlak  Paduan Tatap
Mulia Muka dan Daring
 Berkebhinekaan (Blended Learning)
 Bergotong royong
 Mandiri
 Bernalar Kritis
 Kreatif
Fase D Domain Menyimak – 
Mapel Berbicara
 Membaca –
 Menulis –
Tujuan Pembelajaran 7.4.2 Menjelaskan konteks, gagasan utama, dan informasi terperinci dari
Schedule yang disajikan dalam bentuk multimoda dalam lingkup
keluarga dan kelas.
Kata Kunci Menjelaskan konteks, gagasan utama, dan informasi terperinci,
lingkup keluarga dan kelas.
Deskripsi Umum Kegiatan Fokus pembelajaran adalah tentang aktifitas mengidentifikasi
konteks teks, gagasan utama, dan informasi terperinci.
Pengetahuan/Keterampilan 1. Nama-nama benda yang ada di lingkungan rumah
Prasyarat 2. Nama-nama ruangan di dalam rumah
Pemahaman Bermakna 1. Siswa dapat membedakan penggunaan benda yang bisa dihitung dan
tidak bisa dihitung
2. Siswa dapat menyebutkan keberadaan benda-benda yang ada
Pertanyaan Pemantik 1. Do you like being at home ? What do you like about your home ?
2. What room that you like best at your home ?
Indikator Keberhasilan Menggunakan Bahasa inggris untuk menyebutkan benda yang bisa
dihitung dan tidak bisa dihitung
Materi ajar, Alat dan Bahan Materi ajar:
 Watching or observing the picture/video to explain the context.
 Ask and answer questions.
Lembar kerja
Bahan: PPT


Sarana dan Prasarana  Komputer/Laptop, proyektor, gawai (HP), jaringan internet.

 Lingkungan kelas.

Asesmen 1. Asesmen Diagnostik Non Kognitif : Memberikan pertanyaan

mengenai kekawatiran dan bentuk dukungan yang
diharapkan selama pembelajaran
2. Asesmen Formatif:
 Sikap (Profil Pelajar Pancasila): Observasi Guru, Penilaian
Diri, Penilaian Teman Sebaya, Refleksi
 Keterampilan: efektifitas penyajian presentasi dalam
kelas, partisipasi dalam diskusi
 Pengetahuan: Tes Tertulis (tes objective: Essay,pilihan
3. Asesment Sumatif : Presentasi Tugas dan Tes Tertulis

Kegiatan Pembelajaran (Pertemuan Ke-3)

Persiapan Pembelajaran

Guru menyiapkan (5 menit):

 file video hasil unduhan.

 laptop, proyektor, dan speaker

 Lembar Kerja Kegiatan

Urutan Kegiatan Pembelajaran

• Guru mengucapkan salam dan bertegur sapa
n dengan siswa.

(10 menit) • Guru mengajak siswa untuk berdo’a, memeriksa kehadiran siswa dan kesiapan
• Guru bertanya jawab terkait kemampuan awal peserta didik terkait materi
• Guru menginformasikan Tujuan Pembelajaran dan materi yang akan dipelajari
dan memberikan gambaran umum tentang manfaatnya.
• Guru menyajikan Pertanyaan pemantik :
1. Do you like being at home? What do you like about your home?
2. What room that you like best at your home?
3. Why does an architects design a house with many rooms? Have you ever thought
about that?

• Guru menyajikan secara singkat materi pembelajaran dan meminta peserta didik
yang kompetensi awalnya masih kurang untuk membaca lebih lanjut materi baik
(90 Menit) melalui buku guru maupun melalui internet dengan pendampingan intensif guru.
Sementara siswa lain yang kompetensi awalnya sudah optimal diminta untuk
menjadi tutor sebaya selama proses belajar mandiri. Peserta didik diberikan
keleluasaan untuk memilih materi yang diminati untuk didalami dan berbagi
informasi dalam mendalami materi tersebut dan materi lainnya dengan tutor

• Peserta didik menonton video youtube untuk menambah pemahaman tentang

• Peserta didik melengkapi tabel berdasarkan tontonan yang mereka lihat di
youtube yang ada pada task 2

• Peserta didik mengamati hasil gambar yang telah mereka foto sebelumnya

di rumah nya masing-masing untuk mengerjakan task 2

• Peserta didik menulis nama benda yang bisa dihitung yang ada di rumah
nya masing-masing seperti yang ada pada task 3

