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Arti Suffix >> Arti Root >> Arti Prefix

Terkadang ada tambahan unsur kata tetapi biasanya juga adalah Root
Subcutaneous → sub-cutane-ous
-ous = (suffix) berkaitan dengan…
Sub- = (prefix) dibawah
-cutane/o = (root) kulit
Subcutaneous (Subkutanus) = yang berkaitan dengan bagian bawah kulit.

E.lec”’di.o.gram” = record of the electrical activity of the heart.

-gram = (suffix) record
Electr/o = (root) electric
Cardio/o = (root) heart
Formasi Istilah Medis

Ada beberapa contoh formasi kata dalam istilah medis, yaitu:

1. Root – Suffix
Root = gaster = lambung
Suffix = -ic (berkaitan dengan), algia (sakit), scopy (pemeriksaan endoscope)
Ex: Naso-gastr-ic tube (NGT), Gastr-algia, Gastr/o-scopy
2. Prefix – Root
Root = natal = lahir
Prefix = Pre (sebelum), post (setelah), peri (sekeliling/seputar)
Ex: pre-natal, post-natal, peri-nato-logy
3. Root – Root – Suffix
Root = laryng, pharyng
Suffix = itis (radang), al (berkaitan dengan)
Ex: laryng/o-pharyng-it is, laryng/o-pharyng/e-al
4. Prefix – Root – Suffix
Root = Cardia
Suffix = al (berkaitan dengan)
Ex: Peri-cardi-al, Endo-cardi-al
Pembentukan dan Analisis Istilah Medis
1. Istilah medis yang terbentuk dari 3 unsur kata dasar
Par’’tis → para-nephr-itis
Pre.u”re.thri’tis → pre-urether-itis
Hy”per.cho.les”ter.e’mi.a → hyper-cholester-emia
Ep”i.the”li.o”ma → epi-theli-oma
2. Istilah terdiri dari Root dan Suffix saja
Ad”’ma → aden-oma
Ap.pen’’tis →appendic-itis
Cy.tol’ → cyt/o-logy
Hem’’y.sis → hemat/o-cyt/o-lysis
Hy”dro.cele → hydr/o-cele
3. Istilah yang tidak memiliki suffix
In”’nous → intra-venous
Hy”per.ten.sion → hyper-tension
Ex”oph.thalm’mos → ex-ophthalmos
Pol”y.pha’gia → poly-phagia
An.u’ri.a → an-uria
En”’sis → en-ure-s-is
a.pha”ki’.a → a-phakia
a.pho’ni.a → a-phonia
a.phra’si.a → a-phrasia
Pembentukan dan Analisis Istilah Medis

4. Istilah yang tidak memiliki prefix

Myopathy → myo-pathy
Gastroenteritis → gastro-enter-itis
Cholelithiasis → chole-lith-iasis
Chondromalacia → chondro-malacia
Osteoporosis → osteo-por-osis
Duodenostomy → duo-den-ostomy
Tracheobronchial → trachea-bronch-ial
Mycobacterial → myco-bacter-ial
Hematology → hemato-logy
Psychopath → psycho-path
Neurogastric → neuro-gastr-ic
Plural Formation (Formasi Kata Bentuk Jamak)
1. Singular words ending in –is → -es (plural)
Diagnosis → Diagnoses = diagnose
Pelvis → Pelves = pinggul
Neurosis → Neuroses = neurosis
2. Singular words ending in –us → i (plural)
Bronchus → Bronchi = bronkus
Bacillus → Bacilli= baksil
Calculus → Calculi = batu
Embolus → Emboli = emboli
Thrombus →Thrombi = trombi
Ada beberapa pengecualian,
Contoh: virus → viruses
sinus → sinuses
3. Singular words ending in a → adding an e (plural)
Sclera → Sclerae
Scapula → Scapulae
Vena → Venae
Bulla → Bullae
Plural Formation (Formasi Kata Bentuk Jamak)

4. Singular words ending in um → change the to an a

Acetabulum → Acetabula
Capitulum → Capitula
Datum → Data
Septum → Septa
Diverticulum → Diverticula
5. Singular words ending in ix atau ox
Calix → Calices
Cervix → Cervices
Index → Indices
Varix → Varices
6. Singular words ending in oma → adding a s or ta
Adenoma → Adenomas, adenomata
Carcinoma → carcinomas, carcinomata
Fibroma → fibromas, fibromata
Lymphoma → lymphomas, lymphomata
Lipoma → lipomas, lipomata
Lymphangioma → lymphangiomas, lymphangiomata
Plural Formation (Formasi Kata Bentuk Jamak)

7. Singular words ending in nx → change x to a g and adding es

Larynx → Larynges
Pharynx → Pharinges
Phalanx → Phalanges
8. Singular words ending in on → change to an a or simply adding es
Ganglia → ganglia, ganglions
Tendon → tendons, tendines
9. Singular words ending in ax → change the ax into aces
Thorax → thoraces
Singular Plural Contoh Singular Contoh Plural
a ae Patella Patellae
ax aces Thorax Thoraces
en ina Lumen Lumina
inx inges Meninx Meninges
ix ex ices Index Indices
is a Femoris Femora
is es Crisis Crises
sis ses Diagnosis Diagnoses
on a Ganglion Ganglia
um a Ovum Ova
ur or Femur Femora
us i Digitus Digiti
y ies Deformity Deformities
ma mata Carcinoma Carcinomata
Tentukan Plural Formation dan arti dari kata-kata berikut!

1. Testis 13. Vertebrae

2. Pelvis 14. Alopecia
3. Ileum 15. Phalanges
4. Varix 16. Encephalon
5. Thorax 17. Gravidum
6. Bronchus 18. Melanoma
7. Ovum 19. Bachillus
8. Thorax 20. Scapula
9. Prognoses 21. Neurosis
10. Sarcoma 22. Artery
11. Bronchus 23. Bacterium
12. Cavum 24. Gingiva
Analisislah istilah berikut dan sebutkan artinya!

1. Endocarditis 13. Salpingo-oophorectomy

2. Gastroenteropathy 14. Myorrhaphy
3. Electrocardiography 15. Hematemesis
4. Thoracocentesis 16. Craniotomy
5. Rhinorrhea 17. Orchidopexy
6. Hepatorenal 18. Meningoencephalitis
7. Dysmenorrhea 19. Thrombocytopenia
8. Cholecystitis 20. Ultrasonography
9. Chondromalacia 21. Rhinotomy
10. Otorhinolaryngologist 22. Cystourethrogram
11. Pedophobia 23. Pentadactyl
12. Haemophilia 24. Diplegia

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