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Skala suhu termometer

1000 800 2120 373

titik didih air

80 Scale 180 Scale 100 Scale

100 Scale

00 320 273
00 Titik beku air

C = thermometer Celsius (boiling point = 1000 C )

R = thermometer Reamer (boiling point = 800 R )
F= thermometer Fahrenheit (boiling point = 2120 F )
K= thermometer Kelvin (boiling point= 373 K)
Perbandingan skala:
tC : tR : ( tF – 32 ): (tK – 273) = 100 : 80 : 180: 100

tC : tR : ( tF – 32 ) : (tK - 273) = 5 : 4 : 9 : 5

Satuan suhu mutlak adalah kelvin (K).

T = tC + 273

Perbandingan skala 2 termometer : tX = suhu termometer X

tX  tbX tY  tbY tbX= titik beku X

t dX  tbX t dY  tbY tdX = titik didih termometer X
tY = suhu termometer Y
tbY= titik beku Y
tdY = titik didih termometer Y
Soal Latihan
1. Termometer celcius mennjukkan skala 500.
Berapakah skala termometer:
a. Kelvin
b. Reamur
c. Fahrenheit
2. a. 73 K = ….oF b. 40 oR= …OK c. 45 OF=…oK
3. Titik beku beku air pada termometer X diberi skala -50 dan titik
didih air 1150. Hitung skala suhu X saat skala termometer
Fahrenheit 1130.
4. Tentukan skala Celsius yang memiliki nilai yang sama dengan
skala Fahrenheit. Tentukan skala reamur yang memiliki nilai yang
sama denga skala Fahrenheit.
5. Tentyukan skala Fahrenheit yang memiliki skala 200 lebih tinggi
dari skala Reamur. Tentukan pula skala Celsius yang memiliki
nilai 100 lebih rendah dari skala Fahrenheit.
Energi yang berpindah karena adanya perbedaan suhu.
Jumlah energi yang di serap atau dilepas benda:

Q = m . c . t C=m.c

Q = kalor (J)
Q = C .t m = massa (kg)
c = kalor jenis zat(J/kg K)
C = kapasitas kalor(J/kg)
1 kal = 4,2 J
t = perubahan suhu (K)
1 kal/g. C = 4200 J/kg K


Liquid Solid
(Cair) (padat)

Q=m.L L = kalor laten(J/kg)

The changes of states especially for water from solid ( ice ) to gas
( steam ) caused by giving heat energy can explain as in the graph below

1000C 1000C

Q2 Q3

00 00


 Solid absorb heat energy of Q1 = m . cs.Δt

 Melting absorb heat energy of Q2 = m . L m

 Liquid absorb heat energy of Q3 = m . cl . Δt

 Boiling absorb heat energy of Q4 = m . Lb

 gas absorb heat energy of Q5 = m. cg . Δt

notice: Lm = Melting latent heat

L = Boiling latent heat

The problem of heat is on the black’s principle which is state that the
amount of the absorb heat is the same with the release heat.
Heat lost by hot object = Heat gained by cold object
In symbols,

Q release = Q absorb
Problems :
1. Benda bermassa 400 g dengan kalor jenis 3600 J / kg 0c is dipanaskan dari
suhu 250C menjadi 1000C.
tentukan : a. Kapasitas kalor benda.
b. kalor yang diserap benda.
3. An aluminum foil of 200 g with a temperature of 900C is put inside 100 g
water of 200C. Suppose that there is no missing heat. cal = 900 J / kg 0C, cw
= 4200 J / kg 0C find the end temperature of the mixture.
4. A 0,5 kg tin of 1000C plunge into 0,2 kg water of 200C in an aluminum
calorie meter of 0,1 kg. The end of the temperature is 240C.
cAl = 900 J / kg k, ca = 4200 J / kg k.
find the tin specific heat ?
5. Ice of 50 g at -10oC is put on a 100 g hot plate of glass at 300oC, find the
final temperature of the system. (cice= 0,5 cal/g oC, Lice= 80 cal/g, cwater= 1
cal/g oC, and cglass= 0,2 cal/g oC)
1. Find the heat energy to change 4 Kg of ice – 100C to gas of 1000C
ci = 2100 J/Kg k Le = 2256.103 J / kg
cw= 4200 J / kg k Lf = 334.103 J / kg
2. 25 gr of solid matter absorb heat energy of 200 J/s so it change all to gas
in the graph :


0 time ( minute )
20 60 75 90

Find specific latent heat of fusion and evaporation!