• Peserta didik menulis nama benda yang tidak bisa dihitung yang ada di
rumah nya masing-masing seperti yang ada pada task 4

• Peserta didik secara kelompok menuliskan kapan harus menggunakan

there is and there are pada task 5

• Peserta didik dengan perwakilan kelompok membacakan hasil tugas

mereka di depan kelas

• Peserta didik menuliskan apa saja hal-hal yang dipelajari dari materi pada
pertemuan yang disampaikan

Penutup • Bersama guru Peserta didik menyimpulkan pembelajaran tentang materi

(15 Menit) tersebut

• Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan guru tentang pengalaman dan

kesulitan mereka dalam menyimak materi

• Guru memberikan apresiasi kepada seluruh peserta didik yang telah

belajar dengan baik dan menyampaikan materi pada pertemuan

• Peserta didik dan guru berdo’a sebelum menutup kegiatan

Refleksi Guru

No. Aspek Refleksi Hasil Refleksi

Apakah kegiatan pembelajaran berjalan sesuai rencana?

2 Apakah siswa dapat mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan


3 Apakah siswa senang dan antusias mengikuti kegiatan


4 Kesulitan apa yang dialami ketika melaksanakan kegiatan

pembelajaran ini?

5 Apa langkah yang perlu dilakukan untuk memperbaiki proses


Refleksi Siswa
No. Aspek Refleksi Hasil Refleksi

1 Kendala apakah yang kalian temui saat mengikuti

pembelajaran ?

2 Bagaimanakah perasaan kalian selama mengikuti

pembelajaran hari ini ?

3 Kesulitan apakah yang kalian temui saat mengikuti

pembelajaran ?

4 Langkah apa yang akan kalian lakukan untuk mengatasi

kesulitan yang kalian temukan?

5 Jika kamu diminta untuk memberikan bintang 1 – 5, berapa

bintang akan kamu berikan pada usaha yang kamu lakukan?

Kriteria untuk mengukur ketercapaian Tujuan Pembelajaran dan assesmennya

• Siswa mampu memahami konteks, topik, setting dan
Penilaian Kompetensi
atau Kemampuan serta kosakata ditandai dengan kemampuan mengerjakan LK.
Pengetahuan • Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi informasi rinci ditandai
dengan kemampuan mengerjakan LK.
• Siswa mampu menyampaikan pertanyaan dan memberikan
respon terhadap pertanyaan
• Tes Tertulis (lembar kerja)
Cara melakukan
• Ketepatan mengidentifikasi informasi rinci
Kriteria Penilaian • Ketepatan memaknai dan menggunakan kosakata.
• Jawaban tertulis di lembar kerja.
Produk Siswa • Performa

Daftar Pustaka :

Dokumen Penunjang

Lembar Kerja Siswa Lembar Kerja 1:

Task 1

Task 2

Lembar Evaluasi

Bahan bacaan siswa Vocabulary list

Bahan bacaan guru Wacana (Lampiran)

Bahan: Make a presentation telling your friends about rooms
Materi Pengayaan
in your house and what you usually do in your house.
You can use any kinds of application you like

Take a picture of your house and tell your friends about your
Materi untuk siswa
house in simple paragraph.
yang kesulitan
belajar (Remedial)

Ciracap, Juli 2022

Mengetahui :
Kepala SMP NEGERI 1 CIRACAP, Guru Mata Pelajaran

UCU HERLIA, S.Pd. Mila Nurjanah, S.Pd.

NIP. 196704271994122001 NIP. 198903102020122006

Lampiran 1
Materi Ajara
Provoking questions:
1. Do you like being at home? What do you like about your home?
2. What room that you like best at your home?
3. Why does an architects design a house with many rooms? Have you ever thought about that?

Adopted from

”My Home”
Home sweet home. Home is heaven. Do you feel the same way? What can you your friend
about your home?

Lampiran 2
Lembar Kerja Peserta didik

Activity 2
(60 minutes)

Task 1: To begin the lesson today please click on the following link

Task 2: Take pictures of your home with the rooms and write in the box, things you can find in the
room. Number 1 is an example for you.

1. Living room

There is a set of sofa in the living room.

There is a rug on the floor.

There are some paintings on the wall.

There are some flower vases. There are some cushions on the sofa.



Task 3. Write things that you can count at the rooms of your house.
1 pillows There are some pillows in the bedroom.
, etc

Task 4. Write things that you cannot count at the rooms of your house.
1 water There is some water in the bathroom.
, etc

Task 5 Write down when we use “there is “?

We use “there is …” if

Task 5 Write down when we use “there are “?

We use “there are …” if

Activity 3
(60 minutes)

Task 1: What can you do in the rooms of your house. Work with your friends in groups of four.
Write your activity in a small colourful paper number 1 is an example for you

Gita Gita

Living room Bedroom

I can have a chat with my family in

the living room

Gita Gita

Kitchen Garden

Gita Gita
Bathroom Bathroom

Task 2 After you write the activities, give it to the group holding the rooms. Let
them give critics and suggestions for you.

Descriptive Text
Informasi Umum
Nama Mila Nurjanah, S.Pd. Kelas 7
Asal Sekolah SMPN 1 Ciracap Mapel Bahasa Inggris
Alokasi 3 JP (3X40 Menit) Jumlah 30/Siswa Reguler(Tipikal)
Profil Pelajar Pancasila  Beriman,Bertakwa Model  Tatap Muka
kepada Tuhan Pembelajaran  PJJ Daring
Yang Maha Esa  PJJ Luring
dan Berakhlak  Paduan Tatap
Mulia Muka dan Daring
 Berkebhinekaan (Blended Learning)
 Bergotong royong
 Mandiri
 Bernalar Kritis
 Kreatif
Fase D Domain Menyimak –

Mapel Berbicara
 Membaca –
 Menulis –
Tujuan Pembelajaran 7.4.3 Mengemukakan ide dari berbagai ragam teks Descriptive
lisan/tulisan sederhana berupa tentang keberadaan yang disajikan
dalam bentuk multimoda dalam lingkup keluarga dan kelas.
Kata Kunci Mengidentifikasi konteks, gagasan utama, dan informasi terperinci,
lingkup keluarga dan kelas.
Deskripsi Umum Kegiatan Fokus pembelajaran adalah tentang aktifitas mengidentifikasi
konteks teks, gagasan utama, dan informasi terperinci.
Pengetahuan/Keterampilan Kata Kerja
Pemahaman Bermakna Siswa dapat membaca dan menulis teks deskripsi dalam bahasa inggris
Pertanyaan Pemantik 1. What kind of house do you want to have ?
2. Why do you want such house ?
Indikator Keberhasilan Menggunakan bahasa inggris untuk menggambarkan sesuatu

Materi ajar, Alat dan Bahan Materi ajar:

 Watching or observing the picture/video to explain the context.
 Ask and answer questions.
Lembar kerja
Bahan: PPT


Sarana dan Prasarana  Komputer/Laptop, proyektor, gawai (HP), jaringan internet.

 Lingkungan kelas.

Asesmen 1. Asesmen Diagnostik Non Kognitif : Memberikan pertanyaan

mengenai kekawatiran dan bentuk dukungan yang diharapkan selama
2. Asesmen Formatif:
 Sikap (Profil Pelajar Pancasila): Observasi Guru, Penilaian Diri,
Penilaian Teman Sebaya, Refleksi
 Keterampilan: efektifitas penyajian presentasi dalam kelas,
partisipasi dalam diskusi dan hasil karya
 Pengetahuan: Tes Tertulis (tes objective: Essay,pilihan ganda,isian)
3. Asesment Sumatif : Presentasi Tugas dan Tes Tertulis

Kegiatan Pembelajaran (Pertemuan Ke-4)

Persiapan Pembelajaran

Guru menyiapkan (5 menit):

 file video hasil unduhan.

 laptop, proyektor, dan speaker

 Lembar Kerja Kegiatan

Urutan Kegiatan Pembelajaran

• Guru mengucapkan salam dan bertegur sapa
n dengan siswa.