3. 400 g ice of -40C put into 800 g water of 600C so the ice all
melted. Find the final temperature of the mixture.
4. A glass tube (m=300g) of specific heat 0,2 cal / g0C filled with ice
of 25 g -20C. Then water of 150 g 400C put into the tube so that
all the ice are melted.
Find the final temperature of the mixture.
D. Substance Expansion
Any substance which increase the temperature will be expanded, exceptions on
water from 0°C to 4°C which will we reduce in volumes. This stronger feature is
called water anomaly.
I. Solid Expansion
Linear Expansion
Any solids with elongation ( eg.wire ) when it heated the length will be in creased.
The elongations of the expansion can be found wit the formulate :

   .o t
t  o (1   t)
= Length elongation

= linier expansion coefficient

= Temperature
= Initial length
= Final length
1. Length of a railway is made of steel is 20 m in 100C. Find the
length of the railway when the temperature is 400C.(α = 11.10-6/C)
2. Two railway, each of then 15 m length will be set. If the minimum
and maximum temperature on that place is 250 C and 400 C,
find the minimum distance two railway to be set. (α = 11.10-6/C
3. A bar of steel (l = 2m) increase the length 2 mm when heated
arrive the temperature increase 600C. Find the length expansion
of the steel when the temperature increase 200C.
II. Area Expansion
A plate when heated will be increase in area. The area
expansion can be found by the formula :

 = Area expansion
    t
 = Area expansion coeff

t   1   t   = Initial area
  2 t = final area
1. A plaited of aluminum with its length of 20 cm and wide
12 cm heated from 200C to 500C.
Find the final area of the plate.(α= 24.10-6/C)
2. A wheel of steel of 200C have an inside radius of 200
mm will be set to a wooden wheel of radius 202 mm it
the linear expansion coefficient the steel 1,25.10-5/0C.
Find the final temperature so that the wheel of steel will
be set up to the wooden wheel precisely.
III. Liquids Expansion
Liquids when heated will increase in
volum,exceptionnally of water. When water heated
from 00C to 40C the volume will reduce.
The liquids expansion can be found from the
formula :

V  γ V t
Vt  V 1  γ t 
γ  3

V = Volume expansion
γ = Volume expansion coefficient
Vt = Final volume
Vo = Initial volume
1. The bar of steel of 20 cm x 5 cm x 3 cm temperature
400C. The bar is heated so it’s final volume 300,54 cm3.
If the linear expansion coefficient of steel 15.10-6/0C.
Find the final temperature the bar heated !
2. A bottle have a volume of 400 cm3 filled with water of
400C. Then the bottle heated to 600C. Find the water
spilled out if the bottle expansion: (α glass= 9.10-6/oC, γ
water= 2,1.10-4/oC)
a. Neglected
b. Counted,
IV. Gas Expansion
When a gas in a closed room the temperature remain
constant, according to Boyle, the changes of pressure
and volumes is always constant.

P.V  constan
According to Gay-Lussac, if the pressure is constant we
have the relationship as follow :

 konstan
If the formula (1) and (2) combine, the
formula is know as Boyle-Gay Lussac
 konstan
P1 = First Pressure ( atm,N/m2 )
P2 = Last Pressure ( atm,N/m2 )
P1V1 P2V2
  V1 = First Volume ( cm3,m3 )
T1 T2 V2 = Last Volume ( cm3,m3 )
T1 = First Temperature
T2 = Last Temperature
1atm = 76 cm Hg
1. A gas of H2 in a tube of 270C and volume 6 L, have the
pressure of 2 atm. Find the volume if the gas heated to
1770C in pressure constant.
2. A tube with it’s volume 8 L filled with gas of O2. The
gas is heated to constant temperature so the pressure
change to 3 times as before. Find the percentage of
the volume changes ?.
E. Heat Transfer.
Heat can travel in three ways :
1. Conduction
Conduction is the flow of heat through matter without the changes of the particles of
the medium.
eg : heat transfer on a bar of iron.
The amount of the heat energy conduction per second can be found in the formula
Q = Heat energy
Q K . A.T t = Time
 K = thermal conductivity
t d
A = cross-section area
d = Length of the rod
T = Temperature Changes

Two rods of different type join together will follow the rules that the heat energy transfer per
second on the two rods have the same amount as in the formula below :

Q1 Q2
t t
2. Convection
Convection is the flow at heat with the changes of the particles of the
eg : heat transfer of water heating.
The amount of the heat energy per second is :
h = Convection coefficient
 h. A.T
3. Radiation
Radiation is the flow of heat in the form of electromagnetic waves ( no
medium melded ). The amount of energy radioactive is determined kg
Stefan Bolztman :

 e4
Q = Radiation energy A = Area of surface
t = time T = Temperature
σ = 5,67.10-8 watt / m2k4 e = Emisivity
Black body is an object that are able to amity / absorb of heat energy perfectly.
If the temperature of the body is different we than the surroundings, if follows :

Q 4 4
 e .(1  2 )

1. An air conditional room have a glass window of 4 m 2 area end the width of 2 mm. if
the temperature of the surface inside is 20 0C end outside 300C, find the heat energy
per second.( kglass= 0,8 J / m.s.oC )
2. P Q 400C

Two rods of P and Q jointed. If Kp = ½ KQ and AC = 2 CB, find the temperature of


3. An object of 2 m2 300C put in on a room of 200C find the heat energy emit from the
object through convection in 5 minutes.
h = Convection coefficient =8 J/s.m2.oC
4. A string of wire on a filament lamp has an area of 100 mm2
11270C. It the wire supposed to be a black body find :
a. The heat energy radiate each second.
b. the electric current flow if the lamp connected to 220 V.
5. An object has an area 10 cm2 radiates on 5270C in a room of
1270C. The object emisivity of 0,8.
Find then energy radiates in 1 minute heat.

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