(10 menit) • Guru mengajak siswa untuk berdo’a, memeriksa kehadiran siswa dan kesiapan
• Guru bertanya jawab terkait kemampuan awal peserta didik terkait materi
• Guru menginformasikan Tujuan Pembelajaran dan materi yang akan dipelajari
dan memberikan gambaran umum tentang manfaatnya.
• Guru menyajikan Pertanyaan pemantik :
1. What kind of house you want to have?
2. Why do you want such house?
• Guru menyajikan secara singkat materi pembelajaran dan meminta peserta didik
yang kompetensi awalnya masih kurang untuk membaca lebih lanjut materi baik
(90 Menit) melalui buku guru maupun melalui internet dengan pendampingan intensif guru.
Sementara siswa lain yang kompetensi awalnya sudah optimal diminta untuk
menjadi tutor sebaya selama proses belajar mandiri. Peserta didik diberikan
keleluasaan untuk memilih materi yang diminati untuk didalami dan berbagi
informasi dalam mendalami materi tersebut dan materi lainnya dengan tutor

• Peserta didik menonton video youtube untuk mengerjakan tugas yang ada
pada task 1

• Peserta didik dalam kelompok mengerjakan tugas yang ada pada task 2

• Peserta didik secara individu mengerjakan tugas yang ada pada task 3

• Peserta didik secara kelompok mengerjakan tugas yang ada pada task 4

• Peserta didik dengan perwakilan kelompok membacakan hasil tugas

mereka di depan kelas

• Peserta didik menuliskan apa saja hal-hal yang dipelajari dari materi pada
pertemuan yang disampaikan

Penutup • Bersama guru Peserta didik menyimpulkan pembelajaran tentang materi

(15 Menit) tersebut

• Peserta didik menjawab pertanyaan guru tentang pengalaman dan

kesulitan mereka dalam menyimak materi

• Guru memberikan apresiasi kepada seluruh peserta didik yang telah

belajar dengan baik dan menyampaikan materi pada pertemuan

• Peserta didik dan guru berdo’a sebelum menutup kegiatan


Refleksi Guru

No. Aspek Refleksi Hasil Refleksi

Apakah kegiatan pembelajaran berjalan sesuai rencana?

2 Apakah siswa dapat mengikuti proses pembelajaran dengan

3 Apakah siswa senang dan antusias mengikuti kegiatan


4 Kesulitan apa yang dialami ketika melaksanakan kegiatan

pembelajaran ini?

5 Apa langkah yang perlu dilakukan untuk memperbaiki proses


Refleksi Siswa

No. Aspek Refleksi Hasil Refleksi

1 Kendala apakah yang kalian temui saat mengikuti

pembelajaran ?

2 Bagaimanakah perasaan kalian selama mengikuti

pembelajaran hari ini ?

3 Kesulitan apakah yang kalian temui saat mengikuti

pembelajaran ?

4 Langkah apa yang akan kalian lakukan untuk mengatasi
kesulitan yang kalian temukan?

5 Jika kamu diminta untuk memberikan bintang 1 – 5, berapa

bintang akan kamu berikan pada usaha yang kamu lakukan?

Kriteria untuk mengukur ketercapaian Tujuan Pembelajaran dan assesmennya

• Siswa mampu memahami konteks, topik, setting dan
Penilaian Kompetensi
atau Kemampuan serta kosakata ditandai dengan kemampuan mengerjakan LK.
Pengetahuan • Siswa mampu mengidentifikasi informasi rinci ditandai
dengan kemampuan mengerjakan LK.
• Siswa mampu menyampaikan pertanyaan dan memberikan
respon terhadap pertanyaan
• Tes Tertulis (lembar kerja)
Cara melakukan
• Ketepatan mengidentifikasi informasi rinci
Kriteria Penilaian • Ketepatan memaknai dan menggunakan kosakata.
• Jawaban tertulis di lembar kerja.
Produk Siswa • Performa

Daftar Pustaka :

Dokumen Penunjang

Lembar Kerja Siswa Lembar Kerja 3:

Task 1

Task 2

Task 3

Task 4

Task 1

Task 2

Lembar Evaluasi

Bahan bacaan siswa Vocabulary list

Bahan bacaan guru Wacana (Lampiran)

Bahan: Make a presentation telling your friends about rooms
Materi Pengayaan
in your house and what you usually do in your house.
You can use any kinds of application you like

Take a picture of your house and tell your friends about your
Materi untuk siswa
house in simple paragraph.
yang kesulitan
belajar (Remedial)

Ciracap, Juli 2022

Mengetahui :
Kepala SMP NEGERI 1 CIRACAP, Guru Mata Pelajaran

UCU HERLIA, S.Pd. Mila Nurjanah, S.Pd.

NIP. 196704271994122001 NIP. 198903102020122006

Lampiran 1
Materi Ajar
Provoking questions:
1. What kind of house you want to have?
2. Why do you want such house?

”Describing Our Houses”

“Feel at home”. Do you know the quotes? We spend most of our time at home. We do our
activities and spend time with our family. It is not about the size and luxury. We can feel at
home because we have our family with us. By learning the lesson, we will learn to love our
surrounding. We love our school, home, surrounding. When we love it, we will take care of it

Lampiran 2

Lembar Kerja Peserta Didik

Activity 4
(60 minutes)

Task 1: Watch the video really carefully. Put a tick on the correct information you
get from the video.
YouTube link to talk about one’s house

 The video talks about Jimmy’s new house.

 The living room and the dining room are downstairs.
 Kate’s family always have meal at the dining room.
 The dining room is Kate’s mother favourite room.
 Kate’s parents spend time to work in the study.
 There is not any bathtub at the bathroom downstair.
 Kate has the laundry room to put equipment for washing dirty clothes.
 Kate’s bed room is in the attic.
 Jimmy lives in an apartment,
 Kate’s friend (the girl) has gazebo in her house.

Task 2: Read the text below carefully. Underline the parts of the house and the
activities people do in the room as you read.

My House

I live in a big house. It is an old house with big rooms inside. I live there with my
parents, my little sister, and my little brother.
We have a wide yard in the front and side part of our house. My father plants
some trees in front of the house. My mother opens a small food stall in the yard, right
in front of the terrace.
The first room you see when you enter my house is the living room. It is very
wide. My parents put a set of sofas and some cupboard there. We also have a
television set and DVD player there. We usually spent time together to chat and relax
Next to the living room are my parents’ room and my siblings’ room. There is a
bed, a wardrobe, a cupboard, and a mirror in each room.
The dining room comes after the living room. We have a wide dining table to have
meal together. Next to the dining room is my bedroom. I sleep alone there. I put my
bed, a wardrobe, a cupboard to put my books and things. I also have a studying table
in my bedroom. My bedroom has black and blue accent. They are my favorite colors.
On the back part of the house, there is a kitchen and a bathroom.
The kitchen is big because my mother usually makes cakes there. My mother is a
baker so she needs spacious kitchen. My mother has some stoves, ovens, pans, and
other kitchen utensils. The bathroom is next to the kitchen. There is a washing
machine inside the bathroom.
There is a back door from the kitchen heading the yard beside my house. My
father uses it for a garage. He parks our motorcycles and a car there.
I love my house very much. I loved being at home with my family.

Task 3 Complete the label of the Descriptive Text above using the word in the box.

* Identification * Descriptions * Title

The purple part is called …

The light orange part is called …
The light blue part is called …

Task 4 Underline the verbs and to be in the text and put them in the table below.
Conclude the form of verbs and to be used in the Descriptive Text. The examples are
from the first paragraph.

verbs To be
live is

The conclusion is, we use …. form of verb.

We use to be such as …, …, and …. in a Descriptive Text.

Activity 5
(60 minutes)

Task 1: Read the text once more and answer the following questions. Pay
attention to the instruction of each item.

My House

I live in a big house. It is an old house with big rooms inside. I live there
with my parents, my little sister, and my little brother.
We have a wide yard in the front and side part of our house. My father
plants some trees and flower plants in front of the house. My mother opens a
small food stall in the yard, right in front of the terrace.
The first room you see when you enter my house is the living room. It is very
wide. My parents put a set of sofas and some cupboard there. We also have a
television set and DVD player there. We usually spent time together to chat and
relax there.
Next to the living room are my parents’ room and my siblings’ room. There is a
bed, a wardrobe, a cupboard, and a mirror in each room. There are a lot of dolls
and toys in my siblings’ bedroom. They like to play in their bedroom.
The dining room comes after the living room. We have a wide dining table to
have meal together. Next to the dining room is my bedroom. I sleep alone there. I
put my bed, a wardrobe, a cupboard to put my books and things in my bedroom. I
also have a studying table in my bedroom. My bedroom has black and blue accent.
They are my favorite colors.
At the back part of the house, there is a kitchen and a bathroom.
The kitchen is big because my mother usually makes cakes there. My mother is a
baker so she needs spacious kitchen. She has some stoves, ovens, pans, and other
kitchen utensils. The bathroom is next to the kitchen. There is a washing machine
inside it.
There is a back door from the kitchen heading the yard beside my house.
My father uses it for a garage. He parks our motorcycles and a car there.
I love my house very much. I loved being at home with my family.

1. The text tells about …
2. The main idea of paragraph 2 is ….
3. Where is the washing machine?
4. What does the writer’s mother usually do in the kitchen?
5. How bedrooms are there in the writer’s house?
6. Put a thick (√) on the correct statements based on the text.
 The writer has an outdoor garage.
 The writer’s family eat in the kitchen.
 The family usually have a chat in the writer’s parents’ bedroom.
 The food stall is outside the house
 The writer’s bedroom is facilitated for studying.
7. The underlined words in the sentences below refer to ….
a. They like to play in their bedroom. (4th paragraph). “They” refers to ….
b. She has some stoves, ovens, pans, and other kitchen utensils. (6th paragraph).
“She” refers to ….
c. My father uses it for a garage. (7th paragraph) “It” refers to …
8. Find the word in the text which has the same meaning to:
a. place/ verb (kata kerja)
b. Get into

Task 2 Write a short paragraph about your own house. You can use the task on
Activities 3 to guide you. You can complete the paragraph with some
pictures. Later on, you can post your piece of writing on your social media.

Lampiran 3

Lembar Evaluasi

Diagnostic Assesment
1. There some benches around the field.
2. There five cushions on the sofa.
3. There a flag pole in the field.
4. there any doormats in front of the living rooms?
5. There not any car in the garage.

1. Mother has three (knife) in the kitchen.
2. There is some (oil) in the bottle.
3. Lita has some (watch) at home.
4. Are there any (book) in the shelves?
5. There are two (pair of scissors) on the table.
6. Nana has some (bottle of milk) in the refrigerator.
7. I have many (sheep) at home.
8. Is there any (mango) on the dining table?
9. Hari has a (loaf) of bread.
10. There are many (child) in the school field.


1. There is apple on the plate.
2. Sandra has eraser in her pencil case.
3. There is frying pan on the stove.
4. There is pillow on the bed.
5. There is egg in the refrigerator.
6. There is picture on the wall.
7. Tony has ox at home.
8. Tina has ruler in her bag.
9. There is orange in the plastic bag.
10. Lala has bicycle in the garage

Picture 1 for question number 1-3

1. Look at the picture below. What can you find in the room?
A. There is a refrigerator at the corner of the room.
B. There are jars of snacks on the table.
C. There is a television on the wall.
D. There are some rattan chairs.

2. What things can you find there?

A. a set of sofas, books, and some plants
B. a cupboard, a television, and a mirror.
C. a doll, some tables, and a television set.
D. flower pots, some pillows, and some spoons.

3. Look at the picture below. Where is the lamp? ....

A. It is at the corner of the room.
B. It is hanging on the ceiling.
C. It is on the cupboard.
D. It is stuck on the wall.

Picture 2 for question number 4-6

4. Pay attention to the picture. What can you see in the room?
A. some cups, some chairs, and some spoons.
B. Some spoon, some forks, and some plates.
C. Some cups, a cupboard, and a refrigerator.
D. some plates, a picture, and a table.

5. Look at the picture. Where are the cups?

A. They are on the table.
B. They are on the chair.
C. They are on the floor.
D. They are on the cupboard.

6. Which is the correct statement based on the picture?

A. The cupboard is in the middle of the room.
B. There are some glasses on the table.
C. There is a pan in the cupboard.
D. There is a window on the wall.

7. What do people use a duster for? They use it to ….

A. clean the dust
B. sweep the floor
C. wash the car
D. mop the floor

8. The maid is using a pan.
What is she probably doing? She is probably …
A. frying something
B. making some soup
C. baking some cakes
D. cutting vegetables

9. What you usually do in the bedroom? I usually ... in the bedroom.

A. take a nap
B. take a bath
C. have some meals
D. cook some dishes

10. What do you usually do in the kitchen? I usually ... in the kitchen.
A. watch television
B. wash the dishes
C. wash dirty clothes
D. park my motorcycle

11. Where do people usually study? They usually study ....

A. in the garage
B. in the bedroom
C. in the bathroom
D. in the living room

12. Where do people usually put the washing machine? They put it ....
A. in the bathroom
B. in the bedroom
C. in the garage
D. in the park

13. Pohon Inn is … Secret Zoo.

A. In front of
B. Next to
C. Under
D. Above

14. The women are doing sport … the trees.

A. Under
B. Beside
C. Behind
D. Across

Text 1 for question number 15-21

Handy’s house is in a quiet neighbourhood but close to some public places.

There is a school at the back of his house. Next to the school is an indoor stadium named Gajah Mada.
The outdoor stadium is across Gajah Mada Stadium while Hutan Kota is beside the indoor stadium. He
lives in his small house with his father, mother, twin sisters, and his beloved dog. There is a small
garden with colourful flowers and a mango tree in front of his house and a car port. His family’s living
room is small but comfortable. His mother covers the floor with soft dark brown carpet. His cute dog,
Puppy, likes to sleep on it. His mother puts a set of orange sofa, a television set, and a small aquarium
to decorate it. There are four bedrooms in his house. Every bedroom has its own colour. His parents’
bedroom is painted light brown. His bedroom is blue. His twin sisters’, Tina’s and Tini’s are pink and
orange. Mother likes to be in the kitchen. Mother puts his kitchen utensils and dinner sets in a
cupboard made of glass. She spends hours to cook delicious dish for her family. Father’s favourite
place is the garden. He likes to plant flowers during his busy days as a postman. Handy and his sisters
like to spend their leisure time in Hutan Kota. The weather is cool and fresh there. For Handy, his
house is the nicest place in the world.

15. The text tells you about ….

A. A nice house
B. Handy’s family
C. Handy’s house
D. Handy’s bedroom

16. The main idea of the paragraph is ….

A. Handy lives with her big family
B. Handy’s father like gardening
C. Handy loves her family
D. Handy house is nice.

17. Which place is mother’s best place?

A. the living room
B. the bedroom
C. the garden
D. the kitchen

18. Where does Handy’s father probably work? In the ….
A. post office
B. hospital
C. market
D. school

19. Based on the text we know that ….

A. Handy’s house is next to the school
B. Handy’s house is close to Hutan Kota
C. The indoor stadium is in front of Hutan Kota
D. There is an outdoor stadium at the back of the school

20. “He likes to plant flowers during his busy days as a postman.” The underlined word refers to ….
A. Puppy
B. Handy
C. Handy’s father
D. Handy’s mother

21. “His family’s living room is small but comfortable.” The closest meaning to the underlined word is ….
A. big
B. huge
C. little
D. wide

Picture 3 for questions number 22-23

22. Where is the First National Bank?
A. It’s behind King Plaza Hotel.
B. It is next to the post office.
C. It’s at the corner of Main Street.
D. It’s between the city Park and the hotel.

23. From the picture we know that ….

A. King Plaza Hotel is at the corner of Pine Street and Main Street.
B. The city park is across the First National Bank.
C. The post office is beside the King Plaza Hotel.
D. The hotel is behind the city park.

Picture 4 for questions number 24 – 25. Complete the dialogue based on the picture.

24. Sinta : Could you tell me how to get to Fred Restaurant from the Theatre? Nanda
: Oh …
A. Turn left and walk straight ahead. It’s on your right side.
B. Turn right, then turn left, walk straight for one block.
C. Turn left and walk straight ahead, it’s on left side.
D. Turn left, then turn right, and walk straight ahead for two blocks.

25. Ita : Excuse me. I’m at Madison Department Store. How do I get to Donald Store?
Lany : Oh ….
A. Just walk straight ahead and turn left at the second block. It’s on your right.
B. Just turn right and walk straight ahead for two blocks then turn left.
C. Walk along the Main Street then turn right at the post office.
D. Walk along the Main Street then turn left at third avenue.

Rubrik Penilaian
Communicative Comprehend it completely 5
Purpose Comprehend 4
1 Fairly comprehend 3
Almost cannot comprehend it 2
Do not comprehend it 1
2 Coherence Totally coherent 5
Coherent 4
Fairly coherent 3
Lack of coherence 2
Completely incoherent 1
3 Diction Very varied and proper 5
Varied and proper 4
Fairly varied and proper 3
Lack of variation and improper 2
Monotonous and improper 1
4 Grammar Very accurate 5
Accurate 4
Fairly accurate 3
Almost inaccurate 2
Completely inaccurate 1

Total Score = Score achieved X 100

Maximum Score

1. Students who get more than 90 are given enrichment task.
2. Students who get under 75 are given remedia

I’m here

a. Purpose :
to describe the characteristics of things, places, animals, or people.

b. Text Structure:
1. Identification: Introduction to the things being described, an animal, a person, a
thing, or a place.
2. Descriptions: the characteristics of an animal, a person, a thing, or a place, such as the
size, color, shape, texture, etc. The characteristics isspecific to the thing, animal, place,
persn we describe. They can be unique and different from others.
Thing Perso Pet
s n
Size 1. Physicall 1. Physically
Colour y Body 2. Mentally
Shape Size 3. Likeness
Material Gender
4. Habit
Functio Beauty
n Price Age
Version 2. Mentally
Age (Characters
Origin ) Smart
3. Likeness
food, drink,
4. Habit
Having sports
c. Linguistic features:
 specific nouns , example: my teacher, her house, my cat, etc.
 Simple Present Tense sentence construction.
 Detailed noun phrase (underlined phrase) for example: There is a lady. She is sweet. She
is young. ↔ She is a sweet young lady.
 Any kinds of adjectives
a. Describing: showing quality (good, bad, beautiful, etc), showing size (big, small, huge,
tiny, etc), showing age (old, young, new, antique, etc), showing color (red, green,
black, etc), showing origin (Swiss, American, Javanese, etc), showing shape (round,
square, oval, etc), showing material (wool, wooden, cotton, etc)
b. Limiting:
 Cardinal numbers (one, two, three, etc)
 Ordinal numbers (first, second, third, etc)
 Possessive (my, your, his, her, their, our, its)
 Demonstrative (this, that, these, those)
 Quantity (few, many, little, much, etc
 Articles (a, an, the)
 We can also use comparative adjective

 Relating verbs (bold typed) to give information about the subject especially in nominal
sentences. Examples: My mother is kind, The boys are naughty, I am tall, She was under
the tree, They were JHS students.
 Thinking verbs dan feeling verbs (bold typed) to show perception I believe
the dog is quite tame, We think it is a clever animal.
 Action verbs ↔
 Adverbials phrase.
 Adverbs of place ↔ to answer “Where”, for instance: in the garden, in the
fishpond, etc.
 Adverbs of time ↔ to answer “When”, for instance: in the morning, at night, etc.
 Adverbs of manners ↔ to answer “How”, for example: quickly, fast, diligently,
 Adverbs of frequency ↔ to answer “How often/ How many times”,
for example: always, often, seldom, once, twice, etc.
 Adverbs of degree ↔ to answer “In what degree”

 Figurative language such as simile, metaphore, personification. Example: Jack is white as

d. Examples :
Teks A
Jojo is a clown. He has a funny smile on his lips. He has a red, round nose. He
wears a blue hat on his head. He has yellow, curly hair. He holds a bunch of big,
colorful balloons in his hand. Children love to watch him. He makes them laugh.

Teks B
Susan and Bob have a beautiful garden in front of their house. Butterflies and
bees fly among the pretty flowers. There is a nest in the tree. They can see many red
ants on the tree, too. Sometimes, they find little green caterpillars on the leaves. Bob
and Susan love to see these small creatures in their garden.

Teks C
I have a pet. It is a dog, and I call it Brownie. Brownie is a Chinese breed. It is
small, fluffy, and cute. It has got thick brown fur. When I cuddle it, the fur feels soft.
Brownie doesn’t like bones. Every day it eats soft food like steamed rice, fish or bread.
Every morning, I give her milk and bread. When I am at school, Brownie plays with my
cat. They get along well, and never fight maybe because Brownie does not bark a lot.
It treats other animals in my house gently and it never eats shoes. Brownie is really a
sweet and friendly animal.


preposition : kata depan

beside, next to : di samping
behind : di belakang
in front of/ across : di seberang at
the corner of : di pojok
between : di antara (2)
among : d antara (banyak)

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